The Industrial Internet of Things Volume G8: Vocabulary IIC:PUB:G8:V2.00:PB:20170719

Vocabulary Contents

Copyright © 2017, Industrial Internet Consortium ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS

We acknowledge the work of the members of the Vocabulary Task Group in the Technology Working Group led by Anish Karmarkar (Oracle), who have authored this document. EDITORS Anish Karmarkar (Oracle), Marcellus Buchheit (Wibu-Systems) AUTHORS The following persons have written substantial portion of material contained in this document: Anish Karmarkar (Oracle), Frederick Hirsch (Fujitsu), Eric Simmon (NIST), Erin Bournival (Dell EMC), Marcellus Buchheit (Wibu-Systems), Rajive Joshi (RTI), Sven Schrecker (Intel), Shi-Wan Lin (Intel), Jesus Molina (Fujitsu), Tom Rutt (Fujitsu), Bradford Miller (GE), Jacques Durand (Fujitsu), Paul Didier (Cisco), Amine Chigani (GE), Reinier Torenbeek (RTI), David Duggal (EnterpriseWeb), Robert Martin (MITRE), Graham Bleakley (IBM), Andrew King (University Of Pennsylvania), Robert Lembree (Intel), Hamed Soroush (RTI), Jason Garbis (RSA), Mark Crawford (SAP), Eric Harper (ABB), Kaveri Raman (AT&T), Brian Witten (Symantec), Andrew Ginter (Waterfall Security) and David Meltzer (Tripwire). CONTRIBUTORS The following persons have contributed valuable ideas and feedback that significantly improved the content and quality of this document: Claude Baudoin (cébé IT & Knowledge Management), Farooq Bari (AT&T), Tom Rutt (Fujitsu), Jack Weast (Intel), Lin Nease (HP), Ron Ambrosio (IBM), Omer Schneider (Cyber-X Labs), Pete MacKay (Wurldtech), Lance Dover (Micron). IIC ISSUE REPORTING All IIC documents are subject to continuous review and improvement. As part of this , we encourage readers to report any ambiguities, inconsistencies or inaccuracies they may in this Document or other IIC materials by sending an email to [email protected].

IIC:PUB:G8:V2.00:PB:20170719 - ii - Vocabulary Contents

CONTENTS 1 Introduction ...... 4 1.1 Principles ...... 4 1.2 Conventions ...... 4 1.3 Relationship with Other IIC Documents ...... 4 2 Definitions of Terms ...... 6 Annex A Revision History ...... 22 Annex B Terms Change History ...... 23 Annex References ...... 25 Use of Information—Terms, Conditions and Notices ...... 30


Figure 1-1: IIC Technical Publication Organization ...... 5


Table 2-1: Defined Terms and Definitions ...... 21 Table A-2: Revision History ...... 22 Table B-3: Terms Change History ...... 24

IIC:PUB:G8:V2.00:PB:20170719 - iii - Vocabulary 1: Introduction


This Industrial Internet Vocabulary Technical Report specifies a common set of definitions for terms to be used by all IIC documentation. Each of the terms listed in the first column of the table is rendered as a bookmark, can be used for cross references in any document which imports this table. Many of these definitions have been imported from other standards, as indicated in the Source column of these tables. IIC as a source indicates that this is a definition from IIC itself.

1.1 PRINCIPLES This document contains terms and definitions that are considered relevant and important to the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). We adhered to the following principles in this document: • The definition of a term provides an in-place replacement for that term in a sentence. • A term whose English dictionary definition is considered sufficient is not included. • A new definition is created only when that term is not already defined in an existing specification or a standard, such as ISO/IEC JTC 1 International Standard, or its definition is not appropriate for use in the Industrial Internet. • In selecting appropriate references for existing terms, international standards are preferred over regional or national standards.

1.2 CONVENTIONS When a definition uses another term that is defined in the vocabulary, that term is shown using the style term and is rendered as a hyperlinked cross reference to the definition of that term in the table. Specific notes in the table are using the (n) style and are described at the end of the table.

1.3 RELATIONSHIP WITH OTHER IIC DOCUMENTS This document fits in the IIC Technical Publication Organization shown in Figure 1-1. This document does not have dependencies on other documents.

IIC:PUB:G8:V2.00:PB:20170719 - 4 - Vocabulary 1: Introduction

Figure 1-1: IIC Technical Publication Organization

IIC:PUB:G8:V2.00:PB:20170719 - 5 - Vocabulary 2: Definitions of Terms


Term Definition Source access control means to ensure that access to assets is ISO/IEC 27000:2016 authorized and restricted based on business and security requirements note: access control requires both authentication and authorization activity specified coordination of tasks that are ISO/IEC 17789:2014(1) required to realize the system capabilities note: an activity may be composed of other activities analytics synthesis of knowledge from information NIST Interagency Publication 8401-1 application domain(2) collection of functions implementing IIRA application logic that realizes specific business functionalities architecture fundamental concepts or properties of a ISO/IEC/IEEE system in its environment embodied in its 42010:2011 elements, relationships, and in the principles of its design and evolution architecture work product used to express an ISO/IEC/IEEE description architecture 42010:2011 architecture conventions, principles and practices for ISO/IEC/IEEE framework the description of architectures established 42010:2011 within a specific domain of application and/or community of stakeholders architecture layer logical partitioning of the architecture IIC architecture view work product expressing the architecture of ISO/IEC/IEEE a system from the perspective of specific 42010:2011 system concerns architecture viewpoint work product establishing the conventions ISO/IEC/IEEE for the construction, interpretation and use 42010:2011 of architecture views to frame specific system concerns

IIC:PUB:G8:V2.00:PB:20170719 - 6 - Vocabulary 2: Definitions of Terms

Term Definition Source asset major application, general support system, NISTIR 7298, rev 2 high impact program, physical plant, mission critical system, personnel, equipment or a logically related group of systems assurance grounds for justified confidence that a claim ISO/IEC 15026-1:2013 has been or will be achieved attack surface elements and interactions of a system that IIC are vulnerable to attack attack vector or means (e.g. viruses, e- IIC attachment, web pages, etc.) by which an attacker can gain access to an entity attacker person deliberately exploiting ISO/IEC 27033-1:2015 vulnerabilities in technical and non- technical security controls in order to steal or compromise information systems and networks, or to compromise availability to legitimate users of information system and network resources attestation issue of a statement, based on a decision ISO/IEC 29109-1:2009 that fulfillment of specified requirements has been demonstrated attribute characteristic or property of an entity that ISO/IEC 24760-1:2011 can be used to describe its state, appearance or other aspects audit independent review and examination of NISTIR 7298, rev 2 records and activities to assess the adequacy of system controls, to ensure compliance with established policies and operational procedures and to recommend necessary changes in controls, policies or procedures authenticated identity identity information for an entity created to ISO/IEC 24760-1:2011 record the result of identity authentication authentication provision of assurance that a claimed ISO/IEC 27000:2016 characteristic of an entity is correct

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Term Definition Source authorization granting of rights, which includes the ISO 7498-2:1989 granting of access based on access rights note: authorization results in privileges. autonomy ability of an intelligent system to IHMC independently compose and among different courses of action to accomplish goals based on its knowledge and understanding of the world, itself, and the situation availability property of being accessible and usable ISO/IEC 27000:2016 upon demand by an authorized entity brownfield creation, integration and deployment of IIC development new hardware and software for legacy systems business impact process of analyzing operational functions ISO/IEC 27031:2011 analysis and the effect that a disruption might have upon them business viewpoint(2) attends to the concerns of the identification IIRA of stakeholders and their business vision, values and objectives in establishing an industrial internet of things (IIoT) system in its business and regulatory context choreography of composition whose elements ISO/IEC 18384-1 interact in a non-directed fashion with each autonomous part knowing and following an observable predefined pattern of behavior for the entire (global) composition note 1: choreography does not require complete or perfect knowledge of the pattern of behavior. note 2: see ISO/IEC 18384-3:2016, 8.3. cloud computing paradigm for enabling network access to a ISO/IEC 17788:2014 scalable and elastic pool of shareable physical or virtual resources with self- service provisioning and administration on- demand note: examples of resources include servers, operating systems, networks, software, applications and storage equipment.

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Term Definition Source collaboration type of composition whose elements ISO/IEC 18384-1 interact in a non-directed fashion, each according to their own plans and purposes without a predefined pattern of behavior component modular, deployable and replaceable part ISO 19104:2016 of a system that encapsulates implementation and exposes a set of interfaces composability capability of a component to interact with IIC other components in recombinant fashion to satisfy requirements based on the expectation of the behaviors of the interacting parties composition result of assembling a collection of ISO/IEC 18384-1 elements for a particular purpose concern interest in a system relevant to one or more ISO/IEC/IEEE of its stakeholders 42010:2011 note: a concern pertains to any influence on a system in its environment, including developmental, technological, business, operational, organizational, political, economic, legal, regulatory, ecological and social influences. confidentiality property that information is not made ISO/IEC 27000:2016 available or disclosed to unauthorized individuals, entity or processes connectivity endpoint interface that provides connectivity IIC control domain(2) collection of functions that are performed IIRA by industrial control systems note: The core of these functions comprises fine- grained closed-loops, reading data from IoT sensors, applying rules and logic, and exercising control over the physical system through IoT actuators. countermeasure action, device, procedure, technique or ISO/IEC 2382:2015 other measure that is designed to minimize vulnerability credential evidence or testimonials that support a CNSSI 4009 claim of identity or assertion of an attribute and usually are intended to be used more than once

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Term Definition Source criticality measure of the degree to which an NISTIR 7298, rev 2(1) organization depends on an entity for the success of a mission or of a business function cross-cutting concern concern that affects the whole system and IIC thus may impact multiple viewpoints of the architecture cross-cutting function function that may be applied and realized IIC across multiple functional domains of the architecture to address cross-cutting concerns cryptography discipline that embodies principles, means ISO/IEC 18014-2:2009 and mechanisms for the transformation of data in order to hide its information content, prevent its undetected modification and/or prevent its unauthorized use data at rest stored data that is neither being processed IIC nor transferred data in motion data being transferred from one location to ISO/IEC 27040:2015 another data in use data being processed IIC data integrity property that data has not been altered or ISO/IEC 27040:2015 destroyed in an unauthorized manner databus data-centric information sharing technology IIC that implements a virtual, global data space, where applications exchange data note: key characteristics of a databus are • the applications directly interface with the operational data • the databus implementation interprets and selectively filters the data, and • the databus implementation imposes rules and manages quality of service (QoS) parameters, such as rate, reliability and security of data flow. denial of service (DoS) prevention of authorized access to ISO/IEC 27033-1:2015 resources or the delaying of -critical operations

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Term Definition Source digital representation data element representing a set of IIC properties of a physical entity edge gateway gateway that provides an into IIC enterprise or service provider core networks element entity that is indivisible at a given level of ISO/IEC 18384-1(1) abstraction and has a clearly defined boundary emergent behavior behavior of a system realized by the IIC interactions of its components encryption reversible operation by a cryptographic ISO/IEC 9798-1:2010 algorithm converting data into ciphertext so as to hide the information content of the data endpoint component that has computational IIC capabilities and network connectivity entity item that has recognizably distinct ISO/IEC 24760-1:2011(1) existence note: e.g. a person, an organization, a device, a subsystem or a group of such items environment context determining the setting and ISO/IEC/IEEE circumstances of all interactions and 42010:2011(1) influences with the system of interest note: the environment of a system includes developmental, technological, business, operational, organizational, political, economic, legal, regulatory, ecological and social influences. event any observable occurrence in a system NIST SP 800-61 and/or network firmware low-level software for booting and SNIA Dictionary 2016 operating an intelligent device note: firmware generally resides in persistent memory on the device. functional component functional building block needed to engage ISO/IEC 17789:2014 in an activity realized by an implementation

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Term Definition Source functional domain(2) top-level functional decomposition of an IIC industrial internet of things (IIoT) system that provides a predominantly distinct functionality in the overall system functional framework set of abstract re-useable functional IIC components that can be extended/customized and applied to several applications in a specific domain functional viewpoint(2) functional components in an industrial IIRA internet of things (IIoT) system, their structure and interrelation, the interfaces and interactions between them, and the relation and interactions of the system with external elements in the environment, to support the usages and activities of the overall system gateway forwarding component, enabling various IOT-A(1) networks to be connected greenfield creation and deployment of new hardware IIC development and software identification process of recognizing an entity in a ISO/IEC 24760-1:2011 particular identity domain as distinct from other entity identifier identity information that unambiguously ISO/IEC 24760-1:2011 distinguishes one entity from another one in a given identity domain identity inherent property of an instance that ISO/IEC/IEEE 31320- distinguishes it from all other instances 2:2012 identity authentication formalized process of identity verification ISO/IEC 24760-1:2011 that, if successful, results in an authenticated identity for an entity identity domain environment where an entity can use a set ISO/IEC 24760-1:2011 of attributes for identification and other purposes

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Term Definition Source identity information set of values of attributes optionally with ISO/IEC 24760-1:2011 any associated metadata in an identity note: in an information and communication technology system an identity is present as identity information. identity management processes and policies involved in managing ISO/IEC 24760-1:2011 the lifecycle and value, type and optional metadata of attributes in identity known in a particular identity domain identity verification process to determine that presented ISO/IEC 24760-1:2011 identity information associated with a particular entity is applicable for the entity to be recognized in a particular identity domain at some point in time implementation technologies needed to implement IIRA viewpoint(2) functional components (functional viewpoint), their communication schemes and their lifecycle procedures note: these elements are coordinated by activities (usage viewpoint) and supportive of the system capabilities (business viewpoint). incident response or action taken to protect and restore the ISO/IEC 27039:2015 intrusion response normal operational conditions of information systems and the information stored in it when an attack or intrusion occurs industrial internet internet of things, machines, computers IIC and people, enabling intelligent industrial operations using advanced data analytics for transformational business outcomes industrial internet of system that connects and integrates IIC things (IIoT) system industrial control systems with enterprise systems, business processes and analytics note 1: industrial control systems contain sensors and actuators. note 2: typically, these are large and complicated system.

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Term Definition Source information domain(2) collection of functions for gathering data IIRA from various domains, most significantly from the control domain and transforming, persisting, and modeling or analyzing those data to acquire high-level intelligence about the overall system information security single or a series of unwanted or ISO/IEC 27000:2016 incident unexpected information security events that have a significant probability of compromising business operations and threatening information security information security potential that a given threat will exploit ISO/IEC 27005:2008 risk vulnerabilities of an asset or group of assets and thereby cause harm to the organization infrastructure service service that is essential for any IoT IOT-A implementation to work properly note: Infrastructure services provide support for essential features of the IoT. integrity property of accuracy and completeness ISO/IEC 27000:2016 interface named set of operations that characterize IOT-A the behavior of an entity IoT actuator IoT device that can change a property of a IIC physical entity in response to an input IoT device endpoint that interacts with the physical IIC world through sensing or actuating IoT sensor IoT device that observes properties of the IIC physical world and converts them into a digital form least privilege principle that a security architecture should NISTIR 7298, rev 2 be designed so that each entity is granted the minimum system resources and authorizations that the entity needs to perform its function malware malicious software designed specifically to ISO/IEC 27040:2015 damage or disrupt a system, attacking confidentiality, integrity or availability

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Term Definition Source man-in-the-middle attack in which the attacker intercepts a IIC attack communications flow between two entities, appearing to each party as the other, while being able to and modify messages in the communications flow multi-tenancy allocation of physical or virtual resources ISO/IEC 17788:2014 such that multiple tenants and their computations and data are isolated from and inaccessible to one another network collection of communicating endpoints IIC non-functional requirement that defines the overall IIC requirement qualities or attributes of the resulting system note: non-functional requirements place restrictions on the system being developed, the development process, and specify external constraints that the system must meet. non-repudiation ability to prove the occurrence of a claimed ISO/IEC 27000:2016 event or action and its originating entities operational technology hardware and software that detects or Gartner IT Glossary (OT) causes a change through the direct monitoring and/or control of physical devices, processes and events in the enterprise operations domain(2) collection of functions responsible for the IIRA provisioning, management, monitoring and optimization of the systems in the control domain orchestration type of composition where one particular ISO/IEC 18384-1 element is used by the composition to oversee and direct the other elements note: the element that directs an orchestration is not part of the orchestration. party entity, human or logical (e.g. an IIC administrator, a legal entity, an agent), that has some autonomy, interest and responsibility in the execution of an activity note: a party may assume more than one role, and a role may be fulfilled by several parties (i.e. by any one of them).

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Term Definition Source personally identifiable any information ISO/IEC 24745:2011 information (PII) • that identifies or can be used to identify, contact or locate the person to whom such information pertains, • from which identification or contact information of an individual person can be derived, or • that is or might be directly or indirectly linked to a natural person physical entity entity that is the subject of monitoring and IIC control actions physical security measures used to provide physical ISO 7498-2:1989 protection of resources against deliberate and accidental threats PKI (public key structure of hardware, software, people, ISO 21091:2013 infrastructure) processes and policies that uses digital signature technology to provide relying parties with a verifiable association between the public component of an asymmetric key pair with a specific subject privacy right of individuals to control or influence ISO/TS 17574:2009 what information related to them may be collected and stored and by whom and to whom that information may be disclosed privacy risk assessment overall process of risk identification, risk ISO/IEC 29100:2011 analysis and risk evaluation with regard to the processing of personally identifiable information note: this process is also known as a privacy impact assessment privilege right granted to an individual, a program or CNSSI 4009 a process process type of composition whose elements are ISO/IEC 18384-1 composed into a sequence or flow of activities and interactions with the objective of carrying out certain work note: a process may also be a collaboration, choreography or orchestration.

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Term Definition Source programmable logic electronic device designed for control of ISO 13577-4:2014 controller (PLC) the logical sequence of events reliability ability of a system or component to ISO/IEC 27040:2015 perform its required functions under stated conditions for a specified period of time resilience ability of a system or component to IIC maintain an acceptable level of service in the face of disruption risk effect of uncertainty on objectives ISO/IEC 27000:2016 note 1: an effect is a deviation from the expected— positive or negative. note 2: uncertainty is the state, even partial, of deficiency of information related to, understanding or knowledge of, an event, its consequence or likelihood. note 3: risk is often characterized by reference to potential events and consequences, or a combination of these. note 4: risk is often expressed in terms of a combination of the consequences of an event (including changes in circumstances) and the associated likelihood of occurrence. note 5: in the context of information security management systems, information security risks can be expressed as effect of uncertainty on information security objectives. note 6: information security risk is associated with the potential that threats will exploit vulnerabilities of an information asset or group of information assets and thereby cause harm to an organization. (see definition of information security risk) risk analysis process to comprehend the nature of risk ISO/IEC 27000:2016 and to determine the level of risk note 1: risk analysis provides the basis for risk evaluation and decisions about risk treatment. note 2: risk analysis includes risk estimation. risk assessment overall process of risk identification, risk ISO/IEC 27000:2016 analysis and risk evaluation

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Term Definition Source risk evaluation process of comparing the results of risk ISO/IEC 27000:2016 analysis with risk criteria to determine whether the and/or its magnitude is acceptable or tolerable note: risk evaluation assists in the decision about risk treatment. risk identification process of finding, recognizing and ISO/IEC 27000:2016 describing risk note 1: risk identification involves the identification of risk sources, events, their causes and their potential consequences. note 2: risk identification can involve historical data, theoretical analysis, informed and expert opinions, and stakeholders’ needs coordinated activities to direct and control ISO/IEC 27000:2016 an organization with regard to risk risk response acceptance, avoidance, mitigation, sharing NISTIR 7298, rev 2(1) or transfer of risk to organizational operations (i.e. mission, functions, image or reputation), organizational assets, individuals, other organizations or the nation risk tolerance level of risk an entity is willing to assume in NISTIR 7298, rev 2 order to achieve a potential desired result robustness ability of a system or component to IIC continue functioning correctly in the presence of invalid inputs or stressful environmental conditions role set of usage capacity IIC note 1: a role is an abstraction for an entity which performs the set of activities. note 2: roles are fulfilled or assumed by parties. roots of trust bases consisting of hardware, software, IIC people and organizational processes used to establish confidence in the system SaaS cloud service category in which the cloud ISO/IEC 17788:2014 capabilities type provided to the cloud service customer is an application capabilities type

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Term Definition Source safety the condition of the system operating ISO/IEC Guide 55:1999(1) without causing unacceptable risk of physical injury or damage to the health of people, either directly, or indirectly as a result of damage to property or to the environment security property of being protected from IIC unintended or unauthorized access, change or destruction ensuring availability, integrity and confidentiality security controls management, operational and technical ISO 12812-1:2017 controls (i.e. safeguards or countermeasures) prescribed for an information system to protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of the system and its information security function cryptographic algorithms together with ISO/IEC 19790:2012(1) modes of operation, such as block ciphers, stream ciphers, symmetric or asymmetric key algorithms, message authentication codes, hash functions or other security functions, random bit generators, entity authentication and SSP generation and establishment all approved either by ISO/IEC or an approval authority security policy rules, directives and practices that govern NISTIR 7298, rev 2 how assets, including sensitive information, are managed, protected and distributed within an organization and its systems, particularly those which impact the systems and associated elements security vulnerability systematic examination of an information NISTIR 7298, rev 2 assessment system or product to determine the adequacy of security measures, identify security deficiencies, provide data from which to predict the effectiveness of proposed security measures, and confirm the adequacy of such measures after implementation

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Term Definition Source service distinct part of the functionality that is ISO/IEC 14252:1996 provided by an entity through interfaces situational awareness within a volume of time and space, the NISTIR 7298, rev 2 perception of an enterprise’s security posture and its threat environment; the comprehension/meaning of both taken together risk); and the projection of their status into the near future stakeholder individual, team, organization or classes ISO/IEC/IEEE thereof, having an interest in the system of 42010:2011(1) interest task unit of work IIC threat potential cause of an unwanted incident, ISO/IEC 27000:2016 which may result in harm to a system or organization threat analysis examination of threat sources against NISTIR 7298, rev 2 system vulnerabilities to determine the threats for a particular system in a particular operational environment threat event event or situation that has the potential for NISTIR 7298, rev 2 causing undesirable consequences or impact threat modeling structured analysis to identify, quantify and IIC address the information security risks associated with an application or a system trust boundary separation of different application or IIC system domains in which different level of trust are required trustworthiness degree of confidence one has that the IIC system performs as expected with characteristics including safety, security, privacy, reliability and resilience in the face of environmental disruptions, human errors, system faults and attacks usage capacity ability to initiate, to participate in the IIC execution of, or to consume the outcome of some tasks or functions

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Term Definition Source usage viewpoint(2) addresses the concerns of expected system IIRA usage note: it is typically represented as sequences of activities involving human or logical (e.g. system or system components) users that deliver its intended functionality in ultimately achieving its fundamental system capabilities. validation confirmation, through the provision of ISO/IEC 27000:2016 objective evidence, that the requirements for a specific intended use or application have been fulfilled verification confirmation, through the provision of ISO/IEC 27000:2016 objective evidence, that specified requirements have been fulfilled note: this could also be called compliance testing. virtual entity computational or data entity representing a IIC physical entity vulnerability weakness of an asset or security controls ISO/IEC 27000:2016(1) that can be exploited by one or more threats Table 2-1: Defined Terms and Definitions (1) This definition has modified the wording of the referenced source definition for consistency with the other definitions (2) This term and its definition are reproduced here from the Reference Architecture [IIC- IIRA2016] and the definition is likely to change in subsequent versions of both the IIRA and this document.

IIC:PUB:G8:V2.00:PB:20170719 - 21 - Vocabulary Annex A: Revision History


Revision Date Editor Changes Made V1.0 2015-05-07 Rutt/Miller Initial release V2.0 2017-06-17 Karmarkar/Buchheit Major update, details see Annex B

Table A-2: Revision History

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Term Version Changes Made actuator 2.00 renamed to IoT actuator application domain 2.00 added architecture 2.00 added architecture viewpoint 2.00 added asset 2.00 added attack surface 2.00 added attack vector 2.00 redefined attacker 2.00 added attestation 2.00 added audit 2.00 added automatic 2.00 removed automation 2.00 removed brownfield development 2.00 added business viewpoint 2.00 added cloud computing 2.00 added connectivity endpoint 2.00 added control domain 2.00 added controller 2.00 removed coordinate 2.00 removed coordination 2.00 removed countermeasure 2.00 added credential 2.00 added cross-cutting concern 2.00 redefined cross-cutting function 2.00 redefined data at rest 2.00 added data in motion 2.00 added data in use 2.00 added data integrity 2.00 added databus 2.00 added denial of service (DoS) 2.00 added device 2.00 renamed to IoT device device endpoint 2.00 removed digital representation 2.00 added element 2.00 redefined encryption 2.00 added endpoint 2.00 redefined endpoint address 2.00 removed event 2.00 added functional viewpoint 2.00 added greenfield development 2.00 added identity 2.00 redefined implementation viewpoint 2.00 added incident response or incident response 2.00 added industrial internet of thing (IIoT) system) 2.00 added information domain 2.00 added

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Term Version Changes Made information security incident 2.00 added integrability 2.00 removed internet 2.00 removed IoT actuator 2.00 renamed from actuator, redefined IoT device 2.00 renamed from device, redefined IoT sensor 2.00 renamed from sensor, redefined IP endpoint 2.00 removed malware 2.00 added man-in-the-middle attack 2.00 added multi-tenancy 2.00 added network 2.00 redefined non-repudiation 2.00 added observer 2.00 removed operational technology (OT) 2.00 added operations domain 2.00 added physical security 2.00 added PKI (public key infrastructure) 2.00 added policy 2.00 removed process 2.00 added programmable logic controller (PLC) 2.00 added resilience 2.00 redefined risk response 2.00 redefined robustness 2.00 redefined roots of trust 2.00 added SaaS 2.00 added security 2.00 redefined security control 2.00 renamed to security controls security controls 2.00 renamed from security control, redefined security function 2.00 renamed from security functions, corrected security functions 2.00 renamed to security function security vulnerability assessment 2.00 added sensitivity 2.00 removed sensor 2.00 renamed to IoT sensor thing 2.00 removed trust 2.00 removed trustworthiness 2.00 added usage viewpoint 2.00 added user 2.00 removed user endpoint 2.00 removed vulnerability assessment 2.00 removed Table B-3: Terms Change History

IIC:PUB:G8:V2.00:PB:20170719 - 24 - Vocabulary Annex C: References


[CNSS-4009] Committee on National Security Systems (CNSS): CNSSI No. 4009: Glossary, released 2015-April-06, retrieved 2017-05-29 [Gartner-ITG] Gartner: IT Glossary, retrieved 2017-05-29 [IHMC] Institute for Human & Machine Cognition (IHMC), Florida Institute for Human & Machine Cognition, retrieved 2017-05-29 [IIC-IIRA2016] Industrial Internet Consortium (IIC): Industrial Internet of Things, Volume G1: Reference Architecture, version 1.80, 2017-January-31, retrieved 2017-05-29 [IoT-A] Internet of Things—Architecture: Terminology, VDI/VDE Innovation+Technik GmbH [ISO-Guide-51] International Organization for : ISO/IEC Guide 51:2014: Safety aspects—Guidelines for their inclusion in standards, 2014-April, retrieved 2017-05-29 [ISO-2382] International Organization for Standardization: ISO/IEC 2382:2015: Information technology—Vocabulary, 2015-May, retrieved 2017-05-29 [ISO-7498-2] International Organization for Standardization: ISO 7498-2:1989: Information processing systems—Open Systems Interconnection—Basic Reference Model —Part 2: Security Architecture, 1989-February, retrieved 2017-05-29 [ISO-9798-1] International Organization for Standardization: ISO/IEC 9798-1:2010: Information technology—Security techniques—Entity authentication—Part 1: General, 2010-July, retrieved 2017-05-29 [ISO-12812-1] International Organization for Standardization: ISO/IEC 12812-1:2017: Core banking—Mobile financial services—Part 1: General framework, 2017-March, retrieved 2017-05-29

IIC:PUB:G8:V2.00:PB:20170719 - 25 - Vocabulary Annex C: References

[ISO-13577-4] International Organization for Standardization: ISO/IEC 13577-4:2014: Industrial furnace and associated processing equipment—Safety—Part 4: Protective systems, 2014-September, retrieved 2017-05-29 [ISO-14252] International Organization for Standardization: ISO/IEC TR 14242:1996: Information technology—Guide to the POSIX Open System Environment (OSE), 1996-December, retrieved 2017-05-29 [ISO-15026-1] International Organization for Standardization: ISO/IEC 15026-1:2013: Systems and software engineering—Systems and software assurance—Part 1: Concepts and vocabulary, 2013-November, retrieved 2017-05-29 [ISO-17574] International Organization for Standardization: ISO/TS 17574:2009: Electronic fee collection—Guidelines for security protection profiles, 2009- September, retrieved 2017-05-29 [ISO-17788] International Organization for Standardization: ISO/IEC 17788:2014: Information technology—Cloud computing—Overview and vocabulary, 2014- October, retrieved 2017-05-29 [ISO-17789] International Organization for Standardization: ISO/IEC 17789:2014: Information technology—Cloud computing—Reference architecture, 2014- October, retrieved 2017-05-23 [ISO-18014-2] International Organization for Standardization: ISO/IEC 18014-2:2009: Information technology—Security techniques—Time-stamping services—Part 2: Mechanisms producing independent tokens, 2009-December, retrieved 2017-05-29 [ISO-18384-1] International Organization for Standardization: ISO/IEC 18384-1:2016: Information technology—Reference Architecture for Service Oriented Architecture (SOA RA)—Part 1: Terminology and concepts for SOA, 2016- June, retrieved 2017-05-24 [ISO-19104] International Organization for Standardization: ISO 19104:2016: Geographic information—Terminology, 2016-October, retrieved 2017-05-29

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[ISO-19790] International Organization for Standardization: ISO/IEC 19790:2012: Information technology—Security techniques—Security requirements for cryptographic modules, 2012-August, retrieved 2017-05-29 [ISO-21091] International Organization for Standardization: ISO 21091:2013: Health informatics—Directory services for healthcare providers, subjects of care and other entities, 2013-February, retrieved 2017-05-29 [ISO-24745] International Organization for Standardization: ISO/IEC 24745:2011: Information technology—Security technique—Biometric information protection, 2011-June, retrieved 2017-05-29 [ISO-24760-1] International Organization for Standardization: ISO/IEC 24760-1:2011: Information Technology—Security techniques—A framework for identity management, 2011-12-15, retrieved 2017-05-23 number=57914 [ISO-27000] International Organization for Standardization: ISO 27000:2016: Information technology—Security technique—Information security management systems—Overview and vocabulary, 2016, retrieved 2017-05-23 [ISO-27005] International Organization for Standardization: ISO 27005:2011: Information technology—Security technique—Information security risk management, 2011-June, retrieved 2017-05-29 [ISO-27031] International Organization for Standardization: ISO/IEC 27031:2011: Information technology—Security technique—Guidelines for information and communication technology readiness for business continuity, 2011-March, retrieved 2017-05-29 [ISO-27033-1] International Organization for Standardization: ISO/IEC 27033-1:2015: Information Technology—Security techniques—Network security—Part 1: Overview and concepts, 2015-August, retrieved 2017-05-23 [ISO-27039] International Organization for Standardization: ISO/IEC 27039:2015: Information technology—Security technique—Selection, deployment and operations of intrusion detection and prevention systems (IDPS), 2015- February, retrieved 2017-05-29

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[ISO-27040] International Organization for Standardization: ISO/IEC 27040:2015: Information technology—Security technique—Storage security, 2015- January, retrieved 2017-05-29 [ISO-29100] International Organization for Standardization: ISO/IEC 29100:2011: Information technology—Security technique—Privacy framework, 2011, retrieved 2017-05-23 number=45123 [ISO-29109-1] International Organization for Standardization: ISO/IEC 29109-1:2013:2009: Information technology—Conformance testing methodology for biometric data interchange formats defined in ISO/IEC 19794—Part 1: Generalized conformance testing methodology, 2009-August, retrieved 2017-05-29 [ISO-31320-2] International Organization for Standardization: ISO/IEC/IEEE 31320-2:2012: Information technology—Modeling Languages—Part 2: Syntax and Semantics for IDEF1X97 (IDEFobject), 2012-September, retrieved 2017-05-29 [ISO-42010] International Organization for Standardization: ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010:2011: System and software engineering—Architecture description, 2011- December, retrieved 2017-05-29 [NIST-800-61] National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Special Publication 800-61, revision 2: Computer Security, Incident Handling Guide, 2012-August, retrieved 2017-05-29 [NISTIP-8401-1] National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Interagency Publication 8401-1: DRAFT NIST Big Data Interoperability Framework: Volume 1, Definitions, NIST Big Data Public Working Group, Definitions and Taxonomies Subgroup, draft version 1, 2015-March-02, retrieved 2017-05-29 [NISTIR-7298] National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Internal Reports: Glossary of Key Information, Security Terms, revision 2, Richard Kissel, Editor, Computer Security Division, Information Technology Laboratory, 2013-May, retrieved 2017-05-29 [SNIA-Dict2016] Storage Networking Industry Association (SNIA): SNIA Dictionary 2016, 2016- April, retrieved 2017-05-29

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IIC:PUB:G8:V2.00:PB:20170719 - 29 - Vocabulary Use of Information—Terms, Conditions and Notices


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