O'rorke, MCDONALD & TWEED, Sol- Icitors, Belfast and Larne
59, Justice in Northern Ireland, to Charles Anthony Brett, Edward Cunningham, of Crievekeeran, in the County of 9 Chichester Street, in the City of Belfast, of Armagh, Farmer, the sole Executor therein named. Solicitor, the surviving Executor named in said Will Dated this 8th day of March, 1949. and Codicils. CORR 6 O'CONNOR, Solicitors for said Dated this 3rd day of March, 1949. Executors, Mayfair, Arthur Square, Belfast; L'ESTRANGE & BRETT, Solicitors for the and Crossmaglen. ; .. Executor, 9 Chichester Street, Belfast. To:—The Ministry of Finance for Northern Ireland, To:—The Commissioners for Charitable Donations and all others concerned. and Bequests for Northern Ireland, and all others whom it may concern. NOTICE OF CHARITABLE BEQUESTS , In the Goods of Charles McHugh, late of Glencop- NOTICE OF CHARITABLE BEQUESTS pogagh, Plumbridge, in the County of Tyrone, Farmer, deceased. In the Goods of Emily Close, late of 3 Islandbawn NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to Statute 30 Drive,- Belfast, Spinster, deceased. and 31 Vic., Cap. 54, that the said Charles McHugh, NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to 30 and 31 by his Will with one Codicil dated respectively the Vic., Cap. 54, that the above-named Emily Close, 23rd day of December, 1947, and the 24th day of who died at Belfast on the 30th day of January, 1948, March, 1948, made the following Charitable Bequests: by her Will dated the 27th day of July, 1943, be- The sum of £50 each to Rev. Father Houghton, queathed the following Charitable Bequests: C.C., and the Parish Priest of Plumbridge for Masses.
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