United States Patent (15) 3,671,470 Case (45) June 20, 1972 54)
United States Patent (15) 3,671,470 Case (45) June 20, 1972 54). RIGID POLYURETHANE COMPOSITIONS WITH IMPROVED 56 References Cited PROPERTIES UNITED STATES PATENTS 3,378,527 4/1968 Case et al................................ 260/67 (72) Inventor: Leslie C. Case, 14 Lockeland Road, 3,502,60 3/1970 Case et al............................... 260/2.5 Winchester, Mass. 0.1890 3,309,342 3/1967 Friedman. ...260/77.5 22) Filed: April 27, 1970 3,436,373 4/1969 Cox et al............................... 260/77.5 (21) Appl. No.: 32,398 Primary Evanainter-Donald E. Czaja Assistant Evanliner-Ronald W. Griffin 52) U.S.C. .................... 260/2.5 AP,260/2.5 AQ, 260/9R, 57) ABSTRACT 260/75 NQ, 260/77.5 AN, 260/77.5 AQ, 260/DIG. Polyurethane formulations based on a polyol component 24 which incorporates a hydroxyalkyl-substituted Mannich con (51) int.C. ................Cosg22/06, C08g 22/08, CO8g 22/44 densation product and a substantial quantity of cyclic 58) Field of Search................ 260/2.5 AP, 2.5 AQ, 77.5AQ, . hydrocarbon radicals are described. Such formulations yield 260/77.5AN, 75 NO rigid polyurethane foams which exhibit unusual inherent flame retardancy and exceptionally good dimensional stability under adverse conditions of temperature and humidity. 35 Claims, NoDrawings 3,671,470 2 RGDPOLYURETHANE COMPOST ONSWTH linked polyurethane compositions prepared therefrom and is IMPROVED PROPERTIES described in numerous publications. Unfortunately, however, CROSS-REFERENCESTORELATED APPLICATIONS rigid polyurethane foams derived from halo-substituted polyols usually exhibit a very objectionable lack of dimen This application is related to U. S. Pat. application Ser.
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