Nigerian Journal of Technology (NIJOTECH) Vol. 34 No. 2, April 2015, pp. 414 – 420 Copyright© Faculty of Engineering, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, ISSN: 1115-8443 .28 PROMOTING INTEGRATED WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT IN SOUTH WEST NIGERIA: THE NEED FOR COLLABORATION AND PARTNERSHIPPARTNERSHIP A. Sobowale 1*1*1* , J., J. K. Adewumi 222 and O. A. Bamgboye 333 111,1,,, 222 SOUTH WEST REGIONAL CENTRE FOR NATIONAL WATER RESOURCES CAPACITY BUILDING NETWORK , FEDERAL UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE , PMB 2240, ABEOKUTA 110001, NIGERIA. 333 NATIONAL WATER RESOURCES INSTITUTE , PMB 2309, KADUNA , NIGERIA. EEE-E---mailmail AddressAddresseseseses:: 1
[email protected], 222
[email protected] 333
[email protected] ABSTRACT ThisThisThis paper eelucidateslucidates the need to implement Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) in SSSouthSouth WWWestWest NigeriaNigeria.. At present, water related programmes in existing capacity building institutions ((CBIsCBIsCBIsCBIs)))) do not have IWRM and climate change adaptation in their synopsis; ttthisthis suggests tthehe need for curriculum review. Another observation was that many of the professionals in the water sectorsector organizations ((WSOsWSOsWSOs)))) are aging with none of these organizations having succession plansplans.. D. DevelopD evelopevelopinging and implementing succession plans require collaboration and partnership with CBIs in the regionregion;;;; ttthethehehe recent establishment of the National Water Resources CapacityCapacity Building NetwNetwNetworkNetw ork (NWRCBNet) in the country is timelytimely;;;; itititwillit will provide a platform for IWRM implementation and capacity building in the water sectorsector.... The south west regional center at the Federal UniveUniversityrsity of Agriculture, Abeokuta has been spear heading this vision and the results achieved so far in the south west region has been encouragingencouraging...