Camcorder multimedia framework with Linux and GStreamer W. H. Lee, E. K. Kim, J. J. Lee , S. H. Kim, S. S. Park SWL, Samsung Electronics
[email protected] Abstract Application Applications Layer Along with recent rapid technical advances, user expec- Multimedia Middleware Sequencer Graphics UI Connectivity DVD FS tations for multimedia devices have been changed from Layer basic functions to many intelligent features. In order to GStreamer meet such requirements, the product requires not only a OSAL HAL OS Layer powerful hardware platform, but also a software frame- Device Software Linux Kernel work based on appropriate OS, such as Linux, support- Drivers codecs Hardware Camcorder hardware platform ing many rich development features. Layer In this paper, a camcorder framework is introduced that is designed and implemented by making use of open Figure 1: Architecture diagram of camcorder multime- source middleware in Linux. Many potential develop- dia framework ers can be referred to this multimedia framework for camcorder and other similar product development. The The three software layers on any hardware platform are overall framework architecture as well as communica- application, middleware, and OS. The architecture and tion mechanisms are described in detail. Furthermore, functional operation of each layer is discussed. Addi- many methods implemented to improve the system per- tionally, some design and implementation issues are ad- formance are addressed as well. dressed from the perspective of system performance. The overall software architecture of a multimedia 1 Introduction framework is described in Section 2. The framework design and its operation are introduced in detail in Sec- It has recently become very popular to use the internet to tion 3.