Canon I Cal Portraits [Aste
HESPERIA 69, 2000 UN CANON I CAL Pages 0S-132 IMPE RIAL PORTRAITS I N TH E [ASTE RN ROMAN P ROVI NCES THE CASE OF THE KANELLOPOULOS EMPEROR ABSTRACT 1. This articlegrew out of a paper The identity of the imperial portrait in the Kanellopoulos Museum in Ath- originallypresented at the Archaeologi- ens has baffledmodern viewers. The portraitlacks an inscriptionand the prov- cal Institute of America Annual enance is unknown, although it is probablyfrom the Roman East. The por- Meeting in Atlanta, Georgia, in 1994. traitbears the imperialattribute of a coronacivica yet its featuresdo not closely I am indebted to many scholarsfor their contributionsand advice, resemble those of any emperor.Comparison with other provincialimperial especiallythose who read this articlein portraits in sculpture and on coins reveals that deviation from Roman ca- earlierstages, including Alan Shapiro, nonical types is common, a finding also supported in the ancient literature. Andrew Stewart,Fred Kleiner,and the Stylistic analysisplaces the portraitin the early 2nd century,so the Kanello- anonymousreviewers for Hesperia. poulos Emperor is probablyTrajan. Their helpful comments and insightful suggestions caused me to rethink and reworkthis article significantly,and I In the collections of the small but impressive Kanellopoulos Museum, lo- am deeply grateful.Thanks also to all cated on the northern slopes of the Acropolis in Athens, an imperial por- who suppliedphotographs: Maria trait is displayed (Figs. 1-4).1 The identity of the figure cannot be easily Andreadaki,Vanna Niniou-Kindelis, determined by conventional methods. The imperial status of the image is and George Skoulas,Chania Museum; secure.The portrait, measuring 35 cm in height, is greater than life size, a Mari Aurenhammer,Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna;Unal Demirer, common characteristicof Roman imperial portraits.2In addition, the por- Antalya Museum; Roland Etienne, trait is of very high quality, both in material and carving.
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