15 (A.O.S.); yet 1 on Dauphin May 18 (JLD) Thomas A., Dorothy J., Gina M. & John M. was latest by 1 day for the Alabama coastal Imhof, Atha & Ross Jamison, Horace H. Jeter, plain. Chas. J. Kahn, D. T. Kee, Joe C. Kennedy, F inches—Late Rose-breasted Grosbeaks on the Curtis L. Kingsbery, Helen H. & Ronald D. coast included 1 on Dauphin May 18 (JLD) and Kittinger, Louisiana Ornithological Society, J. C. 1 at Gulf Breeze May 19 (R & LD). A young S Leak, Mary E. Lewis, J. Liles, Bob Lilley, Black-headed Grosbeak was at a Smyer Lake Donald R. Linder, Marie P. Locke, George H. feeder, 20 miles s. of Birmingham Jan. 20- Lowery, Jim Maenders, Roger Maner, Don & Feb. 24, Mar. 12 & 13 (LOD, HHW & mob) Gina Manning, James Manning, (RMgr) Refuge and is the second inland Alabama winter record, Manager, Mary Lou Mattis, Eddie B. Mays, first n. of the Fall Line. Early Blue Grosbeaks Mobile Bird Club, Ann L. Miller, Mrs. George were on Dauphin Mar. 20 (j L d , B, L, & JD) R. Miller, Margaret E. Miller, Burt L. Monroe, and in Woodbury, Tenn. Apr. 21, 2 (FBr). Sev Jr., B. Mac Myers, Museum of Zoology, L.S.U., eral early Indigo Buntings were in New Orleans Dorothy D. Newburn, Marcella H. & Robert J. Mar. 17 (RDP). Dickcissels flooded the Cameron Newman, John D. Newson, Donnie Norman, area with hundreds of birds Apr. 24 (JCK) who Gladys Northcutt, Northeast Louisiana Univer remembers one tree with about 250 birds singing- sity, Vertebrate Museum (N.L.U.), L.
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