E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 115 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 163 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 10, 2017 No. 6 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was I came across an editorial in the ‘‘5. Say hello to a stranger. How called to order by the Speaker pro tem- Reading Eagle, a newspaper with cir- much effort does it take? What is the pore (Mr. WEBSTER of Florida). culation in my district. Harry Deitz, real risk? Many of our best relation- f the editor of the Reading Eagle, had an ships began with a simple ‘hello.’ editorial entitled, ‘‘17 Simple Ways to ‘‘6. Give something anonymously to DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO Improve the World in 2017.’’ I thought someone in need. Don’t look for rec- TEMPORE it was so absolutely excellent that I ognition or appreciation. Focus on The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- would like to share it with the Amer- what you can do for ‘he’ or ‘she,’ in- fore the House the following commu- ican public verbatim: stead of asking, ‘what’s in it for me?’ nication from the Speaker: ‘‘Imagine how much better the world ‘‘7. Have a conversation with a child. WASHINGTON, DC, could be if all of us resolved to make Not a lesson or a lecture. You may be January 10, 2017. the world a better place. Imagine how surprised at how much you can learn I hereby appoint the Honorable DANIEL much better it could be if just one of us and how much you can teach when you WEBSTER to act as Speaker pro tempore on did that. talk and listen. this day. ‘‘It really isn’t difficult. We just need ‘‘8. Make a call to someone you PAUL D. RYAN, to make up our minds to do positive Speaker of the House of Representatives. haven’t spoken with in years. Better little things that will add up to posi- yet, visit that person. f tive big things. Often, they are things ‘‘9. Don’t wish away a single day. MORNING-HOUR DEBATE that don’t take much time or energy. How often have we been anxious for a They may not cost anything. But the day to be over? We only have so many The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- rewards—the paybacks—are immeas- ant to the order of the House of Janu- days, and we don’t know how many. So urable. even when things are going really ary 3, 2017, the Chair will now recog- ‘‘So, in the spirit of a new year, here badly, don’t give up on that day. Think nize Members from lists submitted by are 17 simple things we can do in 2017 positive, and make every day special. the majority and minority leaders for to improve the world around us. And consider tomorrow a new oppor- morning-hour debate. ‘‘1. There’s an old caution sign at tunity to do what we weren’t able to do The Chair will alternate recognition railroad crossings: Stop, look and lis- today. between the parties, with each party ten. It also should apply to commu- limited to 1 hour and each Member nication and understanding. Think how ‘‘10. Say you are sorry. It’s never too other than the majority and minority much better things would be if we late, and it’s not as painful as it may leaders and the minority whip limited stopped or at least slowed down, looked seem. to 5 minutes, but in no event shall de- a person in the eye and really listened ‘‘11. Forgiveness isn’t only one of the bate continue beyond 11:50 a.m. to what he or she has to say. That cer- best things you can do for others. It The Chair recognizes the gentleman tainly would derail some of the anger also is one of the greatest gifts you can from Pennsylvania. and misunderstandings in the world. give to yourself. It removes burdens. It helps you see clearly. It repairs what is f ‘‘2. Say something positive to some- one every day. You may never know broken. Time may reduce our pain but HARRY DEITZ: 17 SIMPLE WAYS how much a kind word or a compliment doesn’t always remove it. Forgiveness TO IMPROVE THE WORLD IN 2017 will mean to the person, but you will will. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The feel better after you’ve done it. ‘‘12. Take a quiet walk. Look at the Chair recognizes the gentleman from ‘‘3. Make a donation to charity. world around you. How can you help Pennsylvania (Mr. COSTELLO) for 5 min- Money helps, but donations also come but marvel at God’s creation when you utes. in the form of your time. push away all of the distractions in Mr. COSTELLO of Pennsylvania. Mr. ‘‘4. Don’t make judgments. There are your life? Speaker, when we came back from people in the world who judge us before ‘‘13. Happiness isn’t something we are break, starting 2017, I wanted to share they know us. They judge us before given. It’s something we choose. So some thoughts on how we can all im- they know all the facts. They dis- choose happiness. prove ourselves and our country here approve when we have different opin- ‘‘14. Cherish your memories more in 2017, but last week there was such a ions. Sometimes there isn’t right or than your possessions. They not only flurry of activity, I didn’t have the op- wrong—there is just different. Don’t are more important, but they will last portunity to do so. just talk tolerance—practice it. much longer. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H239 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:11 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10JA7.000 H10JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H240 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 10, 2017 ‘‘15. Smile. I can’t think of an expres- healthcare costs rising more slowly must lose. We must stand strong and sion that can have a more positive im- than before the act. We have expanded united on that proposition. pact on someone else—and on yourself. coverage and subsidized care for mil- f It’s difficult to be angry or cranky lions of Americans, while improving TRIBUTE TO DEAN BORG when you’re smiling. the quality of health insurance. All of ‘‘16. Pray for peace. If you believe in these reforms are, in fact, working. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The prayer, you already understand its A reckless act to repeal something Chair recognizes the gentleman from power. If you don’t, what do you have that is now baked into the healthcare Iowa (Mr. YOUNG) for 5 minutes. to lose? system on which millions of Americans Mr. YOUNG of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I ‘‘17. Tell people you love them. It’s rely and benefit from—indeed, the en- rise today to honor veteran Iowa jour- something you can’t do too often. It’s tire system benefits from—would have nalist Dean Borg and to offer my con- something they will never tire of hear- serious destabilizing effects beyond the gratulations on his upcoming retire- ing.’’ loss of coverage for almost 30 million ment from Iowa Public Television’s Words well spoken, Harry Dietz. Americans. Republican efforts to weak- ‘‘Iowa Press.’’ MATERNAL HEALTH CARE en Medicaid for the poor and disabled Dean Borg is a leader in Iowa, in our Mr. COSTELLO of Pennsylvania. Mr. and undermine Medicare for the elderly community, and his contributions to Speaker, I rise in support of H.R. 315, means that almost 100 million Ameri- over four decades of ‘‘Iowa Press’’ are the Improving Access to Maternity cans have their health care at risk. unparalleled. His presence on Iowa Care Act. We will begin the battle fighting any Public Television’s respected weekly As we look to strengthen health care, effort by the new administration and news program will surely be missed. one area where we must continue to the suddenly empowered Republican A native of Forest City, Borg at- show leadership is in the delivery of majority to act on their campaign tended Iowa State University and quality and timely maternal and pre- rhetoric abolishing ObamaCare but not began his journalism career at WOI natal care. Certain areas of the coun- providing a replacement. A repeal Radio while still a student. Earning de- try, though, suffer from a shortage of without a clear alternative replace- grees in journalism and public edu- professionals to provide this essential ment at the same time is unacceptable. cation from Iowa State University and care. It is not just unacceptable to Demo- the University of Iowa, Borg served as For over 40 years, the National crats in Congress. It is unacceptable to a reporter and later as news director Health Service Corps has helped to millions of recently insured Ameri- for WMT Radio and WMT Television place primary, dental, and mental cans—in fact, millions found in red stations in Cedar Rapids. His career health providers in underserved areas. States—unacceptable to healthcare path is an example of how Iowa hard This bill would use data collected from professionals, insurance companies, work, talent, and dedication can set the National Health Service Corps to hospitals, and the vast array of other you on the path to achieving remark- designate and place maternal people involved with the healthcare in- able successes in life.
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