Probable Flood Inundated Area in Shwegyin, Madauk, Nyaunglebin and Daik-U Township As of 9 August 2019, 6:00 PM

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Probable Flood Inundated Area in Shwegyin, Madauk, Nyaunglebin and Daik-U Township As of 9 August 2019, 6:00 PM Probable Flood Inundated Area in Shwegyin, Madauk, Nyaunglebin and Daik-U Township as of 9 August 2019, 6:00 PM Nan Za Let Pan Khin Nyaung Pin Thar Thaung Pu 96°45'E Wet Lar Taw (Kayin) 97°0'E Kyee Yoe NAY PYI TAW Kyun Kone SHAN Khin To Yin Taik Kone MAGWAY Yedashe Pauk Kone Hpa Yar Gyi Int Hin Khin Shey Ma Bee (Upper) KAYAH Yae Lel Su Hpyan Tha lin Inn Taing Kone Ma Bee Kan Nar Su Inn Kone Baw Di Kwin Kyauk Sa Yit Pe Thaung Baw Ka Htar Kyaukkyi Paukkhaung Taungoo Pyay Ma Bee Taung Thu Kone Nyaung Kone Thin Gan Chaung Kyauk Sa Yit Oktwin Kyun Chaung Htantabin KAYIN Township Padaung Kyauktaga Lein Pin ThegonPaungde Ah Lel Kyun Shwedaung Doe Tan Nattalin Hman TanPhyu Tha Pyay Kone Kyauktaga Kyaukkyi Township ByaingZigon Kwin Gyobingauk BAGO Ga Net Shwe Thaung Bar Sar Wun Tha Min Inn Kone Hto War Saik (Upper) Okpho Kyauktaga Kho Lo RAKHINEHo Ti Monyo Hto War Saik Kyun Gyi Minhla Inn Ga Ni Nyaunglebin Letpadan Shwegyin Let Khan Daik-U Zee Kone Kyun Gyi Hpyu Su Thayarwady Hpa Yar Gyi Kone Mu Kha Ran Bago Waw Kywe Ta Lin Kone Thar Khin Bago AYEYARWADY Si Kyan Ah Hlaing Thanatpin MON Har Ree Nga Hpei Inn Ban Dee Thu Htay Kone Hin Thar Wea YANGON Kawa Sar Du Ka Nyin Kyoe Taung Khin PatheinOhn Shit Kone Yangon Ma Au Pin Kyun Gyi Ka Nyin Kyoe Ywar Haung Chun Tar Ri Ka Ri Bar Hpa Yar Ngoke To Su Pa Dar Hpa Do Thaung Ja Ka Net Kyay Yoe Mun Dar (Mun Daw) Kho Par Ri Ran Day Ni Thar Yar Kone Let Kauk Wa Khat Cho Kwin Thu Htay Kone 160 Ki Ri Khin Kant Lant Ywar Thit Kan Ka Lay Khin Kant Lant Ywar Ma Rainfall Accumulation at Madauk Pu Zun Aing 140 Shwegyin Dam Htee Lat (South) Mee Taing Taw 120 Kan Ka Lay Lein Pin We (Upper) Lein Pin We (Lower) Pein Za Loke Ywar Ma Inn Gyi Su Moe Kho Than Seik Ywar Ma Yae Twin Kone Ywar Ma Ma Au De Ah Nyar100 Su Bone Gyi Ba Kwin Peinzalok Than Seik Min Lan Wet Che 80 Da La Seik Shwegyin Rainfall (mm) Rainfall Se Lay Ka Lein Khin Da La Seik Moe Kho (Lower) Chaung Kyoe Auk 60Bon Me Zar Thone Se chauk Te Su Twa Ni Kone Htaw Nut Moe Kho (Upper) Township Kywe Te Su Say Yoe Khin Pyin Ma Kone Nyaung Tha Pyay In Kone Inn Ba Lar 40 Inn Kyaik Hpa Do Nat Ka Taw Khin 20 Htein Ta Pin Kauk Mei Thu Tar See (Lower) Hpa Do Inn Ba War 0 Kone Inn Chon Inn Hpoe Noe Su Pyin Yae Bweit Chin Myauk Su Pyin Yae Gyi Taw Wi Ywar Ma Gway Kone 1-Jul-19 3-Jul-19 5-Jul-19 7-Jul-19 9-Jul-19 11-Jul-19 13-Jul-19 15-Jul-19 17-Jul-19 19-Jul-19 21-Jul-19 23-Jul-19 25-Jul-19 27-Jul-19 Ma Au29-Jul-19 Tan 31-Jul-19 2-Aug-19 4-Aug-19 6-Aug-19 8-Aug-19 Khwet Ma Yae Sone Taw Wi Ywar Thit Khu Lar (South) Shan Su Yone Daing Waing Kyun Chin Su Lay Ein Su Pauk Taw Za Loke Kone Tha Yet Kone River surface from danger level at Shwekyin town Thaik Tu Kone Oke Pa Lin Kya Ban Kyun Chaung Mee Laung Kone 18°0'N 18°0'N Bweit Chin Zee Hpyu Khin Kyar Chaung Kauk Kwayt Khin Tan Date: 9 August 2019 Nyaung Aing San Ka Lay (East) Tha Yet Chaung Zee KanDistance (West) from Danger Level: aboveZee Kone31 in Gyi Pu Zun Myaung San Ka Lay (West) Ye Hla Kone Baw Mi Kwin Zee Kan (East) Shwe Bon Thar Son Kone San Hpe Kan Nar Su Let Pan Bu (West) Nyaung Pin Thar Let Pan Bu (East) Gyoet Chaung Gyi Moe Ma Kha Shan Doe Tan Nyaung Pin Thar Kwin Da La Kyauk Pon Seik Kyu Chaung (East) Thet Kei Kone Set Hle Let Pan Bu (Middle) Hnget Pyaw Taw Sar Hpyu Su Shan Doe Tan Kyan Bo Hmaw Hpyar Set Su Let Pan Khon Kyan Bo Kone Kyauk Na Gar Kone Lel Yoe Kywe Thay Hmyaung Zee Kone Ka Lay Moke Kha Mu Inn Waing Hpoe Toke Pon Ywar Ma Hpoe Toke Pon (Middle) Kyar Kaik Myaung Lay Ein Su Nyaunglebin Kwin Da La Lay San Chaung Mei Za Li Khin Zee Taw Gyi Auk Chaing Pan Tin Bu Tar Su Chay Taw Yar Bagan Kwe (North) Zee Taw Lay Myet Ni Kwin Taw Pa Thi Yae Kyi Chaung Chaung Zauk Bagan Kwe Ta Yoke Su Kyun Su Bago Su Kyar Inn Gyi Kyun Su Shan Hpa Aung Thein Seik Hpaw War Su Thar Lu Kone Ka Det Kone Myauk Tha Le Myaung Taung Thu Kone Shwegyin Shan Taw Aye Ywar Thit Thaung Lel Kyauk Lone Gyi Yae Le Taung Tha Le Myaung Ah Nauk Hpet River surface from danger level at Madauk town Ah Lel Kyun Lel Kyar Myaung War Yon Kone Ma Dauk Ka Lay Kan Bay Aing Chin Su Na Be Pin Ah Lel San Hpe Nyaung Pin Pauk Madauk Aye Chan Su Thein31 inchKone above danger level Sit Bo Gyi Ah Lel Khin Koke Kei Su Win Ka Baw (North) Wea Gyi Hpa Yar Gyi Kone La Thar Kone Zaw Ti Inn Kat Pa Leik58 inch above danger level Taung Bet Byet Ka Lay Date: 9 August 2019 Myauk Tha Le Myaung Taik Gyi Su Hmaw Inn Win Ga Baw Seik Ka Lay Win Kha Nein Win Kha Nein Ywar Thit Byet Gyi Distance from Danger Level: above 58in San Myaung Ma Au Taw Saing Kwa Kayin Su Ta Khun Taing Aye Za Loke Gyi Na Be Hpa Yar Lay Ein Su U Boe Yin Su Sar Par Chon Sin Te Thein Gan Pyi Ko Taw Nga Pan Inn Thaung Gyi Gyoet Pin Nyaung Kan Pyuntasa Pauk Khaung Sin Za Loke Zee Hpyu Hpa Yar Doe Tan Nyaung Kan Chin Su Chaung Kyoe Yae Paw Thaung Chaung Yin Zee Taw Su Oe Hpo Su Yae Kyaw Lay Wea Wun Ywar Ma Sin Ku Tar U Taung Poet Koe Lone Lay Ein Su War Gar Ma Ni Wea Wun Kyaung Su Ma Lay Ta Kaung Yae Kyaw Gyi Tha Pyay Taw Wea Wun Shan Su Sa Lu Chaung Let Pan Thone Khwa Shwe In Don Ywar Haung Shwe In Don Ywar Thit Ka Dar Baing Dar Son Kwe Pan Be Su Shwe In Don Kyaung Su U Nyunt Ta Kaung Thea Kyaw Lay Ein Su Ma Au Yoe Ma Au Yoe Ka Toke Son Kone Shwe Nyaung Pin Kyaung Shar Hpyar Ah Nyar Su Kyoe Kyar Kwin Aung Gyi Sin Sa Khan (West) Tat Su Khin Tan Myo Yoe Kyar Inn Sin Sa Khan (East) Thar Yar Su Tha Pyay Tan Hpa Aung Su Ywar Thit Kyaung Su Paw Thit Kone Pa Leik Kwin Kyun Thone Pin Pyin Pon Lay Nyaunglebin Ka Li Hnget Thaik Pauk Sit Kone Kywe Te (Sar Say) Nat Sin Kone Ah Loke Su Oke Win Kyun Kone Township Gway Tauk Myaung Khin Tan Gway Pin Ku Sar Say Thea Khin Tan Thea Kaw Chaung Kan Baw Lel Su Gyaung Tar Si Pin Tha Yet Taw Aung Bar Lay Su Daik-U Boe Lay Khin Inn Tha Zin Thea Kaw Ywar Ma Aung Soe Moe Thea Kaw Ywar Thit Hnin Wi Ywar Ma Ka Nyin Ta Pin Ywar Waing Gyi Ma Lay Su Legend Pa Thwei Ywar Thit Don Za Yit (West) Ka Tet Myaung Ein Chay Lay Se Than Ta Dar Yar Za Kwin Don Za Yit State/Region Capital Township Boundary Hpa Yar Ngoke To Pa Thwei Yae Lwe Ah Kyaung Htin Kone Nat Kin Main Town State/Region Boundary Hpan Khar Kwin Kan Ka Lay Pa Lit Kyee Paung Su Other Town Road Bu Ta Yar 17°45'N Shan Su 17°45'N Hnin Pale Myauk Chaw Kone Tha Yet Seint Kone Waing Gyi Settlement Other Road Kyon Chaung Sar Gin Hpaung Taw Thi Pyin Htaung Twin Pa Nut Railroad Sin Ku Yae Ngan Chaung Pauk Ta Pin Hpaung Taw Thi Ywar Ma Permanent Water Kyway Khin Tan Pyin Ma Lwin Probable Flood Water (9 August 2019) Kyaung Su Leik Ku Lar Ka Mar Ka Lit Hnget Pyaw Taw Kyon Kyaik Ka Nyin Ta Pin Shan Su Set Su Ka Toke Ywar Ma U Daung Su Byaing Chei Ah Ma Ra Kyar Chaung Kun Seik Thone Gwa Ta Man Gyi Thu Ye Thu Mein Kan Nyi Naung Sat Thwar Kone Ka Toke Hpa Yar Gyi Daik-U Sa Yar Lay Su Township Pu Kaing Kha Mun Myanmar Su Min Ga Lun Let Khoke Kwin Sa Lu Taw Min Gan Yoe Sin Gyoe Lay Chay Taw Yar Thar Yar Kone Map ID: MIMU1515v01 Pan Nyo Su Nyaung Chay Htauk Production Date: 10 August 2019 Hlwa Sin Kone Paper Size: A1 Shwe Nyaung Pin U Yin Chaung Da La Nwan Projection/Datum: Geographic/WGS84 Kyein Ni Tan Kyaik Sa Kaw (West) Kayin Su Kywe Te Kwin Kyaik Sa Kaw (East) Data Source: Hpa Yar Thone Su Za Loke Gyi Ywar Thit Maing Ton Kyon Eik Waing Pat Auk Waing Pat Satellite Image: Sentinel 1A, 2019 Hpa Lauk Ah Nyar Su Za Loke Gyi Ywar Haung Copyright @ ESA Copernicus (2019) Myauk Thu Htay Kone BaseWin Layer: Kan MIMU, ADPC, OSM Khin Tan Hpa Yar Gyi Kwin Chaung Wa Win Kan Myit Kyoe River Water Level: DMH, Myanmar Geoinformatics Society Baw Ka Hta Taung Thu Htay Kone Kyun Su Shading: SRTM90M Tar Son Tar Son Thone Ein Su Bo Te Su Gwayt Gyi Lay Ein Su Description: This map shows possible flood inundated area and it includes the seasonal Kaing Tar Gyi Kha Ywea Tan Mya Kone Let Pan water, paddy field, lake, river and other wet lands.
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