E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 115 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION

Vol. 163 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 10, 2017 No. 6 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was I came across an editorial in the ‘‘5. Say hello to a stranger. How called to order by the Speaker pro tem- Reading Eagle, a newspaper with cir- much effort does it take? What is the pore (Mr. WEBSTER of Florida). culation in my district. Harry Deitz, real risk? Many of our best relation- f the editor of the Reading Eagle, had an ships began with a simple ‘hello.’ editorial entitled, ‘‘17 Simple Ways to ‘‘6. Give something anonymously to DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO Improve the World in 2017.’’ I thought someone in need. Don’t look for rec- TEMPORE it was so absolutely excellent that I ognition or appreciation. Focus on The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- would like to share it with the Amer- what you can do for ‘he’ or ‘she,’ in- fore the House the following commu- ican public verbatim: stead of asking, ‘what’s in it for me?’ nication from the Speaker: ‘‘Imagine how much better the world ‘‘7. Have a conversation with a child. WASHINGTON, DC, could be if all of us resolved to make Not a lesson or a lecture. You may be January 10, 2017. the world a better place. Imagine how surprised at how much you can learn I hereby appoint the Honorable DANIEL much better it could be if just one of us and how much you can teach when you WEBSTER to act as Speaker pro tempore on did that. talk and listen. this day. ‘‘It really isn’t difficult. We just need ‘‘8. Make a call to someone you PAUL D. RYAN, to make up our minds to do positive Speaker of the House of Representatives. haven’t spoken with in years. Better little things that will add up to posi- yet, visit that person. f tive big things. Often, they are things ‘‘9. Don’t wish away a single day. MORNING-HOUR DEBATE that don’t take much time or energy. How often have we been anxious for a They may not cost anything. But the day to be over? We only have so many The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- rewards—the paybacks—are immeas- ant to the order of the House of Janu- days, and we don’t know how many. So urable. even when things are going really ary 3, 2017, the Chair will now recog- ‘‘So, in the spirit of a new year, here badly, don’t give up on that day. Think nize Members from lists submitted by are 17 simple things we can do in 2017 positive, and make every day special. the majority and minority leaders for to improve the world around us. And consider tomorrow a new oppor- morning-hour debate. ‘‘1. There’s an old caution sign at tunity to do what we weren’t able to do The Chair will alternate recognition railroad crossings: Stop, look and lis- today. between the parties, with each party ten. It also should apply to commu- limited to 1 hour and each Member nication and understanding. Think how ‘‘10. Say you are sorry. It’s never too other than the majority and minority much better things would be if we late, and it’s not as painful as it may leaders and the minority whip limited stopped or at least slowed down, looked seem. to 5 minutes, but in no event shall de- a person in the eye and really listened ‘‘11. Forgiveness isn’t only one of the bate continue beyond 11:50 a.m. to what he or she has to say. That cer- best things you can do for others. It The Chair recognizes the gentleman tainly would derail some of the anger also is one of the greatest gifts you can from Pennsylvania. and misunderstandings in the world. give to yourself. It removes burdens. It helps you see clearly. It repairs what is f ‘‘2. Say something positive to some- one every day. You may never know broken. Time may reduce our pain but HARRY DEITZ: 17 SIMPLE WAYS how much a kind word or a compliment doesn’t always remove it. Forgiveness TO IMPROVE THE WORLD IN 2017 will mean to the person, but you will will. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The feel better after you’ve done it. ‘‘12. Take a quiet walk. Look at the Chair recognizes the gentleman from ‘‘3. Make a donation to charity. world around you. How can you help Pennsylvania (Mr. COSTELLO) for 5 min- Money helps, but donations also come but marvel at God’s creation when you utes. in the form of your time. push away all of the distractions in Mr. COSTELLO of Pennsylvania. Mr. ‘‘4. Don’t make judgments. There are your life? Speaker, when we came back from people in the world who judge us before ‘‘13. Happiness isn’t something we are break, starting 2017, I wanted to share they know us. They judge us before given. It’s something we choose. So some thoughts on how we can all im- they know all the facts. They dis- choose happiness. prove ourselves and our country here approve when we have different opin- ‘‘14. Cherish your memories more in 2017, but last week there was such a ions. Sometimes there isn’t right or than your possessions. They not only flurry of activity, I didn’t have the op- wrong—there is just different. Don’t are more important, but they will last portunity to do so. just talk tolerance—practice it. much longer.

b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.



VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:11 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10JA7.000 H10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H240 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 10, 2017 ‘‘15. Smile. I can’t think of an expres- healthcare costs rising more slowly must lose. We must stand strong and sion that can have a more positive im- than before the act. We have expanded united on that proposition. pact on someone else—and on yourself. coverage and subsidized care for mil- f It’s difficult to be angry or cranky lions of Americans, while improving TRIBUTE TO DEAN BORG when you’re smiling. the quality of health insurance. All of ‘‘16. Pray for peace. If you believe in these reforms are, in fact, working. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The prayer, you already understand its A reckless act to repeal something Chair recognizes the gentleman from power. If you don’t, what do you have that is now baked into the healthcare Iowa (Mr. YOUNG) for 5 minutes. to lose? system on which millions of Americans Mr. YOUNG of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I ‘‘17. Tell people you love them. It’s rely and benefit from—indeed, the en- rise today to honor veteran Iowa jour- something you can’t do too often. It’s tire system benefits from—would have nalist Dean Borg and to offer my con- something they will never tire of hear- serious destabilizing effects beyond the gratulations on his upcoming retire- ing.’’ loss of coverage for almost 30 million ment from Iowa Public Television’s Words well spoken, Harry Dietz. Americans. Republican efforts to weak- ‘‘Iowa Press.’’ MATERNAL HEALTH CARE en Medicaid for the poor and disabled Dean Borg is a leader in Iowa, in our Mr. COSTELLO of Pennsylvania. Mr. and undermine Medicare for the elderly community, and his contributions to Speaker, I rise in support of H.R. 315, means that almost 100 million Ameri- over four decades of ‘‘Iowa Press’’ are the Improving Access to Maternity cans have their health care at risk. unparalleled. His presence on Iowa Care Act. We will begin the battle fighting any Public Television’s respected weekly As we look to strengthen health care, effort by the new administration and news program will surely be missed. one area where we must continue to the suddenly empowered Republican A native of Forest City, Borg at- show leadership is in the delivery of majority to act on their campaign tended Iowa State University and quality and timely maternal and pre- rhetoric abolishing ObamaCare but not began his journalism career at WOI natal care. Certain areas of the coun- providing a replacement. A repeal Radio while still a student. Earning de- try, though, suffer from a shortage of without a clear alternative replace- grees in journalism and public edu- professionals to provide this essential ment at the same time is unacceptable. cation from Iowa State University and care. It is not just unacceptable to Demo- the University of Iowa, Borg served as For over 40 years, the National crats in Congress. It is unacceptable to a reporter and later as news director Health Service Corps has helped to millions of recently insured Ameri- for WMT Radio and WMT Television place primary, dental, and mental cans—in fact, millions found in red stations in Cedar Rapids. His career health providers in underserved areas. States—unacceptable to healthcare path is an example of how Iowa hard This bill would use data collected from professionals, insurance companies, work, talent, and dedication can set the National Health Service Corps to hospitals, and the vast array of other you on the path to achieving remark- designate and place maternal people involved with the healthcare in- able successes in life. healthcare providers in those areas of dustry. Most importantly, it is unac- Dean Borg’s first appearance on the country where they are most need- ‘‘Iowa Press’’ took place on January 16, ed. This will help to solve the shortage ceptable to our families. The most unpopular feature of 1972, during the program’s fourth epi- of maternal healthcare professionals ObamaCare was the name, suggesting, sode, as a panelist, while still working and ensure new and expecting mothers perhaps, a simple solution. When iden- for WMT News. The other panelists have access to the care they need. who joined him that day were Iowa Mr. Speaker, the statistics don’t lie: tified with the President, the Afford- State Representative Frank Bowers, a mothers without access to prenatal able Care Act provisions were 20 per- Democrat from Orange City, and John care are more likely to experience seri- cent more unpopular than when the act ous but avoidable complications during was described in exactly the same McCormally, of the Burlington Hawk birth, which makes passage of H.R. 315, terms but the name was different. So Eye newspaper. Borg later went on to the Improving Access to Maternity perhaps we just allow the Republicans host the television program for dec- Care Act, which I am proud to support, to abolish ‘‘ObamaCare’’ and then get ades, providing the insightful com- such an important bill. back down to work doing what we mentary and leadership of discussions should have been doing for the last 7 with numerous guests from around the f years: making the Affordable Care Act State and country. CONFRONTING THE REALITY OF better. Borg’s commitment to Iowa Public HEALTH CARE By all means, let’s look for ways to Television, work moderating nation- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The make the system less burdensome. We ally broadcast Presidential debates and Chair recognizes the gentleman from can continue to demand account- beyond, has set the bar high for aspir- Oregon (Mr. BLUMENAUER) for 5 min- ability, but allow some competition ing journalists in Iowa and across the utes. with value-based purchasing and nego- country. Mr. BLUMENAUER. Mr. Speaker, tiation of prescription drug prices by From his contributions to the show’s the campaign rhetoric and politics of the largest pharmaceutical customer decades of broadcasts to his documen- the last 7 years now must confront the in the world: the Federal Government. tary reporting from around the world, reality of health care. Dealing with skyrocketing prescription Dean Borg has spent a career dedicated No political party can repeal the drug prices and other outrageous prac- to providing folks with national and basic economics. All of the features tices by some in the pharmaceutical statewide news. With this type of com- that make health insurance policies industry will find broad support in and mitment, it is not surprising Borg has better today—the elimination of life- out of Congress. interviewed every President since Lyn- time limits on health insurance pay- When the Republican majority and don B. Johnson and many of the Presi- ments; preventing denial for pre- the new administration get serious dential contenders who travel through existing conditions; charging women about a replacement that keeps all of our first-in-the-Nation State. the same premium as men, not more; their campaign promises and protects I can attest to Dean Borg’s dedica- keeping children on their parents’ in- the industry from chaos and consumers tion to his craft personally, as I have surance policies until age 26—are wild- from loss of essential coverage, there had the honor of getting to know him— ly popular, but they all increase the will be plenty of bipartisan coopera- I have been on the ‘‘Iowa Press’’ show cost of insurance. tion. But any effort of breaking that with him—as a Member of Congress We cannot allow people to wait until fundamental promise by denying cov- and throughout my career working for they are sick to get a policy. That un- erage and upsetting the healthcare ap- the people of Iowa. dermines the very concept of insur- plecart will be met with strong opposi- He is the longest serving program ance, hence, the mandate to have tion, and, ultimately, they will lose. host in Iowa Public Television history, health insurance. For the sake of the American fami- a significant feat. He is an award-win- The truth is that the impact of the lies and the people who provide health ning journalist, an Iowa State distin- Affordable Care Act has resulted in care, not only should they lose, they guished alumnus, and a trailblazer in

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:11 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10JA7.002 H10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE January 10, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H241 Iowa journalism, defending the craft In my home State of Connecticut me personally, to my wife, to my and defending journalists. alone, 180,000 people who have gained daughters, to my grandson. I never felt While Dean will officially retire from coverage since the ACA was imple- he was a threat to the Nation that I ‘‘Iowa Press’’ this month, I look for- mented stand to lose their health care. love so deeply and have served now for ward to his return for special occasions That includes 43,000 children. more than a quarter of a century. and live broadcasts. Think about that for a moment. If The reason that I am not going is Dean is the epitome of Iowa nice: a Congress repeals the ACA and doesn’t that I cannot bring myself to justify humble, but bold Iowan putting the in- replace it with anything, 43,000 chil- morally or intellectually the immense terests of his fellow Iowans over him- dren just in my State will lose their power we are placing in that man’s self, dedicated to truth, to his craft, health coverage. When those children hands. and dedicated to service, dedicated to get sick, too many of their parents will I could not look at my wife, my his fellow Iowans. Dean is a very good be faced with a heart-wrenching choice: daughters, or my grandson in the eye if and true man. bankrupt the family to pay for their I sat there and attended as if every- Mr. Speaker, please join me in con- child’s medical care or go without the thing that the candidate said about the gratulating Dean Borg on his distin- health services their child needs to get women, about the Latinos, the Blacks, guished career and wishing him the better. All of us here who are parents the Muslims or any of the other things best in his retirement. know that that isn’t really a choice. he said in those speeches and tweets, Dean, I will miss you. If I don’t see Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues and that all of that is okay or erased you soon, I will see you at the Iowa who are beating the drum for wholesale from our collective memory. We all heard the tape when Donald State Fair. elimination of the Affordable Care Act: Trump was bragging—bragging—about f How can you, in good conscience, take away the health care from 43,000 chil- grabbing women by their private parts b 1015 dren in my State just to score a polit- without their consent. It is something I just can’t unhear, bragging to that DANGERS OF REPEALING THE ical point? How can you throw our healthcare system into chaos just be- guy on TV that he would grab women AFFORDABLE CARE ACT below the belt, as if that was hitting on cause you are in a political jam? The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Let’s work together. Let’s work to- them. Sorry. It is never okay. It is Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from gether to improve our healthcare sys- never just locker room talk. It is offen- sive and, if he ever actually did it, it is Connecticut (Ms. ESTY) for 5 minutes. tem. Let’s forge a sensible, bipartisan a crime. Ms. ESTY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today approach to lower healthcare costs and I hang out with Republicans, with to encourage my colleagues to put peo- ensure access to quality care for every- ple before politics. As we speak, the Republican-elected officials in an ac- one. tual locker room in the Rayburn Build- Senate is moving to strip millions of The politics of ObamaCare, no matter ing, and if they ever started talking families of their healthcare coverage how fraught and divisive, should not, like that, I wouldn’t just walk away. I and replace it with, well, nothing. must not take priority over the well- Now, I know that some of my col- would tell them to their faces that being of the American people that we they are wrong, and I wouldn’t allow it leagues ran on a platform of repealing are here to serve. the Affordable Care Act, and now they to go unnoticed or dismissed as normal f feel boxed in by politics. But let’s be or excusable. I don’t know a Repub- very clear about this. The political WOMEN’S MARCH ON WASHINGTON lican colleague of mine in this body who would let that type of comment stakes of repealing the Affordable Care The SPEAKER pro tempore. The just slide as if it were just okay. Act without a replacement are nothing Chair recognizes the gentleman from compared to the terrible human cost. ´ So that is why I will hold hands with Illinois (Mr. GUTIERREZ) for 5 minutes. my wife and march with the women on I would like to share with my col- Mr. GUTIE´ RREZ. Mr. Speaker, let January 21 in D.C. And that is why I leagues the experience of Suzie Clay- me tell you where I will not be on Inau- ton, my constituent from North am calling on all of my progressive al- guration Day. I will not be here or out- lies to come and march with the Canaan, Connecticut. ‘‘The ACA had a side at the inauguration ceremony. I women as well. If you care about a liv- huge, positive impact on my life,’’ will be in Washington late that evening ing wage, come and join the women. If Suzie wrote to me last week. Because because the event that I am going to is you care about the environment, come Suzie is a breast cancer survivor, a pre- on January 21. It is the Women’s March and join the march. We know as a soci- existing condition, it was nearly im- on Washington. ety that when women win, we all win. possible for her to get decent You can get more information on So I plan to be there. healthcare coverage before the ACA. , which is how I heard about It is deeply personal and deeply pa- ‘‘All that we had put away in retire- it, or should I say, how my wife, triotic to march, to make my opinions ment funds, nearly $70,000, had to be Soraida, heard about it. I said to her a known by walking with my allies arm tapped in order to cover our health little after the election: You know, in arm. I want to be able to look at my costs,’’ she wrote. If it weren’t for the honey, I don’t think I can go to D.C. two beautiful Latina daughters and my coverage she gained through the Af- and watch Donald Trump get sworn in. beautiful half-Puerto Rican, half-Mexi- fordable Care Act, she and her husband And she said: Oh, you are going to can, but 100 percent American grand- would have lost everything they had D.C., just not for that. And she told me son, Luis Andres, in the eye with a worked for, quite likely, including about the Women’s March. She said: clear conscience. their home. You and I are going together. When the new President denigrates Instead, with the ACA, her family is Now, I can already hear the phones Latinos or Mexicans or immigrants as once again saving for retirement, com- ringing in my office with people calling drug dealers and criminals, I want to pleting some overdue home repairs, and to say: Oh, you Democrats are sore los- be able to say that I did not condone or getting their medical needs taken care ers and you just hate Republicans. allow that type of speech to go main- of at an affordable price. All of that No. I went to George Bush’s inau- stream. That was not normalized on will go away if this House follows guration and I work with Republicans my watch. through on its political crusade to wipe all the time. Just read Breitbart, which Because the future President said away the Affordable Care Act without seems to write an article anytime I that the American-born children of im- a replacement. even glance favorably at a Republican migrants were not capable of being Mr. Speaker, there are millions of colleague. American judges, I cannot sit there as Suzie Claytons in this country, mil- But this is different. I knew that if this inauguration is okay and I for- lions of people who will lose their George W. Bush and I would disagree gave him. homes, lose their savings, and some on many issues from trade to health I am deeply honored to return to the will even lose their lives if this Con- care, to the war in Iraq, but I never U.S. Congress, and I want to thank the gress repeals the Affordable Care Act thought that George W. Bush was try- people of the Fourth Congressional Dis- without a replacement. ing to make my own country hostile to trict. My constituents knew that when

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:11 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10JA7.004 H10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H242 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 10, 2017 they voted for me, I would be a fighter; she came in, her blood sugars, her dia- talking 6 months to be delisted. Con- and I don’t intend to let them down. betes was out of control; her blood sidering the heinous acts of violence If the new President comes for the pressure was out of control. these countries have supported in the Muslims, I will be a Muslim. If they My wife looked at this patient and past, we should not be allowing them come for Planned Parenthood, I will just said: Well, what happened? How to be delisted after only 6 months. stand with Planned Parenthood. When come you stopped taking your diabetes To address this, my legislation will— they deny climate science, I will make medicine? How come you stopped tak- and, again, it passed last Congress my voice heard. ing your blood pressure medicine? unanimously—quadruple the time a I will use whatever peaceful means She said: Well, Doc, in the recession, designated country must refrain from available to make sure the words and I lost my job. I lost my health insur- sponsoring terrorism, before the Presi- the actions of our new President do not ance coverage. I couldn’t get the medi- dent can remove it from the sponsor become the new mainstream and nor- cations. list, from 6 to 24 months; increase con- mal in America. And then she said: But you know gressional oversight by doubling the That, Mr. Speaker, is why I will not what? With the Affordable Care Act time Congress has to review the Presi- be here for Inauguration Day and why with Covered California, I was able to dent’s proposed removal from 45 to 90 I will be marching with my wife and get health insurance again. I was able days; establish a uniform process with a million women from across this to come in and see you. through which Congress can disapprove country. It wasn’t too late for this patient. My of the President’s decision to remove a f wife was able to get her back on her country from that list; and require the medications, get her back on her blood THE AFFORDABLE CARE ACT—DO administration to notify and brief Con- pressure medicine, get her blood pres- NO HARM gress upon initiating a review of a des- sure and diabetes under control, and, ignated country’s potential removal The SPEAKER pro tempore. The hopefully, there is no permanent dam- from the list. Chair recognizes the gentleman from age. This legislation will assert congres- California (Mr. BERA) for 5 minutes. But if we do harm and repeal the Af- sional scrutiny and oversight and hope- Mr. BERA. Mr. Speaker, today I rise fordable Care Act, we are going to do fully bring to an end politically moti- not as a Member of Congress, but as a irreparable damage to 20 million and vated delistings. Successive adminis- doctor. When I graduated medical more Americans who are just like this trations—both Republican and Demo- school and took that oath, there are patient, who need their health care crat alike—delisted countries based on two core ethics that we take when we covered, who need their access to medi- their presidency’s legacy rather than take that oath: to do good. And that is cations. That is what this is about. the facts. This will stop absurd exactly what we tried to do when this Mr. Speaker, let’s do what we are delistings like that of North Korea in body passed the Affordable Care Act. It trained to do as physicians and what 2008. was about doing good. It was about giv- this body should do. Let’s do good by North Korea was delisted in exchange ing people basic access to health care. making sure people have better cov- for their promises of dismantling their That is a good thing. erage, affordable coverage, and better nuclear program. However, 9 years and The Affordable Care Act is not per- access to health care. Let’s definitely 5 nuclear tests later, they remain off fect, but let’s keep doing good. Let’s fix make sure we do not do any harm by the list. This rescission from the list it. Let’s address the cost of health repealing the Affordable Care Act. has enabled North Korea to engage in care. Let’s make sure people can afford Let’s make sure we fix it and make it supporting terrorism abroad. By in- their medications. That is doing good. better. creasing the amount of time for a state Another core ethic that we take f to not be engaged in terrorism and in- when we enter the profession of medi- creasing congressional oversight and STATE SPONSORS OF TERROR RE- cine as a physician is to do no harm. If scrutiny, my legislation will not allow VIEW ENHANCEMENT ACT—115TH this body repeals the Affordable Care mistakes such as this delisting of CONGRESS Act, we are going to harm 20 million North Korea’s to take place. Americans that now have access to The SPEAKER pro tempore. The I want to remind people that this health care that didn’t have it prior to Chair recognizes the gentleman from passed unanimously, and we hope that the Affordable Care Act. We shouldn’t Florida (Mr. YOHO) for 5 minutes. we will get the support again. do harm. Mr. YOHO. Mr. Speaker, today I will Let me put it into real context. I am reintroduce my bill, the State Sponsors f a primary care internist. My wife is of Terrorism Review Enhancement Act. SECRETARY OF EDUCATION also a primary care internist. You can This legislation passed the full House NOMINEE BETSY DEVOS tell we have exciting conversations at last Congress unanimously. I hope this our house. I was asking her the other Chamber will once again take up this The SPEAKER pro tempore. The day what the Affordable Care Act commonsense legislation and pass it as Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from meant to her as a physician, and she soon as possible. Ohio (Mrs. BEATTY) for 5 minutes. was sharing a story of a patient that The designation of a foreign govern- Mrs. BEATTY. Mr. Speaker, I come she had cared for for years. ment as a ‘‘State Sponsor of Ter- to the House floor today to join my This was a patient that had diabetes rorism’’ is one of the United States’ colleagues from the great State of and hypertension, high blood pressure. most powerful statements that we can Ohio. I come here because we have a We know these are silent killers. If you give on another statement. statement that we want to make to don’t control your diabetes, if you Besides imposing sanctions, the voice to not only the citizens of Ohio don’t control your blood pressure, it stamp of ‘‘State Sponsor of Terrorism’’ but to this great country. can have devastating consequences labels a state untouchable to the inter- I am honored to join Congresswoman leading to heart attacks, leading to national community. MARCY KAPTUR and Congresswoman strokes. It is one of the leading causes MARCIA FUDGE, two women who have of death in America. But if you control b 1030 been in the battle for our citizens, but, it, you can prevent all of these ill- This pariah status is much deserved more importantly, for our students, for nesses and people can live a normal, as these are states that support the education, and for our teachers. healthy life. killing of innocent people as a matter So today, Mr. Speaker, I demand that So my wife—she is a very good doc- of policy. Betsy DeVos, President-elect Trump’s tor—had her patient under good con- Under current law, in order for a nominee for Secretary of Education, trol. The patient stopped coming in to state to be delisted, the President of repay the $5.3 million—yes, Mr. Speak- see her—maybe the patient moved the United States only needs to certify er, I am going to say that again—$5.3 away or something happened—for a that the country being considered for million in fines owed by her political couple of years. And then about 2 years delisting has not engaged in supporting action committee, All Children Matter, ago, the patient came back in. Once terrorism for a paltry 6 months. We are to my home State of Ohio.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:11 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10JA7.006 H10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE January 10, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H243 The PAC’s contempt for Ohio cam- didates—incidentally, all Republican dent-elect ought to start in his own paign finance laws by illegally fun- candidates. backyard. neling contributions from a nationwide Mr. Speaker, I include in the RECORD The $5.3 million fine that Betsy PAC to an unregistered Ohio affiliate is these names and the amounts of money DeVos’ political organization owes to troublesome. And its refusal to pay they received. Ohio could pay for better education for these fines to the State of Ohio is dis- OHIO CANDIDATES WHO RECEIVED DIRECT CON- Ohio’s children. It is outrageous that a graceful as the debt is nearly a decade TRIBUTIONS FROM BETSY DEVOS’ FEDERAL candidate for Secretary of Education old. PAC—ALL CHILDREN MATTER holds herself above the law and fails to Can you imagine what would happen Blackwell, J. Kenneth & Raga, Thomas, make good on outstanding fines im- if a student refused to pay something $10,000; Husted, Jon A, $10,000; Raussen, Jim, posed nearly 10 years ago. Public $7,500; Bacon, Kevin, $6,000; Harris, Bill, that they owed to a university or to records indicate she personally has a $5,000; Montgomery, Betty, $5,000; Taylor, net worth of over $5.1 billion. the State? I don’t have to answer that. Mary, $5,000; Bubp, Danny, $4,000; Coughlin, We all know what would happen. Kevin, $4,000; Luther, Brant, $4,000. The New York Times today has a Mr. Speaker, I ask: How can the pub- Patton, Thomas F, $4,000; White, Dan, front page story by Noam Scheiber lic trust Ms. DeVos to ensure borrowers $4000; Adams, John W, $3,000; Bowling, that includes a quote from a writer and repay their student loans in a timely Marcus U, $2,500; Buehrer, Stephen, $2,500; scholar who observes about the life of manner when the group she chaired McGregor, Jim, $2,500; Brinkman, Thomas, Ms. DeVos. $2,000; Cousineau, Thomas, $2,000; Fink, failed to pay fines that were imposed Mr. Speaker, I include in the RECORD Deborah Owens, $2,000; Mandel, Josh, $2,000. this article as well. nearly a decade ago? The fines owed to McLaurin, Donald K, $2,000; Farmer, Kyle the State of Ohio—the $5.3 million—be- J, $1,500; Goodman, David, $1,500; Peterson, [From the New York Times, Jan. 9, 2017] longs to the taxpayers of Ohio. And Jon M, $1,500; Seitz, William J, $1,500; Setzer, BETSY DEVOS, TRUMP’S EDUCATION PICK, every time, Mr. Speaker, I say $5.3 mil- Arlene J, $1,500; Batchelder III, William G, PLAYS HARDBALL WITH HER WEALTH lion, I am going to say it twice because $1,000; Dolan, Matthew J, $1,000; Faber, Keith (By Noam Scheiber) she owes $5.3 million that belongs to Lloyd, $1,000; Hite, Cliff, $1,000. After Tom Casperson, a Republican state Jordan, Kris, $1,000; Niehaus, Tom, $1,000; senator from Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, the taxpayers of Ohio. This is money Schindel, Carol-Ann, $1,000; Wagoner, Mark, that could be used to pay for more began running for Congress in 2016, he as- $1,000; Adams, Richard N, $500; Jones, Shan- sumed the family of Betsy DeVos, President- teachers and other initiatives to help non, $500; Ohio House Republican Campaign elect Donald J. Trump’s nominee to be edu- educate Ohio’s children. Cmte, $500; Rankin, Tim, $500; Whiston, Tom, cation secretary, would not oppose him. We cannot let her skirt the system $500; Young, Tom, $500. The DeVoses, a dominant force in Michi- and cheat Ohio taxpayers. No, we can- Source: The Columbus Dispatch and gan politics for decades with a fortune in the FollowtheMoney.org not let her be nominated and confirmed billions, had contributed to one of Mr. to be over our educational system. Ms. KAPTUR. All these candidates Casperson’s earlier campaigns. But a week I urge her to repay the $5.3 million in pledged to advocate for privatizing before his primary, family members sent public school education through vouch- $24,000 to one of his opponents, then poured fines prior to her Senate confirmation $125,000 into a ‘‘super PAC,’’ Concerned Tax- hearing next week. ers once elected into office. The Ohio Election Commission, com- payers of America, that ran ads attacking f prised of an equal number of Repub- him. The reason, an intermediary told Mr. PRESIDENT-ELECT TRUMP’S licans and Democrats, swiftly and Casperson: his support from organized labor. CABINET unanimously levied a record fine ‘‘Deceitful, dishonest and cowardly,’’ was The SPEAKER pro tempore. The against her organization in 2008. Their how Mr. Casperson’s campaign described the ads, complaining that the groups running Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from decision was subsequently vetted and upheld by a Republican judge in a them ‘‘won’t say who they are or where their Ohio (Ms. KAPTUR) for 5 minutes. money is coming from.’’ On Primary Day, Ms. KAPTUR. Mr. Speaker, in Amer- State court. Yet, now nearly a decade later, nei- Mr. Casperson went down to defeat. ica, we expect no one to be above the In announcing his intention to nominate ther Betsy DeVos nor All Children law. But, what happens if someone is Ms. DeVos, Mr. Trump described her as ‘‘a Matter has paid their penalty of $5.3 super rich and breaks the law? brilliant and passionate education advo- million to the citizens of Ohio. cate.’’ Even critics characterized her as a Today, I rise to place on the Record Indeed, the State of Ohio prior to her a demand that the President-elect’s dedicated, if misguided, activist for school violations had even informed Ms. reform. But that description understates Cabinet nominee for Secretary of Edu- DeVos by issuing a legal opinion that both the breadth of Ms. DeVos’s political in- cation, Betsy DeVos of Michigan, im- such contributions from her national terests and the influence she wields as part mediately pay fines she owes to the PAC would be illegal to State can- of her powerful family. More than anyone State of Ohio. didates, and she willfully ignored them else who has joined the incoming Trump ad- These obligations total $5.3 million, ministration, she represents the combination and that opinion. No one, no matter of wealth, free-market ideology and political just as Congresswoman JOYCE BEATTY how wealthy, should be above the law. stated in her opening statement, and hardball associated with a better-known And who exactly were the State can- family of billionaires: Charles and David also Congresswoman MARCIA FUDGE, didates that received a direct campaign Koch. who will speak subsequent to my own contribution from Betsy DeVos’ polit- ‘‘They have this moralized sense of the free remarks. This is an enormous amount ical action committee All Children market that leads to this total program to of money owed to the State of Ohio in Matter? You will notice a few can- turn back the ideas of the New Deal, the wel- unpaid fines and levied late penalties didates still serving in Ohio office, in- fare state,’’ Kim Phillips-Fein, a historian for Ms. DeVos’ political organization who has written extensively about the con- cluding Lieutenant Governor Mary servative movement, said, describing the for campaign finance violations in Taylor, Secretary of State Jon Husted, DeVoses. Ohio. They broke Ohio law. These are State Treasurer Josh Mandel, and Ohio Ms. DeVos declined to be interviewed for the largest fines ever levied in Ohio Senate President Keith Faber. Former this article. history, dating back to 2008. Essen- Ohio gubernatorial candidate J. Ken- Like the Kochs, the DeVoses are generous tially, the political organization Ms. neth Blackwell also received a direct supporters of think tanks that evangelize for DeVos led violated Ohio’s election unrestrained capitalism, like Michigan’s contribution. Mr. Blackwell now leads Acton Institute, and that rail against unions laws. the President-elect’s domestic policy and back privatizing public services, like the Betsy DeVos of Michigan was in transition team. Mackinac Center. charge of the political action com- In addition, according to the Center They have also funded national groups mittee known as All Children Matter, for Responsive Politics, Betsy DeVos dedicated to cutting back the role of govern- based in Virginia. During her gave direct contributions to at least 20 ment, including the National Center for Pol- chairwomanship, she broke Ohio’s elec- current Members of the United States icy Analysis (which has pushed for Social Se- tion laws which impose spending dona- curity privatization and against environ- Senate. These are the same Senators mental regulation) and the Institute for Jus- tion limits of $10,000 per candidate. who will now confirm her for her Sec- tice (which challenges regulations in court She, in fact, violated those limits by retary of Education position. and defends school vouchers). Both organiza- funneling national PAC money, over Talk about pay to play and a real tions have also received money from the $870,000 of it, to Ohio’s State can- need to drain the swamp, the Presi- Koch family.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:05 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10JA7.007 H10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H244 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 10, 2017 Indeed, the DeVoses’ education activism, run for governor and publicly brooded that give resources to folks who are going to fight which favors alternatives to traditional pub- he had been too gentlemanly in his first de- for causes you believe in.’’ lic schools, appears to derive from the same bate against the incumbent. But the fights can appear to be as much free-market views that inform their sus- ‘‘He’s very good with people, a retail politi- about consolidating power as ideology. picion of government. And perhaps more cian who looks you in the eye, shakes your Unions were arguably the family’s most for- than other right-wing billionaires, the hand, listens to what you say,’’ said Randy midable political opponent in Michigan, one DeVoses couple their seeding of ideological Richardville, a former Republican leader of of labor’s traditional strongholds. causes with an aggressive brand of political the Michigan Senate, describing the couple’s CHANGES IN MICHIGAN strengths. ‘‘I would never underestimate spending. Half a dozen or more extended fam- The DeVos family’s roots as education ac- Betsy DeVos in a knife fight.’’ ily members frequently coordinate contribu- tivists date back at least to when Richard Ms. DeVos has sometimes lacked her hus- tions to maximize their impact. DeVos Sr. was running Amway and an insti- In the 2016 cycle alone, according to the band’s finesse, once famously blaming many tute based at the company’s headquarters Michigan Campaign Finance Network, the of the state’s economic woes on ‘‘high trained teachers to inject free-market prin- family spent roughly $14 million on political wages.’’ She has won detractors, by their ac- ciples into their curriculum. count, by browbeating legislators into voting contributions to state and national can- According to an interview Ms. DeVos gave her way. didates, parties, PACs and super PACs. to Philanthropy magazine, she and her hus- All of this would make Ms. DeVos—whose ‘‘Betsy DeVos was like my 4-year-old band became interested in education causes confirmation hearing has been delayed until granddaughter at the time,’’ said Mike when they began visiting a Christian school next week amid mounting pressure that her Pumford, a former Republican state rep- that served low-income children in Grand government ethics review be completed be- resentative who once clashed with her. Rapids in the 1980s. ‘‘They were both sweet ladies as long as they forehand—very different from past education ‘‘If we could choose the right school for our kept hearing the word ‘yes.’ They turned secretaries. kids’’—by which she appeared to mean pri- ‘‘She is the most emblematic kind of oli- into spoiled little brats when they were told marily private schools—‘‘it only seemed fair garchic figure you can put in a cabinet posi- ‘no.’ ’’ that they could do the same for theirs,’’ she tion,’’ said Jeffrey Winters, a political sci- But Ms. DeVos has often made up for what told the magazine. entist at Northwestern University who stud- she lacks in tact through sheer force of will. Mr. Richardville said he and Ms. DeVos The family spent millions of dollars on a ies economic elites. ‘‘What she and the Kochs ballot proposal in 2000 asking if Michigan have in common is the unbridled use of disagreed over term limits, which she sup- ported as party chairwoman and he opposed: should legalize vouchers, in which students wealth power to achieve whatever political can use taxpayer money to attend private goals they have.’’ ‘‘I said, ‘I don’t think you should be setting policy. You should be supporting those of us schools. BIRTH OF A POWER COUPLE who do make policy.’ But she never backed Many critics, like the education historian Ms. DeVos, 59, grew up in Holland, Mich., down.’’ Diane Ravitch, argue that the point of the daughter of a conservative auto parts While Dick and Betsy DeVos appear to vouchers is to destroy public education and magnate who was an early founder of the practice a more tolerant form of Christianity teachers’ unions. The group Americans Family Research Council, a conservative than their parents—Ms. DeVos has spoken United for Separation of Church and State Christian group. When she married Dick out against anti-gay bigotry—as recently as has documented how conservative Christians DeVos in 1979, it was akin to a merger be- the early 2000s they funded some groups like have long supported vouchers, which could tween two royal houses of western Michigan. Focus on the Family, a large ministry that fund religious schools. Her husband’s father, Richard Sr., co- helps set the political agenda for conserv- After voters objected by more than a two- founder of the multilevel marketing com- ative evangelicals. They have also backed to-one ratio, Dick DeVos gave a speech at pany Amway, was an active member of the groups that promote conservative values to the Heritage Foundation saying such efforts Christian Reformed Church that preached a students and Christian education, including would have to shift to state legislatures, mix of social conservatism and self-reliance. one with ties to the Christian Reformed where groups backed by deep-pocketed do- He once told the church’s official magazine Church. nors could offer ‘‘a political consequence for that Chicago’s poor dwelled in slums because Their economic views are strikingly simi- opposition, and political reward for support that was ‘‘the way they choose to live,’’ ac- lar to the elder Mr. DeVos’s. of education reform issues.’’ cording to a Washington Post story from the According to federal disclosures, Amway, It is not unusual for the wealthy—who de- 1980s. which Dick DeVos ran between 1993 and 2002, vote nearly 50 percent of their philanthropic A fan of Rolls-Royces and pinkie rings, has lobbied frequently over the last 20 years dollars to education, according to the group Richard Sr. wrote books with titles like to reduce or repeal the estate tax. Only the Wealth-X—to spend aggressively in the polit- ‘‘Ten Powerful Phrases for Positive People.’’ top 0.2 percent wealthiest estates paid the ical realm to impose their preferred reforms. A similar air hung over his business. tax in 2015. Even by these standards, however, the Amway sales representatives, which the The company has also opposed crackdowns DeVoses stand out for the amount of money company calls ‘‘independent business own- on tax shelters. they spend trying to advance their goals ers,’’ make money both by selling the com- Ms. DeVos has been an outspoken defender through politics rather than philanthropy, pany’s products—everything from perfume to of unlimited contributions known as soft such as research into reforms or subsidizing toilet bowl cleaner—and by recruiting other money, which she described in a 1997 edi- schools. sales representatives. torial as ‘‘hard-earned American dollars that As Sarah Reckhow, an expert on education The Federal Trade Commission once inves- Big Brother has yet to find a way to con- philanthropy at Michigan State University, tigated the company for running a pyramid trol.’’ put it: ‘‘The DeVoses are like: ‘No, we know scheme before concluding that it had misled After Congress later passed a major cam- what we want. We don’t need to have all this potential recruits about how much they paign finance reform bill, a nonprofit that window dressing.’ ’’ could expect to earn. Ms. DeVos helped to create and fund master- Ms. DeVos has led two nonprofits that have The flip side of the family’s proselytizing minded the strategy that produced Citizens spent millions of dollars electing governors for capitalism, according to Professor Phil- United, the 2010 Supreme Court decision lay- and legislators sympathetic to school vouch- lips-Fein, has been an effort to dismantle ing the groundwork for super PACs funded ers around the country. much ‘‘that would counterbalance the power by corporations, unions and individuals to Matt Frendewey, a spokesman for one of of economic elites.’’ raise and spend unlimited amounts in elec- the groups, said the efforts had frequently Amway funded a nationwide ad campaign tions. been bipartisan, and that the amount of in the early 1980s, protesting high taxes and And then there are the family’s efforts to money they had spent has been dwarfed by regulations. Not long after, the company rein in the labor movement. contributions from teachers’ unions opposed pleaded guilty to cheating the Canadian gov- Through their contributions to think to reform. Yet in Michigan, at least, the ernment out of more than $20 million in rev- tanks like the Mackinac Center, as well as family’s political strategy has not been sub- enue. Mr. DeVos’s direct prodding of Republican tle. The family had a more winning public face legislators, the family played a key role in After he defied Ms. DeVos on a key charter in Dick DeVos, who combined the practiced helping pass Michigan’s so-called right-to- school vote, Mr. Pumford, the former Repub- empathy of a pitchman with the entitlement work legislation in 2012. The legislation lican legislator, survived an effort by the of an heir, spending over $30 million on an largely ended the requirement that workers Great Lakes Education Project, a nonprofit unsuccessful run for governor of Michigan in pay fees to unions as a condition of employ- the DeVoses bankrolled, to defeat him in his 2006. The Detroit Free Press described him ment. 2002 primary. that year as the wealthiest man to seek of- Unions in the state bled members in 2014, But shortly after, the House speaker told fice in the state’s modern history. the first full year the measure was in effect. him the Education Committee chairmanship Betsy DeVos, who served as chairwoman of Allies say the DeVoses fight for their be- he coveted would not be forthcoming. ‘‘I the Michigan Republican Party for most of liefs. ‘‘Betsy and Dick see themselves as said, ‘Why?’ ’’ Mr. Pumford recalled. ‘‘He the decade between 1996 and 2005, has often principled conservatives,’’ said Frederick said: ‘You know why. The DeVoses will walk played the role of strategist in the relation- Hess of the American Enterprise Institute. away from us.’ ’’ Mr. Pumford added: ‘‘She ship. She was a key adviser in her husband’s ‘‘It kind of seems healthy and admirable to told me that was going to happen.’’

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:05 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10JA7.007 H10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE January 10, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H245 (Rick Johnson, the House speaker, said he are diametrically opposed to every- God of the universe, we give You did not recall the conversation but also that thing the President-elect advised was thanks for giving us another day. he had not promised Mr. Pumford the chair- wrong with America. He wants to drain As the early days of the 115th Con- manship and would not have explained his gress play out, we are mindful and reasons for withholding it.) the swamp. No one in America should Over time, the Great Lakes Education be above the law, and neither should grateful that our Nation has once Project helped elect Republican majorities Betsy DeVos be above the law. She again experienced something so often sympathetic to the DeVoses’ agenda. But the ought to pay the $5.3 million she owes lacking in our world’s experience: the DeVoses’ lobbyists and operatives also dis- the people of Ohio. peaceful transition of government. covered less messy ways to advance legisla- f Though major change of party con- tion. trol did not take place in this Cham- Late one night of their last workweek in SECRETARY OF EDUCATION ber, it is still the American experience 2015, the Michigan House and Senate were NOMINEE BETSY DEVOS about to approve some uncontroversial that our streets are peaceful and win- changes to campaign finance law, when the The SPEAKER pro tempore. The ners and losers of elections move on bill abruptly grew by more than 40 pages. Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from with their lives in dignity. After the legislators discovered what they Ohio (Ms. FUDGE) for 5 minutes. We thank You again for the inspira- had voted for, many said they were horrified. Ms. FUDGE. Mr. Speaker, I rise tion of our Nation’s Founders and the Tucked away in the new pages was a provi- today with my colleagues, Representa- legacy they left us with. May the Mem- sion that would have made it much harder for local bodies like school boards to raise tives BEATTY and KAPTUR, to address bers of this assembly, and all Ameri- money through property tax increases. the Secretary of Education. cans, be worthy of that legacy. ‘‘Michigan schools will likely suffer the Mr. Speaker, Betsy DeVos is an im- And may all that is done in the peo- brunt of the impact because the vast major- minent and present danger to all of ple’s House be for Your greater honor ity rely on periodic voter approval of local America’s children. She does not sup- and glory. operating levy renewals for property taxes,’’ port public schools. Public schools are Amen. the ratings agency Moody’s wrote of the where 93 percent or better of all Amer- measure the following month. f ica’s children attend. She opposes in- ‘‘I was fooled into voting for something I THE JOURNAL opposed,’’ said Dave Pagel, a Republican rep- creased accountability and trans- resentative. ‘‘I consider it the worst vote I’ve parency in for-profit schools, and has a The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam- made.’’ privatization agenda that can set pub- ined the Journal of the last day’s pro- The chief culprits, according to Mr. Pagel lic education back more than 50 years. ceedings and announces to the House and others at the state Capitol when the bill Even more alarming, she breaks laws his approval thereof. passed, were lobbyists closely tied to the Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- DeVoses. and does not pay her bills. DeVos has Tony Daunt, a spokesman for the Michigan owed my home State of Ohio $5.3 mil- nal stands approved. Freedom Fund, a nonprofit headed by the lion since 2008 for violating campaign Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. Mr. DeVoses’ longtime political aide, and whose finance laws. Despite repeated at- Speaker, pursuant to clause 1, rule I, I political spending arm they have funded gen- tempts to collect the money, she has demand a vote on agreeing to the erously, said the group was ‘‘part of the dis- failed to pay those fines. Speaker’s approval of the Journal. cussion process with people in the legisla- As ranking member of the Sub- The SPEAKER. The question is on ture’’ about the proposal and ‘‘had consist- committee on Early Childhood, Ele- the Speaker’s approval of the Journal. ently expressed support for the policy.’’ The question was taken; and the The law was later blocked by a federal mentary, and Secondary Education, I Speaker announced that the ayes ap- judge, but the group has vowed to try again. am deeply concerned about DeVos’ peared to have it. RADICAL SUSPICIONS nomination for Secretary of Education. Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. Mr. Ms. DeVos’s advocates see in these fights As a member of the Ohio delegation, I Speaker, on that I demand the yeas the toughness to take on entrenched oppo- am appalled by her deliberate refusal and nays. nents of expanding reforms like charter to pay millions in fines she owes our The yeas and nays were ordered. schools and vouchers. State. We cannot give the purse strings In promoting Ms. DeVos in The Wash- The SPEAKER. Pursuant to clause 8, of America’s education system to ington Post, Mitt Romney, the Republican rule XX, further proceedings on this someone only concerned with her own Party’s 2012 presidential nominee, empha- question will be postponed. sized that her wealth gave her the independ- bank account. And we cannot entrust f ence to be ‘‘someone who isn’t financially bi- the future of our children to a person ased shaping education.’’ He added, ‘‘DeVos who breaks the law, cozies up to Wall PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE doesn’t need the job now, nor will she be Street, and calls public schools, which The SPEAKER. Will the gentleman looking for an education job later.’’ I believe are the bedrock of our edu- from Michigan (Mr. BERGMAN) come But critics see someone with an unmistak- cation system, a dead end. able agenda. ‘‘The signs are there that she forward and lead the House in the will do something radical,’’ said Jack Jen- I urge my Senate colleagues to vote Pledge of Allegiance. nings, a former general counsel for the House ‘‘no’’ on DeVos. The future of our coun- Mr. BERGMAN led the Pledge of Al- education committee. ‘‘Trump wouldn’t have try and our children are at stake. legiance as follows: appointed this woman for this position if he f I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the didn’t intend something radical.’’ RECESS United States of America, and to the Repub- Ms. KAPTUR. The article states: lic for which it stands, one nation under God, ‘‘She is the most emblematic kind of The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. oligarchic figure you can put in a cabi- ant to clause 12(a) of rule I, the Chair f net position. . . . What she and the declares the House in recess until noon SWEARING IN OF MEMBER-ELECT Kochs have in common is the unbridled today. use of wealth power to achieve what- Accordingly (at 10 o’clock and 42 The SPEAKER. Will the Representa- ever political goals they have.’’ minutes a.m.), the House stood in re- tive-elect please present himself in the If confirmed, Betsy DeVos would be cess. well. responsible for administering our Na- f Mr. SCHRADER of Oregon appeared at the bar of the House and took the oath tion’s student loan portfolio and would b 1200 have to ensure borrowers repay their of office, as follows: loans in a timely manner. Yet, how can AFTER RECESS Do you solemnly swear that you will sup- we believe she will demonstrate sound The recess having expired, the House port and defend the Constitution of the judgment in her responsibilities or be a was called to order by the Speaker at United States against all enemies, foreign role model when her own political or- and domestic; that you will bear true faith noon. and allegiance to the same; that you take ganization has blatantly avoided pay- f this obligation freely, without any mental ing legally obligated fines for her vio- PRAYER reservation or purpose of evasion; and that lations of Ohio’s election laws? you will well and faithfully discharge the du- Mr. Speaker, Betsy DeVos’ attempt The Chaplain, the Reverend Patrick ties of the office on which you are about to to subvert the law and buy influence J. Conroy, offered the following prayer: enter, so help you God.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:37 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10JA7.008 H10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H246 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 10, 2017 The SPEAKER. Congratulations. You Care Act. One of those residents is Mrs. and delay’’ will, in effect, be repeal and are now a Member of the 115th Con- Darlene Harris of Charlotte, North chaos, with no plan in place. gress. Carolina, who was born with a hole in Repeal will have real-life, personal f her heart. Each and every breath she impact on 30 million Americans who has taken has been a miracle. will stand to lose their health insur- ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER When her heart was beats away from ance. The options for the 129 million The SPEAKER. Under clause 5(d) of rupturing, her husband’s insurance Americans with preexisting conditions rule XX, the Chair announces to the saved her life. Following his death, who have newfound health security House that, in light of the administra- Darlene tried to cope without that in- would disappear. We would be return- tion of the oath of office to the Mem- surance, gambling with her own life. ing to a time of lifetime limits, annual ber-elect, the whole number of the Thanks to the ACA, she is free from caps for care, and consumers will be House is now 435. that awful burden. sold junk health plans at high costs. A repeal of the Affordable Care Act Not only will the newly insured suf- f would condemn millions of hard- fer, repeal would destabilize the indi- ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER working Americans and their loved vidual health insurance market and The SPEAKER. The Chair will enter- ones to the nightmare of the past when send the healthcare system into dis- tain up to 15 requests for 1-minute preexisting conditions were not cov- array. Let’s don’t make America sick speeches on each side of the aisle. ered. It is imperative that we not ig- again. Let’s have no repeal without a nore the pleas of our fellow Americans. replacement. f It has and will continue to save the f lives of our family, neighbors, and CONGRATULATIONS TO THE NA- THANK YOU TO MICHIGAN’S FIRST friends. I urge my colleagues to abso- TIONAL CHAMPION CLEMSON CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT UNIVERSITY TIGERS lutely object to any repeal of the Af- fordable Care Act. (Mr. BERGMAN asked and was given (Mr. WILSON of South Carolina f permission to address the House for 1 asked and was given permission to ad- minute.) dress the House for 1 minute and to re- THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH Mr. BERGMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise vise and extend his remarks.) (Mr. WALBERG asked and was given today to say thank you to the people of Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. Mr. permission to address the House for 1 Michigan’s First Congressional District Speaker, early this morning, the minute.) for giving me the opportunity to rep- Clemson University Tigers achieved Mr. WALBERG. Mr. Speaker, this resent them in Congress. I would also the College Football National Cham- week kicks off the North American like to thank my wife, Cindy, and our pionship in what was one of the most International Auto Show in Detroit. As children and grandchildren for their stunning and unforgettable endings to a car guy all my life, I never missed constant and unwavering support. a football game. Trailing behind the the world’s premier automotive event, It is truly an honor and a privilege to formidable University of Alabama for the greatest show on Earth. This year be here, and I am so humbled to be the majority of the game, the Clemson there is plenty to celebrate. doing the people’s work in the House of Tigers refused to be defeated, culmi- Just yesterday, Fiat Chrysler an- Representatives. I came to Congress nating in a come-from-behind win at nounced it would create 2,000 jobs and not only to restore common sense and literally the last second. invest $1 billion to modernize manufac- fiscal sanity to the Federal Govern- Throughout the entire season, the turing plants in Michigan and Ohio. ment but, most importantly, to serve Clemson football team has shown guts, Last week, Ford scrapped plans for its the constituents of Michigan’s First grit, and determination to their team, facility in Mexico and instead promised District and to be their voice in Wash- their school, and the State of South to invest $700 million at the Flat Rock ington. Carolina. This was a well-deserved win plant. This move will bring 700 new We have a new opportunity ahead of for a remarkable school and a remark- jobs to Michigan. These are exciting us to bring industry and prosperity able program. I join my two sons, Ju- developments for our State’s economy back to the American people, but it is lian and Hunter, who graduated from and good paying jobs for our dedicated up to us here in Congress to do the Clemson, and Clemson fans from across and talented workforce. work and put in the long hours it will the Nation in celebrating this historic Mr. Speaker, as everyone will see at take to get there. My promise today is victory. this year’s auto show, Michigan con- that I will work tirelessly for my dis- Congratulations to Clemson super- tinues to lead the way in car manufac- trict and do everything I can to make stars Deshaun Watson and Ben turing. Working together, we can keep sure we are leaving a better country Boulware, who were named most valu- Michigan on the forefront of innova- for our children and grandchildren. able players for the game. Congratula- tion and mobility and keep making the Again, thank you to the people of tions as well to President Jim best cars and trucks in the world right Michigan’s First Congressional District Clements and his wife, Beth. They are in our backyard, the motor capital of for this opportunity. continuing in the world class tradition the world. f of Jim and Marcia Barker. f In conclusion, God bless our troops, DON’T TURN YOUR BACK ON and may the President, by his actions, AFFORDABLE CARE ACT MILLIONS OF FAMILIES never forget September the 11th in the (Mr. GENE GREEN of Texas asked (Ms. TSONGAS asked and was given global war on terrorism. and was given permission to address permission to address the House for 1 Congratulations, Dabo Swinney and the House for 1 minute.) minute.) the entire Clemson football family. Go Mr. GENE GREEN of Texas. Mr. Ms. TSONGAS. Mr. Speaker, since Tigers. Speaker, let’s not make America sick the Affordable Care Act was signed f again. into law, millions of Americans have I am deeply disappointed my Repub- gained access to valuable healthcare AFFORDABLE CARE ACT lican colleagues are moving forward services, and every American has seen (Ms. ADAMS asked and was given with their plan to undo the historic their health insurance benefits im- permission to address the House for 1 progress we have made by expanding prove. minute.) health coverage under the Affordable While there are ways the Affordable Ms. ADAMS. Mr. Speaker, I rise Care Act, repealing it and leaving mil- Care Act can be improved, we cannot today to express strong opposition to lions of Americans with no coverage. afford to go back to the days when big any attempted repeal of the Affordable While repeal and replace was an ab- insurance companies had the power to Care Act. In North Carolina, more than stract talking point for years, it is decide what care Americans could re- 552,000 people have gained affordable clear that there is no plan for replace- ceive, deny coverage to children with health care through the Affordable ment, no plan. The new phrase ‘‘repeal diagnosed conditions, cancel coverage

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:37 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10JA7.011 H10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE January 10, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H247 when people got sick, and place limits When I was 9 years old, Mr. Speaker, In those awful moments after the on the amount of care people can re- I immigrated to the United States from shooting, the airport was thrown into ceive. the Dominican Republic without any chaos and confusion. Yet, before we Last week, Carol Lodi from Harvard, papers, and now I am a Member of the knew anything of the circumstances, Massachusetts, in my district, called U.S. Congress. Mr. SESSIONS, have I not every American could tell you what and told her story. She and her hus- succeeded in America? would come next because Congress has band gained healthcare coverage under On behalf of millions of Dominican developed a well-worn routine in re- the Affordable Care Act. She is 61. Her Americans and notable Americans such sponse to gun violence: first, shocking husband is 63. They are self-employed. as fashion designer Oscar de la Renta, news of a deadly shooting, followed by She said: ‘‘If we lose the insurance, we Pulitzer Prize winner Junot Diaz, Sec- thoughts and prayers, followed by a don’t know what we’ll do.’’ retary of Labor Thomas Perez, and moment of silence on this floor, fol- Mr. Speaker, please listen to the Lodi baseball giant Big Papi, I stand here on lowed by a complete failure to take ac- family and millions of other families the floor of the United States House of tion. like them. Don’t turn your back on Representatives as a proud Dominican To truly honor the victims, moments them and make America sick again. American. I say to Mr. SESSIONS: you of silence must be followed by produc- f are wrong, wrong in thinking, and tive discussions of policy: What will we do to keep our community safer? I ask HONORING DR. PRISCILLA THOMAS wrong for our country. I urge my colleagues to join me in my Republican colleagues, meet with (Mr. CARTER of Georgia asked and opposing the confirmation of JEFF SES- me. Let’s at least start a conversation was given permission to address the SIONS as Attorney General. Hateful here on the House floor. We can no House for 1 minute and to revise and longer remain silent during this epi- extend his remarks.) speech and racist rhetoric have no place in our American society. demic of gun violence. Thoughts and Mr. CARTER of Georgia. Mr. Speak- prayers are all that we have offered the er, I rise today to recognize Dr. Pris- f American people, and that is not cilla Thomas, a commissioner in Chat- b 1215 enough. ham County, Georgia, a champion of our area’s local youth and a Savannah NATIONAL LAW ENFORCEMENT f native. APPRECIATION DAY OBAMACARE In 1990, Dr. Thomas was first elected (Mr. HILL asked and was given per- (Mr. BILIRAKIS asked and was given to serve as a commissioner in Chatham mission to address the House for 1 permission to address the House for 1 County. During her tenure, she became minute and to revise and extend his re- minute and to revise and extend his re- chairman pro tem and later the first marks.) marks.) minority and female vice chairman. Mr. HILL. Mr. Speaker, I rise today Mr. BILIRAKIS. Mr. Speaker, I rise However, long before she entered gov- to pay tribute to our Nation’s law en- today to talk about the families that ernment, Dr. Thomas was already dedi- forcement men and women. are feeling the burden of ObamaCare. cated to creating more opportunities I respect and appreciate the impor- Premiums have skyrocketed an aver- and better lives for young people. tant work of our police throughout the age of 19 percent in our State, and in- She worked as a principal at Haven Nation who are charged with the crit- surers are fleeing the market left and Elementary School in Savannah after ical work of protecting the people in right. In fact, 73 percent of counties in earning her Ph.D. in educational ad- our States and our local communities. Florida only have one insurance pro- ministration from the University of The heartbreaking violent targeting of vider, leaving people with higher costs North America. When she was elected our Nation’s police officers, recently, and less choice when it comes to their to serve as commissioner in 1990, she demonstrates the dangers these men health care. That is why the Presi- continued to use her passion for young and women face every day. dent’s healthcare law has failed the people to provide entertaining and en- Every American is so proud as our people of Florida. lightening activities for them, includ- many neighbors and fellow citizens get Now, Republicans are offering up ing the Chatham County Youth Com- up every morning, put on their local solid solutions to make our Nation’s mission and the Summer Bonanza law enforcement uniform and badge, healthcare system work for everyone, Partnership. kiss their families good-bye, and go out without pulling the rug from anybody’s On December 16, 2016, Dr. Thomas at- feet. We are focused on a more afford- tended her final county commission and serve us, keeping our cities and towns safe, trying to build trust and able, more personalized healthcare meeting and retired from her 26 years plan that empowers patients, not as a Chatham County commissioner. faith among all of our citizens. Monday was National Law Enforce- Washington. She will always be remembered for I am proud to serve on the Energy ment Appreciation Day, and our law being one of the toughest, fairest, and and Commerce Health Subcommittee enforcement men and women in Arkan- most well-informed members of our as we begin our first steps this week to sas and throughout the country deserve local government and for her 60 years bring relief to the people of Florida and our gratitude and respect. I proudly serving young people. She certainly our Nation. will be missed. displayed a blue light in my office win- dow to honor our law enforcement men f f and women, and I thank them for their OBAMACARE OPPOSING THE CONFIRMATION OF selfless service. (Mrs. BLACKBURN asked and was JEFF SESSIONS AS ATTORNEY f given permission to address the House GENERAL FORT LAUDERDALE AIRPORT for 1 minute and to revise and extend (Mr. ESPAILLAT asked and was SHOOTING her remarks.) given permission to address the House Mrs. BLACKBURN. Mr. Speaker, as for 1 minute.) (Mr. DEUTCH asked and was given we were home over the Christmas holi- Mr. ESPAILLAT. Mr. Speaker, I rise permission to address the House for 1 day break, so many calls that came today to voice my strong opposition to minute and to revise and extend his re- into my office dealt with the the confirmation of JEFF SESSIONS as marks.) ObamaCare issue—the rise in pre- Attorney General. Mr. DEUTCH. Mr. Speaker, last miums, the lack of affordability. In a 2006 speech, then-Senator SES- week, we observed a moment of silence Here is one example. A 64-year-old SIONS wrongfully misstated: ‘‘Fun- to remember the victims 6 years after man, his premiums $30,000, deductible damentally, almost no one coming the Tucson shooting. Just yesterday, $12,000—indeed, too expensive to afford from the Dominican Republic to the another moment of silence to remem- and too expensive to use. United States is coming here because ber the five people killed and six But we do have a plan for repealing they have a provable skill that would wounded when they were shot while and replacing. You will find it at A benefit us and that would indicate waiting at the Fort Lauderdale Airport Better Way. This will help lift the fi- their likely success in our society.’’ baggage claim. nancial burden from many Americans

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:37 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10JA7.013 H10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H248 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 10, 2017 who are currently facing high costs due family good-bye each day, these offi- REPEAL OBAMACARE to ObamaCare. Our plan allows pa- cers have no certainty that they will (Mr. OLSON asked and was given per- tients greater access to affordable care return home safely. They willingly face mission to address the House for 1 and affordable insurance. that risk to keep the rest of us safe. minute and to revise and extend his re- Our next step includes my legisla- This past year, 135 law enforcement marks.) tion, H.R. 314. It is the Health Care officers made the ultimate sacrifice. Choice Act of 2017. What it will do is One of those courageous individuals Mr. OLSON. Mr. Speaker, on Novem- allow greater access, more choice, and was our own Officer Scot Fitzgerald, ber 8, the American people gave my more options by allowing across-State- who lost his life serving on duty with party control of the entire Congress line purchasing of health insurance. the South Jacksonville Police Depart- and the White House because of the You find the plan that is most suited ment, located in my district. promise-breaking, job-killing law to you and your family at a price that Last night, throughout the Capitol, known as ObamaCare—the craziest you can afford. blue lights were lit to honor our heroes thing in the whole world, according to It is time for us to repeal and replace in blue. In my office, we lit our blue President Bill Clinton. The with good patient-centered options. candle in remembrance of fallen Officer fearmongers on the other side are tell- ing Americans they will lose their f Scot Fitzgerald. In 2016, more officers lost their lives health care in a snap. They should talk PRESIDENT-ELECT DONALD on duty than in any of the previous 5 to Martha. TRUMP’S PROMISE TO BUILD A years. Let us show our admiration and Martha is a self-employed CPA who WALL WITH MEXICO AND MAKE appreciation to the sworn law enforce- developed a nasty leukemia a couple of THE MEXICAN GOVERNMENT ment officers across the State of Illi- years ago. She was told to get ready for PAY FOR IT nois and the 900,000 who serve and face the end of her life. A miracle happened. (Mr. POLIS asked and was given per- danger in the United States every day. Experimental treatment reduced her mission to address the House for 1 Not just this week, but throughout the cancer from grade III to grade I. The minute and to revise and extend his re- year, we need to honor our law enforce- drugs to save her life cost $15,000 per marks.) ment officials. month. On October 20, because of Mr. POLIS. Mr. Speaker, you might ObamaCare, she was told that she had recall, during the campaign, President- f to pay 50 percent of that cost instead of elect Donald Trump promised to build PAYING TRIBUTE TO JUDGE 30 percent. That is tough for her to af- a wall with Mexico and, of course, BRUCE MOSIER ford. make the Mexican Government pay for Martha got to hold her fifth grandkid (Ms. JACKSON LEE asked and was it. this past summer. House Republicans given permission to address the House Well, now we are hearing that Repub- want her to hold her sixth and seventh for 1 minute.) licans intend to come to this body, grandkid in the future. We have our or- Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, I Congress, to spend your hard-earned ders to repeal ObamaCare. It is time to sadly rise today to pay tribute to money and mine, American taxpayer go to work. money, to build a wall with Mexico. Judge Bruce Mosier, who lost his life yesterday; to his lovely and beautiful They are estimating $10 billion to $12 f billion. wife, Diane; beautiful daughter; and ex- Well, do you know what? In com- tended family. prehensive immigration reform, which The whole of Harris County in Texas ELK COUNTY CATHOLIC STUDENTS I was proud to support last session, we loved and respected Judge Bruce PERFORM AT PEARL HARBOR had over $40 billion for border security. Mosier. Oh, he was a strong and vibrant (Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania So apparently Donald Trump is build- Democrat, but he was a man that, asked and was given permission to ad- ing one-quarter of the wall, all directly whenever you called upon him, he dress the House for 1 minute and to re- with deficit spending. would serve. He loved the law, prac- vise and extend his remarks.) ticed, and continued to represent indi- In comprehensive immigration re- Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. viduals, many of whom could not help form, we not only paid for that border Mr. Speaker, I rise today to recognize themselves. And, of course, he stood by security, not only paid for that $40 bil- seven Elk County Catholic High School his wife’s side, championing every ef- lion and required people who were here band students who performed on De- fort she made to empower people to illegally to pay fines and register and cember 7 at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, for vote. He was a stalwart in the last get right with the law, it actually the 75th anniversary of the tragic at- Presidential election. He continued to would reduce the budget deficit by over tacks that brought the United States encourage and support all of us to do $200 billion over 10 years. into World War II. This anniversary what is right and to ensure the rights So what we have is one-quarter of the marks one of the major milestones, of all people to vote. wall and deficit spending with Donald which may be one of the few opportuni- Judge Bruce Mosier served his neigh- Trump. With Democrats, four times ties for survivors of the attacks to par- borhood, served his county, served his the wall and reduce the deficit by $200 ticipate. billion. State, and served this Nation. I will Elk County Catholic represented the Mr. Speaker, the choice is obvious. miss Judge Mosier. I will miss his Commonwealth, alongside the sur- f friendly smile and his kindness, his willingness to help those who were just vivors of the USS Pennsylvania, one of LAW ENFORCEMENT starting in their political or legal ca- the eight battleships in Pearl Harbor APPRECIATION DAY reer, his willingness to lift up this on that fateful day in 1941. (Mr. LAHOOD asked and was given country and to be the kind of American I am so proud of how the students permission to address the House for 1 that always had an open mind to any- paid tribute to World War II veterans minute and to revise and extend his re- one, no matter how different they who served at Pearl Harbor and all of marks.) might be. the military men and women that Mr. LAHOOD. Mr. Speaker, I rise So today, my dear friend, Judge fought for our Nation. today to commemorate Law Enforce- Bruce Mosier, may you rest in peace. This event was especially close to the ment Appreciation Day, a day we set Diane, we will continue to love you heart of baritone saxophone player, aside to thank those who risk their and honor his legacy, work with you to Luke Ferragine, whose grandfather is a lives to protect our communities na- continue his dreams and aspirations, World War II veteran. Also performing tionwide. and encourage those in this Nation, our in the honor band was Emily Miller, These men and women are the hidden county, and our State to be Kendra Smithbauer, Holly Kim, An- heroes of our country, and they deserve participatory participants in the won- drew Wingard, Simon Glatt, and Na- our respect and our gratitude. When derment of democracy in this Nation than Schlosser. Congratulations to they put on their badge and kiss their that is, that was, Judge Bruce Mosier. each of them.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:37 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10JA7.016 H10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE January 10, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H249 CELEBRATING 10 YEARS OF GIV- CONGRATULATIONS TO UNIVER- Smucker, Mr. Gaetz, Mr. Arrington, and Mr. ING BY FRIENDS OF ST. JUDE— SITY OF FLORIDA’S MACHINE IN- Ferguson. MIAMI TELLIGENCE LABORATORY ENGI- The resolution was agreed to. NEERING TEAM A motion to reconsider was laid on (Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN asked and was the table. given permission to address the House (Mr. YOHO asked and was given per- f for 1 minute and to revise and extend mission to address the House for 1 her remarks.) minute and to revise and extend his re- PROVIDING FOR THE ATTENDANCE Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. Speaker, I marks.) OF THE HOUSE AT THE INAU- rise today to recognize the 10th anni- Mr. YOHO. Mr. Speaker, I rise to rec- GURAL CEREMONIES OF THE versary of the founding of Friends of ognize and congratulate the other PRESIDENT AND VICE PRESI- St. Jude—Miami. Gainesville—the University of Flor- DENT OF THE UNITED STATES ida’s Machine Intelligence Laboratory St. Jude Children’s Research Hos- Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. Mr. Speak- Engineering Team. pital, located in Memphis, Tennessee, er, I offer a privileged resolution and On December 12, 2016, the University is a leading institution in the fight ask for its immediate consideration. of Florida’s Machine Intelligence Lab- against pediatric cancer and other dis- The Clerk read the resolution, as fol- oratory Engineering Team won a world eases that harm children. lows: championship and beat 12 teams from Friends of St. Jude—Miami is made H. RES. 37 five countries at the Maritime RobotX Resolved, That at 10:30 a.m. on Friday, Jan- up of young professionals in south Challenge in Hawaii. This team, which Florida, who, like my dear friend uary 20, 2017, the House shall proceed to the is comprised of UF students, designed a West Front of the Capitol for the purpose of Wendy Grant, are dedicated to St. vessel that completed a number of dif- attending the inaugural ceremonies of the Jude’s lifesaving mission and who have ferent obstacles, including navigating President and Vice President of the United continued to help the organization to through buoys and self-parking—all States; and that upon the conclusion of the ensure that no family ever receives a without human intervention. ceremonies the House stands adjourned until bill for the world-class care their son As a supporter of scientific research, noon on Monday, January 23, 2017 for morn- or daughter requires. ing-hour debate and 2 p.m. for legislative I am proud of the inspiring work being business. To Wendy and, indeed, all of the done in Florida’s Third Congressional The resolution was agreed to. members of the Friends of St. Jude in District. The dedication displayed by south Florida, thank you for the dif- A motion to reconsider was laid on these students and professors is an out- the table. ference you continue to make in the standing example of the success that lives of children across our Nation and comes from hard work. It is the dreams f across the world. of the students and scientists, like PROVIDING FOR CONSIDERATION these of today, that will propel them to OF H.R. 5, REGULATORY AC- f go on and create the innovations of to- COUNTABILITY ACT OF 2017, AND morrow that will make this country PROVIDING FOR CONSIDERATION b 1230 great again. I am honored to announce OF H.R. 79, HELPING ANGELS their accomplishments, and I look for- LEAD OUR STARTUPS ACT DESHAUN WATSON, A MAN OF ward to witnessing their continued suc- Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. Mr. Speak- CHARACTER cess. er, by direction of the Committee on As a UF alumnus, I would be remiss Rules, I call up House Resolution 33 (Mr. COLLINS of Georgia asked and not to say, ‘‘Go Gators.’’ and ask for its immediate consider- was given permission to address the f ation. House for 1 minute and to revise and The Clerk read the resolution, as fol- extend his remarks.) ELECTING MEMBERS TO CERTAIN STANDING COMMITTEES OF THE lows: Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. Mr. Speak- HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES H. RES. 33 er, last night, as we all watched foot- Resolved, That at any time after adoption ball, no matter who you rooted for, Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. Mr. Speak- of this resolution the Speaker may, pursuant team sports also still comes down to er, by direction of the House Repub- to clause 2(b) of rule XVIII, declare the individuals. Last night, a young man lican Conference, I send to the desk a House resolved into the Committee of the named Deshaun Watson—the favorite privileged resolution and ask for its Whole House on the state of the Union for son of Gainesville, Georgia, my home- immediate consideration. consideration of the bill (H.R. 5) to reform the process by which Federal agencies ana- town—showed the character that I The Clerk read the resolution, as fol- lows: lyze and formulate new regulations and guid- have witnessed since he was a young ance documents, to clarify the nature of ju- boy, playing with my son in the 7- and H. RES. 36 dicial review of agency interpretations, to 8-year-old little flag football league. Resolved, That the following named Mem- ensure complete analysis of potential im- His athletic ability has never been bers be, and are hereby, elected to the fol- pacts on small entities of rules, and for other questioned, and last night it was on lowing standing committees of the House of purposes. The first reading of the bill shall full display for the world to see. I be- Representatives: be dispensed with. All points of order against COMMITTEE ON ARMED SERVICES: Mr. Jones, consideration of the bill are waived. General lieve that he is the best college foot- Mr. Wilson of South Carolina, Mr. LoBiondo, debate shall be confined to the bill and shall ball player in the country. Beyond Mr. Bishop of Utah, Mr. Turner, Mr. Rogers not exceed one hour equally divided and con- football playing, he is a better man. He of Alabama, Mr. Franks of Arizona, Mr. Shu- trolled by the Majority Leader and the Mi- is looking forward to the leadership of ster, Mr. Conaway, Mr. Lamborn, Mr. Witt- nority Leader or their respective designees. his team, to the leadership of his class- man, Mr. Hunter, Mr. Coffman, Mrs. After general debate the bill shall be consid- mates, and the leadership he has shown Hartzler, Mr. Austin Scott of Georgia, Mr. ered for amendment under the five-minute in his community back in Gainesville Brooks of Alabama, Mr. Cook, Mr. rule. The bill shall be considered as read. All is exemplary and will not be forgotten. Bridenstine, Mr. Wenstrup, Mr. Byrne, Mr. points of order against provisions in the bill Graves of Missouri, Ms. Stefanik, Ms. are waived. No amendment to the bill shall Gainesville is proud of its favorite McSally, Mr. Knight, Mr. Russell, Mr. be in order except those printed in part A of son, Deshaun Watson, and of the na- DesJarlais, Mr. Abraham, Mr. Kelly of Mis- the report of the Committee on Rules accom- tional championship that he won last sissippi, Mr. Gallagher, Mr. Gaetz, Mr. panying this resolution. Each such amend- night with his team, Clemson, during Bacon, Mr. Banks of Indiana, and Ms. Che- ment may be offered only in the order print- the football game. But, as with every- ney. ed in the report, may be offered only by a thing in life, as the game ended, it re- COMMITTEE ON THE BUDGET: Mr. Tom Price Member designated in the report, shall be minded us that the games are played of Georgia, Mr. Diaz-Balart, Mr. Cole, Mr. considered as read, shall be debatable for the McClintock, Mr. Rokita, Mr. Woodall, Mr. time specified in the report equally divided by men of character. Deshaun Watson Sanford, Mr. Womack, Mr. Brat, Mr. and controlled by the proponent and an op- is a man of character, and I look for- Grothman, Mr. Palmer, Mr. Westerman, Mr. ponent, shall not be subject to amendment, ward to watching his career as he goes Renacci, Mr. Johnson of Ohio, Mr. Lewis of and shall not be subject to a demand for divi- forward. Minnesota, Mr. Bergman, Mr. Faso, Mr. sion of the question in the House or in the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:37 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10JA7.018 H10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H250 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 10, 2017 Committee of the Whole. All points of order The rule provides for 1 hour of debate an unfortunate irony, these bureau- against such amendments are waived. At the for each bill, equally divided between crats are isolated from the very enti- conclusion of consideration of the bill for the majority leader and the minority ties they are trying to regulate. amendment the Committee shall rise and re- Congress must stop ceding authority port the bill to the House with such amend- leader and the chairman and the rank- ments as may have been adopted. The pre- ing member of the Financial Services to the executive and reassert the power vious question shall be considered as ordered Committee, respectively. The rule also of the legislative branch to write law. on the bill and amendments thereto to final provides for a motion to recommit for The Regulatory Accountability Act passage without intervening motion except both pieces of underlying legislation. helps us do just that. It helps us to en- one motion to recommit with or without in- Yesterday, the Rules Committee had sure that burdensome rules that hand- structions. the opportunity to hear from Congress- cuff American business with red tape SEC. 2. At any time after adoption of this man TOM MARINO and Congressman aren’t crushing our economy, our com- resolution the Speaker may, pursuant to petitiveness, or our future. It also re- clause 2(b) of rule XVIII, declare the House HANK JOHNSON, on behalf of the Judici- resolved into the Committee of the Whole ary Committee, and from Congressman stores common sense to the rule- House on the state of the Union for consider- HUIZENGA, on behalf of the Financial making process. ation of the bill (H.R. 79) to clarify the defi- Services Committee. We also heard H.R. 5, the Regulatory Account- nition of general solicitation under Federal from several Members on both sides of ability Act, combines six bills that securities law. The first reading of the bill the aisle who testified on their amend- have previously passed the House. I am shall be dispensed with. All points of order ments. The Rules Committee made in a proud cosponsor of this legislation. against consideration of the bill are waived. order both amendments submitted for I thank Chairman CHABOT, Chairman General debate shall be confined to the bill GOODLATTE, and Chairman MARINO for and shall not exceed one hour equally di- the HALOS Act and 16 amendments from Members on both sides of the their thoughtful and diligent work on vided and controlled by the chair and rank- this legislation. Additionally, Con- ing minority member of the Committee on aisle for the Regulatory Accountability Financial Services or their respective des- Act. gressman RATCLIFFE and Congressman ignees. After general debate the bill shall be Mr. Speaker, I spoke from this po- LUETKEMEYER contributed important considered for amendment under the five- dium last week about the positive, pro- provisions to this package. minute rule. The bill shall be considered as growth agenda we in the majority are The bill reforms the process by which read. All points of order against provisions Federal agencies analyze and formu- advancing. The bills before us today in the bill are waived. No amendment to the late new regulations and guidance doc- are additional pieces of that puzzle, bill shall be in order except those printed in uments, clarifies the nature of judicial and they help us to return to common- part B of the report of the Committee on review of agency interpretation, and sense governance that fosters economic Rules accompanying this resolution. Each calls for more complete analysis of the such amendment may be offered only in the success. potential impact of rules on small enti- order printed in the report, may be offered H.R. 79, the HALOS Act, was intro- only by a Member designated in the report, duced by my friend from Ohio, the ties. H.R. 5 includes the text of the Sepa- shall be considered as read, shall be debat- chairman of the Small Business Com- able for the time specified in the report ration of Powers Act, which amends mittee, Mr. STEVE CHABOT. Last Con- the Administrative Procedures Act to equally divided and controlled by the pro- gress, very similar legislation passed ponent and an opponent, shall not be subject overturn two doctrines that call for ju- to amendment, and shall not be subject to a the House with my support and by an dicial deference to agency interpreta- demand for division of the question in the overwhelming bipartisan majority. The tions of statutory and regulatory pro- House or in the Committee of the Whole. All HALOS Act ensures that so-called visions: the Chevron and Auer doc- points of order against such amendments are angel investors, who serve as the larg- trines. waived. At the conclusion of consideration of est funding source for startups in the In plain English, the Separation of the bill for amendment the Committee shall United States, are able to effectively rise and report the bill to the House with Powers Restoration Act prevents Fed- hold educational economic develop- eral bureaucrats from interpreting the such amendments as may have been adopted. ment events, like ‘‘demo days.’’ The The previous question shall be considered as legality of their own regulations at the ordered on the bill and amendments thereto bill also helps to ensure that startups expense of hardworking Americans and to final passage without intervening motion can connect with angel investors who the constitutional separation of pow- except one motion to recommit with or with- can serve as funding sources, mentors, ers. out instructions. or outside directors. Title I of the Regulatory Account- The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. In plain English, the HALOS Act ability Act requires agencies, when es- HULTGREN). The gentleman from Geor- helps to ensure that small, innovative tablishing new rules, to consider the gia is recognized for 1 hour. companies and startups have access to lowest cost option that meets statu- Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. Mr. Speak- the necessary capital. This, in turn, en- tory requirements. The bill also pro- er, for the purpose of debate only, I ables these companies to expand and vides for more public input in the rule- yield the customary 30 minutes to the generate jobs that put Americans back making process. Title IV of the bill, gentleman from Colorado (Mr. POLIS), to work while fueling our economy as a the Providing Accountability through pending which I yield myself such time global hub of innovation. Transparency Act, requires agencies to as I may consume. During consider- Mr. Speaker, in order to keep Amer- publish plain-language summaries of ation of this resolution, all time yield- ica’s market competitive, we must re- new proposed rules online. These pro- ed is for the purpose of debate only. lieve American job creators and em- posals are not farfetched. Instead, they GENERAL LEAVE ployees from suffocating regulations. provide more information and a voice Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. Mr. Speak- We can move toward this by helping to the American people while reining er, I ask unanimous consent that all government function as our Founders in agencies that have gotten drunk on Members have 5 legislative days to re- intended. Our Constitution lays out a their rulemaking power. vise and extend their remarks and to system of three coequal branches of Mr. Speaker, our current administra- include extraneous material on H. Res. government, which is meant to fulfill tion issued over 600 major regulations 33, currently under consideration. unique roles and to provide checks and with an economic impact of over $740 The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there balances for one another. billion. These numbers show the stag- objection to the request of the gen- Over time, we have allowed cracks to gering number of rules put forth by the tleman from Georgia? form in that system, and we have executive branch, but nowhere are the There was no objection. gradually seen executive agencies true costs of regulations highlighted Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. Mr. Speak- usurp power from the elected officials better than in the stories that I hear er, I am pleased to bring forward this of the legislative branch—to the det- from my constituents. I know other rule on behalf of the Rules Committee. riment of hardworking Americans and Members hear similar stories, and all The rule provides for the consideration the separation of powers. We, too often, across the Nation, we are seeing the of H.R. 5, the Regulatory Account- see unelected bureaucrats handing toll that overregulation has taken on ability Act, and H.R. 79, the Helping down regulations that have enormous growth and competitiveness. Angels Lead Our Startups, or HALOS, impacts on small businesses, family Back home in northeast Georgia, El- Act. farmers, individuals, and families. In bert County is known as the granite

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:44 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10JA7.005 H10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE January 10, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H251 capital of the world, but a rule put there were 56 people that served in the It doesn’t change who can invest in forth by OSHA that is related to silica last session who are no longer with us. those startup companies. They still levels threatens to jeopardize that in- What we are doing here is we are tak- have to be qualified investors. By the dustry; and, of course, there is the ing bills that those former Representa- way, I hope we have the opportunity to waters of the United States rule, which tives worked on and new Representa- work with Republicans on the defini- could negatively impact everyone from tives have not worked on and advanc- tion of ‘‘qualified investor’’ because I farmers to ranchers to Realtors. The ing them to the floor without going think it is unfair to restrict invest- menu labeling rule is yet another ex- through committee, without going ment opportunities to multimillion- ample of a misguided regulation that through the regular order. aires. We need to allow educated and the administration has put forth with- So, for example, you have two bills, qualified investors of all levels. out impunity. That rule would raise H.R. 5 and H.R. 79. We will talk about Just because somebody is rich costs for businesses, from restaurants them in a moment. These are Com- doesn’t mean that they are a good in- to convenience stores, leading to high- mittee on Financial Services bills. vestor, and just because somebody has er costs for consumers—in actuality, They should have gone to that com- not yet earned a lot of money doesn’t hurting the very ones that it proclaims mittee, and members of that com- mean that they can’t be trusted to in- to help. mittee, Democratic and Republican, vest $10,000 or $50,000 of their own This is the irony of many of these would have had the chance to amend money. regulations. Sadly, they are borne out those bills in that committee and mark We made progress in the original in the costs to the American people. it up before it comes to the floor. That JOBS Act with the result of Last year, the EPA finalized a rule is the normal process. Both parties are crowdfunded investing, but that is only that established Federal standards for now constituting those committees; we a small piece—almost an insignificant residential wood heaters. In rural dis- are putting people on them. piece. Private placements are the much tricts like mine, many individuals may I heard you, Mr. Speaker, read just larger piece of capital formation for count on wood heaters to keep their before we began this debate how a venture-stage startups in our country. families warm. This EPA rule will raise number of Members were officially ap- If there is a way we can have an alter- costs for consumers and undermine pointed to those committees. That is native to the net worth test that al- families’ decisions about what type of what we do in our first week or two. lows individuals to, perhaps, take a Fifty-six new Members should have a heater may work the best for them. qualitative test of their knowledge say on these bills. They will get a vote Mr. Speaker, is this really where we and, therefore, qualify as an investor, on the floor on these bills, but they want to go, having the Federal Govern- they ought to be able to do that, too. were completely excluded from the ment decide things like this, away This bill does not do any of that. committee process that wrote these That is a controversial area. It is one from the scrutiny of the elected body? bills. That is wrong, Mr. Speaker, to I think not. that it will take Democrats and Repub- not allow 56 new Members of this body licans working together on to help fund The examples from this administra- to be the lawmakers that the people of tomorrow’s great companies and allow tion are numerous, but, importantly, their districts elected them to do. In opportunity for all people, not just mil- this problem of overregulation is not fact, it disenfranchises the tens of mil- unique to this administration. This is lionaires and billionaires. lions of people collectively that those What this bill does is it continues to not a Republican or a Democratic prob- 56 Members represent. And I hope that, lem. This is a balance of power prob- restrict the actual investors to the mil- for future legislation, we can move lionaires. Okay? But it allows other lem; this is a problem between through regular order and allow the people in the room at least. That is a branches not doing what they are sup- new Members, as well as those who are start. It allows an MBA student who posed to be doing and staying within returning, to be part of the lawmaking him- or herself wants to, perhaps, come that. process. up with their own company to hear 10 b 1245 With regards to these bills, we have largely seen these bills in prior ses- or 20 companies pitch so they can as- The Regulatory Accountability Act sions that people who are no longer in semble their own deck; somebody who helps ensure that this administration this body worked on. might have a great amount of value to and future administrations do not ig- The HALOS Act, I was proud to sup- give as a mentor who themselves is a nore Congress by writing law through port last session and I am proud to sup- veteran of a number of companies. regulation. It returns transparency to port again. It addresses a potentially Maybe they are not quite worth a cou- the process. It restores Congress’ right- real problem. There is guidance from ple of million dollars. Maybe they are ful place as the legislative branch and the SEC that—in our Rules Committee worth only—only, right?—$500,000. reins in the unelected fourth branch meeting yesterday I questioned the Maybe they were a reasonably success- that regulators have become. subcommittee chair—largely also ad- ful person worth $500,000, but they have Mr. Speaker, many of the bills in this dresses those concerns, but it is better a lot of knowledge to give. package have previously passed with to do it in statute and it is better to do Without the HALOS Act, it would be bipartisan support. I hope my col- it in the broader language that is in- unclear whether that person would leagues can continue to agree that cluded in the bill, which is why many even be allowed in that room. So we Congress should make the laws and Democrats—I hope a majority—support want to make sure that mentors, up that we should do so in such a way that the HALOS Act. and coming, young entrepreneurs, and, encourages growth, innovation, and The United States is the leader in in- frankly, up-and-coming entrepreneurs American ingenuity. novation in the global economy, and of all ages have access to the knowl- Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of this is a small piece of that. What we edge and the learning that can occur in my time. are talking about here are demo days these pitch events. Mr. POLIS. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- where entrepreneurs can pitch their Congress has a role in making sure self such time as I may consume. I idea. I, personally, have been able to we have laws in place that really help thank the gentleman from Georgia for attend a number of those, and it is a build an environment that promotes the customary 30 minutes. question of who can be in the room innovation. When we passed the JOBS We will get to the content of the bills when that occurs. Act in 2012 that allowed for crowdfund- in a moment, but there is a procedural Should it only be millionaires who ing, Congress took a step forward. We issue here that disenfranchises millions are allowed in that room? Or can it be have room to go there, room to go with of American citizens in this process. the next great generation of entre- private placements. We are in the 115th Congress since preneurs? Can it be students? Can it be The HALOS Act is a small step, but the founding of this country. We were aspiring entrepreneurs? Can it be com- it is a good one and a noncontroversial just sworn in last week to begin that. munity members who want to learn one. It creates a clear path for startups There are 56 new Members who just what it means to pitch and how to do to participate in demo days, sponsored started serving last week that have it and how ideas are spread, or maybe by government entities, nonprofits, never served in this body before, and they are looking for a job? angel investment groups, et cetera, and

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:44 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10JA7.023 H10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H252 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 10, 2017 a clear safe harbor from the SEC with vide clarity around a specific potential reduce transparency, reduce public regard to the definition of general so- problem and certainty around what input, threaten public safety, and, licitation to make it clear that busi- these events can entail. most importantly, not result in any ness experts and others can be in the Now, there is another bill under this better rules. room, while maintaining that only ex- rule as well. It is a bad bill. It is not a This bill is nothing other than a re- isting accredited investors can actu- strong bipartisan bill. It is called H.R. cycled effort that 56 Members of this ally participate in offerings under Reg- 79. Since we began the 115th Congress body have not had a chance to partici- ulation D for the purchases or sale of here, the Republicans are promoting a pate in writing through the committee securities that are mentioned in those deregulation agenda. Often this agenda process to slow down the government demonstrations. results in this body, Congress, poten- and get in the way of agency Currently, sponsors of demo days are tially being buried in having to do in- rulemakings that are critical for pro- relying on the 12-year-old, no-action ordinate amounts of work to review tecting public health, safety, and our letter by the SEC to make sure that the executive branch of government. environment. they don’t face the consequences of Now, we all believe in oversight of We are simply failing our constitu- failing to comply. The guidelines out- the executive branch. Believe me, Mr. ents that we are elected to serve by lined by the SEC’s no-action letter are Speaker, you are going to hear many spending time on legislation that actually incorporated into the HALOS Democrats speaking up about how im- would deliberately sabotage our own Act. So, in many ways, this clarifies portant oversight of the executive ability for our government to function and puts in statute something that has branch is, particularly for the incom- efficiently. This is a bill that would been at the whim of the SEC for too ing administration. make government less efficient. That long. We are not the executive branch. is not what I hear when I am back The gentleman from Georgia (Mr. Congress delegates authority to agen- home from my constituents—Demo- COLLINS) and others will join me in cies, under the laws we write, to fill in crat, Republican, Independent. I don’t talking about the importance of angel gaps and decide how best to implement hear: Go to Washington to make gov- investors for early stage capital to cre- the law. If we disagree, we can always ernment less efficient. My constituents ate jobs, to allow tomorrow’s great en- change or amend the authorizing stat- want government to be more efficient. trepreneur who might not have any re- ute to make more clear the intent of Finally, this bill is being considered sources of their own today to raise the this body. under a structured rule limiting the resources they need to hire people and However, these bills being brought to amendment process. There were over 30 succeed. the floor by the Republicans would ei- amendments filed. Yet, we are only The Center for Venture Research es- ther require Congress to spell out ex- considering 16 amendments under this timates that U.S. angel investors in- actly what ways to implement a policy very overly restrictive rule. This is vested $24.6 billion in about 71,000 small in a changing world or give the author- particularly onerous because, again, businesses in every area, every con- ity of how to interpret and implement there was no opportunity for the 56 new gressional district of our country. law to the judicial system, neither of Members through the committee proc- Many of those were startups in the which are wise or expedient choices re- ess to amend this bill. early stages of building a company. gardless of who occupies the Presi- There was a new Member that ap- Tomorrow’s company that employs dency. peared before the Rules Committee 10,000 or even 50,000 people is today’s While I certainly will have more yesterday. Unfortunately, he was not garage startup trying to figure out how sympathy with this approach with even allowed to advance his amend- to get $50,000 or raise $100,000 to make President Trump in the White House ment to the floor under this rule. their payroll or buy their inventory. than President Obama in the White Another example is an amendment Angel investors focus their invest- House, I still believe this is the wrong offered by a new Member, Ms. BLUNT ment on local startups and much more way to go about the separation of pow- ROCHESTER, who filed an amendment so than, for instance, national venture ers under our Constitution. that would ensure that LGBT employ- capital firms that tend to be clustered This bill sets out 60 new analytical ees are protected from workplace dis- at the coast. It is an important way we requirements that agency actions must crimination. It would allow Federal can continue to grow the economy in meet before they can be implemented. agencies that are tasked with pro- every ZIP code in this country, across In other words, any attempt by agen- tecting the civil rights of employees to the heartland and the middle of the cies to protect the public from toxic continue to do their work without country, not just the coasts where the substances, make sure our planes and being hamstrung with unnecessary re- firms themselves are trains are meeting safety regulations, quirements. situated. or make sure our food is toxin free Civil rights protections do not fit The Colorado-based digital home de- would be subject to 60 new bureau- neatly into a corporate monetary anal- sign firm, Havenly, started by two sis- cratic hurdles, effectively creating ysis, and our government has a respon- ters, utilized demo days as networking more and more red tape to tie the bu- sibility to ensure that all Americans opportunities to perfect their pitch to reaucracy up rather than make their are protected from arbitrary or unjust investors, a very common path. After work quicker and more efficient, which discrimination based on race, gender, participating in a 500-startup demo is what Democrats seek to do. sexual orientation, or gender identity. day, the pair received nearly $13 mil- This bill would bury the agency rule- Given the breadth and scope of this lion in investment capital from quali- making process under a blizzard of bu- legislation, an open amendment proc- fied investors. Now Havenly is a thriv- reaucratic hurdles and documentation ess would have allowed this amend- ing business, employs hundreds of inte- requirements, literally burying the ex- ment to be debated if the majority rior designers across the country, and I ecutive and administrative branch of wanted, perhaps even voted down, al- am proud to say it has a staff of 40 peo- government in red tape and paperwork. though I hope the majority would have ple in their Colorado headquarters. This bill would hold the regulatory approved it. It would have produced a Havenly is a perfect example of how process hostage to the whims of the more thoughtful piece of legislation. demo days provide opportunities to very corporations and bureaucrats Yet, we are not even allowed to have startups that create real jobs for real whose rulemaking it is designed to ad- that debate on the floor of the House, people in our country. dress. which is why this rule is wrong and The HALOS Act simply gives the The process that the bills call for why I stand in strong opposition to it. same opportunities to other startups have been roundly discredited by so We should be considering legislation that thousands of others have had many experts on regulatory policy to create permanent, high-paying jobs, when getting off the ground. from the left and the right and con- investing in infrastructure to grow our I believe the HALOS Act is the ap- sumer advocates as well. The adminis- communities, fixing our broken immi- propriate approach to regulatory relief. trative law and regulatory practices gration system, and streamlining and I appreciate the bipartisan nature of section of the American Bar Associa- improving our tax system through tax the legislation. It is targeted to pro- tion stated that these burdens would reform rather than recycling old bills

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:44 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10JA7.025 H10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE January 10, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H253 that 56 Members have not even had the braska (Mr. BACON), and I welcome him about foreign interference in the 2016 opportunity to put their imprint on. to the floor. American elections. I urge my colleagues to vote ‘‘no’’ on Mr. BACON. Mr. Speaker, I rise I yield 4 minutes to the gentleman the rule for those very reasons. today in support of the rule and the un- from Maryland (Mr. CUMMINGS) to dis- Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of derlying bill which provides for H.R. 5, cuss our proposal, the ranking member my time. the Regulatory Accountability Act of of the Committee on Oversight and b 1300 2017. Government Reform. I promised my district in eastern Ne- Mr. CUMMINGS. Mr. Speaker, I Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. Mr. Speak- braska that I would work my hardest thank the gentleman for yielding. er, I yield myself such time as I may to rein in an out-of-control bureauc- I rise in strong opposition to this consume. racy that is burdening our Nation with rule so that it can be amended to in- Mr. Speaker, I think there is no bet- over 3,000 new regulations each year. clude consideration of H.R. 356, Pro- ter way to start this Congress fresh but The cumulative cost of all of these reg- tecting Our Democracy Act, which is with some understanding. It is very ulations passed each year cost approxi- sponsored by the gentleman from Cali- clear, and it has become obvious to mately $2 trillion, almost 10 percent of fornia (Mr. SWALWELL) and yours truly. Members here on the floor, that there our GDP. That is a tremendous burden, Mr. Speaker, we are presently in a is a discussion going on. And, Mr. and it largely falls on our small busi- struggle for the soul of our democracy. Speaker, if Members would like to see nesses, farmers, and community banks. This legislation would create an inde- the difference that is being portrayed I meet often with our local, small pendent commission to examine Rus- here on the floor today, it is very obvi- business owners. The top concern that sian attacks on our electoral process. I ous. There is one party that is really I hear, and they are loud and clear, and am pleased that all of my House Demo- concerned about tying the hands of bu- I hear it over and over, is that regula- cratic colleagues have joined in this reaucrats; and there is one party, the tions and ObamaCare are preventing bill and that similar legislation has majority, that is looking to untie the them from growing, and, in some cases, been introduced in the Senate. hands of the American people. I think making it very difficult for them to I want to be clear about why we are I will side on the side of the American stay afloat. There is anger that the here today. It is not just about the people and job creators and job pro- health of our businesses are not being past. It is about the future. The CIA, moters, and those who go out every day undermined by competition or new the FBI, and the NSA have issued a de- and earn a living. technology, but they are being under- classified report warning that Russian We worked on this last Congress, and mined by their own government, and entities acted under the orders of I will talk about it again here. Let’s they are angry about it. Vladimir Putin to execute ‘‘an influ- not start the strongman that Repub- I have promised my district that I ence campaign,’’ and they say they did licans are wanting to do away with all will be aware and push back on these this ‘‘to undermine public faith in the regulations. We do not. We want gov- regulations and on a bureaucracy that United States democratic process.’’ ernment to operate in the most effi- is on steroids. That is what we are Again, I say: our democracy is under cient manner possible and do what it doing today by passing H.R. 5 and by attack. needs to do, but also get out of the passing these rules. Our intelligence agencies explain way. I think one of the Members of the that Moscow’s attacks will not end The problem with government, many very first Congress and the writer of with the attacks they launched in 2016. times the government has overstepped our Constitution would be proud to see They warn that Moscow ‘‘will apply where it needs to be, and it needs to be H.R. 5 passed. James Madison thought lessons learned from its campaign out of the way to start with. the separation of powers was vital to aimed at the U.S. Presidential election Also, I would like to at least clear the safeguarding of our Republic. In re- to future influence efforts in the the record and make something under- cent years, we have seen that separa- United States and worldwide. . . . ’’ stood. At the beginning of the year, we tion of powers undermined by an over- Democracy under attack. are bringing a rule. We had a full Rules zealous bureaucracy that creates laws, These Russian attacks on our elec- Committee hearing yesterday, and then executes those laws, and then acts toral process were attacks on our Con- Members were able to offer amend- as their own appeal authority. Madison stitution, our people, and they are at- ments. Not all amendments were made said the accumulation of powers—legis- tacks on our great Nation. Our intel- in order. Sixteen amendments were lative, executive, and judiciary—in the ligence agencies are warning that if we made in order on both sides of the same hands is the very definition of do not respond now, the Russians will aisle. I would like to remind Members, tyranny. Today, we move toward the attack us again. Mr. Speaker, as we go back in history, right balance, toward restoring the Mr. Speaker, we must not take our we are promoting discussion here in separation of powers and lifting the democracy for granted. We must guard the Rules Committee and bringing to burden that has been put on our small this democracy. We must guard the the floor and allowing Members to talk businesses and farmers. fundamental foundation of that democ- about amendments and give them the I urge support for the rule and the racy, and that is a vote, and a vote opportunity. underlying bill. with integrity. We are all Members of I will just remind Members, Mr. Mr. POLIS. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- the Congress of the United States of Speaker, in the 111th Congress, which self such time as I may consume. America. We have taken an oath to was controlled by my friends on the Mr. Speaker, when we defeat the pre- protect and defend our Constitution other side of the aisle, in the very first vious question, I will offer an amend- and our great Nation. That is what this rule bill they brought, the rules for the ment to the rule to bring up a bill that legislation is about. It is not about House, they put two major bills in the would establish a national commission Donald Trump. It is not about Hillary rules package that did not even get a to investigate foreign interference in Clinton. It is not about Republicans, rules hearing, that did not get any- the 2016 election. Democrats, or independents. It is not thing except just pushed to the floor. I Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous con- even about 2016. It is about our future, think we will stand firm that we are sent to insert the text of my amend- and it is about generations yet unborn. pushing to the floor stuff that Ameri- ment in the RECORD along with extra- We cannot allow ourselves to be dis- cans care about, and also doing it in a neous material immediately prior to tracted from our solemn duty and our way that Members can participate. vote on the previous question. solemn oath. We cannot allow foreign Speaking of that, the American peo- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there attacks on our electoral process to be- ple, especially the good folks of Ne- objection to the request of the gen- come normal or inevitable. They are braska, have sent to us a new Member, tleman from Colorado? neither. and I have gotten the chance to know There was no objection. This legislation attempts to rise him. Mr. POLIS. Mr. Speaker, we have all above politics. If there was any mo- Mr. Speaker, it is a privilege to yield been very concerned about the reports ment in our history when we should be 3 minutes to the gentleman from Ne- from our own intelligence agencies rising above politics, it is this moment.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:44 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10JA7.026 H10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H254 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 10, 2017 This commission is intended to be question. I support the gentleman from without regular order, and would hope truly bipartisan, to have an equal num- California (Mr. SWALWELL) and the gen- that we have the opportunity to vote ber of Democrats and Republicans, to tleman from Maryland (Mr. CUMMINGS) for and support the previous question examine how Russia and any other for- on a very important statement, and to find out what happened and who eign powers interfered with our elec- that is in the tragedy and the heinous- conspired to alter our elections in 2016. tions, including hacking Federal and ness of 9/11, we formulated the 9/11 Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong opposition to State political parties and dissemi- Commission. the rule and the underlying bill. nating fake news stories intended to Mr. Speaker, there is no more hei- I strongly oppose this rule because it makes warp public opinion. nousness than a foreign nation inter- in order H.R. 5, the Regulatory Accountability The SPEAKER pro tempore. The fering with the just and fair voting of Act of 2017, which is a radical measure that time of the gentleman has expired. every American. There are many who could make it impossible to promulgate safety Mr. POLIS. I yield an additional 1 lost their life in the name of one vote, regulations to protect the public. minute to the gentleman from Mary- one person. For that reason, I would I oppose this rule because it would effec- land. make the argument that it is impera- tively shut down the entire U.S. regulatory sys- Mr. CUMMINGS. Most importantly, tive that this bill be amended to create tem, amending in one fell swoop every bed- this bipartisan and independent com- the commission that will address the rock existing regulatory statute. mission will make recommendations to question of foreign intrusion, particu- My opposition to H. Res. 33 is amplified by try to prevent any foreign power from larly Russian intrusion and hacking in the Rules Committee’s decision to decline to interfering in our elections again. I sin- our election. make in order the Jackson Lee Amendment, cerely hope Republicans, including the I believe this election was skewed, in ‘‘to provide an exception for regulations that President-elect, who, for the first time spite of the peaceful democratic trans- help prevent cyberattacks on election proc- ever, will swear his own oath to protect fer of government, which we will all ad- esses or institutions.’’ and defend our Constitution, will join here to, but there is no doubt. This Apparently, House Republicans are still re- us in supporting this independent com- does not compete to 2001 with Presi- luctant to debate the subject—undisputed by mission. dent Bush in Florida. It does not com- our Intelligence community—of Russian I urge all Members to vote ‘‘no’’ on pete to 2004 with Mr. Kerry. It is be- cyberattacks on American cyber networks and the previous question so this rule can yond any kind of comprehension of infrastructure. Key Judgments in the Intelligence Commu- be amended to require consideration of what happened in this election, a direct nity Assessment’s declassified version of a the Protecting Our Democracy Act. intrusion and skewing of this election. highly classified report entitled, ‘‘Assessing Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. Mr. Speak- But, more importantly, protecting the Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent er, I reserve the balance of my time. systems of election and the voting U.S. Elections,’’ have confirmed that 2016 wit- Mr. POLIS. Mr. Speaker, I yield 3 rights, the preciousness of the voting nessed the first American presidential election minutes to the gentlewoman from rights, is crucial to democracy. Texas (Ms. JACKSON LEE), the distin- This commission, independent of any that was the subject of cyberattacks. These and other subversive activities have guished ranking member of the Judici- of the committees that should be work- been confirmed to have been perpetrated by ary Subcommittee on Crime, Ter- ing—and I agree, Congress should be entities allied with the Government of Russia rorism, Homeland Security, and Inves- working. Senator MCCAIN has already and were undertaken for the express purpose tigations. begun working—a Republican—but this of influencing the presidential contest to se- Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, I commission would be a vital asset. So cure the election of its preferred candidate, thank the gentleman from Colorado, I am certainly disappointed that the Donald Trump, who made history by becoming and I thank my good friend from Geor- amendment I had that was crucial as the first presidential candidate to invite a hos- gia. It is important to take note of the relates to cybersecurity to deal with tile foreign power to launch cyberattacks value of democracy and the discourse the question of cyber intrusion was not on this floor, and my friendship with against his political opponent. made in order. It would have been ap- All three agencies, CIA, FBI and NSA, the gentleman from Georgia, but abso- propriate for us to have an amendment agree with this judgment. lute disagreement with him on our pur- that would have spoken directly to the The so-called Regulatory Accountability Act poses here. idea of identifying new tactics or tech- (RAA), in addition to this rule, demonstrates Yes, regulation should be fair, and it niques that a malicious actor might de- the deceptive design of the majority to make should cede to the administrative proc- ploy, or detect and disrupt an ongoing it harder to establish regulations to protect the ess and the administrative laws that intrusion, in addition to protecting the public by tilting the entire regulatory system dictate how they should be formulated, data that enables cybersecurity firms significantly toward special interests. and that fairness should be their and other network defenders to iden- The bill allows Federal courts without exper- underpinnings. But I think my con- tify certain malware that the Russian tise on technical issues to substitute their stituents, in terms of the regulatory intelligence services use. judgment for those of the expert federal agen- scheme, are far more interested in The SPEAKER pro tempore. The cies. clean water and clean air. They are far time of the gentlewoman has expired. These agencies are staffed with career sub- more interested in making sure that Mr. POLIS. I yield the gentlewoman ject matter experts that are deeply knowledge- consumer products that impact tod- an additional 30 seconds. able of the background, context, and history of dlers and babies are enforced. They are Ms. JACKSON LEE. I thank the gen- agency actions and policy rationale. far more interested in ensuring that tleman. For this reason, courts have long deferred there is competition to the FTC, and This amendment would have been to agency experts who are in the best position that there are fair energy laws to the vital to have not only a vigorous dis- to carry out the statutes. Federal Energy Regulatory Commis- cussion on the floor but also to recog- The RAA would end this well-established sion. nize that cybersecurity has now be- practice and allow far less experienced judges Having said that, I am disappointed come a potential weapon. I have to second-guess expert opinion—essentially as well that we are moving forward on worked on this issue for a decade as the sanctioning judicial activism. H.R. 5, which is a bill that went former chairwoman of the Transpor- The Jackson Lee Amendment, however, through the Judiciary Committee, and, tation and Infrastructure Sub- would have attuned this dangerous legislation as my colleague from Colorado said, committee. It was under my sub- to provide an exception for regulation upon with 56 new Members, it did not go committee that we began to look at which Americans so greatly rely on their gov- through regular order. We are recy- electric grids and began to see the ernment to help prevent cyberattacks on our cling the same bad bill again. enormous power of the cyber world. My highly coveted and esteemed election proc- I rise today to express concern over amendment should have been included esses and institutions. the number of amendments that were because we are now faced with what The bill promoted by the majority, calling for presented that were good amendments the cyber world used as a weapon can accountability from our Administrative Agen- that did not get in. Before I speak to do. I am disappointed that that amend- cies—fails to answer in accountability to the the amendment I am concerned about, ment was not made in order. I am dis- threat posed by foreign and domestic invaders first, I want to speak to the previous appointed that H.R. 5 is again before us on our national cyber networks.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:05 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K10JA7.028 H10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE January 10, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H255 As the new Congress commences in the The increasing use of cyber-enabled means so vulnerable, and, most importantly, People’s House, obstructionist Republicans to undermine democratic processes at home make recommendations to the public are circumventing the very procedures by and abroad, as exemplified by Russia’s recent to ensure that this never happens which elected officials answer the cries of out- activities, has made clear that a tool explicitly again. rage and dismay of desperately concerned targeting attempts to interfere with elections is We should do this so, first, we can de- constituents. also warranted. vote ourselves fully—with an inde- To the obstructionist majority perpetuating We cannot afford to let global terroristic pendent commission, you have full- this restrictive rule, let me stand firm in the threats, in the form of cyber activities, erode time members and full-time staffs—to American convictions laid bare by the Jackson faith in U.S. democratic institutions, sow doubt understanding what happened. Lee amendment—the system of Checks and about the integrity of our electoral process, in- Second, we should do this to Balances established by the Separation of fluence elections, or undermine confidence in depoliticize what has occurred. The in- Powers clause of the Constitution will not be the institutions of the U.S. government. coming President has continuously un- thwarted. My amendment would have offered protec- dermined the findings of our 17 intel- The spirit of the H.R. 5 is clearly designed tions guarding the integrity of our cyber net- ligence agencies that Russia was re- to stop all regulation dead in its tracks—no works, while at the same time allowing the bill sponsible. We should depoliticize this matter the threat to cyber networks, national to achieve the proponents’ major purposes. by taking this out of Congress and hav- security, economy, or the very health and The exceptional Americans we serve de- ing an independent commission, once safety of the American people. serve a Congress that does its job and keeps and for all, sign off on who was respon- We know that Russia’s cyber activities were our time-honored institutions functioning. sible and, again, make recommenda- intended to influence the election, erode faith For these reasons and more, I oppose this tions to protect us going forward. We should also declassify, to the ex- in U.S. democratic institutions, sow doubt rule and the underlying bill. tent possible, the evidence behind the about the integrity of our electoral process, b 1315 and undermine confidence in the institutions of findings. Finally, once this commission is the U.S. government. These actions are unac- Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. Mr. Speak- formed and once congressional inves- ceptable and will not be tolerated. er, I reserve the balance of my time. 1 tigations also take place, the American The mission of the Intelligence Community Mr. POLIS. Mr. Speaker, I yield 4 ⁄2 people have to come together. We have is to seek to reduce the uncertainty sur- minutes to the gentleman from Cali- to come together because we can never rounding foreign activities, capabilities, or fornia (Mr. SWALWELL). again let an outside meddler influence leaders’ intentions. Mr. SWALWELL of California. Mr. our elections. So we have every single On these issues of great importance to U.S. Speaker, I thank the gentleman for House Democrat cosponsoring this leg- national security, the goal of intelligence anal- yielding. islation. ysis is to provide assessments to decision I urge my colleagues to defeat the previous question and allow an amend- This legislation should not be par- makers that are intellectually rigorous, objec- tisan at all. When you talk to Repub- tive, timely, and useful, and that adhere to ment to be put forward on H.R. 356, the Protecting Our Democracy Act. licans and you talk to Democrats in tradecraft standards. our districts and you talk to Independ- Applying these standards helps ensure that A public report was released on Fri- day by the FBI, the CIA, and the NSA, ents, they all express a concern about the Intelligence Community provides U.S. pol- what Russia did. So what we can do in icymakers, warfighters, and operators with the and it was chilling. It declared that Russia attacked our democracy in the this House is say: We are united. We best and most accurate insight, warning, and are united to get to the bottom of what context, as well as potential opportunities to past Presidential election. It said that the attack came from the Russian serv- happened. advance U.S. national security. So I invite my Republican colleagues This objective is difficult to achieve when ices themselves. It was ordered by Vladimir Putin and, most concerning, to join us in the search for what hap- seeking to understand complex issues on pened. Join us in this responsibility to which foreign actors go to extraordinary that Russia had a preferred candidate and that they sought to denigrate Sec- do everything we can to tell our con- lengths to hide or obfuscate their activities. stituents that, in the next election, we My amendment would have improved H.R. retary Clinton along the way. Going forward, this is not about re- won’t let it happen again. Defeat the 5 by exempting only those regulations critical previous question and support H.R. 356, to making cyber networks invulnerable to at- litigating the past. Donald Trump will be the next President. This is about the Protecting Our Democracy Act. tack from foreign and domestic agencies and Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. Mr. Speak- preserving the integrity of our democ- individuals. er, are there any more speakers the racy and saying that our dialogue, our Specifically, the amendment that the Rules gentleman from Colorado has? committee disallowed for presentation on a democracy, these fights between our Mr. POLIS. Mr. Speaker, I am pre- vote here on the floor today would have pro- parties, they belong to us. pared to close if the gentleman from vided the American people an exemption to The report also said that Russia in- Georgia is. allow for the prevention of tampering, alter- tends to do this again. We know that Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. I am pre- ation, or misappropriation of information by Russia has done this before across the pared for the gentleman to close. I re- agents of foreign countries with the purpose or globe to our allies. They are doing it serve the balance of time. effect of interfering with or undermining elec- right now to other countries as they Mr. POLIS. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- tion processes or institutions. seek to move forward in their democ- self the balance of my time. In particular, restrictions put forth in H.R. 5 racies. Now other foreign adversaries of Mr. Speaker, so, in summary, when could result in further delay to agencies at- ours will look at what Russia did, if we we defeat the previous question, we tempting to take action to help network de- do nothing, and see an opportunity to will then bring forward our bill to es- fenders better identify new tactics or tech- strike us again. tablish an independent report on for- niques that a malicious actor might deploy or So we have an opportunity, as Repub- eign interference in this most recent detect and disrupt an ongoing intrusion, in ad- licans and Democrats, to come to- 2016 election, something that the dition to protecting data that enables cyberse- gether and say that the victims may American people deserve to see, that curity firms and other network defenders to have been the Democratic Party in this we need to see. We need to put safe- identify certain malware that the Russian intel- past election and, if history has its guards in place to prevent our election ligence services use. way, in the next election it may be a system from being hijacked by foreign The Regulatory Accountability Act provides different party. powers. no accountability to the American public. The constant will always remain With regard to the rule, Mr. Speaker, Instead, it allows polluting industries and this: both parties will unite to say, We it is a bad, closed rule, particularly special interests to game the system and es- believe that this democracy, which has given the chance that 56 new Members cape accountability for any harm they inflict. been fought and sacrificed for, is worth of Congress have not had the oppor- It makes it incredibly difficult, if not impos- defending. To do that, we should have tunity to add their imprint to the bills sible, to secure new public protections and an independent, bipartisan, appointed that are before us. arms industry with numerous tools to avoid commission to look at how this was The gentleman mentioned, oh, the their legal obligations. able to occur, why our democracy was Democrats did this 10 years ago. Well,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:44 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10JA7.009 H10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H256 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 10, 2017 that is hardly an excuse that the go out to work, do the regulations that port the bill to the House with such amend- American people buy. There were many matter. Make sure that government ments as may have been adopted. The pre- things about the Democrats’ tenure in does what it is supposed to do. Make vious question shall be considered as ordered on the bill and amendments thereto to final this body the American people didn’t sure that the balance of power is hon- passage without intervening motion except like; and to simply cite some of those ored and not looked upon with dis- one motion to recommit with or without in- less popular elements of Democratic grace. It is looked upon as something structions. If the Committee of the Whole leadership and now say: Well, now we that should be taken care of. Let the rises and reports that it has come to no reso- Republicans are going to do earmarks; legislative body be the legislative lution on the bill, then on the next legisla- now we Republicans are going to have body. Let the executive be the execu- tive day the House shall, immediately after a closed process that doesn’t allow tive, and let the judicial be the judi- the third daily order of business under clause 1 of rule XIV, resolve into the Committee of amendment; now Republicans are going cial. the Whole for further consideration of the to gut the ethics rule. I have no problem putting before the bill. In over 200 years, you can always cite American people the choice: Do you SEC. 4. Clause 1(c) of rule XIX shall not some precedence for that from both want a party that will defend a bu- apply to the consideration of H.R. 356. Democrats and Republicans, but those reaucracy that stifles them? Or a party THE VOTE ON THE PREVIOUS QUESTION: WHAT aren’t good things. We want to learn of the majority, like we are, that are IT REALLY MEANS from our mistakes, I hope, and not say, putting forward regulation reform that just because some Democrat or some This vote, the vote on whether to order the says, We want to help you; we are con- previous question on a special rule, is not Republican did this in 1952, it is a good cerned about you? merely a procedural vote. A vote against or- thing to do today. Obvious choice, Mr. Speaker. Today dering the previous question is a vote Mr. Speaker, we are 6 days into the we have two opportunities to this rule. against the Republican majority agenda and next Congress. After we defeat the rule, They both look at our economic en- a vote to allow the Democratic minority to hopefully, and defeat the previous gines in the country and reviving it offer an alternative plan. It is a vote about question, we can bring forward an inde- what the House should be debating. again. Mr. Clarence Cannon’s Precedents of the pendent study on foreign interference. The HALOS Act helps us ensure that With regard to these two bills, I urge House of Representatives (VI, 308–311), de- small businesses have access to the scribes the vote on the previous question on my colleagues to join me in voting capital necessary to grow and succeed. the rule as ‘‘a motion to direct or control the ‘‘yes’’ on the HALOS Act and, of Small business is the backbone of our consideration of the subject before the House course, oppose the ridiculously broad economy, and it makes sense to enact being made by the Member in charge.’’ To H.R. 5, Regulatory Accountability Act, defeat the previous question is to give the policies that promote the viability and which would simply add more paper- opposition a chance to decide the subject be- growth. work to the bureaucracy, further re- fore the House. Cannon cites the Speaker’s The Regulatory Accountability Act ducing the efficiency of a branch of ruling of January 13, 1920, to the effect that government that many Americans be- restores simple checks and balances so ‘‘the refusal of the House to sustain the de- that Congress, once again, makes laws mand for the previous question passes the lieve is already too inefficient. control of the resolution to the opposition’’ I urge my colleagues to vote ‘‘no’’ on so they work better for those who elected us. in order to offer an amendment. On March the previous question and ‘‘no’’ on the 15, 1909, a member of the majority party of- rule. It is time we demand the voice of the fered a rule resolution. The House defeated Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance American people be heard rather than the previous question and a member of the of my time. letting the others up here, separated in opposition rose to a parliamentary inquiry, Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. Mr. Speak- cubicles, decide what is best. When we asking who was entitled to recognition. er, I yield myself such time as I may look at that, the obvious choice is Speaker Joseph G. Cannon (R-Illinois) said: consume. clear. You pass this rule, you vote ‘‘The previous question having been refused, I serve a wonderful part of the world. ‘‘yes’’ on these bills, and you say to the the gentleman from New York, Mr. Fitz- American people: I agree with the ma- gerald, who had asked the gentleman to With all due respect to all the other yield to him for an amendment, is entitled to Members of Congress, I do believe it is jority. the first recognition.’’ one of the fairest in the country. We are looking after those that get The Republican majority may say ‘‘the As I go around and travel, one of the up every day and have the American vote on the previous question is simply a things I have not heard, Mr. Speaker— Dream in front of them and get up and vote on whether to proceed to an immediate and I am not sure if you have or other say: I want to be better and I want my vote on adopting the resolution . . . [and] Members sitting here—I have never government to be out of the way. has no substantive legislative or policy im- been hit, when I run into something plications whatsoever.’’ But that is not what When we understand that, Mr. Speak- they have always said. Listen to the Repub- saying the fact that government is effi- er, I urge my colleagues to support this lican Leadership Manual on the Legislative cient, and I am really wanting it to be rule and the underlying bill. Process in the United States House of Rep- efficient in a sense that it is working The material previously referred to resentatives, (6th edition, page 135). Here’s for me. by Mr. POLIS is as follows: how the Republicans describe the previous It is a very obvious statement here, AN AMENDMENT TO H. RES. 33 OFFERED BY question vote in their own manual: ‘‘Al- though it is generally not possible to amend and what we see time after time after MR. POLIS OF COLORADO the rule because the majority Member con- time after time is rules and regulations At the end of the resolution, add the fol- that most of the American folks are trolling the time will not yield for the pur- lowing new sections: pose of offering an amendment, the same re- saying: Government, do what you are SEC. 3. Immediately upon adoption of this sult may be achieved by voting down the pre- supposed to be doing. Get us back on a resolution the Speaker shall, pursuant to vious question on the rule. . . . When the fiscal financial path that is solid, that clause 2 motion for the previous question is defeated, balances, that gets us back in under- (b) of rule XVIII, declare the House re- control of the time passes to the Member standing that we can’t spend more solved into the Committee of the Whole who led the opposition to ordering the pre- House on the state of the Union for consider- vious question. That Member, because he than what we make or bring in, and ation of the bill (H.R. 356) to establish the that we have to have a strong national then controls the time, may offer an amend- National Commission on Foreign Inter- ment to the rule, or yield for the purpose of defense. Let’s get back to the things ference in the 2016 Election. The first reading amendment.’’ that make America the shining light of the bill shall be dispensed with. All points In Deschler’s Procedure in the U.S. House all around the world. of order against consideration of the bill are of Representatives, the subchapter titled One of the things I do not hear them waived. General debate shall be confined to ‘‘Amending Special Rules’’ states: ‘‘a refusal asking me to do, Mr. Speaker, is make the bill and shall not exceed one hour equal- to order the previous question on such a rule it easier on bureaucrats in Washington. ly divided and controlled by the chair and [a special rule reported from the Committee I have not had them beg and bring peti- ranking minority member of the Committee on Rules] opens the resolution to amend- on Foreign Affairs. After general debate the ment and further debate.’’ (Chapter 21, sec- tions to my table and say: Please make bill shall be considered for amendment under tion 21.2) Section 21.3 continues: ‘‘Upon re- it easier on bureaucrats to run our the five-minute rule. All points of order jection of the motion for the previous ques- lives. against provisions in the bill are waived. At tion on a resolution reported from the Com- That is not what we do. What we are the conclusion of consideration of the bill for mittee on Rules, control shifts to the Mem- trying to do is simply say: Let’s get up, amendment the Committee shall rise and re- ber leading the opposition to the previous

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:05 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10JA7.030 H10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE January 10, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H257 question, who may offer a proper amendment Poe (TX) Rutherford Turner b 1346 or motion and who controls the time for de- Poliquin Sanford Upton bate thereon.’’ Posey Scalise Valadao Messrs. MCEACHIN, BROWN of Clearly, the vote on the previous question Ratcliffe Schweikert Wagner Maryland, SCOTT of Virginia, on a rule does have substantive policy impli- Reed Scott, Austin Walberg SCHNEIDER, and LAWSON of Florida Reichert Sensenbrenner Walden cations. It is one of the only available tools Renacci Sessions Walker changed their vote from ‘‘yea’’ to for those who oppose the Republican major- Rice (SC) Shimkus Walorski ‘‘nay.’’ ity’s agenda and allows those with alter- Roby Shuster Walters, Mimi Mr. HILL changed his vote from native views the opportunity to offer an al- Roe (TN) Simpson Weber (TX) ‘‘nay’’ to ‘‘yea.’’ ternative plan. Rogers (AL) Smith (MO) Webster (FL) So the previous question was ordered. Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. Mr. Speak- Rogers (KY) Smith (NE) Wenstrup Rohrabacher Smith (NJ) Westerman The result of the vote was announced er, I yield back the balance of my time Rokita Smucker Williams as above recorded. and I move the previous question on Rooney, Francis Stefanik Wilson (SC) Stated against: the resolution. Rooney, Thomas Stewart Wittman Ms. WILSON of Florida. Mr. Speaker, had I J. Stivers Womack The SPEAKER pro tempore. The been present, I would have voted ‘‘nay’’ on question is on ordering the previous Ros-Lehtinen Taylor Woodall Roskam Tenney Yoder rollcall No. 26. question. Ross Thompson (PA) Yoho The SPEAKER pro tempore. The The question was taken; and the Rothfus Thornberry Young (AK) question is on the resolution. Speaker pro tempore announced that Rouzer Tiberi Young (IA) The question was taken; and the the ayes appeared to have it. Royce (CA) Tipton Zeldin Russell Trott Speaker pro tempore announced that Mr. POLIS. Mr. Speaker, on that I the ayes appeared to have it. demand the yeas and nays. NAYS—179 RECORDED VOTE The yeas and nays were ordered. Adams Fudge Neal The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Mr. POLIS. Mr. Speaker, I demand a Aguilar Gabbard Nolan recorded vote. ant to clause 8 and clause 9 of rule XX, Barraga´ n Gallego Norcross this 15-minute vote on ordering the Bass Garamendi O’Halleran A recorded vote was ordered. previous question will be followed by 5- Beatty Gonzalez (TX) O’Rourke The SPEAKER pro tempore. This is a Bera Gottheimer Pallone minute votes on agreeing to the resolu- 5-minute vote. Beyer Green, Al Panetta The vote was taken by electronic de- tion, if ordered; and agreeing to the Bishop (GA) Green, Gene Pascrell Speaker’s approval of the Journal. Blumenauer Grijalva Payne vice, and there were—ayes 233, noes 183, Blunt Rochester Gutie´rrez Pelosi not voting 18, as follows: The vote was taken by electronic de- Bonamici Hanabusa vice, and there were—yeas 234, nays Peters [Roll No. 27] Boyle, Brendan Hastings Peterson 179, not voting 21, as follows: F. Heck Pingree AYES—233 [Roll No. 26] Brady (PA) Higgins (NY) Pocan Abraham Diaz-Balart Kinzinger Brown (MD) Himes Polis Aderholt Donovan Knight YEAS—234 Brownley (CA) Huffman Price (NC) Allen Duffy Kustoff (TN) Bustos Jackson Lee Abraham Dent Joyce (OH) Quigley Amash Duncan (TN) Labrador Butterfield Jayapal Aderholt DeSantis Kaptur Raskin Amodei Dunn LaHood Capuano Jeffries Allen DesJarlais Katko Rice (NY) Arrington Emmer LaMalfa Carbajal Johnson, E. B. Amash Diaz-Balart Kelly (MS) Rosen Babin Farenthold Lamborn Ca´ rdenas Keating Amodei Donovan Kelly (PA) Roybal-Allard Bacon Faso Lance Arrington Duffy King (IA) Carson (IN) Kennedy Banks (IN) Ferguson Latta Ruiz Babin Duncan (TN) King (NY) Cartwright Khanna Barletta Fitzpatrick Lewis (MN) Ruppersberger Bacon Dunn Kinzinger Castor (FL) Kihuen Barr Fleischmann LoBiondo Sa´ nchez Banks (IN) Emmer Knight Castro (TX) Kildee Barton Flores Long Barletta Farenthold Kustoff (TN) Chu, Judy Kilmer Sarbanes Bergman Fortenberry Loudermilk Barr Faso Labrador Cicilline Kind Schiff Beutler Foxx Love Barton Ferguson LaHood Clark (MA) Krishnamoorthi Schneider Biggs Franks (AZ) Lucas Bergman Fitzpatrick LaMalfa Clarke (NY) Kuster (NH) Schrader Bilirakis Frelinghuysen Luetkemeyer Beutler Fleischmann Lamborn Clay Langevin Scott (VA) Bishop (MI) Gaetz MacArthur Biggs Flores Lance Cleaver Larsen (WA) Scott, David Bishop (UT) Gallagher Marchant Bilirakis Fortenberry Latta Clyburn Larson (CT) Serrano Black Garrett Marino Bishop (MI) Foxx Lewis (MN) Cohen Lawrence Sewell (AL) Blackburn Gibbs Marshall Bishop (UT) Franks (AZ) LoBiondo Connolly Lawson (FL) Shea-Porter Blum Gohmert Massie Black Frelinghuysen Long Conyers Lee Sherman Bost Goodlatte Mast Blackburn Gaetz Loudermilk Cooper Levin Sinema Brady (TX) Gosar McCarthy Blum Gallagher Love Correa Lewis (GA) Sires Brat Gowdy McClintock Bost Garrett Lucas Costa Lieu, Ted Slaughter Bridenstine Granger McHenry Brady (TX) Gibbs Luetkemeyer Courtney Lipinski Smith (WA) Brooks (AL) Graves (GA) McKinley Brat Gohmert MacArthur Crist Loebsack Soto Brooks (IN) Graves (LA) McMorris Bridenstine Goodlatte Marchant Buchanan Graves (MO) Rodgers Cuellar Lofgren Speier Brooks (AL) Gosar Marino Buck Griffith McSally Cummings Lowenthal Suozzi Brooks (IN) Gowdy Marshall Davis (CA) Lowey Bucshon Grothman Meadows Swalwell (CA) Buchanan Granger Massie DeFazio Lujan Grisham, Budd Guthrie Meehan Thompson (CA) Buck Graves (GA) Mast DeGette M. Burgess Harper Messer Thompson (MS) Bucshon Graves (LA) McCarthy Delaney Luja´ n, Ben Ray Byrne Harris Mitchell Titus Budd Graves (MO) McCaul DeLauro Lynch Calvert Hartzler Moolenaar Burgess Griffith McClintock DelBene Maloney, Tonko Carter (GA) Hensarling Mooney (WV) Byrne Grothman McHenry Demings Carolyn B. Torres Carter (TX) Hice, Jody B. Mullin Calvert Guthrie McKinley DeSaulnier Maloney, Sean Tsongas Chabot Higgins (LA) Murphy (PA) Carter (GA) Harper McMorris Deutch Matsui Vargas Chaffetz Hill Newhouse Carter (TX) Harris Rodgers Doggett McCollum Veasey Cheney Holding Noem Chabot Hartzler McSally Doyle, Michael McEachin Vela Coffman Hollingsworth Nunes Chaffetz Hensarling Meadows F. McGovern Vela´ zquez Cole Hudson Olson Cheney Hice, Jody B. Meehan Ellison McNerney Visclosky Collins (GA) Huizenga Palazzo Coffman Higgins (LA) Messer Engel Meeks Walz Collins (NY) Hultgren Palmer Cole Hill Mitchell Eshoo Meng Wasserman Comer Hunter Paulsen Collins (GA) Holding Moolenaar Espaillat Moore Schultz Comstock Hurd Pearce Collins (NY) Hollingsworth Mooney (WV) Esty Moulton Waters, Maxine Conaway Issa Perry Comer Hudson Mullin Evans Murphy (FL) Watson Coleman Cook Jenkins (KS) Pittenger Comstock Huizenga Murphy (PA) Foster Nadler Welch Costello (PA) Jenkins (WV) Poe (TX) Conaway Hultgren Newhouse Frankel (FL) Napolitano Yarmuth Cramer Johnson (LA) Poliquin Cook Hunter Noem Crawford Johnson (OH) Posey Costello (PA) Hurd Nunes Culberson Johnson, Sam Ratcliffe Cramer Issa Olson NOT VOTING—21 Curbelo (FL) Jordan Reed Crawford Jenkins (KS) Palazzo Becerra Jones Rush Davidson Joyce (OH) Reichert Culberson Jenkins (WV) Palmer Crowley Kelly (IL) Ryan (OH) Davis, Rodney Katko Renacci Curbelo (FL) Johnson (LA) Paulsen Davis, Danny Mulvaney Schakowsky Denham Kelly (MS) Rice (SC) Davidson Johnson (OH) Pearce Dingell Perlmutter Smith (TX) Dent Kelly (PA) Roby Davis, Rodney Johnson, Sam Perry Duncan (SC) Pompeo Takano DeSantis King (IA) Roe (TN) Denham Jordan Pittenger Hoyer Price, Tom (GA) Wilson (FL) DesJarlais King (NY) Rogers (AL) Johnson (GA) Richmond Zinke

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:44 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10JA7.011 H10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H258 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 10, 2017 Rogers (KY) Shuster Walberg b 1357 Sanford Smucker Walz Rohrabacher Simpson Walden Scalise Soto Wasserman Rokita Smith (MO) Walker So the resolution was agreed to. Schneider Speier Schultz Rooney, Francis Smith (NE) Walorski The result of the vote was announced Schweikert Stefanik Waters, Maxine Rooney, Thomas Smith (NJ) Walters, Mimi Scott (VA) Stewart Webster (FL) J. Smith (TX) as above recorded. Weber (TX) A motion to reconsider was laid on Scott, Austin Taylor Welch Ros-Lehtinen Smucker Webster (FL) Scott, David Tenney Westerman Roskam Stefanik Wenstrup the table. Sensenbrenner Thornberry Williams Ross Stewart Westerman Sessions Titus Wilson (SC) Rothfus Stivers Williams f Sherman Trott Wittman Rouzer Taylor Royce (CA) Tenney Wilson (SC) Shimkus Tsongas Womack Russell Thompson (PA) Wittman THE JOURNAL Shuster Vela Yarmuth Rutherford Thornberry Womack The SPEAKER pro tempore. The un- Simpson Wagner Yoho Sanford Tiberi Woodall Smith (NE) Walden Young (IA) Scalise Tipton Yoder finished business is the question on Smith (NJ) Walker Zeldin Schweikert Trott Yoho agreeing to the Speaker’s approval of Smith (TX) Walorski Scott, Austin Turner Young (AK) the Journal, on which the yeas and Smith (WA) Walters, Mimi Sensenbrenner Upton Young (IA) nays were ordered. Sessions Valadao Zeldin NAYS—162 Shimkus Wagner The question is on the Speaker’s ap- proval of the Journal. Adams Gottheimer O’Halleran NOES—183 Aguilar Graves (GA) Palazzo This is a 5-minute vote. Adams Fudge Neal Amash Graves (LA) Pallone The vote was taken by electronic de- ´ Aguilar Gabbard Nolan Barragan Graves (MO) Paulsen Barraga´ n Gallego Norcross vice, and there were—yeas 248, nays Bass Green, Gene Pearce Bass Garamendi O’Halleran 162, answered ‘‘present’’ 3, not voting Bera Griffith Perry Beatty Gonzalez (TX) O’Rourke 21, as follows: Beutler Gutie´rrez Peters Bera Gottheimer Pallone Beyer Hastings Peterson Beyer Green, Al Panetta [Roll No. 28] Blum Hill Pittenger Bishop (GA) Green, Gene Pascrell YEAS—248 Bost Holding Poe (TX) Blumenauer Grijalva Boyle, Brendan Hoyer Poliquin Payne Abraham Doggett Lipinski Blunt Rochester Hanabusa F. Hudson Raskin Pelosi Aderholt Donovan Lofgren Bonamici Hastings Peters Brady (PA) Hurd Ratcliffe Boyle, Brendan Heck Allen Duncan (TN) Long Peterson Amodei Dunn Loudermilk Brownley (CA) Jackson Lee Reed F. Higgins (NY) Pingree Buck Jayapal Renacci Brady (PA) Himes Arrington Ellison Love Pocan Babin Emmer Lucas Bucshon Jenkins (KS) Rice (NY) Brown (MD) Hoyer Polis Burgess Jenkins (WV) Richmond Brownley (CA) Huffman Bacon Engel Luetkemeyer Price (NC) Capuano Johnson (OH) Rohrabacher Bustos Jackson Lee Banks (IN) Eshoo Lujan Grisham, Quigley Ca´ rdenas Jordan Rokita Butterfield Jayapal Barletta Evans M. Raskin ´ Capuano Jeffries Barr Farenthold Lujan, Ben Ray Carter (GA) Joyce (OH) Ros-Lehtinen Rice (NY) Barton Faso Maloney, Castor (FL) Katko Rouzer Carbajal Johnson, E. B. Richmond Ca´ rdenas Kaptur Beatty Ferguson Carolyn B. Castro (TX) Keating Sarbanes Rosen Carson (IN) Keating Bergman Fleischmann Marino Chaffetz Khanna Schiff Roybal-Allard Cartwright Kennedy Biggs Fortenberry Marshall Clark (MA) Kihuen Schrader Ruiz Castor (FL) Khanna Bilirakis Foster Massie Clarke (NY) Kilmer Serrano Ruppersberger Castro (TX) Kihuen Bishop (GA) Frankel (FL) Matsui Clay Kind Sewell (AL) Sa´ nchez Chu, Judy Kildee Bishop (MI) Franks (AZ) McCarthy Clyburn Kinzinger Shea-Porter Sarbanes Cicilline Kilmer Bishop (UT) Frelinghuysen McCaul Coffman Knight Sires Schiff Black Gabbard McClintock Clark (MA) Kind Cohen Kuster (NH) Slaughter Schneider Blackburn Gallagher McEachin Clarke (NY) Krishnamoorthi Collins (GA) LaHood Smith (MO) Schrader Blumenauer Garamendi McHenry Clay Kuster (NH) Conaway Lance Stivers Scott (VA) Blunt Rochester Garrett McMorris Cleaver Langevin Connolly Langevin Suozzi Clyburn Larsen (WA) Scott, David Bonamici Gibbs Rodgers Serrano Brady (TX) Gonzalez (TX) McNerney Costa Larson (CT) Swalwell (CA) Cohen Larson (CT) Costello (PA) Lee Thompson (CA) Connolly Lawrence Sewell (AL) Brat Goodlatte Meadows Crist Lewis (GA) Thompson (MS) Conyers Lawson (FL) Shea-Porter Bridenstine Gowdy Meeks Crowley Lieu, Ted Thompson (PA) Cooper Lee Sherman Brooks (AL) Granger Meng Curbelo (FL) LoBiondo Tiberi Correa Levin Sinema Brooks (IN) Green, Al Messer Costa Lewis (GA) Sires Brown (MD) Grothman Mitchell Davis, Rodney Loebsack Tipton Courtney Lieu, Ted Slaughter Buchanan Guthrie Mooney (WV) DeFazio Lowenthal Torres Crist Lipinski Smith (WA) Budd Hanabusa Moulton Delaney Lowey Turner Crowley Loebsack Soto Bustos Harper Mullin Denham Lynch Upton Cuellar Lofgren Speier Butterfield Harris Murphy (PA) DeSantis MacArthur Valadao Cummings Lowenthal Suozzi Byrne Hartzler Nadler DeSaulnier Maloney, Sean Vargas Davis (CA) Lowey Swalwell (CA) Calvert Heck Napolitano Doyle, Michael Marchant Veasey DeFazio Lujan Grisham, Thompson (CA) Carbajal Hensarling Newhouse F. Mast Vela´ zquez DeGette M. Thompson (MS) Carson (IN) Hice, Jody B. Noem Duffy McCollum Visclosky Carter (TX) Higgins (LA) Norcross Delaney Luja´ n, Ben Ray Titus Espaillat McGovern Walberg Cartwright Higgins (NY) Nunes DeLauro Lynch Tonko Esty McKinley Watson Coleman Chabot Himes O’Rourke DelBene Maloney, Torres Fitzpatrick McSally Weber (TX) Tsongas Cheney Hollingsworth Olson Demings Carolyn B. Flores Meehan Wenstrup Vargas Chu, Judy Huffman Palmer DeSaulnier Maloney, Sean Foxx Moolenaar Wilson (FL) Veasey Cicilline Huizenga Panetta Deutch Matsui Fudge Moore Woodall Doggett McCollum Vela Cleaver Hultgren Pascrell Gaetz Murphy (FL) Yoder Doyle, Michael McEachin Vela´ zquez Cole Hunter Pelosi Gallego Neal Young (AK) F. McGovern Visclosky Collins (NY) Issa Pingree Ellison McNerney Walz Comer Jeffries Pocan Gosar Nolan Engel Meeks Wasserman Comstock Johnson (LA) Polis Eshoo Meng Schultz Conyers Johnson, E. B. Posey ANSWERED ‘‘PRESENT’’—3 Cook Johnson, Sam Price (NC) Espaillat Moore Waters, Maxine Payne Rice (SC) Tonko Esty Moulton Watson Coleman Cooper Kaptur Quigley Correa Kelly (MS) Reichert Evans Murphy (FL) Welch NOT VOTING—21 Foster Nadler Wilson (FL) Courtney Kelly (PA) Roby Frankel (FL) Napolitano Yarmuth Cramer Kennedy Roe (TN) Becerra Jones Rush Crawford Kildee Rogers (AL) Davis, Danny Kelly (IL) Ryan (OH) NOT VOTING—18 Cuellar King (IA) Rogers (KY) Dingell Mulvaney Sa´ nchez Becerra Jones Price, Tom (GA) Culberson King (NY) Rooney, Francis Duncan (SC) Perlmutter Schakowsky Cummings Krishnamoorthi Rooney, Thomas Davis, Danny Kelly (IL) Rush Gohmert Pompeo Sinema Davidson Kustoff (TN) J. Dingell McCaul Ryan (OH) Grijalva Price, Tom (GA) Takano Davis (CA) Labrador Roskam Duncan (SC) Mulvaney Schakowsky Johnson (GA) Rosen Zinke Gutie´rrez Perlmutter Takano DeGette LaMalfa Ross Johnson (GA) Pompeo Zinke DeLauro Lamborn Rothfus DelBene Larsen (WA) Roybal-Allard b 1405 ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE Demings Latta Royce (CA) The SPEAKER pro tempore (during Dent Lawrence Ruiz DesJarlais Lawson (FL) Ruppersberger So the Journal was approved. the vote). There are 2 minutes remain- Deutch Levin Russell The result of the vote was announced ing. Diaz-Balart Lewis (MN) Rutherford as above recorded.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:44 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10JA7.013 H10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE January 10, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H259 ELECTING A MEMBER TO A CER- of 325–89, Mr. Chairman, almost 4 to 1. That is just how important this matter TAIN STANDING COMMITTEE OF It is hard to get more bipartisan than is. Today, approximately 600,000 em- THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTA- that. ployees earn their paychecks from TIVES It has received overwhelming bipar- working for these specific companies. Mr. CROWLEY. Mr. Speaker, by di- tisan support because then and now the Unfortunately, when Washington bu- rection of the Democratic Caucus, I HALOS Act will help create needed reaucrats get involved, we often see the offer a privileged resolution and ask jobs and grow our economy. I think we dreaded ‘‘unintended consequences’’ of for its immediate consideration. all know, Mr. Chairman, from listening red tape. Five years ago, Congress The Clerk read the resolution, as fol- to our constituents, jobs in the econ- passed the bipartisan JOBS Act to lows: omy continue to be the number one make it easier for business startups to issue of concern of the American peo- gain access to critical capital. But the H. RES. 39 ple. Securities and Exchange Commission Resolved, That the following named Mem- I commend the bipartisan sponsors of instead issued regulations on angel in- ber be and is hereby elected to the following this bill, Mr. CHABOT, the chairman of standing committee of the House of Rep- vestors that have the complete oppo- resentatives: the Small Business Committee, who we site effect. This is a problem Congress (1) Committee on House Administration— will hear from soon, and Ms. SINEMA, can easily fix by passing a bipartisan Ms. Lofgren. who serves with me on the Financial HALOS Act, which will ensure that The resolution was agreed to. Services Committee. I also thank the funding from angel investors remains A motion to reconsider was laid on six Republicans and four Democrats available to small business startups. the table. who joined them as original cospon- Mr. Chairman, you cannot have em- sors. ployees, unless you first have employ- f These Members reached across the ers. You cannot have jobs without job HELPING ANGELS LEAD OUR aisle and produced legislation that is creators. And that is what this bill is STARTUPS ACT especially important to America’s all about—jobs. It is about helping small businesses. Let’s remember, Mr. small businesses overcome misguided GENERAL LEAVE Chairman, that half—half—the people Washington red tape so they can create Mr. HENSARLING. Mr. Speaker, I who work in this country earn or work jobs. ask unanimous consent that all Mem- at small businesses, which historically I urge all Members to support this bers may have 5 legislative days in create two-thirds of all the new jobs in commonsense bipartisan bill. which to revise and extend their re- America. So small business—small I reserve the balance of my time. marks and submit extraneous mate- business—is the job engine of America. Mr. CLAY. Mr. Chairman, I yield my- rials on the bill, H.R. 79, to clarify the Our economy clearly works better for self such time as I may consume. definition of general solicitation under working Americans when small busi- Mr. Chairman, I rise in opposition to Federal securities laws, and for other nesses thrive and they can focus on H.R. 79, the Helping Angels Lead Our purposes. creating jobs rather than navigating Startups Act. This bill, under the guise The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. bureaucratic red tape, red tape that of helping angel groups attract addi- HULTGREN). Is there objection to the disproportionately hurts the small tional investors for small businesses request of the gentleman from Texas? businesses and startup companies that and startups, would alter the balance There was no objection. we are counting on to create jobs for between capital formation and investor The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- our constituents. protection that we sought to achieve in ant to House Resolution 33 and rule Burdensome regulations make it the JOBS Act. XVIII, the Chair declares the House in harder for entrepreneurs to access Let me remind my colleagues of what the Committee of the Whole House on startup capital, and they place credit we did in the wake of the financial cri- the state of the Union for the consider- out of reach for many who wish to sis when bank lending was scarce. Our ation of the bill, H.R. 79. start up a small business. Many of Nation’s startups had trouble getting The Chair appoints the gentleman these harmful regulations arise from off the ground and attracting new cap- from Illinois (Mr. BOST) to preside over complicated laws, like the Dodd-Frank ital. Previously, they had done so using the Committee of the Whole. Act. Overall, small business loans are rule 506, which allows companies to sell b 1408 at a 25-year low, in large part due to private securities to accredited inves- regulatory burdens on our community tors who are financially savvy and IN THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE banks and credit unions. have the means to bear their height- Accordingly, the House resolved Even the former Director of the ened risks and lack of SEC oversight. itself into the Committee of the Whole Small Business Administration, ap- As a condition to using rule 506, how- House on the state of the Union for the pointed by President Obama, admitted ever, companies could not solicit pur- consideration of the bill (H.R. 79) to as much when she said: ‘‘Small banks chasers from or advertise to the gen- clarify the definition of general solici- have been laden with excessive costs eral public. tation under Federal securities law, and confusion from overlapping regula- with Mr. BOST in the chair. tions, which are getting in the way of b 1415 The Clerk read the title of the bill. their ability to make small business This condition was viewed as a bar- The CHAIR. Pursuant to the rule, the loans.’’ rier to capital formation for startups. bill is considered read the first time. We simply must not allow our secu- Therefore, Democrats worked with Re- The gentleman from Texas (Mr. HEN- rity laws to inhibit the free flow of in- publicans to provide companies in the SARLING) and the gentleman from Mis- vestment capital to Main Street. The JOBS Act with an alternative so that souri (Mr. CLAY) each will control 30 HALOS Act provides an important reg- they could broadly advertise and so- minutes. ulatory solution to make it easier for licit new investors. The Chair recognizes the gentleman small businesses to attract invest- Recognizing the need to balance in- from Texas. ments and put both the ‘‘open for busi- vestor protection with this expansion, Mr. HENSARLING. Mr. Chairman, I ness’’ and ‘‘we are hiring’’ signs on Ranking Member WATERS offered an yield myself such time as I may con- their front doors. amendment requiring companies to sume. The bill provides a clear path for take reasonable steps to verify that the Mr. Chairman, I rise in strong sup- startups to connect with angel inves- ultimate purchaser was an accredited port of H.R. 79, the Helping Angels tors and allows investors to make their investor. This verification requirement Lead Our Startups Act, also known as own informed decisions. Angel inves- is a necessary investor protection de- the HALOS Act. tors, Mr. Chairman, have a huge im- signed to prevent unsophisticated in- I remind all Members that the House pact on economic growth. Famous vestors from purchasing—either acci- passed this bill just a few months ago companies like , Costco, dentally or by fraudulent means— with overwhelming support from both Google, Facebook, and Starbucks were risky, illiquid, and lightly regulated Republicans and Democrats by a vote all first funded by angel investors. Rule 506 securities.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:44 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10JA7.039 H10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H260 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 10, 2017 I would remind my Republican col- So rather than clarify existing law allow entrepreneurs to showcase their leagues that this amendment was and preserve the compromise we struck products and informally meet investors agreed to unanimously, in part because in the JOBS Act, H.R. 79 provides a po- and customers. However, SEC regula- the amended provision struck the ap- tential loophole that is overbroad and tions are threatening to force these propriate balance between capital for- harmful to investors. events out of business by imposing un- mation and investor protection. Never- Mr. Chairman, I am even more trou- wieldy regulations that dictate who is theless, here we are today seeking to bled that Republicans have brought and who is not allowed to simply at- alter it in H.R. 79. this bill and another Financial Serv- tend. This bill would remove the verifica- ices Committee bill to the floor this These ill-considered regulations tion requirement and allow companies week without a hearing or a committee would force everybody who merely to broadly solicit and advertise their markup. In fact, there are 10 new Re- walks through the door to go through private stock at any event sponsored publican Members and 4 new Demo- what is essentially a full financial ex- by a college, nonprofit, government or- cratic Members on our committee that amination—handing over tax docu- ganization, angel investor group, or have never even considered this bill. ments, bank statements, paycheck in- other group. That means that Amer- Collectively, they represent millions formation, and on and on. This just ica’s college students can walk into an of Americans that are being denied the doesn’t make sense. We should be en- event on campus and be talked into right to better understand this legisla- couraging participation in demo days, buying stock that they don’t under- tion. It is deeply troubling that Repub- not creating obstacles. We should be al- stand and may not ever be able to sell. licans have decided to use their new- lowing the largest group of attendees Having created this initial relation- found power to rush through changes to gather in the room, not be limiting ship, the company can then sell the under cover of night without the bene- who can walk through the door. After students stock without ever checking fits of an open, public process. all, not only are these events places to if they are accredited investors. For these reasons, I oppose H.R. 79. connect people with our communities’ What is more, the bill would make it Mr. Chairman, I reserve the balance small businesses, but they also provide much easier for fraudsters to swindle of my time. a great opportunity for our next gen- unsophisticated investors by, for exam- Mr. HENSARLING. Mr. Chairman, I eration of entrepreneurs to ask ques- ple, encouraging the unsophisticated yield myself 10 seconds just to say that tions and learn what it takes for a investors to buy stock in a fake or fail- hearings have been held in a markup in business to open its doors and be suc- ing company, only to sell off their own the last Congress on this bill and the 10 cessful. stock at artificially inflated prices. new Republican Members are anxious I thank Chairman HENSARLING for his Republicans claim that the bill is to vote on this. I am unaware of any leadership as well as Representatives merely a clarification; that these demo new Democrat Members having been SINEMA and SCHNEIDER for working in a days are not merely solicitations or ad- appointed to our committee as of yet. cooperative and bipartisan manner. vertisements in and of themselves and I am now very happy to yield 3 min- An identical bill, as the chairman can be used by companies to generally utes to the gentleman from Ohio (Mr. mentioned, passed this House in the discuss investment opportunities along CHABOT), coauthor of the HALOS Act, a last session of Congress in an over- with their products and services with champion for small business because he whelmingly bipartisan fashion. We the general public. But that is not the is, indeed, the distinguished chairman must continue to work together to cre- case. of the Small Business Committee. ate an environment in which our small Companies can already go to a broad- Mr. CHABOT. Mr. Chair, I thank the businesses—the engines of our econ- ly advertised, widely attended demo gentleman for yielding and for his lead- omy—grow and flourish. This bill is day and discuss their businesses and ership on this issue. I rise in strong one more step in that direction. not implicate the securities laws if support of H.R. 79, the bipartisan I urge my colleagues to support H.R. they don’t offer securities for sale or HALOS Act. 79. otherwise condition the market for As the chairman of the House Small Mr. CLAY. Mr. Chairman, I reserve their security, but the bill would allow Business Committee, I have the honor the balance of my time. them to offer securities or condition and pleasure of hearing and speaking Mr. HENSARLING. Mr. Chairman, I the market by describing the type and with many of America’s small-business yield 5 minutes to the gentleman from amount of stock they are offering, the owners and their employees almost Michigan (Mr. HUIZENGA), the distin- intended use of the proceeds, or any of every day. I hear case after case of guished chairman of the Capital Mar- the other information in subsection small-business owners working days kets and Government Sponsored Enter- (a)(4) of the bill. and nights and weekends. I hear stories prises Subcommittee of the Financial Therefore, today, a company dis- of sacrifice. I hear inspiring stories of Services Committee. cussing such information would have success. Mr. HUIZENGA. I thank the chair- two options: one, to ensure that the But all too often, I hear about how man for his leadership. event is limited to persons with whom the government continues to make it Mr. Chairman, we all know that they or the event organizer has a pre- difficult for small businesses to prosper small businesses and entrepreneurs are existing, substantive relationship or and grow and create more jobs, which what drive the American economy. We have been contacted through an infor- is, obviously, very important to our meet them in our districts and we see mal personal network; or two, verify at Nation and its economy. firsthand the benefits that their the time of purchase that their inves- Perhaps one of the most common and dreams and hard work provide to our tors are accredited by, for example, most alarming concerns is just how dif- constituents and to our communities. looking at bank statements, W–2s, or ficult it is for entrepreneurs who are These innovators, entrepreneurs, and third-party verification letters. starting out to access the capital they risk-takers are really small-business The bill would allow companies to need in order to grow. We must provide people who are critical for our coun- avoid both options and broadly adver- entrepreneurs a better way to build try’s economic prosperity. Small busi- tise their stock, solicit purchases from their businesses. The HALOS Act does nesses helped to create more than 60 the general public, and never check to just that. percent of the Nation’s net new jobs make sure they are financially sophis- The Helping Angels Lead Our over the past two decades. So if our Na- ticated, accredited investors. The only Startups Act expands access to capital tion is going to have an economy that limitation—that the stock offerings by ensuring small businesses are able provides opportunities for every Amer- only be at events sponsored by certain to continue to connect and interact ican, then we must promote and en- groups—does not provide a meaningful with angel investors. One popular way courage the success and growth of our investor protection. Phony private uni- in which small businesses connect with small businesses and our startups. versities or nonprofits that may be angel investors is through demo days. In order to succeed, these companies guilty of fraud themselves can hardly These exciting events are sponsored by need capital and credit—the lifeblood be held accountable for policing it in universities, nonprofits, local govern- for growth, expansion, and job cre- stock offerings. ments, and many other groups that ation. Yet, the government continues

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:44 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10JA7.042 H10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE January 10, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H261 to construct arbitrary walls that cut b 1430 possible, whether that is making life- them off from essential financing as Mr. Speaker, some of our colleagues changing medical breakthroughs or smaller companies are caught up in red on the other side of the aisle will claim just finding a better way to do every- tape that was created, frankly, for the that the HALOS Act guts critical in- day tasks. largest public companies, but those vestor protections and will subject As we all know, startups are the job public companies have the financial honest, hardworking Americans to creators that drive our economy by means to hire lawyers and accountants rampant fraud. We just had an example creating new jobs that can get our con- and management consultants and all of of college students being brought up. stituents back to work. those things that would then guide Angel investors play a key role in the That is simply not true. earliest stages of these startups. They them through the sheer weight, vol- A company that offers securities to ume, and complexity of the Federal se- provide the initial rounds of funding to investors under these rules may only curities laws. help these life-changing ideas get off sell their securities to sophisticated or Congress has made strides in tai- the ground. We shouldn’t have unneces- accredited investors. If these individ- loring the regulatory environment for sary barriers in place for our uals do not meet the standards of an smaller companies, most notably when innovators to have access to the cap- accredited investor, they are not then we passed with strong bipartisan sup- ital they need to grow. port the Jumpstart Our Business eligible or even allowed to invest in The situation we currently find our- Startups, or JOBS Act, in 2012. The these types of startups that would par- selves facing is frustrating for startups JOBS Act’s benefits are notable as ticipate in a demo day. and potential investors. There is some more and more companies use its pro- Instead, the HALOS Act is a simple, regulatory uncertainty from imple- visions to raise investment capital in bipartisan, bicameral, and, I might mentation of the JOBS Act. In short, both the public and private markets. add, short bill that will provide small Regulation D may imply a demo day is One essential form of capital for innovative companies and startups the a general solicitation, which would re- many startups comes from angel inves- ability to interact with angels and quire companies to identify if investors tors—sophisticated, high net-worth in- other investors who can provide the meet the definition of accredited. dividuals who invest their own money capital that they need to succeed, If demo days are treated as general into startups and other early stage grow, and create jobs. solicitations, startups and investors companies. Not many college students Indeed, Senator CHRIS MURPHY of are required to comply with burden- of whom I am aware would fit that def- Connecticut said it best when he intro- some, third-party verification rules. inition of a sophisticated, high net- duced the HALOS Act last Congress: ‘‘I However, the purpose of these demo worth individual. In 2015, angel inves- have heard from local entrepreneurs days is not to seek investors. It simply tors deployed over $24 billion to about and interested backers alike that the is to promote good ideas. No solicita- 71,000 startups—many of these invest- most important thing we can do to tions or sales of securities take place. ments going to companies in their own help these businesses is to make it This confusion may prevent any con- communities and States. Beyond cap- easier for angel investors to put capital versation—even a very informal one— ital, angels provide advice and guid- behind them—and that is exactly what between angel investors and startups ance to help these companies succeed our bipartisan HALOS Act will do.’’ from happening. This can be easily and create jobs. The CHAIR. The time of the gen- clarified by the legislation under con- Mr. Chairman, I believe that it is im- tleman has expired. sideration today. portant to note that companies such as Mr. HENSARLING. Mr. Chair, I yield As I mentioned, startup companies Amazon, Costco, Facebook, Google, an additional 30 seconds to the gen- frequently participate in demo days to and Starbucks, among a myriad of oth- tleman. increase the visibility of their com- ers that we have not necessarily heard Mr. HUIZENGA. Mr. Chair, that was pany, explain their ideas, and hope to of as public names, were all initially Senator CHRIS MURPHY of Connecticut. informally attract investors. These funded by angel investors. Without I commend the efforts of Representa- demo days are sponsored by a variety angel investors, these very successful tives CHABOT and SINEMA for working of organizations interested in pro- companies would have never gotten off together across the aisle on a bipar- moting innovation and job creation. the ground. tisan, positive solution. For example, the University of Illinois’ Yet, the Securities and Exchange Last Congress, the HALOS Act Research Park told me that this bill Commission, whose neglect of its stat- passed this very body with an over- would make things like the Cozad New utory mission to facilitate capital for- whelming bipartisan vote of 325–89. I Venture Competition, Urbana-Cham- mation necessitated that Congress pass have high hopes that H.R. 79 will enjoy paign Angel Network or UCAN angel the JOBS Act in the first place, has another strong, bipartisan vote. presentations, the Share the Vision further restricted startups from inter- I encourage all my colleagues to sup- technology showcase, pitch practice at acting with angel investors at demo port its adoption. EnterpriseWorks, and other public fo- days and similar pitch events. Startups Mr. CLAY. Mr. Chair, I reserve the rums for startups in Illinois problem- rely on demo days and similar events balance of my time. atic. They want to encourage show- to build relationships with angels and Mr. HUIZENGA. Mr. Chairman, I cases of startups without fear of these other investors and generate interest yield 3 minutes to the gentleman from programs constituting a formal fund- in their companies and their ideas. Illinois (Mr. HULTGREN). raising solicitation to report to the These events existed prior to the JOBS Mr. HULTGREN. Mr. Chairman, I SEC. Act, but the SEC’s rules jeopardize thank the gentleman from the Sub- The bill simply clarifies SEC regula- their future. committee on Capital Markets and tions to ensure startups may partici- H.R. 79, the Helping Angels Lead Our Government Sponsored Enterprises for pate in educational demo days without Startups, or HALOS Act, is a common- yielding to me and, also, thank Chair- having to verify that attendees are ac- sense, bipartisan bill that is aimed at man HENSARLING for his work. credited investors. That is a common- removing a significant regulatory hur- Today, I am proud to speak in sup- sense, technical fix, and it is no sur- dle for innovative companies and port of the Helping Angels Lead Our prise that we had such a strong bipar- startups that seek early stage equity Startups, or HALOS Act. I would also tisan vote of approval in the House last investments. Specifically, the HALOS thank Chairman CHABOT and Congress- Congress. Act would clarify that these demo man SINEMA for putting forth this im- I encourage all of my colleagues to days, which are sponsored by angel in- portant bipartisan legislation, and I support this job-creating legislation. vestor groups, universities, municipali- am a proud cosponsor. Mr. CLAY. Mr. Chair, I reserve the ties, and nonprofits, are not considered I am fortunate enough to regularly balance of my time. to be general solicitations and would, hear from innovators across Illinois Mr. HUIZENGA. Mr. Chair, I yield 2 instead, ensure that angel funding re- and through my work on the House minutes to the gentleman from Texas mains available to those businesses Science, Space, and Technology Com- (Mr. WILLIAMS). that seek investment capital. These mittee. These are the people who har- Mr. WILLIAMS. Mr. Chair, I rise are really educational opportunities. ness technology to accomplish the im- today not only in strong support of the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:44 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10JA7.043 H10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H262 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 10, 2017 HALOS Act but for the entrepreneurs throughout the Eighth District of Ten- ance as small businesses seek to grow. everywhere in this country. nessee last year, I met amazing people, The HALOS Act would reopen the path The facts are simple. Angel investors great Americans who were ready to for innovative individuals and young provide vital, often necessary capital work hard to provide for their families companies to more easily connect with for startup companies. Unfortunately, and for their communities. Too often, I angel investors, while still maintaining after the passage of the JOBS Act, the heard stories of burdensome mandates important investor protections. SEC made this more difficult, placing and regulations that are preventing This bill will help small businesses unnecessary burdens on companies who these hardworking Tennesseans from better access the resources they need are just starting out. moving forward. to thrive and ultimately create jobs, Mr. Speaker, the positive impact With this legislation, we can keep ensuring the United States remains the these startups often have on a commu- our promise to help alleviate the bur- best place in the world to start and nity are staggering. In the City of Aus- den of Federal regulations on small grow a new business. tin, which I am proud to represent, businesses. There is no doubt that I urge my colleagues to join me in startup companies provide more than angel investors are the backbone of supporting this important legislation. just new technologies. They provide startups; and unless we find a solution Mr. CLAY. Mr. Chair, I continue to jobs, they generate taxes, and they to unreasonable restrictions, small reserve the balance of my time. give back to their local community. In businesses could continue to suffer as Mr. HUIZENGA. Mr. Chairman, may 2015 alone, tech companies in Austin they struggle to compete with large, I inquire as to the balance of time re- were able to raise almost a billion dol- established companies. maining on both sides. lars in new capital. With our economy We need to keep our promise to the The CHAIR. The gentleman from still on the mend from the financial American people. We need to focus on Michigan has 8 minutes remaining, and collapse in 2007, it is time to give busi- creating good-paying jobs. And I be- the gentleman from Missouri has 22 nesses, both large and small, the re- lieve that this bipartisan legislation is minutes remaining. sources they need to compete in an a step in the right direction. Mr. HUIZENGA. Mr. Chair, I yield 2 often competitive environment. I urge my colleagues to vote ‘‘yes’’ minutes to the gentlewoman from Ari- H.R. 79 rightly amends the SEC Act on this important legislation. zona (Ms. SINEMA), the coauthor of this of 1933 to formally define an angel in- Mr. CLAY. Mr. Chair, I continue to bill. vestor group and exempts them from reserve the balance of my time. Ms. SINEMA. Mr. Chair, I thank my having to comply with burdensome, Mr. HUIZENGA. Mr. Chair, I yield 2 colleagues on the other side of the aisle third-party verification rules. The minutes to the gentleman from Illinois for working with me, yet again, on this HALOS Act provides essential protec- (Mr. SCHNEIDER) for 2 minutes. bipartisan bill to help entrepreneurs tion for trade associations that often Mr. SCHNEIDER. Mr. Speaker, I rise and startup companies create jobs and facilitate such meetings between inves- in support of H.R. 79, the Helping An- grow our economy. tors and fund managers, continuing to gels Lead Our Startups or the HALOS American startup businesses are cultivate small business capital forma- Act. growing both in number and diversity. tion relationships. This change may be I was proud to have introduced this Entrepreneurs are finding new and bet- small, but the impact will be great. bill with Representative CHABOT during ter ways to bring together talent, inno- Mr. Speaker, I will end my remarks the 113th Congress and have been vation, and investment capital in an by saying this: If the 115th Congress is pleased to see this commonsense legis- increasingly competitive small busi- serious about jobs, serious about turn- lation continue to gain bipartisan sup- ness environment. ing our economy around, and serious port. I want to thank Representatives The HALOS Act clarifies SEC regula- about real change, passing bills like CHABOT and SINEMA for continuing to tions to ensure small businesses may the HALOS Act will be paramount to advocate for this important legislation. participate in educational demo days our success. Small businesses and startup compa- without the burden of having to verify I urge all Members to support Chair- nies are tremendous assets and sources that attendees are accredited inves- man CHABOT’s bill. of economic growth for our country. tors. Demo days provide invaluable op- Mr. CLAY. Mr. Chair, I continue to Economists have shown that when the portunities for entrepreneurs to meet reserve the balance of my time. economy is healthy, startups and and exchange ideas with students, pro- Mr. HUIZENGA. Mr. Chairman, I young, fast-growing firms are the fun- fessors, business professionals, and po- yield 2 minutes to the gentleman from damental drivers of job creation. But tential future investors. Tennessee (Mr. KUSTOFF), a new mem- to succeed, innovative entrepreneurs The HALOS Act creates a clear path ber of the House Financial Services with ideas need access to capital. These for startups to participate in demo Committee. investments give new companies the days sponsored by a government enti- Mr. KUSTOFF of Tennessee. Mr. resources to take their idea from con- ty, nonprofit, angel investor group, Chairman, I rise today in support of cept to startup to success. venture association, or other entity H.R. 79, the Helping Angels Lead Our Congress should support this process permitted by the SEC. Specifically, the Startups Act. This important legisla- and pass legislation that makes it easi- act clarifies the definition of general tion has the ability to produce real re- er for accredited investors to find cre- solicitation to exempt communications sults that Congress continually prom- ative, aspiring entrepreneurs. Unfortu- and presentations at these events ises their constituents. nately, certain legislation has had the where advertising for the event does When I decided to seek office, a unintended consequence of often mak- not make specific investment offerings major driving force was the govern- ing it more difficult for entrepreneurs and where no specific securities offer- mental overreach that I saw at home in and inventors to meet investors and ac- ing information is communicated at west Tennessee. The financial crisis of cess critical investment capital. the event. 2008 crushed the middle class and lower The JOBS Act of 2012 has placed addi- This permits startups to connect classes across America. tional restrictions on individuals who with business experts, potential future West Tennesseans were hit hard. Far want to invest in startups. This has ad- investors, and other entrepreneurs, all too many faced unemployment, strug- versely affected programs where young while maintaining existing accredited gled to pay their bills, and lost their companies demonstrate their products investor verification requirements and homes and businesses that meant ev- and meet potential investors and men- exemptions under Regulation D for the erything to their livelihoods. There has tors, and the legislation has curtailed actual purchase or sale of securities. It been no doubt that it has been a slow startups’ access to individual or angel does not, in any way, permit the sale of recovery under these last 8 years. investors and angel groups. securities to unaccredited investors at Thankfully, many areas of the country During my more than two decades of demo days. have begun to bounce back. business experience, I saw firsthand Companies such as Amazon, Costco, West Tennessee, my home, still needs how angel investors often provide more Facebook, Google, and Starbucks were strong workforce development so we, than just funding for young companies. all initially funded by angel investors. too, can bounce back. As I traveled They offer wisdom, advice, and guid- As we work to make America more

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:58 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10JA7.044 H10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE January 10, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H263 competitive in the new global econ- and ensure that the rules of the road cially sophisticated enough to bear the omy, we need to encourage the growth are reasonable and appropriate. This is risks involved in private offerings. By of innovative startups and job-creating especially important for retail inves- effectively allowing purchasers to small businesses. tors, those of us who are looking to ‘‘self-certify’’ at or after demo days Again, I thank Representative save for retirement or to buy a house sponsored by certain groups, the bill CHABOT for working with me on this or to support our children’s education. could open the door to financial ruin commonsense, bipartisan bill. I am That is what concerns me about the for a retail investor who may not have committed to working with my col- bill we have before us today. We cannot understood the consequences of his or leagues on both sides of the aisle to en- create loopholes in the securities laws her investment. So I oppose this bill. sure that Arizona startups have the that could have a serious negative im- I yield back the balance of my time. support they need to grow their busi- pact on Americans’ nest eggs, so we Mr. HUIZENGA. Mr. Chairman, I nesses and create jobs. must strike the right balance between yield myself the balance of my time. I have actually had the pleasure and b 1445 capital formation in our securities markets and investor protection. the honor of sitting through a number Mr. CLAY. Mr. Chairman, I have no It is with these goals in mind that of these demo days and seeing these further speakers, and I reserve the bal- Democrats supported the current rules pitches being made. People are coming ance of my time. in place. Companies can raise money to in, and they are literally laying out Mr. HUIZENGA. Mr. Chairman, I grow and support their businesses in their dreams, their hopes, and, frankly, yield 2 minutes to the gentlewoman our securities markets under the pur- their hard work because they wouldn’t from Florida (Mrs. MURPHY) and wel- view of the SEC and State regulators. be there that day if it wasn’t for their come her as a new Member. The regulatory framework we have set hard work. They are looking for a cou- Mrs. MURPHY of Florida. Mr. Chair- up allows for different activities and ple of things. As small businesses and man, I rise in support of the bipartisan oversight depending on the nature of entrepreneurs, they are looking for HALOS Act because it will help startup the security offering. capital and credit. We use the word companies with angel investors with- For example, public offerings provide ‘‘capital’’ a lot around here, but think out compromising important investor robust information to investors about of it as cash and credit. They really are protections. the risks and rewards of a particular looking for someone who will buy into When working in the private sector, I securities purchase. They require the their dream, who will look at their participated in numerous so-called SEC or State securities regulator to hard work, and who will understand demo days where early-stage entre- preapprove and review an offering, and that their dreams can become a reality preneurs make presentations. I have they provide legal recourse to investors with hope. This bill is trying to do counseled multiple startups and small that may be deceived. This is a strong that. firms through this process, particu- regulatory framework that ensures our Members are hearing a lot of doom larly women and minority-owned busi- markets are safe and sound. In ex- and gloom on the other side. In fact, I nesses. I have seen firsthand as they change for complying with these rules, think the phrase was just thrown out, struggled to overcome regulatory hur- companies can advertise and sell their financial doom for the retail investor. dles and to obtain access to much-need- stock to anyone in the general public. Let’s talk about these retail investors. ed capital when traditional financing On the other hand, private offerings For you to become an accredited in- sources, such as banks, may not be fea- do not come with the same regulatory vestor, someone who would qualify to sible. requirements and protections, which be able to invest in these startup com- It is important for the government at can make it easier and less costly for panies, according to SEC rule 501, you all levels—Federal, State, and local—to firms to raise money. This means less need to be married, jointly; $300,000 in promote economic growth and encour- information for investors, less legal re- income; and $1 million of net worth, ex- age innovation by connecting people course, and little to no scrutiny by reg- cluding your home. So you cannot in- with good ideas to people with the cap- ulators. So we put in place procedures clude a million-dollar home. You have ital and courage to bankroll those to ensure these private offerings, which to have $1 million net worth outside of ideas. Robust entrepreneurial eco- are inherently riskier, are only sold to your home and have an income of systems is how great products come to accredited investors. $300,000. Earlier, college students were market and how well-paying jobs are Private offerings now play a signifi- brought up. Not a whole lot of college created. This is particularly important cant role in the market. Unregistered students that I am aware of have for my district in central Florida, securities have surpassed registered se- $300,000 annual income or $1 million net which has a growing innovative and en- curities in terms of capital formation. worth. trepreneurial startup community. They have accounted for more than $2 These are people who are sophisti- Based on personal experiences and on trillion in new capital. Moreover, $71 cated, typically. They are high net the experiences conveyed to me by Flo- billion has been raised since 2012 worth, by definition. Interestingly ridians with expertise in this area, the through the general solicitation and enough, as Members of Congress, if we current Federal regulations governing advertising exemption that we put in allowed some of these amendments to demo days can be made more clear and place in the JOBS Act. This is clearly go through and these restrictions to go less burdensome so that they better an important and growing segment of through, as Members of Congress, we promote the flow of capital through our market, and, as such, I believe we would be excluded from the room. We our economy while continuing to pro- need to be even more cautious about would be excluded. We couldn’t even go tect nonaccredited investors. who is participating in it. in there to educate ourselves about Because I believe the HALOS Act In fact, the SEC’s Investor Advisory how this process works. That, ulti- achieves these dual objectives, I urge Committee said we should do more, not mately, is what this is about. my colleagues to join me in voting less, to protect investors in the general Those pitch days are not just for ‘‘yes’’ on H.R. 79. solicitation and advertising market for those people who are going to invest. Mr. CLAY. Mr. Chairman, I yield my- private offerings. They think we don’t Those pitch days are not just for the self the balance of my time. have enough guardrails in place. And people who are going to do the invest- Mr. Chairman, both Democrats and yet this bill would do the opposite, by ing. Those pitch days are for others to Republicans want to help facilitate expanding the exemptions on general learn, to have an understanding. capital formation, particularly for solicitation without similarly pro- If you are a college student sitting in groups such as angel investors, who tecting the investor. the back row, to understand what it have substantial experience in the pri- The bill also undercuts an important looks like to become an entrepreneur, vate securities market, and for small amendment Ranking Member WATERS to really become a part of that engine companies like startups who are seek- offered to the JOBS Act, which was ap- of the American economy, you should ing funding to innovate and grow. But proved unanimously. It required com- be in the room. If you are someone who as Members of Congress, we also have panies to verify that the purchaser is might be making a pitch later on and the responsibility to protect investors an accredited investor and is finan- want to see how this happens and

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:58 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10JA7.046 H10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H264 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 10, 2017 works, you ought to be in the room. (3) the sponsor of which— ally come to mind. Their stories are fa- Let’s not exclude those people. (A) does not make investment rec- miliar—hardworking entrepreneurs Why would we have a government ommendations or provide investment advice who beat the odds. Like these compa- closed off, closed room, a government- to event attendees; nies, most successful startups have sev- sanctioned closed room that would (B) does not engage in an active role in any eral common ingredients: a new prod- investment negotiations between the issuer keep people from understanding and and investors attending the event; uct or service, a willingness to take achieving their hopes and dreams and (C) does not charge event attendees any risks, and leadership that can navigate success? fees other than administrative fees; and the complexities of today’s economy. I am pleased to be up here and to (D) does not receive any compensation And successful firms also have a way of talk about this issue because we know with respect to such event that would re- securing capital to both get off the that for our standing in the world, we quire registration of the sponsor as a broker ground and to grow. need to have a dynamic economy. Our or a dealer under the Securities Exchange This last ingredient can present seri- dynamic economy starts with our en- Act of 1934, or as an investment advisor ous obstacles as startups face unique trepreneurs and the risk-takers who under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940; financing challenges. Many do not have are willing to invest in those ideas. and positive cash flow, putting traditional (4) where no specific information regarding I just want to commend the gentle- an offering of securities by the issuer is com- bank loans out of reach. While some of woman from Arizona (Ms. SINEMA) and municated or distributed by or on behalf of these firms participate in incubator or the gentleman from Ohio (Mr. CHABOT) the issuer, other than— accelerator programs that provide a for working in a bipartisan manner. I (A) that the issuer is in the process of of- small amount of seed capital, they expect we are going to see a massively fering securities or planning to offer securi- must find new sources of funding when bipartisan vote for this bill, and I ea- ties; their initial capital runs out. gerly await that. I ask my colleagues (B) the type and amount of securities being One avenue for securing additional to support H.R. 79. offered; capital is by participating in demo Mr. Chairman, I yield back the bal- (C) the amount of securities being offered days or pitch days. At these events, en- ance of my time. that have already been subscribed for; and trepreneurs have an opportunity to The CHAIR. All time for general de- (D) the intended use of proceeds of the of- showcase their companies and innova- fering. bate has expired. (b) RULE OF CONSTRUCTION.—Subsection (a) tions to potential investors. Pursuant to the rule, the bill shall be may only be construed as requiring the Secu- Today’s bill will alter SEC rules to considered for amendment under the 5- rities and Exchange Commission to amend exempt the use of general solicitation minute rule. The bill shall be consid- the requirements of Regulation D with re- for presentations made at demo days. ered as read. spect to presentations and communications, In other words, demo day organizers The text of the bill is as follows: and not with respect to purchases or sales. will not have to comply with the usual H.R. 79 The CHAIR. No amendment to the procedures verifying that the investors Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- bill shall be in order except those they are attracting to the event are ac- resentatives of the United States of America in printed in part B of House Report 115– credited. Congress assembled, 2. Each such amendment may be of- Despite the well-intended goal of ex- SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. fered only in the order printed in the panding the use of demo days to better This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Helping An- report, by a Member designated in the meet startups’ capital needs, it is easy gels Lead Our Startups Act’’ or the ‘‘HALOS to see how unscrupulous actors could Act’’. report, shall be considered as read, shall be debatable for the time speci- exploit this exemption to deceive ordi- SEC. 2. DEFINITION OF ANGEL INVESTOR GROUP. nary people that were drawn to the As used in this Act, the term ‘‘angel inves- fied in the report, equally divided and tor group’’ means any group that— controlled by the proponent and an op- event by a public advertisement. My (1) is composed of accredited investors in- ponent, shall not be subject to amend- amendment makes improvements to terested in investing personal capital in ment, and shall not be subject to a de- ensure attendees at demo days have an early-stage companies; mand for division of the question. opportunity to be informed about the (2) holds regular meetings and has defined nature of these presentations and the AMENDMENT NO. 1 OFFERED BY MS. VELA´ ZQUEZ processes and procedures for making invest- risks of investing in startups. ment decisions, either individually or among The CHAIR. It is now in order to con- the membership of the group as a whole; and sider amendment No. 1 printed in part b 1500 (3) is neither associated nor affiliated with B of House Report 115–2. Typically, demo days are limited to brokers, dealers, or investment advisers. Ms. VELA´ ZQUEZ. Mr. Chairman, I select groups of potential investors. SEC. 3. CLARIFICATION OF GENERAL SOLICITA- have an amendment at the desk. Let’s be clear, these are not science TION. The CHAIR. The Clerk will designate fairs, but they are sophisticated busi- (a) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 6 months the amendment. ness presentations designed to raise after the date of enactment of this Act, the The text of the amendment is as fol- Securities and Exchange Commission shall capital for the entrepreneurs and their revise Regulation D of its rules (17 CFR lows: startups. 230.500 et seq.) to require that in carrying out Page 3, line 18, strike ‘‘and’’. However, the underlying bill allows the prohibition against general solicitation Page 3, after line 24, insert the following: colleges and universities and non- or general advertising contained in section (E) provides attendees with a disclosure, as profits to host these events and adver- 230.502(c) of title 17, Code of Federal Regula- prescribed by the Securities and Exchange tise them to the public. It is easy to tions, the prohibition shall not apply to a Commission by rule, describing the nature of see how some attendees might not presentation or other communication made the event and the risks of investing in the know the true nature of the presen- securities being advertised; and by or on behalf of an issuer which is made at tation. an event— Add at the end the following: (c) NO PRE-EXISTING RELATIONSHIP BY REA- My amendment will address this by (1) sponsored by— requiring event sponsors to provide an (A) the United States or any territory SON OF EVENT.—Attendance at an event de- thereof, by the District of Columbia, by any scribed under subsection (a) shall not qual- SEC-created disclosure outlining the State, by a political subdivision of any State ify, by itself, as establishing a pre-existing nature of the event and investment or territory, or by any agency or public in- relationship between an issuer and a pur- risks. By creating a uniform disclosure, strumentality of any of the foregoing; chaser, for purposes of Rule 506(b). the SEC can take the burden off the (B) a college, university, or other institu- The CHAIR. Pursuant to House Reso- sponsors and issuers on what to dis- tion of higher education; lution 33, the gentlewoman from New close. (C) a nonprofit organization; York (Ms. VELA´ ZQUEZ) and a Member This amendment would also clarify (D) an angel investor group; opposed each will control 5 minutes. that attendance at a demo day alone (E) a venture forum, venture capital asso- The Chair recognizes the gentle- does not constitute a preexisting rela- ciation, or trade association; or woman from New York. tionship and does not allow a stock (F) any other group, person or entity as ´ the Securities and Exchange Commission Ms. VELAZQUEZ. Mr. Chairman, I issuer to sidestep their obligation to may determine by rule; yield myself such time as I may con- verify that an investor is accredited. (2) where any advertising for the event sume. Without this clarification, it is pos- does not reference any specific offering of se- When we think of a startup business, sible that issuers could defraud less-so- curities by the issuer; the early days of Apple or Google usu- phisticated retail investors.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:58 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10JA7.048 H10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE January 10, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H265 Demo days are a great way for our scribe a disclosure that ‘‘describes the The CHAIR. The Clerk will designate Nation’s entrepreneurs to raise capital, nature of the event and the risks of in- the amendment. but they should be making presen- vesting in securities being advertised.’’ The text of the amendment is as fol- tations to the right investors, those There is no sale that day, Mr. Chair- lows: that understand the risks of investing man. No sale at all is going to happen. Page 3, line 18, strike ‘‘and’’. in risky startup businesses, not just There is no exchange that happens at Page 3, after line 18, insert the following: anyone who saw an advertisement. that event. (D) does not receive any compensation for My amendment would both expand This amendment is unnecessary, making introductions between investors at- the ability of small businesses to raise overly broad, and would delay the re- tending the event and issuers, or for invest- capital by tapping into demo days turn to the certainty that the pre- ment negotiations between such parties; and Page 3, line 19, strike ‘‘(D)’’ and insert while ensuring that the right kind of JOBS Act had brought. Mr. Chairman, I reserve the balance ‘‘(E)’’. investors, those accredited and fully At the end of the bill, insert the following: informed, are participating in the of my time. ´ (c) DEFINITION OF ISSUER.—For purposes of small business capital markets. Ms. VELAZQUEZ. Mr. Chairman, this section and the revision of rules re- Mr. Chairman, I urge my colleagues may I inquire as to how many other quired under this section, the term ‘‘issuer’’ to support the amendment, and I re- speakers the gentleman has? means an issuer that is in day-to-day oper- serve the balance of my time. Mr. HUIZENGA. Mr. Chairman, I ations as a business, is not in bankruptcy or Mr. HUIZENGA. Mr. Chairman, I have no further speakers on this receivership, is not an investment company, claim the time in opposition to this amendment. and is not a blank check, blind pool, or shell ´ company. amendment. Ms. VELAZQUEZ. Mr. Chairman, I The CHAIR. The gentleman from yield myself such time as I may con- The CHAIR. Pursuant to House Reso- Michigan is recognized for 5 minutes. sume. lution 33, the gentleman from Missouri First of all, I am the author of the Mr. HUIZENGA. Mr. Chairman, so (Mr. CLAY) and a Member opposed each amendment, and in the amendment, here is the alternate reality you are ex- will control 5 minutes. there is no place in which it requires pected to believe in this scenario that The Chair recognizes the gentleman anyone to sign anything. This is a rea- has been created. You are going to from Missouri. sonable, straightforward, simple have somebody wander off the street Mr. CLAY. Mr. Chair, I move for the amendment that provides transparency with their checkbook in their pocket, adoption of the amendment. This and protection to the investors. listen to a 3- to 5-minute pitch on an amendment, combined with Velazquez The gentleman says that this is not idea that is going to change the world, amendment, if adopted, would ensure an offering. While some presentations and then they are going to sign away that the bill strikes the appropriate may not explicitly be offering securi- their financial future and life savings. balance between capital formation and ties for sale, these demo days are not a That is the scenario that is being investor protection. simple science fair. They are sophisti- painted for you out there today by the First, the Waters amendment would cated business presentations designed opponents of this commonsense legisla- prohibit event sponsors from collecting to generate hype and investor interest. tion. finders’ fees for connecting potential If a sponsor wants to advertise such investors to companies. This prohibi- Again, to be an investor, you must be events to the public, it is reasonable an accredited investor, according to tion helps ensure that event sponsors, that they also provide information re- including colleges, nonprofits, and the SEC rules, Rule 501, that says you garding the risk of investing in have $300,000 of income annually and a trade associations, don’t have perverse startups. incentives to drum up sales of stock. net worth of $1 million outside of your Mr. Chairman, I yield back the bal- home. Owning your house doesn’t Second, the Waters amendment ance of my time. would require the company selling se- count towards that. Mr. HUIZENGA. Mr. Chairman, you curities to be a company operating in I have been to these pitch days. You just heard the author of the amend- the real economy, not a hedge fund, know what you are walking into. You ment make the case that this is a com- shell company, or company going don’t just stumble on it and go: Wow, plicated process in general that an through bankruptcy. Not only does this what’s going on here? unaccredited person is not going to be provision protect investors from pur- I have never thought about this. Tell allowed to invest in. So it requires the chasing shares of an opaque or specula- you what, I am going to write a five- or event sponsor to provide attendees tive firm, but it also ensures that the six- or seven-figure check today and with a written disclosure outlining the bill is targeted to provide relief to our put myself into financial ruin. That is nature of the event and the risks of in- Nation’s startups and small businesses. not how these things work. vesting in the securities for sale. It is These two provisions are common- Mr. Chairman, at the end of the day, not an offering that is happening at sense changes that I hope will receive I think it is important to just review a those demo days. I would ask my col- bipartisan support. I move for the little bit of the history here. leagues to oppose this amendment. First of all, this amendment isn’t Mr. Chairman, I yield back the bal- adoption of the amendment. necessary. It would create yet another ance of my time. Mr. Chairman, I reserve the balance SEC-required disclosure and further The CHAIR. The question is on the of my time. burden the ability for startups to amendment offered by the gentle- Mr. HUIZENGA. Mr. Chairman, I present their ideas to demo days. woman from New York (Ms. claim the time in opposition to this I would note that this amendment VELA´ ZQUEZ). amendment. could have been offered last March, ei- The question was taken; and the The CHAIR. The gentleman from ther in committee or while we here in Chair announced that the noes ap- Michigan is recognized for 5 minutes. the House had consideration last April peared to have it. Mr. HUIZENGA. Mr. Chairman, once 2016. However, in both cases that didn’t Ms. VELA´ ZQUEZ. Mr. Chairman, I again, we are seeing an unnecessary, occur. demand a recorded vote. duplicative amendment here. The Let’s remember why we are here The CHAIR. Pursuant to clause 6 of amendment, as it is laid out, creates a today, Mr. Chairman. When the SEC rule XVIII, further proceedings on the new definition of an issuer. The Securi- promulgated the rules to implement amendment offered by the gentle- ties Exchange Act already defines an Title II of the JOBS Act, the agency woman from New York will be post- issuer, and Ms. WATERS’ definition is made something that was legal prior to poned. vague, confusing and, frankly, unneces- April 5 of 2012 suddenly illegal. The AMENDMENT NO. 2 OFFERED BY MR. CLAY sary. SEC decided that demo days that bring The CHAIR. It is now in order to con- Demo days are opportunities for together those entrepreneurs and those sider amendment No. 2 printed in part startup companies to present their companies suddenly became a general B of House Report 115–2. ideas to potential investors that are solicitation. Mr. CLAY. Mr. Chairman, I rise as accredited. Again, accredited. At this That isn’t the case, and this amend- the designee for Ms. WATERS’ amend- point, all of America is shouting back ment would require the SEC to pre- ment to improve H.R. 79. at C–SPAN, saying, $300,000 in income

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:58 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10JA7.052 H10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H266 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 10, 2017 per year with $1 million net worth, ex- they operate under are sufficient. I be- 2007 (Public Law 110–140; 121 Stat. 1661) is cluding their home. We get this out lieve in the JOBS Act. I believe in the amended by adding at the end the following: there. This is not a solicitation or of- HALO Act that will provide the proper ‘‘SEC. 530. ENERGY-EFFICIENT AND ENERGY-SAV- fering a security. protections to investors, again, quali- ING INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES. ‘‘(a) DEFINITIONS.—In this section: So what I am, quite honestly, con- fied investors with a $300,000 income ‘‘(1) DIRECTOR.—The term ‘Director’ means cerned about and maybe a little con- and a $1 million net worth. the Director of the Office of Management fused about is the point of the HALOS There are proper protections in place. and Budget. Act trying to fix a problem. It is trying This amendment does nothing but add ‘‘(2) INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY.—The term to fix a problem. additional burden to those seeking the ‘information technology’ has the meaning Remember, we want to expose entre- investment and those seeking to in- given that term in section 11101 of title 40, preneurs and their ideas to the broad- vest. I request opposition from my col- United States Code. ‘‘(b) DEVELOPMENT OF IMPLEMENTATION est pool of potential investors that in- leagues. STRATEGY.—Not later than 1 year after the cludes angel investment community, Mr. Chairman, I yield back the bal- date of enactment of this section, each Fed- again, of accredited investors. This re- ance of my time. eral agency shall coordinate with the Direc- quirement raises serious compliance The CHAIR. The question is on the tor, the Secretary, and the Administrator of concerns for angel investors. It would amendment offered by the gentleman the Environmental Protection Agency to de- require entrepreneurs and startups to from Missouri (Mr. CLAY). velop an implementation strategy (that in- perform a compliance function that The question was taken; and the cludes best practices and measurement and Chair announced that the noes ap- verification techniques) for the mainte- they may not have the physical or fi- nance, purchase, and use by the Federal nancial means to do so. Again, it is peared to have it. agency of energy-efficient and energy-saving just an additional burden and barrier Mr. CLAY. Mr. Chairman, I demand a information technologies, taking into con- to entry for entrepreneurs. recorded vote. sideration the performance goals established Again, these are—the entrepreneurs The CHAIR. Pursuant to clause 6 of under subsection (d). typically aren’t the ones that have rule XVIII, further proceedings on the ‘‘(c) ADMINISTRATION.—In developing an $300,000 of annual income or $1 million amendment offered by the gentleman implementation strategy under subsection from Missouri will be postponed. (b), each Federal agency shall consider— net worth because, frankly, then they ‘‘(1) advanced metering infrastructure; wouldn’t have to be at the pitch. They b 1515 ‘‘(2) energy-efficient data center strategies could fund it themselves. Mr. HUIZENGA. Mr. Chairman, I and methods of increasing asset and infra- The idea is to make sure that those move that the Committee do now rise. structure utilization; ideas, those people who are looking for The motion was agreed to. ‘‘(3) advanced power management tools; an opportunity are given the broadest Accordingly, the Committee rose; ‘‘(4) building information modeling, includ- ing building energy management; opportunity possible. And I think what and the Speaker pro tempore (Mr. we are seeing here is a reaction to the ‘‘(5) secure telework and travel substi- OLSON) having assumed the chair, Mr. tution tools; and notion that, you know what? Maybe BOST, Chair of the Committee of the ‘‘(6) mechanisms to ensure that the agency people can handle this on their own in- Whole House on the state of the Union, realizes the energy cost savings brought stead of the government needing to reported that that Committee, having about through increased efficiency and utili- step in and be so overly prescriptive had under consideration the bill (H.R. zation. and control every decision that they 79) to clarify the definition of general ‘‘(d) PERFORMANCE GOALS.— ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 180 days are making. solicitation under Federal securities You are seeing a reaction on the after the date of enactment of this section, law, had come to no resolution there- the Director, in consultation with the Sec- other side to that, to that notion of on. retary, shall establish performance goals for freedom, that idea of an entrepre- f evaluating the efforts of Federal agencies in neurial spirit; this idea that we all improving the maintenance, purchase, and need to be wrapped in bubble wrap as ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER use of energy-efficient and energy-saving in- we go out into the world. That is not PRO TEMPORE formation technology. government’s role or job. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- ‘‘(2) BEST PRACTICES.—The Chief Informa- Outside of those prescriptions that ant to clause 8 of rule XX, the Chair tion Officers Council established under sec- are already in place, again, we are will postpone further proceedings tion 3603 of title 44, United States Code, shall talking about a narrow group of inves- recommend best practices for the attain- today on motions to suspend the rules ment of the performance goals, which shall tors with $300,000 of net income annu- on which a recorded vote or the yeas include Federal agency consideration of, to ally, and $1 million net worth who and nays are ordered, or on which the the extent applicable by law, the use of— would even qualify to invest in those. vote incurs objection under clause 6 of ‘‘(A) energy savings performance con- Why we would wall this off from oth- rule XX. tracting; and ers seeking to learn and to see an op- Record votes on postponed questions ‘‘(B) utility energy services contracting. portunity, I just simply don’t under- will be taken later. ‘‘(e) REPORTS.— stand. ‘‘(1) AGENCY REPORTS.—Each Federal agen- f cy shall include in the report of the agency Mr. Chairman, I reserve the balance under section 527 a description of the efforts of my time. ENERGY EFFICIENT GOVERNMENT TECHNOLOGY ACT and results of the agency under this section. Mr. CLAY. Mr. Chair, just in closing, ‘‘(2) OMB GOVERNMENT EFFICIENCY REPORTS let me say that, again, this amendment Mr. OLSON. Mr. Speaker, I move to AND SCORECARDS.—Effective beginning not will bring some balance to the legisla- suspend the rules and pass the bill later than October 1, 2017, the Director shall ture and ensure that the bill is tar- (H.R. 306) to amend the Energy Inde- include in the annual report and scorecard of geted to provide relief to our Nation’s pendence and Security Act of 2007 to the Director required under section 528 a de- startup and small businesses, and I promote energy efficiency via informa- scription of the efforts and results of Federal tion and computing technologies, and agencies under this section.’’. urge its adoption. (b) CONFORMING AMENDMENT.—The table of Mr. Chair, I yield back the balance of for other purposes. contents for the Energy Independence and my time. The Clerk read the title of the bill. Security Act of 2007 is amended by adding Mr. HUIZENGA. Mr. Chairman, in The text of the bill is as follows: after the item relating to section 529 the fol- closing, I cannot support an amend- H.R. 306 lowing: ment that makes it more difficult for Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- ‘‘Sec. 530. Energy-efficient and energy-sav- startups to receive the crucial funding resentatives of the United States of America in ing information technologies.’’. that they need to grow and create new Congress assembled, SEC. 3. ENERGY EFFICIENT DATA CENTERS. jobs. Again, these are people pursuing SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. Section 453 of the Energy Independence their dreams, their hopes. They need This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Energy Effi- and Security Act of 2007 (42 U.S.C. 17112) is cient Government Technology Act’’. amended— capital and credit. They need cash and SEC. 2. ENERGY-EFFICIENT AND ENERGY-SAVING (1) in subsection (b)— credit to go fulfill those. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES. (A) in paragraph (2)(D)(iv), by striking ‘‘de- Mr. Chairman, I actually believe in (a) IN GENERAL.—Subtitle C of title V of termined by the organization’’ and inserting the SEC. I believe that the rules that the Energy Independence and Security Act of ‘‘proposed by the stakeholders’’; and

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:58 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10JA7.054 H10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE January 10, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H267 (B) by striking paragraph (3); and Budget, shall establish an open data initia- chairman of the full committee, Mr. (2) by striking subsections (c) through (g) tive for Federal data center energy usage WALDEN, and the ranking member of and inserting the following: data, with the purpose of making such data the full committee, Mr. PALLONE, for ‘‘(c) STAKEHOLDER INVOLVEMENT.—The Sec- available and accessible in a manner that en- their support, and my legislative part- retary and the Administrator shall carry out courages further data center innovation, op- subsection (b) in collaboration with informa- timization, and consolidation. In estab- ner, ADAM KINZINGER, for his partner- tion technology industry and other key lishing the initiative, the Secretary shall ship on this bill. stakeholders, with the goal of producing re- consider the use of the online Data Center I hope that this, the 115th Congress, sults that accurately reflect the most rel- Maturity Model. is going to be the magic charm. I have evant and useful information. In such col- ‘‘(h) INTERNATIONAL SPECIFICATIONS AND introduced this bill now in three Con- laboration, the Secretary and the Adminis- METRICS.—The Secretary, in collaboration gresses, and it passed in each Congress, trator shall pay particular attention to orga- with key stakeholders, shall actively partici- but it didn’t make it to the President’s nizations that— pate in efforts to harmonize global specifica- desk. I hope this time it will. ‘‘(1) have members with expertise in energy tions and metrics for data center energy and The bill is really a very simple one. efficiency and in the development, operation, water efficiency. It is about bringing the Federal Gov- and functionality of data centers, informa- ‘‘(i) DATA CENTER UTILIZATION METRIC.— tion technology equipment, and software, The Secretary, in collaboration with key ernment’s IT and data centers into the such as representatives of hardware manu- stakeholders, shall facilitate in the develop- 21st century. The Federal Government facturers, data center operators, and facility ment of an efficiency metric that measures is the Nation’s largest energy user. I managers; the energy efficiency of a data center (in- want to say that again. The Federal ‘‘(2) obtain and address input from Depart- cluding equipment and facilities). Government is our Nation’s largest en- ment of Energy National Laboratories or ‘‘(j) PROTECTION OF PROPRIETARY INFORMA- ergy user, and we should lead by exam- any college, university, research institution, TION.—The Secretary and the Administrator ple in this area. industry association, company, or public in- shall not disclose any proprietary informa- By requiring Federal agencies to uti- terest group with applicable expertise; tion or trade secrets provided by any indi- lize the best technologies and energy ‘‘(3) follow— vidual or company for the purposes of car- ‘‘(A) commonly accepted procedures for rying out this section or the programs and management strategies, this bill will the development of specifications; and initiatives established under this section.’’. reduce the government’s energy use. ‘‘(B) accredited standards development The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. Very importantly, it is going to save processes; and taxpayer dollars, and it is going to also BOST). Pursuant to the rule, the gen- ‘‘(4) have a mission to promote energy effi- set an example for the private sector. tleman from Texas (Mr. OLSON) and the ciency for data centers and information Today, the world generates more gentlewoman from California (Ms. technology. data in 12 hours than was generated in EASUREMENTS AND PECIFICATIONS ESHOO) each will control 20 minutes. ‘‘(d) M S .— all of human history prior to 2003. The Secretary and the Administrator shall The Chair recognizes the gentleman I can tell by the look on your face, consider and assess the adequacy of the spec- from Texas. ifications, measurements, best practices, and Mr. Speaker, that that takes your GENERAL LEAVE benchmarks described in subsection (b) for breath away. use by the Federal Energy Management Pro- Mr. OLSON. Mr. Speaker, I ask unan- This data must be stored and proc- gram, the Energy Star Program, and other imous consent that all Members may essed at data centers, which are the efficiency programs of the Department of have 5 legislative days in which to re- backbone of the 21st century economy, Energy or the Environmental Protection vise and extend their remarks and in- but can be highly energy inefficient. Agency. sert extraneous materials in the While we now routinely hear about ‘‘(e) STUDY.—The Secretary, in collabora- RECORD on the bill. data centers, this was not the case tion with the Administrator, shall, not later The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there than 18 months after the date of enactment when I began examining this issue over of the Energy Efficient Government Tech- objection to the request of the gen- a decade ago. In those days, I had to nology Act, make available to the public an tleman from Texas? explain to my colleagues what a data update to the Report to Congress on Server There was no objection. center was. and Data Center Energy Efficiency published Mr. OLSON. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- In 2005, I offered language in the En- on August 2, 2007, under section 1 of Public self such time as I may consume. ergy Policy Act which mandated an Law 109–431 (120 Stat. 2920), that provides— Mr. Speaker, the Federal Govern- EPA study on the energy use and en- ‘‘(1) a comparison and gap analysis of the ment is a major consumer of elec- ergy costs of data centers. This report estimates and projections contained in the tricity, and its information tech- was then transmitted to Congress in original report with new data regarding the nologies account for a large and grow- period from 2008 through 2015; 2007, and today most Americans under- ‘‘(2) an analysis considering the impact of ing percentage of that major use. That stand that data centers are a critical information technologies, including is why we need H.R. 306, the Energy Ef- part of our national infrastructure and virtualization and cloud computing, in the ficient Government Technology Act, are found in nearly every sector of our public and private sectors; introduced by my good friend from economy. ‘‘(3) an evaluation of the impact of the California (Ms. ESHOO). According to the GSA, the Federal combination of cloud platforms, mobile de- This bill creates a process by which Government, alone, has more than 2,000 vices, social media, and big data on data cen- Federal agencies can incorporate the data centers which store everything ter energy usage; latest efficiency improvements in their from Social Security and tax records to ‘‘(4) an evaluation of water usage in data centers and recommendations for reductions information technologies, including e-books at the Library of Congress. in such water usage; and data centers. It also sets out yard- Several Silicon Valley companies ‘‘(5) updated projections and recommenda- sticks to measure progress. have taken the lead in developing effi- tions for best practices through fiscal year The result of this bill would be lower cient, sustainable data centers, but we 2020. Federal energy bills and taxpayer sav- can do much, much more across the ‘‘(f) DATA CENTER ENERGY PRACTITIONER ings. In addition, the Federal Govern- private sector and the government. PROGRAM.—The Secretary, in collaboration ment can set an example for energy ef- The Department of Energy estimates with key stakeholders and the Director of ficiency that the private sector IT sys- that the 70 billion kilowatt hours of the Office of Management and Budget, shall electricity that are used by U.S. data maintain a data center energy practitioner tems would be able to copy. program that leads to the certification of en- Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of centers annually could be slashed in ergy practitioners qualified to evaluate the my time. half simply through implementation of energy usage and efficiency opportunities in Ms. ESHOO. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- best practices and existing tech- Federal data centers. Each Federal agency self such time as I may consume. nologies. shall consider having the data centers of the Mr. Speaker, I am really pleased to This bill, H.R. 306, will drive energy agency evaluated every 4 years, in accord- rise today in support of this legisla- efficiency improvements across the ance with section 543(f) of the National En- tion, the Energy Efficient Government government’s IT and data centers by ergy Conservation Policy Act, by energy Technology Act. requiring Federal agencies to, number practitioners certified pursuant to such pro- I want to thank my colleague and one, utilize the best technologies and gram. ‘‘(g) OPEN DATA INITIATIVE.—The Sec- friend, Mr. OLSON, for his wonderful de- energy management strategies; two, retary, in collaboration with key stake- scription of the bill and his important formulate specific goals and periodi- holders and the Office of Management and support of it. I want to thank the new cally review their energy efficiency—it

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:39 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10JA7.018 H10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H268 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 10, 2017 is very important to track the effi- leaders I have seen are ones who lead Internet access service that has not more ciencies—and, three, make government by example. H.R. 306 makes sure D.C. than 250,000 subscribers. center data energy usage statistics leads by example. If we lead, the whole The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- public in a way that empowers further country will follow. ant to the rule, the gentlewoman from innovation. I urge my colleagues to vote ‘‘aye’’ Tennessee (Mrs. BLACKBURN) and the Importantly, the bill requires govern- on H.R. 306. gentleman from California (Mr. ment agencies to formulate specific Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance MCNERNEY) each will control 20 min- performance goals and a means to cal- of my time. utes. culate overall cost savings from imple- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The The Chair recognizes the gentle- mentation. question is on the motion offered by woman from Tennessee. Mr. Speaker, as I said, I first intro- the gentleman from Texas (Mr. OLSON) GENERAL LEAVE duced the legislation in 2013. It has that the House suspend the rules and Mrs. BLACKBURN. Mr. Speaker, I passed the House by wide margins in pass the bill, H.R. 306. ask unanimous consent that all Mem- each of the last two Congresses. It is The question was taken; and (two- bers may have 5 legislative days in noncontroversial. It is bipartisan. It thirds being in the affirmative) the which to revise and extend their re- makes sense. I want to urge all of my rules were suspended and the bill was marks and insert extraneous materials colleagues to support the bill. passed. in the RECORD on this bill. I thank my colleagues on a bipar- A motion to reconsider was laid on The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there tisan basis at the Energy and Com- the table. objection to the request of the gentle- merce Committee, and I reserve the f woman from Tennessee? balance of my time. SMALL BUSINESS BROADBAND There was no objection. Mr. OLSON. Mr. Speaker, I join my DEPLOYMENT ACT b 1530 colleague in trying to spice things up, so I reserve the balance of my allotted Mrs. BLACKBURN. Mr. Speaker, I Mrs. BLACKBURN. Mr. Speaker, I time. move to suspend the rules and pass the yield myself such time as I may con- Ms. ESHOO. Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 bill (H.R. 288) to ensure that small sume. minutes to the gentleman from Cali- business providers of broadband Inter- Mr. Speaker, I rise today in support fornia (Mr. MCNERNEY), my valued col- net access service can devote resources of H.R. 288, the Small Business league on the committee. to broadband deployment rather than Broadband Deployment Act. I am glad Mr. MCNERNEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise compliance with cumbersome regu- that the House is taking swift action to support H.R. 306, the Energy Effi- latory requirements. on this bill, which would protect small cient Government Technology Act, The Clerk read the title of the bill. Internet service providers from the en- sponsored by the committee. It is also The text of the bill is as follows: hanced disclosure requirements laid bipartisan, as my colleague from Cali- H.R. 288 out in the 2015 Open Internet Order. fornia mentioned, sponsored by Ms. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- After adopting the Open Internet ESHOO and Mr. KINZINGER of Illinois. resentatives of the United States of America in Order, the FCC recognized the impor- H.R. 306 promotes the use of energy Congress assembled, tance of exempting small ISPs from efficiency and energy savings informa- SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. these enhanced transparency rules and tion technologies and practices across This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Small Busi- subsequently granted a temporary ex- the Federal Government, especially in ness Broadband Deployment Act’’. emption to broadband providers with data centers. SEC. 2. EXCEPTION TO ENHANCEMENT TO fewer than 100,000 subscribers. How- TRANSPARENCY REQUIREMENTS ever, the Commission failed to reach The bill amends the Energy Inde- FOR SMALL BUSINESSES. pendence Act of 2007 to require Federal (a) IN GENERAL.—The enhancements to the an agreement to grant another exemp- agencies to coordinate with the OMB, transparency rule of the Federal Commu- tion before the deadline last December DOE, and EPA in developing an imple- nications Commission under section 8.3 of and, as a result, has left hundreds of mentation strategy for the mainte- title 47, Code of Federal Regulations, as de- our Nation’s small providers vulnerable nance, purchase, and use of energy effi- scribed in paragraphs 162 through 184 of the to cumbersome rules. ciency and energy savings information Report and Order on Remand, Declaratory FCC Commissioners Pai and O’Rielly technology. Ruling, and Order of the Federal Commu- have taken action, since the exemption nications Commission with regard to pro- expired, to reassure our small Ten percent of Federal electricity is tecting and promoting the open Internet consumed by Federal energy centers. (adopted February 26, 2015) (FCC 15–24), shall broadband providers that the rules will H.R. 306 aims to keep that at 10 percent not apply to any small business. not be enforced until the situation has or even to reduce it. (b) SUNSET.—Subsection (a) shall not have been addressed by the Commission, but The legislation also sets out specific any force or effect after the date that is 5 Congress should go a step further and items for consideration in developing years after the date of the enactment of this provide certainty to our Nation’s small an implementation strategy that re- Act. businesses and pass this bill. quires the establishment of perform- (c) REPORT BY FCC.—Not later than 180 Rather than a 1-year exemption to days after the date of the enactment of this the enhanced disclosure requirements, ance goals for evaluating agencies’ ef- Act, the Federal Communications Commis- forts. In addition, the bill would amend sion shall submit to the Committee on En- this bill would exempt for 5 years the 2007 act to require the DOE and ergy and Commerce of the House of Rep- broadband providers with fewer than EPA to collaborate with stakeholders resentatives and the Committee on Com- 250,000 subscribers from the enhanced in the implementation of data centers, merce, Science, and Transportation of the reporting obligations, providing them efficiency programs, and other meas- Senate a report that contains the rec- with the regulatory certainty to invest ures to improve data center energy ef- ommendations of the Commission (and data in their business. ficiency. supporting such recommendations) regard- At our hearing last January, we ing— heard from multiple witnesses just how Again, the legislation was passed by (1) whether the exception provided by sub- the House without dissent last year as section (a) should be made permanent; and cumbersome and burdensome these stand-alone legislation. I urge my col- (2) whether the definition of the term rules are. One witness described the leagues to support it. ‘‘small business’’ for purposes of such excep- difference to be as significant as the I commend my colleagues Ms. ESHOO tion should be modified from the definition need to hire regulatory counsel versus and Mr. KINZINGER. in subsection (d)(2). the ability to build another tower to Ms. ESHOO. Mr. Speaker, I yield (d) DEFINITIONS.—In this section: provide service. For a small business in back the balance of my time. (1) BROADBAND INTERNET ACCESS SERVICE.— a capital-intensive industry, that could Mr. OLSON. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- The term ‘‘broadband Internet access serv- be the difference between getting more ice’’ has the meaning given such term in sec- self the balance of my time. tion 8.2 of title 47, Code of Federal Regula- people connected to the Internet and Mr. Speaker, I have been a naval avi- tions. going out of business. ator, a Senate staffer, and a Member of (2) SMALL BUSINESS.—The term ‘‘small We cannot let our small businesses Congress. In those 20 years, the best business’’ means any provider of broadband and hardworking taxpayers be saddled

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:39 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00030 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10JA7.057 H10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE January 10, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H269 with more onerous rules and the costs Mr. WALDEN. Mr. Speaker, I want to So often these small ISPs provide that they bring. In addition to regu- thank the new subcommittee chairman service to areas of the country that are latory relief for small ISPs, the bill of the Subcommittee on Communica- rural, like in my district throughout adds certainty for our Nation’s small tions and Technology. I know our eastern Oregon or Representative ISPs by extending the exemption for 5 country is in good hands and our com- LOEBSACK’s district in Iowa—we heard years. mittee is as well with Mrs. BLACKBURN from him—or may not be as easy to It was disappointing to see the Com- chairing that important subcommittee. serve and, in some cases, provide a mission fail to reach an agreement at I want to thank my colleague from vital competitive edge to larger Inter- the end of last year to extend the ex- California for his kind comments and net service providers. We should be emption, and it is why we are here his work over the years on these issues. making all efforts to promote the via- today. Despite overwhelming bipar- I concur with him that we have a won- bility of these businesses, not saddle tisan support from Congress and Presi- derful opportunity to continue our bi- them with additional requirements dent Obama’s Small Business Adminis- partisan work as the committee has that make it more difficult to do what tration, negotiations fell short, and our been known for, for a long time. Clear- they are in business to do. Nation’s smallest and most competi- ly, from time to time, we will have our Representative LOEBSACK and I were tive Internet service providers were differences, and we know that as well. able to come to a compromise through left to bear the burden. It is part of democracy. There is so extensive negotiation. In the bill we In today’s 21st century economy, we much of this work, like this bill, that have before us today, we extend this need to do more to encourage is so very important. exemption for 5 years. Now, it gives connectivity, and this bill embodies As we begin the 115th Congress, I am greater regulatory certainty to these that spirit. Congress is poised to pro- pleased to be here to support this bi- small Internet service providers look- vide the regulatory certainty small partisan bill because I think it reflects ing for predictability when making in- businesses are seeking in order to in- the best of what government can do for vestment decisions. In addition, we in- vest in stronger networks and foster a those who sent us here. Small Business creased the threshold for defining a better consumer experience. Broadband Deployment Act seeks to al- small business and required the FCC to I want to thank Chairman WALDEN leviate, as you have heard, Mr. Speak- report back to Congress on the exemp- and Mr. LOEBSACK for acting quickly to er, these unnecessary regulatory bur- tion along with data around small ISPs reintroduce this legislation, and I urge dens on small Internet service pro- that is currently lacking. all of my colleagues to support the viders—these are the small ones, often- In the end, this bill presents a good commonsense measure. times in our rural communities but not compromise that will relieve burdens Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of always—while still ensuring that con- for small businesses while leaving in my time. sumers are protected. We found the place protections for consumers. So it Mr. MCNERNEY. Mr. Speaker, I yield myself such time as I may consume. right balance here. is important to note this bill doesn’t First of all, I want to congratulate By extending an exemption to the affect the transparency rules, as my the gentleman from Oregon on his new Federal Communications Commission’s colleagues have mentioned, adopted in chairmanship. I look forward to work- enhanced reporting rules, this bill al- the FCC’s 2010 rules. Consumers will ing across the aisle on most of the lows these small businesses to focus on continue to have access to those disclo- issues. It is a good bipartisan sub- their core mission, and that is to pro- sures they have come to expect, with committee. I think we have a lot to ac- vide broadband Internet access to cus- the information needed to make in- complish. tomers throughout America. Over the formed decisions about their Internet The Small Business Broadband De- past year, we spent a great deal of time service. ployment Act, H.R. 288, unanimously focused on this issue. We first raised Again, this bill passed the House passed the House last Congress on a bi- concerns with the Federal Communica- unanimously last year, 411–0. Unfortu- partisan vote, unanimous. H.R. 288 pro- tions Commission in a letter, Mr. nately, while it made it through the vides a 5-year exemption from the Speaker, from the committee, as well Senate Commerce Committee, it never FCC’s enhanced transparency rules for as from the Committee on Small Busi- quite came up for a vote in the Senate. small Internet service providers that ness. We urged the chairman, Tom In addition, the exemption granted by serve 250,000 or fewer subscribers. Wheeler, to not only make the exemp- the FCC expired on December 15, 2016, This exemption comes with the un- tion permanent but also to raise the and has not yet been renewed. Now, derstanding that there is a 5-year sun- threshold by defining a small business that leaves these many small busi- set on the exemption and that the FCC to bring it in line with the definitions nesses exposed to the serious reporting report to Congress with sufficient in- previously blessed by the Obama ad- burden that we have heard about formation to help us better understand ministration’s Small Business Admin- throughout this process, as well as a the impacts on the consumers of a per- istration. We were trying to find some great deal of uncertainty around what manent exemption, of a possible per- consistency, some workability, and the future may hold for them. It is now manent exemption. This data will also some common sense here. more important than ever that we act better inform us whether a longer term Well, unfortunately, the FCC only ex- to quickly fill this gap and protect exemption is necessary and whether we tended the exemption for 1 year, de- these businesses and the consumers got the definition of what a small busi- spite the overwhelming support to do they serve. ness is right in this case. this permanent extension. It was clear I would like to thank my colleagues It is also worth noting that H.R. 288 Congress needed to act. That is what on both sides of the aisle, especially would leave intact the FCC’s 2010 we are doing here. I introduced a dis- Representative LOEBSACK, for working transparency rules that consumers cussion draft last year that would have with us on this bill. This bipartisan have come to rely on, such as what permanently extended the exemption process has resulted in a strong piece they are paying for, Internet speeds and increased the threshold by defining of legislation that I am confident will they rely on, data quality, and so on. a small business. protect many and promote continued At the same time, these modifications At our January 2016 legislative hear- network investment and build-out by provide certainty for small ISPs while ing on the bill, we heard from a small small businesses. This legislation rep- the FCC collects and reports relevant Internet service provider who shared resents a commonsense approach to a information to Congress. the dilemma that many small ISPs problem that directly impacts so many Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of face in these circumstances: Should of our constituents. This solution will my time. they put up new equipment, or should enable our country to continue its Mrs. BLACKBURN. Mr. Speaker, I they hire a lawyer to help with compli- leadership in broadband deployment. I yield 5 minutes to the gentleman from ance? Should they improve service for urge my colleagues to support this leg- Oregon (Mr. WALDEN), the chairman of customers, or should they devote those islation. the Committee on Energy and Com- financial resources to sifting through Mr. MCNERNEY. Mr. Speaker, again, merce and the author of this legisla- regulatory language and drafting ex- I want to thank the chairman for his tion. tensive reports on packet loss? work on this and for his willingness to

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:39 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00031 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10JA7.061 H10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H270 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 10, 2017 compromise. As he pointed out, it was most creativity in looking for new The Clerk read the title of the bill. a process. It took both sides. I think he ways to get in their way. Oftentimes, The text of the bill is as follows: wanted permanent exemption, we small Internet providers are the only H.R. 321 wanted a less exemption, and it worked ones willing to take the risk and de- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- out. I think it is the right compromise. ploy broadband to particularly hard-to- resentatives of the United States of America in Five years gives businesses the predict- reach areas of rural America. The last Congress assembled, ability they need. It is a good place to thing they have time for is the FCC im- SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. be. In 5 years, we will see the report posing a greater regulatory burden on This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Inspiring and whether it makes sense to con- them, diverting precious resources to the Next Space Pioneers, Innovators, Re- tinue the exemption or not. searchers, and Explorers (INSPIRE) Women make Washington bureaucrats busy in- Act’’. I also want to take this opportunity stead of doing what they do best, pro- to congratulate my colleague from SEC. 2. FINDINGS. viding high quality broadband services The Congress finds that— Tennessee on assuming the chairman- to millions of Americans in every cor- (1) NASA GIRLS and NASA BOYS are vir- ship of the subcommittee. I look for- ner of our country. tual mentoring programs using commer- ward to our working together. Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to cially available video chat programs to pair Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of support this legislation and help reduce National Aeronautics and Space Administra- my time. a portion of the tedious regulatory bur- tion mentors with young students anywhere Mrs. BLACKBURN. Mr. Chairman, I den on small businesses. in the country. NASA GIRLS and NASA yield 2 minutes to the gentleman from BOYS give young students the opportunity Georgia (Mr. CARTER), a new member b 1545 to interact and learn from real engineers, of our committee, the Committee on Mr. MCNERNEY. Mr. Speaker, in scientists, and technologists. Energy and Commerce. closing, I just want to say that the bill (2) The Aspire to Inspire (A2I) program en- Mr. CARTER of Georgia. Mr. Speak- gages young girls to present science, tech- passed unanimously in the last Con- nology, engineering, and mathematics er, I rise today to express my support gress. It is bipartisan. It gives small (STEM) career opportunities through the of H.R. 288, the Small Business ISP providers a certain amount of time real lives and jobs of early career women at Broadband Deployment Act. In 2015, and it allows the FCC to decide if it is NASA. the FCC adopted burdensome trans- overburdensome or not, to require (3) The Summer Institute in Science, Tech- parency requirements for Internet them to disclose information to their nology, Engineering, and Research (SISTER) service providers. The FCC imme- customers. This allows us to give cus- program at the Goddard Space Flight Center diately recognized that these new tomers the amount of protection that is designed to increase awareness of, and pro- vide an opportunity for, female middle transparency requirements would be is due them as well. particularly burdensome for small school students to be exposed to and explore So it is a good compromise. I urge all nontraditional career fields with Goddard Internet service providers, so they pro- of my colleagues to support it. Space Flight Center women engineers, math- vided a temporary exemption for pro- I thank my colleagues for their hard ematicians, scientists, technicians, and re- viders with 100,000 or fewer subscribers. work. searchers. Despite overwhelming support to make Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance SEC. 3. SUPPORTING WOMEN’S INVOLVEMENT IN the exemption permanent, the Com- of my time. THE FIELDS OF AEROSPACE AND mission extended the current exemp- Mrs. BLACKBURN. Mr. Speaker, I SPACE EXPLORATION. tion for just an additional year. will just encourage my colleagues to The Administrator of the National Aero- The bill eases the burdens created by join us in passing H.R. 288. nautics and Space Administration shall en- the FCC rule by extending the exemp- As my colleague from California said, courage women and girls to study science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, tion to Internet service providers who this is one of those commonsense meas- pursue careers in aerospace, and further ad- have 250,000 subscribers or less and ex- ures. When you talk about removing vance the Nation’s space science and explo- tends the exemption for 5 years. the burden of regulatory overreach ration efforts through support of the fol- This is commonsense legislation. from our Nation’s small business, and lowing initiatives: This bill provides relief and certainty in this case, our small Internet service (1) NASA GIRLS and NASA BOYS. to Internet service providers so they providers, this is something that will (2) Aspire to Inspire. can continue to build networks, deploy help get that job done. It is also some- (3) Summer Institute in Science, Tech- broadband, improve connectivity for thing that will help extend Internet nology, Engineering, and Research. rural consumers, and create jobs. service to more Americans, and that is SEC. 4. PLAN. Not later than 90 days after the date of en- I commend Chairman WALDEN for a goal that we all share. championing this legislation so that we actment of this Act, the Administrator shall So at this time, in closing, I encour- submit to the Committee on Science, Space, can continue to grow our infrastruc- age passage of H.R. 288. and Technology of the House of Representa- ture and improve connectivity for rural Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance tives and the Committee on Commerce, Americans. of my time. Science, and Transportation of the Senate a Mr. MCNERNEY. Mr. Speaker, I re- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The plan for how NASA can best facilitate and serve the balance of my time. question is on the motion offered by support both current and retired astronauts, Mrs. BLACKBURN. Mr. Speaker, I the gentlewoman from Tennessee (Mrs. scientists, engineers, and innovators, includ- yield 2 minutes to the gentleman from BLACKBURN) that the House suspend ing early career female astronauts, sci- Ohio (Mr. CHABOT). the rules and pass the bill, H.R. 288. entists, engineers, and innovators, to engage Mr. CHABOT. Mr. Speaker, I rise in The question was taken; and (two- with K–12 female STEM students and inspire the next generation of women to consider strong support of H.R. 288, the Small thirds being in the affirmative) the Business Broadband Deployment Act. participating in the fields of science, tech- rules were suspended and the bill was nology, engineering, and mathematics and to This commonsense, bipartisan legisla- passed. pursue careers in aerospace. This plan tion does two important things. First, A motion to reconsider was laid on shall— it extends the temporary exemption the table. (1) report on existing activities with cur- granted to small businesses by the Fed- f rent and retired NASA astronauts, sci- eral Communications Commission, the entists, engineers, and innovators; FCC, from the burdensome disclosure INSPIRING THE NEXT SPACE PIO- (2) identify how NASA could best leverage requirements for Internet service pro- NEERS, INNOVATORS, RE- existing authorities to facilitate and support viders and the FCC’s own Open Inter- SEARCHERS, AND EXPLORERS current and retired astronaut, scientist, en- (INSPIRE) WOMEN ACT gineer, and innovator participation in NASA net Order by 5 years. Second, it in- outreach efforts; creases the number of small businesses Mrs. COMSTOCK. Mr. Speaker, I (3) propose and describe a program specific that can utilize the exemption by rais- move to suspend the rules and pass the to retired astronauts, scientists, engineers, ing the threshold from 100,000 sub- bill (H.R. 321) to inspire women to and innovators; and scribers to the much more realistic enter the aerospace field, including (4) identify any additional authorities nec- 250,000 subscribers. science, technology, engineering, and essary to institute such a program. Small businesses frequently feel that mathematics, through mentorship and The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- the Federal Government exercises its outreach. ant to the rule, the gentlewoman from

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:39 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00032 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10JA7.062 H10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE January 10, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H271 Virginia (Mrs. COMSTOCK) and the gen- sue careers that will further advance cess to a diverse group of current and tlewoman from Connecticut (Ms. ESTY) America’s space science and explo- retired women astronauts, scientists, each will control 20 minutes. ration efforts through support of NASA engineers, mathematicians, and The Chair recognizes the gentle- initiatives such as NASA GIRLS, As- innovators whose accomplishments and woman from Virginia. pire 2 Inspire, and the Summer Insti- career paths are just the sort of inspi- GENERAL LEAVE tute in Science, Technology, Engineer- ration that girls and young women Mrs. COMSTOCK. Mr. Speaker, I ask ing, and Research—SISTER. need. unanimous consent that all Members The goal of NASA GIRLS is to create Astronaut Kate Rubins broke bar- may have 5 legislative days to revise a virtual mentoring project that offers riers and boundaries when she became and extend their remarks and to in- a one-of-a-kind experience to middle the first person to ever sequence DNA clude extraneous material on H.R. 321, school students using online capabili- in space during her spaceflight last the bill now under consideration. ties. year. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there NASA’s vision for Aspire 2 Inspire Just last Friday, Peggy Whitson, the objection to the request of the gentle- was to reach out to young girls and first female commander of the Inter- woman from Virginia? present some of the STEM career op- national Space Station, completed her There was no objection. portunities through the real lives and seventh space walk. Mrs. COMSTOCK. Mr. Speaker, I jobs of early career women at NASA. Vera Rubin’s recent passing re- yield myself such time as I may con- The SISTER program is designed to minded us of her trailblazing career in sume. increase awareness of and provide an astronomy in which she made the I rise to offer H.R. 321, the INSPIRE opportunity for female middle school groundbreaking discovery of dark mat- Act. I am pleased to lead this effort students to be exposed to and explore ter. along with the chairman and ranking nontraditional career fields with God- As has already been mentioned by my friend and colleague, BARBARA COM- member of the Science, Space, and dard Space Flight Center women engi- STOCK, the newly released movie, ‘‘Hid- Technology Committee, LAMAR SMITH neers, mathematicians, scientists, den Figures,’’ highlights through the and EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON, as well as technicians, and researchers. Accord- pioneering story of early NASA mathe- Congresswoman ESTY. ing to NASA, 58 women have traveled maticians and engineers Katherine We did pass this bill last year and in space. Forty-nine of those have Johnson, Dorothy Vaughan, and Mary now we are revisiting it since it didn’t flown with NASA. Jackson that women have been instru- get through the Senate. Of course, there are so many other Recently, the movie, ‘‘Hidden Fig- careers available for women in NASA, mental to our aerospace enterprise since its inception. ures,’’ was released detailing a few of and we want to make sure all of those NASA has developed a number of pro- the unsung heroes of NASA. This are available for them. We know the grams aimed at leveraging its inspira- movie highlights the moving story of a stories of women like Sally Ride and tional workforce to encourage girls and group of African American women who Mae Jemison, but, ironically, we didn’t young women to pursue STEM degrees worked at NASA at a historic time in know these hidden figures that are be- and STEM careers. This includes the the 1960s as mathematicians during the hind the scene. So now, as we move for- NASA GIRLS program, the Aspire 2 In- space race. ward under this program, we hope ev- spire program, and the Summer Insti- Katherine Johnson, Dorothy eryone will know about the many tute in Science, Technology, Engineer- Vaughan, and Mary Jackson were fea- women and the many careers open to ing, and Research, or SISTER program. tured in the movie for their work that both men and women in this NASA H.R. 321 instructs the NASA adminis- launched America into space. program. trator to continue supporting these In a recent interview with the LA Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of and other programs that encourage Times, Ms. Johnson, who is still living, my time. women and girls to study science, tech- was asked: ‘‘At the time, did you know Ms. ESTY. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- nology, engineering, and mathematics, that John Glenn asked for ‘the girl’ self such time as I may consume. as well as to pursue careers in aero- (which would be you) to check the I rise in support of H.R. 321, the IN- space. numbers before he took his landmark SPIRE Women Act. Additionally, the bill calls on NASA flight into space? Did it heighten the This bill calls on the NASA adminis- to develop a plan for how it can best fa- stakes for you?’’ trator to support initiatives that en- cilitate and support current and retired Ms. Johnson’s response: ‘‘I knew they courage girls and young women to astronauts, scientists, engineers, and asked me to check the numbers. That study STEM fields and pursue careers innovators to engage with K–12 female was what I did. They knew my record in aerospace. Unfortunately, women STEM students. for accuracy. I knew and had con- are woefully underrepresented in many Although retired engineers, astro- fidence in my math, so I did it. I al- STEM fields, including aeronautics and nauts, scientists, and engineers are in- ways did my best.’’ aerospace. One of the key barriers to valuable to inspiring the next genera- Mr. Speaker, I didn’t know the story women entering technical fields is self- tion of NASA scientists, I am espe- of these women growing up, even selection out of STEM degrees due to a cially glad and thankful to my col- though they were doing these things at lack of role models. league for including early career fe- a time when we were all watching In the words of longtime children’s male astronauts, scientists, engineers, these things happen. But now today’s advocate and activist, Marian Wright and innovators in this plan. It is very young women well know that story. It Edelman: ‘‘You can’t be what you can’t important for America’s young girls to is an inspiring story. It is one of those see.’’ have experiences interacting with movies Ms. ESTY and I were speaking Too many girls and young women de- young women who look like them in about yesterday that were on our list cide not to pursue studies in technical the STEM fields. of must-sees. fields such as science, engineering, and I thank my Science, Space, and Tech- These women were critical to the aerospace because they look at their nology Committee colleague, Rep- success of our astronauts and our space teachers and their role models and resentative COMSTOCK, for her leader- program that would eventually put a they see no one who looks like them. ship on the bill, as well as our es- man on the Moon. Now is the time to When students are able to visualize teemed chairman, LAMAR SMITH, and pass this legislation that will afford op- themselves working in technical fields, our wonderful ranking member, EDDIE portunities to a future generation of they gain the confidence they need to BERNICE JOHNSON. women leaders who will have a similar take the first step in pursuit of a chal- I urge my colleagues to support this impact on our Nation’s history, and lenging and rewarding STEM career, to bill. maybe, one day, put a woman on Mars. their benefit and to the benefit of soci- Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of The INSPIRE Act authorizes the ety as a whole. my time. NASA administrator to encourage NASA, with its extraordinary STEM Mrs. COMSTOCK. Mr. Speaker, I young women to study mathematics, workforce, is in a unique position to yield 2 minutes to the gentleman from known as the STEM fields, and to pur- help close this gap. The agency has ac- Pennsylvania (Mr. COSTELLO).

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:39 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00033 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10JA7.066 H10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H272 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 10, 2017 Mr. COSTELLO of Pennsylvania. Mr. rent and retired workforce to mentor should be an important part of NASA’s mis- Speaker, I rise today in support of H.R. female K–12 students. What comes to sion. 321, the INSPIRE Women Act, and com- mind are the inspirational women who Current NASA programs such as NASA mend the leadership of Congresswoman are featured in the new movie ‘‘Hidden GIRLS and NASA BOYS are important and COMSTOCK and Congresswoman ESTY on Figures.’’ Those brilliant and brave give young students the opportunity to interact this bill, which I am pleased to also co- women opened the door for so many and learn from real NASA engineers, sci- sponsor. who followed. We must continue to entists, and technologists. We should be doing all we can to en- support our great women in STEM who They provide virtual mentoring that use courage young women who wish to dedicate their time to mentor the girls commercially available video chat programs to study or follow a STEM career path, and young women who will be our next pair NASA innovators with young students and Congresswoman COMSTOCK has in- scientists, engineers, and innovators. across the country. troduced this commonsense bill to I thank my colleagues again—Rep- H.R. 321 builds upon this success. It achieve that goal. resentative COMSTOCK for her leader- leverages NASA’s talent pool of current and H.R. 321 would require NASA to sup- ship on this bill and Representative retired astronauts, and early career female sci- port astronauts, scientists, and engi- ESTY. I strongly support this bill and entists, engineers, and innovators to inform neers who have retired in their efforts encourage my colleagues on both sides and inspire young women to pursue their to encourage young women who are in- of the aisle to pass it. dreams in science, technology, engineering, terested in studying or working in a Mrs. COMSTOCK. Mr. Speaker, I re- and mathematics. One day, these young peo- STEM field. serve the balance of my time. ple will push the boundaries of space. Mr. Speaker, innovative thinkers are Ms. ESTY. Mr. Speaker, again, I Space can be a catalyst for inspiring young critical to our country’s success in the thank my esteemed colleagues for girls to enter the STEM fields. By doing our modern global workforce. But we have their leadership on this, in particular, part to support their engagement in space with heard the statistics. Women make up Representative COMSTOCK from Vir- this legislation, we are investing in the futures ginia and the ranking member. half of the U.S. workforce and half of of our daughters, nieces, and grandchildren. This is a very laudable bill that plays the college educated workforce. Yet, I again want to thank the bill sponsor, Re- an important role in inspiring the next search and Technology Subcommittee Chair- only 25 percent of women who attain generation of STEM engineers and sci- woman COMSTOCK for her leadership on this degrees in the STEM field actually end entists, and I am pleased that we are topic. I encourage my colleagues to support up working in STEM jobs. able to offer this again. This did pass in this bill. That is why I support this bill and the last Congress. Unfortunately, it did Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, I rise in that is why I think the aims of this bill not make it through the Senate. I am strong support of H.R. 321, the INSPIRE are very laudable and could go a long delighted that we are moving early in way toward closing that gap. It is an this session and would urge all of my Women, Act. I support this legislation because Article 1 important effort to improve retention colleagues to swiftly pass this, to send Section 8 of the United States Constitution of women studying and working in it to the Senate, and to get it on the states our duty ‘‘To promote the Progress of STEM fields. President’s desk and make sure these Science and useful Arts, by securing for lim- I thank again Congresswomen COM- important programs are supported long ited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclu- STOCK and ESTY for their leadership. into the future. Ms. ESTY. Mr. Speaker, I yield 3 Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance sive Right to their respective Writings and Dis- minutes to the gentlewoman from of my time. coveries . . .’’ Texas (Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON), Mrs. COMSTOCK. Mr. Speaker, we This includes the education of our next gen- my ranking member. have had over 65 cosponsors this year eration of women considering participation in Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of on the bill, as was mentioned by my the fields of science, technology, engineering, Texas. Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of colleague. It had strong bipartisan sup- and mathematics and to pursue careers in H.R. 321, the Inspiring the Next Space port last year and it has also been in- aerospace. Pioneers, Innovators, Researchers, and troduced now in the Senate, so we cer- Statistics show that women remain under- Explorers Women Act. tainly hope it will move through quick- represented in the science and engineering I want to express my appreciation for ly. workforce, although to a lesser degree than in the leadership of Congresswoman ESTY Eileen Collins, who became the first the past, with the greatest disparities occurring and Congresswoman COMSTOCK. female to command and pilot a space- in engineering, computer science, and the This bill would help ensure that the craft, was asked to give advice to fu- physical sciences (NSF, Science & Engineer- incoming administration continues to ture astronauts. She stated: ing Indicators, 2014). promote and strengthen important pro- My advice to young people is to go into the 1. Female scientists and engineers are con- grams at NASA to inspire and mentor field you are most interested in. If you love centrated in different occupations than are girls and young women to pursue stud- your job, you will do well in your job. men, with relatively high shares of women in ies and careers in STEM areas. I think what we have all discussed the social sciences (58 percent) Despite progress in the right direc- here today is, when you can see that 2. biological and medical sciences (48 per- tion, women remain largely underrep- job and when you can see people who cent) resented in STEM fields because they look like you—see women and people 3. relatively low shares in engineering (13 continue to face cultural and institu- from all walks of life in those posi- percent) tional barriers throughout their stud- tions—and the Internet allows us to do 4. computer and mathematical sciences (25 ies and career progression. that now, then you can really have percent) (NSF, Science & Engineering Indica- H.R. 321 would support existing pro- that kind of exposure, which is quite tors, 2014). grams at NASA that encourage young exciting. Women make up 47 percent of the total girls and women to study STEM fields I appreciate the opportunity to, once U.S. workforce, but are much less represented and pursue careers in aerospace. again, present this bill, and I ask my in particular science and engineering occupa- tions (U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of b 1600 colleagues to join me in support. Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance Labor Statistics, Women in the Labor Force: A These programs include NASA of my time. Databook, 2014): GIRLS, a virtual mentoring program; Mr. SMITH of Texas. Mr. Speaker, science, 1. 39 percent of chemists and material sci- Aspire to Inspire, a program con- technology, engineering and math are critical entists are women; necting young girls with women in to America’s future prosperity. 2. 27.9 percent of environmental scientists STEM careers at NASA; and a summer Women are unfortunately underrepresented and geoscientists are women; institute program that increases in STEM careers. Despite representing nearly 3. 15.6 percent of chemical engineers are awareness and exposes young, middle half of the college-educated and total U.S. women; school girls to the STEM careers at workforce, women account for less than 25 4. 12.1 percent of civil engineers are NASA. percent of America’s STEM workforce. women; H.R. 321 also calls on NASA to de- Supporting women’s involvement in the 5. 8.3 percent of electrical and electronics velop a plan for how best to use its cur- fields of aerospace and space exploration engineers are women;

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:39 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00034 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K10JA7.067 H10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE January 10, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H273 6. 17.2 percent of industrial engineers are focus beyond the laboratory so they can be Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of women; and leaders in discovery commercialization; my time. 7. 7.2 percent of mechanical engineers are (5) studies have shown that technology and Ms. ESTY. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- commercialization ventures are successful women. when women are in top management posi- self such time as I may consume. These statistics show that measures need tions; and I rise in support of H.R. 255, the Pro- to be taken in order to promote women partici- (6) the National Science Foundation’s mis- moting Women in Entrepreneurship pation in the fields of science, technology, en- sion includes supporting women in STEM Act. gineering, and mathematics and to pursue ca- disciplines. Our bill encourages the National reers in aerospace. SEC. 3. SUPPORTING WOMEN’S ENTREPRE- Science Foundation to use its success- H.R. 321 will support NASA GIRLS and NEURIAL PROGRAMS. ful entrepreneurial education and NASA BOYS, virtual mentoring programs Section 33 of the Science and Engineering Equal Opportunities Act (42 U.S.C. 1885a) is training programs, such as the Innova- using commercially available video chat pro- amended— tion Corps, known as I-Corps, and Part- grams, to pair National Aeronautics and Space (1) by striking ‘‘and’’ at the end of para- nerships for Innovation, to inspire, re- Administration mentors with young students graph (10); cruit, and support women scientists anywhere in the country. (2) by striking the period at the end of and engineers who are interested in NASA GIRLS and NASA BOYS give young paragraph (11) and inserting ‘‘; and’’; and turning their laboratory discoveries students the opportunity to interact and learn (3) by adding at the end the following new into commercial technologies. paragraph: from real engineers, scientists, and tech- Mr. Speaker, you may ask: Why is it nologists. ‘‘(12) encourage its entrepreneurial pro- grams to recruit and support women to ex- that we need a bill like this? We have H.R. 321 will also support the ‘‘Aspire to In- tend their focus beyond the laboratory and these programs. Doesn’t everyone spire’’ Program (A2I), which engages young into the commercial world.’’. know that we need more women in the girls to present science, technology, engineer- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- STEM fields? ing, and mathematics (STEM) career opportu- ant to the rule, the gentlewoman from The answer is twofold: nities through the real lives and jobs of early Virginia (Mrs. COMSTOCK) and the gen- Number one, we have a workforce career women at NASA. tlewoman from Connecticut (Ms. ESTY) shortage. If you take the field of ad- H.R. 321 also promotes the Summer Insti- each will control 20 minutes. vanced manufacturing by itself, in New tute in Science, Technology, Engineering, and The Chair recognizes the gentle- England, there are 16,000 positions that Research (SISTER) program at the Goddard woman from Virginia. are open currently. We have people who Space Flight Center designed to increase GENERAL LEAVE are looking for work—many of them awareness of, and provide an opportunity for, Mrs. COMSTOCK. Mr. Speaker, I ask women. They don’t have the skill sets female middle school students to be exposed unanimous consent that all Members to meet that open job need right now, to and explore nontraditional career fields with may have 5 legislative days to revise and that is a need for America to fill Goddard Space Flight Center women engi- and extend their remarks and to in- those jobs; so, number one, we need our neers, mathematicians, scientists, technicians, clude extraneous material on H.R. 255, qualified workforce with appropriate and researchers. the bill now under consideration. skills to meet the jobs of today. Let me close by urging all Members to join The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there We also need to think about the jobs me in voting to pass H.R. 321. objection to the request of the gentle- of tomorrow. We are a wonderfully di- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The woman from Virginia? verse country. Over half of our work- question is on the motion offered by There was no objection. force is made up of women and people the gentlewoman from Virginia (Mrs. Mrs. COMSTOCK. Mr. Speaker, I of color—historically, chronically, COMSTOCK) that the House suspend the yield myself such time as I may con- still—underrepresented in the STEM rules and pass the bill, H.R. 321. sume. fields. There are problems we aren’t The question was taken; and (two- I offer another bipartisan bill that even addressing and solutions we thirds being in the affirmative) the Ms. ESTY and I have introduced, H.R. haven’t thought of if we don’t have rules were suspended and the bill was 255, her bill called Promoting Women more women with these power tools of passed. in Entrepreneurship Act. We are joined the STEM skills to address the chal- A motion to reconsider was laid on again on this measure by the chairman lenges and opportunities that this the table. and the ranking member, who are country is facing; so it is both a moral f original cosponsors of this bill. Our bill, H.R. 255, amends the Science and an economic imperative that we PROMOTING WOMEN IN and Engineering Equal Opportunities equip more young women, and that is ENTREPRENEURSHIP ACT Act to authorize the National Science what our bill aims to do here today. Mrs. COMSTOCK. Mr. Speaker, I Foundation to use its entrepreneurial I have heard time and time again in move to suspend the rules and pass the programs to recruit women and to ex- my district, in which we have a lot of bill (H.R. 255) to authorize the National tend their focus beyond the laboratory small startup companies and major Science Foundation to support entre- and into the commercial world. The universities, about this challenge that preneurial programs for women. bill also includes a number of findings we face of bridging that gap between The Clerk read the title of the bill. regarding women in science, tech- the laboratory and what happens in the The text of the bill is as follows: nology, engineering, and mathematics commercial workforce. Through my work, I have formed a STEM advisory H.R. 255 fields, also known as the STEM fields. One finding in this bill notes that council and have met with them for the Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- last 2 years. Among these are the prob- resentatives of the United States of America in women make up almost 50 percent of Congress assembled, the workforce but less than 25 percent lems they identified: limited access to capital, a lack of women mentors in SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. of the workforce in STEM professions. This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Promoting We want to make sure we can do every- the STEM fields, unmanageable expec- Women in Entrepreneurship Act’’. thing to improve these statistics, and tations for work-life balance, and un- SEC. 2. FINDINGS. we believe this bill, along with our ear- conscious biases against women in the The Congress finds that— lier bill that we voted on, is a step in sciences. These are among the sorts of (1) women make up almost 50 percent of the right direction. issues for which the I-Corps and the the workforce, but less than 25 percent of the Again, I have been happy to collabo- Partnerships for Innovation have been workforce in science, technology, engineer- rate with my colleague, Congress- designed—in order to help close that ing, and mathematics (STEM) professions; woman ESTY, on this important legis- gap to deal with these issues. (2) women are less likely to focus on the lation for our young women so that I want to give you examples of two of STEM disciplines in undergraduate and grad- they may look to the stars and realize the women in my district with whom I uate study; (3) only 26 percent of women who do attain their dreams in this important field have met who are benefiting from these degrees in STEM fields work in STEM jobs; that will really be important in the programs and why we need to have (4) there is an increasing demand for indi- 21st century. I urge my colleagues to more of them and the kind of dif- viduals with STEM degrees to extend their support the bill. ference that they will make.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:39 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00035 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10JA7.022 H10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H274 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 10, 2017 The first is Zengmin Xia. She is a computer science. Women who success- who have been very active on our bill, student at the University of Con- fully complete degrees in these fields as well as a male. We are fortunate to necticut, and she helped the Wei Lab- and want to turn their research and have female leadership on our staff, oratory secure a National Science their talents into building new compa- also, and we thank them. Foundation I-Corps grant to commer- nies and creating new jobs then dis- I know, in working on a program that cialize her work on tissue engineer proportionately face new hurdles, such I have had over the past 4 years, a scaffolds, innovative work which is as obtaining access to credit. young woman’s leadership program, going to help with bone repair and re- Unfortunately, because of these bar- NASA, space, and astronauts have been generation. She attributes her success riers, it remains as important as ever some of the most popular people that to her female adviser and mentor, Pro- for our Federal science agencies to sup- our women in junior high and high fessor Mei Wei, who encouraged her as port programs and provide grants with school have liked to meet, hear from, a young woman to carry out her path the goal of encouraging, inspiring, and and really be able to see themselves in forward in the biotech world. She supporting women in STEM at all lev- those roles and to talk to women who helped her make that transition from els of their education and training, in- have actually been leaders in those the lab and the classroom out into the cluding entrepreneurship education fields. commercial world. She was lucky that and training. So I appreciate the opportunity to she had a mentor with the experience H.R. 255 ensures that longstanding join with my colleagues now in giving to help close this gap. entrepreneurship education and train- that opportunity to the next genera- Claire Leonardi is the CEO of Health ing programs at the National Science tion. Esense, which is a digital health start- Foundation continue to encourage and I yield back the balance of my time. up firm in Avon, Connecticut. She re- recruit women who are looking to Mr. SMITH of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I support ceived seed grant funding and gained move beyond the laboratory and com- H.R. 255, the Promoting Women in Entrepre- access to hands-on training workshops mercialize the results of their research. neurship Act. I thank my Science Committee to learn how to market her technology If we are serious about growing our colleagues Ms. ESTY, who authored the bill, to consumers. She is now equipped economy, it is just common sense that and Research and Technology Subcommittee with the tools to take her discovery we would encourage all of our best and Chairwoman COMSTOCK for their initiative on and bring it into market. brightest—male and female—to com- this issue. Both of these women scientists are mercialize their best ideas and create H.R. 255 authorizes the National Science examples of the kind of innovation, the new companies and new jobs. Foundation (NSF) to use its existing entrepre- kind of economic engine, and the prob- I thank my colleagues Representa- neurial programs to recruit and support lem solving we need all Americans to tive ESTY for her leadership and Rep- women and help them develop their research participate in. That is what is at stake. resentative COMSTOCK for her leader- and technology ideas for the marketplace. That is why we are proposing this. This ship on this bill. I strongly support the STEM education is critical to our country’s is not simply about having a poster bill and encourage my colleagues on economy and global competitiveness. A well- with a diverse group of scientists to both sides of the aisle to support it. educated and trained STEM workforce pro- hang on the wall at the Air and Space Mrs. COMSTOCK. Mr. Speaker, I re- motes our future economic prosperity. Museum and inspire young people. serve the balance of my time. These STEM workers have the potential to develop technologies that could save thou- That is important, but it is also impor- b 1615 tant to build on the good work we have sands of lives, jump-start new industries, or already done with the National Science Ms. ESTY. Mr. Speaker, once again, I even discover new worlds. Foundation—to really provide that thank Congressman COMSTOCK, Rank- That’s why I authored with Ms. ESTY the equipment, those tools, those mentors, ing Member EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON, STEM Education Act, a new law that strength- the training, and to take those lab dis- and our Chairman LAMAR SMITH, and I ens science, technology, engineering and coveries, the basic R&D, and commer- would urge my colleagues to support mathematics education efforts at federal cialize it. this worthwhile piece of legislation. It science agencies. It also, for the first time, ex- I am very excited that we are re- is wonderful to be able to start out the pands the definition of STEM to include com- introducing this bill. It passed with legislative session with important leg- puter science. The bill was signed by the overwhelming support in the last Con- islation that will help make a dif- President in October 2015. gress. Once again, sadly, it did not pass ference. Not only the lives of the indi- Unfortunately, studies show that only 26 in the Senate, but we will start early viduals who receive these grants and percent of women who attain degrees in in this Congress. I am delighted to be this training but the entire country STEM fields work in STEM jobs. working again with my colleague, Mrs. benefits when we have more women H.R. 255 encourages NSF to tackle this COMSTOCK; with the ranking member, and more young women trained in problem. It enhances women’s ability to trans- EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON, who is here these fields and able to operationalize late their enthusiasm, scientific expertise and today; and with Chairman SMITH, who and commercialize their discoveries to research ideas into tangible products and is detained with other committee the benefit of all Americans and, in businesses. work. many cases, the entire world. Inspiring American students to seek science Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of I urge my colleagues to adopt this and math careers is a goal shared by Repub- my time. and vote in favor of this important res- licans and Democrats alike. Some of the most Mrs. COMSTOCK. Mr. Speaker, I re- olution. energizing and exciting moments of my serve the balance of my time. I yield back the balance of my time. Science Committee chairmanship have been Ms. ESTY. Mr. Speaker, I yield 3 Mrs. COMSTOCK. Mr. Speaker, I interactions with young people who want to minutes to the gentlewoman from thank Congresswoman ESTY and Con- pursue STEM studies and careers. Texas (Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON). gressman JOHNSON and appreciate their At various Committee hearings and robotics Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of passion on both of these bills and their competitions in my district, I have encountered Texas. Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of leadership and, once again, being able motivated, talented young people who want H.R. 255, the Promoting Women in En- to join with them on inspiring the next nothing more than an opportunity to pursue trepreneurship Act. generation of women leaders in the their dreams. And, in some cases, change the The bill helps to build on STEM edu- STEM fields. world with their ideas. cation and mentorship programs, such As was noted by my colleagues, there Their passion for learning and science re- as those highlighted in the INSPIRE is such a shortage of people to fill these minds me of why I enjoy serving in Congress Women Act. jobs in general. Now this will equip and on the Science Committee. More women are pursuing STEM de- more women to be able to be prepared I again thank Ms. ESTY and Chairwoman grees and careers overall, but they con- in these important fields that will COMSTOCK for their work on this bill. I urge my tinue to be underrepresented in many allow us to be leaders in the 21st cen- colleagues to join me in support of H.R. 255. STEM fields. This is especially true in tury economy. Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, I rise in STEM fields with high entrepreneur- I would like to thank our staff—par- support of H.R. 255 the ‘‘Promoting Women in ship rates, such as engineering and ticularly we have our female staff here Entrepreneurship Act.’’

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:39 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00036 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K10JA7.070 H10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE January 10, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H275 As a Senior Member on the House Com- A motion to reconsider was laid on nologies that address existing or imminent mittee on Homeland Security who sits on the the table. cybersecurity gaps in public or private infor- Subcommittee on Cybersecurity, Infrastructure mation systems and networks of information f systems, identify and support necessary im- Protection, and Security Technologies, I know SUPPORT FOR RAPID INNOVATION provements identified during pilot programs well of the need to encourage and train ACT OF 2017 and testing and evaluation activities, and in- women to thrive in the Science, Technology, troduce new cybersecurity technologies Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) fields. Mr. RATCLIFFE. Mr. Speaker, I throughout the homeland security enterprise Promoting diversity in the STEM professions move to suspend the rules and pass the through partnerships and commercialization. is more than just an idea; it requires an under- bill (H.R. 239) to amend the Homeland The Under Secretary shall target federally standing that there is a need to have a proc- Security Act of 2002 to provide for in- funded cybersecurity research that dem- novative research and development, onstrates a high probability of successful ess that will ensure the inclusion of all minori- transition to the commercial market within ties and women in all areas of American life. and for other purposes, as amended. two years and that is expected to have a no- Studies have found that women make up al- The Clerk read the title of the bill. table impact on the public or private infor- most 50 percent of the workforce. The text of the bill is as follows: mation systems and networks of information Studies note that 23 percent of STEM work- H.R. 239 systems. ‘‘(e) DEFINITIONS.—In this section: ers are women; however, women make up 48 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- ‘‘(1) CYBERSECURITY RISK.—The term ‘cy- resentatives of the United States of America in percent of workers in all occupations. bersecurity risk’ has the meaning given such Congress assembled, Only 26 percent of women who do attain term in section 227. degrees in STEM fields work in STEM jobs. SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. ‘‘(2) HOMELAND SECURITY ENTERPRISE.—The According to the most recent available data This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Support for term ‘homeland security enterprise’ means women are less likely to focus on the STEM Rapid Innovation Act of 2017’’. relevant governmental and nongovernmental disciplines in undergraduate and graduate SEC. 2. CYBERSECURITY RESEARCH AND DEVEL- entities involved in homeland security, in- studies. OPMENT PROJECTS. cluding Federal, State, local, and tribal gov- (a) CYBERSECURITY RESEARCH AND DEVEL- In 1991, women received 29.6 percent of ernment officials, private sector representa- OPMENT.— tives, academics, and other policy experts. computer science B.A.’s, compared to just (1) IN GENERAL.—Title III of the Homeland ‘‘(3) INCIDENT.—The term ‘incident’ has the 18.2 percent in 2010. Security Act of 2002 (6 U.S.C. 181 et seq.) is meaning given such term in section 227. Jobs in computer systems design and re- amended by adding at the end the following ‘‘(4) INFORMATION SYSTEM.—The term ‘in- lated services, a field dependent upon high- new section: formation system’ has the meaning given level math and problem-solving skills, are pro- ‘‘SEC. 321. CYBERSECURITY RESEARCH AND DE- such term in section 3502(8) of title 44, jected to grow 45 percent between 2008 and VELOPMENT. United States Code.’’. 2018. ‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—The Under Secretary for (2) CLERICAL AMENDMENT.—The table of There are approximately 6 million women Science and Technology shall support the re- contents in section 1(b) of the Homeland Se- search, development, testing, evaluation, curity Act of 2002 is amended by inserting and minority owned businesses in the United and transition of cybersecurity technologies, after the item relating to the second section States, representing a significant aspect of our including fundamental research to improve 319 the following new item: economy. the sharing of information, analytics, and ‘‘Sec. 321. Cybersecurity research and devel- My home city of Houston, Texas, the energy methodologies related to cybersecurity risks opment.’’. capital of the world, knows the importance of and incidents, consistent with current law. (b) RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT professionals in the STEM industries. ‘‘(b) ACTIVITIES.—The research and devel- PROJECTS.—Section 831 of the Homeland Se- It has been reported that the highest-paying opment supported under subsection (a) shall curity Act of 2002 (6 U.S.C. 391) is amended— STEM occupations are petroleum engineers serve the components of the Department and (1) in subsection (a)— shall— (A) in the matter preceding paragraph (1), with an annual salary of $147,520, architec- ‘‘(1) advance the development and accel- tural and engineering managers with an an- by striking ‘‘2016’’ and inserting ‘‘2021’’; erate the deployment of more secure infor- (B) in paragraph (1), by striking the last nual salary of $138,720, natural sciences mation systems; sentence; and managers with an annual salary of $136,450, ‘‘(2) improve and create technologies for (C) by adding at the end the following new computer and information systems managers detecting attacks or intrusions, including paragraph: with an annual salary of $136,280, and physi- real-time continuous diagnostics and real- ‘‘(3) PRIOR APPROVAL.—In any case in cists with a reported annual salary of time analytic technologies; which the head of a component or office of $117,300. ‘‘(3) improve and create mitigation and re- the Department seeks to utilize the author- There is an increasing demand for individ- covery methodologies, including techniques ity under this section, such head shall first and policies for real-time containment of at- receive prior approval from the Secretary by uals with STEM degrees to extend their focus tacks, and development of resilient networks providing to the Secretary a proposal that beyond the laboratory so they can be leaders and information systems; includes the rationale for the utilization of in discovery and commercialization. ‘‘(4) support, in coordination with non-Fed- such authority, the funds to be spent on the Women deserve a fair shot in the STEM eral entities, the review of source code that use of such authority, and the expected out- programs in this nation. underpins critical infrastructure informa- come for each project that is the subject of In addition, I believe that work needs to be tion systems; the use of such authority. In such a case, the done to modernize key contracting develop- ‘‘(5) develop and support infrastructure and authority for evaluating the proposal may mental programs designed to increase oppor- tools to support cybersecurity research and not be delegated by the Secretary to anyone development efforts, including modeling, other than the Under Secretary for Manage- tunities for women, minorities and low-income testbeds, and data sets for assessment of new ment.’’; individuals who pursue STEM degrees and cybersecurity technologies; (2) in subsection (c)— STEM job training. ‘‘(6) assist the development and support of (A) in paragraph (1), in the matter pre- I support programs at the National Science technologies to reduce vulnerabilities in in- ceding subparagraph (A), by striking ‘‘2016’’ Foundation that have worked to reduce the dustrial control systems; and and inserting ‘‘2021’’; and current barriers and ensure women have the ‘‘(7) develop and support cyber forensics (B) by amending paragraph (2) to read as support they need in the STEM fields. and attack attribution capabilities. follows: Mr. Speaker, we should encourage women ‘‘(c) COORDINATION.—In carrying out this ‘‘(2) REPORT.—The Secretary shall annu- section, the Under Secretary for Science and ally submit to the Committee on Homeland to pursue degrees and careers in the STEM Technology shall coordinate activities Security and the Committee on Science, fields so we can continue to compete in the with— Space, and Technology of the House of Rep- global economy. ‘‘(1) the Under Secretary appointed pursu- resentatives and the Committee on Home- The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. ant to section 103(a)(1)(H); land Security and Governmental Affairs of MARCHANT). The question is on the mo- ‘‘(2) the heads of other relevant Federal de- the Senate a report detailing the projects for tion offered by the gentlewoman from partments and agencies, as appropriate; and which the authority granted by subsection Virginia (Mrs. COMSTOCK) that the ‘‘(3) industry and academia. (a) was utilized, the rationale for such utili- House suspend the rules and pass the ‘‘(d) TRANSITION TO PRACTICE.—The Under zations, the funds spent utilizing such au- bill, H.R. 255. Secretary for Science and Technology shall thority, the extent of cost-sharing for such support projects carried out under this title projects among Federal and non-Federal The question was taken; and (two- through the full life cycle of such projects, sources, the extent to which utilization of thirds being in the affirmative) the including research, development, testing, such authority has addressed a homeland se- rules were suspended and the bill was evaluation, pilots, and transitions. The curity capability gap or threat to the home- passed. Under Secretary shall identify mature tech- land identified by the Department, the total

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:39 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00037 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10JA7.025 H10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H276 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 10, 2017 amount of payments, if any, that were re- until the year 2021, a move that will would request that you include a copy of this ceived by the Federal Government as a re- improve DHS’s ability to engage with letter and your response in the Congres- sult of the utilization of such authority dur- tech startups that are developing these sional Record during the floor consideration ing the period covered by each such report, cutting-edge technologies. H.R. 239 also of this bill. Thank you in advance for your the outcome of each project for which such cooperation. authority was utilized, and the results of any includes additional accountability re- Sincerely, audits of such projects.’’; and quirements to ensure that there is LAMAR SMITH, (3) by adding at the end the following new proper oversight of the authority. Chairman. subsection: Mr. Speaker, our digital borders are ‘‘(e) TRAINING.—The Secretary shall de- constantly being barraged by HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, velop a training program for acquisitions cybercriminals, by nation-states, and COMMITTEE ON HOMELAND SECURITY, staff on the utilization of the authority pro- by terrorists seeking to exploit and Washington, DC, January 10, 2017. vided under subsection (a).’’. harm innocent Americans. Almost Hon. LAMAR SMITH, (c) NO ADDITIONAL FUNDS AUTHORIZED.—No daily, we read news stories on how Chairman, Committee on Science, Space, and additional funds are authorized to carry out Technology, Washington, DC. the requirements of this Act and the amend- these hackers are intruding into our DEAR CHAIRMAN SMITH: Thank you for your ments made by this Act. Such requirements networks and doing so with increased letter regarding H.R. 239, the ‘‘Support for shall be carried out using amounts otherwise sophistication. One thing is for certain, Rapid Innovation Act of 2017.’’ I appreciate authorized. we have seen that cyber intrusions and your support in bringing this legislation be- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- their impact on victims quickly morph fore the House of Representatives, and ac- ant to the rule, the gentleman from and increase both in frequency and in cordingly, understand that the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology will not Texas (Mr. RATCLIFFE) and the gen- their severity. In 2017, these hackers will unfortu- seek a sequential referral on the bill. tleman from Mississippi (Mr. THOMP- The Committee on Homeland Security con- SON) each will control 20 minutes. nately continue to pose a great threat curs with the mutual understanding that by The Chair recognizes the gentleman to the U.S. homeland and to our crit- foregoing a sequential referral of this bill at from Texas. ical infrastructure. The Federal Gov- this time, the Committee on Science, Space, GENERAL LEAVE ernment, therefore, needs to keep pace and Technology does not waive any jurisdic- Mr. RATCLIFFE. Mr. Speaker, I ask with these evolving threats by more tion over the subject matter contained in unanimous consent that all Members actively working with the private sec- this bill or similar legislation in the future. have 5 legislative days to revise and ex- tor to find effective solutions. In addition, should a conference on this bill be necessary, I would support a request by tend their remarks and to include any DHS’s Directorate of Science and Technology is the primary research the Committee on Science, Space, and Tech- extraneous material on the bill under nology for conferees on those provisions consideration. and development arm of the Depart- within your jurisdiction. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there ment. The directorate manages basic I will insert copies of this exchange in the objection to the request of the gen- and applied research and development, Congressional Record during consideration tleman from Texas? including cybersecurity R&D, for the of this bill on the House floor. I thank you There was no objection. Department’s operational components for your cooperation in this matter. Mr. RATCLIFFE. Mr. Speaker, I and for our first responders. Sincerely, yield myself such time as I may con- Ensuring there are mechanisms in MICHAEL T. MCCAUL, Chairman. sume. place, like S&T’s cybersecurity R&D Mr. Speaker, I am very pleased to programs and the OTA, to support the Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Mr. bring two important bills to the floor dynamic nature of cybersecurity re- Speaker, I yield myself such time as I today that strengthen the govern- search and development is essential for may consume. I rise in support of H.R. ment’s ability to effectively leverage addressing homeland security capa- 239, the Support for Rapid Innovation cutting-edge cyber technologies. Last bility gaps. Act. year, the House passed both of these Thank you again, Mr. Speaker, for Mr. Speaker, this timely legislation provisions as part of Majority Leader calling up this important bill today. I authorizes the Department of Home- MCCARTHY’s Innovation Initiative, and believe it will have an incredibly posi- land Security to support cybersecurity I am excited that we are able to bring tive impact on encouraging technology research and development and to help them to the floor here so early in the innovation across the Nation to ad- innovators with promising cybersecu- 115th Congress. dress our vital homeland security rity technologies to help commer- Mr. Speaker, over the past 2 years, needs. cialize their products. my colleagues and I have been working Mr. Speaker, I urge all Members to Government and private sector net- diligently with technology innovators join me in supporting this very impor- works are under constant attack by in- and tech startups to find solutions that tant bill. creasingly sophisticated cyber hackers. will spur innovation and break down I reserve the balance of my time. The cyber hacking campaign carried the bureaucratic barriers that prevent HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, COM- out by the Russian Government the government from effectively MITTEE ON SCIENCE, SPACE, AND against U.S. political and business in- leveraging the private sector’s emerg- TECHNOLOGY, stitutions, during the 2016 election, is a ing technologies. Washington, DC, January 9, 2017. recent, high-profile example. H.R. 239, the Support for Rapid Inno- Hon. MICHAEL MCCAUL, Concern has also been growing about Chairman, Committee on Homeland Security, the threat of cybercriminals carrying vation Act of 2017, addresses this prob- House of Representatives, Washington, DC. lem by requiring the science and tech- DEAR MR. CHAIRMAN: I am writing con- out attacks by exploiting unprotected nology directorate, or S&T, to more ef- cerning H.R. 239, the ‘‘Support for Rapid In- Internet-enabled consumer products. fectively coordinate with industry and novation Act of 2017,’’ which was introduced This threat was brought into sharp academia to support the research and on January 4, 2017. focus last October with the denial of development of cybersecurity tech- H.R. 239 contains provisions within the service attack against Dyn. During Committee on Science, Space, and Tech- that attack, malware was used to di- nologies. nology’s Rule X jurisdiction. In order to ex- H.R. 239 does so because it requires pedite this bill for floor consideration, the rect tens of thousands of Internet-con- S&T to support the full life cycle of Committee on Science, Space, and Tech- nected cameras, DVRs, and other con- cyber research and development nology will forego action on the bill. This is sumer products to carry out successive, projects and identify mature tech- being done on the basis of our mutual under- highly sophisticated attacks. nologies to address cybersecurity gaps. standing that doing so will in no way dimin- Our adversaries are constantly inno- In doing so, S&T will be required to ish or alter the jurisdiction of the Com- vating. It is imperative that the Fed- target federally funded cybersecurity mittee on Science, Space, and Technology eral Government—and specifically research that demonstrates a high with respect to the appointment of con- DHS—innovate, too. To that end, H.R. ferees, or to any future jurisdictional claim probability of successful transition to over the subject matters contained in the 239 directs DHS to invest in innovative the commercial market within 2 years. bill or similar legislation. cybersecurity technologies and provide This bill will also extend the use of I would appreciate your response to this DHS with flexibility to overcome bu- other transactional authority, or OTA, letter confirming this understanding, and reaucratic obstacles that sometimes

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:05 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00038 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10JA7.026 H10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE January 10, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H277 discourage smaller companies, like with the testing and evaluation of cybersecu- retary shall co-locate such personnel and of- tech startups, from working with the rity technology to improve the sharing of infor- fice space with other existing assets of— Federal Government. mation, analysis, and methodologies related to (A) the Department of Homeland Security, H.R. 239 directs DHS to pursue cyber- cybersecurity risks and incidents. where possible; or security projects that will improve de- The Rapid Innovation Act is a smart bill that (B) Federal facilities, where appropriate. (4) OVERSIGHT.—Not later than 30 days tection, mitigation, and recovery from will enable the Department of Homeland Secu- after establishing personnel and office space attacks and bolster the security and rity to establish and improve technologies for in a specific geographic area in the United resilience of our networks, particularly detecting attacks or intrusions. States pursuant to paragraph (1)(B), the Sec- for critical infrastructure. The ‘‘Support for Rapid Innovation Act of retary of Homeland Security shall inform Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to 2017’’ will equip the Department of Homeland Congress about the rationale for such estab- support this bipartisan legislation to Security with vital tools and resources to pre- lishment, the anticipated costs associated ensure that DHS does its part to ad- vent and remove attacks and threats imple- with such establishment, and the specific vance cybersecurity research and de- mented by those who target our nation. goals for such establishment. velopment. Mr. Speaker, we face growing cybersecurity (b) STRATEGIC PLAN.—Not later than six Cybersecurity threats to our Nation threats, which demands that we increase re- months after the date of the enactment of this section, the Secretary of Homeland Se- are growing in diversity and sophis- search and development, along with the test- curity shall develop, implement, and submit tication. We cannot afford to let prom- ing and evaluation of cybersecurity technology to the Committee on Homeland Security of ising technologies languish. to expand the sharing of information, analysis, the House of Representatives and the Com- The Department of Homeland Secu- and methodologies related to cybersecurity mittee on Homeland Security and Govern- rity should work with the private sec- risks and incidents. mental Affairs of the Senate a Department tor in support of innovative cybersecu- This is a comprehensive bill that will help of Homeland Security-wide strategy to rity research, development, testing, protect all Americans in every corner of this proactively engage with innovative and and evaluation. We have seen that pub- nation. emerging technology developers and firms, lic-private collaboration can give these I urge all Members to join me in voting to including technology-based small businesses and startup ventures, in accordance with technologies the boost they need to pass H.R. 239. subsection (a). Such strategy shall— enter the market. Just last month, The SPEAKER pro tempore. The (1) focus on sustainable methods and guid- DHS announced the commercialization question is on the motion offered by ance to build relationships, including with of an eight cybersecurity product the gentleman from Texas (Mr. such innovative and emerging technology de- launched with the help of the Depart- RATCLIFFE) that the House suspend the velopers and firms in geographic areas in the ment’s Transition to Practice program. rules and pass the bill, H.R. 239, as United States with high concentrations of I urge my colleagues to support H.R. amended. such innovative and emerging technology de- 239. The question was taken; and (two- velopers and firms, and in geographic areas I yield back the balance of my time. thirds being in the affirmative) the outside such areas, to establish, develop, and Mr. RATCLIFFE. Mr. Speaker, I rules were suspended and the bill, as enhance departmental capabilities to address homeland security needs; thank Ranking Member THOMPSON for amended, was passed. (2) include efforts to— his leadership on the committee, and I A motion to reconsider was laid on (A) ensure proven innovative and emerging want to thank the Cybersecurity, In- the table. technologies can be included in existing and frastructure Protection, and Security f future acquisition contracts; Technologies Subcommittee staff for LEVERAGING EMERGING (B) coordinate with organizations that pro- their hard work. TECHNOLOGIES ACT OF 2017 vide venture capital to businesses, particu- Once again, I urge my colleagues to larly small businesses and startup ventures, support H.R. 239. Mr. RATCLIFFE. Mr. Speaker, I as appropriate, to assist the commercializa- I yield back the balance of my time. move to suspend the rules and pass the tion of innovative and emerging technologies Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, I rise in bill (H.R. 240) to encourage engagement that are expected to be ready for commer- support of H.R. 239, the ‘‘Support for Rapid between the Department of Homeland cialization in the near term and within 36 Innovation Act of 2017,’’ which amends the Security and technology innovators, months; and (C) address barriers to the utilization of in- Homeland Security Act of 2002 to provide for and for other purposes, as amended. The Clerk read the title of the bill. novative and emerging technologies and the improved innovative research and develop- engagement of small businesses and startup ment. The text of the bill is as follows: H.R. 240 ventures in the acquisition process; I support this bill because it would extend (3) include a description of how the Depart- the Department of Homeland Security sec- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- ment plans to leverage proven innovative retary’s pilot program for research and devel- resentatives of the United States of America in and emerging technologies to address home- Congress assembled, opment projects and prototype projects land security needs; and SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. (4) include the criteria the Secretary plans through 2020. This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Leveraging This bill would require the secretary to re- to use to determine an innovation or tech- Emerging Technologies Act of 2017’’. nology is proven. port annually to the House Homeland Security SEC. 2. INNOVATION ENGAGEMENT. and Science committees and the Senate (c) NO ADDITIONAL FUNDS AUTHORIZED.—No (a) INNOVATION ENGAGEMENT.— additional funds are authorized to carry out Homeland Security Committee on the dynam- (1) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary of Home- the requirements of this Act. Such require- ics of the projects undertaken. land Security— ments shall be carried out using amounts Specifically, H.R. 239 would amend the (A) shall engage with innovative and otherwise authorized. Homeland Security Act of 2002 to include fun- emerging technology developers and firms, including technology-based small businesses The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- damental improvements to facilitate informa- ant to the rule, the gentleman from tion, analytics, and methodologies related to and startup ventures, to address homeland Texas (Mr. RATCLIFFE) and the gen- cybersecurity risks and incidents, consistent security needs; and (B) may identify geographic areas in the tleman from Mississippi (Mr. THOMP- with the current law. United States with high concentrations of SON) each will control 20 minutes. In particular, it adds a new section to the such innovative and emerging technology de- Homeland Security Act, directing the Depart- The Chair recognizes the gentleman velopers and firms, and may establish per- from Texas. ment of Homeland Security to support— sonnel and office space in such areas, as ap- whether within itself, other agencies, or in aca- propriate. GENERAL LEAVE demia and private industry—the research and (2) ENGAGEMENT.—Engagement under para- Mr. RATCLIFFE. Mr. Speaker, I ask development of cybersecurity-related tech- graph (1) may include innovative and emerg- unanimous consent that all Members nologies. ing technology developers or firms with have 5 legislative days to revise and ex- As a senior member of the Homeland Secu- proven technologies, supported with outside tend their remarks and to include any rity Committee and Ranking Member of the investment, with potential applications for extraneous material on the bill under the Department of Homeland Security. Judiciary Committee and Subcommittee on consideration. (3) CO-LOCATION.—If the Secretary of Home- Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Security, and In- land Security determines that it is appro- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there vestigations, I support this bill as it directs the priate to establish personnel and office space objection to the request of the gen- Under Secretary for Science and Technology in a specific geographic area in the United tleman from Texas? to bolster research and development, along States pursuant to paragraph (1)(B), the Sec- There was no objection.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:05 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00039 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10JA7.075 H10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H278 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 10, 2017 Mr. RATCLIFFE. Mr. Speaker, I forward, further addressing our home- those that do not fit the mold of the yield myself such time as I may con- land security needs by supporting tech- typical Federal contractor. sume. nology innovation. I urge Members to DHS could improve the productivity Mr. Speaker, again, I am pleased that join me in supporting this important and sustainability of these outreach ef- the House is today considering H.R. bill. forts by developing a strategy to 240, the Leveraging Emerging Tech- Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of proactively engage with innovators in nologies Act of 2017. my time. a way that supports long-term rela- H.R. 240 encourages engagement be- Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Mr. tionships. H.R. 240 calls for such a tween the Department of Homeland Se- Speaker, I rise in support of H.R. 240, strategy to be delivered to Congress curity and technology innovators, in- the Leveraging Emerging Technologies and implemented within 6 months. cluding startups. This bill requires the Act of 2017, and I yield myself such Two features of that strategy re- Secretary of Homeland Security to time as I may consume. quired under this bill that I would like proactively engage with innovative and Mr. Speaker, I am a cosponsor of this to highlight are provisions that I spon- emerging technology developers and measure, as I was for its predecessor sored. One requires the strategy to give firms to address our vital Homeland last Congress. Last June, the House ap- attention to fostering engagement with Security needs. proved this measure by a 347–8 vote. developers that may be located outside Additionally, H.R. 240 provides the This bipartisan bill directs the Depart- a recognized regional technology hub. Secretary with the authority to iden- ment of Homeland Security to engage The other directs the strategy to in- tify geographic areas in the United small businesses, startup companies, clude coordination with venture cap- States where high concentrations of and other developers of innovative and ital organizations, like the In-Q-Tel these innovative and emerging tech- emerging technologies to tackle some nonprofit, to help emerging technology nology developers and firms exist and of our most vexing, persistent home- developers, including small businesses to establish personnel and office space land security challenges. and startup ventures, commercialize in these areas to more effectively col- It is no secret that navigating the technologies that address a rapidly laborate with these technology hubs. Federal procurement process is dif- growing list of homeland security The Federal Government certainly ficult, especially for small startups. needs. Mr. Speaker, for all of the reasons needs to do a better job working with Meanwhile, small companies continue discussed, I urge support of H.R. 240. the private sector, and H.R. 240 will to develop some of the most innovative technological solutions in use today. I yield back the balance of my time. help to address that. Mr. RATCLIFFE. Mr. Speaker, I They are a huge source of untapped po- Mr. Speaker, this bill also requires thank the gentleman from Mississippi tential, capable of bringing forward- the Secretary to develop and to imple- (Mr. THOMPSON) for his support of this thinking, groundbreaking ideas to the ment a targeted strategy to bill and for his leadership in keeping homeland security enterprise. proactively engage innovative and this issue at the forefront of our cyber- To build these relationships, H.R. 240 emerging technology developers and security discussion. This is an incred- allows DHS to establish personnel and firms. ibly important bill, and I, once again, office space in areas around the U.S. urge my colleagues to support H.R. 240. b 1630 where technology innovators are con- Under this bill, the Secretary must I yield back the balance of my time. centrated. Having a physical presence Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, as a sen- use the strategic plan to address exist- in these tech hubs will make it easier ior member of the Homeland Security Com- ing barriers to leveraging innovative for DHS to grow and maintain connec- mittee, I rise in support of H.R. 240, the and emerging technologies, and the tions with local startups, innovators, ‘‘Leveraging Emerging Technologies Act of small businesses and startup ventures and incubators. The Department has 2017,’’ which requires the Secretary of Home- that create those technologies, and to already taken action in this regard. land Security to engage with innovative and incorporate them into the Depart- In 2015, the DHS Science and Tech- emerging technology developers, including ment’s acquisition process. nology Directorate established a Sil- technology-based small businesses and start- For example, in order to keep pace, icon Valley office and announced its up ventures that can help tackle the rapidly the Department of Homeland Security first-ever procurement focused on expanding list of homeland security technology has established an office in Silicon Val- working with nontraditional contrac- ley to encourage engagement and com- needs. tors and tech startups. The DHS inno- H.R. 240 helps to protect America’s com- munication with the innovative tech- vation ‘‘other transaction’’ solution puter and communications networks, which nology developers in that area. Al- sought technologies to address security security experts believe represent the nation’s though it is a vital technology hub, challenges in aviation, border, and cy- most critical national security challenge, in- Silicon Valley certainly is not the only bersecurity. cluding Internet functions and connected crit- technology hub in the United States. To date, under this program, DHS ical infrastructure such as air traffic control, The Department should not be limited has funded awards to 13 small busi- the U.S. electrical grid, and nuclear power to a single geographic area from which nesses in California, Texas, Georgia, plants. to identify these emerging and innova- Massachusetts, and Washington State. H.R. 240 authorizes DHS to establish per- tive technologies. Additionally, DHS has reached out to sonnel and office space in diverse geographic Mr. Speaker, all Americans are learn- technology innovators at regional areas around the United States that have high ing that cybersecurity is national secu- events in Boston, Pittsburgh, San concentrations of technology developers and rity. The impacts of cyber intrusions Francisco, New Orleans, Chicago, Lou- firms. are being felt everywhere, from board- isville and Austin, raising awareness The bill also directs DHS, within 6 months, room tables to kitchen tables. We have with more than 1,500 startups, accel- to develop and submit to Congress a Depart- seen them undermine consumer con- erators, and venture capitalists ment-wide strategy to engage with innovative fidence and damage a company’s hard- through industry days, panels, con- and emerging technology companies. earned reputation in just a couple of ferences, and startup meetups. The Importantly, the bill specifically requires the seconds. Cybersecurity is a complex feedback has been very positive, but it Secretary to include in that strategy ways to and serious issue that our Nation will has also validated the need to educate effectively integrate technology-based small have to address for decades to come. So the community about who DHS is and businesses and startup ventures. it only makes sense for us to require what the challenges are. Importantly, the bill also requires the DHS the Department to consider strategi- Mr. Speaker, for those reasons, I urge Secretary to coordinate with those in the ven- cally just how it will engage these my colleagues to support this bipar- ture capital industry to assist in the develop- technology developers to strengthen tisan legislation. ment of technologies that are ready for com- the Department’s ability to access in- H.R. 240 recognizes that DHS depends mercialization and use in the Homeland Secu- novative and emerging technologies to on technology to carry out its mis- rity Enterprise. better combat evolving cyber threats. sions, and must nurture and maintain Since its founding, the Department of I am happy to support this measure robust and direct relationships with Homeland Security has overcome many chal- today because I believe it will move us talented technology developers, even lenges as an organization but much more

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:39 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00040 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K10JA7.077 H10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE January 10, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H279 progress must be made regarding effective SEC. 3. REPORT ON TRANSPORTATION COSTS. the whole Federal Government does inter-operable communication between the Section 5707(c) of title 5, United States not benefit from the cost savings that federal, state, and local agencies. Code, is amended to read as follows: can occur while being associated with ‘‘(c)(1) Not later than November 30 of each Although not a panacea, H.R. 240 is a step year, the head of each agency shall submit to these services. in the right direction because it will help im- the Administrator of the General Services, The Modernizing Government Travel prove DHS’ overall functions so that it can in a format prescribed by the Administrator Act allows the Federal Government to more effectively protect our people. and approved by the Director the Office of reap the benefits of the sharing econ- I urge my colleagues to join me in sup- Management and Budget— omy. The bill ensures that new trans- porting this important legislation. ‘‘(A) data on total agency payments for portation services as they emerge, Fed- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The such items as travel and transportation of eral employees can quickly take ad- question is on the motion offered by people, average costs and durations of trips, vantage of the efficiencies of the new the gentleman from Texas (Mr. and purposes of official travel; ‘‘(B) data on estimated total agency pay- technologies that may be offered. RATCLIFFE) that the House suspend the By opening up a new market for rules and pass the bill, H.R. 240, as ments for employee relocation; and ‘‘(C) an analysis of the total costs of trans- transportation services, H.R. 274 will amended. portation service by type, and the total num- also help spur innovation and competi- The question was taken; and (two- ber of trips utilizing each transportation tion, creating greater cost savings. We thirds being in the affirmative) the type for purposes of official travel. have some 2 million Federal employ- rules were suspended and the bill, as ‘‘(2) The Administrator of the General ees. So this is an important part and it amended, was passed. Services shall make the data submitted pur- shouldn’t be glanced over. There could suant to paragraph (1) publically available A motion to reconsider was laid on be considerable savings along the way. the table. upon receipt. ‘‘(3) Not later than January 31 of each We must ensure that there is ac- f year, the Administrator of the General Serv- countability for travel expenditures. MODERNIZING GOVERNMENT ices shall submit to the Director of the Of- Our committee, the Committee on TRAVEL ACT fice of Management and Budget, the Com- Oversight and Government Reform and mittee on Oversight and Government Reform other watchdog groups outside of gov- Mr. CHAFFETZ. Mr. Speaker, I move of the House of Representatives, and the to suspend the rules and pass the bill ernment are looking at these expenses. Committee on Homeland Security and Gov- We have a duty and obligation to en- (H.R. 274) to provide for reimbursement ernmental Affairs of the Senate— sure that we are dealing with Federal for the use of modern travel services by ‘‘(A) an analysis of the data submitted pur- Federal employees traveling on official suant to paragraph (1) for the agencies listed taxpayer dollars responsibly. This bill Government business, and for other in section 901(b) of title 31 and a survey of mandates that agencies report their purposes, as amended. such data for each other agency; and travel costs for each type of travel The Clerk read the title of the bill. ‘‘(B) a description of any new regulations service to the General Services Admin- The text of the bill is as follows: promulgated or changes to existing regula- istration, the GSA. The GSA must pub- tions authorized under this section.’’. H.R. 274 lish that data, helping make the Fed- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- eral Government more transparent and resentatives of the United States of America in ant to the rule, the gentleman from accountable. The GSA will also report Congress assembled, Utah (Mr. CHAFFETZ) and the gen- to Congress on agency official travel SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. tleman from California (Mr. costs in order to make sure that they This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Modernizing DESAULNIER) each will control 20 min- inform future transportation policy de- Government Travel Act’’. utes. cisions. I urge passage of the bill. SEC. 2. FEDERAL EMPLOYEE REIMBURSEMENT The Chair recognizes the gentleman Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of FOR USE OF MODERN TRAVEL SERV- from Utah. ICES. my time. (a) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 90 days GENERAL LEAVE Mr. DESAULNIER. Mr. Speaker, I after the date of enactment of this Act, the Mr. CHAFFETZ. Mr. Speaker, I ask yield myself such time as I may con- Administrator of General Services shall pre- unanimous consent that all Members sume. scribe regulations under section 5707 of title may have 5 legislative days in which to I was trying to think of a BYU foot- 5, United States Code, to provide for the re- revise and extend their remarks and in- ball analogy to go with the Clemson- imbursement for the use of a transportation clude extraneous remarks on the bill Alabama analogy, but I haven’t been network company or innovative mobility able to come up with one yet. I will technology company by any Federal em- under consideration. ployee traveling on official business under The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there work on it. subchapter I of chapter 57 of such title, ex- objection to the request of the gen- I rise in support of H.R. 274, the Mod- cept that the Director of the Administrative tleman from Utah? ernizing Government Travel Act, as Office of the United States Courts shall pre- There was no objection. amended. I appreciate the good work of scribe such regulations with respect to em- Mr. CHAFFETZ. Mr. Speaker, I yield Representatives Moulton, Hurd, Mead- ployees of the judicial branch of the Govern- myself such time as I may consume. ows, Bustos, and Swalwell on this bi- ment. Mr. Speaker, H.R. 274, the Modern- partisan measure. (b) DEFINITIONS.—In this section: izing Government Travel Act, is a bi- H.R. 274 would expand the transpor- (1) INNOVATIVE MOBILITY TECHNOLOGY COM- partisan bill sponsored by Congressman tation options for Federal employees PANY.—The term ‘‘innovative mobility tech- nology company’’ means an organization, in- SETH MOULTON of Massachusetts. Mr. on official government travel by allow- cluding a corporation, limited liability com- WILL HURD of Texas and Congressman ing them to be reimbursed for the use pany, partnership, sole proprietorship, or MARK MEADOWS of North Carolina have of ridesharing services such as Uber any other entity, that applies technology to all come together on this bill. It is a and Lyft. This bill would also allow for expand and enhance available transportation good bill. the use of future mobility technologies choices, better manage demand for transpor- This bill came up in the 114th Con- not yet known or available to be cov- tation services, and provide alternatives to gress. The same bill passed through the ered as by reimbursable travel ex- driving alone. committee by regular order, and then penses. The General Services Adminis- (2) TRANSPORTATION NETWORK COMPANY.— The term ‘‘transportation network com- in a close vote—much like the tration would be directed to issue im- pany’’— Clemson-Alabama game last night— plementing regulations. The bill would (A) means a corporation, partnership, sole when we voted on this bill last session require Federal agencies to submit to proprietorship, or other entity, that uses a was 415–0. I think there was a pretty GSA detailed information on their digital network to connect riders to drivers good sense from the past Congress that travel costs, including breakdowns of affiliated with the entity in order for the is a good bill, and it should pass. costs by transportation type by No- driver to transport the rider using a vehicle Federal employees’ current transpor- vember 30 of each year. owned, leased, or otherwise authorized for tation options on official travel are GSA would be required to submit an- use by the driver to a point chosen by the rider; and limited. While some agencies allow em- nual reports to Congress containing an (B) does not include a shared-expense car- ployees to be reimbursed for the use of analysis or survey of agencies’ travel pool or vanpool arrangement that is not in- sharing economy services, such as Lyft costs as well as descriptions of new or tended to generate profit for the driver. or Uber, not all of them do. As a result, revised regulations.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:05 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00041 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10JA7.029 H10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H280 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 10, 2017 H.R. 274 is a commonsense, good gov- modes of transportation when trav- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The ernment bill, and I urge my colleagues eling on official business. question is on the motion offered by to join me in supporting it. Innovative ridesharing services sup- the gentleman from Utah (Mr. Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of ported by mobile apps have dramati- CHAFFETZ) that the House suspend the my time. cally changed how we get from one rules and pass the bill, H.R. 274, as Mr. CHAFFETZ. Mr. Speaker, I yield place to another. Now, with just a few amended. such time as he may consume to the taps on a phone, we can access a vari- The question was taken; and (two- gentleman from Texas (Mr. HURD), the ety of new transportation options like thirds being in the affirmative) the cosponsor of this bill and someone who rideshare, carshare, and bikeshare that rules were suspended and the bill, as has been very involved in this subject. complement rapid transit, take more amended, was passed. Mr. HURD. Mr. Speaker, it is way cars off our congested roads, and re- A motion to reconsider was laid on past time that our government recon- duce fuel emissions. According to a re- the table. siders the way that it views tech- cent study, 52 percent of people using f nology. Adherence to decades-old pol- transit for work-related travel chose to icy regarding technology costs our tax- use ride-hailing services and other in- RECESS payers billions of dollars, stifles cre- novative technologies. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- ativity, and needlessly prevents our While the General Services Adminis- ant to clause 12(a) of rule I, the Chair government from utilizing private sec- tration allows agencies to authorize declares the House in recess subject to tor technologies. the use of these transportation options the call of the Chair. This bill, the Modernizing Govern- by Federal employees, it has not nor is Accordingly (at 4 o’clock and 50 min- ment Travel Act, is simple. It will it required by law to issue comprehen- utes p.m.), the House stood in recess. allow Federal employees to utilize the sive guidance across the Federal Gov- f services of innovative companies while ernment. on official travel. Last Congress, as the H.R. 274 would require the General b 1720 chairman alluded to, this bill passed Services Administration to implement AFTER RECESS the House with overwhelming bipar- regulations to allow Federal employees The recess having expired, the House tisan support, 415–0. to use transportation options like was called to order by the Speaker pro rideshare and bikeshare for official Private sector companies have had a tempore (Mr. JENKINS of West Virginia) tremendous impact on the way that travel. The GSA Administrator would at 5 o’clock and 20 minutes p.m. people travel, and we should allow our be required to submit annual reports to government to recognize these Congress on the implementation of f changes. By widening the scope of re- these regulations and the resulting HELPING ANGELS LEAD OUR imbursable forms of transportation, we amount of government savings. STARTUPS ACT are encouraging the adoption of inno- I want to thank my friend and col- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- vative technologies and promoting league, Representative HURD, for work- ant to House Resolution 33 and rule competition. ing with me on this legislation, as well XVIII, the Chair declares the House in The bill also requires agencies to re- as Representatives SWALWELL, ISSA, the Committee of the Whole House on port what type of transportation their MEADOWS, and BUSTOS for their sup- the state of the Union for the further employees are taking while on official port. This is truly a bipartisan effort consideration of the bill, H.R. 79. travel, and this data will be publicly that will increase the Federal Govern- Will the gentleman from Georgia ment’s engagement in the sharing available, thus increasing transparency (Mr. WOODALL) kindly take the chair. and accountability in how taxpayer economy while saving taxpayer dollars. dollars are being spent. I urge all of my colleagues to support b 1721 this legislation. b 1645 IN THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Mr. DESAULNIER. Mr. Speaker, I Accordingly, the House resolved H.R. 274, as amended, is a sensible have no further speakers, and I yield itself into the Committee of the Whole piece of legislation that can help mod- back the balance of my time. House on the state of the Union for the ernize our government and ensure that Mr. CHAFFETZ. Mr. Speaker, I want further consideration of the bill (H.R. the United States is moving seamlessly to thank Mr. MOULTON, first and fore- 79) to clarify the definition of general into the 21st century. most, for his service to our country, solicitation under Federal securities I want to thank my colleague, Rep- serving in the armed services. We real- law, with Mr. WOODALL (Acting Chair) resentative MOULTON, for his leadership ly do appreciate that. I can’t thank in the chair. on this important issue, as well as Rep- him enough for that service. But I also The Clerk read the title of the bill. resentatives MEADOWS, BUSTOS, and appreciate him bringing forward this The Acting CHAIR. When the Com- SWALWELL for their support for this bill and his working with the gen- mittee of the Whole rose earlier today, bill. I ask my colleagues to join me in tleman from Texas (Mr. HURD) and the a request for a recorded vote on amend- the support of H.R. 274. gentleman from North Carolina (Mr. ment No. 2 printed in part B of House Mr. DESAULNIER. Mr. Speaker, I MEADOWS). Report 115–2 offered by the gentleman yield such time as he may consume to I appreciate what Mr. DESAULNIER from Missouri (Mr. CLAY) had been my colleague from the Commonwealth and our ranking member on our com- postponed. of Massachusetts (Mr. MOULTON). mittee, Mr. CUMMINGS, have done, too, Mr. MOULTON. Mr. Speaker, I want to help move this bill forward. ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE ACTING CHAIR to thank my colleague from California So there was good, broad, bipartisan The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to for yielding. support, strong support in the 114th clause 6 of rule XVIII, proceedings will Mr. Speaker, I rise today in strong Congress, passing unanimously, with now resume on those amendments support of H.R. 274, the Modernizing 415 votes. I think it is worthy to bring printed in part B of House Report 115– Government Travel Act. This legisla- this up early in the Congress and get 2 on which further proceedings were tion is a bipartisan effort that dem- on with the idea of saving money and postponed in the following order: onstrates a consensus amongst all of us taking advantage of technology, as Mr. Amendment No. 1 by Ms. VELA´ ZQUEZ that the Federal Government has failed HURD said and as Mr. MOULTON talked of New York. to keep pace with the technological ad- about as well, save some money and Amendment No. 2 by Mr. CLAY of vances and innovation that have come tap into the technology that is avail- Missouri. to define the 21st century. able to save money for the government The Chair will reduce to 2 minutes Despite the emergence of new tech- and, ultimately, for the taxpayers. It is the minimum time for any electronic nologies designed to improve the way their money indeed. So I would urge its vote after the first vote in this series. we travel, today, some Federal employ- passage. AMENDMENT NO. 1 OFFERED BY MS. VELA´ ZQUEZ ees are unable to be reimbursed for Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance The Acting CHAIR. The unfinished using more cost-effective, innovative of my time. business is the demand for a recorded

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:05 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00042 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10JA7.080 H10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE January 10, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H281 vote on the amendment offered by the Comstock Joyce (OH) Roby which further proceedings were post- gentlewoman from New York (Ms. Conaway Katko Roe (TN) poned and on which the noes prevailed Cook Kelly (MS) Rogers (AL) VELA´ ZQUEZ) on which further pro- Cooper Kelly (PA) Rogers (KY) by voice vote. ceedings were postponed and on which Costa Kind Rohrabacher The Clerk will redesignate the the noes prevailed by voice vote. Costello (PA) King (IA) Rokita amendment. Cramer King (NY) Rooney, Francis The Clerk will redesignate the Crawford Kinzinger Rooney, Thomas The Clerk redesignated the amend- amendment. Culberson Knight J. ment. Curbelo (FL) Kustoff (TN) The Clerk redesignated the amend- Ros-Lehtinen RECORDED VOTE Davidson Labrador ment. Rosen Davis, Rodney LaHood Roskam The Acting CHAIR. A recorded vote RECORDED VOTE Denham LaMalfa Ross has been demanded. The Acting CHAIR. A recorded vote Dent Lamborn Rothfus A recorded vote was ordered. DeSantis Lance Rouzer has been demanded. DesJarlais Latta Royce (CA) The Acting CHAIR. This will be a 2- A recorded vote was ordered. Diaz-Balart Lewis (MN) Russell minute vote. The vote was taken by electronic de- Donovan LoBiondo Rutherford The vote was taken by electronic de- Duffy Long Sanford vice, and there were—ayes 167, noes 249, Duncan (TN) Loudermilk Scalise vice, and there were—ayes 163, noes 253, not voting 18, as follows: Dunn Love Schneider not voting 18, as follows: Emmer Lucas [Roll No. 29] Schweikert [Roll No. 30] Farenthold Luetkemeyer Scott, Austin AYES—167 Faso MacArthur Sensenbrenner AYES—163 Ferguson Marchant Adams Frankel (FL) Murphy (FL) Sessions Adams Esty Meng Fitzpatrick Marino Aguilar Fudge Nadler Shimkus Aguilar Evans Moore Fleischmann Marshall Barraga´ n Gabbard Shuster Barraga´ n Foster Nadler Napolitano Flores Massie Bass Gallego Simpson Bass Frankel (FL) Napolitano Neal Fortenberry Mast Beatty Garamendi Sinema Beatty Fudge Neal Nolan Foxx McCarthy Beyer Gonzalez (TX) Smith (MO) Bera Gabbard Nolan Norcross Franks (AZ) McCaul Bishop (GA) Gottheimer Smith (NE) Beyer Gallego Norcross O’Rourke Frelinghuysen McClintock Blumenauer Green, Al Smith (NJ) Bishop (GA) Garamendi O’Rourke Pallone Gaetz McHenry Blunt Rochester Green, Gene Smith (TX) Blumenauer Gonzalez (TX) Pallone Panetta Gallagher McKinley Bonamici Grijalva Smucker Blunt Rochester Gottheimer Pascrell Pascrell Garrett McMorris Boyle, Brendan Gutie´rrez Stefanik Bonamici Green, Al Payne Payne Gibbs Rodgers F. Hanabusa Stewart Boyle, Brendan Green, Gene Pelosi Pelosi Gohmert McSally Brady (PA) Hastings Stivers F. Grijalva Peterson Peterson Goodlatte Meadows Brown (MD) Heck Swalwell (CA) Brady (PA) Hanabusa Pingree Pingree Gosar Meehan Brownley (CA) Higgins (NY) Brown (MD) Hastings Pocan Gowdy Messer Taylor Bustos Hoyer Pocan Brownley (CA) Heck Price (NC) Granger Mitchell Tenney Butterfield Huffman Price (NC) Bustos Higgins (NY) Quigley Graves (GA) Moolenaar Thompson (PA) Capuano Jayapal Quigley Butterfield Hoyer Raskin Graves (LA) Mooney (WV) Thornberry Carbajal Jeffries Raskin Capuano Huffman Richmond Graves (MO) Moulton Tiberi Carson (IN) Johnson, E. B. Richmond Carbajal Jayapal Rosen Griffith Mullin Tipton Cartwright Jones Roybal-Allard Ca´ rdenas Jeffries Roybal-Allard Grothman Mulvaney Trott Castor (FL) Kaptur Ruiz Carson (IN) Johnson, E. B. Ruiz Guthrie Murphy (PA) Turner Castro (TX) Keating Ruppersberger Cartwright Kaptur Ruppersberger Harper Newhouse Upton Chu, Judy Kennedy Sa´ nchez Castor (FL) Keating Sa´ nchez Harris Noem Valadao Cicilline Khanna Sarbanes Castro (TX) Kennedy Sarbanes Hartzler Nunes Wagner Clark (MA) Kihuen Schiff Chu, Judy Khanna Schiff Hensarling O’Halleran Walberg Clarke (NY) Kildee Cicilline Kihuen Scott (VA) Schrader Hice, Jody B. Olson Walden Clay Kilmer Clark (MA) Kildee Scott, David Scott (VA) Higgins (LA) Palazzo Walker Cleaver Krishnamoorthi Clarke (NY) Kilmer Serrano Scott, David Hill Palmer Walorski Clyburn Kuster (NH) Clay Krishnamoorthi Shea-Porter Serrano Himes Paulsen Walters, Mimi Cohen Langevin Cleaver Kuster (NH) Sherman Shea-Porter Holding Pearce Weber (TX) Connolly Larsen (WA) Clyburn Langevin Sires Sherman Hollingsworth Perry Webster (FL) Conyers Larson (CT) Cohen Larsen (WA) Slaughter Sires Hudson Peters Wenstrup Correa Lawrence Connolly Larson (CT) Smith (WA) Slaughter Huizenga Pittenger Westerman Courtney Lawson (FL) Conyers Lawrence Soto Smith (WA) Hultgren Poe (TX) Williams Crist Levin Correa Levin Speier Soto Hunter Poliquin Wilson (SC) Crowley Lewis (GA) Courtney Lewis (GA) Suozzi Speier Hurd Polis Wittman Cuellar Lieu, Ted Crist Lieu, Ted Thompson (CA) Suozzi Issa Posey Womack Cummings Lipinski Crowley Lipinski Thompson (MS) Thompson (CA) Jenkins (KS) Ratcliffe Woodall Davis (CA) Loebsack Cuellar Loebsack Titus Thompson (MS) Jenkins (WV) Reed Yoder DeFazio Lofgren Cummings Lofgren Tonko Titus Johnson (LA) Reichert Yoho DeGette Lowenthal Davis (CA) Lowenthal Torres Johnson (OH) Renacci Young (AK) Delaney Lowey Tonko DeFazio Lowey Tsongas Johnson, Sam Rice (NY) Young (IA) DeLauro Lujan Grisham, Torres DeGette Lujan Grisham, Vargas Jordan Rice (SC) Zeldin DelBene M. Tsongas Delaney M. Veasey Demings Luja´ n, Ben Ray Vargas NOT VOTING—18 DeLauro Luja´ n, Ben Ray Vela DeSaulnier Lynch Veasey DelBene Lynch Vela´ zquez Becerra Johnson (GA) Rush Deutch Maloney, Vela Demings Maloney, Visclosky Black Kelly (IL) Ryan (OH) Doggett Carolyn B. Vela´ zquez DeSaulnier Carolyn B. Walz Davis, Danny Lee Schakowsky Doyle, Michael Maloney, Sean Visclosky Deutch Maloney, Sean Wasserman Dingell Perlmutter Sewell (AL) F. Matsui Walz Doggett Matsui Schultz Duncan (SC) Pompeo Takano Ellison McCollum Wasserman Doyle, Michael McCollum Waters, Maxine Jackson Lee Price, Tom (GA) Zinke Engel McEachin Schultz F. McEachin Watson Coleman Eshoo McGovern Waters, Maxine b 1742 Ellison McGovern Welch Espaillat McNerney Watson Coleman Engel McNerney Wilson (FL) Esty Meeks Welch Messrs. WITTMAN, BILIRAKIS, Espaillat Meeks Yarmuth Evans Meng Wilson (FL) BERA, LUETKEMEYER, WEBSTER of NOES—253 Foster Moore Yarmuth Florida, MOULTON, and BISHOP of Abraham Bishop (UT) Carter (GA) NOES—249 Utah changed their vote from ‘‘aye’’ to Aderholt Black Carter (TX) Abraham Biggs Budd ‘‘no.’’ Allen Blackburn Chabot Aderholt Bilirakis Burgess Mr. CROWLEY, Mses. DELAURO and Amash Blum Chaffetz Allen Bishop (MI) Byrne WASSERMAN SCHULTZ changed their Amodei Bost Cheney Amash Bishop (UT) Calvert Arrington Brady (TX) Coffman Amodei Blackburn Ca´ rdenas vote from ‘‘no’’ to ‘‘aye.’’ Babin Brat Cole Arrington Blum Carter (GA) So the amendment was rejected. Bacon Bridenstine Collins (GA) Babin Bost Carter (TX) The result of the vote was announced Banks (IN) Brooks (AL) Collins (NY) Bacon Brady (TX) Chabot as above recorded. Barletta Brooks (IN) Comer Banks (IN) Brat Chaffetz Barr Buchanan Comstock Barletta Bridenstine Cheney AMENDMENT NO. 2 OFFERED BY MR. CLAY Barton Buck Conaway Barr Brooks (AL) Coffman The Acting CHAIR. The unfinished Bergman Bucshon Cook Barton Brooks (IN) Cole business is the demand for a recorded Beutler Budd Cooper Bera Buchanan Collins (GA) Biggs Burgess Costa Bergman Buck Collins (NY) vote on the amendment offered by the Bilirakis Byrne Costello (PA) Beutler Bucshon Comer gentleman from Missouri (Mr. CLAY) on Bishop (MI) Calvert Cramer

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:39 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00043 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10JA7.083 H10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H282 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 10, 2017 Crawford Kind Roby the bill (H.R. 79) to clarify the defini- LoBiondo Palmer Simpson Culberson King (IA) Roe (TN) Loebsack Panetta Sinema Curbelo (FL) King (NY) Rogers (AL) tion of general solicitation under Fed- Lofgren Paulsen Smith (MO) Davidson Kinzinger Rogers (KY) eral securities law, and, pursuant to Long Pearce Smith (NE) Davis, Rodney Knight Rohrabacher House Resolution 33, he reported the Loudermilk Perry Smith (NJ) Denham Kustoff (TN) Rokita bill back to the House. Love Peters Smith (TX) Dent Labrador Rooney, Francis Lucas Peterson Smucker DeSantis LaHood Rooney, Thomas The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under Luetkemeyer Pingree Soto DesJarlais LaMalfa J. the rule, the previous question is or- Lujan Grisham, Pittenger Speier Diaz-Balart Lamborn Ros-Lehtinen dered. M. Poe (TX) Stefanik Donovan Lance Roskam Luja´ n, Ben Ray Poliquin Stewart Duffy Latta Ross The question is on the engrossment MacArthur Polis Stivers Duncan (TN) Lawson (FL) Rothfus and third reading of the bill. Maloney, Posey Suozzi Dunn Lewis (MN) Rouzer The bill was ordered to be engrossed Carolyn B. Price (NC) Taylor Emmer LoBiondo Royce (CA) and read a third time, and was read the Maloney, Sean Quigley Tenney Eshoo Long Russell Marchant Ratcliffe Thompson (CA) Farenthold Loudermilk Rutherford third time. Marino Reed Thompson (PA) Faso Love Sanford The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Marshall Reichert Thornberry Ferguson Lucas Scalise question is on the passage of the bill. Massie Renacci Tiberi Fitzpatrick Luetkemeyer Schneider Mast Rice (NY) Tipton Fleischmann MacArthur Schrader The question was taken; and the Matsui Rice (SC) Titus Flores Marchant Schweikert Speaker pro tempore announced that McCarthy Roby Torres Fortenberry Marino Scott, Austin the ayes appeared to have it. McCaul Roe (TN) Trott Foxx Marshall Sensenbrenner Mr. HUIZENGA. Mr. Speaker, on that McClintock Rogers (AL) Tsongas Franks (AZ) Massie Sessions McCollum Rogers (KY) Turner Frelinghuysen Mast Shimkus I demand the yeas and nays. McEachin Rohrabacher Upton Gaetz McCarthy Shuster The yeas and nays were ordered. McHenry Rokita Valadao Gallagher McCaul Simpson The SPEAKER pro tempore. This is a McKinley Rooney, Francis Vargas Garrett McClintock Sinema McMorris Rooney, Thomas Veasey Gibbs McHenry Smith (MO) 5-minute vote. Rodgers J. Vela Gohmert McKinley Smith (NE) The vote was taken by electronic de- McNerney Ros-Lehtinen Wagner Goodlatte McMorris Smith (NJ) vice, and there were—yeas 344, nays 73, McSally Rosen Walberg Gosar Rodgers Smith (TX) not voting 17, as follows: Meadows Roskam Walden Gowdy McSally Smucker Meehan Ross Walker Granger Meadows Stefanik [Roll No. 31] Meeks Rothfus Walorski Graves (GA) Meehan Stewart YEAS—344 Meng Rouzer Walters, Mimi Graves (LA) Messer Stivers Messer Royce (CA) Walz Graves (MO) Mitchell Swalwell (CA) Abraham Comstock Granger Mitchell Ruiz Wasserman Griffith Moolenaar Taylor Adams Conaway Graves (GA) Moolenaar Ruppersberger Schultz Grothman Mooney (WV) Tenney Aderholt Connolly Graves (LA) Mooney (WV) Russell Weber (TX) Guthrie Moulton Thompson (PA) Aguilar Cook Graves (MO) Moulton Rutherford Webster (FL) Harper Mullin Thornberry Allen Cooper Griffith Mullin Sanford Wenstrup Harris Mulvaney Tiberi Amash Correa Grothman Mulvaney Scalise Westerman Hartzler Murphy (FL) Tipton Amodei Costa Guthrie Murphy (FL) Schiff Williams Hensarling Murphy (PA) Trott Arrington Costello (PA) Harper Murphy (PA) Schneider Wilson (SC) Hice, Jody B. Newhouse Turner Babin Courtney Harris Newhouse Schrader Wittman Higgins (LA) Noem Upton Bacon Cramer Hartzler Noem Schweikert Womack Hill Nunes Valadao Banks (IN) Crawford Heck Nolan Scott, Austin Woodall Himes O’Halleran Wagner Barletta Crist Hensarling Norcross Scott, David Yarmuth Holding Olson Walberg Barr Crowley Hice, Jody B. Nunes Sensenbrenner Yoder Hollingsworth Palazzo Walden Barton Cuellar Higgins (LA) O’Halleran Sessions Yoho Hudson Palmer Walker Beatty Culberson Higgins (NY) O’Rourke Shea-Porter Young (AK) Huizenga Panetta Walorski Bera Curbelo (FL) Hill Olson Shimkus Young (IA) Hultgren Paulsen Walters, Mimi Bergman Davidson Himes Palazzo Shuster Zeldin Hunter Pearce Weber (TX) Beutler Davis (CA) Holding Hurd Perry Webster (FL) Beyer Davis, Rodney Hollingsworth NAYS—73 Issa Peters Wenstrup Biggs DeFazio Hoyer Barraga´ n Green, Al Payne Jenkins (KS) Pittenger Westerman Bilirakis DeGette Hudson Bass Green, Gene Pelosi Bishop (GA) Jenkins (WV) Poe (TX) Williams Delaney Huizenga Blumenauer Grijalva Pocan Bishop (MI) DelBene Hultgren Johnson (LA) Poliquin Wilson (SC) Bonamici Gutie´rrez Raskin Bishop (UT) Demings Hunter Johnson (OH) Polis Wittman Brady (PA) Hanabusa Richmond Johnson, Sam Posey Womack Black Denham Hurd Capuano Hastings Blackburn Dent Issa Roybal-Allard Jones Ratcliffe Woodall Carson (IN) Huffman ´ Blum DeSantis Jeffries Sanchez Jordan Reed Yoder Cartwright Jayapal Sarbanes Joyce (OH) Reichert Yoho Blunt Rochester DesJarlais Jenkins (KS) Cicilline Johnson, E. B. Scott (VA) Katko Renacci Young (AK) Bost Deutch Jenkins (WV) Clark (MA) Kaptur Serrano Kelly (MS) Rice (NY) Young (IA) Boyle, Brendan Diaz-Balart Johnson (LA) Clay Khanna Kelly (PA) Rice (SC) Zeldin F. Donovan Johnson (OH) Cleaver Kihuen Sherman Brady (TX) Doyle, Michael Johnson, Sam Clyburn Kildee Sires NOT VOTING—18 Brat F. Jones Cohen Langevin Slaughter Becerra Johnson (GA) Rush Bridenstine Duffy Jordan Conyers Lewis (GA) Smith (WA) Davis, Danny Kelly (IL) Ryan (OH) Brooks (AL) Duncan (TN) Joyce (OH) Cummings Lowenthal Swalwell (CA) Dingell Lee Schakowsky Brooks (IN) Dunn Katko DeLauro Lowey Thompson (MS) Duncan (SC) Perlmutter Sewell (AL) Brown (MD) Emmer Keating DeSaulnier Lynch Tonko Gutie´rrez Pompeo Takano Brownley (CA) Engel Kelly (MS) Doggett McGovern Vela´ zquez Jackson Lee Price, Tom (GA) Zinke Buchanan Eshoo Kelly (PA) Ellison Moore Visclosky Buck Esty Kennedy Espaillat Nadler Waters, Maxine Bucshon Evans Kilmer ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE ACTING CHAIR Frankel (FL) Napolitano Watson Coleman Budd Farenthold Kind Fudge Neal Welch The Acting CHAIR (during the vote). Burgess Faso King (IA) Gabbard Pallone Wilson (FL) There is 1 minute remaining. Bustos Ferguson King (NY) Gallego Pascrell Butterfield Fitzpatrick Kinzinger b 1747 Byrne Fleischmann Knight NOT VOTING—17 So the amendment was rejected. Calvert Flores Krishnamoorthi Becerra Kelly (IL) Ryan (OH) Carbajal Fortenberry Kuster (NH) Davis, Danny Lee Schakowsky The result of the vote was announced Ca´ rdenas Foster Kustoff (TN) Dingell Perlmutter Sewell (AL) Carter (GA) Foxx Labrador as above recorded. Duncan (SC) Pompeo Takano Carter (TX) Franks (AZ) LaHood The Acting CHAIR. There being no Jackson Lee Price, Tom (GA) Zinke Castor (FL) Frelinghuysen LaMalfa Johnson (GA) Rush further amendments, under the rule, Castro (TX) Gaetz Lamborn the Committee rises. Chabot Gallagher Lance b 1757 Accordingly, the Committee rose; Chaffetz Garamendi Larsen (WA) Cheney Garrett Larson (CT) Ms. ADAMS changed her vote from and the Speaker pro tempore (Mr. Chu, Judy Gibbs Latta ‘‘nay’’ to ‘‘yea.’’ STEWART) having assumed the chair, Clarke (NY) Gohmert Lawrence So the bill was passed. Mr. WOODALL, Acting Chair of the Com- Coffman Gonzalez (TX) Lawson (FL) The result of the vote was announced mittee of the Whole House on the state Cole Goodlatte Levin Collins (GA) Gosar Lewis (MN) as above recorded. of the Union, reported that that Com- Collins (NY) Gottheimer Lieu, Ted A motion to reconsider was laid on mittee, having had under consideration Comer Gowdy Lipinski the table.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:39 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00044 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10JA7.033 H10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE January 10, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H283 SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. tor and the Presidential Innovation Fellows PERSONAL EXPLANATION This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Tested Abil- Program advisory board established under Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, I ity to Leverage Exceptional National Talent section 3172 to attempt to maximize the Pro- was unable to attend votes on Tuesday, Janu- Act of 2017’’ or the ‘‘TALENT Act of 2017’’. gram’s benefits to the agency and the Gov- ary 10, 2017. Had I been present, I would SEC. 2. PRESIDENTIAL INNOVATION FELLOWS ernment, including by identifying initiatives have voted as follows: Motion on Ordering the PROGRAM. that have a meaningful effect on the people Previous Question on the Rule providing for (a) IN GENERAL.—Chapter 31 of title 5, served and that benefit from involvement by consideration of both H.R. 5 and H.R. 79— United States Code, is amended by adding at one or more fellows. Such agencies shall en- the end the following: Vote ‘‘no’’; H. Res. 33—Rule providing for sure that each fellow works closely with re- ‘‘SUBCHAPTER V—PRESIDENTIAL sponsible senior officials for the duration of consideration of both H.R. 5 (Regulatory Ac- INNOVATION FELLOWS PROGRAM the assignment. countability Act of 2017) and H.R. 79 (HALOS ‘‘§ 3171. Presidential Innovation Fellows Pro- ‘‘§ 3172. Presidential Innovation Fellows Pro- Act)—Vote ‘‘no’’; H.R. 79—Vela´zquez Amend- gram gram advisory board ment Made in Order—Vote ‘‘yes’’; H.R. 79— ‘‘(a) POLICY.—It is in the national interest ‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—The Administrator of Clay Amendment Made in Order—Vote ‘‘yes’’; for the Government to attract the brightest General Services shall continue an advisory H.R. 79—Final Passage—Vote ‘‘no’’. minds skilled in technology or innovative board to advise the Director of the Presi- f practices to serve in the Government to dential Innovation Fellows Program by rec- work on some of the Nation’s biggest and ommending such priorities and standards as REPORT ON RESOLUTION PRO- most pressing challenges. This subchapter may be beneficial to fulfill the mission of the VIDING FOR CONSIDERATION OF establishes a program to encourage success- Presidential Innovation Fellows Program H.R. 78, SEC REGULATORY AC- ful entrepreneurs, executives, and innovators and assist in identifying potential projects COUNTABILITY ACT; PROVIDING to join the Government and work in close co- and placements for fellows. The advisory FOR CONSIDERATION OF H.R. 238, operation with Government leaders, to cre- board may not participate in the selection ate meaningful solutions that can help save process under section 3171(f). COMMODITY END-USER RELIEF lives and taxpayer money, fuel job creation, ‘‘(b) CHAIR; MEMBERSHIP.—The Adminis- ACT; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES and significantly improve how the Govern- trator shall designate a representative to Mr. NEWHOUSE, from the Com- ment serves the American people. serve as the Chair of the advisory board. In mittee on Rules, submitted a privi- ‘‘(b) ESTABLISHMENT.—The Administrator addition to the Chair, the membership of the of General Services shall continue the Presi- advisory board shall include— leged report (Rept. No. 115–3) on the dential Innovation Fellows Program (herein- ‘‘(1) the Deputy Director for Management resolution (H. Res. 40) providing for after referred to as the ‘Program’) to enable of the Office of Management and Budget; consideration of the bill (H.R. 78) to exceptional individuals with proven track ‘‘(2) the Director of the Office of Personnel improve the consideration by the Secu- records to serve time-limited appointments Management; rities and Exchange Commission of the in executive agencies to address some of the ‘‘(3) the Administrator of the Office of costs and benefits of its regulations Nation’s most significant challenges and im- Electronic Government of the Office of Man- and orders; providing for consideration prove existing Government efforts that agement and Budget; would particularly benefit from expertise of the bill (H.R. 238) to reauthorize the ‘‘(4) the Assistant to the President and using innovative techniques and technology. Chief Technology Officer; and Commodity Futures Trading Commis- ‘‘(c) ADMINISTRATION.—The Program shall ‘‘(5) other individuals as may be designated sion, to better protect futures cus- be administered by a Director, appointed by by the Administrator. tomers, to provide end-users with mar- the Administrator under authorities of the ‘‘(c) CONSULTATION.—The advisory board ket certainty, to make basic reforms to General Services Administration. The Ad- may consult with industry, academia, or ensure transparency and account- ministrator shall provide necessary staff, re- nonprofits to ensure the Presidential Innova- ability at the Commission, to help sources and administrative support for the tion Fellows Program is continually identi- Program. fying opportunities to apply advanced farmers, ranchers, and end-users man- ‘‘(d) APPOINTMENT OF FELLOWS.—The Direc- skillsets and innovative practices in effec- age risks, to help keep consumer costs tor shall appoint fellows pursuant to the tive ways to address the Nation’s most sig- low, and for other purposes; and for Program and, in cooperation with executive nificant challenges.’’. other purposes, which was referred to agencies, shall facilitate placement of fel- (b) CLERICAL AMENDMENT.—The table of the House Calendar and ordered to be lows to participate in projects that have the sections for chapter 31 of title 5, United printed. potential for significant positive effects and States Code, is amended by adding at the end are consistent with the President’s goals. the following: f ‘‘(e) APPLICATION PROCESS.— ‘‘SUBCHAPTER V—PRESIDENTIAL INNOVATION b 1800 ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—The Director shall pre- FELLOWS PROGRAM scribe the process for applications and nomi- ‘‘3171. Presidential Innovation Fellows Pro- ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER nations of individuals to the Program. gram. PRO TEMPORE ‘‘(2) PROGRAM STANDARDS.—Following pub- ‘‘3172. Presidential Innovation Fellows Pro- lication of these processes, the Director may gram advisory board.’’. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- accept for consideration applications from ant to clause 8 of rule XX, the Chair (c) TRANSITION.—The Presidential Innova- individuals. The Director shall establish, ad- tion Fellows Program established pursuant will postpone further proceedings minister, review, and revise, if appropriate, a to Executive Order 13704 (5 U.S.C. 3301 note) today on the additional motion to sus- Governmentwide cap on the number of fel- as in existence on the day before the date of pend the rules on which a recorded vote lows. The Director shall establish and pub- enactment of this Act shall be considered the or the yeas and nays are ordered, or on lish salary ranges, benefits, and standards Presidential Innovation Fellows Program de- which the vote incurs objection under for the Program. scribed in the amendments made by this Act. ‘‘(f) SELECTION, APPOINTMENT, AND ASSIGN- clause 6 of rule XX. (d) NO ADDITIONAL FUNDS AUTHORIZED.—No MENT OF FELLOWS.— additional funds are authorized to be appro- Any record vote on the postponed ‘‘(1) PROCEDURES.—The Director shall pre- priated to carry out this Act or the amend- question will be taken later. scribe appropriate procedures for the selec- ments made by this Act. This Act and the f tion, appointment, and assignment of fel- amendments made by this Act shall be car- lows. ried out using amounts otherwise author- TESTED ABILITY TO LEVERAGE ‘‘(2) CONSULTATION.—Prior to the selection ized. EXCEPTIONAL NATIONAL TAL- of fellows, the Director shall consult with The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- ENT ACT OF 2017 the heads of executive agencies regarding po- ant to the rule, the gentleman from Mr. HURD. Mr. Speaker, I move to tential projects and how best to meet those needs. Following such consultation, the Di- Texas (Mr. HURD) and the gentleman suspend the rules and pass the bill rector shall select and appoint individuals to from California (Mr. DESAULNIER) each (H.R. 39) to amend title 5, United serve as fellows. will control 20 minutes. States Code, to codify the Presidential ‘‘(3) TIME LIMITATION.—Fellows selected for The Chair recognizes the gentleman Innovation Fellows Program, and for the Program shall serve under short-term, from Texas. other purposes. time-limited appointments. Such fellows GENERAL LEAVE The Clerk read the title of the bill. shall be appointed for no less than 6 months Mr. HURD. Mr. Speaker, I ask unani- The text of the bill is as follows: and no longer than 2 years in the Program. mous consent that all Members have 5 The Director shall facilitate the process of legislative days to revise and extend H.R. 39 placing fellows at requesting executive agen- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- cies. their remarks and to include any ex- resentatives of the United States of America in ‘‘(g) RESPONSIBILITIES OF AGENCIES.—Each traneous material on the bill under Congress assembled, executive agency shall work with the Direc- consideration.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:29 Apr 13, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00045 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD17\JANUARY\H10JA7.REC H10JA7 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE H284 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 10, 2017 The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there top universities, pioneering companies, lowships. These fellows truly are the objection to the request of the gen- and successful nonprofits with their de- best and the brightest the United tleman from Texas? sire to contribute to society through States has to offer, and they seek to There was no objection. public service. This collaboration has utilize their skills for the American Mr. HURD. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 allowed the Federal Government to ob- people. minute to the gentleman from Cali- tain new tools, develop new tech- Presidential Innovation Fellows are fornia (Mr. MCCARTHY), the majority nologies, and ultimately become more giving the Federal Government the leader. effective and efficient. tools it needs to successfully operate in Mr. MCCARTHY. Mr. Speaker, the Presidential Innovation Fellows have the 21st century. Previous projects government is many things. It is large, reshaped the way Americans interact completed by fellows include Uncle it is complicated, and it is ineffective. with their government in areas ranging Sam’s List. Fellows created a database I don’t think anyone would call it mod- from health care and science to law en- to offer a centralized information cen- ern. While the world is rushing forward forcement and disaster response. Fif- ter in which agencies can forgo buying with things like voice-based interfaces, teen million Americans can access new commodity IT and support serv- autonomous vehicles, online retail, and their health data as a result of the pro- ices in favor of existing services pro- data analytics, government is stub- gram’s Blue Button initiative, and can- vided by the Federal agencies. This bornly years, or even decades, behind. cer patients can search for clinical program has saved an estimated $2.5 We do not have to accept it. One of trials as part of work to support the billion, and it is helping government the purposes of the Innovation Initia- Vice President’s Cancer Moonshot ini- become more effective and efficient. tive, our effort here in the House, is to tiative. I commend Majority Leader MCCAR- bring government into the modern age. Scientists can now obtain more THY for the work to bring this innova- Right now, it can still take hours for weather data collected by NOAA, and tion to the government. Again, I urge citizens to get the IRS on the phone to veterans can now more readily access support for this bill. ask the most basic questions. Parents custom prosthetic designs. I reserve the balance of my time. and students still deal with the clunky Citizens can review police records, Mr. DESAULNIER. Mr. Speaker, I yield such time as he may consume to user interfaces when applying for tui- including crime statistics and data on the gentleman from Maryland (Mr. tion assistance. And the VA still uses a officer-involved shootings. And FEMA scheduling system that is a quarter HOYER). and other first responders can better Mr. HOYER. Mr. Speaker, I want to century old. It doesn’t have to be this target and prioritize their response to thank Representative HURD for his way. natural disasters. work, which has been an ongoing con- We have a program right now, the All of these things have been made tinuing work on this issue and on this Presidential Innovation Fellows pro- possible through the Presidential Inno- particular program. gram, that brings in highly talented vation Fellows program, and it is cru- I rise in support of this bipartisan professionals from across the country cial that we continue our support of bill, which builds on the work that Ma- to help upgrade our government’s use these and other endeavors by ensuring jority Leader MCCARTHY and I and oth- of technology. Now, these are engi- its permanency. ers in this House have been doing to neers, designers, innovators, and think- I urge my colleagues to support H.R. modernize government technology and ers. They challenge the old ways of 39. renew America’s faith in government. thinking and introduce new approaches I reserve the balance of my time. In 2016, exit polls showed that dis- to make our government work the way Mr. HURD. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- satisfaction with the government the American people deserve it to self such time as I may consume. spanned the political spectrum. That is work. Today, I am urging my colleagues to a shame because government is sup- I sponsored the TALENT Act to support H.R. 39, the TALENT Act, in- posed to be a force for improving peo- make sure this innovation program troduced by Majority Leader KEVIN ple’s lives, keeping our country safe, continues into the future. By drawing MCCARTHY of California. This bill and expanding opportunities for all on the great talent of the American passed the House on a strong bipar- Americans. people, we can make government effec- tisan vote in the 114th Congress, and I That is why I unveiled the House tive, efficient, and accountable. am glad to be part of the team working Democrats’ Renewing Faith in Govern- Mr. DESAULNIER. Mr. Speaker, I to enact this important legislation into ment agenda last summer. We must yield myself such time as I may con- law. present bold solutions to reform our sume. The TALENT Act makes permanent democracy and our government. Cer- I rise today in strong support of the the Presidential Innovation Fellows tainly, on both sides of the equation, TALENT Act, a bill to ensure that we program that was created in 2012. This that is what the American people were continue to bring top private sector highly competitive program recruits saying in the last election. innovators into government to help talented, private sector innovators and One of the goals of our agenda is solve complex technological problems technologists from across the United modernizing government technology. at Federal agencies. States. Most Americans understand the trans- The Presidential Innovation Fellows Presidential Innovation Fellows formative power of technology—the program was established by President serve in the Washington, D.C., area for Majority Leader spoke of it in so many Obama in 2012 to identify and pursue 12 months at an executive agency. different aspects of our lives—and how projects that apply and implement in- These agencies include the Department digitizing businesses makes them more novative private sector techniques in of Energy, NASA, and the Department efficient, transparent, and accountable. as little as 6 months. The program was of Veterans Affairs. We have seen it in the private sector. made permanent by Executive Order Fellows bring with them their experi- Every day, millions of Americans shop 13704 in 2015, and would be codified by ence in the private sector to help gov- on sites like Amazon or Etsy and catch the bill before us today. ernment turn ideas into tangible re- a ride using Uber or Lyft. H.R. 39 would require the General sults that ultimately benefit the Amer- Government technology is in terrible Services Administration to continue ican people. Since 2012, at least 96 top shape, and bringing the latest practices managing the program with guidance innovators have participated in the from Silicon Valley into government from an advisory board comprised of program. would make a huge difference in serv- representatives from different execu- Past and current fellows have come ing our citizens and streamlining the tive branch agencies. Over 100 Presi- from companies large and small and way government works for the Amer- dential Innovation Fellows have al- hold degrees from top universities ican people. ready been appointed to work alongside across the country. They have won a Last year, I worked closely with the dedicated civil servants at 25 Federal variety of awards, including Fulbright Obama administration and Tony Scott agencies and departments. scholarships, Silicon Valley Business to advance one of its top priorities in At those agencies, fellows have been Journal’s 40 Under 40 recognition, and this area: creating a technology mod- able to merge their experience from Truman National Security Project fel- ernization fund for the rapid upgrade of

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:39 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00046 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10JA7.091 H10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE January 10, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H285 the most outdated, costly, and insecure Mr. DESAULNIER. Mr. Speaker, I cause Little Kim is a terror to world technology systems across the Federal just briefly congratulate everyone who peace. Government. Mr. HURD was involved has been involved. As somebody who And that is just the way it is. deeply in that effort. The result was represents the bay area and struggles f the Modernizing Government Tech- with the innovation in the private sec- nology Act, which the House passed tor there to integrate it into the public GIVING THANKS overwhelmingly with the help of Chair- sector at all levels of government, I (Ms. BARRAGA´ N asked and was man CHAFFETZ and Majority Leader really admire the work by Mr. HURD, given permission to address the House MCCARTHY. the comments and the contributions by for 1 minute and to revise and extend Last month, Majority Leader MCCAR- the administration, and Mr. MCCARTHY her remarks.) THY and I expressed our bipartisan sup- and Mr. HOYER. Ms. BARRAGA´ N. Mr. Speaker, I rise port for one of President Obama’s most Mr. Speaker, I have no further speak- today to give thanks. I give thanks to successful efforts at bringing Silicon ers on our side. I congratulate Mr. the people of California’s 44th District Valley talent into the Federal work- HURD. for giving me the honor and the privi- force: the U.S. Digital Service and Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance lege to serve them. GSA’s 18F program. In fact, I visited of my time. My district is rich with immigrants. the 18F program in San Francisco and Mr. HURD. Mr. Speaker, I would like My own mom, who turned 76 today, is was extraordinarily impressed with the to take the opportunity to thank for an immigrant from Mexico who came individuals who peopled that project their years of service on such an impor- here with a third grade education so and were giving of their time. I guess tant issue Mr. DESAULNIER and Leader her kids could have a shot at the Amer- we were paying them a little bit, but, HOYER and Leader MCCARTHY. ican Dream. relatively speaking, they were giving I would like to urge the adoption of In my district, only 10 percent of stu- their time. this bill. dents go on to college. I am grateful to Today’s bill, the TALENT Act, would Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance make permanent the precursor to both be one of those 10 percenters who beat of my time. the odds and got a piece of the Amer- these programs: the Presidential Inno- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The vation Fellows. This program has a ican Dream. question is on the motion offered by But those numbers are unacceptable. proven track record of bringing top tal- the gentleman from Texas (Mr. HURD) ent from the innovation economy into I pledge to fight for them to make sure that the House suspend the rules and everyone, regardless of income, immi- the Federal workforce where it is sore- pass the bill, H.R. 39. ly needed. gration status, or race has a shot at The question was taken. the American Dream. I hope the next administration will The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the continue all of these innovative pro- opinion of the Chair, two-thirds being f grams, which have begun to change the in the affirmative, the ayes have it. LEGISLATIVE PRIORITIES culture within our government. Mr. HURD. Mr. Speaker, on that I de- The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. I also hope that the talented individ- mand the yeas and nays. FERGUSON). Under the Speaker’s an- uals—many of whom, as I referenced, The yeas and nays were ordered. left high-paying jobs in the private sec- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- nounced policy of January 3, 2017, the tor—will stay on through the transi- ant to clause 8 of rule XX, further pro- gentleman from Texas (Mr. GOHMERT) tion and continue to serve their coun- ceedings on this motion will be post- is recognized for 60 minutes as the des- try by improving government tech- poned. ignee of the majority leader. nology. Mr. GOHMERT. Mr. Speaker, it is al- President Obama made real progress f ways an honor to be here and, espe- in this area, including with the launch NORTH KOREA MISCHIEF cially, to look out and see some people of his Open Data Directive, his We the (Mr. POE of Texas asked and was for whom I have eminent respect in People petition platform, and his Cyber given permission to address the House this body. That is a nice thing, being in National Action Plan. More could have for 1 minute.) a body where I actually have respect been achieved if Congress had agreed to Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, this for the people in the body, a good his request to invest more in these week, North Korea declared that it can thing. areas. We have seen a dramatic exam- launch an intercontinental ballistic We know that elections, as President ple of why cybersecurity investment is missile at any time that it wishes. Obama told us quite succinctly 8 years so critically important for our country, Even our own Deputy Secretary of ago, have consequences. Elections do not for Democrats, not for Repub- State recently warned that Little have consequences, and we have a new licans, but for all Americans. This is an Kim’s weapon capabilities have shown team coming to town. One of the effort toward that end. qualitative improvement within the things that has concerned me greatly, I hope we can work together in this past year resulting in ‘‘unprecedented and I know it has concerned many in new Congress to unleash the trans- level of activity.’’ this body, is that we as a Nation have formative power of modern technology Why is that? had the ability to give protection basi- within government and help renew Well, because this administration has cally to this idea of freedom that our America’s faith in our government. done little to stop Little Kim. Instead, Founders had, cultivated, and gave That is critical if we are to be success- the administration has naively pursued their lives to create. ful as a Nation. I am sure it hopefully a strategy it calls ‘‘strategic patience.’’ As I have mentioned from this po- is what all of us want to do on a bipar- Strategic patience is a fancy phrase dium previously, as I was told by some tisan basis. for ignoring the obvious. There was a west African Christians in Togo, they I thank Representative DESAULNIER time when we kept North Korea on the said: for his efforts, and I thank Representa- State Sponsors of Terrorism List. They We were so excited when you elected your tive HURD for his leadership on this ef- came off the list because they have first Black President, but since your Presi- fort. dent has been there, we have seen America I am pleased to join with my counter- made promises that they have clearly broken. get weaker and weaker. We all are Christians part, Majority Leader MCCARTHY, in and we know where we are going when we Mischievous Little Kim’s threats strong support of this legislation. die, but we also know our only chance for continue to grow bolder and bolder, peace in this world is if America is strong. b 1815 with no repercussions. We cannot af- So please go back to Washington and please Mr. HURD. Mr. Speaker, I would like ford to risk the security of our citizens tell the other Members of Congress to stop to make the gentleman from California for the sake of diplomatic strategy getting weaker. We suffer when you get aware that I have no further speakers that has proven to be a failure. weaker. and I am prepared to close. This week I will reintroduce legisla- I seen this article from Melissa Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of tion to put North Korea back on the Mullins after a study was done. It said, my time. State Sponsors of Terrorism List be- ‘‘Christians Most Persecuted Religious

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:05 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00047 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10JA7.092 H10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H286 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 10, 2017 Group in the World.’’ And that is while hospitals to prescribe narcotic pain that these legislative priorities take America is supposed to be the strong- medicine. I am proud to say that the hold. est nation in the world. Department of Health and Human Mr. GOHMERT. Mr. Speaker, I appre- Mr. Speaker, I see a friend is here on Services announced that they changed ciate so much my friend Mr. MOONEY’s the floor, and I now yield to the gen- their policy and implemented my bill. points. Well made. tleman from West Virginia (Mr. MOON- This change in policy is an important This administration hasn’t turned EY). part of the fight against opioid abuse. I around health care in America, hasn’t Mr. MOONEY of West Virginia. Mr. will remain steadfast in my efforts to seen more choices, people keeping their Speaker, it is an honor and a privilege fight this epidemic. doctors, keeping their insurance poli- to serve the constituents of the Second Another important way to fight back cies they liked. They have seen Congressional District of West Virginia against the drug epidemic is by making deductibles skyrocket, such that so for a second term. health care more accessible and afford- many people across America have had As we begin the 115th session of Con- able. The first step to do this is to re- $5-, $6-, $7-, $8,000 deductibles. We never gress, my top legislative priorities are peal ObamaCare. had deductibles that high before. rolling back anti-coal regulations that Healthcare costs are on the rise be- What that effectively meant was have been imposed by President cause ObamaCare adds burdensome they weren’t going to get any health Obama’s administration over the last 8 taxes, regulations, and mandates onto insurance help. They were totally on years; fighting the drug epidemic; re- American consumers. The limited their own, that every single payment pealing ObamaCare and making health choice in health insurance plans is that they made, even if they got sub- care more affordable and accessible; harming families and their budgets. sidies from the Federal Government, and investing in our roads, bridges, air- ObamaCare will kill 2.5 million jobs in was for nothing. They got no help. ports, and other key infrastructure. 10 years. It has continued to raise They could never come up with enough West Virginia needs good-paying health insurance costs and has placed money in 1 year to meet the deductible jobs. President Obama has spent the the Federal Government in between pa- so that the insurance would start pay- last 8 years waging a war on coal on tients and their doctors. ing in. our country. During this session of Research done by the National Cen- What is even more egregious is that Congress, we must continue to work ter for Policy Analysis found that aver- apparently we found out that much of together to promote an all-of-the- age monthly premium costs increased this was known would happen before above energy strategy that conserves for almost everyone regardless of their people had ObamaCare forced onto our natural resources, cultivates our age, race, or gender after ObamaCare them. economy and jobs, and promotes Amer- was implemented. Then, in the last week we have had ican energy independence. As a Republican in Congress, I want this story from Stephen Dinan, from One of our Nation’s and our States’ to ensure that everyone has access to The Washington Times, finding out greatest natural resources is our fossil health care, but I want it to be quality that the IRS prioritized their role in fuel. Fossil fuel, including coal, sup- health care that people choose for ObamaCare over taxpayer customer plies around 85 percent of our Nation’s themselves. That is why Republicans service. That is what their own inspec- energy. West Virginia produces about have come up with a plan that we call tor general report said. 15 percent of that total. A Better Way. Our plan recognizes that You would think that an administra- Under the outgoing administration, people deserve more patient-centered tion that says their number one con- we have seen our West Virginia energy care, not more bureaucracy. That cern was America’s health care, that industries come under attack even means more choices, not more man- they would not drive so many people though we have made significant dates. off of the insurance they had, they strides in recent years to improve the The A Better Way plan offers many loved, that they could afford, that had quality of our air, land, and water. By improvements that will help West Vir- the doctor in the system they could rolling back harmful regulations like ginia’s Second Congressional District, use, had the medicine in the policy cov- the so-called stream protection rule, including commonsense reforms such ered that they could use. Millions have we can save 30,000 jobs in the Appa- as allowing health insurance sales been driven off of their policies to Med- lachian region right now. That is why across State lines. Simple changes like icaid, which so many doctors don’t last year I introduced my bill, the Sup- these will lower costs and increase even take, and this administration has porting Transparent Regulatory and choice for Americans. called that a great victory. Environmental Actions in Mining Act, Finally, it is imperative to pass bills Yet, in the midst of all of this, we also known as the STREAM Act. My that invest in our Nation’s deterio- knew—it was talked about back in 2010 bill was passed by the House last year rating infrastructure. President-elect when this bill was being passed—that with bipartisan support, and I will con- Trump has said that updating our Na- there could be 18,000, 17-, 18,000 new IRS tinue to fight to stop this outrageous tion’s infrastructure is a top priority agents that would force ObamaCare rule from taking effect. for his administration. upon the country. And as so many peo- Another top priority for this Con- ple have reported, when you get notice gress must be stopping the drug epi- b 1830 from the Internal Revenue Service that demic in our country. Drug abuse rav- The Federal Highway Administration they are coming after you, it does not ages our communities, rips families has classified more than 142,000 bridges do anything to enhance your health. apart, and further ruptures our State’s as either ‘‘structurally deficient’’ or KLTV, in my hometown, contacted already-ailing economy. This issue is ‘‘functionally obsolete.’’ Also from the me here today, wanting to know more above party politics. It is a plague that Federal Highway Administration, traf- about what was happening with the both parties must come together to fic delays cost the U.S. economy more IRS. It has been outrageous what they solve. There is no magical solution to than $50 billion annually. Most major have been doing across the country in this epidemic. We need local, State, roads are rated as ‘‘less than good con- their local taxpayer service assistance and Federal officials to work together dition.’’ offices. to effectively and efficiently fight Improvement to other Nation’s infra- It was reported to us that a sign was back. structure would greatly benefit West put up by one of the IRS employees This past Congress I worked with Virginia, which needs road, bridge and that, basically, if you don’t like the Members on both sides of the aisle to rail repairs. We are also in need of long line and the bad service, then con- find commonsense solutions to fight water, sewer, and power line repairs. tact your Member of Congress—and back against this scourge. That is why By improving the transportation, our fortunately, many did, so we became I introduced H.R. 4499, the Promoting country will open the opportunity for acutely aware of it. Responsible Opioid Prescribing Act. job growth and expansion. I look for- And what was worse, I mean, we had This bipartisan bill struck out a harm- ward to working with my colleagues in an office in Longview. Some people are ful provision of ObamaCare that places the House and the Senate, as well as able to go—are required to go get docu- unnecessary pressure on doctors and the new administration, to make sure mentation from the IRS in order to do

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:39 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00048 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10JA7.095 H10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE January 10, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H287 what they need, whether it is with in- ing lawmakers needed to pony up more that did not support this administra- surance, with their employer, and they money if they wanted better results. tion; therefore, according to the Jus- couldn’t get into the IRS office. The ‘‘But Inspector General J. Russell tice Department that became more of IRS office closed in Longview, making George said the IRS cut its own fund- ‘‘just us department,’’ they weren’t it so much more difficult for Ameri- ing by eliminating nearly $150 million going to pursue anything like that. cans in east Texas to get the customer from customer service, slashing more And in the further category of fur- service they needed. than 2,000 staff positions’’—and that is ther de-Americanization of America, Well, this article from The Wash- so they could go after more enforce- this report from Paul Bedard that U.N. ington Times points out that the IRS ment of ObamaCare, as if ObamaCare shipped 6 of 10 refugees to the United has made things much more painful for wasn’t doing enough damage to peo- States, even more this year. taxpayers than it should have been, ple’s health as it was. Then there is a list from the United and that is according to the IRS’ in- As my friend, House Ways and Means Nations refugee resettlement referrals. spector general. That was in a report Committee Chairman KEVIN BRADY This report just came out in the last Thursday that accused the agency of pointed out: ‘‘The IRS is running out of week, less than a week. The U.N. re- cutting money for customer service excuses for its abysmal customer serv- ports that of the 134,044 refugees set- and ignoring phone calls while moving ice record and poor management deci- tled in 2015, gee, 82,491 of the 134,000 the money over to keep ObamaCare sions.’’ This new report is even more were sent to the United States, that and other administration priorities on proof the IRS is failing the very people despite the fact information came out, track. it was created to serve—American tax- study done, that actually we can sup- Well, what that means is the IRS payers. port 12 refugees in place in the Middle would be there to bully people who had Congress did add more money for the East for the same price of bringing 1 concerns about or problems with agency last year, just as I was saying, refugee to the United States. ObamaCare, which certainly would not Mr. Speaker. This article also echoes b 1845 help their health at all. the same thing. The IRS doubled the But one reporter had told me that number of calls it was able to answer, In fact, this administration didn’t previously they were told by the IRS but the agency has promised to main- have to use the term redline. This ad- that Congress cut funding and, you tain a level of service for next year. ministration could have simply said: know, that is why customer service But let’s face it, the IRS has shown we are going to make sure there is a was cut. Yet, when we presented the they will target people because of their safe zone in which people can live in actual facts of what had happened, yes, political beliefs. They will allow them- the Middle East in a certain area and in the past 6 years, the House of Rep- selves—not just allow themselves. the U.N. will assist them with food— resentatives—not the Senate, for heav- They insert themselves and have al- hopefully, without raping the women en’s sake. They haven’t cut anything lowed themselves to be political weap- and girls, because they have in some in their own House of Congress. But the ons. Certainly saw that occurred from areas. We will provide them a safe House of Representatives cut our own what has come out from 2012. zone, and their needs will be cared for budgets about 22 percent over a 3-year Did they affect the election? It is there. We can handle 12 times as many period, and that is pretty dramatic. hard to say. But they certainly pre- for the same price as bringing 1 into Anybody that has ever had to cut vented many conservative groups from the United States. their budget by a fourth understands. being able to organize. I think voters understood that, when Americans have had to do that across I have heard some who are liberal, they voted Donald Trump as President, the country. We did it right here in the not that smart, asking questions: Well, there are so many of these refugees House of Representatives, and it has I don’t see how that would hurt con- that simply cannot be vetted. been very difficult for some of our of- servative groups just because the IRS We know this administration has fices to provide the care for constitu- did not recognize them. They could made mistake after mistake, not only ents. So many areas, we are it. We are still have gone ahead and organized with people that we have no informa- the ones that can help them stand up tion to use to determine whether or against the bureaucracy and demand and done their thing. Again, apparently they pay too much not they are a threat because we have that they get what the government is attention to the mainstream media and no background information on so many required to provide, and yet we were of these, but also, once they are here, able to do it. don’t think for themselves, because On the other hand, the IRS wasn’t when one begins to understand the we don’t know where they are, we don’t cut 22 percent like the House cut our- power of the Internal Revenue Code in know where they go. We don’t know selves down to the bone. In fact, they the United States, you put a group to- even the threat. had a substantially smaller cut over 2 gether and you pool your money into Then, on top of that, we find out hun- years, I believe it was. one pool to start spending as a group, dreds, maybe thousands—we know hun- In this past year, we increased the somebody’s going to be in trouble and dreds—of people were supposed to be amount of money the IRS got by mil- going to be accounting for that money deported that this administration acci- lions and millions of dollars. What the as income. I mean, there may be cre- dentally—instead of deporting them IRS chose to do is not help taxpayer ative ways to handle it, but the way and getting them out of the country so service, which could also help the IRS you are supposed to handle it is to get they were no longer a threat, this ad- from increasing their punitive work recognition from the Internal Revenue ministration accidentally granted against taxpayers that make mistakes Service that you have a group that can them citizenship. because they didn’t get proper advice come together, put your money to- There are some things that this gov- or service from the IRS assistance. gether, and work together toward a ernment could do and you would say: But no, they moved the money. The common goal. Liberal groups have not well, it is easy to understand. That is massive increase we gave to the IRS, had much problem getting that kind of an easy mistake. Instead of a 1, they they moved it over to be a bigger bully approval, but conservative groups real- put an 11. Or, instead of a 0, they put a regarding ObamaCare and cut out of- ly were targeted by the IRS. 3. fices, like the one in Longview, and fell And there is a law—we didn’t need to Instead of deporting people and get- more into the stereotype than I have pass a new one—that, according to the ting them out of our country, this ad- ever seen for the IRS, this as ‘‘IRS em- facts that have come out regarding ministration accidentally gives them ployees ignored more than 30 million Lois Lerner and others at the IRS, it citizenship and has made clear that phone calls from desperate taxpayers certainly appears that there is prob- they are not capable of protecting us seeking help in the run-up to the 2015 able cause to believe crimes were com- from the threats that we are seeing all filing deadline—and those who did get mitted and should have been pursued. over Europe and other areas of the through often waited a half hour before Yet nothing was done. world. getting help. Why? A point of personal privilege, really, ‘‘The IRS apologized publicly for the Because they were groups that were I would like, Mr. Speaker, a shout out poor service and blamed Congress, say- persecuted, not allowed to organize, to the TSA, which is underneath our

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:39 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00049 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10JA7.096 H10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H288 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 10, 2017 Department of Homeland Security. It quality of security. It seems like there or the vast migrant crisis that has was such an honor to be singled out was a lawsuit back there by a couple nearly wrecked the European Union. last Friday for the two molestations. hundred people, maybe. We are the No one in this administration has Apparently, I am attractive when it only ones not hired by TSA. Out of the shown as much anger about the many comes to TSA agents. They want to thousands and thousands, we are the thousands who have been killed and feel up and down, make sure all the only ones that weren’t hired. jailed in the Castro brothers’ Cuba, parts are actually attached. It seems like there was a problem in much less about the current Stone Age They did a very good job of that both response that yeah, we really needed conditions in Venezuela or the night- times on Friday evening when I was people that could read and had finished marish government of President flying back to Texas. So my thanks to high school. If you couldn’t read or Rodrigo Duterte in the Philippines, an the TSA. Job well done. It delayed me hadn’t finished high school, we really ally nation. 30 minutes or so. I kept thinking the needed that level. ‘‘President Obama did not champion TSA agent was going to lie back and So, basically, it seems what happened the cause of the oppressed during the have a cigarette or something, but that is one group here in Congress—and it Green Revolution of 2009 in Iran. Did never happened. wasn’t the Republicans—had their way. Kerry and Obama become so outraged Anyway, due regards for the TSA. I The security at airports was federal- after Russia occupied South Ossetia, am really and truly hoping that we can ized. We are not seeing an increased Crimea, and eastern Ukraine? change substantially management of percentage of capturing items that are ‘‘Ambassador to the United Nations the TSA in this coming year. At air- coming in, but I have got to say they Samantha Power was never so impas- port after airport, we see two, three, do a good job of feeling up and down sioned over the borders of Chinese-oc- cupied Tibet, or over Turkish-occupied four times longer lines for the TSA my person. I am not really a threat, though Northern Cyprus. PreCheck than there is for the general ‘‘In terms of harkening back to the Homeland Security would assume that. boarding. Yet, TSA continues to en- Palestinian ‘refugee’ crisis that started courage people to go ahead and apply. Well, I was in the Army for 4 years. I in the late 1940s, no one talks today in We can streamline your getting am a strong Christian. I believe in the similar fashion about the Jews who through the inspection. And yes, that Bible, and I believe in the United survived the Holocaust and walked does mean when you are in PreCheck, States Constitution as the greatest home, only to find that their houses in you will enjoy having hands laid on governing document that was ever pro- Eastern Europe were gone or occupied you, not in a Christian kind of sense. mulgated. by others. Much less do we recall the 11 Over and over, there are good TSA Apparently, according to the minds million German civilians who were eth- agents, I am finding, all over the coun- at the top of this Homeland Security nically cleansed from Eastern Europe try, but the management is atrocious. Department, that makes me more of a in 1945 by the Soviets and their im- How long would any security agency threat than most anybody in the coun- posed Communist governments. Cer- stay in business if every day they had try. I was even told back in London, tainly, there are not still ‘refugee’ longer lines in one area that was the coming back, I believe that was from camps outside Dresden for those per- least threat to our security as they do another trip to Egypt or maybe Israel, sons displaced from East Prussia 70 in the general boarding lines that need and I had to go out from security and years ago. to be more carefully monitored, we are come back through. I was told by one ‘‘More recently, few nations at the told? Well, you would fire them. You of the security guys: Sir, I know who U.N. faulted the Kuwaiti government would hire another security agency. you are and your position, but your for the expulsion of 200,000 Palestinians I haven’t seen a study done on this, Homeland Security Department tells after the liberation of Kuwait by coali- but, as I recall—I was watching back us we have to thoroughly inspect your tion forces in 1991. Yet on nearly every during my days as a judge and chief baggage and you personally. I got it issue—from ‘settlements’ to human justice, and I will have to go back and from the British security folks as well. rights to the status of women—U.N. look—there were so many screams Apparently, if you believe in the Con- members that routinely violate human from Congress, especially the Senate, stitution, you believe in the Bible, you rights target a liberal Israel.’’ especially on the other side of the have served your country in the United b 1900 aisle, that we have got to have the Fed- States Army, and you are a Christian eral Government take over security at then you are a big-time threat. ‘‘When President Obama entered of- fice, among his first acts were to give the airports. We have got to. We are in It will be so nice to have an adminis- an interview with the Saudi-owned such danger. We have to have that hap- tration that doesn’t see the world the news outlet Al Arabiya championing pen. way this administration has seen it. his outreach to the most nondemo- Has security been enhanced by add- We had a lecture from the Secretary cratic Islamic world and to blast demo- ing tens of thousands of people to the of State. The President of the United States said amen and hallelujah when cratic Israel on ‘settlements.’ government unions? No, it hasn’t. It ‘‘Partly, the reason for such inordi- he condemned Israel over and over and really hasn’t. nate criticism of Israel’’—well, the ar- So, what I want to go back and look over. We stabbed our friend, Israel, in ticle says ‘‘sheer cowardice,’’ but that at, it seems like I remember back the back. There are reports in some might be inappropriate for a Member years ago, after the Democrats were sectors that not only did we abstain to say about the President, so I am not able to prevail over Republicans who but we encouraged the resolution to be even going to read that part. ‘‘If Israel were in the majority and get them to brought forward so that Israel could be had 100 million people and was geo- agree to federalize the security at air- condemned. graphically large, the world would not ports so that they could get them in It apparently generated this article so readily play the bully. the government unions, I was thinking, from Victor Davis Hanson from Na- ‘‘Instead, the United Nations and Eu- I don’t know that that is really going tional Review. He said: rope would likely leave it alone—just to help. Are we going to see a better ‘‘Secretary of State John Kerry, as they give a pass to human-rights of- quality of TSA agent than we had in echoing other policymakers in the fenders such as Pakistan and Indo- private security? I would like to see an Obama administration, blasted Israel nesia. If Israel were as big as Iran, and official number. last week in a 70-minute rant about its Iran as small as Israel, then the Obama Maybe if somebody in Homeland Se- supposedly self-destructive policies. administration would have not reached curity is listening, Mr. Speaker, they Why does the world, including now the out to Iran and would have left Israel could, in their time between looking U.S.’’—I would submit, Mr. Speaker, alone. the other way as people come into the not for much longer—‘‘single out lib- ‘‘Israel’s supposed Western friends country illegally, they might just look eral and lawful Israel but refrain from sort out Israel’s enemies by their rel- up how many private security airport chastising truly illiberal countries? ative natural resources, geography, and personnel were not hired by TSA. Kerry has never sermonized for so long population—and conclude that sup- The reason for federalizing the secu- about his plan to solve the Syrian cri- porting Israel is a bad deal in cost/ben- rity was so that we will get a better sis that has led to some 500,000 deaths efit terms.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:39 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00050 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10JA7.098 H10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE January 10, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H289 ‘‘Partly, the criticism of Israel is ex- ‘‘If Israelis were Egyptians admin- the Obama presidency. Now he is leav- plained by oil—an issue that is chang- istering Gaza or Jordanians running ing office by issuing a blizzard of ‘mid- ing daily as both the U.S. and Israel the West Bank’’ as they did for 20 years night regulations’ and edicts. cease to be oil importers. or so, ‘‘no one would care. The world’s ‘‘One of the most troublesome came ‘‘Still, about 40 percent of the world’s problem is that Israelis are Jews. Thus, last Friday and gave the federal gov- oil is sold by Persian Gulf nations.’’ Israel earns negative scrutiny that is ernment the power to begin central- And I might add parenthetically, never extended commensurately to izing our election systems. The Con- when we have a new President, that others. stitution explicitly gives states the will drop even further because the ‘‘Obama and his diplomatic team power to set the ‘times, manner and United States will begin to produce should have known all this. Perhaps places of holding elections.’ more of the energy that we have been they do, but they simply do not care.’’ ‘‘But Homeland Security Secretary blessed with. There will be more na- Then we find out this administration, Jeh Johnson used the excuse of Fri- tions in the world that will not have to we see what happens when there is yet day’s release of a report on Russian go begging to Russia, which supposedly another terrorist attack in Israel. hacking of the Democratic National those on the left are so concerned What does this administration do after Committee to declare that state and about these days. Well, if they are so such a powerful chastising of our dear local voting systems will be designated concerned, let us produce more west friend Israel? as ‘pieces of critical infrastructure’ so Texas oil, more east Texas natural gas, Nothing. But ‘‘a Palestinian who that the U.S. Department of Homeland more oil and gas from around the coun- may be linked to ISIS rammed his Security can protect them from hack- try, and, boy, we will be energy inde- speeding truck into a group of Israeli ers. pendent. And as smart people have soldiers in Jerusalem Sunday, killing ‘‘His move—coming just 15 days be- pointed out for a long time, it is a four people and wounding 15 others be- fore President Obama leaves office—led whole lot easier to take on terrorists fore being shot dead in one of the dead- many experts to question both its wis- who are throwing rocks than terrorists liest attacks in a year-long campaign dom and its constitutionality. ‘While who are launching nuclear weapons. of violence.’’ the Federal Government has the gen- Back to this point being made here in Now, even that, from friends at FOX eral power to protect the nation’s National Review: ‘‘Partly, the criti- News, is not as accurate as it could be. cyber infrastructure, it cannot intrude cism of Israel is explained by oil—an Yes, they were soldiers that were into areas of state sovereignty without issue that is changing daily as both the killed. They were on a sight-seeing clear constitutional mandate,’ John U.S. and Israel cease to be oil import- tour, and apparently the insidious rad- Yoo, a law professor at UC Berkeley, ers. ical Islamist sat parked and waited for told CNSNews.com. ‘‘Still, about 40 percent of the world’s them to be in a vulnerable position, ‘‘‘There is no federal power to control oil is sold by Persian Gulf nations. In- or secure elections. Each state admin- not in a position to use weapons, not fluential nations in Europe and China isters its own elections, restricted only fighting. They were sightseeing. As continue to count on oil imports from by constitutional protections for vot- this radical Islamist saw these people the Middle East—and make political ing rights,’ agreed Illya Shapiro, senior getting off the bus, that is when he adjustments accordingly. fellow in constitutional studies at the moved and became the murdering, ‘‘Partly, anti-Israel rhetoric is due to Cato Institute. ‘It may make sense for blood-thirsty, radical Islamist that he herd politics. The Palestinians— states to request federal support here, was. illiberal and reactionary on cherished but it would set a dangerous precedent Mr. Speaker, might I inquire how Western issues like gender equality, for a federal agency to unilaterally homosexuality, religious tolerance, much time remains? The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. take over state electoral processes. and diversity—have grafted their cause ‘‘Secretary Johnson’s decision FASO). The gentleman from Texas has to the popular campus agendas of race/ sparked outrage among many of those 14 minutes remaining. class/gender victimization. who are most knowledgeable about our Mr. GOHMERT. Mr. Speaker, I want- ‘‘Western nations in general do not election system—the 50 secretaries of ed to finish talking about this issue worry much about assorted non-West- state who, along with local officials, that has been raised about the Rus- ern crimes such as genocides, mass run the election process. Even Johnson sians being such a big threat to our cleansings, or politically induced fam- admitted that ‘many of them are op- elections. Some of us have been ines. Instead, they prefer sermons to posed to this designation.’ other Westerners as a sort of virtue- screaming here on Capitol Hill that we ‘‘Secretary of State Brian Kemp of signaling, without any worries over of- need to have security of the Internet. Georgia, told me in an interview that fending politically correct groups. And as part of that, one of the last Johnson’s action ‘uses security as an ‘‘Partly, the piling on Israel is due to things we needed to do was give control excuse to subvert the Constitution and American leverage over Israel as a re- over Web site determinations to the establish the basis for Federal en- cipient of U.S. aid. As a benefactor, the international community. That was croachment into election systems.’’’ Obama administration expects that created as an American entity, the Now, Mr. Speaker, I think it is im- Israel must match U.S. generosity with Internet. We had control over ICANN, portant to pause and look at what hap- obeisance. Yet the U.S. rarely gives the organization controlling the Web pened in this last election. Now, there similar ‘how dare you’ lectures to less sites, and this President did irreparable have been some people saying, as I liberal recipients of American aid, such damage to our security. Oh, I know he heard down at the Senate in the Ken- as the Palestinians,’’ for example, ‘‘for thinks he didn’t, so I am not accusing nedy Room at JEFF SESSIONS’ hearing their lack of free elections,’’ not to anything untoward, but irreparable this morning, there were 17 intel- mention their lack of paying, encour- damage was done by giving over that ligence agencies that agreed about the aging, immortalizing people who are power to the so-called international Russian hacking. Well, I am not sure. suicide bombers who are successful in community. They must have seen something I killing innocent victims. This article from John Fund, who didn’t, but I had understood there was, The article says: ‘‘Partly, the cause had a great book about election fraud, like, three, and that we have been told of global hostility toward Israel is jeal- points out, and he quotes from a actually they had these conclusions, ousy. If Israel were mired in Venezuela- former colleague, Rahm Emanuel: but people have admitted—no, actu- like chaos, few nations would care. In- ‘‘‘You never want a serious crisis to go ally, they didn’t hack our election sys- stead, the image of a proud, successful, to waste,’ Rahm Emanuel, Obama’s tem. They didn’t hack any voting ma- Westernized nation as an atoll in a sea just-named chief of staff, told a Wall chines. Clapper even admitted that. Of of self-inflicted misery is grating to Street Journal conference of top CEOs course, he has said: I have testified many. And the astounding success of in November 2008 while his boss was very falsely. He has admitted under Israel bothers so many failed states still President-elect. Since then a slew oath that he has not been truthful that the entire world takes notice. of constitutionally dubious executive under oath to the Senate before. ‘‘But partly, the source of anti- orders, presidential emergencies, and So as a law professor once asked: If Israelism is ancient anti-Semitism. rushed legislation have characterized you have admitted lying, well—he

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:39 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00051 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10JA7.100 H10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H290 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 10, 2017 would say—are you lying now or were honest. Fortunately, in law enforce- scene? What is all this about Russia you lying then? If you admit you are ment, intelligence agencies, homeland hacking? What is all this about trying lying, which one is really the lie? security, places like that, in my opin- to influence the American election? We don’t know. Is he lying now or ion, there is a much higher number of Did they really, and did it really hap- lying then? good, honorable, honest people that pen, and was it effective? You have said—you have told us you care about providing for the safety of Well, we know it really happened. are a liar. Which one is it? the American people. That is where we The American public is scratching What we find among smart juries, need to go. Find those people in those their head and they are saying: What is once they found you lied to them, is departments and put them in positions it? that they are not going to trust you of leadership. And then all this talk about change, about anything else. I think that con- We have a great opportunity now be- all this talk about we are going to tributed to the voting results we had. fore us, and if you are agnostic or athe- change things; we are going to repeal But Conservative HQ had an article: ist, you should believe it was all a roll ObamaCare, and we are going to re- ‘‘Russian Hacking Story A Twofer For of the dice. This kind of stuff happens. place it with something great. Hmmm. Obama And the Left.’’ Say, gee, they Hey, even a pragmatist agnostic would I wonder what that might be. And I get to blame the Russians and they get probably say: Well, if I am honest, suspect all across this Nation there are to take control of the voting system. somebody—Julian Assange said it men, women, families that are also wondering: What do they mean it will b 1915 wasn’t the Russians. Indications were it may well have been an unhappy be great? What is it that is great? Well, all that has come out is some- Democratic operative in the party that Well, if you were to go around the body hacked John Podesta’s emails— provided. But wherever they came Capitol, if you were to talk to Members most likely an unprotected server like from, information was provided to the in the House of Representatives or over Hillary Clinton was using—and we lost American public showing the terribly in the Senate and say: So it is gonna be secrets we may never know. But it was unfair and untruthful things that have great; what is it? unprotected. Podesta’s was at least been said or done, and they voted Well, we will tell you tomorrow or we protected. And people saw published against the party that had apparently will tell you later, but it will be great. what Democratic people participating Maybe, maybe not. done the unfair, untruthful things. Right now, the Senate is working on in the Hillary Clinton campaign had So I think we need to look, as Shake- said about Christians, Catholics, the a piece of legislation that will set the speare would say, not to our stars, but stage for the repeal of the Affordable duplicity of trying to bring down BER- in ourselves. Personally, I think we NIE SANDERS, the duplicity at debates, Care Act—and some would derisively were mercifully given another chance call it ObamaCare. Repeal it. the if it is not illegal, the certainly to give back to the American people rule-violating strategies of revealing Oh, yeah, get rid of that thing. But the power that this Congress and the not to where it is going to be great as questions before a debate. executive branch has used for far too Shockingly, when the truth was re- soon as it is gone. long and let America be America, not Really? I don’t think so. vealed and certain people in the Hil- the evil parts—the KKK, the lynchings, I know that in my part of California, lary Clinton administration, or in their the horrid things that mar our his- a lot of people—in fact, more than campaign, were exposed as lying about tory—but the goodness, the part of 20,000—don’t think it is great at all. so many things, those people are now America that would say, ‘‘I don’t care They are going to lose their health saying: Hey, when America found out about the KKK. I am going to take you care. And there are a whole lot of sen- we were lying, they voted against Hil- into my home. I am going to protect iors in my community that are going: lary. They hurt our election. They af- you’’; the parts of America that said, Wow, it is going to be great. fected our election because we were ex- ‘‘I don’t care what color your skin is. Really? posed as liars and it cost us votes. That We are fellow human beings and we But I will lose my annual check-up. is grossly unfair. The American people have got some good ideas and we are And that awesome drug doughnut hole should never have known the truth going to work together and we are that was so frightening just years ago that we were lying about so many going to raise this Nation to heights it is going to come back? That is not so things, that we were conspiring to has never seen before.’’ I am hoping great. bring down BERNIE SANDERS and defeat and praying that is where we are head- I drove into town or into the Capitol him unfairly. The American people ed. today. I don’t live so far away, but it is weren’t supposed to find those things Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance 20 degrees, and I decided I would rather out and, doggone it, those Russians of my time. drive than freeze. So I drove in and an need to be punished. f advertisement came on the radio, and Well, I don’t know where it came it said: You are going to get a trillion- from. And I also know, as a fact, that WHO GETS THE BREAKS FROM RE- dollar tax cut. Wonderful. The middle some intelligence personnel have lied PEALING THE AFFORDABLE class will have a trillion-dollar tax cut. to the chairman of our Intel Com- CARE ACT? THE SUPERWEALTHY I said: Well, that is not what I saw last mittee in the last Congress. I know it The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under night when I read the statistics about is a fact. I don’t know who it was, but the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- the great repeal of the Affordable Care they did. uary 3, 2017, the gentleman from Cali- Act. In fact, I read something quite dif- When you have Clapper say, Yeah, I fornia (Mr. GARAMENDI) is recognized ferent from the tax committees, from came in here and testified about a for 60 minutes as the designee of the Americans, various people. bunch of stuff that wasn’t true, you minority leader. Let me put something up here. Here wonder wouldn’t it be a good idea to Mr. GARAMENDI. Mr. Speaker, in- it is. Who gets that trillion-dollar tax take those incredible individuals in our deed, we do have an extraordinary cut? Who is it? Is it the middle class? intelligence agencies that have been country. Down through the last 230 Well, I don’t think so, because when faithful to our country, served our years, this Congress has met, has dis- you look at the numbers, it goes to the country, not their political agenda, and cussed, decided, voted upon, and set in very wealthy. They are the ones who done great things for America, let’s get place policies that advanced our coun- are going to get the tax cut with the them in the positions of authority in try. And we are so very fortunate, all repeal of ObamaCare. the intelligence agencies. And since of us Americans, to be living here with When the Affordable Care Act is re- they have been working there, they all the promise that this incredible his- pealed the way it is presently going, will know what to do; they will know tory has given us. the bill that is over in the Senate will who to trust, who not to trust. But at this period of time, we also require that the taxes that were put in As you find out, if you ever sit on the have some profound questions about place to support the Affordable Care bench as a felony judge very long, it where this country is going. We wake Act and to provide insurance for 20 mil- doesn’t matter what area of life you up and we say: What is happening here? lion people—that is both the govern- are in, there are people that are not What is happening in the international ment insurance, the Medicaid, Medi-

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:39 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00052 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10JA7.101 H10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE January 10, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H291 Cal in California, and the subsidized in- They are going to lose the subsidies MARCY KAPTUR from Ohio, who has surance from the various programs on their insurance programs. They been an extraordinary leader on the that exist State by State—that money won’t be able to afford it. They will issues of manufacturing, of making it was raised from the wealthy. lose their insurance. For some of them, in America, of looking out for seniors, When the tax cuts come into place, they are on the Medicaid or the Medi- and for people who are in need of help here is the real story. The top 1 per- Cal program in California, and they and support. cent—do you remember the 1 will be out of luck unless, of course, Congresswoman KAPTUR, would you percenters? Do you remember all that the State of California can find $16.8 care to join us and share with us your discussion about the 1 percenters and billion to replace the money that just thoughts on what is happening in the 99? The 1 percenters get 57 percent disappeared with the repeal of the Af- Washington? of that trillion dollars, and everyone fordable Care Act, and that money is Ms. KAPTUR. Thank you, Congress- else gets to split the remaining 43 per- then transferred to the top 20 percent. man GARAMENDI. You are such a rare cent. The top one-tenth of the tax- These folks down here, the bottom 20 and talented Member. I thank the peo- payers in California—we are talking percent—actually, the bottom 60 per- ple of California for sending you here. about the superwealthy. We are talking cent of the American public are the You serve them every day of the week, about the folks that are actually going losers. 7 days a week—24/7. It is a privilege to to be in the President-elect’s Cabinet, Who are the winners? appear with you tonight and also with you know, the billionaires that he is The ones who are already able to buy Congressman PAUL TONKO, one of our going to put in the Cabinet. We are insurance. I love this trick. I was the most talented Members from upstate talking about those guys—oh, roughly Insurance Commissioner in California. New York—a region like my own that a $200,000-a-year tax break. But after I loved this little trick: ‘‘Not to worry. has just been battered by the global all, they are hurting. They need a few We are going to give an opportunity for economy and the outsourcing of jobs. more hundred thousand dollars along people to buy their own insurance and We all are just honored to serve in this the way. give them a tax break.’’ Congress, and we respect it and its his- So the trillion-dollar tax break that Do you mean these people down here tory and its potential. Mr. Speaker, as I travel my own dis- is the foundation of the repeal, if you have enough money jingling around in trict and State, I am finding I have to eliminate the money, the program is their pockets that they are going to be reassure people. Anytime there is a not working. There will not be annual able to go out and buy the insurance change, I guess, in public life, people visits for seniors so that they can stay and get the tax break? need to be bolstered that everything is healthy, so that they can control their Uh-uh. It is the folks up here on top going to be okay. We are here to be blood pressure, diabetes, mammo- who will, once again, benefit. that squad and to say to the American grams, and all the rest that go with it. This really is a massive shift of $1 people that they have power, too, and There won’t be money for the 3.7 mil- trillion from those people who are now insured, for those people who are now that it isn’t just the super rich of this lion Californians that presently are country or the billionaire class. able to get coverage under the Medi- able to get care in the clinics that have been established across America—in We can label them ‘‘wealth power.’’ Cal program. There won’t be money for And that has power; yes, it does. Some- the almost 2 million Californians that outlying areas and in rural areas in my district. It is a massive shift from the times extraordinary power. But there are in the subsidized pool called Cov- is also ‘‘people power.’’ I consider my- ered California. That money won’t be ability of those people to get health care, for those people who are on the self having been lifted here by people there. Those folks are going to be out. power over many years, and I appre- exchanges and are able to get sub- And by the way, the repeal will re- ciate the people of my region for allow- sidized insurance so that they can af- move the insurance for 30 million ing me to serve our country and to ford it, for those people who are seniors Americans all across the country. But learn every day, to learn from them, to and are able to get their free annual who gets the real benefit here? The learn how to make the instruments of checkups and have their drug costs re- superwealthy, the top 1 percent will the Nation work better for them. get 57 percent of that trillion-dollar duced as the doughnut hole shrinks. It There is also ‘‘spiritual power.’’ I am tax break, and the rest of us will share is a massive shift of money being taken amazed at how people’s spiritual in the 43 percent remaining. directly out of their benefits and their groundings help them through difficult Another way to look at it, folks. It pockets and going to the wealthy of situations and transitions. will be great, but for whom? Well, if America. That is what is happening. Then there is ‘‘intellectual power.’’ you break the American public into the That is what this repeal of the Afford- We hope to use some of that here once five sectors, the first 20 percent, next able Care Act is. in a while. That is a power in and of 20, next 20, next 20, and then the top Then you look at the implications of itself. We think about the power of lib- 20—so these are the real poor down that. What about the hospitals that erty of a free people to improve their here in the lower 20 percent, and these have been able to ramp up their serv- Nation, to heal their Nation, to expand are the superwealthy in the top 20 per- ices? What about the reforms that were opportunity in their Nation. cent. in the Affordable Care Act—the insur- We are aided and abetted by a very So what happens? When you repeal ance reforms—that said to the insur- curious media—sometimes more ridicu- the Affordable Care Act, as is now hap- ance companies: ‘‘Oh, no, no, no, you lous than it needs to be—but also of pening in the Senate—and it will be can no longer discriminate because people digging, trying to find that elu- over here either this week or early that person happens to be a woman or sive truth that should lead us all for- next week; and then this House will has a preexisting condition’’? ward. So we find ourselves helping to take it up and it, too, will vote on that This is important, Mr. Speaker. If heal our Nation by being Members very same budget bill that will create a you are scratching your head and won- here, and we all hope for the best for trillion-dollar tax cut over the next dering what is going on here, listen our people and for our country. I think decade—who will get the money? There carefully because this super rapid train the Members here are very well moti- you go. The top 20 percent will wind up is about to come into the House of Rep- vated. with a full 74 percent of that. resentatives and sweep through here, I rise to defend, really, and to sup- wiping out the healthcare benefits of 30 port two foundational programs of our b 1930 million Americans. For those who are society: Social Security and Medicare. Despite that little advertisement not directly affected, they, too, are I will try to be brief so others can com- that I heard on the radio, which said, going to wind up in a very precarious ment. ‘‘Oh, the poor and the middle class are situation because the reforms will also I am very proud to say that our fam- going to get it,’’ really? be repealed. ily is one of those families who would Let’s see. Of the bottom 20 percent— Joining me tonight to discuss this have been completely destroyed had it 6.7—oh, and the next will get 5.9 per- and Social Security—oh, by the way, not been for Social Security and Medi- cent of it—do you have any idea what Social Security is also on the chopping care. Those didn’t exist when my par- they are going to lose? block—are two of my colleagues: ents were born and grandparents were

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:39 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00053 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10JA7.103 H10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H292 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 10, 2017 living in our country. But in 1935, after survivors, and it is America’s greatest cial Security and Medicare and what our country crashed economically and insurance program ever. happened when we did not. It was real- there were major bank failures and the I happened to be living when Lyndon ly profound. It reminded me of my own stock market crashed and wiped out Johnson helped to create the Medicare history. the savings of millions of Americans, program, which provides health insur- I remember, as a young kid, that my the Nation turned to the Federal Gov- ance coverage now to over 55 million father took me to the county hospital ernment, to the President, to guar- people in our country—essential health where the neighboring rancher was—we antee for a large segment of our soci- security for seniors. Today, only 2 per- were out on a ranch in California—and ety—senior citizens—decent incomes. cent of the elderly in our country lack it was horrible. That is where he was The Social Security Insurance Act health insurance compared to 48 per- sent to die because there was no Medi- was enacted at the urging of Demo- cent—half the people of this country— care. cratic President Franklin Delano Roo- in 1962, after World War II, before Medi- Ms. KAPTUR. If the gentleman sevelt. He was regarded as a saint in care even existed. That seems sort of would yield, I can remember the our household because what happened modern times, the 1960s; yet it really stench. around our country was that seniors was not. I would say that that is a Mr. GARAMENDI. Oh, the stench was before that time—many of them—were ‘‘wow’’ by any measure. unbelievable. living in what we called poorhouses. Yes, people are living longer. Thank Ms. KAPTUR. I can remember that. They were dying in terrible cir- God the program is working. People Mr. GARAMENDI. I am sorry your cumstances, and there was no security are getting free preventative father endured that. Ms. KAPTUR. My grandpa. as a person aged. healthcare screenings and are lowering Mr. GARAMENDI. Your grandfather. Can you imagine how revolutionary the long-term costs of care because of early diagnosis. Seniors don’t have to Ms. KAPTUR. Our father had to fight it was at that time to create a social to get him in there because there insurance program—probably the larg- pay for mammograms or diabetes or cancer screenings, thanks to the Af- wasn’t enough space for people who est insurance program America has were ill and dying. That was before ever had—to ensure that as people aged fordable Care Act; so we keep trying to make the system better. hospice and that was before Medicare. I or if workers became disabled in the remember, as a young girl, that that workplace or if they died that their Since House Republicans won the majority in 2011, every House Repub- was a hard thing to experience, but our children would have sources of income? mother and father never protected us The program did all of that. In think- lican budget has tried to end the Medi- from the inevitable. ing back, gosh, over 70 years, how care guarantee and turn Medicare into a privatized voucher program. Mr. GARAMENDI. I was just think- transformational was that? ing that I have got more stories to tell, As for our grandpa, who died in a Do you know what that is going to do? but I really want to turn to our col- county hospital in Ohio before the en- It is going to shut out millions of league from New York. Mr. TONKO and actment of Medicare, I know the condi- Americans who are elderly—or who are I are often on the floor—with you tions that he died under. And I know about to be elderly—from insurance. also—to discuss jobs in America, how that, when our mother died, it was a The reason we have Medicare is that to enhance our American economy different situation. She had Social Se- insurers weren’t insuring seniors—that with research, economic development curity and Medicare, and we were able is the reason it exists in the first of all kinds, transportation infrastruc- to take care of her. The same was true place—or they will make the price so ture, Make It In America. with our father. high that people won’t be able to pay Mr. TONKO, tonight we are on a some- Intergenerationally, I see our coun- for it; or they will cherry-pick only the what different subject, but I know it is try getting better. I am proud of that. healthy people. Then those who have one that you are very familiar with, I am also proud to be a Democrat and diabetes, those who have had prior can- one that you have spent your entire ca- a member of a party that has created cers, those who have multiple sclerosis, reer addressing in trying to help sen- Social Security, which has become an those who have Parkinson’s will be iors and others who have been on the indispensable part of our way of life. As cast aside. short end of the stick. Thank you so I have said to seniors and to workers, What kind of a country would this much for joining us, Mr. TONKO. it is an earned benefit. People pay for be, for heaven’s sake? it every time their paychecks are The American Association of Retired b 1945 nicked, and their employers match it. Persons and the National Committee Mr. TONKO. Mr. Speaker, I thank Obviously, to survivors—and, obvi- to Preserve Social Security and Medi- Representative GARAMENDI for bringing ously, I have neighbors who have lost care completely opposed the Repub- us together in this Special Order for- spouses, whose children then benefit licans’ plan to voucherize and let every mat to talk about some key critical from the survivor benefit—what an in- senior go out there in the market and components that address American credible gift this idea is to the Amer- try to find a plan of his own, because families significantly. Representative ican people. There are 35 million people they know what that means. These two GARAMENDI and Representative MARCY today in our country who depend on programs are the most pro-life pro- KAPTUR, who both do their homework, Social Security—one out of every six grams this Nation has ever created. We are a great addition to the House be- Americans. Every day, Social Security should be so proud of what we have cause they challenge us with facts, not lifts 20 million people out of poverty— been able to do as a country over the fiction. They care deeply and passion- people who used to live in poverty. last century. ately about improving and enhancing Can you imagine what that was like? The Republican attacks on Social Se- the quality of life. So to stand with We don’t ever, ever want to go back curity and Medicare need to stop. They both on this issue is a good feeling for to that world. are America’s bulwark for millions and me. In 2014, the latest data show us that millions of people, and they have prov- Just a couple of observations: I think more than 6 million children under the en themselves to be America’s most it is okay for government to have a age of 18 live in families who receive important, lifetime security programs. heart. We speak to the heart and soul income from Social Security, lifting I thank Congressman GARAMENDI and of working families across this country more than a million children out of Congressman TONKO for being down by understanding that health care is poverty. Social Security has never here tonight. I know how passionately not a privilege; it is a right. been a welfare program. It is an earned you care about the people of our coun- So let’s begin with that fundamental benefit, and all Americans who con- try way beyond just your districts and basic observation, a right. What we tribute to it during their working life- why we are here. We are here to stand have seen with this right is that over 30 times receive benefits. Social Security with them. million Americans have been added to is a compact of trust between genera- Mr. GARAMENDI. Thank you very the rolls of the insured over the course tions. It is the ever-present sentry at much, Ms. KAPTUR. of the Affordable Care Act. the economic security gate for retirees, I loved your talk of the history and Now, Representative KAPTUR did a for those hurt on the job, or for their how it came to pass that we have So- great job of speaking to history of

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:39 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00054 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10JA7.105 H10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE January 10, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H293 Medicare, of Social Security, and of looking for assistance, didn’t provide a about what is a sound resolve that al- the Affordable Care Act, as did Rep- steady flow. It was a wasteful outcome lows us to provide stability and success resentative GARAMENDI. I remember for taxpayers and an insufficient out- for the American public. That, I don’t being at the 75th anniversary celebra- come, a cruel outcome for those con- think, is too much to ask. tion of Social Security, and people sumers who were impacted by being So I thank the gentleman from Cali- were talking about the discrediting underinsured or uninsured. fornia (Mr. GARAMENDI) for bringing us going on before Social Security was en- So let’s set the record straight. We together. acted into law. There were those who have had a program up and running for Mr. GARAMENDI. Mr. Speaker, it is demonized it before it became law. 8 years now. The Republicans have always a pleasure for me to be on the There were those who have fought it chastised this program saying it needs floor with Representative TONKO be- ever since. They don’t want that right to be repealed. We have taken over 65 cause of his passion, his knowledge, his for working families. votes, or 65 votes, I believe, to repeal, ability to articulate with clarity, in I would suggest that Social Security, but there has never been a replacement this case, the importance of the Social Medicare, and the Affordable Care Act plan. So what kind of gimmick is this Security program, Medicare, as well as are rock solid elements of a foundation to pull away a program that is working the Affordable Care Act. The gen- upon which to grow quality of life and for tens of millions of families added to tleman makes a compelling argument. longevity. It is a basic fundamental ad- the rolls but not replace? That is dis- I want the public of America to real- ditive that, when brought to our work- aster waiting to happen. ly grasp the importance of what is hap- ing families across this country, we are So we challenge our colleagues here pening here in Washington. Yes, we are providing a service and we are address- in the House and in the Senate down going to have a new President, and ing them with dignity. That is what the hall to be academic about this, to there will be an inaugural and all of this is about. be compassionate about it, to be pas- the celebration that goes with that. Let me put it this way: When that is The demonization of the Affordable sionate in our resolve, and to make a done, there is a majority of the Con- Care Act is interesting. Because if you difference by putting together the im- gress and the Senate, together with the look at polling, you will find that peo- provements that we require and not re- President, that fully intend to embark ple say that ObamaCare is destroying pealing. on unraveling the very critical safety the Nation. Well, what about the Af- Now, we look at the Affordable Care net for more than 30 million Ameri- fordable Care Act? That is working. My Act and what it means to our health cans. And for everyone else who has in- friends, it is the same issue, it is the care. But if you repeal, you will wreak surance at every age—Medicare all the same concept, and it is the same pro- damage on the budget. You will de- way down who has insurance—they will stroy our economy. You will have a gram. also see a dislocation and an unravel- So what we have tried to do is dis- huge workforce displacement, and you ing of their insurance benefits because credit a program that took on a major will slash care for America’s working this market could seriously unravel. So challenge, took on major industries, families. Is this the outcome that we as the gentleman said so clearly, be and needed to provide a balance and an want? academic, study the facts, and study actuarial outcome that is providing a Remember, we were the last industri- the pros and the cons of the various al- alized nation to come to the table and go-forward and accomplish what you ternatives that are out there. have enacted as a mission. The actu- provide guaranteed health care for our I know, as an insurance commis- arial science has got to be precise. families. That is not something of sioner and having been dealing in the So for those who want to repeal, they which we are proud. That was destruc- issues of health care for many years are talking about, in cases, pulling a tive. That was insensitive. It was not now, that there are improvements brick out of the foundation and having effective. It was a waste of tax dollars needed in the Affordable Care Act. it get wobbly, and it is going to crash the way we did it. There is no doubt. We have been saying the marketplace. We are going to have So now we go forward with a program that since shortly after it became law. all of these people who have been en- that allows us to now take a look at And even when it became law, I said rolled or have been forever enrolled in the history, albeit brief, on the Afford- this should be done this way or that health care impacted by rising costs able Care Act, but understanding where way a little differently. We are 8 years and disruptive outcomes that will put we need to fine tune. We do that, and into this and, as you say, millions, tens them at risk. the challenge is there for all of us: take of millions actually—around 30 million So like the Social Security Program the cost out of the system for a strong- directly—are involved and benefiting before the ACA, like Medicare before er future and provide at least the same from the program, either through Med- the ACA, as you floated these boats, as level of quality, if not enhanced qual- icaid, through the exchanges, or you went forward with time, you ity, as we go forward. That should through the various benefits that are learned where you needed to tweak, unite us in a common cause, cutting out there. So it is really, really impor- and you adjusted, by amendment for- the cost of the program and enhancing tant. mat, to make the program stronger. the quality of services provided. What I want to also pick up on something That is what we have been asking for a great mission for all of us to embark that Representative KAPTUR brought to in a partnership here in the House and upon. our attention. I am going to put one with the Senate. Let’s work on those So let’s not play politics with the more chart up here. I was surprised and areas that may need improvement, but health care for tens of millions of peo- a little bit appalled, just before we do not repeal because repeal without ple who are new to the system and for broke for Christmas, that the new replacement is a disaster. It is a dis- all of us who have been covered rou- chairman of the subcommittee of the aster waiting to happen. tinely by the system. We can do better Ways and Means Committee who deals We have provided hope for working than that. with Social Security introduced a piece families across this country. We have Let the lessons of Social Security of legislation. We looked at it. had the testimony presented to us, an- and Medicare, which, as my colleagues It was just before the Christmas holi- ecdotal evidence, that this is working, indicated earlier, address the American days, so I picked it up and started that for the first time families have en- public with dignity, improvement, en- looking at it. I go: whoa, wait, wait, joyed a connection to a system, a hancement, and hope, the best com- wait. This is a major step to unravel standardized approach. What was the modity we can deliver as a government the Social Security system. Remem- program? to her people. ber, back in the George W. Bush admin- People say: Well, I don’t want to pay So I thank Representative istration, in the first 3 years of his ad- for someone else’s health care. You GARAMENDI for the opportunity for us ministration, he tried to privatize So- have been paying for it before the ACA. to speak to these issues. Frankness is cial Security. He failed miserably at It was called the emergency room. It required right now. The lack of theater that. Thankfully, he failed. Congress wasn’t standardized because whoever would be an improvement. No theater wouldn’t stand for it. At least, the you got at that emergency room in on this. Let’s settle for facts, not fic- Democrats in Congress wouldn’t stand whatever location, as you traveled tion, and working together to bring for it.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:39 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00055 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10JA7.107 H10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H294 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 10, 2017 I see this piece of legislation intro- The Affordable Care Act came along to 69 or whatever level; we are talking duced in the last session, in the last with guaranteed coverage and an insur- about enhancing benefits. When you days, and I am going: Whoa, what does ance policy through the exchange in talk to seniors, they will say we either this mean? This man becomes the California that she could afford that have got nothing or we got just a bit of chairman of the subcommittee that would provide her with unlimited med- an increase that was taken away with deals with Social Security, and I am ical services for the rest of her life. No the other hand for some other purpose. going: oh, no, they wouldn’t; they cap, no annual cap, no lifetime cap. So, yes, we need to revisit just how wouldn’t go after Social Security She got her cancer treatments, and she we give that green light to a COLA ad- again. But the bill does. It does it in a has moved along. She said: I still need justment, and we need to calculate way that, once again, gives enormous care. And if they repeal the Affordable that approval with items that are truly benefits to the wealthy and not so Care Act, I won’t get it and I will die. essential for the senior citizens, not big much for the others. That story is repeated across Amer- screen televisions or certain items that This is a little chart about what hap- ica. It is repeated in my district. I can are adding to a luxurious note, but one pens if that piece of legislation by Mr. give many more examples. So this real- that speaks to their basic core needs to JOHNSON actually becomes law. These ly is, in her case and in many others, a live day to day. So the Strengthening are the benefits that would be received life-or-death situation. So, yes, we will Social Security Act does just that. It today. In 10 years, these would be the be academic as Mr. TONKO has said. We takes into account all of the essentials benefits. This is the top 20 percent should be. We should understand the in that calculus that will determine rather, and right here is the middle. implications of one policy versus an- whether or not a COLA adjustment is That is about a $3,000 a year reduction. other. We should understand when you given that given year. So that is im- Keep in mind that, I think, well over start with repealing a trillion dollars portant. I also believe it is time for us to look 50 percent of the seniors in the United of taxes, that will have a profound im- at that cap that we have created, that States depend upon Social Security as pact on health care in America. And we have placed on contributions to So- their principal source and, in many the benefits will go to the wealthy. cases, their only source of income. cial Security. You know, some people That is academic. by February 12 or 14, whatever date it So you get a decline. What do they But it is also this woman, a small is, are done paying. They are done con- want to do? They want to increase the farmer who developed cancer. She had tributing by that point in the year. age to 69 before you could apply for full no hope. The Affordable Care Act Well, the standards of $118,000, or Social Security. They want to radi- comes along, and she is able to get in- cally change the cost-of-living index. I $127,000 coming this year, are just cap- surance and she is able to get the know what I heard from my constitu- turing most of those revenues. The chemotherapy necessary to save her ents when there was no cost of living hardship is placed on the working, mid- life. She is back on the farm. dle-income community, those looking over the previous 2 years—and a very Repeal the Affordable Care Act and to ascend the middle class. There could small one this last year—the cost of this woman, along with millions of care for seniors continues to rise be- be a far greater contribution from Americans, are in serious jeopardy. So cause they are on the expensive side of other income strata that we ought to be aware. Social Security on the chop- things. There are some other provi- look at to provide stability. ping block; Medicare on the chopping sions in it. So this is a wake-up call. A point needs to be made that Medi- block; the Affordable Care Act is on This is a wake-up call. care, Medicaid, and the Affordable Care Clearly, the majority party here in the chopping block. Tax reductions for Act are all intertwined. There were the House and in the Senate have whom? Yes, mom and pop would get strengtheners that were provided for promised to repeal the Affordable Care $130 a year from the tax cuts. The bil- these programs. There was a partner- Act, which we have talked about. They lionaires in the Trump administration ship of revenue stream that was cal- have also made it clear that in the would get $200,000 a year in tax cuts. culated and assumed that again pro- past—and we believe in the months Mom and pop are likely to lose their vides for the quality of response to the ahead—they will attempt to privatize a insurance. consuming public, and especially those large portion of the Medicare program. I now yield to the gentleman from in senior years. So Medicaid will be largely gutted, and New York (Mr. TONKO). I have a large percentage of senior Mr. TONKO. Thank you, Representa- the increases that we have seen citizens in the makeup of my constitu- tive GARAMENDI. through the Medicaid program will be ency. It is important to recognize that As you talk about public sentiment wiped out. many who are on Medicare end up get- The Medicare program will have sig- about Social Security, the Affordable ting Medicaid assistance because of sit- nificant benefit reductions, and, if they Care Act, and hearing the evidence you uations that are called upon where intend to voucherize it, which they have provided from your constituent they are perhaps placed in nursing have talked about, then as Representa- within your district, it becomes very homes, adult homes, or the like. So we apparent where the American public is. tive KAPTUR said, they will throw the have to be cognizant here of the public When polled recently, only 20 percent seniors to the mercy of the insurance sentiment, where is their thinking, and of the American public is in support of companies. we know exactly what they want. They My basic point tonight was to raise efforts to repeal without replacement— want stability for these programs. the alarm and to begin to discuss here 20 percent. So the great, great majority They want strengthening of the pro- amongst our colleagues the reality of understands what is going on here. grams. They want to make certain that what is being planned for America. We have also seen during the recent all of these efforts that have lasted for Don’t look at this as a partisan issue, campaign season, which probably went decades, or were introduced as late as Republican or Democrat. Look at this a year and a half to 2 years long, a lot 2010, will continue so they have a fu- as a personal issue. of talk about repealing the Affordable ture that is that more secure, that Look at this as an issue that was Care Act, undoing the act. That hap- more certain. given to me by a woman who is a farm- pened in the same timeframe as 11.5 So tonight we talk and implore our er in the community I represent north million people were added to the rolls colleagues to please help improve the of Sacramento who never had insur- for 2017. So there is an appeal here that Affordable Care Act. Let’s not repeal, ance. She was an entrepreneur, a self- is drawing the American public toward and certainly do not repeal without a employed farmer. She never had insur- the coverage provided by ACA. So the replacement plan. That is a disaster ance. If she needed care, she would go sentiment here is to get things done that will really cause havoc in the to the emergency room. That worked and provide, again, the stability. marketplace. It is one that doesn’t when she was young, but then she be- I am also a cosponsor of legislation prove to be actuarially sound. Also, came a little older, and then cancer. entitled Strengthening Social Security let’s make certain that we don’t have Act that would improve how we cal- these efforts again to voucherize Medi- b 2000 culate the benefits for Social Security. care, to privatize Social Security. The treatments for her cancers were We are not advancing reducing those These are programs that have provided unaffordable. She would go bankrupt. benefits or raising the retirement age stability.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:39 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00056 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10JA7.108 H10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE January 10, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H295 When I came into the House in 2009, woman who works long hours and lost And preexisting conditions, they rang it was at the lowest point of the reces- her husband to cancer told me: MARCY, right up there as one of the biggest sion which President Obama was hand- why are people complaining about the concerns people have about repeal. ed upon his entering into the Presi- Affordable Care Act? Guess what, now I Ms. KAPTUR. On that point, another dency. There were 700,000, 800,000, have cancer. woman came up to me, I was over at 900,000 jobs lost a month in the deepest, She said: I was able to go and get all the medical hospital with my brother, darkest moment of the recession. What of the tests, and now they have me on and she has epilepsy, and she has an- did we see? We saw individuals who chemotherapy. other condition. She told me, she said: took their lifetime’s worth of savings So, with cancer, this woman is work- You know, MARCY, I have to cut my and entrusted them to a marketplace, ing. She was only able to get insurance pills in half. Can you help me try to and they lost everything for which through the Affordable Care Act. Mul- find pills so that I can afford to pay for they had ever worked, and others real- tiply that times 10,000, 20,000, 1 million, all the medicines that I need to take ized they didn’t lose a single cent of 20 million, whatever the number is. care of myself? Social Security. Therein lies a tremen- Think about the number of people in Rather than repealing, can’t we find dous bit of testimony as to the meri- our country who were without insur- a majority of Republicans to help us, torious achievements of a Social Secu- ance. Sometimes I am speechless when to help our citizens be able to get medi- rity system, one that provided that I meet these citizens because I think: cine at prices they can afford? safety net for all families, one that Where were you hiding before? Where Why can’t we have competitive bid- made certain there was some sort of were you? ding for pharmaceuticals? Why can’t we have that? We have it for the VA. continuous flow, a backup, a reinforce- Another place I was, a woman was We have it for the Department of De- ment, as you went into retirement mixing up. She said: Well, I have fense. Why can’t we have it for the rest years. health insurance, right? I pay car in- We are reminded of Medicare and surance. of our citizenry so that we can get the what the results were for retirees, how I said: No. Car insurance doesn’t best price? But I thought: Cutting your pills in long they were expected to live and cover health insurance. half? And so what happens to her is, if what their quality of life was like. It People sometimes don’t act in their she doesn’t take enough of the medi- was tremendously, favorably turned own self-interest. She didn’t even know cine, then she has a seizure. But she that because she had auto insurance, around with the benefits of Medicare. has got other things wrong with her, so So with an impassioned plea, I en- that didn’t cover health insurance. Can she is trying to cut this pill and cut courage this House, the Senate, to do you believe that? So she was in a job that pill. And I thought, this is crazy. the right thing: stand for the American where, with the Affordable Care Act, This is crazy. public and allow them to be addressed she could go out to the exchange and Can’t we do better as a country than with dignity with these programs that buy a plan. this for our people? have proven themselves. And where It is amazing to me some of the I have never understood why the there is a need to further assist, as things that have happened and how I price of pharmaceuticals has shot up so there has been time and time and time see the Affordable Care Act off to a much. I can’t tell you how many cases again with Social Security, as there very good start. we get in our office where we have to has been time and time again with As Mr. TONKO said, don’t just repeal call these companies and beg, you Medicare, let’s provide that same ap- it until you have something to replace know, do you have some foundation proach to the Affordable Care Act. it with. You cannot pull the rug out where we can get a few more pills from I thank the gentleman from Cali- from under these people’s lives. It Lilly or a few more pills from this com- fornia for bringing us together and would be unconscionable to do that. pany or that company in order to help being able to share our thoughts and We have several Christians, several people in our district. advocacy to do the right thing. other denominations in this House. It It shouldn’t be our job to turn into a Mr. GARAMENDI. Mr. Speaker, I would be very unChristian to do that, medical dispensary because the system thank Mr. TONKO very much. It is al- for those who are Christian. And for isn’t working. There ought to be a way ways a pleasure and learning experi- those of other denominations—pick to take care of this. ence to be on the floor with Mr. TONKO. your denomination—I just think it Mr. GARAMENDI. As we look at this I now yield to the gentlewoman from would be very cruel. issue, this conversation puts before us Ohio (Ms. KAPTUR). We are about to I thank the gentleman for allowing and the American people really two wrap it up as we are nearly out of time. us to speak out this evening on behalf paths to travel. The President-elect re- Ms. KAPTUR. Mr. Speaker, I am hon- of citizens who can’t speak for them- cently said: We’re going to repeal ored to join Mr. GARAMENDI and Mr. selves and to try to help perfect what ObamaCare, and it’ll be great. And our TONKO, and I want to place in the we as a Republic can do for our citi- Republican colleagues have bought RECORD, since both of you have talked zenry. into that and are now processing legis- so eloquently about the Affordable lation to do that. Care Act, you know how you will be b 2015 The discussion today from my two walking through your district, maybe Mr. TONKO. Representative colleagues here indicates another path, at a parade or some public event, and GARAMENDI, if I just might, I am listen- and that is, make it better. Make the someone will break from the crowd and ing to Representative KAPTUR talk of Affordable Care Act better. The drug run toward you. I am thinking about the interaction she had with her con- issue, there is no reason in the world one particular woman who came up to stituents, and I would just add my that the pharmaceutical companies me in one of my smaller communities. similar experience. should be prevented from price com- She was in tears. This was during the Some of the most cherished efforts of petition. They are. It is the law of the summertime. She has cerebral palsy, the Affordable Care Act are about pre- land that prevents the government and and she never was able to get care. I existing conditions. Being a woman, other purchasers—the government don’t know why she didn’t qualify for being a pregnant woman, or being a from negotiating prices. That is a law insurance, I don’t know all of that, but woman or a man fighting cancer made that can be changed. she hugged me and thanked me. it very difficult for people to get that There are many things that we could And then around the corner from insurance, and lifetime caps. You do to improve the health care of Amer- where we live, there is a little produce know, people being rolled into surgery, ica. But two paths: one, working to- market that I go into all the time. I wheeled into surgery, and being told gether to improve the Affordable Care am friends with one of the women who that they were discontinuing their Act and Medicare and Medicaid, and works there. This little business plan. the Veterans Administration, the pro- couldn’t afford insurance, so their em- So these are elements of the Afford- grams that provide the health care and ployees, when the Affordable Care Act able Care Act that could be at risk if the insurance for Americans; or an- passed, went to the private market- we start playing around with the actu- other one, a path that is going to be ex- place to get a plan. This particular arial balance that has been achieved. traordinarily destructive.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:39 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00057 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10JA7.109 H10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H296 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 10, 2017 The repeal of the Affordable Care Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the 137. A letter from the Director, Regulatory Act, which is already underway in the Committee on Financial Services. Management Division, Environmental Pro- Senate and will soon be over here in 129. A letter from the Director, Office of tection Agency, transmitting the Agency’s Legislative Affairs, Federal Deposit Insur- the House, promises Americans not final rule — State of Iowa; Approval and Pro- ance Corporation, transmitting the Corpora- mulgation of the Title V Operating Permits just the 30 million that have insurance tion’s joint final rules — Expanded Examina- Program, the State Implementation Plan, but all Americans with a very serious tion Cycle for Certain Small Insured Deposi- and 112(1) Plan [EPA-R07-OAR-2016-0453; health problem in the future. tory Institutions and U.S. Branches and FRL-9957-84-Region 7] received January 9, Final comments, and then we will be Agencies of Foreign Banks (RIN: 3064-AE42) 2017, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public out of time. received January 6, 2017, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Mr. TONKO. Just a quick comment. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Committee on Energy and Commerce. Stat. 868); to the Committee on Financial We have talked about much here this 138. A letter from the Director, Regulatory Services. Management Division, Environmental Pro- evening. I joined you a bit after you 130. A letter from the Assistant General tection Agency, transmitting the Agency’s started. I don’t know if you mentioned Counsel for Regulatory Services, Office of final rule — Accidental Release Prevention the hospital situation. the General Counsel, Department of Edu- Requirements: Risk Management Programs Mr. GARAMENDI. Very briefly. cation, transmitting the Department’s final under the Clean Air Act [EPA-HQ-OEM-2015- Mr. TONKO. But representing a num- regulations- Assistance to States for the 0725; FRL-9954-46-OLEM] (RIN: 2050-AG82) re- ber of hospitals, from stand-alone clin- Education of Children with Disabilities; Pre- ceived January 9, 2017, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. school Grants for Children with Disabilities 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 ics to some very specific specialty type [Docket ID: ED-2015-OSERS-0132] (RIN: 1820- of health centers, they are all con- Stat. 868); to the Committee on Energy and AB73) received January 6, 2017, pursuant to 5 Commerce. cerned about the impact of repeal. And U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 139. A letter from the Director, Regulatory certainly, being a major employer, if 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on Edu- Management Division, Environmental Pro- not the major employer in some of my cation and the Workforce. tection Agency, transmitting the Agency’s counties, as you reduce that care, you 131. A letter from the Assistant General final rule — Civil Monetary Penalty Infla- Counsel for Legislation, Regulation and En- are reducing the workforce. So now we tion Adjustment Rule [FRL-9958-06-OECA] ergy Efficiency, Office of Energy Efficiency received January 9, 2017, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. are creating another impact, and it is and Renewable Energy, Department of En- 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 why the ripple effect of repeal is so ergy, transmitting the Department’s final Stat. 868); to the Committee on the Judici- rule — Energy Conservation Program: Test strong and devastating, and will raise ary. our deficit. Procedures for Central Air Conditioners and 140. A letter from the Director, Office of Mr. GARAMENDI. I thank the gen- Heat Pumps [Docket No.: EERE-2016-BT-TP- Legislative Affairs, Federal Deposit Insur- 0029] (RIN: 1904-AD71) received January 6, tlewoman from Ohio (Ms. KAPTUR) and ance Corporation, transmitting the Corpora- 2017, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public tion’s final rule — Rules of Practice and Pro- the gentleman from New York (Mr. Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the cedure (RIN: 3064-AE52) received January 6, TONKO) for joining us. I can assure you, Committee on Energy and Commerce. 2017, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public we will be back. 132. A letter from the Director, Regulatory Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance Management Division, Environmental Pro- Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the tection Agency, transmitting the Agency’s Committee on the Judiciary. of my time. 141. A letter from the Chief, Publications direct final rule — Air Plan Approval; Geor- and Regulations Branch, Internal Revenue f gia; Atlanta; Requirements for the 2008 8- Service, transmitting the Service’s IRB only Hour Ozone Standard [EPA-R04-OAR-2015- LEAVE OF ABSENCE rule — Transaction of Interest —— Section 0248; FRL-9957-89-Region 4] received January 831(b) Micro-Captive Transactions [Notice By unanimous consent, leave of ab- 9, 2017, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Pub- sence was granted to: lic Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the 2017-08] received January 9, 2017, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia (at the re- Committee on Energy and Commerce. 133. A letter from the Director, Regulatory 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on quest of Ms. PELOSI) for today and Jan- Ways and Means. uary 11 on account of traveling to see Management Division, Environmental Pro- tection Agency, transmitting the Agency’s 142. A letter from the Chief, Publications the President’s farewell address. direct final rule — Air Plan Approval; Min- and Regulations Branch, Internal Revenue Service, transmitting the Service’s IRB only f nesota; Sulfur Dioxide; Particulate Matter [EPA-R05-OAR-2015-0842; FRL-9958-15-Region rule — Updated FFI Agreement (Rev. Proc. ADJOURNMENT 5] received January 9, 2017, pursuant to 5 2017-16) received January 9, 2017, pursuant to U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. Ms. KAPTUR. Mr. Speaker, I move 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on that the House do now adjourn. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on En- ergy and Commerce. Ways and Means. The motion was agreed to; accord- 134. A letter from the Director, Regulatory 143. A letter from the Chief, Publications ingly (at 8 o’clock and 20 minutes Management Division, Environmental Pro- and Regulations Branch, Internal Revenue p.m.), under its previous order, the tection Agency, transmitting the Agency’s Service, transmitting the Service’s IRB only House adjourned until tomorrow, direct final rule — Air Plan Approval; Ne- rule — Rulings and determination letters Wednesday, January 11, 2017, at 10 a.m. vada, Lake Tahoe; Second 10-Year Carbon (Rev. Proc.2017-3) received January 9, 2017, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law for morning-hour debate. Monoxide Limited Maintenance Plan [EPA- R09-OAR-2015-0399; FRL-9958-11-Region 9] re- 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Com- f ceived January 9, 2017, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. mittee on Ways and Means. 144. A letter from the Chief, Publications EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on Energy and and Regulations Branch, Internal Revenue ETC. Commerce. Service, transmitting the Service’s IRB only Under clause 2 of rule XIV, executive 135. A letter from the Director, Regulatory rule — Rulings and determination letters communications were taken from the Management Division, Environmental Pro- (Rev. Proc. 2017-5) received January 9, 2017, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law Speaker’s table and referred as follows: tection Agency, transmitting the Agency’s final rule — Approval of California Air Plan 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Com- 127. A letter from the Supervisory Regu- Revisions, Ventura County Air Pollution mittee on Ways and Means. latory Analyst, GIPSA, Department of Agri- Control District; Prevention of Significant 145. A letter from the Chief, Publications culture, transmitting the Department’s final Deterioration [EPA-R09-OAR-2016-0305; FRL- and Regulations Branch, Internal Revenue rule — Fees for Official Inspection and Offi- 9956-52-Region 9] received January 9, 2017, Service, transmitting the Service’s IRB only cial Weighting Services Under the United pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law rule — Internal Revenue Bulletin: 2017-1 States Grain Standards Act (USGSA) re- 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Com- (Rev. Proc. 2017-4) received January 9, 2017, ceived January 6, 2017, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. mittee on Energy and Commerce. pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 136. A letter from the Director, Regulatory 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Com- Stat. 868); to the Committee on Agriculture. Management Division, Environmental Pro- mittee on Ways and Means. 128. A letter from the Assistant to the tection Agency, transmitting the Agency’s 146. A letter from the Chief, Publications Board, Division of Consumer and Community final rule — Illinois: Final Authorization of and Regulations Branch, Internal Revenue Affairs, Board of Governors of the Federal State Hazardous Waste Management Pro- Service, transmitting the Service’s IRB only Reserve System, transmitting the Board’s gram Revision [EPA-R05-RCRA-2015-0555; rule — Qualified Intermediary Agreement joint final rule — Community Reinvestment FRL-9958-05-Region 5] received January 9, (Rev. Proc. 2017-15) received January 9, 2017, Act Regulations [Regulation BB; Docket No.: 2017, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law R-1554] (RIN: 7100-AE64) received January 6, Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Com- 2017, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Committee on Energy and Commerce. mittee on Ways and Means.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:39 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00058 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10JA7.111 H10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE January 10, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H297

147. A letter from the Chief, Publications Texas, Mr. TROTT, Mr. DUFFY, Mr. By Mr. CHAFFETZ: and Regulations Branch, Internal Revenue JODY B. HICE of Georgia, Ms. SLAUGH- H.R. 396. A bill to prohibit the award of a Service, transmitting the Service’s removal TER, and Mrs. COMSTOCK): contract or grant in excess of the simplified of temporary regulations; final regulations; H.R. 390. A bill to provide for emergency acquisition threshold to a potential con- and temporary regulations — Regulations relief to victims of genocide, crimes against tractor or grant applicant with a seriously Regarding Withholding of Tax on Certain humanity, and war crimes in Iraq and Syria, delinquent tax debt, to amend title 5, United U.S. Source Income Paid to Foreign Persons, to provide accountability for perpetrators of States Code, to provide that individuals hav- Information Reporting and Backup With- these crimes, and for other purposes; to the ing seriously delinquent tax debts shall be holding on Payments Made to Certain U.S. Committee on Foreign Affairs, and in addi- ineligible for Federal employment, and for Persons, and Portfolio Interest Treatment tion to the Committee on the Judiciary, for other purposes; to the Committee on Over- [TD 9808] (RIN: 1545-BL17] (RIN: 1545-BN74) a period to be subsequently determined by sight and Government Reform. received January 9, 2017, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. the Speaker, in each case for consideration By Mr. CHAFFETZ: 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 of such provisions as fall within the jurisdic- H.R. 397. A bill to require Members of Con- Stat. 868); to the Committee on Ways and tion of the committee concerned. gress to disclose delinquent tax liability and Means. By Mr. CHAFFETZ (for himself, Mrs. to require an ethics inquiry into, and the garnishment of the wages of, a Member with 148. A letter from the Chief, Publications BLACK, Mr. BROOKS of Alabama, Mr. Federal tax liability; to the Committee on and Regulations Branch, Internal Revenue CARTER of Georgia, Mr. CARTER of House Administration, and in addition to the Service, transmitting the Service’s removal Texas, Mr. CHABOT, Mr. DUNCAN of Committee on Rules, for a period to be sub- of temporary regulations; final regulations; South Carolina, Mr. FARENTHOLD, Mr. sequently determined by the Speaker, in temporary regulations — Regulations Relat- GOSAR, Mr. GOWDY, Mr. JODY B. HICE each case for consideration of such provi- ing to Information Reporting by Foreign Fi- of Georgia, Mr. LANCE, Mr. sions as fall within the jurisdiction of the nancial Institutions and Withholding on Cer- PITTENGER, Mr. SMITH of Texas, Mr. committee concerned. tain Payments to Foreign Financial Institu- WEBSTER of Florida, Mr. ZELDIN, and By Mr. KATKO (for himself, Ms. JUDY tions and Other Foreign Entities [TD 9809] Mr. HUDSON): CHU of California, Mr. SENSEN- (RIN: 1545-BL72) (RIN: 1545-BN79) received H.R. 391. A bill to modify the treatment of BRENNER, and Ms. JACKSON LEE): January 9, 2017, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. unaccompanied alien children who are in H.R. 398. A bill to amend title 18, United 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Federal custody by reason of their immigra- States Code, with respect to civil forfeitures Stat. 868); to the Committee on Ways and tion status, and for other purposes; to the relating to certain seized animals; to the Means. Committee on the Judiciary, and in addition Committee on the Judiciary. f to the Committee on Foreign Affairs, for a By Mr. DOGGETT (for himself, Mr. period to be subsequently determined by the REPORTS OF COMMITTEES ON BEYER, Mr. BRADY of Pennsylvania, Speaker, in each case for consideration of Ms. BROWNLEY of California, Mr. PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS such provisions as fall within the jurisdic- CICILLINE, Mr. CONYERS, Mr. CUM- Under clause 2 of rule XIII, reports of tion of the committee concerned. MINGS, Mr. DEFAZIO, Ms. DELAURO, By Mr. CHAFFETZ (for himself, Mr. committees were delivered to the Clerk Mr. ELLISON, Mr. GALLEGO, Mr. BISHOP of Michigan, Mr. COHEN, Mrs. GARAMENDI, Mr. GRIJALVA, Mr. HAS- for printing and reference to the proper COMSTOCK, Mr. CONNOLLY, Mr. COURT- calendar, as follows: TINGS, Mr. HIGGINS of New York, Mr. NEY, Mr. CUMMINGS, Mr. DEUTCH, Mr. LANGEVIN, Ms. LEE, Mr. TED LIEU of Mr. NEWHOUSE: Committee on Rules. FARENTHOLD, Ms. KELLY of Illinois, California, Mr. LIPINSKI, Mr. House Resolution 40. Resolution providing Mr. LANGEVIN, Mrs. LOVE, Ms. MENG, LOEBSACK, Mr. LOWENTHAL, Mr. SEAN for consideration of the bill (H.R. 78) to im- Mr. O’ROURKE, Mr. PAULSEN, Mr. PATRICK MALONEY of New York, Mr. prove the consideration by the Securities PEARCE, Mr. QUIGLEY, Mr. RYAN of MCGOVERN, Ms. MOORE, Mrs. NAPOLI- and Exchange Commission of the costs and Ohio, Ms. SLAUGHTER, Ms. STEFANIK, TANO, Ms. NORTON, Mr. PAYNE, Mr. benefits of its regulations and orders; pro- Mr. STEWART, Mr. SWALWELL of Cali- POCAN, Mr. PRICE of North Carolina, viding for consideration of the bill (H.R. 238) fornia, Mr. TAKANO, Mrs. WAGNER, Ms. ROYBAL-ALLARD, Ms. SCHA- to reauthorize the Commodity Futures Trad- Mr. WALZ, and Mr. YARMUTH): KOWSKY, Mr. SERRANO, Ms. SLAUGH- ing Commission, to better protect futures H.R. 392. A bill to amend the Immigration TER, Mr. TONKO, Ms. TSONGAS, Ms. customers, to provide end-users with market and Nationality Act to eliminate the per- VELA´ ZQUEZ, Mr. VISCLOSKY, Mrs. certainty, to make basic reforms to ensure country numerical limitation for employ- WATSON COLEMAN, Mr. YARMUTH, Mr. transparency and accountability at the Com- ment-based immigrants, to increase the per- RASKIN, Ms. KAPTUR, Mr. mission, to help farmers, ranchers, and end- country numerical limitation for family- DESAULNIER, and Mr. HUFFMAN): users manage risk, to help keep consumer sponsored immigrants, and for other pur- H.R. 399. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- costs low, and for other purposes; and for poses; to the Committee on the Judiciary. enue Code of 1986 to expand the denial of de- other purposes (Rept. 115–3). Referred to the By Mr. THORNBERRY: duction for certain excessive employee remu- House Calendar. H.R. 393. A bill to provide for an exception neration, and for other purposes; to the Com- f to a limitation against appointment of per- mittee on Ways and Means. sons as Secretary of Defense within seven By Mrs. BLACK (for herself, Mr. PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS years of relief from active duty as a regular ALLEN, Mr. AMODEI, Mr. BABIN, Mrs. Under clause 2 of rule XII, public commissioned officer of the Armed Forces; BLACKBURN, Mr. BRAT, Mr. to the Committee on Armed Services. bills and resolutions of the following BRIDENSTINE, Mr. BROOKS of Ala- By Ms. JENKINS of Kansas (for herself bama, Mr. BUCK, Mr. BUCSHON, Mr. titles were introduced and severally re- and Mr. KIND): BYRNE, Mr. CARTER of Georgia, Mr. ferred, as follows: H.R. 394. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- COOK, Mr. CRAMER, Mr. DAVIDSON, By Ms. SHEA-PORTER: enue Code of 1986 to repeal the amendments Mr. DESJARLAIS, Mr. FLEISCHMANN, H.R. 388. A bill to amend title 38, United made by the Patient Protection and Afford- Mr. FLORES, Mr. FRANKS of Arizona, States Code, to ensure that veterans in each able Care Act which disqualify expenses for Mr. GIBBS, Mr. GOHMERT, Mr. GOSAR, of the 48 contiguous States are able to re- over-the-counter drugs under health savings Mr. GRAVES of Louisiana, Mr. GRAVES ceive services in at least one full-service hos- accounts and health flexible spending ar- of Missouri, Mr. GRAVES of Georgia, pital of the Veterans Health Administration rangements; to the Committee on Ways and Mr. GROTHMAN, Mr. HARRIS, Mr. HEN- in the State or receive comparable services Means. SARLING, Mr. JODY B. HICE of Georgia, provided by contract in the State; to the By Mrs. LOVE (for herself, Mr. MASSIE, Mr. KELLY of Pennsylvania, Mr. SAM Committee on Veterans’ Affairs. Mr. STEWART, Mr. WALKER, Mr. BUCK, JOHNSON of Texas, Mr. JONES, Mr. By Mr. ROYCE of California (for him- Mr. BLUM, Mr. DUNCAN of South Caro- JOYCE of Ohio, Mr. LAMALFA, Mr. self, Mr. HUFFMAN, Mr. DEFAZIO, and lina, Mr. BIGGS, Mr. HARRIS, Mr. LAMBORN, Mr. LONG, Mr. MARINO, Mr. Mr. YOUNG of Alaska): LOUDERMILK, Mr. RATCLIFFE, Mr. MCCLINTOCK, Mr. MEADOWS, Mr. H.R. 389. A bill to amend the Federal Cred- BRAT, Mr. JOHNSON of Louisiana, Mr. OLSON, Mr. PALAZZO, Mr. PITTENGER, it Union Act to exclude a loan secured by a MEADOWS, Mr. EMMER, Mr. Mr. RENACCI, Mr. ROE of Tennessee, non-owner occupied 1- to 4-family dwelling SCHWEIKERT, Mr. LABRADOR, Mr. COL- Mr. ROGERS of Alabama, Mr. from the definition of a member business LINS of Georgia, Mr. DESANTIS, Mr. SCHWEIKERT, Mr. SMITH of Texas, Mr. loan, and for other purposes; to the Com- BISHOP of Utah, Mr. WEBSTER of Flor- WEBER of Texas, Mr. YOHO, Mr. mittee on Financial Services. ida, and Mr. BROOKS of Alabama): RATCLIFFE, Mr. HUDSON, Mr. POSEY, By Mr. SMITH of New Jersey (for him- H.R. 395. A bill to end the practice of in- Mr. LATTA, Mr. AUSTIN SCOTT of self, Ms. ESHOO, Mr. MEADOWS, Mr. cluding more than one subject in a single bill Georgia, Mr. DUNCAN of South Caro- FORTENBERRY, Mr. SESSIONS, Mr. by requiring that each bill enacted by Con- lina, Mr. KUSTOFF of Tennessee, Mr. VARGAS, Mr. LIPINSKI, Mr. FRANKS of gress be limited to only one subject, and for JENKINS of West Virginia, Mr. Arizona, Mr. PITTENGER, Mr. BILI- other purposes; to the Committee on the Ju- MARCHANT, Mr. CHABOT, and Mr. RAKIS, Mr. HULTGREN, Mr. WEBER of diciary. COMER):

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:39 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00059 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\L10JA7.000 H10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H298 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 10, 2017 H.R. 400. A bill to ensure that State and case for consideration of such provisions as By Mrs. LAWRENCE: local law enforcement may cooperate with fall within the jurisdiction of the committee H.R. 420. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- Federal officials to protect our communities concerned. enue Code of 1986 to permanently increase from violent criminals and suspected terror- By Mr. KING of Iowa: the limitations on the deduction for start-up ists who are illegally present in the United H.R. 410. A bill to amend title XVIII of the and organizational expenditures; to the Com- States; to the Committee on the Judiciary, Social Security Act to exclude coverage of mittee on Ways and Means. and in addition to the Committees on Trans- advance care planning services under the By Mrs. LOVE (for herself, Mrs. COM- portation and Infrastructure, and Financial Medicare program; to the Committee on STOCK, Mr. STEWART, Mr. COFFMAN, Services, for a period to be subsequently de- Ways and Means, and in addition to the Com- and Mr. KINZINGER): termined by the Speaker, in each case for mittee on Energy and Commerce, for a pe- consideration of such provisions as fall with- riod to be subsequently determined by the H.R. 421. A bill to allow women greater ac- in the jurisdiction of the committee con- Speaker, in each case for consideration of cess to safe and effective contraception; to cerned. such provisions as fall within the jurisdic- the Committee on Ways and Means, and in By Ms. CHENEY: tion of the committee concerned. addition to the Committee on Energy and H.R. 401. A bill to designate the mountain By Mr. KING of New York (for himself, Commerce, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for at the Devils Tower National Monument, Mr. ABRAHAM, Mrs. RADEWAGEN, Ms. consideration of such provisions as fall with- Wyoming, as Devils Tower, and for other DELAURO, Ms. STEFANIK, Mr. CARTER in the jurisdiction of the committee con- purposes; to the Committee on Natural Re- of Georgia, Mr. GALLEGO, Mr. BISHOP cerned. sources. of Georgia, Mr. WILSON of South By Mr. MCCLINTOCK (for himself, Ms. By Mr. COHEN (for himself, Ms. NOR- Carolina, Mr. O’ROURKE, Mr. PETERS, FOXX, Mr. GROTHMAN, Mr. FLORES, TON, Ms. TSONGAS, Mr. EVANS, and Mr. JOYCE of Ohio, Mr. MEEHAN, Mr. Mr. FLEISCHMANN, Mr. FRANKS of Ari- Ms. SHEA-PORTER): JONES, Mr. RYAN of Ohio, Ms. zona, Mr. GOSAR, Mr. KING of Iowa, H.R. 402. A bill to amend the Fair Credit SLAUGHTER, Mr. CONYERS, Mr. Mr. ROHRABACHER, Mr. MEADOWS, Mr. Reporting Act to require the inclusion of KEATING, Mr. COFFMAN, Mr. CRAMER, HARRIS, Mr. STEWART, Mr. TIPTON, credit scores with free annual credit reports Mr. LOBIONDO, Mr. QUIGLEY, Ms. Mr. WENSTRUP, Mr. SCHWEIKERT, Mr. provided to consumers, and for other pur- SHEA-PORTER, Mr. YARMUTH, Mr. SANFORD, Mr. BISHOP of Utah, Mr. poses; to the Committee on Financial Serv- CICILLINE, Mrs. DINGELL, Mr. COLE, BROOKS of Alabama, Mr. ROTHFUS, ices. Ms. PINGREE, Mrs. COMSTOCK, Mr. Mr. EMMER, Mr. LOUDERMILK, Mr. By Mr. FARENTHOLD: MASSIE, Mr. RUSH, Mr. CA´ RDENAS, WESTERMAN, Mr. CHABOT, Mr. H.R. 403. A bill to limit the construction or Mr. YODER, Mr. MOULTON, and Mr. DESANTIS, Mr. JOHNSON of Ohio, Mr. alterations of wind turbines near a military HIMES): airbase or military airfield; to the Com- H.R. 411. A bill to direct the Secretary of HENSARLING, Mr. ROKITA, Mr. mittee on Armed Services, and in addition to Veterans Affairs to conduct a review of the CHAFFETZ, Mr. WOODALL, Mr. the Committee on Transportation and Infra- deaths of certain veterans who died by sui- RENACCI, Mr. DESJARLAIS, and Mr. structure, for a period to be subsequently de- cide, and for other purposes; to the Com- MOONEY of West Virginia): termined by the Speaker, in each case for mittee on Veterans’ Affairs. H.R. 422. A bill to ensure the payment of consideration of such provisions as fall with- By Mrs. LAWRENCE: interest and principal of the debt of the in the jurisdiction of the committee con- H.R. 412. A bill to amend title 10, United United States; to the Committee on Ways cerned. States Code, to require the provision of legal and Means. By Mr. FLEISCHMANN: assistance to junior enlisted personnel of the By Ms. MENG (for herself, Mr. BARTON, H.R. 404. A bill to ensure the functionality Armed Forces and their dependents in con- and Mr. LANCE): and security of new Federal websites that nection with their personal civil legal af- collect personally identifiable information, H.R. 423. A bill to amend the Communica- fairs; to the Committee on Armed Services. tions Act of 1934 to expand and clarify the and for other purposes; to the Committee on By Mrs. LAWRENCE: Oversight and Government Reform. prohibition on provision of misleading or in- H.R. 413. A bill to establish an Early Fed- By Mr. JENKINS of West Virginia: accurate caller identification information, eral Pell Grant Commitment Program; to H.R. 405. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- and for other purposes; to the Committee on the Committee on Education and the Work- enue Code of 1986 to provide additional new Energy and Commerce. force. markets tax credits for distressed coal com- By Mr. PETERSON (for himself, Mr. By Mrs. LAWRENCE: munities; to the Committee on Ways and DUFFY, Ms. CHENEY, Mr. NOLAN, Mr. H.R. 414. A bill to amend the Higher Edu- Means. EMMER, Mr. LABRADOR, Mr. SENSEN- cation Act of 1965 to allow an individual to By Mr. KIND (for himself, Mr. LAN- BRENNER, Mr. SIMPSON, Mr. HUIZENGA, qualify for both teacher loan forgiveness and GEVIN, Mr. JONES, and Mr. BYRNE): Mr. GALLAGHER, Mr. KIND, Mr. H.R. 406. A bill to amend title 10, United public service loan forgiveness, and for other MOOLENAAR, Mr. WALBERG, Mr. States Code, to facilitate the replacement of purposes; to the Committee on Education GROTHMAN, and Mr. BERGMAN): and the Workforce. military decorations for relatives of de- H.R. 424. A bill to direct the Secretary of By Mrs. LAWRENCE: ceased members of the Armed Forces; to the the Interior to reissue final rules relating to H.R. 415. A bill to amend GEAR UP to re- Committee on Armed Services. listing of the gray wolf in the Western Great quire that schools receiving funding under By Mr. KING of Iowa (for himself, Mrs. Lakes and Wyoming under the Endangered the program provide students with access to BLACKBURN, Mr. GOHMERT, Mr. Species Act of 1973, and for other purposes; academic and mental health counseling serv- PITTENGER, Mr. ISSA, Mr. DUNCAN of to the Committee on Natural Resources. ices, and for other purposes; to the Com- South Carolina, Mr. BURGESS, Mr. By Mr. POE of Texas (for himself and mittee on Education and the Workforce. STEWART, Mr. LAMBORN, Mr. MAR- Mr. KEATING): SHALL, and Mr. HULTGREN): By Mrs. LAWRENCE: H.R. 425. A bill to authorize the revocation H.R. 407. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- H.R. 416. A bill to amend the Elementary or denial of passports to individuals affili- enue Code of 1986 to allow a deduction for and Secondary Education Act of 1965 to ated with foreign terrorist organizations, premiums for insurance which constitutes strengthen accountability of authorized pub- and for other purposes; to the Committee on medical care; to the Committee on Ways and lic chartering agencies and reduce charter Foreign Affairs. Means. school authorizing misconduct; to the Com- By Mr. RATCLIFFE (for himself, Mr. By Mr. KING of Iowa (for himself, Mr. mittee on Education and the Workforce. OLSON, Mr. HENSARLING, Mr. BRADY CARTER of Georgia, Mr. GOHMERT, Mr. By Mrs. LAWRENCE: of Texas, Mr. BARLETTA, Mr. CRAMER, LAMBORN, Mr. WESTERMAN, Mr. WEB- H.R. 417. A bill to amend the Safe Drinking Mr. JOHNSON of Ohio, Mr. HUIZENGA, STER of Florida, Mr. MCCLINTOCK, and Water Act to require the improvement of Mr. MEEHAN, Mr. BYRNE, and Mr. Mr. STEWART): consumer confidence reports, and for other H.R. 408. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- purposes; to the Committee on Energy and MOOLENAAR): enue Code of 1986 to expand health savings Commerce. H.R. 426. A bill to prohibit any regulation, accounts, and for other purposes; to the By Mrs. LAWRENCE: rule, guidance, recommendation, or policy Committee on Ways and Means. H.R. 418. A bill to direct the Secretary of issued after May 15, 2015, that limits the sale By Mr. KING of Iowa: Veterans Affairs to establish a pilot program or donation of excess property of the Federal H.R. 409. A bill to amend title XVIII of the to improve access to supportive services and Government to State and local agencies for Social Security Act to sunset certain pen- community coordination for families of dis- law enforcement activities, and for other alties relating to meaningful electronic abled veterans; to the Committee on Vet- purposes; to the Committee on the Judici- health records use by Medicare eligible pro- erans’ Affairs. ary, and in addition to the Committee on fessionals and hospitals, and for other pur- By Mrs. LAWRENCE: Armed Services, for a period to be subse- poses; to the Committee on Ways and Means, H.R. 419. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- quently determined by the Speaker, in each and in addition to the Committee on Energy enue Code of 1986 to allow a credit against case for consideration of such provisions as and Commerce, for a period to be subse- tax for manufacturing job training expenses; fall within the jurisdiction of the committee quently determined by the Speaker, in each to the Committee on Ways and Means. concerned.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:39 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00060 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\L10JA7.100 H10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE January 10, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H299 By Mr. SIRES: case for consideration of such provisions as Defense and general Welfare of the United H.R. 427. A bill to amend the Public Health fall within the jurisdiction of the committee States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises Service Act to provide for the expansion, in- concerned. shall be uniform throughout the United tensification, and coordination of the pro- By Mr. PETERS (for himself, Mr. States. grams and activities of the National Insti- MARINO, and Mr. KILMER): Article I, Section 9: tutes of Health with respect to Tourette syn- H. Res. 42. A resolution amending the No Money shall be drawn from the Treas- drome; to the Committee on Energy and Rules of the House of Representatives to pro- ury, but in Consequence of Appropriations Commerce. vide for the consideration of reported bills or made by Law. By Mr. THORNBERRY (for himself and joint resolutions that have not been consid- By Mrs. LOVE: Mr. COLE): ered by the House within 60 calendar days; to H.R. 395. H.R. 428. A bill to survey the gradient the Committee on Rules. Congress has the power to enact this legis- boundary along the Red River in the States By Mr. WITTMAN: lation pursuant to the following: of Oklahoma and Texas, and for other pur- H. Res. 43. A resolution amending the (a) Section 8, Clause 1 of Article I of the poses; to the Committee on Natural Re- Rules of the House of Representatives to pro- Constitution; and sources. hibit the consideration of a concurrent reso- (b) Section 8, Clause 3 of Article I of the By Mr. WITTMAN: lution to provide for a recess of the House Constitution. H.R. 429. A bill to provide that the salaries after July 31 of any year unless the House By Mr. CHAFFETZ: of Members of a House of Congress will be has approved each regular appropriation bill H.R. 396. held in escrow if that House has not agreed for the next fiscal year; to the Committee on Congress has the power to enact this legis- to a concurrent resolution on the budget for Rules. lation pursuant to the following: fiscal year 2018 by April 15, 2017; to the Com- Article I, Section 8, Clause 1 of the United f mittee on House Administration. States Constitution By Mr. YOHO (for himself, Mr. ABRA- CONSTITUTIONAL AUTHORITY By Mr. CHAFFETZ: HAM, Mr. HILL, and Mr. GOHMERT): STATEMENT H.R. 397. H.R. 430. A bill to modify authorities that Congress has the power to enact this legis- provide for rescission of determinations of Pursuant to clause 7 of rule XII of lation pursuant to the following: countries as state sponsors of terrorism, and the Rules of the House of Representa- Article I, Section 8, Clause 1 of the United for other purposes; to the Committee on For- tives, the following statements are sub- States Constitution eign Affairs. mitted regarding the specific powers By Mr. KATKO: By Ms. KAPTUR (for herself, Ms. JACK- H.R. 398. granted to Congress in the Constitu- Congress has the power to enact this legis- SON LEE, Mr. TAKANO, Ms. LEE, Mr. tion to enact the accompanying bill or lation pursuant to the following: COHEN, Mr. CONYERS, Ms. SHEA-POR- joint resolution. Article I, Section 8, Clause 1 of the U.S. TER, Mr. DOGGETT, Mr. CONNOLLY, Mr. Constitution (relating to the general welfare NADLER, Mr. SOTO, Ms. DELAURO, Mr. By Ms. SHEA-PORTER: of the United States). CARSON of Indiana, Mr. BLUMENAUER, H.R. 388. Article I, Section 8, Clause 9 of the Con- Mr. ELLISON, Ms. FUDGE, Mr. PETERS, Congress has the power to enact this legis- stitution of the United States; the power to Mr. RYAN of Ohio, Ms. HANABUSA, Mr. lation pursuant to the following: constitute Tribunals inferior to the Supreme MCGOVERN, Mr. THOMPSON of Mis- Article I, Section 8, Clause 1: Court. sissippi, Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON The Congress shall have Power To lay and By Mr. DOGGETT: of Texas, Mr. HASTINGS, Mr. LARSON collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, H.R. 399. of Connecticut, Mr. COURTNEY, Mrs. to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence[note l]and general Welfare of the Congress has the power to enact this legis- BUSTOS, Ms. BLUNT ROCHESTER, Mr. lation pursuant to the following: GARAMENDI, Mr. TONKO, Ms. SPEIER, United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the Clause 1 of Section 8 of Article I of the Mr. POCAN, Ms. PINGREE, and Ms. United States Constitution. ´ United States;... SANCHEZ): By Mrs. BLACK: H.J. Res. 26. A joint resolution denying By Mr. ROYCE of California: H.R. 389. H.R. 400. Congressional consent for President Donald Congress has the power to enact this legis- J. Trump to accept any present, Emolument, Congress has the power to enact this legis- lation pursuant to the following: lation pursuant to the following: Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from Article 1, Section 8, Clause 4 of the United Under Article I, Section 8, Clause 3 of the any King, Prince, or foreign state through- States Constitution which grants Congress U.S. Constitution to regulate commerce. out the tenure of his Presidency; to the Com- the authority to establish a uniform Rule of By Mr. SMITH of New Jersey: mittee on Oversight and Government Re- Naturalization, and uniform Laws on the form. H.R. 390. Congress has the power to enact this legis- subject of Bankruptcies throughout the By Mr. COLLINS of Georgia: United States. H. Res. 36. A resolution electing Members lation pursuant to the following: Article 1, section 8 of the Constitution By Ms. CHENEY: to certain standing committees of the House H.R. 401. By Mr. CHAFFETZ: of Representatives; considered and agreed to. Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 391. By Mr. COLLINS of Georgia: lation pursuant to the following: Congress has the power to enact this legis- H. Res. 37. A resolution providing for the Article IV, Section 3, Clause 2: ‘‘The Con- lation pursuant to the following: attendance of the House at the Inaugural gress shall have power to dispose of and Article 1, Section 8, Clauses 4 and 18 of the Ceremonies of the President and Vice Presi- make all needful rules and regulations re- U.S. Constitution dent of the United States; considered and specting the territory or other property be- By Mr. CHAFFETZ: agreed to. longing to the United States;’’ H.R. 392. By Mr. CHAFFETZ: By Mr. COHEN: Congress has the power to enact this legis- H. Res. 38. A resolution expressing the H.R. 402. sense of the House of Representatives that lation pursuant to the following: Congress has the power to enact this legis- offices attached to the seat of Government Article 1, Section 8, Clauses 4 and 18 to the lation pursuant to the following: should not be required to exercise their of- U.S. Constitution. Article 1, Section 8, Clause 3 (relating to fices in the District of Columbia; to the Com- By Mr. THORNBERRY: the power to regulate foreign and interstate mittee on Oversight and Government Re- H.R. 393. commerce) of the United States Constitu- form, and in addition to the Committee on Congress has the power to enact this legis- tion. Armed Services, for a period to be subse- lation pursuant to the following: By Mr. FARENTHOLD: quently determined by the Speaker, in each The constitutional authority on which this H.R. 403. case for consideration of such provisions as bill rests is the power of Congress ‘‘to pro- Congress has the power to enact this legis- fall within the jurisdiction of the committee vide for the common Defence’’, ‘‘to raise and lation pursuant to the following: concerned. support Armies’’, ‘‘to provide and maintain a Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution of By Mr. CROWLEY: Navy’’ and ‘‘to make Rules for the Govern- the United States. H. Res. 39. A resolution electing a Member ment and Regulation of the land and naval By Mr. FLEISCHMANN: to a certain standing Committee of the Forces’’ as enumerated in Article I, section 8 H.R. 404. House of Representatives; considered and of the United States Constitution. Congress has the power to enact this legis- agreed to. By Ms. JENKINS of Kansas: lation pursuant to the following: By Mrs. LAWRENCE: H.R. 394. Article 1, Section 8, Clause 18 H. Res. 41. A resolution supporting a uni- Congress has the power to enact this legis- By Mr. JENKINS of West Virginia: form adoption process for foster youth; to lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 405. the Committee on Education and the Work- Article I, Section 8: Congress has the power to enact this legis- force, and in addition to the Committee on The Congress shall have Power To lay and lation pursuant to the following: the Judiciary, for a period to be subse- collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, Article 1, Section 8—Commerce Clause and quently determined by the Speaker, in each to pay the Debts and provide for the common Taxing and Spending Clause

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:39 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00061 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\L10JA7.100 H10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H300 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 10, 2017 By Mr. KIND: Article I, Section 8, clause 18—To make all Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 406. Laws which shall be necessary and proper for lation pursuant to the following: Congress has the power to enact this legis- carrying into Execution the foregoing Pow- Pursuant to clause 3(d)(1) of the rule XIII lation pursuant to the following: ers, and all other Powers vested by this Con- of the Rules of the House of Representatives, Article I Section 8, Clause 16. stitution in the Government of the United the Committee finds the authority for this By Mr. KING of Iowa: States, or in any Department or Officer legislation in artle I, section 8 of the Con- H.R. 407. thereof. stitution. Congress has the power to enact this legis- By Mrs. LAWRENCE: By Mr. THORNBERRY: lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 419. H.R. 428. Article I, Section 8, Clause 1 Congress has the power to enact this legis- Congress has the power to enact this legis- By Mr. KING of Iowa: lation pursuant to the following: lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 408. Article I, Section 8, clause 1—The Congress Article I, Section 8 and Article IV, Section Congress has the power to enact this legis- shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, 3 of the United States Constitution. lation pursuant to the following: Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the By Mr. WITTMAN: Article I, Section 8, Clause 1 Debts and provide for the common Defense H.R. 429. By Mr. KING of Iowa: and general Welfare of the United States Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 409. .... lation pursuant to the following: Congress has the power to enact this legis- Article I, Section 6 of the United States By Mrs. LAWRENCE: lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 420. Constitution Article I, Section 8, Clause 1 Congress has the power to enact this legis- By Mr. YOHO: H.R. 430. By Mr. KING of Iowa: lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 410. Congress has the power to enact this legis- Article I, Section 8, clause 1—The Congress Congress has the power to enact this legis- lation pursuant to the following: shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, lation pursuant to the following: Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Article I, Section 8, Clause 1; Article I, By Ms. KAPTUR: Debts and provide for the common Defense Section 8, Clause 18 H.J. Res. 26. and general Welfare of the United By Mr. KING of New York: Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 411. States.... lation pursuant to the following: Congress has the power to enact this legis- By Mrs. LOVE: Article 1, Section 8 H.R. 421. lation pursuant to the following: f Article 1, Section 8, Clause 18 Congress has the power to enact this legis- By Mrs. LAWRENCE: lation pursuant to the following: ADDITIONAL SPONSORS H.R. 412. The Constitutional authority in which this bill rests is in the power of the Congress To Under clause 7 of rule XII, sponsors Congress has the power to enact this legis- were added to public bills and resolu- lation pursuant to the following: regulate Commerce as enumerated by Arti- Article I, Section 8, clause 18—To make all cle 1, section 8 of the United States Constitu- tions, as follows: Laws which shall be necessary and proper for tion as applied to providing for the general H.R. 5: Mr. HIGGINS of Louisiana, Mr. carrying into Execution the foregoing Pow- Welfare of the United States through the ad- ROKITA, and Mr. HARRIS. ers, and all other Powers vested by this Con- ministration of the Federal Drug Adminis- H.R. 25: Mr. GAETZ. stitution in the Government of the United tration, and in the power of Congress To lay H.R. 36: Mr. KING of Iowa, Mr. ABRAHAM, States, or in any Department or Officer and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Ex- Mr. MESSER, Mr. SMITH of New Jersey, Mr. thereof cises, to pay the Debts and provide for the FARENTHOLD, Mr. PALMER, Mr. MULLIN, Mr. By Mrs. LAWRENCE: common Defense and general Welfare of the ROTHFUS, Mr. BOST, Mr. KELLY of Pennsyl- H.R. 413. United States as enumerated by Article 1, vania, Mr. JOHNSON of Ohio, Mr. GRAVES of Congress has the power to enact this legis- section 8 of the United States Constitution. Missouri, Mr. HUIZENGA, Mr. KELLY of Mis- lation pursuant to the following: By Mr. MCCLINTOCK: sissippi, Mr. CHABOT, Mr. MARCHANT, Mr. Article I, Section 8, clause 3—The Congress H.R. 422. OLSON, Mrs. LOVE, Mr. LATTA, Mr. JONES, shall have Power To.. regulate Commerce Congress has the power to enact this legis- Mr. DAVIDSON, Mr. ROSKAM, Mr. DUNCAN of with foreign nations, and among the several lation pursuant to the following: South Carolina, Mr. GROTHMAN, Mr. BILI- States, and with Indian Tribes; Article I, Section 8, Clauses 1 and 2 of the RAKIS, Mr. ADERHOLT, Mr. DUFFY, Mr. GRIF- By Mrs. LAWRENCE: United States Constitution, which confer on FITH, Mr. GOSAR, Ms. JENKINS of Kansas, Mr. H.R. 414. Congress the power to collect and manage ROUZER, Mr. PITTENGER, Mrs. BLACKBURN, Congress has the power to enact this legis- revenue for the payment of debts owed by Mrs. BLACK, Mr. GOHMERT, Mrs. WAGNER, Mr. lation pursuant to the following: the United States and to borrow money on WENSTRUP, Mr. GIBBS, Mr. SHIMKUS, Mr. Article I, Section 8, clause 3—The Congress the credit of the United States. BANKS of Indiana, Mr. BYRNE, Mr. ROGERS of shall have Power To . . regulate Commerce Article 1, Section 8, Clauses 1 and 2: Alabama, Mr. MOOLENAAR, Mr. BRIDENSTINE, with foreign nations, and among the several ‘‘The Congress shall have the Power To lay Ms. FOXX, Mr. GUTHRIE, Mr. JOYCE of Ohio, States, and with Indian Tribes; and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Ex- Mr. HARRIS, Mr. SMITH of Missouri, Mr. By Mrs. LAWRENCE: cises, to pay the Debts and provide for the TIBERI, Mr. GOODLATTE, Mr. BARLETTA, Mr. H.R. 415. common Defence and general Welfare of the FLORES, Mr. POE of Texas, Mr. WALBERG, Mr. Congress has the power to enact this legis- United States; but all Duties, Imposts and MOONEY of West Virginia, and Mr. LUETKE- lation pursuant to the following: Excises shall be uniform throughout the MEYER. Article I, Section 8, clause 3—The Congress United States; H.R. 37: Mr. KING of Iowa, Mr. ABRAHAM, shall have Power To . . regulate Commerce To borrow Money on the credit of the Mr. MESSER, Mr. SMITH of New Jersey, Mr. with foreign nations, and among the several United States;’’ FARENTHOLD, Mr. MULLIN, Mr. ROTHFUS, Mr. States, and with Indian Tribes; By Ms. MENG: BOST, Mr. KELLY of Pennsylvania, Mr. JOHN- By Mrs. LAWRENCE: H.R. 423. SON of Ohio, Mr. GRAVES of Missouri, Mr. H.R. 416. Congress has the power to enact this legis- HUIZENGA, Mr. KELLY of Mississippi, Mr. Congress has the power to enact this legis- lation pursuant to the following: CHABOT, Mr. MARCHANT, Mr. OLSON, Mrs. lation pursuant to the following: Article 1, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitu- LOVE, Mr. LATTA, Mr. JONES, Mr. DAVIDSON, Article I, Section 8, clause 3—The Congress tion. Mr. ROSKAM, Mr. DUNCAN of South Carolina, shall have Power To . . regulate Commerce By Mr. PETERSON: Mr. GROTHMAN, Mr. BILIRAKIS, Mr. ADER- with foreign nations, and among the several H.R. 424. HOLT, Mr. DUFFY, Mr. GOSAR, Mr. ROUZER, States, and with Indian Tribes; Congress has the power to enact this legis- Mr. PITTENGER, Mrs. BLACKBURN, Mrs. By Mrs. LAWRENCE: lation pursuant to the following: BLACK, Mr. GOHMERT, Mrs. WAGNER, Mr. H.R. 417. Article 1, Section 8, Clause 3 of the U.S. GIBBS, Mr. BANKS of Indiana, Mr. BYRNE, Mr. Congress has the power to enact this legis- Constitution. MOOLENAAR, Mr. JOYCE of Ohio, Mr. HARRIS, lation pursuant to the following: By Mr. POE of Texas: Mr. SMITH of Missouri, Mr. TIBERI, Mr. GOOD- Article I, Section 8, clause 18—To make all H.R. 425. LATTE, Mr. BARLETTA, Mr. FLORES, Mr. JODY Laws which shall be necessary and proper for Congress has the power to enact this legis- B. HICE of Georgia, Mr. MOONEY of West Vir- carrying into Execution the foregoing Pow- lation pursuant to the following: ginia, and Mr. LUETKEMEYER. ers, and all other Powers vested by this Con- Article 1, Section 8, Clauses 10, 11, and 15 H.R. 38: Mr. RUTHERFORD, Mr. FRANCIS stitution in the Government of the United By Mr. RATCLIFFE: ROONEY of Florida, Mr. BUDD, Mr. YOUNG of States, or in any Department or Officer H.R. 426. Iowa, Mrs. NOEM, Mr. CONAWAY, Mr. WILSON thereof. Congress has the power to enact this legis- of South Carolina, Mr. CARTER of Texas, and By Mrs. LAWRENCE: lation pursuant to the following: Mr. DUNCAN of Tennessee. H.R. 418. Article I, Section 8 H.R. 51: Mr. LAWSON of Florida and Mr. Congress has the power to enact this legis- By Mr. SIRES: CRIST. lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 427. H.R. 52: Mr. LAWSON of Florida.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:05 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00062 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10JA7.043 H10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE January 10, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H301

H.R. 76: Mr. GOWDY, Mr. GARRETT, Mr. H.R. 255: Mrs. MURPHY of Florida, Ms. LEE, H.R. 356: Mr. SCHRADER and Mr. DAVID ROUZER, Mr. GALLAGHER, Mr. DENHAM, and Mr. O’ROURKE, Mrs. BROOKS of Indiana, and SCOTT of Georgia. Mr. KELLY of Mississippi. Mrs. DAVIS of California. H.R. 357: Ms. SHEA-PORTER and Mr. SOTO. H.R. 78: Mr. TIPTON. H.R. 257: Mr. MCCLINTOCK, Mr. ROKITA, Mr. H.R. 358: Mr. LATTA, Mr. MCCLINTOCK, and FARENTHOLD, and Mr. MOOLENAAR. H.R. 83: Mr. MARINO, Mr. BROOKS of Ala- Mr. CHABOT. H.R. 258: Mr. GARRETT. ITZPATRICK bama, and Mr. KING of Iowa. H.R. 274: Mrs. DAVIS of California. H.R. 365: Mr. F . H.R. 146: Mr. ROE of Tennessee and Mr. H.R. 277: Mr. WITTMAN and Mr. ABRAHAM. H.R. 369: Mr. MEEHAN. JONES. H.R. 285: Mr. HENSARLING. H.R. 371: Mr. CA´ RDENAS, Mrs. BUSTOS, Ms. H.R. 147: Mr. KING of Iowa, Mr. ABRAHAM, H.R. 288: Mr. KNIGHT and Mr. GARRETT. ROYBAL-ALLARD, Ms. SA´ NCHEZ, Mr. DANNY K. Mr. MESSER, Mr. SMITH of New Jersey, Mr. H.R. 299: Mr. JOHNSON of Ohio, Mr. BYRNE, DAVIS of Illinois, and Mr. RUSH. FARENTHOLD, Mr. PALMER, Mr. MULLIN, Mr. Ms. BEUTLER, Mr. POE of Texas, Mr. KATKO, H.J. Res. 1: Mr. BISHOP of Michigan, Mr. Mr. CRAMER, Ms. SHEA-PORTER, Mr. CARTER ROTHFUS, Mr. KELLY of Pennsylvania, Mr. OLSON, Mr. SANFORD, Mr. ROUZER, Mr. of Georgia, Mr. RYAN of Ohio, Mr. LATTA, Mr. JOHNSON of Ohio, Mr. GRAVES of Missouri, FRANCIS ROONEY of Florida, Mr. GOWDY, and YARMUTH, Mr. YOUNG of Iowa, Mr. WALBERG, Mr. HUIZENGA, Mr. KELLY of Mississippi, Mr. Mr. BACON. Ms. MATSUI, Mr. ELLISON, Mr. HUDSON, Mr. MARCHANT, Mr. OLSON, Mr. LATTA, Mr. H.J. Res. 2: Mr. BISHOP of Michigan, Mr. GUTHRIE, Mr. ROGERS of Kentucky, Ms. PIN- JONES, Mr. ROSKAM, Mr. DUNCAN of South OLSON, Mr. SANFORD, Mr. ROUZER, Mr. GREE, Ms. CASTOR of Florida, Mr. GOHMERT, Carolina, Mr. GROTHMAN, Mr. BILIRAKIS, Mr. FRANCIS ROONEY of Florida, Mr. GOWDY, and and Mr. CA´ RDENAS. ADERHOLT, Mr. DUFFY, Mr. GOSAR, Mr. H.R. 305: Ms. SA´ NCHEZ. Mr. BACON. ROUZER, Mrs. BLACKBURN, Mrs. BLACK, Mr. H.R. 308: Mr. YOHO, Mr. ROUZER, Mr. COLE, H.J. Res. 6: Mr. DUNCAN of South Carolina. GOHMERT, Mrs. WAGNER, Mr. GIBBS, Mr. Mr. COSTELLO of Pennsylvania, Mr. YOUNG of H.J. Res. 11: Mr. BOST. BANKS of Indiana, Mr. BYRNE, Mr. Iowa, and Mr. SMITH of Nebraska. H.J. Res. 14: Mr. GAETZ. MOOLENAAR, Mr. SMITH of Missouri, Mr. H.R. 312: Mr. SCHRADER. H. Con. Res. 5: Ms. SLAUGHTER and Mr. TIBERI, Mr. FLORES, Mr. WALBERG, Mr. JODY H.R. 331: Mr. SOTO. LOWENTHAL. B. HICE of Georgia, Mr. MOONEY of West Vir- H.R. 332: Ms. BORDALLO, Ms. NORTON, Mr. H. Res. 23: Mr. QUIGLEY, Mr. RUIZ, Ms. ginia, and Mr. LUETKEMEYER. GRIJALVA, and Mrs. RADEWAGEN. BORDALLO, Mr. RUSH, Mr. BEN RAY LUJA´ N of H.R. 175: Mr. BIGGS. H.R. 334: Ms. PINGREE, Mr. COHEN, Mr. MCGOVERN, and Mr. RYAN of Ohio. New Mexico, Ms. MAXINE WATERS of Cali- H.R. 184: Ms. DELBENE and Mr. BUDD. H.R. 352: Mr. BIGGS and Mr. MCCLINTOCK. fornia, Mr. EVANS, Ms. LOFGREN, and Mr. H.R. 193: Mr. GAETZ. H.R. 355: Mr. GOHMERT, Mr. COLE, Mr. O’ROURKE. H.R. 244: Mr. MARSHALL, Mr. PETERS, Mr. LATTA, Mr. LONG, Mr. SMITH of Texas, and H. Res. 28: Mr. CASTRO of Texas and Mr. JOYCE of Ohio, Mr. BYRNE, and Mr. BARR. Mr. KELLY of Pennsylvania. NOLAN.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:11 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00063 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10JA7.038 H10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 115 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION

Vol. 163 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 10, 2017 No. 6 Senate The Senate met at 12 noon and was appoint the Honorable TED CRUZ, a Senator Senator SESSIONS after having served called to order by the Honorable TED from the State of Texas, to perform the du- with him for 16 years: ties of the Chair. CRUZ, a Senator from the State of I always found JEFF to be an honorable and Texas. ORRIN G. HATCH, trustworthy person, a smart and good law- President pro tempore. yer, and a thoughtful and open-minded lis- f Mr. CRUZ thereupon assumed the tener. PRAYER Chair as Acting President pro tempore. He then continued with this: The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- f I believe that he will be a principled, fair, and capable Attorney General. If I was in the fered the following prayer: RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY Senate today, I would vote ‘‘aye’’ on his Let us pray. LEADER nomination. Eternal God, our hope for years to The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- That is the former Democratic can- come, we worship You. Your Name is didate for Vice President of the United great, and we offer You our adoration pore. The majority leader is recog- nized. States, Senator Joe Lieberman. and praise. But it is not just our Democratic col- Bless our Senators. Open their eyes f leagues who have praise for Senator so that they can discern Your involve- CABINET NOMINATIONS SESSIONS. Let me read another letter ment in human affairs. Prepare their from one of Senator SESSIONS’ con- Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, hearts and minds for today’s chal- stituents in Alabama, Albert F. Tur- Senate committees have been working lenges, inspiring them to conduct ner, Jr. Here is what he had to say: themselves with courtesy and honor. for many weeks to process President- Elect Trump’s Cabinet nominations. I My family and I have literally been on the Keep their motives pure, their words front line of the fight for civil rights my true, and their actions constructive. commend the committees and their whole life. I believe that [Senator SESSIONS] Almighty God, we acknowledge that staffs for their very hard work. Now we is someone with whom I, and others in the our lives are in Your hands. So please begin the next phase of this process civil rights community, can work with if keep our feet from stumbling. with committee hearings. In fact, it given the opportunity. I believe that he will just began this morning in the Senate listen, as he has in the past, to the concerns We pray in Your merciful Name. of my community. More than most I am very Amen. Judiciary Committee. I would like to say a word about our familiar with him. I believe he will be fair in f his application of the law and the Constitu- colleague from Alabama. Each of us tion; as such I support his nomination to be PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE knows Senator SESSIONS. We have the next Attorney General of the United worked with him. We know he cares The Presiding Officer led the Pledge States. about his country and the Department of Allegiance, as follows: Now, a lot of unfair things have been he will be tasked to lead. We know he said about our colleague from Alabama I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the is a forthright colleague, an experi- United States of America, and to the Repub- in recent weeks. I am glad he is finally lic for which it stands, one nation under God, enced lawyer, and someone who be- getting the chance to show Americans indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. lieves strongly in the rule of law. We and the committee the Senator SES- know that he will reach across the SIONS we all know and serve with. I f aisle as well. look forward to the Senate’s fair treat- APPOINTMENT OF ACTING He supported President Obama’s first ment of our colleague’s forthcoming PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE Attorney General nominee, Eric Hold- nomination, just as it fairly processed er. He worked with our late colleague The PRESIDING OFFICER. The an incoming President Obama’s pick Ted Kennedy on prison reform. He clerk will please read a communication for Attorney General—a nominee, worked with our current colleague Sen- to the Senate from the President pro whom, as I noted, Senator SESSIONS ator DURBIN on sentencing reform. tempore (Mr. HATCH). supported. Senator DURBIN, in fact, noted that So let me turn to a larger point. The The senior assistant legislative clerk Senator SESSIONS is ‘‘a man of his nominations process for an incoming read the following letter: word.’’ Senator LEAHY called him President is important. As President U.S. SENATE, ‘‘wonderful to work with.’’ Senator Obama recently said when he met with PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, Washington, DC, January 10, 2017. SCHUMER, the Democratic leader, said President-Elect Trump, the Presidency To the Senate: he is ‘‘straightforward and fair.’’ ‘‘is bigger than any one person, and Under the provisions of rule I, paragraph 3, Let me quote from a former Demo- that’s why ensuring a smooth transi- of the Standing Rules of the Senate, I hereby cratic Senate colleague who knows tion is so important.’’

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor.



VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:27 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10JA6.000 S10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S182 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 10, 2017 I certainly agree. When President ObamaCare promised lower costs, but The repeal resolution is the first step Obama was elected, Republicans premiums have skyrocketed. It prom- to bring relief to hardworking Ameri- worked across the aisle to confirm ised families could keep their plans or cans and to prevent health insurance seven—seven—of his nominees on inau- doctors, but many have seen their op- markets from imploding. Next, we need guration day and five more by the end tions, in fact, limited. Kentuckians to work together to replace ObamaCare of his first week. These nominees were want to see lower costs, more choices, with health care policies that actually hardly centrists. We had reservations and better care. But after 7 long years work for families. Once we repeal about many of them. But Democrats of rising costs and diminishing options, ObamaCare, we can use the stable tran- had won the Presidency and the Sen- ObamaCare has not delivered, and the sition period to deliver on another ate, and we hadn’t. I ask our friends people of Kentucky are demanding promise. across the aisle to now demonstrate change. They have been loud and clear I would encourage colleagues on both the same courtesy and seriousness for in their distaste for ObamaCare. sides to offer their input as we work to President-Elect Trump’s nominees, es- Like other Members here, I have re- lower costs, increase choices, and pro- pecially his national security team. ceived letters, emails, and phone calls. mote better care. But one thing is cer- The Senate has a longstanding tradi- I have met with constituents directly tain. Republicans will continue to fol- tion of confirming the Cabinet nomi- who are feeling the pain of higher costs low through on our promises and act on nees of a newly elected administration and fewer choices. behalf of our constituents to bring re- in a timely fashion, and the Senate and Consider this mom in Kentucky. She lief from ObamaCare. its committees are now following the is facing a higher cost of health insur- f same standard for President-Elect ance, and she literally doesn’t know RECOGNITION OF THE MINORITY Trump and his nominees as we have for what to do. Here is what she said: LEADER past Presidents. My family is being pushed out of the mid- I know some are urging Democrats to dle class by the ObamaCare law. How can we The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- play partisan games and needless pay almost $1,200 a month on health insur- pore. The Democratic leader is recog- delay. I hope they will not. The Amer- ance? nized. ican people will see through it, any- Listen to this veteran and father f from Louisville. After his plan was dis- way. CABINET NOMINATIONS Here is a perfect example. The Demo- continued, he tried to buy insurance cratic leader has been quoting a letter through ObamaCare, only to find that Mr. SCHUMER. Mr. President, as I sent to then-Senator Harry Reid in his children’s pediatrician wouldn’t ac- hearings for the President-elect’s 2009. He apparently missed the fact cept it. This dad worries that unless nominees get underway starting today, that the letter he has been quoting was something is done, he will be ‘‘one of I want to reiterate that a fair and thor- not only sent after every one of Presi- thousands of Kentuckians that will ough vetting process is a top priority, dent Obama’s eligible nominees had find that they do not have insurance not only for my caucus but for the hearings but after all but one had been options.’’ American people. confirmed. So it is actually an impor- I have heard from many constituents Chief to achieving that is a fair hear- tant reminder of how Republicans fair- expressing similar frustration, dis- ing schedule and process. First, it ly treated incoming President Obama’s appointment, and anger about the out- means hearings that are sufficiently Cabinet nominees and how Democrats comes of ObamaCare. They expected spaced out so Members who sit on mul- should now do the same. the law to deliver on its promises, but, tiple committees can actually attend This is time for serious consideration instead, they paid more and received all the hearings. It means only holding and cooperation. Americans aren’t less. hearings after the full committee pa- looking for partisan games. We are a This year the cost of insurance pre- perwork—OGE review, FBI background nation at war. We are a nation grap- miums in Kentucky spiked up to 47 check, and a full divestment plan—has pling with a slow economy. Americans percent. These price increases are a di- been received and Senators have ade- want the incoming President to have rect result of instability injected into quate time to review the information. his national and economic security the market by ObamaCare. Families That means, if there are Senators with teams in place to get to work. They across Kentucky are scrambling to find remaining questions that weren’t cov- want us to work together across the ways to fit the extra expenses into ered in a first hearing, they can have aisle to get this done. their budgets. the nominee come back for a second That is what Republicans did in 2009, To make matters worse, the choices day. it is what we are doing now, and it is that families once had for health insur- Our caucus and much of America was what we invite our Democratic friends ance continue to disappear. Nearly half alarmed and disappointed by the an- to join us in getting accomplished. of the counties in Kentucky only have nouncements of the hearing schedule f one option for a health insurance pro- this week, which did not meet these vider on the exchange, and, when there basic courtesies and best practices that OBAMACARE is only one choice, there is really no have always been extended in the past. Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, choice at all. However, I am happy to say that after families across the country have been For the people of Kentucky and for negotiating with my friend the major- hurt by ObamaCare’s rising costs and people across the country, repeal ity leader and his respective com- limited choices, and we continue to means relief. The time to act is now. mittee chairs, we have been able to hear the stories from constituents back However, our friends on the other make some progress on a fair hearing home. side of the aisle are doing everything process. My own home State of Kentucky was they can to stop us from fulfilling our I appreciate the majority leader’s once championed as a success story by promise to help the American people. openness and efforts to accommodate ObamaCare supporters. That is hardly Instead of continuing to push their po- our caucus in the last few days. Origi- the case today. Too many Kentuckians litical agenda, I urge them to help us. nally there were six hearings scheduled are watching their insurance premiums I ask them to listen to the American for this Wednesday, all especially im- grow higher and higher. They are people, who are demanding change. A portant Cabinet posts: State, Attorney struggling to meet deductibles so high recent Gallup poll showed that 8 out of General, Education, Transportation, that their insurance is almost useless. 10 Americans wanted to see ObamaCare Homeland Security, CIA. That was They are watching their friends and significantly changed—significantly largely unprecedented. We have looked neighbors lose their plans or access to changed—or completely replaced. back in history and can only find one family doctors. They sit around the It is time to admit it. ObamaCare has instance where there were that many kitchen table and try to budget for failed. This partisan experiment is hearings of important Cabinet mem- their family’s future. They know one hurting more than it is helping. It is bers on one day like that. thing for sure: The promises of time to finally move past it and re- After negotiations with the majority ObamaCare have failed them. place it with something that works. leader, we have moved things around so

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:27 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10JA6.001 S10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE January 10, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S183 that there are now only three hearings time to review. Having the paperwork them? We shall see, but we need an- scheduled for Wednesday: Secretary of in at 7 a.m. and holding a hearing at 10 swers at hearings before we vote. The State, Transportation, and the second a.m. is unacceptable. We expect there American people are entitled to it. day of the AG hearings. All of these will be adequate time for followup Once again, I thank the majority nominees have their paperwork in. The questions on a second day of hearings if leader for dealing in good faith and try- nominee for Secretary of Education, Senators are unable to finish their ing to address our concerns. I hope for who does not yet have a signed ethics questions. the sake of the national interests that agreement and whose paperwork is not Today my colleague the majority our two parties can come together on close to complete, was moved. That leader said: Well, most of the Cabinet an agreement for the remainder of the hearing will take place next week, nominees were in already when this process, as we have for the process so pending her paperwork being submitted letter came out. But the letter doesn’t far. with time for Senators to review. specify who. It includes Cabinet mem- f It is still a busy week. It is a little bers, and there were future Cabinet too busy for my personal taste, but it members who would come forward. It is AFFORDABLE CARE ACT is a good first step. I hope we can con- a good standard. We are all for it. We Mr. SCHUMER. Mr. President, last tinue to negotiate in good faith, to sort are asking our friends on the other side night the Senate Democrats held the out the schedule in a way that is ac- of the aisle to stick with it. What was floor late into the night to dem- ceptable to both of our caucuses. good for them in 2009 is good for the onstrate our solidarity and commit- I also want to make clear that this country in 2017. ment to defending ACA, to defending progress does not mean our caucus is We are insistent on the process be- the tens of millions of Americans who any less intent on having the Presi- cause it is the right thing to do; it is have been afforded the opportunity to dent-elect’s nominees complete the the American thing to do. We don’t access care for the first time and the standard ethics forms, questionnaires, hide nominees and rush them through. tens of millions more whose coverage and FBI background checks required of They have huge power. If the Presi- is fairer, more generous, and more af- every nominee. To have all this infor- dent-elect and our Republican col- fordable because of the law. mation come in after the hearing is leagues are as proud of the nominees as More than 35 Members participated sort of like ‘‘Alice in Wonderland’’—it they state, then they should be happy on the floor or on Facebook Live, makes no sense and has things upside to have them answer a lot of questions Snapchat, or . I thank each and down. I am still concerned, for exam- in a hearing that is not rushed. It is every one of the Members on my side— ple, that we don’t have a completed how we will ensure that Cabinet offi- the vast majority of our caucus—for FBI background check for the nominee cials, who are imbued with an immense participating. Many of them discussed for Secretary of State. His hearing power in our government, are ethically the threat the Republican plan to starts tomorrow. And today there are and substantively qualified for these make America sick again poses to the reports in the media that under Rex positions. health care of 300 million Americans. Tillerson’s leadership, Exxon con- If there is any group of Cabinet nomi- Beyond that, the Republican budget ducted business with Iran, potentially nees that cries out for this process, it resolution calls for a massive increase in violation of U.S. sanctions law. is this group of nominees. This pro- in the Federal debt. There are serious questions that need posed Cabinet is unlike any other. It is Yesterday Shaun Donovan, the Direc- to be answered. wealthier than any other. It has com- tor of the Office of Management and In this particular case, Mr. Tillerson plex webs of corporate connections—so Budget, released a letter explaining should release all his tax returns and many of the nominees—that pose huge that this budget resolution would allow promise to answer any questions on the potential conflict of interest problems. publicly held debt to increase by $9.5 Iran dealings that members ask. This Frankly, it is the most hard-right Cab- trillion, from $14.2 trillion in 2016 to is too serious a subject to have ques- inet in its ideology. It is quite different $23.7 trillion in 2026. tions ducked. It demands a completely from the way President-Elect Trump Our colleagues have talked about open airing of all relevant information. campaigned. The potential conflicts of being deficit hawks. Democrats bring Did Mr. Tillerson go around our Iran interest for multimillionaires such as up ideas. They say: Can’t do it; it in- sanctions simply to line Exxon’s pock- Rex Tillerson or Betsy DeVos or Steve creases the deficit. Well, is that going ets? That would be a very bad thing. Mnuchin are enormous. to apply to this, which increases the The American people ought to know As I said, the nominees have views deficit by massive amounts? The def- about it before the Senate has to vote far to the right of what the President icit would exceed $1.3 trillion in 2026. to confirm. For Rex Tillerson to an- campaigned on. The most glaring ex- That is almost as high as the $1.4 tril- swer the questions, and particularly ample is Representative PRICE. His lion at the depths of that recession and questions about Exxon setting up a whole career has been focused on end- financial crisis President Obama had to separate subsidiary to get around our ing Medicare as we know it. My col- meet. Are my colleagues now going to Iran sanctions, is what the Founding league the majority leader said the do a 180-degree reversal and say that Fathers wanted us to do when they American people want us to move for- now a debt increase of such dramatic enumerated in the advise and consent ward and give President-Elect Trump numbers is OK? I hope not. It wouldn’t process. his nominees. If they knew that one of be right. It wouldn’t be fair. It This is not a partisan game. We are the nominees had been dedicated to ba- wouldn’t be consistent. not doing this for sport. These aren’t sically getting rid of Medicare, would Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- obscure procedural complaints. This is they want us to vote for him? I will bet sent to have printed in the RECORD a standard process. As I reminded my not. It sure explains why they want to copy of Director Donovan’s letter. friend the majority leader yesterday, rush these nominees through. There being no objection, the mate- this is the same exact process my coun- They don’t want all of these things rial was ordered to be printed in the terpart demanded in 2009 when the shoe brought to light, but that is the wrong RECORD, as follows: was on the other foot. Just as then-Mi- thing to do. We are going to fight to EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESI- nority Leader MCCONNELL laid out in get to the right thing to do. The Amer- DENT, OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT his 2009 letter to then-Majority Leader ican people have a right to know if AND BUDGET, Reid, Democrats expect each nominee they voted for a President who might Washington, DC, January 9, 2017. to have all the prerequisites, with time be going back on one of his key cam- Hon. JOHN A. YARMUTH, to review, before we move forward with paign promises. They deserve nothing Ranking Member, House Budget Committee, the hearings. President Obama’s nomi- less than open and deliberate hearings House of Representatives, Washington, DC. nees completed all of their paperwork going forward. Will Representative Hon. RICHARD E. NEAL, Ranking Member, House Ways and Means Com- in 2009 before the hearings. We expect PRICE stick with what President-Elect mittee, House of Representatives, Wash- nothing less from President-Elect Trump said—no cuts to Medicare, Med- ington, DC. Trump’s nominees. Particularly, we ex- icaid—or will he pursue his lifelong DEAR CONGRESSMAN YARMUTH AND CON- pect the paperwork to be all in with dream of privatizing and limiting GRESSMAN NEAL: I am writing in response to

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:27 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10JA6.003 S10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S184 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 10, 2017 your letter requesting OMB’s analysis of the $14.2 trillion in 2016 to $23.7 trillion in 2026. larger: growing to over $1 trillion by 2022 and Republican budget resolution and its impact After a sustained period of historically fast reaching more than $1.3 trillion by 2026. on the budget outlook. deficit reduction under the President’s lead- Comparisons of debt and deficit totals over On January 3, 2017, Republicans in the Sen- ership, the Republican budget would allow ate Budget Committee introduced an FY 2017 for a relatively steady increase in annual time are best viewed as a share of the econ- budget resolution. Based on the numbers deficits, with the annual on-budget deficit omy. Based on the Congressional Budget Of- provided in the resolution, the Republican increasing to over $1 trillion by 2026. fice’s most recent economic projections, it is budget includes virtually no deficit reduc- Assuming that Republicans will not make clear that the Republican budget would fail tion and would allow debt held by the public cuts to off-budget programs like Social Secu- the key fiscal test of stabilizing debt as a to increase by roughly $9.5 trillion, from rity, unified annual deficits will be even share of the economy. REPUBLICAN BUDGET RESOLUTION AND CBO ESTIMATES OF THE PRESIDENT’S 2017 BUDGET (On-Budget Deficits, Unified Budget Deficits, and Debt Held by the Public, Billions of Dollars)

2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026

On-Budget Deficits: Resolution ...... ¥$583 ¥$542 ¥$674 ¥$729 ¥$785 ¥$897 ¥$893 ¥$863 ¥$946 ¥$1,009 PB17 ...... ¥447 ¥386 ¥500 ¥536 ¥566 ¥671 ¥665 ¥614 ¥669 ¥675 Unified Budget Deficits: Resolutions ...... ¥571 ¥548 ¥710 ¥798 ¥891 ¥1,043 ¥1,080 ¥1,094 ¥1,226 ¥1,341 PB17 ...... ¥433 ¥383 ¥518 ¥585 ¥651 ¥791 ¥826 ¥813 ¥917 ¥972 Debt Held by the Public: Resolution ...... 14,593 15,199 15,955 16,792 17,714 18,787 19,901 21,033 22,302 23,692 PB17 ...... 14,454 14,906 15,484 16,121 16,818 17,656 18,532 19,402 20,379 21,417 Difference ...... 2,275 Sources: http://www.budget.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/S.Con.Res.RepealResolution.pdf, pp. 5–6; https://www.cbo.gov/sites/default/files/114th-congress-2015-2016/reports/51383-APB.pdf, Table 2; Resolution unified deficits derived using off-budget deficits from https://www.cbo.gov/sites/default/files/114th-congress-2015-2016/reports/51384-marchbaseline.pdf, table 1

Compared to the President’s Budget, which The senior assistant legislative clerk over again. As everyone knows, every drives down deficits as a share of the econ- read as follows: one of these promises was broken. Pre- omy and maintains our fiscal progress A concurrent resolution (S. Con. Res. 3) miums for families have continued to through smart savings from health care, im- setting forth the congressional budget for migration, and tax reforms while making rise. Millions of Americans lost health the United States Government for fiscal year critical investments in economic growth and care plans that they liked. Americans 2017 and setting forth the appropriate budg- opportunity, the Republican Budget would regularly discovered that they couldn’t etary levels for fiscal years 2018 through 2026. lead to significantly larger deficits in each keep their doctors and that choice of year and add more than $2 trillion in debt Pending: replacement was often limited. over the next decade. Sanders amendment No. 19, relative to So- These broken promises were just the Notably, the budget resolution also con- cial Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. tains exceptions to existing Congressional tip of the iceberg. The law hasn’t just budget rules that seem targeted towards The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- failed to live up to its promises, it is making it easier to pass legislation that pore. The Senator from South Dakota. actively collapsing, and the status quo would further increase deficits. ORDER OF PROCEDURE is unsustainable. Premiums on the ex- Sincerely, Mr. THUNE. Mr. President, I ask changes are soaring. Deductibles regu- SHAUN DONOVAN, unanimous consent that the Senate re- larly run into the thousands of dollars. Director. cess from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. for the week- For 2017, the average deductible for a Mr. SCHUMER. Mr. President, many ly conference meetings and the time in bronze-level ObamaCare plan is rising of my Republican colleagues like to recess count equally against S. Con. from $5,731 to $6,092. With deductibles claim they care about the deficit. Dur- Res. 3; further, that Senator SANDERS like that, it is no wonder that some ing President Obama’s administration, or his designee control the time from 2 Americans can’t afford to actually use there was an obsession over deficit and p.m. to 2:30 p.m.; and finally, that their ObamaCare insurance. debt reduction—and, by the way, no there be 2 minutes equally divided in I receive a lot of mail from constitu- praise for the President for reducing the usual form prior to the vote on the the deficit by a dramatic amount. Now ents in my State struggling to pay for Flake amendment. their health care. One constituent con- many of those same Members who The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- chastised President Obama for much tacted me to say: ‘‘My ObamaCare pre- pore. Without objection, it is so or- mium went up from $1,080 per month to smaller deficits than proposed in their dered. budget are supporting this budget reso- $1,775 per month,’’ a 64-percent in- Mr. THUNE. Mr. President, clari- crease, $21,300 a year for health insur- lution. fying that recent request, I ask unani- I wish to say to my colleagues, you ance. Let me just repeat that, a 64-per- mous consent that the Senate recess can’t claim to be a fiscal hawk and sup- cent increase in premiums, $21,300 a from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. for the weekly port a budget that piles on trillions in year for health insurance. That is like conference meetings but that that time additional debt. That is not being fis- paying another mortgage. That is a lot not count against S. Con. Res. 3. cally conservative; it is being fiscally more than many people pay for their The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- hypocritical in the extreme. So far, my mortgage, and of course that is before pore. Without objection, the modified friend Senator PAUL of Kentucky has any deductibles or other out-of-pocket request is agreed to. made this point forcefully. My question costs are considered. Mr. THUNE. Mr. President, last week is, Will other Republicans stand with Another constituent wrote to tell the Senate began consideration of the him and stand up against this fiscal me, ‘‘Today I received a new premium ObamaCare repeal resolution, which is hypocrisy? notice from my ObamaCare insurance. the first step in the process of repeal- Mr. President, I yield the floor. My policy rate for myself, my wife and ing the law. It is time for repeal. my teenage son has increased by 357 f Seven years ago, ObamaCare was sold percent.’’ RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME to the American people with a lot of The problems on the exchanges The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- promises. The law was going to reduce aren’t limited to soaring costs, unfor- pore. Under the previous order, the premiums for families. It was going to tunately. Insurers are pulling out of leadership time is reserved. fix problems with our health care sys- the exchanges right and left. Health f tem without hurting anyone who was happy with their health coverage. If care choices are rapidly dwindling. CONCURRENT RESOLUTION ON you like your health plan, you will be Narrow provider networks are the THE BUDGET, FISCAL YEAR 2017 able to keep it, people all across this order of the day. One-third of American The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- country were told over and over again. counties have just one choice of health pore. Under the previous order, the If you like your doctor, you will be insurer on their exchange. Senate will resume consideration of S. able to keep your doctor—also a prom- This is not the health care reform Con. Res. 3, which the clerk will report. ise and claim that was made over and the American people were looking for.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:27 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10JA6.002 S10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE January 10, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S185 So it is no surprise that a recent Gal- just made things worse. Republicans they told us all in the past. For one lup poll found that 80 percent of Ameri- are ready to implement the kind of thing, Democrats have been saying cans want major changes to health care reform the American peo- that millions of Americans are going to ObamaCare or want the law entirely ple are looking for: more affordable, lose their health insurance if we repeal repealed and replaced or that 74 per- more personal, more flexible health the ObamaCare health care law. cent of American voters ranked health care coverage that meets their needs In a letter just last week, Senators care as a very important voting issue and is less bureaucratic. SCHUMER and SANDERS said that Repub- for them in the 2016 elections. The American people are ready for licans are planning to take health care ObamaCare has not fixed our Nation’s health care reform that actually coverage away from more than 30 mil- health care problems. It has made works, and that is exactly what Repub- lion Americans. It is not going to hap- them worse. The American people de- licans are going to give them starting pen. The Democrats absolutely know it serve better. right now. is not going to happen. It doesn’t stop Last week, the Senate started consid- Mr. President, I yield the floor. them from saying it. ering the ObamaCare repeal resolution, I suggest the absence of a quorum. The fact is, this should never have and we are continuing that process this The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- been about health insurance in the week. This resolution will provide us pore. The clerk will call the roll. first place. As a doctor, I will tell you with the tools we need to repeal the The senior assistant legislative clerk this should have been about health law, and then committees will get to proceeded to call the roll. care and patients. Republicans are work on the actual repeal bills. Then Mr. BARRASSO. Mr. President, I ask going to make sure that is where the we will work step-by-step to replace unanimous consent that the order for focus is from now on. The number of ObamaCare with real health care re- the quorum call be rescinded. people with good health insurance cov- form that focuses on personalized, pa- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- erage under ObamaCare actually has tient-centered care. pore. Without objection, it is so or- been a lot less than what the Demo- One massive problem with dered. crats are claiming. That is because lots ObamaCare is the fact that it puts Mr. BARRASSO. Mr. President, I of people who bought ObamaCare cov- Washington in charge of health care would like to congratulate my col- erage only did it because the health decisions that should be made at a league from South Dakota for his com- care law forced them to give up the in- much lower level. The ObamaCare re- ments. I am hearing the same thing in surance they already had and liked and form the Republicans pass will focus on Wyoming that he has been hearing worked for them. I have heard many fixing this. We are going to move con- about the ObamaCare health care law stories from people in Wyoming who trol from Washington and give it back and the impact on people in his State. had insurance. It worked for them. to States and the individuals. Health I am hearing the same thing. I heard it They chose it because it was best for care issues don’t have one size-fits-all this past weekend in Wyoming talking them and their family, and they lost it solutions. It is time to stop acting like to people about what impact because the President said it wasn’t they do. ObamaCare has had on their lives. good enough for him. These are people States should have the power to in- It is very interesting because people who were hurt by the broken promises novate and embrace health care solu- all around the State of Wyoming are and by President Obama’s well-earned tions that work for the individuals and talking about the fact that their costs award of Lie of the Year. the employers of their States. Individ- have gone up and choices have gone With the health care law, most of the uals should be able to make health care down. Many who had insurance that people who got insurance for the first decisions in consultation with their worked for them lost that insurance all time were actually forced into the bro- doctors, not with Washington, DC. An- related to a law passed in the House ken system called Medicaid. Most of other thing we are going to focus on is and the Senate and signed into law by those people were actually eligible for breaking down the ObamaCare barriers President Obama. Medicaid before the law was even that have artificially restricted choice. Tonight, in Chicago, President signed, but for people who didn’t have As I said earlier, ObamaCare has de- Obama is going to give a farewell ad- insurance before, a lot of them still faulted to a one-size-fits-all solution dress. I am assuming he will talk about can’t afford care now because they may when it comes to health care, and that ObamaCare, and I am assuming he have insurance, but the deductibles are means that many Americans have paints a very different picture than the so high they can’t afford to use it. Half found themselves paying for health American people have seen and are liv- of ObamaCare enrollees say they are care they don’t need or want. We need ing with. The President is using scare skipping doctor visits in order to save much more flexibility in insurance tactics about what Republicans plan to money. If a family’s health insurance plans. A thriving health care system do. No matter what President Obama doesn’t cover the care they need, then would offer a wide variety of choices wants, the American people have spo- the number of people covered is totally that would allow Americans to pick a ken. They have voted, and 8 out of 10 meaningless. plan tailored to their needs, that would people say that what this costly and Democrats are out there saying that be a competitive system that gives complicated health care law has done if we try to replace ObamaCare with a people in this country more choices, to them, they would like to see it ei- better solution, that it is just going to, and inevitably what happens in those ther significantly changed or repealed in their words, cause chaos in the circumstances, that pushes the cost and replaced. They know better than to health insurance industry. Where have down. believe what the Democrats are con- they been? There is chaos everywhere We also need to give Americans the tinuing to tell them because they have because of ObamaCare. When you look tools to better manage their health been living with it every day. at what Democrats did to America’s care and control costs. Of course, any Seven years ago, Democrats made health care system, what you see is reform plan has to make sure small one false claim after another when chaos. Premiums are up 25 percent in 1 businesses have the tools they need to they were trying to sell this law to the year. That is chaos. Deductibles are up provide the employees with affordable American people. Democrats said: If by an average of $450 in a year. That is health coverage. ObamaCare has placed you like your doctor, you can keep chaos. There is no functioning market- huge burdens on small businesses that your doctor. They said: If you liked place for ObamaCare in one-third of have made it difficult for them to your health care plan, you could keep the country. That is chaos. When thrive and even to survive. It is time to your health care plan. That one was la- Americans look at this, what they see lift these burdens and free up these beled the Lie of the Year a few years is already chaos, and ObamaCare businesses to grow and create jobs. ago. They said premiums for the aver- caused it. Our health care system wasn’t per- age family would go down by $2,500. I want to mention one of the false fect before ObamaCare. We all ac- None of it was true. Now Democrats claims the Democrats are making, and knowledge that, but ObamaCare was are out telling more tales about it has to do with Medicaid. That is be- not the answer. Instead of fixing the ObamaCare. All of these new stories cause Medicaid was broken long before problems in our health care system, it are going to be just as false as the ones ObamaCare. All the health care law did

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:12 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10JA6.005 S10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S186 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 10, 2017 was add more people onto this broken Mr. President, I yield the floor. fects everybody with insurance. Sev- program. One reason Medicaid is strug- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- enty-five percent of Americans get gling is the same reason the rest of pore. The Senator from Wyoming. their insurance through their em- ObamaCare isn’t working—because Mr. ENZI. Mr. President, I thank my ployer. In the past, they could get Medicaid tries to impose too many colleague from Wyoming, the doctor, dropped if they got sick, if they had di- rules and regulations from Washington. the Senator who has been involved in abetes or had a child with juvenile dia- It tries to make one size fit all. health care all of his adult life and par- betes or had a heart condition or high There are different needs in every ticularly since he got to the Senate. He blood pressure. Women who were of State. States know what those needs has been looking at alternatives to childbearing years could be viewed as are, and they know much better than what we have and will play an intricate having a preexisting condition. In the Washington about the people who live part in any replacement that we do. past, insurance companies had total in those States. There are Republican We know what the problems are, and control to decide who got coverage, Governors like Mike Pence of Indiana we are in the land of denial right now when they got dropped, what would who understood this very important with the Democrats making speeches happen when you got sick and needed fact—and I am glad he is soon going to about the fearmongering of what might medical care. That changed with a Pa- be Vice President. Governors like Mike be changed. This isn’t the point at tients’ Bill of Rights in the Affordable Pence fought for waivers, waivers to which it gets changed. This is the point Care Act. There are a whole range of make sure they could do what the peo- at which it gets set up so that it can be protections to make sure the insurance ple of their States needed. Every Gov- changed, and I look forward to actually you pay for every month actually pro- ernor should have that kind of freedom doing the repeal and the replacement vides the medical care when you need to look out for the best interests of the under the guidance of Senator BAR- it for you and your family. people in their home States. They RASSO from Wyoming. Let’s start with Mary’s story. She shouldn’t have to ask permission from I yield the floor. wanted to express her concern about some unaccountable, unelected Wash- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- repealing the Affordable Care Act, and ington bureaucrat before making im- pore. The Senator from Michigan. I appreciate very much the fact that provements to their own Medicaid Pro- Ms. STABENOW. Mr. President, let she shared her story with me. She says: gram. Giving States the freedom to me first say to the distinguished chair- My family and I have purchased our cov- come up with better solutions is just man of the Budget Committee that we erage through the [ACA] marketplace for one of the things Republicans are going look forward to seeing the replacement 2015, 2016, and 2017. This opportunity has al- to do to replace ObamaCare with real as well because that is really the key lowed us to become self-employed. . . . health care reform. States need and de- right now. People across the country They could open their own business. serve to have that freedom, and people are saying: Wait a minute. You are They weren’t tied to their job because should be free to buy the health insur- going to unravel a system. You are of the need of health insurance. They ance that meets their needs, not what going to repeal and take away the now have opened their own small busi- meets the needs of the President of the health care that I have and the patient ness in Dundee, MI. United States. protections that I have, and we don’t Prior to the ACA, I was working to provide People shouldn’t have to pay more even know if it will be better. coverage— for coverage that isn’t a good value for Why in the world would that be done How many times have we heard that? them. That is why so many people if the new system wasn’t going to be I have heard that even in my own ex- aren’t even signing up in the first place better than the old system? tended family— and would rather pay the penalty—a Right now we don’t see anything. We then I lost my full time status and as a part- penalty that, in my mind, is still un- see 6 years of repeals coming from the time employee, the hours I worked barely constitutional. Families should have House and Senate and no plans. We covered my portion of my employer provided more flexibility to save for their own still don’t see a plan, and we have no healthcare. idea. More importantly, there are mil- By enrolling for coverage through the mar- medical care. That is a way to make ketplace, I was able to pick the coverage sure they are not stuck with empty lions of people with insurance who are needed for our family at an affordable price coverage they can’t afford to use. Peo- either getting patient protections or . . . not knowing what the future held be- ple shouldn’t be mandated to buy this affordable care they couldn’t get before coming self employed. We have three daugh- overpriced, unusable insurance or face or have Medicare strengthened or Med- ters. Our oldest has life threatening allergies a penalty from the IRS. It is one of the icaid support, and no one knows what and asthma. I did not need to worry that we most outrageous parts of the entire will happen next. Doctors, nurses, would be denied coverage due to preexisting health care providers—no one knows conditions. health care law. To me, it is the first As Congress proceeds to dismantle the thing that has to go on the chopping what is going to happen next. I think it ACA, I am concerned for my oldest daughter block. is the most irresponsible approach to who is in her sophomore year at the Univer- Republicans are going to repeal dam- addressing one of the basic needs for all sity of Michigan-Dearborn. She is 20 years aging and destructive ideas like of our families that we could ever have. old. . . . Will she continue to have coverage ObamaCare’s many taxes, mandates, So we know that in the end, when you through our insurance until she is 26 as the and penalties. Then we are going to pull the thread, essentially, you un- ACA provides? If not, what kind of coverage walk through better solutions one-by- ravel the whole system. That, mini- will she be able to afford due to her pre- mally, creates instability in the entire existing conditions? Why put more obstacles one, step-by-step. I hope some of the in the way of our young adults? Democrats in Congress will join us. economy. There is no plan being held That is a really good question, Mary. The Democratic Senators must be up that would improve health care, It makes no sense to do that. heading home on weekends and listen- which we are all for. I am all for mak- She goes on to say: ing to people who have been impacted ing the health care system more afford- able for families, strengthening health The ACA, we’re sure, has faults . . . and the way I described the people of Wyo- like everything, could be improved, but to ming believe they have been impacted care. Let’s do it. Unravelling and cre- scrap it and not use it at least as a ‘‘seed’’ to by the health care law. They have to ating chaos in the health care system— grow and improve is beyond my under- realize there are things we must do no. It makes absolutely no sense, and standing. To suggest that there is nothing to better and more freedoms that must be we know that it is just going to make keep is absurd and 20–30 million Americans given to the American people. America sick again. enrolled . . . agree with us. The American people have suffered I want to share a couple of stories. I agree with you as well, Mary. long enough with the chaos created by First, we hear from Mary of Dundee, Thank you for sharing your story. ObamaCare. It took years for health in- who owns a small business and has a 20- The coverage in the Affordable Care surance markets to get this bad, and it year-old daughter with a preexisting Act and the strengthening of Medicare is going to take time to get things condition. For her, coverage—but, also, and Medicaid are critical, as are the fixed. what we call the Patients’ Bill of patient protections—the Patient Bill of This resolution we have submitted to Rights—is absolutely critical. That is Rights that affects people who buy in- repeal ObamaCare is the start. part of the Affordable Care Act that af- surance now, who finally got control

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:12 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10JA6.006 S10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE January 10, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S187 back from insurance companies that Act and her particular situation. She AMENDMENT NO. 52 made every single decision. Being able said: Mr. ENZI. Mr. President, I call up to know that, if, in fact, you get sick I have had type I diabetes for 54 years and amendment No. 52 and ask unanimous or your child has a serious health con- when I needed to retire early at the age of 62 consent that it be reported by number. dition, they won’t be denied care for because of complications related to diabetes, The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- the rest of their lives, and also being I looked at the ACA for health insurance. pore. Without objection, it is so or- able to have them on your insurance as . . . I couldn’t afford COBRA. dered. they start off in life—there are so I was able to buy health insurance at what The clerk will report the amendment many protections. The caps on treat- I consider an affordable price with a small by number. ments and the number of treatments copay for my medications, the most expen- The senior assistant legislative clerk sive one being insulin at a retail price of $296 and services provided have been elimi- read as follows: nated. The Patients’ Bill of Rights is a month. As you know, my preexisting con- The Senator from Wyoming [Mr. ENZI], for absolutely critical. ditions of type I diabetes, heart disease and a visual impairment, both complications of Mr. FLAKE, proposes an amendment num- I want to take just a moment to diabetes, would have been uninsurable with- bered 52. speak about another piece of this, out the ACA. I would have been uninsurable. The amendment is as follows: which relates to the Patients’ Bill of Rights as it relates to women. In the That is without the Patients’ Bill of (Purpose: To strengthen Social Security and past, the majority of plans—about 70 Rights, which says she has a right to be Medicare without raiding it to pay for new able to purchase health insurance. Government programs, like Obamacare, percent of the insurance plans in the that have failed Americans by increasing private sector that a woman might try In June of 2016 I was diagnosed with breast premiums and reducing affordable health to choose and purchase—wouldn’t cancer, luckily diagnosed at Stage 1 in a rou- care options, to reform Medicaid without cover basic maternity care. I couldn’t tine mammogram. Without the ACA I prioritizing able-bodied adults over the dis- believe it when I first heard that. Wait wouldn’t have been able to afford the mam- abled, and to return regulation of insur- a minute. It wouldn’t cover basic ma- mogram or the subsequent treatment with- ance to State governments) out depleting our life savings. I quickly At the end of title III, add the following: ternity care? Now every plan has to reached my maximum out of pocket cost and cover basic maternity care. It makes while some people would complain about SEC. 3lll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND sense. No longer is just being a woman having to pay that, not me! My total bill so RELATING TO PROTECTIONS FOR THE ELDERLY AND VULNERABLE. a preexisting condition. That is part of far is over $150,000. . . . the Patients’ Bill of Rights. The Chairman of the Committee on the That is for her cancer treatment. Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- The capacity to now get preventive There is the combination here of re- tions of a committee or committees, aggre- care, a mammogram, cancer gates, and other appropriate levels in this screenings, and other types of preven- pealing Planned Parenthood funding for health clinics that allow someone resolution for one or more bills, joint resolu- tive care is done without a copay. So tions, amendments, amendments between we want people to go and get that like Laurie to go in and get a mammo- the Houses, motions, or conference reports checkup and, if there is a problem, to gram rather than waiting until she has relating to protections for the elderly and be able to tackle it early. That is most a level of breast cancer that cannot be vulnerable, which may include strengthening important because it is better for the effectively treated or might otherwise Social Security and Medicare, improving person, but it also means there will be cause loss of life. She was able to catch Medicaid, housing reform, and returning reg- less cost to the health care system if this early because she was able to get ulation of health insurance markets to the States, by the amounts provided in such leg- you can catch something early. So the a screening—a mammogram—the kind of treatment that women in small islation for those purposes, provided that Patients’ Bill of Rights is really crit- such legislation would not increase the def- ical to that. towns all over Michigan have the ca- icit over either the period of the total of fis- There is something else that is also pacity to do now because of the reason- cal years 2017 through 2021 or the period of in here that is appalling to me and goes able copays for care and partly because the total of fiscal years 2017 through 2026. there is no copay for that mammogram directly to the question of women’s f health care, and that is the fact that but also because they have a clinic this bill repeals Planned Parenthood available in their community where RECESS services and, basically, guts health they can get the care. All of this fits The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- care for women across Michigan and together—the access to preventive care pore. Under the previous order, the women across the country. For 75 per- for women, the health care clinics that Senate stands in recess until 2 p.m. cent of the women who use a Planned are available around Michigan and Thereupon, the Senate, at 1:01 p.m., Parenthood clinic in Michigan, their around the country, and the Patients’ recessed until 2 p.m. and reassembled visit will be the only health care they Bill of Rights, which says you have a when called to order by the Presiding get all year. right to care. This is not just about the Officer (Mr. PORTMAN). We have rural counties in northern insurance company basing every deci- Michigan where the only health care sion on the fact that they want to f clinics doing preventive care—cancer make more money rather than cover CONCURRENT RESOLUTION ON screenings, basic services, OB/GYN vis- you. You have a right to make sure THE BUDGET, FISCAL YEAR its—are the Planned Parenthood clin- that when you get sick, you don’t get 2017—Continued ics. So many women across Michigan dropped, and, if you have breast cancer The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- will see their access to health care de- or diabetes, you have a right to have ator from Vermont. nied if this passes and Planned Parent- access to affordable health care. hood loses its funding. There were Mr. SANDERS. Mr. President, as the So I would hope that our colleagues ranking member of the Budget Com- 71,000 patients, the majority of them would join together, stop this craziness women, in Michigan in 2014, who re- mittee, I want to take this opportunity of trying to repeal health reform and to make several points in opposition to ceived care—breast exams, Pap smears, protections for every single American, prenatal visits. Again, tying this all to- the Republican side-by-side amend- and, instead, sit down together and ment and in support of the amendment gether, we want to cover maternity look at how we can make it better. care, but we also want healthy moms that I have offered. Our Republican colleagues will find and healthy babies, and that means Like many Republican proposals, if prenatal care. We have communities in willing partners in making the system you read the Republican amendment, it these small towns, as well as in the big more affordable and better, but we will sounds good on the surface, but if you cities. But it affects small towns and continue to be the strongest possible probe half an inch into it, you recog- rural communities around Michigan, opponents of ripping the system apart nize what an incredible disaster it will where women are going to be denied and creating chaos for American fami- be for working families of this coun- services, and it is the only clinic that lies. try—nice words, but devastating im- is there. I yield the floor. pacts. So I want to talk about that. I want to share a story from Laurie The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- No. 2, I want to talk about what it in Jonesville about the Affordable Care pore. The Senator from Wyoming. will mean if, in fact, the Republicans

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:27 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10JA6.008 S10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S188 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 10, 2017 are successful in doing what they want Now, here is the purpose of the Re- to end the absurdity of seniors who to do, which is repealing the Affordable publican amendment. This is what is in this year got a COLA of three-tenths of Care Act—something which I, and I front of all of us right now. 1 percent, and in recent years have got- think virtually every Democrat, will Purpose: To strengthen Social Security ten COLAs of zero percent because the do our best to oppose—and what it will and Medicare without raiding it to pay for formula that determines COLAs for mean to the American people if the Af- new Government programs, like ObamaCare, people on Social Security is totally in- fordable Care Act is repealed without that have failed Americans by increasing adequate and an incorrect formula, not premiums and reducing affordable health any alternative to replace it. really measuring the cost-of-living ex- What that, in fact, will mean is care options, to reform Medicaid without prioritizing able-bodied adults over the dis- penditures of senior citizens. throwing 30 million people off of their abled, and to return regulation of insurance That is what we have to do to health insurance. Thirty million people to State governments. strengthen Social Security. will lose their health insurance. I have That is the exact quote of the pur- How do we do that? I have legislation not seen any Republican studies as to pose of the Republican amendment that will do just that. But do my col- how many of those people will die, but that we will be voting on in a few mo- leagues know what? Despite all of the certainly many thousands of them will ments. It sounds pretty good. But let talk of my Republican colleagues die because if you are sick and you us translate it into English, and let us wanting to strengthen Social Security, don’t have any money and you don’t be very clear about what these words we have zero Republican cosponsors on have any health insurance, you cannot actually mean and why this amend- that idea. get to a doctor or you cannot get to a ment should be opposed by every Mem- The way we do it—a concept sup- hospital. In fact, there have been some ber of the U.S. Senate. ported by many of the major senior or- studies suggesting that thousands of The Republicans say in their purpose ganizations in this country—would people will die, and certainly many that they want to ‘‘strengthen Social eliminate the earnings cap on all tax- others will become much sicker than Security and Medicare.’’ Well, count able income above $250,000. Right now, they should be. That is what happens me in. That is exactly what I want to if you make $1 million a year, $10 mil- when you simply throw 30 million peo- do. But how do they propose to go lion a year, you contribute the same ple off of health insurance and you about doing that? They are going to amount into the Social Security trust have no alternative plan. strengthen Social Security and Medi- fund as somebody who makes about Nobody in the Senate thinks the Af- care by making devastating cuts to So- $118,000. That is wrong. That is unfair. fordable Care Act is perfect, least of all cial Security and Medicare. That is a Lifting that cap, starting at $250,000 me. I think it needs significant strange way to strengthen a program. and above, would impact only the top changes. Let’s work together to change As we speak right now, the Repub- 1.5 percent. If we do that, we can ex- it. But you cannot just repeal it with- lican chairman of the House Ways and tend the life of Social Security for well out any alternative. Means Subcommittee on Social Secu- over 50 years and we could expand ben- Not only will a repeal throw 30 mil- rity—the committee that has jurisdic- efits for people living on less than lion people off of health insurance, it tion over Social Security—has intro- $16,000 a year by more than $1,300 a will devastate millions and millions of duced legislation which will make dev- year. That is how we strengthen Social low- and moderate-income families by astating cuts to Social Security. That Security. But I have not heard one Re- making major cuts to Medicaid, and is a very unusual way to strengthen publican in this body speak in support that includes many middle-class fami- that program. lies who use Medicaid to support pay- My Republican friends will tell us of that proposal. Now, Republicans say they want to ments for their parents who are in that the only way we can ‘‘strengthen strengthen Medicare without raiding it nursing homes. Social Security’’ is, in fact, to cut So- to pay for new government programs If you repeal the Affordable Care Act cial Security. Now, talk about fake like ObamaCare. That is what they without a replacement, you are going news; talk about Orwellian language. to significantly increase the cost of We are strengthening Social Security state in their purpose. So let me be ab- prescription drugs for senior citizens, by cutting Social Security. To all solutely clear. That is a totally false many of whom have a hard time right those seniors and disabled veterans statement. It is not true. The so-called now paying for their medicine. And who are out there and who are trying raid was an effort to save some $700 bil- while you have thrown millions off of to get by on $13,000, $14,000, $15,000 a lion over a 10-year period by making health insurance, while you make dev- year in Social Security benefits, my Medicare more efficient and more cost astating cuts to Medicaid, while the re- Republican colleagues are going to effective. peal of the Affordable Care Act will ‘‘strengthen’’ Social Security and they My Republican friends talk every day raise the cost of prescription drugs for are going to do it by cutting your bene- about the need to bring increased effi- seniors, a repeal would do something fits. That is a very strange way to ciencies into government programs. else, which is not terribly surprising strengthen Social Security. They are right. We need to do that. coming from Republicans. It would pro- It seems to me that if we are serious And that is precisely what the Obama vide $346 billion in tax breaks to the about really strengthening Social Se- administration did. My Republican top 2 percent. Millions lose their health curity, what that means in plain friends will not get up here and tell us care, the costs of prescription drugs go English—not Orwellian language—is, that there was one nickel of Medicare up, middle-class families will not be No. 1, if you want to strengthen it, we benefits cut as a result of the creation able to afford nursing home care for have to extend the life of Social Secu- of the Affordable Care Act. There was their parents, but, importantly, from rity. Social Security now can pay out not one nickel of benefits cut. They the Republican perspective, $346 billion every benefit owed to every eligible know it. I know it. They will not say in tax breaks will go to the top 2 per- American for 17 years. That is OK. It otherwise. cent. means we are not in a crisis, but it is So the $700 billion was in savings, Now, this is a set of priorities which not good enough. I want to see Social doing the right thing—not cutting a I, frankly, believe the American people Security be solvent for another 50 or 60 nickel of benefits from Medicare. I do not support. years. That is strengthening Social Se- hope my Republican colleagues will Also this afternoon I want to touch curity. not continue to try to spread this on another issue that is actually even When we talk about strengthening mistruth. more important than the previous two, Social Security, that means increasing The Republican amendment that we and that is, to my mind, in a Demo- benefits, not cutting benefits. The are going to be voting on talks about cratic society, a candidate for Presi- truth is that seniors in this country reforming Medicaid without dent—in this case Mr. Trump—cannot cannot make it on $13,000 or $14,000 a prioritizing able-bodied adults over the simply say one thing over and over year in Social Security benefits; we disabled. It sounds good. What are they again, cannot go out to the American need to increase and expand their bene- talking about in real English? What people and make campaign promises, fits. they want to do is ‘‘reform’’ Medicaid but the day after the election, forget Thirdly, if we are serious about without prioritizing able-bodied adults about what those promises were about. strengthening Social Security, we need over the disabled. What does that

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:27 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10JA6.011 S10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE January 10, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S189 mean? It means not only do they not companies can discriminate against week, let alone year. You will get noth- want to see Medicaid expanded, as over people with illness, and they will tell ing. That is what the Republican idea 30 States have done, what they want to you overwhelmingly no. is in terms of privatizing Medicare. do, and what this language is really So the Republican proposal, which Let me get to the last point I want to about, is to throw millions of people off sounds nice, is in fact a devastating make, and that gets well beyond the of Medicaid. We are the only major amendment that would very negatively Affordable Care Act and well beyond country on Earth that does not guar- impact many millions of people. I hope Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Secu- antee health care to all people. Some 28 every Member of the Senate will reject rity. It gets to the essence of what our million Americans today have no that Republican amendment and in political system is supposed to be health insurance. They want to throw fact vote for an amendment I will be about, and that is, if we run for office— millions more off health insurance. offering which addresses two very im- and every person in the Senate has run So if you are an ‘‘able-bodied’’ adult portant issues: for office. If you run for President, you making the Federal minimum wage of No. 1, at a time of massive income cannot say over and over again that $7.25 an hour—which, by the way, they and wealth inequality, at a time when you are going to do this, and the day don’t want to raise. Vermont has raised a tiny sliver of our population—the after the election decide you are not its minimum wage to $10 an hour. I people on top—are getting phenome- going to do it. That is why so many don’t know what it is in Wyoming— nally wealthy, phenomenally richer, we people in this country are disgusted $7.25. But if you are in a State where have an explosion of billionaires in re- with the political process. They see minimum wage is still $7.25 and you cent years while the middle class con- people saying: Hey, vote for me. I am are able-bodied, do the arithmetic. If tinues to shrink. At a time when we going to do A, B, and C, and the day you have a couple of kids, health insur- are the only major country on Earth after the election you do the very oppo- ance will cost you $10,000, $15,000 a not to guarantee health care as a right site, D, E, and F. year. How do you afford that when you to all of our people, it would be abso- When he ran for President, Donald are making $8, $9, $10 an hour? You lutely unacceptable to take away Trump ran a very unconventional cam- don’t afford it. That is able-bodied. health insurance from 30 million Amer- paign. That is for sure. He said: I am The last I heard, it is not criminal icans, unacceptable to privatize Medi- not a typical Republican. That is what activity to be working and making $8, care, unacceptable to slash Medicaid, he said. He said: If I am elected Presi- $9, $10 an hour. Unfortunately, that is unacceptable to increase the costs of dent, I, Donald Trump, am not going to what millions of people do. They can- prescription drugs for seniors, unac- cut Social Security, I am not going to not afford health insurance. What ceptable to defund Planned Parent- cut Medicare, and I am not going to many of us have tried to do is expand hood—a high-quality health care orga- cut Medicaid. He didn’t say that once. Medicaid so that they will get health nization providing health care to over 2 He wasn’t caught in an ambush inter- insurance, but what the Republican million Americans, many of whom are view. That was the heart and soul of proposal and their language is about is low income women. So a vote for the his campaign. That is what he said to the denying health insurance for the Sanders amendment rejects all of those the elderly and to working-class Amer- so-called able-bodied. Let’s get rid of very bad ideas. icans, and many voted for him pre- the word ‘‘able-bodied.’’ Let’s talk If we throw 30 million people off cisely because he said he would not cut about working people at starvation health insurance and if we do not have Social Security, Medicare, and Med- wages who cannot afford health insur- a plan to replace it, I would hope my icaid. ance. That is what that language Republican colleagues would have the On May 7, 2015, Mr. Trump tweeted: means in English. decency to tell us how many of those 30 ‘‘I was the first and only potential GOP The Republican’s proposal we will be million people will die. If we are going candidate to state there will be no cuts voting on also talks about ‘‘returning to be considering this legislation and to Social Security, Medicare, and Med- regulation of insurance to State gov- throwing 30 million people off who can icaid.’’ ernments.’’ OK. It sounds good. What no longer get to a doctor, can no longer April 18, 2015, Trump said: does that mean in the real world? That get to the hospital because they don’t Every Republican wants to do a big num- means you could be denied coverage for have the money, how many of them ber on Social Security. They want to do it on a preexisting condition. will die? Tell us. Tell us so we can hold Medicare, they want to do it on Medicaid, I just met a woman last night dying that in consideration as we look at this and we can’t do it. And it’s not fair to the of breast cancer. That is her reality, proposal. people that have been paying in for years. but she was able to get health insur- For years, it is no secret Republican Now, all of a sudden they want to cut it. ance, despite having a very severe situ- leaders like PAUL RYAN and Congress- August 10, 2015, Trump said: ation, because we abolished the insur- man TOM PRICE have wanted to end I will save Medicare, Medicaid, and Social ance companies’ ability to say no to Medicare as we know it. That is what Security without cuts. her and to millions of other people who they have told us. It is not what I am Without cuts. have preexisting conditions. saying. It is not a great secret. We have to do it. People have been paying When you want to return regulation What does that mean? What does it in for years and now many of these can- of insurance to State governments, mean if we end Medicare as we know it didates want to cut it. that is precisely what they can do—the and if we turn it into a voucher pro- March 29, 2016, Trump said: law is gone. The insurance companies gram, handing a 65-year-old senior who You know, Paul [Ryan]— can say: You have cancer; we are not has been diagnosed with cancer an PAUL RYAN is, as we all know, the going to cover you because you are $8,000 check and telling them to go out Speaker of the House— going to cost us too much money, and to a private insurance company and wants to knock out Social Security, knock we can’t make any money from you. buy insurance on their own. That is it way down. . . . . He wants to knock Medi- Insurance companies could refuse to what privatizing Medicare is about. It care way down. cover needed things like maternity is a voucher program. Here is a check. Two things. You will lose the elec- care, prescription drugs, or high-cost You go out to the private insurance tion if you are going to do that. I am diseases like HIV and many others. companies. You do your best. not going to cut it, and I am not going That is what they mean when they talk If you are an 80-year-old suffering to raise ages, and I am not going to do about returning regulation of insur- with cancer and you have a check for all the things that they want to do. ance to State governments, doing away whatever it may be—$8,000, $9,000 a Welcome to ‘‘they.’’ That is what the with all of the patient protection we year—and you go to an insurance com- Republicans are trying to do. have passed here in Washington that is pany and you say: What do I get for my Back to the quote: widely supported by the American peo- $8,000 check, they will laugh at you. But they want to really cut it, and they ple. Go out to Wyoming, go to They will laugh at you because they want to cut it very substantially—the Re- Vermont, go to Oregon, go to any State understand the cost of your care—your publicans—and I am not going to do that. and ask the people if we should repeal hospital care, your prescription drugs— That is where we are today. Repub- preexisting conditions so insurance will go well beyond 8,000 in the first licans have a proposal which will make

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:27 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10JA6.012 S10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S190 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 10, 2017 devastating cuts to Social Security Social Security, Medicare, and Med- and realigning benefits to reflect cur- over in the House, and here by repeal- icaid reflect who we are as Americans. rent poverty levels among seniors. ing the Affordable Care Act, they are At one time or another throughout our I believe there can and should be going to cut Medicare and Medicaid. lives, most of us have or will count on evenhanded, bipartisan agreement on a In December of 2011, Trump wrote: these programs for health care or for path forward. To do so, we need a col- Now, I know there are some Republicans financial stability. laborative and good-faith partnership who would be just fine with allowing Social During last year’s Presidential de- to examine the universe of policy op- Security and Medicare to wither and die on bate, President-Elect Trump sought to tions. the vine. The way they see it, Social Secu- distinguish himself from the field of Make no mistake—I oppose privatiza- rity and Medicaid are wasteful entitlement Republican candidates by stating he tion of Social Security. And recent sol- programs. But people who think this way vency changes have weighed heavily on need to rethink their position. It’s not un- was the first and only Republican can- reasonable for people who paid in to a sys- didate who would promise not cut So- beneficiaries. That is why conversa- tem for decades to expect to get their mon- cial Security, Medicare, or Medicaid. tions should be balanced and targeted. ey’s worth. That’s not an entitlement. That’s Yet, in their first major action of the There must be a dual goal of ensuring honoring a deal. We as a society must also new Congress, Republicans have taken the adequacy of benefits, especially for make an ironclad commitment to providing the first step to dramatically alter and those who rely on Social Security the a safety net for those who can’t make one for most, and the long-term solvency of themselves. decimate core programs that comprise our safety net. Congressional Repub- this program. On May 21, 2015, Trump tweeted: licans want to gut funding, limit bene- I look forward to working across the I am going to save Social Security without fits, constrict eligibility, and turn aisle in the future to maintain and any cuts. I know where to get the money build upon our promise to Americans. from. Nobody else does. guaranteed earned benefits into a voucher and a ‘‘good luck’’ wish. Their AMENDMENT NO. 52 On and on and on. These are just The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under some of the quotes. This is not like a approach would violate the pledge we have made to millions of Americans the previous order, there will be 2 min- statement in the middle of the night. utes of debate, equally divided, prior to This is what he campaigned on. and truly disrupt lives. This is unac- ceptable. That is why I am cospon- a vote in relation to amendment No. 52, What this amendment is about and offered by the Senator from Wyoming, says to my Democratic colleagues and soring Senator SANDERS’ amendment to prohibit the Senate from consid- Mr. ENZI, for Mr. FLAKE. says to my Republican colleagues is, do The Senator from Arizona. we hold and support the process in ering any legislation that would vio- Mr. FLAKE. Mr. President, I rise which a candidate runs for office and late Donald Trump’s promise of not today to speak in favor of the Flake over and over and over again tells cutting Medicare, Medicaid, or Social amendment, No. 52, to protect the el- working families and the elderly he Security. derly and vulnerable. will not cut Social Security, Medicare, I am committed to ensuring that we I think the Senator speaking on the or Medicaid—do we hold him to his meet the promise we made to Ameri- other side of the aisle talking about word or do we just say: Hey, that is cans. Sixty million Americans, includ- Republicans wanting to cut Medicare just campaign rhetoric. He lied. That is ing 2 million Illinoisans, depend on So- and Social Security has it a little OK. That is politics in America. It cial Security for their well-being, and backward. According to the non- doesn’t matter what he said. This is we must make sure that this vital pro- partisan Congressional Budget Office, the reality. We are going to cut Social gram is there for both current and fu- under current law Social Security’s Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. ture generations. disability insurance trust fund will be So this amendment tells us that if we By 2034, without any reform, Social exhausted by 2022 and its retirement go forward with what the Republicans Security will be unable to fulfill its fund will be exhausted by 2030. Once ex- want to do, it will be devastating to promise to its beneficiaries. If Congress hausted, Social Security beneficiaries the American people, but perhaps, does not act, beneficiaries would imme- could be subject to a cut in their bene- more importantly, what this amend- diately see their benefits reduced by fits as high as 31 percent if we do noth- ment says is that in a democratic soci- one-fifth. ing, unless we fix these programs. ety, we must have faith with the Amer- It remains Congress’s responsibility The problem with the other side of ican people. You cannot run a cam- to look to the future and protect the the aisle right now is they don’t want paign, make promises, and the day long-term solvency of Social Security to fix these programs. If we adopt the after forget about everything you said. while ensuring benefits meet the needs Sanders amendment, it will make it I would hope very much that my Re- of beneficiaries, especially the most difficult to actually go in and reform publican colleagues will join all of us vulnerable among us. these programs in a manner that will on this side in supporting what democ- Waiting until tomorrow to do what make sure they survive for future gen- racy is supposed to be about. We have we could do today—an approach that I erations. differences of opinions. Mr. ENZI and I have seen fail in Illinois—only makes We all know we have to have entitle- disagree on a lot of things, but I have the task more difficult and likely to ment reform. We want to do it in a way never suggested that Mr. ENZI—when cause disruption. that protects future generations. Un- he campaigns, I believe he says what he I was a member of the Simpson- less we reform these programs—and believes. People vote for him or they Bowles Commission, where we tried to they go in 2022 and 2030—if these bene- vote against him. It is called democ- address our budget challenges and the fits are exhausted, people might be sub- racy. Now you have a situation where a long-term solvency of Social Security. jected to a 31-percent cut. That is not candidate for President goes to the I voted for the Commission’s report be- what we want. That is why we have to working class and says: I will not cut cause I believe we must face the dif- go in and reform them, and that is why Social Security, Medicare, and Med- ficult reality that doing nothing may we need to adopt my amendment. icaid. Let us tell Mr. Trump: Let us harm the very people we are trying to With that, I yield back. keep faith with the American people. protect—beneficiaries that rely on the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- We heard what you said, and we are promises we have made. I firmly be- ator from Vermont. going to hold you to your word. Let us lieve that we, as Members of Congress, Mr. SANDERS. Mr. President, when support the Sanders amendment. have a duty to have these debates and my friend Senator FLAKE talks about Mr. President, I yield the floor. make difficult decisions, not just wait reforming Social Security, what he is Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, today, for the inevitable. talking about is cutting Social Secu- Senate Democrats will be voting to While I did not support everything in rity. He is suggesting that is the only protect three programs—Medicare, the final Commission’s report, I believe way we can save Social Security. Of Medicaid, and Social Security. These the report included some commonsense course, that is nonsense. I would urge programs represent core commitments options to improve the longterm sol- my good friend from Arizona to get on our Nation has made to seniors, low-in- vency of Social Security: accelerating board legislation that I will be offer- come Americans, children, and those the alignment of payroll taxes to their ing. Do you know what it does? It ex- living with disabilities. intended level of 90 percent of wages tends the life of Social Security for 55

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:12 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10JA6.014 S10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE January 10, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S191 years and expands benefits, and it does Shelby Van Hollen Wicker poses of the pending amendment, and I Stabenow Warner Wyden that by lifting the cap so that billion- Tester Warren ask for the yeas and nays. aires contribute more into the Social Udall Whitehouse The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there a sufficient second? Security trust fund. NOT VOTING—2 To suggest that nobody on this side There is a sufficient second. wants to do anything is inaccurate. We Sessions Tillis The question is on agreeing to the do want to do something. We want to The PRESIDING OFFICER. On this motion. raise benefits and extend the life of So- vote, the yeas are 31, the nays are 67. The clerk will call the roll. cial Security. And, yes, some campaign Three-fifths of the Senators duly cho- The legislative clerk called the roll. donors—billionaires—may have to pay sen and sworn not having voted in the Mr. CORNYN. The following Senators more in taxes. affirmative, the motion is rejected. are necessarily absent: the Senator I urge my colleagues to reject the The point of order is sustained and from Alabama (Mr. SESSIONS) and the Flake amendment and support the the amendment falls. Senator from North Carolina (Mr. Sanders amendment. AMENDMENT NO. 19 TILLIS). Mr. President, I raise a point of order Under the previous order, there will The PRESIDING OFFICER. Are there that the pending amendment, No. 52, is be 2 minutes of debate, equally divided, any other Senators in the Chamber de- not germane to the underlying resolu- prior to a vote in relation to amend- siring to vote? The yeas and nays resulted—yeas 49, tion and therefore violates section ment No. 19, offered by the Senator nays 49, as follows: 305(b)2 of the Congressional Budget Act from Vermont, Mr. SANDERS. of 1974. The Senator from Vermont. [Rollcall Vote No. 6 Leg.] The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Mr. SANDERS. Mr. President, this YEAS—49 ator from Arizona. amendment does two basic things. No. Baldwin Gillibrand Nelson Mr. FLAKE. Mr. President, pursuant 1, it says that the Senate should not go Bennet Harris Peters on record in throwing 30 million people Blumenthal Hassan Reed to section 904 of the Congressional Booker Heinrich Sanders Budget Act of 1974 and the waiver pro- off of health insurance, raising the cost Brown Heitkamp Schatz visions of applicable budget resolu- of prescriptions drugs for seniors, and Cantwell Hirono Schumer Cardin Kaine tions, I move to waive all applicable privatizing Medicare. Shaheen Carper King Stabenow sections of the act and applicable budg- But it also does something else Casey Klobuchar Tester maybe even more important. It says Collins Leahy et resolutions for the purpose of the Udall Coons Manchin Flake amendment, No. 52, and I ask for that we should support President-Elect Van Hollen Trump when he campaigned through- Cortez Masto Markey the yeas and nays. Donnelly McCaskill Warner The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there a out this country saying that I, Donald Duckworth Menendez Warren sufficient second? Trump, will not cut Social Security, Durbin Merkley Whitehouse will not cut Medicare, will not cut Feinstein Murphy Wyden There appears to be a sufficient sec- Franken Murray ond. Medicaid. Let’s tell the American peo- The question is on agreeing to the ple that we think that when a can- NAYS—49 motion. didate for President says something Alexander Flake Paul over and over and over, when he prom- Barrasso Gardner Perdue The clerk will call the roll. Blunt Graham Portman The senior assistant legislative clerk ises the working people and the elderly Boozman Grassley Risch called the roll. that he will not cut Social Security, Burr Hatch Roberts Medicare, and Medicaid, we stand with Capito Heller Rounds Mr. CORNYN. The following Senators Cassidy Hoeven are necessarily absent: the Senator him and we are going to support him Rubio Cochran Inhofe Sasse and make sure that there are no cuts Corker Isakson from Alabama (Mr. SESSIONS) and the Scott Cornyn Johnson Senator from North Carolina (Mr. to Social Security, Medicare, and Med- Shelby Cotton Kennedy icaid. Sullivan TILLIS). Crapo Lankford The PRESIDING OFFICER. Are there Thank you. Cruz Lee Thune The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Daines McCain Toomey any other Senators in the Chamber de- Wicker siring to vote? ator from Wyoming. Enzi McConnell Mr. ENZI. Mr. President, I don’t Ernst Moran Young The yeas and nays resulted—yeas 31, Fischer Murkowski nays 67, as follows: think that is exactly what this is about. This amendment is corrosive to NOT VOTING—2 [Rollcall Vote No. 5 Leg.] the privilege of the budget resolution, Sessions Tillis YEAS—31 meaning it is outside of the scope of The PRESIDING OFFICER. On this Burr Gardner Portman what is appropriate for a budget resolu- vote, the yeas are 49, the nays are 49. Cassidy Graham Risch Collins Heller Rubio tion. Any inappropriate amendment Three-fifths of the Senators duly cho- Corker Hoeven Sasse could be fatal to the privilege of this sen and sworn not having voted in the Cotton Inhofe Scott resolution, which would destroy our ef- affirmative, the motion is rejected. Crapo Johnson Sullivan Cruz Lankford forts to repeal ObamaCare. The point of order is sustained and Thune In other words, a vote in favor of this the amendment falls. Daines Lee Toomey Ernst McCain Young amendment is a vote against repealing The Senator from Vermont. Fischer Moran ObamaCare. In addition, this amend- Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, the 115th Flake Murkowski ment is not germane to this budget res- Congress convened just last week. I had NAYS—67 olution. This budget resolution is much hoped that with all the turmoil in the Alexander Duckworth Manchin more focused than a typical budget res- country that we would begin the year Baldwin Durbin Markey olution. The Congressional Budget Act with a renewed sense of cooperation. Barrasso Enzi McCaskill Bennet Feinstein McConnell requires that amendments to a budget But I am sorry to say, my friends in Blumenthal Franken Menendez resolution be germane. Since this the Republican Party have chosen a Blunt Gillibrand Merkley amendment does not meet the standard different path. Booker Grassley Murphy required by budget law, a point of order The very first thing on the agenda is Boozman Harris Murray Brown Hassan Nelson would lie; as such, I raise a point of to press forward with a sham budget. If Cantwell Hatch Paul order under section 305(b)(2) of the Con- you ask why we have a sham budget, a Capito Heinrich Perdue gressional Budget Act of 1974. fake budget, an unrealistic budget—we Cardin Heitkamp Peters Carper Hirono Reed The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. find out that its only purpose is to set Casey Isakson Roberts HOEVEN). The Senator from Vermont. up a process to repeal the Affordable Cochran Kaine Rounds Mr. SANDERS. Mr. President, pursu- Care Act with a simple majority vote. Coons Kennedy Sanders ant to section 904 of the Congressional Why? Because they know the American Cornyn King Schatz Cortez Masto Klobuchar Schumer Budget Act of 1974, I move to waive all people would never allow a repeal to Donnelly Leahy Shaheen applicable sections of that act for pur- pass otherwise.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:12 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10JA6.016 S10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S192 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 10, 2017 So instead of working to finalize ap- to them and their families. I have I am not going to go and tell propriations bills for this year—al- heard from family doctors, like one in Vermonters: Too bad that you have ready more than 3 months in—or to in- the southwest corner of our State in cancer. Tough. We just fixed it so you vest in our Nation’s critical infrastruc- Bennington, who remembers when his can’t have insurance. Too bad that you ture, or to truly bolster our Nation’s patients couldn’t afford treatment be- have diabetes. We just fixed it so you cyber security, when we see countries cause of lifetime and annual limits on can’t get insurance. Too bad that your such as Russia and other places attack- health care coverage, something that child was born with a physical defect. ing our cyber systems, or even to im- was very common. Or a woman from Too bad. We just fixed it so you can’t prove the Affordable Care Act so we Westminster, VT, whose family hit get insurance. Or to the person who can ensure that more people can re- hard times—she moved from job to job. just lost a job who doesn’t have insur- ceive affordable coverage, I am afraid She couldn’t afford continuous health ance: Too bad that you are without the Republicans are recklessly rushing coverage until the Affordable Care Act health insurance. Better pray you forward solely to fulfill an ill-consid- offered her a quality plan she could don’t get sick because, if you do, you ered campaign promise. keep. Now, we are talking about throw- will lose a lot more than your job. They are pushing American families ing her off. No, I can’t look Vermonters in the over the cliff with the vague promise: Other young Vermonters are able to eye and say that is what I support. Yeah, we will repeal it, but don’t worry pursue careers in public service or the Mr. President, I suggest the absence because eventually we will come up arts because they can stay on their of a quorum. with a plan to replace it. parents’ health insurance until age 26. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Jump first, plan later is anything but Countless others have underscored that clerk will call the roll. a responsible formula for someone’s because of previous health issues, such The legislative clerk proceeded to health, for sound decisions; and all the as diabetes or cancer, health coverage call the roll. more so when the health insurance of would otherwise be unaffordable. Mr. FLAKE. Madam President, I ask tens of millions of Americans and It would be a vicious cycle. They had unanimous consent that the order for American families all over the coun- a disease, but they couldn’t afford to the quorum call be rescinded. try—Republicans, Democrats, and do anything about it, and they would The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mrs. Independents alike—is at stake. go into greater debt. Now, even though FISCHER). Without objection, it is so The majority leader and others have they have a preexisting condition, they ordered. said the repeal of the Affordable Care have guarantees and subsidies provided WASTEFUL SPENDING Act is only the first step. They say by the Affordable Care Act so they can Mr. FLAKE. Madam President, I rise that a full repeal is necessary to pave have health coverage, instead of health to speak on a subject that often goes the way for a replacement. They say: coverage being unaffordable. overlooked in this body. Let’s leave ObamaCare in the past. Opponents of the Affordable Care Act The subject of wasteful spending on Well, when you strip away the rhetoric have gone to new lengths to repeat and parochial pet projects is often treated prolong this political battle. And that and get rid of it, the only alternative as a trivial matter—simply the cost of is all this is. They have had 6 years to they offer the American people is don’t doing business around here. Imagine if propose a better alternative. Instead, get sick—because if you get sick, you every Member of Congress were as ob- congressional Republicans and the are in trouble. sessed with searching for government The American people have a right to President-elect have decided to put the waste as the players of the mobile know what a vote to repeal the Afford- cart before the horse. They want to dis- game Pokemon Go are obsessed with able Care Act really means. A repeal of mantle our health care system, and finding the elusive Pokemon, as the this law would not just take away the they don’t want to figure out how to chart shows here. rights and care of millions of patients fix it. They just want to figure out how Just like the monsters in the popular and their families; it would eliminate to get rid of it. And, by the way, they game, government pork projects come insurance coverage for millions more— say somebody is going to come up with in all shapes and sizes. They pop up especially the aging, the elderly, men a bright idea for something better. just about everywhere. As individual and women with preexisting condi- The American people rightly expect tions, and the most vulnerable chil- us to work together and make progress expenses, these pet projects can seem dren. on the many challenges that we face rather harmless—cute, even. But taken A repeal of the Affordable Care Act today. Instead, we are engaging in dan- together, their cost adds up to one very would turn back the clock to a bad gerous political gamesmanship that menacing boondoggle debt monster time in this country where once again will not affect Members of the Con- that continues to grow and threaten women would have to pay more for gress, but the millions of families we every taxpayer. In fact, within days, health insurance than men, where in- represent throughout this country be- the U.S. national debt will top $20 tril- surance companies could rescind a cause they will not have health insur- lion. health insurance policy simply because ance, and their children will not have As we debate the budget resolution, someone gets sick, and coverage could health insurance. Just think what this we need to get serious about control- forever be denied to someone born with is eventually going to cost Ameri- ling the debt like the true national se- a disease or ailment, and that includes cans—a lot more than we pay now. curity challenge it is. We start by children. So you could buy a health in- I will not support a return to less eliminating unnecessary spending and surance policy so you were covered in protection, less coverage, less fairness, catching government waste. case you got sick, but the insurance and higher costs because that is what a My friend and former colleague Sen- companies could then say: Oh, you are repeal means. The Affordable Care Act ator Tom Coburn of Oklahoma created sick. Sorry, no more insurance. extended health insurance to millions an annual report cataloging some of Now, in my State of Vermont, the Af- of families, not only in Vermont, but the most egregious ways Washington fordable Care Act has reduced the num- across the country. Those who rep- wastes our tax dollars. It is called the ber of Vermonters without insurance resent the American people in Congress Wastebook. Today, I am releasing the by 53 percent. Tens of thousands have should stand ready to get to work for latest installment, which profiles 50 gained coverage under the expansion of their constituents. Not to make their new examples of questionable expendi- Medicaid. And because the Affordable constituents sick, but to give them a tures. This year’s edition is entitled Care Act closed the prescription drug program that works. ‘‘Wastebook: PORKemon Go.’’ ‘‘donut hole,’’ more than 10,000 I will not support an effort to reverse Like the Pokedex, which lists the Vermont seniors saved $12 million in the many reforms and achievements we various Pokemon for players to catch, prescription drugs in 2015 alone. And have made through the Affordable Care Wastebook provides an index of ques- this is just in the second smallest Act and instead cobble back together a tionable expenditures lurking through- State in the Union. Can you imagine broken system that for too long bur- out the Federal budget. These collec- what it is like in larger States? dened most American households with tively cost taxpayers more than $5 bil- I have heard stories from many health coverage uncertainty and crip- lion, but instead of Pikachu, we are Vermonters about how vital this law is pling costs. looking out for PORKachu.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:27 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10JA6.021 S10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE January 10, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S193 The top entry in this year’s tation literally went to pot. The money pairs of walking legs and five pairs of Wastebook is a spaceport—which is was paid for a giant glow-in-the-dark swimming legs, the shrimp could run just a fancy word to say a rocket doobie displayed in Denver that was in- for hours. The latest NSF-funded tread- launch site—all the way over in Alas- tended to remind motorists who smoke mill study participant was literally a ka. It has been derided as space pork, marijuana not to drive while they are fish out of water. The experiment not because it is launching an elite stoned; $35,000 for a big poster or ban- forced mudskippers to ‘‘run’’ for as unit of porcine astronauts into the big ner on a building of a giant joint. long as 15 minutes at a time on a tread- trough in the sky, it is because Con- Even the Nation’s most prestigious mill. These fish possess the unique gress used earmarks to force the De- science agencies are spending taxpayer ability to survive out of water for ex- partment of Defense to build the facil- funds investigating subjects that most tended periods of time, using their fins ity, over the objections of the military, of us would consider obvious or rather like legs, although they didn’t appear as part of an illegal kickback scheme. offbeat. Studies on the habits of col- to enjoy running on the treadmill, as A midlevel DOD employee, who was lege students funded with $5 million of you can imagine. sentenced to prison for masterminding NIH grants counted more than 500 dif- Certainly, we have bigger fish to fry the plot, eventually confessed that ferent drinking games that are popular with our Federal research dollars and, building the launch facility ‘‘doesn’t on college campuses. I might add, better puns to find as well. make sense.’’ He said the Pentagon According to researchers, ‘‘All of I could go on and on with examples of ‘‘just paid for meaningless work.’’ Keep these games have the same goal—caus- completely unnecessary spending iden- in mind, this was a contractor on that ing participants to become intoxi- tified by this year’s Wastebook. There project. After sitting unused for sev- cated.’’ I think that is rather obvious. is waste in every department, every eral years, the Pentagon is now sinking They observed that fraternity brothers agency. All you have to do is look. Fer- another $80 million into the spaceport. drink, smoke, and generally party reting out every bit of wasteful spend- This is despite the fact that it is not more than other students, and they ing, no matter how small, is the only even equipped with the type of missiles also sleep in later. This led the re- way to reduce our debt and to rein in that DOD plans to launch for the site. searchers to speculate that ‘‘one expla- the cost of our Federal Government. It Another entry, the National Comedy nation for this finding is that Greek can be a daunting task because, much Center in New York must be laughing students recognize their sleep needs.’’ like Pokemon, these programs are good all the way to the bank with $1.7 mil- A more likely reason is that they are at hiding. Our mission is simple: You lion from the Economic Development sleeping off their partying lifestyle, have to catch them all. Madam President, I yield back. Administration, or EDA. This will be but you are paying for it. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- spent to bring Lucille Ball back to the NIH is also drilling down to deter- ator from Maine. stage as a hologram. The three-dimen- mine why some people are afraid of the Mr. KING. Madam President, I rise sional illusion of Lucy is formed with dentist as part of another $3.5 million this afternoon to supplement some re- light beams from a laser, which will research project. The researchers found marks I made on the floor last evening replicate standup routines using exist- that—surprise here—‘‘fear of pain has about the Affordable Care Act. Last ing audio recordings. been shown to be a critical compo- night, I talked about my own experi- Holograms of other comedians who nent.’’ ence as a young staff member in the are no longer with us will also take the The monkey business doesn’t end U.S. Senate 43 years ago when, because stage in the center’s comedy club. there. NIH spent nearly $1 million to I had an insurance policy provided by Other features will include a boot camp study the evolution of monkey drool my employer—that policy had preven- on how to deliver jokes—maybe I need and another $230,000 to determine if the tive care as part of the policy, just as that one—as well as a heckle booth, color red makes female monkeys feel Affordable Care Act policies do today— which we can do without. This is likely more romantic. In case you are won- I had a routine physical checkup. It to once again make Washington the dering, it does. was the first I had in a number of punch line of jokes, but it is no laugh- As part of an effort supported by both years, which caught malignant mela- ing matter for taxpayers. the National Science Foundation and noma, a particularly virulent form of Next up, the U.S. Department of Ag- DOD to teach computers how to under- cancer. Because it was caught early riculture, USDA, has a program that stand computer behavior, the machines and because I was treated, here I am allows taxpayer-funded farm loans to were programmed to watch television today. literally be paid back with peanuts. shows. After viewing over 600 hours of As I mentioned last night, it has al- This program shelled out $74 million in ‘‘Desperate Housewives,’’ ‘‘The Office,’’ ways haunted me that someone who the past year. In typical Washington and other shows, the computers were didn’t have insurance, a young man or fashion, the government pays more for still unable to predict how humans a young woman somewhere in the the peanuts than the market price, would behave in most situations. Any- country who was in exactly my situa- which has turned the program into a body who has watched those shows re- tion, because they didn’t have insur- cash cow, or pig—however you want to alizes that is rather obvious. ance, they didn’t have preventive care, view it—and the pile of surplus peanuts A $1 million NASA project is pre- didn’t get the checkup, the disease the government has amassed is so large paring the world’s religions for the pos- wasn’t caught, and they are gone. that government can’t even give it sible discovery of extraterrestrial life I find it very hard to justify that, to away. forms—$1 million to prepare the understand that. It doesn’t seem fair. Here we have a farm program where world’s religions for the possible dis- It doesn’t seem ethical. It doesn’t seem we are giving loans to farmers to grow covery of extraterrestrial life forms. moral. Today I wanted to also bring to peanuts. If they check at the end of the Do we need to spend that, really? the attention of the Senate some sto- year and the market price for peanuts A major sticking point for the par- ries from today about the effect of the isn’t very good, they can unload those ticipants was defining what life is: Affordable Care Act in Maine, where we peanuts on the government and keep ‘‘Much of the discussion centered on have over 80,000 people enrolled, many the cost of the loan. Then, government the question, ‘What is life?’ It turns of whom had never been able to have has to store these peanuts, which we do out that life is notoriously difficult to insurance before. in warehouses all over the country. define,’’ they concluded. A young woman, Whitney, who grad- Based on USDA’s own numbers, the The fishiest study of all tested how uated from college in 2013, said: Congressional Research Service is long a fish can run on a treadmill. This I graduated . . . with a degree in wildlife warning that the storage costs alone was part of a study paid for by a ecology, [but it was very difficult to find a could pile up to $1 billion a year. That $565,000 grant from the National job.] is not just peanuts; that is enough to Science Foundation. Everyone remem- Thanks to the ACA, I was able to stay on my family health insurance plan through make anyone salty about our debt and bers the infamous shrimp on a tread- this period of unemployment. I did finally deficit. mill funded by NSF. It turns out that get employed in my field, but permanent, Instead of filling potholes, $35,000 last year’s competitor had a leg, or sev- year-round jobs with benefits are the equiva- from the Department of Transpor- eral, up on the competition. With five lent of winning the lottery.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:27 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10JA6.022 S10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S194 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 10, 2017 Many young people are in that situa- about having health insurance. This is lungs. . . . It turned out he had a very rare tion. It even has a name. It is called an entrepreneur in Maine, a small busi- form of an illness, even though he was only the gig economy, people who work gigs, ness person. He said: 38 at the time. Had we not had this insurance and such an affordable premium and deduct- who work short periods of time, several Affordable healthcare is a major roadblock ible, he would never have gotten that CT to those calculating whether they can take months here, several months there, but scan done. This insurance saved his life and the leap to become self-employed. As we pre- there are no benefits attached to those covered every expense we’ve had over the pare for next year’s ice cream season, I am jobs. She said: last 2 years with multiple stays at MidCoast about to leave my benefit-providing job in Many of us work seasonal jobs, building Hospital and Maine Med, 2 surgeries, pick- order to commit to making the volume of ice trails on the Appalachian Trail, rescuing lost lines, medications, therapies, the list goes cream we need. This is a scary and question- hikers, managing volunteers, and running on. There is no cure for what he has but he’s able decision given our financial situation programs for veterans to reconnect with doing better now, thanks to the ACA. and the fact that we are raising our two Maine’s woods. We do good work in this small children of four and seven years old. Another person from Maine: state. Before the ACA we worked dangerous The first comment I hear from everyone who My sisters and I watched my mom die. We outdoor jobs that only provided minimum finds out I am leaving my job is, ‘‘Are you were physically in the room when it hap- worker’s comp. . . . But with the ACA and sure? What are you going to do about health pened. We cried for probably half an hour the tax credit, I could afford a silver plan, I insurance??’’ straight. could get dental for my teeth, could go to The answer is, the Affordable Care Before the Affordable Care Act, most of her the doctor again, get flu shots and get my illnesses were considered pre-existing condi- joints looked at. Act. It enables this young man, this tions. She survived cancer three times . . . It is important to realize that with- gentleman, to follow his dream, to but had to pay exorbitant monthly pre- out the ACA, this young woman would start his business, to commit to his miums just to have to pay most of her treat- have literally no options. A health sav- business, and this is good for the coun- ment out of pocket. ings account is unrealistic for some- try. This is a hidden benefit that is He said: body who is making $15,000 to $20,000 a rarely discussed about the Affordable I don’t care about the ACA because of some year. Buying insurance across State Care Act to allow people to give vent theory or ideology. I watched my mom die, lines isn’t going to help this young to their dreams and their innovation sooner than she needed to, because she woman. and their contribution to the economy. couldn’t afford to get preventative care early enough. I watched my mom die because mar- She said getting the ACA coverage Here is how he ends his letter. He says: ket solutions refused to solve her problems. ‘‘was life changing. I know it is not An open insurance market actively refused Please don’t let me down. Please don’t let perfect but I am terrified of going back to compete to cover my mom. The insurance my family down. Please don’t let down the to [where we were] before, where health market before the ACA is one of a number of millions of families who really are on the factors that led to my mom’s death. and financial ruin was one wrong step bottom of this country and are the very ones This is a real, physical, immediate mem- away.’’ that all of you from every party claim to ory for me whenever someone talks about Another letter from an older adult: support. I don’t care about the details of how healthcare, and it always comes to mind it gets done, whether the ACA is thrown out, My wife is sixty-three years old she is no when people talk about it in vague terms and or just revised, or what compromises have to longer able to work full time. She has had market forces. I am crying even as I write be made by either party, but please make major back surgery and has arthritis in her this, and it has been years. neck. Because of these health issues she had sure there is a health care option available to reduce her work hours. and that it is at an affordable price for those He writes to me: Here is the catch-22. She had to re- of us with the guts to take a stab at our own I am begging you, as a son who watched his small business. The key is ‘‘Affordable mom who was younger than you— duce her work hours. Therefore, her Care.’’ It matters. employer dropped her from her health Than me— As in my own case, health insurance care coverage. die in a hospital because she couldn’t afford also saves lives. There was a study the care she needed, please protect the Af- We were fortunate [enough] to obtain cov- done by the Journal of Public Health in fordable Care Act. Protect it as a legislator, erage for her through the Affordable Care 2009, which basically concluded that for protect it by recognizing how appointments Act. It is expensive and is not the best cov- you choose to confirm or deny will affect my erage— every million people without health in- surance, there are a thousand pre- family’s ability to stay healthy and alive. Nobody in this body says it is best Through grants and research, you’ve worked mature deaths. It is pretty easy math. possible result and that the law is per- to improve access to health care. Please, pro- Before the Affordable Care Act, we had fect. We all agree it needs to be re- tect the ACA. 45 million people without health insur- paired and fixed and modified. The Another one—one more. This is a let- ance in this country. The calculation writer goes on to say— ter I received just back in the fall, a in this extensive study was that 46,000 little before Christmas: but it is good enough for us to know that a deaths were attributable to not having major health issue will not bankrupt us. I have an incurable, generally non-lethal We are appealing to you as our representa- health insurance. I am living proof of form of bone cancer and have been under tive to insure that a reasonable replacement that. If I hadn’t had health insurance, treatment for over 12 years. The multiple will be put in place when the Affordable Care I would be gone. With the disease that surgeries [and costs] . . . I cannot afford to Act is ended. Better yet, improve it, don’t I had, either you catch it in time or pay for ongoing treatment without insur- destroy it. you are a goner. That is why I am so ance. I am very pleased the current ACA I couldn’t have said it better myself. passionate about this. does not allow for ‘‘preexisting disqualifica- Donald, in his letter to me, says: ‘‘Bet- We would not let people die in our tion’’ and I would hate to see that removed. Having this condition is naturally stressful, ter yet, improve it, don’t destroy it.’’ front yards. If we saw somebody who was in danger of losing their life, we debilitating and undesired. I do not want or That is what we ought to be talking need the added stress of having to worry about. wouldn’t stand by. Nobody in this body about the details of coverage. This letter is from a fellow named would stand by and say: Sorry, we Additionally I have two boys, aged 23 and Ryan in North Central Maine. He also can’t help you. But not providing 26, both of whom have benefited from re- makes an important point about the health insurance to people is a death maining on our family insurance policy. Affordable Care Act. The term that I sentence to 10, 20, 30, 40,000 people. That is a great policy and my boys are The Affordable Care Act is now cov- healthier as a result. refer to is ‘‘job lock.’’ There are hun- Finally, access to quality health care is dreds of thousands, if not millions, of ering something like 25 million people. That is 25,000 lives saved. If we take it and must be a right as it benefits both the people in this country who are locked individual and society. Health is key to hap- into the jobs they have that they don’t away, it will be 25,000 lives lost. piness and success and happy successful peo- really like, that isn’t giving them the Here’s the letter: ple pay taxes, support the government, [and] satisfaction they want because they I am a Maine woman in my late 30s, who give back to the community. can’t afford to leave their health care. works 2 part-time jobs and also run my own I understand the debate that sur- business. One of the hidden benefits of the Af- Because we were on [ACA] health insur- rounded this. I understand the emo- fordable Care Act is it has allowed ance that had an affordable deductible, after tion. I understand the pressure that those people to follow their dreams, to not feeling well for a while, my husband people feel in order to maintain a cam- start a business and not have to worry went to a doctor and had a CT scan of his paign promise or to meet promises

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:27 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10JA6.024 S10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE January 10, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S195 made over the last several years. But Mr. ALEXANDER. Mr. President, we The American people deserve health we are not talking about maybe what are engaged in the first step to debate care reform that is done in the right will happen; we are talking about real what is important to virtually every way for the right reasons and in the cases, real people. I am talking about American. What we want to do is to right amount of time. It is not about real people in Maine, in small towns find good ways to reform and replace developing a quick fix. It is about and cities. I am talking about rural ObamaCare and then repeal the provi- working toward a long-term recovery hospitals that are on the verge of being sions of it that have damaged so many that works for everyone. rendered financially incapacitated be- Americans. Here is one way to think about what cause if this law is repealed, it will Before we start talking about a big simultaneously or concurrently might take away a significant part of their subject, sometimes it helps to ask the mean. I would ask you to think about support. I am talking about seniors question: Exactly what are we talking ObamaCare as if it were a local bridge having to pay more for drugs. But about? So, very quickly, where do in, say, South Dakota that is col- mostly, I am talking about people’s Americans get our health care insur- lapsing—because that is just what is lives. ance? It might be interesting to note happening with ObamaCare. According These cases are people who can give that 91 percent of us have some sort of to the Tennessee Insurance Commis- specific examples. There are thousands, health insurance—290 million. We get sion, the ObamaCare insurance market tens of thousands, and millions that we it from four places, basically. One is in our State is ‘‘very near collapse.’’ can’t articulate—people who are saved Medicare—18 percent of us with insur- Across the country, premiums and who don’t even know it because they ance. This is not a bill to change Medi- copays are up. Employers have cut jobs went in to get that checkup, who are care. That is a discussion for another to afford ObamaCare costs. Medicaid saved the stress of wondering how they day. So we are talking about these mandates are consuming State budg- are going to pay for some kind of treat- three areas. ets. In one-third of America’s counties, ment. One is employers, on the job. Sixty- citizens with Federal subsidies have As a parent, I remember having to one percent of us with insurance get it only a single choice of a company to stress about whether to take my child on the job—178 million people. buy insurance from on an ObamaCare to a doctor because I didn’t know Medicaid, managed by States, paid exchange. Without quick action this whether I could afford to pay that bill. for by the Federal and State govern- year, next year, these Americans may Yet we all know that is the proper ments—22 percent of covered Ameri- have zero choices. Their subsidies may course. We shouldn’t have to make cans there get their insurance through be worth about as much as a bus ticket those kinds of choices. We have a vehi- Medicaid. in a town where no buses run. cle, imperfect as it is. Imperfect as it Then there is the individual market, If your local bridge in South Dakota is, we have a vehicle for providing that people who buy it on their own. That or Wyoming or Tennessee were very care. includes the exchanges we hear so near collapse, what would you do? I Let’s slow down. Let’s take a breath much about. Here is where all the news think the first thing you do is to send and say: OK. We talked about repeal, is; here is where the turmoil is. That is in a rescue crew to repair it tempo- but it isn’t really practical. We can’t just 6 percent of everyone who is in- rarily so no one else is hurt. Then you harm that many people. Let’s talk sured, although that is 18 million start building a better bridge—or more about what we are going to replace it Americans. This is information from accurately, many bridges—as States with. The idea that we are going to re- the U.S. Census. develop their own plans for providing peal it today and replace it 3 years Who is not insured? That is inter- truly affordable health care to replace from now is just cruel. That is what I esting too. According to the Kaiser the old bridge. am hearing from people: Don’t put us Family Foundation, there are 27 mil- Finally, when the new bridges are through that. People who finally got lion people who aren’t insured, but 17 finished, you close the old bridge. That insurance after preexisting conditions, million of those are eligible for some is how we propose to proceed: to rescue who have insurance and have a condi- help to get insurance and just haven’t those trapped in a failing system that tion now—they depend upon that insur- taken it. Of the 11 million who are not is ObamaCare, to replace that system ance. Let’s not make them go through eligible for any help, nearly half of with a functional market or markets, that pressure, the financial anxiety them—5 million—are illegally here. Of and then repeal ObamaCare for good. added to the health anxiety. We have the rest, some make too much money First, we will offer a rescue plan so an opportunity to rise above politics. to be eligible for assistance, and some that the 11 million Americans who buy This really shouldn’t be political or a dropped through the Medicaid coverage insurance now on the exchanges can policy or something that divides us. gap. So it is fair to say that 91 percent continue to do so while we build a bet- There is nobody in this body who of us are insured one way or the other. ter set of concrete, practical alter- wants to see people suffer, who wants Then, of the 27 million—the 9 percent natives. to unnecessarily put people through who are not insured—17 million of Second, we will build the better sys- the pressure of both health problems those are eligible for some sort of as- tems. Note that I say systems, not one and financial problems. We ought to be sistance. system. If anyone is expecting Senator able to find a solution. Every other in- How should we approach this? Fol- MCCONNELL to roll a wheelbarrow onto dustrialized country in the world has lowing the Presidential election, Presi- the Senate floor with a great big com- found a solution. It is not like this is dent-Elect Donald Trump said on ‘‘60 prehensive Republican health care some impenetrable box. Minutes’’ that replacement and repeal plan, they are going to be waiting a I realize that part of the solution has of ObamaCare would be done ‘‘simulta- long time because we don’t believe in to involve controlling costs and facing neously.’’ To me, that means at the that. We don’t want to replace a failed the fact that we pay twice as much for same time. ObamaCare Federal system with an- health care per capita as anyone else in Just today, Speaker of the House other failed Federal system. the world. That is an issue the Afford- PAUL RYAN said that repeal and re- We want to create many systems able Care Act does not sufficiently ad- placement of ObamaCare would be done across this country, step-by-step, to dress, in my view, and we have to talk concurrently. To me, simultaneously give Americans more choices of insur- about that. and concurrently mean ObamaCare ance that cost less. We will do this by In the meantime, let us remember should finally be repealed only when moving more health care decisions out those people who are counting on us for there are concrete practical reforms in of Washington and into the hands of their very lives. That is a commitment place—that give Americans access to State and patients and by reducing I believe we can respect and should truly affordable health care. Let me harmful taxes. We will do it carefully, meet. say that again: ObamaCare should be step-by-step, so that it is effective. Thank you, Mr. President. repealed, finally, only when there are Finally, we will repeal what remains I yield the floor. concrete, practical reforms in place of the law that did all of this damage The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- that give Americans access to truly af- and created all of this risk. That is ator from Tennessee. fordable health care. what we will do.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:27 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10JA6.025 S10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S196 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 10, 2017 Here is what we will not do. This is plans, on wellness benefits, on small All that this resolution we are doing not a bill for Medicare reform. That group plans, and provide more flexi- right now does is set it up so that this will be handled separately. bility for small businesses so they can can be done. This really does not Second, you won’t be disqualified work together to buy insurance—a pro- change any health care at this point. It from getting insurance if you have a posal for which the Senator from Wyo- sets it up so that we can do reconcili- preexisting health condition. If you are ming has championed for years. ation, so that we can repeal what we under the age of 26, you will still be This will mean more State authority, can, so we can replace what we can, able to be covered under your parents’ more choices, and lower costs for the and then we can set up that system of plan. 178 million Americans who obtain in- bridges that will get us to the point That is what, in my opinion, we surance on the job. where all Americans who want insur- mean by repeal and replace ‘‘simulta- Third is Medicaid. Twenty-two per- ance can have insurance, but more im- neously,’’ as the President-elect said, cent of all insured Americans are cov- portantly, so that all Americans can or ‘‘concurrently,’’ as Speaker RYAN ered by Medicaid. We will give States get the health care they need and de- said. more flexibility to offer those 62 mil- serve. Here are three steps we will take be- lion citizens more options by making I thank the Senator for his com- ginning immediately. No. 1 is the res- Federal Medicaid waivers more flexi- ments. cue plan. Six percent of Americans ble. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- with insurance buy their insurance in So in summary, we will first send in ator from Tennessee. this individual market, about two- a rescue crew to repair temporarily a Mr. ALEXANDER. Mr. President, I thirds of those on the ObamaCare ex- collapsing health care market so no thank the distinguished chairman of changes. This is where today’s turmoil one else is hurt. Second, step-by-step, the Budget Committee, who has spent is. This is where the copays are up, the we will build better systems—that give a great deal of time on this. I like the premiums are up, where insurance Americans access to truly affordable way he put that because I think what companies are pulling out of the mar- health care. We will do this by moving we want to assure people of—at least, I kets. health care decisions out of Wash- think that is what almost all of us While we build replacements, we ington, DC, and back to States and pa- feel—is that this is step 1. It involves want the 11 million Americans who tients. reforms, replacing, and repealing—as now buy insurance on the exchanges to Finally, when our reforms become the President-elect has said, ‘‘simulta- be able to continue to buy private in- concrete practical alternatives, we will neously,’’ and as the Speaker has said, surance. This will require Congress and repeal the remaining parts of ‘‘concurrently.’’ It involves not just the President to take action before ObamaCare in order to repair the dam- one big system replaced by another big March 1, which is when the insurance age it has caused Americans. This is system. In our view, the one big system companies begin to decide whether what I believe we mean when we say needs to be replaced step-by-step by they will offer insurance in these mar- ObamaCare should be repealed and re- many different systems as we move kets during 2018. placed simultaneously and concur- more decisions to the States. In general, the goal is to get as close rently. For example, on employer insurance, as possible to allowing any State-ap- I yield the floor. or people who get their insurance on proved plan to count as health insur- The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. the job, we know right now steps that ance under ObamaCare rules while we ROUNDS). The Senator from Wyoming. we can take to repeal ObamaCare, are transitioning to new systems. Mr. ENZI. Mr. President, I want to which damaged the employer system Among the actions that will help are to thank the Senator from Tennessee, Mr. and which increased costs for employ- allow individuals to use their ALEXANDER, who is also the chairman ers. I remember sitting around with a ObamaCare subsidies to purchase of the Health Committee—that is, the group of restaurant company chief ex- State-approved insurance outside the Health, Education, Labor, and Pen- ecutive officers 6 years ago when ObamaCare exchanges; to adjust sions Committee—for the succinct ObamaCare passed. They pointed out ObamaCare’s special enrollment peri- speech that he gave. I will be encour- that they were going have to hire fewer ods; to approve the temporary continu- aging everybody on both sides of the people to afford the cost of ObamaCare. ation of cost-sharing subsidies for aisle to read that speech. I know that We don’t want that to happen. We deductibles and copays; to allow States many were not here to listen. But it is would like for them to be able to hire more flexibility to determine so-called a fault that we have in this Chamber. more people and to offer more people essential health benefits, age rating We often speak to an empty Chamber. insurance. How would we do that? Well, rules, and small group restrictions; to But it is all recorded thanks to the if we repeal the Washington rules in an expand health savings accounts; even- people who do that for a job. You orderly way and transfer back to the tually, to provide tax credits to help placed that so well that there should States responsibility for regulating lower-income Americans buy insur- not be much doubt about what we are most insurance, the insurance commis- ance; and to repeal the individual man- going to try to do. You heard it from sioners have told us they believe they date when new insurance market rules the chairman of the Health Committee. can do that very well—do it one way in are in place. He is the one that will be in charge of South Dakota, another way in Ten- When the new administration re- the health aspects of this. nessee, another way in Wyoming, and writes the guidance on ObamaCare sec- The Finance Committee is a part of fit the needs of that community, re- tion 1332 State innovation waivers to the bill too. But they are in charge of duce costs, increase choices, and have allow for more State flexibility, States the monetary part of this. But without truly affordable health care. will have the authority to further inno- the health care part, that does not So we can repeal those provisions vate to build more modern health sys- work. I love the way you expressed that interfere with employer insurance tems. that in the way of taking care of a col- and make sure that that repeal does Now, second is employer insurance. lapsed bridge, because I think people not go into effect until South Dakota, Remember, that is where 61 percent of across America do realize that the Wyoming, Tennessee, and other parts us get our insurance—on the job. We bridge on health care has collapsed and of the market have in place concrete will repair the damage ObamaCare has they want to know what we are going practical alternatives so they go to- done so that employers can offer em- to do about it. gether. But we have to get started. ployees more personalized patient-cen- You stated that very well. That This is step 1. tered care. We will do that by repealing should relax a lot of people. It probably Now, we can do the same with Med- ObamaCare’s employer mandate pen- won’t because of the process that we icaid. We have a former Governor of alty. We will allow States to determine are in, but I certainly hope that it South Dakota in the Chair. Governors the so-called essential health benefits does. So I thank you for your words spend most of their time trying to fig- and thereby lower costs for small busi- and your effort and know that it is in ure out how to afford Medicaid. They nesses. We will repeal ObamaCare’s re- good hands as we lead it through this almost feel that, if Washington would strictions on grandfathered health process. just allow the States to have more

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:27 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10JA6.030 S10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE January 10, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S197 flexibility in terms of how the avail- both sides recognized there was a prob- Given these challenges, we have to able money is spent, we could cover lem. ask: Why are we rushing to dismantle more people better, offer more options. The Senator from Tennessee under- these reforms? Well, we can do that. But we are not took that, got bipartisan solutions on We are rushing a process that will ul- going to do that tomorrow. We will it, and put forward a bill that did kind timately hurt the Medicare Program, have to sit down with the Governors of what we are talking about with our Nation’s seniors, and so many oth- and say: How do you suggest we do ObamaCare. It sent it back to the ers. this? Then, as we do that, we can re- States. It got rid of the national school Many of my colleagues on the other peal the extensive Federal regulation boards, and that passed, I think, with side of the aisle suggest that we can that creates a jungle of redtape for 88 votes in the Senate. That is very bi- simply keep or quickly reinstate the Medicaid. But it only would take effect partisan. That is the kind of an effort popular parts of this law, such as pre- as the States tell us that there are con- he puts forth. You can tell from the venting discrimination based on pre- crete practical alternatives in effect. comments he has made about what we existing conditions, allowing children So this is the step-by-step way to go need to do that he has that well in to stay on their parents’ coverage until about making those kind of changes. mind, and I am certain some from the they are 26, and helping seniors afford Finally, as the Senator said, we have other side will join us to make sure we their prescriptions. I would pose this to have a rescue team here. I mean, the can get that done as well. simple question to any of my col- ObamaCare market is in turmoil. It is I thank the Senator, and I yield the leagues advocating for repeal: What only 6 percent of all of those who have floor. comes next? Show us your plan. Just insurance, but that is millions of peo- I suggest the absence of a quorum, show us your plan. ple. If we don’t act before March 1 to and I ask unanimous consent that the Former Governor Cuomo of New make sure insurance companies are time be equally divided. York famously said: ‘‘You can cam- selling into those markets, we will The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without paign in poetry, but govern in prose.’’ have many millions of people who will objection, it is so ordered. We are now facing a majority that not be able to buy insurance. This will The clerk will call the roll. campaigned on a bumper sticker and is be, as I said, like having a bus ticket in The senior assistant legislative clerk trying to govern with an IOU. Enacting a hometown with no buses running. proceeded to call the roll. a repeal of the ACA that takes effect at So that is really one of the first Mr. PETERS. Mr. President, I ask some undetermined point in the future things we have to do—get that rescue unanimous consent that the order for will create chaos in our insurance mar- team going. I like the analogy of the the quorum call be rescinded. kets. Health care reform is not a stand- collapsing bridge. ObamaCare is col- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without alone program that can be removed lapsing in Tennessee, and I would say objection, it is so ordered. overnight without creating widespread it is around the country, if you have Mr. PETERS. Mr. President, today I ramifications for our economy. one-third of the counties where you rise to express my strong opposition to Yesterday, I attended the North can only choose insurance from one partisan attempts to engage in a fast- American International Auto Show in company. track process to take health insurance Detroit. As a Michigander, I am always So, if a bridge is collapsing, you send away from hundreds of thousands of in- thinking about cars. Let me suggest an in a crew to deal with that emergency dividuals in my State and millions analogy. Many Republicans in Congress so no one else is hurt. Then you start across our country. In Michigan alone, talk about the ACA like it is some sort building these new bridges. After a 887,000 people are in jeopardy of losing of after-market addition on a car—a while, in a prudent way, as you build their health coverage if Republicans flashy rear spoiler, perhaps, or new each of those systems, as States build have their way and repeal the Afford- rims that can just be unbolted and re- their systems, then you close that old able Care Act without a replacement. moved. Well, the ACA is actually like broken-down bridge that was damaging Important protections for people with the antilock brakes that keep a driver so many people. preexisting conditions will disappear. from getting into an accident in the So that is an orderly way to go about Not only will they lose them but so first place and the airbags that deploy things. I hope that, over time, we will will their spouses and children. to protect everyone inside when the have bipartisan support for these. We We will be repealing reforms that worst happens. need a consensus. We don’t, in the end, have benefitted seniors and saved more I agree that our health care system want to have just a partisan bill. But than 5 million beneficiaries an average needs a tuneup, but we cannot start we have been acting like the Hatfields of over $1,000 in drug costs in 2015. Re- ripping out safety features without a and McCoys in West Virginia for 6 pealing the Affordable Care Act will plan to help keep us safe on the road. years, arguing with each other about significantly increase drug costs for We need to fix the Affordable Care Act. ObamaCare—Republicans and Demo- those seniors and threaten long-term We need to do more for small business crats. solvency for Medicare. Republicans are owners who want to do right by their So it may take a little while to get rushing a process that increases Medi- employees and provide them with qual- there. But we can start, and we are care costs for seniors and weakens the ity, affordable health care coverage. starting under the leadership of Sen- program for future generations. Our I have offered and supported several ator ENZI. Then, we will move concur- Nation’s seniors have worked hard proposals to fix the Affordable Care rently and simultaneously to reform, their entire lives, and they deserve our Act, including measures to help our replace, and repeal ObamaCare so that best efforts to ensure they can depend Nation’s small businesses. I am ready Americans have access to truly afford- on Medicare to help them enjoy a dig- to work with my colleagues across the able insurance. By the time we get to nified and secure retirement. aisle to improve this law. However, re- that, I am hopeful that we will begin to Over 1 million seniors are enrolled in pealing the ACA without showing the have a consensus within this body that Medicare in Michigan, and they de- American people their plan for replace- involves Democrats and Republicans serve a health care program that will ment is quite simply irresponsible. both. cover the costs of prescription drugs I understand Americans want to see Mr. ENZI. Mr. President, I only need and other health care services they positive changes to the Affordable Care to add one footnote to that fantastic need. Since 1965, Medicare has done a Act, and I agree with them. We should summary; that is, that the Senator tremendous job of giving seniors the be working together to enact bipar- from Tennessee is the chairman of the care they need, and we should be work- tisan improvements through regular Health, Education, Labor, and Pen- ing to strengthen this successful pro- order, not fast-tracking repeal. The sions Committee. For years we heard gram, not putting it at risk. fact is that most Americans do not about the difficulties with No Child Let’s be clear. Reforms in the ACA want to have this law repealed en- Left Behind. There were a lot of efforts extend the solvency of Medicare by tirely. In the New York Times, a to build a different bridge, and they over a decade. Let me say that again. woman named Patricia Meadows from never got completed within the time- It extends the solvency of Medicare for Macomb County, MI, who voted for frame that was necessary, even though over a decade. President-Elect Trump, stated that she

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:27 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10JA6.031 S10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S198 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 10, 2017 hoped that President-Elect Trump well. These veterans represent a small year. In addition, a recent study by the would not repeal the Affordable Care fraction of the individuals this fast- nonpartisan and independent Common- Act. Ms. Meadows revealed that, be- track process will hurt. wealth Fund found that the ACA repeal cause of the Affordable Care Act, her I have proposed an amendment that could lead to significant economic dis- daughter was able to obtain insurance will simply require Republicans to ruption and substantial job losses in coverage for just $50 a month. show us their plan for providing these every State, including over 100,000 pri- Another constituent from my State, veterans the health care benefits they vate sector jobs in Michigan and 2.6 Ben Irwin, revealed to CNN that the deserve before they vote to repeal the million jobs around our Nation. Affordable Care Act allowed him to ACA and take it away. Every American By any and all means, the level of take his dream job at a small firm that deserves to know what will happen to uncertainty repealing the ACA will didn’t provide health insurance. Be- their health benefits before Repub- create is bad business practice, and I cause of the ACA, Ben was able to get licans vote to take them away. Please, assure my colleagues that it is very private insurance at an affordable cost. just show us your plan. bad for business. We owe it to our con- Without the ACA, he would have been But our Nation’s veterans, who have stituents to do our homework, to gov- forced to work at a larger company risked their lives and health to keep us ern with facts, and to be informed. just to have access to affordable health safe, should have the right of knowing Republicans have refused to listen to care. how Republicans will ensure that vet- health care experts who tell them that Ben’s story is not unique. I heard erans who gained health care coverage enacting a repeal of the ACA will cause from countless entrepreneurs that the following enactment of the ACA do not insurance premiums to skyrocket. Re- Affordable Care Act ended job lock and lose their coverage. publicans have refused to listen to has enabled them to start their own The damage of repealing the ACA economists when they tell them this businesses and pursue careers and stretches beyond affected individuals will spike our national debt and lead to dreams they otherwise would not be and families. It will disrupt hospitals substantial job losses. Republicans able to pursue. and businesses and create tremendous have refused to listen when the non- I heard from a constituent in Saline, economic uncertainty. partisan Congressional Budget Office MI, who contacted my office to say Hospitals in my State, especially has told them that repealing the Af- that the ACA provided her with the rural facilities, are absolutely terrified fordable Care Act will cause millions of coverage she needed to fight her son’s about what the ACA repeal means for Americans to lose their health cov- aggressive cancer. This same woman them and their ability to stay open and erage. And Republicans have refused to later discovered during her first ap- to serve patients in their community. listen when actuaries state that the pointment, after gaining her own ACA Executives from two hospitals in the ACA repeal will weaken Medicare and coverage, that she, too, had cancer. rural Upper Peninsula of Michigan increase drug costs for seniors. The ACA gave her and her son the cov- have told my office about how coverage Republicans have refused to listen erage they needed to fight their cancer expansions under ACA have allowed when Democrats have simply asked them to slow down, come to the table, without fear of being kicked off of many critical access hospitals in and work in a bipartisan way to find their insurance plan. Michigan’s rural communities to afford I have also heard from a father in their operations for the first time ever. solutions to make the health care sys- Traverse City, MI. He contacted my of- If the ACA is repealed, they tell me tem work even better. Instead, Repub- fice to say that the expanded health that these critical access hospitals will licans have opted to move full steam ahead with this process that will cer- coverage under the ACA literally saved be forced to close—forcing residents in tainly make America sick again. his son’s life. Before the ACA, his son rural communities to drive over 2 Why move forward with this fast- only had access to emergency room hours to seek hospital care. track process to repeal the Affordable A recent report by the Urban Insti- care. His father often wondered: Why is Care Act? Why repeal all of the great tute predicts that if the ACA is re- it that I had to wait until my son tried things that Americans appreciate pealed without replacement, uncom- to kill himself before I could get help? about the Affordable Care Act instead pensated care costs sought from hos- Now, due to the ACA, this father and of just making it better? his son have the health coverage they pitals and doctors will reach $1.7 tril- Republicans are trying to take us need to appropriately treat his son’s lion over the next 10 years. This will backwards. They are moving ahead mental illness. bankrupt many of our Nation’s hos- with a dangerous process that will hurt These stories are just a fraction of pitals, killing jobs, and severely lim- working-class Americans, hurt seniors, the thousands upon thousands of sto- iting access for their patients. We can and hurt our Nation’s most vulnerable, ries my staff and I have heard about and must do better. while providing a huge payout for how the ACA has positively impacted We owe the American people a better wealthy Americans and special inter- people’s lives. health care system and not a bigger ests. I am asking my colleagues to just deficit. Unfortunately, that is exactly Republicans are voting to give bil- take a moment and think about the in- what we are going to be getting under lions in tax breaks to corporations and dividuals they will be hurting. We are repeal. This budget resolution before us the wealthy and raising taxes on the talking about mothers and fathers, would increase annual deficits by up- rest of us. children, seniors, and even our Nation’s wards of $1 trillion. It will add more The nonpartisan Tax Policy Center veterans. than $9 trillion to the Federal debt estimates that the top 1 percent of As a former lieutenant commander in over 10 years, leaving our entire econ- earners would get an average tax cut of the U.S. Navy Reserve, I understand omy on shaky ground, while ripping about $33,000 and individuals in the top the tremendous sacrifice our men and health care from millions of Ameri- one-tenth of 1 percent would get an av- women in uniform undertake to defend cans. erage tax cut of about $197,000. If you our freedom. I believe we have a duty In their rush to repeal the ACA and are not in this group of American earn- to honor their service to the best of our fulfill years of campaign promises, I ers, then tough luck. This legislation ability, both during and after service. am concerned my colleagues on the will not help you. Since the passage of the Affordable other side of the aisle have not fully We need to get serious, put politics Care Act, hundreds of thousands of un- considered the far-reaching ramifica- aside, and do what is best for the insured veterans have gained insurance tions their actions might have. They American people. This fast track re- coverage. Between 2013 and 2015, when have refused to slow this process down peal of the Affordable Care Act is not key provisions of the Affordable Care and fully think through the actions the answer. Act were implemented, such as the they are about to take. I stand ready and willing to work Medicaid expansion and the private ex- A University of Michigan study pub- with my colleagues on both sides of the change, the number of uninsured vet- lished in the New England Journal of aisle to make our Nation’s health care erans decreased by 42 percent. Unin- Medicine just last week found that system better. We cannot simply repeal sured rates for spouses of veterans and Medicaid expansion in my State alone this law and leave the American people their dependents have decreased as generates at least 30,000 jobs every with another empty IOU.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:27 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10JA6.033 S10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE January 10, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S199 I yield the floor. President Obama’s decision to pro- on the space shuttle. On his first mis- I suggest the absence of a quorum. tect the Bears Ears came after signifi- sion, he flew aboard the Space Shuttle The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. cant public input in Utah, with the ad- Atlantis to the International Space RUBIO). The clerk will call the roll. ministration holding multiple listening Station, where he completed nearly 20 The legislative clerk proceeded to sessions. Those sessions made clear hours of space walks outfitting and as- call the roll. that even diverse stakeholders agreed sembling the orbiting outpost. Mr. ENZI. Mr. President, I ask unani- the Bears Ears is special and needs to Several years later, following the mous consent that the order for the be protected. It is the right decision for tragic loss of the Space Shuttle Colum- quorum call be rescinded. the present, and it is the right decision bia, Piers returned to space and to the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without for the future. International Space Station aboard objection, it is so ordered. Republican President Theodore Roo- Discovery, carrying out the second of f sevelt signed the Antiquities Act into two test flights NASA needed to test law in 1906, and a review of its history critical on-orbit inspection and repair MORNING BUSINESS and its controversy showed that, time procedures resulting from the Colum- Mr. ENZI. Mr. President, I ask unani- and again, the temporary anger over bia accident investigation. mous consent that the Senate be in a designated lands was overshadowed by On his third and final mission, he period of morning business, with Sen- the long-term benefits to our Nation. once more flew aboard Atlantis to the ators permitted to speak therein for up Teddy Roosevelt said it best, ‘‘Of all ISS. On this mission, he served as the to 10 minutes each. the questions which can come before robotics officer, again playing a key The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without this nation, short of the actual preser- role in assembling and outfitting the objection, it is so ordered. vation of its existence in a great war, space station. f there is none which compares in impor- His career as an astronaut exploring the frontier of space is by itself suffi- BEARS EARS NATIONAL tance with the great central task of cient to justify Piers’ status as a na- MONUMENT leaving this land even a better land for our descendants than it is for us.’’ tional hero; yet his service as an astro- Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, on De- I urge my colleagues to join me in naut and explorer is a small subset of cember 28, 2016, President Obama des- celebrating the Bears Ears National the contributions Piers made to our ignated the Bears Ears National Monu- Monument and defending it and the country and to our entire civilization. ment in Southern Utah, and I wish to Antiquities Act that made it possible. Piers was a renowned climate sci- commend him on protecting these im- entist, specializing in using computer f portant lands. This designation is an modeling and space-based observations important step forward in the con- SENATOR DIANNE FEINSTEIN BE- to understand and predict the dynam- servation of some of southern Utah’s COMING RANKING MEMBER OF ics of our changing planet. He was also important national treasures. THE SENATE JUDICIARY COM- a brilliant communicator, whether tes- The 1.35-million acre monument, MITTEE tifying at a Commerce Committee field which spans from forested mesas to Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, today, hearing in Miami about the impending redrock canyons and plateaus, will pro- the Senate Judiciary Committee con- dangers of sea level rise or standing in tect the region’s abundant cultural re- venes for the first time in the 115th front of NASA’s ‘‘hyperwall’’ video sys- sources, including well-preserved cliff Congress, and we mark an historic mo- tem narrating stunning and inform- dwellings, rock and art panels, arti- ment in the committee’s 200-year his- ative visualizations of the massive data facts, and Native American burials. tory. Last week, Senator DIANNE FEIN- sets that embody the ‘‘vital signs’’ of The Bears Ears National Monument, STEIN was named the committee’s planet Earth. Countless policymakers, which derives its name from twin ranking member, the first time in industry leaders, and even other sci- buttes that lie at the heart of the ma- American history that a woman has entists owe much of their under- jestic Cedar Mesa, was requested by a served in this capacity. It is striking standing of the complex interactions of coalition of five Native American that 352 Members have served on the Earth’s systems and of the alarming tribes that united to protect a land- committee, and only six of those—all and undeniable signs that our civiliza- scape revered in their shared histories Democrats—have been women. Three of tion’s carbon emissions are warming and cultures. The Hopi Tribe, the Nav- those six women are proudly serving on the planet to Piers. ajo Nation, the Ute Mountain Ute this important committee today: Sen- Yet Piers’ most heroic deed may be Tribe, the Pueblo of Zuni, and the Ute ator FEINSTEIN, Senator KLOBUCHAR, the decision he made shortly after Indian Tribe have all passed through and Senator HIRONO, whom we welcome being diagnosed with stage IV pan- the area at some time, leaving behind back to the committee. creatic cancer. He simply decided to scores of fragile dwellings, pottery, Senator FEINSTEIN has long been a keep going to work. To those that petroglyphs, and pictographs. The leading voice on this committee. I have knew Piers, this was no surprise. A Bears Ears region is a living natural enjoyed working with her on countless three-time shuttle astronaut and very and cultural landscape, where the peo- issues ranging from national security capable manager, scientist, and engi- ple of these tribes still use the lands to to immigration reform to Supreme neer, Piers no doubt had many lucra- collect herbs and medicines and pass Court nominations. Senator FEINSTEIN tive offers for employment following their stories to the next generation. has broken down barriers throughout his final shuttle flight in 2010. Instead I have fought to protect this area’s her career, and her new role as ranking he chose to remain a civil servant sci- resources through the America’s Red member of the Judiciary Committee is entist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Rock Wilderness Act, a bill I have in- only the latest example. As the com- Center because he felt that was where troduced every Congress since 1997. My mittee grapples with some of the most he could contribute most to the future bill would safeguard 9.2 million acres of pressing issues facing our country, we of our home planet. A few years later, wilderness in Utah—some of the last will all be counting on Ranking Mem- when Piers received the devastating great wild places in the lower 48 ber FEINSTEIN’s leadership. We should news that he had not long to live, he States. all congratulate her on this historic chose to spend his remaining time con- Historically, national monuments moment. tinuing his work at NASA and commu- have been the first step in protecting f nicating climate science to the public some of our most beloved public in the calm and charming manner that lands—the Grand Canyon, the Grand REMEMBERING DR. PIERS was uniquely his. Tetons, and indeed, four of Utah’s five SELLERS In a short video Piers recorded short- national parks. Not only do these Mr. NELSON. Mr. President, on De- ly before his death, despite his body monuments help preserve precious cember 23, 2016, the world lost a true having been ravaged by cancer and habitat, landscapes, and history, they hero. surely knowing that he had very little create jobs and invigorate nearby com- Dr. Piers Sellers was a scientist and time left, he appeared as cheerful and munities. an astronaut, having flown three times hopeful as ever. In the video, he said

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:27 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10JA6.034 S10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S200 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 10, 2017 ‘‘to reach a safer future, we will need care health professionals to health profes- law, the 2016 Report of the Department of the resources of everybody here. The sional shortage areas identified as in need of Defense (DoD) Board of Actuaries; to the scientists, the policy makers, and the maternity care health services; to the Com- Committee on Armed Services. EC–281. A communication from the Assist- industrialists, all working together to- mittee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. ant Secretary for Export Administration, wards a common goal. And that goal is Bureau of Industry and Security, Depart- f a planet that can continue to support ment of Commerce, transmitting, pursuant life, including all of us.’’ EXECUTIVE AND OTHER to law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Com- These words are even more powerful COMMUNICATIONS merce Control List: Updates Based on the 2015 and 2016 Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) knowing that they came from a man The following communications were who contributed the most precious re- Plenary Meetings; Conforming Changes and laid before the Senate, together with Corrections to Certain Nuclear Nonprolifera- source available to him—the small accompanying papers, reports, and doc- tion (NP) Controls’’ (RIN0694–AH20) received number of days he had remaining in his uments, and were referred as indicated: in the Office of the President of the Senate life—toward the common goal he on January 4, 2017; to the Committee on EC–273. A communication from the Direc- speaks of. Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs. tor of the Regulatory Management Division, We would do well to follow the advice EC–282. A communication from the Prin- Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- cipal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Fish of Piers and to follow his heroic exam- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- ple. and Wildlife and Parks, National Park Serv- titled ‘‘Propiconazole; Extension of Pesticide ice, Department of the Interior, transmit- f Tolerance for Emergency Exemptions’’ (FRL ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- No. 9956–54) received during adjournment of MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE titled ‘‘Alaska; Subsistence Collections’’ the Senate in the Office of the President of (RIN1024–AE28) received during adjournment At 12:03 p.m., a message from the the Senate on December 28, 2016; to the Com- of the Senate in the Office of the President House of Representatives, delivered by mittee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and For- of the Senate on December 30, 2016; to the Mrs. Cole, one of its reading clerks, an- estry. Committee on Energy and Natural Re- EC–274. A communication from the Direc- nounced that the House has passed the sources. tor of the Regulatory Management Division, EC–283. A communication from the Direc- following bills, in which it requests the Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- tor of the Regulatory Management Division, concurrence of the Senate: ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- H.R. 302. An act to provide protections for titled ‘‘Methyl Isobutyrate and Isobutyl Iso- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- certain sports medicine professionals who butyrate; Exemption from the Requirement titled ‘‘State of Kentucky Underground In- provide certain medical services in a sec- of a Tolerance’’ (FRL No. 9955–82) received jection Control (UIC) Class II Program; ondary State. during adjournment of the Senate in the Of- Withdrawal of Primacy Approval’’ (FRL No. H.R. 304. An act to amend the Controlled fice of the President of the Senate on Decem- 9925747–OW) received during adjournment of Substances Act with regard to the provision ber 28, 2016; to the Committee on Agri- the Senate in the Office of the President of of emergency medical services. culture, Nutrition, and Forestry. the Senate on December 28, 2016; to the Com- H.R. 309. An act to amend the Public EC–275. A communication from the Direc- mittee on Environment and Public Works. Health Service Act to foster more effective tor of the Regulatory Management Division, EC–284. A communication from the Direc- implementation and coordination of clinical Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- tor of the Regulatory Management Division, care for people with a complex metabolic or ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- autoinnnnune disease, a disease resulting titled ‘‘Isobutyl acetate and isobutyric acid; ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- from insulin deficiency or insulin resistance, Exemption from the Requirement of a Toler- titled ‘‘State of Kentucky Underground In- or complications caused by such a disease, ance’’ (FRL No. 9950–40) received during ad- jection Control (UIC) Class II Program; Pri- and for other purposes. journment of the Senate in the Office of the macy Approval’’ (FRL No. 9957–48–OW) re- H.R. 315. An act to amend the Public President of the Senate on December 28, 2016; ceived during adjournment of the Senate in Health Service Act to distribute maternity to the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, the Office of the President of the Senate on care health professionals to health profes- and Forestry. December 28, 2016; to the Committee on En- sional shortage areas identified as in need of EC–276. A communication from the Direc- vironment and Public Works. maternity care health services. tor of the Regulatory Management Division, EC–285. A communication from the Direc- H.R. 353. An act to improve the National Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- tor of the Regulatory Management Division, Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- weather research through a focused program titled ‘‘Butanedioic acid, 2-methylene-, titled ‘‘Extension of Deadline for Action on of investment on affordable and attainable telomer with sodium phosphinate (1:1), acidi- the November 2016 Section 126 Petition From advances in observational, computing, and fied, potassium salts; Tolerance Exemption’’ Maryland’’ (FRL No. 9957–29–OAR) received modeling capabilities to support substantial (FRL No. 9954–53) received in the Office of during adjournment of the Senate in the Of- improvement in weather forecasting and pre- the President of the Senate on January 4, fice of the President of the Senate on Decem- diction of high impact weather events, to ex- 2017; to the Committee on Agriculture, Nu- ber 28, 2016; to the Committee on Environ- pand commercial opportunities for the provi- trition, and Forestry. EC–277. A communication from the Direc- ment and Public Works. sion of weather data, and for other purposes. EC–286. A communication from the Direc- tor of the Regulatory Management Division, f tor of the Regulatory Management Division, Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- MEASURES REFERRED ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- The following bills were read the first titled ‘‘Acequinocyl; Pesticide Tolerances’’ titled ‘‘Extension of Deadline for Action on (FRL No. 9956–85) received in the Office of the November 2016 Section 126 Petition From and the second times by unanimous the President of the Senate on January 4, consent, and referred as indicated: Delaware’’ (FRL No. 9957–28–OAR) received 2017; to the Committee on Agriculture, Nu- during adjournment of the Senate in the Of- H.R. 302. An act to provide protections for trition, and Forestry. fice of the President of the Senate on Decem- certain sports medicine professionals who EC–278. A communication from the Direc- ber 28, 2016; to the Committee on Environ- provide certain medical services in a sec- tor of the Regulatory Management Division, ment and Public Works. ondary State; to the Committee on Health, Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- EC–287. A communication from the Direc- Education, Labor, and Pensions. ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- tor of the Regulatory Management Division, H.R. 304. An act to amend the Controlled titled ‘‘Tetraconazole; Pesticide Tolerances’’ Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- Substances Act with regard to the provision (FRL No. 9955–74) received in the Office of ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- of emergency medical services; to the Com- the President of the Senate on January 4, titled ‘‘Clean Water Act Methods Update mittee on Health, Education, Labor, and 2017; to the Committee on Agriculture, Nu- Rule for the Analysis of Effluent’’ (FRL No. Pensions. trition, and Forestry. 9957–24–OW) received during adjournment of H.R. 309. An act to amend the Public EC–279. A communication from the Under the Senate in the Office of the President of Health Service Act to foster more effective Secretary of Defense (Comptroller), trans- the Senate on December 28, 2016; to the Com- implementation and coordination of clinical mitting, pursuant to law, a report relative to mittee on Environment and Public Works. care for people with a complex metabolic or violations of the Antideficiency Act that in- EC–288. A communication from the Direc- autoimmune disease, a disease resulting volved fiscal years 2006 through 2010 Air tor of the Regulatory Management Division, from insulin deficiency or insulin resistance, Force Operations and Maintenance funds, Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- or complications caused by such a disease, and was assigned case number 12–01; to the ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- and for other purposes; to the Committee on Committee on Appropriations. titled ‘‘Approval of California Air Plan Revi- Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. EC–280. A communication from the Execu- sions, South Coast Air Quality Management H.R. 315. An act to amend the Public tive Secretary, Board of Actuaries, Depart- District’’ (FRL No. 9955–94–Region 9) re- Health Service Act to distribute maternity ment of Defense, transmitting, pursuant to ceived during adjournment of the Senate in

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:27 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10JA6.029 S10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE January 10, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S201 the Office of the President of the Senate on imum Monitoring Requirements’’ ((RIN2060– President of the Senate on January 4, 2017; December 28, 2016; to the Committee on En- AS71) (FRL No. 9957–78–OAR)) received dur- to the Committee on Environment and Pub- vironment and Public Works. ing adjournment of the Senate in the Office lic Works. EC–289. A communication from the Direc- of the President of the Senate on December EC–304. A communication from the Direc- tor of the Regulatory Management Division, 28, 2016; to the Committee on Environment tor of the Regulatory Management Division, Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- and Public Works. Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- EC–297. A communication from the Direc- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- titled ‘‘Approval of California Air Plan Revi- tor of the Regulatory Management Division, titled ‘‘Revisions to the Guideline on Air sions, Great Basin Unified Air Pollution Con- Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- Quality Models: Enhancements to the trol District’’ (FRL No. 9955–62–Region 9) re- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- AERMOD Dispersion Modeling System and ceived during adjournment of the Senate in titled ‘‘Partial Approval and Partial Dis- Incorporation of Approaches to Address the Office of the President of the Senate on approval of Attainment Plan for the Idaho Ozone and Fine Particulate Matter’’ December 28, 2016; to the Committee on En- Portion of the Logan, Utah/Idaho PM2.5 Non- ((RIN2060–AS54) (FRL No. 9956–23–OAR)) re- vironment and Public Works. attainment Area’’ (FRL No. 9957–16–Region 5) ceived in the Office of the President of the EC–290. A communication from the Direc- received during adjournment of the Senate Senate on January 4, 2017; to the Committee tor of the Regulatory Management Division, in the Office of the President of the Senate on Environment and Public Works. Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- on December 28, 2016; to the Committee on EC–305. A communication from the Direc- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- Environment and Public Works. tor of the Regulatory Management Division, titled ‘‘Approval and Promulgation of Imple- EC–298. A communication from the Direc- Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- mentation Plans; New York Prevention of tor of the Regulatory Management Division, ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- Significant Deterioration of Air Quality and Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- titled ‘‘National Emission Standards for Haz- Nonattainment New Source Review; Infra- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- ardous Air Pollutants’’ ((RIN2040–AS90) structure State Implementation Plan Re- titled ‘‘Consolidated Rules of Practice Gov- (FRL No. 9958–01–OAR)) received in the Of- quirements’’ (FRL No. 9957–08–Region 2) re- erning the Administrative Assessment of fice of the President of the Senate on Janu- ceived during adjournment of the Senate in Civil Penalties, Issuance of Compliance or ary 4, 2017; to the Committee on Environ- the Office of the President of the Senate on Corrective Action Orders, and the Revoca- ment and Public Works. December 28, 2016; to the Committee on En- tion/Termination or Suspension of Permits; EC–306. A communication from the Direc- vironment and Public Works. Procedures for Decisionmaking’’ (FRL No. tor of the Regulatory Management Division, EC–291. A communication from the Direc- 9956–53–OARM) received during adjournment Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- tor of the Regulatory Management Division, of the Senate in the Office of the President ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- of the Senate on December 28, 2016; to the titled ‘‘Determination of Nonattainment and ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- Committee on Environment and Public Reclassification of the Houston-Galveston- titled ‘‘Air Plan Approval; Wisconsin; Infra- Works. Brazoria 2008 8-hour Ozone Nonattainment structure SIP Requirements for the 2012 EC–299. A communication from the Direc- Area; Texas; Correction’’ (FRL No. 9957–57– PM2.5 NAAQS’’ (FRL No. 9957–16–Region 5) tor of the Regulatory Management Division, Region 6) received in the Office of the Presi- received during adjournment of the Senate Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- dent of the Senate on January 4, 2017; to the in the Office of the President of the Senate ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- Committee on Environment and Public on December 28, 2016; to the Committee on titled ‘‘Approval of Arizona Air Plan Revi- Works. Environment and Public Works. sions; Ajo and Morenci, Arizona; Second 10- EC–307. A communication from the Direc- EC–292. A communication from the Direc- Year Sulfur Dioxide Maintenance Plans and tor of the Regulatory Management Division, tor of the Regulatory Management Division, Technical Corrections’’ (FRL No. 9957–64–Re- Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- gion 9) received during adjournment of the ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- Senate in the Office of the President of the titled ‘‘Electronic Reporting and Record- titled ‘‘Air Plan Approval; KY; RACM Deter- Senate on December 28, 2016; to the Com- keeping Requirements for New Source Per- mination for the KY Portion of the Louis- mittee on Environment and Public Works. formance Standards’’ ((RIN2060–AP63) (FRL ville Area 1997 Annual PM2.5’’ (FRL No. 9957– EC–300. A communication from the Direc- No. 9957–67–OAR)) received in the Office of 39–Region 4) received during adjournment of tor of the Regulatory Management Division, the President of the Senate on January 4, the Senate in the Office of the President of Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- 2017; to the Committee on Environment and the Senate on December 28, 2016; to the Com- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- Public Works. mittee on Environment and Public Works. titled ‘‘Approval and Promulgation of Imple- EC–308. A communication from the Direc- EC–293. A communication from the Direc- mentation Plans; Rhode Island; Clean Air tor of the Regulatory Management Division, tor of the Regulatory Management Division, Act Infrastructure State and Federal Imple- Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- mentation Plans’’ (FRL No. 9957–27–Region 1) ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- received during adjournment of the Senate titled ‘‘Chemical Substances When Manufac- titled ‘‘Air Plan Approval; Illinois; Volatile in the Office of the President of the Senate tured or Processed as Nanoscale Materials; Organic Compounds Definition’’ (FRL No. on December 28, 2016; to the Committee on TSCA Reporting and Recordkeeping Require- 9955–89–Region 5) received during adjourn- Environment and Public Works. ments’’ ((RIN2070–AJ54) (FRL No. 9957–81)) ment of the Senate in the Office of the Presi- EC–301. A communication from the Direc- received in the Office of the President of the dent of the Senate on December 28, 2016; to tor of the Regulatory Management Division, Senate on January 4, 2017; to the Committee the Committee on Environment and Public Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- on Environment and Public Works. Works. ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- EC–309. A communication from the Direc- EC–294. A communication from the Direc- titled ‘‘Approval and Promulgation of Imple- tor of the Regulatory Management Division, tor of the Regulatory Management Division, mentation Plans; Louisiana; State Boards’’ Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- (FRL No. 9956–45–Region 6) received during ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- adjournment of the Senate in the Office of titled ‘‘Approval and Promulgation of Imple- titled ‘‘Air Plan Approval; Georgia: Proce- the President of the Senate on December 28, mentation Plans; Texas; Control of Air Pol- dures for Testing and Monitoring Sources of 2016; to the Committee on Environment and lution from Visible Emissions and Particu- Air Pollutants’’ (FRL No. 9957–52–Region 4) Public Works. late Matter’’ (FRL No. 9956–55–Region 6) re- received during adjournment of the Senate EC–302. A communication from the Direc- ceived in the Office of the President of the in the Office of the President of the Senate tor of the Regulatory Management Division, Senate on January 4, 2017; to the Committee on December 28, 2016; to the Committee on Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- on Environment and Public Works. Environment and Public Works. ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- EC–310. A communication from the Direc- EC–295. A communication from the Direc- titled ‘‘Air Plan Approval; Ohio; Redesigna- tor of the Regulatory Management Division, tor of the Regulatory Management Division, tion of the Cleveland, Ohio Area to Attain- Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- ment of the 2008 Ozone Standard’’ (FRL No. ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- 9957–80–Region 5) received during adjourn- titled ‘‘Approval and Promulgation of Imple- titled ‘‘Revisions to National Emission ment of the Senate in the Office of the Presi- mentation Plans; Alabama; Infrastructure Standards for Radon Emissions from Oper- dent of the Senate on December 28, 2016; to Requirements for the 2010 Sulfur Dioxide Na- ating Mill Tailings’’ (FRL No. 9957–54–OAR) the Committee on Environment and Public tional Ambient Air Quality Standard’’ (FRL received during adjournment of the Senate Works. No. 9957–93–Region 4) received in the Office of in the Office of the President of the Senate EC–303. A communication from the Direc- the President of the Senate on January 4, on December 28, 2016; to the Committee on tor of the Regulatory Management Division, 2017; to the Committee on Environment and Environment and Public Works. Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- Public Works. EC–296. A communication from the Direc- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- EC–311. A communication from the Direc- tor of the Regulatory Management Division, titled ‘‘Uniform National Discharge Stand- tor of the Regulatory Management Division, Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- ards for Vessels of the Armed Forces—Phase Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- II Batch One’’ ((RIN2040–AD39) (FRL No. ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- titled ‘‘Revision to the Near-road NO2 Min- 9957–85–OW)) received in the Office of the titled ‘‘Air Plan Approval; TN Infrastructure

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:27 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10JA6.011 S10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S202 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 10, 2017 Requirements for the 2010 NO2 NAAQS’’ (Docket No. DEA–403)) received in the Office mittee on Homeland Security and Govern- (FRL No. 9957–90–Region 4) received in the of the President of the Senate on January 4, mental Affairs. Office of the President of the Senate on Jan- 2017; to the Committee on the Judiciary. EC–331. A communication from the Chair- uary 4, 2017; to the Committee on Environ- EC–322. A communication from the Assist- man of the Council of the District of Colum- ment and Public Works. ant Administrator of the Office of Diversion bia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report EC–312. A communication from the Legal Control, Drug Enforcement Agency, Depart- on D.C. Act 21–538, ‘‘Kennedy Street, N.W., Counsel, Equal Employment Opportunity ment of Justice, transmitting, pursuant to Economic Development and Small Business Commission, transmitting, pursuant to law, law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Schedules Revitalization Advisory Committee Estab- a report relative to a vacancy in the position of Controlled Substances; Temporary Place- lishment Act of 2016’’; to the Committee on of General Counsel, received in the office of ment of Furanyl Fentanyl Into Schedule I’’ Homeland Security and Governmental Af- the President pro tempore of the Senate; to (Docket No. DEA–448) received in the Office fairs. the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, of the President of the Senate on January 4, EC–332. A communication from the Chair- and Pensions. 2017; to the Committee on the Judiciary. man of the Council of the District of Colum- EC–313. A communication from the Deputy EC–323. A communication from the Assist- bia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report Director, Health Resources and Services Ad- ant Administrator of the Office of Diversion on D.C. Act 21–539, ‘‘Commission on Climate ministration, Department of Health and Control, Drug Enforcement Agency, Depart- Change and Resiliency Establishment Act of Human Services, transmitting, pursuant to ment of Justice, transmitting, pursuant to 2016’’; to the Committee on Homeland Secu- law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘340B Drug law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Establish- rity and Governmental Affairs. Pricing Program Ceiling Price and Manufac- ment of a New Drug Code for Marihuana Ex- EC–333. A communication from the Chair- turer Civil Monetary Penalties Regulation’’ tract’’ ((RIN1117–AB33) (Docket No. DEA– man of the Council of the District of Colum- (RIN0906–AA89) received in the Office of the 342)) received in the Office of the President bia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report President of the Senate on January 4, 2017; of the Senate on January 4, 2017; to the Com- on D.C. Act 21–540, ‘‘Substance Abuse and to the Committee on Health, Education, mittee on the Judiciary. Opioid Overdose Prevention Amendment Act Labor, and Pensions. EC–324. A communication from the Assist- of 2016’’; to the Committee on Homeland Se- EC–314. A communication from the Sec- ant Administrator of the Office of Diversion curity and Governmental Affairs. retary of Education, transmitting, pursuant Control, Drug Enforcement Agency, Depart- EC–334. A communication from the Chair- to law, the Department of Education Agency ment of Justice, transmitting, pursuant to man of the Council of the District of Colum- Financial Report for fiscal year 2016; to the law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Schedules bia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report Committee on Homeland Security and Gov- of Controlled Substances: Temporary Place- on D.C. Act 21–541, ‘‘Driver’s License Fair ernmental Affairs. ment of U–47700 Into Schedule I’’ (Docket No. Access and Equality Amendment Act of EC–315. A communication from the Direc- DEA–440) received in the Office of the Presi- 2016’’; to the Committee on Homeland Secu- tor, Office of Government Ethics, transmit- dent of the Senate on January 4, 2017; to the rity and Governmental Affairs. ting, pursuant to law, the Annual Financial Committee on the Judiciary. EC–335. A communication from the Chair- Report for the Office of Government Ethics EC–325. A communication from the Under man of the Council of the District of Colum- for fiscal year 2016; to the Committee on Secretary of Defense (Comptroller), trans- bia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report Homeland Security and Governmental Af- mitting, pursuant to law, a report relative to on D.C. Act 21–542, ‘‘Statute of Limitations fairs. violations of the Antideficiency Act that in- Clarifying Amendment Act of 2016’’; to the EC–316. A communication from the Senior volved fiscal year 2007 Operations and Main- Committee on Homeland Security and Gov- Manager, Equal Opportunity Compliance, tenance, Army, and was assigned case num- ernmental Affairs. Tennessee Valley Authority, transmitting, ber 16–05; to the Committee on Appropria- EC–336. A communication from the Chair- pursuant to law, the Authority’s fiscal year tions. man of the Council of the District of Colum- 2015 annual report relative to the Notifica- EC–326. A communication from the Acting bia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report tion and Federal Employee Antidiscrimina- Assistant Secretary for Export Administra- on D.C. Act 21–543, ‘‘Electronic Cigarette tion and Retaliation Act of 2002 (No FEAR tion, Bureau of Industry and Security, De- Parity Amendment Act of 2016’’; to the Com- Act); to the Committee on Homeland Secu- partment of Commerce, transmitting, pursu- mittee on Homeland Security and Govern- rity and Governmental Affairs. ant to law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Ad- mental Affairs. EC–317. A communication from the Chair- dition of Certain Persons and Revisions to EC–337. A communication from the Chair- man, Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Entries on the Entity List; and Removal of a man of the Council of the District of Colum- Board, transmitting, pursuant to law, the Person from the Entity List’’ (RIN0694–AH23) bia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report Uniform Resource Locator (URL) for the received during adjournment of the Senate on D.C. Act 21–544, ‘‘Fiscal Year 2017 Budget Board’s fiscal year 2016 Performance and Ac- in the Office of the President of the Senate Support Clarification Temporary Amend- countability Report; to the Committee on on January 6, 2017; to the Committee on ment Act of 2016’’; to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Af- Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs. Homeland Security and Governmental Af- fairs. EC–327. A communication from the Assist- fairs. EC–318. A communication from the Chair ant to the Board of Governors of the Federal EC–338. A communication from the Chair- of the Board of Directors, Office of Compli- Reserve System, transmitting, pursuant to man of the Council of the District of Colum- ance, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Commu- bia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report relative to recommendations for improve- nity Reinvestment Act Regulations’’ on D.C. Act 21–545, ‘‘Prohibition Against ments to the Congressional Accountability (RIN7100–AE64) received during adjournment Selling Tobacco Products to Individuals Act; to the Committee on Homeland Secu- of the Senate in the Office of the President Under 21 Amendment Act of 2016’’; to the rity and Governmental Affairs. of the Senate on January 6, 2017; to the Com- Committee on Homeland Security and Gov- EC–319. A communication from the Vice mittee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Af- ernmental Affairs. President (Acting) for Congressional and fairs. EC–339. A communication from the Chair- Public Affairs, Millennium Challenge Cor- EC–328. A communication from the Assist- man of the Council of the District of Colum- poration, transmitting, pursuant to law, the ant Secretary for Export Administration, bia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report Corporation’s Agency Financial Report for Bureau of Industry and Security, Depart- on D.C. Act 21–546, ‘‘Department of Motor fiscal year 2016; to the Committee on Home- ment of Commerce, transmitting, pursuant Vehicles Reform Amendment Act of 2016’’; to land Security and Governmental Affairs. to law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Burma: the Committee on Homeland Security and EC–320. A communication from the Sec- Amendment of the Export Administration Governmental Affairs. retary, Judicial Conference of the United Regulations Consistent with an Executive EC–340. A communication from the Chair- States, transmitting, pursuant to law, a re- Order that Terminated U.S. Government’s man of the Council of the District of Colum- port entitled ‘‘Report on the Continuing Sanctions’’ (RIN0694–AH18) received during bia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report Need for Authorized Bankruptcy Judge- adjournment of the Senate in the Office of on D.C. Act 21–547, ‘‘International Registra- ships’’; to the Committee on the Judiciary. the President of the Senate on January 6, tion Plan Amendment Act of 2016’’; to the EC–321. A communication from the Assist- 2017; to the Committee on Banking, Housing, Committee on Homeland Security and Gov- ant Administrator of the Office of Diversion and Urban Affairs. ernmental Affairs. Control, Drug Enforcement Agency, Depart- EC–329. A communication from the Chair- EC–341. A communication from the Chair- ment of Justice, transmitting, pursuant to woman of the Federal Trade Commission, man of the Council of the District of Colum- law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Revision transmitting, pursuant to law, the Commis- bia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report of Import and Export Requirements for Con- sion’s fiscal year 2016 Agency Financial Re- on D.C. Act 21–548, ‘‘Sporting Events Tobacco trolled Substances, Listed Chemicals, and port; to the Committee on Homeland Secu- Products Restriction Amendment Act of Tableting and Encapsulating Machines, In- rity and Governmental Affairs. 2016’’; to the Committee on Homeland Secu- cluding Changes To Implement the Inter- EC–330. A communication from the Chair- rity and Governmental Affairs. national Trade Data System (ITDS); Revi- man of the Council of the District of Colum- EC–342. A communication from the Chair- sion of Reporting Requirements for Domestic bia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report man of the Council of the District of Colum- Transactions in Listed Chemicals and on D.C. Act 21–537, ‘‘Access to Emergency bia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report Tableting and Encapsulating Machines; and Epinephrine in Schools Clarification Tem- on D.C. Act 21–549, ‘‘Improving Access to Technical Amendments’’ ((RIN1117–AB41) porary Amendment Act of 2016’’; to the Com- Identity Documents Amendment Act of

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:06 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10JA6.013 S10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE January 10, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S203 2016’’; to the Committee on Homeland Secu- EC–355. A communication from the Chair- bia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report rity and Governmental Affairs. man of the Council of the District of Colum- on D.C. Act 21–581, ‘‘Protecting Students EC–343. A communication from the Chair- bia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report Digital Privacy Act of 2016’’; to the Com- man of the Council of the District of Colum- on D.C. Act 21–564, ‘‘Automatic Voter Reg- mittee on Homeland Security and Govern- bia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report istration Amendment Act of 2016’’; to the mental Affairs. on D.C. Act 21–552, ‘‘Enhanced Penalties for Committee on Homeland Security and Gov- EC–368. A communication from the Chair- Distracted Driving Amendment Act of 2016’’; ernmental Affairs. man of the Council of the District of Colum- to the Committee on Homeland Security and EC–356. A communication from the Chair- bia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report Governmental Affairs. man of the Council of the District of Colum- on D.C. Act 21–582, ‘‘Planning Actively for EC–344. A communication from the Chair- bia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report Comprehensive Education Facilities Amend- man of the Council of the District of Colum- on D.C. Act 21–565, ‘‘Medical Marijuana Om- ment Act of 2016’’; to the Committee on bia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report nibus Amendment Act of 2016’’; to the Com- Homeland Security and Governmental Af- on D.C. Act 21–553, ‘‘Rent Control Hardship mittee on Homeland Security and Govern- fairs. Petition Limitation Amendment Act of mental Affairs. EC–369. A communication from the Senior 2016’’; to the Committee on Homeland Secu- EC–357. A communication from the Chair- Procurement Executive, Office of Acquisi- rity and Governmental Affairs. man of the Council of the District of Colum- tion Policy, General Services Administra- EC–345. A communication from the Chair- bia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report tion, transmitting, pursuant to law, the re- man of the Council of the District of Colum- on D.C. Act 21–566, ‘‘Residential Lease Clari- port of a rule entitled ‘‘General Services Ad- bia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report fication Amendment Act of 2016’’; to the ministration Acquisition Regulation on D.C. Act 21–554, ‘‘Commemorative Flag Committee on Homeland Security and Gov- (GSAR); Fair Opportunity Complaints on Amendment Act of 2016’’; to the Committee ernmental Affairs. GSA Contracts’’ (RIN3090–AJ79) received in on Homeland Security and Governmental Af- EC–358. A communication from the Chair- the Office of the President of the Senate on fairs. man of the Council of the District of Colum- January 9, 2017; to the Committee on Home- EC–346. A communication from the Chair- bia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report land Security and Governmental Affairs. man of the Council of the District of Colum- on D.C. Act 21–567, ‘‘Relocation Expenses EC–370. A communication from the Archi- bia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report Recoupment and Lien Authority Amendment vist of the United States, National Archives on D.C. Act 21–555, ‘‘Adult Protective Serv- Act of 2016’’; to the Committee on Homeland and Records Administration, transmitting, ices Amendment Act of 2016’’; to the Com- Security and Governmental Affairs. pursuant to law, a report on the gift of a mittee on Homeland Security and Govern- EC–359. A communication from the Chair- Learning Center and other physical improve- mental Affairs. ments for the Gerald R. Ford Presidential EC–347. A communication from the Chair- man of the Council of the District of Colum- bia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report Museum in Grand Rapids, Michigan; to the man of the Council of the District of Colum- Committee on Homeland Security and Gov- bia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report on D.C. Act 21–568, ‘‘Strengthening Youth Services and Rehabilitation Amendment Act ernmental Affairs. on D.C. Act 21–556, ‘‘Vacant Property En- EC–371. A communication from the Direc- of 2016’’; to the Committee on Homeland Se- forcement Amendment Act of 2016’’; to the tor of Legislative Affairs, Federal Deposit curity and Governmental Affairs. Committee on Homeland Security and Gov- Insurance Corporation, transmitting, pursu- EC–360. A communication from the Chair- ernmental Affairs. ant to law, the report of a rule entitled man of the Council of the District of Colum- EC–348. A communication from the Chair- ‘‘Rules of Practice and Procedure’’ (RIN3064– bia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report man of the Council of the District of Colum- AE52) received in the Office of the President on D.C. Act 21–569, ‘‘Specialty License Plate bia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report of the Senate on January 5, 2017; to the Com- Amendment Act of 2016’’; to the Committee on D.C. Act 21–557, ‘‘Feminine Hygiene and mittee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Af- on Homeland Security and Governmental Af- Diaper Sales Tax Exemption Amendment fairs. Act of 2016’’; to the Committee on Homeland fairs. EC–372. A communication from the Regu- Security and Governmental Affairs. EC–361. A communication from the Chair- latory Specialist of the Legislative and Reg- EC–349. A communication from the Chair- man of the Council of the District of Colum- ulatory Activities Division, Office of the man of the Council of the District of Colum- bia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report Comptroller of the Currency, Department of bia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report on D.C. Act 21–570, ‘‘Department of Consumer the Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, on D.C. Act 21–558, ‘‘Charitable Solicitations and Regulatory Affairs Community Partner- the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Availability of Relief Amendment Act of 2016’’; to the Com- ship Amendment Act of 2016’’; to the Com- Information Under the Freedom of Informa- mittee on Homeland Security and Govern- mittee on Homeland Security and Govern- tion Act’’ (RIN1557–AE12) received in the Of- mental Affairs. mental Affairs. fice of the President of the Senate on Janu- EC–350. A communication from the Chair- EC–362. A communication from the Chair- ary 4, 2017; to the Committee on Banking, man of the Council of the District of Colum- man of the Council of the District of Colum- Housing, and Urban Affairs. bia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report bia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report EC–373. A communication from the Regu- on D.C. Act 21–559, ‘‘Department of Motor on D.C. Act 21–571, ‘‘Student Loan Ombuds- latory Specialist of the Legislative and Reg- Vehicles Extension of Deadlines Amendment man Establishment and Servicing Regula- ulatory Activities Division, Office of the Act of 2016’’; to the Committee on Homeland tion Amendment Act of 2016’’; to the Com- Comptroller of the Currency, Department of Security and Governmental Affairs. mittee on Homeland Security and Govern- the Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, EC–351. A communication from the Chair- mental Affairs. the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Receiverships man of the Council of the District of Colum- EC–363. A communication from the Chair- for Uninsured National Banks’’ (RIN1557– bia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report man of the Council of the District of Colum- AE07) received in the Office of the President on D.C. Act 21–560, ‘‘Food, Environmental, bia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report of the Senate on January 9, 2017; to the Com- and Economic Development in the District of on D.C. Act 21–577, ‘‘Death with Dignity Act mittee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Af- Columbia Amendment Act of 2016’’; to the of 2016’’; to the Committee on Homeland Se- fairs. Committee on Homeland Security and Gov- curity and Governmental Affairs. EC–374. A communication from the Regu- ernmental Affairs. EC–364. A communication from the Chair- latory Specialist of the Legislative and Reg- EC–352. A communication from the Chair- man of the Council of the District of Colum- ulatory Activities Division, Office of the man of the Council of the District of Colum- bia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report Comptroller of the Currency, Department of bia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report on D.C. Act 21–578, ‘‘Sale of Synthetic Drugs the Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, on D.C. Act 21–561, ‘‘Extension of Time to Amendment Act of 2016’’; to the Committee the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Industrial and Dispose of the Stevens School Temporary on Homeland Security and Governmental Af- Commercial Metals’’ (RIN1557–AD93) re- Amendment Act of 2016’’; to the Committee fairs. ceived during adjournment of the Senate in on Homeland Security and Governmental Af- EC–365. A communication from the Chair- the Office of the President of the Senate on fairs. man of the Council of the District of Colum- January 6, 2017; to the Committee on Bank- EC–353. A communication from the Chair- bia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report ing, Housing, and Urban Affairs. man of the Council of the District of Colum- on D.C. Act 21–579, ‘‘Georgia Avenue Retail EC–375. A communication from the Para- bia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report Priority Area Temporary Amendment Act of legal, Federal Transit Administration, De- on D.C. Act 21–562, ‘‘Revised Wage Theft Pre- 2016’’; to the Committee on Homeland Secu- partment of Transportation, transmitting, vention Clarification Temporary Amend- rity and Governmental Affairs. pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled ment Act of 2016’’; to the Committee on EC–366. A communication from the Chair- ‘‘Metropolitan Planning Organization Co- Homeland Security and Governmental Af- man of the Council of the District of Colum- ordination and Planning Area Reform’’ fairs. bia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report (RIN2132–AB28) received in the Office of the EC–354. A communication from the Chair- on D.C. Act 21–580, ‘‘Foster Parents State- President of the Senate on January 4, 2017; man of the Council of the District of Colum- ment of Rights and Responsibilities Amend- to the Committee on Banking, Housing, and bia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report ment Act of 2016’’; to the Committee on Urban Affairs. on D.C. Act 21–563, ‘‘Public School Nurse As- Homeland Security and Governmental Af- EC–376. A communication from the Attor- signment Temporary Amendment Act of fairs. ney Advisor, Federal Highway Administra- 2016’’; to the Committee on Homeland Secu- EC–367. A communication from the Chair- tion, Department of Transportation, trans- rity and Governmental Affairs. man of the Council of the District of Colum- mitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:06 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10JA6.015 S10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S204 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 10, 2017 entitled ‘‘Metropolitan Planning Organiza- Health and Human Services, transmitting, Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the tion Coordination and Planning Area Re- pursuant to law, a report entitled ‘‘Report to report of a rule entitled ‘‘Definitions and Re- form’’ (RIN2125–AF68) received in the Office Congress: Improving Medicare Post-Acute porting Requirements for Shareholders of of the President of the Senate on January 4, Care Transformation (IMPACT) Act of 2014 Passive Foreign Investment Companies’’ 2017; to the Committee on Banking, Housing, Strategic Plan for Accessing Race and Eth- ((RIN1545–BK66) (TD 9806)) received in the Of- and Urban Affairs. nicity Data’’; to the Committee on Finance. fice of the President of the Senate on Janu- EC–377. A communication from the Admin- EC–386. A communication from the Chief of ary 5, 2017; to the Committee on Finance. istrator of the Specialty Crops Program, Ag- the Publications and Regulations Branch, In- EC–396. A communication from the Chief of ricultural Marketing Service, Department of ternal Revenue Service, Department of the the Publications and Regulations Branch, In- Agriculture, transmitting, pursuant to law, Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the ternal Revenue Service, Department of the the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Revisions to In- report of a rule entitled ‘‘2017 Section 1274A Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the spection Application Requirements’’ (Docket CPI Adjustments’’ (Rev. Rul. 2016–30) re- report of a rule entitled ‘‘Regulations Re- No. AMS–SC–16–0063) received during ad- ceived in the Office of the President of the garding Withholding of Tax on Certain U.S. journment of the Senate in the Office of the Senate on January 5, 2017; to the Committee Source Income Paid to Foreign Persons, In- President of the Senate on January 6, 2017; on Finance. formation Reporting and Backup With- to the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, EC–387. A communication from the Chief of holding on Payments Made to Certain U.S. and Forestry. the Publications and Regulations Branch, In- Persons, and Portfolio Interest Treatment’’ EC–378. A communication from the Alter- ternal Revenue Service, Department of the ((RIN1545–BL17 and RIN1545–BN74) (TD 9808)) nate Federal Register Liaison Officer, Office Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the received in the Office of the President of the of the Secretary, Department of Defense, report of a rule entitled ‘‘Syndicated Con- Senate on January 9, 2017; to the Committee transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of servation Easement Transactions’’ (Notice on Finance. a rule entitled ‘‘DoD Freedom of Information 2017–10) received in the Office of the Presi- EC–397. A communication from the Chief of Act (FOIA) Program’’ (RIN0790–AI24) re- dent of the Senate on January 5, 2017; to the the Publications and Regulations Branch, In- ceived during adjournment of the Senate in Committee on Finance. ternal Revenue Service, Department of the the Office of the President of the Senate on EC–388. A communication from the Chief of Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the January 6, 2017; to the Committee on Armed the Publications and Regulations Branch, In- report of a rule entitled ‘‘Regulations Relat- Services. ternal Revenue Service, Department of the ing to Information Reporting by Foreign Fi- EC–379. A communication from the Alter- Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the nate Federal Register Liaison Officer, Office nancial Institutions and Withholding on Cer- report of a rule entitled ‘‘Section 831(b) tain Payments to Foreign Financial Institu- of the Secretary, Department of Defense, Micro-Captive Transactions’’ (Notice 2017–08) transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of tions and Other Foreign Entities’’ ((RIN1545– received in the Office of the President of the BL72 and RIN1545–BN79) (TD 9809)) received a rule entitled ‘‘Department of Defense Per- Senate on January 9, 2017; to the Committee sonnel Security Program Regulation’’ in the Office of the President of the Senate on Finance. (RIN0790–AJ55) received during adjournment on January 9, 2017; to the Committee on Fi- EC–389. A communication from the Chief of nance. of the Senate in the Office of the President the Publications and Regulations Branch, In- of the Senate on January 6, 2017; to the Com- ternal Revenue Service, Department of the f mittee on Armed Services. Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the EC–380. A communication from the Assist- INTRODUCTION OF BILLS AND report of a rule entitled ‘‘Maintaining cer- ant General Counsel for Legislation, Regula- JOINT RESOLUTIONS tification as a certified professional em- tion and Energy Efficiency, Department of ployer organization’’ (Rev. Proc. 2017–14) re- The following bills and joint resolu- Energy, transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Energy Conserva- ceived in the Office of the President of the tions were introduced, read the first tion Program: Test Procedures for Compres- Senate on January 5, 2017; to the Committee and second times by unanimous con- sors’’ (RIN1904–AD43) received during ad- on Finance. sent, and referred as indicated: EC–390. A communication from the Chief of journment of the Senate in the Office of the the Publications and Regulations Branch, In- By Mrs. CAPITO: President of Senate on January 6, 2017; to ternal Revenue Service, Department of the S. 76. A bill to amend the Internal Revenue the Committee on Energy and Natural Re- Code of 1986 to provide additional new mar- sources. Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Updated FFI kets tax credits for distressed coal commu- EC–381. A communication from the Assist- nities; to the Committee on Finance. ant General Counsel for Legislation, Regula- Agreement’’ (Rev. Proc. 2017–16) received in the Office of the President of the Senate on By Mr. FLAKE: tion and Energy Efficiency, Department of S. 77. A bill to amend the Agricultural Act Energy, transmitting, pursuant to law, the January 9, 2017; to the Committee on Fi- nance. of 2014 to repeal the forfeiture rule for pea- report of a rule entitled ‘‘Energy Conserva- nuts under the nonrecourse marketing as- tion Program: Test Procedures for Central EC–391. A communication from the Chief of the Publications and Regulations Branch, In- sistance loan program; to the Committee on Air Conditioners and Heat Pumps’’ (RIN1904– Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry. AD71) received during adjournment of the ternal Revenue Service, Department of the By Mr. LEE (for himself, Mr. CASSIDY, Senate in the Office of the President of Sen- Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the Mr. CARPER, Mr. BOOKER, and Mr. ate on January 6, 2017; to the Committee on report of a rule entitled ‘‘Qualified Inter- mediary Agreement’’ (Rev. Proc. 2017–15) re- JOHNSON): Energy and Natural Resources. S. 78. A bill to provide for reimbursement EC–382. A communication from the Assist- ceived in the Office of the President of the for the use of modern travel services by Fed- ant Secretary, Office of Fossil Energy, De- Senate on January 9, 2017; to the Committee eral employees traveling on official Govern- partment of Energy, transmitting, pursuant on Finance. ment business, and for other purposes; to the to law, an annual report relative to the Stra- EC–392. A communication from the Chief of Committee on Homeland Security and Gov- tegic Petroleum Reserve for calendar year the Publications and Regulations Branch, In- 2014; to the Committee on Energy and Nat- ternal Revenue Service, Department of the ernmental Affairs. ural Resources. Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the By Mr. KING (for himself, Mr. RISCH, EC–383. A communication from the Chair- report of a rule entitled ‘‘Revenue Procedure Mr. HEINRICH, Ms. COLLINS, and Mr. man, Medicare Payment Advisory Commis- 2017–14’’ (Rev. Proc. 2017–14) received in the CRAPO): sion, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report Office of the President of the Senate on Jan- S. 79. A bill to provide for the establish- entitled ‘‘Medical Malpractice: Evidence on uary 9, 2017; to the Committee on Finance. ment of a pilot program to identify security Reform Alternatives and Claims Involving EC–393. A communication from the Chief of vulnerabilities of certain entities in the en- Elderly Patients’’; to the Committee on Fi- the Publications and Regulations Branch, In- ergy sector; to the Committee on Energy and nance. ternal Revenue Service, Department of the Natural Resources. EC–384. A communication from the Federal Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the By Mr. CRAPO (for himself and Mr. Register Liaison Officer, Alcohol and To- report of a rule entitled ‘‘Revenue Procedure RISCH): bacco Tax and Trade Bureau, Department of 2017–5’’ (Rev. Proc. 2017–5) received in the Of- S. 80. A bill to protect the right of individ- the Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, fice of the President of the Senate on Janu- uals to bear arms at water resources develop- the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Amendments ary 9, 2017; to the Committee on Finance. ment projects; to the Committee on Environ- To Streamline Importation of Distilled Spir- EC–394. A communication from the Chief of ment and Public Works. its, Wine, Beer, Malt Beverages, Tobacco the Publications and Regulations Branch, In- By Ms. KLOBUCHAR (for herself and Products, Processes Tobacco, and Cigarette ternal Revenue Service, Department of the Ms. COLLINS): Papers and Tubes and Facilitate Use of the Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the S. 81. A bill to establish an advisory office International Trade Data System’’ (RIN1513– report of a rule entitled ‘‘Revenue Procedure within the Bureau of Consumer Protection of AC15) received during adjournment of the 2017–3’’ (Rev. Proc. 2017–3) received in the Of- the Federal Trade Commission to prevent Senate in the Office of the President of the fice of the President of the Senate on Janu- fraud targeting seniors, and for other pur- Senate on January 6, 2017; to the Committee ary 9, 2017; to the Committee on Finance. poses; to the Committee on Commerce, on Finance. EC–395. A communication from the Chief of Science, and Transportation. EC–385. A communication from the Assist- the Publications and Regulations Branch, In- By Mr. REED (for himself and Mr. ant Secretary for Legislation, Department of ternal Revenue Service, Department of the BLUMENTHAL):

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:06 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10JA6.017 S10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE January 10, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S205 S. 82. A bill to amend the Internal Revenue sonal importation of safe and affordable Atmospheric Administration, and for Code of 1986 to expand the denial of deduc- drugs from approved pharmacies in Canada; other purposes. tion for certain excessive employee remu- to the Committee on Health, Education, S. 63 neration, and for other purposes; to the Com- Labor, and Pensions. At the request of Mr. MORAN, the mittee on Finance. By Mrs. ERNST (for herself, Mr. GARD- By Ms. KLOBUCHAR (for herself and NER, and Mr. HELLER): name of the Senator from South Da- Mr. HELLER): S. 93. A bill to allow women greater access kota (Mr. ROUNDS) was added as a co- S. 83. A bill to authorize the National to safe and effective contraception; to the sponsor of S. 63, a bill to clarify the Science Foundation to support entrepre- Committee on Finance. rights of Indians and Indian tribes on neurial programs for women; to the Com- f Indian lands under the National Labor mittee on Commerce, Science, and Transpor- Relations Act. tation. SUBMISSION OF CONCURRENT AND S. 74 By Mr. MCCAIN: SENATE RESOLUTIONS S. 84. A bill to provide for an exception to At the request of Mr. NELSON, the a limitation against appointment of persons The following concurrent resolutions name of the Senator from Massachu- as Secretary of Defense within seven years of and Senate resolutions were read, and setts (Mr. MARKEY) was added as a co- relief from active duty as a regular commis- referred (or acted upon), as indicated: sponsor of S. 74, a bill to improve the sioned officer of the Armed Forces; to the By Mr. HATCH (for himself, Mr. ROB- ability of the National Oceanic and At- Committee on Armed Services. ERTS, Mr. WHITEHOUSE, Mr. COTTON, mospheric Administration, the Coast By Mr. ROBERTS (for himself and Ms. Ms. DUCKWORTH, Mr. FLAKE, and Mr. Guard, and coastal States to sustain HEITKAMP): GARDNER): S. 85. A bill to amend the Internal Revenue healthy ocean and coastal ecosystems S. Res. 9. A resolution honoring in praise Code of 1986 to repeal the amendments made by maintaining and sustaining their and remembrance the extraordinary life, by the Patient Protection and Affordable capabilities relating to oil spill pre- steady leadership, and remarkable, 70-year Care Act which disqualify expenses for over- reign of King Bhumibol Adulyadej of Thai- paredness, prevention, response, and the-counter drugs under health savings ac- land; to the Committee on Foreign Rela- for other purposes. counts and health flexible spending arrange- tions. S. RES. 6 ments; to the Committee on Finance. By Mr. MARKEY (for himself and Mr. At the request of Mr. RUBIO, the By Mr. MCCAIN (for himself and Mr. RUBIO): FLAKE): names of the Senator from Nebraska S. 86. A bill to amend the Veterans Access, S. Res. 10. A resolution expressing the (Mr. SASSE), the Senator from Alabama sense of the Senate regarding the trafficking Choice, and Accountability Act of 2014 to (Mr. SHELBY), the Senator from Ten- of illicit fentanyl into the United States modify the termination date for the Vet- nessee (Mr. ALEXANDER), the Senator erans Choice Program; to the Committee on from Mexico and China; to the Committee on Foreign Relations. from Minnesota (Ms. KLOBUCHAR), the Veterans’ Affairs. Senator from California (Ms. HARRIS) By Mr. TOOMEY (for himself, Mr. By Mr. SCOTT (for himself, Mr. PORTMAN, Mr. RUBIO, Mr. BOOKER, and the Senator from Texas (Mr. CRUZ) GRASSLEY, Mr. CRUZ, Mr. INHOFE, Mr. Mr. PAUL, and Mr. BROWN): COTTON, Mrs. CAPITO, Mr. PERDUE, were added as cosponsors of S. Res. 6, a S. Res. 11. A resolution encouraging the de- Mr. BOOZMAN, Mr. JOHNSON, Mr. resolution objecting to United Nations velopment of best business practices to fully WICKER, Mr. BLUNT, and Mrs. FISCH- Security Council Resolution 2334 and utilize the potential of the United States; to ER): to all efforts that undermine direct ne- S. 87. A bill to ensure that State and local the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. gotiations between Israel and the Pal- law enforcement may cooperate with Federal estinians for a secure and peaceful set- officials to protect our communities from f tlement. violent criminals and suspected terrorists who are illegally present in the United ADDITIONAL COSPONSORS AMENDMENT NO. 2 States; to the Committee on the Judiciary. At the request of Mr. COONS, the S. 17 By Mrs. FISCHER (for herself, Mr. name of the Senator from Ohio (Mr. At the request of Mr. SASSE, the BOOKER, Mr. GARDNER, and Mr. BROWN) was added as a cosponsor of SCHATZ): names of the Senator from Missouri amendment No. 2 intended to be pro- S. 88. A bill to ensure appropriate spectrum (Mrs. MCCASKILL) and the Senator from posed to S. Con. Res. 3, a concurrent planning and interagency coordination to Georgia (Mr. PERDUE) were added as co- resolution setting forth the congres- support the Internet of Things; to the Com- sponsors of S. 17, a bill to ensure the mittee on Commerce, Science, and Transpor- sional budget for the United States Government Accountability Office has Government for fiscal year 2017 and tation. adequate access to information. By Mrs. MCCASKILL (for herself, Mr. setting forth the appropriate budgetary BLUNT, Mr. BROWN, Mr. PORTMAN, Mr. S. 27 levels for fiscal years 2018 through 2026. CASSIDY, Mr. COTTON, and Mr. BOOZ- At the request of Mr. CARDIN, the AMENDMENT NO. 9 MAN): name of the Senator from Minnesota At the request of Ms. KLOBUCHAR, the S. 89. A bill to amend title 46, United (Mr. FRANKEN) was added as a cospon- States Code, to exempt old vessels that only name of the Senator from Virginia (Mr. sor of S. 27, a bill to establish an inde- KAINE) was added as a cosponsor of operate within inland waterways from the pendent commission to examine and fire-retardant materials requirement if the amendment No. 9 intended to be pro- owners of such vessels make annual struc- report on the facts regarding the ex- posed to S. Con. Res. 3, a concurrent tural alterations to at least 10 percent of the tent of Russian official and unofficial resolution setting forth the congres- areas of the vessels that are not constructed cyber operations and other attempts to sional budget for the United States of fire-retardant materials and for other pur- interfere in the 2016 United States na- Government for fiscal year 2017 and poses; to the Committee on Commerce, tional election, and for other purposes. setting forth the appropriate budgetary Science, and Transportation. S. 36 By Mr. CORNYN (for himself and Mr. levels for fiscal years 2018 through 2026. CRUZ): At the request of Mr. INHOFE, the AMENDMENT NO. 17 S. 90. A bill to survey the gradient bound- name of the Senator from Georgia (Mr. At the request of Mr. BLUMENTHAL, ary along the Red River in the States of PERDUE) was added as a cosponsor of S. the names of the Senator from Hawaii Oklahoma and Texas, and for other purposes; 36, a bill to amend the Immigration (Ms. HIRONO) and the Senator from New to the Committee on the Judiciary. and Nationality Act to provide for ex- Hampshire (Mrs. SHAHEEN) were added By Ms. MURKOWSKI (for herself and tensions of detention of certain aliens as cosponsors of amendment No. 17 in- Mr. SULLIVAN): S. 91. A bill to amend the Indian Employ- ordered removed, and for other pur- tended to be proposed to S. Con. Res. 3, ment, Training and Related Services Dem- poses. a concurrent resolution setting forth onstration Act of 1992 to facilitate the abil- S. 53 the congressional budget for the United ity of Indian tribes to integrate the employ- At the request of Ms. CANTWELL, the States Government for fiscal year 2017 ment, training, and related services from di- name of the Senator from Alaska (Ms. and setting forth the appropriate budg- verse Federal sources, and for other pur- MURKOWSKI) was added as a cosponsor etary levels for fiscal years 2018 poses; to the Committee on Indian Affairs. of S. 53, a bill to authorize and through 2026. By Mr. MCCAIN (for himself and Ms. AMENDMENT NO. 19 KLOBUCHAR): strengthen the tsunami detection, fore- S. 92. A bill to amend the Federal Food, cast, warning, research, and mitigation At the request of Mr. SANDERS, the Drug, and Cosmetic Act to allow for the per- program of the National Oceanic and name of the Senator from Florida (Mr.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:06 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10JA6.009 S10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S206 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 10, 2017 NELSON) was added as a cosponsor of etary levels for fiscal years 2018 and setting forth the appropriate budg- amendment No. 19 proposed to S. Con. through 2026. etary levels for fiscal years 2018 Res. 3, a concurrent resolution setting AMENDMENT NO. 32 through 2026. forth the congressional budget for the At the request of Ms. KLOBUCHAR, the AMENDMENT NO. 49 United States Government for fiscal names of the Senator from Vermont At the request of Mr. WHITEHOUSE, year 2017 and setting forth the appro- (Mr. LEAHY) and the Senator from the names of the Senator from Con- priate budgetary levels for fiscal years Maine (Mr. KING) were added as cospon- necticut (Mr. BLUMENTHAL), the Sen- 2018 through 2026. sors of amendment No. 32 intended to ator from Vermont (Mr. LEAHY) and AMENDMENT NO. 26 be proposed to S. Con. Res. 3, a concur- the Senator from New Hampshire (Mrs. At the request of Mr. COONS, the rent resolution setting forth the con- SHAHEEN) were added as cosponsors of name of the Senator from Maine (Mr. gressional budget for the United States amendment No. 49 intended to be pro- KING) was added as a cosponsor of Government for fiscal year 2017 and posed to S. Con. Res. 3, a concurrent amendment No. 26 intended to be pro- setting forth the appropriate budgetary resolution setting forth the congres- posed to S. Con. Res. 3, a concurrent levels for fiscal years 2018 through 2026. sional budget for the United States resolution setting forth the congres- AMENDMENT NO. 33 Government for fiscal year 2017 and sional budget for the United States At the request of Ms. KLOBUCHAR, the setting forth the appropriate budgetary Government for fiscal year 2017 and names of the Senator from Illinois (Mr. levels for fiscal years 2018 through 2026. setting forth the appropriate budgetary DURBIN) and the Senator from Con- AMENDMENT NO. 54 levels for fiscal years 2018 through 2026. necticut (Mr. BLUMENTHAL) were added At the request of Mr. FRANKEN, the AMENDMENT NO. 27 as cosponsors of amendment No. 33 in- names of the Senator from Wisconsin At the request of Mr. COONS, the tended to be proposed to S. Con. Res. 3, (Ms. BALDWIN) and the Senator from name of the Senator from Maine (Mr. a concurrent resolution setting forth Maine (Mr. KING) were added as cospon- KING) was added as a cosponsor of the congressional budget for the United sors of amendment No. 54 intended to amendment No. 27 intended to be pro- States Government for fiscal year 2017 be proposed to S. Con. Res. 3, a concur- posed to S. Con. Res. 3, a concurrent and setting forth the appropriate budg- rent resolution setting forth the con- resolution setting forth the congres- etary levels for fiscal years 2018 gressional budget for the United States sional budget for the United States through 2026. Government for fiscal year 2017 and Government for fiscal year 2017 and AMENDMENT NO. 34 setting forth the appropriate budgetary setting forth the appropriate budgetary At the request of Mrs. SHAHEEN, the levels for fiscal years 2018 through 2026. levels for fiscal years 2018 through 2026. names of the Senator from Minnesota f AMENDMENT NO. 28 (Mr. FRANKEN), the Senator from Mas- STATEMENTS ON INTRODUCED At the request of Mr. COONS, the sachusetts (Ms. WARREN), the Senator BILLS AND JOINT RESOLUTIONS name of the Senator from Virginia (Mr. from Indiana (Mr. DONNELLY) and the KAINE) was added as a cosponsor of Senator from Delaware (Mr. CARPER) By Mr. REED (for himself and amendment No. 28 intended to be pro- were added as cosponsors of amend- Mr. BLUMENTHAL): S. 82. A bill to amend the Internal posed to S. Con. Res. 3, a concurrent ment No. 34 intended to be proposed to Revenue Code of 1986 to expand the de- resolution setting forth the congres- S. Con. Res. 3, a concurrent resolution nial of deduction for certain excessive sional budget for the United States setting forth the congressional budget employee remuneration, and for other Government for fiscal year 2017 and for the United States Government for purposes; to the Committee on Fi- setting forth the appropriate budgetary fiscal year 2017 and setting forth the nance. levels for fiscal years 2018 through 2026. appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal Mr. REED. Mr. President, I am re- years 2018 through 2026. AMENDMENT NO. 29 introducing the Stop Subsidizing Mul- At the request of Mr. CARDIN, the AMENDMENT NO. 35 timillion Dollar Corporate Bonuses Act names of the Senator from Ohio (Mr. At the request of Mrs. SHAHEEN, the with Senator BLUMENTHAL. This legis- BROWN) and the Senator from Mary- name of the Senator from Delaware lation would end special tax exemp- land (Mr. VAN HOLLEN) were added as (Mr. CARPER) was added as a cosponsor tions for huge CEO bonuses by closing cosponsors of amendment No. 29 in- of amendment No. 35 intended to be a glaring loophole that allows publicly tended to be proposed to S. Con. Res. 3, proposed to S. Con. Res. 3, a concurrent traded corporations to deduct the cost a concurrent resolution setting forth resolution setting forth the congres- of multimillion-dollar bonuses from the congressional budget for the United sional budget for the United States their corporate tax bills. If executives States Government for fiscal year 2017 Government for fiscal year 2017 and perform, companies may compensate and setting forth the appropriate budg- setting forth the appropriate budgetary them however they wish, but U.S. tax- etary levels for fiscal years 2018 levels for fiscal years 2018 through 2026. payers shouldn’t have to subsidize through 2026. AMENDMENT NO. 36 these massive bonuses. AMENDMENT NO. 30 At the request of Mrs. SHAHEEN, the Under current tax law, when a pub- At the request of Mr. CARDIN, the names of the Senator from Vermont licly traded corporation calculates its name of the Senator from Connecticut (Mr. LEAHY), the Senator from Mary- taxable income, it is generally per- (Mr. BLUMENTHAL) was added as a co- land (Mr. CARDIN) and the Senator from mitted to deduct the cost of compensa- sponsor of amendment No. 30 intended Massachusetts (Ms. WARREN) were tion from its revenues, with limits up to be proposed to S. Con. Res. 3, a con- added as cosponsors of amendment No. to $1 million for some of the firm’s current resolution setting forth the 36 intended to be proposed to S. Con. most senior executives. However, a congressional budget for the United Res. 3, a concurrent resolution setting loophole relating to performance-based States Government for fiscal year 2017 forth the congressional budget for the compensation has allowed many public and setting forth the appropriate budg- United States Government for fiscal corporations to avoid such limits and etary levels for fiscal years 2018 year 2017 and setting forth the appro- freely deduct excessive executive com- through 2026. priate budgetary levels for fiscal years pensation. To illustrate how this loop- AMENDMENT NO. 31 2018 through 2026. hole works, if a CEO receives $1 million At the request of Mr. CARDIN, the AMENDMENT NO. 37 in cash compensation and $14 million names of the Senator from Hawaii (Ms. At the request of Mrs. SHAHEEN, the in performance-based compensation in HIRONO) and the Senator from Con- names of the Senator from Ohio (Mr. a given year, the public corporation’s necticut (Mr. BLUMENTHAL) were added BROWN) and the Senator from Massa- taxable income would decline by $15 as cosponsors of amendment No. 31 in- chusetts (Ms. WARREN) were added as million. With the current corporate tax tended to be proposed to S. Con. Res. 3, cosponsors of amendment No. 37 in- rate at 35 percent, the corporation in a concurrent resolution setting forth tended to be proposed to S. Con. Res. 3, this case would receive a tax giveway the congressional budget for the United a concurrent resolution setting forth of $5.25 million. States Government for fiscal year 2017 the congressional budget for the United The Stop Subsidizing Multimillion and setting forth the appropriate budg- States Government for fiscal year 2017 Dollar Corporate Bonuses Act puts an

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:12 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10JA6.020 S10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE January 10, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S207 end to that giveaway and limits public cause the friends love sitting on the along the Red River is subject to change due corporations to a single $1 million per board. So that’s a system that we have. to erosion and accretion). employee deduction as was originally And it’s a shame and it’s disgraceful. (3) LANDOWNER.—The term ‘‘landowner’’ means any individual, group, association, intended. Using the same example And, sometimes, the boards rule. But I corporation, federally recognized Indian above, a profitable public corporation would say it’s probably less than 10 tribe or member of such an Indian tribe, or could deduct $1 million of the CEO’s $15 percent. And you see these guys mak- other private or governmental legal entity million compensation package but ing these enormous amounts of money. that owns an interest in land in the affected could not claim a deduction on the re- It’s a total and complete joke.’’ area. maining $14 million. So instead of Our legislation tackles this issue (4) SECRETARY.—The term ‘‘Secretary’’ claiming $5.25 million in Federal sub- head on by ending the public subsidy of means the Secretary of the Interior, acting sidies for the CEO’s pay, this public excessive CEO compensation, derailing through the Director of the Bureau of Land Management. the lavish tax breaks that exclusively corporation will be contributing $4.9 (5) SOUTH BANK.—The term ‘‘South Bank’’ million toward improving our roads, benefit public corporations. This is means the water-washed and relatively per- our schools, and our military—costs simply a matter of fairness, ensuring manent elevation or acclivity (commonly that middle-class families are already that corporations—and not hard-work- known as a ‘‘cut bank’’) along the southerly underwriting. ing taxpayers who face their own chal- or right side of the Red River that— Indeed, over a 10-year window, the lenges in this economy—are paying for (A) separates the bed of that river from the Joint Committee on Taxation, in their the multimillion-dollar bonuses they adjacent upland, whether valley or hill; and most recent assessment, estimated (B) usually serves, as specified in the fifth have decided to dole out to their CEOs. paragraph of Oklahoma v. Texas, 261 U.S. 340 that closing this loophole would save We need to prioritize tax breaks that (1923)— U.S. taxpayers over $50 billion. grow our economy and strengthen the (i) to confine the waters within the bed; Specifically, our legislation first ap- middle class. This bill would eliminate and plies section 162(m) of the Tax Code to some of the inequity in the Tax Code. (ii) to preserve the course of the river. all employees of publicly traded cor- Again, companies are free to pay their (6) SOUTH BANK BOUNDARY LINE.—The term porations so that all compensation is executives as much as they want, but ‘‘South Bank boundary line’’ means the subject to a deductibility cap of $1 mil- the American taxpayer shouldn’t help boundary, with respect to title and owner- ship, between the States of Oklahoma and lion. Publicly traded corporations foot the bill for a CEO’s multimillion- Texas identified through the gradient bound- would still be permitted to pay their dollar bonus. ary survey method that does not impact or executives as much as they desire, but I thank Public Citizen, Americans for alter the permanent political boundary line compensation above and beyond $1 mil- Financial Reform, the AFL–CIO, Inter- between the States along the Red River, as lion would no longer be subsidized by national Brotherhood of Teamsters, outlined under article II, section B of the other hard-working taxpayers through and MIT professor Simon Johnson for Red River Boundary Compact enacted by the our Tax Code. their support. I also want to thank States and consented to by Congress pursu- ant to Public Law 106–288 (114 Stat. 919). Second, our bill removes the exemp- Senator BLUMENTHAL for working with SEC. 3. SURVEY OF SOUTH BANK BOUNDARY tion for performance-based compensa- me on this issue, and I urge our col- LINE. tion, which currently permits com- leagues to join us in cosponsoring this (a) SURVEY REQUIRED.— pensation deductions above and beyond legislation. (1) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary shall com- $1 million when executives have met mission a survey to identify the South Bank performance benchmarks set by the By Mr. CORNYN (for himself and boundary line in the affected area. corporation’s board of directors. As a Mr. CRUZ): (2) REQUIREMENTS.—The survey shall— result, publicly traded corporations S. 90. A bill to survey the gradient (A) adhere to the gradient boundary survey method; would still be able to incentivize their boundary along the Red River in the States of Oklahoma and Texas, and for (B) span the length of the affected area; executives, but all such incentives (C) be conducted by surveyors that are— would be subject to a corporate deduct- other purposes; to the Committee on (i) licensed and qualified to conduct offi- ibility cap of $1 million. the Judiciary. cial gradient boundary surveys; and Finally, our legislation makes a Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, I ask (ii) selected jointly by and operating under technical correction to ensure that all unanimous consent that the text of the the direction of— publicly traded corporations that are bill be printed in the RECORD. (I) the Texas General Land Office, in con- required to provide quarterly and an- There being no objection, the text of sultation with each affected federally recog- nual reports to their investors under the bill was ordered to be printed in nized Indian tribe; and the RECORD, as follows: (II) the Oklahoma Commissioners of the Securities and Exchange Commission Land Office, in consultation with the attor- S. 90 rules and regulations are subject to ney general of the State of Oklahoma and section 162(m). Currently, this section Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- each affected federally recognized Indian of the Tax Code only covers some pub- resentatives of the United States of America in tribe; and licly traded corporations who are re- Congress assembled, (D) be completed not later than 2 years quired to provide these periodic reports SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. after the date of enactment of this Act. This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Red River to their shareholders. Discouraging ex- (b) APPROVAL.— Gradient Boundary Survey Act’’. (1) STATE APPROVAL.— travagant compensation packages SEC. 2. DEFINITIONS. (A) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 60 days shouldn’t turn on whether a publicly In this Act: after the date on which the survey under traded corporation falls into one SEC (1) AFFECTED AREA.— subsection (a)(1) is completed, the Secretary reporting requirement or another, and (A) IN GENERAL.—The term ‘‘affected area’’ shall submit the survey for approval to— our bill closes this technical loophole. means land along the approximately 116-mile (i) the Texas General Land Office, in con- Even our President-elect has ac- stretch of the Red River, from its confluence sultation with each affected federally recog- knowledged the problem of excessive with the north fork of the Red River on the nized Indian tribe; and CEO pay. When asked about this issue West to the 98th meridian on the east. (ii) the Oklahoma Commissioners of the on CBS’s ‘‘Face the Nation’’ on Sep- (B) EXCLUSIONS.—The term ‘‘affected area’’ Land Office, in consultation with the attor- does not include the portion of the Red River ney general of the State of Oklahoma and tember 13, 2015, then-Presidential Can- within the boundary depicted on the survey each affected federally recognized Indian didate Trump said, ‘‘Well, it does bug prepared by the Bureau of Land Management tribe. me. It’s very hard if you have a free en- entitled ‘‘Township 5 South, Range 14 West, (B) TIMING OF APPROVAL.—Not later than 60 terprise system to do anything about of the Indian Meridian, Oklahoma, Depend- days after the date of receipt of the survey that. The boards of companies are sup- ent Resurvey and Survey’’ and dated Feb- under subparagraph (A), the Texas General posed to do it. But I know companies ruary 28, 2006. Land Office, in consultation with each af- very well. And the CEO puts in all his (2) GRADIENT BOUNDARY SURVEY METHOD.— fected federally recognized Indian tribe, and friends. And so you will take a com- The term ‘‘gradient boundary survey meth- the Oklahoma Commissioners of the Land od’’ means the measurement technique used Office, in consultation with the attorney pany like, I could say Macy’s or many to locate the South Bank boundary line in general of the State of Oklahoma and each other companies, where they put in accordance with the methodology estab- affected federally recognized Indian tribe, their friends as head of the company, lished in Oklahoma v. Texas, 261 U.S. 340 shall determine whether to approve the sur- and they get whatever they want, be- (1923) (recognizing that the boundary line vey.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:06 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10JA6.023 S10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S208 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 10, 2017 (C) SURVEYS OF INDIVIDUAL PARCELS.— SUBMITTED RESOLUTIONS Whereas close cooperation and mutual sac- (i) IN GENERAL.—Surveys of individual par- rifices in the face of common threats have cels in the affected area shall be conducted bound the United States and Thailand to- in accordance with this section. SENATE RESOLUTION 9—HONORING gether and established a firm foundation for (ii) APPROVAL OR DISAPPROVAL.—A survey IN PRAISE AND REMEMBRANCE the advancement of a mutually beneficial re- of an individual parcel conducted under THE EXTRAORDINARY LIFE, lationship; and clause (i) shall be approved or disapproved, STEADY LEADERSHIP, AND RE- Whereas, on October 13, 2016, at the age of 88, His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej on an individual basis, by the Texas General MARKABLE, 70-YEAR REIGN OF Land Office, in consultation with each af- passed away, leaving behind a lasting legacy KING BHUMIBOL ADULYADEJ OF for Thailand: Now, therefore, be it fected federally recognized Indian tribe, and THAILAND Resolved, That the Senate— the Oklahoma Commissioners of the Land (1) honors the extraordinary life, steady Office, in consultation with the attorney Mr. HATCH (for himself, Mr. ROB- ERTS, Mr. WHITEHOUSE, Mr. COTTON, leadership, and remarkable, 70-year reign of general of the State of Oklahoma and each His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej of Ms. DUCKWORTH, Mr. FLAKE, and Mr. affected federally recognized Indian tribe, by Thailand; not later than 60 days after the date of re- GARDNER) submitted the following res- (2) extends our deepest sympathies to the ceipt of the survey. olution; which was referred to the members of the Royal Family and to the (2) NO FEDERAL APPROVAL REQUIRED.—The Committee on Foreign Relations: people of Thailand in their bereavement; survey conducted under subsection (a)(1), S. RES. 9 (3) celebrates the alliance and friendship and any survey of an individual parcel de- Whereas His Majesty King Bhumibol between Thailand and the United States that scribed in paragraph (1)(C), shall not be sub- Adulyadej enjoyed a special relationship reflects common interests, a 183-year diplo- mitted to the Secretary for approval. with the United States, having been born in matic history, and a multifaceted partner- ship that has contributed to peace, stability, (c) NOTICES.— Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 1927 while his and prosperity in the Asia-Pacific region; (1) SECRETARY.—Not later than 60 days father was completing his medical studies at (4) congratulates His Majesty King Maha after the date on which a survey for an indi- Harvard University; Vajiralongkorn on his accession to the vidual parcel is approved by the Texas Gen- Whereas King Bhumibol Adulyadej as- cended to the throne on June 9, 1946, and throne; and eral Land Office and the Oklahoma Commis- (5) building on the strong foundation of al- sioners of the Land Office, in consultation celebrated his 70th year as King of Thailand in 2016; liance nurtured during the reign of the fa- with the attorney general of the State of Whereas, at the time of his death, King ther of His Majesty King Maha Oklahoma, under subsection (b)(1)(C), the Bhumibol Adulyadej was the longest-serving Vajiralongkorn, looks forward to deepening heads of those offices shall submit to the head of state in the world and the longest- the bonds of friendship between Thailand and Secretary— reigning monarch in the history of Thailand; the United States. (A) a notice of the approval of the survey; Whereas His Majesty dedicated his life to f and the well-being of the Thai people and the (B) a copy of— sustainable development of Thailand; SENATE RESOLUTION 10—EX- (i) the survey; and Whereas His Majesty led by example and PRESSING THE SENSE OF THE (ii) any field notes relating to the indi- virtue with the interest of the people at SENATE REGARDING THE TRAF- vidual parcel. heart, earning His Majesty the deep rev- FICKING OF ILLICIT FENTANYL (2) ADJACENT LANDOWNERS.—Not later than erence of the Thai people and the respect of INTO THE UNITED STATES FROM 30 days after the date on which the Secretary people around the world; receives a notice relating to an individual Whereas His Majesty reached out to the MEXICO AND CHINA parcel under paragraph (1), the Secretary poorest and most vulnerable people of Thai- Mr. MARKEY (for himself and Mr. shall provide to each landowner of land adja- land, regardless of their status, ethnicity, or RUBIO) submitted the following resolu- cent to the individual parcel— religion, listened to their problems, and em- tion; which was referred to the Com- (A) a notice of the approval of the survey; powered them to take their lives into their mittee on Foreign Relations: and own hands; S. RES. 10 (B) a copy of— Whereas, in 2006, His Majesty received the (i) the survey; and first United Nations Human Development Whereas the United States continues to ex- Award, recognizing him as the ‘‘Development perience a prescription opioid and heroin (ii) any field notes relating to the indi- King’’ for the extraordinary contribution of overdose epidemic that claimed almost 30,000 vidual parcel. His Majesty to human development; lives in 2014; SEC. 4. EFFECT OF ACT. Whereas His Majesty was recognized inter- Whereas fentanyl is a synthetic opioid and nationally in the areas of intellectual prop- the euphoric effects of fentanyl are some- Nothing in this Act— erty, innovation, and creativity, and in 2009, times indistinguishable from the euphoric ef- (1) modifies any interest of the State of the World Intellectual Property Organiza- fects of heroin or morphine; Oklahoma or Texas, or the sovereignty, tion presented His Majesty with the Global Whereas the effect of fentanyl can be up to property, or trust rights of any federally rec- Leadership Award; 50 times stronger than heroin and 100 times ognized Indian tribe, relating to land located Whereas His Majesty was an anchor of stronger than morphine; north of the South Bank boundary line, as peace and stability for Thailand during the Whereas although pharmaceutical fentanyl established by the survey; turbulent decades of the Cold War; can be diverted for misuse, most fentanyl (2) modifies any land patented under the Whereas His Majesty was always a trusted deaths are believed to be linked to illicitly Act of December 22, 1928 (45 Stat. 1069, chap- friend of the United States in advancing a manufactured fentanyl and illicit versions of ter 47; 43 U.S.C. 1068) (commonly known as strong and enduring alliance and partnership chemically similar compounds known as the ‘‘Color of Title Act’’), before the date of between the United States and Thailand; fentanyl analogs (collectively referred to in enactment of this Act; Whereas His Majesty addressed a joint ses- this preamble as ‘‘illicit fentanyl’’); (3) modifies or supersedes the Red River sion of Congress on June 29, 1960, during Whereas illicit fentanyl is potentially le- Boundary Compact enacted by the States of which His Majesty reaffirmed the strong thal even if only a very small quantity is in- Oklahoma and Texas and consented to by friendship and goodwill between the United gested or inhaled; Congress pursuant to Public Law 106–288 (114 States and Thailand; Whereas across the United States, illicit Stat. 919); Whereas the United States and Thailand fentanyl use and related deaths are rising at (4) creates or reinstates any Indian res- remain strong security allies, as memorial- alarming rates; ized in the Southeast Asia Collective Defense Whereas illicit fentanyl is cheaper to man- ervation or any portion of such a reserva- Treaty (commonly known as the ‘‘Manila ufacture than heroin and the sale of illicit tion; or Pact of 1954’’) and later expanded under the fentanyl is highly profitable for drug dealers; (5) alters any valid right of the State of Thanat-Rusk Communique of 1962; Whereas illicit fentanyl is sold for its her- Oklahoma or the Kiowa, Comanche, or Whereas, for decades, Thailand has hosted oin-like effects and illicit fentanyl is often Apache Indian tribes to the mineral interest the annual Cobra Gold military exercises, mixed with heroin, cocaine, or methamphet- trust fund established under the Act of June the largest multilateral exercises in Asia, to amine as a combination product, with or 12, 1926 (44 Stat. 740, chapter 572). improve regional defense cooperation; without the knowledge of the user; SEC. 5. AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS. Whereas Thailand has allowed the Armed Whereas illicit fentanyl is often produced Forces of the United States to use the to physically resemble other opioid pain There is authorized to be appropriated to Utapao Air Base to coordinate international medicines, such as oxycodone, which sell for the Secretary to carry out this Act $1,000,000. humanitarian relief efforts; high amounts on the street; Whereas President George W. Bush des- Whereas drug users often overdose on il- ignated Thailand as a major non-NATO ally licit fentanyl because users are unaware that on December 30, 2003; they are ingesting illicit fentanyl and do not

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:06 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10JA6.024 S10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE January 10, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S209 anticipate the toxicity and potential (2) the trafficking of illicit fentanyl into (2) not fewer than 2 qualified minority- lethality of illicit fentanyl; the United States, especially the trafficking owned businesses before approving a vendor Whereas, according to the Centers for Dis- of illicit fentanyl by transnational criminal contract; ease Control and Prevention, between 2013 organizations, is a problem that requires Whereas, according to Crist-Kolder Associ- and 2014, the death rate from overdoses close cooperation between the United States ates, as cited in the Wall Street Journal, at caused by synthetic opioids, including illicit Government and the Governments of Mexico the top 668 companies in the United States, fentanyl and synthetic opioid pain relievers and China; less than 10 percent of Chief Financial Offi- other than methadone, increased 80 percent; (3) the United States Government and the cers are African-American, Hispanic, or of Whereas, in 2015, the Drug Enforcement Governments of Mexico and China have a Asian descent; Administration (referred to in this preamble shared interest in, and responsibility for, Whereas underrepresented groups contain as the ‘‘DEA’’) issued a National Drug stopping the production of illicit fentanyl members with the necessary abilities, expe- Threat Assessment Summary, which found and its trafficking into the United States; rience, and qualifications for any position that Mexican transnational criminal organi- (4) the United States should— available; zations are— (A) support efforts by the Governments of Whereas business practices such as the (1) one of the greatest criminal drug Mexico and China to stop the production of Rooney Rule or the RLJ Rule are neither threats to the United States; and illicit fentanyl and its trafficking into the employment quotas nor Federal law but (2) poly-drug organizations that use estab- United States; and rather voluntary initiatives instituted by lished transportation routes and distribution (B) take further measures to reduce and willing entities to provide the human re- networks to traffic heroin, methamphet- prevent heroin and fentanyl consumption sources necessary to ensure success; amine, cocaine, and marijuana throughout through— Whereas experience has shown that people the United States; (i) enhanced enforcement to reduce the il- of all genders, colors, and physical abilities Whereas, in 2016, the DEA issued a Na- legal supply; and can achieve excellence; tional Heroin Threat Assessment Summary, (ii) increased use of evidence-based preven- Whereas the increased involvement of which found that ‘‘starting in late 2013, sev- tion, treatment, and recovery services; and underrepresented workers would improve the eral states reported spikes in overdose (5) the United States Government, includ- economy of the United States and the experi- deaths due to fentanyl and its analog acetyl- ing the Secretary of State, the Attorney ence of the people of the United States; and fentanyl’’; General, the Secretary of Homeland Secu- Whereas ensuring the increased exposure, Whereas the 2016 National Heroin Threat rity, and the Director of the Office of Na- and resulting increased advancement, of di- Assessment Summary found that— tional Drug Control Policy, should use the verse and qualified candidates would result (1) Mexican drug traffickers are expanding broad diplomatic and law enforcement re- in gains by all people of the United States their operations to gain a larger share of sources of the United States, in partnership through stronger economic opportunities: eastern United States heroin markets; and with the Governments of Mexico and China, Now, therefore, be it (2) the availability of heroin is increasing to stop the production of illicit fentanyl and Resolved, That the Senate encourages each throughout the United States; its trafficking into the United States. corporate, academic, and social entity, re- Whereas between 2013 and 2014, there were gardless of size or field of operation, to— more than 700 fentanyl-related deaths in the f (1) develop an internal rule modeled after a United States; successful business practice, such as the Whereas the number of deaths attributable Rooney Rule or RLJ Rule, and, in accord- to illicit fentanyl may be significantly SENATE RESOLUTION 11—ENCOUR- ance with title VII of the Civil Rights Act of underreported because— AGING THE DEVELOPMENT OF (1) coroners and medical examiners do not BEST BUSINESS PRACTICES TO 1964 (42 U.S.C. 2000e et seq.), adapt that rule test, or lack the resources to test, routinely FULLY UTILIZE THE POTENTIAL to specifications that will best fit the proce- dures of the individual entity; and for fentanyl; OF THE UNITED STATES (2) crime laboratories lack the resources to (2) institute the individualized rule de- test routinely for fentanyl; and Mr. SCOTT (for himself, Mr. scribed in paragraph (1) to ensure that the (3) illicit fentanyl deaths may erroneously PORTMAN, Mr. RUBIO, Mr. BOOKER, Mr. entity will always consider candidates from be attributed to heroin; PAUL, and Mr. BROWN) submitted the underrepresented populations before making Whereas, in March 2015, the DEA issued a following resolution; which was re- a final decision with respect to selecting a business vendor or filling a leadership posi- nationwide alert on illicit fentanyl as a ferred to the Committee on Health, threat to health and public safety; tion. Whereas illicit fentanyl has the potential Education, Labor, and Pensions: to endanger public health workers, first re- S. RES. 11 f sponders, and law enforcement personnel Whereas the Rooney Rule, formulated by who may unwittingly come into contact Daniel Rooney, chairman of the Pittsburgh AMENDMENTS SUBMITTED AND with illicit fentanyl by accidentally inhaling Steelers football team in the National Foot- PROPOSED airborne powder; ball League (referred to in this preamble as Whereas, according to the DEA— the ‘‘NFL’’), requires each NFL team with a SA 56. Mr. KING submitted an amendment (1) Mexico is the primary source for illicit job opening for a coach or general manager intended to be proposed by him to the con- fentanyl trafficked into the United States; position to interview at least 1 minority can- current resolution S. Con. Res. 3, setting and didate for that position; forth the congressional budget for the United (2) distributors in China are the source of Whereas the Rooney Rule has been success- States Government for fiscal year 2017 and the fentanyl analogs and the precursor ful in increasing minority representation in setting forth the appropriate budgetary lev- chemicals to manufacture fentanyl analogs higher leadership positions in professional els for fiscal years 2018 through 2026; which that are found in Mexico and Canada; football, as shown by the fact that, in the 80 was ordered to lie on the table. Whereas fentanyl produced illicitly in years between the hiring of Fritz Pollard as SA 57. Mr. KING (for himself and Mr. BEN- Mexico is— coach of the Akron Pros and the implemen- NET) submitted an amendment intended to (1) smuggled across the southwest border tation of the Rooney Rule in 2003, only 7 mi- be proposed by him to the concurrent resolu- of the United States, or delivered through nority head coaches were hired but, since tion S. Con. Res. 3, supra; which was ordered mail and express consignment couriers; and (2) often mixed with heroin or diluents in 2003, 15 minority head coaches have been to lie on the table. the United States and then distributed in the hired; SA 58. Mr. KING (for himself and Mr. same United States markets in which white Whereas the Rooney Rule has dem- SCHATZ) submitted an amendment intended powder heroin is distributed; and onstrated that once highly qualified and to be proposed by him to the concurrent res- Whereas United States law enforcement of- highly skilled diversity candidates are given olution S. Con. Res. 3, supra; which was or- ficials have recently seen— exposure during the hiring process, the abili- dered to lie on the table. (1) an influx of illicit fentanyl into the ties of those diversity candidates can be bet- SA 59. Mr. KING submitted an amendment United States directly from China; ter utilized; intended to be proposed by him to the con- (2) shipments of the equipment to manu- Whereas the RLJ Rule, formulated by Rob- current resolution S. Con. Res. 3, supra; facture illicit fentanyl, such as pill presses; ert L. Johnson, founder of Black Entertain- which was ordered to lie on the table. and ment Television (commonly known as SA 60. Mr. KING submitted an amendment (3) some illicit fentanyl products being ‘‘BET’’) and The RLJ Companies, and based intended to be proposed by him to the con- smuggled into the United States across the on the Rooney Rule from the NFL, similarly current resolution S. Con. Res. 3, supra; northern border with Canada: Now, there- encourages companies to voluntarily estab- which was ordered to lie on the table. fore, be it lish a best practices policy to identify mi- SA 61. Mr. CASEY (for himself, Mr. Resolved, That it is the sense of the Senate nority candidates and minority vendors by CARDIN, Mr. BROWN, and Mr. KING) submitted that— implementing a plan to interview— an amendment intended to be proposed by (1) the use of illicit fentanyl in the United (1) not fewer than 2 qualified minority can- him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. States and the resulting overdose deaths are didates for each managerial opening at the Res. 3, supra; which was ordered to lie on the a public health crisis; director level and above; and table.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:06 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10JA6.026 S10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S210 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 10, 2017 SA 62. Mr. MANCHIN (for himself and Mrs. SA 78. Mr. DURBIN (for himself, Ms. SA 92. Ms. STABENOW submitted an GILLIBRAND) submitted an amendment in- HEITKAMP, and Mr. BOOKER) submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by her tended to be proposed by him to the concur- amendment intended to be proposed by him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 3, rent resolution S. Con. Res. 3, supra; which to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 3, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. was ordered to lie on the table. supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 93. Ms. STABENOW (for herself, Mr. SA 63. Mr. MANCHIN (for himself, Ms. SA 79. Mr. DURBIN (for himself and Ms. CARPER, and Mrs. GILLIBRAND) submitted an BALDWIN, Mr. MARKEY, Mr. DURBIN, Ms. HAS- KLOBUCHAR) submitted an amendment in- amendment intended to be proposed by her SAN, Mr. BROWN, Mr. UDALL, Ms. KLOBUCHAR, tended to be proposed by him to the concur- to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 3, Mr. BLUMENTHAL, Mr. LEAHY, Mr. KING, Mrs. rent resolution S. Con. Res. 3, supra; which supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. GILLIBRAND, Mr. WHITEHOUSE, Mr. CARPER, was ordered to lie on the table. SA 94. Ms. STABENOW (for herself, Mr. Mrs. FEINSTEIN, Ms. STABENOW, Mr. DON- SA 80. Mr. DURBIN (for himself and Ms. CARDIN, Mr. MURPHY, Mr. DURBIN, Ms. CANT- NELLY, Mr. KAINE, Mr. WARNER, Mr. CARDIN, KLOBUCHAR) submitted an amendment in- WELL, Mr. FRANKEN, Mr. CARPER, Ms. BALD- Mrs. SHAHEEN, and Mr. VAN HOLLEN) sub- tended to be proposed by him to the concur- WIN, Mr. PETERS, Mr. BROWN, and Mr. UDALL) mitted an amendment intended to be pro- rent resolution S. Con. Res. 3, supra; which submitted an amendment intended to be pro- posed by him to the concurrent resolution S. was ordered to lie on the table. posed by her to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 3, supra; which was ordered to lie SA 81. Ms. BALDWIN (for herself, Mr. VAN Con. Res. 3, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. HOLLEN, Ms. STABENOW, Mr. BOOKER, Mr. on the table. SA 64. Mr. MANCHIN (for himself, Mr. KING, Mr. BROWN, Mr. COONS, and Mr. SA 95. Mr. MARKEY (for himself, Mr. FRANKEN) submitted an amendment intended DURBIN, Mr. HEINRICH, Mr. UDALL, Mr. FRANKEN, and Mr. BROWN) submitted an to be proposed by her to the concurrent reso- FRANKEN, Ms. KLOBUCHAR, Ms. HEITKAMP, amendment intended to be proposed by him lution S. Con. Res. 3, supra; which was or- Mr. VAN HOLLEN, Mr. CASEY, Mr. TESTER, to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 3, dered to lie on the table. Mr. BENNET, Ms. BALDWIN, Ms. STABENOW, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 82. Mrs. GILLIBRAND (for herself, Ms. Mr. DONNELLY, Mrs. SHAHEEN, Mr. WARNER, SA 96. Mr. MARKEY submitted an amend- HIRONO, Mrs. MURRAY, Ms. HASSAN, Mr. and Mr. KING) submitted an amendment in- ment intended to be proposed by him to the BLUMENTHAL, Mrs. SHAHEEN, Mrs. FEINSTEIN, tended to be proposed by him to the concur- concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 3, supra; Mr. SCHUMER, Ms. STABENOW, Mr. BROWN, Mr. rent resolution S. Con. Res. 3, supra; which which was ordered to lie on the table. CARPER, Mr. UDALL, and Mr. CARDIN) sub- SA 97. Mr. BLUMENTHAL (for himself and was ordered to lie on the table. mitted an amendment intended to be pro- SA 65. Mr. MANCHIN (for himself, Mr. Ms. KLOBUCHAR) submitted an amendment posed by her to the concurrent resolution S. intended to be proposed by him to the con- WARNER, Mr. BROWN, Mr. COONS, Mr. VAN Con. Res. 3, supra; which was ordered to lie current resolution S. Con. Res. 3, supra; HOLLEN, Mr. KAINE, and Mr. CASEY) sub- on the table. mitted an amendment intended to be pro- which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 83. Mr. MENENDEZ (for himself, Mr. SA 98. Mr. MURPHY submitted an amend- posed by him to the concurrent resolution S. DURBIN, Ms. HASSAN, Mr. LEAHY, Mr. HEIN- ment intended to be proposed by him to the Con. Res. 3, supra; which was ordered to lie RICH, Mr. FRANKEN, Mrs. FEINSTEIN, Mr. concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 3, supra; on the table. REED, Mrs. MURRAY, Mr. CARPER, Mr. which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 66. Mr. REED (for himself, Mr. BLUMENTHAL, Mr. BOOKER, Mr. BROWN, Ms. SA 99. Mr. MURPHY submitted an amend- BLUMENTHAL, Mr. VAN HOLLEN, and Ms. WAR- CANTWELL, Mr. CARDIN, Mr. COONS, Ms. ment intended to be proposed by him to the REN) submitted an amendment intended to HIRONO, Mr. MARKEY, Mr. MURPHY, Mrs. SHA- concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 3, supra; be proposed by him to the concurrent resolu- HEEN, Mr. UDALL, Mrs. GILLIBRAND, Ms. KLO- which was ordered to lie on the table. tion S. Con. Res. 3, supra; which was ordered BUCHAR, Mr. WYDEN, and Ms. STABENOW) sub- SA 100. Ms. CANTWELL (for herself, Mr. to lie on the table. mitted an amendment intended to be pro- CARPER, Mr. BENNET, Mr. WHITEHOUSE, Mrs. SA 67. Mr. CARDIN submitted an amend- posed by him to the concurrent resolution S. SHAHEEN, and Mr. MURPHY) submitted an ment intended to be proposed by him to the Con. Res. 3, supra; which was ordered to lie amendment intended to be proposed by her concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 3, supra; on the table. to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 3, which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 84. Mr. DURBIN (for himself, Mr. supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 68. Mr. CARDIN (for himself, Mr. BROWN, Mr. MURPHY, and Mr. KING) sub- SA 101. Mr. BENNET submitted an amend- BROWN, and Mr. CARPER) submitted an mitted an amendment intended to be pro- ment intended to be proposed by him to the amendment intended to be proposed by him posed by him to the concurrent resolution S. concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 3, supra; to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 3, Con. Res. 3, supra; which was ordered to lie which was ordered to lie on the table. supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. on the table. SA 102. Mr. BENNET (for himself and Mr. SA 69. Mr. BENNET submitted an amend- SA 85. Ms. HASSAN (for herself, Mr. BLUMENTHAL) submitted an amendment in- ment intended to be proposed by him to the BROWN, Mrs. SHAHEEN, and Ms. BALDWIN) tended to be proposed by him to the concur- concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 3, supra; submitted an amendment intended to be pro- rent resolution S. Con. Res. 3, supra; which which was ordered to lie on the table. posed by her to the concurrent resolution S. was ordered to lie on the table. SA 70. Mr. BENNET (for himself, Mr. KING, Con. Res. 3, supra; which was ordered to lie SA 103. Mr. TESTER (for himself, Mr. and Mr. CARPER) submitted an amendment on the table. BROWN, and Mrs. MURRAY) submitted an intended to be proposed by him to the con- SA 86. Mr. BROWN (for himself, Mr. REED, amendment intended to be proposed by him current resolution S. Con. Res. 3, supra; Ms. STABENOW, Mr. CARPER, Mr. UDALL, Mr. to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 3, which was ordered to lie on the table. CASEY, Mr. BOOKER, Mr. WHITEHOUSE, Mrs. supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 71. Mr. BOOKER submitted an amend- GILLIBRAND, Mr. DURBIN, Ms. BALDWIN, Ms. SA 104. Mr. TESTER submitted an amend- ment intended to be proposed by him to the WARREN, Mr. CARDIN, Mr. KING, and Mr. ment intended to be proposed by him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 3, supra; BLUMENTHAL) submitted an amendment in- concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 3, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. tended to be proposed by him to the concur- which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 72. Mr. BOOKER submitted an amend- rent resolution S. Con. Res. 3, supra; which SA 105. Mr. TESTER submitted an amend- ment intended to be proposed by him to the was ordered to lie on the table. ment intended to be proposed by him to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 3, supra; SA 87. Mr. WARNER (for himself, Ms. STA- concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 3, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. BENOW, Mr. KAINE, Mr. PETERS, Mr. MARKEY, which was ordered to lie on the table. SA 73. Mr. BOOKER submitted an amend- Mrs. GILLIBRAND, Mr. KING, Mr. NELSON, Ms. SA 106. Mr. CORKER (for himself, Mr. ment intended to be proposed by him to the WARREN, and Mr. BENNET) submitted an PORTMAN, Ms. COLLINS, Ms. MURKOWSKI, and concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 3, supra; amendment intended to be proposed by him Mr. CASSIDY) submitted an amendment in- which was ordered to lie on the table. to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 3, tended to be proposed by him to the concur- SA 74. Mr. BOOKER submitted an amend- supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. rent resolution S. Con. Res. 3, supra; which ment intended to be proposed by him to the SA 88. Mr. WARNER submitted an amend- was ordered to lie on the table. concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 3, supra; ment intended to be proposed by him to the SA 107. Mr. HEINRICH submitted an which was ordered to lie on the table. concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 3, supra; amendment intended to be proposed by him SA 75. Mr. BOOKER submitted an amend- which was ordered to lie on the table. to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 3, ment intended to be proposed by him to the SA 89. Mr. CARPER submitted an amend- supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 3, supra; ment intended to be proposed by him to the SA 108. Mr. UDALL (for himself and Mr. which was ordered to lie on the table. concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 3, supra; HEINRICH) submitted an amendment intended SA 76. Mr. BOOKER (for himself, Mr. MAR- which was ordered to lie on the table. to be proposed by him to the concurrent res- KEY, and Mr. VAN HOLLEN) submitted an SA 90. Mr. CARPER (for himself, Mr. DUR- olution S. Con. Res. 3, supra; which was or- amendment intended to be proposed by him BIN, and Mr. BLUMENTHAL) submitted an dered to lie on the table. to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 3, amendment intended to be proposed by him SA 109. Mr. UDALL (for himself, Mr. supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 3, TESTER, Ms. CANTWELL, Mr. FRANKEN, Ms. SA 77. Mr. BOOKER (for himself, Mr. MAR- supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. HEITKAMP, Mr. HEINRICH, and Mr. SCHATZ) KEY, and Mr. VAN HOLLEN) submitted an SA 91. Ms. STABENOW submitted an submitted an amendment intended to be pro- amendment intended to be proposed by him amendment intended to be proposed by her posed by him to the concurrent resolution S. to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 3, to the concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 3, Con. Res. 3, supra; which was ordered to lie supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. on the table.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:12 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00030 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10JA6.028 S10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE January 10, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S211 SA 110. Mr. HEINRICH (for himself, Mr. appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal only by an affirmative vote of three-fifths of BENNET, Mr. WYDEN, Mr. UDALL, Mr. TESTER, years 2018 through 2026; which was or- the Members, duly chosen and sworn. An af- and Mr. MERKLEY) submitted an amendment dered to lie on the table; as follows: firmative vote of three-fifths of the Members intended to be proposed by him to the con- of the Senate, duly chosen and sworn, shall At the end of title III, add the following: current resolution S. Con. Res. 3, supra; be required to sustain an appeal of the ruling which was ordered to lie on the table. SEC. 3lll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND of the Chair on a point of order raised under RELATING TO COVERAGE OF CER- f TAIN FALL PREVENTION SERVICES subsection (a). UNDER THE MEDICARE PROGRAM. TEXT OF AMENDMENTS The Chairman of the Committee on the SA 61. Mr. CASEY (for himself, Mr. SA 56. Mr. KING submitted an Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- CARDIN, Mr. BROWN, and Mr. KING) sub- amendment intended to be proposed by tions of a committee or committees, aggre- mitted an amendment intended to be him to the concurrent resolution S. gates, and other appropriate levels in this proposed by him to the concurrent res- resolution for one or more bills, joint resolu- olution S. Con. Res. 3, setting forth the Con. Res. 3, setting forth the congres- tions, amendments, amendments between sional budget for the United States congressional budget for the United the Houses, motions, or conference reports States Government for fiscal year 2017 Government for fiscal year 2017 and relating to requiring coverage of certain fall setting forth the appropriate budgetary prevention services under the Medicare pro- and setting forth the appropriate budg- levels for fiscal years 2018 through 2026; gram by the amounts provided in such legis- etary levels for fiscal years 2018 which was ordered to lie on the table; lation for those purposes, provided that such through 2026; which was ordered to lie as follows: legislation would not increase the deficit on the table; as follows: over either the period of the total of fiscal At the end of title III, add the following: At the end of title IV, add the following: years 2017 through 2021 or the period of the SEC. 4ll. POINT OF ORDER AGAINST LEGISLA- SEC. 3lll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND total of fiscal years 2017 through 2026. TION THAT WOULD MAKE PEOPLE RELATING TO PRESERVING AND EX- WITH DISABILITIES AND CHRONIC TENDING MATERNAL, INFANT, AND SA 59. Mr. KING submitted an CONDITIONS SICK AGAIN. CHILD HEALTH THROUGH THE DE- PARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN amendment intended to be proposed by (a) POINT OF ORDER.—It shall not be in SERVICES. him to the concurrent resolution S. order in the Senate to consider any bill, The Chairman of the Committee on the Con. Res. 3, setting forth the congres- joint resolution, motion, amendment, Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- sional budget for the United States amendment between the Houses, or con- tions of a committee or committees, aggre- Government for fiscal year 2017 and ference report that would— gates, and other appropriate levels in this setting forth the appropriate budgetary (1) limit, reduce, or eliminate access to care for anyone with a pre-existing condi- resolution for one or more bills, joint resolu- levels for fiscal years 2018 through 2026; tions, amendments, amendments between tion, such as a disability or chronic condi- the Houses, motions, or conference reports which was ordered to lie on the table; tion, as provided under section 2704 of the relating to preserving and extending mater- as follows: Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 300gg–3), nal, infant, and child health through the De- At the end of title III, add the following: as amended by the Patient Protection and partment of Health and Human Services by SEC. 3lll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND Affordable Care Act (Public Law 111–148); the amounts provided in such legislation for RELATING TO MENTAL HEALTH AND (2) place a lifetime or annual cap on health those purposes, provided that such legisla- SUBSTANCE USE DISORDER HEALTH insurance coverage for an individual with a CARE COVERAGE. tion would not increase the deficit over ei- disability or a chronic condition, as provided The Chairman of the Committee on the ther the period of the total of fiscal years under section 2711 of the Public Health Serv- Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- 2017 through 2021 or the period of the total of ice Act (42 U.S.C. 300gg–11), as amended by tions of a committee or committees, aggre- fiscal years 2017 through 2026. the Patient Protection and Affordable Care gates, and other appropriate levels in this Act; or resolution for one or more bills, joint resolu- SA 57. Mr. KING (for himself and Mr. (3) allow a health plan or a provider to dis- tions, amendments, amendments between criminate on the basis of an applicant’s BENNET) submitted an amendment in- the Houses, motions, or conference reports tended to be proposed by him to the physical health, mental health, or disability relating to the provision of health care for status to increase the cost of care, provide concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 3, mental health and substance use disorders for fewer benefits, or in any way decrease ac- setting forth the congressional budget by ensuring that such care is included as es- cess to health care as afforded under title I for the United States Government for sential health benefits and providing Federal of the Patient Protection and Affordable fiscal year 2017 and setting forth the parity protections for mental health and Care Act. appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal substance use disorders by the amounts pro- (b) WAIVER AND APPEAL.—Subsection (a) years 2018 through 2026; which was or- vided in such legislation for those purposes, may be waived or suspended in the Senate provided that such legislation would not in- dered to lie on the table; as follows: only by an affirmative vote of three-fifths of crease the deficit over either the period of the Members, duly chosen and sworn. An af- At the end of title III, add the following: the total of fiscal years 2017 through 2021 or firmative vote of three-fifths of the Members SEC. 3lll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND the period of the total of fiscal years 2017 of the Senate, duly chosen and sworn, shall RELATING TO THE NATIONAL through 2026. be required to sustain an appeal of the ruling HEALTH SERVICE CORPS. of the Chair on a point of order raised under The Chairman of the Committee on the SA 60. Mr. KING submitted an subsection (a). Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- amendment intended to be proposed by tions of a committee or committees, aggre- him to the concurrent resolution S. SA 62. Mr. MANCHIN (for himself and gates, and other appropriate levels in this Con. Res. 3, setting forth the congres- Mrs. GILLIBRAND) submitted an amend- resolution for one or more bills, joint resolu- sional budget for the United States tions, amendments, amendments between ment intended to be proposed by him the Houses, motions, or conference reports Government for fiscal year 2017 and to the concurrent resolution S. Con. relating to maintaining, preserving, sus- setting forth the appropriate budgetary Res. 3, setting forth the congressional taining, and expanding the National Health levels for fiscal years 2018 through 2026; budget for the United States Govern- Service Corps program, which may include which was ordered to lie on the table; ment for fiscal year 2017 and setting increasing the number of clinicians fulfilling as follows: forth the appropriate budgetary levels a service obligation in exchange for scholar- At the end of title IV, add the following: for fiscal years 2018 through 2026; which ship or loan repayment, by the amounts pro- SEC. 4ll. POINT OF ORDER AGAINST LEGISLA- was ordered to lie on the table; as fol- vided in such legislation for those purposes, TION THAT WOULD REDUCE HEALTH lows: provided that such legislation would not in- INSURANCE ACCESS AND AFFORD- crease the deficit over either the period of ABILITY FOR INDIVIDUALS BASED At the end of title IV, add the following: the total of fiscal years 2017 through 2021 or ON THEIR OCCUPATION. SEC. 4ll. POINT OF ORDER AGAINST AN IN- the period of the total of fiscal years 2017 (a) POINT OF ORDER.—It shall not be in CREASE IN THE DEFICIT. through 2026. order in the Senate to consider any bill, (a) POINT OF ORDER.—It shall not be in joint resolution, motion, amendment, order in the Senate to consider any bill or SA 58. Mr. KING (for himself and Mr. amendment between the Houses, or con- joint resolution reported pursuant to section SCHATZ) submitted an amendment in- ference report that would reduce health in- 2001 or 2002, or an amendment to, motion on, tended to be proposed by him to the surance access and affordability for individ- conference report on, or amendment between the Houses in relation to such a bill or joint concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 3, uals based on their occupation, unless legis- lation is enacted to provide comparable ben- resolution, that would increase the on-budg- setting forth the congressional budget efits and protections for such individuals. et deficit or cause an on-budget deficit, as for the United States Government for (b) WAIVER AND APPEAL.—Subsection (a) calculated under subsection (b), in any of fis- fiscal year 2017 and setting forth the may be waived or suspended in the Senate cal years 2017 through 2026.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:06 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00031 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10JA6.030 S10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S212 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 10, 2017 (b) DETERMINATION OF BUDGET LEVELS.— HEITKAMP, Mr. VAN HOLLEN, Mr. CASEY, (b) WAIVER AND APPEAL.—Subsection (a) For purposes of this section, the levels of Mr. TESTER, Mr. BENNET, Ms. BALDWIN, may be waived or suspended in the Senate new budget authority, outlays, and revenues Ms. STABENOW, Mr. DONNELLY, Mrs. only by an affirmative vote of three-fifths of for a fiscal year shall be determined on the the Members, duly chosen and sworn. An af- SHAHEEN, Mr. WARNER, and Mr. KING) basis of estimates made by the Chairman of firmative vote of three-fifths of the Members the Committee on the Budget of the Senate submitted an amendment intended to of the Senate, duly chosen and sworn, shall and shall be calculated without regard to be proposed by him to the concurrent be required to sustain an appeal of the ruling any adjustment made under section 3001 or resolution S. Con. Res. 3, setting forth of the Chair on a point of order raised under 3002. the congressional budget for the United subsection (a). (c) FORM OF THE POINT OF ORDER.—A point States Government for fiscal year 2017 of order under subsection (a) may be raised and setting forth the appropriate budg- SA 66. Mr. REED (for himself, Mr. by a Senator as provided in section 313(e) of etary levels for fiscal years 2018 BLUMENTHAL, Mr. VAN HOLLEN, and Ms. the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 (2 through 2026; which was ordered to lie WARREN) submitted an amendment in- U.S.C. 644(e)). on the table; as follows: tended to be proposed by him to the (d) SUPERMAJORITY WAIVER AND APPEAL.— concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 3, At the end of title IV, add the following: Subsection (a) may be waived or suspended setting forth the congressional budget in the Senate only by an affirmative vote of SEC. 4ll. POINT OF ORDER AGAINST LEGISLA- three-fifths of the Members, duly chosen and TION THAT WOULD FINANCIALLY for the United States Government for sworn. An affirmative vote of three-fifths of HARM RURAL HOSPITALS AND fiscal year 2017 and setting forth the the Members of the Senate, duly chosen and HEALTH CARE PROVIDERS BY RE- appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal DUCING THE NUMBER OF PEOPLE IN sworn, shall be required to sustain an appeal RURAL COMMUNITIES WITH ACCESS years 2018 through 2026; which was or- of the ruling of the Chair on a point of order TO HEALTH INSURANCE. dered to lie on the table; as follows: raised under subsection (a). (a) POINT OF ORDER.—It shall not be in At the end of title IV, add the following: order in the Senate to consider any bill, SEC. 4ll. POINT OF ORDER AGAINST CUTTING SA 63. Mr. MANCHIN (for himself, joint resolution, motion, amendment, LONG-TERM SERVICES AND SUP- Ms. BALDWIN, Mr. MARKEY, Mr. DURBIN, amendment between the Houses, or con- PORTS FOR SENIORS. Ms. HASSAN, Mr. BROWN, Mr. UDALL, ference report if the Congressional Budget (a) POINT OF ORDER.—It shall not be in Ms. KLOBUCHAR, Mr. BLUMENTHAL, Mr. Office has determined that it would— order in the Senate to consider any bill, joint resolution, motion, amendment, LEAHY, Mr. KING, Mrs. GILLIBRAND, Mr. (1) cause an increase in the rate of unin- sured individuals and families in rural com- amendment between the Houses, or con- WHITEHOUSE, Mr. CARPER, Mrs. FEIN- munities by an amount sufficient to substan- ference report that would cut long term serv- STEIN, Ms. STABENOW, Mr. DONNELLY, tially weaken the financial viability of rural ices and supports for seniors, including nurs- Mr. KAINE, Mr. WARNER, Mr. CARDIN, hospitals (including small hospitals), clinics ing home care and home and community- Mrs. SHAHEEN, and Mr. VAN HOLLEN) (including community health centers), or based care, under the Medicaid program submitted an amendment intended to other health care providers; or under title XIX of the Social Security Act be proposed by him to the concurrent (2) reduce Federal funds upon which rural (42 U.S.C. 1396 et seq.). resolution S. Con. Res. 3, setting forth hospitals and community health centers (b) WAIVER AND APPEAL.—Subsection (a) the congressional budget for the United rely. may be waived or suspended in the Senate only by an affirmative vote of three-fifths of States Government for fiscal year 2017 (b) WAIVER AND APPEAL.—Subsection (a) may be waived or suspended in the Senate the Members, duly chosen and sworn. An af- and setting forth the appropriate budg- only by an affirmative vote of three-fifths of firmative vote of three-fifths of the Members etary levels for fiscal years 2018 the Members, duly chosen and sworn. An af- of the Senate, duly chosen and sworn, shall through 2026; which was ordered to lie firmative vote of three-fifths of the Members be required to sustain an appeal of the ruling on the table; as follows: of the Senate, duly chosen and sworn, shall of the Chair on a point of order raised under At the end of title IV, add the following: be required to sustain an appeal of the ruling subsection (a). of the Chair on a point of order raised under SEC. 4ll. POINT OF ORDER AGAINST LEGISLA- SA 67. Mr. CARDIN submitted an TION THAT WOULD REDUCE ACCESS subsection (a). TO SUBSTANCE USE DISORDER PRE- amendment intended to be proposed by VENTION, TREATMENT, AND RECOV- SA 65. Mr. MANCHIN (for himself, him to the concurrent resolution S. ERY SERVICES AND WORSEN THE Mr. WARNER, Mr. BROWN, Mr. COONS, Con. Res. 3, setting forth the congres- OPIOID EPIDEMIC. Mr. VAN HOLLEN, Mr. KAINE, and Mr. sional budget for the United States (a) POINT OF ORDER.—It shall not be in CASEY) submitted an amendment in- Government for fiscal year 2017 and order in the Senate to consider any bill, joint resolution, motion, amendment, tended to be proposed by him to the setting forth the appropriate budgetary amendment between the Houses, or con- concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 3, levels for fiscal years 2018 through 2026; ference report that would reduce the expan- setting forth the congressional budget which was ordered to lie on the table; sion of access to substance use disorder pre- for the United States Government for as follows: vention, treatment, and recovery services es- fiscal year 2017 and setting forth the At the end of title IV, add the following: tablished through the expansion of the Med- appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal SEC. 4ll. POINT OF ORDER AGAINST LEGISLA- icaid program under section XIX of the So- years 2018 through 2026; which was or- TION THAT WOULD ELIMINATE OR cial Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1396 et seq.) and dered to lie on the table; as follows: REDUCE ACCESS TO PREVENTIVE the consumer protections in the health in- SERVICES THAT ARE CURRENTLY surance market, including protections for in- At the end of title IV, add the following: OFFERED WITHOUT COPAYMENT OR dividuals with pre-existing conditions, the SEC. 4ll. POINT OF ORDER AGAINST LEGISLA- COST-SHARING UNDER THE PATIENT PROTECTION AND AFFORDABLE establishment of mental health and sub- TION THAT WOULD REDUCE BLACK LUNG BENEFITS FOR MINERS DIS- CARE ACT. stance use disorder services as essential ABLED BY BLACK LUNG DISEASE (a) POINT OF ORDER.—It shall not be in health benefits, the requirement that pre- AND THEIR SURVIVORS. order in the Senate to consider any bill, ventive services such as substance use dis- (a) POINT OF ORDER.—It shall not be in joint resolution, motion, amendment, order screenings be covered without cost- order in the Senate to consider any bill, amendment between the Houses, or con- sharing at the point of service, and the ex- joint resolution, motion, amendment, ference report that would eliminate or re- pansion of mental health parity and addic- amendment between the Houses, or con- duce access to preventive services that are tion equity law to cover health plans in the ference report that would eliminate or weak- currently offered without copayment or cost- individual market, and in so doing, worsen en the amendments to the Black Lung Bene- sharing under the Patient Protection and Af- the opioid epidemic. fits Act (30 U.S.C. 901 et seq.) made by sec- fordable Care Act (Public Law 111–148), in- (b) WAIVER AND APPEAL.—Subsection (a) tion 1556 of the Patient Protection and Af- cluding blood pressure screening, colorectal may be waived or suspended in the Senate fordable Care Act (Public Law 111–148), screening, breast cancer screening, cervical only by an affirmative vote of three-fifths of which— cancer screening, and domestic and inter- the Members, duly chosen and sworn. An af- (1) require the presumption of total dis- personal violence screening and counseling. firmative vote of three-fifths of the Members ability or death caused by pneumoconiosis (b) WAIVER AND APPEAL.—Subsection (a) of the Senate, duly chosen and sworn, shall for coal miners who worked for at least 15 may be waived or suspended in the Senate be required to sustain an appeal of the ruling years in underground mining and who suffer only by an affirmative vote of three-fifths of of the Chair on a point of order raised under or suffered from a totally disabling res- the Members, duly chosen and sworn. An af- subsection (a). piratory impairment; and firmative vote of three-fifths of the Members (2) provide automatic entitlement for eligi- of the Senate, duly chosen and sworn, shall SA 64. Mr. MANCHIN (for himself, ble survivors of miners who were themselves be required to sustain an appeal of the ruling Mr. DURBIN, Mr. HEINRICH, Mr. UDALL, entitled to receive benefits as a result of a of the Chair on a point of order raised under Mr. FRANKEN, Ms. KLOBUCHAR, Ms. lifetime claim. subsection (a).

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:06 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00032 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10JA6.032 S10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE January 10, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S213 SA 68. Mr. CARDIN (for himself, Mr. him to the concurrent resolution S. levels for fiscal years 2018 through 2026; BROWN, and Mr. CARPER) submitted an Con. Res. 3, setting forth the congres- which was ordered to lie on the table; amendment intended to be proposed by sional budget for the United States as follows: him to the concurrent resolution S. Government for fiscal year 2017 and At the end of title IV, add the following: Con. Res. 3, setting forth the congres- setting forth the appropriate budgetary SEC. 4ll. POINT OF ORDER AGAINST LEGISLA- sional budget for the United States levels for fiscal years 2018 through 2026; TION THAT WOULD REDUCE COV- ERAGE FOR CHILDREN WITH AU- Government for fiscal year 2017 and which was ordered to lie on the table; TISM SPECTRUM DISORDERS. setting forth the appropriate budgetary as follows: (a) POINT OF ORDER.—It shall not be in levels for fiscal years 2018 through 2026; At the end of title IV, add the following: order in the Senate to consider any bill, which was ordered to lie on the table; SEC. 4ll. POINT OF ORDER AGAINST PHYSICIAN joint resolution, motion, amendment, as follows: AND NURSE SHORTAGES IN RURAL amendment between the Houses, or con- AND UNDERSERVED AREAS. ference report that would reduce coverage At the end of title IV, add the following: (a) POINT OF ORDER.—It shall not be in for children with Autism Spectrum Disorders SEC. 4ll. POINT OF ORDER AGAINST LEGISLA- by— TION THAT WOULD ELIMINATE OR order in the Senate to consider any bill, REDUCE THE CONSUMER PROTEC- joint resolution, motion, amendment, (1) block granting or imposing per capita TIONS PROVIDED BY THE PATIENT’S amendment between the Houses, or con- caps on State Medicaid programs; and BILL OF RIGHTS UNDER THE PA- ference report that reduces access to pri- (2) repealing the financial assistance avail- TIENT PROTECTION AND AFFORD- mary medical care, dental, and mental able to families to purchase coverage on the ABLE CARE ACT. health services in areas designated as Health health insurance marketplace created under (a) POINT OF ORDER.—It shall not be in Professional Shortage Areas or Medically the Patient Protection and Affordable Care order in the Senate to consider any bill, Underserved Areas or Populations, including Act (Public Law 111-148). joint resolution, motion, amendment, the repeal of provisions in the Patient Pro- (b) WAIVER AND APPEAL.—Subsection (a) amendment between the Houses, or con- tection and Affordable Care Act that— may be waived or suspended in the Senate ference report that would eliminate or re- (1) expand the number of National Health only by an affirmative vote of three-fifths of duce the consumer protections provided by Service Corps providers trained to provide the Members, duly chosen and sworn. An af- the Patient’s Bill of Rights under the Pa- health care services in shortage areas firmative vote of three-fifths of the Members tient Protection and Affordable Care Act through the National Health Service Corps of the Senate, duly chosen and sworn, shall (Public Law 111–148), including the ban on Loan Repayment Program; or be required to sustain an appeal of the ruling health plans discriminating against adults (2) encourage provider training specifically of the Chair on a point of order raised under and children with pre-existing conditions, in rural areas. subsection (a). dropping coverage, limiting coverage under a (b) WAIVER AND APPEAL.—Subsection (a) health plan, limiting choice of doctors, or re- may be waived or suspended in the Senate SA 73. Mr. BOOKER submitted an stricting emergency room care; the guar- only by an affirmative vote of three-fifths of amendment intended to be proposed by antee of an health plan enrollee’s right to the Members, duly chosen and sworn. An af- him to the concurrent resolution S. appeal; coverage of young adults under their firmative vote of three-fifths of the Members Con. Res. 3, setting forth the congres- parents’ health plans; and coverage under a of the Senate, duly chosen and sworn, shall sional budget for the United States health plan of preventive care with no cost. be required to sustain an appeal of the ruling Government for fiscal year 2017 and (b) WAIVER AND APPEAL.—Subsection (a) of the Chair on a point of order raised under setting forth the appropriate budgetary may be waived or suspended in the Senate subsection (a). only by an affirmative vote of three-fifths of levels for fiscal years 2018 through 2026; which was ordered to lie on the table; the Members, duly chosen and sworn. An af- SA 71. Mr. BOOKER submitted an firmative vote of three-fifths of the Members amendment intended to be proposed by as follows: of the Senate, duly chosen and sworn, shall him to the concurrent resolution S. At the end of title III, add the following: be required to sustain an appeal of the ruling SEC. 3lll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND of the Chair on a point of order raised under Con. Res. 3, setting forth the congres- RELATING TO ENSURING THAT subsection (a). sional budget for the United States STATE MEDICAID PROGRAMS’ PAY- Government for fiscal year 2017 and MENT POLICIES ARE ALIGNED WITH SA 69. Mr. BENNET submitted an setting forth the appropriate budgetary THEIR PERIODICITY SCHEDULES. amendment intended to be proposed by levels for fiscal years 2018 through 2026; The Chairman of the Committee on the Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- him to the concurrent resolution S. which was ordered to lie on the table; tions of a committee or committees, aggre- Con. Res. 3, setting forth the congres- as follows: gates, and other appropriate levels in this sional budget for the United States At the appropriate place, add the fol- resolution for one or more bills, joint resolu- Government for fiscal year 2017 and lowing: tions, amendments, amendments between setting forth the appropriate budgetary SEC. lll. SENSE OF THE SENATE THAT MED- the Houses, motions, or conference reports levels for fiscal years 2018 through 2026; ICAID IS ONE OF OUR NATION’S relating to ensuring that the payment poli- which was ordered to lie on the table; MOST IMPORTANT POVERTY-REDUC- cies of State Medicaid programs are aligned ING PROGRAMS. as follows: with the periodicity schedules of such pro- (a) FINDINGS.—The Senate finds the fol- grams by the amounts provided in such legis- At the end of title IV, add the following: lowing: lation for such purpose, provided that such SEC. 4ll. POINT OF ORDER AGAINST LEGISLA- (1) In 2015, more than 60,000,000 Americans legislation would not increase the deficit TION THAT REDUCES ACCESS TO, OR relied on Medicaid for comprehensive, afford- over either the period of the total of fiscal RESULTS IN THE CLOSING OF, able health care coverage. years 2017 through 2021 or the period of the RURAL HOSPITALS. (2) According to the Journal of Health Eco- total of fiscal years 2017 through 2026. (a) POINT OF ORDER.—It shall not be in nomics, in 2010, Medicaid helped to keep at order in the Senate to consider any bill, least 2,600,000 Americans, including adults SA 74. Mr. BOOKER submitted an joint resolution, motion, amendment, with disabilities, the elderly, children, and amendment intended to be proposed by amendment between the Houses, or con- racial and ethnic minorities, out of poverty. ference report that reduces Medicare or pri- him to the concurrent resolution S. (b) SENSE OF THE SENATE.—It is the sense vate health insurance payments under the Con. Res. 3, setting forth the congres- of the Senate that— sional budget for the United States Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (1) Medicaid is one of our Nation’s most to rural hospitals that could lead to a reduc- important poverty-reducing programs; and Government for fiscal year 2017 and tion in health care services provided or the (2) the Medicaid expansion under the Af- setting forth the appropriate budgetary closure of a rural or critical access hospital. fordable Care Act has expanded coverage to levels for fiscal years 2018 through 2026; (b) WAIVER AND APPEAL.—Subsection (a) millions of Americans, which not only en- which was ordered to lie on the table; may be waived or suspended in the Senate sures that more people have access to qual- as follows: only by an affirmative vote of three-fifths of ity, affordable health care, but improves At the end of title IV, add the following: the Members, duly chosen and sworn. An af- Americans’ financial security. firmative vote of three-fifths of the Members SEC. 4ll. POINT OF ORDER AGAINST REDUCING of the Senate, duly chosen and sworn, shall CHILDREN’S ACCESS TO THE EARLY SA 72. Mr. BOOKER submitted an AND PERIODIC SCREENING, DIAG- be required to sustain an appeal of the ruling NOSTIC, AND TREATMENT BENEFIT of the Chair on a point of order raised under amendment intended to be proposed by him to the concurrent resolution S. UNDER THE MEDICAID PROGRAM. subsection (a). (a) POINT OF ORDER.—It shall not be in Con. Res. 3, setting forth the congres- order in the Senate to consider any bill, SA 70. Mr. BENNET (for himself, Mr. sional budget for the United States joint resolution, motion, amendment, KING, and Mr. CARPER) submitted an Government for fiscal year 2017 and amendment between the Houses, or con- amendment intended to be proposed by setting forth the appropriate budgetary ference report that would reduce children’s

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:06 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00033 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10JA6.033 S10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S214 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 10, 2017 access to the Early and Periodic Screening, be required to sustain an appeal of the ruling tion would not increase the deficit over ei- Diagnostic, and Treatment benefit under the of the Chair on a point of order raised under ther the period of the total of fiscal years Medicaid program by block granting or im- subsection (a). 2017 through 2021 or the period of the total of posing per capita caps on State Medicaid fiscal years 2017 through 2026. programs. SA 77. Mr. BOOKER (for himself, Mr. (b) WAIVER AND APPEAL.—Subsection (a) MARKEY, and Mr. VAN HOLLEN) sub- SA 79. Mr. DURBIN (for himself and may be waived or suspended in the Senate mitted an amendment intended to be Ms. KLOBUCHAR) submitted an amend- only by an affirmative vote of three-fifths of proposed by him to the concurrent res- ment intended to be proposed by him the Members, duly chosen and sworn. An af- olution S. Con. Res. 3, setting forth the to the concurrent resolution S. Con. firmative vote of three-fifths of the Members Res. 3, setting forth the congressional of the Senate, duly chosen and sworn, shall congressional budget for the United be required to sustain an appeal of the ruling States Government for fiscal year 2017 budget for the United States Govern- of the Chair on a point of order raised under and setting forth the appropriate budg- ment for fiscal year 2017 and setting subsection (a). etary levels for fiscal years 2018 forth the appropriate budgetary levels through 2026; which was ordered to lie for fiscal years 2018 through 2026; which SA 75. Mr. BOOKER submitted an on the table; as follows: was ordered to lie on the table; as fol- amendment intended to be proposed by At the end of title IV, add the following: lows: him to the concurrent resolution S. SEC. 4ll. POINT OF ORDER AGAINST INCREAS- At the end of title III, add the following: Con. Res. 3, setting forth the congres- ING PREMIUM COSTS ON THE SEC. 3lll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND sional budget for the United States HEALTH INSURANCE MARKETPLACE RELATING TO SUPPORTING STEADY, Government for fiscal year 2017 and BY REPEALING THE MEDICAID EX- PREDICTABLE GROWTH FOR BIO- PANSION UNDER THE AFFORDABLE setting forth the appropriate budgetary MEDICAL RESEARCH. CARE ACT. The Chairman of the Committee on the levels for fiscal years 2018 through 2026; (a) POINT OF ORDER.—It shall not be in Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- which was ordered to lie on the table; order in the Senate to consider any bill, tions of a committee or committees, aggre- as follows: joint resolution, motion, amendment, gates, and other appropriate levels in this At the end of title IV, add the following: amendment between the Houses, or con- resolution for one or more bills, joint resolu- ference report that would increase premium SEC. 4ll. POINT OF ORDER AGAINST DECREAS- tions, amendments, amendments between ING ACCESS TO HEALTH CARE BY costs on the health insurance marketplace the Houses, motions, or conference reports IMPOSING UNREASONABLE WORK by repealing the Medicaid expansion under relating to supporting at least 5 percent real REQUIREMENTS ON MEDICAID the Affordable Care Act which has lowered growth (above inflation) to medical research BENEFICIARIES. premiums costs on the health insurance mar- conducted by each of the National Institutes (a) POINT OF ORDER.—It shall not be in ketplace by 7 percent in States that have ex- of Health, the Centers for Disease Control order in the Senate to consider any bill, panded Medicaid under the Affordable Care and Prevention, the Defense Health Pro- joint resolution, motion, amendment, Act. gram, and the Medical and Prosthetics Re- amendment between the Houses, or con- (b) WAIVER AND APPEAL.—Subsection (a) search Program of the Department of Vet- ference report that would decrease access to may be waived or suspended in the Senate erans Affairs by the amounts provided in health care by imposing unreasonable work only by an affirmative vote of three-fifths of such legislation for those purposes, provided requirements on Medicaid beneficiaries, es- the Members, duly chosen and sworn. An af- that such legislation would not increase the pecially those beneficiaries struggling with firmative vote of three-fifths of the Members deficit over either the period of the total of mental health conditions, substance abuse of the Senate, duly chosen and sworn, shall fiscal years 2017 through 2021 or the period of issues, and homelessness. be required to sustain an appeal of the ruling the total of fiscal years 2017 through 2026. (b) WAIVER AND APPEAL.—Subsection (a) of the Chair on a point of order raised under may be waived or suspended in the Senate subsection (a). SA 80. Mr. DURBIN (for himself and only by an affirmative vote of three-fifths of Ms. KLOBUCHAR) submitted an amend- the Members, duly chosen and sworn. An af- SA 78. Mr. DURBIN (for himself, Ms. ment intended to be proposed by him firmative vote of three-fifths of the Members HEITKAMP, and Mr. BOOKER) submitted to the concurrent resolution S. Con. of the Senate, duly chosen and sworn, shall an amendment intended to be proposed be required to sustain an appeal of the ruling Res. 3, setting forth the congressional by him to the concurrent resolution S. budget for the United States Govern- of the Chair on a point of order raised under Con. Res. 3, setting forth the congres- subsection (a). ment for fiscal year 2017 and setting sional budget for the United States forth the appropriate budgetary levels SA 76. Mr. BOOKER (for himself, Mr. Government for fiscal year 2017 and for fiscal years 2018 through 2026; which MARKEY, and Mr. VAN HOLLEN) sub- setting forth the appropriate budgetary was ordered to lie on the table; as fol- mitted an amendment intended to be levels for fiscal years 2018 through 2026; lows: which was ordered to lie on the table; proposed by him to the concurrent res- At the end of title IV, add the following: as follows: olution S. Con. Res. 3, setting forth the SEC. 4ll. POINT OF ORDER AGAINST LEGISLA- congressional budget for the United At the end of title III, add the following: TION THAT WOULD RESULT IN A RE- States Government for fiscal year 2017 SEC. 3lll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND DUCTION OF FUNDING FOR BIO- and setting forth the appropriate budg- RELATING TO INCREASING FUNDING MEDICAL RESEARCH AGENCIES. etary levels for fiscal years 2018 FOR FEDERAL INVESTMENTS IN (a) POINT OF ORDER.—It shall not be in CHILD TRAUMA PREVENTION, order in the Senate to consider any bill, through 2026; which was ordered to lie SCREENING, AND SUPPORT SERV- joint resolution, motion, amendment, on the table; as follows: ICES. amendment between the Houses, or con- At the end of title IV, add the following: The Chairman of the Committee on the ference report that would result in a reduc- Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- ll tion of funding for the National Institutes of SEC. 4 . POINT OF ORDER AGAINST HARMING tions of a committee or committees, aggre- HOSPITALS AND CLINICS BY RE- Health, the Centers for Disease Control and PEALING THE MEDICAID EXPANSION gates, and other appropriate levels in this Prevention, the Defense Health Program, or AND THE FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE resolution for one or more bills, joint resolu- the Medical and Prosthetics Research Pro- OFFERED ON THE HEALTH INSUR- tions, amendments, amendments between gram of the Department of Veterans Affairs. ANCE MARKETPLACE. the Houses, motions, or conference reports (b) WAIVER AND APPEAL.—Subsection (a) (a) POINT OF ORDER.—It shall not be in relating to increasing funding for Federal in- may be waived or suspended in the Senate order in the Senate to consider any bill, vestments in the prevention, screening, and only by an affirmative vote of three-fifths of joint resolution, motion, amendment, support (including treatment) for children the Members, duly chosen and sworn. An af- amendment between the Houses, or con- and youth who have experienced or are at firmative vote of three-fifths of the Members ference report that would harm hospitals and risk of experiencing trauma, which may in- of the Senate, duly chosen and sworn, shall clinics, particularly those in underserved clude the early identification, screening, and be required to sustain an appeal of the ruling areas, by repealing or cutting Federal finan- expeditious referral to appropriate support of the Chair on a point of order raised under cial assistance for the Medicaid expansion services (including treatment) of children subsection (a). and for the financial assistance offered on and youth, or the implementation of trauma- the health insurance marketplace. informed training, workforce capacity, and SA 81. Ms. BALDWIN (for herself, Mr. (b) WAIVER AND APPEAL.—Subsection (a) interventions by appropriate providers and VAN HOLLEN, Ms. STABENOW, Mr. BOOK- may be waived or suspended in the Senate in settings that may come into contact with only by an affirmative vote of three-fifths of children and youth who have experienced or ER, Mr. KING, Mr. BROWN, Mr. COONS, the Members, duly chosen and sworn. An af- are at risk of experiencing trauma, by the and Mr. FRANKEN) submitted an firmative vote of three-fifths of the Members amounts provided in such legislation for amendment intended to be proposed by of the Senate, duly chosen and sworn, shall those purposes, provided that such legisla- her to the concurrent resolution S.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:06 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00034 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10JA6.034 S10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE January 10, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S215 Con. Res. 3, setting forth the congres- (1) allow insurance companies to discrimi- the Affordable Care Act under section sional budget for the United States nate against women by— 1902(a)(10)(A)(i)(VIII) of the Social Security Government for fiscal year 2017 and (A) charging women higher premiums for Act (42 U.S.C. 1396a(a)(10)(A)(i)(VIII)) would setting forth the appropriate budgetary health care based on their gender; opt to use that eligibility option to expand (B) allowing pregnancy to be used as a pre- eligibility for medical assistance under that levels for fiscal years 2018 through 2026; existing condition by which to deny women program for low-income, non-elderly individ- which was ordered to lie on the table; coverage; uals; and as follows: (C) permitting discrimination against pro- (4) increase the State share of Medicaid At the end of title IV, add the following: viders who provide reproductive health care spending under that eligibility option. SEC. 4ll. DON’T MAKE YOUNG PEOPLE SICK benefits or services to women; or (b) WAIVER AND APPEAL.—Subsection (a) AGAIN. (D) otherwise discriminating against may be waived or suspended in the Senate (a) POINT OF ORDER.—It shall not be in women based on their gender; only by an affirmative vote of three-fifths of order in the Senate to consider any bill, (2) reduce the number of women enrolled in the Members, duly chosen and sworn. An af- joint resolution, motion, amendment, health insurance coverage, as certified by firmative vote of three-fifths of the Members amendment between the Houses, or con- the Congressional Budget Office; or of the Senate, duly chosen and sworn, shall ference report that would make young people (3) eliminate, or reduce the scope or scale be required to sustain an appeal of the ruling sick again. of, the benefits women would have received of the Chair on a point of order raised under (b) LEGISLATION THAT MAKES YOUNG PEO- pursuant to the requirements under title I of subsection (a). PLE SICK AGAIN.—For the purposes of sub- the Patient Protection and Affordable Care section (a), the term ‘‘would make young Act (Public Law 111-148) and the amend- SA 84. Mr. DURBIN (for himself, Mr. people sick again’’ with respect to legisla- ments made to that title. BROWN, Mr. MURPHY, and Mr. KING) tion refers to any provision of a bill, joint (c) WAIVER AND APPEAL.—Subsection (a) submitted an amendment intended to resolution, motion, amendment, amendment may be waived or suspended in the Senate be proposed by him to the concurrent between the Houses, or conference report, only by an affirmative vote of three-fifths of that would— resolution S. Con. Res. 3, setting forth the Members, duly chosen and sworn. An af- the congressional budget for the United (1) reduce the number of young Americans firmative vote of three-fifths of the Members enrolled in public or private health insur- of the Senate, duly chosen and sworn, shall States Government for fiscal year 2017 ance coverage, as determined based on the be required to sustain an appeal of the ruling and setting forth the appropriate budg- March 2016 updated baseline budget projec- of the Chair on a point of order raised under etary levels for fiscal years 2018 tions by the Congressional Budget Office; subsection (a). through 2026; which was ordered to lie (2) weaken dependent coverage of children on the table; as follows: to continue until the child turns 26 years of SA 83. Mr. MENENDEZ (for himself, At the end of title III, add the following: age as afforded to them under Patient Pro- Mr. DURBIN, Ms. HASSAN, Mr. LEAHY, tection and Affordable Care Act (Public Law SEC. 3lll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND RELATING TO REMOVING THE MED- 111-148); Mr. HEINRICH, Mr. FRANKEN, Mrs. FEIN- STEIN, Mr. REED, Mrs. MURRAY, Mr. ICAID IMD EXCLUSION AND IN- (3) weaken access to care by increasing CREASING FUNDING FOR FEDERAL premiums or total out of pocket costs for CARPER, Mr. BLUMENTHAL, Mr. BOOKER, INVESTMENTS IN MENTAL HEALTH young Americans with private insurance. Mr. BROWN, Ms. CANTWELL, Mr. CARDIN, AND SUBSTANCE USE DISORDER (c) WAIVER AND APPEAL.—Subsection (a) Mr. COONS, Ms. HIRONO, Mr. MARKEY, TREATMENT. may be waived or suspended in the Senate Mr. MURPHY, Mrs. SHAHEEN, Mr. The Chairman of the Committee on the Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- only by an affirmative vote of three-fifths of UDALL, Mrs. GILLIBRAND, Ms. KLO- the Members, duly chosen and sworn. An af- tions of a committee or committees, aggre- BUCHAR, Mr. WYDEN, and Ms. STABE- firmative vote of three-fifths of the Members gates, and other appropriate levels in this of the Senate, duly chosen and sworn, shall NOW) submitted an amendment in- resolution for one or more bills, joint resolu- be required to sustain an appeal of the ruling tended to be proposed by him to the tions, amendments, amendments between of the Chair on a point of order raised under concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 3, the Houses, motions, or conference reports subsection (a). setting forth the congressional budget relating to increasing funding for Federal in- for the United States Government for vestments in mental health and substance SA 82. Mrs. GILLIBRAND (for her- fiscal year 2017 and setting forth the use disorder treatment, including for the self, Ms. HIRONO, Mrs. MURRAY, Ms. appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal Medicaid expansion population, and which HASSAN, Mr. BLUMENTHAL, Mrs. SHA- may include allowing Federal funding for years 2018 through 2026; which was or- services provided under State Medicaid plans HEEN, Mrs. FEINSTEIN, Mr. SCHUMER, dered to lie on the table; as follows: Ms. STABENOW, Mr. BROWN, Mr. CAR- to treat individuals with substance use dis- At the end of title IV, add the following: orders in institutions for mental diseases, PER, Mr. UDALL, and Mr. CARDIN) sub- SEC. 4ll. POINT OF ORDER AGAINST ELIMI- notwithstanding the limitation of subdivi- mitted an amendment intended to be NATING OR REDUCING FEDERAL sion (B) following paragraph (29) of section proposed by her to the concurrent reso- FUNDING TO STATES UNDER THE 1905(a) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. lution S. Con. Res. 3, setting forth the MEDICAID EXPANSION. 1396d(a)), or supporting workforce and infra- congressional budget for the United (a) POINT OF ORDER.—It shall not be in structure capacity to treat individuals suf- States Government for fiscal year 2017 order in the Senate to consider any bill, fering from mental illness or substance use and setting forth the appropriate budg- joint resolution, motion, amendment, disorders, by the amounts provided in such amendment between the Houses, or con- legislation for those purposes, provided that etary levels for fiscal years 2018 ference report that would eliminate or re- through 2026; which was ordered to lie such legislation would not increase the def- duce funding to States available under law in icit over either the period of the total of fis- on the table; as follows: effect on the date of the adoption of this sec- cal years 2017 through 2021 or the period of At the end of title IV, add the following: tion to provide comprehensive, affordable the total of fiscal years 2017 through 2026. SEC. 4ll. DON’T MAKE WOMEN SICK AGAIN. health care to low-income Americans by (a) POINT OF ORDER.—It shall not be in eliminating or reducing the availability of SA 85. Ms. HASSAN (for herself, Mr. order in the Senate to consider any bill, Federal financial assistance to States avail- BROWN, Mrs. SHAHEEN, and Ms. BALD- joint resolution, motion, amendment, able under section 1905(y)(1) or 1905(z)(2) of WIN) submitted an amendment intended amendment between the Houses, or con- the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1396d(y)(1), to be proposed by her to the concurrent 1396d(z)(2)) or other means, unless the Direc- ference report that makes women sick again resolution S. Con. Res. 3, setting forth by eliminating or reducing access to wom- tor of the Congressional Budget Office cer- en’s health care, including decreases in ac- tifies that the legislation would not— the congressional budget for the United cess to, or coverage of, reproductive health (1) increase the number of uninsured Amer- States Government for fiscal year 2017 care services including contraceptive coun- icans; and setting forth the appropriate budg- seling, birth control, and maternity care, (2) decrease Medicaid enrollment in States etary levels for fiscal years 2018 and primary and preventive health care as that have opted to expand eligibility for through 2026; which was ordered to lie afforded to them under the Patient Protec- medical assistance under that program for on the table; as follows: tion and Affordable Care Act (Public Law low-income, non-elderly individuals under At the end of title IV, add the following: 111-148). the eligibility option established by the Af- SEC. 4ll. POINT OF ORDER AGAINST LEGISLA- (b) LEGISLATION THAT MAKES WOMEN SICK fordable Care Act under section TION THAT WOULD WORSEN THE AGAIN.—For the purposes of subsection (a), 1902(a)(10)(A)(i)(VIII) of the Social Security OPIOID EPIDEMIC BY REDUCING AC- the term ‘‘makes women sick again’’ with re- Act (42 U.S.C. 1396a(a)(10)(A)(i)(VIII)); CESS TO MEDICATION ASSISTED spect to legislation refers to any provision of (3) reduce the likelihood that any State TREATMENT FOR SUBSTANCE USE a bill, joint resolution, motion, amendment, that, as of the date of the adoption of this DISORDER. amendment between the Houses, or con- section, has not opted to expand Medicaid (a) POINT OF ORDER.—It shall not be in ference report, that would— under the eligibility option established by order in the Senate to consider any bill,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:06 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00035 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10JA6.035 S10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S216 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 10, 2017 joint resolution, motion, amendment, quirements for private health insurance cov- tion 1817(b)) of such Act (42 U.S.C. 1395i(b)); amendment between the Houses, or con- erage unless the Congressional Budget Office or ference report that would reduce access to certifies that such changes would not result (2) would cause a decrease in Medicare Fed- medication assisted treatment for substance in lower coverage rates, reduced benefits, or eral Hospital Insurance surpluses or an in- use disorders, including opioid addiction, by decreased affordability for children receiving crease in Medicare Federal Hospital Insur- making changes to the policies enacted by coverage through the Medicaid Program, the ance deficits relative to the levels set forth the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Children’s Health Insurance Program, or the in the applicable resolution for the first fis- Act unless the Congressional Budget Office private insurance markets established under cal year or for the total of that fiscal year certifies that such changes would not— the Patient Protection and Affordable Care and the ensuing fiscal years for which alloca- (1) reduce or limit Federal funding for Act. tions are provided under section 302(a) of the medical assistance provided by States to (b) WAIVER AND APPEAL.—Subsection (a) Congressional Budget Act of 1974 (2 U.S.C. low-income, non-elderly individuals under may be waived or suspended in the Senate 633(a)) . the Medicaid eligibility option established only by an affirmative vote of three-fifths of (b) MEDICARE LEVELS.—For purposes of by the Patient Protection and Affordable the Members, duly chosen and sworn. An af- subsection (a)(2), Medicare Federal Hospital Care Act under section 1902(a)(10)(A)(i)(VIII) firmative vote of three-fifths of the Members Insurance surpluses equal the excess of Fed- of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. of the Senate, duly chosen and sworn, shall eral Hospital Insurance income over Federal 1396d(a)(10)(A)(i)(VIII)) or result in fewer in- be required to sustain an appeal of the ruling Hospital Insurance outlays in a fiscal year or dividuals receiving such assistance under of the Chair on a point of order raised under years with such an excess and Federal Hos- such option (including the 1,600,000 Ameri- subsection (a). pital Insurance deficits equal the excess of cans with substance use disorders who cur- Federal Hospital Insurance outlays over Fed- rently receive such assistance and were unin- SA 87. Mr. WARNER (for himself, Ms. eral Hospital Insurance income in a fiscal sured prior to the establishment of such op- STABENOW, Mr. KAINE, Mr. PETERS, Mr. year or years with such an excess. tion); MARKEY, Mrs. GILLIBRAND, Mr. KING, (c) WAIVER AND APPEAL.—Subsection (a) (2) reduce the expansion of coverage result- Mr. NELSON, Ms. WARREN, and Mr. BEN- may be waived or suspended in the Senate only by an affirmative vote of three-fifths of ing from the individual market consumer NET) submitted an amendment in- protections of the Patient Protection and Af- the Members, duly chosen and sworn. An af- tended to be proposed by him to the firmative vote of three-fifths of the Members fordable Care Act, including protections for concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 3, individuals with pre-existing conditions, the of the Senate, duly chosen and sworn, shall establishment of behavioral health as an es- setting forth the congressional budget be required to sustain an appeal of the ruling sential health benefit, the expansion of men- for the United States Government for of the Chair on a point of order raised under tal health parity and addiction equity law to fiscal year 2017 and setting forth the subsection (a). the individual market, and coverage of pre- appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal ventive services without cost-sharing; years 2018 through 2026; which was or- SA 89. Mr. CARPER submitted an (3) reduce the number of Americans en- dered to lie on the table; as follows: amendment intended to be proposed by him to the concurrent resolution S. rolled in public or private health insurance At the end of title III, add the following: coverage, as determined based on the March Con. Res. 3, setting forth the congres- SEC. 3lll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND 2016 updated baseline budget projections by TO INCREASE ACCESS TO HEALTH sional budget for the United States the Congressional Budget Office; CARE FOR VETERANS. Government for fiscal year 2017 and (4) increase health insurance premiums or The Chairman of the Committee on the setting forth the appropriate budgetary out-of-pocket costs for Americans with pri- Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- vate health insurance coverage; or levels for fiscal years 2018 through 2026; tions of a committee or committees, aggre- which was ordered to lie on the table; (5) reduce the scope and scale of benefits gates, and other appropriate levels in this covered by private health insurance plans resolution for one or more bills, joint resolu- as follows: pursuant to the requirements of title I of the tions, amendments, amendments between At the end of title IV, add the following: Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act the Houses, motions, or conference reports SEC. 4ll. POINT OF ORDER AGAINST LEGISLA- and the amendments made by that title. relating to increasing health care access for TION THAT WOULD RESULT IN A RE- (b) WAIVER AND APPEAL.—Subsection (a) veterans, which may include legislation that DUCTION OF THE COVERAGE OF may be waived or suspended in the Senate OBESITY REDUCTION COUNSELING authorizes the Secretary of Veterans Affairs UNDER MEDICAID OR PRIVATE IN- only by an affirmative vote of three-fifths of to carry out certain major medical facility the Members, duly chosen and sworn. An af- SURANCE PLANS. leases of the Department of Veterans Affairs, (a) POINT OF ORDER.—It shall not be in firmative vote of three-fifths of the Members by the amounts provided in such legislation order in the Senate to consider any bill, of the Senate, duly chosen and sworn, shall for those purposes, provided that such legis- joint resolution, motion, amendment, be required to sustain an appeal of the ruling lation would not increase the deficit over ei- amendment between the Houses, or con- of the Chair on a point of order raised under ther the period of the total of fiscal years ference report that would result in a reduc- subsection (a). 2017 through 2021 or the period of the total of tion in the coverage of obesity reduction fiscal years 2017 through 2026. SA 86. Mr. BROWN (for himself, Mr. counseling services under the Medicaid pro- gram or private insurance plans. REED, Ms. STABENOW, Mr. CARPER, Mr. SA 88. Mr. WARNER submitted an (b) WAIVER AND APPEAL.—Subsection (a) UDALL, Mr. CASEY, Mr. BOOKER, Mr. amendment intended to be proposed by may be waived or suspended in the Senate WHITEHOUSE, Mrs. GILLIBRAND, Mr. him to the concurrent resolution S. only by an affirmative vote of three-fifths of DURBIN, Ms. BALDWIN, Ms. WARREN, Mr. Con. Res. 3, setting forth the congres- the Members, duly chosen and sworn. An af- CARDIN, Mr. KING, and Mr. sional budget for the United States firmative vote of three-fifths of the Members BLUMENTHAL) submitted an amendment Government for fiscal year 2017 and of the Senate, duly chosen and sworn, shall intended to be proposed by him to the setting forth the appropriate budgetary be required to sustain an appeal of the ruling concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 3, of the Chair on a point of order raised under levels for fiscal years 2018 through 2026; subsection (a). setting forth the congressional budget which was ordered to lie on the table; for the United States Government for as follows: SA 90. Mr. CARPER (for himself, Mr. fiscal year 2017 and setting forth the At the end of title IV, add the following: DURBIN, and Mr. BLUMENTHAL) sub- appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal SEC. 4ll. POINT OF ORDER AGAINST LEGISLA- mitted an amendment intended to be years 2018 through 2026; which was or- TION AFFECTING MEDICARE HOS- proposed by him to the concurrent res- dered to lie on the table; as follows: PITAL INSURANCE SOLVENCY. olution S. Con. Res. 3, setting forth the At the end of title IV, add the following: (a) POINT OF ORDER.—It shall not be in order in the Senate to consider a bill or joint congressional budget for the United SEC. 4ll. POINT OF ORDER AGAINST LEGISLA- States Government for fiscal year 2017 TION THAT WOULD UNDERMINE AC- resolution reported pursuant to section 2001 CESS TO COMPREHENSIVE, AFFORD- or 2002, or an amendment to, motion on, con- and setting forth the appropriate budg- ABLE HEALTH COVERAGE FOR ference report on, or amendment between etary levels for fiscal years 2018 AMERICA’S CHILDREN. the Houses in relation to such a bill or joint through 2026; which was ordered to lie (a) POINT OF ORDER.—It shall not be in resolution that— on the table; as follows: order in the Senate to consider any bill, (1) reduces the actuarial balance by at At the end of title IV, add the following: joint resolution, motion, amendment, least 0.01 percent of the present value of fu- SEC. 4ll. POINT OF ORDER AGAINST LEGISLA- amendment between the Houses, or con- ture taxable payroll of the Federal Hospital TION THAT WOULD RESULT IN A RE- ference report that makes changes to the Insurance Trust Fund established under sec- DUCTION IN TOBACCO CESSATION Medicaid program under title XIX of the So- tion 1817(a) of the Social Security Act (42 COVERAGE UNDER MEDICAID OR cial Security Act (42 U.S.C. et seq.), the Chil- U.S.C. 1395i(a)) for the 75-year period utilized PRIVATE INSURANCE PLANS. dren’s Health Insurance Program under title in the most recent annual report of the (a) FINDINGS.—The Senate finds the fol- XXI (42 U.S.C. 1397aa et seq.), or Federal re- Board of Trustees provided pursuant to sec- lowing:

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:06 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00036 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10JA6.036 S10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE January 10, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S217 (1) Tobacco use is the leading cause of pre- her to the concurrent resolution S. setting forth the appropriate budgetary ventable deaths in the United States. Con. Res. 3, setting forth the congres- levels for fiscal years 2018 through 2026; (2) Each year, tobacco use leads to sional budget for the United States which was ordered to lie on the table; $170,000,000,000 in healthcare spending on ill- ness caused by tobacco use and Government for fiscal year 2017 and as follows: $150,000,000,000 in lost productivity. setting forth the appropriate budgetary At the end of title IV, add the following: (3) Tobacco use is more than twice as com- levels for fiscal years 2018 through 2026; SEC. 4ll. POINT OF ORDER AGAINST REDUCING mon among the overall Medicaid population which was ordered to lie on the table; OR ELIMINATING ACCESS TO MEN- (including individuals covered under the as follows: TAL HEALTH CARE. (a) POINT OF ORDER.—It shall not be in Medicaid expansion added by the Affordable At the end of title IV, add the following: Care Act) than among individuals with pri- order in the Senate to consider any bill, SEC. 4ll. POINTS OF ORDER AGAINST CERTAIN vate insurance coverage. joint resolution, motion, amendment, LEGISLATION RELATING TO MEDI- amendment between the Houses, or con- (4) The Affordable Care Act— CARE. (A) requires that State Medicaid plans ference report that the Director of the Con- (a) COST ESTIMATE.—It shall not be in order gressional Budget Office determines would cover tobacco cessation services for pregnant in the Senate to consider any bill, joint reso- women and individuals covered under the reduce access to mental health care and lution, motion, amendment, amendment be- services or reduce the number of individuals Medicaid expansion with no cost-sharing; tween the Houses, or conference report that (B) requires that private health insurance with mental illness enrolled in insurance would make changes to the Medicare pro- coverage, relative to the Congressional plans cover tobacco cessation products and gram under title XVIII of the Social Secu- services without cost-sharing; and Budget Office’s March 2016 updated baseline, rity Act unless a cost estimate of the Con- by means such as— (C) prohibits the exclusion of tobacco ces- gressional Budget Office is made available to sation drugs from coverage under Medicaid. (1) eliminating or reducing Federal finan- the Senate prior to consideration of such leg- cial assistance currently available to States (5) Expanded coverage for tobacco ces- islation that includes the estimated effect of sation leads to better health outcomes and under section 1905(y)(1) or 1905(z)(2) of the such legislation on both current and future Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1396d(y)(1), lower health costs. Medicare beneficiary out-of-pocket expenses, (b) POINT OF ORDER.—It shall not be in 1396d(z)(2)) or otherwise eliminating or re- including premiums and cost-sharing, over ducing mental health protections established order in the Senate to consider any bill, the next 30 years. joint resolution, motion, amendment, by the Affordable Care Act, including the ad- (b) BENEFICIARY OUT-OF-POCKET EX- amendment between the Houses, or con- dition of mental health services to the list of PENSES.—It shall not be in order in the Sen- services covered under section 1937(b)(5) of ference report that would result in a reduc- ate to consider any bill, joint resolution, mo- tion in the coverage of items and services re- the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1396u– tion, amendment, amendment between the lated to the cessation of tobacco under the 7(b)(5)); or Houses, or conference report that would in- Medicaid program or private insurance (2) reducing the affordability of coverage crease Medicare beneficiary out-of-pocket plans. established by the Affordable Care Act’s con- expenses under the Medicare program, in- (c) WAIVER AND APPEAL.—Subsection (b) sumer protections, including— may be waived or suspended in the Senate cluding premiums and cost-sharing, as deter- (A) the expansion of mental health parity only by an affirmative vote of three-fifths of mined by the Congressional Budget Office in and addiction equity law to individual health the Members, duly chosen and sworn. An af- the cost estimate described in subsection (a) insurance coverage; firmative vote of three-fifths of the Members with respect to such legislation. (B) the prohibition on discriminating of the Senate, duly chosen and sworn, shall Ms. STABENOW (for herself, against enrollees with pre-existing condi- be required to sustain an appeal of the ruling SA 93. tions such as mental illness; of the Chair on a point of order raised under Mr. CARPER, and Mrs. GILLIBRAND) sub- (C) coverage of preventive services like de- subsection (b). mitted an amendment intended to be pression screenings without cost-sharing; proposed by her to the concurrent reso- and SA 91. Ms. STABENOW submitted an lution S. Con. Res. 3, setting forth the (D) the establishment of mental health amendment intended to be proposed by congressional budget for the United services as an essential health benefit. her to the concurrent resolution S. States Government for fiscal year 2017 (b) WAIVER AND APPEAL.—Subsection (a) Con. Res. 3, setting forth the congres- may be waived or suspended in the Senate and setting forth the appropriate budg- sional budget for the United States only by an affirmative vote of three-fifths of etary levels for fiscal years 2018 Government for fiscal year 2017 and the Members, duly chosen and sworn. An af- through 2026; which was ordered to lie setting forth the appropriate budgetary firmative vote of three-fifths of the Members on the table; as follows: levels for fiscal years 2018 through 2026; of the Senate, duly chosen and sworn, shall which was ordered to lie on the table; At the end of title IV, add the following: be required to sustain an appeal of the ruling of the Chair on a point of order raised under as follows: SEC. 4ll. POINT OF ORDER AGAINST LEGISLA- TION THAT WOULD REDUCE AMERI- subsection (a). At the end of title IV, add the following: CANS’ ACCESS TO HIGH QUALITY SEC. 4ll. POINT OF ORDER AGAINST CHANGES MATERNITY CARE COVERAGE. SA 95. Mr. MARKEY (for himself, Mr. TO THE ACA. (a) POINT OF ORDER.—It shall not be in FRANKEN, and Mr. BROWN) submitted (a) POINT OF ORDER.—It shall not be in order in the Senate to consider any bill, an amendment intended to be proposed order in the Senate to consider any bill, joint resolution, motion, amendment, joint resolution, motion, amendment, by him to the concurrent resolution S. amendment between the Houses, or con- Con. Res. 3, setting forth the congres- amendment between the Houses, or con- ference report that, according to the Con- ference report that make changes to the Pa- gressional Budget Office, would reduce the sional budget for the United States tient Protection and Affordable Care Act number of Americans with insurance cov- Government for fiscal year 2017 and without obtaining a budget score by the Con- erage of maternity care and childbirth as af- setting forth the appropriate budgetary gressional Budget Office (based on annual forded in the Patient Protection and Afford- levels for fiscal years 2018 through 2026; projections, a 10-year projection, and a 30- able Care Act (Public Law 111-148). year projection) that includes the estimated which was ordered to lie on the table; (b) WAIVER AND APPEAL.—Subsection (a) as follows: effect of the legislation on the number of un- may be waived or suspended in the Senate At the end of title IV, add the following: insured individuals (broken down by eco- only by an affirmative vote of three-fifths of nomic subgroup and State), the effect of such the Members, duly chosen and sworn. An af- SEC. 4ll. POINT OF ORDER AGAINST LEGISLA- legislation on average premiums (broken TION THAT WOULD PENALIZE firmative vote of three-fifths of the Members down by marketplace and employer spon- STATES FOR IMPROVING CON- of the Senate, duly chosen and sworn, shall sored insurance), and the effect of such legis- TINUITY BETWEEN CRIMINAL JUS- be required to sustain an appeal of the ruling lation on uncompensated care costs (broken TICE AND PUBLIC HEALTH SYSTEMS. of the Chair on a point of order raised under down by State, projected for both providers (a) POINT OF ORDER.—It shall not be in and State government spending). subsection (a). order in the Senate to consider any bill, (b) WAIVER AND APPEAL.—Subsection (a) joint resolution, motion, amendment, may be waived or suspended in the Senate SA 94. Ms. STABENOW (for herself, amendment between the Houses, or con- only by an affirmative vote of three-fifths of Mr. CARDIN, Mr. MURPHY, Mr. DURBIN, ference report that would penalize States for the Members, duly chosen and sworn. An af- Ms. CANTWELL, Mr. FRANKEN, Mr. CAR- improving the continuity of care between firmative vote of three-fifths of the Members PER, Ms. BALDWIN, Mr. PETERS, Mr. the criminal justice and public health sys- of the Senate, duly chosen and sworn, shall BROWN, and Mr. UDALL) submitted an tems, including by ensuring that individuals be required to sustain an appeal of the ruling amendment intended to be proposed by who are enrolled in a State Medicaid pro- of the Chair on a point of order raised under gram under title XIX of the Social Security subsection (a). her to the concurrent resolution S. Act (42 U.S.C. 1396 et seq.) have their enroll- Con. Res. 3, setting forth the congres- ment in such program suspended, but not SA 92. Ms. STABENOW submitted an sional budget for the United States terminated, in the event that they are incar- amendment intended to be proposed by Government for fiscal year 2017 and cerated, or by providing for the automatic

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:06 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00037 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10JA6.036 S10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S218 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 10, 2017 enrollment of eligible individuals in a State levels for fiscal years 2018 through 2026; SEC. 4ll. POINT OF ORDER AGAINST ANY Medicaid program upon their release from which was ordered to lie on the table; CHANGES TO MEDICARE, MEDICAID, incarceration. OR THE PREMIUM TAX CREDITS as follows: PROVIDED BY THE AFFORDABLE (b) WAIVER AND APPEAL.—Subsection (a) At the end of title IV, add the following: CARE ACT THAT WOULD WEAKEN may be waived or suspended in the Senate AND REDUCE INVESTMENTS IN only by an affirmative vote of three-fifths of SEC. 4ll. POINT OF ORDER AGAINST LEGISLA- HEALTH CARE DELIVERY SYSTEM the Members, duly chosen and sworn. An af- TION THAT FAILS TO ENSURE THE REFORMS THAT IMPROVE PATIENT firmative vote of three-fifths of the Members SAME PATIENT BILL OF RIGHTS HEALTH AND REDUCE COSTS. of the Senate, duly chosen and sworn, shall THAT CONSUMERS HAVE TODAY. (a) FINDINGS.—The Senate finds the fol- be required to sustain an appeal of the ruling (a) POINT OF ORDER.—It shall not be in lowing: of the Chair on a point of order raised under order in the Senate to consider any bill, (1) The Affordable Care Act is moving the subsection (a). joint resolution, motion, amendment, health care system of the United States from amendment between the Houses, or con- a fee-for-service system that frequently SA 96. Mr. MARKEY submitted an ference report that would fail to ensure that incentivizes the overutilization of health amendment intended to be proposed by consumers have the same patient bill of care services and wasteful health care spend- him to the concurrent resolution S. rights as they have on the date of such con- ing to a value- and performance-based health Con. Res. 3, setting forth the congres- sideration. Such patient bill of rights in- care system that promotes patient-centered sional budget for the United States cludes the rights of consumers under the Pa- and team-based care to keep Americans as tient Protection and Affordable Care Act healthy as possible, improve health out- Government for fiscal year 2017 and (111–148) to— comes, and lower health care costs. setting forth the appropriate budgetary (1) appeal health plan decisions; (2) Because of the investments in health levels for fiscal years 2018 through 2026; (2) maintain health coverage without fear care delivery system reforms made by the which was ordered to lie on the table; of an arbitrary rescission by their insurance Affordable Care Act, a third of Medicare pay- as follows: company; ments to health care providers are now based At the end of title IV, add the following: (3) choose a doctor; on the overall quality of patient care and (4) fair treatment of emergency care; health outcomes achieved by such providers. SEC. 4ll. POINT OF ORDER AGAINST LEGISLA- TION THAT WOULD INCREASE THE (5) health insurance coverage without an- (b) POINT OF ORDER.—It shall not be in MEDICARE PART B PREMIUM. nual or lifetime limits on essential health order in the Senate to consider any bill, (a) POINT OF ORDER.—It shall not be in benefits; and joint resolution, motion, amendment, order in the Senate to consider any bill, (6) enhanced access to preventive services. amendment between the Houses, or con- joint resolution, motion, amendment, (b) WAIVER AND APPEAL.—Subsection (a) ference report that would change the Medi- amendment between the Houses, or con- may be waived or suspended in the Senate care program, the Medicaid program, or the ference report that would increase the Medi- only by an affirmative vote of three-fifths of premium tax credits provided by the Afford- care part B premium for Medicare bene- the Members, duly chosen and sworn. An af- able Care Act in a manner that would result ficiaries, as determined by the Congressional firmative vote of three-fifths of the Members in hospitals, health care centers, and physi- Budget Office. of the Senate, duly chosen and sworn, shall cians and other health care providers reduc- (b) WAIVER AND APPEAL.—Subsection (a) be required to sustain an appeal of the ruling ing their investments in health care delivery may be waived or suspended in the Senate of the Chair on a point of order raised under system reforms that improve patient health only by an affirmative vote of three-fifths of subsection (a). outcomes and reduce costs. the Members, duly chosen and sworn. An af- (c) WAIVER AND APPEAL.—Subsection (b) firmative vote of three-fifths of the Members SA 99. Mr. MURPHY submitted an may be waived or suspended in the Senate only by an affirmative vote of three-fifths of of the Senate, duly chosen and sworn, shall amendment intended to be proposed by be required to sustain an appeal of the ruling the Members, duly chosen and sworn. An af- him to the concurrent resolution S. firmative vote of three-fifths of the Members of the Chair on a point of order raised under Con. Res. 3, setting forth the congres- subsection (a). of the Senate, duly chosen and sworn, shall sional budget for the United States be required to sustain an appeal of the ruling SA 97. Mr. BLUMENTHAL (for him- Government for fiscal year 2017 and of the Chair on a point of order raised under subsection (b). self and Ms. KLOBUCHAR) submitted an setting forth the appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal years 2018 through 2026; amendment intended to be proposed by SA 101. Mr. BENNET submitted an him to the concurrent resolution S. which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows: amendment intended to be proposed by Con. Res. 3, setting forth the congres- him to the concurrent resolution S. sional budget for the United States At the end of title IV, add the following: Con. Res. 3, setting forth the congres- Government for fiscal year 2017 and SEC. 4ll. POINT OF ORDER AGAINST LEGISLA- sional budget for the United States setting forth the appropriate budgetary TION THAT INCREASES UNCOMPEN- SATED CARE COSTS FOR HOSPITALS. Government for fiscal year 2017 and levels for fiscal years 2018 through 2026; setting forth the appropriate budgetary (a) POINT OF ORDER.—It shall not be in which was ordered to lie on the table; levels for fiscal years 2018 through 2026; as follows: order in the Senate to consider any bill, joint resolution, motion, amendment, which was ordered to lie on the table; At the end of title III, add the following: amendment between the Houses, or con- as follows: SEC. 3lll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND ference report that would increase uncom- At the end of title III, add the following: RELATING TO IMPROVING DRUG pensated care costs for hospitals. PRICING TRANSPARENCY FOR CON- SEC. 3lll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND SUMERS. (b) WAIVER AND APPEAL.—Subsection (a) RELATING TO ENSURING THAT THE The Chairman of the Committee on the may be waived or suspended in the Senate TOP 15 PERCENT SICKEST MEDI- CARE BENEFICIARIES WITH CHRON- Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- only by an affirmative vote of three-fifths of the Members, duly chosen and sworn. An af- IC CONDITIONS HAVE ACCESS TO tions of a committee or committees, aggre- MEDICARE ACCOUNTABLE CARE OR- gates, and other appropriate levels in this firmative vote of three-fifths of the Members GANIZATIONS OR OTHER INNOVA- resolution for one or more bills, joint resolu- of the Senate, duly chosen and sworn, shall TIVE MEDICARE PILOT PROGRAMS, tions, amendments, amendments between be required to sustain an appeal of the ruling INCLUDING PATIENT-CENTERED the Houses, motions, or conference reports of the Chair on a point of order raised under MEDICAL HOMES. relating to improving drug pricing trans- subsection (a). The Chairman of the Committee on the parency for consumers by the amounts pro- Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- vided in such legislation for those purposes, SA 100. Ms. CANTWELL (for herself, tions of a committee or committees, aggre- provided that such legislation would not in- Mr. CARPER, Mr. BENNET, Mr. WHITE- gates, and other appropriate levels in this resolution for one or more bills, joint resolu- crease the deficit over either the period of HOUSE, Mrs. SHAHEEN, and Mr. MURPHY) the total of fiscal years 2017 through 2021 or tions, amendments, amendments between submitted an amendment intended to the Houses, motions, or conference reports the period of the total of fiscal years 2017 be proposed by her to the concurrent through 2026. relating to ensuring that the top 15 percent resolution S. Con. Res. 3, setting forth sickest Medicare beneficiaries with chronic SA 98. Mr. MURPHY submitted an the congressional budget for the United conditions have access to Medicare account- amendment intended to be proposed by States Government for fiscal year 2017 able care organizations or other innovative him to the concurrent resolution S. and setting forth the appropriate budg- Medicare pilot programs, including patient- centered medical homes, by the amounts Con. Res. 3, setting forth the congres- etary levels for fiscal years 2018 through 2026; which was ordered to lie provided in such legislation for those pur- sional budget for the United States poses, provided that such legislation would Government for fiscal year 2017 and on the table; as follows: not increase the deficit over either the pe- setting forth the appropriate budgetary At the end of title IV, add the following: riod of the total of fiscal years 2017 through

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:06 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00038 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10JA6.037 S10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE January 10, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S219 2021 or the period of the total of fiscal years levels for fiscal years 2018 through 2026; SEC. 4ll. POINT OF ORDER AGAINST LEGISLA- 2017 through 2026. which was ordered to lie on the table; TION THAT TAXES THE HEALTH BEN- EFITS OF HARD-WORKING AMERI- as follows: SA 102. Mr. BENNET (for himself and CANS. At the end of title IV, add the following: (a) POINT OF ORDER.—It shall not be in Mr. BLUMENTHAL) submitted an amend- order in the Senate to consider any bill, ll ment intended to be proposed by him SEC. 4 . POINT OF ORDER AGAINST LEGISLA- joint resolution, motion, amendment, to the concurrent resolution S. Con. TION THAT WOULD WEAKEN THE ABILITY OF THE DEPARTMENT OF amendment between the Houses, or con- Res. 3, setting forth the congressional VETERANS AFFAIRS TO DIRECTLY ference report that directly or indirectly budget for the United States Govern- FURNISH HEALTH CARE TO VET- taxes the health benefits of hard-working ment for fiscal year 2017 and setting ERANS. Americans. forth the appropriate budgetary levels It shall not be in order in the Senate to (b) WAIVER AND APPEAL.—Subsection (a) consider any bill, joint resolution, motion, may be waived or suspended in the Senate for fiscal years 2018 through 2026; which only by an affirmative vote of three-fifths of was ordered to lie on the table; as fol- amendment, amendment between the Houses, or conference report that authorizes the Members, duly chosen and sworn. An af- lows: funding for non-Department of Veterans Af- firmative vote of three-fifths of the Members At the end of title IV, add the following: fairs-provided care, funded by the Depart- of the Senate, duly chosen and sworn, shall SEC. 4ll. POINT OF ORDER AGAINST LEGISLA- ment of Veterans Affairs, which would re- be required to sustain an appeal of the ruling TION THAT REDUCES PRICE TRANS- duce the availability of services directly pro- of the Chair on a point of order raised under PARENCY FOR CONSUMERS. vided by the Department of Veterans Affairs, subsection (a). (a) POINT OF ORDER.—It shall not be in including primary health care, mental order in the Senate to consider any bill, health care, rural health care, and prosthetic SA 108. Mr. UDALL (for himself and joint resolution, motion, amendment, care. Mr. HEINRICH) submitted an amend- amendment between the Houses, or con- ment intended to be proposed by him ference report that removes price trans- to the concurrent resolution S. Con. parency of health care services or price com- SA 105. Mr. TESTER submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by Res. 3, setting forth the congressional parisons that enable consumers to have budget for the United States Govern- greater knowledge in making health care de- him to the concurrent resolution S. cisions, including requirements set forth by Con. Res. 3, setting forth the congres- ment for fiscal year 2017 and setting the Patient Protection and Affordable Care sional budget for the United States forth the appropriate budgetary levels Act (Public Law 111-148). Government for fiscal year 2017 and for fiscal years 2018 through 2026; which (b) WAIVER AND APPEAL.—Subsection (a) setting forth the appropriate budgetary was ordered to lie on the table; as fol- may be waived or suspended in the Senate levels for fiscal years 2018 through 2026; lows: only by an affirmative vote of three-fifths of At the end of title IV, add the following: the Members, duly chosen and sworn. An af- which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows: SEC. 4ll. POINT OF ORDER AGAINST CUTTING firmative vote of three-fifths of the Members FEDERAL FUNDING TO MEDICAID of the Senate, duly chosen and sworn, shall At the end of title IV, add the following: EXPANSION STATES. be required to sustain an appeal of the ruling SEC. 4ll. POINT OF ORDER AGAINST LEGISLA- (a) POINT OF ORDER.—It shall not be in of the Chair on a point of order raised under TION THAT WOULD EXTEND THE order in the Senate to consider any bill, subsection (a). CHOICE PROGRAM OF THE DEPART- joint resolution, motion, amendment, MENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS WITH- amendment between the Houses, or con- SA 103. Mr. TESTER (for himself, Mr. OUT ADDRESSING PROBLEMS WITH ference report that would reduce the Federal BROWN, and Mrs. MURRAY) submitted THE THIRD PARTY ADMINISTRATION funding received by States for the provision OF THE PROGRAM. an amendment intended to be proposed of medical assistance under State Medicaid It shall not be in order in the Senate to by him to the concurrent resolution S. programs under title XIX of the Social Secu- consider any bill, joint resolution, motion, rity Act (42 U.S.C. 1396 et seq.) to low-in- Con. Res. 3, setting forth the congres- amendment, amendment between the sional budget for the United States come, non-elderly individuals under the eli- Houses, or conference report that extends gibility option established by the Patient Government for fiscal year 2017 and the sunset date of the Choice Program under Protection and Affordable Care Act under setting forth the appropriate budgetary section 101 of the Veterans, Access, Choice, section 1902(a)(10)(A)(i)(VIII) of the Social levels for fiscal years 2018 through 2026; and Accountability Act of 2014 (Public Law Security Act (42 U.S.C. which was ordered to lie on the table; 113–146; 38 U.S.C. 1701 note) unless the Sec- 1396d(a)(10)(A)(i)(VIII)). retary of Veterans Affairs certifies that as follows: (b) WAIVER AND APPEAL.—Subsection (a) problems relating to the third party admin- At the end of title III, add the following: may be waived or suspended in the Senate istration of the program have been addressed only by an affirmative vote of three-fifths of SEC. 3lll. DEFICIT-NEUTRAL RESERVE FUND or the legislation extending the sunset in- the Members, duly chosen and sworn. An af- RELATING TO AUTHORIZING CHIL- cludes provisions addressing such problems. DREN ELIGIBLE FOR HEALTH CARE firmative vote of three-fifths of the Members UNDER LAWS ADMINISTERED BY of the Senate, duly chosen and sworn, shall SECRETARY OF VETERANS AFFAIRS SA 106. Mr. CORKER (for himself, be required to sustain an appeal of the ruling TO RETAIN SUCH ELIGIBILITY UNTIL Mr. PORTMAN, Ms. COLLINS, Ms. MUR- of the Chair on a point of order raised under AGE 26. KOWSKI, and Mr. CASSIDY) submitted an subsection (a). The Chairman of the Committee on the amendment intended to be proposed by Budget of the Senate may revise the alloca- SA 109. Mr. UDALL (for himself, Mr. him to the concurrent resolution S. tions of a committee or committees, aggre- TESTER, Ms. CANTWELL, Mr. FRANKEN, Con. Res. 3, setting forth the congres- gates, and other appropriate levels in this Ms. HEITKAMP, Mr. HEINRICH, and Mr. resolution for one or more bills, joint resolu- sional budget for the United States SCHATZ) submitted an amendment in- tions, amendments, amendments between Government for fiscal year 2017 and tended to be proposed by him to the the Houses, motions, or conference reports setting forth the appropriate budgetary concurrent resolution S. Con. Res. 3, relating to supporting children who are eligi- levels for fiscal years 2018 through 2026; setting forth the congressional budget ble to receive health care furnished under which was ordered to lie on the table; the laws administered by the Secretary of for the United States Government for as follows: Veterans Affairs, including by allowing such fiscal year 2017 and setting forth the children to retain such eligibility until age On page 45, line 15, strike ‘‘January 27’’ and appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal 26, by the amounts provided in such legisla- insert ‘‘March 3’’. years 2018 through 2026; which was or- tion for those purposes, provided that such dered to lie on the table; as follows: legislation would not increase the deficit SA 107. Mr. HEINRICH submitted an over either the period of the total of fiscal At the end of title IV, add the following: amendment intended to be proposed by SEC. 4ll. POINT OF ORDER AGAINST ELIMI- years 2017 through 2021 or the period of the him to the concurrent resolution S. total of fiscal years 2017 through 2026. NATING OR REDUCING FEDERAL Con. Res. 3, setting forth the congres- PAYMENTS RECEIVED BY AN INDIAN sional budget for the United States HEALTH PROGRAM OR BY AN URBAN SA 104. Mr. TESTER submitted an INDIAN ORGANIZATION UNDER MED- amendment intended to be proposed by Government for fiscal year 2017 and ICAID FOR SERVICES PROVIDED TO him to the concurrent resolution S. setting forth the appropriate budgetary INDIANS AND ALASKAN NATIVES Con. Res. 3, setting forth the congres- levels for fiscal years 2018 through 2026; WHO ARE ELIGIBLE FOR BENEFITS which was ordered to lie on the table; UNDER THAT PROGRAM. sional budget for the United States (a) POINT OF ORDER.—It shall not be in Government for fiscal year 2017 and as follows: order in the Senate to consider any bill, setting forth the appropriate budgetary At the end of title IV, add the following: joint resolution, motion, amendment,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:06 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00039 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10JA6.039 S10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S220 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 10, 2017 amendment between the Houses, or con- Security and Governmental Affairs be the resolution for the majority and 3 ference report that the Director of the Con- authorized to meet during the session hours for the minority. gressional Budget Office determines would of the Senate on January 10, 2017, at The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without eliminate or reduce, relative to the Congres- 3:30 p.m. objection, it is so ordered. sional Budget Office’s March 2016 updated baseline, Federal payments received by an COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY f Indian health program or by an urban Indian Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- ORDER FOR ADJOURNMENT organization under title XIX of the Social sent that the Committee on the Judici- Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1396 et seq.) for serv- ary be authorized to meet during the Mr. ENZI. Mr. President, if there is ices provided to Indians and Alaskan Natives session of the Senate on January 10, no further business to come before the who are eligible for benefits under such title. 2017, at 9:30 a.m., in room SR–325 of the Senate, I ask unanimous consent that (b) WAIVER AND APPEAL.—Subsection (a) Russell Senate Office Building, to con- it stand adjourned under the previous may be waived or suspended in the Senate order, following the remarks of Sen- only by an affirmative vote of three-fifths of duct a hearing entitled ‘‘Attorney Gen- eral Nomination.’’ ator BROWN. the Members, duly chosen and sworn. An af- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without firmative vote of three-fifths of the Members SELECT COMMITTEE ON INTELLIGENCE of the Senate, duly chosen and sworn, shall objection, it is so ordered. Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- Mr. ENZI. I yield the floor. be required to sustain an appeal of the ruling sent that the Select Committee on In- of the Chair on a point of order raised under I suggest the absence of the quorum. subsection (a). telligence be authorized to meet during The PRESIDING OFFICER. The the session of the Senate on January clerk will call the roll. SA 110. Mr. HEINRICH (for himself, 10, 2017, at 1 p.m. in room SD–106 of the The bill clerk proceeded to call the Mr. BENNET, Mr. WYDEN, Mr. UDALL, Senate Dirksen Office Building. roll. Mr. TESTER, and Mr. MERKLEY) sub- PERMANENT SUBCOMMITTEE ON INVESTIGATIONS Mr. BROWN. Mr. President, I ask mitted an amendment intended to be Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- unanimous consent that the order for proposed by him to the concurrent res- sent that the Permanent Sub- the quorum call be rescinded. olution S. Con. Res. 3, setting forth the committee on Investigations of the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without congressional budget for the United Committee on Homeland Security and objection, it is so ordered. States Government for fiscal year 2017 Governmental Affairs be authorized to f and setting forth the appropriate budg- meet during the session of the Senate etary levels for fiscal years 2018 on January 10, 2017, at 10 a.m., to con- PRESCRIPTION DRUG PRICES through 2026; which was ordered to lie duct a hearing entitled, Mr. BROWN. Mr. President, sky- on the table; as follows: ‘‘Backpage.com’s Knowing Facilitation rocketing drug prices are crippling far At the end of title IV, add the following: of Online Sex Trafficking.’’ too many American families. The Kai- SEC. 4ll. POINT OF ORDER AGAINST THE SALE f ser Family Foundation found that OF FEDERAL LAND TO REDUCE THE nearly 8 in 10 Americans believe the FEDERAL DEFICIT. PRIVILEGES OF THE FLOOR cost of their prescription drugs is too (a) POINT OF ORDER.—It shall not be in Mr. THUNE. Mr. President, I also ask high and that Congress should work to order in the Senate to consider any bill, unanimous consent that Matthew Tay- lower the price of medication that peo- joint resolution, motion, amendment, amendment between the Houses, or con- lor, a congressional fellow in Senator ple need. ference report that would provide for the COCHRAN’s office, be granted floor This should be our top health pri- sale of any Federal land (other than as part privileges for the remainder of the ority for 2017, lowering drug costs for of a program that acquires land that is of 115th Congress. families, not taking health care away comparable value or contains exceptional re- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- from Americans with no plan to re- sources or that is conducted under the Fed- pore. Without objection, it is so or- place it. Think about that. This Con- eral Land Transaction Facilitation Act (43 dered. gress is hell-bent on, instead of attack- U.S.C. 2301 et seq.)) that uses the proceeds of Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, I ask ing one of the major causes of health the sale to reduce the Federal deficit. care inflation—and we have done a (b) WAIVER AND APPEAL.—Subsection (a) unanimous consent that Mara Green- may be waived or suspended in the Senate berg, a detailee on the Senate Judici- good job the last 10 years, by and large, only by an affirmative vote of three-fifths of ary Committee, and Zachary Blau, a of keeping prices from going much the Members, duly chosen and sworn. An af- fellow on the Senate Judiciary Com- higher than they would have otherwise. firmative vote of three-fifths of the Members mittee, be granted Senate floor privi- Keep that in mind while we hear the of the Senate, duly chosen and sworn, shall leges for the duration of the 115th Con- generally specious arguments against be required to sustain an appeal of the ruling gress. the Affordable Care Act. Instead of of the Chair on a point of order raised under The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without doing that, the majority party has fall- subsection (a). objection, it is so ordered. en all over itself to try to take away f Mr. ALEXANDER. Mr. President, I health insurance from 900,000 people in AUTHORITY FOR COMMITTEES TO ask unanimous consent that Elizabeth my State; taking away from 1 million MEET Joseph, a health policy fellow in Sen- seniors the Medicare consumer protec- ator COCHRAN’s office be granted floor tions and Medicare services of preven- Mr. ENZI. Mr. President, I have five privileges through July 31, 2017. tive care, such as osteoporosis screen- requests for committees to meet during The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without ing, diabetes screening, physicals, all today’s session of the Senate. They objection, it is so ordered. that the doctors order; taking away have the approval of the Majority and f from 100,000 young people the ability to Minority leaders. stay on their parents’ health care plan; Pursuant to Rule XXVI, paragraph ORDERS FOR WEDNESDAY, and stripping from virtually all Ohio 5(a), of the Standing Rules of the Sen- JANUARY 11, 2017 citizens the consumer protections of ate, the following committees are au- Mr. ENZI. Mr. President, I ask unani- denying people coverage because of thorized to meet during today’s session mous consent that when the Senate previous conditions, cutting people off of the Senate: completes its business today, it ad- their insurance policy because they COMMITTEE ON ARMED SERVICES journ until 12 noon, Wednesday, Janu- happen to get too sick and might have Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- ary 11; further, that following the pray- cost the insurance companies too much sent that the Committee on Armed er and pledge, the morning hour be money. Services be authorized to meet during deemed expired, the Journal of pro- This health care coverage that has the session of the Senate on January ceedings be approved to date, and the saved 24,000 American lives each year 10, 2017, at 9:30 a.m. time for the two leaders be reserved for since 2014, just think what could hap- COMMITTEE ON HOMELAND SECURITY AND their use later in the day; finally, that pen if we took away their health care GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS following leader remarks, the Senate coverage. Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- resume consideration of S. Con. Res. 3, Instead, lowering drug prices should sent that the Committee on Homeland with 3 hours of debate remaining on be something we can come together on.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:06 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00040 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10JA6.040 S10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE January 10, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S221 Americans of all political parties and ages and at the same time give a tax that will take care of those people; Americans who don’t even bother vot- break to the drug companies. We must 700,000 people on Medicaid expansion, ing are all facing skyrocketing phar- fight against these attempts to de- another 200,000 people, 26-year-olds, on macy bills. There are concrete actions crease coverage and increase costs for their parents’ plan, people on the ex- we can take right now to lower the working families. changes, people getting insurance in cost of prescription drugs. Whether you support the Affordable other ways. Senator FRANKEN and I led 18 of our Care Act or not, we all agree you can’t When I was talking to Kathy the colleagues in outlining 5 of them in a ask people to change horses midstream other day, she was choked up talking letter to the President-elect in Decem- without giving them a second horse. about the stress and heartache dealing ber, including putting an end to abu- Last week, I spoke with one of my with a loved one with cancer, how she sive price gouging, requiring more constituents, Kathy, who wrote to my can’t even bear the thought of adding transparency from drug companies, office last November with the heart- more insurance worries on top of that. boosting competition and innovation in breaking story of her husband Lee. He I was speaking to a hospital adminis- the market, and allowing the Secretary is fighting stage IV cancer. Before 2010, trator today at one of Ohio’s great hos- of Health and Human Services to nego- insurance companies denied Kathy and pitals. He said he thinks what this Re- tiate better prices for seniors. That is her family the family coverage she publican Congress is going to do in the what we do with the Veterans’ Admin- needed because her husband’s cancer Affordable Care Act is morally rep- istration. The VA, on behalf of 7 mil- was a preexisting condition. Thank- rehensible. He said: How do I explain to lion veterans, negotiates directly with fully, the Affordable Care Act stopped people right in the middle of their the drug companies to get a signifi- insurance companies from abusive treatment that we can’t do it any- cantly better price for the cost of practices like this. It allowed Kathy’s more? Because we will not have the re- drugs—saves taxpayers, saves veterans. family to buy health insurance through sources if the Affordable Care Act is re- Medicare should do the same thing. the marketplace, helping them afford pealed and the insurance is canceled Senator KLOBUCHAR and I worked the care he needs to fight this dev- and the Medicaid expansion is gone and with several colleagues to reintroduce astating disease. Still, like so many hospitals can’t take care of everybody the Medicare Prescription Drug Price Ohio families, Kathy continues to like they are pretty much now. How do Negotiation Act. Negotiating better struggle to afford the prescription I explain to somebody right in the mid- prices for seniors will save significant medicines she and her husband need. dle of cancer treatment, right in the taxpayer dollars. She fears what will happen when a fam- middle of another kind of long-term or Instead of focusing on the priorities ily like hers is simply kicked off their short-term illness that their insurance that the vast majority of Americans insurance. has been cut off? agree on, Congress and President-Elect Imagine 900,000 Ohioans with insur- Instead of kicking people off their in- Trump are working to throw 30 million ance and, like that—because of par- surance with no plan to replace it and Americans and some 900,000 Ohioans off tisan politics here, because so many of handing billions of dollars in tax their health insurance with no plans to my colleagues ran for President, in breaks to the drug companies, let us replace it. It is reckless and dangerous. some cases, or ran for the Senate or make our first priority lowering drug It will cause premiums to skyrocket. It ran for the House by saying they are costs for the people whom we say we will cause costs to go up for everyone. going to get rid of the Affordable Care are serving. Do you know what it does? It gives a Act, and they are going to get rid of it I yield the floor. $30 billion tax break to drugs compa- and not replace it for a couple of years nies and tens of billions of dollars in maybe. f tax cuts to the richest Americans. Governor Kasich, Republican Gov- On the one hand, Congress will not do ernor in my State—also in the Presi- anything about drug prices because the dential race with my friend in the Pre- ADJOURNMENT UNTIL TOMORROW pharmaceutical industry, frankly, gave siding Officer’s chair—has said to the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under too much money to far too many of my Senate and House, to Ohio’s Repub- the previous order, the Senate stands colleagues. On the other hand, this lican Members: Don’t cancel the Af- adjourned until 12 noon tomorrow. same Congress is going to strip away fordable Care Act. Don’t throw people Thereupon, the Senate, at 6:30 p.m., health care and consumer protections off insurance unless you are going to adjourned until Wednesday, January to seniors on Medicare and people of all replace it with something right now 11, 2017, at 12 noon.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:06 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00041 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10JA6.036 S10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE January 10, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E39 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS

ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE 2017 CON- participation in this year’s program should di- his many years of outstanding service with the GRESS-BUNDESTAG/BUNDESRAT rect them to submit a resume and cover letter National Ski Patrol. EXCHANGE in which they state their qualifications, the The National Ski Patrol (NSP), the largest contributions they can make to a successful winter rescue organization, is a federally char- HON. PAUL D. RYAN program and some assurances of their ability tered nonprofit membership association dedi- OF WISCONSIN to participate during the time stated. cated to serving the public and the mountain IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Applications should be sent to the Office of recreation industry. For 75 years, the NSP has Tuesday, January 10, 2017 Interparliamentary Affairs, HC–4, the Capitol, been on the forefront of safety and emergency by 5 p.m. on Tuesday, February 28, 2017. care education programs. Mr. RYAN of Wisconsin. Mr. Speaker, since f Ed McNamara, a retired U.S. Army National 1983, the U.S. Congress and the German Guard Colonel, has served on federal, state Bundestag and Bundesrat have conducted an IMPROVING ACCESS TO and local emergency medical and Homeland annual exchange program for staff members MATERNITY CARE ACT Security advisory committees. He is a nation- from both countries. The program gives pro- ally registered Paramedic and has been de- SPEECH OF fessional staff the opportunity to observe and ployed with federal disaster medical teams re- learn about each other’s political institutions HON. ANNA G. ESHOO sponding to national emergencies. and interact on issues of mutual interest. Ed began his tenure with the NSP in 1979 A staff delegation from the U.S. Congress OF CALIFORNIA when he became a patroller with the Watatic will be selected to visit Germany for ten days IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mountain Ski Patrol in Ashby, Massachusetts. from Friday, May 26–Sunday, June 4, 2017. Monday, January 9, 2017 Over the years, Ed has held several leader- During this ten day exchange, the delegation Ms. ESHOO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in ship positions including Outdoor Emergency will attend meetings with Bundestag/Bundesrat support of H.R. 315, the bipartisan Improving Care Instructor, National Outdoor Emergency Members, Bundestag and Bundesrat party Access to Maternity Care Act which I was Care Director and Board Chair of the National staff members, and representatives of numer- pleased to introduce with Representative BUR- Ski Patrol. He recently received the pres- ous political, business, academic, and media GESS. tigious Minnie Dole award. This award is one agencies. A comparable delegation of German staff Today, millions of expectant mothers in rural of NSP’s most rarely given awards, which rec- members will visit the United States for ten and underserved areas in our country face ognizes those exceptional few patrollers who days Saturday, April 29–Sunday May 7, 2017. lengthy wait times and have to travel long dis- exemplify the long-term dedication, devotion, They will attend similar meetings here in tances to receive maternity care. Without ade- and self-sacrifice of the founder of the NSP, Washington. quate care, they are at increased risk for com- Charles Minot ‘‘Minnie’’ Dole. The Congress-Bundestag/Bundesrat Ex- plications and their newborns are at higher Ed has worked passionately over the years change is highly regarded in Germany and the risk to endure health problems. Access to ma- to improve outdoor safety care which is re- United States, and is one of several exchange ternal health care professionals including OB– flected in his exemplary contributions as Chief programs sponsored by public and private in- GYNs and midwives is a critical component of Editor of the Outdoor Emergency Care Manual stitutions in the United States and Germany to consistent, high-quality maternal health care 5th Edition. This teaching manual provides a foster better understanding of the politics and from conception through birth. road map for national practices and proce- policies of both countries. This exchange is In my home state of California there are dures for outdoor safety care. funded by the U.S. Department of State’s Bu- only 4,856 OB–GYNs according to the Pew I extend my deepest gratitude to Edward reau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. Charitable Trust, for almost 40 million resi- McNamara for his dedication to the continuing The U.S. delegation should consist of expe- dents, a shortage which can result in dan- education and safety of the snow sport indus- rienced and accomplished Hill staff who can gerous health risks and long-term con- try. contribute to the success of the exchange on sequences for new mothers and their babies. f both sides of the Atlantic. The Bundestag re- I’m proud to support H.R. 315, which takes an important first step toward meeting the CELEBRATING THE LIFE OF DR. ciprocates by sending senior staff profes- MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. sionals to the United States. growing need for maternal health care profes- Applicants should have a demonstrable in- sionals across our country. By directing the terest in events in Europe. Applicants need collection of data about current access to ma- HON. PETER J. VISCLOSKY not be working in the field of foreign affairs, al- ternity care, this legislation will identify the ge- OF INDIANA though such a background can be helpful. The ographic regions of our country that face IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES shortages in maternal health care profes- composite U.S. delegation should exhibit a Tuesday, January 10, 2017 range of expertise in issues of mutual concern sionals and will eventually result in the dis- to the United States and Germany such as, tribution of maternal health care professionals, Mr. VISCLOSKY. Mr. Speaker, as we cele- but not limited to, trade, security, the environ- including doctors and midwives to areas of the brate the birth of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. ment, economic development, health care, country where the full scope of their medical and reflect on his life and work, we are re- and other social policy issues. This year’s del- practice can be utilized and where they are minded of the challenges that democracy egation should be familiar with transatlantic re- needed most. This bill makes important poses to us and the delicate nature of liberty. lations within the context of recent world progress toward ensuring that all Americans, Dr. King’s life and, unfortunately, his untimely events. expectant and new mothers have access to death, remind us that we must continually Please note that the U.S. participants are the healthcare they need and deserve. work to secure and protect our freedoms. In expected to plan and implement the meetings f his courage to act, his willingness to meet and program for the Bundestag/Bundesrat challenges, and his ability to achieve, Dr. King staff members when they visit the United EDWARD C. McNAMARA embodied all that is good and true in the battle States. for liberty. Participants are selected by a committee HON. ED PERLMUTTER The spirit of Dr. King lives on in the citizens composed of personnel from the Bureau of OF COLORADO of communities throughout our nation. It lives Educational and Cultural Affairs of the Depart- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES on in the people whose actions reflect the ment of State and past participants of the ex- spirit of resolve and achievement that will help Tuesday, January 10, 2017 change. move our country into the future. I am honored Members of the House and Senate who Mr. PERLMUTTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise to rise today to recognize several individuals would like a member of their staff to apply for today to recognize Edward C. McNamara for from Indiana’s First Congressional District who

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:19 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A10JA8.001 E10JAPT1 smartinez on DSK3GLQ082PROD with REMARKS E40 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks January 10, 2017 will be recognized during the 38th Annual Dr. I was in Erbil at the personal invitation of rying out a genocide against Christians in the Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Breakfast on the Chaldean Catholic Archbishop of Erbil, Middle East. We cannot let this evil continue.’’ Saturday, January 14, 2017, at the Genesis Bashar Warda. More than 70,000 Christians— If our legislation moves quickly onto the Convention Center in Gary, Indiana. The Gary 10,500 families—who escaped from ISIS have floor for a vote and to President Trump for his Frontiers Service Club, which was founded in relied on the Archdiocese of Erbil for food, signature, I am confident that he will sign it 1952, sponsors this annual breakfast. shelter, and medical care to survive. Yet the and ensure that it is fully implemented. The The Gary Frontiers Service Club will pay Obama administration and United Nations Christians of the Middle East are counting on tribute to local individuals who have for dec- have refused to give a single dollar to the us. ades selflessly contributed to improving the Archdiocese to help them. They have been Many groups support H.R. 390, including quality of life for the people of Gary. This year, kept alive only because of the generosity of the Knights of Columbus, Family Research Denise C. Dillard and Deacon James Hollo- organizations like the Knights of Columbus Council, In Defense of Christians, 21st Cen- way will be honored with the prestigious Dr. and Aid to the Church in Need. However, the tury Wilberforce Initiative, Commission for Martin Luther King, Jr. Drum Major Award. Ad- needs are so great that the Archdiocese is International Justice and Accountability, HIAS, ditionally, several individuals will be recog- chronically in crisis mode, unsure whether it Aid the Church in Need USA, Open Doors, A nized as Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Marchers will soon run out of resources to sustain these Demand for Action, Yezidi Human Rights Or- at this year’s breakfast including Vanessa Christians. ganization International, Religious Freedom In- Allen Ed.D., Natalie Ammons, WD Brewer, Pa- The winter temperatures are freezing and stitute, Christian Solidarity Worldwide, and trician Owens-Lee, Reverend R. Jerry Protho, the risk of related illness is high. Iraq’s Chris- Syrian Accountability Project, and Civitas and Kerry Rice Sr. In addition, Dorothy R. tian population is less than 250,000, down Maxima. Leavell, editor and publisher of The Gary Cru- from up to 1.4 million in 2002, down from It is also supported by all the former U.S. sader, will be the recipient of the 2017 Gary 500,000 in 2013 just before ISIS began tar- Ambassadors-at Large for War Crimes, David Frontiers Gratitude Award. geting Christians for genocide. Scheffer (1997 through 2001), Pierre Prosper Though very different in nature, the achieve- Having fled ISIS, these Christians may have (2001 through 2005), Clint Williamson (2006 ments of each of these individuals reflect to flee their homelands. Perhaps they will take through 2009), and Stephen Rapp (2009 many of the same attributes that Dr. King pos- the little money they have left, and pay smug- through 2015), as well as the Founding Chief sessed, as well as the values he advocated. glers to get them to Europe. They would risk Prosecutor of the Special Court for Sierra Like Dr. King, these individuals saw chal- becoming prisoners of human traffickers or Leone, David Crane, the Director of the Cen- lenges and faced them with unwavering perishing in the Mediterranean Sea, where ter for Religious Freedom Nina Shea, and the strength and determination. Each one of the more than 5,000 refugees and migrants died author of Defying ISIS, Rev. Johnnie Moore. honored guests’ greatness has been found in or went missing in 2016. Fifteen of our colleagues, Republicans and their willingness to serve with ‘‘a heart full of For a few of these genocide survivors un- Democrats, are original cosponsors of H.R. grace and a soul generated by love.’’ They set able to return home, the only long-term option 390. I call on my other colleagues to cospon- goals and work selflessly to make them a re- may be resettlement in a country like the sor this bill and help ensure that it gets to the ality. United States as a refugee. Our legislation new President as soon as possible so that Mr. Speaker, I invite you and my other dis- would create a Priority Two designation that Christian genocide survivors in Iraq and else- tinguished colleagues to join me in com- they are of ‘‘special humanitarian concern’’ to where get the help they so desperately need. mending these honorees, as well as the Gary the United States. The P–2 designation would f Frontiers Service Club officers, President Oli- ensure that they are able to get an overseas PERSONAL EXPLANATION ver J. Gilliam, Vice President James Piggee, interview with the U.S. government to be con- Recording Secretary Linnal Ford, Financial sidered for the U.S. Refugee Admissions Pro- Secretary Melvin Ward, and Treasurer/Sev- gram without needing a referral from the HON. BRENDAN F. BOYLE enth District Director Floyd Donaldson, along United Nations, an NGO, or another U.S. gov- OF PENNSYLVANIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES with Clorius L. Lay, who has served as Break- ernment entity. This would not guarantee ac- fast Chairman for sixteen years, and all other ceptance and admission and they would have Tuesday, January 10, 2017 members of the service club for their initiative, to clear the same security screening as every Mr. BRENDAN F. BOYLE of Pennsylvania. determination, and dedication to serving the other Iraqi and Syrian refugee before being Mr. Speaker, yesterday I missed roll call vote people of Northwest Indiana. admitted. But at least they will be considered. numbers 24 through 25 on the floor of the f The other key element of our bill focuses on House of Representatives. Had I been INTRODUCING THE IRAQ AND accountability. It would require the U.S. gov- present, I would have voted yea to both bills. SYRIA GENOCIDE EMERGENCY ernment to identify and support some entities f that are conducting criminal investigations, RELIEF AND ACCOUNTABILITY PERSONAL EXPLANATION ACT OF 2017 and collecting evidence, on perpetrators of genocide, crimes against humanity, and war HON. CHRISTOPHER H. SMITH crimes in Iraq and Syria. This evidence is usa- HON. TERRI A. SEWELL ble in future criminal trials. Until now, the State OF ALABAMA OF NEW JERSEY Department has been considering these IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES crimes merely as human rights violations, rath- Tuesday, January 10, 2017 Tuesday, January 10, 2017 er than as crimes. Ms. SEWELL of Alabama. Mr. Speaker, dur- Mr. SMITH of New Jersey. Mr. Speaker, I Archbishop Warda has put it clearly. ‘‘These ing the votes held on January 10, 2017, I was rise to announce that my friend ANNA ESHOO coming months may well decide the fate of inescapably detained and away handling im- and I today introduced the Iraq and Syria Christianity in Iraq: whether it survives and is portant matters related to my District and the Genocide Emergency Relief and Account- given a chance for rebirth; or whether it per- ishes, existing only as a few scattered mu- State of Alabama. If I had been present, I ability Act of 2017 (H.R. 390). ´ H.R. 390 would require the State Depart- seum pieces with caretaker clergy, of interest would have voted YES on the Velazquez ment and U.S. Agency for International Devel- to tourists and academics perhaps, but without Amendment, YES on the Clay/Waters Amend- opment to identify the urgent humanitarian the Christian people who had lived there for ment, and YES on Final Passage of H.R. 79. needs of Christians and other genocide sur- two-thousand years.’’ f vivors from religious minority communities and As the Syriac Archbishop of Mosul, who had TRIBUTE IN HONOR OF ROBERT to start supporting some of the entities effec- to seek refuge in Erbil from ISIS together with ROSENBAUER ON THE OCCASION tively aiding them on-the-ground. his people, told me during my mission, ‘‘We OF HIS RETIREMENT This bill is urgently needed because Chris- pray that President Trump will help us. We are tian survivors of the ISIS genocide are facing the last people to speak the Aramaic lan- HON. ANNA G. ESHOO an emergency. Just before Christmas, I went guage. Without help, we are finished.’’ OF CALIFORNIA to Erbil in the Kurdistan region of Iraq to meet Archbishop Nicodemus had reason to be IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES with these survivors. They told me the United hopeful. On September 9, 2016, at the Voter States had abandoned them. I saw first-hand Values Summit, then-candidate Trump said, Tuesday, January 10, 2017 how the Obama administration has failed to ‘‘ISIS is hunting down and exterminating what Ms. ESHOO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to help them. it calls the Nation of the Cross. ISIS is car- honor Robert ‘‘Bob’’ Rosenbauer, a

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:19 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K10JA8.004 E10JAPT1 smartinez on DSK3GLQ082PROD with REMARKS January 10, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E41 geochemist who joined the USGS in Menlo CELEBRATING THE CRUSADERS OF County Children Services and Cordelia Martin Park, California, in 1974. He was part of what THE UNIVERSITY OF MARY HAR- Health Center Boards. These positions en- was then known as the Branch of Pacific and DIN-BAYLOR abled him to shape the minds and embolden Arctic Marine Geology. He soon established a new generation of physicians who continue the USGS rock/water/gas interaction labora- HON. JOHN R. CARTER to honor him by serving the Toledo commu- tory and worked on theoretical and experi- OF TEXAS nity, including Dr. Imran Andrabi, now the mental studies of submarine hydrothermal, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES president and chief executive of Mercy Health. volcanic, and geothermal systems for more It is unsurprising that Dr. Coleman is held in Tuesday, January 10, 2017 than 22 years. such high esteem by his colleagues. His story Mr. CARTER of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I rise is one that cannot be fabricated. Born in Au- In 1996, Bob Rosenbauer developed a lab- today to celebrate the Crusaders of the Uni- gust, 1928, Dr. Coleman grew up in seg- oratory to help understand natural and human- versity of Mary Hardin-Baylor who capped a regated Madison, Indiana, the grandson of a induced stresses on the environment. His di- perfect season by defeating the University of slave. At age fifteen he graduated from high verse research interests include the use of Wisconsin-Oshkosh Titans 10–7 in the Stagg school as the class valedictorian. Genius not- signature lipid biomarkers and stable isotopes Bowl to claim their first ever DIII Football Na- withstanding, Dr. Coleman also showed an to study nearshore ecosystem processes, tional Championship. It was a game low on early desire to serve his community and his changes in microbial diversity in marine sedi- points but high on drama. country as a Captain in the Army Medical ment linked to contaminants, and the paleo- While the Stagg Bowl was contested over Corps. occurrence of hypoxia in deltaic systems. the span of four quarters, for UMHB it was a Dr. Coleman will be dearly missed for his He led efforts to assess the risk of contami- championship 19 years in the making. A pro- enduring kindness and dedication to his com- nated floodwater sediment to human and eco- gram built from scratch by Coach Pete munity. Dr. Coleman will now join his son system health in the aftermath of Hurricanes Fredenburg nearly two decades ago can now David, who died in 1977. He is survived by his Katrina and Rita, and the potential environ- call itself the best in the land. wife, Joan, children Michael, Jeffrey, and mental and human-health impacts of the mud Anyone who follows sports knows the truth Linda, and eight grandchildren. His legacy will volcano in East Java at Sidoarjo. He partici- of these three words: defense wins champion- survive him in Toledo, where he has shaped the current medical landscape and done so pated in studies on saline encroachment in the ships. While high scores thrill the casual fan, much for the community at large, and for the Los Angeles Basin and on hydrocarbon occur- the art of shutting down an opponent’s ability African-American community as a path-break- rence along the California coast and in the to rack up points is what ultimately allows a ing role model. We offer his family our prayers Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary. He team to hoist a championship trophy. The Cru- and hope that they find comfort in the wonder- led the effort to chemically fingerprint and de- saders’ suffocating defense held the Titans to ful memories of their beloved husband and fa- termine the persistence and degradation path- just 215 yards overall and allowed UMHB to ther. ways of oil from recent spills in San Francisco control the game. Their relentless playmaking Bay from the merchant vessel Cosco Busan and defensive intensity, honed through sea- f and in the Gulf of Mexico from the Deepwater sons of tough practice and a strict commit- HONORING THE 100TH BIRTHDAY Horizon explosion. ment to football fundamentals, brought home OF MR. HENRY MORGENTHAU, III the title for the Crusaders. Bob Rosenbauer led studies on the experi- While football is a team sport, there was mental investigation, theoretical modeling, and great play from the Crusaders’ star players. HON. ADAM B. SCHIFF environmental impacts of CO2 sequestration Quarterback Blake Jackson, the game’s MVP, OF CALIFORNIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES in geologic formations with colleagues from ended the game with 171 passing yards and the national and international scientific com- 119 rushing yards. Senior linebacker Matt Tuesday, January 10, 2017 munity. He is the author or co-author of more Cody came through in the clutch with a game- Mr. SCHIFF. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to than 100 peer-reviewed scientific publications. sealing interception. celebrate the 100th birthday of Mr. Henry Mor- On September 26, 2011, Bob Rosenbauer It’s no secret that Texans live for football genthau, III. Mr. Morgenthau was born at was named the new Director of the USGS Pa- and the University of Mary Hardin-Baylor’s home in New York City on January 11, 1917, cific Coastal and Marine Science Center commitment to teamwork and tough physical to Henry Morgenthau, Jr. and his beloved (PCMSC) in Santa Cruz, California. play represent the very best of our beloved mother Elinor Fatman. Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me sport. I congratulate the Crusaders on their A man of creativity, and vision, a parent, in honoring Bob Rosenbauer who has devoted victory in the Stagg Bowl and wish them con- poet, author, film maker and producer, Mr. more than four decades of his life to science, tinued success in seasons to come. Morgenthau found his own success in a family improving our understanding of our environ- f known for its achievements in public service. In his 20s, Mr. Morgenthau graduated from ment and making our country stronger. After DR. JOHN H. COLEMAN giving his entire career in service to science Princeton University and served his country as and our nation, Bob Rosenbauer retired from a U.S. Army officer, rising to the rank of Cap- the United States Geological Survey on Janu- HON. MARCY KAPTUR tain, and receiving a Bronze Star. In his 30s, Mr. Morgenthau developed his ary 3, 2017. He will be honored, together with OF OHIO distinguished career in public broadcasting his wife Terri, on January 15, 2017. Let the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES which lasted into his 60’s. He produced an im- entire House of Representatives wish him Tuesday, January 10, 2017 pressive group of documentaries and series, every blessing in his well deserved retirement. Ms. KAPTUR. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to including ‘‘The Negro and the American Prom- honor the life of Dr. John H. Coleman, a long- ise’’ with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and f time Toledo physician who was dedicated to James Baldwin; and ‘‘Prospects of Mankind’’ his community. PERSONAL EXPLANATION with Eleanor Roosevelt. His work won him and Dr. Coleman was renowned for his empathy Boston’s WGBH, national acclaim, including and giving nature. In every situation, Dr. Cole- Emmy, Peabody, UPI, and other awards and ´ man’s first concern was for others. Friends de- nominations. HON. LUIS V. GUTIERREZ scribe his attitude as always seeking to help In his 40s, Mr. Morgenthau married Pro- OF ILLINOIS others and improve the lives of those he has fessor Ruth Schachter, a refugee of the Holo- helped. Dr. Coleman’s spirit was an inspiration caust who became an advisor to Presidents, a IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to those who worked with him in Toledo, world renowned Africa expert, a champion of Tuesday, January 10, 2017 where he served as a family physician for the underdeveloped world, and a trailblazer for many decades. In 1999 Dr. Coleman was women, among her many significant accom- Mr. GUTIE´ RREZ. Mr. Speaker, I was un- awarded Family Physician of the Year by the plishments. Together, Henry and Ruth have avoidably absent in the House chamber for roll Ohio Academy of Family Physicians, a testa- three children, Sarah, Henry (Ben), and Kra- call votes 12 and 15 on Thursday, January 5, ment to his skills as a doctor and also his mer; and six grandchildren Edward, Henry, 2017. Had I been present, I would have voted leadership and stewardship. Mizia, Henry, Mizia, and Osias. ‘‘nay’’ on roll call vote 12 and ‘‘yea’’ on roll call Dr. Coleman taught at the former Medical In his 70s, Mr. Morgenthau published ‘‘Most- 15. College of Ohio and served on the Lucas ly Morgenthaus,’’ a history of an American

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:19 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K10JA8.002 E10JAPT1 smartinez on DSK3GLQ082PROD with REMARKS E42 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks January 10, 2017 family known for its remarkable public service. Our community owes a debt of gratitude to fully served in Washington, D.C. for the past At the outbreak of World War I, his grand- Dr. Felicia Jameson, who has officially retired four years. His steady leadership and commit- father, Henry Morgenthau, Sr., served as as chairwoman after 30 years of dedicated ment to building the relationship between our Woodrow Wilson’s U.S. Ambassador to the support of this event. We welcome her suc- two countries has resulted in stronger ties and Sublime Porte (the imperial government of the cessor, the Reverend Dr. David A. Hollowell, raised the profile of Kazakhstan and President Ottoman Empire), distinguishing himself in part and his continuing willingness to contribute. Nazarbayev in the West. As he now prepares by his unblinking dispatches about what he The observance for 2017 marks the 32nd to complete his time as Ambassador, I wish to described as ‘‘a campaign of race extermi- year that Dr. King’s birthday will be com- mark the occasion by recognizing his many nation’’ against the Armenians before the term memorated as a national holiday. As an ex- achievements and extending my personal ‘‘genocide’’ had been coined. His father, Henry pression of local unity and in recognition of thanks to him. Morgenthau, Jr., served as Treasury Secretary this important event, the Martin Luther King Jr. The United States and Kazakhstan share a for eleven years under President Franklin Observance Committee invites the Morris strategic partnership and a shared interest in Delano Roosevelt. His brother, Robert Mor- Clergy Council to join with the committee in preventing nuclear proliferation. Ambassador genthau, was named U.S. Attorney by Presi- sponsoring services on Monday, January 16, Umarov has fostered a close working relation- dent Kennedy, before entering politics as the 2017. ship between our government and the Kazakh 1962 Democratic nominee for Governor of NY, This year’s theme ‘‘The Dream at the Cross- Embassy which has been a key ingredient for and then winning elections to be Manhattan’s roads: Empower Love to Overcome,’’ is the many positive steps. Although he will soon de- longest serving District Attorney. Other distin- true embodiment of Dr. King’s philosophy and part Washington, I must mention the Ambas- guished members of Mr. Morgenthau’s family teachings. From those individuals who spear- sador’s significant contributions to the EXPO include his sister Joan Hirschhorn, his first headed the initial celebration, the late Rachel 2017 event which will take place later this year cousin Barbara Tuchman, and his great uncles Viola Jones and Dr. Jamison, the planning ef- in Kazakhstan. Governor Herbert Lehman and Chief Judge Ir- forts have broadened to include members of Over the course of Ambassador Umarov’s ving Lehman of NY. the Morris Area Clergy Council, with rep- time in Washington, I can attest that he is the Mr. Morgenthau, along with his father, resentatives from all major faiths. In addition consummate diplomat, always gracious, even grandfather, brother, and sister, has distin- to the two founders, other volunteers who as- in trying circumstances. While I am sad that guished himself in his dedicated support for sisted in the early years included Emma L. his term in our nation’s capital has finished he American and International Jewry. He and his Martin, George Dorsey, William ‘‘Jack’’ Harris, leaves behind a record of improved relations, wife Ruth were named as Harvard Hillel’s Reginald and Emanueline Smith, Flora Webb, not only between governments, but between 2004 Tribute to Excellence Honorees. His wife Norman Jean Matthews, Woody Huff, Eliza- the people of Kazakhstan and the United States. served on the board of the American Jewish beth Lubar, Cecelia Dowdy, Rabbi Z. David Lastly, the Ambassador will celebrate his World Service and his brother was a founder Levy, and the Rev. Charles Marks. birthday on January 12th and I wish him the of Manhattan’s Museum of Jewish Heritage. The core planning committee is continuing very happiest of celebrations. Henry Morgenthau, Sr. led a major relief effort to carry on the tradition of excellence for this for the Jews in Palestine before it was Israel. great program and has grown to include many f Mr. Morgenthau has also been a great sup- dedicated volunteers. HONORING THE CAREER OF MR. porter of Armenia and her people. Mr. Speaker, I am confident that the Martin HUBERT WALSH At 95, Mr. Morgenthau took up poetry as ‘‘a Luther King Observance Committee will con- celebration of the evening of a long life.’’ He tinue, in the years ahead, to promote the HON. JIM COSTA writes: ‘‘In these precious days I dress my pri- cause of equality and opportunities for all peo- vate demons in these scribblings to come out OF CALIFORNIA ple to pursue productive, fulfilling lives. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES from behind the shadows that have darkened I ask you and my colleagues to join me in Tuesday, January 10, 2017 my long and privileged life.’’ congratulating the Observance Committee as At 96, Mr. Morgenthau published his first they celebrate decades of valuable service to Mr. COSTA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to poem, and at 99 his first solo book of poetry our community. honor the career and achievements of Mr. Hu- was published, ‘‘A Sunday in Purgatory.’’ Pul- bert ‘‘Hub’’ Walsh, outgoing chairman of the f itzer prize winning poet, Peter Balakian, wrote: Merced County Board of Supervisors and ‘‘Morgenthau’s poems are crisp, elegant forays PERSONAL EXPLANATION longtime servant to the people of Merced. Mr. into memory both personal and cultural . . . Walsh has been an eminent figure in Merced His surgical examinations of self and his un- HON. LISA BLUNT ROCHESTER politics for many years, occupying various flinching stare into mortality define the unique OF DELAWARE elected positions at the city and county levels. and honest voice of this remarkable first book His unfailing drive to serve the people of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of poems.’’ Merced in all available capacities has ce- A man of elegance, distinction, and sweet- Tuesday, January 10, 2017 mented his legacy as a leader, public figure, ness, at 100 Mr. Morgenthau remains alive to Ms. BLUNT ROCHESTER. Mr. Speaker, I and role model in the community. the world, eager to create more. wish to clarify my position for the record on Mr. Walsh arrived in Merced in 1967 with f roll call votes cast on January 9, 2017 and his mother, father, brother, and sister after 47TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE MAR- January 3, 2017 spending much of his life moving from com- TIN LUTHER KING JR. OBSERV- On Roll Call Vote Number 25, on consider- munity to community due to his father’s career ANCE COMMITTEE OF MORRIS- ation of H.R. 304 I did not vote. It was my in- in the Air Force. Mr. Walsh graduated from TOWN, NEW JERSEY tention to vote ‘‘Yea.’’ Merced High School in 1968, and moved on to On Roll Call Vote Number 24, on consider- attain his associate degree from Merced Col- HON. RODNEY P. FRELINGHUYSEN ation of H.R. 315 I did not vote. It was my in- lege in 1970. He transferred to the University tention to vote ‘‘Yea.’’ of California, Berkeley shortly thereafter, and OF NEW JERSEY On Roll Call Vote Number 3, on consider- received his Bachelor of Arts in Psychology IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ation of H. Res. 5 I did not vote. It was my in- and Sociology in 1973. Mr. Walsh made the Tuesday, January 10, 2017 tention to vote ‘‘No.’’ decision to serve his country in the United Mr. FRELINGHUYSEN. Mr. Speaker, I ask f States Army after graduation, spending the my Colleagues to join me in honoring the Mar- greater portion of his tour of duty in Ft. Lewis, tin Luther King Jr. Observance Committee of IN RECOGNITION OF AMBASSADOR Washington, where he was able to concur- Morristown, New Jersey in my Congressional KAIRAT UMAROV rently earn a master’s degree in Social District, which this year is celebrating its 47th Science from Pacific Lutheran University. After Anniversary. HON. DANA ROHRABACHER his service in the Army, Mr. Walsh married his Since 1970, the Committee has been dedi- OF CALIFORNIA college sweetheart, Rita Arzamendi, with cated to promoting the rich legacy of the life IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES whom he had two children, Melissa and Trav- and works of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther is. Mr. Walsh then earned a Master’s in Busi- King, Jr. with the involvement of the Morris Tuesday, January 10, 2017 ness Administration from California State Uni- County community in its annual commemora- Mr. ROHRABACHER. Mr. Speaker, Ambas- versity, Stanislaus, all the while remaining ac- tive services. sador Kairat Umarov of Kazakhstan has faith- tive in his church and community.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:19 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A10JA8.005 E10JAPT1 smartinez on DSK3GLQ082PROD with REMARKS January 10, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E43 Mr. Walsh spent over thirty years working in Nader found inspiration for programs to create pervisor John J. Benoit, who passed away in the Merced County Human Services Agency or distribute everywhere he went, including California on Monday, December 26, 2016. in various positions, which allowed him to af- church and family vacations. He guided his John served the people of Riverside County in fect a great deal of positive change throughout groundbreaking vision through changing tech- many ways throughout his life and he will be the city and county of Merced. Mr. Walsh has nology and today his programs are streaming deeply missed. been involved in a breadth of public service online. John started his career in public service at organizations, playing the role of administrator Albert was a force of nature, always burst- the Corona Police Department. From there, he and advocate for countless causes and groups ing with ideas, implementing them and ad- embarked on 29 years of service with the Cali- throughout Merced, ranging from Parks and vancing the causes he believed in. He was a fornia Highway Patrol, which culminated with Recreation to drug abuse prevention pro- faith-filled man, a long-time supporter of his promotion to commander of the CHP’s grams. Mr. Walsh’s decision to run for Merced Moody Church, and proud of his Assyrian her- Indio Station. After serving in law enforcement, City Council in 1995 would foster his long, itage. Most recently, he was raising funds for John became increasingly active in his com- fruitful career as an elected representative. Assyrians caught in the wars in Iraq and Syria. munity. He was elected to the Desert Sands After serving two terms on the City Council, He was a man who loved his family and was School Board before being elected to the Cali- Mr. Walsh was elected Mayor of Merced in devoted to his church, his community and his fornia State Assembly in 2002. John ultimately 2001, where he served two terms before win- country. Because of all he did in living a wor- served three terms in the Assembly during ning his election bid for a seat on the Merced thy life, our country has been bettered im- which time he passed significant legislation, County Board of Supervisors. During his time measurably. Mr. Speaker, I ask the entire including ‘‘Aryanna’s Law’’ to enhance the pro- House of Representatives to join me in ex- as a Councilman, Mayor, and Supervisor, Mr. tection of children in daycare centers. In 2009, pressing our collective sympathy to Albert Walsh’s efforts to reinforce and transform the John was appointed to the Riverside County Nader’s wife and family on the loss of a great image of Merced have been immeasurably Board of Supervisors to carry out the remain- and good man, Albert J. Nader. beneficial for the many people he has served. ing term of his friend, Supervisor Roy Wilson, Mr. Walsh has routinely demonstrated to his f who had passed away. Throughout his life, colleagues and constituency that no issue is PERSONAL EXPLANATION John was a dedicated, effective and pas- too big or small to tackle. This credence has sionate advocate for the Coachella Valley and earned Merced a litany of achievements HON. SCOTT PERRY Riverside County. thanks in large part to Mr. Walsh’s efforts. OF PENNSYLVANIA As a member of the Coachella Valley com- Although Mr. Walsh’s retirement finds us IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES munity, John served in many service organiza- with a heavy heart, there is no doubt that he Tuesday, January 10, 2017 tions, including as past president of both the will remain an active member of his commu- United Way of the Desert and Indio Rotary. nity. Mr. Walsh’s passion for public service Mr. PERRY. Mr. Speaker, unfortunately I John was an avid pilot, who often flew himself runs beyond the positions that he has held, was absent due to illness. However, had I and other legislators up to Sacramento when but is evidenced throughout his whole career been present, I would have voted YEA on Roll the Assembly was in session. John and his and adult life. Call No. 24 and YEA on Roll Call No. 25. wife, Sheryl, were married in 1978, and later Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to join f celebrated the births of their daughter, Sarah, me in recognizing the remarkable career and RECOGNIZING JULIAN SCADDEN and son, Ben. achievements of Mr. Hubert Walsh. His tenure I had the distinct privilege of knowing John in public service will be appreciated for years HON. MIKE COFFMAN for many years. I was proud to call him my to come. friend and I will deeply miss him. I extend my OF COLORADO heartfelt condolences to the Benoit family, his f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES friends, as well as his staff and colleagues. Al- TRIBUTE TO HONOR THE LIFE OF Tuesday, January 10, 2017 though John may be gone, the many life- ALBERT J. NADER Mr. COFFMAN. Mr. Speaker, it is my honor changing contributions he made here in River- today to recognize a truly great citizen of Au- side County will have a lasting impact. HON. ANNA G. ESHOO rora, Colorado, Julian Scadden. Julian self- f OF CALIFORNIA lessly volunteers countless hours in a program IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES known as the ‘VA’s Compassion Corps.’ PERSONAL EXPLANATION Those in the Compassion Corps spend time Tuesday, January 10, 2017 with veterans who have no family or friends to HON. LUIS V. GUTIE´RREZ Ms. ESHOO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to come visit them at VA Hospital Community OF ILLINOIS honor the extraordinary life of Albert J. Nader, Living Centers. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES who passed away on December 22, 2016, in Julian works as a full time housekeeper at Palm Springs, California, at the age of 84. He VA Hospital’s Community Living Center, and Tuesday, January 10, 2017 is survived by his wife Gemma Allen Nader, then will often spend 12 or more hours sitting Mr. GUTIE´ RREZ. Mr. Speaker, I was un- his children Page and Jason, his step-children with veterans afterwards. To say that Julian avoidably absent in the House chamber for roll Bridget and Sean, and six grandchildren. has a strong commitment to our nation’s vet- call votes on Monday, January 9, 2017. Had Albert Nader was the son of the late Joshua erans would be a vast understatement. I been present, I would have voted ‘‘yea’’ on Nader, an Assyrian immigrant from Iran, and A veteran himself, Julian enlisted in the roll call votes 24 and 25. Olga. He was exceedingly proud to be a na- Army in 1967 and served in Vietnam. Today, f tive Chicagoan and of Assyrian heritage. He unfortunately, Julian is the last of what were grew up near Wrigley Field and attended once 20 members of the ‘VA Compassion HONORING RICHARD NOBLE Blaine Elementary School and Lake View High Corps’ volunteers in the Denver area. It is my School where he played baseball and basket- hope that his example will inspire others to HON. THOMAS MacARTHUR ball. He graduated from DePaul University and volunteer for the Compassion Corps which fills OF NEW JERSEY such a vital role for those military men and served as a First Lieutenant in the U.S. Ma- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES rine Corps. After his service to our country, he women who have served the United States of went on to work for Sears, Montgomery Ward, America. Tuesday, January 10, 2017 and Rand McNally developing films, globes, Thanks to you Julian Scadden. Mr. MACARTHUR. Mr. Speaker, I rise today maps, and textbooks for libraries and schools, f to honor the memory and life of veteran Rich- and founded the highly successful ad agency, TRIBUTE TO JOHN J. BENOIT ard Noble of the Third Congressional District, Nader-Lief. and to express my sincerest condolences to In 1978, against the advice of his wife and his family and loved ones he has left behind, other friends, Albert Nader took his innovative HON. KEN CALVERT as well as to recognize his steadfast dedica- OF CALIFORNIA vision to help people collect videos and cre- tion and service to our nation. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ated Questar to produce, acquire and dis- Richard Noble was a Vietnam War Veteran tribute video programs. Questar offered view- Tuesday, January 10, 2017 who was on his way to a Veteran’s Day Cere- ers videos covering a wide variety of topics, Mr. CALVERT. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to mony before a tragic accident claimed his life. including nature, cooking, and history. Albert honor and pay tribute to Riverside County Su- Brave men like Richard have enabled us to

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:19 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A10JA8.009 E10JAPT1 smartinez on DSK3GLQ082PROD with REMARKS E44 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks January 10, 2017 live our daily lives with the free ideals that our beautiful elegiac campus in Sylvania, to the housing, and reforming hiring practices of fire country was founded upon. schools, caring services and hospitals in which departments to ensure greater public safety. It is important that we continue to honor they minister, and the Sylvania Franciscan Vil- He is also credited for requiring school buses Richard and all veterans and remind ourselves lage which was established to integrate the to install swinging stop signs to ensure the of how precious our freedom is, so that we Sisters’ ministries. safety of children crossing the street. His out- never take a day for granted. In addition to traditional ministries, the Syl- standing advocacy on public safety issues has Mr. Speaker, the people of New Jersey’s vania Sisters of St. Francis are leading efforts not gone unrecognized as he has received nu- Third Congressional District are tremendously toward peace and justice and restoring nature. merous honors, including the ‘‘Legislator of the honored to have had Richard Noble as a self- The Sisters note, ‘‘We believe that nature, the Year’’ awards credited to him by the Illinois less and dedicated member of their commu- arts and culture, and the goodness around us Association for Fire Protection Districts, the Illi- nity and a veteran, who put his life in harm’s nurture our souls and make us sensitive to nois Firefighters Association, and the Northern way to protect and serve country during a time Mother Earth and her people.’’ It is that con- Illinois Alliance of Fire Protection Districts. of need. It is with a heavy heart that I com- nection that truly defines the Sisters of St. Most notably, he recently received the 2016 memorate his career and life, and recognize Francis. A walk on the grounds of the Sisters Northern Alliance of Fire Protection Districts the lasting legacy of that he has left behind, of St. Francis is to behold the beauty of nature Lifetime Achievement Award. before the United State House of Representa- in all of its glory, to hear the silence and to In addition to his advocacy for public safety, tives. feel God’s presence everywhere. Representative Moffitt has also championed f From the barracks and strawberry patch the most important issues facing the Mother Adelaide and the 22 pioneering Sisters healthcare industry. As part of this important HONORING THE SYLVANIA ORDER first established, the grounds of the Sisters of work, he sponsored a legislation preventing OF THE SISTERS OF ST. FRANCIS St. Francis now feature many buildings in discrimination of insurance companies based which the Sisters live and work, shrines, grot- on genetic test results, which would later HON. MARCY KAPTUR tos, a prayer garden, the Portiuncula Chapel serve as the paradigm for federal legislation of OF OHIO and adjacent Lourdes University. Its mission- the same topic. Through his work within the Il- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES style buildings showcase stunning mosaics linois healthcare field, Representative Moffitt has helped many families receive the nec- Tuesday, January 10, 2017 and works of art crafted by the Sisters them- selves. It is truly an oasis of peace and tran- essary care and information that they need. Ms. KAPTUR. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to quility. Representative Moffitt’s steadfast work to recognize a momentous occasion in the life of St. Francis of Assisi said, ‘‘Preach the Gos- improve the lives of Illinois’ citizens stands as the Sylvania congregation of the Sisters of St. pel at all times and when necessary use a model for progress to further the greater Francis. The Sylvania Order of the Sisters of words.’’ Throughout their one-hundred-year good and prosperity of the state. He stands as St. Francis celebrated its centennial year in history the Sylvania Sisters of St. Francis have a model for the values and priorities which 2016. Our entire community honors the note- lived this truth. Their presence and their good current—and future—public servants should worthy contributions of the Franciscan’s 100 works demonstrate Christ’s path and God’s strive to uphold in order to better our commu- years of noble service through a celebratory deep love. As the kind and generous Sisters nities. It is an honor to call Representative mass. go forth toward their next centennial, let us be Moffitt not only a colleague, but a friend of It was Bishop Joseph Schrembs of the To- mindful of the history, but with a vision for the many years. I want to congratulate him on his ledo Catholic Diocese who initially requested future. Our community gratefully and enthu- tireless work to improve public safety and his religious sisters to teach the children of Polish siastically joins with them to celebrate the life dedicated service to the State of Illinois. immigrants in Toledo’s Catholic Schools. On of this vital and cherished congregation that is f December 8, 1916, the Sylvania Franciscans the Sylvania Sisters of St. Francis. were founded as a province of the Sisters of MAKING AVAILABLE A CLASSI- f St. Francis in Rochester, Minnesota. The Sis- FIED INTELLIGENCE REPORT TO ters were stationed at St. Hedwig School in RECOGNIZING THE CONTRIBU- MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE the North End of Toledo which served as a TIONS OF STATE REPRESENTA- hub of Polish life in the city. After 89 acres of TIVE DONALD MOFFITT HON. DEVIN NUNES land was purchased in 1917 through the OF CALIFORNIA Rochester community, the Sisters were for- HON. DARIN LaHOOD IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES mally established in Sylvania, Ohio. They were OF ILLINOIS Tuesday, January 10, 2017 known as the Franciscan Sisters of the Im- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. NUNES. Mr. Speaker, I wish to an- maculate Conception and were led by Mother Tuesday, January 10, 2017 nounce that the Permanent Select Committee Adelaide. on Intelligence has voted to make a classified In the century that followed, the Sylvania Mr. LAHOOD. Mr. Speaker, I would like to report regarding Russian activities and inten- Franciscans branched out from their original honor Illinois State Representative Donald tions in the recent U.S. election available for call to teach the city’s Polish immigrant chil- Moffitt for his dedication to public service review by all Members of the House. dren. They began sharing the Franciscan which has tremendously benefitted the people The classified report is available for review presence in ministries spanning health care, and State of Illinois. Today commemorates his by Members at the offices of the Permanent housing, human services and pastoral care, in last day as a Representative in the Illinois Select Committee on Intelligence in Room addition to education. The Sisters’ work is car- General Assembly. HVC–304 of the Capitol Visitors Center. The ried forth in eight states and the country of Representative Moffitt from the 74th House committee office will be open during regular Haiti with 150 Sisters serving our human fam- District of Illinois has dedicated twenty-three business hours for the convenience of any ily. years to tirelessly serving his constituents in Member who wishes to review the report. The Sisters’ ministries are founded on the the Illinois General Assembly. His years of I recommend that Members wishing to re- ‘‘core values of reverence, service, commu- service have been distinguished by his com- view the classified report contact the commit- nity, stewardship.’’ The Franciscan Sisters are mitment to providing timely and effective con- tee’s chief clerk to arrange a time and date for called ‘‘like Francis of Assisi to live the Gospel stituent service, a top priority for his office. As that viewing. This will assure the availability of in joyful servanthood among all people. The a leader of the Republican Party in Illinois, he appropriately cleared committee staff to assist Sisters of St. Francis of Sylvania, Ohio as has cultivated a statewide reputation for his Members who desire assistance during their messengers of peace, commit themselves to dedication to matters concerning Illinois vet- review of these classified materials. works that reverence human dignity, embrace eran’s affairs, agricultural reform, healthcare, It is important that Members keep in mind the poor and marginalize, and respect the gift and especially, the public safety of Illinois. the requirements of clause 13 of House Rule of all creation.’’ Living Christ’s message de- In 2004, he founded the Illinois General As- XXIII, which only permits access to classified scribed in Matthew 25:40 ‘‘whatever you did sembly’s Fire Caucus, which focuses on pro- information by those Members of the House for one of the least of these brothers and sis- moting the goals of Illinois’ fire services. who have signed the oath provided for in the ters of mine, you did for me.’’ The Sylvania Among its accomplishments is the promotion Rules. Sisters of St. Francis celebrated their centen- of funding for Emergency Medical Systems, In addition, the Committee’s rules require nial year as an integral part of our community. creating a fire truck loan program, placing that Members agree in writing to a nondisclo- Their imprimatur is seen everywhere, from the sprinkler systems in college and university sure agreement. The agreement indicates that

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:19 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A10JA8.014 E10JAPT1 smartinez on DSK3GLQ082PROD with REMARKS January 10, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E45 the Member has been granted access to the impacted the lives of underserved, minority Mr. Rotz was the son of a pharmacist and classified report and that the Member is famil- youth by providing activities in their neighbor- from a young age was passionate about help- iar with the rules of the House and the Com- hoods. ing others. At the age of 23, while still study- mittee with respect to the classified nature of Additionally, she is President and CEO of a ing at the Medical College of Virginia, he that information and the limitations on the dis- non-profit organization, Grand Design INC. opened up his first pharmacy in 1976, Barry’s closure of that information. This foundation works to preserve African Drug Store. Despite his age and lack of re- f American culture through community outreach, sources, Mr. Rotz always maintained a strong hosting concerts and visual art performances. RECOGNIZING DR. BARBARA In celebrating the legacy and work of Dr. work ethic and customer-first attitude and was SHANNON-BANNISTER King, I can think of no one better to receive able to expand to a larger location after only such a prestigious award. Congratulations to 2 years of operation. This location, which HON. MIKE COFFMAN Dr. Shannon-Bannister on this excellent changed to Medical Circle Pharmacy, was OF COLORADO achievement. open for 26 years before the pharmacy moved IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f to Amherst Street and became Rotz Pharmacy Tuesday, January 10, 2017 in 2004. Over the years, Mr. Rotz never lost IN RECOGNITION OF JOHN ROTZ Mr. COFFMAN. Mr. Speaker, it is my honor sight of the core values of a family-owned today to recognize the accomplishments of a small business, and the store is widely recog- HON. BARBARA COMSTOCK nized for its traditional feel. dear friend of mine, Dr. Barbara Shannon- OF VIRGINIA Bannister, who will be receiving the ‘Trail- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES In today’s society, family owned small busi- blazer Award’ at the 32nd Annual Martin Lu- nesses are crucial to the future of our nation. Tuesday, January 10, 2017 ther King, Jr. Business Awards. It is families like the Rotz family who help fos- Dr. Shannon-Bannister has a proven record Mrs. COMSTOCK. Mr. Speaker, I am hon- ter strong, local economies by establishing of dedicated civil service, with a career that ored to recognize a local businessman in Vir- successful business practices that can be car- has benefitted community relations in Aurora, ginia’s 10th District, John Rotz, who will be re- ried out for generations. Colorado since 1987. Dr. Shannon-Bannister’s tiring and passing along his business to his position as Division Chief of Community Rela- son Jason. Rotz Pharmacy is a landmark in Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me tions has given her the opportunity to coordi- Winchester and is the only independent phar- in applauding John Rotz for his dedication to nate social relations throughout Aurora and macy left in the area. John Rotz has quite the serving our community for so many years. I the great State of Colorado. An advocate for entrepreneurial history and a pharmaceutical wish Mr. Rotz the best in retirement and wish civil rights, Dr. Shannon-Bannister’s work has background. Jason all the best in managing the pharmacy.

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VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:50 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D10JA7.REC D10JAPT1 smartinez on DSK3GLQ082PROD with DIGEST January 10, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST D29 NOMINATION Hearings recessed subject to the call and will Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Af- meet again at 9:30 a.m., on Wednesday, January 11, fairs: Committee concluded a hearing to examine the 2017. nomination of General John F. Kelly, USMC (Ret.), RUSSIAN INTELLIGENCE ACTIVITIES to be Secretary of Homeland Security, after the Select Committee on Intelligence: Committee concluded a nominee, who was introduced by Senators Carper hearing to examine Russian activities and intentions and McCain, testified and answered questions in his in recent United States elections, after receiving tes- own behalf. timony from James Clapper, Director of National In- telligence; John Brennan, Director, Central Intel- NOMINATION ligence Agency; Admiral Michael Rogers, USN, Di- Committee on the Judiciary: Committee began hearings rector, National Security Agency, Department of De- to examine the nomination of Jeff Sessions, of Ala- fense; and James Comey, Director, Federal Bureau of bama, to be Attorney General, Department of Jus- Investigation, Department of Justice. tice, after the nominee, who was introduced by Sen- INTELLIGENCE ators Shelby and Collins, testified and answered questions in his own behalf, but did not complete Select Committee on Intelligence: Committee held closed action thereon. hearings on intelligence matters, receiving testimony from officials of the intelligence community. Committee recessed subject to the call. h House of Representatives Journal: The House agreed to the Speaker’s approval Chamber Action of the Journal by a yea-and-nay vote of 248 yeas to Public Bills and Resolutions Introduced: 43 pub- 162 nays with 3 answering ‘‘present’’, Roll No. 28. lic bills, H.R. 388–430; and 8 resolutions, H.J. Res. Pages H245, H258 26; and H. Res. 36–39, 41–43, were introduced. Administration of the Oath of Office: Representa- Pages H297–99 tive-elect Schrader presented himself in the well of Additional Cosponsors: Pages H300–01 the House and was administered the oath of office Report Filed: A report was filed today as follows: by the Speaker. Pages H245–46 H. Res. 40, providing for consideration of the bill Whole Number of the House: Under clause 5(d) (H.R. 78) to improve the consideration by the Secu- of Rule 20, the Chair announced to the House that, rities and Exchange Commission of the costs and in light of the administration of the oath of office benefits of its regulations and orders; providing for to the Member-elect, the whole number of the consideration of the bill (H.R. 238) to reauthorize House is 435. Page H246 the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, to Committee Elections: The House agreed to H. Res. better protect futures customers, to provide end-users 36, electing Members to certain standing commit- with market certainty, to make basic reforms to en- tees of the House of Representatives. Page H249 sure transparency and accountability at the Commis- Privileged Resolution: The House agreed to H. sion, to help farmers, ranchers, and end-users manage Res. 37, providing for the attendance of the House risks, to help keep consumer costs low, and for other at the Inaugural Ceremonies of the President and purposes; and for other purposes (H. Rept. 115–3). Vice President of the United States. Page H249 Page H297 Committee Election: The House agreed to H. Res. Speaker: Read a letter from the Speaker wherein he 39, electing a Member to a certain standing com- appointed Representative Webster (FL) to act as mittee of the House of Representatives. Page H259 Speaker pro tempore for today. Page H239 Suspensions: The House agreed to suspend the rules Recess: The House recessed at 10:42 a.m. and re- and pass the following measures: convened at 12 noon. Page H245 Energy Efficient Government Technology Act: H.R. 306, to amend the Energy Independence and

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:50 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D10JA7.REC D10JAPT1 smartinez on DSK3GLQ082PROD with DIGEST D30 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST January 10, 2017 Security Act of 2007 to promote energy efficiency issuer to be a real business (by a recorded vote of via information and computing technologies; 163 ayes to 253 noes, Roll No. 30). Pages H266–68 Pages H265–66, H281–82 Small Business Broadband Deployment Act: H. Res. 33, the rule providing for consideration of the bills (H.R. 5) and (H.R. 79) was agreed to H.R. 288, to ensure that small business providers of by a recorded vote of 233 ayes to 183 noes, Roll No. broadband Internet access service can devote re- 27, after the previous question was ordered by a yea- sources to broadband deployment rather than com- and-nay vote of 234 yeas to 179 nays, Roll No. 26. pliance with cumbersome regulatory requirements; Pages H249–58 Pages H268–70 Suspension—Proceedings Postponed: The House Inspiring the Next Space Pioneers, Innovators, debated the following measure under suspension of Researchers, and Explorers (INSPIRE) Women the rules. Further proceedings were postponed. Act: H.R. 321, to inspire women to enter the aero- Tested Ability to Leverage Exceptional National space field, including science, technology, engineer- Talent Act of 2017: H.R. 39, to amend title 5, ing, and mathematics, through mentorship and out- United States Code, to codify the Presidential Inno- reach; Pages H270–73 vation Fellows Program. Pages H283–85 Promoting Women in Entrepreneurship Act: Quorum Calls—Votes: Three yea-and-nay votes H.R. 255, to authorize the National Science Founda- and three recorded votes developed during the pro- tion to support entrepreneurial programs for women; ceedings of today and appear on pages H259, Pages H273–75 H257–58, H258, H281, H281–82, and H282–83. Support for Rapid Innovation Act of 2017: H.R. There were no quorum calls. 239, amended, to amend the Homeland Security Act Adjournment: The House met at 10 a.m. and ad- of 2002 to provide for innovative research and devel- journed at 8:20 p.m. opment; Pages H275–77 Leveraging Emerging Technologies Act of 2017: Committee Meetings H.R. 240, amended, to encourage engagement be- SEC REGULATORY ACCOUNTABILITY ACT; tween the Department of Homeland Security and COMMODITY END-USER RELIEF ACT technology innovators; and Pages H277–79 Committee on Rules: Full Committee held a hearing on Modernizing Government Travel Act: H.R. 274, H.R. 78, the ‘‘SEC Regulatory Accountability Act’’; amended, to provide for reimbursement for the use and H.R. 238, the ‘‘Commodity End-User Relief of modern travel services by Federal employees trav- Act’’. The committee granted, by voice vote, a struc- eling on official Government business. Pages H279–80 tured rule for H.R. 78. The rule provides one hour Recess: The House recessed at 4:50 p.m. and recon- of general debate equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking minority member of the Com- vened at 5:20 p.m. Page H280 mittee on Financial Services or their respective des- Helping Angels Lead Our Startups Act: The ignees. The rule waives all points of order against House passed H.R. 79, to clarify the definition of consideration of the bill. The rule provides that the general solicitation under Federal securities law, by bill shall be considered as read. The rule waives all a yea-and-nay vote of 344 yeas to 73 nays, Roll No. points of order against provisions in the bill. The 31. Pages H259–66, H280–83 rule makes in order only those amendments printed Rejected: in part A of the Rules Committee report. Each such Vela´zquez amendment (No. 1 printed in part B of amendment may be offered only in the order printed H. Rept. 115–2) that sought to require the event in the report, may be offered only by a Member des- sponsor to provide attendees with a written disclo- ignated in the report, shall be considered as read, sure outlining the nature of the event and the risks shall be debatable for the time specified in the re- of investing in the securities for sale; would also port equally divided and controlled by the proponent clarify that attendance at an event does not in itself and an opponent, shall not be subject to amend- establish a pre-existing relationship for purposes of ment, and shall not be subject to a demand for divi- Rule 506(b) (by a recorded vote of 167 ayes to 249 sion of the question. The rule waives all points of noes, Roll No. 29); and Pages H264–65, H280–81 order against the amendments printed in part A of Clay amendment (No. 2 printed in part B of H. the report. The rule provides one motion to recom- Rept. 115–2) that sought to limit the types of fees mit with or without instructions. Additionally, the ‘‘demo day’’ sponsors can collect and requires an rule grants a structured rule for H.R. 238. The rule provides one hour of general debate equally divided

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and controlled by the Majority Leader and the Mi- cess request. The committee adopted its rules for the nority Leader or their respective designees. The rule 115th Congress. A motion, pursuant to Committee waives all points of order against consideration of the Rule 14(i), that the Committee call to the attention bill. The rule makes in order as original text for the of the House the Classified Intelligence Community purpose of amendment an amendment in the nature Assessment Regarding Russian Activities and Inten- of a substitute consisting of the text of the Rules tions in the Recent U.S. Election passed. This meet- Committee Print 115–2, and provides that it shall ing was closed. be considered as read. The rule waives all points of order against that amendment in the nature of a substitute. The rule makes in order only those Joint Meetings amendments printed in part B of the Rules Com- No joint committee meetings were held. mittee report. Each such amendment may be offered f only in the order printed in the report, may be of- fered only by a Member designated in the report, NEW PUBLIC LAWS shall be considered as read, shall be debatable for the (For last listing of Public Laws, see DAILY DIGEST, p. D10) time specified in the report equally divided and con- S. 3084, to invest in innovation through research trolled by the proponent and an opponent, shall not and development, and to improve the competitive- be subject to amendment, and shall not be subject ness of the United States. Signed on January 6, to a demand for division of the question. The rule 2017. (Public Law 114–329) waives all points of order against the amendments printed in part B of the report. The rule provides f one motion to recommit with or without instruc- COMMITTEE MEETINGS FOR WEDNESDAY, tions. In section 3, the rule provides that on any leg- JANUARY 11, 2017 islative day during the period from January 16, (Committee meetings are open unless otherwise indicated) 2017, through January 20, 2017: the Journal of the proceedings of the previous day shall be considered Senate as approved; and the Chair may at any time declare Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation: to the House adjourned to meet at a date and time to hold hearings to examine the nomination of Elaine L. be announced by the Chair in declaring the adjourn- Chao, to be Secretary of Transportation, 10:15 a.m., ment. In section 4, the rule provides that the Speak- SD–G50. er may appoint Members to perform the duties of Committee on Foreign Relations: to hold hearings to exam- the Chair for the duration of the period addressed by ine the nomination of Rex Wayne Tillerson, of Texas, to section 3. In section 5, the rule provides that it shall be Secretary of State, 9 a.m., SD–106. be in order at any time on the legislative day of Jan- Full Committee, business meeting to consider S. Res. uary 13, 2017, for the Speaker to entertain motions 6, objecting to United Nations Security Council Resolu- that the House suspend the rules as though under tion 2334 and to all efforts that undermine direct nego- tiations between Israel and the Palestinians for a secure clause 1 of rule XV, and that the Speaker or his des- and peaceful settlement, and protocol to the North Atlan- ignee shall consult with the Minority Leader or her tic Treaty of 1949 on the Accession of Montenegro (Trea- designee on the designation of any matter for consid- ty Doc. 114–12), 6 p.m., S–216, Capitol. eration pursuant to this section. Testimony was Committee on the Judiciary: to continue hearings to ex- heard from Chairman Conaway and Representatives amine the nomination of Jeff Sessions, of Alabama, to be Wagner and Lucas. Attorney General, Department of Justice, 9:30 a.m., ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING; BUSINESS SR–325. MEETING House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence: Full Com- Committee on House Administration, Full Committee, or- mittee held an organizational meeting for the 115th ganizational meeting for the 115th Congress, 11 a.m., Congress; and a business meeting to consider an ac- 1310 Longworth.

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Next Meeting of the SENATE Next Meeting of the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 12 noon, Wednesday, January 11 10 a.m., Wednesday, January 11

Senate Chamber House Chamber Program for Wednesday: Senate will continue consider- Program for Wednesday: Consideration of H.R. 5— ation of S. Con. Res. 3, Budget Resolution. Senate ex- Regulatory Accountability Act of 2017. pects to begin votes on or in relation to amendments to the concurrent resolution at approximately 6 p.m.

Extensions of Remarks, as inserted in this issue

HOUSE Costa, Jim, Calif., E42 Perlmutter, Ed, Colo., E39 Eshoo, Anna G., Calif., E39, E40, E43 Perry, Scott, Pa., E43 Blunt Rochester, Lisa, Del., E42 Frelinghuysen, Rodney P., N.J., E42 Rohrabacher, Dana, Calif., E42 Boyle, Brendan F., Pa., E40 Gutie´rrez, Luis V., Ill., E41, E43 Ryan, Paul D., Wisc., E39 Calvert, Ken, Calif., E43 Kaptur, Marcy, Ohio, E41, E44 Schiff, Adam B., Calif., E41 Carter, John R., Tex., E41 LaHood, Darin, Ill., E44 Sewell, Terri A., Ala., E40 Coffman, Mike, Colo., E43, E45 MacArthur, Thomas, N.J., E43 Smith, Christopher H., N.J., E40 Comstock, Barbara, Va., E45 Nunes, Devin, Calif., E44 Visclosky, Peter J., Ind., E39

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