Annual Report and Financial Statement 2017
Cross-Party Group Annual Report. 2017-2018 Cross Party Group on Food Jenny Rathbone AM, David Melding AM, Jeremy Miles AM, Huw Irranca- Davies AM, Mike Hedges AM, Caroline Jones AM, Suzy Davies AM 1. Group membership and office holders. Jenny Rathbone AM (Chair) Secretary: To be elected at next meeting Other Outside Bodies Attending: Public Health Wales Cancer Research UK National Federation of Women’s Institutes (NFWI) Wales Tenovus Public Health Wales Food Waste Prevention Food Cardiff NHS Shared Services NHS Education Catering Cardiff and Vale UHB ABMU Health Board WRAP Cardiff and Vale Public Health Team NHS UNISON Local residents Frosty’s Green Grocers CLAS Cymru All Wales Nutrition University of South Wales Welsh Government Food Division Federation of City Farms & Community Gardens Exeter University Cardiff School of Geography and Planning Women’s Institute British Dietetic Association Annual Report Cross Party Group on Food 2017-2018 2. Previous Group Meetings. Meeting 1 Meeting date: 10th May 2017 Attendees: Jenny Rathbone AM Suzy Davies AM Huw Irranca Davies AM Christian Webb, Simon Thomas’ Office Jack Sellers, David Melding’s Office Bethan Proctor, Jenny Rathbone’s Office Peter Wong, Jenny Rathbone’s Office Amber Tatton, Jenny Rathbone’s Office Amber Wheeler, University of South Wales Katie Palmer, Food Cardiff David Morris, Welsh Government Emma Williams, Federation of City Farms & Community Gardens Rebecca Sandover, PhD student, Exeter University Dr. Ana Moragues Faus, Cardiff School of Geography and Planning Sarah Thomas,
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