Report of the Third Meeting of the Contracting Parties to Accobams
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Agreement on the Conservation of Cetaceans of the Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea and contiguous Atlantic area, concluded under the auspices of the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS) Accord sur la Conservation des Cétacés de la Mer Noire, de la Méditerranée et de la zone Atlantique adjacente, conclu sous l’égide de la Convention sur la Conservation des Espèces Migratrices appartenant à la Faune Sauvage (CMS) REPORT OF THE THIRD MEETING OF THE CONTRACTING PARTIES TO ACCOBAMS Dubrovnik (Croatia), 22-25 October 2007 1 2 Introduction 1. Following the entry into force of the Agreement on 1 June 2001, the First Meeting of the Parties held in Monaco in February-March 2002 and the Second Meeting of the Parties held in Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 9−12 November 2004, the Third Meeting of the Parties to the Agreement on the Conservation of Cetaceans of the Black Sea, the Mediterranean Sea and the Contiguous Atlantic Area (ACCOBAMS) was held from 22 to 25 October 2007 at the Hotel Grand Villa Argentina, Dubrovnik, Croatia. Participants 2. Representatives of the following States Parties to the Agreement took part in the meeting: Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, France, Italy, Lebanon, Malta, Monaco, Morocco, Slovenia, Spain, Syrian Arab Republic, Tunisia and Ukraine. 3. Representatives of the Ministry of agriculture, forestry and water management (Croatia), Ministry of the sea, tourism, transport and development (Croatia), and representatives of riparian States– Algeria and Montenegro attended the Meeting 4. Representatives of the following intergovernmental and nongovernmental organizations and scientific institutions or bodies also attended the Meeting as observers: ANIMAL FRIENDS CROATIA, ALNITAK, ASCOBANS, ASMS OCEAN CARE, BLACK SEA COMMISSION, BLACK SEA COUNCIL FOR MARINE MAMMALS (CMM), BLUE WORLD INSTITUTE FOR MARINE RESEARCH CONSERVATION, COUNCIL OF EUROPE-BERN CONVENTION, DELPHIS MDC, EMORY UNIVERSITY, ESSENCE CONSULTING, EUROPEAN CETACEAN SOCIETY (ECS), FACULTY OF VETERINARY MEDICINE - UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB, ILIA CHAVCHAVADZE STATE UNIVERSITY, INSTITUTE FOR MARINE AND COASTAL RESEARCH OF DUBROVNIK, INTERNATIONAL FUND FOR ANIMAL WELFARE (IFAW), IWC, MORIGENOS, NATURAL RESOURCES DEFENCE COUNCIL (NRDC), OCEANA, PELAGOS SANCTUARY, “PRIRODA” - PUBLIC INSTITUTION FOR MANAGING, RAC/SPA, TETHYS RESEARCH INSTITUTE, TUI-AG, TURKISH MARINE RESEARCH FOUNDATION (TUDAV), UNIVERSITY OF MILANO-BICOCCA, WHALE AND DOLPHIN CONSERVATION SOCIETY (WDCS). 5. A representative of the Secretariat of UNEP/CMS attended the Meeting. 6. The Secretariat of ACCOBAMS acted as Secretariat for the Meeting. 7. The full list of participants is attached as Annex I of this report. Agenda item 1: Welcoming address 8. Mr Javier Pantoja Trigueros, representing Mr Miguel Aymerich Huyghes, Chairperson of the Bureau, welcomed participants and highlighted the active, efficient, scientific work that had been carried out under the leadership of ACCOBAMS in the three years that had ensued since the previous Meeting of the Parties. Its work was a standard that others could usefully emulate and was becoming ever more necessary in view of increasing human pressure on the Agreement Area. 3 9. Mr Jadran Antolović, State Secretary at the Ministry of Culture, Croatia, welcomed participants to Dubrovnik, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. He underlined the necessity of cooperation among all the countries of the region, and said that his country had been one of the first signatories to ACCOBAMS (Annex XII). 10. Ms Heidrun Frisch, from the Secretariat of CMS and ASCOBANS, said that Mr Robert Hepworth, the Executive Secretary of CMS, was unable to attend the Meeting. He had, however, recorded an address, which was shown to the participants (Annex XII). He reminded participants that the Mediterranean was a ‘hot spot’ for activities related to the Year of the Dolphin, which had been extended into 2008. 11. Ms Marie-Christine Grillo-Van Klaveren, Executive Secretary of ACCOBAMS, also welcomed participants to the Third Meeting of the Parties. She looked forward to fruitful discussions in the conducive atmosphere of Dubrovnik and congratulated the Croatian Government on its active role at the international level, particularly with regard to the conservation of Mediterranean terrestrial and marine biodiversity. Agenda item 2: Granting the right to vote 12. The representative of the Chairperson of the Bureau recalled that countries that ratified the Agreement and deposited the relevant instruments with the Depositary did not become Parties to the Agreement until a specified period had elapsed. In order that as many Parties as possible could take part in decision-making, he invited the participants to consider draft Resolution 3.1 contained in document ACCOBAMS-MOP3/2007/Doc22, in which Algeria would be granted the status of fully participating Party with the right to vote. 13. Following a comment by one delegation about the conformity of the draft Resolution with Article XIV of the Agreement, the Executive Secretary explained that a similar waiver had been granted to Portugal at the Second Meeting of the Parties. Although Algeria had deposited its instrument, it would become a full Party only on the first day of the third month subsequent to that deposition. The dispensation would be valid only for the duration of the Meeting. 14. The Resolution 3.1 was adopted (Annex X). 15. The Executive Secretary welcomed the participation of Algeria, which already had a Focal Point and had undertaken many activities related to the work of ACCOBAMS. 16. The representative of Algeria described some of the activities undertaken in his country since 1962 for the preservation and protection of nature. Algeria considered the work of ACCOBAMS to be a just and noble cause, to which it would give its fullest support. Agenda item 3: Election of the Bureau 17. The representative of the Chairperson of the Bureau informed the Meeting that, following consultations among the heads of delegations prior to the Meeting, it was proposed that the new Bureau be composed of the representatives of Croatia, Italy, Morocco and Ukraine. 4 18. The Meeting approved the composition of the Bureau as follows: Chairperson: Ms Ana Štrbenac (Croatia) Vice-Chairperson: Mr Oliviero Montanaro (Italy) Vice-Chairperson: Mr Volodymyr Domashlinets (Ukraine) Vice-Chairperson Rapporteur: Ms Amina Moumni (Morocco) 19. Ms Ana Štrbenac, the new Chairperson of the Bureau, thanked the Meeting for having elected her and looked forward to fruitful discussions. 20. The Executive Secretary congratulated the members of the previous Bureau for their efficient work during the past three years. Agenda item 4: Adoption of the agenda 21. The Chairperson invited comments on the provisional agenda proposed by the Secretariat in document ACCOBAMS-MOP3/2007/Doc01-Rev1 and annotated in document ACCOBAMS-MOP3/2007/Doc02-Rev3. 22. The delegation of France expressed a general reserve concerning document ACCOBAMS-MOP3/2007/Doc31. Following a debate on the feasibility of the actions provided for in draft Resolution 3.10 with respect to ‘anthropogenic noise’, on its conformity with the relevant articles of ACCOBAMS and the Law of the Sea Convention and on the appropriateness of making reference to the European Habitat Directive, the Meeting decided to set up a working group, coordinated by France and Spain, to review the draft Resolution and make suggestions on the issue. 23. The representative of Spain said that his delegation had provided an information document on new mass strandings of dolphins in his country. 24. The Executive Secretary informed the Meeting that a new document would be submitted under agenda item 11(d), containing a request from a nongovernmental organization in the Syrian Arab Republic to become an ACCOBAMS Partner. 25. On that understanding, the Meeting adopted the agenda, which is contained in Annex II to this report, and the proposed timetable contained in document ACCOBAMS- MOP3/2007/Doc04-Rev2. Agenda item 5: Admission of observers 26. The Chairperson presented the requests for admission as observers to the Third Meeting of the Parties, as listed in document ACCOBAMS-MOP3/2007/Doc06-Rev2. 27. The Meeting approved the participation of the observers listed in the document. 5 Agenda item 6: Establishment of the Credentials Committee 28. In accordance with the provisions of Article 4 of the Rules of Procedure of the Meetings of the Parties, a Credentials Committee was established, composed of the representatives of France, Bulgaria, Cyprus and the Syrian Arab Republic. The Chairperson invited the Committee to meet and to submit its conclusions at a later stage of the Meeting. Agenda item 7: Opening statements 29. The Chairperson invited the delegations of the new Parties to ACCOBAMS, as well as the riparian States, to make statements (Annexe XII). 30. The representative of Slovenia said that it was the first Meeting of the Parties his country had attended. All cetaceans had been fully protected at national level in Slovenia since 1993, and in the past 12 months his country had significantly increased its involvement in that area at international level. Slovenia had ratified the International Convention on the Regulation of Whaling and had joined the group of like-minded countries that did not support commercial whaling. It had decided to accede to ACCOBAMS because of its concern for the uncertain future of cetaceans because of global warming, habitat loss, fisheries, disturbance and other human activities. It would also continue