Utthita Trikonasana – Extended Triangle Pose Inspiration Utthita = extended, trikona = triangle and = pose Excellent pose to strengthen the lower body and lengthen stiff muscles - good for people in desk jobs as it stretches all muscle groups which are most affected by a sedentary lifestyle. Teaches your body better sense of balance, as it strengthens and relaxes the least used muscles like those of lower body. Great standing pose for relieving stress and anxiety, including during second trimester or pregnancy. Benefits of the pose

Physical Mental Energetic

Whole body pose – 5 limbs of flow all Relieves stress and anxiety Activates swadisthana engaged Increases mental equalibrium Activates manipura chakra and Strengthens back, neck, legs, feet and releases prana through sushumna ankles (which in turn strengthens Stretches inner thighs and psoas, digestive organs and tract) hamstrings, calves, spine and shoulders Stimulates central nervous system Opens chest, heart and hips through which sushumna runs enabling nervous and pranic Tones and massages abdominal and impulses to pass directly up to pelvic, and creates heat, aiding higher centres digestion Reproductive organs are toned and fertility can be improved Helps reduce fat around the waist Relieves sciatica Relieves backache, especially through second trimester of pregnancy Relieves menopausal symptoms

Drishti To the raised middle finger Chakra • Swadisthana • Manipura Alignments • Front foot pointing towards front of the mat and rear foot at 45° • Legs straight • Torso aligned over front leg as if leaving against a wall. • Hips open and stacked – rotate upper hip outwards and tuck lower hip under. This hip positioning allows upper shoulder to be open and turned out • Spine long and straight with neck an extension of the spine • Lower hand resting gently on shin, foot or floor (wherever is achievable/comfortable). Upper arm and hand raised towards the ceiling. Modifications (softening) • Block under lower hand or bring lower hand to higher point up front leg • Practice against wall Modifications (deepening) • Place lower hand on floor – on the outside of the foot for further deepening • Arm back over the top of the head parallel to the floor • Bind – half bind with upper hand on lower hip or full bind Vinyasa – moving to – links • Preparatory poses: – mountain pose; vrksasana – tree pose; - bowing triangle; viparita trikonasana - reverse triangle; ardho mukha svanasana – downward facing dog • Follow-up poses: parsvottanasana – intense side stretch pose; parivrtta trikonasana - revolving triangle; - balancing triangle; seated forward bends and hip openers ( – bound angle pose; supta baddha konasana – reclining bound angle pose; upavistha konasana – wide seated forwward bend· janu sirsasana - head to knee pose/half forward bend; parivrtta janu sirsasana – revolving head to knee pose) • Counterposes: parivrtta trikonasana - revolving triangle; gomukhasanasa - cow face pose; ardha - half lord of the fishes pose Anatomy – contra-indications • Headaches • Low blood pressure / heart condition • Diarrhea • Neck problems – don’t look up, keep gaze straight ahead or towards the floor and keep both sides of neck equally long Teaching tips • Distribute weight evenly over the three points of the feet, lift arches and ankles. Root down through rear heel further aiding stability • Keep legs active (relaxed not strained). Lift knees but keep them soft to avoid over-extension. Draw top of thighs back and up. Roll rear thigh out so rear knee is in line with first two toes • Don’t rest your lower hand on your front knee • Lower waist as long as upper waist. Remember rib loop – careful not to stick ribs out • Keep heart and chest lifted and open • Energise arms. Straight line through arms and shoulders – reach out with both arms (lower arm down and upper arm up), creating space through shoulders. Keep lower shoulder down away from ear. Draw shoulder blades down the back • Make sure head is not dropping towards lower shoulder