Monetary Policy of the Bank of Korea during the First 60 Years 1 Kyungsoo Kim and Jaewoo Lee * The current paper provides an analytic overview of the history of monetary policy in Korea, since the founding of the Bank of Korea in June 1950 through the spring of 2010. In light of the dramatic socio- economic transformation over this period, the 60 years are divided into four phases, which provided a different environment for the con- duct of monetary policy. An organizing analytical framework is pro- posed for each phase, with the hope of facilitating further research. Keywords: Inflation, Liberalization, Small open economy JEL Classification: E4, E5, F4 I. Introduction The Bank of Korea (hereinafter denoted as “BOK” or “the Bank”) was established as the central bank of the young Republic of Korea in June 1950. In the same month, the Korean War broke out, which devastated the country socially and economically for the next three years. After much * Professor, Department of Economics, Sungkyunkwan University, 53 Myeongnyun-dong 3-ga, Jongno-gu, Seoul 110-745, Korea, (Tel) +82-2-760-0431, (Fax) +82-2-760-0946, (E-mail)
[email protected]; Corresponding Author, Deputy Division Chief of the Open Macroeconomics Division, the IMF Research Depart- ment, 700 19th St N.W., Washington DC 20431, USA, (Tel) +1-202-623-7331, (Fax) +1-202-589-7331, (E-mail)
[email protected], respectively. We appreciate the comments by participants in the Bank of Korea 2010 Conference, the se- minar in the Korea University, and the 18th Seoul Journal of Economics Inter- national Symposium in Seoul National University, and in particular, by Andrew Filardo, Stan Fischer, Dongsoo Kang, Jun Il Kim, Soyoung Kim, Kwanho Shin, and Woon Shin.