Vol. 160 WASHINGTON, MONDAY, MAY 12, 2014 No. 71 House of Representatives The House was not in session today. Its next meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 13, 2014, at 1 p.m. Senate MONDAY, MAY 12, 2014

The Senate met at 2 p.m. and was RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY ligently.’’ Those are wise words from a called to order by the President pro LEADER man who knew a thing or two about tempore (Mr. LEAHY). The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The overcoming logjams. majority leader is recognized. The legislation before us today is an PRAYER f opportunity for Senators to intel- The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- ligently reconsider energy efficiency. HIRE MORE HEROES ACT OF 2014— The consequences of this opportunity fered the following prayer: MOTION TO PROCEED Let us pray. loom very large for this body. Mr. REID. Mr. President, I move to Shaheen-Portman is a good bill. It O God our strength, You have placed proceed to Calendar No. 332, H.R. 3474. was a good bill last year when it was music in our hearts, helping us to The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The blocked by the Republicans. It is even carry our burdens by providing us with clerk will report the motion. better now. This legislation will give a future and a hope. Let Your holy The legislative clerk read as follows: our country more energy independence power renew our Senators today. Re- Motion to proceed to Calendar No. 332, and protect our environment. The Sha- move all that is withered and blighted H.R. 3474, to amend the Internal Revenue heen-Portman bill also gives Ameri- within them, infusing them with seren- Code of 1986 to allow employers to exempt cans a fair shot at better providing for ity and calm to meet an agitated world employees with health coverage under their families through increased sav- fortified with Your peace. Teach them TRICARE or the Veterans Administration ings on their energy bills. This is great to love beauty, truth, and integrity, from being taken into account for purposes for working Americans. It also creates freeing them from pride as they strive of the employer mandate under the Patient 200,000 jobs. to love You. Distill upon them the dew Protection and Affordable Care Act. of Your kindness and use them for SCHEDULE Senators SHAHEEN and PORTMAN Your glory. Mr. REID. Mr. President, following worked hard with Democrats and Re- publicans since this bill was introduced Lord, today we thank You for the my remarks and those of the Repub- 3 years ago to make this legislation United States Capitol Police, who sac- lican leader, the Senate will be in into the effective bipartisan bill it is rificed their lives for freedom: Ser- morning business until 5:30 p.m. today. today. geant Eney, Detective Gibson, Officer Last week cloture was filed on S. 2262, Chestnut, and Sergeant Holtz. May the Energy Savings and Industrial No single bill will solve all of our en- their exemplary legacies inspire us in Competitiveness Act. As a result, the ergy problems, but this is a good first all of our tomorrows. filing deadline for all second degree step. amendments is 4:30 p.m. today. There The business community agrees. This We pray in Your merciful Name. will be up to three rollcall votes at 5:30 bill is supported by the Chamber of Amen. p.m. today: confirmation of the Rosen- Commerce, the National Association of baum nomination to be an Eleventh Manufacturers, and the Business f Circuit judge, then confirmation of the Roundtable. Croley nomination to be General Coun- The Shaheen-Portman legislation is PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE sel of the Department of Energy, and, an opportunity for this country to ad- The President pro tempore led the finally, a cloture vote on S. 2262, the dress our energy needs on how they are Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: energy efficiency bill. affecting the environment. But the im- I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the A SECOND OPPORTUNITY plications of this legislation extend far United States of America, and to the Repub- Mr. President, Henry Ford once said: beyond energy efficiency. It goes to the lic for which it stands, one nation under God, ‘‘Failure is simply the opportunity to integrity of this Senate we care so indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. begin again, this time more intel- much about.

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor.



VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:10 Mar 07, 2015 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD14\MAY 2014\S12MY4.REC S12MY4 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE S2890 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 12, 2014 The Shaheen-Portman bill is a struction for obstruction’s sake. Take tribes and individual Indians. It is a chance for a fresh start for the Sen- yes for an answer. We have a good bi- difficult job, and I am confident Mr. ate—really a new beginning. We had partisan bill. Let’s pass it. It is good Logan is the right man to do it. He is been making some limited progress for the country. Stop filibustering this a litigator with vast experience in both this year in moving legislation, start- good bill. public and private sectors. He has also ing with the Murray-Ryan budget ar- We made an agreement on Keystone, shown great passion for working with rangement. Then we worked together— and Democrats stand willing to honor tribes and individual Indians to man- Democrats and Republicans—to pass a our commitment. But we need Repub- age their trust assets. Mr. Logan was childcare development block grant, a licans to honor their commitments. unanimously approved by the Indian flood insurance bill, and an extension So let’s use this second opportunity Affairs Committee in January. I urge of unemployment benefits. at passing this important bill—Sha- my colleagues in the Senate to do the But as we considered legislation to heen-Portman—to get the Senate same. help American families—like equal pay working effectively and give working I would also like to speak in support and a minimum wage increase—Repub- families, American families a fair shot of Keith Harper, a member of the Cher- licans got off track, and working fami- at affordable energy. okee Nation of Oklahoma. Mr. Harper is the President’s nominee to be the lies did not get a fair shot. RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME U.S. representative to the United Na- So here we are, once again, con- Would the Chair announce the busi- tions Human Rights Council. His nomi- fronted with the possibility that a good ness of the day. nation has been pending since early bipartisan bill may fail. And for what? The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. Democrats have acted in good faith, February. This is a history-making KAINE). Under the previous order, the nomination. If confirmed, Mr. Harper and we have bent over backwards to leadership time is reserved. make this bill work. But it seems our would be the first member of a feder- efforts are never enough. Each conces- f ally recognized tribe to hold the rank sion we make brings new demands. MORNING BUSINESS of U.S. Ambassador. The Republicans working with Sen- Keith has outstanding academic and The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under ators SHAHEEN and PORTMAN asked for professional credentials, having spent the previous order, the Senate will be changes to this bill, and 10 bipartisan many years representing Indian tribes in a period of morning business until amendments are now included in the across the country. Keith’s nomination 5:30 p.m., with Senators permitted to bill before this body. was first sent here in June of 2013. speak therein for up to 10 minutes Republicans asked for a sense of the What message do we send to Indian each. Senate resolution on the Keystone leg- Country and to the world when we Mr. LEAHY. I suggest the absence of islation, and we agreed. allow endless delay of the nomination Republicans changed their minds and a quorum. of a man who will be the first Native requested a vote on stand-alone Key- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The American to hold the title of Ambas- stone legislation, and we agreed. clerk will call the roll. sador? Mr. Harper’s nomination has the If Republicans stop their filibuster of The legislative clerk proceeded to strong support of the National Con- this bill and allow it to proceed, the call the roll. gress of American Indians and numer- Senate will vote on Keystone pipeline Mr. TESTER. Mr. President, I ask ous tribes and tribal leaders through- legislation, and they know that. That unanimous consent that the order for out Indian Country. He has also been is what they have asked for, and we the quorum call be rescinded. active in human and civil rights orga- have given it to them. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without nizations and has served as a delegate But, Mr. President, they have held objection, it is so ordered. to the 2001 World Conference Against this bill hostage—this energy effi- f Racism in Durbin, South Africa. ciency bill—as demand after demand INDIAN COUNTRY NOMINATIONS All of these experiences have pre- has been met, but even now they are pared him to tackle injustice at the still seeking a ransom. Mr. TESTER. Mr. President, as chairman of the Committee on Indian global level. It is also important to So why are we here? Why is this bill confirm this position to ensure that at risk? I have spoken from time to Affairs, I rise in support of the nomina- tion of three distinguished Native the United States has a representative time recently with my Republican col- at the United Nations World Con- American leaders: Vince Logan, Keith leagues. They come to me, saying: ference on Indigenous Peoples in Sep- Harper, and Diane Humetewa. These HARRY, how could we get the Senate tember. back on track? individuals have been nominated to po- Finally, Diane Humetewa was nomi- I appreciate their sincerity in trying sitions that are crucial to Indian Coun- nated to serve as district court judge to find a solution, but the answer is try and to our Nation. It is our respon- for the District of , with the right under their nose. I say to them, sibility to make sure they can begin strong support of her home State Sen- this challenging work. look at what is happening right now. ators, MCCAIN and FLAKE. Her nomina- Mr. President, I have been told that I think it is fair to say that no one in tion was reported favorably 3 months two cosponsors of this legislation will this Chamber is happy about how the ago by the Judiciary Committee, not vote to invoke cloture. These are nominations have been handled in the though her nomination has been pend- two gentleman who put their name on last 2 years. There are reasons and ing since September of 2013. She is a this bill. frustrations on both sides of the aisle member of the Hopi Tribe of Arizona. Look at how Republican obstruction about the process. I understand that. That means, if confirmed, she would be is bringing the Senate to its knees But in the case of these nominees, it is the only Native American serving as a again and again and again—and now long past time to act. By acting on Federal judge. She would be the first even on this bill, a bipartisan bill. This those nominees, this Congress, which Native American woman to ever serve is not a Shaheen bill. It is a Shaheen- has been criticized for not doing very on the Federal bench. Portman bill—a New Hampshire Sen- much, can make a little bit of history. Confirming these nominees during a ator and an Ohio Senator, a Democrat Vince Logan’s nomination was first time of such partisanship will send a and a Republican. sent to the Senate in September of strong signal to Indian Country. I repeat, this bill is being filibus- 2012. He is a member of the Osage Na- Whether it is overseeing our trust re- tered, obviously, by some of its own co- tion of Oklahoma and was nominated sponsibilities, representing our Nation sponsors. This useless, mind-boggling to be Special Trustee for American In- to the world, or delivering justice, obstruction is what continually grinds dians at the Department of Interior. these nominees will help our govern- the wheels of the Senate to a screech- This vote is long overdue. The position ment function a little bit better and ing halt. has been vacant for 5 years. more efficiently. So to my friends who want to know The Special Trustee is charged with I ask my colleagues to join me in how we can make things work better in overseeing the Department’s fulfill- swiftly confirming these three out- the Senate, I say: Put an end to ob- ment of its trust responsibilities to standing nominees.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:10 Mar 07, 2015 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD14\MAY 2014\S12MY4.REC S12MY4 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE May 12, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2891 I yield the floor and suggest the ab- commercially available today and can ficiency. We work with stakeholders to sence of a quorum. quickly pay for themselves through en- ensure that grants will achieve signifi- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ergy savings. cant amounts of energy savings and are clerk will call the roll. The bill doesn’t just work with indi- done in a cost-effective manner. The The legislative clerk proceeded to viduals in the private sector on a vol- grants would require a 50-percent call the roll. untary basis to encourage energy effi- match so that there is complete buy-in Ms. KLOBUCHAR. Mr. President, I ciency, the bill also helps the govern- from the nonprofits, and grants would ask unanimous consent that the order ment become more efficient. Some peo- be capped at $200,000. for the quorum call be rescinded. ple might question why the govern- Our amendment has the support of The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without ment should try to make energy effi- the National Council of Churches, the objection, it is so ordered. ciency improvements when there are so YMCA of the USA, and the Union of f many demands for Federal resources. I Orthodox Jewish Congregations, to believe we can’t afford to needlessly name a few. ENERGY EFFICIENCY waste energy and taxpayer resources This provision was one of the many Ms. KLOBUCHAR. Mr. President, I on older heaters, inefficient lighting, good ideas—many of them bipartisan— rise today in support of the Energy and drafty buildings. Making common- that promote energy efficiency and Savings and Industrial Competitive- sense improvements to our Federal that we believe will be included in the ness Act of 2014. I commend Senator buildings will pay dividends for years bill once it is finally voted on. SHAHEEN and Senator PORTMAN on to come. I urge my colleagues to support this their leadership and tireless efforts to The Shaheen-Portman bill includes a amendment, the Nonprofit Energy Effi- craft an energy efficiency bill that is number of commonsense provisions ciency Act, and also support the under- good for consumers, good for our econ- that will help keep energy affordable. I lying bill. The bill, as we have dis- omy, and good for our environment. wish to briefly focus on one example cussed, would save consumers and tax- The Shaheen-Portman energy effi- which may not sound important at payers money, reduce energy consump- ciency bill is supported by a coalition first blush but which has a big impact tion, help create jobs, and make our of environmental organizations, in- on the Minnesota Rural Electric Asso- country more energy independent. Another issue that can drive up the cluding the Natural Resources Defense ciation and the consumers it serves in price of energy for consumers is metal, Council, the Sierra Club, and the my State. and this is the final issue I wish to talk BlueGreen Alliance. It is also sup- The rural electric co-ops strongly about because I have attempted to get ported by business trade associations support a provision in the Shaheen- this bill on several other bills. I was such as the chamber of commerce and Portman bill that my friend and col- able to pass it through the Judiciary the National Association of Manufac- league from North Dakota, Senator Committee. It is a bill that is cospon- turers. By working together on a bipar- HOEVEN, introduced and that I am help- sored by Senator GRAHAM, and Senator tisan basis, the two Senators have put ing to lead, and that is to change the GRAHAM and I are leading the bill. Sen- together a bill that is officially spon- Department of Energy rule to ensure ator HOEVEN and Senator SCHUMER are sored by seven Democrats and seven that large-capacity hot water heaters also cosponsors of this bill, as well as Republicans and I believe the vast ma- that are part of a demand response pro- Senator COONS. jority of the people in this Chamber. gram can continue to be manufactured. Although this bill is not a substitute We have been working very hard on The rural electric co-ops in my State the issue of metal theft for years. It for comprehensive energy or climate have installed thousands of large-ca- has broad support because it has struck legislation, it is the right effort to put pacity hot water heaters in people’s so many electric companies and so us on more secure energy footing and basements. Heating water is a major many consumers. Houses have blown strengthen our economy. I have always source of energy consumption, and our up when people take simple copper pip- argued that at a time when we have co-ops have found a way to provide an ing out of the basement and then some- been having a hard time working on important service in a way that one turns on the gas. Literally, people comprehensive energy legislation— incentivizes wind energy development have lost their lives. We had one inci- something which I believe we should do and saves consumers money. These hot dent in Minnesota, and we have seen and which would be very good for our water heaters are only turned on at others across the country. This is un- economy—we need to get behind efforts night, when the wind blows the strong- believable, but the stars that were such as this one. I am so pleased this est and the demand for energy is the placed on the graves of veterans during has finally happened; however, I am lowest. Then in the morning, when peo- veterans holidays have been stolen. not certain we will be able to get it ple wake up and turn on their lights, The beer industry is strongly behind done this week. the heaters are already off. The wind this bill. Why? Because kegs are being I believe the beneficial role energy energy is stored in the form of hot stolen all over the country. efficiency improvements can have for water that can be used throughout the Those are just things I am recalling consumers and also our economic com- day. by memory. But this is a major prob- petitiveness often gets overlooked in This provision in the Shaheen- lem. Ask any power company or con- today’s debate. The Shaheen-Portman Portman bill will provide regulatory struction crew across the country or bill creates new incentives to install certainty that these heaters will con- even operators of ice skating rinks in energy-efficient technologies in homes, tinue to be available. Minnesota, where one theft of a couple businesses, and manufacturing facili- Another provision I worked on with thousand dollars’ worth literally costs ties that can quickly pay for them- Senator HOEVEN was to find new oppor- the city of St. Paul millions of dollars selves. The savings for consumers alone tunities to engage the nonprofit com- because once they take a pipe out, they are astounding. According to a new munity in making energy efficiency have to rebuild the entire system. Talk study, Shaheen-Portman is estimated improvements. We have an amendment to any of these people and quickly to save consumers $16 billion a year by that would help nonprofits—including learn about the growing problem of 2030. Making these improvements will hospitals, schools, faith-based organi- metal theft. not only save consumers and busi- zations, and youth centers—make en- My bipartisan bill—the Metal Theft nesses money, it will also create more ergy efficiency improvements that will Prevention Act—has been filed as an than 190,000 jobs. help them save money and ultimately amendment to the energy efficiency America has always been a country serve our people. bill to bring attention to this impor- that benefits from the development of Our amendment, which is fully offset, tant issue. The amendment is the much innovative technologies, but this bill has the support of Senators BLUNT, needed Federal response to the increas- recognizes that we don’t need to re- PRYOR, STABENOW, and MIKULSKI. ingly pervasive and damaging problem invent the wheel or rely on a new space The amendment would provide $10 of metal theft. race to move our economy forward. million each year for the next 5 years Metal theft has jumped more than 80 This bill will lead to the installation of to create a pilot grant program so that percent in recent years, hurting busi- energy-efficient technologies that are nonprofits can save through energy ef- nesses and threatening public safety. It

VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:10 Mar 07, 2015 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD14\MAY 2014\S12MY4.REC S12MY4 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE S2892 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 12, 2014 is a major threat, especially to power ciation, the National Sheriffs’ Associa- her husband. She had a long history of companies. tion, the Fraternal Order of Police, and abuse with her husband Michael Scott In a recent study, the Department of the National Association of Police Or- Salley. Most recently he had come to Energy found that the total value of ganizations. her house the day before she took out damages to industries affected by theft I ask my friends who represent the this restraining order and threatened of copper wire alone is approximately scrap metal dealers to look at this coa- to kill her and their 7-year-old daugh- $1 billion every single year. I have vis- lition and to ask yourself: Is this worth ter. He tried to get access to his gun ited small electric companies in the it, over a $100 requirement for writing that was on the property, but she was rural areas that have been stolen a check? Is it worth it to oppose this able to hide it and then very quietly from—not once, not twice, but three when buildings are blowing up and crit- texted a couple of her friends that she times. I have visited companies that ical infrastructure is being broken into was in trouble. The police came, and have had their trucks stolen and then and one of the busiest airports in the before violence erupted they were able the thieves go out in the trucks and country is having problems? Is it worth to arrest him. She took out a restrain- steal wire because people let them in it to oppose a bill that has strong bi- ing order, but the next day he came because they have the electric com- partisan support? I don’t think it is. I back with a gun, went to the local pany’s truck. They have targeted con- think the interests of the consumers of daycare parking lot where Gwen was struction sites, power and phone lines, this country, the interests of busi- picking up her 7-year-old daughter, retail stores, and vacant houses. They nesses in this country, and the inter- took control of the car, sped off to ap- have caused explosions in vacant build- ests of law enforcement should trump, parently kill them both, but luckily ings by stealing metal from gas lines, and that is what should matter in this Gwen was able to push her 7-year-old and they have caused blackouts by Chamber. So I hope my colleagues will daughter out of the car so her daughter stealing copper wiring from street look at this again and look at the bare could be rescued and taken in by the lights and electrical substations. Last minimum this legislation sets. It does daycare center’s employees, but an October four people were injured in an not create that much of a burden, when hour or so later Gwen Salley was dead. explosion at a University of California all these companies that buy this scrap She did everything she was supposed Berkeley electrical station. Officials metal, much of which is stolen—a num- to do. She finally left this man who blamed it on copper theft that occurred ber of these things are stolen. A lot of had been so abusive over the years. 2 hours before the explosion. As the these people are good. They know it After he threatened to kill them both, electrical workers tried to fix it, the doesn’t matter. They are doing it in the cops were called and she took out a explosion occurred. As I mentioned, some of the States. All they are doing restraining order, but because the law they are taking brass stars from our is keeping records and requiring a of Louisiana at the time didn’t allow veterans’ graves. This happened on Me- check when it is over $100. That is all for police to come and take his gun—in morial Day of 2012. In another case we are talking about. fact, the law allowed him, as the Fed- that shows just how dangerous metal If we balance $1 billion in theft a eral law allows now, to go out and even theft can be, Georgia Power was having year against a simple requirement of purchase a gun during that time, and 1 a huge problem with thieves targeting recordkeeping, I think it is pretty day later Gwen Cox Salley was dead. a substation that feeds the entire At- clear. I hope my colleagues will look at The gun industry wants to make us lanta Hartsfield International Airport, it this way, and I know their chiefs and believe that our greatest fear comes one of the busiest airports in the world. sheriffs will tell them this must be a from gun-wielding strangers who are The airport was getting hit two to priority. We need to do everything we going to break into our house at night three times a week and surveillance can to protect our critical industry in- and murder us, but the fact is women didn’t lead to any arrests. frastructure from unscrupulous metal across this country are three times This rise in incidents of metal theft thieves. I hope my colleagues support more likely to be killed by a gun by across the country, the growing cost to this bill when it comes up for a vote. their husbands or their intimate part- businesses, and the danger it poses un- I yield the floor. ner than they are to be killed by any- derscores the critical need for Federal The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- body else with any other kind of weap- action. What does our bill do? It helps ator from Connecticut. on. That is the reality. For women who combat this by requiring modest rec- f live in homes with a firearm, they are ordkeeping by recyclers of scrap metal, 500 percent more likely to be the vic- just keeping track of who is selling the DOMESTIC VIOLENCE tim of homicide through domestic vio- metal. It requires limiting the value of Mr. MURPHY. Thank you, Mr. Presi- lence than in houses without firearms. cash transactions. This simply means dent. The statistics don’t look good for they can take it in for $100 bucks, but I hope the Presiding Officer had a women across this country and in part after that they have to require a check. great Mother’s Day. I hope Senator because our laws are so weak, even in We have many States that are doing KLOBUCHAR had a great Mother’s Day a State such as Connecticut. this but not enough. So what we are and got a phone call from her daughter This is the story of Lori Gellatly, finding is people are stealing metals in in Connecticut. who was killed just a few days ago in Minnesota where we have a $100 cash I am here to tell the story of three Oxford, CT. She had taken out a re- requirement and then they are selling pretty heroic mothers who are rep- straining order against her husband it in another State so they cannot be resentative of far too many with simi- Scott. They had twins, but things had tracked. lar stories across the country. I wish to gone wrong. She wrote in the applica- The amendment also makes it a Fed- tell you very quickly this afternoon tion about one incident that ‘‘Scott eral crime to steal metal from critical about Gwen Cox Salley, Lori Gellatly, had yelled in my face . . . and got very infrastructure and directs the U.S. and Marianne O’Shields. All three of angry. I felt threatened. He then told Sentencing Commission to review rel- them are no longer with us. They are me I wasn’t going anywhere and evant penalties. The Metal Theft Pre- amongst the 31,672 victims of gun vio- grabbed my right thumb and twisted vention Act has been endorsed by the lence every year, 2,639 deaths a month, my wrist . . .’’ while the two children National Rural Electric Cooperate, the and 86 people a day who are killed by were in her arms. ‘‘He acts out very American Public Power Association, guns all across this country. I wish to violently and I am afraid for my kids American Supply, Edison Electric In- try to lend a voice to a few of these vic- and myself.’’ stitute, National Electrical Contrac- tims tonight, mothers who were killed She took out that restraining order tors Association, National Association by their intimate partners, by their and again, almost within moments, he of Home Builders, National Retail Fed- spouses, in an act of domestic violence was at the house. She called 911, but eration, U.S. Telecom Association, and that frankly could have been prevented when police got there they found Lori about a dozen other businesses and or- if not for the law of this land. Gellatly and her mother Merry Jack- ganizations. It has the support of the First, the story of Gwen Cox Salley. son with gunshot wounds. Lori was pro- Major Cities Chiefs of Police Associa- Gwen was killed 2 days after she finally nounced dead at Waterbury Hospital. tion, the Major County Sheriffs’ Asso- took out a restraining order against Again, a restraining order taken out

VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:10 Mar 07, 2015 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD14\MAY 2014\S12MY4.REC S12MY4 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE May 12, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2893 but with no ability to take the guns episode of violence, after a threat, avoiding much more costly and debili- away from her husband or to stop him when they have taken out a court-or- tating care. Again, this is at no cost. from buying a gun, she was found dead. dered restraining order, maybe at that So there is no reason why a woman The reality is we can do something moment their spouse shouldn’t be able cannot take advantage of these serv- about it. In fact, some of these States to possess a gun. Maybe at least during ices. HPV DNA testing is now available I am talking about are doing some- those few moments the spouse every 3 years under the Affordable Care thing about it themselves. Louisiana, shouldn’t be able to go out and buy a Act to deal with the sexual health of which has a reputation as a State with gun. Maybe the week after Mother’s women. STI counseling and HIV a pretty strong history of gun owner- Day, in the face of the heroism that screening for sexually active women ship, has done something about it. The women such as Gwen and Lori and are now available under the Affordable State legislature has passed a law al- Mariann showed in removing their fam- Care Act. This is now guaranteed. lowing for a process that someone con- ilies and themselves from violent situ- Women don’t have to go look at the victed of a domestic violence crime can ations, maybe we can at least listen to fine print of an insurance policy to see have their guns taken away. Wisconsin the voices of these handful of victims whether they have coverage. Before, in has done the same, a State with a simi- of domestic violence crimes and do most cases, they didn’t have coverage. lar, pretty robust history of gun owner- something in a targeted, limited way Women don’t have to wait for author- ship. that could in the end prevent hundreds ization, having to show a need. These It just makes sense that if someone of unnecessary deaths across this coun- has been convicted of a domestic vio- are given rights that are now available try. I have to believe that in a body of to every woman under the Affordable lence crime, if they have a restraining good will we can at least agree on that. order taken out against them because That is the reason virtually every Care Act. they got violent with their spouse, that week I try to come down to the floor No longer can pregnancy be consid- is the exact time at which society and share with my colleagues some of ered a preexisting condition. Before the needs to step in, law enforcement needs the voices of the victims, these 31,000 a passage of the Affordable Care Act, if a to step in and separate those guns from year, 2,600 a month, 86 a day who are woman wanted to get an insurance pol- that individual. The statistics back lost to gun violence all across this icy, insurers excluded childbirth during that up. In States, for instance, that country. We can do better. the first perhaps 9 months or later. It have just basic background check pro- I yield the floor. was considered a preexisting condition. tections, women are 38 percent less I note the absence of a quorum. Now we have a seamless system, so likely to be killed by guns. These laws The PRESIDING OFFICER. The women can get the type of care they clerk will call the roll. matter when it comes to keeping need. women alive at the hands of abusive The assistant legislative clerk pro- Why does that become so important? spouses. ceeded to call the roll. Mariann O’Shields died just a couple Mr. CARDIN. Mr. President, I ask So they can get the necessary prenatal weeks ago in Spartanburg, SC. Not unanimous consent that the order for care in order to keep their baby only had she taken out a restraining the quorum call be rescinded. healthy, to get the type of tests that The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without order against her husband Robert are necessary. objection, it is so ordered. O’Shields, but she had gone the extra Pregnant women can now get a ges- f step to bring her and her kids—her tational diabetes screening to see daughter to a domestic violence shel- AFFORDABLE CARE ACT whether they are at high risk and, if ter. She was staying in a shelter, but Mr. CARDIN. Mr. President, I, along so, they can get the type of treatment her husband tracked her down at the with most Americans, celebrated Moth- they need in order to make sure their shelter, and just after she had dropped er’s Day yesterday with my wife, my baby is born as healthy as possible. daughter, and my grandchildren, to ex- off her child at a bus stop she was Prenatal care is available and it is press our appreciation for what moth- killed. The staff at the safe home, if covered, and we now have, through the ers all over the world have done in you can imagine, were paralyzed by Affordable Care Act, a provision we this crime. The director said: order to help our communities. In America, we have taken action to help added that provides support for quali- My staff and I are totally devastated. It is fied health centers. I have visited your worst nightmare when you work with a women in this country. I am referring shelter. I don’t think that there is anything to the passage of the Affordable Care qualified health centers in Maryland we could have done to protect her. Act, which has helped childbearing that are now providing prenatal care That is right. There wasn’t anything women and child rearing throughout that wasn’t there before. It is not only more that domestic violence shelter the child’s life, as well as the mother that we are providing coverage; we are could have done to protect Mariann and the family. providing access to care, so we can re- O’Shields, but there is something we Let me give some examples because I duce low birth weight babies in our can do. We have all sorts of disagree- think it is good to point out where we community. Look at the numbers of in- ments about the future of gun laws in have made progress and to celebrate fant survival. Look at the numbers of this country, and I understand in the what we have done to help women in low birth weight babies. We are im- foreseeable future we are not likely America. We have taken on the arbi- proving those numbers daily because of going to get a bill that expands the trary practices of private insurance the Affordable Care Act. To be able to sales that are subject to background companies that discriminated against prevent and discover complications checks, even though 80 percent of the women, against pregnant women, and during pregnancy, including preterm American public thinks we should re- against mothers. A woman can now outcomes—all of that is now available. quire people to show they are not a choose her own OB/GYN doctor as her Women now have access to folic acid criminal before they can buy a gun. primary care doctor, no longer having to make sure a woman has a healthier I wish we could get the assault weap- to wait for authorization or to get a re- fetus and birth. All of that is now ons off the street that did the kind of ferral in order to have OB/GYN care. available under the Affordable Care damage we saw in Newtown, CT, but in Women now have the absolute right to Act. the absence of getting an agreement on choose their own primary care doctor, We help newborns and their mothers. commonsense alternatives to current including an OB/GYN. law such as bans on assault weapons Under the Affordable Care Act, every Breast feeding has been proven to be a and a greater scope of background woman in America is guaranteed an very strong part of a healthy infancy checks, at least maybe we can take annual well-woman visit to be able to and for a baby. There are certain needs this specific issue, which is spouses, in assess their health, including mam- a mother has, including having the particular, women who have taken out mography screening, pap smears, dia- time to breast feed, and the cost of restraining orders against their hus- betes screening, and other preventive breast feeding, including breast pumps. bands or spouses or boyfriends, maybe screenings services at no cost. That is That is now covered under the Afford- we can limit the change we can agree all provided in the Affordable Care Act, able Care Act. on to at least those situations in which so a woman can take care of her own We understand the need to keep peo- women are most vulnerable, after an health care needs and, in many cases, ple healthier, and that is why we call it

VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:10 Mar 07, 2015 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD14\MAY 2014\S12MY4.REC S12MY4 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE S2894 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 12, 2014 a wellness program. No longer is it in- that because they didn’t have a heart to make a fine addition to the Eleventh surance just to take care of an illness attack they have to pay this bill. That Circuit, and at 5:30 p.m. this afternoon or injury; it is to keep people healthy is over. We have now legislated the she will be the first judge up for con- and for women particularly. We didn’t prudent layperson standard so it is now firmation. I urge my colleagues to con- do a good job for many years. We are right for a person to seek urgent care, firm her nomination. now making up for it in the Affordable and the insurance company must cover I thank the Presiding Officer. Care Act, making a huge difference. that visit for urgent care. I yield the floor and suggest the ab- We are giving peace of mind to I could continue to list so many ways sence of a quorum. women all over this country about hav- we have helped all people in this coun- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ing adequate third-party coverage so try but particularly women. It is tough clerk will call the roll. they can afford to take care of their enough to give birth to a baby and to The assistant bill clerk proceeded to own health and the health of their fam- raise a child. We have made it easier by call the roll. Mr. BLUMENTHAL. Madam Presi- ilies. taking away some of the burdens re- dent, I ask unanimous consent that the Adult children can remain on par- garding our health care system. ents’ insurance policies until age 26. order for the quorum call be rescinded. So this past Sunday, when we cele- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without We have all received so many letters brated Mother’s Day, we could also objection, it is so ordered. from our constituents saying: Thank point to a very tangible accomplish- goodness we have that provision. My ment this Congress has been able to de- f 24-year-old never thought she would liver for all of our mothers in this STUDENT LOAN DEBT get ill. Now she has this insurance cov- country, and I was proud to be a part of Mr. BLUMENTHAL. Madam Presi- erage so we can take care of her and making that a reality. dent, like many of my colleagues, I keep her healthy, and when she needs I suggest the absence of a quorum. have attended and spoken at a number health care, it is available, thanks to The PRESIDING OFFICER. The of college and law school graduations the Affordable Care Act. clerk will call the roll. and commencements. Today millions of Americans today The assistant bill clerk proceeded to I had the great privilege of speaking who didn’t have it before, now have call the roll. to the graduates of Post University on quality, affordable health insurance as Mr. NELSON. Madam President, I Saturday and at the Quinnipiac Law a result of the Affordable Care Act. It ask unanimous consent that the order School just yesterday—both wonder- is peace of mind. They can now carry for the quorum call be rescinded. fully exciting and rewarding days full an insurance card. I got a letter from The PRESIDING OFFICER (Ms. of celebration and pride, well-justified one of my constituents saying how it HIRONO). Without objection, it is so or- joy and pride in the great accomplish- felt to have an insurance card in her dered. ments of these graduates, and more possession, knowing that it worked as f than their past accomplishments, their a ticket to take care of her health care ROSENBAUM NOMINATION contributions of the future. These and the health care of her family. young people are our future. I spoke to No longer can an insurance company Mr. NELSON. Madam President, them about the challenges and respon- discriminate in ratings against shortly we are going to have votes on a sibilities that come with the great women—a huge deal. The discrimina- number of judges, and I want to call to privilege of having an education from tory rates were aimed against women, the attention of the Senate Federal great colleges and universities, under- and we have eliminated that under the district judge Robin Rosenbaum. She graduate and law school, the opportu- Affordable Care Act. has been nominated by the President nities for public service, to be a cham- We have eliminated preexisting con- to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the pion of right and responsibility, to ad- dition restrictions. I already talked Eleventh Judicial Circuit. vocate for people who need their voices about pregnancy. But it was amazing The two Senators from Florida, Sen- and their advocacy, and the respon- how women particularly were discrimi- ator RUBIO and I, have a proud tradi- sibilities and opportunities for public nated against because of preexisting tion in Florida of bipartisan support service. conditions, where they couldn’t get full for our judicial nominees, and Judge Each of them has a great opportunity coverage to take care of all of their Rosenbaum’s selection is just another to give back to our country and to use needs. That is over, including for their example in that 20-some-year experi- that education to better all of us as children. Many families told us they ence in Florida of selecting our judges well as themselves. Yet they are leav- had a child with asthma and they through a judicial nominating commis- ing college and law school burdened couldn’t get full coverage. Now they sion. In fact, this is the second time with debt that would have been un- can get full coverage, thanks to the Af- Florida’s two Senators come together thinkable and even unimaginable a fordable Care Act. They now have to support Robin Rosenbaum’s nomina- decade or so ago. The average in Con- peace of mind and adequate coverage tion—this time for the circuit court— necticut is $27,000 of debt per graduate to take care of their needs. since we, a couple years ago, had rec- from undergraduate education today. We had the end of the caps on health ommended her to the President, the What I have done over the last 2 insurance. No longer do people have to President chose her, and she has been a days, over the last 2 weeks, over the worry: Should I do this or not? Will I Federal district judge in the Southern past month, is really listen to our stu- hit my annual limit or my lifetime District of Florida for the last couple dents at every level—high school as re- limit? of years. The vacancy was created by cently as Friday at Bassick High They are gone. If they need insur- Judge Rosemary Barkett, who recently School in Bridgeport, colleges through- ance, it is there to protect them. That retired from the Eleventh Circuit. out the State of Connecticut—criss- is what insurance should do: Protect Judge Barkett was also a very distin- crossing our State to talk on cam- families. guished judge from the State of Flor- puses, at roundtables, with students So we have made a huge difference. ida. who are burdened—indeed, financially I am particularly proud of the pru- We are concerned about the alarming crippled with debt that would have dent layperson provision for emergency vacancy rate in our judiciary. The been unthinkable and unimaginable care. I can’t tell my colleagues how Eleventh Circuit is one of the busiest when I was going through the same many times we had circumstances in the country. It has multiple vacan- education. In those days, working to where people needed to go to the emer- cies. pay for college was possible. Today, the gency room because they thought they Judge Rosenbaum is clearly not con- tuition costs are so high it is impos- had a true emergency with chest pain troversial. The two Senators are sup- sible. and sweating, and they would go to the porting her nomination. She received Listening to students across the emergency room. The good news was the ABA’s highest rating—unani- State of Connecticut, I have heard they weren’t having a heart attack. mously ‘‘well qualified’’—and she has their stories. I have listened to the The bad news is they got a bill from been approved, obviously, by the Sen- amounts they owe and the levels of in- their insurance company telling them ate Judiciary Committee. She is going terest they have to pay. Each of them,

VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:10 Mar 07, 2015 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD14\MAY 2014\S12MY4.REC S12MY4 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE May 12, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2895 by first name—whether it is Buckley at er than inventing and innovating and We cannot forget about current grad- $56,000 or Jerry at $260,000—I could go starting new businesses. uates with existing debt. through them one by one, story by The risk taking that is the founda- As much as we want to make avail- story, voice and face, each with great tion and core of the entrepreneurial able more aid through Pell grants, accomplishment and great potential spirit in America is inhibited—indeed, lower interest rates on loans being achievement for the future, for our Na- impeded and sometimes crippled by made now, opportunities to pay down tion. Yet they leave college and law these debts. These consequences are so those loans based on public service, school burdened by these debts. These widely understood that I hesitate even more disclosure, and more accurate are only a few. to take the body’s time to recount disclosure through the kinds of meas- I have promised to come here to tell them now. Yet the U.S. student debt ures that Senator FRANKEN has intro- their stories. I will tell their stories— totals $1.2 trillion—much higher than duced and I have joined him, right now not all of them but as many as I can, it has ever been before. we can take this profoundly significant not all today but as many as I can over I have listened in roundtables to its step by supporting a measure that en- the next days and weeks—because each personal impact on our citizens and ables refinancing of student loans so of them simply wants a fair shot at their children. I am here to tell their that everyone has the benefit of the American opportunity, at the Amer- stories—Brittany, for example, who is best, lowest, most affordable interest ican dream, at the America all of us the first in her family to attend col- rate. thought was possible for all of us when lege. She took out loans to attend I believe graduates who pursue public we went to school, a fair shot at the school. She is over $100,000 in debt. Her service ought to have the opportunity American dream and opportunity in school does not offer much in financial to pay down those debts in ways that the workplace, at home, in our society. aid. are expanded, made more flexible and I venture to guess that every Senator Alese, a mother of three, went back more accessible to more of these grad- in this body would agree that higher to school when her children were young uates. They are necessary to every- education offers a path to success for because, she said, she ‘‘wanted to make one’s health and safety, whether they hard-working students. There is noth- sure they had an example to follow are teaching or policing or fire fighting ing controversial or partisan about when they finished high school’’ and or advocating for people who need legal that notion. An opportunity to move she wanted them to ‘‘push forward and assistance or caring for people as doc- more Americans into the middle class excel in their lives.’’ She wrote to me, tors in areas where they are needed. is what education does for our Nation. ‘‘I knew that when I finished I would Those public service opportunities, as I It secures our middle class and en- have to pay back those debts . . . what told the graduates at Post University larges and enhances it. I didn’t anticipate was that I would and at the Quinnipiac Law School, So investing in higher education still be paying those debts when my ought to be expanded and enhanced for really offers a fair shot to everyone children started going to college.’’ She them and all of our students around seeking to make something of himself is now $46,000 in debt. Her loans carry the country today, as well as those who or herself to earn a higher standard of a 7-percent interest rate. graduated in recent years. living, the professional innovators, Our economy is still recovering from Let’s make sure in the meantime for business creators, and thinkers whom the greatest recession probably in most people who have this grinding, finan- the system will give us from all kinds of our lifetimes. We need people such cial, crippling debt that overhangs of backgrounds all across the country as Brittany and Alese to participate, them and inhibits economic growth, it and certainly in Connecticut. So what young woman to invest in the future. is made more affordable. Let’s give we need is to maintain educational suc- We need to invest in them. They need them a fair shot at economic oppor- cess so we can sustain our success in to feel secure in their ability to sup- tunity. Let’s give all the students who the global economy and confront the port their children. But the mountains are aspiring now in high school, at challenges ahead. of debt confronting students and grad- Bassick or elsewhere, the opportunity Attending college or graduate school uates today are overwhelming. to have a fair shot. or technical school is a great oppor- I am proud to be here with my col- I am going to briefly quote some of tunity but also a great responsibility. leagues to support their fair shot—all what some said to me. Students understand that they are tak- of our fair shot in the future because ‘‘There is no end in sight.’’ ing on a significant trust obligation we live through our children. They are ‘‘I feel like I will never escape this.’’ ‘‘I don’t own a home. I can’t. I just with the understanding that they will our future. It is a platitude we repeat work to pay my loan.’’ pay it back. None of them goes into so often, but it is true. These messages—and I am going to these debts lightly, thinking that they These interest rates are, first of all, bring them again to the floor—are from can just avoid it. They are well aware unconscionably and unfairly high. the heart of Connecticut. The Pre- that these debts, by and large, are non- Many of them are variable so they can siding Officer could do the same from dischargeable in bankruptcy, unlike continue in their unprecedented rise Hawaii. Every Member of this body most other debts. They are told and when interest rates begin going up could come to the floor with these they rightly expect that these addi- again. same messages from the students and tional qualifications will enable them The money that comes from in- graduates of America, the innovators to find a good job and go on to a suc- creased payments is nothing but profit and creators, the home builders and cessful life and have a fair shot at the for the Federal Government. The Fed- family men and women who simply American dream. They are willing to eral Government is scheduled to make want a fair shot for themselves and work for that success. They are willing more than $50 billion in profit on the loans it makes this year. We should see their children. to pay back these debts. But too often One person said: ‘‘If there is anything higher education as an investment, not they are not given or afforded the op- that can be done for struggling families as a revenue opportunity. Those stu- portunity, realistically, to earn at a with student loan debt please help.’’ level that enables them to reach these dents are our future, not a profit cen- Let’s help. Let’s give them a fair goals, which leaves them with a finan- ter. We ought to set repayments based shot. cially crippling debt that serves no on what is in students’ and graduates’ I yield the floor, and I suggest the ab- one. best interests. It is our best interest as sence of a quorum. Working people who bear a heavy well. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The debt burden have to make tough I am proud to join my colleague Sen- clerk will call the roll. choices about getting married, buying ator ELIZABETH WARREN in introducing The legislative clerk proceeded to homes, and having children. Entre- legislation that would allow borrowers call the roll. preneurs are blocked from starting new to refinance their student loans. I am Mr. CRUZ. Madam President, I ask businesses. The risk takers and job cre- proud to join my colleagues in an effort unanimous consent that the order for ators of America have to go to other to enable refinancing of student loans the quorum call be rescinded. lines of work where their contribution at more affordable rates, just as they The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without is derivative, dependent on others rath- do car payments and house payments. objection, it is so ordered.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:10 Mar 07, 2015 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD14\MAY 2014\S12MY4.REC S12MY4 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE S2896 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 12, 2014 UNANIMOUS CONSENT REQUESTS— September 11, 2012, support the asser- on giving an interview for the ARB re- S. RES. 225 and S. 1386 tion that there was no credible threat port. It is chilling to think we have an Mr. CRUZ. Madam President, 8 of a coordinated terrorist attack on administration that is reluctant to months ago yesterday I requested Benghazi during the time, and do the utter the words ‘‘radical Islamic ter- unanimous consent for S. Res. 225 call- daily intelligence briefings following rorism,’’ let alone fight effectively ing for a joint select committee of Con- that date support the claim the admin- against it. It is chilling to have former gress to investigate the terrorist at- istration made that the cause was an administration officials respond to tack on our facilities in Benghazi, Internet video? Why hasn’t the White questions in response to Benghazi with, Libya, on September 11, 2012, which re- House declassified and released those ‘‘Dude, this was like two years ago.’’ sulted in the murder of four brave briefings, as President George W. Bush The clock is ticking. Memories are Americans: Foreign Service Officer did with his pre-September 11, 2001, fading. It is beyond time to get the full Sean Smith, former Navy SEALs Glen briefings? resources of both Houses of Congress No. 3. Why did we not anticipate the Doherty and Tyrone Woods, and Am- behind this investigation. The Presi- need to have military assets at the bassador Christopher Stevens, who was dent should release his daily intel- ready in the region on the anniversary our first Ambassador murdered while ligence briefings in the times sur- of September 11—of all dates? serving since Adolph Dubs in 1979. rounding the Benghazi attack, as No. 4. Did President Obama sleep the At the time my colleague, the junior President George W. Bush did con- night of September 11, 2012? Did Sec- the Senator from California, objected cerning 9/11. This body should join with retary Clinton? Neither has answered on the grounds that the administration the House of Representatives, with a that very simple question: Were they was trying ‘‘to address Benghazi,’’ and joint select committee to get to the awake or asleep while Americans were that President Obama would ‘‘not rest bottom of what happened. Why didn’t under fire? When was President Obama until the perpetrators were caught.’’ we protect Americans? Why didn’t we told about the murder of our Ambas- Here we are, 8 months later, and the stop this attack? Why haven’t we cap- perpetrators still have not been sador? No. 5. If the Secretary of Defense tured the terrorists who killed four caught, and the confusion about what Americans including our Ambassador? occurred on September 11, 2012, in thought there was ‘‘no question that Benghazi has only gotten worse. In re- this was a coordinated terrorist at- Accordingly, I ask unanimous con- cent weeks, what happened on that ter- tack,’’ why did Ambassador Susan sent that the rules and administration rible night has gotten more and more Rice, Secretary Clinton, and President committee be discharged from further obscure. Obama all tell the American people consideration and the Senate now pro- On April 2 of this year, Mike Morell, that the cause was a spontaneous dem- ceed to S. Res. 225. I further ask unani- the Deputy Director of the CIA during onstration about an Internet video? mous consent that the resolution be the Benghazi attacks, testified regard- None has squarely answered that ques- agreed to, the preamble be agreed to, ing the CIA talking points that he tion. and the motion to reconsider be laid ‘‘took out the word ‘Islamic’ in front of No. 6. Why did former Deputy CIA Di- upon the table. ‘extremists’ ’’ because he thought there rector Mike Morell edit the intel- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there were other kinds of extremists in Libya ligence community talking points to objection? and that he did not use the word ‘‘ter- delete the references to Islamic ex- The Senator from New Jersey. rorist’’ because ‘‘we see extremists and tremists and Al Qaeda? terrorists as the same thing.’’ No. 7. Why did the FBI not release Mr. MENENDEZ. Reserving the right On April 29 of this year, in response pictures of the militants taken the day to object, this request is, in my view, to a FOIA request by Judicial Watch, of the attack until 8 months after the without merit. It is an effort to follow the White House released emails re- fact—why not immediately, as proved in the footsteps of the unfortunate, po- lated to Benghazi, including a Sep- so effective in the Boston bombing? litically motivated creation of a just- tember 14, 2012, email from Deputy Na- No. 8. Why was Secretary Clinton not founded special committee by the tional Security Adviser Ben Rhodes interviewed for the ARB report? If all House of Representatives just in time that had as its stated goal ‘‘to under- the relevant questions were answered for midterm elections. The supposed score that these protests are rooted in in the ARB report, as our friends on reason once again we hear colleagues an Internet video and not in a broader the other side of the aisle often like to saying we need to have another review, failure of policy.’’ say, why did the State Department’s another hearing, another investigation, I would note that is a stated political own inspector general’s office open a is the White House email. This is the goal from the White House, in writing, probe into the methods of that very re- smoking gun. days after the attack—not to get to the port? No. 9. Why have none of the terror- When you read the email, in fact, it truth but to further that political goal. is nothing more than a day-to-day Then, on May 1, 2014, Gen. Robert ists who attacked in Benghazi been captured or killed? work product and part of the job of the Lovell, Deputy Director of Intelligence President’s staff when they are talking of U.S. AFRICOM during the Benghazi No. 10. What additional evidence that the White House engaged in a partisan about, not Benghazi—not Benghazi— attacks, became the first former mili- but what is happening across the entire tary officer to question the administra- political campaign to blame the Benghazi attack on the Internet video region, and clearly across many parts tion’s insistence that a rescue attempt of the Arab world. What happened as a was not possible, arguing ‘‘the discus- is contained in the additional emails requested by Judicial Watch but with- result of that video was a visceral re- sion is not in the ‘could or could not’ in sponse, and it is in that context that relation to time, space, and capability, held by the White House on the grounds that it would put a ‘‘chill’’ on this email is being discussed, but our the point is we should have tried.’’ friends—who will never be satisfied be- It is hard to disagree with the good internal deliberations? cause it doesn’t solve their political general that we should have tried to I would suggest to my colleagues concerns—at the end of the day seek to save those four Americans who were that what is truly chilling is that 20 use this as their latest claim for their murdered that tragic night. months after the Benghazi attack, we ‘‘investigation.’’ We are left once again with per- have four dead Americans and no dead sistent questions on Benghazi to which terrorists. It is chilling to think our Their previous one-trick pony, re- we still don’t know the answers. Here President may have had better things pealing the Affordable Care Act, has fi- are 10: to do than personally attend to an on- nally been put out to pasture. The Re- No. 1. Why was the State Department going terrorist attack on our people. It publicans desperately need another po- unwilling to provide the requested is chilling to imagine that we could litical trick, and apparently when level of security to Benghazi in the have mounted a rescue attempt of our there is nothing else of substance to summer of 2012? own people but that we didn’t even fire up their base, their plan is to yell No. 2. Do President Obama’s daily in- bother to try. It is chilling to think ‘‘Benghazi’’ as often and as loudly as telligence briefings in the runup to our Secretary of State would not insist possible.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:10 Mar 07, 2015 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD14\MAY 2014\S12MY4.REC S12MY4 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE May 12, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2897 This request is, from my perspective, affairs security training for State De- did not answer even a single question— purely a political witch hunt without partment personnel. two simple ones—which are ‘‘yes’’ or merit. There have been 11 congres- It provides contract authority to the ‘‘no’’ questions. sional hearings on the attack. The ex- State Department to allow it to award No. 1. Did President Obama sleep on ecutive branch has released 25,000 pages contracts on a best value basis, rather the night of September 11, 2012? The of documents and email related to the than to the lowest bidder, where condi- senior Senator from New Jersey chose incident. There has been an inde- tions require enhanced levels of secu- not to answer, I suspect, because none pendent Accountability Review Board rity, and it goes on and on about our of us knows because the White House report. There have been multiple Con- high-risk, high-threat posts meeting has never answered that question. gressional reports on the attack. The all the elements of what the review No. 2. Do the President’s daily intel- Senate Intelligence Committee issued board said was critical to make sure we ligence briefings reflect the political a bipartisan report last January on the don’t lose lives again. spin from the White House on attack. The House Armed Services I would rather we legislate, which Benghazi? Likewise, the chairman of Committee issued a report on military our constituents sent us to do, and pass the Foreign Relations Committee did response to the attack. The Senate bills extending our Nation’s security not answer that question. Again, I sus- Foreign Relations Committee, which I policy and addressing the real chal- pect it is because he does not know be- chair, has held multiple hearings and lenges and real lessons to be learned cause the White House has not released briefings to review the events that oc- from the tragic events at Benghazi. that information. curred in Benghazi. We heard from Sec- The bipartisan embassy security bill There are far too many questions re- retary Clinton. We heard from Sec- does just that. maining, but the senior Senator from retary Kerry. We have heard from Dep- For that purpose, I would ask unani- New Jersey, my learned colleague, pro- uty Secretary Burns. We have met with mous consent that the Senate proceed posed a counter unanimous consent re- survivors of the Benghazi attack. We to the immediate consideration of Cal- quest to improve embassy security. have multiple briefings from Assistant endar No. 257, S. 1386, a bill to provide I would ask unanimous consent to Secretary Starr and with diplomatic for enhanced embassy security; and engage in a very brief colloquy with security. We have had briefings from further, that the committee-reported my colleague and ask him specifically the intelligence community and the amendments be agreed to; that the bill one question about the unanimous con- Department of Defense. as amended be read a third time and sent request. Whatever questions remain are passed; and that the motion to recon- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there meant, from my perspective, only to sider be considered made and laid upon objection? Without objection. score political points. I feel confident the table, with no intervening action Mr. CRUZ. The question I would ask the Congress and the American people or debate. my colleague from New Jersey is, If I have received the necessary informa- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there were to consent to the unanimous con- tion about the attack, but Congress is an objection to the request made by sent that the Senator has proffered, not without responsibility. We also the Senator from New Jersey? and if this side of the aisle would re- have an obligation to do our part to The Senator from Texas. quest, would he likewise consent to the comply with the Administrative Re- Mr. CRUZ. Madam President, reserv- unanimous consent request that I put view Board’s recommendations. ing the right to object, my friend, the forward for a joint select committee Benghazi again highlighted the need senior Senator from New Jersey, sug- composed of Republicans and Demo- to maintain focus and to revise policies gests that this is a request on the eve crats in the Senate to get to the bot- to better protect the nearly 70,000 men of a midterm election. The only reason tom of what happened in Benghazi? and women serving across the world in for that of course is 8 months ago, Mr. MENENDEZ. I would say to my more than 275 posts. The Congress took when I made the exact same request, colleague from Texas that the consent a serious look at the issue following the Democrats objected and blocked a request for embassy security we passed another set of tragedies in Nairobi and joint select committee looking into in committee in a bipartisan effort is Dar es Salaam that resulted in 224 Benghazi at that time. The Senator much different than a partisan effort deaths, including 11 American citizens. from New Jersey also suggested this to have an investigation that ulti- We may not be able to prevent every was some kind of distraction from mately also is led by a partisan effort single terror attack in the future, but ObamaCare. I promise the Senator, in the House of Representatives. So one we can and we must make sure our em- there is no one in this Chamber less in- is guaranteed to have the support of bassies and employees, starting with terested in distracting from both sides of the aisle in order to en- high-risk, high-threat posts, are capa- ObamaCare than I. sure that we protect our men and ble of withstanding such an attack. I would encourage the senior Senator women in the Foreign Service in the That is why the Senate Foreign Rela- from New Jersey, if he believes what he days ahead. The other one is guaran- tions Committee passed S. 1836, the says, to go and campaign for his Demo- teed to pursue a political line and a po- Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, Tyrone cratic colleagues who are up for elec- litical attack instead of making sure Woods, and Glen Doherty Embassy Se- tion this year with the simple message we ultimately save lives in the future, curity Threat Mitigation and Personal that he said on the floor of this Senate, not because I said it but because an Protection Act of 2013. which is Senator so-and-so is the crit- independent review board made these If the Senate wants to take effective ical 60th vote to passing ObamaCare, recommendations that we incorporate action to safeguard our brave men and and if you like it you can keep your them. So, of course, the two are not women serving in U.S. embassies and Senator. I feel quite confident that the the same. consulates abroad, if we want to actu- Democratic Senators up for election Mr. CRUZ. So why is it—I am curi- ally be serious about discharging our this year are running as rapidly away ous—the senior Senator from New Jer- duties and to make sure these attacks from the point suggested by the senior sey believes an inquiry to ascertain the are less likely to occur in the future, Senator from New Jersey as possible. truth about what happened is nec- rather than grandstanding for cheap But secondly, I would note, in his en- essarily a partisan endeavor? Is there political advantage, then it is time to tire speech, the senior Senator from no partisan interest on that side of the take up S. 1386 and immediately pass a New Jersey said there is no need for aisle in finding out what happened, bipartisan bill—that Senator CORKER any further inquiry because we had how it could have been prevented, and and I authored together with support lots of hearings and there is no need to why we didn’t save those four Ameri- from both sides of the aisle on our com- know anything, but let me point out, cans? mittee—that would authorize the fund- the senior Senator from New Jersey did Mr. MENENDEZ. I am happy to an- ing for the key items identified by the not answer even a single question that swer my colleague on that, because he Accountability Review Board on I asked. I outlined 10 questions that suggested that his 10 questions—that Benghazi, including embassy security have not been answered. He is the because he asked the 10 questions, they and construction, language training, chairman of the Foreign Relations are suddenly worthy of being answered, and an improved and integrated foreign Committee. Yet he either could not or worthy of in fact not being viewed

VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:10 Mar 07, 2015 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD14\MAY 2014\S12MY4.REC S12MY4 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE S2898 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 12, 2014 through the prism of any politics. I that question, it makes abundantly EXECUTIVE SESSION would simply say if there is political clear that the response of the adminis- spin—several of the Senator’s ques- tration, sadly, and the response of the tions are pretty shocking to me in Senate Democrats has been partisan NOMINATION OF ROBIN S. ROSEN- terms of the political nature of them. stonewalling rather than getting to the BAUM, TO BE UNITED STATES As I said to the body, we have had a truth. In the immortal lines of Jack CIRCUIT JUDGE FOR THE ELEV- whole host of efforts to review the Nicholson, it makes one think perhaps ENTH CIRCUIT facts and come to a determination of they cannot handle it or at least they The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under the truth of what happened on that don’t want to know. the previous order, the Senate will pro- day. They have been in public hearings I would finally say I am more than ceed to executive session to consider and they have been in secure intel- prepared to consent to the request the following nomination, which the ligence briefings. Members on both from the senior Senator of New Jersey clerk will report. sides—on both sides—have been ex- if he would only show the same recip- The bill clerk read the nomination of posed to it. Members on both sides got rocal courtesy of agreeing to the same Robin S. Rosenbaum, of Florida, to be to ask questions across the spectrum, request; a bipartisan committee, in United States Circuit Judge for the and so from my perspective we have which he would no doubt participate, Eleventh Circuit. gone through the search of what hap- to answer the question—the senior Under the previous order, there will pened on that fateful day. We all abhor Senator from New Jersey just told this be 2 minutes of debate prior to the what happened to the men who lost body he doesn’t know if the President Rosenbaum nomination. their lives on that day. That is why knew. He doesn’t know what the Presi- Mr. HOEVEN. Madam President, I what I want to do is ensure that we dent could have done. Apparently, the yield back time. lose no more lives as a result of this premise of the statement is he doesn’t The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Congress’s irresponsibility to act on think the American people care. objection, it is so ordered. embassy security, knowing what in I suggest that the American people All time is yielded back. fact a panel of experts, undisputed in care a great deal as to what the Presi- The question is, Will the Senate ad- their capacity, has said is necessary to dent knew about national security. vise and consent to the nomination of protect our men and women around the They would want to know if he was not Robin S. Rosenbaum, of Florida, to be world. Yet we cannot seem to get that engaged or if he didn’t act to stop it. United States Circuit Judge for the legislation passed through the Senate. That is a matter worthy of inquiry by Eleventh Circuit? Now, that is about congressional re- this body. Mr. HOEVEN. Madam President, I sponsibility from my perspective. Mr. MENENDEZ. I say to my col- ask for the yeas and nays. Mr. CRUZ. I would note that my The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there a friend from New Jersey did not endeav- league from Texas that we have come to a conclusion based on all of the sufficient second? or to answer any of the questions I There appears to be a sufficient sec- proffered, including the most simple hearings, all of the testimony, and all of the reports as to what transpired ond. There is a sufficient second. question, such as did the President The clerk will call the roll. sleep on the night of September 11, and what we can do to save a life pro- spectively; therefore, I say to the Sen- The bill clerk called the roll. 2012. Mr. DURBIN. I announce that the Mr. MENENDEZ. I think whether the ator, he has it in his control to ulti- Senator from Wisconsin (Ms. BALDWIN) President slept on that day, the ques- mately ensure that we set the founda- and the Senator from Alaska (Mr. tion is, Did he even get told by those tion so no one else will lose their life. BEGICH) are necessarily absent. who had information that such an at- If he wants to hold that hostage to his Mr. CORNYN. The following Senators tack was going on? I don’t know. The political efforts to continue an issue are necessarily absent: the Senator bottom line is would that have saved that has had thousands of hours of re- from Tennessee (Mr. ALEXANDER), the anybody? I don’t know that either. views, hearings, reports—all with bi- The bottom line is does the Senator partisan participation—then he can Senator from Arkansas (Mr. BOOZMAN), want to do something about saving fu- choose to do so. the Senator from Tennessee (Mr. ture lives or does he just want to do Mr. CRUZ. Since my friend from New CORKER), the Senator from South Caro- politics with this issue? If he wants to Jersey has made it plain that he will lina (Mr. GRAHAM), the Senator from save lives tomorrow, where he does not consent to this request, I will note Nevada (Mr. HELLER), the Senator from have the control—where he does have that this is an open offer that anytime Alaska (Ms. MURKOWSKI), and the Sen- the control at this moment—then he my friend from New Jersey will simply ator from Louisiana (Mr. VITTER). will let the embassy security bill go stop blocking a fair, bipartisan, joint Further, if present and voting, the forward. If, God forbid, we have an at- inquiry as to what occurred in Senator from Tennessee (Mr. ALEX- tack somewhere in the world, and the Benghazi—the terrorist attack that ANDER) would have voted ‘‘yea,’’ and legislation we are seeking in a bipar- tragically took the lives of four Ameri- the Senator from Tennessee (Mr. tisan way in response to that inde- cans—I am happy to consent. CORKER) would have voted ‘‘yea.’’ The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. DON- pendent board is stopped because the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The time NELLY). Are there any other Senators other side wishes to stop it, then God for morning business has expired. in the Chamber desiring to vote? forbid we have an attack and lives are Is there objection to the request cut off. Then there will be an account- The result was announced—yeas 91, made by the Senator from New Jersey? nays 0, as follows: ing at that time. Mr. CRUZ. I object. Mr. CRUZ. I would thank my friend [Rollcall Vote No. 141 Ex.] from New Jersey for a colloquy in sup- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Objec- YEAS—91 port of this joint select committee on tion is heard. Ayotte Collins Heinrich Benghazi because the Democratic Sen- Is there objection to the request Barrasso Coons Heitkamp made by the Senator from Texas? Bennet Cornyn Hirono ator from New Jersey, the chairman of Blumenthal Crapo Hoeven the Foreign Relations Committee, just Mr. MENENDEZ. I object. Blunt Cruz Inhofe told this body he has no idea if Presi- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Objec- Booker Donnelly Isakson dent Obama was even told that four Boxer Durbin Johanns tion is noted. Brown Enzi Johnson (SD) Americans were under terrorist attack. Burr Feinstein Johnson (WI) He has no idea. He doesn’t know what, f Cantwell Fischer Kaine if anything, the President could have Cardin Flake King done to save them. Carper Franken Kirk CONCLUSION OF MORNING Casey Gillibrand Klobuchar I would suggest that is exactly the BUSINESS Chambliss Grassley Landrieu reason we need this committee. If the Coats Hagan Leahy chairman of the Foreign Relations The PRESIDING OFFICER. Morning Coburn Harkin Lee Committee 2 years later cannot answer business is closed. Cochran Hatch Levin

VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:10 Mar 07, 2015 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD14\MAY 2014\S12MY4.REC S12MY4 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE May 12, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2899 Manchin Pryor Stabenow and Matt—Dr. Croley will make valu- under Rule XXII, the Chair directs the Markey Reed Tester able contributions to the work of the clerk to read the motion. McCain Reid Thune McCaskill Risch Toomey Department and the Nation. The bill clerk read as follows: McConnell Roberts Udall (CO) Mr. REID. Mr. President, I yield back CLOTURE MOTION Menendez Rockefeller Udall (NM) all time. Merkley Rubio We, the undersigned Senators, in accord- Walsh The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the Mikulski Sanders Warner Moran Schatz objection, all time is yielded back. Standing Rules of the Senate, hereby move Warren Murphy Schumer The question is, Will the Senate ad- Whitehouse to bring to a close debate on S. 2262, a bill to Murray Scott Wicker vise and consent to the nomination of promote energy savings in residential build- Nelson Sessions ings and industry, and for other purposes. Paul Shaheen Wyden Steven Croley, of Michigan, to be Gen- Portman Shelby eral Counsel of the Department of En- , Jeanne Shaheen, Edward J. Markey, Christopher A. Coons, Tammy NOT VOTING—9 ergy? The nomination was confirmed. Baldwin, Patty Murray, Richard J. Alexander Boozman Heller Mr. REID. Mr. President, the Repub- Durbin, Barbara Boxer, Maria Cant- Baldwin Corker Murkowski well, Ron Wyden, Robert Menendez, Begich Graham Vitter lican leader and I are going to have a Jon Tester, Debbie Stabenow, Bill Nel- The nomination was confirmed. short colloquy here. There will be one son, Thomas R. Carper, Patrick J. more rollcall vote tonight. The next Leahy, Mark R. Warner. f rollcall vote will be tomorrow. The PRESIDING OFFICER. By unan- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under NOMINATION OF STEVEN CROLEY imous consent, the mandatory quorum the previous order, the motions to re- TO BE GENERAL COUNSEL OF call has been waived. consider are considered made and laid THE DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY The question is, Is it the sense of the upon the table. The President will be The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under Senate that debate on S. 2262, a bill to immediately notified of the Senate’s the previous order, the Senate will pro- promote energy savings in residential action. ceed to the following nomination, buildings and industry, and for other which the clerk will report. f purposes, shall be brought to a close? The assistant bill clerk reported the LEGISLATIVE SESSION The yeas and nays are mandatory nomination of Steven Croley, of Michi- under the rule. gan, to be General Counsel of the De- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- ate will resume legislative session. The clerk will call the roll. partment of Energy. The assistant bill clerk called the f The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under roll. the previous order, there will be 2 min- ENERGY SAVINGS AND INDUS- Mr. DURBIN. I announce that the utes of debate equally divided in the TRIAL COMPETITIVENESS ACT Senator from Wisconsin (Ms. BALDWIN) usual form. OF 2014—Resumed and the Senator from Alaska (Mr. Mr. LEVIN. Mr. President, I am BEGICH) are necessarily absent. pleased to support the nomination of The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Re- Mr. CORNYN. The following Senators Steven Croley to be the next General publican leader. Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I are necessarily absent: the Senator Counsel at the Department of Energy. ask unanimous consent that all filed from Tennessee (Mr. ALEXANDER), the Nominated in August 2013, Dr. Croley amendments to Calendar No. 368, S. Senator from Arkansas (Mr. BOOZMAN), has served the Obama administration 2262, be in order for floor consideration the Senator from Tennessee (Mr. since 2010, including as Deputy Assist- of this bill. CORKER), the Senator from South Caro- ant to the President, Deputy White The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there lina (Mr. GRAHAM), the Senator from House Counsel, and Special Assistant objection? Nevada (Mr. HELLER), the Senator from to the President for Justice and Regu- Mr. REID. Mr. President, reserving Alaska (Ms. MURKOWSKI), and the Sen- latory Policy at the Domestic Policy the right to object, we had an agree- ator from Louisiana (Mr. VITTER). Council. A native of DeWitt, MI, Dr. ment to do the bill. Then we changed it Further, if present and voting, the Croley earned his undergraduate degree to do it with Keystone. That is still our Senator from Tennessee (Mr. ALEX- from the University of Michigan, where agreement. We are willing to do this ANDER) would have voted ‘‘nay,’’ the he later went on to teach at the law bill, energy efficiency, which is such a Senator from Arkansas (Mr. BOOZMAN) school after obtaining his juris doctor good bill. We are in agreement that we would have voted ‘‘nay,’’ and the Sen- from Yale Law School and a Ph.D. could have an up-or-down vote very ator from Tennessee (Mr. CORKER) from Princeton. At the University of shortly thereafter on Keystone. would have voted ‘‘nay.’’ Michigan, Dr. Croley was named the So without going through all of the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Are there Harry Burns Hutchins Collegiate Pro- details, that is what I want to do. He any other Senators in the Chamber de- fessor of Law and served as the law does not want to do that. I object to his siring to vote? school’s associate dean for academic unanimous consent request. The yeas and nays resulted—yeas 55, affairs, teaching and publishing in the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Objec- nays 36, as follows: areas of administrative law, civil pro- tion is heard. [Rollcall Vote No. 142 Leg.] cedure, regulations, and other areas. Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, He has also served as a special assist- therefore, I propose a different unani- YEAS—55 ant to the U.S. attorney for the East- mous consent agreement. I ask unani- Ayotte Heinrich Portman ern District of Michigan and clerked Bennet Heitkamp Pryor mous consent that the only amend- Blumenthal Hirono Reed for Judge Stephen Williams at the U.S. ments in order be five amendments Booker Johnson (SD) Rockefeller Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit. from the Republican side related to en- Boxer Kaine Sanders An often-cited authority on regulatory Brown King Schatz ergy policy with a 60-vote threshold on Cantwell Klobuchar policy and administrative law, he is a adoption of each amendment. I further Schumer Cardin Landrieu Shaheen Carper Leahy co-author of the book ‘‘What Agencies ask that following the disposition of Stabenow Casey Levin Do: The Fourth Branch in Operation,’’ these amendments, the bill be read a Tester Collins Manchin Udall (CO) scheduled to be published soon. I am third time, and the Senate proceed to Coons Markey confident his work on regulatory law, vote on passage of the bill, as amended, Donnelly McCaskill Udall (NM) administrative procedure, rulemaking, Durbin Menendez Walsh if amended. Warner and litigation experience will serve as The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there Feinstein Merkley Franken Mikulski Warren a constructive framework for his ef- objection? Gillibrand Murphy Whitehouse forts at the Department of Energy. Mr. REID. I object. Hagan Murray Wyden With the support and sacrifice of his The PRESIDING OFFICER. Objec- Harkin Nelson family—wife Bridget Mary McCor- tion is heard. NAYS—36 mack, who is currently serving as a CLOTURE MOTION Barrasso Chambliss Cochran justice of the Michigan Supreme Court, The PRESIDING OFFICER. The clo- Blunt Coats Cornyn and four children, Jack, Anna, Harry, ture motion having been presented Burr Coburn Crapo

VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:10 Mar 07, 2015 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD14\MAY 2014\S12MY4.REC S12MY4 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE S2900 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 12, 2014 Cruz Johanns Risch Pipeline move forward.’’ On April 29 Senators SHAHEEN and PORTMAN com- Enzi Johnson (WI) Roberts NZI Fischer Kirk Rubio Senator E said, ‘‘How many times promised. And as the new chair of the Flake Lee Scott have we been through this?’’ Senator committee, I thought that if the Re- Grassley McCain Sessions INHOFE: ‘‘ . . . no longer have a valid publicans wanted a vote on Keystone, Hatch McConnell Shelby reason to stall.’’ Senator TOOMEY said, we could at least offer that, and I Hoeven Moran Thune Inhofe Paul Toomey ‘‘It is time for Congress to step up and thought that was a big step—I mean, a Isakson Reid Wicker do what the President hasn’t—author- big step. I guess it was so big they de- NOT VOTING—9 ize this pipeline.’’ We had an oppor- cided they didn’t want to take it, be- tunity just a few minutes ago for these cause they could have had a vote on Alexander Boozman Heller Baldwin Corker Murkowski Senators to do exactly that, but they Keystone. They can’t take yes for an Begich Graham Vitter chose to have an issue as opposed to answer. I thought that was a big step The PRESIDING OFFICER. On this having a pipeline, and that is very dis- forward, a big improvement over where vote the yeas are 55, the nays are 36. appointing. we were about 6 months ago where we The efficiency bill that came out of Three-fifths of the Senators duly cho- had 3 Democrats—we now have almost the committee, contrary to what has sen and sworn not having voted in the 11, and the number is growing—who been said on this floor over and over affirmative, the motion is rejected. supported Keystone. Mr. REID. Mr. President, I enter a again—that the problem was that And it is not because people are not HARRY REID would not allow amend- motion to reconsider the vote by which respectful of the President’s position. ments—was amended in committee cloture was not invoked on S. 2262. He is entitled to have his own position. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The mo- several times before the bill came out. Some of us just strongly disagree with tion is entered. There are Republican and Democratic it. The studies are in. The environ- The Senator from Louisiana. members of the committee, and it mental studies are in. This is a round- Ms. LANDRIEU. Mr. President, I un- came out of the committee on a vote of ing error when it comes to increased derstand there are several Senators on I think 19 to 3. carbon emissions. And it is a hugely When the bill was brought to the the floor who wish to speak on several important impact for safety to get oil floor approximately 6 or 7 months ago, important subjects. I would like to transported by the safest route pos- Senators SHAHEEN and PORTMAN al- talk for about 5 to 7 minutes on the sible—pipeline—as opposed to these lowed 10 additional amendments—10 vote that just occurred and to give additional amendments—by Members tankers rolling alongside our children some concluding remarks on the Key- on the Democratic and Republican and schoolbuses on our highways or stone Pipeline and the failure of the side. I am going to read those amend- rolling through our communities on Senate to take the opportunity pre- ments into the record so that nobody rail. We have already seen a number of sented today to move forward in a bi- can report or continue to say that the horrific accidents. partisan, cooperative fashion and adopt So here I am, the new chair of the reason we are here is because there two important and significant steps to- committee, and I thought, well, this weren’t amendments that were offered. ward building a more aggressive, a This bill was well negotiated. For the could be possible. We have an effi- more dynamic, and a more comprehen- record, the first amendment was added ciency bill Democrats like, and we sive domestic energy policy for the by Senator COLLINS and Senator UDALL have Keystone, which the Republicans United States of America. on energy-efficient schools—Senator really want to get done. Why don’t we It is a shame that after all of the COLLINS, a Republican from Maine. No. just offer them together? It makes per- hard work that has gone into this, it 2 was a better-buildings amendment by fect common sense to everyone in has basically ended in a draw tonight. Senators AYOTTE and BENNET—a Re- America—cooperation and common Senators SHAHEEN and PORTMAN could publican from New Hampshire. There sense—but that is in short supply here not have worked harder together to was a data center amendment—the in the Senate, and it is very dis- produce a bill that creates thousands of fourth amendment added to the base of appointing. jobs for our country. They brought this bill—by Senator RISCH, a Repub- I know it is an election year. I am re- their bill, as is the order, to the Senate lican Member. The fifth amendment minded about that every day by my energy committee. Senator WYDEN was again a Collins amendment—low- colleagues. But I thought this was big- served as chair of that committee for income housing retrofits. That was a ger than the campaign. It is about jobs, the last several years. I just stepped Collins-Whitehouse amendment. The it is about middle class, it is about into the chairmanship in the last 8 ENERGY STAR third-party testing strengthening domestic energy, and it weeks, but I have committed to both was an amendment I offered along with is about being balanced in our ap- these terrific leaders and the former Senator WICKER, a Republican from proach. I know if Democrats were com- chair that I would try to advance one Mississippi. Another was the Wicker- pletely in charge they would write an of the important bills that came out of Landrieu-Pryor amendment—Federal energy bill one way, and if Republicans our committee. green buildings adjustment so that were completely in charge they would There have been 300 bills filed this some of our products that are used to write it a different way. But this isn’t Congress in the energy committee. promote energy efficiency would not be fairyland. This is Washington, DC, and There have been 13 that have passed. disqualified. It was a very important we have a split Congress. So I thought This would have been the 14th. I amendment, and Senator SHAHEEN and bringing an efficiency bill that has thought it was important to pair it Senator PORTMAN agreed to that. Sen- over 200 organizations, from the Envi- with the Keystone Pipeline because ator HOEVEN, a Republican, offered an ronmental Defense Fund to the cham- while there is strong support for the ef- amendment creating an exemption for ber of commerce—and Senator SHA- ficiency bill on the Democratic side thermal storage water heaters. That HEEN and Senator PORTMAN have put and significant support on the Repub- amendment was put in. And then there together an absolutely magnificent co- lican side, the Republican leaders was a Hoeven-Manchin-Isakson-Bennet alition—not seen very often around wanted to build—and many of us, in- amendment—energy efficiency in Fed- here, to tell the truth. And the Key- cluding myself—the Keystone Pipeline. eral residential buildings. That amend- stone Pipeline has won over its critics. In fact, Senator MCCONNELL said on ment was put in the base bill. Finally, There were a lot of critics in the begin- April 29—not too long ago—that Key- the 10th amendment was by Senator ning. There still are very loud critics, stone ‘‘would produce significant eco- SESSIONS and Senator PRYOR requiring but I think the evidence is showing the nomic benefits.’’ On May 6 Senator DOE to recognize voluntary inde- importance of building this Keystone THUNE said that we ‘‘will have shovel- pendent certification programs. Pipeline. ready jobs associated with it.’’ On May So this argument that the reason we As chair, I intend to be as fair as I 7 Senator CORNYN said, ‘‘ build this can’t have a vote on the Keystone can be with both parties, and putting pipeline so we can safely transport Pipeline is because Democrats will not things on this floor we can be proud of oil.’’ Senator ALEXANDER said that allow amendments is completely together, where everybody takes a lit- ‘‘after 5 years of delays, there is simply bogus—completely bogus—and anyone tle and gives a little and we move for- no reason not to let the Keystone XL following this debate knows that. ward. But, no, that is not enough for

VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:10 Mar 07, 2015 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD14\MAY 2014\S12MY4.REC S12MY4 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE May 12, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2901 the Republican leader. The Republican The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Mr. FLAKE. I object. leader wants an issue; he does not want ator from Arizona. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Objec- the pipeline. I hope the people of Ken- Mr. FLAKE. Mr. President, I under- tion is heard. tucky will remind him how important stand there are 75 amendments filed at The Senator from California. the pipeline is. the desk to this bill. Some of them are Mrs. BOXER. Mr. President, before So I am going to ask unanimous con- mine. Twenty-four of them have been Senator SHAHEEN and other Senators sent—I am going to read this into the filed by Democratic Senators who hope leave, I wish to say how disappointed I RECORD, all this formal language, but I to offer them to this bill. am, because energy efficiency is so want people to know what my consent We keep hearing about amendments good for this country, and they have request really is. I am going to ask that are being allowed. These are stopped it because they want to repeal unanimous consent that at sometime amendments or amendment language the Clean Air Act. Let’s call it what it before May 22, which would be about 2 which has been drafted into a man- is. It is really a sad state of affairs. I was so looking forward not only to weeks from today, or a week and a ager’s amendment to the bill, not to be the debate on energy efficiency, but, half, this Senate have a straight-up offered on the floor. I should note that frankly, the debate on the Keystone vote after 3 hours of debate on the Sha- the vote on the Keystone Pipeline is Pipeline, which my Republican friends heen-Portman bill that already has 10 one of those amendments that could be say is a major priority. If they felt it Republican amendments included in it offered to the bill if there was agree- was a major priority, why have they and that 3 hours later or at some cer- ment to move ahead. filibustered this bill when we could tain time later, we have a straight-up So I ask unanimous consent that the have made that deal which they came vote on the Keystone Pipeline. unanimous consent be modified so that up with in the first place? That is what this unanimous consent all filed amendments to Calendar No. So I am very disappointed. I hope we request I am going to read into the 368, S. 2262, be in order for floor consid- will have another chance to pass this RECORD says, but it is a little bit con- eration of this bill. bipartisan energy efficiency bill that fusing when you hear it, so I want peo- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Does the Senator SHAHEEN and Senator ple to know really clearly what it is I Senator so modify the request? PORTMAN worked so hard on. am asking. The Senator from California. I yield the floor. Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- Mrs. BOXER. I reserve my right to The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- sent that sometime before May 22 there oppose this modification, and I wish to ator from Arizona. would be a vote straight up on Key- briefly explain why, as my colleague Mr. FLAKE. Mr. President, the no- stone and on the efficiency legislation, explained his reason why he wanted to tion that Republicans are trying to re- which already has 10 Republican modify. peal the Clean Air Act—if somebody amendments—bipartisan amendments I think what Senator LANDRIEU has were offering an amendment to that, led by Republican Members—included offered is what everybody in this coun- then it would simply be defeated on in the bill, and I ask for that now with try thought we were going to do. Sen- this floor. a 60-vote threshold. ator LANDRIEU and I disagree on Key- Let the amendments be offered. That So I ask unanimous consent that stone. No one could be a stronger advo- is what the Senate is all about. This is with respect to S. 2262, the pending mo- cate for Keystone than she is, period. a place of unlimited debate and usually tion to commit and amendments be I believe tar sands should not be unlimited amendments. But we are withdrawn, with the exception of the brought into this country the way they told now they can only agree to amend- substitute amendment; that at a time would be brought in at a 45-percent in- ments the majority leader agrees to be determined by the majority lead- crease with this pipeline—eventually should be offered. That is not right. er, after consultation with the Repub- 300 percent. We could have had a robust That is not the Senate. lican leader, the Senate resume consid- debate. The Senator and I would have Let’s go ahead and allow the amend- eration of S. 2262, that the substitute been respectful and caring about each ments to be offered. If the amendments amendment be agreed to; that there be other, but we would have disagreed. We are wild-eyed and out there, they will no other amendments, points of order could have had the vote. surely be defeated. But let’s debate the or motions in order to the bill other Maybe I am old-fashioned, but I be- bill. Let’s actually have an opportunity than budget points of order and the ap- lieve when you give your word, you to amend the bill with amendments of our own choosing, not somebody else’s plicable motions to waive; that there keep your word. Leadership was very choosing. That is what this debate is be up to 3 hours of debate on the bill, clear that if we were able to give the about. equally divided between the two lead- Republicans and Senator LANDRIEU a ers or their designees; that upon the vote on Keystone, we could move for- PRODUCTION TAX CREDIT Mr. President, last month the Senate use or yielding back of time, the Sen- ward with Shaheen-Portman, a bipar- Finance Committee considered legisla- ate proceed to vote on passage of the tisan, incredibly important energy effi- tion to extend a number of expired tax bill, as amended; that the bill be sub- ciency bill. provisions. ject to a 60-affirmative vote threshold; Instead, what we know is Repub- We have become so accustomed to ex- that if the bill is passed, the Senate licans want to offer—and it is in my ju- tending various tax credits and deduc- proceed to the consideration of Cal- risdiction so I can speak about it—en- tions on a year-by-year basis, we have endar No. 371, S. 2280—which would be vironmental riders, the likes of which I given this bill the name ‘‘tax extend- Keystone—at a time to be determined have never seen in one grouping, essen- ers’’ when it comes up every year. by the majority leader, after consulta- tially repealing the essence of the Unfortunately, these short-term fixes tion with the Republican leader, but no Clean Air Act that was signed into law passed by Congress fail to give any cer- later than Thursday, May 22, 2014; that in 1970 by Richard Nixon, and the 1990 tainty to taxpayers in the future, other there be no amendments, points of amendments which were signed into than the fact that the government con- order or motions in order to the bill law by George Herbert Walker Bush. tinues to give preferential treatment other than budget points of order and They want to put those on this bill. to certain chosen industries. the applicable motions to waive; that You have got to be kidding. Something Now, rather than blindly extend there be up to 3 hours of debate on the as serious as that? these provisions, what we ought to do bill, equally divided between the two So I object to the modification. is eliminate these wasteful extenders leaders or their designees; that upon Ms. LANDRIEU. Given Senator which are really just subsidies. These the use or yielding back of time, the BOXER’s comments, I am unable to benefit just a few. Those that are nec- Senate proceed to vote on passage of modify my request. I hope we can move essary for the economy let’s extend the bill; that the bill be subject to a 60- forward at some time with a vote on permanently so we don’t go through affirmative vote threshold. the energy efficiency bill and on the this exercise year after year. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there Keystone Pipeline. But today I will discuss for a minute objection? The PRESIDING OFFICER. There is one extender that is ripe for elimi- Mr. FLAKE. Reserving the right to objection to the modification. Is there nation—the Production Tax Credit, object. objection to the original request? otherwise known as the PTC.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:10 Mar 07, 2015 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD14\MAY 2014\S12MY4.REC S12MY4 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE S2902 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 12, 2014 In 1992, the PTC was temporarily es- are times when wind producers actu- way to address this country’s energy tablished to promote development of ally pay the market to take their demand, because energy that we don’t renewable energy—electricity, particu- power. use is energy that we don’t have to larly. This was for the then-fledgling Recently, some of my colleagues who produce. And efficiency saves money, wind power industry. support this tax credit have pointed to lessens our dependence on imported en- Congress gave energy producers a the growing share of wind power gen- ergy, decreases pollution, and improves lengthy 7-year window to take advan- eration in the U.S. and more than 550 our Nation’s global competitiveness. tage of and prepare for the eventual ex- wind-related manufacturing facilities In addition, energy efficiency invest- piration of this tax credit in 1999. But around the country which will supply ments enable domestic businesses to as we know, here in Washington, very tens of thousands of jobs. leverage private capital, to reduce few of these programs are temporary. Rather than depicting an infant in- business risks associated with price So here we are 15 years later, and the dustry, these advances describe an in- volatility, to spur economic growth, PTC is still hanging around. dustry that should be ready to stand on and to create jobs. All of those are part Since its inception, this credit has its own two feet. of this Energy Savings and Industrial been extended eight times. Having ex- We all know the U.S. has a $17.5 tril- Competitiveness Act that Senator pired on January 1 of this year, there is lion debt. All subsidies like this need PORTMAN and I cosponsored along with now another effort afoot to resurrect to be eliminated. a great group of bipartisan sponsors what can only be described as a zombie The production tax credit distorts from this body. One of the aspects I credit. Do we really need a ninth exten- the market by having the government like about energy efficiency is that it sion? Wouldn’t it be more intellectu- favor one source of energy over an- doesn’t matter whether one supports ally honest to decide, if this govern- other. An ideal energy market is one fossil fuels or whether one supports al- ment’s policy is worth it, to simply largely absent of the government’s con- ternative sources of energy; everyone permanently renew? Yet we go through voluted tax policies. Simply put, no in- benefits from energy efficiency. In the this exercise year after year. dustry’s success should be predicated last 40 years we have saved more Last month there was a glimmer of on congressional action. through energy efficiency in this coun- hope that common sense would prevail. Instead of extending an energy sub- try than we have produced through fos- The tax extender package put forward sidy that picks winners and losers and sil fuels and nuclear power combined. by Senator WYDEN and Ranking Mem- creates market inefficiencies, Congress So there is huge potential benefit in ber HATCH excluded the PTC—allowing should eliminate the PTC and support energy efficiency, and it is important the credit to finally expire so it an energy policy that encourages en- for us to figure out a way to move this wouldn’t have been part of this pack- trepreneurs to satisfy demand by pro- legislation forward. age. However, it didn’t take long for viding consumers with alternative In the last 31⁄2 years I have visited those who benefit from this govern- sources of energy. businesses across New Hampshire— ment subsidy to activate the rallying This law has run its course. The PTC small retail businesses, manufacturing cry. should meet its long overdue end. companies, ski areas, apartment com- A few short days later, the PTC was I yield the floor. plexes, municipal buildings. Today I back in the package to provide the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- was at the opening of a new expansion wind industry 2 additional years, until ator from New Hampshire. of Airmar Technologies in New Hamp- the end of 2015, to start construction on Mrs. SHAHEEN. Mr. President, I am shire, a beautiful new facility. They projects that would be eligible for the very disappointed at the actions of the make sensors that go in everything subsidy. Senate this evening: that we were not from ships to weather instruments to According to the Joint Committee on able to come together after all of the detect weather. They were very proud Taxation, this short extension would work and all of the support from that in constructing the new building cost more than $13 billion over the next groups across this country for energy they made it energy efficient. This is a 10 years. But this isn’t a true cost. efficiency legislation; that we cannot win-win-win. According to the Amer- Wind producers get to claim the credit bridge our differences and get this bill ican Council for an Energy-Efficient for 10 years, beginning on the date of done, despite the broad bipartisan sup- Economy, if we pass this bill this year first production, as opposed to the port, despite the support of organiza- by 2030 we will help create 192,000 jobs, start of construction. tions from the U.S. Chamber of Com- we will save consumers $16.2 billion a In reality, the Federal Government’s merce to the National Association of year, and it will be the equivalent of financial commitment extends well be- Manufacturers to the NRDC environ- taking 22 million cars off the road, all yond the 10-year period considered in mental groups to the painters union. because we are saving energy. the JTC’s initial estimate. The govern- We had groups across the political We ought to all be able to come to- ment will still likely be passing out spectrum supporting this legislation— gether behind this. I am not going to these credits in 2027 and beyond. the Alliance to Save Energy, which was quit. I don’t think the sponsors of this That is a long commitment for a really the brain child behind this legis- legislation are going to quit. All of technology that former Energy Sec- lation. Yet we were not able to come those 260-plus businesses, organizations retary Steven Chu said was mature in together to support a bill that would out there that have been advocating 2009. In fact, he projected that wind have made progress on the jobs front, for this bill, are not going to quit be- would be cost competitive with other progress on savings for consumers, and cause this is legislation that makes forms of energy without subsidies by progress on preventing pollution. sense. It makes sense for job creation, the end of this decade. I thank Senator LANDRIEU, who has it makes sense for saving on pollution, Wind power generation is no longer chaired the Energy and Natural Re- it makes sense for saving money, it an infant industry. It is no longer in sources Committee, and Senator makes sense to our national competi- need of Federal support. By the end of BOXER, chair of the Environment and tiveness, and we are going to keep at it last year, more than 61,000 megawatts Public Works Committee, for their until we pass this legislation. of wind power capacity had been in- kind words about this legislation this I hope politics will stay out of the stalled around the U.S., which is 15 evening. I also thank my partner, who way; that we will come together, we times the amount that existed in 2001. worked as hard on this bill as I did, will agree on amendments we can all In 2012, wind power was the top source Senator ROB PORTMAN from Ohio, and vote on, and that we will be able to of new generating capacity, beating the good work of both his staff and my move forward in a positive way. out additional capacity from natural staff in trying to move this efficiency I thank the Presiding Officer. I yield gas. The PTC is, in fact, so generous agenda forward. the floor. that at times it is more valuable than Unfortunately, we saw tonight that f the wholesale price of electricity. That differences in this body have prevented is a whopper of a subsidy. According to positive progress. The reason that is so ENERGY SAVINGS the Congressional Research Service, as unfortunate is because energy effi- Mr. LEVIN. Mr. President, I am dis- a result of government subsidies, there ciency is the cheapest, fastest, cleanest appointed today that we were unable to

VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:10 Mar 07, 2015 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD14\MAY 2014\S12MY4.REC S12MY4 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE May 12, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2903 move forward on the Energy Savings Billy Frank, Jr., was many things to running, the wind talking. They are meas- and Industrial Competiveness Act of many different people. To his family he urements. They tell us how healthy things 2014, S. 2262. This legislation, also re- was a loving husband and father, to the are. They tell us because we and they are the ferred to as the energy efficiency bill, dozens of Native American tribes in same, and that is what I believe in. Those had substantial public support and in- who listen to the world that sustains them Washington State he was a hero and a can hear the message brought forth by the cluded several strong bipartisan com- champion for hard-fought treaty salmon. promises. It is a pretty sad state of af- rights, and to millions across our That is Billy and we will miss him. fairs that we were unable to garner the State, Billy Frank, Jr., was a marine I yield the floor. 60 votes necessary to overcome a fili- who represented what the best of The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- buster of S. 2262. Not moving forward America is all about, fighting for what ator from Washington. on this bill is irresponsible and inhibits you believe in and never, ever giving Ms. CANTWELL. Mr. President, I am our economy’s growth. up. glad to join my colleague, the senior Through a deficit neutral framework, I was back in Washington State yes- Senator, to commemorate a great the energy efficiency bill would have terday for Billy’s memorial service, Washingtonian whom we lost last provided several low-cost tools to pro- and looking around at all the people mote the adoption of energy efficient week, Billy Frank, Jr. there whose lives he had touched, I was Senator MURRAY and I were able to technologies. It supported the use of reminded of what made Billy so spe- attend his memorial service yesterday such technologies in residential and cial. Billy was the type of person who in the South Puget Sound area with commercial buildings, encouraged defined the term ‘‘larger than life.’’ He 6,000 other Washingtonians. That is stronger coordination between the pri- was the type of person who had so what happens when a great leader is vate sector and the Federal Govern- much personality and so much ability ment through the research, develop- lost; a community shows up to com- and so much passion and love in his memorate him and his spirit. Every- ment and commercialization of energy heart that it was very hard to believe efficient technologies, and required body who knew Billy Frank across the it could all be contained in just one United States of America—and there that the nation’s largest consumer of person. energy, the Federal Government, im- are many people from all over Indian When Billy believed in something, he Country who do know or knew of Billy plement energy-saving techniques. didn’t just make his argument, he held This legislation would have been Frank—will want us to remember he a fish-in. He built a movement. He did good for Michigan and the Nation. was a legend who walked among us be- raise his voice just to be heard, he Michigan is the epicenter of America’s cause what he did was champion envi- banged down the doors in Olympia and manufacturing sector and has the po- ronmental rights and the rights of Na- here in Washington, DC, until he got tential to help spearhead the develop- tive American people to fish and in what he needed. Most of all, he never ment of energy efficient technologies. some ways championed the salmon to flinched in the face of opposition, and With a highly skilled workforce and a make sure we had good habitat. he faced plenty of it, from hate and dis- robust base of manufacturers special- Sometimes I wonder how a boy from crimination to being arrested and izing in energy efficient products, the Nisqually River turned into being abused. Over a lifetime that took him Michigan is well-positioned to meet such a big Northwest Pacific hero, but the demands of an evolving energy effi- from the banks of the Nisqually River for him, he started when he was a very cient economy. This bill could have to the steps of the U.S. Supreme Court, young man listening to fishing stories provided job creation opportunities for Billy made sure the rights of Native of his father and many members of the energy efficiency contractors, manu- Americans were protected and honored Nisqually tribe. In a book about his facturers, and service companies. by the United States of America. He life, his father Willie Frank, Sr., re- A comprehensive energy policy must led the fight to ensure tribal rights to called a warden telling him, ‘‘Your balance the demands of providing af- Native lands and salmon harvest could treaty isn’t worth the paper it’s print- fordable and reliable energy with envi- never be stolen away and over time he ed on.’’ ronmental protection. Energy effi- became much more than an advocate. So while Billy’s family faced beat- ciency is one of the most successful He became in many ways a face of so ings and incarcerations and explicit tools that will allow us to achieve that many Native American communities and inexplicit racism, he decided he balance. Using less energy not only re- across this country. was going to defend those rights all the duces harmful emissions, but also helps Now as we grieve and try to think way to the Supreme Court. As he grew us to reduce our dependence on foreign about how to move forward without into an adolescent, his father said to oil, and enhance our energy security. this larger-than-life man, I am re- him: Keep fishing even if they arrest This bill had the potential to create minded that while we have lost Billy, you. Keep fishing even if they beat you. jobs, increase our country’s produc- so much of his life’s work truly re- Keep fishing even if they say the fish- tivity, and incentivize industry to in- mains with us because all he accom- ing claims aren’t yours and they chal- novate and develop competitive tech- plished and all he achieved, whether it lenge them. Keep fishing. Because he nologies that strengthen our economy. was power and influence or court deci- knew those fishing claims were prom- The Senate has not voted on energy sions and new laws, it was never about ised in the Medicine Creek Treaty. legislation since 2007 and it is unfortu- him. It was always about his commu- So Billy was arrested more than 50 nate that we have squandered another nity, his tribe, and protecting treaty times in this struggle to secure the opportunity to help advance our na- rights for all Native Americans. Billy rights that were guaranteed to him by tion’s economy and increase our energy was someone who did so much and this government in a treaty. In fact, security. This was commonsense legis- worked so hard not so he could gain also in that book, he once was jailed lation that not only made economic power or wealth but so the people, the and was asked by some of the people in sense for the American public, but land, and the fish he cared so much for jail—he called them bank robbers— strong environmental sense. would never be brushed aside or forgot- what was he in for, and Billy just said, The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- ten. That is a rare thing. ‘‘Fishing.’’ ator from Washington. Billy’s life wasn’t a job for one man So he took the beatings, and instead Mrs. MURRAY. I ask unanimous con- or one woman, but somehow he pulled of turning all that into anger, he urged sent to speak as if in morning business. it off by himself. So now it is going to people to work in a nonviolent way, to The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without take everyone who knew him to fill his stand for what they thought were im- objection. shoes together and fight with the portant issues. TRIBUTE TO BILLY FRANK, JR. tribes that call Washington State He had a great sense of humor. He Mrs. MURRAY. Mr. President, I come home. once said: to the floor this evening, along with I wish to conclude by quoting some- If a salmon gets away from you, don’t cuss. my colleague Senator CANTWELL, to thing Billy once said: Don’t say anything. That salmon, he’s going talk about a truly remarkable man I don’t believe in magic. I believe in the upriver. He’s producing more salmon for you from our own State of Washington sun and the stars, the water, the tides, the and for all of us. The salmon—he’s coming whom we just lost last week. floods, the owls, the hawks flying, the river home. And we have to take care of his home.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:10 Mar 07, 2015 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD14\MAY 2014\S12MY4.REC S12MY4 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE S2904 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 12, 2014 That is the vision that helped Billy CLOTURE MOTION Angus S. King, Jr., Richard win one of the greatest victories the Mr. REID. Mr. President, there is a Blumenthal, Jeff Merkley, Amy Klo- tribes in the United States of America cloture motion at the desk. buchar, Dianne Feinstein, Richard J. has ever seen. In a landmark decision, The PRESIDING OFFICER. The clo- Durbin, Tom Udall, Cory A. Booker, Sheldon Whitehouse, Charles E. Schu- they abolished the regulations of dis- ture motion having been presented mer, Edward J. Markey. crimination against the Indian fisher- under rule XXII, the Chair directs the men and allowed the tribe to self-regu- clerk to report the motion. Mr. REID. I ask unanimous consent late, comanage, and have the oppor- The legislative clerk read as follows: that the mandatory quorum under rule XXII be waived. tunity to catch up to half the harvest- CLOTURE MOTION able catch. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without We, the undersigned Senators, in accord- objection, it is so ordered. We just celebrated the 40th anniver- ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the sary of that historic Boldt decision, Standing Rules of the Senate, hereby move f and yesterday we had a chance to pay to bring to a close debate on the nomination LEGISLATIVE SESSION tribute to a man who played a critical of Steven Paul Logan, of Arizona, to be role in that decision. But as my col- United States District Judge for the District Mr. REID. Mr. President, I move to league Senator MURRAY said, Billy of Arizona. proceed to legislative session. Frank did more than just fight for that Harry Reid, Patrick J. Leahy, Robert The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Menendez, Christopher Murphy, Eliza- decision. He continued to focus on res- question is on agreeing to the motion. beth Warren, Cory A. Booker, Chris- The motion was agreed to. toration of Puget Sound, including the topher A. Coons, Angus S. King, Jr., Nisqually Delta Restoration, one of the Richard Blumenthal, Jeff Merkley, f largest tidal marsh restorations in the Amy Klobuchar, Dianne Feinstein, EXECUTIVE SESSION Pacific Northwest. This project has in- Richard J. Durbin, Tom Udall, Sheldon creased the potential for salt marsh Whitehouse, Charles E. Schumer, Ed- ward J. Markey. habitat in the southern reach of Puget NOMINATION OF DIANE J. Sound by over 50 percent. Mr. REID. Mr. President, I ask con- HUMETEWA TO BE UNITED Because of his advocacy we have a sent that the mandatory quorum call STATES DISTRICT JUDGE FOR program now called the Puget Sound under rule XXII be waived. THE DISTRICT OF ARIZONA Partnership, which is a public-private The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without tribal partnership trying to improve objection, it is so ordered. Mr. REID. I move to proceed to exec- utive session to consider Calendar No. the health of Puget Sound, and he is f the reason we have an agreement 666. called the Timber, Fish, and Wildlife LEGISLATIVE SESSION The PRESIDING OFFICER. The question is on agreeing to the motion. Agreement, which is a model for how Mr. REID. Mr. President, I now move The motion was agreed to. people around the United States of to proceed to legislative session. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The America should try to resolve some of The PRESIDING OFFICER. The clerk will report the nomination. their differences on environmental question is on agreeing to the motion. The legislative clerk read the nomi- issues instead of suing and going to The motion was agreed to. court forever and ever and never hav- nation of Diane J. Humetewa, of Ari- ing any kind of resolution. This kind of f zona, to be United States District collaboration helped people address the EXECUTIVE SESSION Judge for the District of Arizona. environmental issues at hand. CLOTURE MOTION So all of these things are things Billy Mr. REID. Mr. President, there is a Frank accomplished. As my colleague NOMINATION OF JOHN JOSEPH cloture motion at the desk, and I ask Senator MURRAY said, it was almost as TUCHI TO BE UNITED STATES that it be reported. though he was larger than life and did DISTRICT JUDGE FOR THE DIS- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The clo- a job that could have, should have been TRICT OF ARIZONA ture motion having been presented for many people, but instead he just Mr. REID. Mr. President, I move to under rule XXII, the Chair directs the did it in his own way. proceed to executive session to con- clerk to report the motion. We will miss him, but we are thank- sider Calendar No. 665. The legislative clerk read as follows: ful for all he did and for the people in The PRESIDING OFFICER. The CLOTURE MOTION the Northwest Fishing Commission for question is on agreeing to the motion. We, the undersigned Senators, in accord- all they have done to help us in the The motion was agreed to. ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the Northwest set the right course. While The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Standing Rules of the Senate, hereby move he will not be there in person, we know to bring to a close debate on the nomination clerk will report the nomination. Billy Frank will always be with us and of Diane J. Humetewa, of Arizona, to be The legislative clerk read the nomi- with the salmon of the Pacific North- United States District Judge for the District nation of , of Ari- west. We will miss him. of Arizona. I thank the Chair and I yield the zona, to be United States District Harry Reid, Patrick J. Leahy, Robert floor. Judge for the District of Arizona. Menendez, Christopher Murphy, Eliza- CLOTURE MOTION beth Warren, Christopher A. Coons, f Angus S. King, Jr., Richard Mr. REID. Mr. President, I ask the EXECUTIVE SESSION Blumenthal, Cory A. Booker, Jeff Chair to order the reading of the clo- Merkley, Amy Klobuchar, Dianne Fein- ture motion, which is at the desk. stein, Richard J. Durbin, Tom Udall, NOMINATION OF STEVEN PAUL The PRESIDING OFFICER. The clo- Sheldon Whitehouse, Charles E. Schu- LOGAN TO BE UNITED STATES ture motion having been presented mer, Edward J. Markey. DISTRICT JUDGE FOR THE DIS- under rule XXII, the Chair directs the Mr. REID. I ask unanimous consent TRICT OF ARIZONA clerk to report the motion. that the mandatory quorum under rule The legislative clerk read as follows: Mr. REID. Mr. President, I ask unan- XXII be waived. imous consent to proceed to executive CLOTURE MOTION The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without session to consider Calendar No. 664. We, the undersigned Senators, in accord- objection, it is so ordered. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the f Standing Rules of the Senate, hereby move question is on agreeing to the motion. to bring to a close debate on the nomination LEGISLATIVE SESSION The motion was agreed to. of John Joseph Tuchi, of Arizona, to be Mr. REID. I now move to proceed to The clerk will report the nomination. United States District Judge for the District The legislative clerk read the nomi- of Arizona. legislative session. nation of Steven Paul Logan, of Ari- Harry Reid, Patrick J. Leahy, Robert The PRESIDING OFFICER. The zona, to be United States District for Menendez, Christopher Murphy, Eliza- question is on agreeing to the motion. the District of Arizona. beth Warren, Christopher A. Coons, The motion was agreed to.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:10 Mar 07, 2015 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD14\MAY 2014\S12MY4.REC S12MY4 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE May 12, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2905 MORNING BUSINESS corting mission with a formation of turned home to build the great country Mr. REID. Mr. President, I ask unan- Flying Fortresses. It was his 90th mis- we have today. They truly are the imous consent the Senate proceed to a sion and also his mother’s birthday. greatest generation. period of morning business with Sen- His plane was shot down over Belgium. The Big Sky Honor Flight started ators permitted to speak therein for up He told his fighter group that he would out as a powerful idea to honor Mon- to 10 minutes each. bail out, but he never did. Two weeks tana’s veterans, but getting 755 vet- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without later, the family was informed that erans, their caregivers, and medical objection, it is so ordered. Everett was missing. His mother Addie staff across the country and back is no had a heart attack upon hearing the easy task. Today I want to recognize f news. the selfless servants who made the Big TRIBUTE TO THE FIGHTING Weeks turned to months, and Everett Sky Honor Flight a reality. POWELLS was still missing. Then, on the Fourth The Big Sky Honor Flight Com- of July, the family received a message mittee works tirelessly on behalf of our Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, today I that Everett was alive and a prisoner veterans. Their mission was to make pay tribute to Col. Tom Murgatroyd of of the Germans. The family’s prayers sure every World War II veteran from Sherman, IL, and his extraordinary were answered. Ruth, sister to the Montana had the opportunity to visit family. Powell brothers and Col. Tom our Nation’s capital and see how grate- You may have heard the story of Murgatroyd’s mother, recalled that it ful we are for their service. Today, as President Abraham Lincoln informing was rightfully, ‘‘the happiest Fourth of the ninth and final flight leaves Wash- Lydia Bixby of the death of her five July’’ in several years. Everett went on ington, DC, for Billings, MT, we are sons in defense of the Republic during to endure 18 months in the German proud to say: mission accomplished. the Civil War. This is not that story. POW camp called Stalag 3. When Ever- The Big Sky Honor Flight Com- You may have heard about the five ett was released, he wandered until en- mittee successfully raised $1.45 million Sullivan brothers who died on board countering the American lines and from Montanans to charter nine flights the USS Juneau in World War II as then boarded a ship to come home. He transporting the veterans to Wash- they fought for freedom in the Pacific. said he bought 24 chocolate bars in the ington, DC. The committee’s dedica- This is not that story either. ship’s store and got so sick he never tion to bringing the veterans to see No, Tom Murgatroyd’s family does cared for chocolate afterward. their monument was no easy task. share that uncommon courage that The family never ceased waiting to As honorary chair of the Big Sky runs in the blood of so many families hear from their boys. While they were Honor Flight, I saw firsthand the work with veterans, but this story doesn’t away, their sister Ruth made a banner that went into identifying our vet- end in the same way. Like so many for the family to represent the seven erans, providing transportation, and great stories, this has the wonderful family members serving, because the coordinating all of the logistics. trait of being true. Tom had seven un- military at the time didn’t have any As we celebrate the final Big Sky cles serving in World War II, and all banners with more than six stars to Honor Flight for our World War II vet- seven made it back home. represent the number of sons serving erans I want to pay tribute to the men George and Addie Powell had 11 sons from one family. and women who made the nine flights a and 2 daughters. The family lived on a The sons all wrote letters to their reality: the Big Sky Honor Flight Com- farm near Hillview, in Greene County, family. Their first questions consist- mittee. IL. In the summer of 1941, Addie want- ently were about the crops back home From the bottom of my heart, I want ed a picture of the whole family to- before asking about family and friends. to say thank you to the Big Sky Honor gether. It is always difficult to gather When they did return, their mom, Flight Committee: Chris Reinhard, a large family, but that picture was a Addie, was always waiting down the George Blackard, Burt Gigoux, Becky rare feat and it would become a truly road to greet her sons. Hillier, Bill Kennedy, Denise Licata, special one. That photo taken on Vet- The Powell family is an extraor- Cory Miller, Charlie Reed, Ray Robin- erans Day would be the last time they dinary example of what so many fami- son, Tiffany Samel, Annette Satterly, were all together. Though seven of the lies experience during war. It should Kathy Shannon, Vicky Stephens, and sons would make it back home from not surprise us that several of the Pow- Tina Vauthier. the war, their brother John would suc- ells would continue their military serv- Thank you for your hard work and cumb to lung cancer while those boys ice after the war. Everett, though dedication to ensure that Montana’s were overseas in 1945. being held in a POW camp, went on to World War II veterans saw their memo- The sons who enlisted to join the war have a nearly 30-year Air Force career. rial. after Pearl Harbor were Arthur, Earl, Many of the children of the Powell f Fred, George, Everett, Max, and Adrian brothers and sisters went on to serve in Powell. You may be familiar with the the military, including Col. Tom ADDITIONAL STATEMENTS service star pins that mothers of active Murgatroyd of Sherman, IL. George is duty servicemembers wore. Addie the last surviving sibling who had didn’t have a service star pin large RECOGNIZING CONCERNS OF served in World War II, and he is now POLICE SURVIVORS enough to include all of her fighting living in Traverse City, MI. family on a lapel. Her solution was to I hope my colleagues will join me in ∑ Mr. BLUNT. Mr. President, today I put two pins with three stars each on celebrating the courage of the Powell wish to honor the work of Concerns of the lapel. I assume she adjusted again family. Thank you, and all the families Police Survivors, C.O.P.S., for 30 years when her seventh son joined the war. like you, who are doing their part to of service to the surviving families of Three of the men were Army Air Corps support our veterans and serving the America’s fallen law enforcement offi- and the other four enlisted in the country. cers. In 1984, Suzie Sawyer started Navy. The eldest, Arthur, already had f C.O.P.S. as a small grief support orga- a 20-year Navy career when the war nization of 110 law enforcement sur- started, and he returned to service as a WORLD WAR II VETERANS VISIT vivors in the basement of her Prince recruiter. This sense of duty and patri- Mr. WALSH. Mr. President, over the George’s County, MD, home. Following otism extended to the entire Powell past 2 years, the Big Sky Honor Flight the retirement of her husband from the family, who all pitched in to help with has transported 755 World War II vet- Prince George’s County Police Depart- the war effort. There would have been erans to their memorial in Washington, ment, C.O.P.S. relocated its national an eighth Powell enlisting had the war DC. Before these trips, most of the vet- headquarters to Camdenton, MO, in gone on another few years. erans had never seen the memorial 1993, where it has since grown, unfortu- The whole family did their part for that was built in their honor. nately every year, to serve over 30,000 the war, but I want to focus on Everett Our World War II veterans sacrificed surviving law enforcement families for a moment. On March 4, 1944, he was so much for our country, often deploy- across the country at annual seminars flying his Thunderbolt P–47 on an es- ing for as long as 4 years, and then re- and retreats. With 50 national chapters

VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:10 Mar 07, 2015 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD14\MAY 2014\S12MY4.REC S12MY4 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE S2906 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 12, 2014 and a yearly budget of $3.4 million col- that has leveraged local investments I have had four guiding goals for our lected from private donations and and served as a catalyst for a whole fellow citizens with disabilities: equal awarded grants, C.O.P.S. assists with ripple effect of positive, creative opportunity, full participation, inde- rebuilding the lives of surviving fami- changes. For example, working with pendent living and economic self-suffi- lies and coworkers of law enforcement mayors, city council members, and ciency. Nearly a quarter century since officers who have died in the line of local economic development officials in passage of the ADA, I see remarkable duty. Cherokee County, I have fought for changes in communities everywhere I I thank Suzie Sawyer for her dedica- funding for small community airports, go in Iowa—not just in curb cuts or tion to this great cause and thank which brought more than $1.4 million closed captioned television, but in the C.O.P.S. for 30 years of incredible serv- to the county in the past decade, help- full participation of people with dis- ice to grieving surviving law enforce- ing to create jobs and expand economic abilities in our society and economy, ment families and coworkers.∑ opportunities. folks who at long last have the oppor- f School grants: Every child in Iowa tunity to contribute their talents and deserves to be educated in a classroom to be fully included. These changes CHEROKEE COUNTY, IOWA that is safe, accessible, and modern. have increased economic opportunities ∑ Mr. HARKIN. Mr. President, the That is why, for the past decade and a for all citizens of Cherokee County, strength of my State of Iowa lies in its half, I have secured funding for the in- both those with and without disabil- vibrant local communities, where citi- novative Iowa Demonstration Con- ities, and they make us proud to be a zens come together to foster economic struction Grant Program—better part of a community and country that development, make smart investments known among educators in Iowa as respects the worth and civil rights of to expand opportunity, and take the Harkin grants for public schools con- all of our citizens. initiative to improve the health and struction and renovation. Across 15 This is at least a partial accounting well-being of residents. Over the dec- years, Harkin grants worth more than of my work on behalf of Iowa, and spe- ades, I have witnessed the growth and $132 million have helped school dis- cifically Cherokee County, during my revitalization of so many communities tricts to fund a range of renovation and time in Congress. In every case, this across my State, and it has been deeply repair efforts—everything from updat- work has been about partnerships, co- gratifying to see how my work in Con- ing fire safety systems to building new operation, and empowering folks at the gress has supported these local efforts. schools. In many cases, these Federal State and local level, including in I have always believed in account- dollars have served as the needed in- Cherokee County, to fulfill their own ability for public officials, and this, my centive to leverage local public and dreams and initiatives. Of course, this final year in the Senate, is an appro- private dollars, so it often has a tre- work is never complete. Even after I priate time to give an accounting of mendous multiplier effect within a retire from the Senate, I have no inten- my work across four decades rep- school district. Over the years, Cher- tion of retiring from the fight for a bet- resenting Iowa in Congress. I take okee County has received $163,458 in ter, fairer, richer Iowa. I will always be pride in accomplishments that have Harkin grants. profoundly grateful for the opportunity been national in scope—for instance, Agricultural and rural development: to serve the people of Iowa as their passing the Americans with Disabil- Because I grew up in a small town in Senator.∑ ities Act and spearheading successful rural Iowa, I have always been a loyal f farm bills—but I take a very special friend and fierce advocate for family pride in projects that have made a big farmers and rural communities. I have OSCEOLA COUNTY, IOWA difference in local communities across been a member of the House or Senate ∑ Mr. HARKIN. Mr. President, the my State. Agriculture Committee for 40 years— strength of my State of Iowa lies in its Today I would like to give an ac- including more than 10 years as chair- vibrant local communities, where citi- counting of my work with leaders and man of the Senate Agriculture Com- zens come together to foster economic residents of Cherokee County to build a mittee. Across the decades, I have development, make smart investments legacy of a stronger local economy, championed farm policies for Iowans to expand opportunity, and take the better schools and educational oppor- that include effective farm income pro- initiative to improve the health and tunities, and a healthier, safer commu- tection and commodity programs; well-being of residents. Over the dec- nity. Between 2001 and 2013, the cre- strong, progressive conservation assist- ades, I have witnessed the growth and ative leadership in your community ance for agricultural producers; renew- revitalization of so many communities has worked with me to successfully ac- able energy opportunities; and robust across my State, and it has been deeply quire financial assistance from pro- economic development in our rural gratifying to see how my work in Con- grams I have fought hard to support, communities. Since 1991, through var- gress has supported these local efforts. which have provided more than $5.2 ious programs authorized through the I have always believed in account- million to the local economy. farm bill, Cherokee County has re- ability for public officials, and this, my Of course, my favorite memory of ceived more than $1.1 million from a final year in the Senate, is an appro- working together has to be ensuring variety of farm bill programs. priate time to give an accounting of that the Cherokee County Regional Keeping Iowa communities safe: I my work across four decades rep- Airport has the resources it needs to also firmly believe that our first re- resenting Iowa in Congress. I take stay modern. Dependable air service is sponders need to be appropriately pride in accomplishments that have a significant factor for growing busi- trained, equipped, and able to respond been national in scope—for instance, nesses as well as increasing tourism in to both local emergencies and to state- passing the Americans with Disabil- the area. I look forward to learning wide challenges such as, for instance, ities Act and spearheading successful about the impact of these improve- the methamphetamine epidemic. Since farm bills. But I take a very special ments, which are important for the air- 2001, Cherokee County’s fire depart- pride in projects that have made a big port and the local economy. ments have received over $875,290 for difference in local communities across Among the highlights: firefighter safety and operations equip- my State. Investing in Iowa’s economic devel- ment. Today, I would like to give an ac- opment through targeted community Disability Rights: Growing up, I counting of my work with leaders and projects: In Northwest Iowa, we have loved and admired my brother Frank, residents of Osceola County to build a worked together to grow the economy who was deaf. But I was deeply dis- legacy of a stronger local economy, by making targeted investments in im- turbed by the discrimination and ob- better schools and educational oppor- portant economic development stacles he faced every day. That is why tunities, and a healthier, safer commu- projects, including improved roads and I have always been a passionate advo- nity. bridges, modernized sewer and water cate for full equality for people with Between 2001 and 2013, the creative systems, and better housing options for disabilities. As the primary author of leadership in your community has residents of Cherokee County. In many the Americans with Disabilities Act worked with me to successfully acquire cases, I have secured Federal funding (ADA) and the ADA Amendments Act, financial assistance from programs I

VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:10 Mar 07, 2015 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD14\MAY 2014\S12MY4.REC S12MY4 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE May 12, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2907 have fought hard to support, which Wellness and health care: Improving tunity to serve the people of Iowa as have provided more than $4.5 million to the health and wellness of all Ameri- their Senator.∑ the local economy. cans has been something I have been f Of course my favorite memory of passionate about for decades. That is working together has to be out work why I fought to dramatically increase REMEMBERING HALE B. BENNETT together to promote wellness in the funding for disease prevention, innova- ∑ Mr. HELLER. Mr. President, today community through obesity preven- tive medical research, and a whole we honor the life and service of Hale tion, construction of playground equip- range of initiatives to improve the Bennett, whose passing signifies a ment, and ensuring access to preventa- health of individuals and families not great loss to Nevada. I send my condo- tive care. Ensuring Iowans have access only at the doctor’s office but also in lences and prayers to his wife Kay and to quality, affordable health care is our communities, schools, and work- all of Hale’s family in this time of critical, particularly for those in rural places. I am so proud that Americans mourning. Hale was a man committed areas, who may find this care out of have better access to clinical preven- to his country, his State, and commu- reach. Thanks to the insightful leader- tive services, nutritious food, smoke- nity. He will be sorely missed. ship of Janet Dykstra, the Osceola free environments, safe places to en- Hale was a true patriot and served Community Hospital is equipped with gage in physical activity, and informa- his country in the U.S. Army Air Corps the equipment and facilities to care for tion to make healthy decisions for during World War II. He flew combat residents and promote wellness in the themselves and their families. These missions over France, Germany, and area. efforts not only save lives, they will the Low Countries. Through the course Among the highlights: also save money for generations to of the war in Europe, he flew 68 bomb- School grants: Every child in Iowa come thanks to the prevention of cost- ing missions and went out on an addi- deserves to be educated in a classroom ly chronic diseases, which account for tional 100 that returned without drop- that is safe, accessible, and modern. a whopping 75 percent of annual health ping bombs due to bad weather. Hale’s That is why, for the past decade and a care costs. I am pleased that Osceola unit, the 553rd Squadron of the 386th half, I have secured funding for the in- County has recognized this important Bomb Group, 9th Air Force, was so novative Iowa Demonstration Con- issue by securing $116,399 to curb obe- highly respected that on D-day they struction Grant Program—better sity and $35,833 to implement a were chosen to fly the final bombing known among educators in Iowa as wellness center through the Harkin runs over the Germans on Utah Beach Harkin grants for public schools con- wellness grant program. The Osceola as our troops were landing on the struction and renovation. Across 15 Community Hospital also received beach below. After the war, Hale was years, Harkin grants worth more than $50,000 to purchase age appropriate called once again to serve our Nation $132 million have helped school dis- playground equipment through farm by training bomber pilots for the Air tricts to fund a range of renovation and bill programs. Force during the Korean conflict. As repair efforts—everything from updat- Disability Rights: Growing up, I one of our Nation’s servicemembers, he ing fire safety systems to building new loved and admired my brother Frank, made exceptional sacrifices for our schools. In many cases, these Federal who was deaf. But I was deeply dis- country and deserves our deepest grati- dollars have served as the needed in- turbed by the discrimination and ob- tude. I am both humbled and honored centive to leverage local public and stacles he faced every day. That is why private dollars, so it often has a tre- by not only his, but his family’s service I have always been a passionate advo- mendous multiplier effect within a to our great Nation. cate for full equality for people with Hale and his wife were upstanding school district. Over the years, Osceola disabilities. As the primary author of Nevadans and a huge asset to their County has received $66,873 in Harkin the Americans with Disabilities Act, community. His dedication to serving grants. Similarly, schools in Osceola ADA, and the ADA Amendments Act, I others extends far beyond our Nation’s County have received funds that I des- military. Hale worked as the Depart- ignated for Iowa Star Schools for tech- have had four guiding goals for our fel- nology totaling $50,000. low citizens with disabilities: equal op- ment of Motor Vehicles chief of Reg- Agricultural and rural development: portunity, full participation, inde- istration and Titling and often rep- Because I grew up in a small town in pendent living, and economic self-suffi- resented his department in the Nevada rural Iowa, I have always been a loyal ciency. Nearly a quarter century since State Legislature. His work as chair- friend and fierce advocate for family passage of the ADA, I see remarkable man of the board of the Carson-Tahoe farmers and rural communities. I have changes in communities everywhere I Hospital showcased his commitment to been a member of the House or Senate go in Iowa—not just in curb cuts or the betterment of the community and Agriculture Committee for 40 years— closed captioned television but in the led him to meeting his wife, Kay. The including more than 10 years as chair- full participation of people with dis- couple, both on the hospital board of man of the Senate Agriculture Com- abilities in our society and economy, trustees and pilots, spent their time mittee. Across the decades, I have folks who at long last have the oppor- having many adventures together and championed farm policies for Iowans tunity to contribute their talents and contributing their community. The that include effective farm income pro- to be fully included. These changes Bennett’s love for aviation and commu- tection and commodity programs; have increased economic opportunities nity service led them to Silver Springs, strong, progressive conservation assist- for all citizens of Osceola County, both where they took on the daunting task ance for agricultural producers; renew- those with and without disabilities. of turning an abandoned airstrip into a able energy opportunities; and robust And they make us proud to be a part of thriving airport. His hard work and economic development in our rural a community and country that re- contributions to his community will communities. Since 1991, through var- spects the worth and civil rights of all remain a lasting legacy in the Silver ious programs authorized through the of our citizens. State. farm bill, Osceola County has received This is at least a partial accounting As a World War II veteran, Hale’s more than $3.3 million from a variety of my work on behalf of Iowa, and spe- commitment to his country, as well as of farm bill programs. cifically Osceola County, during my his dedication to his family and com- Keeping Iowa communities safe: I time in Congress. In every case, this munity, exemplified why the legacy of also firmly believe that our first re- work has been about partnerships, co- all World War II veterans must be pre- sponders need to be appropriately operation, and empowering folks at the served for generations to come. These trained and equipped, able to respond State and local level, including in veterans truly are the greatest genera- to both local emergencies and to state- Osceola County, to fulfill their own tion—selflessly serving not for recogni- wide challenges such as—for instance, dreams and initiatives. And, of course, tion, but because it was the right thing the methamphetamine epidemic. Since this work is never complete. Even after to do. As a member of the Senate Vet- 2001, Osceola County’s fire departments I retire from the Senate, I have no in- erans’ Affairs Committee, I recognize have received over $543,297 for fire- tention of retiring from the fight for a that Congress has a responsibility not fighter safety and operations equip- better, fairer, richer Iowa. I will always only to honor these brave individuals, ment. be profoundly grateful for the oppor- but to ensure they are cared for when

VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:10 Mar 07, 2015 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD14\MAY 2014\S12MY4.REC S12MY4 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE S2908 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 12, 2014 they return home. I remain committed Nation, but also to ensure they are technicians hold a high standard for to upholding this promise for our vet- cared for when they return home. I re- what they will purchase, because there erans and servicemembers in Nevada main committed to upholding this is no margin for error. It gives me and throughout the Nation. promise for our veterans and service- great pleasure to honor Cascade Rescue I extend my deepest sympathies to members in Nevada and throughout the Company of Sandpoint, ID. Kay and all of Hale’s family. We will nation. In 1962, Victor Bradley was volun- always remember Hale for his coura- Throughout his tenure, Duke has teering his time to help injured skiers geous contributions to the United demonstrated professionalism, com- in Washington State. Pulling someone States of America and to freedom-lov- mitment to excellence, and dedication on the toboggans in use in the 1960s ing nations around the world. His serv- to the highest standards of the U.S. was incredibly strenuous, especially if ice to his country and his bravery and Navy. I am both humbled and honored several people needed help. Mr. Bradley dedication to his family and commu- by his service and am proud to call him knew that there must be a better de- nity earn him a place among the out- a fellow Nevadan. I ask my colleagues sign. Mr. Bradley spent several years standing men and women who have val- to join me in recognizing Mr. Brunelli designing and improving sleds, until in iantly defended our Nation. for all of his accomplishments and wish 1966 he decided to start the Cascade To- Throughout his life, Hale maintained him well in all of his future endeav- boggan & Rescue Equipment Company. a dedication to the preservation of jus- ors.∑ Mr. Bradley and his son Robert ob- tice and integrity, which I am honored f tained a patent for their design and to commend. Today, I join the Silver began selling toboggans to rescue pro- Springs community and citizens of the NEVADA SCHOLARSHIP fessionals throughout the region. Or- Silver State to celebrate the life of an RECIPIENTS ders grew exponentially, especially upstanding Nevadan.∑ ∑ Mr. HELLER. Mr. President, today I after a demonstration at Lake Placid f wish to recognize four of Nevada’s drew national attention. Robert Brad- brightest students—Erika Carrera, ley took the reins from his father in RECOGNIZING DUKE BRUNELLI Miguel Gonzalez, Jose Solorio, and the early 1970s, and helped develop Cas- ∑ Mr. HELLER. Mr. President, I con- Mary Tatlock—for being awarded the cade Toboggan into an internationally gratulate Duke Brunelli of Sparks, NV, coveted Gates Millennium Scholarship. respected brand. on his recent retirement from South- There are only 1,000 recipients of the Ownership later transitioned to Dana west Airlines. I am proud to honor a Gates Millennium Scholarship and Susan Jordan, relatives of the Nevadan who has dedicated his life to throughout the United States each Bradleys, who are the current owners serving our country. year, and the Silver State has been for- and operators. To better fit the over As an attendee of the U.S. Naval tunate to be the home to four of them. 150 products being provided, they re- Academy, Mr. Brunelli was deployed Erika Carrera, who attends the Vet- named the business Cascade Rescue all over the world, including Vietnam, erans Tribute Career and Technical Company, which is based in Sandpoint, where the love of his country and the Academy; Miguel Gonzalez of Chap- ID. Today, the company provides res- want to serve began. After graduation, arral High School; Jose Solorio of Hug cue equipment across America and to he attended flight school in Pensacola, High School; and Mary Tatlock of Las 23 other countries. earning his Navy pilot wings. Duke Vegas Academy will represent Nevada So often, we measure success in then went on to complete jet transition in this esteemed program. Each of terms of dollars and cents. While Cas- training in San Diego and completed these students have been awarded the cade Rescue Company has a strong bot- eight assignments aboard aircraft car- opportunity to continue learning tom line, they can also be proud of hav- riers. Through his accomplishments, through higher education institutions, ing been a vital component of countless Duke was promoted to commanding of- and I expect great things to come from life-saving responses. Ski patrols, fire- ficer of the Golden Eagles, which were each of them. fighters, and medical technicians rely designated the safest jet-setting squad- These students’ academic accom- on Cascade products every day to safe- ron in the Navy, while also graduating plishments serve to reinforce the im- ly and effectively do their jobs. I con- more pilots than any other squadron. portant role of education in our State. gratulate Cascade Rescue Company for After completing his tour as com- As the father of four and husband to a nearly 50 years of growth, dedication, manding officer, Duke was ordered lifelong teacher, ensuring that all of and service and wish them well in the aboard the USS Midway, where he was Nevada’s students have access to a future.∑ involved in combat operations during high-quality education is important to f Operation Desert Storm. He also suc- me. Higher education opens the door to cessfully brought the Navy’s oldest more job opportunities and profes- CONGRATULATING MARELLI’S fleet carrier back to San Diego for de- sional fulfillment, as well as increased MARKET commissioning, where today it stands earning power. ∑ Mrs. SHAHEEN. Mr. President, I as a museum. Returning to Japan, I am proud to congratulate Erika, wish to congratulate Marelli’s Market Duke finished out his naval career as Miguel, Jose, and Mary on this incred- in Hampton, NH, on celebrating their Assistant Chief of Staff for Operations ible opportunity and wish them the 100th anniversary. for Commander Fleet Air Western Pa- best of luck in their future endeavors. Opened in 1914 by Italian immigrants cific, where he retired from the Navy in I ask my colleagues to join me in con- Luigi and Celestina Marelli, Marelli’s 1994. Upon his retirement from the gratulating these exceptional young has been serving traditional Italian Navy, Mr. Brunelli started work as a Nevadans.∑ fare, including cigars, olive oil, and commericial pilot, flying for Polar Air f homemade ice creams, to generations Cargo and Southwest Airlines for the of families in the Hampton commu- past 20 years. RECOGNIZING CASCADE RESCUE nity. They are most well-known for I extend my deepest gratitude to COMPANY their world-famous roasted cashews Duke Brunelli for his courageous con- ∑ Mr. RISCH. Mr. President, this week and peanuts, which the family con- tributions to the United States of we celebrate National Small Business tinues to roast themselves. America and to freedom-loving nations Week, which pays tribute our Nation’s Today Marelli’s is run by Luigi and around the world. His service to his many small business owners and entre- Celestina’s sons, Richard and Bobby, country, and his bravery and dedica- preneurs. I wish to recognize a small and grandchildren, Karen Raynes and tion earn him a place among the out- business in my home State of Idaho Marcia Hannon-Buber, and the market standing men and women who have val- that provides an invaluable service. has remained a cornerstone of the iantly defended our nation. As a mem- There is something special about busi- Hampton community. The market was ber of the Senate Veterans’ Affairs nesses that dedicate themselves to pro- recently entered into the New Hamp- Committee, I recognize that Congress viding and improving life-saving equip- shire State Register of Historic Places, has a responsibility not only to honor ment. Search and rescue teams, first a testament to its place in our State’s these brave individuals who serve our responders, and emergency medical history.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:10 Mar 07, 2015 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD14\MAY 2014\S12MY4.REC S12MY4 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE May 12, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2909 Karen and Marcia have marked this Start, the Special Supplemental Nutri- H.R. 4366. An act to strengthen the Federal celebration with a book entitled tion Program for Women, Infants, and education research system to make research ‘‘Marelli’s Market: The First 100 Years Children, New Hope New Horizons, and and evaluations more timely and relevant to in Hampton, NH.’’ The book includes a a host of other community programs. State and local needs in order to increase student achievement. century of stories from both the fam- With Bill’s leadership, Southwestern H.R. 4438. An act to amend the Internal ily’s and the business’ history. Community Services now serves more Revenue Code of 1986 to simplify and make I congratulate the Marellis on their than 30,000 residents in 38 commu- permanent the research credit. 100th anniversary and thank them for nities, accounting for $30 million in an- their remarkable dedication to their nual economic impact. The message also announced that family, their business, and the Hamp- New Hampshire has always been able pursuant to section 201(b) of the Inter- ton community.∑ to turn to Bill in times of need. When national Religious Freedom Act of 1998 f flooding hit the State’s southwest re- (22 U.S.C. 6431) and the order of the House of January 3, 2013, the Speaker NEW ENGLAND CHAPTER OF THE gion in 2005, residents looked to Bill to help recover and rebuild. When some- appoints the following individuals on AMERICAN PUBLIC WORKS ASSO- the part of the House of Representa- CIATION one in Sullivan or Cheshire counties has needed skills training to find a job tives to the Commission on Inter- ∑ Mrs. SHAHEEN. Mr. President, today or help with heating their home, they national Religious Freedom for a term I wish to recognize the 60th anniver- have found support in Bill and South- effective May 14, 2014, and ending May sary of the New England Chapter of the western Community Services. He has 14, 2016: Dr. Robert P. George of Prince- American Public Works Association. worked tirelessly his entire career for ton, New Jersey and Dr. Daniel I. Mark Sixty years ago marked the first of Villanova, Pennsylvania. meeting of the New England Chapter of New Hampshire families. On behalf of New Hampshire and the the American Public Works Associa- countless lives Bill has touched, I f tion, which includes Massachusetts, thank him for his leadership and deter- Vermont, Connecticut, Rhode Island, mination to serve Granite Staters in MEASURES REFERRED and my home State of New Hampshire. need. I ask my colleagues and all This organization has been an integral The following bills were read the first Americans to join me in celebrating part of our State, bridging our past to and the second times by unanimous the selfless service that Bill has given our future through education and pub- consent, and referred as indicated: to his community and congratulating lic service. ∑ H.R. 10. An act to amend the charter The members of this dedicated orga- him on his retirement. school program under the Elementary and nization have built the infrastructure, f Secondary Education Act of 1965; to the from highways to water supply treat- MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. ment systems, that is critical to New Messages from the President of the Hampshire’s well-being and economic H.R. 2548. An act to establish a comprehen- United States were communicated to sive United States Government policy to en- strength. the Senate by Mr. Pate, one of his sec- courage the efforts of countries in sub-Saha- As a former Governor of New Hamp- retaries. ran Africa to develop an appropriate mix of shire, I understand the importance of f power solutions, including renewable energy, this organization and the positive im- EXECUTIVE MESSAGES REFERRED for more broadly distributed electricity ac- pacts of their work on all New Hamp- cess in order to support poverty reduction, shire residents. During my time as As in executive session the Presiding promote development outcomes, and drive Governor, I appointed an American Officer laid before the Senate messages economic growth, and for other purposes; to Public Works member, Carl Quiram, to from the President of the United the Committee on Foreign Relations. the New Hampshire Solid Waste Task States submitting sundry nominations H.R. 4366. An act to strengthen the Federal Force, which was designed to study the and a withdrawal which were referred education research system to make research to the appropriate committees. and evaluations more timely and relevant to effects of limited disposal capacity for State and local needs in order to increase solid waste in our State. His work and (The messages received today are printed at the end of the Senate pro- student achievement; to the Committee on the work of all the members of the New Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. England Chapter of the American Pub- ceedings.) lic Works Association have had truly f f meaningful impacts on the lives of ENROLLED BILL SIGNED residents in New Hampshire and Under the authority of the order of EXECUTIVE AND OTHER around the country. the Senate of January 3, 2014, the fol- COMMUNICATIONS It is my honor to recognize the New lowing enrolled bill, previously signed England Chapter of the American Pub- The following communications were by the Speaker of the House, was laid before the Senate, together with lic Works Association’s 60th anniver- signed on May 9, 2014, during the ad- sary.∑ accompanying papers, reports, and doc- journment of the Senate, by the Presi- uments, and were referred as indicated: f dent pro tempore (Mr. LEAHY): EC–5674. A communication from the Chief TRIBUTE TO BILL MARCELLO H.R. 3627. An act to require the Attorney of the Planning and Regulatory Affairs General to report on State law penalties for ∑ Mrs. SHAHEEN. Mr. President, I Branch, Food and Nutrition Service, Depart- certain child abusers, and for other purposes. wish to honor Bill Marcello for his 45 ment of Agriculture, transmitting, pursuant years of service to New Hampshire and f to law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Supple- thank him for his endless dedication to MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE mental Nutrition Assistance Program: Traf- Southwestern Community Services and At 2:03 p.m., a message from the ficking Controls and Fraud Investigations’’ (RIN0584–AE26) received in the Office of the the people of our State. House of Representatives, delivered by A Portsmouth native, Bill went to President of the Senate on May 7, 2014; to the Mr. Novotny, one of its reading clerks, Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Keene State College, where he earned a announced that the House has passed Forestry. teaching certificate. From then on, he the following bills, in which it requests EC–5675. A communication from the Sec- dedicated his entire career to serving the concurrence of the Senate: retary of the Treasury, transmitting, pursu- southwestern New Hampshire, first H.R. 10. An act to amend the charter ant to law, a six-month periodic report on working as a teacher at Head Start in school program under the Elementary and the national emergency that was declared in Keene. Secondary Education Act of 1965. Executive Order 13067 of November 3, 1997, In 1978, Bill was named deputy direc- H.R. 2548. An act to establish a comprehen- with respect to Sudan; to the Committee on tor of Southwestern Community Serv- sive United States Government policy to en- Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs. ices and soon rose to the position of courage the efforts of countries in sub-Saha- EC–5676. A communication from the Dep- CEO. Under his leadership, South- ran Africa to develop an appropriate mix of uty Assistant Secretary for Export Adminis- power solutions, including renewable energy, tration, Bureau of Industry and Security, western Community Services has pro- for more broadly distributed electricity ac- Department of Commerce, transmitting, pur- vided housing, jobs, and fuel assistance cess in order to support poverty reduction, suant to law, the report of a rule entitled to those in need, while also serving as promote development outcomes, and drive ‘‘Addition of Certain Persons to the Entity the lead agency in the area for Head economic growth, and for other purposes. List’’ (RIN0694–AF69) received in the Office

VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:10 Mar 07, 2015 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD14\MAY 2014\S12MY4.REC S12MY4 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE S2910 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 12, 2014 of the President of the Senate on May 6, 2014; ance of gifted land in San Diego County, EC–5697. A communication from the Prin- to the Committee on Banking, Housing, and California; to the Committee on Energy and cipal Deputy Assistant Attorney General, Of- Urban Affairs. Natural Resources. fice of Legislative Affairs, Department of EC–5677. A communication from the Assist- EC–5687. A communication from the Ad- Justice, transmitting, pursuant to law, an ant Director for Regulatory Affairs, Office of ministrator of the Environmental Protection annual report on applications made by the Foreign Assets Control, Department of the Agency, transmitting, pursuant to law, a re- Government for authority to conduct elec- Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the port relative to the Agency’s Strategic Plan tronic surveillance for foreign intelligence report of a rule entitled ‘‘Ukraine-Related for fiscal years 2014 through 2018; to the Com- during calendar year 2013 relative to the For- Sanctions Regulations’’ (31 CFR Part 589) re- mittee on Environment and Public Works. eign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978; to ceived in the Office of the President of the EC–5688. A communication from the Assist- the Committee on the Judiciary. Senate on May 6, 2014; to the Committee on ant Secretary, Legislative Affairs, Depart- EC–5698. A communication from the Dep- Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs. ment of State, transmitting, pursuant to uty Assistant Administrator for Regulatory EC–5678. A communication from the Acting law, a report relative to section 36(c) of the Programs, Office of Sustainable Fisheries, Chief Counsel, Federal Emergency Manage- Arms Export Control Act (DDTC 14–007); to Department of Commerce, transmitting, pur- ment Agency, Department of Homeland Se- the Committee on Foreign Relations. suant to law, the report of a rule entitled EC–5689. A communication from the Direc- curity, transmitting, pursuant to law, the re- ‘‘Pacific Halibut Fisheries; Catch Sharing tor of Communications and Legislative Af- port of a rule entitled ‘‘Suspension of Com- Plan’’ (RIN0648–BD82) received in the Office fairs, Equal Employment Opportunity Com- munity Eligibility’’ ((44 CFR Part 64) (Dock- of the President of the Senate on May 7, 2014; mission, transmitting, pursuant to law, the et No. FEMA–2014–0002)) received in the Of- to the Committee on Commerce, Science, report of a rule entitled ‘‘Adjusting the Pen- fice of the President of the Senate on May 7, and Transportation. alty for Violation of Notice Posting Require- 2014; to the Committee on Banking, Housing, EC–5699. A communication from the Direc- ments’’ (RIN3046–AA95) received in the Office and Urban Affairs. tor of the White House Office of Science and of the President of the Senate on May 7, 2014; EC–5679. A communication from the Acting Technology Policy, Executive Office of the Chief Counsel, Federal Emergency Manage- to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. President, transmitting, pursuant to law, re- ment Agency, Department of Homeland Se- ports entitled ‘‘Climate Change Impacts in curity, transmitting, pursuant to law, the re- EC–5690. A communication from the Assist- ant Secretary, Legislative Affairs, Depart- the United States: The Third National Cli- port of a rule entitled ‘‘Final Flood Ele- ment of State, transmitting, pursuant to mate Assessment’’ and ‘‘Highlights of Cli- vation Determinations’’ ((44 CFR Part 67) law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Amend- mate Change Impacts in the United States: (Docket No. FEMA–2014–0002)) received in the ment to the International Traffic in Arms The Third National Climate Assessment’’; to Office of the President of the Senate on May Regulations: Revision of U.S. Munitions List the Committee on Commerce, Science, and 7, 2014; to the Committee on Banking, Hous- Category XV’’ (RIN1400–AD33) received in Transportation. ing, and Urban Affairs. the Office of the President of the Senate on EC–5680. A communication from the Acting f May 7, 2014; to the Committee on Foreign Chief Counsel, Federal Emergency Manage- Relations. INTRODUCTION OF BILLS AND ment Agency, Department of Homeland Se- EC–5691. A communication from the Chief JOINT RESOLUTIONS curity, transmitting, pursuant to law, the re- Executive Officer, Corporation for National The following bills and joint resolu- port of a rule entitled ‘‘Final Flood Ele- and Community Service, transmitting, pur- vation Determinations’’ ((44 CFR Part 67) suant to law, the Corporation’s fiscal year tions were introduced, read the first (Docket No. FEMA–2014–0002)) received in the 2015 Congressional Budget Justification; to and second times by unanimous con- Office of the President of the Senate on May the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, sent, and referred as indicated: 7, 2014; to the Committee on Banking, Hous- and Pensions. By Mr. THUNE: ing, and Urban Affairs. EC–5692. A communication from the Chief S. 2316. A bill to require the Inspector Gen- EC–5681. A communication from the Sec- of the Border Security Regulations Branch, retary of Health and Human Services, trans- eral of the Department of Veterans Affairs to Customs and Border Protection, Department submit a report on wait times for veterans mitting, pursuant to law, a report entitled of Homeland Security, transmitting, pursu- ‘‘FY 2012 Annual Report to the Congress on seeking medical appointments and treat- ant to law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘The ment from the Department of Veterans Af- the Refugee Resettlement Program’’; to the U.S. Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban fairs, to prohibit closure of medical facilities Business Travel Card Program’’ ((RIN1651– of the Department, and for other purposes; to Affairs. AB01) (CBP Dec. 14–05)) received in the Office EC–5682. A communication from the Sec- the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs. of the President of the Senate on May 6, 2014; By Mr. WHITEHOUSE: retary of Health and Human Services, trans- to the Committee on Homeland Security and mitting, pursuant to law, reports entitled S. 2317. A bill to restrict confidentiality Governmental Affairs. agreements that prohibit the disclosure of ‘‘Report to Congress on Head Start Moni- EC–5693. A communication from the Board information relating to hazards to public toring for Fiscal Year 2011’’ and ‘‘Report to Chair and Chief Executive Officer, Farm safety or health, and for other purposes; to Congress on Head Start Monitoring for Fis- Credit Administration, transmitting, pursu- the Committee on the Judiciary. cal Year 2012’’; to the Committee on Bank- ant to law, the Administration’s Semiannual ing, Housing, and Urban Affairs. Report of the Inspector General and the By Mrs. GILLIBRAND: EC–5683. A communication from the Acting Semiannual Management Report on the Sta- S. 2318. A bill to reauthorize the Erie General Counsel, Department of Housing and tus of Audits for the period from October 1, Canalway National Heritage Corridor Act; to Urban Development, transmitting, pursuant 2013 through March 31, 2014; to the Com- the Committee on Energy and Natural Re- to law, a report relative to a vacancy in the mittee on Homeland Security and Govern- sources. position of Chief Financial Officer, Depart- mental Affairs. By Mr. FLAKE: ment of Housing and Urban Development, re- EC–5694. A communication from the Chief S. 2319. A bill to amend title 11 of the ceived in the Office of the President of the Executive Officer, Corporation for National United States Code to require the public dis- Senate on May 8, 2014; to the Committee on and Community Service, transmitting, pur- closure by trusts established under section Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs. suant to law, the Corporation’s fiscal year 524(g) of such title, of quarterly reports that EC–5684. A communication from the Sec- 2013 annual report relative to the Notifica- contain detailed information regarding the retary of Energy, transmitting, pursuant to tion and Federal Employee Antidiscrimina- receipt and disposition of claims for injuries law, a report entitled ‘‘Department of En- tion and Retaliation Act of 2002; to the Com- based on exposure to asbestos, and for other ergy Activities Relating to the Defense Nu- mittee on Homeland Security and Govern- purposes; to the Committee on the Judici- clear Facilities Safety Board, Fiscal Year mental Affairs. ary. 2013’’; to the Committee on Energy and Nat- EC–5695. A communication from the Sec- By Mr. BROWN: ural Resources. retary of Education, transmitting, pursuant S. 2320. A bill to redesignate the facility of EC–5685. A communication from the Assist- to law, the Department of Education’s fiscal the United States Postal Service located at ant General Counsel for Legislation, Regula- year 2013 annual report relative to the Noti- 162 Northeast Avenue in Tallmadge, Ohio, as tion and Energy Efficiency, Department of fication and Federal Employee Antidiscrimi- the ‘‘Lance Corporal Daniel Nathan Energy, transmitting, pursuant to law, the nation and Retaliation Act of 2002 (No FEAR Deyarmin, Jr., Post Office Building’’; to the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Energy Conserva- Act); to the Committee on Homeland Secu- Committee on Homeland Security and Gov- tion Program; Certification of Commercial rity and Governmental Affairs. ernmental Affairs. Heating, Ventilation, and Air-Conditioning EC–5696. A communication from the Direc- By Mr. HATCH (for Mr. ALEXANDER (HVAC), Water Heating (WH), and Refrigera- tor of the Office of Regulatory Affairs and (for himself, Mr. CORKER, and Mr. tion (CRE) Equipment’’ (RIN1904–AD12) re- Collaborative Action, Bureau of Indian Af- HATCH)): ceived in the Office of the President of the fairs, Department of the Interior, transmit- S. 2321. A bill to amend title 17, United Senate on May 6, 2014; to the Committee on ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- States Code, to ensure fairness in the estab- Energy and Natural Resources. titled ‘‘Indian Child Welfare Act; Change of lishment of certain rates and fees under sec- EC–5686. A communication from the Sec- Address’’ (RIN1076–AF21) received in the Of- tions 114 and 115 of such title, and for other retary of the Interior, transmitting, pursu- fice of the President of the Senate on May 7, purposes; to the Committee on the Judici- ant to law, a report relative to the accept- 2014; to the Committee on Indian Affairs. ary.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:10 Mar 07, 2015 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD14\MAY 2014\S12MY4.REC S12MY4 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE May 12, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2911 By Mrs. BOXER (for herself, Mr. VIT- (Mr. SCHUMER) was added as a cospon- S. 1507 TER, Mr. CARPER, and Mr. BARRASSO): sor of S. 942, a bill to eliminate dis- At the request of Mr. MORAN, the S. 2322. A bill to reauthorize Federal-aid crimination and promote women’s name of the Senator from Montana highway and highway safety construction programs, and for other purposes; to the health and economic security by ensur- (Mr. WALSH) was added as a cosponsor Committee on Environment and Public ing reasonable workplace accommoda- of S. 1507, a bill to amend the Internal Works. tions for workers whose ability to per- Revenue Code of 1986 to clarify the f form the functions of a job are limited treatment of general welfare benefits by pregnancy, childbirth, or a related provided by Indian tribes. ADDITIONAL COSPONSORS medical condition. S. 1517 S. 357 S. 1012 At the request of Mr. WHITEHOUSE, At the request of Mr. CARDIN, the At the request of Mr. BLUNT, the the name of the Senator from Min- name of the Senator from Louisiana name of the Senator from Minnesota nesota (Ms. KLOBUCHAR) was added as a (Ms. LANDRIEU) was added as a cospon- (Ms. KLOBUCHAR) was added as a co- cosponsor of S. 1517, a bill to amend the sor of S. 357, a bill to encourage, en- sponsor of S. 1012, a bill to amend title Public Health Services Act and the So- hance, and integrate Blue Alert plans XVIII of the Social Security Act to im- cial Security Act to extend health in- throughout the United States in order prove operations of recovery auditors formation technology assistance eligi- to disseminate information when a law under the Medicare integrity program, bility to behavioral health, mental enforcement officer is seriously injured to increase transparency and accuracy health, and substance abuse profes- or killed in the line of duty. in audits conducted by contractors, sionals and facilities, and for other S. 506 and for other purposes. purposes. At the request of Ms. COLLINS, the S. 1174 S. 1622 name of the Senator from New York At the request of Mr. BLUMENTHAL, At the request of Ms. HEITKAMP, the (Mrs. GILLIBRAND) was added as a co- the names of the Senator from name of the Senator from California sponsor of S. 506, a bill to amend the Vermont (Mr. LEAHY) and the Senator (Mrs. BOXER) was added as a cosponsor Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to pro- from Iowa (Mr. HARKIN) were added as of S. 1622, a bill to establish the Alyce vide recruitment and retention incen- cosponsors of S. 1174, a bill to award a Spotted Bear and Walter Soboleff Com- tives for volunteer emergency service Congressional Gold Medal to the 65th mission on Native Children, and for workers. Infantry Regiment, known as the other purposes. S. 539 Borinqueneers. S. 1708 At the request of Mrs. SHAHEEN, the names of the Senator from New York S. 1188 At the request of Mr. MERKLEY, the name of the Senator from New Jersey (Mr. SCHUMER) and the Senator from At the request of Ms. COLLINS, the (Mr. BOOKER) was added as a cosponsor Massachusetts (Mr. MARKEY) were name of the Senator from North Caro- added as cosponsors of S. 539, a bill to lina (Mr. BURR) was added as a cospon- of S. 1708, a bill to amend title 23, amend the Public Health Service Act sor of S. 1188, a bill to amend the Inter- United States Code, with respect to the to foster more effective implementa- nal Revenue Code of 1986 to modify the establishment of performance meas- tion and coordination of clinical care definition of full-time employee for ures for the highway safety improve- for people with pre-diabetes and diabe- purposes of the individual mandate in ment program, and for other purposes. tes. the Patient Protection and Affordable S. 1823 Care Act. S. 635 At the request of Mr. RUBIO, the At the request of Mr. BROWN, the S. 1208 name of the Senator from Connecticut names of the Senator from Montana At the request of Mr. TESTER, the (Mr. BLUMENTHAL) was added as a co- (Mr. WALSH) and the Senator from name of the Senator from New Hamp- sponsor of S. 1823, a bill to amend part Kansas (Mr. ROBERTS) were added as shire (Mrs. SHAHEEN) was added as a co- E of title IV of the Social Security Act cosponsors of S. 635, a bill to amend the sponsor of S. 1208, a bill to require to better enable State child welfare Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act to provide an meaningful disclosures of the terms of agencies to prevent human trafficking exception to the annual written pri- rental-purchase agreements, including of children and serve the needs of chil- vacy notice requirement. disclosures of all costs to consumers dren who are victims of human traf- ficking, and for other purposes. S. 865 under such agreements, to provide cer- At the request of Mr. WHITEHOUSE, tain substantive rights to consumers S. 1862 the name of the Senator from New Jer- under such agreements, and for other At the request of Mr. BLUNT, the sey (Mr. BOOKER) was added as a co- purposes. names of the Senator from Iowa (Mr. sponsor of S. 865, a bill to provide for S. 1307 HARKIN), the Senator from Virginia the establishment of a Commission to At the request of Ms. LANDRIEU, the (Mr. KAINE), the Senator from Con- Accelerate the End of Breast Cancer. name of the Senator from Ohio (Mr. necticut (Mr. MURPHY) and the Senator S. 917 BROWN) was added as a cosponsor of S. from Texas (Mr. CRUZ) were added as At the request of Mr. CARDIN, the 1307, a bill to provide for evidence- cosponsors of S. 1862, a bill to grant the name of the Senator from Massachu- based and promising practices related Congressional Gold Medal, collectively, setts (Mr. MARKEY) was added as a co- to juvenile delinquency and criminal to the Monuments Men, in recognition sponsor of S. 917, a bill to amend the street gang activity prevention and of their heroic role in the preservation, Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to pro- intervention to help build individual, protection, and restitution of monu- vide a reduced rate of excise tax on family, and community strength and ments, works of art, and artifacts of beer produced domestically by certain resiliency to ensure that youth lead cultural importance during and fol- qualifying producers. productive, safe, healthy, gang-free, lowing World War II. S. 933 and law-abiding lives. S. 2009 At the request of Mr. LEAHY, the S. 1397 At the request of Mr. UDALL of New name of the Senator from Massachu- At the request of Mr. PORTMAN, the Mexico, the name of the Senator from setts (Ms. WARREN) was added as a co- names of the Senator from Arkansas Kansas (Mr. MORAN) was added as a co- sponsor of S. 933, a bill to amend title (Mr. PRYOR) and the Senator from sponsor of S. 2009, a bill to improve the I of the Omnibus Crime Control and Alaska (Mr. BEGICH) were added as co- provision of health care by the Depart- Safe Streets Act of 1968 to extend the sponsors of S. 1397, a bill to improve ment of Veterans Affairs to veterans in authorization of the Bulletproof Vest the efficiency, management, and inter- rural and highly rural areas, and for Partnership Grant Program through agency coordination of the Federal per- other purposes. fiscal year 2018. mitting process through reforms over- S. 2013 S. 942 seen by the Director of the Office of At the request of Mr. RUBIO, the At the request of Mr. CASEY, the Management and Budget, and for other names of the Senator from New Hamp- name of the Senator from New York purposes. shire (Ms. AYOTTE) and the Senator

VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:10 Mar 07, 2015 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD14\MAY 2014\S12MY4.REC S12MY4 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE S2912 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 12, 2014 from Kansas (Mr. ROBERTS) were added S. 2255 S. 2317. A bill to restrict confiden- as cosponsors of S. 2013, a bill to amend At the request of Mr. MCCAIN, the tiality agreements that prohibit the title 38, United States Code, to provide name of the Senator from Florida (Mr. disclosure of information relating to for the removal of Senior Executive RUBIO) was added as a cosponsor of S. hazards to public safety or health, and Service employees of the Department 2255, a bill to remove the Kurdistan for other purposes; to the Committee of Veterans Affairs for performance, Democratic Party and the Patriotic on the Judiciary. and for other purposes. Union of Kurdistan from treatment as Mr. WHITEHOUSE. Mr. President, S. 2018 terrorist organizations and for other today I am pleased to introduce the Safety over Secrecy Act, which pro- At the request of Mr. BARRASSO, the purposes. hibits courts from enforcing confiden- name of the Senator from Alaska (Mr. S. 2270 tiality agreements in the settlement of BEGICH) was added as a cosponsor of S. At the request of Ms. COLLINS, the civil suits involving hazards to public 2018, a bill to provide for the use of name of the Senator from Pennsyl- health and safety. This bill will ensure hand-propelled vessels in Yellowstone vania (Mr. TOOMEY) was added as a co- sponsor of S. 2270, a bill to clarify the that plaintiffs in such suits do not have National Park, Grand Teton National to remain silent about their experi- Park, and the National Elk Refuge, and application of certain leverage and risk-based requirements under the ences as a condition of settling their for other purposes. disputes. Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and S. 2042 While confidentiality agreements can Consumer Protection Act. At the request of Mr. WHITEHOUSE, be useful tools to protect sensitive in- the name of the Senator from Mary- S. 2295 formation and trade secrets, too often land (Mr. CARDIN) was added as a co- At the request of Mr. LEAHY, the they are used to hide important safety sponsor of S. 2042, a bill to amend the names of the Senator from South Da- concerns from regulators, policy- Federal Water Pollution Control Act to kota (Mr. THUNE), the Senator from makers, the news media, public health reauthorize the National Estuary Pro- Michigan (Ms. STABENOW), the Senator experts, and the general public. Over gram, and for other purposes. from Iowa (Mr. HARKIN) and the Sen- the past 20 years, we have learned of ICKER S. 2113 ator from Mississippi (Mr. W ) numerous cases where court-approved were added as cosponsors of S. 2295, a At the request of Mr. COBURN, the secrecy has shielded serious public name of the Senator from Maine (Mr. bill to establish the National Commis- health and safety dangers from the sion on the Future of the Army, and for KING) was added as a cosponsor of S. public—putting hundreds, if not thou- 2113, a bill to provide taxpayers with an other purposes. sands, of lives at risk. These cases have annual report disclosing the cost and S. 2302 involved hydraulic fracturing, or performance of Government programs At the request of Mrs. SHAHEEN, the ‘‘fracking,’’ asbestos, defective auto and areas of duplication among them, name of the Senator from Louisiana components, and ‘‘adverse incidents’’ and for other purposes. (Ms. LANDRIEU) was added as a cospon- from drugs. sor of S. 2302, a bill to provide for a 1- Typically in these cases, victims face S. 2152 year extension of the Afghan Special large corporations that can spend un- At the request of Ms. HEITKAMP, the Immigrant Visa Program, and for other limited amounts of money defending name of the Senator from Virginia (Mr. purposes. lawsuits and prolonging their resolu- KAINE) was added as a cosponsor of S. S. 2304 tion. Faced with mounting litigation 2152, a bill to direct Federal investment At the request of Ms. LANDRIEU, the expenses and medical bills, plaintiffs in carbon capture and storage and name of the Senator from Arkansas often seek to settle their suits. In ex- other clean coal technologies, and for (Mr. PRYOR) was added as a cosponsor change for damages, they are forced to other purposes. of S. 2304, a bill to amend the charter agree to provisions that prohibit them S. 2154 school program under the Elementary from discussing their cases or revealing At the request of Mr. CASEY, the and Secondary Education Act of 1965. information disclosed during litiga- name of the Senator from New York S. 2305 tion. Defendants are thus able to keep (Mr. SCHUMER) was added as a cospon- At the request of Mrs. MURRAY, the damaging information from getting sor of S. 2154, a bill to amend the Pub- name of the Senator from Massachu- out. As a result the public, as well as lic Health Service Act to reauthorize setts (Mr. MARKEY) was added as a co- regulatory agencies, remain unaware of the Emergency Medical Services for sponsor of S. 2305, a bill to amend the the risks. Children Program. method by which the Social Security Let us take fracking, where drillers from Pennsylvania to Arkansas and S. 2190 Administration determines the valid- Wyoming to Texas have entered into At the request of Mr. BLUNT, the ity of marriages under title II of the cash settlements or property buyouts name of the Senator from North Caro- Social Security Act. lina (Mrs. HAGAN) was added as a co- with individuals who claim fracking S.J. RES. 19 has contaminated their water and pol- sponsor of S. 2190, a bill to amend the At the request of Mr. UDALL of New Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to allow luted their air. In the vast majority of Mexico, the name of the Senator from these cases, the cost of the awards has employers to exempt employees with Michigan (Ms. STABENOW) was added as health coverage under TRICARE or the been the plaintiffs’ silence. As Aaron a cosponsor of S.J. Res. 19, a joint reso- Bernstein, associate director of the Veterans Administration from being lution proposing an amendment to the taken into account for purposes of the Center for Health and the Global Envi- Constitution of the United States re- ronment at the Harvard School of Pub- employer mandate under the Patient lating to contributions and expendi- Protection and Affordable Care Act. lic Health, put it in an interview, non- tures intended to affect elections. disclosure agreements ‘‘have interfered S. 2206 AMENDMENT NO. 3009 with the ability of scientists and public At the request of Mr. COBURN, the At the request of Mr. UDALL of New health experts to understand what is at names of the Senator from Arizona Mexico, the name of the Senator from stake’’ in the country’s quickly evolv- (Mr. FLAKE) and the Senator from Ne- Maryland (Mr. CARDIN) was added as a ing energy infrastructure. braska (Mrs. FISCHER) were added as cosponsor of amendment No. 3009 in- Perhaps the most notorious case of cosponsors of S. 2206, a bill to stream- tended to be proposed to S. 2262, a bill fracking hush money is the Hallowich line the collection and distribution of to promote energy savings in residen- case. In that case, Chris and Stephanie government information. tial buildings and industry, and for Hallowich’s dream house—built on S. 2213 other purposes. acres of land in southwestern Pennsyl- At the request of Mrs. FISCHER, the f vania—turned out to be sitting atop name of the Senator from Kansas (Mr. the Marcellus Shale, one of the biggest STATEMENTS ON INTRODUCED ROBERTS) was added as a cosponsor of fracking operations in the country. BILLS AND JOINT RESOLUTIONS S. 2213, a bill to replace the Director of The previous land owner had leased the the Bureau of Consumer Financial Pro- mineral rights to various gas compa- tection with a five-person Commission. By Mr. WHITEHOUSE: nies. Soon after moving in, Chris,

VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:10 Mar 07, 2015 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD14\MAY 2014\S12MY4.REC S12MY4 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE May 12, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2913 Stephanie, and their young children enforceability of confidentiality AMENDMENTS SUBMITTED AND began experiencing headaches, nose ageements. In cases involving hazards PROPOSED bleeds, burning eyes, and sore throats. to public health and safety, and only in SA 3055. Mr. KAINE submitted an amend- After complaining for three years of those cases, this bill would change ment intended to be proposed by him to the what they concluded were the side ef- that, and would require judges to bal- bill S. 2262, to promote energy savings in res- fects of contaminated air and water, ance a party’s specific interest in con- idential buildings and industry, and for other the Hallowiches brought suit. Without fidentiality against the public interest purposes; which was ordered to lie on the accepting responsibility for any health in disclosure of information when ap- table. effects, the companies agreed to pay proving or enforcing confidentiality the Hallowiches $750,000 so that they agreements. My bill would not prohibit f could move off the property, in ex- secrecy agreements across the board change for the Hallowiches’ promise to because there are appropriate uses for TEXT OF AMENDMENTS remain silent about the case. The case such agreements, including protecting gained international attention when trade secrets and other confidential SA 3055. Mr. KAINE submitted an the Pittsburg Gazette obtained an un- company and personal information. amendment intended to be proposed by sealed settlement transcript 2 years Given its narrow scope, this bill would him to the bill S. 2262, to promote en- later and discovered that the not place undue burdens on our judges ergy savings in residential buildings Hallowiches’ 7 and ten year-old chil- or judiciary system. and industry, and for other purposes; dren had been gagged for life along In introducing the Safety over Se- which was ordered to lie on the table; with their parents under the confiden- crecy Act, I want to recognize former as follows: tiality agreement. Needless to say, Senator Kohl and his Sunshine in Liti- At the appropriate place, insert the fol- these gag orders make it difficult to gation Act, which he introduced in var- lowing: challenge industry claims about the ious forms between 1995 and 2011. That SEC. ll. SENSE OF SENATE ON GLOBAL CLI- safety of the fracking process. bill, which I was proud to support in MATE CHANGE. Fracking is just one of many areas the Judiciary Committee, was a broad- It is the sense of the Senate that— where defendants impose secrecy as a er version of the legislation I have just (1) human activity contributes to global climate change; and condition of settlement. introduced. I supported that bill when (2) reasonable steps should be taken (in- Under current law, judges are not Senator Kohl introduced it, and I plan cluding actions under this Act and the specifically required to consider the to offer my full support when it is in- amendments made by this Act) to reduce public interest when determiningh the troduced again in this chamber. greenhouse gas pollution. FOREIGN TRAVEL FINANCIAL REPORTS In accordance with the appropriate provisions of law, the Secretary of the Senate herewith submits the following re- ports for standing committees of the Senate, certain joint committees of the Congress, delegations and groups, and select and special committees of the Senate, relating to expenses incurred in the performance of authorized foreign travel:


Per diem Transportation Miscellaneous Total U.S. dollar U.S. dollar U.S. dollar U.S. dollar Name and country Name of currency Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency currency currency currency

Senator John Boozman: Germany ...... Euro ...... 406.79 ...... 406.79 Turkey ...... Lira ...... 150.00 ...... 150.00 Jordan ...... Dinar ...... 405.41 ...... 405.41 United Arab Emirates ...... Dirham ...... 576.00 ...... 576.00 Ethiopia ...... Birr ...... 888.55 ...... 888.55 Rwanda ...... Franc ...... 926.00 ...... 926.00 Cape Verde ...... Escudo ...... 374.25 ...... 374.25 Senator Jon Tester: Cuba ...... Peso ...... 124.00 ...... 124.00 Brian Ahlberg: Cuba ...... Peso ...... 168.00 ...... 168.00 Senator Richard Durbin: Ukraine ...... Hryvnia ...... 609.53 ...... 609.53 Max Gleischman: Ukraine ...... Hryvnia ...... 579.01 ...... 579.01 Senator John Hoeven: Ukraine ...... Hryvnia ...... 582.79 ...... 582.79 Tim Rieser: Cuba ...... Peso ...... 176.00 ...... 176.00 United States ...... Dollar ...... 925.00 ...... 925.00 Paul Grove: Thailand ...... Baht ...... 421.04 ...... 421.04 Burma ...... Kyat ...... 374.00 ...... 374.00 Cambodia ...... Riel ...... 404.00 ...... 404.00 Turkey ...... Lira ...... 215.22 ...... 215.22 Afghanistan ...... Afghani ...... 56.00 ...... 56.00 Pakistan ...... Rupee ...... 198.00 ...... 198.00 India ...... Rupee ...... 970.66 ...... 970.66 United States ...... Dollar ...... 7,313.41 ...... 7,313.41 Adam Yezerski: Thailand ...... Baht ...... 451.03 ...... 451.03 Burma ...... Kyat ...... 404.00 ...... 404.00 Cambodia ...... Riel ...... 434.00 ...... 434.00 Turkey ...... Lira ...... 215.22 ...... 215.22 Afghanistan ...... Afghani ...... 56.00 ...... 56.00 Pakistan ...... Rupee ...... 198.00 ...... 198.00 India ...... Rupee ...... 970.65 ...... 970.65 United States ...... Dollar ...... 7,313.41 ...... 7,313.41 * Delegation Expenses: Burma ...... Kyat ...... 1,923.96 ...... 1,280.00 ...... 3,203.96 Cambodia ...... Riel ...... 191.00 ...... 248.00 ...... 439.00 Cape Verde ...... Escudo ...... 357.54 ...... 11.25 ...... 368.79 Cuba ...... Peso ...... 40.00 ...... 40.00 Ethiopia ...... Birr ...... 217.15 ...... 236.49 ...... 453.64 Georgia ...... Lari ...... 284.11 ...... 284.11 India ...... Rupee ...... 2,857.95 ...... 292.57 ...... 3,150.52 Jordan ...... Dinar ...... 33.54 ...... 18.64 ...... 52.18


Per diem Transportation Miscellaneous Total U.S. dollar U.S. dollar U.S. dollar U.S. dollar Name and country Name of currency Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency currency currency currency

Pakistan ...... Rupee ...... 219.52 ...... 844.50 ...... 1,064.02 Rwanda ...... Franc ...... 835.66 ...... 835.66 Thailand ...... Baht ...... 665.33 ...... 665.33 Turkey ...... Lira ...... 124.51 ...... 124.51 Ukraine ...... Hryvnia ...... 1,749.15 ...... 112.38 ...... 1,861.53 United Arab Emirates ...... Dirham ...... 176.33 ...... 176.33 Total ...... 21,009.90 ...... 18,595.65 ...... 39,605.55 * Delegation expenses include payments and reimbursements to the Department of State under the authority of Sec. 502(b) of the Mutual Security Act of 1954, as amended by Sec. 22 of P.L. 95–384, and S. Res. 179 agreed to May 25, 1977. SENATOR BARBARA A. MIKULSKI, Chairman, Committee on Appropriations, May 8, 2014.


Per diem Transportation Miscellaneous Total U.S. dollar U.S. dollar U.S. dollar U.S. dollar Name and country Name of currency Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency currency currency currency

Senator John McCain: Afghanistan ...... Afghani ...... 70.89 ...... 70.89 Israel ...... Shekel ...... 1,039.11 ...... 1,039.11 United States ...... Dollar ...... 9,597.94 ...... 9,597.94 Christian D. Brose: Afghanistan ...... Afghani ...... 56.00 ...... 56.00 Israel ...... Shekel ...... 1,076.00 ...... 221.00 ...... 1,297.00 United States ...... Dollar ...... 11,074.12 ...... 11,074.12 Elizabeth O’Bagy: Israel ...... Shekel ...... 932.98 ...... 932.98 United States ...... Dollar ...... 11,695.94 ...... 11,695.94 Senator Lindsey Graham: Israel ...... Shekel ...... 886.52 ...... 886.52 United States ...... Dollar ...... 71.69 ...... 5,010.32 ...... 5,082.01 * Delegation Expenses: Israel ...... Shekel ...... 339.84 ...... 10,485.90 ...... 10,825.74 United Arab Emirates ...... Dirham ...... 502.31 ...... 502.31 Jonathan Epstein: Marshall Islands ...... Dollar ...... 128.00 ...... 1,898.90 ...... 2,026.90 Richard W. Fieldhouse: Marshall Islands ...... Dollar ...... 128.00 ...... 1,898.90 ...... 2,026.90 Daniel Lerner: Marshall Islands ...... Dollar ...... 310.00 ...... 1,898.90 ...... 2,208.90 Adam J. Barker Mexico ...... Peso ...... 327.96 ...... 327.96 United States ...... Dollar ...... 982.34 ...... 982.34 Senator James M. Inhofe: Germany ...... Euro ...... 65.35 ...... 65.35 Turkey ...... Lira ...... 35.00 ...... 35.00 Jordan ...... Dinar ...... 96.29 ...... 96.29 United Arab Emirates ...... Dirham ...... 151.09 ...... 151.09 Ethiopia ...... Birr ...... 186.12 ...... 186.12 Rwanda ...... Franc ...... 271.30 ...... 271.30 Cape Verde ...... Escudo ...... 53.62 ...... 53.62 Anthony Lazarski: Germany ...... Euro ...... 43.47 ...... 40.14 ...... 83.61 Turkey ...... Lira ...... 34.84 ...... 34.84 Jordan ...... Dinar ...... 106.02 ...... 106.02 United Arab Emirates ...... Dirham ...... 96.11 ...... 31.09 ...... 127.20 Ethiopia ...... Birr ...... 177.23 ...... 177.23 Rwanda ...... Franc ...... 169.00 ...... 57.20 ...... 226.20 Cape Verde ...... Escudo ...... 87.63 ...... 87.63 John Mark Powers: Germany ...... Euro ...... 84.74 ...... 84.74 Turkey ...... Lira ...... 40.54 ...... 40.54 Jordan ...... Dinar ...... 73.19 ...... 14.07 ...... 87.26 United Arab Emirates ...... Dirham ...... 57.12 ...... 42.50 ...... 99.62 Ethiopia ...... Birr ...... 156.37 ...... 156.37 Rwanda ...... Franc ...... 233.27 ...... 50.00 ...... 283.27 Cape Verde ...... Escudo ...... 53.62 ...... 53.62 Joel Starr: Germany ...... Euro ...... 38.00 ...... 38.00 Turkey ...... Lira ...... 36.59 ...... 36.59 Jordon ...... Dinar ...... 49.74 ...... 49.74 United Arab Emirates ...... Dirham ...... 189.50 ...... 42.50 ...... 232.00 Ethiopia ...... Birr ...... 177.23 ...... 177.23 Rwanda ...... Franc ...... 213.43 ...... 213.43 Cape Verde ...... Escudo ...... 53.62 ...... 53.62 Luke Holland: Germany ...... Euro ...... 98.96 ...... 8.49 ...... 107.45 Turkey ...... Lira ...... 40.54 ...... 40.54 Jordan ...... Dinar ...... 116.88 ...... 116.88 United Arab Emirates ...... Dirham ...... 130.79 ...... 130.79 Ethiopia ...... Birr ...... 156.37 ...... 20.86 ...... 177.23 Rwanda ...... Franc ...... 266.89 ...... 266.89 Cape Verde ...... Escudo ...... 53.62 ...... 53.62 * Delegation Expenses: Georgia ...... Lari ...... 1,420.55 ...... 1,420.55 Turkey ...... Lira ...... 469.65 ...... 469.65 Jordan ...... Dinar ...... 93.16 ...... 167.61 ...... 260.77 United Arab Emirates ...... Dirham ...... 881.29 ...... 881.29 Ethiopia ...... Birr ...... 587.82 ...... 1,164.53 ...... 1,752.35 Rwanda ...... Franc ...... 2,506.99 ...... 2,506.99 Cape Verde ...... Escudo ...... 1,786.99 ...... 1,786.99 Senator Claire McCaskill: Switzerland ...... Franc ...... 3,983.55 ...... 3,983.55 United States ...... Dollar ...... 10,545.00 ...... 10,545.00 * Delegation Expenses: Switzerland ...... Franc ...... 2,372.66 ...... 2,372.66 Senator John McCain: Switzerland ...... Franc ...... 1,416.92 ...... 1,416.92


Per diem Transportation Miscellaneous Total U.S. dollar U.S. dollar U.S. dollar U.S. dollar Name and country Name of currency Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency currency currency currency

United States ...... Dollar ...... 1,238.50 ...... 1,238.50 * Delegation Expenses: Switzerland ...... Franc ...... 6,668.44 ...... 6,668.44 Michael J. Kuiken: Kenya ...... Shilling ...... 517.00 ...... 517.00 Egypt ...... Pound ...... 307.50 ...... 307.50 Qatar ...... Riyal ...... 389.72 ...... 389.72 United States ...... Dollar ...... 24,105.87 ...... 24,105.87 Thomas W. Goffus: Kenya ...... Shilling ...... 690.00 ...... 690.00 Egypt ...... Pound ...... 387.00 ...... 387.00 Qatar ...... Riyal ...... 553.76 ...... 553.76 United States ...... Dollar ...... 23,746.92 ...... 23,746.92 * Delegation Expenses: Kenya ...... Shilling ...... 2,080.00 ...... 946.10 ...... 3,026.10 Egypt ...... Pound ...... 59.60 ...... 59.60 Ozge Guzelsu: Australia ...... Dollar ...... 1,235.02 ...... 1,235.02 Japan ...... Yen ...... 1,133.80 ...... 1,133.80 South Korea ...... Won ...... 800.00 ...... 800.00 Myanmar ...... Kiat ...... 728.50 ...... 728.50 United States ...... Dollar ...... 20,921.45 ...... 20,921.45 Michael J. Noblet: Japan ...... Yen ...... 725.00 ...... 725.00 United States ...... Dollar ...... 11,827.00 ...... 11,827.00 Jason W. Maroney: Japan ...... Yen ...... 725.00 ...... 725.00 United States ...... Dollar ...... 13,863.45 ...... 13,863.45 Thomas W. Goffus: Australia ...... Dollar ...... 1,202.00 ...... 1,202.00 Myanmar ...... Kiat ...... 728.50 ...... 728.50 * Delegation Expenses: Australia ...... Dollar ...... 895.00 ...... 895.00 Japan ...... Yen ...... 146.24 ...... 146.24 South Korea ...... Won ...... 262.47 ...... 262.47 Senator John McCain: Germany ...... Euro ...... 1,603.94 ...... 1,603.94 Christian D. Brose: Germany ...... Euro ...... 637.00 ...... 637.00 Hungary ...... Forint ...... 42.00 ...... 42.00 United States ...... Dollar ...... 583.16 ...... 583.16 Elizabeth O’Bagy: Germany ...... Euro ...... 840.13 ...... 87.29 ...... 927.42 United States ...... Dollar ...... 583.16 ...... 583.16 Senator Lindsey Graham: Germany ...... Euro ...... 1,600.87 ...... 1,600.87 Senator Kelly Ayotte: Germany ...... Euro ...... 1,160.70 ...... 1,160.70 Senator Roy Blunt: Germany ...... Euro ...... 1,153.53 ...... 1,153.53 * Delegation Expenses: Germany ...... Euro ...... 6,088.76 ...... 10,628.36 ...... 16,717.12 Hungary ...... Forint ...... 349.17 ...... 349.17 Michael J. Kuiken: Germany ...... Euro ...... 675.36 ...... 675.36 Italy ...... Euro ...... 208.99 ...... 208.99 United States ...... Dollar ...... 10,697.80 ...... 10,697.80 Adam J. Barker: Germany ...... Euro ...... 522.81 ...... 522.81 Italy ...... Euro ...... 239.99 ...... 239.99 United States ...... Dollar ...... 10,697.80 ...... 10,697.80 Thomas W. Goffus: Germany ...... Euro ...... 732.00 ...... 732.00 Italy ...... Euro ...... 264.00 ...... 264.00 United States ...... Dollar ...... 10,697.80 ...... 10,697.80 Senator Tim Kaine: Israel ...... Shekel ...... 1,461.06 ...... 1,461.06 Lebanon ...... Pound ...... 191.83 ...... 191.83 Egypt ...... Pound ...... 733.77 ...... 733.77 United States ...... Dollar ...... 14,101.60 ...... 14,101.60 Mary Naylor: Israel ...... Shekel ...... 1,461.06 ...... 1,461.06 Lebanon ...... Pouund ...... 181.83 ...... 181.83 Egypt ...... Pound ...... 826.07 ...... 826.07 United States ...... Dollar ...... 13,760.60 ...... 13,760.60 Senator Angus S. King, Jr.: Israel ...... Shekel ...... 534.00 ...... 534.00 Lebanon ...... Pound ...... 250.00 ...... 250.00 United States ...... Dollar ...... 8,855.60 ...... 8,855.60 Stephen Smith: Israel ...... Shekel ...... 534.00 ...... 534.00 Lebanon ...... Pound ...... 125.00 ...... 125.00 Egypt ...... Pound ...... 426.00 ...... 426.00 United States ...... Dollar ...... 13,725.60 ...... 13,725.60 * Delegation Expenses: Israel ...... Shekel ...... 9,042.59 ...... 9,042.59 Lebanon ...... Pound ...... 4,377.38 ...... 4,377.38 Senator John McCain: Ukraine ...... Hryvnia ...... 761.61 ...... 761.61 Christian D. Brose: Ukraine ...... Hryvnia ...... 820.97 ...... 820.97 Elizabeth O’Bagy: Ukraine ...... Hryvnia ...... 668.73 ...... 668.73 * Delegation Expenses: Ukraine ...... Hryvnia ...... 1,861.54 ...... 1,861.54 Ozge Guzelsu: Indonesia ...... Rupiah ...... 806.00 ...... 806.00 China ...... Renminbi ...... 1,480.55 ...... 1,480.55 Taiwan ...... Dollar ...... 851.23 ...... 851.23 United States ...... Dollar ...... 17,324.50 ...... 17,324.50 Thomas W. Goffus: China ...... Renminbi ...... 1,112.16 ...... 1,112.16 United States ...... Dollar ...... 13,357.00 ...... 13,357.00 * Delegation Expenses: Indonesia ...... Rupiah ...... 473.80 ...... 473.80


Per diem Transportation Miscellaneous Total U.S. dollar U.S. dollar U.S. dollar U.S. dollar Name and country Name of currency Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency currency currency currency

China ...... Renminbi ...... 1,085.40 ...... 1,085.40 Senator Kelly Ayotte: Israel ...... Shekel ...... 978.88 ...... 978.88 Afghanistan ...... Afghani ...... 62.00 ...... 62.00 Ukraine ...... Hryvnia ...... 414.30 ...... 414.30 United States ...... Dollar ...... 8,794.14 ...... 8,794.14 Bradley Bowman: Israel ...... Shekel ...... 736.16 ...... 736.16 Afghanistan ...... Afghani ...... 62.00 ...... 62.00 Ukraine ...... Hryvnia ...... 414.30 ...... 414.30 United States ...... Dollar ...... 9,107.14 ...... 9,107.14 Senator Joe Donnelly: Israel ...... Shekel ...... 890.04 ...... 890.04 Afghanistan ...... Afghani ...... 50.29 ...... 50.29 Ukraine ...... Hryvnia ...... 414.30 ...... 414.30 United States ...... Dollar ...... 7,498.14 ...... 7,498.14 David Park: Israel ...... Shekel ...... 927.08 ...... 927.08 Afghanistan ...... Afghani ...... 62.00 ...... 62.00 Ukraine ...... Hryvnia ...... 414.30 ...... 414.30 United States ...... Dollar ...... 9,107.14 ...... 9,107.14 * Delegation Expenses: Israel ...... Shekel ...... 5,201.94 ...... 5,201.94 Ukraine ...... Hryvnia ...... 2,186.57 ...... 2,186.57 Total ...... 52,777.34 ...... 309,111.21 ...... 65,833.32 ...... 427,721.87 * Delegation expenses include payments and reimbursements to the Department of State under authority of Sec. 502(b) of the Mutual Security Act of 1954, as amended by Section 22 of P. L. 95–384, and S. Res. 179 agreed to May 25, 1977. SENATOR CARL LEVIN, Chairman, Committee on Armed Services, Apr. 30, 2014.


Per diem Transportation Miscellaneous Total U.S. dollar U.S. dollar U.S. dollar U.S. dollar Name and country Name of currency Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency currency currency currency

Isaiah Akin: Algeria ...... Dinar ...... 1,454.00 ...... 1,454.00 Liberia ...... Dollar ...... 563.00 ...... 563.00 United States ...... Dollar ...... 19,381.00 ...... 19,381.90 Tristan Abbey: Algeria ...... Dinar ...... 1,413.00 ...... 1,413.00 Liberia ...... Dollar ...... 490.00 ...... 490.00 United States ...... Dollar ...... 19,381.90 ...... 19,381.90 John Dickas: Algeria ...... Dinar ...... 1,503.00 ...... 1,503.00 Liberia ...... Dollar ...... 560.00 ...... 560.00 United States ...... Dollar ...... 19,381.90 ...... 19,381.90 Ryan Tully: Algeria ...... Dinar ...... 1,533.00 ...... 1,533.00 Liberia ...... Dollar ...... 575.00 ...... 575.00 United States ...... Dollar ...... 19,381.90 ...... 19,381.90 * Delegation Expenses: Algeria ...... Dinar ...... 1,480.00 1,480.00 Liberia ...... Dollar ...... 388.15 388.15 Senator Lisa Murkowski: Canada ...... Dollar ...... 177.70 ...... 177.70 United States ...... Dollar ...... 980.70 ...... 980.70 Isaac Edwards: Canada ...... Dollar ...... 207.70 ...... 207.70 United States ...... Dollar ...... 980.70 ...... 980.70 * Delegation Expenses: Canada ...... Dollar ...... Total ...... 8,476.40 ...... 79,489.00 ...... 1,891.81 ...... 89,857.21 * Delegation expenses include payments and reimbursements to the Department of State under authority of Sec. 502(b) of the Mutual Security Act of 1954, as amended by Section 22 of P.L. 95–384, and S. Res. 179 agreed to May 25, 1977. SENATOR MARY L. LANDRIEU, Chairman, Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, Apr. 1, 2014.


Per diem Transportation Miscellaneous Total U.S. dollar U.S. dollar U.S. dollar U.S. dollar Name and country Name of currency Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency currency currency currency

Senator Rob Portman: Switzerland ...... Euro ...... 1,742.48 ...... 1,742.48 United States ...... Dollar ...... 10,322.30 ...... 10,322.30 Senator Maria Cantwell: Chile ...... Peso ...... 112.00 ...... 112.00 Bolivia ...... Boliviano ...... 101.00 ...... 101.00 United States ...... Dollar ...... 5,516.50 ...... 5,516.50 Jonathan Hale: Chile ...... Peso ...... 175.00 ...... 175.00 Bolivia ...... Boliviano ...... 69.00 ...... 69.00 Jayme White: Singapore ...... Dollar ...... 394.83 ...... 394.83 United States ...... Dollar ...... 12,224.40 ...... 12,224.40 Elissa Alben: Singapore ...... Dollar ...... 350.12 ...... 350.12


Per diem Transportation Miscellaneous Total U.S. dollar U.S. dollar U.S. dollar U.S. dollar Name and country Name of currency Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency currency currency currency

United States ...... Dollar ...... 19,380.50 ...... 19,380.50 Everett Eissenstat: Singapore ...... Dollar ...... 412.04 ...... 412.04 United States ...... Dollar ...... 10,042.30 ...... 10,042.30 Shane Warren: Singapore ...... Dollar ...... 480.65 ...... 480.65 United States ...... Dollar ...... 11,141.20 ...... 11,141.20 Total ...... 3,837.12 ...... 68,627.20 ...... 0.00 ...... 72,464.32 SENATOR RON WYDEN, Chairman, Committee on Finance, Apr. 30, 2014.


Per diem Transportation Miscellaneous Total U.S. dollar U.S. dollar U.S. dollar U.S. dollar Name and country Name of currency Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency currency currency currency

Senator Christopher Murphy: * Delegation Expenses: Belgium ...... Euro ...... 1,229.09 ...... 1,229.09 Total ...... 1,229.09 ...... 1,229.09 * Delegation expenses include payments and reimbursements to the Department of State under authority of Sec. 502(b) of the Mutual Security Act of 1954, as amended by Section 22 of P.L. 95–384, and S. Res. 179 agreed to May 25, 1977. SENATOR ROBERT MENENDEZ, Chairman, Committee on Foreign Relations, Apr. 30, 2014.


Per diem Transportation Miscellaneous Total U.S. dollar U.S. dollar U.S. dollar U.S. dollar Name and country Name of currency Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency currency currency currency

Senator John Barrasso: Afghanistan ...... Dollar ...... 56.00 ...... 56.00 Israel ...... Shekel ...... 1,076.00 ...... 1,076.00 United States ...... Dollar ...... 6,907.12 ...... 6,907.12 * Delegation Expenses: Israel ...... Shekel ...... 2,706.43 ...... 2,706.43 Senator John Barrasso: Ukraine ...... Hryvna ...... 680.93 ...... 680.93 Senator : Ukraine ...... Hryvna ...... 630.19 ...... 630.19 Senator Ron Johnson: Ukraine ...... Hryvna ...... 652.42 ...... 652.42 Lydia Westlake: Ukraine ...... Hryvna ...... 685.54 ...... 685.54 Senator Christopher Murphy: Ukraine ...... Hryvna ...... 710.08 ...... 710.08 Jessica Elledge: Ukraine ...... Hryvna ...... 827.78 ...... 827.78 Chris Homan: Ukraine ...... Hryvna ...... 665.63 ...... 665.63 * Delegation Expenses: Ukraine ...... Hryvna ...... 4,343.58 ...... 4,343.58 Senator Bob Corker: England ...... Euro ...... 963.99 ...... 963.99 Switzerland ...... Franc ...... 1,987.33 ...... 1,987.33 United States ...... Dollar ...... 8,500.00 ...... 8,500.00 Michael Bright: England ...... Euro ...... 1,657.28 ...... 1,657.28 United States ...... Dollar ...... 8,690.20 ...... 8,690.20 Todd Womack: England ...... Euro ...... 996.60 ...... 996.60 United States ...... Dollar ...... 14,013.20 ...... 14,013.20 * Delegation Expenses: England ...... Euro ...... 2,195.79 ...... 2,195.79 Switzerland ...... Franc ...... 5,475.62 ...... 5,475.62 Senator Robert Menendez: Mexico ...... Peso ...... 557.51 ...... 557.51 Colombia ...... Peso ...... 1,096.04 ...... 1,096.04 United States ...... Peso ...... 3,772.41 ...... 3,772.41 Daniel O’Brien: Mexico ...... Peso ...... 542.81 ...... 542.81 Colombia ...... Peso ...... 1,325.80 ...... 1,325.80 United States ...... Dollar ...... 3,357.21 ...... 3,357.21 Brandon Yoder: Mexico ...... Peso ...... 598.56 ...... 598.56 Colombia ...... Peso ...... 1,305.82 ...... 1,305.82 United States ...... Dollar ...... 3,357.21 ...... 3,357.21 * Delegation Expenses: Mexico ...... Peso ...... 1,519.00 ...... 1,519.00 Colombia ...... Peso ...... 786.00 ...... 786.00 Senator Robert Menendez: Belgium ...... Euro ...... 1,852.49 ...... 1,852.49 United States ...... Dollar ...... 9,249.90 ...... 9,249.90 Jason Bruder: Belgium ...... Euro ...... 1,954.41 ...... 1,954.41 United States ...... Dollar ...... 10,394.90 ...... 10,394.90 Daniel O’Brien: Belgium ...... Euro ...... 2,089.61 ...... 2,089.61


Per diem Transportation Miscellaneous Total U.S. dollar U.S. dollar U.S. dollar U.S. dollar Name and country Name of currency Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency currency currency currency

United States ...... Dollar ...... 10,732.90 ...... 10,732.90 Adam Sharon: Belgium ...... Euro ...... 1,866.01 ...... 1,866.01 United States ...... Dollar ...... 10,394.00 ...... 10,394.00 * Delegation Expenses: Belgium ...... Euro ...... 4,180.10 ...... 4,180.10 Senator Christopher Murphy: Germany ...... Dollar ...... 930.74 ...... 930.74 United States ...... Dollar ...... 5,507.70 ...... 5,507.70 * Delegation Expenses: Germany ...... Dollar ...... 2,786.18 ...... 2,786.18 Senator Marco Rubio: Japan ...... Yen ...... 559.67 ...... 559.67 Philippines ...... Dollar ...... 173.90 ...... 173.90 Korea ...... Won ...... 946.74 ...... 946.74 United States ...... Dollar ...... 16,340.88 ...... 16,340.88 Cesar Conda: Japan ...... Yen ...... 595.74 ...... 595.74 Philippines ...... Dollar ...... 173.90 ...... 173.90 Korea ...... Won ...... 955.90 ...... 955.90 United States ...... Dollar ...... 14,802.39 ...... 14,802.39 * Delegation Expenses: Japan ...... Yen ...... 2,732.04 ...... 2,732.04 Philippines ...... Dollar ...... 604.60 ...... 604.60 Korea ...... Won ...... 665.24 ...... 665.24 Sergio Aguirre: Israel ...... Shekel ...... 1,582.62 ...... 1,582.62 Lebanon ...... Pound ...... 181.83 ...... 181.83 Egypt ...... Pound ...... 876.19 ...... 876.19 United States ...... Dollar ...... 14,106.60 ...... 14,106.60 * Delegation Expenses: Israel ...... Shekel ...... 2,260.67 ...... 2,260.67 Lebanon ...... Pound ...... 1,094.35 ...... 1,094.35 Egypt ...... Pound ...... 1,078.75 ...... 1,078.75 Amber Bland: Kenya ...... Shilling ...... 964.99 ...... 964.99 Tanzania ...... Shilling ...... 781.40 ...... 781.40 United States ...... Dollar ...... 3,270.70 ...... 3,270.70 Harold Connolly: Kenya ...... Shilling ...... 1,140.00 ...... 1,140.00 Tanzania ...... Shilling ...... 1,002.00 ...... 1,002.00 United States ...... Dollar ...... 3,520.70 ...... 3,520.70 David Andrew Olson: Kenya ...... Shilling ...... 853.00 ...... 853.00 Tanzania ...... Shilling ...... 752.00 ...... 752.00 United States ...... Dollar ...... 3,270.70 ...... 3,270.70 Halie Soifer: Kenya ...... Shilling ...... 1,510.00 ...... 1,510.00 Tanzania ...... Shilling ...... 599.00 ...... 599.00 United States ...... Dollar ...... 3,927.00 ...... 3,927.00 Ben Sundholm: Kenya ...... Shilling ...... 1,140.00 ...... 1,140.00 Tanzania ...... Shilling ...... 1,002.00 ...... 1,002.00 United States ...... Dollar ...... 3,520.70 ...... 3,520.70 * Delegation Expenses: Kenya ...... Shilling ...... 1,123.92 ...... 1,123.92 Tanzania ...... Shilling ...... 39.50 ...... 39.50 Jason Bruder: Georgia ...... Lari ...... 1,023.00 ...... 1,023.00 Ukraine ...... Hryvnia ...... 483.56 ...... 483.56 Belgium ...... Euro ...... 724.52 ...... 724.52 United States ...... Dollar ...... 4,992.40 ...... 4,992.40 Joshua Lucas: Georgia ...... Lari ...... 822.00 ...... 822.00 Ukraine ...... Hryvnia ...... 315.56 ...... 315.56 Belgium ...... Euro ...... 659.52 ...... 659.52 United States ...... Dollar ...... 6,628.10 ...... 6,628.10 Charlotte Oldham-Moore: Ukraine ...... Hryvnia ...... 767.12 ...... 767.12 Belgium ...... Euro ...... 779.52 ...... 779.52 United States ...... Dollar ...... 4,001.50 ...... 4,001.50 Chris Socha: Georgia ...... Lari ...... 1,098.00 ...... 1,098.00 Ukraine ...... Hryvnia ...... 383.56 ...... 383.56 Belgium ...... Euro ...... 779.52 ...... 779.52 United States ...... Dollar ...... 5,352.40 ...... 5,352.40 * Delegation Expenses: Georgia ...... Lari ...... 361.92 ...... 361.92 Michael Gallagher: Egypt ...... Pound ...... 1,045.50 ...... 1,045.50 Israel ...... Shekel ...... 1,389.00 ...... 1,389.00 United States ...... Dollar ...... 4,322.52 ...... 4,322.52 Carolyn Vik: Egypt ...... Pound ...... 1,045.50 ...... 1,045.50 Israel ...... Shekel ...... 1,389.00 ...... 1,389.00 United States ...... Dollar ...... 4,322.52 ...... 4,322.52 * Delegation Expenses: Egypt ...... Pound ...... 243.00 ...... 243.00 Israel ...... Shekel ...... 1,987.43 ...... 1,987.43 Jodi Herman: Qatar ...... Riyal ...... 651.65 ...... 651.65 Saudi Arabia ...... Riyal ...... 384.33 ...... 384.33 United Arab Emirates ...... Dirham ...... 1,359.98 ...... 1,359.98 United States ...... Dollar ...... 3,490.70 ...... 3,490.70 Dana Stroul: Qatar ...... Riyal ...... 629.13 ...... 629.13 Saudi Arabia ...... Riyal ...... 484.25 ...... 484.25 United Arab Emirates ...... Dirham ...... 1,603.50 ...... 1,603.50 United States ...... Dollar ...... 3,490.70 ...... 3,490.70 * Delegation Expenses: Qatar ...... Riyal ...... 209.11 ...... 209.11 Saudi Arabia ...... Riyal ...... 236.00 ...... 236.00 United Arab Emirates ...... Dirham ...... 567.26 ...... 567.26 Chris Homan: Mauritania ...... Ouguiya ...... 248.00 ...... 248.00


Per diem Transportation Miscellaneous Total U.S. dollar U.S. dollar U.S. dollar U.S. dollar Name and country Name of currency Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency currency currency currency

Uzbekistan ...... Som ...... 422.00 ...... 422.00 United States ...... Dollar ...... 6,686.90 ...... 6,686.90 * Delegation Expenses: Mauritania ...... Ouguiya ...... 70.02 ...... 70.02 Carolyn Leddy: Burma ...... Kyat ...... 1,076.68 ...... 1,076.68 Thailand ...... Baht ...... 487.85 ...... 487.85 United States ...... Dollar ...... 5,014.50 ...... 5,014.50 Frank Polley: Burma ...... Kyat ...... 789.00 ...... 789.00 Thailand ...... Baht ...... 519.35 ...... 519.35 United States ...... Dollar ...... 5,014.50 ...... 5,014.50 * Delegation Expenses: Burma ...... Kyat ...... 2,433.09 ...... 2,433.09 Thailand ...... Baht ...... 822.70 ...... 822.70 Damian Murphy: Pakistan ...... Rupee ...... 436.00 ...... 436.00 Afghanistan ...... Dollar ...... 59.35 ...... 59.35 United States ...... Dollar ...... 5,255.02 ...... 5,255.02 Michael Phelan: Pakistan ...... Rupee ...... 260.00 ...... 260.00 Afghanistan ...... Dollar ...... 251.65 ...... 251.65 United States ...... Dollar ...... 4,412.28 ...... 4,412.28 * Delegation Expenses: Pakistan ...... Rupee ...... 483.63 ...... 483.63 Daniel Vajdich: Georgia ...... Lari ...... 1,098.00 ...... 1,098.00 Azerbaijan ...... Manat ...... 417.00 ...... 417.00 United States ...... Dollar ...... 4,929.40 ...... 4,929.40 John Zadrozny: Georgia ...... Lari ...... 1,092.08 ...... 1,092.08 Azerbaijan ...... Manat ...... 424.80 ...... 424.80 United States ...... Dollar ...... 4,007.60 ...... 4,007.60 * Delegation Expenses: Georgia ...... Lari ...... 150.00 ...... 150.00 * Delegation Expenses: Azerbaijan ...... Manat ...... 187.50 ...... 187.50 Total ...... 66,899.93 ...... 229,557.46 ...... 41,343.43 ...... 337,800.82 * Delegation expenses include payments and reimbursements to the Department of State under authority of Sec. 502(b) of the Mutual Security Act of 1954, as amended by Section 22 of P.L. 95–384, and S. Res. 179 agreed to May 25, 1977. SENATOR ROBERT MENENDEZ, Chairman, Committee on Foreign Relations, Apr. 30, 2014.


Per diem Transportation Miscellaneous Total U.S. dollar U.S. dollar U.S. dollar U.S. dollar Name and country Name of currency Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency currency currency currency

Senator Heidi Heitkamp: Cuba ...... Peso ...... 130.00 ...... 130.00 Jorge Rueda: Cuba ...... Peso ...... 124.00 ...... Senator Thomas R. Carper: United States ...... Dollar ...... 1,218.73 ...... Holly Idelson: United States ...... Dollar ...... 1,551.23 ...... Guatemala ...... Quetzal ...... 300.13 ...... Blas Nunez-Neto: United States ...... Dollar ...... 1,551.23 ...... Guatemala ...... Quetzal ...... 179.00 ...... El Salvador ...... Dollar ...... 25.00 ...... * Delegation Expenses: El Salvador ...... Dollar ...... 2,067.51 ...... Guatemala ...... Quetzal ...... 758.00 ...... Total ...... 758.13 ...... 4,321.19 ...... 2,825.51 ...... 7,904.83 * Delegation expenses include payments and reimbursements to the Department of State under authority of Sec. 502(b) of the Mutual Security Act of 1954, as amended by Section 22 of P.L. 95–384, and S. Res. 179 agreed to May 25, 1977. SENATOR THOMAS R. CARPER, Chairman, Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, Apr. 30, 2014.


Per diem Transportation Miscellaneous Total U.S. dollar U.S. dollar U.S. dollar U.S. dollar Name and country Name of currency Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency currency currency currency

Senator Saxby Chambliss ...... Dollar ...... 710.82 ...... 710.82 ...... 14,490.00 ...... 14,490.00 ...... 193.81 ...... 193.81 ...... 0.00 Senator Richard Burr ...... Dollar ...... 710.82 ...... 710.82 ...... 14,490.00 ...... 14,490.00 ...... 193.81 ...... 193.81 ...... 0.00 Martha Scott Poindexter ...... Dollar ...... 710.82 ...... 710.82 ...... 14,490.00 ...... 14,490.00 ...... 193.81 ...... 193.81 ...... 0.00


Per diem Transportation Miscellaneous Total U.S. dollar U.S. dollar U.S. dollar U.S. dollar Name and country Name of currency Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency currency currency currency

Tyler Stephens ...... Dollar ...... 710.82 ...... 710.82 ...... 14,490.00 ...... 14,490.00 ...... 193.81 ...... 193.81 ...... 0.00 Christian Cook ...... Dollar ...... 710.82 ...... 710.82 ...... 14,490.00 ...... 14,490.00 ...... 193.81 ...... 193.81 ...... 0.00 Tressa Guenov ...... Dollar ...... 364.00 ...... 364.00 Paul Matulic ...... Dollar ...... 364.00 ...... 364.00 James Catella ...... Dollar ...... 255.38 ...... 255.38 Lorenzo Goco ...... Dollar ...... 533.00 ...... 533.00 ...... 15,069.40 ...... 15,069.40 Randall Bookout ...... Dollar ...... 458.00 ...... 458.00 ...... 15,069.40 ...... 15,069.40 Andrew Kerr ...... Dollar ...... 618.00 ...... 618.00 ...... 15,069.40 ...... 15,069.40 James Catella ...... Dollar ...... 524.74 ...... 524.74 Total ...... 6,671.22 ...... 117,658.20 ...... 969.05 ...... 125,298.47 SENATOR DIANNE FEINSTEIN, Chairman, Committee on Intelligence, May 7, 2014.


Per diem Transportation Miscellaneous Total U.S. dollar U.S. dollar U.S. dollar U.S. dollar Name and country Name of currency Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency currency currency currency

Senator Sheldon Whitehouse: Germany ...... Dollar ...... 954.59 ...... 954.59 Lacy Dwyer: Germany ...... Dollar ...... 844.96 ...... 844.96 * Delegation Expenses: Germany ...... Dollar ...... 5,572.38 ...... 5,572.38 Senator Sheldon Whitehouse: Ukraine ...... Hryvnia ...... 745.79 ...... 745.79 * Delegation Expenses: Ukraine ...... Hryvnia ...... 620.51 ...... 620.51 Senator Patrick Leahy: United States ...... Dollar ...... 11,342.00 ...... 11,342.00 Switzerland ...... Dollar ...... 2,621.40 ...... 2.621.40 Kevin McDonald: United States ...... Dollar ...... 11,342.00 ...... 11,342.00 Switzerland ...... Dollar ...... 723.00 ...... 723.00 * Delegation Expenses: Switzerland ...... Dollar ...... 4,745.32 ...... 4,745.32 Total ...... 5,889.74 ...... 22,684.00 ...... 10,938.21 ...... 39,511.95 * Delegation expenses include payments and reimbursements to the Department of State under authority of Sec. 502(b) of the Mutual Security Act of 1954, as amended by Section 22 of P.L. 95–384, and S. Res. 179 agreed to May 25, 1977. SENATOR PATRICK J. LEAHY, Chairman, Committee on the Judiciary, Apr. 30, 2014.


Per diem Transportation Miscellaneous Total U.S. dollar U.S. dollar U.S. dollar U.S. dollar Name and country Name of currency Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency currency currency currency

Senator Tom Harkin: Cuba ...... Pesos ...... 1,288.00 ...... 609.00 ...... 1,897.00 Derek Miller: Cuba ...... Pesos ...... 1,288.00 ...... 609.00 ...... 1,897.00 Maria Rosario Gutierrez: Cuba ...... Pesos ...... 1,288.00 ...... 609.00 ...... 1,897.00 * Delegation Expenses: Cuba ...... Pesos ...... 2,088.00 ...... 2,088.00 Senator Bernard Sanders: Cuba ...... Pesos ...... 188.00 ...... 188.00 * Delegation Expenses: Cuba ...... Pesos ...... 20.00 ...... 20.00 Senator Tom Harkin: Chile ...... Pesos ...... 1,758.57 ...... 1,758.57 Bolivia ...... Bolivianos ...... 471.00 ...... 471.00 Senator Bernard Sanders: Chile ...... Pesos ...... 1,758.57 ...... 1,758.57 Bolivia ...... Bolivianos ...... 421.00 ...... 421.00 Maria Rosario Gutierrez: Chile ...... Pesos ...... 1,652.84 ...... 1,652.84 Bolivia ...... Bolivianos ...... 254.00 ...... 2,872.00 ...... 3,126.00 Lindsay Jones: Chile ...... Pesos ...... 1,314.48 ...... 1,314.48 Bolivia ...... Bolivianos ...... 192.84 ...... 192.84 Zachary Schecter-Steinberg: Chile ...... Pesos ...... 1,314.48 ...... 1,314.48 Bolivia ...... Bolivianos ...... 312.84 ...... 312.84 David Weinstein: Chile ...... Pesos ...... 1,314.48 ...... 1,314.48 Boliva ...... Bolivianos ...... 421.00 ...... 421.00 * Delegation Expenses: Chile ...... Pesos ...... 5,514.12 ...... 5,514.12


Per diem Transportation Miscellaneous Total U.S. dollar U.S. dollar U.S. dollar U.S. dollar Name and country Name of currency Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency currency currency currency

Bolivia ...... Bolivianos ...... 5,766.65 ...... 5,766.65 Senator Johnny Isakson: Benin ...... Franc ...... 763.08 ...... 763.08 Chris Sullivan: Benin ...... Franc ...... 747.38 ...... 747.38 * Delegation Expenses: France ...... Euro ...... 347.73 ...... 347.73 Benin ...... Franc ...... 3,319.21 ...... 3,319.21

Total ...... 14,748.14 ...... 4,699.00 ...... 17,495.59 ...... 36,942.73 * Delegation expenses include payments and reimbursements to the Department of State under the authority of Sec. 502(b) of the Mutual Security Act of 1954, as amended by Sec. 22 of P. L. 95–384, and S. Res. 179 agreed to May 25, 1977. SENATOR TOM HARKIN, Chairman, Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions, Apr. 30, 2014.


Per diem Transportation Miscellaneous Total U.S. dollar U.S. dollar U.S. dollar U.S. dollar Name and country Name of currency Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency currency currency currency

Fred Turner: Austria ...... Euro ...... 1,077.00 ...... 1,077.00 United States ...... Dollar ...... 7,966.40 ...... 7,966.40 Shelly Han: Austria ...... Euro ...... 1,086.00 ...... 1,086.00 United States ...... Dollar ...... 1,640.70 ...... 1,640.70 Erik Schlager: Austria ...... Euro ...... 1,526.02 ...... 1,526.02 United States ...... Dollar ...... 2,039.80 ...... 2,039.80 Robert Hand: Austria ...... Euro ...... 1,031.00 ...... 1,031.00 United States ...... Dollar ...... 1,674.70 ...... 1,674.70 Allison Hollabaugh: Austria ...... Euro ...... 516.88 ...... 516.88 United States ...... Dollar ...... 1,712.70 ...... 1,712.70

Total ...... 5,236.90 ...... 15,034.30 ...... 20,271.20 SENATOR BENJAMIN L. CARDIN, Chairman, Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, Apr. 9, 2014.


Per diem Transportation Miscellaneous Total U.S. dollar U.S. dollar U.S. dollar U.S. dollar Name and country Name of currency Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency currency currency currency

Alex Johnson: Austria ...... Euro ...... 2,400.00 ...... 2,400.00 United States ...... Dollar ...... 935.60 ...... 935.60

Total ...... 2,400.00 ...... 935.60 ...... 3,335.60 SENATOR BENJAMIN L. CARDIN, Chairman, Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, Apr. 9, 2014.


Per diem Transportation Miscellaneous Total U.S. dollar U.S. dollar U.S. dollar U.S. dollar Name and country Name of currency Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent Foreign equivalent currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency or U.S. currency currency currency currency

Jamie Fly: United States ...... Dollar ...... 14,831.40 ...... 14,831.40 Japan ...... Yen ...... 712.09 ...... 549.52 ...... 1,261.61 Phillipines ...... Peso ...... 287.77 ...... 533.10 ...... 820.87 South Korea ...... Won ...... 604.13 ...... 498.99 ...... 1,103.12 Thomas Hawkins: United States ...... Dollar ...... 13,852.00 ...... 13,852.00 United Arab Emirates ...... Dirham ...... 86.90 ...... 86.90 Jordan ...... Dinar ...... 649.82 ...... 649.82 United Kingdom ...... Pound ...... 6.91 ...... 6.91 United States ...... Dollar ...... 13,718.24 ...... 13,718.24 Israel ...... Shekel ...... 1,612.59 ...... 1,612.59 Afghanistan ...... Dollar ...... 37.00 ...... 37.00 Ukraine ...... Hryvnia ...... 344.30 ...... 344.30

Total ...... 4,247.70 ...... 42,401.64 ...... 1,675.42 ...... 48,324.76 SENATOR MITCH McCONNELL, Republican Leader, May 1, 2014.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:10 Mar 07, 2015 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00033 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 8634 E:\RECORD14\MAY 2014\S12MY4.REC S12MY4 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE S2922 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 12, 2014 ORDERS FOR TUESDAY, MAY 13, PROGRAM EXTRAORDINARY AND PLENIPOTENTIARY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA TO THE ARAB REPUBLIC OF 2014 Mr. REID. Mr. President, there will EGYPT. STUART E. JONES, OF VIRGINIA, A CAREER MEMBER OF Mr. REID. Mr. President, I ask unan- be a rollcall vote at 11:10 tomorrow THE SENIOR FOREIGN SERVICE, CLASS OF CAREER MIN- morning. ISTER, TO BE AMBASSADOR EXTRAORDINARY AND PLEN- imous consent that when the Senate IPOTENTIARY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA TO completes its business today, it ad- f THE REPUBLIC OF IRAQ. journ until 10 a.m. tomorrow morning, ADJOURNMENT UNTIL 10 A.M. f May 13, 2014; that following the prayer TOMORROW CONFIRMATIONS and pledge, the morning hour be Mr. REID. Mr. President, if there is deemed expired, the Journal of pro- no further business to come before the Executive nominations confirmed by ceedings be approved to date, the time Senate, I ask unanimous consent it the Senate May 12, 2014: for the two leaders be reserved for their stand adjourned under the previous DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY use later in the day; that following any order. STEVEN CROLEY, OF MICHIGAN, TO BE GENERAL COUN- leader remarks, the time until 11:10 There being no objection, the Senate, SEL OF THE DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY. a.m. be equally divided and controlled at 7:19 p.m., adjourned until Tuesday, THE JUDICIARY between the two leaders or their des- May 13, 2014, at 10 a.m. ROBIN S. ROSENBAUM, OF FLORIDA, TO BE UNITED STATES CIRCUIT JUDGE FOR THE ELEVENTH CIRCUIT. ignees prior to a cloture vote on the f f motion to proceed to H.R. 3474, the ve- NOMINATIONS hicle for the tax extenders legislation; WITHDRAWAL that the Senate recess from 12:30 p.m. Executive nominations received by until 2:15 p.m. to allow for the weekly the Senate: Executive Message transmitted by caucus meetings, and that if cloture is DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE the President to the Senate on May 12, invoked on the motion to proceed to LISA AFUA SERWAH MENSAH, OF MARYLAND, TO BE 2014 withdrawing from further Senate UNDER SECRETARY OF AGRICULTURE FOR RURAL DE- consideration the following nomina- H.R. 3474, the time during the recess VELOPMENT, VICE DALLAS P. TONSAGER, RESIGNED. tion: count postcloture. DEPARTMENT OF STATE TOMMY PORT BEAUDREAU, OF ALASKA, TO BE AN AS- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without ROBERT STEPHEN BEECROFT, OF CALIFORNIA, A CA- SISTANT SECRETARY OF THE INTERIOR, VICE RHEA S. REER MEMBER OF THE SENIOR FOREIGN SERVICE, SUH, WHICH WAS SENT TO THE SENATE ON JANUARY 6, objection, it is so ordered. CLASS OF MINISTER–COUNSELOR, TO BE AMBASSADOR 2014.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:10 Mar 07, 2015 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00034 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 9801 E:\RECORD14\MAY 2014\S12MY4.REC S12MY4 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE