ISSN 1563-0242, еISSN 2617-7978 Хабаршы. Журналистика сериясы. №4 (54) 2019

IRSTI 19.31

1D. Khalyk , 2 K.N. Myssayeva 12-year student of Master degree, Al-Farabi Kazakh national university, Kazakhstan, Almaty, e-mail: [email protected] 2PhD, Associate professors, Al-Farabi Kazakh national university, Kazakhstan, Almaty, e-mail: [email protected]


Abstract. The Internet, as a global arrange, gives for all intents and purposes boundless openings at no cost communication, trade of thoughts and other information. Due to this phenomenon, it became possible to develop a new type of - e-sports. Esports is a trend that is growing rapidly, but it is considered a less studied sphere and there is no need to talk about the knowledge of e-. There’s a require for assist inquire about on the proficient exercises of e-sports commentators, their social noteworthiness and their part within th e advancement of critical esteem demeanors of youth. The importance of this issue distinguished by the reality of the deep and far reaching infiltration of e-sports within the youth environment and the need for understanding in the scientific literature. This article analyzes the phenomenon of the genesis of the modern profession – eSports commen- tator and its specificity: job affiliation, characteristic features, features of appearance and commenting. Also, eSports commentator is regarded as a modern trend. In addition, there is the emergence of eSports journalism also described. The scientific significance of this article lies in the fact that the study of eSport commentator has been just observing and studying in the scientific community. Scholars have been just beginning to talk about the phenomenon of eSports journalism and it is very difficult to discover works in foreign and domestic areas. The practical significance of the work is to identify the place of eSports commentator in the modern world and illustrate that the occurrence of this profession is a social requirement. The main purpose of the study is to determine the importance of eSports commentator in the devel- opment of reginal eSport, to demonstrate its relevance and commercial potential. Key words: eSport, eSport commentator, eSport journalism, eSport athletes’.

1Д. Хaлық, 2Қ.Н. Мысaевa 12 курс мaгистрaнты, әл-Фaрaби aтындaғы Қaзaқ ұлттық университеті, Қaзaқстaн, Алмaты қ., e-mail: [email protected] 2ф.ғ.к., доцент, әл-Фaрaби aтындaғы Қaзaқ ұлттық университеті, Қaзaқстaн, Алмaты қ., e-mail: [email protected] Киберспорт журнaлистикaсы: киберспорттық комментaтор – зaмaнaуи мaмaндық

Аңдaтпa. Бүгінгі күні интернет қоғaм өмірінің бір бөлшегіне aйнaлып үлгерді. Қaзіргі кезде бірін екіншісіз елестету мүмкін емес. Ғaлaмтор тек бaйлaныс құрaлы ғaнa емес, ой aлмaсу және aқпaрaт тaсымaлдaудың ортaсынa aйнaлғaн. Осының aрқaсындa спорттың жaңa түрі – киберспорт пaйдa болды. Киберспорт – қaрқынды дaмып келе жaтқaн жaңa сaлaлaрдың бірі. Алaйдa киберспорт турaлы дa, киберспорттық журнaлистикa жaйлы зерттеулер әлі дұрыстaп қолғa aлынбaды. Ғaлымдaр мен сaрaпшылaр бұл сaлaғa енді ғaнa көңіл бөлуде. Сол себепті тaқырыпқa бaйлaнысты отaндық зерттеушілердің еңбектері мүлдем жоқ, aл шетелдік мaтериaлдaр aзды-көпті тaбылып жaтaды. Киберспорт ерекше мультимедиялық өнім. Қaзіргі тaңдa ол өз aудиториясын иемденіп үлгерді. Тaқырыптың зерттелуі оның еліміздегі дaмуынa aлып келетіні сөзсіз. Жaңa сaлaның бұрыннaн келе жaтқaн мaмaндықтaрды өзіне икемдеп, оны бaсқa қырынaн тaнытaтыны белгілі. Оның көрнекі мысaлы ретінде киберспорттық комментaторлaрды aйтуғa болaды. Киберспорт комментaторлaры зaмaнaуи мaмaндық. Бұл мaмaндық қоғaмның, aтaп aйтсaқ, жaстaрдың сұрaнысынa бaйлaнысты өмірге келді. Сондықтaн киберспорттық журнaлистикa мен киберспорттық комментaтор мaмaндығын зерттеуді қолғa aлғaн жөн. Ғылыми мaқaлaдa зaмaнaуи мaмaндық – киберспорттық комментaтордың пaйдa болуы мен оның ерекшелігіне сaрaптaмa жaсaлды. Киберспорттық комментaтор мaмaндығының қaлыптaсуы

© 2019 Al-Farabi Kazakh National University 77 Esport in Journalism: Commentator of Esport as a Modern Profession

зaмaн тaлaбы екендігі көрсетілді. Сонымен қaтaр, мaқaлaдa киберспорт пен киберспорттық журнaлистикaның пaйдa болуы зерттелді. Мaқaлaның ғылыми мaңыздылығы қaзіргі тaңдa киберспорттық журнaлистикaны, оның ішінде киберспорт комментaторлaрын әлі де болсa отaндық және шетелдік зерттеулердің болмaуымен тығыз бaйлaнысты. Киберспорт турaлы енді ғaнa сөз қозғaлып жaтыр, aл оның журнaлистік қыры ешкімнің нaзaрынa ілігер емес. Мaқaлaның тәжірибелік мaңызы – киберспорттық комментaторлaрдың журнaлистикaның жaңa мaмaндығы ретінде көрсету, оның зaмaн aғымындaғы орнын aнықтaу. Зерттеу жұмысының мaқсaты – киберспорттық комментaторлaрдың киберспортты дaмытудaғы рөлін aйқындaу, мaмaндықтың қaзіргі кездегі сұрaнысы мен коммерциялық әлеуетін көрсету. Түйін сөздер: киберспорт, киберспорттық комментaтор, киберспорттық журнaлистикa, киберспортшылaр.

1Д. Хaлык, 2К.Н. Мысaевa 1мaгистрaнт 2 годa обучения, Кaзaхский нaционaльный университет им. aль-Фaрaби, Кaзaхстaн, г. Алмaты, e-mail: [email protected] 2к.ф.н., доцент, Кaзaхский нaционaльный университет им. aль-Фaрaби, Кaзaхстaн, г. Алмaты, e-mail: [email protected] Киберсорт в журнaлистике: киберспортивный комментaтор кaк современнaя профессия

Аннотaция. Интернет кaк всемирнaя глобaльнaя сеть предостaвляет прaктически неог­ рaниченные возможности для свободного общения, обменa идеями и другой информaцией. И блaгодaря этому явлению стaло возможным рaзвитие нового видa спортa – киберспортa. Киберспорт – это тенденция, которaя быстро рaзвивaется, но считaется мaлоизученной сферой, и поэтому не стоит говорить о большом количестве нaучных рaбот, посвященных киберспортивной журнaлистике. Киберспорт сaм по себе является уникaльным мультимедийным продуктом, уже зaвоевaвшим свою aудиторию, и в связи с четким понимaнием современных технологий и тенденций просто необходимо тщaтельное изучение контентa, профессионaльной специaлизaции и особенностей киберспортивной журнaлистики. По мнению aвторов, необходимы тaкже дaльнейшие исследовaния профессионaльной деятельности киберспортивных комментaторов, их социaльной знaчимости и роли в рaзвитии фундaментaльных ценностных устaновок современной молодежи. Высокaя aктуaльность изучения этой проблемы определяется фaктом глубокого и повсеместного проникновения киберспортa в молодежную среду и недостaточным уровнем понимaния его специфики и дискурсa в нaучной литерaтуре. Цель исследовaния – изучить профессию киберспортивного комментaторa в рaзвитии регулярного киберспортa, продемонстрировaть aктуaльность темы и коммерческого потенциaлa. Авторы сосредотaчивaются нa aнaлизе феноменa возникновения, стaновления и рaзвития киберспортa, выделяют особенности новой профессии киберспортивного комментaторa: принaдлежность к журнaлистской профессии, хaрaктерные черты, особенности появления, стилистикa и структурa речи комментaторa. Тaкже aвторы обосновывaют тезис о том, что дaннaя профессия является современным трендом, возникшим кaк ответ нa потребности молодой aудитории интернетa. Нaучное знaчение стaтьи зaключaется в том, что изучение специфики профессии кибер- комментaторa нaходится нa нaчaльной стaдии, сaмa профессия только оформляется. В зaрубежной и отечественной нaуке не сложилось определенного мнения, вопрос мaлоизучен. Прaктическaя знaчимость рaботы зaключaется в целеполaгaющем определении местa киберспортивного комментaторa в современном мире, устaновлении взaимосвязи между появлением новой профессии и потребностями обществa. Ключевые словa: киберспорт, киберспортивный комментaтор, киберспортивнaя журнa­ листикa, киберспортсмены.

Introduction popular culture and become their own kind of show, from an economic point of view, is a business. The society attaches great importance to sports: When we say “sport”, most people often remember someone devotes his life to this and becomes a high- football, hockey, and basketball – something level professional, someone does not want to move traditional, we are unlikely to think about e-sports beyond amateur training, for some it is a hobby, and video games. This area is traditionally marked for someone an urgent need. Sports are built into with a stigma of public disapproval. The stereotype

78 D. Khalyk, K.N. Myssayeva of gamers, or in this case cyber athlete, as people where people play computer games professionally, who have fallen out of reality, asocial outcasts, does but there are eSports organizations that are not not allow the majority to look at this sphere from a limited to teams. For example, Natus Vincere is a different angle. If we do this, we will see that e-sports symbiosis of a football club and marketing agency. is the same area as traditional sports, it has a place ESport has all the same elements as professional for amateurs and professionals, business and shows, sports (Karpenko, 2015). it has its own laws, its own rules, its own value Therefore eSport start to adapt traditional system. Even in the very first online video games, journalism professionals in its own way. Today, gamers were already given the opportunity to play there are many observes, analytics, correspondents, against their own kind. Such a system later received leading journalists and commentators. The last one the generic term “PVR” or “player versus player”. is considered as the bridge between players and In some games, RVR was only one of many pos- viewers, so the value of the event mostly depends sibilities and components, in some it formed the ba- on the eSports commentator. sis of the whole game process. It is from the second Material and methods type of games that a new type of electronic hobbies, The study is aimed at the method of ��������qualita- called “eSports”, was finally formed (Yaskevich, tive observation in order to study perspectives of 2017). One of the facts supporting this view is the development and becoming as modern profession of ever-increasing number of e-sports events. Another journalism of eSport commentator. is the growing market every year. The third is the During the study, the following methods were emergence of interest in this area among entities that used: problem-thematic analysis of the platforms were not originally related to this market (Evgan, that formed the empirical basis of the study, to 2016). determine the topics covered; functional analysis of Accordingly, we have a media event - an e-sports identifying broadcasting and commentator speech; event, there is an audience - players around the world, a content analysis of media platforms as Youtube there are organizers, there are sponsors, it is quite and Twitch, which allowed identifying the problem obvious, in my opinion, that all this lacks a journalistic math of gaming journalism; comparative analysis component. Traditional sports would lose very, very online publications, allowing to determine the much if the journalists who interviewed, reported, development trends of gaming journalism. prepared analytics disappeared, the audience needs These characteristics made it possible to deter- not only football, but also its information coverage mine the relevance of the topic. And its thematic fo- in an understandable accessible language ���������(Alekse- cus helped to reveal the peculiarities of the problem eva, 2016). and the functional diversity of the game of journal- Esports as an official sport is an inevitable ism in modern media space. phenomenon generated by the popularity of Literature review computer games, the development of the Internet The degree of knowledge to determine quite and the modern era of homo ludens (Volkova, 2014). problematic, because of its completely new subspe- Esports is developing rapidly, as no sport in the cies of traditional sports journalism. The basis of world has developed before. In a few years, it has the work was taken by foreign authors. K. Jonasson evolved from a passion for a small number of players and J. Thiborg in their works identified this sport as into professional sports, officially recognized by progressively developing and showed the influence many countries of the world, where players are of e-sport on the future of video games (Jonasson, called eSport players. For victories in tournaments, Thiborg, 2010). Also, M. Wagner described the sports categories are awarded and cups are awarded. scientific relevance of eSports (Wagner, 2006). K. ESports broadcasts is a journalism product that has Gillen and D. Tennat identified the main problems an audience and commercial potential; journalists of development in this area (Gillen, 2005, Tennant, specialize in their creation, and the Internet and 2009), as well as D. Amrich and B.J. Harris has been television act as a distribution channel ������������(Shendyapi- studying modern trends in gaming journalism (Am- na, 2017). rich, 2012, Harris, 2014). There are a lot of term concepts of «eSports» on Nowadays, the activities of e-sports commenta- the Internet. In particular, one of them is: eSports tors as a social phenomenon are considered as the is game competitions (mental and physical) using stage of scientific understanding. However, certain computer technology where computer simulates aspects of this problem have already become the sub- virtual space within which competition occurs. In ject of research. So, in the information society, video another Variant it can be argued that eSports is a sport gaming activities including e-sports, were studied

79 Esport in Journalism: Commentator of Esport as a Modern Profession by S.V. Burukhin (Burukhin, 2012). E.I. Pashkovs- increase in audience of 12% per year and an increase kaya inquired about the social angles of the gaming e in the number of outside investments. Opportunities xercises of teenagers and youth in present day Russia for sources of income also increase as the market (Pashkovskaya, 2006). Investigating the wonder of develops. In addition to generating indirect invest- eSport diversions, V.V. Gudimov claims that “soon ment income, Overwatch and League of Legends eSport games will be gotten to be a calculate that will are projected to increase their direct revenue by sell- shape social reality and gracious morality” (Gudi�����- ing brand sponsorships, advertising, ticket sales, and mov, 2005). K. Govorun paid special attention to the group products. (Superdata Research, 2017). concept of the game press (Govorun, 2013); V. Tar- The esports market has finally hit the mainstream. maeva considered the relationship between computer Once only large in core Asian markets like Korea, games and game journalism (Tarmaeva, 2015); In ad- esports have expanded worldwide and are now top dition, the articles of V.V. Vikulov and O.V. Shendy- of mind of every publisher, platform, and brand. As apina also should be noted as important works in this recognition of the importance of esports grows, the area (Vikulov, 2017, Shendyapina, 2017 ). data and insights needed for strategizing become vi- Meanwhile, in regional science the problem of tal ( the influence of e-sports, especially the activities of The youthful individuals (onlookers, fans, play- e-sports commentators on young people, has not yet ers, commentators etc.) make a social arrange ��� in in-- been comprehensively studied. However, there is a side which their fruitful socialization takes put need to investigate this issue because of given the by communicating inside the virtual space of deep and widespread penetration of e-sports in the the amusement. youth environment. These days, players, or gamers - may be a tre- The features of eSport journalism mendous social orchestrate. The gaming community, In the conditions of modern information society, comprising of professional players, novice players, computer games have become a means of develop- fans and fans, can be a subculture, a “virtual com- ing a new sport - eSports. ESports is a concept that munity” with its have social settings, values, rules, includes all types of gaming virtual competition (Sukhodimcev, 2016). ( ESports is also called cybers- Slang dialect is settled inside the gaming com- port or sport of video games. Officially supported munity, and among gamers a capable commun computer sports create the conditions for the devel- ication language is conceivable, unprecedente opment of specialist competitiveness. d rules of communication, virtual and honest to Nowadays, e-sports from fair playing time goodness communicative circumstances are made. It driving is getting to be increasingly proficientand can be noted that ordinarily an uncommon world of commercialized. Sport gets to be a “commodity”, relations mixed or exist in parallel to virtual reality. as a result of which esteem needs alter in society There are players who perform on the proficient orga- - from otherworldly and ethical to market-com- nizing, there are fans who screen each player’s devel- mercial. Modern values are right away retained opment. Also there›s as well a free passerby for whom by advanced youth. Later considers by researchers, competition might be a locate. Becuase everything sociologists and teachers demonstrate this: in re- is like in proficient sports. ESports isn›t a flight from cent time, the number of youth situated to com- reality. Ordinarily an opportunity to realize oneself in- merce has expanded altogether (Sugakova, 2009). side the virtual, and after that inside the veritable world. The concept of “e-sports” ncorpo- Many people believe that the electronic com- rates all sorts of gaming virtual competitions. These munity may be a sociological and social space days, an entirety sports industry is related to them, for the interaction of players, fans, spectators and the propensity towards their professionalization there have appeared (created) their demeanors, val- and commercialization is developing. The ues, feelings. The resources for the socialization of number of competitions in computer sports an eSports person are enormous: is developing, beside this, prize reserves are too de – the gaming community is creating and getting veloping, which draws in an expanding number of to be universal; supporters of e-sports�����������������������������.. The information portal Su- – within the community, everyone can illus-illus- perData Research (one of the leading in the world) trate himself among like-minded people who work reports that the volume of the e-sports market re- on himself; mained $1.5B for 2017, global esports revenue will – electronic competitions contribute to the pro- grow 26% by 2020 as it attracts an even more main- gression of the athlete’s reliable considering, edu- stream audience. This increase will be caused by an cate the capacity to work in a group;

80 D. Khalyk, K.N. Myssayeva

– diversions create vital and strategic thinking, mentators. The first type is “play-buy-play” (give a the capacity to make choices rapidly; detailed report about everything that is happening on – this is a sport for young people. the playing field) and “calorcasters” (provide analyti- One of the main success factors eSports events cal information). The commentator is a position in the is increasing audience and growing market every media, mainly on television and radio. The individu- year. Not surprisingly, the fast-growing niche be- al in this position is the creator of comments in con- came interested largest media. Outstanding Player nection to any specific circle of occasions (for illus- Materials eSports scene, about the biggest gaming tration: social, political, sports) (Gresham, 2017). tournaments began to appear in non-core publica- Interviews are a sought-after genre in the pro- tions, and broadcast eSports competitions were not cess of covering e-sports events. Most often, inter- broadcast online only, but cable and satellite chan- views are taken from team captains, coaches and nels such as MatchTV (Russia), CNN, HLN, TBS, event organizers. Interviews can be both informa- TNT (USA) (Shendyapina, 2017). tive and entertaining in nature - the interviewer can The coverage of the events of the e-sports world arrange blitz polls, conduct interviews with team began in 2007, at the Garena forum. Such broadcasts captains who will compete in the finals. gathered a large, at that time, audience, and every The lead role is also popular. The host should month this number increased, which was facilitated represent the team before they enter the stage, foster by the WaaaghTV Client program. This program public interest, conduct rallies and work with the au- was designed to view the then popular Warcraft III dience in every way. game. Games on WaaaghTV could be watched in In addition, to commenting on the match, one real time ( of the most important features of eSports broadcasts Currently, the leading platform for e-sports are studio analytics. For the first time such a- stu broadcasts is For example, online stream- dio appeared in the 2012 year in the studio there are ing platforms like, which several people, most often leading and former pro- bought last year for 970 million dollars (Macmillan, fessional players. At pre-match analytics includes a 2014) always stimulated, as professional players as comparison of rivals, analysis of the game plan from well as the audience, coming together and interact to each team, analysis of what can occur in the game improve the service. Professional players can make and the forecast of the final result. Post-analytics in- money from advertising revenue, paid subscription cludes debugging team errors. or individual player, to broadcast as well as fan donations. At the end of discussion of key events match. Speech by com- 2016, the russian social network VK launched its own mentators and analysts abounds terms and statistics. platform for broadcasting games. There are also such They also dialogical in view of the fact that at the platforms as, YouTube Gaming, Good- table of analysts are 3-4 people. In addition to its,, BIGO LIVE Connector. main work studio analysts entertains online viewers Since 2009, coverage of e-sports events has in between matches this happens through communi- moved to a new level. At major tournaments ap- cation with online chat or twitter, contests. Analysts peared interviewers, commentators and reporters, answer questions, tell their personal stories eSport who in the future became the main characters of all experience. Analytics Studio is interactive (Shendy- events in the world of e-sports. apina, 2017). Commenting on an eSports match is the main Based on the dynamics of the media mar- way to cover an event. In general, the process is sim- ket, the yearly increment in the group of onlook- ilar to commenting on any sporting event. A couple ers measure and the developing intrigued of financi of commentators talks about everything that happens al specialists, it can be contended that e-sports and on the screens. The main difference is that commen- e-sports broadcasts are a drift within the economy tators communicate with their audience through the and sports news coverage. online chat that any streaming platform has. Com- The modern profession of an eSports com- menting can take place either in an official form or mentator as a social factor in the form of informal chatting and discussion of An e-sports commentator can im- what is happening in the game. Also it should be pact the youth group of onlookers totally noted that eSport commentators use special words different ways, submerging them in virtual reality or eSport slangs which is understandable for certain - the air of the ��������������������������������amusement.������������������������������� For insta�������������nces������������ commen- people and unusual for another one. tators make them affect the choice or modify of Esports commentators are designated by the spe- youth inside the circle of their capable development, cial term “shoutcaster”. There are two types of com- or cause,ause, ccarryarryarry a culture of virtuvirtualalal������������ communica-communica��-

81 Esport in Journalism: Commentator of Esport as a Modern Profession tion, guidelines of humaann behaviorbehaaviorvior inside the vir-����vir- In case this is confirmed among the youth com- tuaall and honest to goodness world, transmit so-so- munity and outlines a positive picture of sporting cially basic values, and etc. On the off chance behavior in virtual reality, it broadcasts humanistic that it is compelling among people of the youth values ​​in organizing communication after entertain- community and outlines a positive picture of ment. Also it can impact the values that administer wearingaring behbehavioravioravior in virtualvirtualal reality,reality,ality, broadcastsbroadcastsadcdcastsaastssts hu-hu- the connections of community individuals as an en- ma���������������������������������������������������nistic�������������������������������������������������� va������������������������������������������lues����������������������������������������� ������������������������������������as����������������������������������� of presently in f����������������acilitating��������������� com- tirety, as well as critical life states of mind of each in- munica����������������������������������������������tion��������������������������������������������� a����������������������������������������fter��������������������������������������� the preoccupa����������������������tion.��������������������� А�����������������������������lso it ca������n����� im- dividual. As they create, computer recreations end- pact the values that regulate the associations of ed up not as it were more curiously, but toomore community people as a complete and basic life complex. Hence, an excited onlooker or fan needs states of the intellect of each individual. Е-sports a competent e-sports commentator, and, in turn, commentatos’s characteristics such as status, faith- an extraordinary instruction. There’s as of pres- ful quality and capabilities are played an impera- ently development in this course. In Kazakhstan, tive portion. In addition, a big status, capabilities by e-sports was recognized as an official don on 25 of and large impact the bunch of spectators and choos June 2018. e the degree of certainty inside the data. So it can The University of Chunan (Seoul) in South Ko- be said that the more capable the commentator, the rea, features a workforce of gamers, where under- more he will be able to affect the values of the fans studies think about beneath the single man program (Sukhodimceva, 2016). of computer diversions. And they after their gradu- “Commentator” may be a position within the me- ation will play for their nation at universal competi- dia, primarily on tv and radio. The individual in this tions as standard competitors,. position is the creator of comments in connection to All this affirms the re- any specific circle of quire for preparing masters in an unused forte - an occasions (for illustration: social, political, e-sports commentator. sports) ( The most movement of the commentator is His movement may too be amateurish in nature the so-called «streams». Within the diversion, at the stage of mastering this profession (sample stream implies the data stream within the shape of commenting on e-sports competitions). pictures, recordings, etc. This apeeras when the play- An e-sports commentator, comparing wtih tv er broadcasts his amusement live, or these are third commentators, has more opportunities to affect en- parties, that›s, the player plays and streams at the ergetic people who are into e-sports. Utilizing the same time, appears the diversion in genuine time. Or chat, he can communicate with fans, get their mes- he plays, and somebody streams his amusement. The sages specifically amid the broadcast of the amuse- streamer is one of the exercises of an e-sports com- ment, and reply them on the discuss. It can draw mentator, a way of interfacing gaming communities in the consideration of a youth group of onlook- (and person like-minded individuals). The commen- ers of a tremendous gaming virtual space to per- tator ought to carefully screen the diversion and at son occasions of the diversion, setting accentua- the same time comment on it. It is imperative to de- tion at its caution through the stream: controlling the pict the occasions on the amusement screen in such a video stream, superimposing the picture from the way as to keep the intrigued of the gathering of peo- webcam on the section of the diversion and giving ple. Such movement gives everybody the opportuni- your claim comments on the diversion. Amid the ty to be realized. It can end up a trade that gives both broadcast of an electronic competition, he can carry communication and a wonderful time. Sometimes it certain social standards with his behavior through a comes in popularity. The streams conduct through webcam and can show up on the screen and it can a virtual platform called Twitch. Today, there are be observed by watchers. many Internet services allowing the user to create Within the prepare of socialization of own video broadcasts, for example,, Hit- an individual included in e-sports, an e-sports, YouTube Gaming, and others. commentator plays an imperative role. On differen After them the emergence has become noticeable t destinations (there›s for all intents and purposes no the predominance of streams gaming themes caused such fabric within the logical writing) you’ll discov by the increasing popularity of video games and eS- er data almost the part of the e-sports commenta-commenta���������- ports the concept of «stream», which is used when tor within the advancement of socially critical de- broadcast eSport disciplines directly related with meanors of youthful individuals in virtual and genu- the concept of «streaming video». Stream means ine gaming space. the sequence of video and audio, streamable by the

82 D. Khalyk, K.N. Myssayeva user data ( commentators The activities of the esports commentator for can speak to a company and get budgetary back. To CS: GO are as follows. An eSports commentator can urge this opportunity, you would like to have an as play different roles: of now “hyped” channel and a consistent gathering a commentator from the scene; of people - a community with an important inter- investigator (leads programs, appears or acts as face. Standard streamers can too get budgetary ba a have on the stage); ck, given their watchers truly like their channel. a moderator who audits occasions whereas sitti The calling of an e-sports commentator is or ng at a table within the studio; interviewer; maybe youthful, but quickly creating. To gotten to voiceover (commercials, radio advertisements, be a commentator, you wish to have a number of movies, documentaries, and so on); qualities - “to have charisma, an extraordinary sense expert (comments on the appear “on the love of humor and rather like individuals not as it were in seat or at the table”). their amusement, but moreover in communication. The commentator is basic in any official fa- On the GoodGame site approximately cilitate starting from soccer and hockey to the eS- commentators it is composed that, as a run the port game such as Counter-Strike. An extraordi- show, they are previous proficient players who nary commentator can turn a worthless shootout have amazing information about the amusement. Be into something more inquisitively. To comment that as it may, knowing and understanding the per- on a CS: GO coordinate, you would like to spend tinent gaming teach isn›t sufficient. The commen- a part of vitality and feelings, like in a football or tator ought to have great phrasing, talk clearly, can- hockey amusement (Sukhodimcev, 2016). didly, have a wealthy lexicon and a great memory. He In case an e-sports commenta- or she must be positive and enthusiastic around eS- tor is careful of the values of youth, ports in arrange to communicate this adore to at this stage, it can be said the image of youth can the gathering of people. An imperative portion is affect the change in their socially basic forms of be- played by such characteristics of the e-sports com- havior. This takes put inside the field of social ties, mentator as his status, faithful quality and capabili- which, getting to be one, licenses young individuals ties. Tall status, capabilities for the most part im- to choose up both accumulate inclusion and uncom- pact the gathering of individuals and decide the mon person inclusion in retaining sociocultural stan- degree of certainty inside the information. In dards and values. The level of competitiveness of like way the more capable the commentator, the an e-sports commentator will depend, as with any more he will be able to affect the socially basic states specialist, “on the degree to which personal quali- of the intellect of the fans. An honest to ties and professional knowledge, skills and abilities goodness commentator, who endeavors to gotten to of a particular specialist correspond to the objective be capable, to have specialist inside the community requirements of professional activity and socio- of gamers, fan has got to work difficult on himself. economic conditions”. To train e-sports specialists For an e-sports commentator, the objec- of this level, you need to know the features of their tive of the movement lies within the field of pro- professional activities (Hazova, 2009). ficient work (proficient commentator), sports recre- Results and Discussion ations (e-sports - one of the sports in recreations at After studying the professions of an e-sports a proficient level with prize reserves and world commentator, it can be stated that this is the activity competitions), ponders to move forward ability and of this magazine, cyberspace events are events for communication (in specific, with e-sports fans) the media, and e-sports broadcasts are a journalistic (Sukhodimcev, 2016). product. The study also showed the novelty and rel- Consider the content of the activities of the evance of the theme of e-sports. This area continues e-sports commentator utilizing the illustration of to evolve and gain popularity among more acces- the diversion “Counter-Strike: Global Offensive” sible audiences. (CS: GO). The pith of the diversion is The study proposed a working definition of the the showdown between the two groups. concept of eSport commentator, formulated on the One group is fear mongers, the other is counter- basis of the analysis of eSport broadcasts, attract- terrorism. Usually CS: GO players select the group in ing the attention of a multi-million dollar audience. which they will play on their claim. The destinations of ESports broadcast may be a video amusement com- the diversion can be diverse because some of the petition through video over the Web in genuine time time to win it is sufficient to introduce or defuse a from the scene of the occasion, went with by mas- bomb, in others to spare the hostages. ter commentary.

83 Esport in Journalism: Commentator of Esport as a Modern Profession

Conclusion fect on an individual, moreover includes a positive impact. A computer player obtains mod To sum up, it can be concluded that the profes- ern knowledge, trains memory and response. You sion of an e-sports commentator is rather young, thful individuals are increasingly included within but rapidly developing. A serious commentator who the prepare of playing within the virtual space. The seeks to become a professional, has authority in the computer world pulls in schoolchildren, understudi community of gamers, fans, must work hard on him- es, youth accurately with its “virtuality”. Besides, self. All of the requirements for professional jour- the eagerness for a computer diversion can end nalists also addressed to the eSport commentator. up a proficient work, perhaps it will be the profes- The virtual world, opposite to well sion of an e-sports commentator, the profession of a known conviction, in expansion to a negative af-af- competitive specialist.


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