The Art of Hanging Switching Sides Baskets / W.F. West Athletic Director Hired in Centralia / Sports Life $1 Early Week Edition Tuesday, May 20, 2014 Reaching 110,000 Readers in Print and Online — Artistic License Spray Day Brings Legal Graffiti to Onalaska Cowlitz Tribe Seeks Change of Name for State Park HISTORY: Lewis and Clark State Park May Become Cowlitz Trail State Park By Kyle Spurr
[email protected] The Cowlitz Indian Tribe is proposing a more historically accurate name for Lewis and Clark State Park in South Lewis County. As it turns out, Meriwether Lewis and William Clark never set foot in the area during their well-recorded expedition. Philip Harju, vice chair- man of the Cowlitz Tribe, said the tribe is petitioning the state to change the park’s name to “Cowlitz Trail State Park.” Christopher Brewer /
[email protected] The Cowlitz Tribe used the Top: Justin Boggs wears a vapor respirator as he works on an art installation at the former Onalaska Transfer Station Saturday. trail while traveling from the Above: Graiti artist Dr. Phil puts the inishing touches on an art piece at the playshed at Onalaska Middle School as part of Northwest Spray Day on Saturday. Columbia River to the Olympia area. Ruts from the tribe’s wag- on wheels are still visible on the By Christopher Brewer trail, according to tribal leaders.
[email protected] ONALASKA — Take a please see PARK, page Main 14 drive around Onalaska and you’ll likely see a bit more color added to a few struc- tures.