Skeena Watershed Conservation Coalition P.O. Box 70 Hazelton, B.C. V0J 1Y0 250.842.2494 March 10, 2014 Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency 410-701 Georgia Street West Vancouver, BC V7Y 1C6 Via email:
[email protected] Honourable Catherine McKenna Minster of Environment and Climate Change Via email:
[email protected] Honorable Hunter Tootoo Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard Ottawa, Ontario <Original signed by> Via email:
[email protected]. Honourable James Carr, Minister of Natural Resources Via email:
[email protected] Pacific Northwest LNG Project – Public Comments re CEAA draft Environmental Assessment Report From: Skeena Watershed Conservation Coalition CEAA Reference: 80032 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Skeena Watershed Conservation Coalition Skeena Watershed Conservation Coalition (SWCC) is a diverse group of people living and working in the Skeena River watershed. Our board of directors and membership reflect the broad interests of the people in this region. We are united in understanding that short term industrial development plans, even 50 year plans, will not benefit our region in the long run if they undermine the social and environmental fabric that holds the watershed and its communities together. SWCC’s mission is to cultivate a sustainable future from a sustainable environment rooted in culture and a wild salmon ecosystem. Objectives and strategies arising from this 1 mission include educating the public and decision-makers in order to increase awareness and understanding of the natural ecological and human assets that currently exist, as well as helping to create a vibrant and resilient future for the Skeena watershed.