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S # ISIN CFI Code CFI Code (as Per SECURITY S # ISIN SECURITY NAME SECTOR NAME SECURITY TYPE STATUS new ISO) SYMBOL 1 PK0000201019 ESVUFR EFU GENERAL INSURANCE LIMITED EFUG Insurance Ordinary Shares Listed 2 PK0000301017 ESVUFR HABIB INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED HICL Insurance Ordinary Shares Listed 3 PK0000401015 ESVUFR HAYDARI CONSTRUCTION CO. LIMITED HADC Miscellaneous Ordinary Shares Listed 4 PK0000501012 ESVUFR K-ELECTRIC LIMITED KEL Power Generation & Distribution Ordinary Shares Listed 5 PK0000601010 ESVUFR MURREE BREWERY COMPANY LIMITED MUREB Food & Personal Care Products Ordinary Shares Listed 6 PK0000701018 ESVUFR USMAN TEXTILE MILLS LIMITED USMT Textile Composite Ordinary Shares Listed 7 PK0001101010 ESVUFR PREMIER INSURANCE LIMITED PINL Insurance Ordinary Shares Listed 8 PK0001201018 ESVUFR DAWOOD LAWRENCEPUR LIMITED DLL Inv. Bank/Inv. Companies/Securities Co. Ordinary Shares Listed 9 PK0001301016 ESVUFR GLAXOSMITHKLINE PAKISTAN LIMITED GLAXO Pharmaceuticals Ordinary Shares Listed 10 PK0001401014 ESVUFR HUSEIN INDUSTRIES LIMITED HUSI Textile Composite Ordinary Shares Listed 11 PK0001701017 ESVUFR HAFIZ LIMITED HAFL Textile Composite Ordinary Shares Listed 12 PK0001901013 ESVUFR JUBILEE GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED JGICL Insurance Ordinary Shares Listed 13 PK0002001011 ESVUFR PAKISTAN CABLES LIMITED PCAL Cables & Electrical Goods Ordinary Shares Listed 14 PK0002101019 ESVUFR PAKISTAN ENGINEERING COMPANY LIMITED PECO Engineering Ordinary Shares Listed 15 PK0002201017 ESVUFR THE PREMIER SUGAR MILLS & DISTILLERY COMPANY LIMITED PMRS Sugar & Allied Industries Ordinary Shares Listed 16 PK0002301015 ESVUFR THE THAL INDUSTRIES CORPORATION LIMITED TICL Sugar & Allied Industries Ordinary Shares Listed 17 PK0002501010 ESVUFR GAMMON PAKISTAN LIMITED GAMON Miscellaneous Ordinary Shares Listed 18 PK0002701016 ESVUFR PAKISTAN TOBACCO COMPANY LIMITED PAKT Tobacco Ordinary Shares Listed 19 PK0002801014 ESVUFR SUI SOUTHERN GAS COMPANY LIMITED SSGC Oil & Gas Marketing Companies Ordinary Shares Listed 20 PK0002901012 ESVUFR AKD CAPITAL LIMITED AKDCL Miscellaneous Ordinary Shares Listed 21 PK0003001010 ESVUFR CRESCENT STAR INSURANCE LIMITED CSIL Insurance Ordinary Shares Listed 22 PK0003101018 ESVUFR ICI PAKISTAN LIMITED ICI Chemicals Ordinary Shares Listed 23 PK0003201016 ESVUFR KOHINOOR INDUSTRIES LIMITED KOIL Textile Composite Ordinary Shares Listed 24 PK0003301014 ESVUFR ATLAS INSURANCE LIMITED( ATIL Insurance Ordinary Shares Listed 25 PK0003401012 ESVUFR PAKISTAN INTERNATIONAL AIRLINES CORPORATION LIMITED - (A) PIAA Transport Ordinary Shares Listed 26 PK0003401020 ESVUFR PAKISTAN INTERNATIONAL AIRLINES CORPORATION LIMITED - (B) PIAB Transport Ordinary Shares Listed 27 PK0003701015 ESVUFR ZEAL PAK CEMENT FACTORY LIMITED ZELP Cement Ordinary Shares Listed 28 PK0003801013 ESVUFR PAKISTAN OXYGEN LIMITED PAKOXY Chemicals Ordinary Shares Listed 29 PK0003901011 ESVUFR THE CRESCENT TEXTILE MILLS LIMITED CRTM Textile Composite Ordinary Shares Listed 30 PK0004101017 ESVUFR PAKISTAN REINSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED PAKRI Insurance Ordinary Shares Listed 31 PK0004201015 ESVUFR WAZIR ALI INDUSTRIES LIMITED WAZIR Unlisted Securities Ordinary Shares Unlisted 32 PK0004301013 ESVUFR CYAN LIMITED CYAN Insurance Ordinary Shares Listed 33 PK0004401011 ESVUFR DADEX ETERNIT LIMITED DADX Engineering Ordinary Shares Listed 34 PK0004601016 ESVUFR METROPOLITAN STEEL CORPORATION LIMITED MSCL Engineering Ordinary Shares Listed 35 PK0004701014 ESVUFR PAKISTAN REFINERY LIMITED PRL Refinery Ordinary Shares Listed 36 PK0004801012 ESVUFR THE UNITED INSURANCE COMPANY OF PAKISTAN LIMITED UNIC Insurance Ordinary Shares Listed 37 PK0004901010 ESVUFR ADAMJEE INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED AICL Insurance Ordinary Shares Listed 38 PK0005001018 ESVUFR (COLONY) THAL TEXTILE MILLS LIMITED COTT Unlisted Securities Ordinary Shares Unlisted 39 PK0005101016 ESVUFR FATEH TEXTILE MILLS LIMITED FTHM Textile Composite Ordinary Shares Listed 40 PK0005201014 ESVUFR FEROZSONS LABORATORIES LIMITED FEROZ Pharmaceuticals Ordinary Shares Listed 41 PK0005401010 ESVUFR JOHNSON & PHILIPS (PAKISTAN) LIMITED JOPP Cables & Electrical Goods Ordinary Shares Listed 42 PK0005501017 ESVUFR NISHAT MILLS LIMITED NML Textile Composite Ordinary Shares Listed 43 PK0005601015 ESVUFR (COLONY) SARHAD TEXTILE MILLS LTD. COST Textile Composite Ordinary Shares Listed Page 1 of 28 As of May 06, 2021 CFI Code (as Per SECURITY S # ISIN SECURITY NAME SECTOR NAME SECURITY TYPE STATUS new ISO) SYMBOL 44 PK0005701013 ESVUFR GHARIBWAL CEMENT LIMITED GWLC Cement Ordinary Shares Listed 45 PK0005801011 ESVUFR HASHIMI CAN COMPANY LIMITED HACC Miscellaneous Ordinary Shares Listed 46 PK0005901019 ESVUFR BEEMA-PAKISTAN COMPANY LIMITED BEEM Insurance Ordinary Shares Unlisted 47 PK0006002015 JANANA DE MALUCHO TEXTILE MILLS LIMITED(CP) 10% JCP Textile Spinning Preference Shares Listed 48 PK0006001017 ESVUFR JANANA DE MALUCHO TEXTILE MILLS LIMITED JDMT Textile Spinning Ordinary Shares Listed 49 PK0006002023 JANANA DE MALUCHO TEXTILE MILLS LIMITED PREF. 71/2% JPRF Textile Spinning Preference Shares Listed 50 PK0006101015 ESVUFR JAVEDAN CORPORATION LIMITED JVDC Cement Ordinary Shares Listed 51 PK0006201013 ESVUFR KHYBER TEXTILE MILLS LIMITED KHYT Textile Composite Ordinary Shares Listed 52 PK0006401019 ESVUFR THE NATIONAL SILK & RAYON MILLS LIMITED NSRM Synthetic & Rayon Ordinary Shares Listed 53 PK0006801010 ESVUFR HABIB SUGAR MILLS LIMITED HABSM Sugar & Allied Industries Ordinary Shares Listed 54 PK0006901018 ESVUFR INDUS DYEING & MANUFACTURING COMPANY LIMITED IDYM Textile Spinning Ordinary Shares Listed 55 PK0007101014 ESVUFR GHANDHARA INDUSTRIES LIMITED GHNI Automobile Assembler Ordinary Shares Listed 56 PK0007201012 ESVUFR NATIONAL SECURITY INSURANCE COMPANY LTD. NSIC Insurance Ordinary Shares Listed 57 PK0008101013 ESVUFR MIRPURKHAS SUGAR MILLS LIMITED MIRKS Sugar & Allied Industries Ordinary Shares Listed 58 PK0008201011 ESVUFR NATIONAL REFINERY LIMITED NRL Refinery Ordinary Shares Listed 59 PK0008401017 ESVUFR PAKISTAN PAPER PRODUCTS LIMITED PPP Paper & Board Ordinary Shares Listed 60 PK0008501014 ESVUFR PAKISTAN SERVICES LIMITED PSEL Miscellaneous Ordinary Shares Listed 61 PK0008601012 ESVUFR SHAFIQ TEXTILE MILLS LIMITED SFQT Textile Spinning Ordinary Shares Listed 62 PK0008901016 ESVUFR SUI NORTHERN GAS PIPELINES LIMITED SNGP Oil & Gas Marketing Companies Ordinary Shares Listed 63 PK0009201010 ESVUFR ATLAS HONDA LIMITED ATLH Automobile Assembler Ordinary Shares Listed 64 PK0009301018 ESVUFR BAWANY SUGAR MILLS LIMITED BAWS Unlisted Securities Ordinary Shares Unlisted 65 PK0009401016 ESVUFR CRESCENT JUTE PRODUCTS LTD. CJPL Jute Ordinary Shares Listed 66 PK0009501013 ESVUFR CRESCENT COTTON MILLS LIMITED CCM Textile Spinning Ordinary Shares Listed 67 PK0009801017 ESVUFR MILLAT TRACTORS LIMITED MTL Automobile Assembler Ordinary Shares Listed 68 PK0010001011 ESVUFR PACKAGES LIMITED PKGS Paper & Board Ordinary Shares Listed 69 PK0010101019 ESVUFR PAKISTAN PVC LIMITED PPVC Chemicals Ordinary Shares Listed 70 PK0010301015 ESVUFR D.M. TEXTILE MILLS LIMITED DMTX Textile Spinning Ordinary Shares Listed 71 PK0010401013 ESVUFR MORAFCO INDUSTRIES LIMITED MOIL Vanaspati & Allied Industries Ordinary Shares Listed 72 PK0010501010 ESVUFR NOON SUGAR MILLS LIMITED NONS Sugar & Allied Industries Ordinary Shares Listed 73 PK0010901012 ESVUFR ADAM SUGAR MILLS LIMITED ADAMS Sugar & Allied Industries Ordinary Shares Listed 74 PK0011001010 ESVUFR HUSEIN SUGAR MILLS LIMITED HSM Sugar & Allied Industries Ordinary Shares Listed 75 PK0011101018 ESVUFR SECURITY PAPERS LIMITED SEPL Paper & Board Ordinary Shares Listed 76 PK0011201016 ESVUFR SHAHTAJ SUGAR MILLS LIMITED SHJS Sugar & Allied Industries Ordinary Shares Listed 77 PK0011301014 ESVUFR THAL LIMITED THALL Automobile Parts & Accessories Ordinary Shares Listed 78 PK0011501019 ESVUFR ALI ASGHAR TEXTILE MILLS LIMITED AATM Textile Spinning Ordinary Shares Listed 79 PK0011601017 ESVUFR ALLAWASAYA TEXTILE & FINISHING MILLS LTD. AWTX Textile Spinning Ordinary Shares Listed 80 PK0011701015 ESVUFR ATLAS BATTERY LIMITED ATBA Automobile Parts & Accessories Ordinary Shares Listed 81 PK0011801013 ESVUFR AYESHA TEXTILE MILLS LIMITED AYTM Textile Spinning Ordinary Shares Unlisted 82 PK0012101017 ESVUFR ENGRO CORPORATION LIMITED ENGRO Fertilizer Ordinary Shares Listed 83 PK0012201015 ESVUFR EXTRACTION (PAKISTAN) LIMITED EXTR Vanaspati & Allied Industries Ordinary Shares Listed 84 PK0012301013 ESVUFR GULISTAN TEXTILE MILLS LIMITED GUTM Textile Spinning Ordinary Shares Listed 85 PK0012401011 ESVUFR KHYBER TOBACCO COMPANY LIMITED KHTC Tobacco Ordinary Shares Listed 86 PK0012501018 ESVUFR MEHRAN SUGAR MILLS LIMITED MRNS Sugar & Allied Industries Ordinary Shares Listed 87 PK0012601016 ESVUFR MOHAMMAD FAROOQ TEXTILE MILLS LIMITED MFTM Textile Composite Ordinary Shares Listed Page 2 of 28 As of May 06, 2021 CFI Code (as Per SECURITY S # ISIN SECURITY NAME SECTOR NAME SECURITY TYPE STATUS new ISO) SYMBOL 88 PK0012901010 ESVUFR SIND FINE TEXTILE MILLS LIMITED SFTM Unlisted Securities Ordinary Shares Unlisted 89 PK0013001018 ESVUFR STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED SICL Insurance Ordinary Shares Listed 90 PK0013201014 ESVUFR AZMAT TEXTILE MILLS LIMITED AZMT Textile Spinning Ordinary Shares Listed 91 PK0013401010 ESVUFR GHANI VALUE GLASS LIMITED GVGL Glass & Ceremics Ordinary Shares Listed 92 PK0013601015 ESVUFR GLOBE TEXTILE MILLS LIMITED GLOT Textile Spinning Ordinary Shares Listed 93 PK0013901019 ESVUFR LIBERTY MILLS LIMITED LIBM Unlisted Securities Ordinary Shares Unlisted 94 PK0014201013 ESVUFR THE UNIVERSAL INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED
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