1969-03-26 Minutes

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1969-03-26 Minutes ,1,J1u'' 241. Board of Education M.axch 26, 1969 1 Nutley; New Jersey The Regular Meeting of the Board of Education of the Town of Nutley, New Jersey:, was held-in the Board Room, _!49 Chestnut Street, on Wednesday, March 26, 1969, at 8:00 p. m. , with Mr. Edward J. Lenihan, President, presiding. I-~ Other- members present at roll calLwere: .Mrs. John Peddie son, Mr. Car,1 A. Ohlson, Mr •. Frank A. Cocchiola, Mr. -John E. Clc:i::y:ton, Jr., Mrs. Thomas E. Jaworek, M 1. Israel L. Sonenshein and Mrs. Edward M. 0 Popadick. Absent.and excused: Mr. Frank v_, Tangorra~ · Citizens: Mrs. Robert Loveless, 1-8 Pauline Drive. '.MINUTES:" C::o.pies of the minutes of the Bpecial Me~ting held on February 17, 1969, at 7:00 p.m., being in the hands of each member, reading of same_ was dispensed. Mrs. Peddieson moved that the.rninut~s of the Special Meeting be accepted, seconded by ,Mrs:. Popa<;lick, and unanimously approved by the Board. Copies of the minutes .ofcthe Organization Meeting held on February 17, 19-69, at 8:00 p. m., being in the hands of each member, reading of-same was,dispe-nsed~ Mrs. Peddie son.moved that the minutes of the Organization Meeting be accepted, seconded by Mr. Co.cchiola, and /I unanimously approved by the Board. / t a COMMUNICATIONS: Mr. Zabriskie presented and-read- the £allowing: 1. A letter of resignation from Mr. 0 1Rourke, custodian at the-Franklin School: HI am sending in my resignation as of March 1 2.8, 1969. Also would like to include my retirement pension with option. I -woul<l l\ke tg_::::-continue my Blue Cr.ass, Maj_Qr_·Insu:rance. 11 2. A letter of resignation from Mr. Malek, custodian at the Washington S.chool: "As of the.18th day -of Mar.ch,_ 1,969, I, James Malek, am resigning as custodian of Washington School, Nutley, New c Jer&ey 0 aH . ,- _ , I 3. A letter of resignation to Mr. Lenihan Jro:r:n Miss Woodruff, . Principal of Radcliffe School: "I herewith submit .my resignation as :principal of Radcliffe School, effective at the end of the current. school year. "'It is with mixed emotions that I. take_ this step._ There is some sense of sorrow at the prospect of leaving a fine group of children and cooperative parents, a loyal group of co-workers, a superior administrative staff, and a de"dicated Board of Education. However, I find my sense of sorrow is far out-weighed by a feeling Qf deep gratitude for the privileg~ which .has been mine of working in a school system which I consider one of the best to be found anywhere. - 242. "My very be~t wishes to you and to the other roe;mber"B of our Board as you continue your dedicated efforts in behalf qf th.e children of Nutley. 11 4., _ A letter from John Simp~on, .A.wards Advisor, _Nutley Advisory _ .B:oard, Nutlyy Chapter Orde_r of I)e Molay,: ' 11We wish to again thank you and the Nutley;:Boa_rd of ~ducation for the privilege of allowing us to serve soft drinks in the lobby of the Nutley Sanior..:High School auditorium during the L.Annual Sho.w which was held on Ma:r-. 7th a:r;id 8th, 1969 •. '!We would like to take this :opportunity to commend your sta.ff of Custodians at the Eigh School for their court.e-ous: effor.ts extended to our boys and their Advisor"¥ during their money making project which was a success. As a taxpayer and parent of children attending the Nutley schools, it is nice to kri~w that the schools are maintained by such a high caliber' of personnel and they will help the students in. their endeavors~ 11 5. ~ A letter to Messrs. Dufford and Zabriskie from Ralph Borgess, Secretary, Kearny Boar,d o.f Education:.~ ''We have succeeded iri obtaining the services of Edward Arthur, _. our attendance off~cer here,_ to a~t as general maintenance man and custodian of tHe crew bujJding. I:haye ,set hirp up for hours fr,om six to ten, and theee hour.s will be flexible until we see how thing.s go and can reac,h &ome conclus:i,on as to.what the hours should be. HAfter an inspection of the building, the first problem would seem to be the painting of the floors to ma_intaip.c cle9-n_liness and neatness. Mr. Arthur and another one of our supervisors have agree.d to attempt to do this entire job over. the weekend. I personally-will be there with them. - l 111 am keeping a separate acco_unt for material and_ salary and I will forward it to you on a monthly basis unless you have other ideas." 6. A-'letter to, Mr. Richard Shepard, Pr:esident, Third Half Club from Mr. Broffman: -- 1 "This if;, to officially notify you that we are in rece~t of the Kodak Analyst Movie Projector which your organization so , generously donated to Nutley High School. "In behalf of the coaching staff, the administ.rationl the Board of Education, and future members of our football program, ;may I extend .a genuine and sincere thank y,ou. "Football films are an integral part of the preparation of our football .teams and act as a great teaching:aid for the coaches and participants. Its constant use will be·_ a ~iaminder of the ~¥cellent relationship that exists between the Third Half Club and the .admibistratio.n and coaching staff of Nutley 1 High School. 11 SECRETARY!S REPORT: - t - Mr. Zabriskie -presented-and read the following; "I met with Mr. Mountford of.Micklewright 84:Mountford, Hamnett, Bouman & Blanche, and Messrs. Bickford and Spaeth of Bickford & Spaeth Associates, regarding when _______ tl,.Jillu.J .243 . c, , ~e p}-an~ .fo;i;-~he. addition to the high .school might .be completed. ~-1r. ~-fountf_?rd stated that they were just about finished and that certainlt eyeryfhing would be co~pleted by-the 0 end of the month. Mi:. Spaeth commented that their ta:rget date would also be the ,end of t~is ~?nth, f~llowing _-~hich -time the plans will be submitted to th~ State. Depart~en~ of Edu~ati~n for ap:p~oval.- As soon as approval is received, -we will advertise-for bids. ..... .... - ..: - . " . ,'_'._ -- ( . ·"Bids for.t:qe additio,n to tp.e Administration Building were received on March 19, 1969. Bids received w.ere as follo~s: .... .... - . .... ·: - Greco Brothers $ 21,220 T. V. Leo & S<;:ms 19,649 Dennick Constructo:r1s 20,545 Conforti Construction .J ..... ....: ' 22~700 GEM C?nstructj.oni - . 3 li 429. Overall Barorie Construction 18,.600 Schleifer ' " 20,800 ,., .... - • .. --l ' : - D 1Ambola Electric 4,445 Lenar Electric 4,370 Kinetic Mecb.anical 13,356 Romano Electric 3,345 Berna:d H. Steinke 1 Inc. 29,500 1Jrl'he lo~es-t bid f;lubmitted .~as by GEM Construction. Their bid ~as $11,-429 over the. esiimat~d figure of $20,000 approved by the citizens at the refer-en.du~ on October 8, 1968. -_Weare now " ~ ' negotiating this ·figure in-the hope t:b.at it will.be,possible to come within the $20,000. It seems.~lmost i~p'assible, even with the high cost of construction, that an addition of this size would cost so much money. You will be notified further as to t~e rei:;ults of the negotiations. -- . ~ ... "Mr. Ohlson, Mr. Broffma.n and I met with representatives of the { " ( (. ' - .,_ .· ' - - - .... - l Vincent Metho_dist Church t,o discuss the us.,e of the school facilities • -- - ~ - • • - (' ,j, ' t ( ,' - .... ._· ' not only for the balance of this year, but the higl?, sc.hool, win need two additional classrooms for next year. I have written to Mr. Dugal?, as per the B~ard 1 s request to arr_ange for a Ir:1:eet_ing"to discuss the maintenance of the facilities and the rental fees: As s.oon ,;1.sthese~arrangem~nts _have been made, I .will present them fi.o_th~ ,Board ,for its 1approval in orde.r ~hat it rriay become §1,matter of record. ,- _I__ "The grounds crew ha~ fe 0 rtili:Zed and ~eeded most of the areas around the school properties. Each year we seem to fall a little behind in raising grass on th~ Park Oval.,_ This ~s _du,~ to the heavy use of the area. Part of this condition will be relieved once.we are able to use the DeMuro-Margaret Avenue site • • • - .... ,J •• • ' ' "The maintenance crew has been building cabinet~ and other items request~_d for- the 1969-1970 school year. We cl,re doing every- ,J " - ..... - - . - thing possible to cle.ar the slate of maintenance work in order that . tp.e men inay complete the _:installation of aluminu~ doors at the .W-ashi:0:gton.School, ·aluminum wi~dows to.the rear.of the Franklin - S~hool', ·~en.ovation of the teachers' _lunchroom_and the boy~ and g1rls' courts at Washington School~ - They have a _heavy work load for the summer and consequently, we a:re trying to get as many of the_ smaller jobs out of the way as soon as pas sibl~. - - - - ' 0 - _, - 'J 111 am ve~y happy .to report th~t the-:Bellevilie-Nutiey Rowing A.s~ociation clubhouse is -now completed. -The boy·s now have shower facilities, court facilities and heat in the building. The outside of the building has been graded so that the entire project looks more like .244.
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