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Bates College SCARAB The aB tes Student Archives and Special Collections 5-1897 The aB tes Student - volume 25 number 05 - May 1897 Bates College Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Bates College, "The aB tes Student - volume 25 number 05 - May 1897" (1897). The Bates Student. 1966. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Archives and Special Collections at SCARAB. It has been accepted for inclusion in The aB tes Student by an authorized administrator of SCARAB. For more information, please contact [email protected]. For Positions to Teach, APPL V TO • • • • TEACHERS' CO-OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION OF NEW ENGLAND, 36 Bromfleld Street, HOSTON, MASS. Rates Students have boon very successful with us. P. B. SPAULDING, Manager. Positions Oiled, 2,178. Bond for Manual. WIG GIN & CO., Apothecaries. PHYSICIANS' PKESCKIPTIOSS OUK SPECIALTY. 213 Lisbon Street, Corner of Pine, LEWISTON, ME. P. S. MARTIN, Finest Grades of Men's, Youths', and HAMMOND Children's IS AT THE FRONT Complete line of with all tin1 Latest Novelties In Gents' Clothing Furnishing A SPECIALTY. CLASS WORK. CALL AND SKI: DIM. Goods, Hals, Caps, ,iinl Mnt'kllltOfll Coals. 172 Lisbon Street, - LEWISTON, ME. 76 Lisbon St., Opp. Music Hall, LEWISTON. IC< Fernaifl's Bookstore, E» Is tllO place In get 149 LISBON ST., LEWISTON, ME. Complete DUBINE8S anil SHORT-HAND Courses. College Text-Books, SENO FOR CATALOGUE. Stationery, Note-Book*, etc., ;ii Lowest Prices. N. E. RANKIN, PRINCIPAL. 29 Lisbon Street, LEWISTON, ME. GENTLEMEN FURNISHERS BTAUGHTTAUGH1 TO DO BY DOING And Dealers in PBnTLHND BOOTS r^-m SHOES. BflYS BUSINESS Sole Agents of Auburn tor the I.AMSON & IIUBBAUD llA'l'. SHORTHANISHORTHAND & TYPEWRITING SCHOOLJ ATTNA/OOD 8c BARROWS OFFICE PRACTICE FROM THE START. Dry Theory Discarded. Send for Free Catalogue. 60 Court St., AUBURN. L. A. GRAY & SON, Portland, Me. J. L. MERRILL & CO. WAKEFIELD BROTHERS, 114 Lisbon St., LEWISTON, Arc showing the Finest Lines of up-to-date DEAl.Klis IN H)ru(jst xBcoicincs, Cbcmtcals, CLOTHING Fine Toilet Sonps, Brushes, Combs, etc. to he found in any market. Perfumery and Fancy Toilet Articles. i;» Lisbon St., LEWISTON. ME. Physicians' Proscriptions Accurately Compounded. ■ B^b HON. J. L. H. COBB. _ BUSINESS DIRECTORY. THE BRIDCE TEACHERS' AGENCIES, C. A. SCOTT & CO., PBOPBIBTOB8, 2 A Beacon Street, BOSTON, and 169 Wabash Avenue, CHICAGO. We have secured 101 positions for graduates of liatcs at salaries ranging from $400 to $2,000, and aggregating $98,710. In 48 of these positions the salary lias not been less than $1,000. Send for Agency Manual. One Fee Registers In Both Offices. IF YOU WISH TO BUY BATES Students are always WHIP in demand. BOOKS Register now. ••• Send to us for Prices or other Information. We carry the largest stock of any store in New England, and can furnish any books in print at the shortest notice. WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY. WM. F. JARVIS, Catalogue of Special Bargains mailed free. MANAQRR, DE WOLFE, FI5KE & GO., (N. E. Bureau of Education), 3 Somerset St., BOSTON, MASS. J6I & 365 Washington St., Og~ Western Office, Topeka, Kansas. Members ».m. BOSTON; MASS. registered in both offices with one fee if desired. WHEN YOU WANT A RIDE KEPIIHIIB DONE NEATLY Come To Me At HENRY C. WESTON'S, For Hacks, Barges, Buckboards, fSSESS?** Also, Boots and Shoes. Main Street, Qoddard Buggies, Top Carriages, Carryalls, Sur- Opposite Catholic Otraroh, reys, Haggage Wagons, or anything wanted in the line of Carriages and Horses. Reliable drivers and best of service at night and day trains. Parties, Receptions, Balls, Weddings, Banquets, Funerals, etc Qlenrock Water Personal Attention given to Funeral Occasions. liest llenrscs and Hacks at Shortest Notice. Every- thing first-class. Sparkles CEO. H. CURTIS. A. B. Parker . g ■. g . OFFICES: 48 Ash Street, and at Gerrish's Drug Store, 145 Lisbon Street. josons with Health Greene, Me. Telephone Number 28212 and 29-2. ii BUSINESS DIRECTORY. COOK St WEST, INSURANCE AGENTS Room No. 1, Garcelon Block, 194 Lisbon St., LEWISTON, ME. Local Agents for the Mass. Mutual Life Ins. Co. and The N. E. Mutual Accident Ass'n, OF Sl'KINOKIELD, MASS.. <>*" BOSTON, MASS., Two of the most conservative and fair-dealing companies in New England, as they are both regulated by the Massachusetts Insurance Laws. We also have the State Agency for the STANDARD DICTIONARY. ■■* which Is undoubtedly the best Dictionary of the Knglish Language. THE BATES STUDENT. CONTENTS FOR MAY, 1897. The Motley. 105 The Organist. ion Napoleon and Joan of Arc. 10'J Quebec. Ill A Thought 11:{ The World's Student Conference at Nortliiield. 113 ALUMNI DEPARTMENT 114 ;i EDITORIAL. H IN MEMORIAM. 121 UOLLKOK NKWS AND INTERESTS 123 COLLRQK EXCHANGES. ' 127 A CHAT ABOUT NEW HOOKS '29 The BATES STUDENT is published each month during the college year. Subscription price, $1.00. Single copies, 10 cents. Literary contributions are cordially invited, and should be addressed, Editorial Department, Bates Student. All business communications should be sent to the Business Manager. Entered as Second Class Mail Matter at the Pust-OIHcc «t Lewiston, Mo. REIN IN Do You Intend to Teach? If so, you will do well to investigate mutual Life insurance Go., our new system. OF PHILADELPHIA, PA. No Commission POSITIONS yt Charged Unless Jm Actual Assistance After the Cash Values. GUARANTEED. second Year I Loan Equal to Cash Values. Is Rendered. Policies nwu n_ ii.i.... Paid-Up Values. Correspondence In all parts of the United States. Contain Extension Features. For particulars inquire of J. P. SPHAGUE, Bates, ".18, or write to Insure while young, when premiums are low. J. P. SPRAGUE, Agent, UNION TEACHERS' BUREAU, No. 23 Parker Hall, Bates College. No. 1 Beacon Street, - - BOSTON, MASS. THE BATES STUDENT. VOL. XXV. MAY, 1897. No. 5. THE MOTLEY. swept away in the sea of sound; and As light as arrow, shot tho silver deep the unconscious wood under her fingers An osprey's Hashing wing; thrilled like a sounding-board to the A splash, a graceful lling, A shining flight to heaven. mighty vibrations. The ruffled surface seemed to calm in sleep, The earnest minister, who had spent As ne'er a hreath were given. his whole soul in the day's theme, real- A silent glance, unconscious, robbed the heart. izing for himself with overwhelming A sad, sweet fancy slipt, intensity the sacrifice and the triumph Where those bright eye-gleams dipt, To dreamless isles of death; of the Redemption, was uplifted in A deep, dull calm whose surface may not part, thanksgiving and adoration like a rapt Dim years of woe beneath. saint of old, on the wings of the music. Yet while the sunlight seems to fall, T'll gaily dance and smile, Allelulia! Allelulia! As joyous all the while, Victorious he liveth evermore! Nor list to mocking Grief's wild call. I'll wile the envious throng The breathless hush that the ceasing With sip and soaring song, anthem left behind it was broken by Till slumber steals for aye the rustle of a people released from At twilight of life's day. —''M. strong tension before the Easier bene- diction dismissed a reverent congre- THE ORGANIST. gation. THE musical portion of the congre- " Now the God of Peace, who brought gation held its breath, not to lose again from the dead that great Shep- a single note of the surging harmonies herd of the sheep, Christ Jesus, make of the closing Easter chorus. Higher you perfect in every good work to do and higher rose the carol of the vibrant His will . through Jesus Christ, sopranos, weaving with the mellow ten- to whom be glory forever and ever. ors a glorious shining maze of melody Amen." against the strong, deep tones of alto Over the motion and hum of the slow and bass, and surrounding the whole progress to the doors, rose the tones of figure, sustaining it, and bearing it the organ once more, in a theme so onward and upward, swelled the mighty grand, so solemnly joyous, that it was manifold voice of the great ore an, a fitting culmination for the mingled A melody-starved little teacher in the emotions of Passion Tide. Forgetting congregation gripped the arm of the everything but his music, till he almost pew beside her, as if she feared to be felt himself one with his instrument, lOfi THE BATES STUDENT. the organist mounted from height to And the organist let his love for sweet height of exaltation, till the slam of sounds conquer his shyness, and sat in the vestry door warned him that the a silent rapturous corner through one sexton had began to close the building, or two red-letter evenings, and in his The intricate harmony modulated gently gratitude endeavored bravely at the into one deep, long-drawn chord ; and next choir rehearsal to discuss these after the minute of unearthly hush that heavenly occasions with his patron, succeeds the postlude, the man rose who, not wishing his protSgt to feel and, leaning against the great organ, embarrassed by obligation, promptly his cheek upon the fretted panel, looked turned the subject, with the ease of a slowly about the dimming church. man of the world, and left the organist Half a dozen of the younger singers stranded high and dry by the retreating still lingered in the far end of the gallery, tide of talk. Bat this had the effect of settling hats and shouldering into coats rendering him so shy before the other's with a pleasant bustle. The organist superior culture and resource that his gazed after them a-little wistfully as next attempt was even more constrained they trooped away.