Annual Report and Financial Statement 2017

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Annual Report and Financial Statement 2017 Cross-Party Group Annual Report. 2017-2018 Cross Party Group on Food Jenny Rathbone AM, David Melding AM, Jeremy Miles AM, Huw Irranca- Davies AM, Mike Hedges AM, Caroline Jones AM, Suzy Davies AM 1. Group membership and office holders. Jenny Rathbone AM (Chair) Secretary: To be elected at next meeting Other Outside Bodies Attending: Public Health Wales Cancer Research UK National Federation of Women’s Institutes (NFWI) Wales Tenovus Public Health Wales Food Waste Prevention Food Cardiff NHS Shared Services NHS Education Catering Cardiff and Vale UHB ABMU Health Board WRAP Cardiff and Vale Public Health Team NHS UNISON Local residents Frosty’s Green Grocers CLAS Cymru All Wales Nutrition University of South Wales Welsh Government Food Division Federation of City Farms & Community Gardens Exeter University Cardiff School of Geography and Planning Women’s Institute British Dietetic Association Annual Report Cross Party Group on Food 2017-2018 2. Previous Group Meetings. Meeting 1 Meeting date: 10th May 2017 Attendees: Jenny Rathbone AM Suzy Davies AM Huw Irranca Davies AM Christian Webb, Simon Thomas’ Office Jack Sellers, David Melding’s Office Bethan Proctor, Jenny Rathbone’s Office Peter Wong, Jenny Rathbone’s Office Amber Tatton, Jenny Rathbone’s Office Amber Wheeler, University of South Wales Katie Palmer, Food Cardiff David Morris, Welsh Government Emma Williams, Federation of City Farms & Community Gardens Rebecca Sandover, PhD student, Exeter University Dr. Ana Moragues Faus, Cardiff School of Geography and Planning Sarah Thomas, Public Affairs Officer, Women’s Institute Caroline Bovey, British Dietetic Association Pamela Mason, Food Nutrition Consultant Summary of issues discussed: Inaugural meeting- Jenny Rathbone to chair temporarily Discussions of research on fruit and vegetable deficit in Wales Food waste and wasted food Schools based intervention- does this work better than systemic change? Meeting 2 Meeting date: 3rd October 2017 Attendees: Jenny Rathbone AM (Chair) David Melding AM Annual Report Cross Party Group on Food 2017-2018 Jeremy Miles AM Huw Irranca-Davies AM Mike Hedges AM Kelly Frost, Frosty’s Green Grocers Mike Frost, Frosty’s Green Grocers Jack Sellers, David Melding’s Office Bethan Proctor, Jenny Rathbone’s Office (Secretary) Peter Wong, Jenny Rathbone’s Office Jessica Hayden, Jenny Rathbone’s Office Judith Gregory , Senior Client Officer Education Catering Lucie Taylor, CLAS Cymru Coordinator Katie Palmer, Public Health Wales Rebecca Morgan, Health Board Lisa Williams, All Wales Nutrition Training Facilitator Amber Wheeler, University of South Wales David Morris, Welsh Government Food Division Summary of issues discussed: Jenny Rathbone AM nominated as Chair. Her office were nominated as Secretary. Introducing more local produce from local wholesalers Managing competition from supermarket chains to local businesses Meeting 3 Meeting date: 7th February 2018 Attendees: Jenny Rathbone AM (Chair) Zoë Bateman, Jenny Rathbone’s Office (Secretary) Peter Wong, Jenny Rathbone’s Office Nick Ramsey AM Mark Major, Caroline Jones AM’s Office Ryland Doyle, Mike Hedges AM’s Office Kier Warner, NHS Shared Services Hannah Caswell, Food for Life Soil Association Judith Gregory , Senior Client Officer Education Catering Judyth Jenkins , Head of Nutrition and Dietetic Services, Cardiff and Vale (C&V) UHB Joanne Jefford , Dietetic Catering Lead & Nutrition Manager, Llandough Hospital, C&V UHB Judith John, Public Health Wales Annual Report Cross Party Group on Food 2017-2018 Rob Daniel, ABMU Health Board Hugh Jones, WRAP Rhianon Urquhart, C&V Public Health Team Frances Jacobsen, Cardiff Resident Maureen Langan, Cardiff Resident Margaret Thomas, NHS UNISON Rep. Barbara Moore, Cardiff Resident Summary of issues discussed: Do hospitals deliver nutritious food for patients? Ensuring local produce can be included in the standard food service for hospitals Meeting 4 Meeting date: 23rd May 2018 Attendees: Jenny Rathbone AM Peter Wong, Jenny Rathbone Office Lisa Williams, Public Health Wales (Dietician) (Speaker) Andy Glyde, Cancer Research UK (Speaker) Clare Bath, Cancer Research UK Sarah Thomas, National Federation of Women's Institutes (NFWI) Wales Maura Matthews, Prevention Lead, Tenovus Stephanie Hall , Preventions Campaigns Advisor, Tenovus Nike Arowobusoye, Public Health Wales (Consultant in Public Health Medicine) Hugh Jones, Food Waste Prevention (WRAP Cymru) Natalie Field, Public Health Wales (Consultant in Public Health) Katie Palmer, Food Cardiff Summary of issues discussed: Obesity and the link between cancer NHS strategy to tackle obesity Annual Report Cross Party Group on Food 2017-2018 Professional lobbyists, voluntary organisations and charities with whom the Group has met during the preceding year. The NGOs linked to the group are listed above when they have attended our regular meetings. No special meetings were held with NGOs or lobbyists. Annual Financial Statement. Annual Report Cross Party Group on Food 2017-2018 2017-2018 Cross Party Group on Food Jenny Rathbone AM Group’s Expenses. None. £0.00 Costs of all goods. No goods purchased. £0.00 Benefits received by the 23/05/18 catering invoice £0.00 group or individual paid by Cancer Research UK. Members from outside Invoice recorded separately. bodies. Any secretariat or other None £0.00 support. Services provided to the Group such as hospitality. All catering provided by Charlton House Catering. Date Description and name of Cost provider 10/05/17 Food £134.10 03/10/17 Food £153.78 07/02/18 Food £89.70 Total cost £377.58 Annual Report Cross Party Group on Food 2017-2018 .
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