P1: aaa 9780521875950c21 cuuk358/Radcliffe ISBN: 978 0 521 87595 0 Top: 0.29637in Gutter: 0.79034in August 6, 2008 14:55

Chapter 21

Use of in IPM Thomas C. Baker

During the past 68 years that have elapsed since ing crop damage after conducting experiments in the identification of the first which disruptant dispenser dosages and deploy- (Butenandt, 1959) there has been a bourgeoning ment densities have been varied. A mating dis- of basic and applied research that has resulted ruption system may work successfully from a bio- in an amazingly diverse and effective use of logical standpoint, but at the commercial level it pheromones in IPM. Other behavior-modifying may be too costly or not sufficiently user-friendly semiochemicals have had more limited success compared to standard practices, and the system on a commercial level, although much research is will have been judged to “fail” at this level. It is continuing to try to find new ways to make such important to distinguish between failure in the chemicals as host plant volatiles more useful in commercial arena versus biological failure of the IPM settings as attractants or deterrents. mating disruption system itself. Although pheromones have established them- selves in IPM systems, most end-users and even applied researchers do not realize how much work 21.1 Monitoring established goes into identifying and optimizing pheromone populations blends so that they become highly species-specific and optimally attractive to the target species so that they can be used to the best effect. Research The most widespread use of pheromones has to determine the most effective pheromone blend been for monitoring endemic pest species’ compositions and dispenser dosages for monitor- adult populations. Comprehensive apple IPM ing and detection typically takes five to ten years programs that were initiated in New York State to complete. Optimizing trap design targeting par- and Michigan during the early 1970s were based ticular species can take several more years. Some- on good, species-specific monitoring traps for times effective pheromones cannot be elucidated the complex of tortricid moth pests that cause at all despite decades of intensive effort. direct and indirect damage to fruit. Monitoring Delivery of effective commercial products of leafroller pests coupled with computer assisted presents another hurdle. For instance, applied degree-day models (Riedl & Croft, 1974; Riedl et al., pheromone researchers may spend years estab- 1976) allowed sprays to be timed for optimum lishing that a particular mating disruption system efficacy against eggs and first instars on such is highly effective at disrupting mating and reduc- key pests as the codling moth (Cydia pomonella)and

Integrated Pest Management, ed. Edward B. Radcliffe, William D. Hutchison and Rafael E. Cancelado. Published by Cambridge University Press. C Cambridge University Press 2009. P1: aaa 9780521875950c21 cuuk358/Radcliffe ISBN: 978 0 521 87595 0 Top: 0.29637in Gutter: 0.79034in August 6, 2008 14:55


oriental fruit moth (Grapholita molesta). Spray-or- since the 1970s, the California Department of Food no-spray decisions based on abundance of adults and Agriculture (CDFA) has monitored an exten- in monitoring trap grids were also made possi- sive grid of pheromone traps to protect against the ble by effective, standardized monitoring traps pink bollworm becoming established in the Cen- and deployment schemes developed against some tral Valley of California. The grid density averages pests such as the codling moth (Madsen, 1981). approximately one trap per 250 ha, but it extends During the mid-1970s to late 1980s, at various densities throughout the Central Valley applications were reduced by more than 50% in (Baker et al., 1990). When a male moth is discov- New York State, Michigan and the Pacific North- ered in a trap, an airdrop of sterile moths, reared west due to monitoring programs that improved at the USDA-APHIS sterile pink bollworm moth- decision making about the need to spray insecti- rearing facility in Phoenix, is implemented. The cides (Madsen, 1981) as well as their timing. Such plane is guided to the exact field by GPS coordi- programs have become even more refined over nates. Sterile moths are dyed pink by the diet they the years, with concomitant further reductions ingest at the rearing facility, and so the many ster- in insecticide applications being documented ile males captured in the pheromone traps are eas- (Agnello et al., 1994). On other crops in the USA ily distinguished from non-dyed males that have as well as around the world, pheromone mon- been blown in on weather systems from southern itoring traps have asserted themselves in IPM desert valleys. programs as essential elements to the success The presence of a non-dyed male in a trap is of these programs. Their use is accepted as an assumed to be indicative of fertile, wild females integral and routine part of IPM. The chem- being present in the same area, and that the threat ical composition of thousands of pheromones of an increasing endemic population of pink boll- can be readily accessed on the websites “Pher- worms becoming established is real. Airdrops of obase” (www.pherobase.com) and “Pherolist” sterile moths are aimed at creating a ratio of (www.nysaes.cornell.edu/pheronet/). Many com- at least 60 : 1 pink : normal-colored (sterile : wild) paniescanbeaccessedonthewebthatprovide male captures in the pheromone traps. When the pheromone monitoring trap kits for hundreds of 60 : 1 ratio cannot be attained, either by too many pests. wild males present or too few sterile individuals being produced at a particular time by the ster- ile moth-rearing facility, the CDFA then applies 21.2 Detection and survey pheromone mating disruption. Monitoring and sanitation of this exotic pest under this program programs for invasive species has provided a significant savings to growers and to the environment, allowing cotton to continue Pheromone traps have played a large role in to be grown in central California with minimal detecting influxes of adult pest species from one insecticide load and maximum profits. region to another and also even from non-crop areas into crop areas. Survey programs involving grids of pheromone traps are used so routinely to report and track the yearly arrival of migrat- 21.3 Mass trapping ing adult populations of such as the black cutworm (Agrotis ipsilon) in the Midwest (Showers The once-discounted technique of mass trapping et al. 1989a, b) or the spread of expanding popu- using either male-produced or female-produced lations such as the gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar) pheromones has become a newly appreciated, (Elkinton & Card´e, 1981) that it has become an highly effective, environmentally friendly and rel- essential part of our arsenal of tools for tracking atively inexpensive means of suppressing popu- and ameliorating pest-movement-related threats. lations of certain pest species whose pheromone One example of a successful use of pheromone communication systems and bionomical charac- traps in detecting invasive species is the pink teristics make them susceptible to this approach. bollworm (Pectinophora gossypiella). Every summer In this technique after much experimentation, P1: aaa 9780521875950c21 cuuk358/Radcliffe ISBN: 978 0 521 87595 0 Top: 0.29637in Gutter: 0.79034in August 6, 2008 14:55


Fig. 21.1 Incidence of American 25000 Normal Sanitation palm weevil-vectored red ring Normal A Sanitation RRD Palm Removal and disease in oil palms in Costa Rica, 20000 RRD Palm Trapping before and after mass trapping of Removal the weevils, as measured by the 15000 number of diseased trees that had to be removed each year from two 10000 plantations, A and B, from 1989 to 5000 1680 1575 632 2001. Plantation A comprised 6514 RRD palms removed 1587 893 1025 ha and Plantation B totaled 8719 ha. 0 From 1989 to 1992, before the 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 implementation of mass trapping of the weevils, disease incidence Year steadily rose. During this period only normal sanitation and diseased 12000 palm tree removal were used to try B to control the weevils. After 1992, Normal Normal Sanitation 10000 RRD Palm Removal and when pheromone mass trapping was Sanitation RRD Palm Trapping added to the program, the incidence 8000 Removal of red ring disease declined 6000 dramatically (from Oehlschlager et al., 2002). 4000

275 177 34 103 49 50 RRD palms removed 2000

0 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 Ye a r

traps are deployed at densities on the crop plants liter bucket traps baited with the male-produced that have proven to attract and capture suffi- sex pheromone plus insecticide-laced sugarcane ciently large numbers of insects such that reduced (Chinchilla & Oehlschlager, 1992; Oehlschlager damage to the crop occurs. et al., 1992, 1993) were deployed at chest level One example of successful mass trapping using at a density of only one trap per 6.6 ha. The pheromone traps concerns the American palm results in the two plantations were virtually iden- weevil (Rhynchophorus palmarum). This species is a tical (Fig. 21.1). Before the mass-trapping pro- highly damaging pest of oil and coconut palms in gram was implemented, normal sanitation pro- Central and South America. A related species, R. cedures involving removal of red ring disease- ferrugineus, is a major pest of oil and other palms infected palms had failed to reduce the incidence in the Middle East. Larvae of R. palmarum cause of this disease. However, once mass trapping was direct damage when they bore into the trunks of added to the system, after one year the inci- the trees, but they also are a vector of red ring dis- dence of diseased trees needing to be removed ease, which is caused by a nematode, Rhadinaphe- dropped by nearly 80%, from about 10 000 diseased lenchus cocophilus. In the early 1990s, losses of trees trees removed to 2000 (Oehlschlager et al., 2002) either due to the weevil itself or to red ring disease (Fig. 21.1). During that first year (1992–1993) more (which necessitates removal of the infected trees) than 200 000 weevils were trapped. In each succes- often routinely reached 15%. sive year, the incidence of diseased trees declined In 1991 following successful preliminary until in 2001 only 50 diseased trees needed to be experiments, plantation-wide mass trapping of removed through sanitation (Oehlschlager et al., the American palm weevil was undertaken on 2002) (Fig. 21.1). two major oil palm plantations in Costa Rica, In subsequent commercial development of the one comprising 6514 ha and the other com- R. palmarum mass-trapping system, approximately prising 8719 ha (Oehlschlager et al., 2002). Four- 25 000 ha of palm plantings were estimated to be P1: aaa 9780521875950c21 cuuk358/Radcliffe ISBN: 978 0 521 87595 0 Top: 0.29637in Gutter: 0.79034in August 6, 2008 14:55


under mass-trapping control yearly at the start of scale of this effort was immense; in 1988 alone this century in Central and South America (A. C. approximately 590 000 traps were deployed and Oehlschlager, personal communication). The den- more than 8.25 million pheromone dispensers sity of traps used has typically been only one trap were used in these southeastern states (Ridgway per 7 ha. In addition to the ability of this male- et al., 1990). based pheromone to attract females, the success The impact of the program was significant of this mass-trapping system (Oehlschlager et al., (Table 21.1), in terms of allowing cotton produc- 2002) is due first to the fact that although the tiontoonceagainexpandandflourish,intermsof weevils are highly damaging and cause high lev- the reduction in applied per hectare els of tree mortality on a per-weevil basis, they are (savings of $US 69–74/ha in Virginia, North Car- present in relatively small numbers. Second, the olina and South Carolina) and in terms of the weevils have a long adult life, and so the steady increased yield value of the harvested cotton per capture of moderate numbers of weevils through- hectare (increase of $US 85.25/ha) (Ridgway et al. out the year can remove a large proportion of a 1990). generation and have a significant impact on pop- ulation growth. Third, the adults are strong flyers, which, in conjunction with the highly attractive 21.4 Mating disruption pheromone blend, allows the pheromone traps to be widely spaced (Oehlschlager et al., 2002). Mating disruption involves dispensing relatively These same characteristics have come into play large amounts of sex pheromone over crop hec- in other highly successful and effective commer- tarage and suppressing males’ abilities to locate cial mass-trapping systems against other tropical females for mating. It used to be assumed that weevil pest species. For R. ferrugineus,morethan most, if not all, females would need to remain 35 000 ha of palm plantings are treated with mass unmated in order for mating disruption to be trapping every year in the Middle East. For another effective, but current thinking has shifted, with pest of palm, coconut rhinocerous beetle (Oryctes evidence showing that females’ ability to mate rhinoceros), more than 50 000 ha yearly are under merely needs to be impaired such that their first a mass-trapping program in the Middle East (A. C. and second matings are delayed, not prevented. Oehlschlager, personal communication). An esti- Since the introduction of the first commercial mated 10 000 ha of commercially grown bananas pheromone mating disruptant in the world in in the American tropics is under mass-trapping 1976 against the pink bollworm on cotton, use programs every year against the banana weevil, of the mating disruption technique has grown Cosmopolites sordidus (Germar) (A. C. Oehlschlager, slowly but steadily. Worldwide, over the past sev- personal communication). eral years nearly 400 000 ha of various agricul- In the early 1980s a “boll weevil eradication” tural crops and forests have been under commer- program was initiated in the southeastern USA cial mating disruption targeting a wide variety that relied extensively on a boll weevil lure and of insect pests. Examples of two of many such trap system developed over many years (Hardee successful mating disruption programs are given et al., 1967a, b; Tumlinson et al. 1968, 1969, 1970, below. Many other examples exist worldwide, in 1971). In the early years, the traps served mainly addition to these from the USA. as detection and monitoring tools and guided decision making on insecticide spraying. If trap 21.4.1 Successful mating disruption in captures exceeded an average of 0.1 weevils per IPM using commercial dispensers trap, insecticides were applied. However, if cap- In the early 1990s, apple and pear growers in ture levels were lower than this, mass trapping California and the Pacific Northwest adopted a alone was considered adequate for population Codling Moth Areawide Management Program suppression. In the later years, the traps oper- (CAMP) that relied on mating disruption for ated in a mass-trapping mode because populations controlling the codling moth (Cydia pomonella). had been reduced during the preceding years and One overall goal of this study was to achieve weevil captures rarely exceeded 0.1 per trap. The an 80% or greater reduction of the use of P1: aaa 9780521875950c21 cuuk358/Radcliffe ISBN: 978 0 521 87595 0 Top: 0.29637in Gutter: 0.79034in August 6, 2008 14:55


Table 21.1 Boll weevil captures in successive years of the expanded boll weevil eradication zones in North Carolina and South Carolina, USA

Percentage of fields capturing indicated numbers of weevils

Year Hectares No. of fields 0 1–5 >5 1983 N.C. 6 600 800 0 1 99 S.C. 21 240 2 000 2 5 93 1984 N.C. 9 200 1 000 21 35 44 S.C. 32 000 2 300 22 25 53 1985 N.C. 9 400 1 000 90 7 3 S.C. 37 000 4 300 81 12 7 1986 N.C. 8 600 1 000 >99.9 0 0 S.C. 34 400 4 200 97.3 2.3 0.4

Fig. 21.2 The number of hectares treated each year with codling moth commercial mating disruption products in Washington State, USA from 1990 to 2002 (Brunner et al., 2001; years 2001 and 2002 provided by Brunner, personal communication). In 1995 the CAMP program (Codling Moth Areawide Management Project) began with subsidized mating disruption applications provided to growers. The three CAMP sites in Washington State comprised a constant 760 hectares during the five years of the program (1995–1999).

broad-spectrum conventional insecticides by the project and compared with fruit from non-CAMP- end of the five-year program. A subsidy was pro- participating grower blocks. vided to all participating growers of $US 125/ha The number of hectares of apples under mat- for the first three years of the project to help ing disruption in Washington State increased defray the cost ($US 275/ha) of the mating dis- steadily during this project as word of success- ruption treatments (Brunner et al., 2001). For ful codling moth population suppression spread the final two years, growers had to pay the full (Fig. 21.2). Growers statewide continued to use cost of the treatments themselves. Standard high- this technique for years after the subsidies had dose codling moth monitoring traps were used to disappeared, indicating that they were satisfied assess trap-capture reductions and damage assess- with the population suppression and their eco- ments were made for all blocks within the CAMP nomic balance sheets. Participants in the CAMP P1: aaa 9780521875950c21 cuuk358/Radcliffe ISBN: 978 0 521 87595 0 Top: 0.29637in Gutter: 0.79034in August 6, 2008 14:55


Table 21.2 Pink bollworm damage to cotton bolls during successive years of the Parker Valley Mating Disrup- tion Project, Arizona, USA

Larvae per 100 bolls

1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 9 July – 0.3 – 0.19 0 16 July – 0.6 0.6 0.09 – 23 July 3.6 1.4 0.03 0.95 – 30 July 7.7 2.7 0.09 0.61 0 6 Aug 17.9 1.5 0.03 0 0 13 Aug 25.9 5.9 0.03 2.45 0 27 Aug 36.4 20.6 1.6 1.19 0 3 Sept 34.5 10.9 1.9 1.6 0 10 Sept 21.6 10.4 3.7 1.78 0 17 Sept 28.4 33.3 6.6 – 0 Total bolls sampled/yr 23 847 31 630 21 675 25 603 22 852

program achieved a 75% reduction in insecticide in year 2 (1990) damage was only 5.9% (Staten applications while reducing damage to unprece- et al., 1997) (Table 21.2). At the mid-August point dented levels (Brunner et al., 2001). Damage at of year 3 damage was only 0.03% and by 1993, harvest fell from 0.8% the year before the pro- out of more than 22 000 bolls sampled season- gram started to 0.55% during year 1, 0.2% during long, not a single infested boll was found (0% year 2 and to between 0.01% and 0.03% during damage) (Table 21.2). In contrast, the central Ari- year 4. These levels were accomplished during zona average infestation rate for conventionally 1998 with one-half the density of dispensers per insecticide-treated hectarage in 1993 was 9–10% hectare, because this was the first year without by mid-August (Staten et al., 1997). a cost subsidy from the program. Also, secondary pests did not arise with the reduced insecticide 21.4.2 Behavioral mechanisms underlying pressure, as had initially been feared would occur. mating disruption success On the contrary, comparison plots under conven- There is evidence from many studies that what tional practice experienced higher levels of sec- has now been more aptly termed “competi- ondary pests and often lower levels of beneficial tion” (Card´e, 1990; Card´e & Minks, 1995) but insects and mites than did the CAMP program had previously been called “confusion” or “false plots (Brunner et al., 2001). trail-following,” does in fact occur in mating- In the Parker Valley of Arizona with over 10 disruption-treated fields, especially those receiv- 000 ha of cotton, growers in the late 1980s man- ing discrete point sources of dispensers such as dated an area wide mating disruption program hollow fibers or ropes. It is unknown, but we due to this pest’s high level of resistance to insec- regard it as unlikely, that male moths in fields ticides (Staten et al., 1997). As in the codling moth treated with sprayable microcapsules, creating a CAMP program, damage diminished year by year nearly uniform fog of pheromone from the closely in the Parker Valley with continued area wide spaced, weak point source emitters, would be sub- application of pheromone mating disruption for- ject to the competition mechanism. The majority mulations. Whereas the percentage of infested of species that have been tested for their responses bolls out of the tens of thousands that were sam- to uniform clouds of pheromone quickly habitu- pled each year was more than 25% during mid- ate when released in the pheromone fog, and cease August of year 1, during the same August period upwind flight after only 1or 2 seconds, reverting P1: aaa 9780521875950c21 cuuk358/Radcliffe ISBN: 978 0 521 87595 0 Top: 0.29637in Gutter: 0.79034in August 6, 2008 14:55


to cross-wind casting within the cloud (Kennedy nism, relying almost exclusively on habituation et al., 1981; Baker, 1985; Justus & Card´e, 2002). or plume camouflage (Card´e, 1990; Card´e&Minks, Card´e & Minks (1995) and Card´e et al. (1997) 1995). Regardless of the type of formulation, it is hypothesized that combinations of mechanisms expected that all should be able to take advantage will likely be operating in concert to various of the advanced period of sexual responsiveness degrees, depending on the type of pheromone that males exhibit before females begin to emit emission by the dispensers of a particular mat- pheromone. ing disruption formulation, to reduce males’ abil- ities to respond to pheromone plumes from their 21.4.3 How mating disruption may females. For dispensers acting in a competitive suppress population growth mode, when males are being “confused” and fly- It had routinely been assumed that successful ing upwind in the plumes of synthetic pheromone mating disruption can only occur if the major- emitted by hollow fibers (Haynes et al., 1986; Miller ity of females in a population are prevented from et al., 1990) or Shin-Etsu ropes (Card´e et al, 1997; mating after the application of a mating disrup- Stelinski et al. 2004, 2005), they are receiving tion formulation. In reality, the females’ ability to high-concentration contacts with the strands of obtain their first or second matings merely needs pheromone in those plumes, and habituation of to be impaired and delayed. In all but a handful the olfactory pathways is occurring as a result of the huge number of mating disruption field of the male remaining in upwind flight and con- trials that have been conducted over the years, tinuing to maintain contact with those strong disruption of mating with freely flying females pheromone strands (Baker et al., 1998). Habitu- has not been directly assessed. The use of teth- ation that results in reduced upwind flight in ered females or clipped-wing females placed on response to Shin-Etsu ropes has been observed “mating tables” or at stations deployed through- in pink bollworm males by Card´e et al. (1997), out the disruption plot and then dissected for the and Stelinski et al. (2003a, b) have found evi- presence (mated) or absence (unmated) of sper- dence of long-lasting adaptation of the peripheral matophores does not assess what is really happen- pheromone receptors in tortricids. Stelinski et al. ing to feral females that have the ability to fly (2004, 2005) documented that males of four tor- freely throughout the area. The tethered female tricid orchard pest species are attracted in vari- technique gives the illusion of being a robust, ous degrees to individual rope dispensers in the real-world assessment of mating disruption effi- field but often do not proceed all the way to the cacy, and although it is one of many good indi- dispenser. cators, it is especially deficient when the insects Miller et al. (2006a, b) developed an intrigu- distribute themselves unevenly within the habi- ing new mathematical foundation for judging tat due to environmental factors such as heat, the degree to which competition (attraction) and humidity and wind. Unless the researcher knows non-competitive (habituation) mechanisms con- ahead of time the locations where adults typi- tribute to the efficacy of a particular mating cally are most densely clumped and can tether the disruptant formulation and dispenser deploy- females there, the ability of the disruptant formu- ment density. As formulations use increasingly lation to keep males from finding females will be widely spaced, high emission rate strategies for overestimated. emitting pheromones, optimal attraction using Knight (1997) introduced the concept of the blends most closely approximating the nat- delayed mating of females within mating disrup- ural female blend will become necessary to pro- tion plots, based on the relatively high proportion long the time a male spends locked onto the of codling moth females that he found had mated plume dosing himself with high amounts of in mating disruption orchards, yet the formula- pheromone in the plume strands to become habit- tion successfully reduced damage. Earlier studies uated. At the other extreme, sprayable microcap- on the oriental fruit moth that monitored the sule formulations will likely depend very little, mating success of freely flying females had sug- if at all, on the attraction–competition mecha- gested that something other than elimination of P1: aaa 9780521875950c21 cuuk358/Radcliffe ISBN: 978 0 521 87595 0 Top: 0.29637in Gutter: 0.79034in August 6, 2008 14:55


mating was operating. For the highly successful et al., 1999). The mating disruptant was impair- and grower-accepted Shin-Etsu rope formulation, ing the ability of females to attract and mate with Rice & Kirsch (1990) found that in plot after plot males on a constant, daily basis but it did not com- treated with mating disruptant, females’ abilities pletely eliminate mating. The application of this to mate at least once in disruption-treated plots MSTRS formulation has subsequently been shown was suppressed at most by 50% relative to check to reduce damage to corn by an average of 50–70% plots during a flight. The suppression of mating in various trials (T. C. Baker, unpublished data). by the disruptant was often as little as 15–20%, Thus, as demonstrated in the oriental fruit moth despite the reduction of fruit damage in these (Rice & Kirsch, 1990) and codling moth studies plots to acceptable levels comparable to those (Knight, 1997), mating disruption success does not using standard insecticide regimes (Rice & Kirsch, require keeping the population of females virgin, 1990). Thousands of females were captured in ter- but rather just needs to impede females’ ability pinyl acetate bait pails and analyzed for the pres- to attract males and retard the dates at which ence or absence of spermatophores in their bursae they achieve their first or even second matings. copulatrices in both the disruptant-treated plots Retarding the dates at which first or second mat- and the check plots. Vickers et al. (1985) and Vick- ings occur achieved significantly affects fecundity ers (1990) reported similar results for oriental fruit in the European corn borer and codling moth moth feral female mating success in Australian (Knight, 1997; Fadamiro and Baker, 1999). rope-treated mating disruption plots (23% mated females in mating disruption plots versus 90% in 21.4.4 Methods to assess the efficacy check plots). of mating disruption Delayed mating was directly confirmed in stud- Of primary importance to growers and to compa- ies on European corn borer (Ostrinia nubilalis)using nies marketing mating disruption products is the very high-release-rate metered semiochemical ability of a formulation to reduce crop damage to timed release systems (MSTRSTM: www.mstrs.com) acceptable levels. In this context, “successful” mat- mating disruption dispensers (Fadamiro et al., ing disruption means assessing crop damage in 1999). Analyses were made of the bursae copulatri- pheromone-treated plots versus untreated check ces of more than 2400 feral females that were cap- plots and finding that damage in mating disrup- tured by hand-netting during the daylight hours tion plots is lower. This process is problematic, but as they were flushed from their grassy aggrega- considered by many to be a significant outcome. tion areas. During each of the two summer flights, The assessment is relatively straightforward, but 100% of the females eventually became mated it is essential that plots be large enough to reduce despite the application of high-release-rate, low- the probability that significant numbers of gravid point-source density dispensers (Fadamiro et al., females can fly in from nearby untreated plots 1999). During the first flight about 50% of the and confound the damage data in the pheromone- females were virgin for the first few days of the treated plots. flight in the mating disruption plots, but the mat- Being an indirect measure of actual mating dis- ing success of females in these plots eventually ruption efficacy, damage assessment evaluates the reached 100% during the ensuing weeks as the end result of many processes that are of interest flight proceeded. However, females attained this to those operating in commercial IPM and agro- 100%-mated status more slowly in the mating dis- nomic arenas. Conclusions that mating disrup- ruption plots than in the check plots, in which tion was “successful” in the context of suppressing females were 100% mated beginning at day 1. damage and being cost-effective can be arrived at Analysis of the number of matings by (number of without knowing exactly to what degree the for- spermatophores in) European corn borer females mulation affected the behavior of males to reduce showed that throughout the entire flight females mating by freely flying feral females. captured in the disruption plots were attaining Considered over many years to be the ulti- first and second matings at a significantly lower mate test of mating disruption efficacy, tethering rate than those from the check plots (Fadamiro females either on a thread or by clipping their P1: aaa 9780521875950c21 cuuk358/Radcliffe ISBN: 978 0 521 87595 0 Top: 0.29637in Gutter: 0.79034in August 6, 2008 14:55


wings and placing them on open arenas so that will have mated if given that opportunity at such they cannot move from the location at which close range. The final step, mating, is an unneces- they are placed has been a good tool in assess- sary one to examine because if the disruptant was ing mating disruption efficacy (see Evendon et al., not able to prevent a male’s long-distance orien- 1999a, b), but this is only one of several indirect tation to the female’s plume, certainly it will not measures. be sufficient to stop the male’s orientation to the If the adult moths in the natural population female over the last 10–20 cm or so. reside in a more clumped distribution in some The most widely used technique for assess- preferred substructure of the vegetative habitat, ing the disruption of mate-finding communica- placing females on artificial stations outside of tion by disruptant formulations is the use of each of these clumps will overestimate the effi- standard pheromone monitoring traps contain- cacy of the disruption formulation with regard to ing synthetic pheromone lures (see Rice & Kirsch, preventing mating of feral females. The formula- 1990; Knight, 1997; Staten et al., 1997; Baker et al., tion in effect will only be assessed for its ability 1998; Fadamiro et al., 1999). This technique can be to prevent the tethered females from attracting as informative as the use of caged calling females males such that they leave their aggregation sites. if the lure that is used has been shown previ- This long-distance attraction will be easier to dis- ously in untreated check plots to be able to attract rupt than will be the disruption of males within equivalent numbers of males as do caged calling the same clumps that also contain females. females. Another limitation to this technique is that The advantage of assessing trap capture reduc- once a female mates with the first male arriv- tion is that it provides a robust, graded data set ing at her station, she emits no more pheromone from these continuously emitting sources. The dis- and the ability to assess disruption of communi- ruption formulation is challenged throughout the cation using that female ends. The data are bino- attraction period each night or evening for its abil- mial, with no opportunity for a graded assessment ity to continuously suppress the ability of males from individual females as to how many males the to locate “females.” Using monitoring traps baited female could have attracted had it been calling for with a good synthetic lure is also easier and less the entire activity period that night and not been problematic than is the use of live, calling females. mated. In another technique, a few virgin females are 21.4.5 Pheromone component blend placed in small screen cages containing sugar composition in the disruptant water source to keep the females alive and formulation hydrated (see Card´e et al., 1977). The cage is situ- Minks & Card´e (1988) and Card´e & Minks (1995) ated within a sticky trap, and so males that are reviewed results from many key sex pheromone attracted to the calling, virgin females become communication disruption experiments and con- ensnared before reaching the females. Males that cluded that for a given species, the synthetic blend do manage to land on the cage containing the compositions and ratios most closely mimicking females without getting trapped will still not be the natural blend for that species should be the able to mate with any female in the cage. We most effective mating disruptants at a given dose feel that this technique has many advantages over per hectare because they will be able to make other indirect measurement techniques such as use of more of the mechanisms (see above) that the use of tethered females. result in disruption than will suboptimal, par- First, as with tethered females, the caged tial blends or off-ratios. Although the majority of females are emitting their natural blend at its field experimental evidence supports this conclu- natural emission rate. However, unlike tethered sion, this does not mean that one or more of the females, the caged females in traps provide a more minor components, due to their more sub- graded assessment of their ability to attract males. tle effects, might be able to be eliminated from If males are able to get close enough to the calling the final formulated product and still retain suffi- females that they can be trapped, they certainly cient efficacy. There are, however, a few apparent P1: aaa 9780521875950c21 cuuk358/Radcliffe ISBN: 978 0 521 87595 0 Top: 0.29637in Gutter: 0.79034in August 6, 2008 14:55


exceptions to this general rule (see Evendon et al., plex, might lead to increases in the populations of 1999a, b, c, 2000). species that had been only secondary pests before mating disruption was used (see Rice & Kirsch, 21.4.6 Some limitations to mating 1990). No pheromone disruption formulation has disruption been created thus far that functions effectively A primary obstacle to the use of pheromone mat- as a “broad-spectrum” formulation. Evendon et al. ing disruption on any crop is that it must be (1999b, c) experimented with single blend formu- applied no later than the start of the first adult lations targeting obliquebanded leafroller (Chori- flight period, that is, before a grower knows for stoneura rosaceana) and threelined leafroller (Pan- sure that there is even going to be a pest problem demis limitata) with some success. Perhaps there that season. The requirement of this “up-front” are other situations where effective multi-species investment in pheromone puts mating disruption blend formulations can be developed, although at a disadvantage compared to curative pest man- there are still none that have attained commer- agement tools that provide a wait-and-see option cial success. (see also Chapter 4). For example, insecticide appli- Pheromone mating disruption formulations cations can be made after a preliminary assess- have to this point been expensive compared with ment of the population density during the first curative applications of insecticides. Although flight of adults or even after oviposition when growers of many crops are now well aware that larval damage can be assessed. Pheromone mat- mating disruption “works” as a pest manage- ing disruption cannot be used curatively in that ment tool, pheromones’ expense plus the up-front manner. nature of the cost has put them at a disadvan- Charmillot (1990) summed up lessons he and tage relative to curative pest management tools. his co-workers learned concerning when it is The active ingredient, the pheromone itself, is the that mating disruption becomes less effective for most expensive part of a formulation. Costs per codling moth population suppression. His lessons gram of even the least expensive pheromone com- regarding codling moth are applicable to mating ponents are approximately $US 1.00, and many disruption efforts on other pests as well. First, other more expensive major pheromone compo- mating disruption works best when applied on nents cost $US 3 to 20 per gram. Formulating the an areawide basis and is not advisable on very active ingredient into specialized dispensers adds small areas (less than 1 ha). The crop borders rep- to the cost, but nevertheless, if cheaper organic resent vulnerable edges for immigration of mated synthetic routes to the active ingredients can be females from adjoining untreated crop areas, and developed, costs of the final formulated products they also serve as a zone that concentrates females could be reduced substantially. along the borders when there are no nearby plant- ing of the same crop. Due to geometry, small hectarage accentuates the problem because the 21.5 Conclusions edge-to-area ratio becomes greater. Also, the use of more widely spaced dispensers requires that bor- Insect pheromone-related technologies for moni- ders be given special attention to reduce the pres- toring endemic pest populations, detecting inva- ence of pheromone-free clean-air “holes” along sive species, mass trapping for population sup- the borders. This can be accomplished either by pression and mating disruption have had a rel- decreasing the spacing between dispensers, or else atively recent history of development in IPM through the use of different dispenser technology compared to biological control and insecticide along borders, such as sprayable microcapsules. technologies. New progress in the application Except for a few small groups or pairs of pheromones in IPM is being made in many of species, pheromones are extremely species- areas, including the knowledge that mass trap- specific. The replacement of broad-spectrum insec- ping can be a highly effective and economically ticides in some IPM systems with mating disrup- beneficial use of these behavior-modifying chemi- tion that targets only one species in a pest com- cals. Novel lure-and-trap technologies continue to P1: aaa 9780521875950c21 cuuk358/Radcliffe ISBN: 978 0 521 87595 0 Top: 0.29637in Gutter: 0.79034in August 6, 2008 14:55


be developed developed for new pest species as Card´e, R. T., Mafra-Neto, A., Staten, R. T. & Kuenen, L. they come on the scene in various regions of the P. S. (1997). Understanding mating disruption in the world. New insights are also being made regard- pink bollworm moth. IOBC/WPRS Bulletin, 20, 191–201. ing ways to determine empirically the modes of Charmillot, P. J. (1990). Mating disruption technique action of mating disruption formulations, and to control codling moth in western Switzerland. In the acceptance of the mating disruption tech- Behavior-Modifying Chemicals for Insect Management, eds. nique by growers and government agencies has R. L Ridgway, R. M. Silverstein & M. N. Inscoe, pp. 165– 182. New York: Marcel Dekker. continued to grow in recent years. It remains to Chinchilla, C. M. & Oehlschlager, A. C. (1992). Capture be seen whether other behavior-modifying chem- of Rhynchophorus palmarum in traps baited with the icals such as host plant volatiles can become as male-produced aggregation pheromone. ASD Oil Palm widely used as pheromones for insect IPM in field Papers, 5,1–8. situations, where pheromones have been an inte- Elkinton, J. S. & Card´e, R. T. (1981). The use of pheromone gral part of insect IPM programs for approximately traps to monitor distribution and population trends 35 years. of the gypsy moth. In Management of Insect Pests with Semiochemicals, ed. E. R Mitchell, pp. 41–55. New York: References Plenum Press. Agnello, A. M., Kovach, J., Nyrop, J. P. et al. (1994). Exten- Evendon, M. L., Judd, G. J. R. & Borden, J. H. (1999a). sion and evaluation of a simplified monitoring pro- Pheromone-mediated mating disruption of Choris- gram in New York apples. American Entomologist, 40, toneura rosaceana: is the most attractive blend really 37–49. the most effective? Entomologia Experimentalis et Appli- Baker, T. C. (1985). Chemical control of behaviour. In cata, 90, 37–47. Comprehensive Insect Physiology, Biochemistry, and Phar- Evendon, M. L., Judd, G. J. R. & Borden, J. H. (1999b). Mat- macology, eds. G. A. Kerkut & L. S. Gilbert, pp. 621–672. ing disruption of two sympatric, orchard-inhabiting Oxford, UK: Pergamon Press. tortricids, Choristoneura rosaceana and Pandemis limi- Baker, T. C., Fadamiro, H. Y. & Coss´e, A. A. (1998). Moth tata (: Tortricidae), with pheromone com- uses fine tuning for odor resolution. Nature, 393, 530. ponents of both species’ blends. Journal of Economic Baker, T. C., Staten, R. T. & Flint, H. M. (1990). Use Entomology, 92, 380–390. of pink bollworm pheromone in the southwest- Evendon, M. L., Judd, G. J. R. & Borden, J. H. (1999c). ern United States. In Behavior-Modifying Chemicals for Simultaneous disruption of pheromone communica- Insect Management, eds. R. L. Ridgway, R. M. Silver- tion in Choristoneura rosaceana and Pandemis limitata stein & M. N. Inscoe, pp. 417–436. New York: Marcel with pheromone and antagonist blends. Journal of Dekker. Chemical Ecology, 25, 501–517. Brunner, J., Welter, S., Calkins, C. et al. (2001). Mating Evendon, M. L., Judd, G. J. R. & Borden, J. H. (2000). disruption of codling moth: a perspective from the Investigations of mechanisms of pheromone commu- Western United States. IOBC/WPRS Bulletin, 25, 207– nication disruption of Choristoneura rosaceana (Harris) 215. in a wind tunnel. Journal of Insect Behavior, 13, 499– Butenandt, A. (1959). Wirkstoffe des Insektenveiches. 510. Naturwissenschaften, 46, 461–471. Fadamiro, H. Y. & Baker, T. C. (1999). Reproductive perfor- Card´e, R. T. (1990). Principles of mating disruption. In mance and longevity of female European corn borer, Behavior-Modifying Chemicals for Insect Management, eds. Ostrinia nubilalis: effects of multiple mating, delay in R. L. Ridgway, R. M. Silverstein & M. N. Inscoe, pp. mating, and adult feeding. Journal of Insect Physiology, 47–71. New York: Marcel Dekker. 45, 385–392. Card´e, R. T. & Minks, A. K. (1995). Control of moth pests by Fadamiro, H. Y., Coss´e, A. A. & Baker, T. C. (1999). mating disruption: successes and constraints. Annual Mating disruption of European corn borer, Ostrinia Review of Entomology, 40, 559–585. nubilalis, by using two types of sex pheromone dis- Card´e, R. T., Baker, T. C. & Castrovillo, P. J. (1977). pensers deployed in grassy aggregation sites in Iowa Disruption of sexual communication in Laspeyresia cornfields. Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology, 2, 121– pomonella (codling moth), Grapholitha molesta (oriental 132. fruit moth) and G. prunivora (lesser appleworm) with Hardee, D. D., Mitchell, E. B. & Huddleston, P. M. (1967a). hollow fiber attractant sources. Entomologia Experimen- Field studies of sex attraction in the boll weevil. Journal talis et Applicata 22, 280–288. of Economic Entomology, 60, 1221–1224. P1: aaa 9780521875950c21 cuuk358/Radcliffe ISBN: 978 0 521 87595 0 Top: 0.29637in Gutter: 0.79034in August 6, 2008 14:55


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