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Funding Agency

National Endowment for Democracy Supporting Ire-rd.:In around thr VW, la ANCB MEMBER NGOs Dir yof A4eber 2007

[email protected] Preface

We are pleased to present the updated data directory of ANCB for 2007. This editioncontains ,,.nvdated information and details of ANCB member organizations whichare strive for the provision of humanitarian services to the people of .

The information has been collected by the ANCB staff, provided by member NGOsand efforts have been made to make sure the accuracy of the information, however. this doesnot include all Afghan NGOs which are registered with the Government of Islamic Republic ofAfghanistan and confined to only ANCB members. Weare also working on improving our communication network with our members especially with those inmore remote provinces. This will make sure collection of more information faster and reliable.

We would also like to thank all NGOs who have contributedto this directory and hope for their continued support in keeping future issues complete and accurate and wouldrequest to all those members who were not able to provide information for this issueto provide their organizations information necessary for the next issue of this directory.

I hope this directory will serve the Donor & UN agencies, Government of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, International Community and other stakeholders with useful information about ANCB member NGOs and will enable them to have a clear and comprehensive picture of the activities of Afghan NGOs.

Mohammad Nasib Chairman, ANCB TABLE OF CONTENTS

AABRAR AADA 3 AAWU ABNA 7 ABR 9 ABRO 11 ACDO 13 ACLU 15 ACRU 17 ACT 19 ADNA 21 ADVTP 22 AEA 24 AFS 25 AGHCO 27 EHBA 29 AHCO 31 AHDO 32 AHDS 34 AHRO 36 AHTP 38 AIL 40 AIRO 42 ANAR 44 AMRA 46 AMWA 47 APA 49 APWO 51 AREA 53 AREC 55 AREP 57 AREO 59 ASRAF 61 ASSC 63 ASSRA 65 AWAKEN 67 AWARD 69 AWCDO 70 AWEC 72 AWO 74 AWSE 76 AWWD 78 AWWO 80 BAS 82 BASTRAT 83 BCURA 85 BHC 87 BRD 88 CDRU 90 CPAU 92 CAWC 94 CCA 96 CDU 97 CoAR 99 DAO 101 DARMAN 102 DEGRA 103 DRSA 105 ECW 106 EHD 108 EMDAD 110 ERDA 112 ESAR 114 FRDO 116 GRSP 117 HAFO 119 HADN 121 HAOA 123 HAS 125 HAWA 127 HDCAW 129 HEWAD 131 HHO 133 IBNASINA 134 IHSAN 137 JACK 139 KRA 141 KNF 143 LROA 144 AWVSLC (MAHARAT) 146 MRAA 148 MSSAA 150 PRB 152 REACA 154 RCOA 156 RDO 158 ROA 160 ROPSFA 161 RSSA 163 SADAAT 165 SAHAR 167 SEA 169 SFRD 171 SSDA 173 STAAR 174 SVF 176 THRA 178 UMCA/RPA 180 WADAN 182 WRA 184 WRADO 186 WROYA 187 WSRO 189 WSTA 191 YAAR 193 AABRAR'S BACKGROUND

Afghan Amputee Bicyclists for Rehabilitation and Recreation (AABRAR) is a small, Afghan non -government organization that is concerned with the physical rehabilitation and socio- economic integration of disabled people and other vulnerable groups into the community.

In its inception in 1992, AABRAR began a bicycle training program for amputees to improve mobility and increase their independence, enabling them to travel to and work from, and save on transportations costs. Since then, AABRAR has expanded its activities to offer a range of services to vulnerable people, designing special programs for women and children to address their needs. AABRAR's programs include physiotherapy (center based and community based for both males and females) and health care, bicycle training, vocational training, numeracy and literacy classes, mine awareness, HIV /AIDS awareness, drug awareness and health education training, and various sporting activities. AABRAR also works in the area of social development, helping to raise awareness of the rights of disabled people within Afghanistan and dispel negative attitudes towards disability.

AABRAR is concerned with the physical rehabilitation and socio- economic integration of disabled people into the community, and has implemented a range of activities to help people achieve mobility, become economically empowered, increase self- confidence, and develop the skills needed to live an independent life. AABRAR's direct beneficiaries are predominately disabled people; the majority of which are amputees as a result of land -mine accidents. Others suffer from paraplegia, polio, cerebral palsy, and clubfoot. By only focusing on certain groups such as `disabled people', other vulnerable groups often fall through the cracks andremain unassisted by NGO's. AABRAR has therefore recently widened its beneficiary classification to include people from other vulnerable groups such as widows, orphans, unemployed people, ex- combatants, and streetworking children, so as to reach those people most in need of assistance.

Since its inception in 1992, AABRAR has helped over 45,000 people recoverphysically and emotionally from their injuries and increased their socio- economic participation indifferent programs. AABRAR has centers in andJalalabad and recently has successfully opened offices in Laghman, Kunar, Nurestan, Paktika and Ghazni and is seeking toexpand its programs to all major cities in Afghanistan.

AABRAR is a registered member of the Islamic Government ofAfghanistan ( with ministry of economy), Agency Coordinating Body for Afghan Relief (ACBAR), aregistered member of Afghan NGO Coordination Bureau (ANCB), a Member of theSteering Committee of the Afghan Campaign to Ban Landmines (ACBL), and a Member of theAfghan Paralympics Committee (APC).

Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau Member NGOs Directory AABRAR Member Of.. 1.K.07 //j/ielSyLÌ /%/;;;AV2SX.O.:&4íG6. A,;; b A ANCB IACBAR Head Office:

Address: Phone: 0700284 986, 0700 273 558 Key Staff: 3'd street Project Taimany Fax: Nil 1. Dr. Abdul Baseer (Executive Director) Kabul. Afghanistan Email: aabrar_ulkab Abdul Nasir (Assistant Director) Website: 3. Raza Gul (Admin Officer)

Sub Offices: Location In Charge Email Address Phone 1. Nangarhar Abdul Nasir 0700611917 2. Laghman Inayat Ullah inayat.aabrar 0772828290 3. Kunar Saif Ur Rahaman saif.aabrar 0779268318 4.Nooristan Inayat Ullah [email protected] 0708961214 Mohammad 5.Paktika Mohdnaseem naseem 0700273558 Naseem 6.Ghazni Attar Uddin [email protected] 0778585585

Donor Agencies Targeted Provinces NPAD,UNDP, Z UNOCHA,UNICEF,UNHCR OHCHR /UNDP, UNOPS, UNODC DAI, NSDP /MoLSAMD, EU, i CG,Trocaire Ireland, MoE, GTZ . Asia Foundation,IRC, ARF, C SCA,DED Germany, Canadian Embassy,

Personnel Administrative Technical Support Total Sectors of Activity Afghan 40 100 170 310 Disability, Vulnerability, Awareness raising /trainings on Expatriate 1 0 0 1 human rights, Emergency relief, Health and Sports Grand Total 41 100 170 311

Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau Member NGOs Directory Agency for Assistance and Development of Afghanistan (AADA)

Fact Sheet

1.Background Agency for Assistance and Development of Afghanistan (AADA) is a non -political, non for profit and independent organization founded in September 2005. AADA's team has extensive experience of health and development projects, capacity building and communication programs at national and international level. AADA is committed to substantively involve the community in the needs assessment, choice of target, program development and evaluation.

2.Vision Afghan Communities Empowered tp achieve peace and prosperity

3.Mission Statement A Center of Excellence committed to improving the lives of Afghan communities, especially women, children and most vulnerable youths

Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau Member NGOs Directory Agency for Assistance Development for Afghanistan (AADA) Member Of INNS , . ..1111111r.,... ANCB

Head Office:

Address: Phone: 0707245815 Key Staff: H# 192, Opposite Azizi Bank Fax: N/A I.Dr. Jammaluddin .lawaid. General Director Char Rahi Pule Surkh, Kabul Email: [email protected] 2. Dr. Farooq Mujadadi, Operation Director Afghanistan Website: 3.Dr. Rukhshan Safi, CBHC /RH Manager

Sub Offices: Location In Charge Email Address Phone 1. Bamyan Dr. Khali Anwari kanwari 0799409582 Dr. Qamaruddin 2.Faryab gamaruddinfakhri @ yahoo.com0799271526 Fakhri Dr. Saif 3.Khost [email protected] Ibrahimkhail 0700637370

Donor Agencies Targeted Provinces z Province Sector UNFPA, UNICEF Bamyan Health, Live Stock

Faryab Health

cA Khost Health

MoPH, USAID, WHO, ARD Jawzjan Carpet Weaving O

Personnel Administrative Technical Support Total Sectors of Activity Afghan 46 212 103 361 Health, Training, Livestock, Expatriate N/A N/A N/A N/A Carpet Weaving and Human Rights Grand Total 46 212 103 361

Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau Member NGOs Directory ALL AFGHAN WOMEN ACTIVITY (AAWU) BACKGROUND

In April 1992 when Mujahideen entered Kabul, the torching, robbing, roping, lashed started those sharp moments atmosphere the whole country. People, men, women and children were in treat terror. Most of them suffered poverty, roping and execution if first days of September, I discovered this organization in those sharp activities I visibly inside the country. Because of this mission I changes my sur -name to (perlika) especially during the darkregime of , when the schools, colleges, universities and offices were completed closed and women were not allowed to be employed, to be educated and to take part in manyactivities.

So we stated our mission (for the right of women) especially inparties either it was any kind of party (sorrows or happiness) when the women together in such parties we used togive speech and expression for rights of women. Most of those speeches are taken especially in shurines. In the same momentthe braw and talented women of country for starting a conflictagainst the destructive rule of Taliban and Mujaheddin and to civilizing the abilities of women for getting their rights, discovered manytrainees, literacy, computer, English and handicraft courses.

So by this coordination we could play a good role I the social,political and education field (for the rights of the women).

By organizing a meeting of17th of November nearly by the participation of 120 participations and the assessments of the organizing was prosecutedby Suraia Perlika and in the election for the director of this organization was voted for (Suraia Perlika). In short time planning of19th November 2001 a meeting and a March was planned to be held but unfortunately because of not being security, it was rejectedby Home Minister Mr. Qanooni. Just in one part of the city thousands of womengathered in the city and gave their speeches during these meetings and marches, hundreds of reporters andjournalists were present and many interviews were taken from many members of Union.

On 6th March 2002 by the participation of 2700 women ameeting was held in Intercontinental Hotel, at end of the meeting took place in the city andin that year the celebration of 8th March was alsocelebrated there.

5 All Afghan Women Activity (AAWU) Member Of: ANCB

Head Office:

Address Phone No: 070275091 Key Staff: Kolola Pushta, Kabul- E -mail: [email protected] 1. Suraia Perlika Afghanistan 2. Toorpiki 3. Habiba

Sub Offices: Location In Charge Email Address Phone

2. 3. 4.

Donor Agencies Targeted Provinces z

z 0

Personnel Administrative TechnicalSupport Total Sectors of Activity

Afghan 10 5 4 19

Expatriate Nil - - - Education, Health, Vocational Training

Grand Total 10 5 4 19


The Agency for Building a New Afghanistan (ABNA) is a national non -governmental and non -political organization which is registered with the Ministry of Economy of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. It is a non -governmental, nor -political and non -profitable organization set -up established to assist in rehabilitation of Afghanistan and to secure the operation of relief and rehabilitation activities inside Afghanistan through direct cooperation to existing local residents, authorities, shuras (counsel of the elders of the community) and donors, and has the right and legal permission to operate all over the country without any restriction and limitation and has full authorization to seek financial resources and implementation possibilities for the planned projects in the country.

ABNA was established in 28 December 2003. ABNA by having well experienced key staff, has full ability and adequate capacity to ensure quality execution and management for the implementation, operation, and financial management of different categories of projects in the fields of agriculture, livestock production, health, irrigation, education, public health, vocational training, income generation, construction, roads and other engineering works, awareness programs, relief activities, emergency programs, rural development works, establishing thevillage groups,shuras and other organizational works. ABNA staff has special expertise /experience in the field of women affairs, especially thevillage women who are mainly engaged in chickenraising..

Particularly ABNA has specialized knowledge, skills and experience in the area of poultryand chicken raising. Chicken Raising training is the specialized field of this organization.

ABNA has made efforts in Development of village poultry productionin different districts of , Kabul and Parwan Provinces. Trained 3500 families (around 20000individuals in 2004 under the auspices of FAO. Around 2500 families have been trained in the provinces of Parwan andKapisa. The majority of the trainees were women, especially the woman headed families.

By learning the chicken raising training skills and being providedwith chickens to these vulnerable women who are heading thefamilies whose male bread earners died, disappeared or became disabled during the long continued war and unrest in the country, willhelp them to improve their economic background by producing eggs and selling eggs and chickens for meat purposesThe market for eggs is very favorable for egg producers.

The majority of ANBA staff for the time being is females who arewell educated /highly experienced. This makes the great strength for ABNA. ABNA hasunder employment well qualified and efficient staff including engineers, veterinarians, poultry trainers, expertsin community development programs, administrator, financial staff, logistician, and so on. Development of village poultry production in different districtsof Logar province, Kabul and Parwan Provinces. Trained 3500 families funded by FAO in 2004.

Developing village backyard poultry production systems in thedifferent districts of Parwan, Kapisa to train 2500 families funded by FAO.

ABNA is currently working with the families engaged in backyardpoultry activities in Kabul, up to Jabul Seraj and Kabul to Char Asyab to Logar by utilizing 120qualified team leaders the majority of who are women.

7 Agency for Building A New Afghanistan (ABNA) Member Oft ?p'SF : 4x PIWW"1..*T ^R. : :.á 4Z` ar."yirSTT'F+s.?;. -... ,I ANCB Head Office:

Address: Phone: 0700 27 92 83 Key Staff: Kolola Pusta, Sarak- e- Chalmetra Fax: 1. Sayed Mohammad Sultani Taimani, Kabul Afghanistan Email: Sultaniabna7 2. Diana Abdulrahimzai Website: 3. Noorullah Ahmadzai

Sub Offices: Location In Charge Email Address Phone

1. 2. 3.

Donor Agencies Targeted Provinces

United Nation Development Province Sector Z Program (UNDP) F.A.O 1. Parwan All districts 2. Kabul All districts 3. Paktiaka International Rescue Committee Sherina, Azakhwa 4. Pulikhemari Doshi, Naowari z (IRC) 5. Logar All districts sCanadianEmbassy (Canada 6. Khost Yaqubi, Ismailkhel Fund) 7. Kapisa All districts G Holland Committee

Personnel Administrative Technical Support Total Sectors of Activity

Afghan 09 04 50 63 I.Agricultural 2. Education Expatriate 3. Reconstruction 4. Productive Trainings Grand Total 63 5. House Wiring


Afghan Bureau for Reconstruction (ABR) isa non profiteer, on political and non governmental independent organization, which was established in 1992to take part in rehabilitation, reconstruction and development of the war torn Afghanistan.

The organization objectives are to take part in rehabilitationand development of socio economic infrastructures of the country, suchas, but not limited to, schools, clinics, road irrigation and water supply systems, shelter, emergency assistance and vocationalTrainings.

ABR has implemented a significant number of projects in Kabul,Logar, Parwan, Kapisa, Wardak, Ghazni, Paktika, Nangarhar, Laghman and other provinces ofAfghanistan.

So for ABR has been supported by United Nations High Commissionfor Refugee (UNHCR) Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) World Food Program (WFP) United nationChildren's Fund (UNICEF) United Nation Development Program (UNDP) United Nation Officefor Projects Services (UNOPS) Islamic Relief Agency (ISRA), Relief International (RI),(Intersos), Japan Social Development Fund (JSDF), World bank (WB), Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation andDevelopment of Afghanistan (MRRD), Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) and CARE Afghanistan.

The organizationisregistered with Ministry of Planning of Afghanistan and AfghanNGOs Coordination Bureau (ANCB).

9 Afghan Bureau for Reconstruction(ABR) Member Of: ANCB Head Office:

Address: Phone: 0700291104 Key Staff: H #: 387, St. # 6, Fax: l.Eng. Ah.lbrahim Taimani, Kabul Email: abr.kabul 2.Eng. Fawad Ahmad abr_kabul 3.Eng. Mirwais Akbarzai Website:

Sub Offices: Location In Charge Email Address Phone

1. Abdul Ahad abr.kabul( 0700605318 2.Parwan Ah. Ismail 0700994483 3.Logar M.Nawab 0700219341

Donor Agencies Targeted Provinces

Province Sector ZUNHCR,WFP UNDP, UNOPS Kabul: Shelter, Water Parwan: Shelter USAID, CIDA, i MRRD, CARE, Logar: Shelter --,E 10M,Intersos, Jalalabad: Shelter ISRA, RI, JSDF

Personnel Administrative Technical Support Total Sectors of Activity

Afghan 6 19 5 30 Construction Expatriate 2 2 4 Irrigation Social Services Grand Total 8 21 5 34


Ahmad Shah Baba Reconstruction Organization (ABRO) is one of the Afghan local non -governmental, non -political, non -profitable organization, has been established in 2002 in Afghanistan for the services of Afghan nations.

ABRO isinvolvedineducation,rehabilitation,construction,reconstruction,irrigation,health, humanitarian aid assistances, vocational training programs, development and capacity building projects in different parts of Afghanistan.

It must be mentioned that ABRO has started its activities in Afghanistan with the supporting of various donors. Meanwhile it has been accepted and registered with the Ministry of Planning of Afgahnistan under the registration no: 680.

Aims: To rebuild and boost up the educational system along with development activities through planning designing and undertaking of economic and humanitarian assistance programs around the country.

Sectors of activities: Education, Construction, Rehabilitation, Vocational training programs, Irrigation, Water sanitation program, Capacity Building programs health training project.

Objectives: To enhance the capacity building projects inside Afghanistan with acquiring various training programs. To rebuild the country by our own nations by providing the job opportunities. To provide emergency relief assistance such as food supply, clothing, shelter, medical and so on tothe needy and affected Afghan people around the country.

To revive self supporting basis continued by Afghan. To aware the nations with such trainings in order to take participation in the community. To provide the shelter programs for urban areas school children in order to lead theireducation in the safe environment. To train the community people on health training and as well as education literacy programsfor the affected and suffered areas. Provision to safe drinking water projects in different

1I Ahmad Shah Baba Reconstruction Organization (ABRO) Member Of: 1 ANCB Head Office:

Address: Phone Key Staff: Haji Ghalji Market, 3'd floor, room 07600495 1.Haji Mohad Anwar #377, Nangarhar, Afghnistan. Email: 2. Bakht Nazar

Sub Offices: Location In Charge Email Address Phone

1. Kabul Bakht Nazar 070635233 7.

3. 4.

Donor Agencies Targeted Provinces

Province Sector z Nangarhar Construction Kunar Construction Kapisa = z GAGPJapan Embassy, BCC, a) ó GV

Personnel Administrative Technical Support Total Sectors of Activity

Afghans 9 5 3 17

Construction, Water supply, Agriculture, Expatriate NIL - - - Vocational training.

Grand Total 9 5 3 17


Afghan Community Development Organization (ACDO) is non -governmental, non -political agency founded in1st January 1991 and has been working in different sectors and compromise health and education program.

ACDO is an Afghan manages /operated agency dedicated to sustainable activities for the rehabilitation of Afghanistan. The main activities are agriculture, irrigation, income generation, construction, education, health activities, and income generation program as social welfare activities and relief efforts in Afghanistan.

ACDO function in line with and within the law and regulation of the government of Afghanistan, and is in the process of requesting registration with the government of Pakistan. The activities are inside Afghanistan under the auspicious of United Nation (UN) and other humanitarian organization.

ACDO has been work in different sector in Afghanistan and outside like education, construction, agriculture, irrigation, health, income generation.

Future plan: To strengthen capacity building and development of human resource. To provide high quality service for community. To empower the poor and powerless and strengthen their capacity to take responsibility for development of out home land. To encourage refugees repatriation. To implement integrate education, integrated education, horticulture,rehabilitation, road repair, construction, veterinary service, vocational training, farm mechanization, irrigation, and water supply.

Aims of ADO: The agency main aims to contribute to reconstruction and rehabilitation of infrastructure in Afghanistan, it also assists the farming community and contributes to the social activities inside Afghanistan.

13 Afghan Community Organization(ACDO) Member Of: ANCB Head Office:

Address: Phone: 0700281991 Key Staff: Fax: 1: GuI Waiz Kaka Email: acdo1232003 2: Badizaman Website: 3: Dr. Matiullah

Sub Offices: Location In Charge Email Address Phone

1. Jalalabad Dr. Matiullah 2.Khost Badiuzaman 3.

Donor Agencies Targeted Provinces

WFP, UNICEF Province Sector UNHCR Kabul : Agriculture /Irrigation

Kandahar: Monitoring /Evaluation Asia Foundation r Italian Cooperation IRC, ó..= Integration Environment of Energy

Personnel Administrative Technical Support Total Sectors of Activity

Afghan 15 5 5 25 Construction, Agriculture, Income Expatriate - - - - generation Vocational Training

Grand Total 15 5 5 25


Afghan Construction and Logistic Unit (ACLU) was established in October 1998 with the direct financial support of USAID. The aim was to provide transport for commodities and arrangement for the transportation of refugees returning to Afghanistan. Also to repair and or rebuild damaged road and bridge and the county.

At the end of June 1993, the US financial aid was stopped to Afghanistan, however keeping in viewits performance it was decided to convert ACLU into a non -government, no- political and self -financing NGO, WITH ITS MAIN Head quarter in Peshawar .As complete peace and security has not yet returned to Afghanistan, ACLU in addition to working in Afghanistanis involved in construction works in Pakistan.

ACLU in registered with the Engineering Council of Pakistan. It has over 300pieces of heavy and light construction equipment and machinery, including a sizable fleet of trucks.Additionally a well- equipped mobile and static workshop is avail to look after the repair and maintenance of our assertsrequirements. During the last 14 years ACLU has completed a large number of projects andis currently working on some projects inside Afghanistan andPakistan.

15 Afghan Coordination & Logistic Unit (ACLU) Member Of: ANCB Head Office:

Address: Phone: 07202100591 Key Staff: House # 2, Fax: 020 -2100591 1. Eng. Sarfiraz Street # 10, Email: aclukabul 2. Eng. M. Karim Wazir Akbar Khan. Kabul Website: 3. Eng. M. Yasin

Sub Offices: Location In Charge Email Address Phone

2, 3.

Donor Agencies Targeted Provinces

UNOPS Province Sector ZUNHCR Kabul Soil investigation Parwan //

z Kunduz Water Supply WFP,IOM, IRC, EC Logar // s Panjsher /I 0 MPW

Personnel Administrative Technical Support Total Sectors of ActivitY

Afghan 15 25 48 98 Geo -Technical and Soil Investigation, Survey, Design, Expatriate Water Supply

Grand Total 15 25 48 98


ACRU is a national, voluntary, non -political, non -sectarian, humanitarian,non -profitable organization established in 1991 to oversee and run projects. To assist thewar -torn country, in the various sectors of circumstances such as Construction. Irrigation, Transportation routes, Agricultureresources, Vocational trainings and Education programs.

Establishedin1991 by volunteer Afghan experts Engineers tosuccessfully implemnent major emergency relief, longer -term transition, and development programs to deliver comprehensive services, rehabilitate infrastructure, train local personnel, and enhance community participation anddevelopment.

ACRU's fifteen -year experience in Afghanistan consists of a richa rich background in construction and institutional Support Office management Capacity Building provision. Table on below illustrates a range of capacity building programs /services that ACRU hasimplemented in the past and current. ACRU has, implemented more the 70 construction projects in variousprovinces of Afghanistan. ACRU resumed operations inside Afghanistan in April 1997.

ACRU's involvement I capacity building service extends beyond provision of construction services.In the past years, ACRU implemented over 70 rural integrated developmentprograms, including water Supply, Irrigation, Bridge Construction, school construction, Road Rehabilitation, well- digging canal and `karez' cleaning, shlter construction, Emergency relief distribution, Vocational Training and seed /fertilizer distribution.In Kabul, Logar, Badahkshan, Zabul, Ghor, Paktia, Paktika, Parwan, Bamyan, Kapisa, Khost, and Ghazni provinces, and currently continues theseprograms in Nangarhar< Khost, Paktia, Kabul, Bamyan and Ghor provinces.

ACRU's program iseffectively managed and operated by qualified and talented national staff Furthermore, in the past two years, the ACRU program employed over 130 technical andnon -technical staff. And efficiently managed funds amounting to (300,000.00- 500,000.00) US dollars- reflecting adequate evidence of its administrative and finance management expertise. ACRU has five members of board of directors mostly involve in policy making for this organization, Beside ACRU has three members consultative board of Afghan experts including one women. ACRU obtains its financial resources from donors agencies working for reconstruction of Afghanistan and private sectors.

17 Afghan Community Rehabilitation Unit (ACRU) Member Of: ANCB

Head Office:

Address: Phone: Key Staff: House #45, Street #2, Sangi Road 0799022152 1. Eng Baryalai Omarzai Behind Ghazi High School, Jamal 0700224681 2. Eng. Mohd. Zaman Mina 0799278742 3. Eng. Abdul Razeq 0799325690

Sub Offices: Location In Charge Email Address Phone 1. Kabul City Shekeb acru_1991 0700299538 2.Jalalabad City Niamatullah Do 0774213362 3.Khost City Ahmadullah Do 077601840

Donor Agencies Targeted Provinces

Province Sector Z UNDP UNAMA Kabul: Vocational & Institutional Training, IEC Training Needs Assessment Ningarhar: Vocational & Institutional Training, z Training Needs Assessment, s. Market Survey & Construction a> s Herat: Training Needs Assessment, Market Survey Paktia: // // Jozjan: // //

Personnel Administrative Technical Support Total Sectors of Activity

Afghan 4 4 12 20 Shelter, Water Supply Expatriate Sanitation & Rehabilitation

Grand Total 4 4 12 20

18 Agency of Consultancy for Training (ACT) Member Of ANCB

Head Office:

Address: Phone: 0700 281 495, 0799 362953 Key Staff: No: 69, Fazal Baig, Fax: l.Eng. Alam Gul Ahmadi District #: 5, Kabul Email: act_afg 2. Eng. M. Qayum Naziri Website: 3. Rahmatullah Wahidi

Sub Offices: Location In Charge Email Address Phone

1. Khost City M.Nadir Zafar act_afg 0799188741 2. 3.

Donor Agencies Targeted Provinces

Province Sector ZUNDP /ANBP N ingarhar Vocational Training Laghman // Kunar // Nooristan // á GTZ Kandahar // Care International Ghazni // 0 Khost // Kabul //

Personnel Administrative Technical Support Total Sectors of Activity

Afghan 14 36 12 62

Expatriate Vocational Training

Grand Total 14 36 12 62


ADNA is non -political, non- government andnon -profit organization ADNA is to extend developmental and humanitarian assistance to the urban and ruralcommunities of Afghanistan through implementing projects, these projects have the recognition of AfghanGovernment and are supported by various donor Agency .The Afghan government itself had funded severalprojects.

ADNA provides developmental and humanitarian assistanceto the communities all over the country and simultaneously works for the rehabilitation of Afghanistan within itsfinancial capacity. Financial capacity mean funds that ADNA could have raised from differentdonors and other resources that ADNA may have in hand.

ADNA is an Afghan NGO that has a specialty in undertaking social servicesincluding social Mobilization, Trainings and other social development assignments, engineering workssuch as WATSAN, construction /reconstruction and rehabilitation of roads, bridges, schools, clonicsetc..... Relief and repatriationeffortsforrefugees, providing technical consultancyfor planning and development and implementation of different architectural, civil, Agricultural, health and irrigation projects as well as related activities to affect positive changes in the livings of Afghans.

The organization has a rich history In its efforts to improve the living standards of Afghans though implementing different projects at one hand and ensuring the maximum community participation in the same projects on the other hand.

ADNA has initialized this principle and is advancing the same approach in all project implementation processes at different far -flung rural and urban communities of Afghanistan

20 Agriculture and Development Network for Afghanistan (ADNA) Member Of ANCB Head Office:

Address: Phone:07000 125 67 / 02045678.5 Key Staff: Qalai Wakil Bus Stop Fax: Nil I.Mohd Ismail. "Tahiri" Director Airport Road, Kabul Email: [email protected] 2.M. Haroon Karimi Afghanistan Website: Nil 3.eng. M. Nabi

Sub Offices:

Location In Charge Email Address Phone LLogar Eng. Walid - 0799024503 2.Nangarhar Eng. Quim - 0799364637 n

Donor Agencies Targeted Provinces

Province Sector Logar UNICIF, FAO Education Logar Agriculture Kapisa Education Kapisa Agriculture Kunar Education /const GTZ, USAID Agriculture JAPAN Emassy Kabul Education/ Const

Personnel Administrative Technical Support Total Sectors of Activity

Afghan 4 5 2 11 Agriculture, Construction, Expatriate Nil - - 0 Irrigation, Vocational Tanning, Education Grand Total 4 5 2 11


Afghan Development Vocational and Training Program (ADVTP) was established in 1996. ADVTP has provided training employment support to vulnerable unemployed people inrefugee's camps in Pakistan and in different locations inside Afghanistan for alleviation financialdifficulties by enabling them to learn employable skills, get employment/ self employment and earn their sustenance.

Specialized training and employment support has been devised by(A.D.V.T.P) for the support of women and disables which addressestheir needs in regard to their disability and local culture.

The following section give description of he skills trainingand employment support schemes of (A.D.V.T.P)

1.Basic Training

2.Advanced Training

3.Practical Training

4.Supervised work shops


6.Lona Scheme

ADVTP is able to provide following tradeoffer for many provinces in Afghanistan. Such as Carpentry. Giving training toladies and men in tailoring, Tinsmith, Masonry, Steelfixing, computer etc.

22 Afghan Development & Vocational Training Program (ADVTP) Member Of -'111111E, ANCB Head Office:

Address: Phone: 0799331742 Key Staff: 2° Floor, JavedMarket, Fax: 1: Eng Shah Nazar Charahi Sadarat, Kabul Email: advtp 2. Eng. Ghani Afghanistan. Website: 3.

Sub Offices: Location In Charge Email Address Phone

1. Paktia Eng Ghani advtp_afg 0700211328 2.Logar Khan Jan = 0700205671 3.

Donor Agencies Targeted Provinces z Province Sector Kabul Vocational Training

Paktia // z GTZ,JICA, Logar // a) Japan Embassy Ó

Personnel Administrative Technical Support Total Sectors of Activity

Afghan 3 12 3 18 Construction, Expatriate Education, Irrigation Grand Total 3 12 3 18

23 Afghan Engineering Agency (AEA) Member Of: /i O;OGGia/GaoCVi ANCB

Head Office:

Address: Phone: 0799021640/ 0700004732 Key Staff: St #:2, 1-1#: 44,45 Fax: I.Eng.Abdullah "faimany Project, Kabul. Email: aea_org4); 2. Eng. Nisar Ahmad Website: 3.Baseer Khan

Sub Offices:

Location In Charge Email Address Phone 1. Jalalabad Eng. Wazar Aea; 0775425788 2.Laghman Baseer = 0774110750 3.

Donor Agencies Targeted Provinces

Province Sector

Ningarhar Education Irrigation

VI L W GAGP (Japan) O

Personnel Administrative Technical Support Total Sectors of Activity

Afghan 6 11 5 22 Water Supply Construction Expatriate Irrigation, Shelter, Sanitation Education, Health Grand Total 6 11 5 22


The agency for farming support (AFS) isan independent non- political, non -profit and non -governmental organization. It was established in 1991 with its headquarters in Kabul andbranch Offices in Charikar and Paktia provinces.

AFS Mission is to contribute in reconstruction and rehabilitation and workfor sustainable development of Afghanistan. The agency is registered with government in Afghanistan, AFS isan active member of the coordinating bodes and officials both in Afghanistan and Pakistan have endorsed itsactivities.

AFS target areas include but not limited to central the Eastern and southernAfghanistan.

AFS has received funds from UN agencies, IRC, NAC, CARE, GTZ, andbeing supported by several other international organizations so far. AFS has experience and interest inprovision of the following activities and services both inside Afghanistan and for the Afghan refuges In Pakistan.

Basic human needs: to support education, primary healthcare, income generation, nutrition, safe drinking water, sanitation shelter and family planning servicesfor the least privilege and needy segments of the Afghan population. Environment and protection: to protect environment through tree planning andgreenery activates, preventing soil erosion and degradation, biodiversity conservation andto provide environment hygiene awareness in the country.

AFS has a strong team of professionals who have been able to successfully implementprograms under difficult circumstances and ready to continue do in the future for betterment of lifeof the miserable segment of Afghan society. AFS under takes planning, designing and execution of projects aimedat helping the people to help themselves through individual and community participation. Altogether more than 50 projects mainly infrastructure development income- generation, environment including water and sanitation, agricultural inputs distribution, distribution and provisionof agriculture services in the provinces and Afghanistan as well as for refugeecamps in NWFP of Pakistan have been implemented.

25 Agency for Farming Support (AFS Member Of: ANCB Head Office:

Address: Phone: 0700287124, 0799323375 Key Staff: Fax: l.Eng. A.Aziz Omarkhil Maazullah House Email: [email protected] 2. Eng. A.Rashid Satarzai Afghan Film Street Shashdarak, Kabul Website: 3.

Sub Offices: Location In Charge Email Address Phone

1. Ghoar Province Eng. Hamayoun 0775576850 2. Parwan Dr. Salim 0796148986 3.

Donor Agencies Targeted Provinces

UNDP Province Sector Z FAO Ghoar Irrigation Agriculture

71 Central Zone: Agriculture w O

Personnel Administrative Technical Support Total Sectors of Activity

Afghan 3 7 4 14

Agriculture Expatriate Irrigation

Grand Total 3 7 4 14


Afghan General Help Coordination Office (AGHCO)is basically originated from German NGO fully supported by Government and people of Germany atthat time. It was established for relief and rehabilitation activities in Afghanistan through directcooperation with the Local Authorities, UN agencies and other donors. AGHCO main purpose is to provide assistance in thefield of health and rehabilitation for the refuge and returnees in the camps and their villages. To achieve this purpose AGHCO established onehospital In Danishabad, Peshawar and a number of clinics in the rural areas of Afghanistan. AGHCOcontinued these activities up to 1992 under its own supervision. In 1993 according the situation inAfghanistan, AGHCO also changed its objectives and more focus insideAfghanistan and for this purpose it constructed hospitals andclinics in Paktia, Paktia, Kunar, Laghman, Kandahar and Jalalabad. As our morefocus on was on the health sector but our construction objective assisted us through repair andmaintenance of the hospitals. In the health sector we worked jointly withMSF and AMI but in the mean while our donorsdemanded us to hand over all theactivities to Govt: at that time, so we handed over tothe government all activities except Jalalabad hospital as it was atraining institute so AGHCO kept it and due to shortageof funds we finally handed over this hospital to theGovernment in 1996. In this situation we only construction clinics in Khost and Gardez Due to transferring of all health activities tothe Govt: AGHCO paid its attention to providedrinking and irrigation water facilities because Afghanistanis an agriculture country. So from the last 11 years AGHCO is working for agriculture, watersanitation and supply in Kabul, Laghman, Jalalabad, Kunar, Paktia, Pakktika, Khost, Ghazni, Nooristanand Kandahar as a partner with UNICEF,keeping in view land rehabilitation we have completed alot of projects related to agricultural and vurseryin Laghman, Kandahar and Jalalabad with the support ofWFP and FAO. from our We are trying to export our agriculturescommodities through this we can eradicate poverty country. the movement we are As one of our best objectives to protectthe children rights, to full fill this goal at working with SCUK and WFP. achieving this motive As we are paying much attention forcapacity building of the Afghan people for fortunately now we are going to implement aproject as a partner with internationalMedical Corps (IMC) to work with them and learntfrom them.

27 Afghan General Help Coordination Office (AGHCO) Member Of ANCB ACBAR

Head Office:

Address: Phone: 0700 224891 / 0799338316 Key Staff: St. 4: 33, H 4: 21242 Fax: l.Eng. M. Mahboob Khairkhana Part 3, Email: aghco_kbl 2. Mr. M. Nadeem District 15, Kabul . Website: 3. Dr. Abdul Karim .2 Sub Offices: Location In Charge Email Address Phone Eng. Say 1. Jalalabad a hco1d Mirwais g 0700601534 2.Paktika, Sharana Dr. Abdul Karim aghco_kb1 0776487320 3.

Donor Agencies Targeted Provinces UNICEF 10M Z UNHCR WFP Province Sector FAO Kabul Health Logar Agriculture Khost Development and USAID &Save the Ghazni Relief i Balkh s Children(UK) Paktika pEmbassy of Japan

Personnel Administrative Technical Sunnort Total Sectors of Activity

Afghan 85 76 52 213 Health, Education, Irrigation, Water supply & Sanitation, Civic Expatriate 0 0 0 0 Education, Road & Bridge Reconstruction, Agriculture Development and Relief Grand Total 85 76 52 213


Education and Handicraft Bureau for Afghanistan (EHBA) was established in 1999. EHBA is a non - government, non -political, non -profitable humanitarian organization registered with the Ministry of Planning government of Afghanistan. and also registered with ACBAR, ANCB, and SAFRAN government of Pakistan.

Afghanistan have been living with a prolong civil war for more than two devised which has resulted in ruing most of the physical and social infrastructures of the country. UN and other welfare agencies engaged in the rehabilitating of Afghanistan. As a result of war a substantial number of Afghan families remained without bread -winner (male members).

In Afghanistan women are the most deprived portion of the society regarding culture norms, nutrition, security, education and access to health services and training facilities, among them the women headed households especially from the rural Afghanistan are the most suffering segment of the Afghan society they are mostly undulated and unskilled.

Afghan traditions and customs have given a special place to women in the community. They live in a word of isolation their life styles is confined to four walls of their housed. They have never worked out side home to supplement family income only men are the traditional earning hands. It is ashamed for women to be seen out side, but circumstances have been changed for them now. They have to work to feed their dependents. We arecommitted to achiever the EHBA charter through empowering the Afghan women folk to participate in social, economic and productivities. EHBA as an Afghan operated non -political and non -profitable organization was established in July 1999 with main objective to improve socio- economic status of vulnerable and isolated Afghan women through theirdirect involvement insocial and economic interactions in Peshawar city of Pakistan under the direction of Mohamad Amin Faqirzada. Presently EHBA has Afghans qualified and experienced staff members. The prime motive behind the formation of EHBA is a improve socio- economic status of vulnerable and needy Afghan women through their direct involvement in the profit making activities, skill training such as income generation and vocational training and also rehabilitation of Afghanistan.

29 Education and Handicraft Bureau for Afghanistan (EHBA) Member Of: ANCB Head Office:

Address: Phone Key Staff: Kolola Pushta, Chalmatra road, H #260,0799342926 I. Mohammad Amin (Director) Kabul, Afghanistan. Email: ehball999(

Sub Offices: Location In Charge Email Address Phone 1. Mazar Abdullah 0799300654 2. 3. 4.

Donor Agencies Targeted Provinces

WFP, UNICEF, UNOPS, Province Sector UNHCR Laghman Construction Kabul Vocational Training Daikondi Construction z Paktika Health s EmbassyUV UTVT UK, e GTZ,GRA Japan

Personnel Administrative Technical Support Total Sectors of Activity

Afghans 8 15 10 33 Construction, Irrigation, Health, Expatriate NIL - - - Emergency, Education

Grand Total 8 15 10 33

30 Afghan Help Coordination Office (AHCO) Member Op IANCB

Head Office:

Address: Phone: 0700600591 Key Staff: St. 4 2, H 4: 44,45 Fax: I.Dr. Esmatullah Taimani Project Email: ahco_org 2.Dr. Esmail Kabul . Website: 3. Dr. Hafiz

Sub Offices: Location In Charge Email Address Phone

1. Jalalabad Dr. Esmail ahco_org 0777600590 2.Laghman Dr. Hafiz ahco_org 0700622767 J.

Donor Agencies Targeted Provinces

Province Sector z N ingarhar Education Irrigation

z sGAGP (Japan) C

Personnel Administrative Technical Support Total Sectors of Activity Afghan 4 10 6 20 Education Health Shelter Expatriate Water Supply Irrigation Grand Total 4 10 6 20 Sanitation


Substantial number Afghan families remained without bread winners(male member). As agriculture is the backbone of the country more then 80% of the population isengage in different field of agriculture in various part of the country, in 1976 Afghanistan hasexport to the various international markets of the worked.

In Afghan society women are the most deprived portion of the communityregarding cultural norms, nutrition, security, education, their access to health services and training facilitiesamong them women headed household especially form the rural Afghanistanare the most suffering segment of the Afghan society, as they are mostly undulated and unskilled Afghan traditions andcustoms have given a special place to women in the community, in many parts of thecountry the women were also busy with their male in the filed of agriculture, during the 23 continuousyears of war and five years continuous drought in the country the yield I decreased very badly all parts of thecountry which is not only influence o the environment of the country but the worst influence ison the health of people especially women and children, therefore the international community has most focuson agriculture production.

We are community social, economic, and productive activities AHDOas an Afghan operated non- political and non -profitable organization was established in January, 2003 with main objectiveto improve socio- economic status of vulnerable and isolated Afghan people through theirdirect involvement in social and economic. Interactions in Kabul presently AHDO has 8 qualified and experience staffs of Afghan. The prime motive behind the formation of

AHDO is to agriculture production socio economic status of Afghan needy people through their direct involvement in profit making activities, skill training and provision of basic civil facilities suchas health, embroidery, carpentry, TBA education safe drinking water and shelter.

32 Agriculture. & Health Development Organization (AHDO Member Oft ANCB

Head Office:

Address: Phone: 0799806387 Key Staff: Khoshal Mena (A) Fax: 1. Eng. Zaman Gul Street # 1. House # 2, Email: [email protected] 2. Rahmat Gul In front of Education University, Kabul Website: 3. Asudin

Sub Offices: Location In Charge Email Address Phone 1. Khost City Dr. Immamodin ando2005 0799408498 7.


DonorAgencies Targeted Provinces UN- Habitat Z UN -FAO Province Sector UNIFEM Kabul Herat Ghazni Khost 4 US -Army Paktia s IRC M p Rotary Club

Personnel Adrnini.strative Technical Support Total Sectors of Activity

Afghan 1 4 3 8

Agriculture, Education, Income Expatriate 1 1 Generation, Construction

Grand Total 1 5 3 9


Afghan Health and Development Services (AHDS) in a non -profitable, non -governmental and non- political organization founded by Afghans on April 7tß' 1990 AHDS is registered in Afghanistan as a national NGO (NO. 5) and in the USA as a tax -exempt 501- (c ) (3) organization. AHDS is an active member of Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau (ANCB) and Agency Coordination Body for Afghan Relief (ACBAR). AHDS has served millions of Afghans through its community based primary health care, construction /rehabilitation and training programs in Logar, Ningarhar, Kapisa, Wardak and Daikundi in the past, and in Urozgan and Kandahar currently. AHDS supports the Ministry of Public Health (MoPH) through inputs in formulating national policies, strategies, standards and guidelines.

Vision: Highest possible level of health for the people of Afghanistan!

Mission: To achieve improved health status of the Afghans through provision of health care based on capacity building and development.

Current projects: Basic Package of Health Services in Urozgan funded by Cordaid, European Commission and Royal Netherlands Embassy Basic Package of Health Services in Kandahar funded by USAID /MoPH /WHO Institute of Health Sciences (Nursing and Midwifery School) funded by Cordaid Mobile health clinic for Panjwaie IDPs funded by UNHCR

34 Afghan Health and Development Services (AHDS) Member Of ANCB

Head Office:

Address: Phone: 0700 284 275 Key Staff: 72, Zafar Khan Street, Fax: 1.Aziz Rahman Qarghah Chawk Qala -e- Fatullah Email: info 2. Dr. Mohammad Frid 3. Dr. M.Naim Rahimi Shahr- e -Naw, Kabul . Website:

Sub Offices: Location In Charge Email Address Phone

1. Kandahar Dr. M. Kabir [email protected] 0700300166 2.Kandahar Dr. Nasreen his(a 0799606697. Dr. Ajab Noor urozgan(a, 0798297462 3.Urozgan Sameen

Donor Agencies Targeted Provinces

WHO, UNHCR Province Sector z UNICEF Kandahar Health

Urozgan Health USAID, European i sCommission, the Royal Netherlands Embassy

Personnel Administrative Technical Support Total Sectors of Activity Afghan 59 367 195 621

Expatriate Health and Health Staff Training

Grand Total 59 367 195 621

35 AFGHANISTAN HUMAN RIGHTS ORGANIZATION(AHRO) BACKGROUND BRIEF INTRODUCTION Due to serious human rights violations on a daily basis in Afghanistan,a group of concerned Afghan intellectuals gathered to organize the Afghanistan Human Rights Organization (AHRO) in May 1997'. The AfghanistanHuman Rights Organization (AHRO) is a non -aligned, non -governmental, non -political, independent and humanitarianorganization founded to promote and protect the human rights of citizens of Afghanistan; raiseawareness of human rights violations; and promote improved human rights situations in Afghanistan in accordance with the Universal Declaration ofHuman Rights. CHARTER AND PRINCIPLES Afghanistan Human Rights Organization (AHRO) is a non -aligned,non -governmental, non -political, independent and humanitarian organization with its main offices in Kabul and representations inmany . AHRO is a technical, humanitarian- oriented organization having the goal to take activepart in humanitarian activities regarding the human rights. AHRO can work individually or jointly for project implementation with other national and internationalorganizations and community bodies. AHRO can offer proposals identified by the communities as their priority needs, and after completionof technical aspects the proposals will be submitted to donor agencies for funding and further consideration. AHRO operates purely on a humanitarian basis to organize various departments which will functiontogether to assist the deserved and vulnerable people of Afghanistan, especially the victims of human rights violations, byundertaking various humanitarian projects. AHRO can co- ordinate and develop projects on establishment ofco- operation with other organizations having similar objectives. AHRO can accept grants fromany governmental departments, national and international funding agencies, public bodies, corporations and companies. It includes movable and immovable properties, donations, gifts, subscriptions, devices and other assistance with a view of promoting the objectives of the society and in receivingany gift of property unconditionally or subject to special conditions prescribed in writing by the donors. AHRO VISION The vision of AHRO is that the human rights of Afghans are fully protected, defended by the Afghan government and its institutions in the light of national and international laws and decrees of human rights. AHRO MISSION STATEMENT: To promote, protect, and defend the human rights of the Afghans through proactive advocacy, grassroots activism, publicity, legal representation and participation and collaboration in the national and international Human Rights communities and the United Nations. OBJECTIVES: To represent Afghanistan on the basis of norms and principles of universal declarations of human rights and according to the United Nations mandates, decisions, guidelines and proposals. To promote and expand its speculation in regard to human rights. To conduct extensive activities via press and in the cultural area in accordance with its means and possibilities. To encourage individuals and communities to respect human rights and not to withhold any risk to achieve this end. To assist and support all those national groups and international organizations that endeavor to protect and promote human rights. To represent and advocate for the promotion and protection of Afghans' Human Rights in national and international forums. To take an appropriate action against violations of human rights. To co- operate with and legally assist victims of human rights violations, to speculate into their cases, to submit accurate and detailed information and appropriate advice to relevant organizations. To advocate and protect rights of Afghan citizens and Afghan refugees in Pakistan.

' The organization was initially named Afghanistan Commission for Human Rights (ACHR), but in 2006 itsname was changed to Afghanistan Human Rights Organization (OHRO)

36 Afghanistan Human Rights Organization (AHRO) Member Of: ANCB Head Office:

Address: Phone: ( +) 93- 700 -203866 Key Staff: (+) 93-799-672404 House No; 41 Street No; 3 Fax: Nil 1. Lal Gul " Lal " Poikube Naswar, Qali Fathullah Email: achr98 2. Hayatullah " Hayat " ahro.lal .Kabul, Afghanistan Website: 3. Ghulam Farooq " Safi "

Sub Offices: Location In Charge Email Address Phone

1. Juz Jan ( Shabar Ghan) Maghfirat Samimi achr98 ( +) 93- 799410413 2.Balkh (Mazari -e- Sharif) Qazi M. Akram Maror achr98 ( +) 93- 799580430 3.Baghlan (Poli Khumri) Abdul Ahad Khan achr98 ( +) 93- 700721593 4.Nangarhar (Jalalabad) En. M. Muneer ahro.ngr1 @ ( +) 93- 778829696

5.Kandahar (Kandahar) Ghulam Sakhi Basarki ahro_kdr ( +) 93- 700628935 6. Herat (Herat) Dr. Nazar Mohammad achr98 ( +) 93- 171886

Donor.Agencies Targeted Provinces

Province Sector Z UNAMA /UNDP Joz Jan, Baghlan, : Legal Aid/ HR Training Ningarhar, Balkh :

Herat, Kandahar, Balkh: Legal Aid /HR Training v) CIDA, CF, OSI, SDC, AMAN, And Capacity building s CI, CHF and CCR O

Personnel Administrative Technical Support Total Sectors of Activity Human Rights, Human Rights 21 24 48 93 Afghan Capacity Building, Legal Aid, Legal Education, Legal Reform, Expatriate 2 Good Governance, Prisoners Rights, Rule of Law and Access to Grand Total 21 26 48 93 Justice

37 AFGHAN HELPAND TRAININGPROGRAM (AHTP) BACKGROUND Introduction: AHTP is a local AfghanNGO, Established in 1993. AHTP Mission: AHTP mission is to contributeto the improvement of over all living condition of Afghanpeople by providing health care servicestraining building, and income vulnerable groups (Women, generation project with focuson the most Childern and elderly anddisable Afghan in refugeecamps) as well as in Afghanistan as to, contributeto the establishment of a peaceful and stable environment inAfghanistan, through its inputs in healthcare, socio economic and training capacity of afghan refugees. building thus aid the repatriation

AHTP Aims: AHTP aims is to assist the Afghan people whether in refugeecops of Peshawar or inside Afghanistan by implementing multi -scrotal project by establishing & promotingsustainable operations the main objectives of AHTP is to take part in capacity building at national, organizational& community level, restoration of the existing economic resources,& eradication of Poverty throughimplementing of the project in the field of healthcare, health education, veterinary, agriculture &emergency relief, AHTP seeks to contributes in establisheda peaceful & calm environment on Afghanistan inorder to repatriate the Afghan refugees.

AHTP Vision: The Organization's vision is to uplift the livingcondition of people in rural and catchmentsarea by providing them the best quality of healthfacilities. Bedsides, AHTP vision isto enable the Afghan meeting the challenges of the workplace andbecome an active member of the societythe exiting economic resource, and eradication ofpoverty through implementing of the projects infield of health care, health education and women development.

AHTP Donors: IMC, BPRM,COMRDAID, MSH,OFDA/IMC,CAREInternational,UNHCR, WFP,Ibnsina/ CORDAID, Rachael foundation USA, NLCand reach and mobile phone 2006 USAID/MOPH.

38 Afghan Help & Training Program (AHTP) Member of ANCB Head Office:

Address: Phone:0700 292 392 Key Staff: Hisae Doo, Karteparwan, Fax: 1.Dr. Abdul Ghafoor Malakzai Dane Nal Bus Statio Email: ahtp_psh 2. Dr. Gharzay

Kabul . Website: 3. Salahuddin

Sub Offices: Location In Charge Email Address Phone

1. Laghman Dr. Labeb ahtp_psh 0700606915 2.Paktya Dr. Nabi ahtp_psh 0799634768 3.Jalalabad Zobair ahtp_psh 0700957081 +9291 7110 4.Peshawar Dr. Baseer ahtp_psh 505

Donor Agencies Targeted Provinces

WHO Province Sector Z UNHCR Paktya Health

Peshawar Health 4 USAID, SSP, DAI s World Bank, CIRDAID p OFDA, BPRM

Personnel Administrative Technical Support Total Sectors of Activity

Afghan 17 36 129 182 Health Capacity building Expatriate 1 3 5 9 Woman Development Agriculture Grand Total 12 39 134 191 39 AFGHAN INSTITUTE OF LEARNING (AIL) BACKGROUND

The Afghan Institute of Learning (AIL) is an Afghanistan non -government organization that was founded in 1997 and is run entirely by women. With initial funding by private individuals and Reading Hope International (CHI) began supporting two Afghan girls schools) with total of 1700 students) in Peshawar, Pakistan in December 1996, although presently AIL, s emphasis on female education and its entire professional staff is female the purpose for which AILS is formed are primarily educational for all afghans and consist of the following:

a) To raise the educational, health, social and economic levels of Afghans, who are Poor, distressed, under privileged, oppressed or otherwise in need, by providing educational, learning and training opportunitiesfor them irrespective of theirethnic,political and linguistic affiliations. b) To provide such Afghans with educational assistance to relieve their suffering and enable them to raise their educational, health, social and economic levels. c) To expand education, learning and training opportunities for such Afghans and to assist such Afghans in developing and sustaining educational, learning and training programs, which meet the needs of their community? d) To assist the UN and other donor agencies in their educational programs for Afghans. e) To foster and promote international support and concern for Afghans, particularly for those who lack basic needs, who lack basic health and who lack educational, learning and training opportunities. f)To foster self reliance and community participation among Afghans those Afghan, who receive assistance, in the decision making proceed concerning their projects and programs and by requiring community participation and contribution inallprojects or programs receiving assistance?

40 Afghan Institute of Learning (AIL) Member Of: ANCB Head Office:

Address: Phone: 0700284326/ 0752000891 Key Staff: Kart -e- Parwan, H #: 63 Fax: I.Prof. Sakena Yagoobi - President St. #: 2, District #: 2 Email: [email protected] 2. Jamila Alakozai - Admin manager

Kabul . Website: /ail 3. Farida Ludin - Academic Manager

Sub Offices: Location In Charge Email Address Phone

1. Herat (Park Millat M. Ishaq sakena_herat 0754013122 Peshawar (Arbab road, H #: 0092- Khadija Haider sakenay 1632 3008591947 3.

Donor Agencies Targeted Provinces

ZUNFPA Province Sector Kabul Education

Heart Health

E CHI Balkh s G2A p TAF Bamyan

Personnel Administrative Technical Support Total Sectors of Activity

Afghan 33 271 44 348

Expatriate Education and Health

Grand Total


AIRO is a non government, non -political, non -profitable andnon -partial of any groups away from ethnic and gender discrimination. The organization has a special sign and stamp which is accepted by board of directors.

Objectives: Development of education. Development of agriculture and husbandry. Health and medical services. Construction sector. Struggle against morphine and drugs.

Organizational Structure:

1.Board of directors. 2.Executive delegation. Board of directors are the best organ o taking decision and right now it consist of one chief and one deputy in future the board of director will increase in number and they will be two time one year in case of need extreme session work be made by majority of one third vote.

The priority of board of directors is as follow:

To bring changes in the Charter and Guidelines. Pointing main places of work and activities. Ratification of yearly budget of organization and depended projects. Construction the executive delegation reports and bounds of departments. Organizing the orders. Work and supervising related sectors. Formation of work departments according to necessity.

42 Afghanistan Independent Rehabilitation Organization(AIRO Member Of: ANCB Head Office:

Address: Phone: Key Staff: Khoshal khan Mena Fax: 1. Kama Afshar Street, Email: 2. House# 2;in front of Education Website: 3. University, Kabul

Sub Offices: Location In Charge Email Address Phone

1. Zabul Sahib Zada [email protected] 0707208813 2. 3.

Donor Agencies Targeted Provinces

Province Sector Z UNIFEM Kabul

Mazar -e- Sharif z s. Zabul 0.) Japan Embassy O Urozgan, Badghis, Ghazni

Personnel Administrative Technical Support Total Sectors of Activity

Afghan 1 3 3 7 Education, Agriculture, Income Expatriate 1 2 3 generation and Construction

Grand Total 1 4 5 10


The world community, particularly the United Nations, and the charity and Human being organization and agencies, are fully aware the situation prevailing in Afghanistan. That during the fourteen years old war all the vital public services system of the country had been devastated. As the United Nations working agencies know about that the agricultural system of Afghanistan has been put out of use- irrigationcanals /Karzes (under ground canals)are being destroyed and requires cleaning and improvement. Until and unless this vital part of the country is not restored into the prewar condition, the economic sector of the country would remain paralyzed.

During the war the roads of the country have been destroyed and are not of use. It is the biggest problem in the field of transportation. The same are with the hospitals /health centers and clinics. They are to be restored at least to the prewar condition otherwise, the refugees would not return to their homes.

The next problem is education, the schools are destroyed and pupils have no place to sit and read in.

Beside the material loss, losses have been also inflicted on the nation. About two million Afghans have been martyred and more than a million disabled and are not able to work. Due to the imposed war, a whole generation of Afghanistan has lost its work experience and they need a helping hand.

44 Afghanistan National Association for Rehabilitation (ANAR) Member Of: ANCB

Head Office: Address: Phone Key Staff: Street #9, house # 333, Qalai Fatullah, 070293080 1. M.Sadiq Patman (Director) Shar -i -now, Kabul. Afghanistan. Fax:Nil 2. Essa Khail Email:[email protected] 3. Eng. Yousaf Website: Nil

Sub Offices: Location In Charge Email Address Phone

1. Jalalabad Moh.Hassan - 070605159 2. Mazar Abdul Majid - 070501386

3. - - - -

4. - - - -

Donor Agencies Targeted Provinces

UNOPS,UNICEF, UNDP, WFP, Province Sector WHO Kabul Construction Nangarhar Irrigation/ Const Laghman Road Rehab Logar Water Supply

wl Balkh L. Nooristan SeveralPrivate, Donors Paktia O Khost

Personnel Administrative Technical Support Total Sectors of Activity

Afghans 6 8 6 20 Rehabilitation, Health, Agriculture, Expatriate Nil - - 0 Irrigation, Water supply & Sanitation & Publication Grand Total 6 8 6 20

45 Afghan Mobile Reconstruction Association (AMRA) Member Of: %)4iA+.15711fK>r.. r,,,¡ °«-^,.!Y°',r-v-ßz.ts IINANISSEVENIIIMISMIGrompatem ANCB AWN

Head Office:

Address: Phone: 0700284434, 0799325405 Key Staff: H #: 101, St. #: 2, Kocha -e- Masjid Fax: 1 Kart -e- Mamorin, Kabul Email: amran_ngo 2. Website: 3.

Sub Offices: Location In Charge Email Address Phone S.A. Qayum 1. Kabul amran ngo 0700284434 Syedi 2.Ningarhar S.Abdul Haq 0799325405 3.Paktia Syed Aziz amran ngo 0700604218 4.Ghazni Hamdard 0700818644

Donor Agencies Targeted Provinces

UNAMA Province Sector WFP Kabul : Capacity Building

Ghazni & Paktia: Water supply and Road z Rehabilitation s, Kandahar, Paktia, Herat, s GTZ-IDPA and DTZ-EON-SE Badakhshan, Kabul, Khoast, Drug reduction Program

Personnel Administrative Technical Support Total Sectors of Activity

Afghan 8 23 9 40 Drug Reduction Vocational Training Expatriate Agriculture Education Grand Total // // // 40


Through funding arrangement with UNHCR, Afghan refugees residing in the officially recognized refugee camp Jalozai are provided preventive and curative health coverage with more emphases on preventive side, through 2 BHUs and one mobile unit by unit by AMWA. In view of improved economic situation of refugees, the AMWA like other NGOs providing health facilities to refugees, introduced a fee component for curative services. However free services and available to vulnerable group in Jalozai capm. Health communities are established and greater awareness on primary health care was created through:

A: daily OPD. B: MCH services C: immunization D: Malaria control program E: Treatment of Dehydration and ORT corner. F: Commuity Health Education and awareness program G: Laboratory services I: Reproductive Health program.

2: Description of Program:

It is estimated that a total of 60,000 Afghan refugees living in Jalozai camp benefited directly from this organization. Additionally, the AMWA has provided only vaccine coverage to Afghan refugees residing in Dak Behsood, Turkham and Gul Aghah camps.

3: implementation Program:

Under the overall coordination of commission rate Afghan refugee (CAR) through project director health (PDH) AMWA is implementing this sub -project through its office based in Peshawar to have an effective administration control over the BHUs in Jalozai camp and also have an efficient supervision to training courses of BHUs under PHC program

In the camp the required services are provided by 2 BHUs and one mobile unit appropriately staffed with medical and pare medical personnel.

Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau Member NGOs Directory Afghan Medical Welfare Association (AMWA) Member Of: ANCB Head Office: Address: Phone Key Staff: 1432 -2 Canal road, University town, 5702888 1.Dr.Mohd.Nasir Peshawar, Pakistan. Fax:5700784 2. Abdul Baseer Email:amwal 3. Mohummed Amin

Sub Offices: Location In Charge Email Address Phone

1. 2. 3. 4.

Donor Agencies Targeted Provinces

z UNHCR Province Sector Peshawar Health NWF

0 .c Private Donations C

Personnel Administrative Technical Support Total Sectors of Activity

Afghans 3 20 3 26

Expatriate NIL - - 0 Health

Grand Total 3 20 3 26

Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau Member NGOs Directory AFGHAN PLANNING AGENCY (APA) BACKGROUND

Afghan planning Agency (APA) is an indigenous Afghannon -governmental, non -political and non- profitable organization, rendering humanitarian assistance to the people ofwar torn Afghanistan. A.P.A was set up in 1989.

The main primary objective of this organization was initially to gather data and drawsectoral perspective plan for Afghanistan. The idea was supported by UNOCA at that time, but laterthe necessary fund for the realization of this program was not made available by the donors, in July 1990.

A.P.A was registered as an implementation counter part of United Nation Agencies in rehabilitationand reconstruction work in Afghanistan. A.P.A has been implementingmany projects in the field of irrigation, road rehabilitation, construction, agriculture,emergency food supporting program, on food items distribution, quick impact project (Shelter Program) and specially community mobilization and need assessment in the provinces of Nangarhar, Paktia, Paktika, Laghman, Wardak, Logar, Parwan, Kapisa, Kabul, Ghazni, Zabl, Kandahar and Mazar -e- Sharif.

Working Sectors: A: Engineering : (irrigation, water, supply, construction and road rehabilitation)

B: Agriculture: (Improved seed multiplication, Agriculture, vegetable production, forestry and animal husbandry).

C: Women: (Training if women in small scale agriculture scheme, poultry rearing, Tailoring, Vegetable seedling, fast growth species of forest seeding protection, handicrafts, needlecrafts and basic education)

D: Training:(Providing vocational training for uneducated youth and disables).

E: Relief and Welfare: (food security and food emergency assistance through providing and distribution of food and no food commodities in emergency cases to the displaced and eligible families.)

Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau ( 49 D Member NGOs Directory Afghan Planning Agency (APA) Member Of: ANCB Head Office:

Address: Phone: 0799 -333 -433 Key Staff: House# 62, Street# 1, Distt# 3 Fax: l.Nagibullah, Admin Officer Karta -e- Chahar, Kabul Afghanistan Email:apa.sajed 2. Amanullah, Finance Officer Website: 3. Abdul Satar, Admin Finance Asstt.

Sub Offices: Phone Location In Charge Email Address 1

1. Jalalabad, Nangarhar Eng. Asaduddin asaduddin.shirzad @yahoo.com0777151339 Salahuddin 2.Gardez, Paktia apa.gardez 0799236321 Karokhel 3.

Donor Agencies Targeted Provinces

Province Sector Z UNHCR, UNOPS, UNODC

Paktia, Khost, Paktika, Wardak, Ghazni, Kapisa, Kabul, Nangarhar, Laghman, Kunar,

CA Parwan, Bamyan, Daikundi, Ghor and etc IOM, CARE,MALTESER, s I RC, GTZ Activity Sector: Social Welfare

Personnel Administrative Technical Support Total Sectors of Activity

Afghan 15 22 *133 170

Expatriate 0 0 0 0 Social and Welfare Services

Grand Total 15 22 133 170

Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau 50 ) . Member NGOs Directory AFGHAN PUBLIC WELFARE ORGANIZATION (APWO) BACKGROUND

Afghan Public Welfare Organization (APWO) isnon -government, non -political and non -profitable organization in 1989.

The main aim of APWO is to serve the oppressed and needy people of Afghanistan and active participation in reconstruction and development of the war -torn country Afghanistan.

Vision: To achieve peace in Afghanistan through community involvement.

Field of Activities:

Construction, Road Rehabilitation, Irrigation, Shelter, Water Supply, Agriculture, preparation of Solar Units for lighting and relief.


APWO is registered with Ministry of Economy, ANCB, and UNOCA. Area of Activity Kabul, Wardak, Ghazni, Paktya, Paktika, Khost, Logar, Ningarhar, Lagham, and Kapisa

Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau Member NGOs Directory Afghan Public Welfare Organization (APWO) Member Of. ANCB Head Office:

Address: Phone: 0700 285 738/ 0799330162 Key Staff: House #: 2, Fax: 1.Eng. Sayed Rahim Sattar Speen Kalai Square Email: [email protected] 2. Eng. Juma Gul Khoshal Mena, Kabul Website: 3. Lal Pacha

Sub Offices: Location In Charge Email Address t Phone Sayed Rahim 1. Kabul apwokb1 0700285738 Sattar 2.Jalalabad Lal Pacha 0700601876 3.Gardez Wahidullah 0799484008

Donor.. Agencies Targeted Provinces UNHCR AND Province Sector zOTHER UN AGENCIES Kabul, Ghazni Shelter

Paktia Monitoring r Ningarhar Shelter


Personnel Administrative Technical Sunnort Total Sectors of Activity

Afghan 8 45 25 70 Shelter Water Supply Expatriate Irrigation Construction Grand Total 8 45 25 70

Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau Member NGOs Directory AGENCY FOR REHABILITATION & ENERGY CONSERVATION IN AFGHANISTAN (AREA) BACKGROUND Introduction: AREA established in December 1993 as the continuation of GTZ DESP Project. AREA is a non -profit, non -governmental and non -political developmentalorganization. AREA envisions the achievements of peace and stability in Afghanistan through enablingthe communities, and believes that empowering communities at the grassroots level is the key to having a developed and prosperous Afghanistan. For this reason AREA focuses its efforts on establishing Community Based Organizations (CBOs) enabling the organizations to have long term partnership with rural and urban communities. AREA's overall goal is to contribute towards rehabilitation and development of Afghanistan in an environmentally sound manner. AREA's Five Key Principles: Over the years, AREA has developed the following five key principles which now guide AREA's all interventions in the aid and development arenas. These guiding principles are: To be people focused To respect Islamic values To respect Afghan Traditions To respect Human Rights To strive and to achieve Gender Equity Scale and Methodological Approach of Operation: Program /projects are currently operating in Kabul, Logar, Balkh, Herat,Badghis and Ningarhar, provinces. The organization's mandate includes plans to expand into Paktia, Khost,Kunner and Farah provinces. In general AREA uses two approaches of carry out its interventionsin the country;

(1) Reactive Approach which is reflected through AREA community development programs.AREA establishes long term partnership with rural and urban communities to help themselves.AREA builds up the capacities of the communities and through this partnership AREAcommits itself to help the communities to identify, prioritize, justify, and meet their ownneeds in a sustainable and cost effective manner. (2) The Proactive Approach which is reflected through AREA's AlternativeTechnology & Environment Protection Programs. AREA introduces technologies that aim atutilizing the naturally available resources of energy in order to meet the basic needsof the population in a sustainable manner. AREA is presently involved in the following sectors: Community Development Agriculture Alternative Technologies and Environment Protection Skills and Vocational Training Emergency Relief Programs (On Ad -hoc Basis)

Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau Member NGOs Directory Agency for Rehabilitation & Energy conservation in Afghanistan Member Of: AREA ANCB r Head Office: Address: Phone: 0799 328618 Key Staff: Fax: I.Eng. Khial shah Jamal Mina D# 3 Kabul Email: khialshaharea 2. Mr. Jalaludiin

Website: 3. Mr. Sadullah

Sub Offices:

Location In Charge Email Address Phone 1. Kabul Mr. Sadullah Sadullah.area 0799346961 2.Nengrahar Mr.S .Montazer shah Montaze shah 0772279782 3.Herat Eng. Abdul Raqib ghafarrashad 07971829960 4 Mazar Mr. M. Sarwar Sarwarhemat2005 0700 196686

Donor Agencies Targeted Provinces z Province Sector FAO Ningarhar Agriculture, Livelihood Logar Agriculture

z Mazar Support u. Herat Agriculture and Trainings s EC, IRC, ACSF and MOAI 5 Badghis ff

Personnel Administrative Technical Support Total Sectors of Activity Afghan 15 160 20 195 Agriculture, Environment Expatriate 0 0 0 0 protection, Vocational trairtiing ,and Emergency. Grand Total 15 160 20 195


Human resource development cuts across all economic -social sectors and essential elementin the rehabilitation in Afghanistan. On the other hand, Afghanistan is mainlyan agriculture country with majority of itspopulation involved inagriculture, which makes the backbone of the country. Afghanistan received severs damage during the last 2 decade ofwar.

During the past 20 years of war, much the rural areas of Afghanistan has been destroyed forcing million of Afghans to leave their country and settle in neighboring countries like Pakistan, Iran and otherparts of the world. Traditional community structures have sustainedsevers damaged in some areas beyond repair.

The need to utilize destroyed resources of the Afghan to restarta new lie in their country created the idea of formationof Afghanistan reconstruction & engineering committee (REC)on 1992. which is non -governmental, and non- political organization carrying out reconstruction, agriculture, irrigation, income generation, and education projects, and help the process of repatriation of Afghan refugeesto Afghanistan.

AREC's immediate policy and strategy are forwarding irrigation, agriculture and vocational training assistance to the deserved parts of the country, provision and distribution of relief goodsamong needy population of the rural areas.

As peace and security have returned to almost all parts of the country, it is a good opportunity to start rehabilitation work before massive repatriation to the refugees living in Pakistan and Irancourse.

Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau Member NGOs Directory Afghan Reconstruction & Engineering Committee (AREC) Member Of: .19:K::.311'49S7)f, ANCB

Head Office:

Address: Phone Key Staff: 402 Malikyan wat, Shar -i -now, Kabul, 070289673 1. Eng. Ahmad Shah(Director) Afghanistan. Fax: Nil 2. Eng Zia Email:hawa_kbl 3. Eng. Zabiullah Website: i

Sub Offices: Location In Charge Email Address Phone

1. Kabul Eng.Zia - -

2. Jalalabad Ashuqullah - -

3. - - - -

4. - - - -

Donor Agencies Targeted Provinces

Z PAO, UNICEF Province Sector Jalalabad Agriculture Kabul Infrastructure Peshawar Education

s.c4 .c Private C

Personnel Administrative Technical Support Total Sectors of Activity

Afghans 5 25 6 36

Expatriate Nil - - 0 Agriculture, Education, Construction

Grand Total 5 25 6 36


AREP, Afghan Rehabilitation Education Program is a non -profit and non -governmentalorganization which was founded in 1994.

The said organization is a registered organization with government of Afghanistanunder the supervision of Ministry of Economic Registration number: 461 and re- registration no. is 198.

AREP ismainly involved in thesectors of education, health, water Sanitation construction, reconstruction,rehabilitation,humanitarian assistance, human rights, and child care protection, vocational training teacher training, infrastructure and hygiene education.

AREP has been supported by the local and international organizations,and government collaboration also taken place for the last five years.

AREP Introduction: From the name it defines that AREP has mainly acting as arehabilitation organization in rebuilding of Afghanistan, and started its activities since 1994 for Afghan nations inside and outside Afghanistan. AREP is one of the recognized and registered organizations with theMinistry of Economic.

AREP has taken several participation in the community meeting,conferences, and seminars for the better performance and shared the experiences with other donorsand association in over the year AREP has managed complex and over evolving sets of programs. These are ourphysical efforts to help Afghanistan make a permanent break with its troubled past yet there are manyissues, which are beyond the capacity of communities, with the assistance of AREPbelieves that vulnerable families should enjoy a basic level of livelihoodsecurity including food, healthcare, a place to live education, asafe and healthy environment and the ability to participate decisionseffecting there families, community and country.

Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau Member NGOs Directory Afghanistan Rehabilitation & Educational Programs (AREP) Member Of NCB Head Office:

Address: Kabul Phone: 0799 33 18 41, 0700 28 38 59 Key Staff: House #: 762, 5th Street Fax: 1. Eng. Amanullah Aman Taimany, Kabuki Email: arep pak(a) 2. Abdul Wasi Website: 3. Abdul Rahim

Sub Offices: Location In Charge Email Address Phone 1. Nangarhar Kamaluddin Arep pak 0700 603 765 2.Paktya Hamdullah Arep pak 0707094844

Budget in US $: 2005 2006 2007 Budget Per Year 100000 140000 335000

Donor Agencies LBudget Allocation Targeted Provinces z Province Sector UNWFP, UNICEF Kabul V & E Training Nangarhar Education Paktya Health MRRD /NSP, L Paktika Social Activities BRAC, Embassy of Helmand Social Activities tJapan, Care International

Personnel Administrative Technical Support Total Sectors of Activity

Afghan 8 40 10 58

Expatriate Education, Health, Social, Rehabilitation

Grand Total 8 40 10 58


Nature: AREO is a non -governmental, non -political, non -profitable organization establishedin 1997. Membership: Ministry of Planning and ANCB.

Membership: AREO is created to meet the following objectives: To identify relief and rehabilitation needs. To seek financial resources and implementation possibilities for the planedand rehabilitation projects in Afghanistan. To convey donor's assistance to Afghanistan entitled throughimplementation pf any rehabilitation projects without any discrimination. To help the process of a smooth resettlement of returning Afghanrefugees and displaced into their rural and urban communities. To directly implement relief programs and the economic andsocial infrastructure in the war torn Afghanistan. To work out plans for rural development in order to improvethe living standard of plans community level in the country according to the government development plansand funding assistance.

Aims and Objectives: Afghan rehabilitation and Education Organization (AREO)shallsecure the operation of rural development activities in its operational areas, through out influenceof mutual understanding and direct cooperation with existing local administration Shura and Afghaninternational NGO.

AREO has been established to take active part in the rehabilitationand reconstruction of Afghanistan to provide sustainable livelihood opportunities through income generationand skill training activities especially for (Widows, orphan, disables) male and female.

To develop a coordinated and integrated approach for theexecution and implementation of project and establishing close cooperation with other NGOs in the area.

To plan design and undertake rehabilitation andreconstruction projects in social and economic sector.

To develop coordinated approach for implementationof projects and operation in area.

To provide shelter for homeless people of Afghanistan.

Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau ( 59 D Member NGOs Directory Afghan Rehabilitation and Education Organization(AREO) Member Of: ANCB Head Office: Address: Phone Key Staff: Street # 1, House a, 215, Opsposite to 070283770 1.Eng.A.Manan (Director) Kabul Green Restaurant, Kulula Pushta Fax:Nil 2. Eng. Haqiq Email: Nil 3. Eng.Qazi Website: Nil 4. Dr.S.Maher

Sub Offices: Location In Charge Email Address Phone

1. Jalalabad Eng.Qazi 070200592 2. Mazar Eng.Zalmai 070211973 3. Paktia Eng. Hakeem 0799317990 4.

Donor Agencies Targeted Provinces

Province Sector WFP,UNHCR,UN Habitat, 10M Nangarhar 4 Ghazni Parwan Construction Kapisa Irrigation


Personnel Administrative Technical Support Total Sectors of Activity

Afghans 5 6 2 13

Expatriate NIL - - - Construction, Irrigation

Grand Total 5 6 2 13


ASRAF isa non -political,non -governmental and non -profitableorganizationsetup renders humanitarian assistance through implementing of any kind of projects acceptable forall Afghans governmental and donor agencies.

To survey and design infrastructure projects, ASARAF is mainlyconcerned to render humanitarian assistance to all Afghans and for the rehabilitation of Afghanistan within itsfinancial capacity.

ASRAF is an Afghan NGO that is specially set to undertake reconstruction,relief and repatriation effort for refugees and needy people, provides technical consultationfor planning and implementing of architectural, civil, agricultural, health and irrigation projects as well asrelated activities to serve refugees.

For the reconstruction and development of war -torn Afghanistan,obviously there is a great need for some organization with proper valuesand strategies, the academic staffs to Afghanistan who are active in for working in further for their society from the design andconstruction group.

As the name of Ahmad Shah Abdail rehabilitationfoundation implies, the organization will undertake all activities necessary for the reconstruction, development,rehabilitation, and health and in many more sectors of Afghanistan henceforth, the organizationwill be referred to as ASARF for short.

Mission statement: To contribute to poverty alleviation through provisionof basic education, employable skill training and micro /small enterprise development tanning leading to incomegeneration and employment opportunities in a sustainable way.

Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau ( 61 ) Member NGOs Directory Ahmad Shah Abdali Rehabilitation Foundation (ASRAF) Member Of: ANCB Head Office: Address: Phone Key Staff: Chushma kahnjee Fawaid ama, st #2, 070633845 1.Eng. Abdul Baser H#13. Email: ismaelkhan06(ïr) 2. Eng. Ajmal 3. Eng. Wahidullah

Sub Offices: Location In Charge Email Address Phone

1. Wazir Akbar khan, Kabul 2. Khost 3. Peshawar 4.

Donor Agencies Targeted Provinces

WFP, UNICEF, UNOPS, Province Sector UNHCR Nangarhar Water Supply Paktia Construction Khost Construction z Kunar School Feeding CARE Italian Cooperation, s FID Canada Fund G

Personnel Administrative Technical Support Total Sectors of Activity

Afghans 8 10 7 25 Construction, Irrigation, Health, Expatriate NIL - - - Education, Water supply.

Grand Total 8 10 7 25

Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau 62 D Member NGOs Directory (ASSC) BACKGROUND

Afghan Welfare Center (AWC) was under consideration after aggression of Russians in Afghanistan in 1980, but officially started working in 1982 when its founder established a medical clinic in Tehkal, Peshawar. This self financed clinic was the first medical activity, and as of its good service AWC start developing good reputation in Afghan Refugees. In 1985 the program of blood bank and blood donor, drug abuse control and treatment of the drug addicts was added to the activities of the above -mentioned clinic. A 4- bed hospital was later established for the treatment of drug addicts in Board Peshawar.

In 1987 the possibilities for establishment of one year training course was available for paramedic level in which (196) students were trained in six 6 separate terms. Afghan cadres and personnel are accepted as decision -makers in the affairs. For the development of central part of working plan or program being prepared. In this relationship AWC worked in making up of ACBAR and ANCB. In those areas where the villages had relationship with AWC, a work program was made for cooperation and coordination. In 1993 Shura of Konar and Jalalabad agreed that AWC could establish it's provincial offices and perform the activities as; improving training of medical personnel inside Afghanistan. AWC contacted with the Faculty Medicine of Nangarhar and with public health authorities that, together with WHO will provide the requirements of Laboratory Technicians and training of anesthesia personal with coordination HSTH, LRH (PGMI) Pakistan.

The dangerous epidemic of narcotics, which has brought about a serious question of paying attention to create a control system for Afghanistan. AWC has educated people,which has the experience of working with UNDCP, can start its activities to carry informational, and educational programs inside Afghanistan.

For the purpose of training of Afghan women in the field of medicine especially (LHV, Physiotherapy) AWC had a joint program with (Afghan Women Association) (AWA). AWC for youth provided platform which helped the young generation of Afghan refugees in an Anti -Narcotic struggle by enrolling them in Sports club, Fine Arts, Literacy Resources and other sound and positive programs. (AYFAD). Program of treating Eye sickness, Pakistan Eye Society ahs agreed with AWC toestablish an effective eye unit in Jalalabad City. Beside medical assistance, training programs and having a close cooperation with Konar and .

Other programs included awareness and treatment of Drug Abuse with (UNDCP). Programof Malaria Control. Technical training program is part of rehabilitation projects. Drinking water &Sanitation program.

AWC management felt the need to utilize its 22 years experience for the service ofneedy Afghan people inside Afghanistan. AWC got its registration from the government of Afghanistanin (2005) with the name of Afghanistan Social Services Coordination(ASSC). The reason of changes in the name was that an NGO was already registered with governmentof Afghanistan same abbreviation as AWC.

Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau C63 D Member NGOs Directory Afghan Social Services Coordination (ASSC) Member Of: "Tinttm111111111WITAW,WP, »r....» ANCB

Head Office: Address Phone No: 091 -5836167 Key Staff: H# 42, D /5, St -1 Phase 1, E -mail: e_offce 1. Dr. M. Rahim. Hayatabad, Peshwar- PaksitanFax: 091- 5836064 Pashtoonyar 2. Dr. Fareed 3. Mr. Bakht Jamal

Sub Offices: Location In Charge Email Address Phone assc_office 070062890 1. Kabul Mr. Bakht Jamal e_office @afghanwelfare.org0752023838 2. 3. 4.

Donor Agencies Targeted Provinces z

zs. sa.) 0

Personnel AdministrativeTechnicalSupport Total Sectors of Activity

Afghan 21 32 13 66 Health, Education, Human Rights, Capacity Building, Infrastructure Expatriate Nil - - - Development, Agro Development, Assistance & Coordination, Mass awareness Grand Total 21 32 13 66


ASSRA is a non -governmental, non -political and non -profitable organizational established to provide assistance in reconstruction of Afghanistan and to secure the operation of relief and rehabilitation activities inside Afghanistan through direct cooperation with existing local resident, authorities, shuras and donors.

Objectives: ASSRA is generated to meet the following objectives:

1.To identify and implement relief and rehabilitation programs in Afghanistan. 2. To facilitate the process of a smooth resettlement of returnees IDPs into their communities. 3.To workout plans for rural development in order to improve the living standard on community level in the country. 4.To improve the living condition of poor Afghans through vocational training and income - generation projects. To provide employment opportunities for Afghan women

Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau ( 65 D Member NGOs Directory (ASSRA)Agency For Social Services And Rehabilitation Of Afghanistan Member Of ANCB Head Office:

Address: Phone: 0799 364627/ 077 2120885 Key Staff: H #: 2, St. #: 9 Fax: I. SayedAmrullah Taimani, Kabul Email:assra_kbl 2. Abdul Rahman Website: 3. Sayed Naqibullah

Sub Offices: Location In Charge Email Address Phone

1. Sayed Shukrollah 0779812917 2. Eng. Hasan 0799 356218 3.Jalalabad Eng. Fazlullah fazlullah_akbari @yahoo.cotn 0797466307

Donor Agencies Targeted Provinces

Province Sector z UNODC Kabul Renovation

Balkh Construction z s. Ningarhar Construction GAGP(Japan) O

Personnel Administrative Technical Support Total Sectors of Activity

Afghan 3 6 3 12 Construction and Rehabilitation Expatriate

Grand Total 3 6 3 12


Afghan Women' Kid Education and Necessities (AWAKEN) is an independent, an Afghanoperated non- governmental, and non -political, not for profitorganization registered with the Ministry of planning of Afghanistan with it offices in Jalalabad Nangarhar, and Kabul and its head quarter inIndiana USA.

AWAKEN was founded in 2002 in United States of America and as well as in acquisitionof income generating skills through technical vocational and as well as formal educationallearning programs. AWAKEN is a joint venture of Afghan nationals living in USA and Afghanistan inwhich Dr.Ahammad Sabir Bahrami and Lal Bibi Bahrami are Afghan American nationalityholders are backbone and supporter and aid collectors in USA office and as well astheir counterparts in Afghanistan engineer Noor Rahman from Afghanistan is the main sources and operation managerin Afghanistan.

AWAKEN operations in the field of education are highly appreciated in thedistrict of Behs000d in vocational sides AWAKEN has a training center inQala- E- Malakh in the district Behsood, Nangarhar province.

AWAKEN conduct different types of several training workshops,meeting and seminars for the vocational skills improvement and social airiness, infrastructure anddevelopment.

AWAKEN contributions toward education and skills developmentfor Afghan women and kids are highly praise worthy and scan be analyses through itsoperations, which provided skilled women and educated people for the development of Afghanistan.

AWAKEN strength has always been its ability to transformskill training activities into income generating activities for the people of its operational areas inwhich Nangarhar, Laghman, Takhar and Logar.

AWAKEN has served as a leading organization in theJalalabad city and selected for the position by ANCB, due to its dominant strategies, healthy andpowerfull operations in the selected area of the country.

AWAKEN received funding from different organizationsfor the supporting it's operation in which CARE international, PRT, GAGP, SRCA, CIVIOCand AWAKEN USA is a big donor and as well as technical supporter for the future strength. AWAKEN supportfemale technical and vocational skills in particular.

Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau 67 D Member NGOs Directory Afghan Women and Kids Education and Necessities (AWAKEN) Member Of: ANCB Head Office: Address: Phone Key Staff: Room # 1 1, Block -B, 3`d floor, Mia 070609519 1. Eng.Noor Rahman Aslam Plaza, Nangarhar, Afghanistan Email: awaken afe( 2. Eng. Abdullah 3. Faridullah

Sub Offices: Location In Charge Email Address Phone

1. Kabul Faridullah 0799364263 2. 3. 4.

Donor Agencies Targeted Provinces

WFP, UNICEF, UNOPS, Province Sector Z UNHCR Nangarhar Construction Kandahar Monitoring Khost Construction Paktika = z Kabul = CARE Italian Cooperation, FID Ós Canada Fund

Personnel Administrative Technical Support Total Sectors of Activity

Afghans 2 4 2 8 Construction, Irrigation, Health, Expatriate NIL - - - Monitoring, Education.

Grand Total 2 4 2 8

Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau C68 D Member NGOs Directory Afghan Women Associationfor Rehabilitation and Development Member Of: (AWARD) ANCB

Head Office:

Key Staff: Address: Phone: 0700280180 Parwan -e -2 Fax: l. St. #: 2, H #: 32 Email: fahima_hamrah 2. 3. District 4 , Kabul . Website:

Sub Offices: Phone Location In Charge Email Address 077254482 1. Mazar -e- Sahrif Rahmatullah 2. 3.

Donor Agencies Targeted Provinces z Province Sector FAO Mazar Vocational

Kabul Gender

i Swedish Parwan Ball making Fa) Committee pGerman Embassy

Sectors of Activity Personnel Administrative Technical Support Total

Afghan 3 2 2 7 Vocational Training Legal Awareness Expatriate Women Development

Grand Total


AWCDO stands for "Afghanistan Women and Children's Development ". Our mission is to empower Afghan women to participate fully in all aspects of society and also to improve the education, health, and rights of women and children. It achieves these goals through raising awareness of women and children's rights and providing capacity building training for women long -term goal, moreover, is to ensure active participation of women concerning all aspects of their lives and all issues concerning Afghan community. By implementing this program, we will not only be educated women directly, we will be improving their status, and the health of children and the larger community and as well as promoting peace and solidarity.

AWCDO was established in September 2003 to launch awareness campaigns for women to provide them with information about their rights. AWCDO is a non -governmental, non -profitable and non- partism women coordinating body rendering its services to women of different social backgrounds. AWCDO has a board of directors and is registered with the Ministry of planning and the Ministry of health.

AWCDO has implemented a number of projects in partnership with UNODC, National Democratic Institute (NDI), Friendrich- Ebert- Stifung (FES), Rights and Democracy, British Embassy, UNAMA and Altai Consulting (UNICDFO). The organization has experience with civic education, health education and peace education formal and non -formal education for women, children, students, housewives and teachers.

The main objectives of AWCDO are to improve the lives of women and children in Afghanistan by: Empower Afghan Women to participate fully in all aspects of society. Providing capacity building training for women. Enabling the Afghan women to actively participate in civil, political society, and particularly in the rehabilitation, reconstruction, and peace building of Afghanistan. Raising awareness about women's and children rights. Providing knowledge about health care. Promoting their access to public services (especially education and health) and a secure environment.

Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau 70 D Member NGOs Directory Afghan Women and Children Development Organization (AWCDO Member Of: ANCB

Head Office: Address: Phone Key Staff: Block #53, Apartment #24, First 070224669 1. Dr.Zarghona Paiwastoon(Director) Macrorayan, Kabul, Afghanistan. Fax: Nil 2. Email:[email protected] 3. Website: Nil

Sub Offices: Location In Charge Email Address Phone

- - 1. - - - 2. - - -

- 4. - - -

Donor Agencies Targeted Provinces

Province Sector Z UNIGER, UNAMA

wl sC.) O

Personnel Sectors of Activity Administrative Technical Support Total

Afghans Construction, Education Expatriate

Grand Total


Afghan Women Education Center (AWEC) was established in 1991 byAfghan Women Refugees in Islamabad, and works in projectscontributing to the will -being and self-sufficiency of women. AWEC endeavours torun innovative ads well as effectiveprograms that meet the needs of Afghan Women and children and welcomes feedbackand support. AWEC works collaboratively wherepossible with other agencies and welcomesthe support of individuals as el as funding bodies.

AWEC has more than 14 years of work experience and tremendously progressed in2004 AWEC became implementing partner with CreativeAssociate International (CALL) which is fundedby United State Agency for International Development (USAID) to implement Afghanistan PrimaryEducation Program/ Accelerated Learning (APEP/ AL)project. This partnership gave AWEC opportunityto build its capacity in order to managea very big project. AWEC is the only localwomen NGO which has implemented this project in andone of the challenging provinces Paktia.

Through this project AWEC covered 20,000over age student 70% of whom are girls. Those children will finish grade six and will join the formal schoolsystem after wards, AWEC have also implementeda very successful project (Women Political Participation Awareness andSupport) in pakitia. This project has an extra ordinary result an AWEC is proud of thisproject has opened the door ofwomen in the south of Afghanistan 52% women participated in thepresidential election. At the end of projectwomen Shura was established. As result the communitywas motivated and they created another 7 women Shura by support of AWEC, as consequence, AWEC got bigger projectof accelerated learning in Paktia which gave change to educated women to work and become economically independent.Woment role became visible and earns respect in the community,so, today women got courage and stood for provincial council election, AWEC has a literacy project ofr women which is implemented in the North and South of Afghanistan. Women center in multi ethnic city ofMazar Sharif has illiteracyprogram peace education health education and counseling services. Besideeducational project AWEC has focusedon human rights issue and peace education AWEC has startedto work inside women prison and became partner with United Nation Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) itwas first time in the history of Afghanistan that social an relief work has started forwomen inside the prison women and their children could feel that there is some one who does not belongto government authority who they can trustan easily share their problems.

Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau Member NGOs Directory Afghan Women Education Center (AWEC) Member Of: ANCB

Head Office: Address Phone No: 070263794 Key Staff: H# 2 S# 2 Karty Parwan, E -mail: Nil 1. Najia Hanifi Kabul- Afghanistan

Sub Offices: Location In Charge Email Address Phone

1. Mazar Larisa 2. J. 4.

Donor Agencies Targeted Provinces

Province Sector z Kabul Mazar Paktiay Wardak

A CIJ IRC,Friench O

Personnel Sectors of Activi' AdministrativeTechnicalSupport Total



Grand Total

Member NGOs Directory Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau AFGHAN WOMENORGANIZATION (AWO) BACKGROUND

The Afghan Women's Organization also known as the Afghan Women'scounseling and integration community support organization, was incorporated in June 1990 to address the specificneeds and issues of Afghan Canadian Women and theirfamilies. The AWO receives funding fromthe federal, provincial, and municipal governments and otherfoundations to provided services in theareas of settlement (Language training, orientation, counseling,job search) prevention of Women'sAssault income generation projects for Afghan CanadianWomen youth and senior'sprograms and a critical media literacy program AWO is a taking part nationally in the Refugee sponsorship andtraining program (RSTP) and is a sponsorship Agreementholder with the government. Furthermore,the AWO is a member of the following organization. CanadianCouncil for Refugees, Canadian centre ofMuslim Women, Association or Women's Rights indevelopment, and advisory committee member forrights and democracy's associate women's rights in Afghanistan.The Afghan Women's Organization currently has 3 field offices in the greater Torontoareas, employing a total of 45 women from diverse background. In addition to numerous committed volunteers,and serves more then 3000 clients annually.

Simultaneous to effort in Canada, AWO also has in internationaldevelopment program in Kabul, Afghanistan and in the refugeecamps of Peshawar, Pakistan. Since 1997 AWO Kaul office worked underground running home based schools for girls and providinggirls and women with clothing, food, and other relief supplies. This satellite office also coordinatesa micro enterprise program whereby women are trained to run their own small business (carpet, weaving, embroidery, sewing,and poultry raising) aside from its direct work in Kabul, AWO collaborates withit's partner organization, AWWD (Afghan Women's welfare Development) supporting literacy, health,and income generating programs for women in Afghanisan as well as Afghanwomen refugees living in the refugee camps in Pakistan. Furthermore, the AWO helped to establisha traditional livelihood revival (income generating) project in partnership with the international development and RefugeeFoundation (IDRF) for which fundswere received from the Canadian International DevelopmentAgency (CIDA).

Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau /4 Member NGOs Directory Afghan Women Organization (AWO) Member Oft ANCB

Head Office:

Address: Phone: 0799 31 77 91 Key Staff: Khoshal Khan Mena, Fax: l .Adeena Niazi Email: afza_hosa 2. Eng. Qadir Maqsood Behind Shadab Zafar Blocks Website: 3. Afza Hosa 4.Aqila Maqsud ..)

Sub Offices: Location In Charge Email Address Phone

1. 2. 3.

Donor Agencies Targeted Provinces z Province Sector

4 Canadian Women Organization C

Personnel Administrative Technical Support Total Sectors of Activity

Afghan 5 9 8 23 Labor and Social affairs Expatriate

Grand Total


The Afghan women services and education organization is established on 2003 according to the necessity of society and people and it register of the ministry of plan and has 3 exceptional members and 10 advisory. Also this organization works and activities in professional sites for women and girls and for their self -confidence.

This organization runs the projects according to the difficulties of the people which are been the necessities and demands of the people of that site. And it has made some women and girls self confident that r now busy at the works, which they learned by AWSE and they serve their families and earn incomes tax and use them for their daily lives AWSE also works in 3 basic sections:

1. production 2.Educational 3.Training

Production section: it is including needlecrafts, tailoring, and dairy project.

Educational section: it is including tailoring courses, school subjects and English Language courses.

Training section: it is including civic education.

Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau Member NGOs Directory Afghan Women Service and Education organization (AWSE) Member Of ANCB AWN Head Office:

Address: Phone: 0799 326132 Key Staff: St. of Is' security department Fax: I.Gulsoom Starzai Behind of l" Airport Blocks Email:awse_g 2. Ghulam Sakhi Website: 3. Ikramullah Shahid

Sub Offices: Location In Charge Email Address Phone

1. Ghazni Shah Agha awse_g 0772102597 2. Logar Javaid awse_g 0799326132 3. Naqibullah awse_g 0772102597

Donor Agencies Targeted Provinces

UNIFEM, UNICEF Province Sector Z WFP

British Embassy, FEFA z French Embassy, TICA Action Aid, NED Malteser

Personnel Administrative Technical Support Total Sectors of Activity

Afghan 2 12 15 29

Expatriate Training, Education, Production

Grand Total 2 12 15 29


The Afghan Women Welfare Department (AWWD) a non -affiliated Afghan women NGO, started in July 1989.

The purpose was to deal with the great need existed in past ten years, AWWD estimated trained 3000 Afghan women and has been successfully operating several kinds of programs in the field of education an income generation in both Peshawar and inside of Afghanistan.

These programs are including English Language program, Education program, Islamiat, Tailoring training program, Refugee Assistance program, poultry and public health training program and embroidery training program, the programs such as kitchen Gardening training program, carpet weaving training program and other in the home work sills training program were in Afghanistan.

A total of 410 women from tailoring training program 250 women from English Language courses, 150 women have been from typing and computer courses, 66 womenin poultry production and basic health care, 100 women soap making, 360 women haveneed trained in candle making, 125 families in kitchen gardening issues, 20 women in Boria Bafi (Basket making), 20 women have been trained trainingin Achar making (Sour stuff), 200 women have been trained in embroidery and 80 studentsgraduated from the Holy Quran Classes.

The program started in April 1998. The first way to sustainable AWWD by making acomplete sewing production center in the mail office.

The designer, supervisor and tailor did the survey to find expert tailors to complete a successful production center.

Eight skilled women selected to do the production center's duties.

The AWWD is production center introduces ready mad garments in its showroom as the people demands and receiving orders. The marking officer finds the market assist the designer.

Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau ( 78 -D Member NGOs Directory AWWD Member Of: ANCB Head Office:

Address: Phone: 0092- 5841 6461 Key Staff: 2 -B Arbab Colony Fax: I.Mss. Jamila Akbar Zia University Town Email: [email protected] 2. Mss. Nazila Wezha Website: 3.

Sub Offices: Location In Charge Email Address Phone

1. Kabul Mss. Spozhtnai awwd a, 0700282494 2.Jalalabad Mr. Zahid [email protected] 3.

Donor Agencies Targeted Provinces

USAID,UNOPS, UNHCR, Province Sector UNDP Nangarhar Capacity Building

A IRC, Canada Fund,ICA, s CWS,NCA

Personnel Administrative Technical Support Total Sectors of Activity

Afghan 21 1 15 37

Expatriate Education

Grand Total


AWWO was registered in 2003 with the Ministry of Economic. AWWO Organization consisted of talent educated and well experienced engineers doctors administrators accountant whoare interested and try their best to integrate the qualified female of the country in social activities.

AWWO teams up personnel in education promotion and protection of human rights self employment schemes public health and other field of human endeavors and emphasizes on the addressing of these problems by adopting a rights based and community participator approach which is cost deductive as well as sustainable.

As it is known to every body that the long war in Afghanistan seriously affected women that most of them become widows and shouldered the responsibility of bread miners of the families so compared to any other time females are the most innocent and suffer pressed category. They were deprived of most of the privileges such as education health services and other financial benefits.

Over all no considerable step was taken for upgrading the women's rights, so It is therefore decided to establish such an organization which would be non political without any racial religions tribal and ethnical discrimination, with having all the available means it would also try to enroll and hire the deserved ones and work with strictly keeping in mind the present needs of women in promotion of democracy.

Strategies: Do advocate support the development and sustenance of the primary education for girl, child and literacy classed for women. To support the development and improvement of quality health services. To support solidarity mechanism and income generation activities for poverty alleviation specifically for women that leads their family. To help empower women and subsequently communities through participation of women in capacity building activities as household and community levels. To help revive and flourish women's handicrafts industries. To raise awareness among women to defend their right under protecting of constitutions and civil laws.

Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau 80 Member NGOs Directory Afghan Women's Welfare Organization (AWWO) Member Of: 4;:// %iD/,,.c..r... ANCB Head Office: Address: Phone Key Staff: 0799652356 I.Freshta Sarwari (Director) Email: freshta_awwo

,) Sub Offices: Location In Charge Email Address Phone

1. 7. J. 4.

Donor Agencies Targeted Provinces

WFP, UNICEF, UNOPS, Province Sector UNHCR Kabul Ghazni Income Generation


Personnel Administrative Technical Support Total Sectors of Activity

Afghans 6 8 5 19 Construction, Irrigation, Health, Expatriate NIL - - - Education, Income generation

Grand Total 6 8 5 19

Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau Member NGOs Directory Basic Afghanistan Service (BAS) Member Of: ANCB 1ACBAR Head Office:

Address: Phone: 0700278891 Key Staff: House # 17, Parliament's Street I Fax: 0798037183 1. Kanishka Nawabi, MD (Sarak Maghazan Aab) Darul Aman Email: 2 . Mirwais Wardak , Road, Kabul, Afghanistan Website: 3.Adrees Zaman

Sub Offices: Location In Charge Email Address Phone

1. Shukrullah 0797340890 2.Saydabad Rahmatullah 0799498950 3.Farza District Moh. Hakim 0799030547

Donor Agencies Targeted Provinces

z Province Sector Badakhshan Kunduz Ghazni z Trocaire Kabul Novib(Oxfam) Wadak s Asia Foundation Counterpart Int.

Personnel Administrative Technical Support Total . Sectors of Activity

Afghan 6 50 19 75 Community based Peace building, Expatriate Peace Education, Research and Advocacy Grand Total 6 50 19 75

Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau 82 Member NGOs Directory BASIRAT BACKGROUND

BASIRAT was established in 2003 with Ministry ofPlanning in Kabul.

BASIRAT is a non political non government and nonprofitable organization set up renders. Humanitarian assistance though implementation of anykind of projects acceptable for all Afghanistan Government and donor agencies.

To survey and design infrastructure of the projects.

BASIRAT is mainly concerned to renderhumanitarian assistance toall Afghans and for the rehabilitation of Afghanistan within its financial capacity.

Sector of Operation: Irrigation system, construction of building, road and watersupply. Survey and design of irrigation system, publicbuilding, Education training, vocational training Health, Emergency, Sanitation, Agriculture.

The agency completed some projects in the abovementioned field.

Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau g3 Member NGOs Directory Member Of ANCB

Head Office:

Address Phone No: 070296708 Key Staff: Pashtoon Market inform of E -mail: 1. Eng. Qandarai Pule Khishti Mosque, Kabul- Afghanistan

Sub Offices: Location In Charge Email Address Phone


3.n 4.

Donor Agencies Targeted Provinces


L 6è sA GTZ, 10M O

Personnel Administrative TechnicalSupport Total Sectors of Activity

Afghan 5 3 2 10

Expatriate Nil - - - Construction, Education

Grand Total 5 3 2 10


BCURA which has been considered as contract from Baz Construction Unit for Rehabilitation of Afghanistan, is an Afghan organization having been involved to cooperate and assist the Afghan most vulnerable human through implementation humanitarian projects in different parts inside Afghanistan.

BCURA has been founded as a non -profitable, non -governmental and non -political organization operates to secure and protect the most destitute and war -torn inhabitants of Afghanistan.

BCURA mainly considered rendering humanitarian assistance to all Afghans and rehabilitation of Afghanistan within its capability, beside of that fact.

BCURA shall secure and carry out the operation of relief, rehabilitation and repatriation collaboration with the existing local residents, authorities and shuras that will benefit the community through direct or indirect comfort and cooperation.

BCURA was organized and set up in 1991 started its strive and effort toward alleviation and mitigation of inducted catastrophe and other misery in Afghanistan with out hesitation by implementation of some projects donated by some funding agencies and other aid agencies for Afghanistan.

BCURA has successfully implemented and vanquish on many projects with due confirmation offunding agency, government and community.

As an Afghan impartial and active organization, BCURA has been implementing projectsin different sectors funded by variety of donor agencies such as UNHCR,UNICER,WFP, UNOPS, UNAMA, CARE international, SGAA international,Japan Embassy,HealthnetInternationalanrelief international.

Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau 85 ) Member NGOs Directory Baz Consultancy Unit for Rehabilitation of Afghanistan Member Of (BCURA) ANCB

Head Office:

Address: Phone: 0700 60 1100 Key Staff: 2' St. of Taimany Project Fax: I.Eng. Imam Jan H #: 45, District #: 4, Email: bcura_co 2. Mr. Sabhuddin Sokout Kabul. Website: 3. .} Sub Offices: Location In Charge Email Address Phone 1. Ningarhar, Jalalabad Eng. Shahpoor [email protected] 0700605050 2.Nooristan Eng. Farid bcura 0700017015 3.

Donor Agencies Targeted Provinces

Province Z UNHCR Sector Paktia Construction, Nooristan Sanitation, Survey Daikundi Sanitation, s GAGP (Japan) Monitoring, -4- USAID, MRRD Survey O

Personnel Administrative Technical Support Total Sectors of Activity

Afghan 4 9 6 19 Construction Engineering Sanitation Expatriate Health education Consultancy Grand Total 4 9 6 19

Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau C.86D Member NGOs Directory Behzad Health Center (BHC) Member Of: ANCB Head Office:

Address: Phone: 0799331073 Key Staff: Macroyan #: 3 Fax: 1. Dr.Shah Mohammad - Director Section #: 3 Email: bhc_af 2. Dr. Quduatullah - D. Director Website: 3. Mohammad Mustafa

Sub Offices: Location In Charge Email Address i Phone

1. Balkh Mr. Daulat bhc afg@, 07996859944 2. 3.

Donor Agencies Targeted Provinces

Province Sector Z

s.z oJ 0

Personnel Administrative Technical Support Total Sectors of Activity

Afghan 1 1 1 3

1 3 Health Expatriate 1 1

Grand Total 2 2 2 6


The Bureau for Reconstruction and Development (BRD) is a registered Afghan humanitarian,non- profit, non -governmental agency which implements and co- ordinates developmentprojects and supporting the process of development ofa strong, viable and pluralistic civil society civic education. Civic society training, Human rights andpeace education and supporting the process of capacity building of the government staff by provision ofcivil service training and rural of law trainingin post constitution Afghanistan.

BRD was established in 2003 bya group of expert Afghan in order to participate in theprocess of reconstruction and development of thecountry. By having a wide range of expertise inemergency, humanitarian and development assistance, BRD intendsto expend and provide a quality service to communities in Afghanistan.

Mission: To create an environment in which men andwomen are able to improve their standards of living through equitable and sustainable use of resources.

To facilitate the process capacity development in Afghanistan throughprogrammatic and institutional intervention.

To support the development of a strong, viable and pluralistic civilsociety in post- constitution Afghanistan.

BRD Values: An essential part of its mandate, BRD core valuesare based on social justice, commitment, openness, accountability, transparency and respect to all segments of society withoutprejudice to gender, caste, religion, language and ethnic considerations.

Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau 88 ) Member NGOs Directory Bureau for Reconstruction and Development (BRD) Member Of: ANCB ANCB Head Office:

Address: Street 3, Part A, Phone: 0799838547/07993411 Key Staff: Khoshal Maina Kabul Fax: 1. Khan Agha Dawoodzai Email:brd 2. Abdullah Noori Website: 3. Abdul Zarin

Sub Offices: Location In Charge Email Address Phone

1. 2. 3.

Donor Agencies Targeted Provinces

Province Sector Z UNAMA Kabul Capacity Building Kapisa Capacity Building Wrdak Capacity Building

cA L. e PRT, 10M O

Personnel Administrative Technical Support Total Sectors of Activity

Afghan 8 12 6 26 Human Rights, Civil Society, Expatriate 2 Governance, Income Generation, Consultancy Grand Total 8 14 6 28


CDRU organization was established in 2002 and because of helping forpoor people it's registered at the ministry of Economic.

At the beginning of establishment date it's started working in differentpart at the capital and provinces of Afghanistan.

This organization is registered at the esteemed office of ANCB, AWN, Ministryof women, and Ministry of education until now this organization helped 2000poor women, and about 3000 orphans children all the time the office is open in the capital and province.

This organization is ready to service in different parts suchas, education, helping for women, orphans children, poor men and also construction of schools clinics and health project.

Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau 90 Member NGOs Directory Chaltan Development Rehabilitation Unit (CDRU) Member Of: ,,x, X a,i/.',%//%l'/iL%o/.Xy%i XXX ANCB Head Office: Address: Phone Key Staff: Stt -10, WazirAkbarkhan, Kabul, 070069242/0799548757 1.Eng.M.Daud Afghanistan Email:[email protected] 2. Freshten Mehsi 3. Eng.Mirwais

Sub Offices: Location In Charge Email Address Phone

1. Kunduz Amin Bashir Nil 070701084 2. Logar M.Agha - 0799274971 3. Mazar Hamida - 070289234 4.

Donor Agencies Targeted Provinces

Province Sector z UNIFEM, UNAMA, UNHCR Kabul Kunduz Logar

cA s GTZ, PRT Kunduz, 10M C

Personnel Administrative Technical Support Total Sectors of Activity Afghans 12 8 3 23 Construction, Education, Vocational Expatriate NIL - - - Training.

Grand Total 12 8 3 23


In October 1996. a small group of' committed Afghans began seekingways to help foster peace in Afghanistan. They met together and talked about formingan organization through which they are able to expand their objective and tryto promote peace in Afghanistan. Eventually. They established cooperation for peace and unity (CPAU), Which is anon -government and non -profit making furthering the interest of no political entity in Afghanistan or elsewhere.

CPAU is working for the promotion of Knowledge and awareness of peace, social justice, and human rights as the foundation upon which the future development of Afghanistan will be built. Through direct encouragement and participation in active peace building,CPAU hopes to contribute to the creation of a viable alternative to the war and violence, as the first step towards building a lastingpeace.

By having the capacity building and facilitation role, CPAU seeks to increase wider participation of people and community institutions in the process of peace building in Afghanistan.

Currently, CPAU plays a crucial role in the process of strengthening the role of community institutions in Afghanistan. Through regular training and coaching, CPAU works for the enhancement of the capacities of the community organization so that they are able to promote culture of peace and resolve community level conflicts effectively.

CAPU has encouraged creation of peace groups (four district based peace councils and 24 peace and development committees) in different parts of Afghanistan. In addition, CAPU is registered with the Government of Afghanistan and is a member of Agency Coordination Body for Afghan Relief (ACBAR) Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau (NACB) AND Afghan Civil Society Forum.

Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau ( 92 ') Member NGOs Directory Cooperation for Peace And Unity (CPAU) Member Of ANCB ACBAR HRRACi ANCB Head Office:

Address: Phone: 0799 13 62 96 / 0798037183 Key Staff: H LI:17, Parliament I' St. Fax: I .Kanishka Nawabi - MD (Sarak- e- Maghazane Aab) Email: 2. Mirwais Wardak - PD Darul Aman Road, Kabul Website: 3. Idrees Zaman

Sub Offices: Location In Charge Email Address Phone

1. Jughuri district Shukrullah 0797340890 2. Rahmatullah 0799498950 3.Farza district Mohd. Hakim 0799030547

Donor Agencies Targeted Provinces z Province Sector

cU 0

Personnel Administrative Technical Support Total Sectors of Activity

Afghan 6 50 19 75


Grand Total


The tragedy of the April 27tß' 1978 in Afghanistan resulted sin tremendous damages toour economy and caused enormous suffering to the people of Afghanistan which resulted the nineyears of sovit occupation of the country.

CAWC is a non -governmental and non -political body and it has been founded by professional people whose prime objectives are to sever the Afghan people. The CAWC, whichcovers the central part of Afghanistan, will abide by the United Nations charter and this article of association. These articles of association have been approved to guide the committee's activities in the designated regions in Afghanistan. The catastrophe has not only left more than one million dead and thousands disabled, but also has demolished the economy's economic infrastructure.

As the result of the continuing struggle of the Afghan people against the red army. The Russians were forced to withdraw their troops from the country. In the post soviet area we hope that peace and stability will return to our country.

This situation requires that the Afghan People must devise appropriate policies and strategies to rebuild the war -torn country. Based on this objective, the central Afghanistan welfare committee (CAWC) had been established to work toward this end. The following is the committee's constitution that consist of four chapters and eights aritices.

Objectives: The assist in the repatriation and rehabilitation of refugees by organizing program and providing essential material support.

To provide emergency aids to those regions which are affected by natural calamities and destruction by the enemy's military assault and bombardments.

To compile programs and provide economic aid to develop agriculture and animal husbandry which are the basis of the country's economy that will also help the community to improve their skills in rebuilding their own communities.

To help improve net of the irrigation system of the country and provide equipment and facilities to clean up and develop karizes, to dig up tub wells, to build dams, to resource water and to prevent irrigation's water loss.

Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau C-94 ) Member NGOs Directory Central Afghanistan Welfare Committee (CAWC) Member Oft ,,AVA:»44,.&N,A6a0V .% WA,.:, ,A.A,,,, ANCB

Head Office:

Address: Phone: 0799301802 Key Staff: Kolola Poshta, Electric Station Fax: 1. Mr. Naik Mob. Ahmadi Bus Stop, Haider Street, Email: cawckabul 2. Mr. S. Mustafa Musawy

Kabul. Afghanistan . Website: 3. Mss. Fatima Rezaye

Sub Offices: Location In Charge Email Address Phone

1. Barcyan Eng. Dawood 0799236872 2.Kajak Valley, Wardak M. Ali 0774376709


Donor Agencies Targeted Provinces

Province Sector Z WFP, FAO UNOPS Bamyan: Construction, Water Supply, Agriculture Wardak: Health and Education z 1. Daikondi: Agriculture NCA, CI /IPACS, ó SAFE, ADB

Personnel Administrative Technical Support Total Sectors of Activity

Afghan 9 6 6 21 Advocacy, Agriculture, Health, Expatriate Education, Construction, Water Supply Grand Total 9 6 6 21

Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau Member NGOs Directory Cooperation Center for Afghanistan (CCA) Member Op -r maw ANCB ACBAR Head Office:

Address: Phone:0700294693 Key Staff: House # 18, Street A, Fax: 1: Sarwar Hussaini Karte- 4, Kaul, Afghanistan Email: cca.afg 2. Sayed Abdullah Ahmadi Website: 3. Eng. Musa Kashifi

Sub Offices:

Location In Charge Email Address Phone 1. Balkh Abul Hamid 2.Bamyan S. Ahmad 3. Daikondi Dabestani 4 Wardak Zawghan

Donor Agencies Targeted Provinces

Z UNHCR Province Sector Kabul ,Bamyan Education

Balkh: Human Rights

V. CWS Wardak: Livelihood .c°' MCA p GTZ Baghlan: Vocational Training Daikondi: Micro Credit

Personnel Administrative Technical Support Total Sectors of Activity Afghan 125 150 130 405

HR, Education, Vocational Expatriate 5 2 7 Training,

Grand Total 130 152 130 412

Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau 96 ) Member NGOs Directory COUNTRY DEVELOPMENT UNIT (CDU) BACKGROUND

Country Development Unit (CDU) is a non -profitable non -governmental,no- political, humanitarian organization. CDU aim is to contribute for the rehabilitation. Reconstruction of Afghanistan .though the planning. Designing, undertaking of Environment protection, construction, construction, provision of irrigation, networks, agriculture, health, education projects and other humanitarian assistanceprograms.

Objective: To plan design and undertake rehabilitation and reconstruction projects in social and economicalsectors in consultation and cooperation with other relevant local and international bodies. To provide emergency relief assistance to the desired places. To provide and improve agriculture stuff, seed and fertilizer. To plan and participate in the implementation of rehabilitation of infrastructure projects of Afghanistan .these projects are included irrigation networks, roads and bridge, private and public buildingetc. the priorities have been given to the war affected area.

CDU steering by:

1.Executive Board of Directors 2.Executive Director 3.program departments consist of the following.

Technical Advisor Administrator and finance department Engineering department Agriculture and forest development Education department, Health department.

Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau 97 Member NGOs Directory Country Development Unit (CDU) Member Of: / i/% / / / O, 9A ANCB Head Office:

Address: Phone: 0700276411 Key Staff: House # 88, between Fax: I. Eng. Abdul Qadir Street 4th & 5111 near Email: 2. Dr. Muhammad Shafiq Haji Mohd. Dad Masjid. Website: 3. Eng. Sharif Shah \Taimani, Kabul

Sub Offices: Location In Charge Email Address Phone

1. Pulkhumri Eng. Waheed 0797849979 2. Badakhshan Dr. Javed 0799239750 3. Logar Eng. Hameed 0700042518

Donor Agencies Targeted Provinces z Province Sector Badakhshan: Health

Baghlan: Watson z cu MoPH /USAID s MRRD / USAID O

Personnel Administrative Technical Support Total Sectors of Activity

Afghan 5 10 15 30

Expatriate Watson, Health, Engineering

Grand Total

Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau C98 D Member NGOs Directory COORDINATION OF AFGHAN RELIEF (COAR) BACKGROUND

As you better Coordination of Afghan Relief (COAR) is a National, non government and non political organization, and it is more than 17 years working in various fields such as Education, Health, water supply Engineering Agriculture, Social

And also it should be mentioned that (COAR) is preceding its activities as Afghanistan's government systematic rules and policies.

Coordination of Afghan Relief (COAR) was established in 1989 date of 20/03/83 in early ministry of planning with registration number 140. But according to re- registration to ministry of economy, Islami9c Republic of Afghanistan (COAR) is re- registered with the number of 11. (COAR) is proceeding there projects by NCA, USAID, UNDP and other funding agencies.

Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau 99 D Member NGOs Directory (CoAR) Coordinationof Afghan Relief Member Of: %íäïüii*íii ANCB Head Office:

Address: Phone:0799 329275 / 0700 280 727 Key Staff: Kart -c -Seh Fax: l.Eng. Salimee - G. Director Il #: 2.1. Email: coar_kbl 2. Eng. Haleem- Program manager Opp: A.AIi. Mustaghni high Website: 3. Eng. Kazimi- Admin School. Kabul. 4. A.Bashir - Finance manager Sub Offices: Location In Charge Email Address Phone

1. Wardak Eng. Gulzada I 0799391814 2. Mazar -e- Sharif M.A.Haidary 0700280726 3. Nangarhar Eng. Ab. Qayum 0796448988 4. Herat, Bagh M.Ibrahim 0797357276

Donor Agencies Targeted Provinces

z UNOPS, UNICEF, Province Sector UNDP, UNHC Mazar -e- Shareif Jozjan British Embassy Faryab Baghlan Catholic Relief Ningarhar services, Church Ghazni World Services, Maidan CMI, DED, AFO, EC, Logar z FEFA, GTZ, MSI, Baghmanan 04 MADERA, Japan Kabul Embassy, IRC, NCA, Daikundi Swiss Peace, Private Kunduz 0 Takhar Donation, Land O Ba lackes, World Vision. Samangìatan SCA, SC -US, SC- UK, MSH, DHSA /EC, ARCGBR,etc.

Personnel .4 drninistrative Technical Su or! Total Sectors of Activity

Afghan 95 400 200 695 Agriculture /Live stock Engineering Expatriate Education CBDRRD A.S.0 Grand Total 95 400 200 695

Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau Member NGOs Directory (DAO) Development and Ability ORG Member Of ANCB

Head Office:

Address: Phone: 0752024525 Key Staff: St. #: 11, Taimany. Fax: I: Haji Omara Khan Moneeb H #: 924 Email: admin @daoafghanistan.org2: Dr: Humayoun Website: 3: Bismillah Khan J

Sub Offices: Location In Charge Email Address Phone I.Kandahar Abul Latif infoga, 0700367311


Donor Agencies Targeted Provinces

Z UNMACA Province Sector Ningarhar Disability Kunar Laghman z t.. Kapisa cu Herat = Balkh Kunduz

Bayonne 5 10 13 28 Administrative Technical Support Total Sectors of Activity

Afghan 5 10 13 28 Disability and Provision of Capacity Building training Expatriate

Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau Member NGOs Directory Development And Relief of Afghan Nation (DARMAN) Member Of: ANCB Head Office:

Address: Phone: 0700 288 784 Key Staff: Estadgah Sabiqa, Fax: I. Dr. Nasimullah Karte Naw, Kaul Email: darman97 (&,, 2. Mr. Liaqat Ali Website: 3. Mr. Tor Gul

Sub Offices: Location In Charge Email Address Phone

1. Jalalabad Moh. Qasim 0700063634 2. 3.

Donor Agencies Targeted Provinces z Province Sector Ningarhar Education

Kabul Education, relief, And Medical aid iCedar Fund .c ORA International p Private Donors

Personnel Administrative Technical Support Total Sectors of Activity

Afghan 5 30 20 55 Education, Relief, Medical Aid, Expatriate Income generation

Grand Total 5 30 20 55


DEGRA stands for Dost Engineering Group for Rehabilitation of Afghanistan. DEGRA is a non -government, non -political and non -profitable organization established to assist the rehabilitation of Afghanistan and to secure the operation of relief and rehabilitation activities inside Afghanistan through direct cooperation with existing local residents, authorities, shuras and Donors.

DEGRA was established in the year 2000. DEGRA by having full ability, adequate capacity for executing operational,financial, management and implementation quality,starteditseffortsfor rehabilitation of Afghanistan since 2000 in the sector of Agriculture, Health, Construction, Irrigation and Income Generation.

Policy and Legal Position: As an implementing organization, DEGRA shall be making it self available to all donor agencies, governmental and non governmental. All activates efforts and any required action including operational, financial, and management of DEGRA are non government and non -profitable.

DEGRA has the right to work any where inside Afghanistan without restriction and has full authorization to seek financial resources and implementation possibilities for the planned relief and rehabilitation projects in Afghanistan.

Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau C__1(211D Member NGOs Directory Dost Engineering Group For Rehabilitation of Afghanistan Member Of (DEGRA) ANCB

Head Office:

Address: Phone: 0799336631 Key Staff: Kolula Poshta, charahi Fax: I. Khan Mohammad Dost Houzae 4 , Milli Market Email: degra_afghanistan( 2. Eng. Khalid Ahmad Kabul. Website: 3. Mss Sana Yosufzi

Sub Offices: Location In Charge Email Address Phone 1. Jalalabad City Khalid Ahmad degraafghanistan @yahoo.com0799336631 2.Konar Rashad Ahmad = 0700600322 J.

Donor Agencies Targeted Provinces

Province Sector Z AFRANE MADERA Kabul: Construction and Training

Jalalabad: Training i


Personnel Administrative Technical Support Total Sectors of Activity

Afghan 3 8 4 15

Health, Education, Agriculture, Expatriate Water Supply, Construction

Grand Total 3 8 4 15

Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau 104 ) Member NGOs Directory Darwaz Rehabilitation and Services Association (DRSA Member Of ANCB Head Office:

Address: Phone: 0700 212108 Key Staff: Kabul, Karte- Naw Fax: I .Qandi Gul Koofi Director 2°d Street. Email: zareen_hl 2. Ikramuddin D. Director Website: 3. Nilofar - Admin /Finance

Sub Offices: Location In Charge Email Address Phone 1. Faizabad/ Badakhshan Sayed Abdullah zareen_h1 0799331141 2. Dard Malaik, Herat City M.Sadiq zareen_h1 0797762627 3.Pul -e- Khomri Shalah zareen_hl 0776613300

Donor Agencies Targeted Provinces z Province Sector Badakhshan Education

Herat Women rights zSave the children sSweden/Norway Kabul Street working CIDA/ British Children Embassy

Personnel Administrative Technical Support Total Sectors of Activity

Afghan 6 20 7 33 Education Expatriate Women Rights Poultry Grand Total 6 20 7 33


During the Taliban era in Afghanistan the situation for the Afghan women was extremely limited to be active in the society, understanding and analyzing such a big problem a few active Afghanwomen got humanitarian responsibilities to empower women in Kabul city to become self sufficient economic and social areas through establishment of a women's center by the mane of Education Training center for poor women and girls of Afghanistan (ECW) which was hidden and secrete form Taliban government.

ECW is non -governmental, and non -political and local humanitarian organization was established in October, 1997 In Kabul City, Afghanistan. ECW is officially registered with the ministry of planning (Ministry of Economy) since 2002.

ECW goal: To build the capacity of Afghan people through education and social activities, so that they become self sufficient and make their future themselves.

Mission: ECW is seeking ways for empowerment of Afghan people especially women in the areas of social activities, economy and education so that they become self reliant to actively participate in reconstruction of their country.

ECW believes that building the capacity of people especially women, who are half of the society, through education and awareness programs I opening the door for Afghan society development.

Since 2002, ECW has been active in implementing 30 projects to help people engance their active participation for Afghanistan development. In Kabul city and northeastern zone of Afghanistan as follows:

1 Civic education awareness programs for women and men regarding constitution, presidential election, parliamentary international conventions adopted by Afghanistan government.

2_ Human rights awareness (Women's rights and child rights) to local people (police, employers, Mullahs, teachers, and parents).

3_ Drug abuse prevention awareness to school teachers

4_ Literacy courses for women and girls who are elder that the age of governmental schools

5_ Basic education for street working children.

6_ Peace building training coursed of women and men.

Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau 106) Member NGOs Directory Educational training Center for poor women and girls of Member Of Afghanistan (ECW) ANCB

Head Office:

Address: Phone: 0700 27 60 65 Key Staff: Airport BI Fax: 1.Malika Qanih Block #: 14 Email: ecw_afghanistan 2. Arezo Apartment #: 19 Website: 3. Alia Yosofzai

Sub Offices: Location In Charge Email Address Phone

1. Konduz M. Zahir Musleh ecw kunduz 0799206604 2. 3.

Donor Agencies Targeted Provinces

Province Sector Z UNDP UNHCR Balkh Education

Kabul Training, Capacity Building ti) Counterpart Int. Awareness s Care Int. Baghlan = pAction Aid Badakhshan =

Personnel Administrative Technical Support Total Sectors of Activity

Afghan 10 10 12 24 Vocational Training Awareness Training, Workshops Education, Expatriate 3 3 Peace Building Capacity Building Grand Total 13 10 12 27

Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau (107") Member NGOs Directory EMERGENCY HELP FOR DEVELOPMENT (EHD) BACKGROUND

Emergency Help for Development is a non -profit, non -government and non -political organization established in 2002.

The organization is an outcome of the need for evolving a suitable community development response to the socially, economically and above al, psychologically affected communities that live in parts of a war -torn Afghanistan.

Empowered community, Progressive Society is our mission and developing a sustainable organization to effectively facilitate the process of community development is our vision. Our core values are based on dignity, social justice, transparency, leadership, excellence, honestlyand integrity. EHD has focus on both community development and the principles for communitydevelopment.

Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau (108.) Member NGOs Directory Emergency Help for Development (EHD) Member Of ANCB

Head Office: ( Address: Phone: 0799225911 Key Staff: Fax: Email: samira_bahadur 2. Website: 3. J Sub Offices: Location In Charge Email Address Phone

1. Parwan 0799547154 2.Paktia 0707103355 3. Khost 0799690267

Donor Agencies Targeted Provinces z Province Sector UNIFEM Parwan Agriculture & Literacy

Paktia //

GTZ, Canada Fund, DED Khost // s Maltesar

Personnel Administrative Technical Support Total Sectors of Activity

Afghan 1 6 2 9 Agriculture, Education, Health, Expatriate Vocational Training

Grand Total 1 6 2 9


EMDAD is the abbreviation of Engineering and Medical development for Afghanistan Development.

Itis a non -government, non -political and non -profitable organization, established to assist in the rehabilitation of Afghanistan and to secure the operation of relief and rehabilitation activities inside Afghanistan through direct cooperation with existing local residents, authorities, shares and donors.

EMDAD was established in 1999 and by obtaining full ability and building adequate capacity for executing operational, financial, management, implementation quality, stated its efforts for rehabilitating of Afghanistan in the sectors of construction, agriculture and education.

Objectives of EMDAD are generated to meet the following objectives:

To identify relief and rehabilitation needs in Afghanistan.

To seek financial resources in implementation possibilities for the planned relief and rehabilitation projects in Afghanistan.

To convoy donors assistance of somooth resettlement of retuning Afghan refugees and displaced into their rural and urban communities.

To directly implement relief program and rehabilitate the economic and social infrastructure in the war torn Afghanistan.

The workout plains for rural development in order to improve the living standard on community level in to country.

To improve in accelerate the relief assistance to Afghan needy through implementing usefulproject, by which such needy population can contribute to the rehabilitate efforts.

Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau 110) Member NGOs Directory Engineering and Medical Development for Afghanistan Development Member Of: (EMDAD) ANCB

Head Office:

Address: Phone Key Staff: H it 428, SO 8 Taimani, Kabul, 070295012 l.Eng.Abdul Ahmad Halim Afghanistan. Email: abdul.ahmad 2. Eng.Abdullah 3. Mosafar

Sub Offices: Location In Charge Email Address Phone

1. Nangarhar Abdullah 070606759 2. Kunar Fazel Hadi 070641732 3. 4.

Donor Agencies Targeted Provinces

WFP, UNICEF, UNOPS, Province Sector UNHCR, UNAMA Nangarhar Construction Kabul Parwan Kunar s.z GAA, RI,ASPMRRD, Hirat w ó ICRC,

Personnel Administrative Technical Support Total Sectors of Activity

Afghans 3 4 3 10

Expatriate NIL - - - Education, Health, Social Services.

Grand Total 3 4 3 10


Education and Rural Development Association (ERDA) was established in 2003. ERDA is a non- political non government and non- profitable organization set up render humanitarian assistance through implementing of any kind of projects acceptable for all Afghanis government and Donor Agencies.

To survey and design infrastructure projects, ERDA is mainly concerned to render humanitarian assistance to all Afghan and for the rehabilitation of Afghanistan within its financial capacity.

ERDA is an Afghan NGO that is specially set to undertake reconstruction, relief and repatriation efforts for refugees and needy people, provides technical consultation for planning and implementing for architectural, civil, agricultural, health, irrigation and electronics and computer technology projects.

As the name of Education and Rural Development services implies, the organization will undertake all activities necessary for the reconstruction, rehabilitation, development, health, public health care and first is courses for prevention, provision of professional courses specially in electronics and computer hardware/ Software and agriculture and in many more sectors of Afghanistan.

The main objectives and strategy of ERDA is to create social and economic condition for self reliance and self generation development in a local community.

Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau Member NGOs Directory Euducation and Rural Development Association (ERDA) Member Of ANCB

Head Office: Address Phone No: 070277472 Key Staff: 3'd Floor Park super Market, E -mail: Nil 1. Eng. Mirwais (Director) Kabul- Afghanistan 2. Eng. S. Haroon

Sub Offices: Location In Charge Email Address Phone

1. Nangarhar Dr. Mohd. Qasim 2. 3. 4.

Donor Agencies Targeted Provinces

Province Sector Z USAID, FAO, UNOPS, WEP, Kabul UNDCP Nangarhar

CA s SQCC, Community O

Personnel AdministrativeTechnicalSupport Total Sectors of Activity

Afghan 6 3 2 11 Health, Education, Construction, Expatriate Nil - - - Vocational Training

Grand Total 6 3 2 11


ESAR is a private, non- profit, non -political voluntary organization and was founded in 1989.

ESAR implements cross -border programs in connection with the reconstruction and rehabilitation of Afghanistan. The main areas of work area: reconstruction and rehabilitation of roads to facilitate transportation producing pre -cast concrete beams, slabs for domestic housing to assist the returning refugees as well as internally displaced people in resettlement at their places of origin and also constructs /provided maintenanceforpublicbuildingssuchasschools,hospitals,cloinics and warehouses.

Rehabilitation of irrigation system exp.karezes canals and also conducts technical surveys of irrigation systems for donors and other NGOs.

ESAR has implemented19crossborderrehabilitationprojectsinsideAfghanistansinceit's establishment in relation to the above mentioned sectors in Pkteka, Paktya, Wardak, Ghazni, Kandahar, Nangarhar, Laghman provinces. These projects are mainly composed of rehabilitation of 65 km road, construction of 4 nos warehoused each of 2000 Mt,capacity. 2 nos.village basic education centers, establishment of 2 nos, precuts concrete factories, conducting surveys of irrigation systems, roads and a number of irrigation rehabilitation projects.

In road rehabilitation sector ESAR has a will equipped team of road rehabilitation in which currently implements a 51.5km road project in Spin Boldak Afghaistan for UNDP.

This team has all the basic road repair tools and equipments the main ones are 6 non.tractors, 2non,damp trucks, a water tanker, 2 nos.tractor tailed road rollers and other small tools and equipment.

ESAR with the financial support of UNCHS /HABITAT.WFP has established another recast concrete factory unit in Qarahghaye district of Laghman province in 1992. in this factory ESAR produces only roofing beams for housing. The present production capacity of the factory is 50 beams per day and ESAR plans to increase it, production capacity to double of its present one.

Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau 114 Member NGOs Directory Engineering Services for Afghanistan Reconstruction Member Of (ESAR) ANCB

Head Office:

Address: Phone:0700280578/0773373645 Key Staff: Flat #: 1,1 S` Floor, Haji Hakim Fax: l.Eng. Hakim GuI Ahmadi Building, Naderai, Baharistan Road, Email: hakimgul 2. Eng. Abul Razeq Noori Kart -e- Parwan, Kabul Website: 3. Eng. M.Asghar Zadran

Sub Offices: Location In Charge Email Address Phone


Donor Agencies Targeted Provinces UNDP Province Sector ZUNDCP WFP Wardak Water Supply Education Health z áGAGP Helmand Roads Canals USAID/DAI O Public buildings

Personnel Administrative Technical Support Total Sectors of Activity

Afghan 10 20 6 36 Roads construction Public Expatriate Buildings construction Water supply Grand Total 10 20 6 36

Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau Member NGOs Directory (FRDO) Female Rehabilitation and Development Organization Member Of: IANCB IACBARI

Head Office:

Address: Phone: 0700 28 472 Key Staff: Gul -e -Surkh Square Fax: I.Noor Hakim House #: 92, Kolola Poshta Email: frdoka72 2. Maihan Website: 3. Saed Mohd

Sub Offices: Location In Charge Email Address Phone

1. Mazar -e- Sharif Dr. Niamatullah frdoka72 0799 043 616 2. 3.

Donor Agencies Targeted Provinces

WFP, UNICEF, UNOPS, Province Sector UNHCR Nangarhar Constucrion Kabul = Kunar Agriculture

u. Inter SOS Self Funding O

Personnel Administrative Technical Support Total Sectors of Activity

Afghan 4 7 5 16

Expatriate Income generation Health etc

Grand Total 4 7 5 16

Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau (116) Member NGOs Directory GHAZNI RURAL PROGRAM (GRSP) BACKGROUND

Ghazni Rural support Program (GRSP) is a non -governmental, non -profit, and nonpartisan Afghan national Organization Established in 1993 through the efforts of a dedicated group of Afghanistan, professional experienced in the area of humanitarian activities. Initially focusing its efforts in ruralareas of , with time GRSP expended its areas of to include many other provinces in Afghanistan and some refugee concentration outside the country.

GRSP'S Goal: Itis GRSP goal to promote community participation and stimulate sustainable integrated rural development in Afghanistan to help themselves GRSP strives to accomplish this through a grassroots level mechanism of encouraging community participation in all level of implementation: planning execution, and monitoring. To the end GRSP has utilized the village level Shura" formation in carrying out most of its projects.

Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau Member NGOs Directory Ghazni Rural Support Program (GRSP) Member Of SiSSW,S ANCB Head Office:

Address: Phone: 0799 320 584 Key Staff: House #: 208, St. #: 3 -T Fax: 0774198371 I.M. Eshaq Zeerak Karte Se, Pul -e- Surkh, Email: mzeerak(n 2.Eng. Khadim Hussain

Kabul . Website: 3. Mohammad Ismail

Sub Offices: Location In Charge Email Address Phone Sardar M. 1. Kunduz kunduz rs 0799205115 Niamati g p @y Eng. Lai 2. Baghlan grspbaghlan 0799205116 Mohammad 3. Daikondi Dr. Aliullah Nil 0774088402 4 Ghazni M. Musa Nil 0797143 727

Donor Agencies Targeted Provinces

MRRD Province Sector n NCA Kabul Education Ghazni // Kunduz NSP z Baghlan // t, Daikundi Education & OJ s Income generation

Personnel Administrative Technical Support Total Sectors of Activity

Afghan 36 155 24 215 IncomeGeneration Education Expatriate Emergency NSP Capacity Building Grand Total 36 155 24 215


The Afghan masses have immensely suffered from the two- decades of turmoil and internal strife that took every thing from. The general situation in the Afghan Society and growing challenges within the country necessitated all support to the affected population by the Afghan NGOs to help heal their wounds.

Flaring p of hostilities in Afghanistan gave rise to a massive displacement of Afghan from one place to another find their en -masse influx to the neighboring countries of Pakistan and Iran necessitated immediate help to the refugees in these countries, especially those settled in the camps in these countries and inside Afghanistan.

To stretch a helping hand toward the affected Afghan refugees and to deliver timely aid to the needy, Helping Afghan farmers Organization (HAFO) came into being along with other non -government

Afghan NGOs in 1990 in Peshawar, Pakistan.

At the outset, HAFO sought ways and means to single out the immediate requirements of the needy Afghan inside Afghanistan and to deliver the required assistance to the needy with the active support of the respective donors. HAFO also had and active part in assisting afghan in the camps in Pakistan.

With the victory of the Mujahiddin, HAFO expanded its activities in more areas of Afghanistan and began under taking varying projectsin thesectors of agriculture /irrigation/horticulture, animal husbandry, vocational \destroyed, sanitation, construction and rural engineering to ensure restoration of the destroyed facilities during the wartime.

During this period, HAFO has been able to achieve marked successes through implementing numerous useful projects and programs to the benefit of the affected Afghan in need in Pakistan and Afghanistan resulting in a positive impact on the life of the recipients.

HAFO has so far tried its best to execute its under takings in a completely transparent and rational manner so as to attain the growing satisfaction of respective donors and the recipients equally, while keeping in high esteem the vital interest of the country and the traditional and Islamic values of the Afghan society, in addition to maintaining the best type of working ties with the local community and the ruling authorities in Afghanistan. This has been in spite of the fact that working in Afghanistan under the prevailing situation has been fraught with uninvited problems.

Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau 11 Member NGOs Directory Helping Afghan Farmers Organization (HAFO) Member Of: IANCB ACBAR Head Office:

Address: Phone: 0700280326 Key Staff: Street # G, House # 211 Fax:Nil 1: Eng. Sayed Javed Jawad Karte 3, Pulsurkh Email: hafo_kaul 2. Amanullah Sarabi Kabul, Afghanistan Website: 3. Eng. Moh. Shafi Khaliqi

Sub Offices: Location In Charge Email Address Phone

1. Ghazni Eng. Saif Ali hafo_ghazni 0799214835 2. Helmand Eng. Ehsan hafo helmand 0799234219 3. Kandahar Eng. Farooq hafo kandahar 0799499169 4 Peshawar Qais Khan Hafo99

Donor Agencies Targeted Provinces

Z UNAMA, UNDP, FAO Province Sector Parwan Irrigation, Infrastructure Ghazni Vocational Training, Women in Development Kandahar Vocational Training, Agriculture, cA Irrigation s DFID, USAID, DAI /USAID, Helmand Agriculture, Irrigation, infrastructure, AKTC Vocational Training, Education C Kabul Restoration & Preservation of Historical places,

Personnel Administrative Technical Support Total Sectors of Activity Afghan 60 50 70 180 Irrigation, Education and Expatriate Agriculture

Grand Total 180


Humanitarian Assistance Network and Development (HAND) is an Afghan,non- governmental, non- profit and non- political humanitarian organization, founded in 1995 in Kabul capital of Afghanistan.

Professional and capable administrators, experienced accountants, proficient agriculturists,competent engineers and qualified physician, have staffed HAND.


Its sole aim is to contribute actively in rehabilitation and reconstruction process of war -ravaged Afghanistan. It works towards assisting Afghans to help themselves averting the effects of damages inflicted on Afghan nation as a whole.

It undertakes surveying, planning, designing and actual implementation of programs and activitiesas follows: A. Reconstruction and rehabilitation of infrastructure such as public buildings, damaged irrigation system, educational establishments, health facilities and self- sufficient projects. Rehabilitation and revival of agriculture through provision of inputs and services as well as technical advice in rural communities and promotion of their economic standard. B. Projects implementation to help rural women in taking active part it community development and home economics. C. Provision of relief commodities to the victims of natural disasters and war effects in the most remote parts o the country.

The organization is to work in the regions where least relief aid has been received particularly minorities and under- privileged is being funded and supported by UN agencies. It has affiliations and close Cupertino with local authorities, community influential Shuras in the project areas and other Afghan and international non- governmental organizations.

HAND is working jointly with other sister organization to minimizes duplication and immigrating and integrate activities for alleviation of people's hardships and problems.

Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau, Member NGOs Directory Human Assistance Network and Development (HAND) Member Of ANCB

Head Office: Address Phone No: 07075222 Key Staff: Estgahi Kolola Poshta, st of Fax: Nil 1. Sayed Ehrar Abdi Radio Kleed, Front of Mosque E -mail: handkabul( 2. Sardar Mer Habuhanifa, Kabul - Website: Nil Afghanistan

Sub Offices: Location In Charge Email Address Phone

1. Sheberghan Sayed Qasim 0799426305 7.

3. 4.

Donor Agencies Targeted Provinces

z UNHCR, UNDP, UNICEF,FAO, Province Sector UNOPS Kabul Shelter Wardak // Ghazni //

C4 Nangarhar Construction s, UNOPS,WFP O

Personnel AdministrativeTechnicalSupport Total Sectors of Activity

Afghan 6 3 2 11

Expatriate Nil - - - Construction, Water Supply, Shelter

Grand Total 6 3 2 11


Baghlan Rehabilitation Committee changed into Humanitarian Assistance Organization of Afghanistan (HAOA). Humanitarian Assistance Organization o Afghanistan (HAOA) was established in 2000.

To uphold the human values and promote the service of man and woman for the benefit of larger human community To provide opportunities following in a developed community, where human rights are respected To empower man and woman in order to walk on the path of self sufficiency Our vision and mission for well being of mass and class is impartial Equal opportunities to all individual for education and class is impartial Offering impartial services for humanity who are passing through plight condition regardless racial political linguistic attachment and values Eradication of poppy cultivation with rest of international community Coordination programs to uplift socio- economic condition of indigenous. Elimination of gender based discrimination and violence. Inspiring various cost, race and tribal sense for co- existence To rehabilitate the rural infrastructure of the country To work for the rural development in order to improve the standard of livingof the rural community according government development plans and funding assistance.

Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau Member NGOs Directory Humanitarian Assistance Organization for Afghanistan Member Of (HAOA) ANCB

Head Office:

Address: Phone: 0700 222021 / 0797 897951 Key Staff: Block 20, Fax: I.Mohammad Haider First Macroyan Email: ali_universal 2. Ali Mohammad Website: 3.

Sub Offices: Location In Charge Email Address Phone

1. 2. :.

Donor Agencies Targeted Provinces z Province Sector UNFPA Balkh Kapisa Education Laghman z Ningarhar s. sGAGP O

Personnel Administrative Technical Suonort Total Sectors of Activity

Afghan 4 12 1 17

Education Expatriate Health Care

Grand Total

Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau 124 D Member NGOs Directory HUMANITARIAN ASSISTANCE SOCIETY (HAS) BACKGROUND

Humanitarian Assistance Society (HAS) is and international. Non -political, non -profitable, and non - government organization, based on human values. HAS was established on the 10`x' of October 2001, by numbers of Afghan and south African relief and social workers, to reach out to war stricken Afghans, who have lost almost everything in the last 20 years of war. We are committed t observe this destitute nation, to overcome all obstacles of comfortable life and to empower them to stand on their own feet. HAS is a well established NGO, registered with ministry of planning in Afghanistan and member of ANCB (Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau) too.

Our world Vision: We look at the humanities as a single family, the member of the large family are children of a single pair of maenad female, therefore there is no room for discriminating on the basis of race, color, nationality, language, gender or any other false consideration.

Objectives: To uphold the human values and promote the service of man and woman for the benefit of larger human community To provide opportunities following in a developed community, where human rights are respected.

Our vision and mission for well being of mass and class in impartial Equal opportunities to all individual for education and class is impartial Offering impartial services for humanity who are passing through plight condition regardless racial political linguistic attachment community. Coordination programs to uplift socio- economic condition of indigenous. Elimination of gender based discrimination and violence. Inspiring various cost, race and tribal sense for co- existence To work for the rural development in order to improve the standard of living of the rural community according government development plans and funding assistance.

Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau Member NGOs Directory Humanitarian Assistance Society (HAS) Member Of: ANCB ACBAR Head Office:

Address: Phone:0799189333 Key Staff: Sector 2, Kartee parwan, Badam Bagh Fax: 020 -2201505 1: M.Bashir Wasil

Road, District 4, Kabul Afghanistan Email: mbwasil(agmail.comm hasafg2001 2: Dr. Sayed Khalid Website: 3: Gulam Farooq

Sub Offices: Location In Charge Email Address Phone

1. Kundoz Dr. Abdul Qadir has.kundoz 0799697795 2. Peshawar Haji Nadir nadirb07 0092 -91- 5840656 3.Kabul Habibullah wardak.habib @gmail.com0700993819

Donor Agencies Targeted Provinces

UNICEF, Province Sector S UNOPS Kunduz Watson

Peshawar Education A á World Bank Kandahar Education e MBR 0 Paktia Education

Personnel Administrative Technical Support Total Sectors of Activity

Afghan 18 59 20 97 Health Education Relief Expatriate 1 1 Capacity building Community mobilization Grand Total 19 59 20 98 Water supply


HAWA is the abbreviation of Human Assistance for welfare of Afghans. It is non -governmental, non- political, non -profitable organizational setup established to assist in the rehabilitation of Afghanistan and to secure the operation of respite and rehabilitation activities inside Afghanistan region. although all direct cooperation with existing local residents, authorities, shuras and donors. HAWA is adding to show their expertise in reconstruction of Afghanistan to remove poverty.

Focus on HAWA: HAWA was conventional in the year 1995. HAWA by having full ability, sufficient capacity for executing operational,financial, management and implementation quality,startediteffortsfor rehabilitation of Afghanistan since 1995.

Development of all entire HAWA locales to put their attention in rebuilding a new Afghanistan. HAWA force itself to make a strategy of working spirit of team work indoor HAWA, thus HAWA bring their self in stage to assist the humanitarian capacity for welfare of Afghans.

Objective Curriculum: HAWA aims to offer help to the needy Afghans through the humanitarian assistance program, and the to actively participate in the rehabilitation and development program for Afghanistan.

The HAWA has been present in Afghanistan, through its affiliate agency focus humanitarian assistance, since 1995. Originally focusing on emergency humanitarian assistance in the remote border, the programmed move towards a more community based long -term approach to food security from 2004 onwards.

In November 1995, the HAWA started to transform the existing humanitarian/rehabilitation effort in Afghanistan into a long -term development program, focusing on agriculture -based area development in the Eastern provinces. HAWA effort also includes national level programmers in teachers training, nurse training, urban upgrading around historic sites and the establishment of a three tiered, private, not for profit health system in selected areas of the country. These efforts are being complimented by private sector equity investments in the leisure and telecommunication industries.

Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau Member NGOs Directory Human Assistance for Welfare of Afghans (HAWA) Member Of ANCB Head Office: Address: Phone Key Staff: Khair khana 500 families, street # 33, 070606884 1.Dr.S.Hadullah (Director) house # 4, Kabul, Afghanitan. Fax:Nil 2. Sayed Nageeb Tahiri (Admin) Email: 3. Sayed Zikullah ahmine (Officer) Website: Nil

Sub Offices: Location In Charge Email Address Phone

2. 3. 4.

Donor Agencies Targeted Provinces

Province Sector Z UNHCR, UNOPS, UNWFP Nangarhar Irrigation Laghman Shelter Kabul Construction Kunar Construction

cA Ghazni Repairing s. a) Bulkh Construction .c Jozjan Construction

Personnel Administrative Technical Support Total Sectors of Activity

Afghans 3 4 - 7

Construction, Education, Rehabilitation, Expatriate - - - - Health, Social Activity etc.

Grand Total 3 4 - 7


This organization shall be known as the Health and Development Center for Afghan Women, hereinafter, referred to as the organization. The approved abbreviation of the name of the organization, where an abbreviation is proper, shall be HDCAW.

Objectives: The objectives of organization shall be: The organization is a non -government, non -profitable and non -political organization formed to assist the most needy people Afghanistan irrespective of their ethnic, political and linguistic affiliations, special consideration will, however, be given to the women to improve their health conditions and incomes.

To establish income generation projects is kitchen garden, poultry, livestock, handicrafts, tailoring projects for women etc.

To assist women in emergency cases by providing relief assistance in medicine, food, cloth, shelter etc.

To assist the UN and other donor agencies in the rehabilitation programs for the war torn Afghanistan.

To foster international support and seek financial and technical assistance for the rehabilitation development.

The organization works towards making Afghans self reliant. To achieve this purpose, the organization involves community at all level of project from planning to implementation and makes sure that community participation and contributing is a must to all projects implemented under the umbrella of the organization.

The organization will operate programs under unconditional grants and contracts with governments, international organizations and private institutions focused on the rehabilitation of Afghanistan and having similar objectives to those of the organization.

Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau 129-) Member NGOs Directory Health & Development Center for Afghan Women (HDCAW) Member Of: E-1111.11"- ANCB

Head Office:

Address: Phone: 0700 282067 Key Staff: Flat #: 53 Fax: I.Qudsia Majidyar Block #: 14 Email: hdcaw1994 2. Nargis Aini 3'd Macroyan, Kabul Website: 3. Ahmad Sulaiman

Sub Offices: Location In Charge Email Address Phone

1. Ghazni Province Mr. Toryalai 0799094351 2. 3.

Donor Agencies Targeted Provinces

Province Sector Z UNIFEM UNICEF Kabul Ghazni Farah British Embassy Parwan Rights and Kandahar Z.'. Democracy Kunduz sARD Ningarhar C NED USAID Canadian Embassy

Personnel Administrative Technical Support Total Sectors of Activity

Afghan 10 Nil 2 12 Vocational Training Civic Education Capacity building Expatriate 1 1 Rights awareness Health Grand Total 11 2 13



HEWAD is a non -political, non -governmental and non -profitable organization, working mainly in the fieldof health,education,reconstruction,rehabilitation,development, vocationaltraining and humanitarian aid for the needy people of Afghanistan. It is one of the registered organization with the government of Afghanistan and has established in 1994.

HEWAD implements primary health care, and within that focuses on provision of health care to the most vulnerable group, children and women.

HEWAD will continue its development, rehabilitation and relief activities in future its projects will be focused on the peace building and the development of socio- economic profile of Afghan needy people.

Also special emphasis will be on the capacity building, the community development and the alleviation of poverty.

HEWAD has currently five offices, main office is located in Jalalabad Afghanistan, regional offices are located in Kabul, Ghazni, Laghman and Kunar provinces of Afghanistan and the liaison offices are located in Peshawar, Pakistan.

Organization Goals:

To reconstruct and rebuild Afghanistan for the sake of loving and giving the benefits to the residence is the task of HEWAD organization. To provide the requirements of the education for the youth generation, who have suffered from the field of education from the last two and half decades. To protect and prevent the youth from the narcotics /drug, a serious injury disease. To improve the role of women in society. To raise the sustainability business for the women. Provision of women participation in the community To improve the socio- economic education of Afghan women. Previsions of humanitarian aid to those who recent returned to their homeland, HEWAD provide them shelter, food and the first aid materials in order to run their livelihood in routine way. To attract the focus of the nations to the education and peaceful way, by providing some training in order to forget the war and

Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau Member NGOs Directory HEWAD Reconstruction, Health and Humanitarian Assistance Member Of Committee ANCB AWN Head Office:

Address: Phone: 0799 323920/ 0700622330 Key Staff: H #: 118, l" St (Left) Fax: I.Amanullah Nasrat Taymany Project, Kabul Email: hewad_af 2. Dr. Inayatullah Website: 3. Eng. Sharifullah J Sub Offices: Location In Charge Email Address Phone

1. Jalalabad, Nangarhar Dr. Ab. Baset hewad_kabul 0700632330 2.Ghazni Dr. Enayatullah hewad2006 070606720 3.Peshawar Mr. Sharifullah hewad_af 03005979244

Donor Agencies Targeted Provinces

Z WFP, WHO, Province Sector UNHCR, UNOPS Ningarhar: Health/ Education, UNICEF CBS /Vocational Trainings Kabul: Education/ Human NAC, FOKUS, Human Assistance MEPO, MoPH, Ghazni: Health /Vocational .u REACH, Embassy Trainings, Óof Japan Peshawar: Education, Vocational Trainings

Personnel Administrative Technical Support Total Sectors of Activity

Afghan 25 110 8 133 Health, Education Vocational Training Expatriate Agriculture Irrigation Grand Total 25 110 8 133

Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau Member NGOs Directory HAMDARD HEALTH ORGANIZATION (HHO) BACKGROUND

The project is named Hamdard Health Organization and its abbreviation is (H.H.0) welfare and non governmental, non political and non profitable organization.

HHO was established in 2003 with Ministry of Economy. HHO organization has in mind all the penetrating laws of the Transitional Islamic State of Afghanistan, especially the laws of the non government organization (NGOs) and will act according to that.

The central office of the project is in Kabul city, but activity area will extend in the provinces while found the international cooperation's.

The project aims are to build and reconstruction of the country in the following sections. 1. Creation of the Health services in for government villages via treatment. 2. To develop and extend industry, especially professional services in the districts and areas, creating of Professional and technical services centers via courses. 3. To develop the education especially for the orphans and are UN fate, favorite the education and profession conditions for them. 4. To develop the agriculture and irrigation like show sections, cleaning of (Kariz) as traditional and fixing the locol rivers and etc. 5. To give active portion in construction of the immigrants, innovation of bridges, revive and reparation for public. 6. Campaign against the cultivation of illegal drug in the village of the country.

Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau Member NGOs Directory Hamdard Health Organization (HHO) Member Of -.111111.-.', ANCB

Head Office: r Address: Phone: 0700 299 101 / 020 44 567 Key Staff:

Macroyan #: 4 Fax: 1 5 °i block Email: drseddigasafi_hho 2. Apartment #: 91 Website: 3.

Sub Offices: Location In Charge Email Address Phone

2. 3.

Donor Agencies Targeted Provinces z Province Sector

r4 GTZ, sCanadian Embassy O

Personnel Administrative Technical Support Total Sectors of Activity

Afghan 5 5 10

Education Expatriate And Vocational Training

Grand Total 5 5 10

Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau Member NGOs Directory IBNSINA BACKGROUND

IBNSINA is a non -government, non -profit andnon -political Afghan NGO establish in November 1996. It has started its international operations, with plans for expansion.

Mission Statement: to improve health, especially that ofwomen children, with emphasis in cost effective Primary Health Care (PHC)interventions and capacity building withinthe community at national, Organization and community levels, thus helping Afghanto help themselves.

IBNSINA Areas of Operation and Health facilities: Afghanistan IBNSINA is one of the leading agencies implementing Primary HealthCare Programs in Afghanistan since 1996.

It focused on three main areas of health services: 1) Evidence based service delivery througha network of health facilities; 2) capacity building of health professional through training anda \capacity building programs: 3) contribution to e \reconstruction of health.

Current Activities: IBNSINA operates in 11 provincesm5I districts of Afghanistan through its 65 Basic healthCenters (BHCs) 49 Comprehensive Health Centers (CHs) 1 provincial Hospital 7 District Hospitals 860 Health Pasts Posts and 114 EPI teams. IBNSINA programs provide quality services ranging from community based healthto Provincial Hospital, serving over three people.

Engineering: In addition to its health car interventions, Ibnsina has a full fledged Engineering department and in the past years has rehabilitated and constructed a large number of clinics and hospitals repaired road constructed surface and pit latrines and dug wells and has rehabilitated the drainage systems I different parts of the country.

Among its most recent achievements is the construction of the 300 meters long suspension bridge at kas Aziz Khan is Laghman, along with retaining wall along the river bank, as swellas the multi storied building for the Ibnsina Institute of Public Health, which is nearing completion.

Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau Member NGOs Directory Member Of. ANCB Head Office:

Address: Phone: 0700282122 Key Staff: IPHMS Building Ahmad Shah Baba Fax: I. Dr. Anwarulhaq Jabarkhail,President& CEO Mena, District 12, Email: ibnsinacom(&ibnsì 2. Mirza Jan, Country Director Kabul Afghanistan Website: 3. Habibullah, Technical Director 4. Zulaikha Anwari, IPHMS Dir 5. Eng, Khair Moh. Chief Controlle

Sub Offices: Location In Charge Email Address Phone Dr. Toryalai LHelmand Province Sahak 2. Dr. Fazil Rahman 3.Paktia Province Dr. Ihsanullah 4.Laghman Province Dr. Abdul Qahir 5. Rahmat Shah 6.Saripul Province Feda Mohammad

7 Peshawar,Pakistan Fazle Rahim 8 Tajikistan Dr. Nadira

Donor Agencies Targeted Provinces

z Province Sector

Lwl cu 0fè Personnel Supportive Technical Total Sectors of Activity Afghan 815 955 1770

Expatriate Operations and Health Facilities

Grand Total


Independent Humanitarian Services Association (IHSAN) is an independent, Afghan operated, non- government non -political, non -profit, organization registered in Afghanistan with headquarters in Kabul, Afghanistan. IHSAN was founded in 1990 in Peshawar, Pakistan and was working for Afghan people in Education System, irrigations, water supply, Road rehabilitation, Agriculture, construction of schools, Vocational training center and for Afghan Refugees etc.

Independent Humanitarian Services Association (IHSAN) is a non government, non political, non profit, humanitarian accountable organization set up to render humanitarian assistance to all Afghans and for the rehabilitation has always struggled to help and assist its poor nation and country through finding sources of funds from all of the donor agencies in/out side of the country.

IHSAN has always tried to help most of the most vulnerable people most of the most destroyed areas in the country and due of long working experience in the country IHSAN has completed all its project regarding to the projects maps work plan and one time all the projects have audited financial and final of the projects are submitted the concerned funding agencies.

IHSAN has plane to implement long term projects as Grater Sarobi Rehabilitation project (GSRP) Funded by the Government of Japan (GAGP program Unit) is approved. IHSAN appreciates to implement any kind of project in/out side of the country in order to help and assists the poor. And vulnerable people and to participate in the development of the country as well.

IHSAN due for completion of its 2004 years project had tried to complete the projects first and after completion of the projects IHSAN has submitted and also preparing some projects proposals and are ready for submission to different funding and donor agencies in the country.

IHSAN after completion of each project audits the project and overall reports after preparation submits to the concerned funding agencies as well.

IHSAN as an Afghan NGOs implements its all projects in cooperation with the concerned Ministries District Authorities and District Local Community and after completion of the projects receives a recommendation and completion letter form them and held the opening Ceremony.

Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau Member NGOs Directory Independent Humanitarian Services Association (IHSAN) Member of ANCB

Head Office:

Address: Phone: 0700283813 /0799328597 Key Staff: House 4: 44,45 Fax: I.Eng. Raz Mohammad Raz Taimani, Project Email: [email protected] 2.Haji Ghulam Farooq Kabul Website: 3. Khyber Ayubi .2 Sub Offices: Location In Charge Email Address Phone Háji Ghulam 1. Jalalabad Farooq ihan_org 0700601193 2.Kunduz Eng. M. Hanif ihan_org 0786451050 3.Laghman Eng. Emadudin ihsan_org 0700681196

Donor Agencies Targeted Provinces z Province Sector Ningarhar Irrigation Education

wl GAGP(Japan) O

Personnel Administrative Technical Support Total Sectors of Activity

Afghan 8 16 5 29 Construction Water Supply Expatriate Education Shelter Sanitation Grand Total 8 16 5 29 Agriculture

Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau (j_j_s_D Member NGOs Directory JUST FOR AFGHAN CAPACITY AND KNOWLEDGE (JACK) BACKGROUND

Just for Afghan Capacity and Knowledge (JACK) is a non government, non political and non sectarian organization (Afghan NGO), created at the initiative of a group of Afghan Doctors in 2001.

JACK is following the letters and spirits of itsstrategic development plan proportionate toits possibilities inits interventions in the target Ares, taking note of the core needs of the affected population in Afghanistan.

To this end, JACK provides support to communities through the promotion women/ child right, Gender, CivicEducation,EnvironmentEducation,HealthTraining,vocationalTraining,and Women Development Program in different Provinces of Afghanistan.

JACK maintains women development, health training, Education, Finance, Program, Admin and monitoring and survey.

During its 04 years of working experience JACK served for the best interest people of Afghanistan in different field and has carried out many different projects in various provinces of Afghanistan. JACK particularly has been implementing some legal and may other educational, developmental and income generation projects in different provinces of Afghanistan. The legal projects carried out by just for Afghan capacity and Knowledge to the moment are: 1. Women/ child right, gender, civic education in Engel District of Heart province supported by Asia Foundation (USAID). The project was for 4 months 15 days from August 15, 2004 - December 30, 2004. This legal project based on request of the people was extended to a period of another 1.5 months from January 1St 2005- February 15tß' in the project we worked much for giving awareness regarding women, child right, gender, equality of men and women, information don presidential election. 2. Vocational education for girls and child right awareness project supported by (Save the Children) (Sweden) that this project is also currently going on in District of Kabul province. Beside learning literacy for the trainess give awareness of child right and women right to the trainees and the health so their households. We have implemented a women/ child right, gender awareness and civic education on parliamentary election and establishment of women Shuras in 80 villages of Afghanistan, Initiative to promote Afghan Civil Society and French Embassy for Takhar and Kaikundai Provinces.

Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau C139-) Member NGOs Directory Just for Afghan Capacity & Knowledge (JACK) Member Of: ANCB ACBAR Head Office:

Address: Phone:0799460962 Key Staff: Jaye Raees, Fax: 0707819855 l.Dr.Abdul Ghafoor Qaderi (Director) Darulaman Road Email: jack_afg2001 2. Noor Agha (Finance officer) Kabul. Website: 3. Niamatullah (ProgramOfficer)

Sub Offices: Location In Charge Email Address Phone

1. Badakhshan M. Mokhtar jack_afg200I 0776437679 2.Takhaar Mirajuddin jack_afg2001 @ 0700706943 3.Kunduz M. Naeem jack_afg2001 0700072332 4 Baghlan Jawad jack_afg2001 @ 0700708549

5 Jowzjan M. Nabi jack_afg200I 0799011749 6 Mazar Dr. M. Hamayun jack_afg2001 @ 0799842106

7 Paktika Dr. Abdul Malik jack_afg2001 0707112996

Donor Agencies Targeted Provinces

z Province Sector

The Asia Foundation, E Save the children cu Sweden, Norway 5 Ministry of Public Health

Personnel Administrative Technical Support Total Sectors of Activity Afghan 107 443 84 634 Education, Health, Awareness, Capacity building, Vocational Expatriate 1 1 training Grand Total 108 443 ..84 635

Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau (140D Member NGOs Directory KUNDUZ REHABILITATION AGENCY (KRA) BACKGROUND

KunduzRehabilitationAgency(KRA)is non -governmental,non -politicalagency.Kunduz Rehabilitation Agency (KRA) established in 1995 as an off shoot of Afghan aid international UK NGO in , believes in working with people, down trodden, disadvantaged, vulnerable groups to motivate people's action to work towards their development.

Development is multi -dimensional, development process, includes physical, social and economical. Therefore, KRA has been practicing and integrated model of development with holistic approach, working with different target group for the development of poor, vulnerable, the handicapped, disadvantage men, women, and children, from the inception had self -confidence to implement the projects with consistent effortsto achieve project result and the target group moving toward sustainability.

KRA worked from the past years till now by adopting different strategies based on the problem intensity planning for program implementation with specific TOR for each project and adopted effective mentoring and evolution system to reach the target group for their empowerment and to make them self reliant and self sufficient for deprived section of the community implemented, implementing different projects for the benefit of the poor to develop their abilities and capacities to help each other at times of different situations.

Management provided scope for the staff in building their capacity for enhancing their skills' working in different specialization services and attended different training programs in RAMP rural road designing, ICADRA development strategies, DFID alternatives livelihood program, ANCB NGO management and ODCI organization development, management presented abstracts in issues, in national and international conference, workshop, seminars and symposiums. Activities undertaken: Awareness, education, and skill development program. Organization of self help groups. Women house based education during Taliban regime. Training for farmers to use UREA super granule for higher yield paddy rice production. Health and Medical program: Vaccine mobilization Hygiene education Relief and rehabilitation programs. Earth quake resistance shelter construction Emergency rehabilitation roads destroyed by floods. Distribution of food to drought struck families. Destitution of emergency wheat and fertilizer to 1990 farmers. Economic development programs, problem specification knowledge and technologies publicservices.

Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau 141 Member NGOs Directory Kunduz Rehabilitation Agency (KRA) Member Of: ANCB Head Office: Address: Phone Key Staff: Karty Parwan, left side, St #2, Kabul, 0799876015 1.Ghulam Mohd.Aqtash (Director) Afghanistan. Fax: Nil 2. Abdul Jabar Email: kra afg(ii) 3. Eng.S.Aziz

Sub Offices: Location In Charge Email Address Phone

1. Kunduz Eng.Nasir 0799406879 2. Baghlan Najbullah 0799205231 3. Takhar Rohullah 0799016590 4. Mazar Eng.S.Aziz 0799267199

Donor Agencies Targeted Provinces

WFP,UNICEF, UNOPS, Province Sector Z UNHCR Nangarhar Construction Kandahar Monitoring Khost Construction Paktika Kabul CARE Italian Cooperation, FID s Canada Fund

Personnel Administrative Technical Support Total Sectors of Activity Afghans 6 32 6 44 Construction, Irrigation, Health, Expatriate NIL - - - Monitoring, Education.

Grand Total 6 32 6 44

Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau 142 Member NGOs Directory Kohinoor Foundation (KNF) Member Of ANCB Head Office:

Address: Phone: 0700275905 Key Staff: St. #15, Lane #: 2 Fax: I.Aziz Mohammad Kaka H: #: 158, Wazir Akbar Khan Email: knf_ak@ 2.Eng. Abdul Ita Kabul Website: 3. Amanullah

Sub Offices: Location In Charge Email Address Phone

1. Jalalabad 0700601063 2.


Donor Agencies Targeted Provinces z Province Sector

z L. sC O

Personnel Administrative Technical SuDDort Total Sectors of Activity

Afghan 4 3 5 12 Health Expatriate Education Vocational Training Grand Total


LROA was established in 1996 LROA is a non -profitable, non -governmental, non -political organization working for protection and protection of environment and rehabilitation of Afghanistan.

Aims: To contribute in improving the environmental well being of Afghanistan through planning, designing and under taking environmental and economic schemes in the country. Campaigning for better environmental also an integral part of the activities.

Objective: Creating awareness and raising environmental conscious perceptions among the masses to perveive the significance of environmental protection.

To struggle for bringing about rules and regulations and advise government authorities on ecological issues.

To campaign for protection for wildlife especially birds and mammals and genetic resources.

To coordinate efforts together with world environmental preservation bodies for salvation of our common about the earth.

To launch programs for eradication of illicit crops such as diam and hashish.

To Campaign and work for clean water, clean air and soil.

To under the reforestation and agro- forestry programs and finding alternative sources of energy for woodland plant cover.

Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau 144 Member NGOs Directory Lamar Rehabilitation Organization For Afghanistan (LROA) Member Of: ANCB Head Office: Address: Phone Key Staff: Agriculture and Godam Sangai Road, 070503381 1.Ghazi.M.Suffer (Director) Nangarhar, Afghanistan Email: 2. Dr.Emal Sherzai 3. Safiullah

Sub Offices: Location In Charge Email Address Phone

1. 2. 3. 4.

Donor Agencies Targeted Provinces

WFP, UNICEF, UNOPS, Province Sector UNHCR Nangarhar Construction Laghman

Lv) .c RI O

Personnel Administrative Technical Support Total Sectors of Activity

Afghans 3 4 12 19

Emergency, Construction, Education Expatriate NIL - - - Health, Irrigation

Grand Total 3 4 12 19


Afghan Women Vocational Skills Learning Center (AWVSLC) is and independent, non- government, non -political, non -profit organization registered in Afghanistan with headquarters in Kabul. AWVLSC was founded in1998 in Peshawar, Pakistan with the mission of empowering Afghan women through the acquisition of income -generating skills.

Nasrullah Rahmati, a specialist in vocational training and founder of the organization, along with his staff of educators and administrator, has trained approximately 6,000 women to date in a variety of vocational skills via its vocational skills courses. These include English, computer courses, tailoring, needlework, pinwork, calligraphy, cooking, carpet weaving, and drawing. To supplement its vocational training facilities, AWVLSA has written and published several training manuals. Theses have included a detailed textbook on tailoring and a vocational skill magazine, entitled `MAHARAT' which focuses on women's interests and issues. It has also concluded a course on women's rights via the support of women for International.

AWVSLC'S strength has always been its ability to translate skill- training activities into income - generating activities for its students. The organization has served as a contactor in a large variety of garment production projects that have allowed its top graduates to become employees and earn livelihoods through their newly acquired skills. These income -generation projects have included large -scale quilting operations for IF Hope, manufacture of military uniform for the Afghan National Army, Production for a high -end US garment label called tarsian & Blankley, and crafts production for foreign and tourist consumption. AWVSLC has also received funding in the past from women for women and IOM to support its network of female labors and to educate new ones.

Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau C146) Member NGOs Directory AWVSLC (Maharat) Member Of: ANCB IHead Office: Address: Phone: 0700286331/0799238715 Key Staff: Bagramy Industrial Park, Fax: I.NasirullahRahmati Kart- e -Naw. Kabul Email: Nasirullahrahmati 2. Mohammadullah Ahmad Zay Website: 3. Sunita Nabizada

Sub Offices:

Location In Charge Email Address . Phone

1. 2.


Donor Agencies Targeted Provinces z Province Sector UNODC Kabul

GTZ áCIDA (Canada .c Embassy) p AWBF

Personnel Administrative Technical Support Total Sectors of Activity

Afghan i 6 1 8

Expatriate Tailoring Training

Grand Total


Mailan Rehabilitation Assistance for a (MRAA) is non -government non -profitable and non -political organization. MRAA has the honor being member of Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau (ANCB)

And registered with Ministry of Economic and MRRD, UN agencies, and other international Organization in Afghanistan.

MRAA has participated for the rehabilitation of Afghanistan based other NGOs for our Poor people.

MRAA is committed to provide its employees with adequate benefits and facilities to enable them to perform their duties satisfactorily and enjoy a hard working atmosphere.

MRAA after completion of each project audits the project and overall reports after preparation submits to the concerned funding agencies as well.

MRAA is an Afghan NGOs implements its all projects in cooperation with the concernedMinistries District Authorities and District Local Community and after completion of the projectsreceives a recommendation and completion letter form them and held the opening Ceremony.

Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau ( 148) Member NGOs Directory Mailan Rehabilitation Association For Afghanistan (MRAA) Member Of: ANCB ACBAR Head Office:

Address: Phone:0700 291 562 Key Staff: House #5, St 4:3, Fax: 0700 034 538 I .Mr. Ahamad Jawid (Director) Bucher Av. Email:contact a,mraa.orgafg 2. Eng. Mustafa Haris Shahr -e -Now, Kabul . Website: 3. Mr. Munib Ahmadi

Sub Offices: Location In Charge Email Address Phone Eng. Awal Gui 1. Parwan Province contact 0798205907 Khan Eng. Aziz M. 2.Bamyan Province contact 0799323183 Ghafari Eng. Ab. Wadood 3. contact 0700072550 Amiri

Donor Agencies Targeted Provinces z Province Sector Parwan Agriculture

Badghis Health z 6. JICA &Europe Commission

Personnel Administrative Technical Support Total Sectors of Activity

Afghan 4 7 5 16 Agriculture, Renewable Energy, Social Affairs, Expatriate Health, Education Grand Total 4 7 5 16


Maiwand Social Service Association for Afghanistan (MSSAA) was established in 1996 year.

MSSAA is an Afghan, independent, humanitarian, non -political, non -government organization.

The organization is specially set to undertake reconstruction relief and repatriation effort for returning refugee and needy population inside the country especially in eastern zone.

MSSAA have experienced director and staff would like to provide technical assistance in different field like agriculture, education, forestry, sanitation, irrigation and construction of infrastructures.

MSSAA has specialized personnel in the field of construction, Engineering, Education, sanitation and irrigation.

MSSAA has been registered with Afghan government and ANCB.

MSSAA accepts funds fro the United Nations, Government and non -government organization, private and mix funding bodies.

Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau C150.) Member NGOs Directory Maiwand Social Services Association for Afghanistan (MSSAA) Member Op e ANCB Head Office:

Address: Phone Key Staff: Toorkham ada, Alie Lycee, Nangarhar, 070603240 1. Eng. Razi Shah Gardiwal Afghanistan. Email: Nil 2. Mohd Naeem 3. Eng. Asadullah

Sub Offices: Location In Charge Email Address Phone

1. 2. 3. 4.

Donor Agencies Targeted Provinces

WFP, UNICEF, UNOPS, Province Sector UNHCR, USAID Nangarhar Construction Kunar Construction r s Inter SOS, SCA,SGAA C

Personnel Administrative Technical Support Total Sectors of Activity

Afghans 7 8 5 20

Expatriate NIL - - - Construction, Water Supply, Education,

Grand Total 7 8 5 20


Livestock as a major part of national wealth is the most vital part of agricultural sector being the backbone of Afghan economy providing living resourcesand employment opportunities. The agricultural sector traditionally engages 85% population of this agrarian country.

In the pre -war period, before 1978, over 80 %of foreign exchange brought to the country was generated through export of animal products such as karakul, wools, Rugs, Galeems, skins an intestine to international markets. Partners in Revitalization and Building (PRB) formerly Pamir Reconstruction Bureau is a national, independent NGO founded in year 1990. PRB is actively engaged in rehabilitation/reconstruction, relief and development in north and central regions of Afghanistan. PRB supports this vision by providing services in the areas of engineering & construction livestock & animal health, agriculture, skills training, income generation and relief. The agency conducts its activities through its head office in Kabul and field offices in Peshawar, Faizabad Mazar- eSharif, Kunduz and Andkhoi.

PRB is re- registered with Ministry of Economy and is also a member of Agency Coordinating Body for Afghan Relief (ACBAR) AND Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau (ANCB). The agency receives funding from IDRF /CIDA (Canada) Embassy of Japan, United Nation System, RAMP /Chemonics /USAID, Louis Berger Group /USAID and private donation from North America.

Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau Member NGOs Directory Partners In Revitalization & Building (PRB) Member OP ANCB ACBAR

Head Office:

Address: Phone: 02020012, 0799391820 Key Staff: House # 300 Fax: 1. Eng. Noor Hussain Kollula Poshta. Email: kabul( 2. Bashir Ahmad

Kabul . Website: 3. Dr. M. Kazem

Sub Offices: Location In Charge Email Address Phone

1. Mazar -e- Sharif Dr. Kazem 0799670022 2. Faizabad Dr. Noor Alam alam_no 0707485188 3. Kunduz Dr. Asad [email protected] 0799134150

Donor Agencies Targeted Provinces z Province Sector FAO Panjsher Agriculture Badakhshan Animal Health, Live stock production Kunduz // // Takhar // /7 i PADCO /USAID Baghlan // // s ASAP / USAID Balkh // // C DCA

Personnel Administrative Technical Support Total Sectors of Activity

Afghan 17 121 40 178 Animals, Health, Agriculture, Expatriate Women skill training, Micro Credit Grand Total 17 121 40 178


Rehabilitation and Engineering Company of Afghanistan (RAECA) was established in 2003. RAECA take participated in the rehabilitation and reconstruction of Afghanistan and also wanted to help with poor people of Afghanistan, Construction schools a hospitals, water canals, and water supply systems for Afghan people. RAECA worked in different area of Afghanistan.

RAECA is an Afghan NGO that is specially set to undertake reconstruction, relief and repatriation efforts for refugees and needy people, provides technical consultation for planning and implementing for architectural, civil, agricultural, health, irrigation and electronics and computer technology projects.

As the name Rehabilitation and Engineering Company of Afghanistan implies, the organization will undertake all activities necessary for the reconstruction, rehabilitation, development, health, public health care and first is courses for prevention, provision of professional courses specially in electronics and computer hardware/ software and agriculture and in many more sectors of Afghanistan.

Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau C 154D Member NGOs Directory Rehabilitation and Engineering Company of Afghanistan (RAECA) Member Of ANCB

Head Office: Address Phone No: 0799309442 Key Staff: Front of Miawand Hospital, E -mail: 1. Eng. Mohammad Khan Kabul- Afghanistan 2. Mainudin

Sub Offices: Location In Charge Email Address Phone

1. Paktia Ahmad Jan 2.Khost Amanullah 3. 4.

Donor Agencies Targeted Provinces

Province Sector Z WEP, UNHCR, FAO, UNDP

o s. GTZ, 10M O

Personnel Administrative TechnicalSupport Total Sectors of Activity

Afghan 8 5 3 16 Construction, Health, Education, Expatriate Nil - - - Vocational Training

Grand Total 8 5 3 16


RCOA was established in 2001 RCOA is non -Governmental, non -Political and non -organization.

RCOA is a technical, engineering oriented organization having the goal to take part in construction, reconstruction and development of Afghanistan. Nature of RCOA,s work is open competitive based.

RCOA can work individual or joint as umbrella for the projects implementation.

RCOA can accept order from individuals, government department, and other organization.

RCOA can propose proposals identified by the communities as prior needs after completion for technical aspects will be submitted to donor agencies for funding.

RCOA operated purely on humanitarian bases to organize various departments that shall function together to assist the people of Afghanistan by under taking various projects and engineering works to rebuild the war torn infrastructures of the country.

RCOA can survey, plan, design and implement rehabilitation and reconstruction projects and activities in Afghanistan.

RCOA can coordinate and develop projects be on establishing cooperation with organization having similar objectives and with donor organization.

RCOA can accept grants from any government's agencies, authorities, public bodies, corporation companies, or persons of money, movable and immovable properties donation, gifts, subscription devices, and other assistance with a view of promoting the objectives of the society an in receiving any gift of property to take the same either unconditionally of subject to special conditions prescribed in writing by the donors.

Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau 01561 Member NGOs Directory Rehabilitation and Coordination Organization for Afghanistan (RCOA) Member Of 115111,,. ANCB Head Office:

Address: Phone: 0799177120 Key Staff: Karti now, Opposite Naghlia 1. Mujebureham (Director) Building, Kabul Email: mojib- rah 2. Eng.Abdul Bashi

Afghanistan 3. Eng.Naqibuulah

Sub Offices: Location In Charge Email Address Phone

1. Laghman Dr. Khali Anwari 070619812 2. 3.

Donor Agencies Targeted Provinces

WFP, UNHCR, UNDP, Province Sector UNOPS, USAID Laghman Construction Laghman Water Sanit


Personnel Administrative Technical Support Total Sectors of Activity

Afghan 3 5 4 12

Expatriate Nil - - 0 Construction, Health, Education

Grand Total 3 5 4 12


The RDO is an indigenous Afghan welfare organization with the following aim:

Itis a non -government and non -political agency intending to assist the most needy Afghan people irrespective of their ethnic, political and other affiliations.

To contribute in rebuilding and development of Afghanistan by planning and designing vocational training, rehabilitation, education, agriculture, health and other relief projects and programs.

To strive for international support and seek financial and technical assistance for the rehabilitation, development and prosperity of Afghanistan.

To work for the country development and Afghan self -reliance, toachieve this aims, we involve community at all levels of projects, from planning to the implementation, and ensure community participation and contribution as a must in all projects we in all projects we implements.

The organization intends to implement development projects with unconditional grants through contracts with government, international organizations and privateinstitutions for the rehabilitation of Afghanistan.

Geographical coverage in the country: The organization has implemented projects in the eastern and southeastern provincesof Afghanistan and ready to work all over the country.

Specific fields of activity: The organization keeps a number of experiences staff members and technicalin vocational training including metal work and carpentry. It has qualified civil engineer, healthpersonnel and experts in agriculture and education, the NGO is construction projects in the country.

Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau 158 Member NGOs Directory Rehabilitation & Development Organization (RDO) Member Of ANCB Head Office:

Address: Phone: +93- 700 -222 -1 Key Staff: Sector 2, Angor Bagh Fax: 1. Al -Haj Gul Noor (Director) Jalalabad, Afghanistan Email: rdo ngo(a, 2. Najibullah Noor (Deputy Dir) Post Box No.(I) Central PO, Jalalabad Website: 3.Irshad Ahmad (Administrator)

Sub Offices: Location In Charge Email Address Phone 1. Deh Bala District Eng. Mir Aqa 0797524687 2.Bati Kot Dsitrict Abdul Basir 0799058612 3.

Donor Agencies Targeted Provinces z Province Sector

z L. eeu 0

Personnel Administrative Technical Support Total Sectors of Activity

Afghan 8 10 10 28 Agriculture, Health, Income Expatriate - - - - generation, Relief, Environment, Education Grand Total 8 10 10 28

Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau C159D Member NGOs Directory Rehabilitation Organization Afghanistan (ROA) Member Of: .tha.. ANCB Head Office:

Phone: 0700299477 Key Staff: Address: Proz -e- , Taimani House 45 Email: gazim babacarkhail Mss. Qazi Merzia Babakarkha St. # 2 Mr. Shapoor

Sub Offices: Location In Charge Email Address Phone

1. Nangarhar Mr. Shapoor 0774858600 2. 3.

Donor Agencies Targeted Provinces

UNHCR Province Sector ZUNOCHA WFP Laghman Construction Daikondi Health Trainings

E USAID Kabul eJapanEmbassy QCARF

Personnel Administrative Technical Support Total Sectors of Activity

Afghan 2 3 4 9

Expatriate Rehabilitation, Women Rights

Grand Total 2 3 4 9


ROPSFA shall be making itself available to donor agencies, governmental and non -governmental. All activities efforts and any required action including operational, financial, and management of ROPFA are non -governmental and non -profitable. ROPSFA has the tight by having a certificate from the government to work any where inside Afghanistan without restriction and has full authorization to seek financial resources and implementation possibilities for the planned relief ad rehabilitation projects in Afghanistan.

Basic Human Needs: to support education, primary health care, income generation, nutrition, safe drinking water, sanitation shelter and family planning services for the least privileged and needy segments of the Afghan population. Environment and protection: to protect environment through tree planting and greenery activities, preventing soil erosion and degradation, biodiversity conservation and to provide environment hygiene awareness in the country

ROPSFA has a strong team of professionals who have been able successfully to implement programs under difficult circumstances and ready to continue in the future for betterment of life of the miserable segments of Afghan society. ROPSFA undertakes planning, designing and execution of projects aimed at helping the people to help themselves through individual and community participation.

Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau (161) Member NGOs Directory Revival of Professional Skills For Afghanistan (ROPSFA) Member Of LANCB ACBAR

Head Office:

Address: Phone: 0799304049 / 0700201020 Key Staff: Kart -e -3,St. G Fax: l.Abdul Shakoor House #: 578 Email: shjousefzai 2. Ahmad Shams Website: 3. Haseebullah

Sub Offices: Location In Charge Email Address Phone

1. Gardiz City Sayed Rohani 0799373382 2.Khost City Fazul Rahman 0799281691 3.

Donor Agencies Targeted Provinces z Province Sector UNHCR (2006) Kabul Vocational Parwan Training Khost GTZ(2007) Paktia British Embassy(2006) w) Canadian Embassy s(2007) CNSDP /IRC(2006) GTZ (2008)

Personnel Administrative Technical Support Total Sectors of Activity

Afghan 4 8 9 21 Vocational Training Expatriate Livelihood Literacy Grand Total


Successive conflicts between various factions in Afghanistan have caused immense destruction to all sources of naturalenvironment. The establishment of Reconstruction and Socialservicesfor Afghanistan (RSSA) has been initiated by desire to positively contribute to the rehabilitation and reconstruction of Afghanistan.

RSSA was established in Dec 1990 and since then has been engaged in the process o rehabilitation and reconstruction of Afghanistan.

RSSA seeks to conduct prompt surveys and initiate discussions with communities to identify the problems and then along with communities and cooperation pf donor agencies solve the related plight.

Sensitive interpretationissought to achieve a balance between stability and changes of rural communities of Afghanistan, therefore a comprehensive plan has to be made for the eradication of poverty from rural Afghanistan.

RSSA believes it can best assist the process of rehabilitation and repatriation of Afghanistan through reconstruction, lunching sustainable income generation programs and through provision of other social services. This approach can provide sustainable support to the most vulnerable households inside Afghanistan and offers secure livelihoods for rural communities in Afghanistan.

RSSA undertakes felt need based plans on behalf of the Islamic Government of Afghanistan, United Nations, European Union and other donor agencies who share these objectives and approaches.

Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau ( 163) Member NGOs Directory Reconstruction and Social service for Afghanistan (RSSA) Member Of ANCB Head Office:

Address: Phone: Key Staff: Kolola pushta next to Zarafshan 07991 16000 1. Eng. Sayed Abbas Hotel. H #2. Email:rssa- orgá 2. Eng.Sayed Ishaq 3.Eng.Zaman

Sub Offices: Location In Charge Email Address Phone

1. Nangarhar Eng.Zaman Rssa org(d 0799331730 2. 3.

Donor Agencies Targeted Provinces

USAID, WFP, UNCHR, Province Sector Z UNICEF Laghamn Shelter Nangarhar Construction Khost Construction

.0 G

Personnel Administrative Technical Support Total Sectors of Activity

Afghan 10 23 30 63 Construction, Water Supply, Irrigation Expatriate NIL - - 0 shelter

Grand Total 10 23 30 63


The name of the organization as society for Afghanistan Development andAssistance in Technologies which is an independent, non -governmental, non -profitable andnon -political organization, with so close contact with other organization who are working in rehabilitation of Afghanistan.SADAAT was registered in 1997 with Afghanistan planning Ministry.

SADAAT was graduated and certified approximately 400 women's and 100men, they are trained in nursery project in Behsood district of Nangarhar project.

Eng. Sayed Abdullah is a specialist and founder of the organization, along with his staff ofeducators and administrator. SADAAT worked more then 80 projects in differentways, like construction project, reconstruction projects, irrigation projects, agriculture project, road projects, and differenttraining projects.

Main office of SADAAT is located in Jalalabad city, Haji Ghaljai plaza, 3`d floor,room #203 for the time being and for the better acceleration supervision of the works other branches well is openedother provinces inside Afghanistan.

SADAAT has 9 person engineering staff in different fields, which hasmore experience in designing, artistic, survey, and 500 people company, Asso, Plumber, and other section.

And alsoitis registered in the time with coordination department and getsnew registered with Economics Ministry in Nov 2005. SADAAT is getting certificate from more donors.

Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau (165) Member NGOs Directory Society for Afghanistan Development and Assistance in Technologies Member Of: (SADAAT) ANCB

Head Office: Address: Phone Key Staff: Haji Ghaljai plaza, 3`d floor, Talashi 070604355 1. Eng.S.Abdullah road, Nangarhar, Afghnistan. Email: 2. Eng. Nasi Ahmad 3. Eng.nasrullah, Aminullah

Sub Offices: Location In Charge Email Address Phone

1. Kabul Abdul Qader 0799146735 2. Khost Eng.Badam Gul 070616593 3. Laghman Dr.Latif 070630197 4.

Donor Agencies Targeted Provinces

WFP, UNICEF, UNOPS, Province Sector UNHCR Nangarhar Construction Kandahar Monitoring Khost Construction Paktika Kabul CARE Italian Cooperation, FID .c ó Canada Fund

Personnel Administrative Technical Support Total Sectors of Activity Afghans 4 30 6 40 Construction, Irrigation, Agriculture, Expatriate NIL - - - Roads

Grand Total 4 30 6 40


SAHAR is the abbreviation of Security Agency of Humanitarian for Afghanistan Reconstruction.It is a non -governmental, non -political and non -profitable organization set up established to assist in the rehabilitation of Afghanistan and to identify relief and rehabilitation needs in Afghanistanand seek financial recourses and implementation possibilities for the planned relief and rehabilitationprojects in Afghanistan through direct corporation with existing local residents, authorities, shuras and donors.

SAHAR was established in 2000 in Peshawar, Pakistan and it is main officewas located in Peshawar. By havingfullability adequate capacity for executing operational financial,management and implementation quality started it is efforts for rehabilitation of Afghanistan since 2002 in thesectors of agriculture, health, education and irrigation and income generation.

Policy and legal position as an implementation organization SAHAR shall be making itself availableto all donor agencies, governmental, and non governmental. All activity efforts andany required action including operational and management of SAHAR which is non -governmental,non -political and non - profitable.

SAHAR has the right to work anywhere inside Afghanistan with restriction and has full authorization to seek financial resources and implementation possibilities for the planned relief and rehabilitation projects in Afghanistan.

The organization is entitled to receive and accept gifts, grants, aids, and donations fromay UN and international agencies.

Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau 167 Member NGOs Directory Security Agency of Humanitarian for Afghanistan Reconstruction Member Of (SAHAR) ANCB

Head Office:

Address: Phone Key Staff: H # 144, St # 8, Taimani, Kabul, 070275383/0799455394 1.Eng.Hedayatulllah (Dir) Afganistan. Email: abdul.ahmad 2. Wagma (Eipt.Dir) 3. Eng. Mahjan (manager) 4. Dr.A.Basir (Sub Office Manager)

Sub Offices: Location In Charge Email Address Phone 070601181 1. Nangarhar, Jalalabad Dr.A.Basir 0799408878 2. s 3. 4. Donor Agencies Targeted Provinces

UNICEF,W.F.P, UNOPS, Province Sector UNHCR

LCA e Private Donors O

Personnel Administrative Technical Support Total Sectors of Activity

Afghans 4 5 5 14

Expatriate - - - -

Grand Total 4 5 5 14


SEA is an Afghan non -profit, non -political, on- governmental organization workingand campaigning for the environmental well being biodiversityconservation, wise use of naturalresources and sustainable development of natural resources in Afghanistan.

The almost two decades of devastated war and its consequences loss have left immeasurabledamages to the socio- economic infrastructure of the country. Most of the essential structures have beendeteriorated to a deplorable level. War and its association problemshave seriously shattereda greater part of the vital system of the country. Besided human losses ofone and a half million and crippling of an additional half million. The colossal losses to the environmenttook second after human loss that has beenleft a sever set back in the country.

Perceiving this need and conscience enough thata second and healthy environment in Afghanistanto a globally sound environment and inresponse to a growing sense of urgency that thecounty ald all its sustains are endangered save the Environment Afghanistan.

(SEA) as an environmental entity to work for environmentalwell being of the war -torn Afghanistanwas founded. Keeping in view the environmental crisis inthe post war Afghanistan. SEA stresses the needof heightening awareness and projecting the environmentalproblems of the country and conningup with ways and means to deal with those problems effectively. SEA mission isto contribute in recovering the already shattered environmental including biodiversity andnatural resource losses in Afghanistan.

Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau (164') Member NGOs Directory Save the Environment Afghanistan(SEA) Member OP :..., ;CL-1.. . ANCB MoE Head Office: ( Address: Phone: 0700202719 Key Staff: Golayee- Pulle- Surkh Fax: 1: Ghulam M. Maliky Opp: Ornara Jan Kandahary Mosque Email: [email protected] 2 : Moh. Samee Sameen Karte - 3 Website: 3.Qais Agah

Sub Offices: Location In Charge Email Address Phone

1. Bamyan Qais Agah [email protected] 2.Mazar 3.

Donor Agencies Targeted Provinces z Province Sector Environment EFA EA

Word Bank, Asian Development Bank, USAID

Personnel Administrative Technical Support Total Sectors of Activity

Afghan 2 3 2 7 Environment and Conservation of Expatriate Nil 2 Nil 2 Biodiversity

Grand Total 2 5 2 9


Sharq foundation for Rehabilitation and Development (SFRD) is non -government non -profitable and non- political organization. Sharq Foundation for Rehabilitation and Development (SFRD) has the honor being member of Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau (ANCB)

SFRD is registered with Ministry of Economic and MRRD, UN agencies and other international Organization in Afghanistan.

SFRD has participated for the rehabilitation of Afghanistan based other NGOs for our poor people.

SFRD is committed to provide its employees with adequate benefits and facilitates to enable them to perform their duties satisfactorily and enjoy a hard working atmosphere.

SFRD after completion of each project audits the project and overall reports after preparation submits to the concerned fuvding agencies as well.

SFRD as an Afghan NGOs implements its all projects in cooperation with the concerned Ministries District Authorities and District Local Community and after completion of the projects receives a recommendation and completion letter form them and held the opening Ceremony.

Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau Member NGOs Directory Sharq Foundation for Rehabilitation & Development Member Of: (SFRD) ANCB Head Office:

Address: Phone: 0799364495/ 0700604135 Key Staff: House #: 4 Fax: 1.Dr. Abdul Salam - Director Aryub Cinema Bagh Bala Email: sharq_af 2. Abdul Wahab Kabul. Website: 3.

Sub Offices: Location In Charge Email Address Phone LNangarhar Abdul Wahab sharq_af 0700002560 2.Kunar Ahmad Haris sharq_af 0799285692 3.

Donor Agencies Targeted Provinces WFP UNDP Province Sector UNICEF Ningarhar Education, Health UNHCR Construction UNOPS Kunar: Agriculture, Education Vocational Training

Laghman: Vocational Training Construction Japan Embassy sWorld Bank Kapisa Construction BRAC, RI s Kabul: Human Rights p MRRD, MEPO Counterpart

Personnel Administrative Technical Support Total Sectors of Activity

Afghan 12 8 7 27 Vocational Training, Expatriate Education Agriculture and Rehabilitation Grand Total 12 8 7 27

Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau Member NGOs Directory Society for Sustainable Development of Afghanistan Member of (SSDA) ANCB iACBAR Head Office:

Address: Phone: 0799004780 Key Staff: House # 1607( Kochae Ziarat, Fax: 0799228349 1: Eng. Kamal , Director Khoshal Mena , Kabul, Email: ssdkabul 2: Dr. Noor Mohd. Sahfiq Afghanistan Website: 3: Dr. Said Wali, Admin /Finance

Sub Offices: Location In Charge Email Address Phone

1. Jalalabad Dr. Zahirullah 0700643474 2.Konduz Khan Mohammad 0799508095 3.

Donor Agencies Targeted Provinces

Province Sector Z UNDP, UNODC UNAMA


Personnel Administrative Technical Support Total Sectors of Activity

Afghan 3 2 3 8 Social Services, Health, Expatriate 1 5 1 7 Engineering

Grand Total 4 7 4 15


STAAR is non -political, non -governmental and non -profit organization. STAAR was established in 1993 established to extend developmental and humanitarian assistance tothe urban and rural communities of Afghanistan through implementing projects. These projects have the recognition of Afghan Government and are supported by various donor Agencies. The Afghan government itself has funded several projects.

STAAR provides developmental and humanitarian assistance to the communities all over the country and simultaneously works for the rehabilitation of Afghanistan within its financial Capacity. Financial capacity would mean funds that STAAR could have raised from different donors and other resources that STAAR may have in hand.

STAAR is an Afghan NGO that has a specially in undertaking social services including social mobilization,trainings and othersocial development assignments,engineering works such as WATSAN, construction/reconstruction and rehabilitation of roads, bridges, schools, clinics etc...

Relief and repatriationeffortsforrefugees, providing technicalconsultancy for planning and development and implementation of different architectural, civil, agricultural, health and irrigation projects as well as related activities to affect positive changes in the livings of Afghans.

The organization has a rich history in its efforts to improve the living standards of Afghans through implementing different projects at the one hand and ensuring the maximum community participation in the same projects on the lother hand.

STAAR believes that for sustainability of the projects community participation is the basic requisite. If the community has a sense ownership towards a project, that would have the highest possibility of successful sustenance and of serving as role mode for replication in other areas.

For the purpose of reconstruction and development of war -torn Afghanistan, there is dire need for all the local communities to come forward and word for their own betterment through the principle of self -help.

STAAR has initialized this principle and is advancing the same approach in all project implementation processes at different far flung rural and urban communities of Afghanistan.

Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau Member NGOs Directory Social & Technical Association for Afghanistan Rehabilitation Member Of (STAAR) ANCB Head Office:

Address: Phone: 0799 349 190/ 0700 181 195 Key Staff: House #: 45, St #: Il Fax: Nil 1.Eng. Abdul Ghani, Director Taimani. Kabul, Email: [email protected] 2. Maria Barakzai, Finance Manager Afghanistan. Website: www.staar 3. Eng. Hesam Jan, Project Manager

Sub Offices: Location In Charge Email Address Phone 1. Ningarhar Ghulam Sakhi staar_kabul 0700617752 2.Maza -e- Sharif Zalmai staar kabul 0799094875 3.Kunar Qari Zahid staar_kabul 0799373511

Donor Agencies Targeted Provinces

WFP, UNICEF, UNOPS, Province Sector UNHCR Kabul Nangarhar Kunar z Paktia CARE Italian Cooperation, .á FID Canada Fund Ó

Personnel Administrative Technical Support Total Sectors of Activity

Afghan 7 5 4 16

Water Supply, Vocational training, Expatriate 1 1 Emergency and Health

Grand Total 8 5 4 17


As it is clear from its name, SVF is a charity, humanitarian and volunteer organization for helpingand cooperation vulnerable people. This organization established in the year 2000 has general council, central council and executive mission. Based on this all the general programs are being compromised in the central council. This relief organization has started its educational and vocational programs in three secretcenters (20) immigrated widow women 20 poor and immigrated grills in each centerwere busy with education. Learning vocation such as making fr \lowers and tailoring at the time that Taliban regimewere ruling the government and there was no permission for women and girls to educate wok and go to c \schools. Our goal of doing this has been only that we thought it would be a great help to save them from illiteracy in one hand and on other hand taught them vocations on order to save them from poverty, to make them self sufficient and finally rescuing them from being burden the society.

Beside three above mentioned secret centers we established a pubic center in qala -e- fathullah for education of 60 street working children that the stationary for this program was being donated by UNICEF until the end for 2001. Of course our organization with the cooperation of SCS and TDH has distributed some food and winter relief assistance to the above mentioned children during three months of winter in 2001. On 2002, by the time that the Taliban regime collapsed we expanded our activities and program for the immigrated, poor and needy street working children, who were busy with selling water, washing cloths, begging, polishing boots etc,so: We initiated a new educational and vocational program for training of 160 street working boys and 70 girls with the age of 12 or more, who have been deprived of education.

Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau (17 . Member NGOs Directory Social Volunteers Foundation(SVF Member Of: ANCB Head Office:

Address: Phone: 0700279943 Key Staff: Qala- e -Fatul lah Fax: I: Taimoor Shah Paykob Naswar, Next to Email: 2. Freshtabdullah Osman Waris Int. School . Website: 3. Munawar Shah

Sub Offices: Location In Charge Email Address Phone

1. Nangarhar Mohibullah 2.Qandahar New City Sayeed Jan 3.Shakardara Haji Nazir

Donor Agencies Targeted Provinces

Z UNHCR Province Sector


Personnel Administrative Technical Support Total Sectors of Activity Afghan


Grand Total

Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau Member NGOs Directory TRAINING HUMAN RIGHTS ASSOCIATION (THRA) BACK GROUND (RHRA) Training Human Rights Association was founded in October in 1997. it is a non -government, non -political and non -profitable organization working in different areas. The main target of the organization is to provide awareness programs for women so that they get aware of their rights; they are entitled in accordance with Islamic laws and international laws.

THRA aims to help Afghan women recognize their tights and the ways to benefit from them. We encourage women in our programs to avail their rights and participate in all social affairs. We want to ensure women possess their full rights in the society and they function actively equal to men. THRA started its work from Kabul and Nangarhar and now THRA has projects not only in Kabul but in provinces such as Nangarhar, Logar, Parwan, Mazar, Wardak and Ghazni. THRA has worked as national observer in the 2004 presidential election in nooristan, Nangarhar, Kunar and Laghman provinces, in additional THRA worked with 1500 Observers in the 2005 parliamentary elections. THRA has been supported financially by British Embassy, Rights and Democracy, GTZ, DED, AGEF, Canadian embassy, CSHRN, French Embassy and FEFA.THRA has organized gathering regarding elimination of violence and peace building. THRA is running a computer, literacy and sewing course for girls in Nangarhar. THRA has also worked in making human rights hand book in a group of three people from different organizations. Besides THRA is providing to train about this band book. THRA has its main office in Kabul and a sub -office in Nangarhar province. GOAL: To assist in rehabilitation and Development programs and enhancing women's awareness level Activities: Conducing training programs in human rights and women's rights through seminars, work shops and gatherings. Conducing literach, computer and English language course for women and girls and introducing them to schools. Training and advocacy programs for convention on Elimination of all forms of discrimination against women (CEDAW), elimination discrimination, convention on economical, social, culture, civic and political, children's rights, millennium development goals (MDGs) Peace building and women's rights according Islam. Embroidery and handicrafts courses for women and establishing resource center for women. To T for trainers of other organization regarding above mentioned issues in country level.

Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau ( 178) Member NGOs Directory Training Human Rights Association (THRA) Member Of ANCB ACBAR AWN Head Office:

Address: Phone: 0700286774 Key Staff: 2" acroyan, Fax: 0202301678 1: Roshan Sirran, Director Block # 103, Flat # 1 Email:roshan_siran @yahoo.com2: Malalai Stanikzai, Finance manager Kabul, Afghanistan. Website: 3. Sorya Ilyas, Trainer

Sub Offices: Location In Charge Email Address Phone I.Nangarhar Abdul Baqi 0700202422 7.


Donor Agencies Targeted Provinces z Province Sector

Kabul Awareness regarding Human Rights Through Workshops z NED, Rights and Democracy +-S (R &D) O

Personnel Administrative Technical Support Total Sectors of Activity

Afghan 1 1 13 15

Spreading Awareness and Expatriate Conducting Trainings

Grand Total 1 1 13 15


United Medical center for Afghans /Rehabilitation program for Afghanistan UMCA/RPA is a non- governmental, non -political and non -profitable humanitarian organization established in 1987. Goals and Aims: To provide awareness to donor agencies about the problems and need of Afghan community in the sectors of Health, Education, Agriculture, Microfinance and Women development and raise funds, relief items and charities on non -for -profit, non -religion, non -sectarian and non -political basis. Sector of activities: Health care /preventive and curative Education/Supply of stationary and bags for schools Emergency Assistance Women development program Agriculture /irrigation & livestock of Animal Husbandry Registered: Re- Registered with the Ministry of Economy with NGOs dept. under registration no.231 Kabul, Afghanisan. MoH with Ministry of Health Kabul,Afghanistan registration no.20 Membership: UMCA /RPA is a member of Afghan NGOs coordination bureau /ANCB reg. #07 and also founder member of ANCB. Number of Completed Projects: Completed projects as follow from 2002: TBA training program in Nangarhar Province, MCH Clinic Jalalabad city zone 4 CHC clinic in Behsood district of Nangarhar province. 5200 school bags (Randoseru) and stationery amongst the student from class 1 to 4 inHaskamina district of Nangarhar in 2004. Winter cloth distribution among the community and school children in Shiveh, Haskaminaand Behsood districts of Nangarhar province in 2004. Reconditioned bicycles distribution program for community, health workers/school teacher and government departments in 20032004 and 2005. Facilitating school teachers with school tables in three districts of Nangarhar province. Distribution of 151 Recondition sewing machines among which 20 to TBAs in Behsooddistrict, and so staff as microfinance in Jalalabad district and other community people as microfinancescheme whih is a charity program fro the donor. 3 CHC clinics in Aband, Gillan and Nawa districts of Ghazni province.Training of CHW male and female in 3 district of Ghazni province. Distribution of vegetable seeds aomong formers and community for two seasonsin part of district of Shiveh of Nangarhar province in 2004_05 (funded by a family of Japan).

Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau 180) Member NGOs Directory United Medical Center for Afghans Rehabilitation Program for Afghanistan (UMCA/RPA) Member Of

ANCB WRA Head Office:

Address: Phone: 00 93 (0) 700 60 25 90 Key Staff: H # 5 St. 3 Old Sarandwall Zone 4 Fax: 1 Mr. Abdul Wali Babakarkhil Reig -e- Shah Murad khan Near toEmail: umca afghanistanAhotmail.com2.Dr M Zahir To Unicef sub office Jalalabad Website: 3.Dr Samiullah

Sub Offices: Location LIn Chargé Email Address Phone 1. Ghazni Dr: M Zahir Umca ghazni 0799815395 Eng. Youngs 2.Kabul Admin officer Umca kbl 0700299148 3.Nangarhar Dr. Samiullah Umca [email protected]

Donor Agencies Targeted Provinces z Province Sector Nangarhar Health, Education

Ghazni // // 0 á JOICFP s NAN/WHO /MoPH O

Personnel Administrative Technical Support Total Sectors of Activity

Afghan 10 69 20 99

Expatriate Health and Education

Grand Total 99


Background: Established in August2002, the Welfare Association for the Development of Afghanistan (WADAN) is an active and effective Afghan NGO. WADAN is an indigenous,nonprofit, nongovernmental organiztion with accreditation from the government of Afghanistan and the Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau (ANCB) to undertake community and institutional development, civic education and drug control initiatvies. We are based in Kasbul a;nd have regional offices in Jalalabad, Kunduz, Mazar, Kandahar, Herat, Bamyan, Gardez. We also have offices in Helmand, Ghazni, Logar and Wardak provinces. WADAN have 277 full -time and part-time staff. WADAN respects the laws of the government and the culture and traditions of Afghanistan's Communities and exists primarily to build the capacity of Afghan citizens toward the establishment of healty, functional, Afghan Democracy. We envision a peaceful, drug free, democratic and developed Afghanistan. Our mission is to advance the spread of democratic principles, sustainable development, social justice, human rights, and freedom in Afghanistan. Our aims are to foster peace and stability, national unity, human rights and drug control by strenghtening and empowering communities. We are dedicated to supporting the needs and interests of Afghans, inclusive of all ethnic and linguistic groups and we recognize the central role that community plays in the structure of Society. In our activities we initiate , innovate ways to improve the quality of life in the broad community: local, natioanl and international. Vision: The Welfare Associationfor the Development of Afghanistanisan indigenous, non -profit, nongovernmental organization that envisions a peaceful, drug free,democratic and developed Afghanistan. Mission: To advance the spread of democratic principles, development, social justice, human rights, and freedom in Afghanistan as well as to strengthen communities and local government by promoting effective community and institution development practices and drug control initiatives.

Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau 0182) Member NGOs Directory The Welfare Association for the Development of Afghanistan Member Of (WADAN) ANCB ,nsk.m ..._. Head Office:

Address: Phone: 0799 88 99 28 / 0752015178 Key Staff: H #: 6, St. 1 Fax: I. M.Nasib General Director Khushal Khan Mina, Email: info 2. Roohul Amin - Deputy Director Kabul . Website: 3. Eng. M. Alam Program Manager

Sub Offices: Location In Charge Email Address Phone 1. Nangarhar Gul Mohammad 0700201895 2.Kunduz Khan Mohammad 0799214682 3.Kandahar Dr. Sayed Jalal 0799114522 4.Paktia Dr. Fazal Karim 0799728205 5.Logar Saida Gul 0799728205 6.Herat Lutfurrahman 0700634668 7.Wardak Dr. M.Iqbal 0775825713 8.Helmand Dr. Rowzatullah 0799254337

Donor Agencies Targeted Provinces Province Sector Z UNHCR N ingarhar Civic Education, UNODC Drug control and Community Development ARD /USAID CI Kunduz FCO /DFID Kandahar FCO /GTZ Paktia á Logar INL /Colombo Plan e Heart C IRI Bamyan Japan Embassy Wardak MCN NED SCS -N Helmand

Personnel Administrative Technical Sunnort Total Sectors of Activity Afghan 46 78 151 275 Civic Education Expatriate 0 2 0 2 Drug Control and Community Grand Total 46 80 151 277 Development

Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau 0183 D Member NGOs Directory WATAN REHABILITATION AGENCY (WRA) BACKGROUND

WATAN Rehabilitation Agency Center (WRA) is an independent, Afghan operated, non -governmental, non -political,non -profitableorganizationregisteredin Afghanistan with headquarters jalalabad Afghanisatn in 1993. Haji Manawar a specialist in vocational training and founder of the organization, along with his staff of educators and administrator, has graduated and certified approximately 600 women to date in a variety of vocational skills via to course offerings, these include English, Computer courses, tailoring, needlework, pin work, cooking, to supplement its vocational training facilities, (WRA) has authored and published several training manuals, these have included a detailed textbook on tailoring.

Mission Statement: To contribute to poverty alleviation through provision of basic education, employable skill training and micro /small enterprise development tanning leading to income generation and employment opportunities in a sustainable way.

Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau (1 8) Member NGOs Directory Watan Rehabilitation Agency (WRA) Member Of ANCB Head Office:

Address: Phone Key Staff: Tatang plaza, floor #3`d, room No: 070603333 1. Haji Manawar second, Nangarhar, Afghanistan Email: 2. Eng.Nasrullah 3. Eng. Nazifullah

Sub Offices: Location In Charge Email Address Phone

1. 2. 3. 4.

Donor Agencies Targeted Provinces

WFP, UNICEF, UNOPS, Province Sector UNHCR Nangarhar Construction Kandahar Monitoring Khost Construction z Paktika Construction L Kabul Construction = Inter SOS Relief O

Personnel Administrative Technical Support Total Sectors of Activity

Afghans 6 4 2 12 Construction, Education, Health, Expatriate NIL - - - Agriculture.

Grand Total 6 4 2 12

Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau (185 Member NGOs Directory (WRADO) Wahaj Rehabilitation And Development Organization Member Of ANCB

Head Office:

Address: Phone: 0700603050 / 0777601020 Key Staff: St #: 2, H #: 44,45 Fax: 1.Eng. Hasanurahman Taimani Project, Kabul Email: wrado_hanif 2. Hanif Website: 3. Juma Khan

Sub Offices: Location In Charge Email Address Phone

1. Jalalabad Nesar Ahmad wrado_hanif 0786600589 2. wrado_hanif 0700600590 3.

Donor Agencies Targeted Provinces z Province Sector Ningarhar Education Irrigation z x. cw GAGP (Japan) O

Personnel Administrative Technical Support Total Sectors of Activity

Afghan 6 10 4 20 Construction Shelter Expatriate Irrigation Water Supply Grand Total Education


Women's and Reconstruction Organization of Yasir for Afghanistan (WROYA) isa non -governmental, non -political, and non -profitable Organization established to assist in the rehabilitation and development of Afghanistan and to secure the operation of relief and rehabilitation activities through direct cooperation with existing local residents, authorities, shares and donors.

Aims of Organization: To contribute the reconstruction and development of Afghanistan. To contribute to the social development of Afghanistan rural areas. To contribute to the Health facilities for Afghan people. To encourage the Afghan people to participate in rehabilitation of Afghanistan. To provide humanitarian assistance. To improve women social and economic condition in the society To make them be productive part of the community and improve their situation to reduce their dependency on its own to assist and guide the women to a self sufficient stage. To improve women statusin the community toparticipate energetically the garget group in rehabilitation process of the country.

Policy and legal position: As an implementing organization WROYA shall be making itself available to all donor governmental and non -governmental agencies, all activities efforts and any required actions including operational, financial and management of WROYA are non governmental and non -profitable.

WROYA is the organization registered with ministry of Economic, health of Afghanistan MRRD, and ANCB.

WROYA has the right to work any where inside Afghanistan with out restriction and has full authorization to seek financial resources and implementation possibilities of the planned projects. The organization is entitled to received and accept gifts, grants, aids and donations from any donor agency.

Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau (187) Member NGOs Directory Women's and Reconstruction Organization of Yasir for Afghanistan Member Of (WROYA) ANCB

Head Office: Address: Phone Key Staff: Arbabah village, in front of 070606075 1. Qazi Naseer Ahmad Darulmalimen high school, Nangarhar, Email: 2. Mrs.Afqila Bahsoodwal Afghanistan 3. Mrs.Naseema

Sub Offices: Location In Charge Email Address Phone Qazi Naseer 1. Nangarhar 070606075 Ahmad . 2. Kunar Eng.Tofiq 070642682 3. 4.

Donor Agencies Targeted Provinces

Province Sector z WFP, UNICEF Nangarhar Construction Laghman Agriculture


Personnel Administrative Technical Support Total Sectors of Activity

Afghans 3 5 5 13 Construction, Agriculture, income Expatriate NIL - - - generation, capacity building.

Grand Total 3 5 5 13

Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau 188 Member NGOs Directory WOMEN SOCIAL ROLE ORGANIZATION (WSRO) BACKGROUND

Due to the more than two decades of war in Afghanistan almost 50% of Afghan families were immigrants in Pakistan and Iran. They didn't have chances to continue education and their children to start getting education. Among all the refugee people the women and the children were the most vulnerable ones.

In Rawul pendi, Pakistan in 1993 a lot of Afghan women and children didn't have chances to get education and continue their education due to poor economical situation and other problems that the refugees had. On that time WSRO decided to establish private educational and vocational training courses to help Afghan women and children to get education and on the other hand empower their economy by learning jobs such as handicrafts and tailoring WSRO had played a very important role for a lot of Afghan women and children to get education and lean jobs to become self sufficient.

WSRO mission to protect women's children's rights in Afghan society and help them become self sufficient.

In 1995 when the Taliban regime captured Kabul city, Afghanistan all the women became prisoners inside their houses and didn't have chances to get education, work, and even act as human beings in Afghan society /therefore, WSRO according to the need of afghan women get education and be able to work, established its secrete home based literacy and vocational training coursed for afghan women in Kabul city.

After the Taliban regime collapsed and the interim government of Afghanistan was established, WSRO officially received permission of the Afghanistan government to work as an NGO in Afghanistan in April 2003.

WSRO is a non -political, non -profitable and non -government women's organization based in Kabul city Afghanistan.

Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau C-189D Member NGOs Directory Women Social Role Organization (WSRO) Member Oft ANCB

Head Office:

Address: Phone: 0778815964 Key Staff: Ansarey Square Fax: I .Hossia Andar - Director First Street Email:wsro_h 2. Bonyad Salim - Assistant Website: 3. Allah Nazar - Deputy Manager

Sub Offices: Location In Charge Email Address I Phone

1. 2. 3.

Donor Agencies Targeted Provinces z Province Sector

GAs. co 0

Personnel Administrative Technical Support Total Sectors of Activity

Afghan 4 8 12

Expatriate 3 3 6 Children Education

Grand Total 7 11 18


Watan social and technical services associationcame in to being as a result of war and Russia invasion in Afghanistan during the last decade. It isa humanitarian organization and taking part in welfare works relating to Afghan people in Pakistan.

WSTA is a humanitarian agency established in 1992 for thepurpose of humanitarian assistance to Afghan and Pakistan in Afghanistan.

This organization has a board of directors for thepurpose of proceeding the project proposals, evalution of progress, upkeep of record and advices thatnecessary for funning the organization.

The name of this organization is Watan,s social and technical servicesassociation (WSTA) it is non- profiting, non -military, non -government, non -partisan andnon- olitical organization, but an Afghan welfare organization (WSTA) enjoying completely independence Iitsfinancial and administrative affairs.

Goals and Objectives:

1- To rehabilitation and reconstruct the destroyed public wlfare facilities counstruction suchas Mosque, Schools, Hospital, Clinics, Roads, Bridges, Culverts, well.

2- To rehabilitate and improve the irrigation system and to rebuild the destroyed private houses for the local people.

3- To improve environmental condition and to set up animal raising farms and to start sanitation services.

4- To encougage and improve handicraft, social small industries and rural development activities.

5- To encourage the women to participate in the reconstruction process of war torn Afghanistan.

6- To facilitate the repatriation and settlement of the refugees.

Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau 191 Member NGOs Directory Watan's Social & Technical Services Association (WSTA) Member Of ANCB Head Office: f- Address: Phone Key Staff: Kolola Pushta Road, Sehat squire 070277708 1.M.Farooq (Director) Tajwar Sultana girls high schools, Email:[email protected] 2. Eng.M.Farid Kabul, Afghanistan 3. Eng.Gh.Rasul

Sub Offices: Location In Charge Email Address Phone

1. Ghazni Gul Ahmad 0799391459 2. Bamyan Ab.Shokoor 070047534 3. Nangarhar Shir Ahmad 070256063 4. Parwan M.Naem 070206942

Donor Agencies Targeted Provinces

WFP, UNICEF, UNOPS, Province Sector UNHCR Shelter Kabul Construction Laghman Shelter m Ghazni Tailoring CARE Italian Cooperation, s FID Canada Fund C

Personnel Administrative Technical Support Total Sectors of Activity Afghans 16 6 2 24

Expatriate NIL - - - Construction, Water supply, Education,

Grand Total 16 6 2 24


Youth Assembly for Afghanistan Rehabilitation (YAAR) is a non-governmental, non -political and non - profitable organization.

(YAAR) is registered for Afghanistan rehabilitation (YAAR) wasestablished in 1994 in Peshawar, Pakistan with the mission to contribute to the rehabilitation and development ofAfghanistan through the planning, designing, implementation and under taking of economic and humanitarian assistance.

YAAR organization has well qualified staff such as vocational Engineers, Trainers, othersocial infrastructures in eastern, central and northern Afghanistan.

YAAR targets communities that have been affected by the pervious war, poor economic disappearance of working opportunity for the people, weak agricultural production and absence of safe drinking water as well as areas with high number of returnees. Sector of activities are irrigation, agriculture rehabilitation, reconstruction of roads and schools, shelter services, emergency relief assistances and women development programs.

YAAR has the right to work any where inside Afghanistan without restriction and has full authorization to seek financial resources and implementation possibilities for the planned relief and rehabilitation projects in Afghanistan.

Youth Assembly for Afghanistan Rehabilitation (YAAR) can accept any types of budget from Army, ISRA, PRT, HNI, UNH abitate, UNFAO, and other government and non governmental funding.

Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau (J193) Member NGOs Directory Youth Assemblyfor Afghanistan Rehabilitation (YAAR) Member Of: ANCB iHead Office: Address: Phone: Key Staff: Kart-e- Parwan Fax: Behind High School I. Email: 2. Website: 3.

Sub Offices: Location In Charge Email Address Phone Old Torkham Stand (Jalalabad) Mirwais Noorzai mnoorzai_yaar @yahoo.com0707110700 2.Herat (Darab Iraq Market) Noorzaman Nil 0700601267 H #: 188, St. #: 23, Phase 1, Hayatabad Sharifullah sharif kamawal 0700602423

Donor Agencies Targeted Provinces

z WEP, UNHCR, UNAMA Province Sector Ghzni Rehabilitation Kabul Construction Parwan Construction


Personnel Administrative Technical Support Total Sectors of Activity Afghan 11 25 10 46 Irrigation Agriculture Expatriate Education Health Grand Total Rehabilitation

Afghan NGOs Coordination Bureau CT94.) Member NGOs Directory 4.0.11 1 1" A f 9 414. rg 144 4..0111J a.3.w j.14.44IJ g 4:41 L0.11,9J 1 4, 4.vuu ga .44.4. =..,1 úl.w.w9.o p..Al ,'d4 ka 4-"'W .4A c.?w.Ai . -s.r' 4a.w9A cY 1J ü. ji9 . í`3J a Jtw.:404,r,.4 i.iiiA '1 44 4.44w}. crs ,4...41 4a.uryAA""+" IA, ° !t - ?Awl ,_51.,..)9S,I1ILo c,L,c!, j 4_1-° r.v99ASVrAtiJ ,:g_N]L,4.c. .J91"c- 1 1 1,.4. 3/6/1384 UPBCR RehabilitationUnited Peace Builders Country 91,h9c1-, 4_,....y4 ,:)'9 j.JI_31"_)1, I ,.:..? JULI ,.,,y y. J-...J_ y: . v99r rA9 jyi.., .,o ...-mi s, 1,y1' 3/6/1384 Igbal Orphanage Education .59"ì' 9 L,9y: `-"°S° 24i1 o15....::: j_9_4 2 ._)::is°I947. ,ÿ9..1,'s J L5-1''' -loa-14ÿS1.) 3/6/1384 AHEOIOEC AfghanCenter HeaithAnd Education ,DU9I",1,59,.9._N-.a4,....,y,, 3 ,--3 44,5, 4.7] ^ sl_te .1,,K9,,< rv99AYrr.vo,9AVS1 ,:»..I ySl j.:L§I .v.vr ;/6/1->84 268 KRA KunduzOrgan Rehabilitation Agency 4 .3U:) J°9r to.v9,,.-L.o 4.f- J . r . ro. . 9 C.?:, ,,,., 4.6.yg ,:)-- iii x3c, ,,k ,d,-_) 1v,,v, 3/6/1384 219 ANDS DevelopmentAfghan Health Services And ,:sIysissiLi1,k)-sAt:vl 9 ,_N_.... .1:, a,....ÿ, jjtiiI 5 tt.y, -.1.1c..,,u.o i.s,I ,:,,,,L 9 .V. r . r v l 9 ,1 ,_,-&-,; k LÚ.I.o Pk 1?.0 3/6/1384 171 SEA AfghanistanSave The Environment ,:za,,y.; 1, -<, 3.1...>iiI 4,..,.,94 6 ":L .v99rr. ) s t,.., r,,, ,,.. .»,., 3/6/1384 264 APWO Afghan Public Welfare Organ ,jla-9I4.,1L 01.k.) 4...... : 7 LI,_1.4,,. r . v 9 9rYVr ,.s-4A11 ,,,, .5S' J:.41.3 f 1,.1.?, 3/6/1384 ARSA Afghanistan Rehabilitation R J"9yC.1 L>11- 9 31;9A1 9 s1 1,,a&. d.,,.. :". Ljti-,3L;.il ,jU_) 1.1,9_)-1; Li6J1 û:Lal9q r. v . r 9AA 1 1' ,,,,,, L ;.,, ,.yj9sS9, 4.)1,1 1384/6/10 REF WID ServicesRefugee Association Women in _}.1.44 _» 0 .11A1; ,jUi 4-4.4ÿo L.4:65, 9 , .\'. 1 4) r r v ) .,_ 1 ' ..539 Development ,;ti_iI ,19_9:-,sy) g ,,,.,, y,, 10 ,..a C.:Io1; 'Li.c e,j.(]1 r 9 1~,.v 1384/6/10 195 AAD Association of Afghan Doctors . ÿ, 3 3 .-,,... ' . r A . of v _ . ,.1.,N.4 L, °`L 1384I6/1 0 140 T COAR Coordination of Afghan Relief ,_;1.). > i 1 L§ 3 4.4). ÿ 3,,,,I.,-, 9. v 9 9 f rs * v .,...,.,, L', 0,,t,c, 1384/6/10 HSSCA Hazaristan Social Services & ...s - °- -,s,. JI3S ù1i' 12 >, ,,t.;..e,.:,j .v.rr9vr"r ..,,,_,,,,_,.,,3, ".,3,ù;3y s,1í,,1M1 . v yii 1384/6/10 ALS AfghanCultural Luminous Affairs Sun jr1 s .fl.4i L,, a...,i' jiil,jl,L`,.v"'J3.&4 ---,ÿ, :-713l , 13 ,_,L,.v944.2y,3 , 1,_..,_13, 9.i z.. A.. ,._1.4, - 14 1-',.. I 1 .v99rf.A9V 9 9 . r r' s v may, 1384/6/10 NHJA National Humanitarians i Ù1 ,:j>;i ÿßl.. LAS , ys v e:4 "i,l á li 1 1384/6/10 84/6/ 10 A W AP AfghanJuvenile Women for Afghanistan Awareness , jlsi :1li3 a SI 4.....,9, i ,j3 15 47.'4y, 3 ,:; .V99r1'J91 ù,.,, ,___ I ,,, iv Program 1 1384/6/10 ,.;t).., -s..° 4yy, 3 (,i,_, . V 9 9 . r . 9 v L'jli. J,1,4 j 3I ,,y 1 1 1384/6/10 EHD DevelopmentEmergency Help for s sj _31-:, 17I6 aJ1S L J. ,, J i . v . r 9 fVA 1 .}]; ,,, , a`3,ß, 141.vy 11' 1384/6/10 HSVONCM HealthNazoren Services cooperation Volunteers manistres ù)U s-5,-ab 3eÿ 4.,...ÿ, úla jj1413=p 4.... ,,,9,, 18 jt"I, c.b..,, í9i1 . V . s . f 1 r' w J .) 1., _3 i .1r 1384/6/10 NE NazaninOrgan Education Center ,....,,-.:1.1 1-J1-,÷ a.;,:» 4.....,9' 19 ûc1 3 4yy 3 9 v 99wr . 91 yaU. . s 1384/6/10 Friends for Rehabilitation 3 s _)1__4,i31,.ti,3, 4.,.: ,_,.j,, 20 ,13- s1÷,,J35 ,Lvl v . r 1 A9 r 1,,c Lçigllc. ,, 1 S y. 1 0 1384/6/10 FRIEND RAFA RehabilitationNationalIntegration Development Emergency and Agriculture ,...,:=-1.9..) 3 s;Li>, 4..,..9-. * J>L I.. ELI 21 siy,iL,y;x,, 3 1. V 9 91 V 9 9 f L.;-,) Jim ).,c. ., -),y 1384/6/10 Foundation for Afghanistan j> -'-9l sly 44-.3J3 3 a2s . .: .41 1V MTCF FoundationMahmud Tarzi Cultural say1, -)3-,-,-- I CL) \-.0.1&. 55 4-.' 22 .. s .. I t.:o .,,,I ,},a3 .1a,,4 17/6/1384 236 DHSA Development and ,_;L)9,_;,.,.. r 3 ,..ri A l i 23 t.,5?.1 ,_L . 9v. . r 1 r ,,,, 32413 ,.,.-N,, it) »÷., 17/6/1384 152 SDO AfghanistanHumanitarian Services for Sanayee Development Organization 1;., ,_i +1...,..,.3.. 24 . v . r . 1 sov , ,,, .,.,_ e z,, SDF L-? ,_11-,..1&. 17/6/1384 143196 CHA CoordinationAssistance Humanitarian ,it -.+1 s14,5_,,S , l...4% mss 25 4±.y 9 V . r g . n)v 1 A 17/6/1384 ANAFAE Afghan National Organization ,.rijA1 s1 y '.aß'31 ,5-1- sA 26 J z% . i for Education Ù 9 4».5;4:,ßj 9 >,,,' LD,y A . v I ` f. AVJ . ) S sly , "_" .,pyy 19 17/6/1384 CWEFTPCM ThePromotingTravat Children Organization Children and Women Mentalityfor 9 ,, y!ji. 4,..:..i90 "".1.' 4,++.ya 2827 'r /1.t..' , Ix 1,1.133 JS r Education Foundation siy ss9y ù1-3i 9 JUj'i .s- ùui 99A-.1 -1,1931iS'0.. . v. rv . rvVw' 1 ,19?. àí,1 j_ol L.y,oy,,,.,, L.:. .1.. i,,v r1 17/6/1384 CWA Creative Women Afghanistan 2lii 4....ÿo 29 s 4,14ÿ sue' ... ,.1 17/6/1384 VROA Voice of Rehabilitation sly s _31y il s1 4-ß-s° 1 30 jiijS 44._.) ,fit..1c.> .:g 9. v 9 9rry s yll yv rr r r 17/6/1384 PDSEW ServicesProfessionalOrganization and DevelopmentEducationfor Afghanistan for sssy , t 1 eta ,:i 4,,,. ßs41,_:,,, 9 31 ù1A9 14,L 4,c . V . r r . v r i L:. 1 ,.u1 4íu1 z,,; i,_%.?. 17/6/1384 APR AssociationWomen for Poverty ,..a.3... - J- ,rls 4..:.,ßÿo 32 4i j:; 9 , 9 ,_. . V .. i AV . r Ùl....1 .,...,o Jt.o, 1:1S1, yam. r f 17/6/1384 AADA AgencyReduction for Assistance sip ,_:al.,. 31 9 s)1 4. -:3.. 33 l alall r d Development for Afghanistan Lg.....l -9Lill..o s1.5 ÿ ,. v . r rr r n ,_yá90 _ k \ ^NY " -I LI ;.a° .L1,N4.414. r 9 17/6/1384 FSSO OrganizationFayez Social Services t4i 1 . 4 --s° 34 9 193 r V v 9 w .3,t ,-4y..3 9;,,.;1 .,... 17/6/1 384 105 EAC Education and Aid Center ,.,-31-- 9 L.J9 U 4,...ßÿm 35 ,9 sal..: jt, sor'vo 1 vv J952.4. 17/6/1384 1 192 CNHRO RehabilitationC. Nasrat Sashimi Organization s _i)li 4m.aÿm 1.* 36 9 4v5' 4.:, iS ` l.ÿß n V 9 9 r . r r . 3,11c 4.31.a ry 17/6/1384 EDWAONCGO WomenEducation Afghan and Development Organization ,ß1.13 u1 ÿ5.;1 9 ,..,1. , 4_,,,,: 37 9. -1c.1Ji',S^ - 0799332536 . i..,9, `/i_- -° X91= ..1,N.J1 17/6/1384 97 M3 -RA AssociationMashriq -3 Reconstruction 4.....ÿ..3.1_991y, jtsl . 38 9915 s _)t..., ,)t, 13 ;c1...,1sí)1 .v.rrwngw 9tr. y1S1 .smsm .,.., ,}l;.W;9L ,_., 17/6/1384 879 STARS RehabilitationSkills Training Society and 91 _)te..4,S1-414,....ßÿm _3)1 sLi>, b jlz1 39 _31 v r r wnq 1 4'11 J "^ ,,.., 17/6/1384 281 AGHCO CoordinationAfghan General Office Help ,riLS`-". sl& 40 .> >? V V9 gr )..n, L:3'..)l.a J,111,14c ,,,A,... V 17/6/1384 197 SALSAL SALSAL 2...1.a 4j ,:)1 41 -11.,19 a_ j, 9 -1'.'j . V . r f AL) 4111 .4. " eí,1 ,,,v 17/6/1384 SSAO Social Services Affairs ,.y° 1av j9°1 e.: ,,ÿo 42 ,L..,1,c1 J.Ì cit... 4, ' 9.V99F91V9 ySl 41. r 9 17/6/1384 OLIVE Organization of Launch Into . j9°ß9`L°y -? -(4, 43 9 J'9"°a,:."):1.3.1..-. SoS v99rr.vr oL.,L ,,.. ,ßy:,1 4., li.i, 1.11 r. 17/6/1384 JA DA JapanDevelopmentVocation -Afghanistan and EducationAssociation sly,si l 1,.1 ìS9 :e..... ,j4...51..isl 44 J c.,c,i 9,L,_... . V . r"r . . , 6,L.11yc. 4L ,. i,. r1 17/6/1384 MWO Move Welfare Organization 4,..,. 45 ,j11.3L:s1,_;_j1_,>,_31, .v.rr99vi j_ii31. c , ,.,»,.° , ^.., .14.1. r 17/6/1 384 NEDA theNarcotic Development Control ofand Enrich 9,°.4AJ9ì '- j , s.L-4li 4-,.aÿ 4,,.,,.3.4 46 Lam. ' ' .3443..13_94.21 r' v 9 9 r ... j,11 ,.1..:.6 X911 41 rwrr 17/6/1384 DROAW C RehabilitationDevelopmentAfghanistan and Organization 3...i...31,gst. .:,I 3 .1,..,,._. L41 4...434 4' `LA-..1. . V 9 co. f AAa Childrenfor Afghan Women and i Ju1,1 9 jlij s1 '1....S.314_,...... :... ,rc.L.:41 9 9 47v5' 9 4:., \' 9 9 r . - 1 ' v ..4 _4 IJ jy,,o,L., x;,,:,,,...,13 X911 "t , , q 1,ii 1'0 17/6/1384 PDRO PasarlaiRehabilitation Development Organization and si>u4 9 Lv s ,_;_)L.._)1_,1 0..4.A:3A .y-3 4948 `?.i ,c 1, , ,_9 . _ A. V 6r .) f r v ..0 9, ,.. 17/6/1384 66269 RRAAORPE andOrganizationRural Protection Rehabilitation of of Rehabilitation Environment iI úLi-s1 A1..) sj-_ li . j1,1 ::-.4_)1:.1.-N-4 50 ßy9 s, .1 t4i`° 070277776 :_)11- -á,.., ß,,;ái, .1.?.0 24/6/1384 587 AHOAFO AssociationAfghan Health for Afghanistan Organization ùÄI , "1- - 51 IA ;- ai]; L'J._)a 4 0799320584 vli a c "4 _, . - i .1.14.o 24/6/138424/6/1384 209 SUWAGRSP SocietyGhazni RuralUnit of Support Afghanistan Program ,5.1.A. .1 s> I jj >, d6460:5.9 a...:. -y< 5352 :)U j 1 , Z`.' u y,31? j 9 e-.11'6 070502731070296845 _)t ,._. °.. ':-,_ Ji 4 -) .x.1..0.vy i'9 24/6/1384 522 FARO FarhatWomen A Rehabilitation j-li ßy9 j_ )1... J:i...1Lii1 4....,..,:9... 54 '--)) ' "9 1 "Lo.v 070291562 ,Dli 4...... -149L? 1"1 ,,_. 24/6/1384 255 MRAA MailanOrganization Rehabilitation =4-4 si> --_34 9'1?4 s11 L 55 tw,,c1-.4i 9 sL° L:L 070281172 L.I.i o Iy 4-vß .14..0 24/6/1384 411 FRDO AssociationDevelopmentFemale Rehabilitation for AfghanistanOrganization and j9°1 ÿ 9 11 4_..4...).,aJt ,1-41 i sl y 56 198 4..,.U.:: 9 i . v . r9) ,.,_ _ ,,,,, s_,ß.,,15.,; 111. 24/6/1384 SAO Save Adults Organization 3_313.?. ii !l_..., sa 57 _41 I ry ,,..4iS1,_,....1-1,1,1.-.A.... c. v 0702884550799544882 ,41I s3 rn 24/6/1384 ECCAWOWTA TraineesOrganizationEducational of Afghanistan for and Women Cultural Jui j i 9 s9 ÿ 4-."9A )15:9.1 Ju_j 4,,..9.0 5958 4 +.-'i Jul_ J 9- 4 070220736 j 1 1 J9S9.) 01ß `.,`,r9 24/6/1384 OID CenterDevelopmentOrganization for Afghan for WomenIntegrated JAS 9 ,,--i j:i sly 4--9a Jv...,>is JAI 60 9 4i,ÿ, 9 ,1 070282067 1* 41.x19 ,,.,, ..14.4.13.Li f. 24/6/I384 712 HDCA W CenterHealth forand Afghan Development Women Jui ,..531 1 3 , y> 6261 94ÿ j 070288437 S y. ,;.,, w 1 24/6/1384 HRHSO Hashmi Rehabilitation and 3 sil- :' j 4-a..i9n 4 y& ,S5 L;>- 9 ÇI `gis-° Jlá.sl - 6665 "1-..,.&_)41 4lÿ, 9 9 4l.,ÿ, 9 ,..sal-1 v .. r w 1 r' r J1 ,j1I,...Ì 1 oao .vs, wr 24/6/1384 ARPSO ProfessionalAfghan Rehabilitation Skills , 1. " s> _)14... 4...... j..3 JAI 67 9 ,...,..c.1...-.11,:a...&. 9 1- 1 1-° 0799459209070292184 J s zuIy"ù,;.., .1..l JS .) f v /v /1rnt/Irnt ovv9w9 CAF AgencyCare of Afghanof consultancy families for s ,r"9QIsIA x.99 011931.i 13p 4.,a. .sS JL:.sI° 4..0:.'90 .49a 6968 I ':J11; 070606951 .11 11 ACT Committeetraining for rehabilitation x1141 j.4 bJ 91 JL't..t,lx91 4221-.S 70 v /V /1 rnt r *V CRAA l + aid to Afghanistan cc.1 , 41ÿ, 3 070301471 1 4í11 .1 .4 v /v /1 rnt 1968 ASDO Afghan Social Development 4í19S ,ja " ,1 -°?.1 Jt 71 4'45'9 9 .) 1-zí l ,,.1-. 070279283 ,--,_},11 - J1y1 , ¡.., j .14.4 v /V /1rnt 1788 ABNA OrganizationAfghanistanAgency for Building New 9; Jt l jur..1 4a.a9m 72 , 1 ,",c. 1jí C .. eí,11..:1. 1032 ADRS Afghanistan Development and I CIA.1 73 i 0799155660 411-1.F.. *9 » v /v /1rnt 199 Rehabilitation Services sip _31.3 ,' J>l a.:y33zJ4,Lill -,1,.."3 0752012958 .,i9z ,,.. _9:3y 464 AWRC Afghan Women Resource 9 74 J. 9 070511179 o1..ez1,1.n e1..:1 l, -L?» -a vvivo /v p rnf rn f 164 AREA AgencyCenterEnergy for Conservation Rehabilitation in sy+1 jj 1,-.31.x91 j9Á1.ß°J3 4. ":9sib44 J U i 1 s1- "x -sA Lei 75 ,541.1 y s.r `d.o..%& et31 1-- lz ,1 3 070281927 r r r . r sr' 1^: ;,11 . X3.0h, .5-)17131 v /v/i rn f 61486 HAM MuskaHumanitarianAfghanistan Assistance 1-5-.- sr-, su sA 76 ,DI.S.31-xel), Lit S.331 9 47.'4)1; 9 V .)11 »y,, V /V/lrnf ACBAR AgencyAfghanistan Coordination Body for j.414_,,,....,:,4 77 l :16Ls39y 0752015127 si a,o -),_., V /V /' rn f 454 WOMAN MutualWorld Afghan Organization Network for L:j...9 a,:.,yq 78 .: ,,, 9 - ,phi 0799566575 j,11 c y ..L.),..4 v /v /1rAt 605 MCDOKHIO 1,9 OrganizationMarwa Cultural Development ,_Ti '1-&-,1 9 4-.....3.. o9 79 J ,= 1 y'á1ÿ 3 2203257 } z4c. yaLJi..uc. , fò:,' V /V /lrnf SWSA OKL9 AfghanistanSocial and Welfare Services 3 ci. i ,:_,Loz.:,. 4J...,ß ,.,-AUJ 80 jr,iu .1y 4 40733 i .» v /v/ 1 r n f 285 HDO ,i,i OrganizationHazrat Sultan Development LDWL t l 4... ,"3.4 81 ,5L.gz 1.3-° ,__ 1 070297872 ,j.11 L 297 ARROHCC L 82 3 ßs91 i1. 1.3 070310118 ,_-JJ1 L,1_4 1i : .1-1.?.-4. Vvivo /V /1 rnf rn f 381 BRO BostAhmadzaiRehabilitation Rehabilitation Relief Organization 4,.,..,s )1-, 9 a..y ay9 91y3U914.2 , -:.,-,-,.:1-, 83 1 ..).):6_ si-i 3 "l,_j,-;_9¡_» "U.412 ; °2 0752021347 o1-1y41 .».° ZIy ,;.., z.v.o V /V/ 1 r n f 1f f HAFO Organization ,DLiil 3I; a., .)1.1o1 a..:. -s4 84 L93°"L )1, 3,_ : -' 070286774 ,jt 44 l.r. 3.9 .1.1? -. v /V /1 r f 1497 THRA AssociationTraining Human Rights ;:ilii,si9ii-, í94j . `jLx9i "¡I, 85 `L.41 `2.4-1&. 4CLIc1 l -`t.; y V r A r A r ,:y,.yll.,.,o ,4.a.a i1, /1 14/7/1384 200306 IHSAN ServicesIndependent Association Humanitarian ;1J Jt l a;ßù 4..,..,3,0 86 ,_,;-115 J1 IT a.a jc J.) .., V J9...>" 14/7/1384 4,a .., J 441L ß,1SÌsgy "1o,v . v . r nrvv v9lrr. l t f P9:111 4 j11411. // 14/7/1384 6821569 AREOAPDA EducationAfghanAct RehabilitationPeace Organization & Democracy & q ÿ, L',.:,l 9.5j- jL? 4.:.r9,, i aJ)- , ,.,:I f>y4. '9' 8887 ,,_,..c.1..,414 7 ?*j-i ,.a..4.1. 9 r,la ":-'cl Ji v or t `lv t ,°..t1 J eíi1.l.41 // 14/7/1384 975 RAOJ Rehabilitation & Agriculture s'D1 Jj i sjjl_. a..-. awl-1.0.1_?. 89 ,s-9 Organization of Jahid ,,,, &.° J ú ,_... v .1. Zv t r t4 i ..».°. ,_ S oyo // 14/7/1384 95 HRPJAC Hiwad Rehabilitation Project 4-""-'9' ;)J J -1 sl9u, 90 J 14,4 1 "l..v -v*J9 9 4:?J3JSJ 9 cüFIJj v.'1.rvrr o) r r r J,,..,s.,..., J J94 11.,,- P9411..,s,.,., c- 6 `` °- //// 14/7/1384 618347 AMRANMPRO MustafaAssociationAfghan Mobile parwani Reconstruction rhabilitation °'^ --a LA,,.... ju.c. s:..)1- j1, a.."9.0 J14,,,4....:9 ,:j 1.i..:31;,.il 9291 J SJ9.r.. -.14-.1:i. ERF organization ,, s319J7) J 4,1451 vvirr , ». :1 . .o .J yit?..:,1I]; // 14/7/1384 1425 OHWA WomenOrganization in Afghanistan Handing King ,....)1S ' ui4..4 9' 9s_ J l J LL', , ,. -. V . r n . 9 9 0 , " ° t;_il4.L J4 . // 14/7/1384 126 PRB BuildingPartners Revitalization & J1 , ' °-J . °Y..)71.4--,--o-4 94 u,},9t'.1" ..v.rn7vo v.. srn9 . ß,,,1y1,e_° j.)14 ,sia // 14/7/1384 564 NEC NoorEducationalCenter 931,.$ °:V 3Si' 95 ".. 4. J ? v e-"J tS1 14/7/1384 ASSC Afghan Social Services ,:.L4- 1-°4 4,,,,,94 , 96 9 ûc1 sJ1ih4J j c uli o . v . r n . n e1yv, ,L }, J1-?3J ag3 yv f 21/7/1384 603 AWARD developmentrehabilitationAfghanCoordination women and association for 31-3:)...;:)t-,:)1-.)t1--41 3t.kii .U4131 J4 97 o ., BRF Bina rehabilitation foundation 14, si>-,-,:A kJ4 98 ,..41*. 9 ,- .. z:us ,Seat J y1:43l 21/7/1384 I*-g1 .) s99, y Y 14 9 `-'Oli .V.1.1-rt.v r 1 4 9 9 Y -14.z..4 á,1ÿ at., // 21/7/1384 526310 MSSAA ABC AfghanassociationMaiwand Bureau social for services a4 J4-141&Ju1,JJ -, ° o Ju JW J> sl 100 99 1 consultancy L jizu,o j1 ,- ,L,at,, v. r 9nr 11 ,,,.,, jyuy.4. ,-kJt= 1 4-° // 21/7/1384 2011 179 EROA organizationEnvironment rehabilitationof Afghanistan ,',.,; j (1J.y1),JLhii1 1 st1 101 ,_c.1 j_,ç1..,.:4Io2k.; // 21/7/1384 375 OHA Organization For s_y4)sl-lb 102 .v.r9.AsA.v.r.)ro1 j.)11 L.9-1,- JUW // 21/7/1384 572 NDRC Nejathumanitarian Center Socialassistance , 103 9 úc1) j 4,.,4 J-3 9 4.s; v . rvgVr s j.,t..,,,., JAS 1/ 21/7/1384 250 BRT BasherrehabilitationDevelopment Dost DrugRehabilitationMedical service ,-,.9.-..)-,].,-2...s.)1--, j>, sj1-,-.)1,),fL Iút<.üh '--i 3 s° 104 sji,it.o 1- 43 Team 1 1 ,3ciii94 t,4*L1 _9 «' , -' // 21/7/1384 229 ADA Afghan Development ùl-- sr 105 j44). jii,.41.,..*3 .v99r14)4).vg9rr..r "9,1 ,"_ '--i9y1 // 21/7/1384 408 SO AssociationShushed Organization -L- j, 106 stl, ß,9S 9C.'c1Ji 1.... .v.r.) 5,6r 119; y_.,11 ,,,.,,..:, // 21/7/1384 236 VARA Voluntary Association for _,_,:L,_,\_. k.....: J... _0jtS- J ' 1 107 4uÿ 9 ,...,.:,...1.3..-.. , . V 9 91 V . s 9 .J9.ì`°,. .. .1 1/ 21/7/1384 182 ARU Aburehabilitation Muslim khurasanyof Afghanistan » st,..i útoo.:, 1_..1y& 108 // 21/7/1384 106 HAPA HumanitarianRehabilitation Action For o_)LJ,D 1 1, . 109 üc.1jj94uÿ9 ).1à.<,19°9,sÿ .V99A9V9J.v.r..srJ ,1yo..1.4.-%.1 ,1, LI)li IS ,11Ct,1 1, wv 21/7/1384 KJIRF KhalidPeople OFJamal Afghanistan Islamic Charity -:)\..1ß,y,..s:1LS14L.9A a....,9.09.J°o ,.>-..,, al t; 110 Rehabilitation Foundation 1 s1_y4 L , . 4 L 6 4aic. Jl,l,,.,U j, r. v .. v,) Y. s _:1_.)c- J S j.,,jc ,:il. .,..1,4 21/7/1384 BCSAB ServicesBlind and For Comprehensive Afghan Binds 1-,'-'4 úLq,&9 ùt,1 .:, U+ s1.)' 1, L U , U 49.. 1 1 úc1,j' 95y ,,.c.t.z,÷ 1 ul...v c-11,-,,,,,i -10:-"N-.. 9 ÿ V.v961v 1 Avr 99 vlia o.)y aí,1 f 28/7/1384 66 ROAD AfghanistanRelief Organization Development For 1:5.]1314.1d..,,,,s° ll ,skit, n.oh y 113112 JW sJ1.,"J Jti .v.rvssr's .1...z.,,.., C... Pk 4 - 28/7/138428/7/1384 616 1055 WADP SAC SaveDevelopmentWomen Afghan Activities Children Program t;j ,_i L J1;_i1J1à1,1ú1;1à. 114 94."J.i 9 'y, . J...:.... 9 4,.1i 28/7/1384 GPA Global Point Afghanistan 115 ,_;_,pu 599yú1d1 út.01&, A43 «' .. VY99rvr9ò. V .. rr'rt A ,51011 _)4 A--,-..'.';j yy f9d 28/7/1384 //y.v MSPA AfghanistanMedia Support Partnership s151 y, ü1L9 1y*a.,..419 , 46.,.4_9.4 j1 116 -,c u j 9 9 rv . r . r . r r J 71,, ,..,_i_., ;},.il1 ,,,&,illy, 1, o.v.. 28/7/1384 202 r s A ANCC CoordinationAfghanistan National Charity ,_1... 1 iosL -moo ,:jU1_;_ib 4...9,0 117 ,:_icl), 3 av y , 3 - ' .v r 9 r ,ú,l j jc . y 1L I 1' .11?... 28/7/1384 ry ALO Afghan Literacy Organization 4...i sí3°1 '13-. jiL 1 118 j l o . V . r n JVn j1 jS ,,, ,,,r _. 28/7/1384 431 ESAR Engineering Services For 32S.31s..»:4-31 ,_,.-11-...). 4..u.3o 119 5c 3 , 3 . V f Y'T 11' r 4, -,11. Afghanistan Reconstruction ,:jtS..a.i_iI cJL..Jli 4....5.° I s1 y ,_;_.3L.)1_,, 120 4,ÿ Líi L:k ,' - -. . V x.,11 c iz", -- ?,, 28/7/1384 1515 ARWEO OrganizationAndAfghanistan Women Rehabilitation Education J-+.J ,x...1.13 ,:i...X1 3 1 Ci . ,13J s w 1r 4:. c ._.. 28/7/1384 1782 SFRD DevelopmentSharq FoundationRehabilitation For And o Lei -oy31 L3,, I.. Committee ;_,..1 L,i1,1y, , ~, -... 31 cj --1.i 3 3 4714t 3 A . v . r 9 rvn 4÷I ,L, auA u13.) JI 494.14c,-33 y,.s s> >3 .LuA 28/7/1384 1047 AHDO AgricultureDevelopment And Organization Health CJL..31-;,s1 ûc1,). 4..t..3a 128127 '-AIL34yß,cL. 3r cûcl,j rv99FFJ9V 39J.., , -o P3dill c. .1h 28/7/1384 99520 AREOAARRAF AlliedAfghanistanReconstruction Rehabilitation Rehabilitation Agency And Falah `earl 3,.5.31s.,;h c si1it3 3 1 ,L4,,:,tksl 129 "Lq.L 3 4y}í 3 . v 9 9) J r o S i o 4i , i.v 61 28/7/1384 y.v ZFCO ZahirudinAfghanistanEducation Faryabee Organization Charity ,5431-i `),1-111.4,.... j- 130 s39y 3 '-' .. 1 -o-v 9r r. v 9 9 r r r) _Ad. o 51 .v. JV 28/7/1384 // DNA OrganizationDevelopment Network For 44.1. 1 y ,:j1.1..,31.4._) 131 4y3 - i 203 Afghanistan . v r . r rVA ell ,1,,v 28/7/1384 // ,A, j1 y1 J -11-.+ 1 ...) i - 132 ,_ij j y SJIS1L,4 j;, j r,1z 3 úc10 .V . *rr . w óúlß jc sy1à.y, j S,.v 6r 28/7/1384 /,' KAADOARPD AndAfghanistanKabul Planning And Reconstruction AgricultureDepartment 1ji 3 s31-) 34 ,..,--ii 4.,,.:3... 133 4.-ÿ -9 ' ,úc1) j . V r . r al.11I el...I 411 4-1,%.4 6 1384/8/9 1 186 ROPSFA RevivalDevelopment of Professional Organization Skills t sIA '. '31-9-° sj> -.jli Ù1á...3-,9l s1 J,ls 134 3 ,-. _ . ,. ,4y,., . V . r 9 i , ) S;;JI,.,- P 1 4 44.., ..v,, 1384/8/9 1708 ABCRO Afghanfor Afghanistan Brother Ers s_)1y14 3 . -,.:0,1 4....,y, 135 ,_ilcl,3 s39y. j "U-I&'4).53 _..41223 ," -. r v 9 9 r dr f J3,,,ß ,tr u9,á9 ,>k -).a4... 1384/8/9 203 SDP CoordinationProgramSamandar Development Rehabilitation j . .., ,iL ù1i ,:juzly i PI A3y 136 ,a1.1á 347.14ÿ3P%2''k1..á_á1 V99rrAA91 ,ÿs3 " -o 11 .0 1384/8/9 1624 KSO KatebServicesOrganization ,..43-1S ,..3-1,..1.&.4-...... 137 r 1 1 .. x.1,,1; 3 9a441 ,úc1,, j L,á-?l v . r dw> > ,._ ., c11.0 ., ,:yti.t, ?-, 1384/8/9 1362 CDCA Cooperation And s1 ßt .i.Sy. I 138 .-,_ .,41...3 . V . r .. w 9 d 3 L,,,.1_ ,., 11,,.., 1384/8/9 680 ABRO AfghanistanDevelopment Center For u3e ils+ 1-.31-.3.1-1 --1 z 139 -9 úßs; - ,4.Ùy. ,áuÿ 3 i V Vi A 9 rVr ,D,.11l J1,, L.,. j.ISI 39á1 -4 1384/8/9 373 AhmadRehabilitation Shah Baba Organization 0..)1-114-..3,3-131._).. jlsl 140 úc I, j V .v99rrrrr a y4.31 frw J% ,1.1,,,, 1384/8/9 462 ATRCASA AfghanistanAfghan Support Tower Agency .j11...1i1,3U.1143 ,Loc.1.3S)4 141 "L,.,4vÿ93 ,4÷,53 3 r,)..., v r 1 r Y 1 .,.._%., Lh ,,9 ?"1 óí,I ,_,,,,,i ,.,,, 1384/8/9 1 129 AURC CouncilAryanaReconstruction Unity Rehabilitation Center U,_)I s jL ,L 4..,..,3., 142 Lsi° 3 LI ,,c.1_.:41 1a1; . V . r . I V I . Li...--i .1,L-.4 ß,.1.o ,,, ,.yam,, 1384/8/9 398 ARDP Afghanistan Rehabilitation -',1-1-5,31 3 si _31, (.L;-3_),: , jL"w 3L:5I 143 . 4÷)-;3 t=omS.)l??ì 9 ucl '4uyi 3 u v rV9Vr r :'- - Lia .1.1.4 1384/8/9 539 OMEAD DevelopmentEmergencyOrganizationAnd Development Aids Mobilization And Program Of Jlc SL* S...S eI ,i 3 e, 144 -... ,L; j_,0 ,úcl v . r Vr 1 dd .',,1á,14c L.,-,%1, 1384/8/9 1 158 SWARD Southwest Afghanistan Rural ,..334. ú1.4 ,3I i l 4.4..1y, I 145 ,s3 X1111,,47145' 3úc l ,44.ÿ416 ,Ls-cLo.. I úL.1.1.&. 9 9 V . r 9 A r _AUK ,1,.. ,. _ _ ,I>;1 -o 4,N3lx..,19 11.,,,.,.. 1384/8/9 1040 BAS A BasicDevelopment Afghanistan Association Services ,.jtár.3lxsl ..L.l 0.31 -4-1.i. °.yz > 146 l.,áá ú1.9i . v . r . 9 A I vh J7.431 "--. 11?-4 1384/8/9 204376 SWABA C ForAndSouthern Coordination Balochistan Western Association Afghanistan jL1.3tìsis1 y 1gS..,S , "31.?.. o jy *1-.t o_»I 147 Ji-.1i4-.1_ÿ J 9 r l A vg qr i Arr 9,:- ek. 9ss. ,.k yy 46 1384/8/9 SAF Solidarity For Af g han Families sk-4 c11 9; s<".,-.,-1' ÙL;_il 148 sc.Loïil s 1 L.41 "Low .i:.) .V.1' .941-14 v . r . r . r . , - , 4°4°c ..L4.4 -?- 1384/8/19 9wr41'4 AWN Afghan women network LjL1w31_i `filly iUi 150149 ßù.l&5.LI"L4v y c-,. IJj . v . r rr . rr , ",I.... 4÷1y; ,..:;,. á,l `:.x:1.1!6 -4 ..1,, .4 1384/8/19 11M WADANRDOA RehabilitationWadan Afghanistan and j i..,; -i ,_sL.:5,31 9 LAI 151 9 47.1- 11.fil 9 ,,`1- .. 0799313021 4í,I1.),c L 1.. -1 »-d .1..,ßi 1384/8/19 N1FEP NobleAfghanistandevelopment institution organization for 9 Ca.. 4.a.ay.a 152 ,_L1 L:Jt 1 IAv A v 9 9 r4) 4 9 Li3:u 5i l.1 56 . 1384/8/19 ZMAA Zardozienvironmental markets peace for afghan j J-)93 153 9 9 v . Dry v D C)-ii . L zi s, ,S 44 ..46-l.0 U 57 1384/8/19 HHH Humanitarianartisans hands for help ü1cL..A sly 41i..91 y.0 s;91.J 154 L:k9á,.y,y ° 4yy ) .v99r)r.r -,,JS 58 1384/8/19 RRPO Raiz rehabilitation and paiman 155 C - 59 0 organization uUpsi _)li ;j iLo 94-). -; 9 ,I» 070212108 ;.y..z.yll.ic 1 ,a; .11 )1-nt /9p 1603 DRSA Darwaz Rehabilitation And ;19, -1 s _3LaJi_1_4"_..o 156 Services Association 1 I .1.1÷,4 CiL c,"1-4ißÿ,-,. 9I .j; 9 ,L1j 1- 228388070278582 .1.4.... p1L..J1-.3-'S 2- d..., 1 a1,1 vL...l ) rA¡PIPrAt /9P 856313 YAAROBS TheAfghanistanYouth Organization Assembly Rehabilitation Of For The sJl--,_31'sl.t? ,3UI p ;j 1. l 158157 9 4y.53 9 4.23. c Cr' l,_j .1.. 1 rnt /9 /) AndBasic Husbandry Services Of Barge Afghanistan Sabz L 9 cl); ulo1 4..,.ayo 3J-2 s,I,1Lo ss9y úLo_,.;. 070602221 j9' j_0 JS ».1.1,N.0.11,0 308 RDO DevelopmentRehabilitation OrganizationAnd Iy, y1 s,..,)~,,, 4-.,..,y,o 159 rAt /g/1 4i4y, 4vy IJi-- 9 9 9 -4-I.) 0799323309070294202 - ,11,4c ù.11114.c t.ili 451.. .11,,.0 ) r^t/g/' 6271151 SHROECW EducationalRehabilitationShahamat Health Training Organization And Center »s19,.,--,°4-a..,ym j9^l jS 4""9qLq.1 161160 For Poor Women And Girls Of sjvy 9 fil y>;, i L:Jlii l clq.v ,s jvi ,czic.1ji . v r . r ) 9 ,h ,..,_L. oL.l ,91, z.4.4 1 rA t /9/1 91 r Afghanistan rehabilitation ,..) 1 , jLï..,,l 94 162 4i,y,,b---° i9 4.5.1-41 .4.06 i . + -. -. . v . r `F 1 vA ù- Ls.'" e=1-6 .1,ß.4 S41 ,,_. 1 rnt/9/1 11' Iv EHBFP ARC ofcouncil Emergencyfield programme health and building sil --_)\-.3 9 I sil_,,ii. slt 4 ."' -' - s9>1 J,1-c- 163 205 ) 9 : 3 " L - .. 0705" 33 L.13-. j rAf /i /` 1 9 1 RDRO Rural development and 1 164 ÿ 91Jj 9 s99Y "Lov 070275635 01..E ` ^_I 191 3 ?" v, `rÀOP 1810 AWEEG AndAfghanreconstruction Education Women organization Growth Economic ,,.;1.) a- 93La9l 3.IJ4....9a sil s j. .;_il jli.) 165 9i9' -.1*, _ 4sjIJh,1 -3-. cL: C--c-1 Ui 9 av) J j 070605556 a...z.I .4_?,jyw }-..1i3.4.z.I t+jt. 333 0 'r'`f /i /' 884778 CRDSA RRA CoordinationAssociationReshad Rehabilitation Of Rehabilitation 9 y3; 9193139L11 3 3L.1 may-.464.49.0 167166 :..109 9 c`, -... ,áyÿ,`fir" 9 t'1'.-' ""L --- 220040070303888 ly, 3,, `rAf'r''; /i/9/1 /' 91 ARA AfghanistanService For AfghanistanReconstruction aß.,..,90 9l lail1]vL 3 ,Lt L;_iI sL4 h_il 3 168 3C 1 L<.v 070282122 L2113AJI a;, oal ai&I ,3,1...1....o 'r'A0 /' 819 OIPHOP A healthOrganizationAuthority programme ibnesina for public L;,.,, I aA ," - ùUí1 sIj .., sx 169 4.311311. Afghanistan 170 9,4,6,,,LZi L I 9 -. ,,:&jj 9 A J: 0799307031070658757 ^_I L539 oL I síßy.v 60 'rAf /g/g/' /' DWROHOM organizationHopeDra wall Of Motherrehabilitation k j9a3Jig 4,46.33.4e,3si1 -j-+ 171 9 ayy - - 9 ,L,= i t >. ,_ - 070600717 d- 1.aao L:.. 3.1 3a.1, 6261 'rA tici ' AREECA A Areecaa 4_,...41..._J. oJltil ,1 ,t15,1" 914,. 4-""..9° -91;1J-9 .42 .4.,t;.9131JJ91, 4.,..., j... *.>s 172 sL*«(-5'-'95 4.-))",÷ÿ,, ()L0 uLos&. 0799329265.v ..4,)A1' p%t eí31 ùi.., 41111r 3.}v 63 'rAt'rAf /9/1/q /' NWOAMFI NooranwelfareorganizationInitiativeAfghanistan Micros Finance ..-5,?9S s1-* &ßy9 o ji31 4y4.4y0 ù1,9'áj ,j -+li_i1 174173 ücl,9 scl.0í1 j úLo1i .1.äg1 1/4:J1-41 079572125 ill vc IS_ 3,- 64 rnw /9 /A rr 9 NNRO NoorOrganizationlearning Rehabilitation and training Education ..)j L55-",3LÌ jA 175 NRO ,i - 9 c"3 .1..ä1 0 4áyÿí 1 L L., 9 079347780 .41 i.$);c I j, 3,, 'rAw /g/A v . HHC Helping Hands Center ,su c_.1...,:. j... 176 a--1/2'ÿ LszL I cL)LA 070306856 14;_11yc tiL311.4. 3,, 'rA'f /gM 1 f f DELTA Development Education 9a44 ÿ.19 1 4, 177 9 9 01» 206 AssociationLearning And Training s }9qß 319.., `áyÿ; 9 -- 079207086 rnf /ß /A 1 M HECO Helmand Engineering ,;off úi -l-,..5,1...4.A.4...... : 9 178 Lo_,r..1.4:11,_-_)1....1 9°1?ÿL5-01-.1 e.1., -L),.) 9: ",- 070302006 il -s9. -=.íu1,ß ` ^ -g1 4.5:40_9--2 4311 a,-4I rn179 /n n91 KTC KherqaCooperation Therapy Organization Cooperation A psj d....., . 179 L:k 'áyÿ, 9 4.3. 07931 1356 L, 1 ^ -A Le-"31 '1, 'rnf /9 /n tvo WSRO OrganizationWomen Social Role 1, j-),.:)_') 180 ,-c-Ii 9 sisy L . ^1 `. - ^ » 1 rnf /i /n 1 a > i 181 ,sct, .?iì _ 9 .-,c I,; 070012567 110/ ADNA NetworkAgriculture For Development Afghanistan sly u; Jal Ùl 4j ,L1.---. 9 e=12:3 a dí,1 , .1 1 rnf /9 /A 1'I V 1 slit, ,-5,-.5 182 9 ;L,1 :2t,,.,ß ,áy5, 070292095 jili P » MESAA AssociationMedi Education To Afghanistan Support sl y s 91931 -4 -) J1-4"1:6 s912 jL",..tk_;,91 183 9 ^.:_:; 9 r .i i9:) 070317512 .}? ,31 rnf /t /A r-i9 LKRO Loy Kandahar Reconstruction 4.,..9.n k1..41`*) : 9 07021 1153 àli113.c 41 °" `rnf / °/A 1 1 of AWSTQ TeachingAfghanOrganization Welfare Holy Quran Society For sly a.1y ``.- ° 113. 184 9 s99y. úl_.:.. v442 _):1 9 «" - . 070607532 .14.4 _j.,j,_ s.),,c . ,.,o I rnf /9 /n tof ARCAP ProgramCooperationAfghanistan RehabilitationAnd Agriculture 91 , J1? sJl-5-a. v 1 e1 9y LCI -1 185 ,L:-'1c-1J.3 ,áyÿ 9 ä14.1& 9,L,-.- 223435 L9:si° p%Iz ..)...n..1 y.. . rnf /i /A 816 RAADA AndRehabilitation Development Association For ,"c I j.3 sJUli d ,,, "..9- ja.z,tasl ,si y 186 _l..:il Afghanistan 9 414ÿ, 9 ,", --. cúcl, j 070601834 "y..ZZ. % » 'rnr/9 /A 1444 DEOA EmpowermentDevelopment And Organization sly Lsii..3133 9 L5i> 1 °jL)l i 187 1 - "1_ For Afghanistan L.; J1_111... 9 c :,c I 24áyÿ19 070622032 1 Sam c.Isy » -a ' rnf / °/A 1000 SARA RehabilitationServices Agency Of ForAfghanistan sly s.:)Lil_ û1,,1i .,,,._q. 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J1ii.6 ,:.. ,,,,, `r of /i /A 305 NCRA NationalAssociation Consultancy And Date Relief Of Lj,S.aS 9 jy 194 -1 1 Organization 1 s DLL 10 ,t...a,wÿ,99cJ.c.IJi, 07.A9yvr Jby ,,y., 'rnw /i /A 339 AREC AfghanistanAnd Engineering Rehabilitation Center si1 9 »JI -°z-I4 ù -9°l 1 195 s9ki 9 ``4ÿ j 070s `r' 9 wo Ls-1 ,s,, ,,.. o,,li 9v, , rnw /i /A SHEO educationServices organization for health and -.1.1 J u1-°a& 196 J 19; ,áyß,4..;99y ,:1,1.,o.v9 079301404 jtgl .>.,-, ,íi1 y a3 Lit,), » rAw/i /A 581 AHF AF Abdulhaq Foundation X1 ,1 .La.4.. ,u1.,1 X11 4z- 197 19j 9 a o1.c .. 4.45 9 ' . v . r . s i i A 4311 ,.4i4, a:111,_,_,Uc ,,," ` 'Ai /9/` v 461 AREP Afghanistan Rehabilitation 91 c-539)7.14 Vi12'.- ;t;i1 -1 198 9 , :-.1.-----., - 079208624 jz1"111 -1.9.11-1-.1c- -1-1.:-. 221 And Education Program 1 ..1,N... ttl a...yo1.1. S9t? s'9- 199 a ,,..c.tmî?.l "tq1 , ü 9 445) ,c.,cl 070279967 4.., ,,... `rAOPvrAt /9/`v 982 ARAA AfghanistanAssociationAnsari Rehabilitation For ait L.,.3....j t,?, -v94,' Cjti91 , Ùt t l sl.y 200 s_ l.... 9 L.Jo1Jj aúl tcl aí,11 . ,, - AMRO RehabilitationAfghan Maiwand Organization 4, 4--9.0 9 444.ì''s99y,_L,ov,,-:-.L.-N--,3 9 e:11. `.f 1 079250085 °- ,,,, `rns /a /`v 733 BRAA AgencyBuolan ReconstructionFor Afghanistan "o.)W 91931 -)91:4- JLUi1.1 a... 3.4 vV,Y. 201 c.ILi.9>-2-. j:3 j,,,-a> I -.2?.1 1-. -1& 079290926 , ..Il,c <-5÷>, ùL t99 J1911.1c `I-AO/`v 372 SADA DevelopmentSocial Association Of For ,_,c.> 44ÿ 1.1 Lull y 202 4 "1- .,áyÿ, 9 079432079 .J9V. cJ1 ` rA Oil v 827 WDOA Afghanistan Ls1_).? r 19 Li j 203 9`-.&,01-z-1 i -1>; aáyÿ l,, ,,?. AfghanistanOrganizationWelfare And DevelopmentFor jt-I L t et X l .11,., c-,.1,.ß `' 942-' 079014215 ,._)11 Sosa yiii4,.-0,...... )c, ,, -. `rAtripv 327 ANAR RehabilitationAssociationAfghanistan ForNational 4ii9 , Li .4..,..,.j...,52396.9 204 1-1u1-6-.. c1^- -t+ 0752021223 a.í11,,tic. ,,,n , TA ¡pi /1 v i . RSA Reconstruction Services For Lsl.y. s_)1--;t- -4ai. t l 205 9,",_ 4,.,.._53_, 070295012 1-:. je .,.yl,,c )TAf/9/,v fry EMDAD AfghanistanEngineering And Medical l 206 I u1-°ß ,,, 208 AfghanistanDevelopment For .° 9 jlS.-.:,t sil 4.A-+-3Al sl y, ,il j ,_,..c.'I >.1i, 070268089 01-ZZ 'L,y, o1_.:, ,y.,..o ,.v o 1 rnf/9/) v ) vrv ACSSO Afghan Country Social y1-... 3_543' ,19 , -) 207 "...a?.1 . 070234249 jj,,Il p1-o1 ,J,1,9.y, ,,_., "ni/"v ) °9° SARSA RehabilitationSimayaServices Azady Organization Services For ,Dr-Lz,13.31 sly Ls-1131,s1--.4.- s_j1_3t4 -.4&. 4....3.0 a-.-sA 208 .511.9,-:1' ,c1c-lii ,L''---- 079209028 jSyi LJS a"..L,t.:, ,.v.o 1rAf/9p V rr° MCA MehterlanAfghanistan Coordination 209 ,,...s1:1.E..s" Ji a3 _,:, ,fL.2?1 li- 3 ÿ 070502041 ,..,:--, 1_),,,, 3,41j...,i 1 rnf/9/1 V 283 SOH OrganizationSuhrabyAssistance Reconstruction slsI e11 3.. s .. ,31_? a ..., (._):- 3A 210 ,lx3 ayÿ 9I j j 3 ` '-' -44'5-) «`'° 079083838079254646 y,c .1.3s4 `yw,ll C-l.ey.ah ,"-A ,1-4,,,,.,, 1 rnf/9/I vrnf/9/i v . 9v AMWA HAO AssociationAfghan Medical Welfare 4..11y:3 '.2.4.ali j ,..5.41. sJ.,:z.? ;j9k.36 4...,3A 1.i.i1 212211 3-' 34`1,--44.'5',sa.1-41.-1 4c1, L:Jl--li j A.:a Jo 9 " 070016192 P'..9,6 y,l "-., .,,,., 1r Atii/I V v \r r SWTSO SadafOrganizationHuman Welfare Assistance and S j úl o, g.: ,s,, i;'; 213 . v 1 rnf/9p v 1 vv NSCOAW OrganizationTechnical Serviecs Si: 1sì cli---L:JU. J,y .,:,J, t 9 nfnr `;ÿyll,., .i,9.; ,,_ NS '5123 ForCooperationNaheed Afghanistan E Shaheed Organization -?Ali s,l 4.....yA3-1.31-a.91 ,j1' j ,s1...)4 214 w 9 41'avÿ 9 ''-'-- -`c-1 070604261 4:111 c:_1a 4w1 °- " ,,., . rni/9/1V 1855 RDOSE ForDevelopmentRehabilitation Society Evolution Organization And 31...31-iil 42.4 ,541....3,..3 3JI ,...,i U1.5...,1 9 s,1-.,,..)L, 215 .)=1'"° -9 3 ücl,. j 070291104 JAs..,, PN.a. _A11; ,.,, s_,: - ,,,>,, rnf/9/1 V 209318 ABR ReconstructionAfghan Bureau For ;j1i_i1 s;li syyu 216 ,s-a--.' ''L'I-4-1& 070292975 `rnf /,/` v 957 ,1-1,,a1Ji9` ". av_;sr- J3 9 070601100 ,....4.1.t.41 ¿ ,,v.,» rnf /9 /`v 286 BCURAAHRS AndAfghanistanBaz Rehabilitation Consultation Humanitarian ServicesUnit For s141 s1x _3li s'LL -;1-.2 s sri `'1-4.& Ùu... Jjjii..i1 1 .).vo 218217 DJ, U; -411 :.J-1_)-., 4 070278845 J.:1-..-11.1.3z. J.:-..1 4JJ-, .,.y., ) rnf /9 ov 1851 AWORCS AfghanistanIndependentReconstructionRehabilitation Of Of CulturalAfghan Self jj1a1 ,:)Uj L.,41S ii siL<;1_? 3..i3 3A 219 Cs,",-...'avÿ, 9 i.413L 070606556 ,:.,, , ,,... ,,,4 1 rnf/g/` V 1373 EARG EngineeringWomen's Organization And 3 s 1 s0-.:)L, 7,.yj 220 -L:Ac.1,i3 jj 1&. v.rasrnr ,1,).. 4114 ,a,1^0.ß ,> >, ,rnf pi/ \v SHDO OrganizationStepGroupAgriculture Health RehabilitationDevelopment V -13,..,__N_.= `''r 1,i yo 221 3 r 4,1-1..j3s úa... - CiLic.1, v r 1.i J . v à011c- ,,y1 L ,,-1 Li .L).,,,.., 1r A f /S /1 V BDNBDF NetworkBakther Development Wit, Al 4 222 si1-,. .31-:' .Y1 Ar.4,1r Ls12.:1-.5.c' . oj...;a . 1rnf /9 /)v ATI Arya Training Institute 1,0 s9?4 X3..1. °'1 223 ßtä,.1 ÚLo & r r . rnw , 4t P L=L.01, ,,_, î n I rnf/gp v CAOLsixi OrganizationCouac Affair Afghanistan ,D1.1...+t- .i1,11.4 jy41 224 1 GRCO ,1ßc 1 3 L.,-L.,-L4,J *1,,f> 54079930104\ ,.1..).4 .1....-N-4 34 ,;yS 0,3S i.14, 99 'rnf / tp v ADC cooperationAsia development ts.yl ,..,_it Lat, 4, ,..,3,, 225 441= o L,A,'` °9,-,-.a' 070606816 .1.4_,..2,30 _i ,,1 v . ,_ `rn Oil v AAID integratedAfghan agency development for y -1 o_)41 3i,-.z:1-iii -1 226 u1-4Lgc-L-s÷1 9 av,:i,_i.... 9 . 079000916444027 1c ..1..o.-..o o , Lam, yr v1 rnf) rnf/g/, /9/ßv v CWSODESO supportChildren organization and women X1 1 J1il13,.,:it-i, ûlij j1 ; o,1,11,, L4.Z. 228227 ,Ld.ov ja44,.,34GsL .14 -..4 jL 1- AndDaneshgahian Services Organization Education ,j3A1a.3.4 jL?.4tgL ,1, 229 . .v.rr.,rw ß,,11"3e yr rnf/9pv . HMCO Media And Culture ..ygo jive si9Ai9 -,1., -, aE,' 9 t ' es 'Ll'a1Ui 070303990 14 r210 ADG AfghanOrganization Development Group '3A31, . jj , . , i I AJ L 1. 230 ,`,c 3-1j 3 ; 3 4, -1_ ... v r r tl 9 ,.:. `j1-: ..311 ,c- 1384/9/23 ( 343 UMCA/ RPA UnitedAfghans Medical And RehabilitationCenter For 1431;91 s1 y sL.y sil--j-4 ?1 tS3y 3 . X13 J- ,:jti..,31.;91 231 _ Program For Afghanistan 232 J ...,--,. L., j ' .>.....11, *) Y. r , r y r y,w ,,,,,,, j1ss1133 1384/9/23 1771975 AMERI AndAfghan Rehabilitation Masomy Education Institute ,_;_.-)L.,_.)1_ .,1>> .,.,1-.; 31,i j s `''l ..1 s13L*-9l . 233 3 4, .) i.,.1.:3 «-,_.... v1'rwsn1v J A 1 v ní11 1-- gL4,1 .1..._%.o 31,y .,,., . 1384/9/23 1382 ACRU ZCO ZafarAfghanRehabilitation Cooperation Community Unit And 31-41.14....,3, 3._51/ J1;61 3.4 234 ßc1, tj q 1 ; .N,40.-Ar ;il _»6,111,c .v.4 1384/9/23 1656 ASDRO OrganizationDevelopmentSamsor Afghanistan Rehabilitation 1 5.31 3 s_j1.i1- 4,,,...34 ,jt...:,i.sisj 33..,..., 235 34445" 3 Vwdywwn )111' 43_41,ß 1384/9/23 1 1483 HHO HamdardOrganization Health c 4.,,.,,3,4 236 ;'LL.) -,a i v .6:41 ,_,%.=:.`,1.1.1..,...._,%.= z.» 1384/9/23 Organization sl-A j:-',u4-,3i J (.153.t! 22J7 j,..4.:33,,1.;41,E 3 ,_... « .1.4,11 .?.1 1_4_1.;, j; r 9r9 9r 9 , _A 1 ..oa...*,S 1.1,%a 1384/9/23 660614 PEACEACW AfghanAssociationProgramme Community OfFor Empowering Community Effort 4 019, L51_)4 tA:4-4 t;,i1 `,...., 238 4,ÿ, L'.),1 ,c.i ,. -,_... v Vv rozn1n v x41 j `two :.),II cU.. .11,N.o 1384/9/23 228 PFRA RehabilitationPublicWelfare Foundation Of For s: ,_;1_,,, `Lc. 4..... 3..° ,jlï,.;L;s1 239 t-:.41 "t...,:, v91' n91 ww y,c. ,y.31b 11u 1384/9/23 136 APA AfghanAfghanistan Planning Agency 1 jt 1 a..,..,_,..a 240 c..1.1-,...... ,'c1 >J sA ,1:S3y? r 1 ,ay.u:', 3 1/. 0-1- 9 1111c J..a1.3 .1.. .o z1,N.a 1384/9/23 1467 ASI Afghan Society Of ül-431..-0 L531.ii1 42-41- 241 ßc1, j ,-,_.. 4yÿa 3 4.111 v r 4) J .1.01 ,)3,1_,i, y» -31 1.1. 1384/9/23 1245 ROA OfRehabilitationInformation Afghanistan Organization 0 3L1 3133113144 j11...,1ii1 242 _ -. 34yÿß 9 .4'2' v91 J rv9 P L.,_?.1. J3> P .y.o 1384/9/23 114 KSROKSC RehabilitationKhuram And Sarbag Organization Et_ j....., P_>& sip _31. 243 3 1 1 '=,1- 070277031 311;11 %l -x,31 .1-v-o 1384/9/23 479 HAWCA Humanitarian Assistance j ,jug s1_)., ,i1_..U1'1.1.41 244 47.'45'3 211 OfFor Afghanistan Women And Children "LS1A" ,jL"',,:31;91 ¿LS13S "L'a1 J.) navy, 9 ''..9 070603259 ,,.,.èí 1 ,..,-*5,.»..4 1.L,, z.v.. 1384/9/23 ov HAR RehabilitationHelp For Afghan » )L.c.1 v aJ91.21i ji..,2,L,1 245 9:c1J47.14j3 j. 9 .1.4-1 070601842 ,., s _)19;: , ..o .vo 1384/9/23 1rv1 MADRA RehabilitationDevelopmentMuslim Association And For A... -y.,, ._:,,L..,,lyty,.1.,...... 0 j14.1 j_i..;.,Lx.91 246 c:-.11...o.L sj9y _4---.... ,L31-4o.&. 070603047 Wj X11 '.'. -- ..1. -.a 1384/9/23 1' f o ARHAS AndAfghanistan Humanitarian Reconstruction ,:tA..i& j sL.-, jL 0 J1.11 s j , s1..1 ,_S..4S 247 3_s)1_,.,, 4C 070600055 .vY1.,1c_ áu1' :c »,,.., 1384/9/23 1703 Assistance Services 248 j 1,.., 3,4,,4 ,,.., , -_ .. -).1,N.4 YRO Yama Rehabilitation i LA.? :y,,L,,cl cz,c.',c 1,) 3 444 j 3 v. v9 .1'1 nvr , f s,f 1 r 9y y,yq 1384/9/30 870159 GPFACCA GlobalAfghanistanCooperation Partnership Center For For JL" " ,D LiiI s1}+. 1 lit jj9156. jSyo J91-21 250249 L ß.4,5, 3e41,5 y9>s 14_%, y,, 1384/9/30 521 Afghanistan JLs91,:i1;, -,946- +4-..:yo 251 ,301 _»,...,_,.`°"-.4.S1 all- -. 1...41' - ..v.rvvrr. V . 199 ,) 11' 3_3)14 s,)..,çla.1. ,;í,l ,g*. ,.).,.,.14., 1384/9/30 79 AWWDMCPA AfghanMineDepartment ClearanceWomen Welfare Planning si1S11 sj1 ,:%+ LA ;L,o 9a 252 ` "c19,á,4 -... (, 1..k ,..,1.. ,,v,, 1384/9/30 351 REUAR AfghanAgency Refuges 91931z91. .1 iii y.1&... ,.jl. l .1 253 9`O:'.ì"9S99Y 4.16 'û1.,s&. - v9nrrvfsv9nrr99f L1- J1-.4 4 1..- %.44.L. ßc39.3Li Jr. .L1.,, 1384/9/30 1724 MRU MaihanReconstruction Rehabilitation Employment Unit ,.,.,_,-. 19SIy,,Lj9, 3444. 254 ('.,5,S ,n -" 1384/9/30 12 .:331 9 pL,N-.._,l a-...,,yo I 255 Lál ú141i-. . ,av}, 3tß v9rr9vrl I j)11sac .14_,, NL,.,Ilsc .114,,, 1384/9/30 92 ACLUNRO NationalLogisticAfghanOrganization Reconstruction UnitRehabilitation And ` ,s-14 LO--_31-?4---,_9-4 "3151 jL 256 93 `av_Ñssiy 3 "1_4 ' .I» . v 9 rrrs rv r , j,sll ,,,,Lii_. oL.:,,i ßt9 411 c.l ,.v.,ss.,N., 1384/9/30 1494 ADF FoundationAfghan Development 4.1...1_51.4 st41y vLki 1 257 `-ic I9,j ' - ' . 6áuß, c CLIC i 9 r 9 rn 9 ,í,l L,,°- 1384/9/30 6 ACD DevelopmentAfghan Cooperation For s1i., jlil s,* 4_,.....,, j.4 ,_sL á.i1 258 "`I,;.1.6,23 _0y "L° 944.35-, ji « :, -... v r nsrr 1 ,ú,l "L,. .wl, »,, 1384/9/30 1031 AWVSL SkillAfghan Learning Women Center Vocational ,sub ,L.-, j1.4.... ,i,L.:5,.31 js}A l Lj -i 259 JCL ,41 "L,. v . Ar vnr v 191 L jL ,í,l jL.,.l .v., 1384/9/30 2121646 BF 1.4 Bayat Foundation j , .*i+ 260 9 ,y,,, y.,.,, L.4 ÿ, BHMC ,_,t... avÿ 9 j:11-.. 9 ,-,_ . ,. . V 9 r n Vr 9 . tr n> J j.'.32i1-.'.c'eL" ,,,,. fit,; ,.v.o11.1 1384/9/30 1406 HTAC HST Help The Afghan Children Jlsl.l a. -S.AS a ....,9.,,-,-.!.;,,,k,,._»&. a....yo jlí..,.iLi9I 262261 1 Lo 070293993 ,1-.:J e%>L L 9 4 -I ,,, a ,,., 74 1384/9/30 ) v9 PWWRO A RelationPeace Windows Organization Women Of sl y i_`t`° Aias_,) a .:..,9,, 263 S,I.1Lo V r'f i .1' t Jl; , IS , Lsi1 ,_jS -, , , . . 1384/9/30 AVA Afghanistan Veterinary _931_)31-ii - ù jp1 ' I 264 75 Association Organization 1 4,.,41 ,-ial :,l 9 v ' ^_ 1 J,4 1384/9/30 .L.1_1,y d .,,..,9,, l 265 V 9r) V 1 dí,I JL4I ,,,,,, yy V SHDP DevelopmentSocial And Health Program Lam° L i aÿ 9 9 LL.,.. :cU _,_) . v . s . rrvv _1Lvc LJ_,jwl oju L',aic. 76 1384/9/30 WURAMC ConsultantsAfghanistanWomen unity Medical for rehabilitation ù -4 J,js 267266 94vÿ9 - ' s Csc..i» Jv9crrJFV r nvrw,\ .3I5sy,. ,ú,l ',J.._) .v.o 1384/10/7 91r r 99 SWCRA Rehabilitation Agency Soil Sh i "1 sly?JIiiSL1L1` ùhjLi91 .,Li.o 1 .° 268 9 Ls9sy I ÿI .',1.2' s l.o_).;. v 9 r v 9 s r 9 ,:j1.,....,....._. i11_ » 1384/10/7 ).AA DRAA AndAfghanistanRehabilitationDevelopment Water Conservition And Agency For s5_,.., 1. 9 ,_22t'9 .» Ls shl y l a..._,.. 269 ul.4.1&.,scLoï?l 941)yi 9 rrJnrJ Lih..,l 1-' I jSI, Lot, ».1.1u 1384/10/7 Vrf VWO OrganizationVoice Of Women (:)_3 sli, 4..,..,9.9 270 9 L.:1,.1 úl.o v r v9JV jl...:.j ,12_11.& .1vA 1384/10/7 z \ i NRSO ServicesNational OrganizationRehabilitation Lsio 019 j ú yA 271 ,,,-°"l.o.ccLc1jj v9vAr9r 4.51c 9c y., 1384/10/7 ECSOKECSOTS Ls-12i ECSOTS 9 Lail L e.ï ,t.t< :+1_)i4.,...,94 272 9aßÿ,,s JUL. 9 <::=.19; « ,_. . v . s) rwnr díul . ,-A 4ík1 j, jo » 1384/10/7 213\ V 0 AREHO AndAfghanistan Emergency Rehabilitation Help 91 y,1 j1 -Ll ohl 9 .39li 273 "t...1&421..oa 9 sji.1lt,, .v.Dlrrry J,111j,,.,, jj,.13I`y<_9 1384/10/7 9o ORO OrganizationQaisRehabilitation Ls,jL..,jL1 4,...9., 274 9,ay,9,ücl,j a_,L.,t,,_;9.9yt.4i 9 4,6 4L,v .,_.-. . v . r AwArf JI ,"_" 1_31, 453.4 ».1L4.4 1384/10/7 í or APWC CouncilAfghan Peace Seeker Women JL*-9 0 c-1-. Ji j 4-4-9,4 275 jL", -1 L.4:41 ta.I& v . r r r 9 ) v . J. ._ - , 4J491141c 1384/10/7 1491 AI RO AfghanistanRehabilitation Independent Organization L,iy.,jL+, .1 a.._ aS191- JL;_iI 276 J ;-c I.J LSj,s,Lul _9._). L--,1. ,t.; . v 9 r. r' . r jli-' P94:i1114r ».1.14.41.ha 1384/10/7 330 ARWO WelfareAfghan ReconstructionOrganization And L;1_,,..1 9193L91.4 j:Ly, 277 9 _,t. 1 ,,s_,.. .L,1., 9 ,-,c I j j ,ayy, . v . ,f r r s . c.k L.,_1_ L.5,6 ypjl cJl... 1384/10/7 1841 1RAA AfghanistanRehabilitation Agency For I y1 s jL.., j>, ar. y, ,il Jli..31..iiI 278 9 sjh]t., r,Ls ,s9sy úLAIL. .2 9,,c i_, j,ayy . v . . J . f r 4_ , jlj J,,_y1114 .,, 1384/10/7 1776 HEARO ReconstructionHewad Educational Organization L3'1_9 .J.:-.' 91 ü 'a,; 19a .1 á...9.4 279 "L.,.115cLoí1 j:=.1 j j v. 1 AD 9 A . r' ..)....1.4171.1.:T. J'.9_i? .11.,%.. 1384/10/7 383 APSD AfghanistanDevelopment Public Service á.,Lc úLo l.i siL.15,..,1 e,1,11 .13.13-f.:, ..1.7N.4 ,1.Ar. I J11,31.iiI 281280 9 L,41t lú1_4 "Ls, v v . v . . f .r . f 1 f f 59. P jL÷ e:lt ..)-14. ek ys]I.1..ic .L\,,,,.4.,, 1384/10/7 25439 ASDSRA AgencyAssociationShendand Reconstruction For Social uZ1-44l Ls:i t+ yo 282 9 e..1,-.3`L?-?...i3,ALA_)i 9 sr.Loiil uL,1.i . v 9 r r . r w f L4.3.;.11.4. .1.1,,4 1384/10/7 1886 CPA CivilDevelopoment Promotion Assistants .1., ax..9s JI,LS,,,,:b 4y...9, 283 ,__9,tx.,C.:Jcl, 9 j ,,:.l "L,.1.L v i. r Avr cy,_- ,.._ " ".,,,d .14i4 JL J1.,,., -., ,.v,, 1384/10/7 1627 HADF DevelopmentHumanitarian Assistance g"yo s.? L-hA 284 ,`c-I,j9,,-,_... a.v}i ,,s.c.t.Zul út.o. 9 .1.22' V Yf JAr J,._% Pk JAW ,.,._,., 41414a 1384/10/7 1 A 1 A KROA Khorsheed Rehabilitation ,.',,J9. s jl.. jh 4-,.+.9,o,hl ,L,,yJ11..31_;_il sI y 285 `L,.).i.,s ,111L, 9 c:....,.... ,cl) 4,4914,.,j . v. f rr rr . .ú,l ü,) àí,I JL,I 11tia 1384/10/7 r 90 HEWAD AndOrganizationHewad Humanitarian Reconstrcuction For Afghanistan Assistance Health 91 `.0 _13.11...91_.4..1.. 4493 91-' r° 45.)-41 .1194.a. 1 286 vLo.1i,a4,y9 j üc1 ..11.-3 ,, . .. . v 9 rAr . 9 . ,j,_.44 L.I a 4. , .1.1,, 1384/10/7 f í 1 HF CommitteeHambastagi Foundation `r .4 .ab 4s...94 287 "clj9 c.:_%_,...... tj I ",+.i 9 .e4.1,6 f v 9 9 r . r r 9 '^_A L?9>1 I y,9 11ti4 1384/10/7 2141 r f OPA WC AfghanOrganization Women Of CapabilitesPromoting ,_;La ,s.i3.,,31y3 L;116 JI a....-.9 Jli j 288 ---1 3 4=1.539 1 J4t's11 t. 1384/10/7 4-,.3.. 31331.1 I_34& 289 ..sil-"U41Lt,al.l yavyy ÚLo.l cluyl . v . r v r \v. IA*. rv y,..-11,,J3' L= 1,,'A .»4.v.a 1384/10/7 rr ti vr 1 FROACDU CountryorganizationFrogh DevelopmentAzady Afghanistanrehabilitation Unit s-1 jl 3 A...,,_ 299 J jL.. ,,,,,4-)45t9 o"L,.v tl `t,, -..,1,,L1 9 `Lov . v r n9 r' (%.,,; ,,.., ei,l.i..l 4.., .).v., 1384/10/7 2015 MRWO Lrixi Maimana Rehabilitation And Welfare Organization s1...;li -sA 291 ...i j1.... -,_:cl,) j ,:-.,... v 9 9 rF v r ,:j\_&...)31 :)h y,9.o 1384/10/7 1086 MTRCSRWO .s-iii Mangal Tower Reconstruction slrels oty ,_5_)1..,..,,.) jsyo 292 ,c..t.,:,.i "l.o.1. i j v . v . s . r ) . -1-..--, --i,1:1.- .i,.-,-, , ., 1384/10/7 1 170 WRADO WahajCenter Rehabilitation And a..,.,,3,, 313:L31,44 clA3 ciLA 293 ,..G_,r..1..:3,s39y 9 `4'4,....1...4l "lA.v i 9 `lA4.i ',- -- ct.,41 v 1 9 1`-i91-C" ,,.., .3:-ÿ ,;.., ,,-.. 1384/ 10/7 311 Development Organization Lst::5...3l L51 y. ?yv `....yQ 294 - 9 414513 , f r .1.., SAED SupportingEconomic Agency Development For .(:),?.i11 LILA?. sL..Lil ,. `L,.s_)1,03 ,A+). 13j j:-3cc1-441 3 . v .. rr n9nn . . s \ .a,.,jS ,jS I jy, JAI- ,..:.1 zk .1.»... 1384/10/14 32186 SJAWO HijratWelfareSayed WelfareJamaluddin Organization Organization Afghani . ,,... ,etg ti. ,, 296295 ,.,zlo,l `lA 14.-N-4 ,..,-.1r. ,)t.; Pk 47.1:i j .y,, 1384/10/14 773 GECSO HWO Gharjistan Educational `-:L.'_»4 133 3A d,,,..,3,, 297 aÿ3r1,S3,l1`LSa`s.l,j 4aÿ, 3 r=y`-' n.v99rr9 v 9 r 1 s 1 -" .199 ;S.14.114,,c 44..?..4 y., 1384/10/14 258 WDPA OrganizationCulturalWomen And Development Services Program ,iLf,.il ,s1-lb ,.133y 4,,,,,.34 9j9^l Jui... ,r,11i 298 "1-...1.3,t44I a4.,t,Sctdul 3 r43,_, "L, 9,..,-. . . v . r 9DVVF ,.:),3.111,),,,,l' -1 y9 ,.,.. 1384/10/14 830 HSDRO AndHumanFor Afghanistan Rehabilitation Skills Development ;L-S,31 3 s jt.. jt, 4,...3A Jtï.1;,91 sl y Jli j sLa "ulg., 299 `L,.1:, 3,s-c-1-41 ,.,c 1,j v r r r . r r,al,.l ,"-" 9,1.,, .1.,..., .11,., 1384/10/14 1462 HAOA ,51.+Li OrganizationHumanitarian For Assistant Afghanistan ,jIsi.,31.iil sl y slle - gr...y, 4:3U1..93y 300 _)1;3e11 .1y, 1384/10/14 1168 ADVTPBRCC Ls-14. Afghan Development á , ,, 301 47.Yii.,L4IL,.,:, 3 t..4123.,..1:'>J..ü ,..59:9_» y13 rv9rrvw ,,,,,jt, 215 CenterVocational And Training s39y31,t,y,,jti-il4 3yS-1j j1.1.110 ,Gs.l jj +-9vr c_a_, shy.,, eV71 1384/10/14 _9147U7 1 302 34;,,_,.c.1.,1 3 ,_,Low 3 ..v. v . y9 . rs v Js, -ut, -, ,_5-1-. ,:g11=, 4, -, ..L .L,._., ,,_., -? 1384/10/14 8961741 WDSSSCDOA CommitteeSocietyWelfare For And ForSocial Development Services ,_çl y, ,_,L x.31 4-.S 333.3-4- .3 ji3J , 431ÿ, ,..,L 5. 0.ß.,,,9,, 303 JG1,,X31,- ,41Jÿ 3rd.`'_ _.. , 13i .v99r 9r) ; J1 ,-31,-.. u,l cté ,11,v 1384/10/14 AHBL AccessOf Afghanistan For Health And Better L.,_.L, CZJ...:, 4-,,.,yo Jh..zLis1 304 ._,LA.- ,4i,ÿ, 3 sj,1L4 3 9.v99Prnrr ,,,,,c1y11 àl r,L Ls.? -., ? vv 1384/10/14 HDS HumanLives Di it Society ,ÿ-4I-, ,..,--0-1.3_) 14,...1. 305 34yÿ0-c-1-I-,cUi 3 e.,1. ,.. -. v .v99nr . n9 ù U,,., ,...e.Y. ,SS x1..11 .45. V9VA 1384/10/14 MC RehabilitationMillat Charity OrganizationReconstruction ,siL,,L 9 L, L,: jlA CLIO 1y1i. .31 any, 306 3LI"t.O.L .v.r9r9rn oL.Il,ÿ.., IS ai. ,., -.. 1384/10/14 1 AAB AssociationBlind'S Roshandillan Of Afghanistan vü,.31. l,jhLLUL',4..w,9A 307 3,;>,lu sl y .J `'_, -,4445., ,L).1-. 3 r,l,.., rr. vJr . r 1 * 1 vL.,l .___ ,;,I C,.,,;I+ ,I, 1384/10/14 1687 EERO Ehsas Educational And s1....,_51.4 s s_s133 ` sA 308 .,C',-oz.L4l "Lo,. . v . 9 r 1 nr 9 -1 J3' ,,;,l , l.c. ..)..,, 1384/10/14 1 A A J SSDRO ReconstructionSocialRehabilitation Service OrganizationDevelopment Organization ,5=117i-.1.:,-....4 4r...,ß 91_31,9171., 3l 9''0 ,Li 33' y1.>1 309 j,..; )1_111... ,c_Lc..1ji ---,4445.,3rß v.srvr.v ,,Ls-4h ,v,, 1384/10/14 1Vfn WADA DevelopmentWelfare Assistance Afghanistan For 91,,lip,01,1v 1,, y, 5-° l i, 310 3 `?y ii ,_,1_.a.& 3 «` V 9 A l A 3-33» Pk LS , ,5 ,.,,.,, 1384/10/14 ) 9 ro SSRA Social Services And s,jLL;t? 3 1. î l ;j121.3L _,Lcli l 311 ` -J1-'ß 3 47.Y5' 3 e41.1. . v99r9) r 9 i'. Lu,.., cL 5.,,,l ,, -.. 1384/10/14 1 f AA GW GreenRehabilitation Way Of Afghanistan ,?.,.01 j 312 3,_JCl3is39y 0474.ÿ, 3 v 9 . r rsf uli v5. c ;y..3114 . " 1384/10/14 1 V 1 o ROAP Rehabilitation Organization P..5.° s jL.jl_ 4 9,0 313 iuloa (539.Y s3sy,4aÿ,3 , L'31 . v. rn9rn F '-°3y11 c- .Y i...):1-1!1.1,,,i ..v, 1384/10/14 326 WRO organizationWatanFor Afghan rehabilitation People 4,.,9,0 919:,1'9? 4,_yó3 ÙL l 314 "_ßl.,41,_11.._ .V.J)n9rA ,1i°- 91u .,,v,, /' VT-Ai /rn 216133 HRU ReConstruction Unit Haq K o19; siLiL 4 3.0 315 HCU 4.v,],_; 9 3scl.1 Li,.,,.,.. v99ff 9ç ,g1U.1L c j9 14 /` `rnf/^ 1899 JACK JustKnowledge For Afghan Capacity And 9Vii. 1+31 l ,jays.i,.o:,Iy:, i] 31tß 9Ùlij472,l'9 _. vvrfnV . . r J 1 r . ._.,:.,. ,_ Ly31,:3 ,j3,3t,oa » /` /r^`rAi 1734 WDAW AfghanistanWelfare Development Women For , jL siy,019 j ._:g1....S,1a...... yA L-JL `l l Jli j y,o 317 L,, sly 1460 318 ,3i,1L, ,I j 9 j r r f . f '-k,}. j U ».,., /`/ /r^`r^:`r^f /r ^ 388 SROAFMO OrganizationShirzadAfghan FriendReconstruction Mercy .I j l > sj1-,,..)L4,-,...:.y.9J a,y a 319 s9gy,fit :k ", v -,_... 4) V 1J1JAJ ,._., yell s já..;y . » I' `r ^f /r^ 791 WHHCF ,sixi AndWaayar Cultural Humanitarian Foundation Health j sr `LAS..)17?9 . -A.i 320 »>.voo WHCHCF .5i9 .31 4vß3 3,- ,c.Ijj ,V.rnnnns ,j~.allcly j,,jr-sjys..> 0 /r^ 1938 ABDO Afghan Builder Development ,jl l,j1J1_,.s9L,. 321 . "1.,.,&. ,_., /)'rM /Y^ Organization 322 s39ym . 3.ßa 3S39yuLov Avrnvrrv991'rvnJ *3-....,-;i1-431- .L< 4,E j) JS 1,_., /' /r^'rnft rn f 19811924 AWCDOJTO DevelopmentAfghanJamal Training Women Organization Organization And Children slys9LwS3I"Lq_a...,yA JtsbI 9 JL',j Jt-..- 323 4-14ì'9, 1 3 ,.:_l. a 1 j « -,... v. ywrnfv ,_J J.''.¡ eye J.1.i .wa / /r^A rA f 1498 SBRCO CharitySaidbahojan Organization Rehabilitation L5:53=141-1 JL 91i-., 4..... J.. 44 yti . 324 4vÿ ,c 1) j v . f r . n 1'f 411 "tom J.,,,1 ..)\-.4 0 /r ^ r vo. 1506 PADA Programming Agency For si y sit--' Ù11,..1 el_yS9y. l oshl 325 , . . , Development Of Afghanistan _'st, Si x41,..,3,4v513,1-5,..,:}.:J ,,,,tt.;,a v99w.nfn. V . r J 9 nJ 1 ._i3s11Li' ,jS , JS1 ,...,i1--.--....1».,: Jab .» /10 /r /r^ ^rrIrnf ^f 20021 1 13 HHAAWADRC HumanitarianRehabilitationAfghanistan Deveopment AndCenter Heath AidsAnd srf,..,9.,,-°s1.4`i'LJl 9 ,5 it-'-', jL, jSyo ß vL"ti;L;.91 327326 -,.13 j 3. -,_... r V f f V .1y41.1c. jL' .1.I » 0 /r^, rAt 1742 CWROYA WomenChildrenFor Afghan And Women Reconstruction And y..,li s jiy:jU y :)U+j ,:jtitil Jts),I 9 ùt;j sl}, jL",.til sly,, 9A 328 c-L11-.. v _)I,;;,., aí,1 > > -< /1 ...5-a 3aÿ,3 .v. rnrf9v » 'rnf /r^ 525217 HRA AfghanistanHurizon Rehabilitation Of sjl -..j> -+ Jis1 `mss.° ,jU.,,:d l 329 3 .-,cIj j V r vvr r _3 )7." ,-:ti 4-4 /'rnf /1.A 465 MSR CommitteeMazare Sakhi Reoconstruction j1 :y. s_:)1yi11, 4 9., 330 :LL'-'-' 94ì9r,y_ sV99nFrn ,o.,,,L. Ù3J 4 91, ,,1i.,414. /' /f AAyrnf 1677 AWDA DevelopmentAfghanistan Women Association ,:iL'ti..:li91¿Ui4.y:,.,,I,I L.:$.31 9 332331 4ÿ,3,.,i.;3,'- -.~. -91» V99\r99Jv99rrnnr J91.011c- 44". 1 ,?.1. A /' /L\v-Ai AWTDOLAWO LaleeariaDevelopmentAf g han WomenWomen Organization Trainin And 1_,,IJx1 ¿U;4..»-=3-4 ùg,91 jii Ssly, 9y 4... 9° 333 ji ,..1,L,,.v s" Pk y, 11 nt //' /fn'rn. /fA OrganizationPaJ hwok Afghan Network L..91SI iÿ 334 _ . . . L 4 I L.o,1i ..v.rrrvJ V . 1 J I nn _AU. .1.4-...<1 j...1 r 1-..1 .111.s,.v A1' /)I r n f /f AA WAOPAN Women Assistant 1 g,;Li s1.ì? L; j15 a.4 9 .S.oS "J74 335 _ ..c.1,4I ,_1 -.,:, . v ..i) s i r c.)....,.. ,.:k.&. . 1 199 ,,1.?. Anr /`rAt /f n RAM OrganizationMashreqReconstruction Agency Of 4.....9,, ,_ _) , a 336 4.0'.,11(>r..L1.41.1.;.. ,....)14. ..)...... %...4 rAt r.V99rrJV9 .ùlß ,.1y, 1384/11/5 858 SRA AssociationSahra Social Recovery .5.1.,1i,9. 4....9., 1 337 &-3.a3471-.jLui L,,41 :L,., . 9 s..v19rfr9r v99rvrfn ,:,.11," j_,....-" ,j;,]I `,-La 1,..,Y.. .13s4 1384/11/5 5201994 RCSOEHBA RehabilitationBureauEducational For Afghanistan And Of HandicraftCoexistence , -',,,Y j 1.'1.o9,.,:1.1 4,.:.94 ,L...jL, ly.a¿L'ti.,a;_il sl y, 1 4..:..9,, 339338 ::,L,,L 34,.,9; 3.,1. ; . v . r .. s r n y,,, ,_y,3 J, ;y, y.::: Ls. .L1.. , 1384/11/5 1516 SRCSOA SoholatAnd Society Rehabilitation Organization Cultural :-.1.1.3 : -,L,.v jj....,L, 4...,.. y, íL,,41 9 ,_oteL 340 Lszlz?.I Services Organization For .. l.v?.l ,..1,L,..,.,. 9 : ~, -. , SCCSOA Afghanistan ,jL',..;L:91 sl,,,j 9 .5-c-L41 44). 5; 9 Y.1.*-' 9 : ~,... f V 9 9r w) A j41 .1,_., I jyL, JAW ,.,-,.,,.,_.. ,moi.,N,, 1384/11/5 3601779 MRFDOA MirzaeAfghanistanDigity OrganizationRehabilitation For jLi.,3li -1 sl}, .=99,1 4y,í..3.4 1 j,yy, sit-,1, 4.,.,9 342341 .. 4 y 9 e7.11.36 r r . v J rs . , r Jr "-.. 4.19s, JI:i114 ,,,- yl, y... ,,, 1384/11/5 332 AITM AndAfghanFoudation Mangegment Institute Of Training s9+ÿ LS.31 jl_i91 4.....9,, 343 ,..c.1_.:iI ._tA.,:, V. r nr9ns ,y 11 4p9 9 ^. -,11.4. .,N., 1384/11/5 265 RAR AfghanRehabilitation Amputee And Bicyclist Recration For ,.,--N..ya; ,si9eJ1u 91 9191?t . jy .r°I 344 I jI yl 4y...94 -.-.,to;?.l._Lo, v.r49nws x119 +_.. II ,,_" 1384/11/5 2181891 RVTO TrainingRehabilitation Organization And Vocational - jy,l9sjt..j..4_.,,.y., ,, Lia 49y 345 ,.,.., _ph s3L.,_31-.1 yA 346 ,.gsi ,a l ji j ,_c.1.4:i CZ,_... I L4a.;. r r.) AnrV . s 1 .1-1- 1t.1 ßl9 .4.. ,,,,I tLi J j al.. v1 9_y4 ,,,y,, -.a 1384/11384/11/5 1/5 8791461 NROALCSAC OrganizationNingarharLeyale Cutural Reconstruction For AfghanistanService For 3 3:i... ,jL,.:]L á .,,,., I SI y 347 ,c1,_j9CL,_. -- .v99r.9vv slit,,, "_Iy,.:, A W LC Afghan Women And Children tilii..l 3 ùUi SI J4 ßy9 ,ç_j1- ..j....)4....,..,_9.4 jLki 348 ,ú1).a3 ,,,.a.?.0 1384/11/5 5321389 ADERAAMROA OrganizationAidMilad Development Reconstruction For Afghanistan The 19..15 o3Ll jli..:,L I, 349 a+,j9 j ,ßc1,_] 9.v99rrry J,. 1,,.o,., Economies Of Rural And I 0.1 )19 ..,_, o 1384/11/5 1093 MADERAI AgriculturalKhatam Al For Anbia Afghanistan Cultural , 9S . 31 S.:1:u.y ,L.I,..5.J"L, 3 j9 34 350 avÿ 9 l co 9 .-C Iii . V .. w . 9 . A r& j L5-h yU ,,,.,.1.1 -4 1384/11/5 403 NSKACSO NewAnd ServicesSaz Organization Organization J.....,334_,,...., 9A LuJI ti 351 e,:l..1 `-..L.'js 9 Lam' U.a Vvø. V . r 4, . f r L. j k j9,i .Smac ym 1384/11/5 34 WSTA Watan' S Social And Technical 3 u.c.1,241 u1.,1 A.,,,,,y, 352 ,__cljj9 ~,_. -. .v.r9rrvt `y,111,_ßj ,,,, ,1,N0 1384/11/5 671 AHTP ServicesAfghan Help And Training Association3 L,ly,a.1,}+3,.S..,S4.:,..3,, L jt"i.u.ili_il 353 Lc\ 11....12,..L:4, j.c. 1384/11/5 1235 GARO Global Afghanistan LSjL 1- X51_)-?cs31-8-?a.:..,s, 354 le ..V.rrfv9r V9969'FwA ,s.a1i "_1ÿj 1.5._LS, ,1i4 1384/11/5 868 CPAU CooperationReconstruction For Organization Peace And 3 SI y 5 J15,a, vlt,;_i 1 '.L4A I 355 ]li,jy 4' r ,-.51. k..:,.11.40 ,, Unity Lgc.1.441 3 S_A? SUe ,S,.AS 356 9 9 LAI ca....). V 9 9 rf . VV ,:j_3. 5,.14 ,.1.?., 1384/11/5 1 125 SHARA Social And Humanitarian ÿ.LAI L,, . V . r Ar 9 f f .._., j1-& ,,, _ 1384/11/5 1 181 KRSSO RehabilitationAssistanceSocialKhpeluan Organization For Rehabilitation OfThe Afghanistan And L5J'l.,v 3 s;1..,43IJ ti .,..,J..4 j13.L; L,c.Loi,%l jL,., jU S1 y? 357 4445'9 kij :',_ _ -- f. v 9 9 r) f i r iß,9 X11 c >, y°c X311. SOU ..< ,,_ 1384/11/5 573 RRSA ServicesRobin Rehabilitation Association And 13)Ae,,,..c,k. A..,..9,,t.kl?9> cs1-"li A-''"0.° 359358 .3.3mj99"cl,j,avÿ91,_,.'"-) 9 ,,CL4i ûL,,ß rv99w.V9AV . r A 1 'VD ,39JI.iP! 4j,1,..., ,5.,_ .1;019 L% -p ,,,,,_., 1384/11/5 1397190 ACDOHRU HariwaDevelopmentAfghan Rehabilitation Community Organization Unit 4.3.0 any&. 31S1 , 360 4v5'9s,i, avÿ 944 . V . .. Al . 1,y1i,c vli _14.1 ,y:, .?., 1384/11/5 2191756 NSDRO AndNoorzad Rehabilitation Social Development 31 l .,y s o)h1 313344).19' "LjJs3 , 361 Organization s y;, ,51-19,5-S . v . s . ) . rr yS ,,.., 491, .,,.,, ,.v,, 1384/11/5 1547 CDAA AgencyCommunity For AfghanistanDevelopment :1_1]..:4 ,, 1yß jU.y L a..,..,yA l .1 362 "la.,Lra.L.41 9 ' c,l.;.o ..v. v 9rArw1s 9 rr0 . r yYl.,. LsA9S ,;., ,n9S," ,I ,,.., t -t 1384/11/5 422 SW®® HelpShams Organization Woman'S Need And - ..i,Ah,y it,.) -5..d5 q...,J. 363 i 9 A j9 y, 11-, .,» .0 1384/11/5 1941 NARRO AndNegeen Rehabilitation Asia Reconstruction s_)1--,..93 9 s;1y.'it, k""-'9'' »,a jij ts.,,I L 364 ..,yo 9 j,b sj1.,31q .vp.. ; 1,N.4r. 1384/11/5 1542 Organization 31 9 ,s _31....,,A yQ 365 n,,,_53y -1'1J . v . r vJ vr rr r r wnJ lJ>L 464 J.19 ul9 , "" ,lyl 4.1 ..?..4.._ 1384/11/5 48 HANDAMRDO HumanitarianOrganizationRehabilitationAfghanistan Music AssistanceDevelopment sL ù1i,.3 l 4...4.43- i, 366 9 `4?y9 alall °1-'1 L 1.1 1384/11/5 í c 1 RCDC RuralNetwork Capacity And Development Development sIA 11L9 9 sue?' - L3á.11 ,_ -4 367 _y,e. LL.4..,9A LA.4 °lms . vv 9. r9 ..rrr r s sr -1°.--4 .v.. J ,,.., y61 .ú,I J. á y.,, .».1.4.4 1384/11/5 V 19 ANCB AfghanCommittee Ngos Coordination y6 "L...4y. `AiaLAm o,»l Lt$l d ., 1.A. 368 9 e414 áyj,,_áL.35 ;1 9 9' .) .1 v 9 9 vv) r 4s+1, ùJ11 ,.. - _ s9 .1.iß,, 1384/11/5 1882 RCOA RehabilitationBureau And JLam 9 14.... 31431.ksl al J., 2"l9.Lu1 á,A..,yA 369 ,",. 1ja9 ", -. -. . v . rvnsrr u'; L:J Jy- sA.e4a ,y.o 1384/11/12 166 KRRO AfghanistanCoordinationReconstructionKhedmat Rehabilitation Organization Organization And For s.jL)1. 9 1 á, W,gA , "14.1& 370 9 L=U`°á+yß std 1-,9 j 0702437580799204975 L1-=,i1.1...... z1 ,_ -_9: 5.,.1 r'° ,,.v,144 -, 1384/11/12 18601721 WCROADEA WaykeratAfghanistanEngineering Cultural Development Agency And And s ye y Ls-it-,15,-.A 4-,,-,,, JA y9 9 L5,31-"'...).4 a."yA , jLI.4:,L1 372371 _ I .1 Rehabilitation I Al y .",-.9'm.ì°9 -. 42:" c"cl _)j -.,.1.3--a 070606463 -tt ,..sli L 411.1..., 1384/11/12 1128 BEST BasicEmployable Education Skill And Training s jkp 91 9.'l. áyal..,yA yyS " j L ; L:IL1.u1 -1 373 9 j)cL.ul GlA.1 « - 0799334431 a - -- T zv.o .17..A 1384/11/12 1881 STRO ShamalRehabilitation Technical Organization s 9 SjL,j1,.L.1.64 j.4 J1....:, 374 9 X1-`4 S-.ñl ai.,,;e,t. , 070502545 yIV `F- .i,t ` "' ^ 1384/11/12 320 F ConsultantsAfghanistan Reconstruction ùL",..9 1?-%1 L5:5.)..:1-4 d t i ..,o EL I 375 9 ati,j, 9 `. "' ctj.j 225544 j9.YA `- --i...11-'. ß:.5.1t .1.1.,.a 1384/11/12 220 f n AHDAA DevelopmentAgency For Humanitarian Assistancs For And ,ßt 1 9 ,531441 c. "4;91....° vU4.:,l l ,s1_). 376 z .) a_ LAS 070248049 eß-=11 .1311,,c .v., 1384/11/12 199 WAFA AfghanistanWater Aid For Afghanistan vU.,-Lei1 ,çly L.,,I ,ß.A5 377 9 4ß.i'9 'CL'c'1.» 070609631 zk -1:,A 3A.L% j, j, 1:r 4-. ., A,,,, 1384/11/12 309 RRDOA Rural Rehabilitation And ,_,l ._221..:S31 3 ,s_31_,..._31.? L.J1 ....,L l 378 9 ;_53 1, L11 sj9°I -I9..,- 070641255 j-..)3:1 Lyüe11 "c .,.,?.., 1384/11/12 f :1 STAAR SocialForDevelopment Afghanistan And Cechnocal Organization sl y, LFc.Lz...I 3 3 ,j1.3..,3L o,hl 379 ai j... 344». 01 , "-I .1.1_i.o 1384/11/12 001' SocialAfghanistanAssociotiation Volunteers Rehabilitation For Foundation 1 ,11-. 3LLcl 380 1 ji3 070279943 L539 .L,.s'° V r SVF L1 Ù1jLS ..1.10 381 3 -_-ij. 1 :J'-p_ Ls 0799203003 (5..) _>4ii -34.A 1384/11/12 AGDAAVDA AssociationAfghan Volunteer Doctors BLS L.:.j v1 jS1.19 a.,..,yo c.» 382 .,4.- û'y1 .r 9 4415' 9 0799313571070276071 3.31 J-.4 3.yß ,;.., .11u 1384/11/12 Ayr f FWFBRO FamilyOrganizationBehsood Welfare Rehabilitation Focus oz1311.&. s jL, jL, 4-..43A ..L a..,,,.yo 383 s3131-.3 ,.sc- 1.31 u1-.ß ' i-"9 229716 ,, -ek1,;.., cli11 ï zk ,,.., 3331 45154 1384/11/12 1 11 í BHRDO BehzadAnd Development Heraw Reconstruction .1 ßs11 3 LL1 4..5..5_..4 (,3i° 384 1..441 ú1.4.1 . V . r f V f . A .ü,l e L%11 4111 ,_ .1,v,, 1384/11/12 V 1 f SRDO SerjOrganization Rehabilitation )1..:á.:,I 31331.1314.3.1c1 j.., .1 4x,,..,,3,0 385 y -. -.-..a.L,,y:,3 _.11 1 ,:Jh 070600132 . -.. J11 -1,, +. -. ,1. .1,," 1384/11/12 11 M DEGRA DostDevelopment Engineering Organization For ,sly. `.L".9- LD11-,61-iil s jL.4 jL Lsy.i ii `7'9_A 386 ;_1 1 ',s 9sY > -4v 0799107166 .1 4)17" v131114ß .-,..,y, 1,N -,a 1384/11/12 f Y 9 FWO RehabilitationFalahat Welfare Of Afghanistan Organization Ali j s jL,, jlq aß,,.,3,0 387 alb L5r.L.a?1 u1a-L 070224208 ,:ili "133 ".,,9: `"-" .1.15.0 1384/11/12 151 NAASCHIA ApproachAfghan Children And New o).a 33443.31.0.1 J1.1.211.1 4,,,,,,..9.4 ,51.,H J.4 a J15.4ta C:-t.)19 388 9 X1.41L.çJU "Cosh -^ 3 C.2.4c..133 070287124. V . r VACAV li P sP Jhy =,L.., 11.1. .14.A.14-4 1384/11/121384/11/19 1801014 ABSSAFS ServiceAfghanAgency BureauFor Farming For Social Support cjl.kil L,..c.4.41 ._L4.>; j.ii.1 v_»* ß.y4 389390 C.,`,- --,..91111aA» 4411}:9 9 , -,.,.9,1i? L» r. V 9lw . s s ala° - , "-I s,lc +- -- .11u 1384/11/19 2000221 RSDO DevelopmentRehabilitation Organization And Social A..+..ÿ 3 L6j1j1? 4. ,..,y ßc1 -,4t 391 9 L,cI J..) cC' -... v r r r 1 9 y,;1. óì,I j1-,l .1.1,.4 1384/11/19 602 DRRO Durokhshan Reconstruction .1v o 11 9 s jL.,, jL cl_... 3.4 392 ,_1.0,4-J-5j j4_,,,_)-, 9 L_, . v 9 9 ry 1 ry "_3.6., i,,,., ,il- --...1 -.. y ° 1384/11/19 452 HSOFA OrganizationAndHumanitarian Rehabilitation Services Si y s j.;LL ,_l,o a,,,y,, J j. 393 - -- 9 Bch j . V r . 1 1 v . L5)1,1}ík ,_51.611 "F ,,v,, 1384/1 1/19 1018 KACO ConsultancyOrganizationKosha Agriculture OrganizationFor Afghanistan cß)9 0 9 icl, j o,hl ut ;..,;tel DLL' jS 394 c:-31-.94_'-?5-39cL,_uló.9.Y L:$L. .v99rAt9 .V 9 9 1' 4 9 v 03.0. çh L.141&-Iilc úc141í .c. -- .. .117,,.14... 1384/11/19 84834 CRFAVOWOA Cultural And Relief 09.44 v1? s jyol .S.1.w1:1..,31i1.51 o,Ll ,Sl y, ss9y vjt." L*P-iiliril Lçl.61 w 9 Lie 396395 f 1 ,c Foundation For Afghanistan t.,JL.J.o9 siiy ,c._-_,...... cúcl) j L,.1?.i úL,.íí . v v r 9wr .fr . rr 1 ear. h1 SS , "-" sillaí11 ,,.., ,ÿ,dL .1.1,N., .A1 1384/11/19 1279 AYFAYSO OrganizationAfghan Youth Service ,j1.3l94. ,"L,.li a.,,.,,9,, 397 - 1 1 1384/11/19 1015 BRTC TechnicalBureau ForConsultation Reconstruction °,9.',. 9 s j,..., j`, d..,. 35. ,;: 398 94í1y19j-r s 9 9 ,L41?1 ú 1 - , 1 i , 4 -,- - A V911' w 1 Lg ,9.;y,,,1.6I .wltlil Jli ..).1,u, 1384/11/19 7061845 BRD AndBureau Development For Reconstruction 4...... j.. l l..),,1 91 S1.01 .19143 .1 400399 `-.1y,4?,.S.,SL I9 j .v.rv9r9rvrAAVAt J"I9.J .,_.,.i,,, 1384/11/19 239 ARPNDARMA AfghanistanMedicalDevelopment For RehabilitationAfghan And Relief Nation Of 91919,19Lv 41..11-,51 95.,,y, ,41, ,jhhrsi 401 tJ L°' , "- "h °U 1 Program ,39sh.1,jLL;I.1 el-A-5-.):i .1.16' cL.;s.JuÌ jLao 9 ':-=.1..)...) cúcI, j 9 v 999rr. 9 A . Ar . A 14,..4 ;j.:.LslJAW _\...,e .1.., .1,_....v, 1384/11/19 1829 WRS Watan Reconstruction Service 1.3í.1 s jl.,.,J1.4 4.4,.19.4 .Y961.191u , j1,9 . 402 1:3...° s ` " "' - 4 4,?Js s e'.,. 144 ..1.1.4 1384/11/19 961423 SARS RehabilitationSina Association Services t.1.1 , j.1.ß ,_L:S I Lz.&. a.a..9, 9A 403 s L5. sil,s`'1.,41 l LA 070505516 14.011 u Ill .w., X11 c a: ¡4 i HRFBCDA DevelopmentBalkh Civilization Agency 404 `--9 -J1--° JUL. cúct.J 3 070019617 ,`1-;,11.1 -c h .1.1 ,.? 1384/11/19 1445 KRCO OrganizationKomaidan Rehabilitation ,j14 ,S s j1-., jL1 405 - - i 4a? t,9 070303271 .)1I J.:.i ,, 1384/11/19 1341 AGRO OrganizationAfghan Gorbat Rehabilitation jS DWI s .3l.,. j14 406 4í1,yí L.,..01...41 s .5 cc2cl.JjL..1&.9 0799202423 vh J9 aù1, °,y,., ..u.,N., 1384/11/19 2221148 NSRA NewAgency Shamshad Rehabilitation 39.,L,.1 a.,:-....2..; s9' . d..,..,y, 407 11 yo:, ARA 9 ,.,s1'.`..ì'9 . t=om° ,.'L -- 070500160 , JAW , "-.. .,,,,., 1384/11/19 261 SRP ProjectShahrukhi Rehabilitation L.,-&9y*I- 4- :.,:9A 408 siLi>,s.Lrc.1_4:41,aA.l& 1-'.-1& 070607313 - ,14. >--I -" ..).NAz,_.. 1384/11/19 9511480 MARSO ServiceAfghan OrganizationMilad Reconstruction lj.4311,_;_)1.-:_31_i1A.v 9csj- a,.:..yojl?0,1 -)1 JLkiI 2;144 410409 4-..i.:,5-33 L.c1Jj 0706338450799817301 Lam -.A :li 3.4c1..4.4 , "-" .1.14..o 1384/11/19 395 ASARFZRO AhmadOrganizationAlzahra ShahRehabilitation Abdali L9ejt?? ., L.5_11.141 01...1.1...z.1 41 1 -...9 070502813 j I jJ, ç .,1,.a 1384/11/19 472 HAW RehabilitationHaw Help For Foundation Afghan Women LJi.iI Jij ,sl,y. SS a....,,y,o ,g..),,i. 412 .5i ,:Lv s 4:ßi1 0799297641 99 11 ü;.)} .vz4. 1384/11/19 SLICHO Support Of Low Income ji `11/411....z. 9 464.49A 413 - s? .,AiO h ,,.., H..)-(11-1-.1c. ,.., yp.,% Aò OrganizationChildren And Construction L'irL =. u4 Jla%I 4.. ,:j1 J1-.4 L41 û1o.11 ,úcl,j 070168203 1384/11/19 YO Yaran Organization j. 414 ,5ßJ s 941?i*3 S ' t v99r9f 10 Ú v " -" 1 ,4_A i.0 AVAf 1384/11/19 ACCESS EducationAfghan Coordination And Social CallingServices az.L.:4l c_.19c., LA., uL4A a.... 9A 9 .,. ;1t1 415 9 SL.dsl LA.-. e, ii ü1... v .1' 9 Fv f t 3:13a ÷' z..1 s)L Ill ß,ÿS .11,0 1384/11/26 440 HCDA DevelopmentHumanitarian OfCommunities Afghanistan t-.1.34. v123.,j1i91 uL,r91- -il 416 9 jjAii LLI...a 1 . v .1' . r t f t .,.,,N 1384/11/26 1 175 EPLON LearningEducation Organization And Profession c51,y,4 49 9 `4L,o11'6 Li:' :)_9-01 jli_31,43 417 L.5.cL .4I,11,L..1 ic,- sly A.v99r. t 9r r1cl,. % --- ,y5,.11 c -,_., 1384/11/26 1780 AWNFERSA Engineering And cs jL-4...)t 9 esy,_,4:3I cLA-0- i ,D1:i ti1.i l Lg Iy 418 'x.95 L51.* 4,°js' L,.)9-, V.1.91' . v 9 .,.o L.g csy>99 a j,íS ..1u 1384/11/26 784 PARWA ParwazAfghanistanRehabilitation Service For j19y 419 5C1...:iI L-J1.o v . v . r Av f r f 1.2.31 -ts.> .,.an..o .11,A 1384/11/26 192 ZURB United Rehabilitation Bureau L jLïsil iil cs jL.. jL .1 0,1 1 420 414.53s s t v99r9rtr y4ß,1 `ów.4c. l9 4 ,,v,o 1384/11/26 1391 NOW National Welfare Organization L5.1. 019, 421 s L..3.1.44...... 1_ 1.d1 ,:_,L `;L ;I V r r Af r V 1 i .1A1.= , "-" .3.3.33 1384/11/26 860223 DCSA OfDevelopment Afghanistan Of Civil Society jL",.,231_i-91 Lsi.,A 4x1_ ,_s1 .L.Q1 422 ' ° 3. ~,'1. _ L j 0799214662 ,--i3yA11 4 j3 1 ,..,, 1384/11/26 1556 TRDO ToloDevelopment Rehabilitation Organization And ,_:11L.,5.31 3 sj1 -jli t3.1 423 . . - ,,. ROMZS 3 ß`u..3 4"_53 ° ,....c-1-41 ,LA--1.& 3 ` 070602465 yß`11 > -- 1384/11/26 1413 WRAA AfghanistanAssociationWandat Reconstruction For 1.35.;1 3 sjLil 4...-..w3.4 ".v3 424 ûui3 L.-11- ,-:41-21J1-6-. 3 j .33: 3 j1jUL :1 3 ,",_ 0799284916070649191 _j33 ,11.4. ..,...... j, jxllic. 1i.o.1.v.o 1384/11/26 6221145 HRSWCLRF ServiceHomaResearchWomen Reconstruction And Foundation Children Loyal 3 ;jlij .:3v iä,ë La. s j1_- jt, 4.. -.; Jt.q.1.l -1.& 426425 .1_1tq.v 3hj i 070503381 y -a .1.0 1384/11/26 323 LROA Lmar Rehabilitation z4.....,.. Ls:13è,1.0 z yo1 427 5- -- 3 Ijj Ip- li ,.y.33q c1,.11 .11?" 1384/11/26 584 AfghanistanOrganization For oj14,.j.1i-liLil 17i.I 428 r 4`"i33 3 L>--.1 tav ,- 1j j 0799652356 ,,,, ÿ,i1 ...1 sjj . J 1384/11/26 1473 ARROAWWO OrganizationAfghanRehabilitationArezo Reconstruction Women Organization Welfare And 3jj1 sjt ji j .1- ,..» ;jUj *Lip 46.,..13.4 429 "cI34` 9Jj j 3 3 , ' Z`.'u_° 0799316493070275547 ßi1 = 4+13; S "-.1.1 j;. .11,.. t ».1.4.o 1384/11/261384/11/26 5861066 MCROAAWCH ReconstructionMalatChildrenAssist ConvenienceAfghan Women And JiL13 jlij `.? S Lip ,s_31-,wj4 vL,..ULki1 431430 . 04 Jim. 3 6:3L yy,i 33s 070200348v V 91A9 r . ,.._1 A IS oLl. J1y1 -1..1 .11h,---g j1-., ,yam.1.4.4 1384/11/26 2731005 WODRO RehabilitationOrganizationWadan Omran Organization Drills ,:j1 _.),=. ,j1,3 s jl.J jL 4....43.4 4.,q1j s jL.4jli 4.ß..,3,0 433432 .ßj3 -1 s' 34??j:i 3 2102423 .wls..1 ,÷1, ill 1384/11/26 201 ARTRBRO OrganizationReconstructionRabia Balkhi Cjlic91 s il.,, j1.? 0,1 .11 434 t=om° "- 3 áiÿ 3 f.410, 070603640 ,I;m.11 c 1,1,0 11á,1 ,31a ,,...,,N 1384/11/26 1613 MEDRA MiakhilAfghan RehabilitationEducation Team 3 y 3 ü ".:11 a,,.,,,3a 435 ' 11 RehabilitationDevelopment And Agency L1.4.&4. sJLJ- cL1c 1..)j 3 51 3 0799169715 3 a- ;y5 .,.,,, 1384/11/26 2241828 HRPA ProgramHelp And For Reconstruction Afghanistan sjLjt 3 c: -. 1 -aiiI s1_ ., .1 3x 436 cs a" .71 9 L`"- ° 0799361400 ,.Y1 c -1 yi .v.o 1384/11/26 1295 SDRAO RehabilitationShahab Development Association And sjLj1, 3 ßi1: 5,31 4_,...i.. -:-lgÿ, 437 ; 9, mow 070280924 a " -" ,3 1384/11/26 193 TACSARSORF ServiceTechnicalOrganization For Coordination Afghanistan jt"lii l sjt,.,jli sly.+ ,:: , 438 cLiz194yy 9 t.412L 0799328799 x-°13 4., ».,.v.o 1384/11/26 766 AFCA ConstructionAgricultureRehabilitation Foundation For And ,c-1 1 .9 L:ju -LLt -1 sl y 1J 439 _.o ,,..,, , l X1.4 -*9 ",-. -. -,j11-14c- ,;.., , +yS á . 1384/11/26 Afghanistan -.:1; ,A).4 440 C2-31ác1,41 -^-1 & .9 .53 9 070502087070263794 3- ,:%1÷ X3,+1 1384/11/26 292604 AATAWEC AfghanAfghanEducational Women'S Agriculture Center And juj,, j jt l , 441 ,s5-14} 1 1, l I= ..j 9 -,_ 070223899 ù1- AA 1384/11/26 BADO BoSocial Ali TeamDevelopment c 9? ,5it A-...... ,_.9.4 4 442 `?'.ìa9 9, ,, 1.ßj f.v99rJ1r9 ,_>e3c.i,o ,._..1,1c ,v,i, M 1384/11/26 SRAA AssociationOrganizationShahriarRehabilitation For fil' sjt..jli4..,,., v1.."1k1 443 ûl.oli 3aß,ÿ3, .v..fVtVv u.., r ,;.., .v, 1384/11/26 LDP AfghanistanLanguage Development ,ssLL5..it9 j9...1d.:,..y. 444 3 s99.Y . 9 . trnf/ir /t Program LO_)-? 4414 a'llJA.,-11jyT' jL.3 445 ::=1..).3 3 4445' G..4..ejc. _p"L. r0,99r1n11' 4t,,;,...oj331 ySl 1,, 4, trM /1171 5311680 IACDO ORGCommunityIntigrated Aproaches Development for ",._,, j 44-" - L:S..I1 4.....,i.4 k4 L.:2Y -5,3 446 X1-41 .i, 070216130 , "_1 j31 ,,_",.moo trnf /tr /t 1094 ADEL OfAgencyLocality Environment For Development And Jic 3 447 9i":-.'a--- "4.35, 9 - 3s,l,lt.ocúcl,j`-53 07993054320799300500 -1--,-4 s,lgll,:a cLL - -.9, 3 01 ,.v o 1r A /t r/t 1919 BCROBPSRRCB RuralBureau Rehabilitation For Project Services And sjjjj',+tA.1.&oJUj 9 ,t1a. ,.,., t1 j1 Ls1-4 ,L1.4¡_)-1; 448 3,6 ,1,11.04ußsJUL:, ,1.3j 3 ",a 9 t,0.,1 ,:a.. , 0799166732 ,_,1 %4 "t.,311 0 ,.1.,.,, 1 rnf /t r/t 613 ARZCO OrganizationZahmatkashAfghanistanCapacity Building CooperationRehabilitation J1S... A j1.-',1S j sj1_._j1_? jtLael 449 9 ^" 51 9 , c 1, j «''_ - 070238594 .,i31 jj ^.g .w11 a ) rnf/t r/t 2251196 ARCORCA AfghanistanReconstruction Careban j1 >ki1 sj13>4 ,:j19J15 450 4.131.1.i L:ì -g 9 °yam 9 1 43113..43c. 'rAf /11/1 567 ACOBREVO OrganizationEducationBarna Reconstruction Vocational 9 -;.yol .5-'1' "& li }? S 9s y S;Li1-.' 451 9 a,.,,,, 1 .":-'>v 070604670 ,I - -a 4ú1,..,1 11"A f/' 1/' 1787 AMRDO Afghan Murad ú1. l ,_iusil 3 S jt..jL ,1_,,,.. 452 j 1 I ,& 0799301832 L')li j ,,a..,_ j9At, ,.,÷,, rAf /11'/1 1368 BRRO BatoorDevelopmentReconstruction Reconstruction Organization And ,3ti+ SiL..,t_, 3 1-.1.1 453 » 1 -, .`.,, ,4 ,, , Rehabilitation Organization Ls39U6 070253095 ;-- j- 'rAf /11/' 1740 TCDO 3i99' Lri 3 454 9`"'LJj.,1 .1,.415"all, ü>.,&. «" - j 070275383 L%4:1.4.41-,1jyi;``' "44i.3 j 07993842700799579251 tti 4.4-I 1' ;_ 9ryv 1,, 9 f 1 rAf /11/1 HAAWC AfghanHumanitarianOrganization Women Assistance And Children For 9 úUJúßy Iy Sr+StA'UUJ ^a- "5"'S 462 ,sa1 1 ,:jL.. 070300184 01.ÿ1,.1,9} , ,, ß]114c ,.,. 90,,,E l rnf /11/1 HRDA Human Resource Development b)U1 .01,&1 9 e1g, (Si''',' 1 JI 463 226 Agency .--9)l:..oJ,sjul.0 ,r. l.,.ti ,ûel) l û.,1i j 070033071 _ 9 iys, 11-M/1 rAii, f/` MARS Mir Abdul Rehabilitation Service ,a' _,C" ) =. Jlyly,.o a.: .: 464 ._ó)1x.,947.1*)s;.'_ .^ 4.ûcl_ j 0703096890799189491 L:):,..II -iyÿ T ,i....jv 9A42.4.9 vi,y f/1 f/1 ICAPNESS SocialPay. Services ame Nor Education And J1-1-41-i1.Jy" r a,1. I t L* 119 ,s11-°.v 4'..,3°s uic u1 465 ,_,r_1.,.:1,:.3'1....:, 9"ûcl) j .4.1.:5 , Jyyivu5,21. rAf/ f/) AfghanistanImprovement Of Capacity For 466 9 0799871861 AAWIíS 9ú1..,1ic4u53yc`l.;11-"'L9`4?5' r-L1,_ 4w1.1. c',y, 99.vy VrAfPf/1)rA:/`f/1 HumanityAriayeeAfghan Services Women J1-i-iIJUis1ysy4++ 468467 ücl j j 070514848.v.trrv1r j_;.. -Loso ...i1,3._ 1.4.-N.> iu .. /) f/` f 340 NWCEHO S:`J3019)a_,..° J, .., Ji i .s--N-° t-,4I "1. .9 .k..44..r 9 _,c-Ij j y.,,...t .» 1 rAf : MBR rehabilitationMawlana-e-balkhhbilitti ta.+ s12YsA s;1-,-,jli 4-.34 469 1 9." Jli 11li ah // /' f/` 196 YARA Youth association for ts..::,t;_il .)4.:11.i 0-)17J 9'1'Y 470 9ûl .`C'1_1.3 'a_uÿ 9 .e-4.12L 0799348795 ,.,, ,L,.... ,"-" ,,,,, ¡I rnf 537 rehabilitation of afghanistan sr14 s19' ,..4, d , ...,y, slJ.9.t 471 1 9 s91 lq a_5:' , 9 .42:i <<" - . 070270792 1,-,-. _hy. !.,-Il,, yp ". /7 /`0.11)i f/,vi-A: < rAf 69 HRRDPHCO organizationHamkarHumanitarian rehabilitation convergence and J15-4.4 .Lv.o 4.4.4.:y4 472 ..51-y19Ls.c.11 ûl.,.Li 4:'9 .41'. 070210614 .),,:ii ...)...... 4 ,;.., // /1 f/'t z 679 development organization lv j Jt..a:91 s,t..L31-1 473 .1-1,° 070206218 J.1.ä111,. J 1cp.uc si.., // !'f/'1 r Af f rA: 667 WRSASNARO reconstructionNiceWrsasa afghanistan agriculture organization and 474 9 L.) " , - . 9IJj . c`9Jhw «" - . v. vnnrr ául û..1, ell û1_ // 0 f/` f 415 DAERA socialDosti services architetuer 9 s.».4.311 9 sit- jt4 a,.,.y,, I...:41 ûl, c,lw,9 475 .-,.c1jj . v 9 g' sv . . s-.1.4._N-4 II /1111f.rAf 1718 engineering rehabilitation L.s1"9- "4° 4..4..,..9.4 476 9.L,c1 zi..., ,..,..c.1...41IJ i:iij a4v.):, JI c:1,..1& 9 r',L 070213179r j 144 .a . J,1-11 // 7117,i r^` 10 ARSDANA TheforDevelopment national arina reconstruction cooperation association L.,..14 si5._44, LiI UL,JI y.,o cjl:i.., i..,c.l 477 s_)11110 9 ,",c l. j 070302465 -1--,0 J-1.1- y-aLi . // //' f rnfrA; 361 IRRA afgfhanistanrehabilitationInstiituteservices for relief of and ,_.AS tï..:,t.;_il s1y L.4.1., y ,_;,3l...,_31-.) a..:..yA 478 4.ì'942:3 9 '" ' cûcl, j 070221599 ,.r-94ic a:" e1-. // /` f/' : rA f 636227 MHWAMHO organizationMahjobe heravi s y 44ysso a...,y.o 479 ,_c1_441 >.4 070069242 ÙL'41 . .)it.) .-. // /` ro) r nf 837 CDRU Chitan development and sjjli s -:gL .:,1 a...:_y,, 480 il t.:ß° 9 e"-"" y911 s sJ>s ,,_,--).1 070200222 ,,.-.y11,:c- .j,1 // /)17) f 1 199 ARDS Afghanrehabilitation relief andunit L,iL. 1 á,yß ßj;1(. ..44i° 481 ,sik-? rAf development solidarity 1 v-iii s ,:-.1c1)_j;,L....,:li1 4 _9421i s ,_c-1_1 07995649011.179991.91' y,,, alyi L:ili y,` z..,A &J J // /` r/`r/) f: rnf 650580 RASAPGD developmentRasaPartners advocacy the grassroots and skill x.1$4 a.,y4 y :,.,L, °_»l ,9ÿ Lg j 483482 ,4 slys : °i-4 070607971 -.,+ ..1.° // /"/`f rn' 218 AGBASBEFARRSA AfghanistanBasicbuilding education agency for sly,,.1.,.,1ü1,!h °Jl,l 1_.., s1 vL',Liil 484 s.-,a 1,i ,ay j, j 42:3 _ 0799207686 191 LAI J-.k,i // pro; 'f 280 NARED Naqshbandi association for s 1;,. >,e; sil...,_)t, 34 485 L.,..c1.ví .1 ,.:4' Lo 0799321780 JS X13..,1 1/ /` r/' 'rAt; 915 TRAO Tarakhilreconstruction reconstruction 91 x. 14+. J °.ÿ 486 lrnf ARAOA I a 94 teyS ,_iLII s si>..Jli 070287736 .,..,.c'42--' ,;.., // /` r/1 rnff 344 NIDA Nationalagriculture industrial organization .,L,.a sL.á.:,l °,hI 487 mot, ,1i,° 0799376899 j,.1 , -__ .I // /"/` f 50 PSDP PactuissAfghanistandevelopment social for development s y j:i..:L;91P 488 L.11'- 070288778 sil ,;.., jlr. ,___,I L ,,.., // /'r rAl/` rm. f 670 TTM MarburgTechnologyfor Afghanistan transfer sa91L15,.i Lilliil j sJL.,,1.4 1i1 L..1I 4.).5-.1_)\-. L)43:6,-.ii t9ì 489 ,:)1_3_3L5cL4:1,,l slx Lov _us y9 070296923V99r.wv) :0 EL).- cili).4. J. -.,41 tß,9.. ,,4.4 II // 1 f17/12/1384trnf 15441063 CDAGHRSO GHRSOassociationCommunity Gohershad development °ju ley Lsi1_91.1 l y11Ia.94 491490 \-,' t+>-° 0799205536 1. . // 17/12/1384 157 METAAIMTEIC CapacityEnhancementManagementAfghan Institute framingof Integenceof and + ,`,;n t -a Jiil ,L,9, :1 -11 s1Zu1 492 cL41 L4.v rLy,. v . 9) . .rJ , a¡1,11.ic yys ,o, , // 17/12/1384 849228 CSO Community Services Office Lul c,L4,v °,hI 493 ,,-,b1- I ,j,y-4 .v.rAVJnv -)si Ls-°_,Si_)-° // 17/12/1384 838 AWSDC Afghan Women Skill Ùuist.% 1..12.1.,:i - i.. 494 ski i Develoment Center 33L.3.. ft. 31 3.1..i+.,_ 1_,;_il i 9.:,_...s..y 0,43t 9 _,t.; rv99rsr 1,...,c "4.1.yta , "_" // 17/12/1384 71826 MDCNAWAKE AfghanMine Women Detection and andKids DogEducation Neceeties à,,,,,.:s, v ,..,,St, ...1_.4-....,..19.4 ,..,, ,l -21-1 496495 L,,L, .v.rvJ ,,,, 1 Center r,h: ,,_:,- jialt, -iji t.4.1i. v99rJ.vrv r nsn :j..,.. J.11 .S.7ti JS //// 17/12/1384 20071929 MECRAKOO KabulMashriq Ortopidic Engineering Org Center JV.s -.5._.4 yl 498497 s 4js v . r9Ar 9 ,L,,o ,.ß.J31 4 ,i ys: 1 // 17/12/1384 346 AAARO AfghanAnimalfor Reh Agriculture of Afghanistan and sly 9r°s. 9 iii t.ù- vl L5>1.111...o 1 4 ,.,,ÿ.o l j.° 499 ' aiL.- . v r r J JiiiI c- iú-31 .]l // 17/12/1384 303 DAFA afghanistanDemining agency for sl y .sS'-. lsh Jllikil '-° 4..,..:54 500 L.s.s ) ' r.v99r)r9r ,,,., ,., ù,,- j11.1.,=. 1/ 17/12/1384 68 OMAR organizationClear minessave lives X91 L5S1~+c.y.? 3'3in. ÿA 502501 9,-9 ,c1jisJlslt -,_._.,,_ . _ , .u,t, , .v.rsrrs. v . s r s s 1 J L.Jh ;: .)31 ...;`31-c //// 17/12/1384 662301 PAOHRE environmentalhumanAfghan rights organization and protection of + S LL::S it 9 jj2..::,liil 9y -,_,,; ,A` 503 c.)c..,c 1j_j )) 9 `u?_;-'9 r. v 9 9 f w .. lam, // 17/12/1384 1722 DCGSCRCSO SpranggroupDevelopment of rehabilitation and care ,.c.l4?. 9 j9 ül.o1.)\--, J 504 3 cz,_... ..t,,,},9 . v ) 9vJ LJ // 17/12/1384 1803 WORA Womenorganizationculture and organization cocial L:ill-iil cs..)Lj-.) sly L.)lii 505 9.,4,}.,ûc1, j 9 « ~,_.- v r .. s n 911 4 j211.1.0 c sì // 17/12/1384 359 SRAA Socialrehabilitation rehabilitation agency Fa 1 ,j 1.i_il .) 506 clic..1.»9 ss9y .1.&`',_.,.. `qi,;, C.: V 49 . wnv `r,.c .i., j9)93 h // 17/12/1384 1946 NOORASRA rehabilitationNooraof afghanistan organization for and 193 d.,,:3-4 ,..0y&-.)sciL-il, A..,..,ivL"..,.:,l;l -' sly 507 `7?'5;3 ,,-,_. ,:5.11,j. 11 // 17/12/1384 362 LSRO afghanistanLashkergashura 1,9:ß,s ly-;l, 3.4 508 v.r.rsvr ANAR rehabilitation organization 1 o11t,1 9 41-.)_53ss9yw9,...!1--, Lei ,:-_,L-,. r r r s r v y111..4. // 17/12/1384 229198 ARF organizationAfghan reconstruction jj ,s_)1_,...,_)_? 3A 509 9.-,ct, j .a,,,,:; 3,...11.,-, r r . r rr 14_.4 `,.,, ,91,,4.-.4 // 17/12/1384 904 ADO Afghan development L.,_i1..s.;t s 31...... jL, d, Ùl..;.1 510 .,,,;9r,y,.:"9,tAli t.1. ,_. .V..Vron> ,4_. t: ù>; 4...J=1_ // 17/12/1384 1955 AWSOADF Afghanorganization women support j_i_i1ji_..., 2L64..73q 511 . v 9 9 s . L:.,4?..,ya 24. 17/12/1384 321 SRCSO organization 512 .1 .ávÿ, _5(.21.1 s`"', - .v.rrnn.n ,.,_19,,.1.i.._N.0,L // 17/12/1384 317 ATA/APRSSA servicesAnitReconstruction tubercloses afghanistan and association social ,;ilS.y.5:11-4o;,1-.,,,A,,,,,90ui?. a&. y Lsjt-,_.)li ùtl.:311 s1 y 513 `-.ij-:s 9,_,tj j a",_.., .v. r9v1 r 1 j,._" ,,,i ,-_" ;j.,ti .1014 // 17/12/1384 1494 FHADAA afghanistandevelopmentHumanitarian program association assistance andfor t.1...3t_i_il4Lï-,90y2:4 s .S..oSst t+ J1:1-i1x.91 514 v 4,44 . 3 1 " : 3 . . " ' j..1,11 .1.3t. L:)..4.111 v-,c9 1JJ j3 9 . V V n r // / 1rnF r / r r . BCO Bakhterafghanistan Charity 5:1 a, 515 L..c.t.,l "t. . V . s . snnr z,t .)St_, ,;.,. 411 j."6h // rnw rvv HAWA HumanitarianOrganization Assistance for sl y? syq s1_65,..S o ..)t.l 16_31_i_i1 516 .Ay51 9 t....4.3 ..C.Lcl) j .Y r 9or1' 9 .,,,-N., .10-N.o ,39 II // /1/1'r 1 rnw ) r r r ARDCUOAWA RehabilitationOrganizationWelfare of Afghans Afghanistan sjL.jl, s1y? r'> ;j1ï,y31x.91 *-13S? 517 `da9av5'9e.'1"'c1..1i1t49 aA `. - w.V.r9wwo9V99V1"Vw9 14.z.o s..)..a-N-4 :c2, // 1rno/171'rno/r/" v90 4" AWCPTRSTSCO AfghanistanOrganizationTolo Service Women Cultural and LAIA)s.1 a_..:ÿoSJli.),Jl)LS.a.4A9,o 519518 t Children Partners tii ü.,t.;"t-4,tl .L.4t..v r. V. s1 s 9 rV99oV. r . t.k ,;.., y,,,,., 11 ,:jt41 ek // )rno/r/r )'1.' JRRO RehabilitationJoya Reconstruction Organization and L.;14.1.3 s31y_)1- 4.,,.,,),2 :jtuil 311.1 1,9, --1,-. 520 alLel9y,&. "t.1. // I rn/r/r ) r 9V JBRA Youth Bureau for sit--.)1-., s1y, ùli19, a---ÿ,o 521 1.,41 ,_l. . V . r V9Vr 1 , ii,1,,t // rno/r/r vrV KARA AfghanistanReconstructionKabul Aryana of _ s1l d ,,,,,,: 522 .,;1.,9,-,c-t,,j,",_...4-.1-.,.5-19 V991999F L...... 1.4.--4 // Irn4Vr/r '.ww AWA AnkhoyRehabilitation Welfare AssociationAgency sso.-111j 4,4_»&`--sAt;14.Ji L3-.As sit-''.1-.' 523 C.-1.l., L1 . V . r V4 9 c) j_41 ,y,,,,, t. ,91, _tom... // 1 1 r 524 la ...:11.0tj4-..L?}'9r'.412:"9 j ..",_ rno/r/r 230 KNF Koh I Noor Foulad 3.i J.33 o_,S a-yo C.L3c1949 jj « ",-__ 070275755 sik9 _.)¡ // 'rAA/ /r 99r TEPDRAF andAgency Association for Rehabilitation Disaster sil-;iL,, ,.:111w`jt 4..,.,3 -Q ;t;.91 j, ii ss?h 525 -.-, 9 `+).i'9 r1.1" V s .. J9 31,,,.,11,c ,,,& , ", -.-, // 'rA6Pr /r \ v' AHC AfghanistanService Help sl j4 ,_5-,S 1.3 o jl,l l 526 9C- 0799301020 I ,;., ,;,,, // 'rnc/r/r rvo WSD CoordinationWork for Social Office ÿ s1j,, 4 d.,- j.4 527 c:JI-..1.&C-j-"5c_ 9 :21 - ',1Ji ., ,,--i J 0799427252 J 9 c.=ß // ,r A6/.17.1' nr AAWC AidDevelopment to Afghan Organization Women and 9 14.431_& a? S 4_,.,...3..ú uil JW l.òil 528 awl, , , I 4t:'ì19 r" 9 , ",c ,3 070224834 a -tl c 4. _v. ,, -. 'a° // `rn .)/r/r s sn SDRO RehabilitationSamChildren in Development Organization and siLi- 9 Lri , 30 529 ,:-*=-1_,_3.34-.;4_):1_3 .,.4-12:3 ,ß11 I /r 9 s:)\ -`-)li 3A 530 'LE ÿ9 r'.12L9 C" -- 441731070048081 9.95114c, i4÷1_9& J,All ,:i1-.J11.14c- y.,. // 'rA'r /"P' /r r,.?.v ACTDARAO AfghanAfghanistanAgriculture Rehabilitation Organization Center for 1W5..;1 j s9?) .S.. ,jai 531 :&)J 9, >-:1-1 ` 0799216668 ,.....)5,11./4c, 4.1...:::>9 // '1Áa / /r y? 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Ls. ` 9.ìS 533 J193L.;.11-....,ii 9 ,c.1...41 070301105 11. ysyl"-° J, ' 1Áo711, r 815 NERU NationalRecording Engineering Unit ja-° 17.91 sil-"i-? ûL 1 sali l). 534 9 s9ult.a ,,L,- al 0702036540799868378 ,I,li Y ,.,_1, II// 'r ^o /r/' f 289 AREAARP AfghanistanEstablishmentArya Meher RehabilitationAgriculture l 535 -1'j -i cL:U - pli-° 4.-:.. 070276704 b431, ., -a , // 'r^Ò717' f 111 GRO GenerouseRehabilitation Rehabilitation Project j l X1.93 .,_.. s1 `-4 4.,,.,,ÿ,o 536 11- ,1x.11 4c 'r'`o /r/' 548 Organization .? ;" 4- ° ,3I J.,11 4_,..,,,3,3 537 J,..,1-s,srs? >w :.Ad-. ,,"L- .p 070287909 (...J1 L..)li J9 //// 'rAa / /' w 948 SLAP peopleShare love for Afghan sl y11y31 -9u- ;jL",.,,;l il e.1 j. css1 538 clIc.19J 0799316780 'li A LPRO OrganizationLoy Paktia Reconstruction 3.1.333,31-1_943 539 'ccl>3 ,4yß 9 i L.,c. 1 0799322283 v // 'r ^o /r /',e 324 ARADA Agency for Rehabilitation °J141 ù-- Ò,1a1 Leroy ca.. .JL4- 4J 231 Assistance and Develoment Ir57157 °{5r aaluaD luaudolanaQ pue Z£Z (Th7-,-, 517`' tSSsss Frt,,.,71r7Frlr7.ln 7R16-716-rr14- 16- uolel!pqea21 uelslueyAJV uauoM uelsiueg2.1t/ iCouav laoddnS JQ2Id £Z£I £S£ d /a/ova 1/ '47 6°'(' -°t7e Iref&,ir--r.'`47 '4.7' £l ó8S£66L0 ri, °-R r 77°1^ F I1:4-(75-.1 7i--rr FIx' rtF--1-7-' SS °4,-^^^771..75-'c1;-iro 16r(71r6- c"7.7-4-' 7r F.6-Fr' ,C13100S HAD .o,} ueIqw VSMV DID/SDV 17Z6 4. ,/,,/cva,A,la/ova, // ?r Tr Z90Z00£OZO699tr1£66L0 cl°'ro °7 R1r 5r,n Zss ,,.17- 075' << p oTIC rris IM791 uoleaossd uoilel!ligega2l33111uauaoD33Ilaa ueyqJd OJ2Id d2IN Lótr d c/a/ova c // rr-oTI -,L7'''.717(»"(- 17i--(- 0909L8ZOL0 rl=7. , °'tn, ro 77-4 r!:r+.. r"' Iss ,4,-^^-- "^1(.-5-' s I1s puuJailali IeuopuN V21211\I S6£1 sl c/a/cva c II -*11;,--;.(-- £L I I Z£66L0 rl, °ME; 7: s <'6l°7 7r°r5r17.r,S' 6tsOgg v6:-^'^^bdr5r .77-r, 7K i'.1' Tn77-71r 7Fi-r- aaluaD 4n1s uelsiueg4id 213fl.lH?I 2I8?1DSd L88 S9 Ad c/a/ova/,c/ov c c// // 1.-ir rr,r('x Irr, "`'`C°°°7. 1t!" 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K-7r ,--7-2 ,I Zts °'Imd6---1, 1.7°'1r r c.-1r--1r5" ID-1. u09011a1suoD gaips uewA uo1el!l1geya2I pUe uopez! uea0 023DA .IN £L 1 .,,/a/ova 1 // r+- Ier1 ^^T r<4 9688b66L0 .,y1=--)6.--m r !-.Cf-F-,,, °7, r (ri- r,' otsits 7m.---7,,r7iro-Ftds,--b 5rrt,lrrrl trr?r7rs 1r uo1euuqega2l uelsiuqe5.1ddnoaD luaudolanaQ pue uo1ez!ue&10 leqala3 fli.LI3OQ2It/ 0£91 80Z A,/aleva,,/a/ev,a, // °°°r Fsr.rrr-4(7 7,1° °,-°Tir1r .-,--, ° 9ó990£66L0BSStrZZOLO r1s-, ,---,77-17, It.°175-' -r1-zr.7, r 0799309242 li .-- ÿS1 // `rAJ /Y /` N" 1589 NSOA Nasseeb Service sly. ,. ja,..;Li5 556 _>i .1. 1..,1L., 3 ',- 0799015300 yL° 3331 // `rnJ / /,1- 746 KACIA OrganizaitonInstituteKhatam u1of NabiaAfghaistanfor Afghaistna Charity J::,;11 e:,ha.. .; j.4 4_,..,-,_:9.4 558557 J 5í3 ,-,a 1_); °`5-33 C.-.4"..1 k < <'1- - 0799307284070304121 L,u,,,1114z L,i. Li1 j,11 ". 4- yv `-^J/Y`r,\D / /1/1F ` y,.123 CSDAWCO CommunityChilderenAid for Women ORG and andSocial . JU s1 J11.1 9 J t .3.4 j:',4...... J.. y. -. "' 559 - L ,-.1_).') ,iii A-.. v 0799338440 is , 3&. JS » // `r^J/Y /Y ` 1657 AWCEO OrganizationandAfgganDevelopment Educational Women's Cultural jL4ii ,...:i..; j ,s j1 ,11 560 1 rnJ71711 1 561 ... 3 CLIC. 1ji 070402722 y11 . -1 yj3 // rnJ /Y /Y, 9141074 SSOA AfghanistanOrganizationSocial Services for s1i4 cs°La:i?.1 :,l.a.Li > 562 ,rs ÿ, `1, 222638 s;,, r - // WASA ServiceWomen AssociationActivities and ùU) ue.t, ,,t J1i,,.:1i1 ßÿA sA 563 cL4u1 c .oli 3 ' - 070504072 ,.._ "fit, j s -..1 J // 1'rA6IY rnJ /1 /Y, 5141826 MRCSA CulturalAssociationMehr RehabilitationService and Lgi1:u5,11 9 s 31il+ ) 3 si1....4.31- 564 c-,.3 :íL.41 1, j 3 k 5i 3 0702773770799323219 ` - -- L "y , --" J, // 1 r ^611/11 920 ARDMRSO MamzaiAmoSocialDevelopment Rehabilitation ReconstructionOrganization and 9 ,sc.1- s1> sasA sJL4Jt? 1 "l,o.1.i. JAI:. sA 565 3 ßc1,- j 4r3 J 0799438325 1, 1111ß ,_.5.31.,,11.14c. // , rn6/1 366 ARM MovmentAfghan Reconstruction s)- i'. j j1,Lii1 Ùt1 9° 566 u1-.ß L5 3 C' - . " -1j u1-4 070222260 6.9°x11 `*- , y e's 1i.?- // , rn6/1/1,rnJ /Y /1, 2571219 SHAPPP People Prosperity Program ,..1J-4 ,L-A ß.9s -::, sL_j1_ ßÿA 9y 4-,,,:y3 568567 3 44*53z41"4-.1-?ÿ 3 3 L°'1 C-.'.---... 0705002290799327256 01 k,:... izh ,;.., // , rn6/171' 1 1208 PDO PedramOrganizationShafaq Reconstruction Development shy L,i1, .;1 4. ,..,9,, 569 .r.1 -°41 u1°_ Organization 1 0799186156 J i11. i91 II 1 rn671 /11 2331746 AFGA AssociationAfghan Family Guidance o.433h s1 , J 570 1 lv 070298204 L:.-D c Ùli US // `'",Q / /' ` 1072 PAMIRPTCRO andParniyan Rehabilitation Training Center d,.,,,.ÿ,o 9 ,..s-''':).9.41:)S...?' s.)L6;1, 571 9 s917.141 .-cl, j 070600074 -=k- // `r'`v /r /` ` 314 HARDO HugeOrganization Afghainstan yl L.,i9LS`At0 578 9,L14yß 9 9' - 0799321334 ,..,:.631-...c. ,.. 5 yac ,,.., // `rnA /Y /r ` 1883 KOR RehablilitationKhatizDevelopment Organization for ,..4 4.,,,.,..9-4 Lsi.96-.1i? =`' ,)ÿ 579 9 .s`°. ,L..o`I>i 0_u), i " - - , " 1 9 r 07993492990799306251 ,11" ,:)-..3-'-4- JLo, v: .13i tL,, // `rno`rA /r /r/` /f 17821965 ASHOCDO AfghanistanOrganizationCivilian Development Shuaa 4....._.934....j... 581580 94yß4ÿ 9 ,c. I ji << "6- - 07991 11925 454.1-.1 I // `r'`v /r/f. 938 RRNDO NationalRounaq Rehabilitation Development c..:,..9 j ,51.° sl+jS ...I t I s1_,_.,j.4 582 L9 4-..L.ÿ9 ..:) » -- - 070238496 - o J,34-1i // ) rnv /r /w 1810 BRSOA BasakOrganization Rconstruction SLY? L.oii y sal -il 583 s..)1 - .31, 91.1 0799408878 v'; CL'.19 vL .Y1 // `rnv/r /f 1 147 BRA BakhterAfghanistanService OrganizationRelief Association for J:1-a 4?y&.91 Ls j., .gA 584 234 BRF j:i1 1B.; :4 C,D -)y-4 0799346143 y-c ,- -" ,,BSI ,.-_ // `r^ /r/' 86 CRA ReconstructionCooperation for of sly. sj ,jLi. 3lsl sil.: * 4 .,9i0 jL 585 .9, -.:1.; 0799343500 , °-" JL // 'rA ° /r /`` 1768 CSP CivilAfghanistna Service Program aA>L ",LowPI j i..::,Li.iI sly, 9.i'a.:.::51 586 9I»'a4.'9`"l..siL_r.1 ''avt+9, -.1 - 0799329998 __- .1..,..1 J1- 1/ `rAA /r/w 1462 AWEDO EducationalAfghan Welfare Development 9,21 -';91 ,....)Lill DU j .)yam]Id,,,,,.j.. 587 ,_z.1s` _ I "L° 1A.1 0799435131 1 // `r ^a /r /" 1007 HSAOA OrganizationHumanitarian and Social I L;1.65,S ,,hl 588 9 .51-L) ,11 rA6 /r /" 997 AIHROFRIA FounderAfghanistanAid Organization Rehabilitation for and JL-i j 1 j1_i-gl ,sly1 ss% 1 9 sà:)1,) 589 SL.yI L,c.1JJ,.:i -, 070293455 "-" // Improvement of , 91.»"7.'4t,9 &..,1,1.1...... 2 070601614 Ljhalli JSjlil // 'rAw /r /" 145 WPRO WatanpalAfghanistan Rehabilitation J17) 9s;l.,j1q 4.,_4_, 590 soli 9 ,i>, , 1L`q 0799414806 Jx- ,,L ,YY.9 II `r,`d /r /' 1388 BDCISWRO OrganizationBureau of Design 91 1 j,Pa.:. ,9,, 9>9-1' o39y -1 591 JL1-311 -)-1,,-o )L.=.1 0799013856 ,_r, L t // 1468 NSO NowConsultancyImplementation sazan service and J1 X1-5' ,.:, 93p J.. 592 . t`°9 , , 'r"/r /" 9 `:-'°19:) "á.4..)5 9 0799339265 L:JL,Zic , : , , L D 1 D- 0 . yj , , . // 'rAd/r /" 1704 NCORACO Roodorganization Amou Rehabilitation J-41 -,9 ci i 593 j 4,23 , - -..., ... 4 :1_3-.. 0799394805 99r. -1.---- 4-.9 // 'rß`6 /r/' A 775 CWK OrganizationConcord of Women in jitS Ali; , ß-ÿA 594 c -1-,41 94, 4_.):1 070291302 -? 11 // rAVr/'" 146 RAA ReconstructionKundoz Authority 595 L, . ,..y° j ,s,.6 j 070631528 j.11 11 c 19i t,. /7 `r,A /r /`n 1700 TORARAF TechnicalforRehabilitation afghanistan Organization of for st .1i'; 9JI9...... jUi1 »L;j1-1 ELI d L9., Il 596 /7 afghanistan 1 sjL.._)L, 597 Sys 9 c,-,-.. ,,:,a1 9j 0799218727 , e `''_111 .`h `rn6 /r /`A 1030 NZROREDN OrganizationandRehabilitation Development Educaiton Nail ,1 j,,..!1.1 ;.h 235 t=1:"° ,,a.,3 c-1.,---.. , -cIJJ 0799039410 -3 1 -" 1/ 'r/Q/r/` A 1982 ¡ NSRDO NewDevelopment Society Reconstruction Organization at, 4.5iLf5,31 3 sil-:_)L ,ÿ93 598 t-=12,° 34,.L.,5, 3 070281423 .5-la 1- ,.,I )41.4- // rn3/r0 n 1264 I RehabilitationMohmand afgahn Complex ,L;_i iti,og..o ,31L,1. a-ÿ4 599 ,c iJ ) I .3-1.3,...4-. I Organization `,:s2,-- LL° 3 , ,41,,:i 0799736764 s-? ,.., // 'r A3/r/) n 513 GQRO Gandom Qul Rehabilitation J39 4 ay..:y,o 600 `LJL°-'° 3 4,p._53 3 070602088 J=t, 4., JUS // "Y^J/r/` ^ 1220 ARSSO ,51.._\&. 3 s.1tl ay..,.,ÿ.o 3 L.;`5=1-41 j1.1.11_4 ,,.:Jr.I>j 0799447961 v13114 .41. °-" /; `r^v/r/` ^ 270 ABCO AfgahnOrganizationandAfghanistan Social Bureau Service Rehabilitation jLi-iI s3J4 s,l-5,-..4 ojhl ,j1ï.,3uLi1 Ls.c.L.4I Ì 601 602 3 l'.412.``"y 3 ,5a1I la 0799363562 4--,-. ,:.Jli 4-,-.. // rna/r/` n 391 WRCASWRCAABC CenterCollaborationServices for afghanistanWomen Office Relief 4_,;3.1L _9.1. 3._%--. vL"LV1.;.9U 9:,ii...1:% il 603 3 i>41,.. 3 Ls=LANI :L)>-. . 3 ayÿ 3 ,..41x:i 070284504 J_:, ;2:3314111...31.14 ~1411 c // rAo/rprnD/r/IA n 4431930 EGRO OrganizationEagel Rehabilitation lL1L';L AI .114 sLz.l a:3-4 604 0799390786 J; h // VEGAS VEGAS cooperation t..4.1° JLa a.,..yo 1 605 t.:41``" ,:w 0799331280 Jt.;.,.ü c .1- li.)s- // `rn4/r/` n 101 PDAAWCOA Pamirorganiztion development for afghanistan sl y yah ,,_itf, l a-.-yo sly a-,-t, J:i.....i; itx:l 606 L.4I la 070244943 c.j....,}ll. ,jliall_uc ;,,, // rnv/rpA 808 PROPDA OrganizationParyanauthority Rehabilitation for afghanistan ,I)hy ,sii-j-.)4-'-'":9-4 607 5, 3 r0:i 3 ':JaL» 0799571558 ...131.14c. // `riQ/r0 A 2012 FDRFPDOA OrganizationPaiman Development Ùl...+1 ,5iL;á_,I 4_,.. ÿ,o Jti-:,uil 608 >3i...Ls.c.1..1?.1 .l& 3 av ji 3 r41A3 070212919070205853 41-1..1.-,-. wl 3

  • jlq 9 L 1 1 617 1..,41 üU. .ÿ s i ,c-1_)_) 07992129520799373323 y=as J -u 1"-1 //// 'r,Q/174'r "/ /'' 1864 NHROFSRO OrganizationNavinOrganizatioFaiz HewadSahar Reconstruction Rehabilitation &.4_93-1_.941 s:)L.., j1_? LSjL.. jL.) 619618 s1.93j1'j1744' j.i...aiLilz 1 620 4-v.)1 s 0799197003 ,:) , ,. 4 ,I, sA _ _ II? ' °- 7/// 'r'`dI rA,vr/,) /'"/ 776 SISAR AfghanistanSocial Islamic Service of .533:)A. 1.3.1i. slit, a.& X1 L:),,,:L-1 621 "1-4a&9 a.,,LTC. y, S vli 1359 CFDO CommunityDevelopment Form Organization iL,JI l 11_ a7.145' s 07991 13816 3_3)1-14c. _) 1 14 -- /7 r,w/w /, 2371363 DRA afghanistanRehabilitationDevelopment and of 31 1__,y,..) Ljt °,1 11 Lsi_.)144 622 I 0799724873 ... -i j93 // ' 'r'` ,1/'/6 916 KO Kabura Organization 1y.lS à..,,,9, 623 ,f' 1 070207847 -1,-,- aá o1 // 'r^ ,1/ */,1 1705 :..)Uj 9 ,L,lA-L 624 ,f,- °9,ft°'- .'1 1 tw 0799554875 J 41114a // 'r^° / */° 1229 KROAWHSRO OrganizationKhidmatRightsWomen Organization Health Rehabilitation for afghaistan Services and -v. o j..4I 0...» 1 s3.i-9.)ty9,. -+1..;_il 625 ELI LJ-..1 070614045 // 'r^6 / */6 2003 ARSSI Afghanistan Rehabilitation 1 626 `S.&_ ,L1.1;. 070207999 a,, // 'r^° / /, 553 SURA RehabilitationServiceand Social Unit Services for of Institute si ,..")1_?s1L4.LJl.a... 9» st1 jt1.31_;.91 L°-.1i. °jU j.:i....i_i_°1 627 070243303 411 1 J» // ' r" Th" 1722 DS afghainstanDevelopment Service L ,s.i1 l ,.:JA.1. 628 {4 ' , `° *) 9 L1 ,L >_ 9 , L:L J j:i 9 V?11° 07993272930799028145 ,D1; :)\. 1 5 ,:,a21. " -" //¡I 'rÀ6'r,Q /"/'fl /. 4431720 ACROHSA AfghanAssociationHuman Center Save and Guard 951 ùti1 »N-4 L.;14.1 ...S..)-4 j i á -'; 630629 9 ss9Y >_\&.,",- - , -1 +a--., 070250726 :Y'9i411yc. 4-,..1.13 // 1 'rA,V1 /4 1956 ASSDO AfghanRehabilitation Social Service Organization X1 1 c:,U j ,siLLS.31 JtA.s1 631 s_'._\, 9 21 070275293 J.L. j;a- sJ-- u 1.k // `rÀ / */, 1356 HCAAHREDA RehabilitationDevelopment and Organization Health ----= j s)1-Lj1, `:m91 sly 4_.4 i. 632 9 rI...:,to 4J j avÿ.I v=U_ 07993242460799661869 cf-L-° j-;i 1 JS // `r^6 //6 2009 ORDER RehabilitationOrganization forof Development afghan .3..1.6A 9 LA 1 , j jLu jL,sL....:i91 j 633 4+25' 9 9, "- -'"31 -.' 11t 0799325907070226901 , ,- jmill eli1 3.- 1/ 'r^6 /1`14 669 ERRO ReconstructionEkhwatand Economic Rehabilitation Recovery and 1.3.-1.1.1.,,-, L.s14. 9 sjL -.)li 634 9 `'...--"" ' ÿ 9 07993580100799307855 J%-: ,j41 ,,.., L)-.?-111 ,.11-- ,.,'»'N , // 'r ^D /f /d 970 ZJRO ZulOrganizationOrganization Janah Reconstruction cu.4193 sjL jt4 635 9,",-c.1 j j - a,.9t 9 070207707 J9r z= J311:.. 7/// `r^°/f/v 1490 HRDOJHRO DevelopmentHamgam Rehabilitation Organization and ,siU1 so_Lili 4..,. 1..5-4, , j. 636 1 ya.11 c ,:)li Jd1 rAa /r/n ; l...,,L;.è1..,_1.° LJw4-., ,siLili -Ji 9.f 070284846 238272 ANDA AfghnistanDevelopment National Authority 1a.:..,ÿ,, 637 9 - '44.'13 9 i'. - 070179783 ° -° Js // ' r , \ / / ; \ 8 SSHAO Social Services Health and I_) ,-c, I ,. ,L<-v 14 9 638 9 070502572 .,-_. j // `rA0 /`'/A 488 SORVACRROH AgriculturalRasteen Construction Organization and a.:..,:,, `4c1» - -,4 9, ydU. yA1.1:1 1/ 1rAJ M'A 1455 ESAA OrganizationEducationalReconstruction and Social sly,5c.Laùl9LF°.1-';:,,I siili 63`640 s°14í19 9,1-' 94-. ^11 .éii 070604111070270427 _,>L -1....A ALI // 'rA6 / /A 842 PSOESA PublicAgency Services for Afghanistan 4A1..c. ùLLI ;..::JLq,v 641 `iy 070510048 - 1 1 _.)S3 // `rA ,)/c /A 1 468 PAR OrganizationPartners for Afghanistan ùli.4.1.i.91 s>> _.;li JIjI 642 1, 9:1Y .4yß; 9rß 070284485 e=ue! c- -4- // ` rAA/)' /A 854 PRS SevricePaktikaRehabilitation Reconstruction L.s,l 919'19 -19L?' 664 3 rs+s,9 :1» ' -'1L9 0 070279304 1 4., L=- 91.1 ,;.., // '`"AJ / */A 568 AMRC CenterAghan Media Resourcs L;i"i _5S j... 644 4i j 41.?. ,_:211 9q1 344). jj 9 446 07992965680799133745 J3,-,_.),...-16 L2-) Jli '1 , ; z---,-. // `rAil/I /ArA /f /A 274470 ARBRCY ArashYouthRehabilitation Rehabilitation Center Bureau for ..)::u11-..L.%10 jl,l d,,...,).. JUI9. S J_)1-? 646645 9 4714y9 ¡*41':'. << ' - 0799321334 .yam JS r=tes 4ELI . // rAA/f /A 980 SDA Social and Development 9J4 s ._y' 91 ..ìßj1 647 34,...533 r.2] , - I "l.°.l& r,1-i j., jxll,:c, // `rA ,1/w /^ 1602 Association 1 4 4_4 648 J,21S1 sjL "1°'' ji 0799094522070288172 J-631.ic ß4+.31. // 'rAa /w /A 972 SHROTRACO andAgricultureTaginanShah Building Jahan Reconstruction Cattle OrganizationReconstruction Breading Bch j jt,i÷ ot- s\--jli'' -- :Ya ,jL,_,5.1 s..)1.11L4 9 sjl jU 649 vl">c " ° .191 'rAd /If/A 480 SHJRCO CommitteeOrganization Rehabilitation of "Lq.v 4...... ;:,.4 650 `.`I,,,,,c1.41,..0-4-., -J 9 .i 0799321368 + °,- //1/ /A CRHSD DevelopmentHumanitarian Service and 9 sr ? èl,,S..;l 651 9 Lä -,Z-1?-.17.i 070672548 ' 1 - 1 'rA'rA' 'I/f / /A 1683 CARSHA AssistanceSocialAfghanistan and HealthCommittee Reconstruction 3S J... 4.3_>141.... s-390.9_,l- o,p131..J.. Lr''.,,539 91 s? S 1. . 652 9...:13c1 `,?y 9 k',--1-14L' 0799246090 si.:314 `çiJhc // 2391402 RCC Rehabilitation Care Center 18 :4_)-1'sí941 -1..,, zig 9 - 12,° 070293567 ,.);,._9c,.,.1- // `rAp / */^ 2013 AO Alya Organization W1 4.,.wÿ,4 653 ,ait, 9 42.3. 4 1.1.- 9 - - 1jÿ 0799472689 ,; 1 c- zk // 'rq, /1 /,\ 1370 FDRO RehabilitationFarah Development Organization ,sil-il. s ,,_i 1 `.s° o1_yi 654 9s1.ss1cv.4_;ß -)y4 -' 9 " - 0799307706 .Lt:,-,,:)....?., ,111= , ,91» ` °-° 4 // 'r,`° /1"/'` 1303 DOSST SocialDevelopment Service Organization Team üL,v 9íL35.]1á.,,.,.ÿ,, ,-..y. 5.c,1..41 655 -,:-IC, 0799483822 // 'rAJ / */) a 1881 PDP Peace Development iL.S.]1 _99y 4x.:ÿ., 656 9 c4 Jij: 9 av_;:' ',sat . 1 1- - 0799334730 " -" .134. -1.4.-o // `r' " / /' ° 1633 CARDO CooperationProgram for 3.) JI.S a..wÿ.c Sa 657 ,,,_t i,:= 34. J1y:Ni OrganizationandAfghanistan Development Rehabilitation sr- . 070018040 // 'rA /f /)'. 1661 SHOAERA OrganizationSabawoon Healthand 9c1,j 1y1. M.41í 1 658 1 0700371 19 1,:= s..111-11..,4r.. // 'rA6/1/' 0 1843 AgricultureRehabilitation Engineering for s r 659 ,,c1.)jja +5, 9 0799392818 ,"j -" J9; 1/ `r "z / * /' 1838 AHRBACSER AfghanistanReliefSociety for Emergency HealthCommunity and J1;1 ú121,,1ii1,"L- - s1.x J1.c. s>A 1. .,..c.1...,:1,%1 0,11 660 a.ÿ 9 0799203950 1 tL j9; 1/ 'rAJ /'f/'' 1623 ARPSO AmiriRehabilitation Rehabilitation Bureau and li 9 -11.4 s \1 d ÿ,, j s3L3li 661 ,...A....-33 4ß.r)9 1,:) 9 .51-"1 1 L'-''' ._=2,.° 070524889 -1: a.L t1 c 114 a // 'r^ -/f /', 1638 AWSF FundationAfghanPower Womens Supply ORG Service J -1 J;j ,s.1.4.1. ßÿo s. 1 ,s1t,1 662 ,L-2-0.1:, 9 a4ÿ 9 24005890799330082 ;.., Jß1 // `rna'r /Q/f/l / /', 6 17581752 FHDAADCO FaiziandAfghanistan Cultural Herawi DevelopmentORG Development L;3_)A ,..,-:..4.; ,_,iL::5,31 a..:y, ji 9 iL& 4,...j.4 Jtÿ..>1 664663 9,_1c1,_j,,mis a .Y.jj .9 ('.4-1':'. -It=' - 0799315121 X11 J=1, ß1i Jk 1 // ' rA,V)'/) 6 1054 MBRDO AgencyMaihan Bastan 1 31 y s,l,j1_ d ,ÿ,, 665 ú1 ^.1.1 sc.1-1?1 0799328734 1-ß-a Jas a.ß40 ,.,_,,., 'r^,I/w/r r 1 . DevelopmwntRehabilitation ORG j1, v&-'A 666 -193S' 9 LS 9T5-.» 1- -s- yl= '' 240 WAA AssociationWomen Assistance 1..i; y,,, li SIC- ,J.414 ,t_ ._ir j.,-.,3 //1/ 'rn,Vr/rrr,w/'e/r r 835502 BHCWDO WorkBehzad and Health Development Center I jg, L"v)19 JIS a.:,,j.4 ,,__N yo 667668 4,.1.-,c.1,.c.1.1.419 j1,::31_.-,c I.):) Ss;a,--'--, >... Ji ,1--,.!-.. c,9i..31 ÿ rv99w9vvv 9 9 r ) rN r `t 11 -54 c y 3.:9.i_)- // ` rAp/*/r r 195 YRA YaldaOrganization Rehabilitation 14jL.4 jL 669 L; JAIL.,_,:.(1.1,ii v . èLh..,l ...4... .14,-. ...4.., // '. rna/f/rr 1550 CDC CulturalAgency and Development s1.1 .s L,Ssi.A.) 670 1-1sJ1s 4-:1'°_J9cLY.¡J-1' liV,DIJ> ,,, ,_):: ;I, ,.:.) 9 ;. - 070220297A Jra ,.,,,,11.4c. ,.,,,...A...4. .4 // `r'`J/. 2017 NAI NaiCenterin SupportingAfghanistan Open Media s1A 4.31..., j 0.1LS jj1,, .i1 671 1-6.3i4-.,sly,-c.t L.5-",!11 -4:1l -s-s s..o ,sac-1>j '.9; ca...v J vJr .1 9 sr jtL)s ` rA`)/r'/r r y-1? OBNARD DevelopmentBna Rehabilitation Organization and t_i s;li A, , 672 vUi j t` '1 = 41 Jlii.I L.'L, ""I's __I.v ,l,y . yv TMCO Tarin Mansoor Charity .9 a,...,' 9° 673 `;,,,,1,;,,s.c.,9 ii cS.JL"'JLsa L:1: 0.ib 9 vr 99 Y a... ,si_,1-,.,; . ja r.v..r.1r ,,,? 'rAA/1'/rrr,w/rr 41? FECC OrganizationAlFajr Islamic Cultural 9"^.1.i_jy44...-L...:9-4 " 674 < ss.'L-'v., _Aly° v ,,,-N,, 4.1.11 . Center ,,-,-a ,-c.1-L.,s:)>Yi>, ,..:=-1Ji , ,1-...1.&. 070604667 ,:.,hI j"-:=Ii ,, n 7/ `r"J/,)/4) ` '1' r r CAS ServicesCommunity Assistance jj'lkiI 4.,...4 J.,,-i ) l45,....S 675 ,,,1 446:; Lb-r-1--a?.1 ,t,oa& 0799407370 ju.,.:1i-1.. >JcL,;11 c , rna/o/a ASSO Afgahnistan Social Services LI-31-iiI ,-:,1-.41 c1.w 676 sJ9J°»,..;:i6,.Y16-° zl9° 9 s,J1s s}? ,-,`a1; >s-i,l 9 ,° 070223723 - d,y uS-E);" // r,w/4v6 Ywrv WNDO Organization ,..iL",5_1I j cj j) 677 16'U;S.J9lm>9:'S _»4°" s jl-',,j .J:9-:; 9 J-13-3.3 L9?.J1' jl 070600180 ,:Jli1 ,._. 4219&-Ji // `r^°/o/a )1r AWSAA Afghanistan Women .1,_ ,Locl ,sly., Jlii 495 678 ,--2,_.;161.1-1-i44,,-.11-',,i14.L0:53.)-.105+.16,.,;..,1 ,_,-° -,,.,sly y,,,,, _sta.9 sr L.:J1S o- c-w R AfghanistanSupporting Association for JL'..LiLLi jj*ii,1-.41s1"i1 9 s A c,Ll.11 070207458 Lria. i..-i--, s1c yh // rAJ/J/J 241 rvr AODHR forAfghanistan Development Organization of HR ,L) A ú9L. `sL.S.31 679 0799851643 .,.-15,--, /1 I 68> ,_.,-&1-19,'-1-'`'li' J.) ,,-c--..s.?.I,:,ás I>j.-° s,31-4li '-.-1:- a..u U. ,..,).. 4_,, 0799182291 ---_)3!1,, // 'r^v/v/dr'd/v/v ' `s" rr TCSFAR TechnicalRehabilitationFoundation Committee for Afghanistan for T » s1 sii-,i1- Lq.1i. Ju-z,u,il sS: ;;; 681 s99y ,-.2'-' J-,L4 A-.. 0799326455 ,:.)41,-,0.)---- ,:),.. 1 k:s. - // 'r^v/v/v SSROA Social Services ,u41 682 9..5,...95sjh1>.o 9 ,_;lie Iji..,--,-.. ) `\'' SocialRehabilitation Services and Organization s;t--;li y I =i. ,:j .3uLiI Ls-c-1-41,51-13J1-6-49 1. c..i... A3..° Lv)1 0799566151 -1- // 'r^v/v/v `VJ9 DWA for Afghanistan Development of Women Abilities st-g-S 914p ,-.11US-3I a. ...j.. 683 9"IL<9-1'9Lz"C.Llil `y q.<1,l-, _).9 ,s1 " iii ,.:} .s2c-h.:) tSl "y,l ..o II 1 rnv/v/v g WHRO ReconstructionWise Hamrah ol jii.9 `.,.-ÿA jli; 684 9s1.)-.1 ,.:g se r41.1 19.:.):.Y>-6-. s1-t15-S U° 070606184 9 ,.= 41,1,:c 1/ `rnv/v/v rwr IAERDA EngineeringInstituteOrganization of Agriculture for Rural of and e,W 1,41g y jj11.ii1-) 685 .1"4.31,i1.3_3,-,c 19 ' - j ,s1-:. .Jy31- a ,-S-.S 0799329033 -" rnv/v/v ) . nr Afghanistan .I3.?. i..Lg1 4!y,...),, A, .,,..:9.4s.)--4-ilsl -, 686 L5-4 9 eL"u1 v --5,-.S a2-4L?. J. cpu vcL l,t, t.:J1- ;-.6 tk r-U // t , HJEHE Khiria Emam Jawad ` jc. J. Ùli.`. i,y" , ai;,, LsLe 070086179 J: // rAv/v/v vv AM DO j...,1 I i.4.41 4.., j..& ÿ. 687 5.9s5,1.111.o Y 1 l-0 y `',c1, j 070635766 JU > oL2 . 'r^v/v/v SAFA Social Assistance for afghan "Lg.v 688 e-',..)-°d*s)1-"jli9 >sl ,65.--14_>i c.i.. ,:).1y ,., 4 °-1" _--°-s--,--° 070224262 v i vy r w/v/v HWSO Hewad Women Service `jl sly ,1 y s;` 9-L°.J'° a 689 _AL-I9.. j,wU .39vs1-6-->9S 9 s99y L9'.)3=Y.5.39`1 J9Ic Organization y 9 Ls:la1j_j ,--N-,-... :11- __)s ,..1-;:-¡ -4- , /1 , ,_.;1 J., c.:_t.c.Iji Lsit._31. 690 'r^v/v/D : 34'; 070603362 -I -4,w // , ORRA Organization for o1iiS:-.;..fL...:1,1 ü]9c si' . u"Ií9 070637753 _)s3 -1..1-, 1_u ,3J1_)93 -4- 'r^v/v/v ASSR AfghanAgriculture Social for Services Afghanistan for sly j-it-il .,-=.1 1-..-1- L Ù 691 9I).,(í.eLi :g_yi .) ,_c.L.4I ..I , .4',2ta..l& 070211947 JI".c- ,.., ,,,..., ,v // 'r'`Z/v/v 242 y. /7 PCHKOEI{ andHindoReturnees Handy Kush Craft Educational and s4.93. 9 .r"j941 ..)-4 Zïí ü .S911% yc 692 J9, ùL 9 09 Ù'iJ Production _93SL>94' 0.si1_îsX91. JA ,:)9 ,:_1>_ j 070248063 J.11.11\..4. s,31,1I,:c // `rA ,)/&!° /' ASEA EmpowermentAfghan Social andAgency sly sß°19' qu'il 9 1 693 1 t L S\''' a-'-.Jc.yk1'á1.'; ,..;:)14:)1,' 9 j:-..!..6 070214151 17199 II 'r ^°/°/`.) // AU WO Afghanistan union Women jli-a Jlii 4.,.,:y, 694 ,...1_.:1,,tL `'_° 9 71'59. _51L" . -,ci >;l », ,:" 9 0799451266 J9a9.D4c .,. -1i c // `r ^d /4)/i /1 BSERO OrganizationandBahar Rehabilitation e Sabz Educational jt,i .,.,1 =.; 9 s;l --pli 695 ° _9c, Organization > I ,_,S .-.*1 =; ,c- ' 0799329947 jJli _pli // `r^ /J /, // ATDO Afghanistan Today ù _:)9J-41 I ß--ÿA 696 I .1.:, 1 j 719 j 1 _)_;a'. ÿ 9 ße,1.; 0799403955 Is , --1 ..ii I! trno /A /e // ADAHO AnimalAgricultureDevelopment Husbandry Development Organization a,...: 697 ^ > , -1 ¡I Organization 698 í9s49; ÿ 9 ,,-.:11 -... 1 1-_.1& 0799848019 u-- ,` t rAD/ 45/6 // BARAN AidBu Ali Network Rehabilitation and 9',l.1 9,.s'19'il_4 A5 ,L*J1-4 SLa jj9 ,s--'-a lm .,"'-.">I t, .., 070084368 9I.c. =...-,- J1 -::3& // 1 r ^o /6 /o // HCBS BuildingHealth and Services Capacity la"a4 j s ,-° 699 >99 J 1yS 1 ,,l_121_9211.1,_:,-1-.1.1 j. j sj- 9 ,,- ,- , ,i1-..1: 0799326856 dì,1 .,.'- // t rno /d /° // EIOAP OrganizationEducationalPeople and for industrialAfghanistan .i ,_çLi,jLS j lkil 3-6s.i?S'99y ,;1 =S a.,.....ÿo1 700 Jam',.ÿta9 4.o Jo v S.) 9 ,...s.,21,-, __,...,a)c Jz ßc1 .:.1, 0799600500 _»,-;-, i // rna /o /a // EV EVE'S Vision 19, 4. y, A----9-- 701 .1=S9sy , `:L°-1'.9 lGIji _ç 9 070602253 II t rno /o /o II ADVS VulnerableAfghan Disables Society and ,.,:..,i , cjl yu-4 )1- l y?1 l o,hl 702 .J-03»91-A `'4 1-i a .599y 9 _j9A1 51 j9 :9.ii Jl?9.'x° SI,}? 0799212264 // 1r ADIOIA // DDSSO SocialDostan Services Development and I.,41 w 9 ,)L::S 31 j:,.... 9.) 703 9 .° I99 jai=jLS ,DI.i SIS lc. t 243 , -13.; 1 "'1 1/ 1 rAA /D /D /,i 704 ,r;c'''"15.11,1_>t.:9 `l?'.Y 9i.'"'"' 9.9: `ç.t.asl -^ j .1 j15_j ,:Jy 070325371 - - 9 ADRA RehabilitationAfghan Disabled Associationy ,9jtu. j4_94... J1;tiL S iL.iL t il )9J L.).°1--''' `ß.J.39 L--? Wit-. 0799447646 rlu // 1 rnD /D /D I! AARDA AzadRehabilitation Afghanistan Development 9I 919'19p9tu.1 ¿jti,.,,t:el .)I_» o, 1,I ,.i t. 31 705 9 9 4;1 Jti.1.1 4 4.,t1..,,.) :11.,91J 'L,1-...Ji. 0799310816 = li `._ ,,.. ..1., rAd /D /D 4.1? WHO AuthorityWindow of Hope ..).14I ,. 706 r I 1 4 A 9.1 ,__,..1 1/ 1 rAD /D /D II Jt, ùU.3 1 9 `?'9 4'l,LL5:1 4 .4:. j. -=1.:1..° SWRAF AfghanistanSave the Women Right of L 99tI> j1 ,>,,,, 707 s1Alf''.y,; x j ,55I,141.cL,..9 s1.1. ,fit 19.n1-7 91-4 e3 ,LL.-13. 0799158505 JIB á° '_ // 1r ID /D ID /1 ASHOA SocietyOrganizationAfghan Sisters for Help afghan ,iL;:5..31 sly JIih19; ,S ù1 1 amt, 708 JiL" ,,,- 1 V' A61011) sl-4°'39_)?il `1-'11"9 aui- _A ,--,t<.v °.1 070602032 // /I ABADE DevelopmentAfghan Basic andagency for j L.ii 1 31_íL si,,19 I sly s0.ü41 709 a9 .,-.:1'.i.9J nLoiil 1,; ,:toli 070237153 syi-..= ,,.., ßh1 -° // 1r ADIDID II SORHA SteadyEmpowerment Organization of úL .S 9 _31.) IAj9, _____ 710 . °9 47? 9Z ..)1)1 1 9 sa, - _ ,11t, .y4,, 1,,c -1,. 1 rAD /D /D EducationRehabilitation for Afghanistanand Health 1 s1.y ,sue ,- s31 Ljl0.n9,-s99Y j.- ,rc.1 -4:,1 c.L1>-^ .;,, -9sc'iJ-9 j;i'9:1-.' sl.x 0799307236 1 i93 LJ93,t:9y: II 1I SVTO OrganizationVocationalSocial Services Training and 1_, y s99_), ,L;..9,1.4 5 pl i 711 ot. a. /1 1r ADIDIO . 99ss5 _)L,_31',5-c-' LDUi sip9 ulUSs g. ow-ki.& tu1li ß3:6. I ßt-.-1 070066301 t , L-jui /7 1 rAD /D /D II// AWTVC andAfghan Vocational Women Training ,...)iii s._0,, 9 ,ß".J9' y° 712 s91 - 1.3 +.)9:,- 0700107810799329075 `+se. e=1. .*Asi , "-" 7/ 1r AD /D /D II HCDARSA HealthSocialAfghan Authorityand Reconstruction Community L,19L.,_iL j»i1 sJL';li 714713 ,---su14z. i shy 244 Development ;1,ß.a a 7/ 1r n0 /o /D sLS.31 715 1 I aL,,-,CI 0799393121 NDO National Development s9ky,c,_c.Jli1s. sly s tel_ A.1.; 9 1 1-14i?519 070083245 ,6114c J-;.Li ,,.: J334,-,.. il j 7/ 1rnD /D /D / AYSEC OrganizationSocialAfghanisatn Educational Youth Centerand ¿JUI9?1-.41 9,5 ..i.i °.1" 716 sa".....1_?. i? .5L jLf."sl 1 1 ^.11, 0799308023 , 4.41 ¿)- /7 I rnD /D /D II AWEN NetworkAfghan Women Enterprise ùlii. 1 Ù \- 1 4$ p.:: 717 1 J1.:,9 ._0-- LS -)9°9 ? Lsy° , .s' "cL :., ùU) 1 0799428314 á;,i // 1 rno /D /0 I/ ACDRO Afhan Community Ùtkil 4 -L? .,_sL. ;I 9 1.41 718 s',s,--° +J95 C í?i . 9 1Ji Development and ; s93y C1 J oL )1. n0 /6/0 Rehabilitation Organization 1 9 719 9 ._,-- s _)..,- > i 0 . 0799134496 // // WAEO Wazari Agriculture and I» ` 9° s.j9.,1'19ù s1 °.I'SLE- °159.r ,s,..31...4 j ..).S 070076648 44. \9I,L,hL ) -`4 // 1rAD /D /D Ii WCSS EngineeringSocialWomen's Services Cultural and s s}.?i9 ILLB 720 ,9 _.c.L .J3.j s1 I ° -- ov:1, 1 // 1r ANDID // ASSO Azmoon Social Services ))9;f a9p31 u.c,L jig 721 4? x.1,41 Lip. L,lisl j JL,.1 j1..? ,)SJA1 :J1-3°:)1-.'' 070795151070064060 ..1.11,. . s.r-i . L.Jli Lsic. II 1 r nD /D /0 // ISE Islamic Services `5,, 1 ,L,L,,.v a...ÿ, 1 °, 722 Tj1..:1.,.e':Y.1-" 9 X1,5 ,. S\-63.4 5, 0799272747 L75j1J JS LY1 // 1 rno /D /o /I RCWO CooperationRehabilitationEstablishment Women and vlij s.i- 9 h?19.j 723 -1-,f, Ji ,51. ELI 41. 9v 1J 9 070614035 - la.»..- L.,-11,,....)-; + // 1r AO/D/0 // NARA OrganizationNaved Association sIj? 1?9' `V 4 9° 1J1-3 724 4vß 9 1 Rehabilitation for ,.....;1 J1 ., jI-°c1 1 C-:--w 070279031 51«. 43,1,:»4 // r AD /D ID // CHANG Capacityafghanstan Building and y l: - 1 1 Ly939 j1 725 i , , cl- Lv.l 1 rno /0 /D E Health for Afghanistan 1 °1.9 L.J1 _)91, 726 L.).1--'14-.,L..c-1-'4Is2L...a91sIS s _314., 9 s ,s"_3L?r U-1&. J 07993053290799353481 ,sue+,:.,1; Ji_)-, r-'° ' °- //// 1 rn0/D /D //// SWH NHR NejatSocial Human Welfare Resources Helpers sue? .L3.4 ül_.4-1&. 4 .94 727 ,=?13ti J ,_c.147')91 9 ,s49i-çlg_,.iw,Lv -1 .>-ú1c j:19U..- ..4i,ÿ, 9 0799021640 ,:-,I c. // rno /D /D 245 I/ AEA AgencyAfghan Engineering jjL 1 s 1 444,.49 728 JaL31 ,s1_..).? s 99,ßt5.., il olil.o jL? Y9 z'y°9 x,.,1.1 sly jj1...3L=.91 sly? 0799315653 a9'1-.°A syslb // 1 rAD /D /o ;/ OAAW AdvancementOrganization for of afghanthe J> I jii 729 L'y,,---° i114 ,-c-L .-° 1 19 \--1.:, 070208902 ,;,1 ,:-.14LA // 1r A DIDID // AHAD AssociationWomen for sri -.¡l-ÿá.l j .791" 730 j1.11.j S._itil,g sjls `46 ú>,>.. 91 ,:1.0,).&. - 1 rAD / /D andHumanitarian Development Assistance .ty.ig,J 9 `V 4. euu.y., 070605795 ra4 -11li ¡I // ASIAE AgencyAfghan Socialfor Empowerment Independent `'sL. .;l s1 y t t l L.oil 731 J-i-3.1 sl}? ?9 >,1& y y 070279978 -99y1í v1 // r ADIDID // ANOR OrganizationAfghan National for ÿ., ,.3__)1 .1 j . 1-.) 732 ,13.s -t--1CLL. sla..°1 9 si-9°1 A9x. sr.l.oî?.l 070202640 vlt .vim 1 rAA /D /D -v-1? PEDA EducationalPeaceRehabilitation Building Development and ._.IL $! 9 Wit+ 9 j1 ,j1.)1 733 sil..5:3:'-»-f-l9 9ìi sil --pit, . :1. ." 0799333604 , " -" l9ì , -'1 }, // 1 rAD /D /D // ACP AfghanAgency Creative People Jl l ;,. 1'J.° 734 ,-..N...... 1A-1& ,o 0799258151 j; y*>I, ,rv.9y" // 1 rn0 /D /D r/ AHDR 9 Wit. $J! "%...a ._lAs&. 31.4 735 4:-.519 t.:i4.1 .st- .á.:,l s1-ti-.1rA9y 07050152 i, ,1,4 1rnD /D /r nrr YCDP Youth and Children Ùli..l:sls1>?sjl 9 313=1 ,,it 1 4.,ot2yX11;13? 736 sVil- jl sil .s"° Sí9 ,..,c-1,'L)1-4-1 ,.e 0799408185 ,y- o 1 , // 1 rn0 /D /1 Y 1'1' ,t41 AEP AfghanDevelopment Empowerment Program -.y. 94i I j9_? 931;1 1' 737 ,....cl_.)....) 9 l °.1 hi' 0799926834 J41 " rnD /D /1 r PEVSO VocationalPaywandProgram Educational. and Services 9 s99y ',, -91 L,..1°' 11' ' ; a. u-, j 738 , rn0 /D/1 V Organization Ohl- j.) s.31-,jl -. °.1.1 070180638 sli1 h ,, // . I! WWDO Women Welfare and j.jL+i s1,y? ,..z,1 1 :,1 jolis 739 Ij_*)`2 "_,.,t,.o t-.4.l ; 0799657400 s,'-.,>k 1_rß 11'AD /D/11' // GBTPOA GhaznaforDevelopment Afghanistan Bastan TrainingOrganization and Jt .:1'' d . ..,:,-° 740 li,s 246 Professional sik» JL-.- v j i ,_i1.. 3 ,-i ,-,-a- ..-1&. 0799327069 tSl ,°-. 14 -1 // rnD /4/1 r /i AHDO DevelopmentAfghan Health Assistance 1 i-'--- i -'- 741 1 1 ,..221_,f5,31 s_- i i ,:-)1-0- 0752003024 4111 // 1 rnD /D /1 r // AESDO AfghanistanOrganization Economical `S.cLi 1 3 sa \l 7477 Yf:q 3 A31:1L,91-- CL,1-,o.1.:) 9 42.,_)11-)4c JJL. . -1 . 1 rAD /D /1 r /; and Social Development ;_1..-4 zu il ,jL'i,. iil 1 743 ,°L.r .:- ; L:.)3-L.' 4i1 i"3 0799281812 L)'-'_1. )4" //// rADIDI`r // TDOHHOC OrganizationTajHouse Mahal of Development Hope and Orphan 4.y jts7.1 ail& 744 ct.4134vÿ9 "1.o.v '4.3. _9,L=-1_) j 1» L- 070291697220179 (k- ,,.., , ;.., J`J,..,,I 4. -- /7 'rAD /D /1 r // AACCS CulturalAfghanistanChildren and AssociationCivil Services for 3 LA-.14. ji ül,oli 4 jj13 1 .1.4 j.4 745 I 1 .-,>_,,.v 4ÿ9 L <.jL: 33;'1y1 /1 19/5/85 II Development and Ability ,.131 3.stS31 4..;.-i- 746 s ..0.» 9I.-° ,..s1..)- .42.J'9 3.9A 1 070175760 .,lc.i.o j DAO ORG 3 ,,-.!\-' s1-4,-41.1-.3 0752003917 ,331L141& 411 414, r AA /D /I a yy CAPS Center conflict and peace js- Lt#1 U...4 31 c-°, 747 94:49 LJ si1-''il .v.rv>,1vv ,»:.l. e%t6. Ls? .wli- - -414. // // RDEO Reconstructionstudies and develop .342oL÷il g lsil-.)1- 748 L,.:u1 .--,-°sc.1...4.1 ,.;t.o ,L-,Lq 070292560 1 j 411 l. -,_- j - // 566 HCWO organizationenvironmentHumanitarian organization community iS14, -.5...4S ,s J.? Jll L j13..ß sri a...414. °1s9 749750 ,_,.,,,y;. -U.33 ,,ct.oïul sj_,,, ' ,iJ.1; A. v `t i r . rr L»' z , ,yS 4,1)g.o // 1369 9 9 AWASA forAfghan social women assistance Association Lrat .cL,l l 4- ,L.4sA 751 L5.5:4 A » j_33 l Si6e,1 y -; s.sLs4, sub ,_S.,S 3 s.i.11 A v9 iAAA ) L33 jti ».,_.. // AWC Afghan women council J11.1t J>i.1=13 ,jliJ ., ,.ice,, 11'AD /D /r9 1 S9 3 L.51.4 u9L.t,,531 4,.,i,. ja 1 752 .r"L2cjli>ojLi,4? 3 4-1 4-11.,9.1,,*1,ß-a .) 9 cl,i 91-i u1-..-1:-,:-,1-- 07993626292200875 "-A JS I,i-i 1j1 I (L.9' /1 1 rAD /D /r 9 vrA GRFAKAPUL GharmanServicesSocial Development Kapula Rehabilitation vl-° YytS X1 sJl--.)1) 4 -L :: 753 ys ú;11ül`syesl yl;.i J.]t 9.i ßj31.1 070290168 .- j3i // 1r AD /D /rs 4-16e,, MRO FoundationMaiwand Rehabilitation -%33+4,_s_.)1--_31.4 4-'-'1'.:9-4 754 3,ß-a ;lL,., 1U-- .1.L.t L:i1 sti..,l 247/1"/),,lrnr Organization ü>A.a.,51-6.-.1.) s4 -.:1-1..,-- 0799366289 J1sx11c A-4I ü:lic // 'r^d/d/r' "" WROR OrganizationWelfare and Relief s1 ì? II 3 ,..51,,L.I °.ihl .1.1,,.... 9t1 755 i 3.:..L1.*iCL'c- 471-? ).-i 0799217352 // rnd/d/rf 756 - » ` üL.a& - 070707938 ..,ui1,ic- k ,:=i11 ,,.., _,11 . a,.., 1/ rnd/d/rf rrn ATEROSCSA AfghanSocial and Technical Cultural Services ;3b1.3..°siw1 `sA jL"ti.,:3L.iii s,S,A 757 471t51 9C-1" 9,-,z 1J; j3.4i .)14,.. i L<.v 220907 j.)u .14..o /7 'I'AD/a/f f JMRO JahanRehabilitationEducation Mashal and Organization 9 u...1..' sil--j-.' sA Jx..1. LjLg_ ùLiI ,..55. ;&..; a44-_ÿ,° 758 üc.1sjl.,]l.° .ì;.s1_.:4i -I 9 .e412:i s:5>>, 0799565525 ,;1÷ ,__1 // rnd/d/f f r'v BESAO Bokhdy Educational and 759 `.) 9 i 1 l±;. ,-1 u1-° j ,:1jy°I aÿ,° 9 s,h1L°L.5"' 9 9sA`;c1 >j ü1-°- 070281041 ,Li_114 4111 üs3 // 1 rAd/d/r f r . . RDP RuralOrganizationServices Development Affairs ü11ed ,-:g12:511 ia1ÿsy,y,. s l 760 ;,...1.1Ls--%-k:2-°1;.9 '4'.r9La_l üL°1i1> i L5c.1°"19 s3i2Lp 070225404 _il,:, s:u.114 // rnd/d/rf ws' RRDO andRahrawanProgram Development Reconstruction U.Ql3sjL,j.4a.,,.:J... v13..»J 761 s 9,Y9,,..:1.''"L,°.1& 070291838 ' i1 . J35s 7/ )rnd/d/rf °rf RWEO RehabilitationOrganization Women 762 '19"y t; Ùu_j sl,y., J-4.i31-.1.34i. 1/ 1 rnd/d/r f f ° ° SupportEducation for Organization ....;Ui`+4.:ÿ tji:i , sjL-..)-?`3A Ljl `-"j1i,91 9 j.u_) L531...ül.°.Li9ca.-, su:91 s1.85`-°S üch si1-_)1q _NcL,aïlj , 07991070509523 13636 ,..):2,3"-1144c-,.:)1 s.)-i 43.1jj.i rnd/d/r f NRU New Rehabilitation Unit s?-1. siw>, ,-,13' 764763 91; ,s<.ùc.1 siL:;li j j0..°,c .1..... I ,i, l 11"A albrf f y.v GRK Green Kandhar J1-1:6 t.D3:) k-,--,ÿ° ü>,l9 3ds99.Y ,s_.31_,.. 9cL-.3ul L L.,..1.4" 070163442 11 // // SBDRO Shogra Bahar Development ,-iLfSsi13 s;1--;-., 4-.-- `s-° J1-6-4`6.3 765 ü1_1 .1.4.1'-'` Lyli.° L.; j1_ jli 070162580 39.-.14 ÿsi. // , rnd/d/rf í/ STO SanaRehabilitation Training Organization si1--J1-.3 766 4,1IA °.I931.& ..L,.:191 t..< jate`7.1-)5J9 sL l -c:J.c.I,j 070380967 J4-u .1.4-,-° = a.-7.1.i // 1 rAd/d/ff // SCO Sabah Cultural Organization cL?-a s51/4 3 LT-5,i*..r9 J3'1S 767 ücl,`L,-1 j,,.oiJ:.9' L.4I °9:'"',s_31. jiz, `V cS;l..,l< 070078489 üly? 4-4 , vlL.a // AA// r f 248 II PAAW afghanProsperous Women Agency for u; siy jL.;_iI 1= :.'3i. `yA 768 J91"'4.MS s,Ia1Lo sl}' 9 P1-A9Ji 1a...a ,,.., _Ail, _\,_,.... // ` rnD/D/Y f // JLoll J-1 jl.i-il 5-.L1' J19=59- 769 -;1.),'A,''L°' _)c , s1-* J-1 s1-'-'5-.' Jil.'9 '. " 0799143072070310253 -1..--c-11--.. t-JL-= 7/ rAD/D/Y f // ADAGAABRO OrganizationAfghanAria aghan Doctor Basic JtsEl t..,i L.,-.1.41 s jL., jt, 770 9c 44.,y, I,J,",,._ ,--i:3._),1. // rnD/D/Y f /1 Rehabilitation Organization J91-21; 9 4....,.9-4 771 ,°sJ9s4sJ91-2. a',..11 9 J.49S-"s_1'14 w tr. 9 ,,,..!1.1 0799358582 1 , rnD/D/Y f // FECO CooperationFaiaz Engineering Organization and sts"'11-,i ,iLS il sl-A 4-.1:1y L.)-:1:i19 772 ..5:LAiis.)l-.-1 s)...:_)>, 9 sc-L'41 0799201940 J9y" -1' e4zj - - // CADPI CivilProgram Activity Institution Development L5-1-L. 070044747 4514 // 1rn0/1)/Yf // AMSSO Afgan Milaad Services JL°ic. ScLa.iil9,51.° sl 773 sJ9:2S23-1u1-...1& 9.4":3 41..6.a jc. ), s jt,,, jL4 .ySlL913). ,__ . `;9.)11 c II rn D/D/Y i // NFDRO NewOrganization Ferhang Development ,S.," ;Ai LsiL,L5`31 3 ,c jL., j1q :)..: 774 L..1.js914.1t" t...1.;.. c:ac.I».- -`ü?ÿ 9 070603333 IrnD/spf rqv WRA WatanRehabilitation Rehabilitation Organization Agency 4-Iy3I_)3÷..)4+,9D 9; 775 ,5"c.1.)_.),.:,1-41; Lsa.c-IJ9. ,sc-1-.5.1j e41...] j 9 1 070509928 Ij,1Ju J1- Jac. e11.-J9:wt, _>1?LI D,, // rnD/fp f rrv ORR OrganizationOxus River Reconstruction huD 3..i..1.,.. ,s1.414._..3.4 g..,..ÿo 776 ,D1-&...):1... I et ,,... 41111.4- ,,.., 1r AD/9/1 f vsD 777 070285302 // 9 FRDA OrganizationDevelopmentReconstruction of in and Afghanistan D ÿ 9 s jl.. jL, 4-.:..ÿ,, Jli..ai_'sl ,,;,t .,..11...-3c.....,...... y ,-x 1) j 9 t:1a'-° t+s 070290190 -1,,,,, zk _9; ,"-" 993 // 1r`rnD/f/' f AD/f/1 f "1 9 KWRB AfghanReconstructionKuhandaj Relief Welfare and Burea and j.IigS Lste1-i, 9 s jt.. jL, o,hl ,s.31-,-,i1-., 9 -1.17N-4 L11 779778 "1-0..i, 9 s_:,lj,, 0799199916 ARR s1a19,-23h_3 ,-3Y°9_,--° °'I 4, ,.....5-4S 225446 ,1 ,>7)1.6.,:.., Ls-, .l.J9.Y e:1-6 1/ , rnD/f/, f vvv ASCO AfghanistanRehabilitation Sohada Organization Charity l's :11 ,,.,, 44Jli..t1;91Jli,2,1;_il 4-,-,-,.:,.. 780 s°s1, L*:".°9Jli -19:3.6, j 9 °J111.1 ' " 9 P99-'° 0799319682 ,--L-.1-14-,-. .ji1 // "AD/f/1 f "-dn AFDO AfghanOrganization Doctors Organization J1-ii1 JIj9-S9 a3.4 781 9,_;2L.:,.5.i19 LOS `i.. Jkì? -4 1 J.319p. 9.-._, 070278527 ap .w1,.i9 i+.v `rnD/f/' f yy AYIG Aghfan Youth Initiative Group AL' 31_119. J1.;61 782 tl } ._u9 249 13js .1.1à,)414 ,_;-.>.I 0799210600 , a..,3 , -" 114. , rno/s/, s yy ER-SDC DevelopmentEastern Region Business J9j sil ov 9 l...:5,3I jS}° ,3.., 783 ,L,L°..&j,"j.,°3a 4.-;-jc3 sj--j'-.9j" J3_) 070739386 II c%t-a ,,,I _-,,Ia I rno/s/, s -1:?1. KCDOA Khawja Ghar Community jt.6. 4#.13&. LgiL.L5,31 A--- 784 sj341sj1S .L11.°.1.&. J3.: s41-'j3S 3 s3gya. t,11-,31.) 3 411.1.,3 j.i., 070088740 3i)1 .1-.=c- ,.,-L-a sj:°.1Ij .,.v.,v r^°/s/` s vv AWCSO AfghanAfghanistanDevelopment Women Organization and Children LsiLi_i1 931-49Z1.4 31 .3,,..f,, 4...... :3.4vLi..a:91 `l.ov sl, 785 3 J1sI,1f 1-4:1?.I n.) ,S.o.S L,1i.. `:5,--ate,s 0798031326 14).z..1Jli a,. 9 i,v rno/s/, s -1.4 v PSA ProvincialService Organization Service Agency ency o j _09ï°v 939" 9' 786 JUj °3.+' I j. vli 9 93,s5.alj °,4-4j-39 j j`. s 1-u13.3 > sJi.4.11.o 0799412588 li , l'AA/f/1, i,.v KRADO OrganizationAgriculturalKawa Rehabilitation Development and ,-.91....S.i1 9sj L.., iL : a-6..<` ° °34 c-I j j 787 I jt,i ,111.1...... 4 14 i? L.S.1 Jl.):1&, 9 .-JU..) cs?L'j- 788 4.°J.51-1 jr- J. ,_,cL.:...33 Uj a.' Lt..4 . 11,t -.S 070692083 ad,,S `r^o/'/` s PEPWG forProcurement Poor Women of Employment and Girls LLIc.L..:..? s33.YsjhlLo3a,* cljj ' .l,`°3 1 0799340801 ..,-,-4a1...1 rno/s/1 s TVSO Training Vocational in Society 789 .:_11,1_..,"j3.,.,,,3 j sjL°jli,:_1_,...... ,_,.,,1.,,c Ijj 9 ..,1. "l-. 0701190 1:91.-3S 1j.r' J4. s114c-I ,> 1385/6/23 yy RASAA Organization Lj1:i31;a1 j .s'j»° L,.1 J-11-1 y s9j' 790 , ,ct ",,, i.>>° a-., S 0799566517 ,: - ' 1385/6/23 -v KAS Kaihan aisds services `j1g;S )i. 791 4--°_)c-S1 B.`,..,.,sji.1c.1?9 jj. sj>--,jl-.. L-,c I j j "1-14-.'9 JLi.:,1.31 ,'''.:11 070050504 ùt°j ,-5.1. ,-.03y a.4.n.-4 , 1385/6/23 y . DGAA agricultureDevelopment of ofAfghanistan garden and j 5,1_\&.1_ ;:j1:11. 3Lkil c-<.1 jj,._i1Sj 4....43A 792 ûc I j j uLl..,-`°9 -13467' j.1 P.)j° s_A' "L''.1. 070292869 e1-,Ijj° ,` 1385/6/23 yy JFO Justice feature organization 41.1c. `sLe,,,. 4....)_34) 793 j3°I 9 4425'9 c'41'. Ly_cll .,..LI ,L,. t,. 1385/6/23 -v-1- 794 9 4j-'9 ':42:i 44t-3-. 0702165900799433718 .1014 L.,-13 ? 9O sL° ek 1385/6/23 ADROFAG AmanFarab assistancedevelopment group and Lj.41 s jL.., jL, 9 ,s°L.L5,31 ,,JI. jti .1s.° ,.-'9jS 795 L:.)123.1.3,.stb1 slj"24---. 250 iy reconstruction organization ..,--'-°3,-=-',-, 9 ,b -.!1-'s.0J- ':-,1-0>; 0799353404 á,l ,-,.,. --- ,,,bI J,.L.. 1385/6/23 SW PPC peopleSupport community and work for poor J..,-.- =',a L;1,..)4 jS 3 a,l`" 796 , 9,...9J-1° a.oLc ._?1tSI jI srL.' L6-°IJS9J< 'Lhv 07993371 18 ,-.1-11- y . 1385/6/23 yv CDHS Community development and j 4,-4 LL.S..:+I 4--.:yA 4x4 797 _.9,_5:.°3:.J9°I_» ÙUj ,A,°- ..5:1°9 Sl S1er&IJSSJ' 9 `,.3sv 070974986 JI-1J- o'i,4- 1385/6/23 -1-, y AWAW Afghanistanhuman services women for afghan JUj `çl_)4 jL..:,La.91 v13,3 sJ:;,? ,.:l.v 798 9 ,_c-1...41,:a..., sr.Lcíi1 "LL.. 070064125 oJ94 -1--1p 'S J, 1385/6/23 yy PPSSCA andRokhawomen culture punchsir organization social service Jyol 3 , I.o=. .,._ á&J ,_,Sii,a 799 jJ= I.j ÿ*-91 j9 .L,LL.,'..'1'' si1_,,,1_, 9 ,.5." ii 0799890247 -)----. .-= ,..3.:.,¡-: ,.r"s' 1385/6/23 -v BRDO developmentBadghees rehabilitation organization and 14I 3 ,x,' Ls4-1-.: 800 .._il....S.319 42_5t9 C 9 sji-:jli j I.'; .;L".)41? ^,-A 0700223702 .L...-. J .1,...2 1385/6/23 1567 RRCO Ramin Rehabilitation I J I J sj JL . po 801 (.4.:-'9',..c..19..s-c°u `-°.)j>' 9 jL, , J1 u-41 ai,; .. 070287405. V . . r 9 rr' 9 JbU 1;.., sJ93s,Lg]hc J÷1 ,;... //// 1385/6/23 558 MASHA andMulti-Farhangistan Humanitarian ethnic Afghan Noor Assistance Fundation Schools J:"-Lii ,..,-".>9 s jL jh l.c. uLg.v 3 807 ,5--"cIJjs\,,,., A 63`çLl ..9_)z? 9 9._sl>;a.1-'-''-''' s jL. j'y -;99J, o4 . v 9 9 rJnr 9 J,Lg-)J:..,- J93 sau // 1385/6/23 978 LDRFFNF OrganizationLimar Rehabilitation Maping yo1,eIS a..i 3 ,s,)1_,,,31.4 J9' 808 avJ-;L; 9 t'.41'. sj'jlijail.. 9 c-,. IJj ,L.- .. 0700205165 . - . -S.i, ,a91--A -1---- // 1385/6/23 251 1702 PARA RehabilitationPasoon Agriculture Association :.-'.1_).3 3 s jLy _A a.3.0 J3.17 809 ,::.,.c._)_) jJ,o vl-6-.'J95 s1,..:15,3 I y `..;1, i\. vg9rJrpr -.)\-6. _., jli // 1385/6/23 1 178 i PFEC y ->!91 ,51y. 4---yA 41 810 1 ._5--',aSJ'?19 .r:J- ,.41* ,S i\--, 3-2 9. v9 9 1 vrJv ,DV ,,,, jl J // 1385/6/23 275 AAG Andkhoi Association Group L.c,9.&.i1 1.1..1,_5' jL,,, jL, 811 1.:531 sjt--=_3',1-4.1 J s=1--°: ,. a, J;; J4.,L v0799354603. v99rrArr JJ41-y,c JJs;jl // 1385/6/23 1873 895 ANRANDA NationalAngootAssociation Development Rehabilitation Agency ,.:4_95,3144.?... slvl 4.,.:9., ._:01..:Si1 a.yo 813812 .'LA.1-'.sJl.t.o J,z,c_5._;j--,1-.! I J j j 9. V . . r . . t' t. .3-,l ,o -_ ]Jll.ic // 1385/6/23 156 ARO Arghandab Rehablitation a4y&. 331.:131+, a_,_,.9,, I 814 J,,..c'Lo..1.?.1 .''.; ,-=1 0700275551 ,,-1 .y>.: _)3I JS // 1385/6/23 46 WRC WelfareOrganization Relief Agency 4*y&.4,...:J,o 1.j1 815 , LsLic.J Ls-413.) ji J ...,^''' IJjI h.;,_,L,,, .V4)1" . . r 9 j..4_) j // 1385/6/23 854 GWDOWRA DevelopmentJami Welfare ORGand 5'01#. 816 aatL -' -,1..o4. sj'-,jL2 J .',c I J j -- tt-..3ÿ+ 0799578299 ,':ui ,J.,,,,:, ..,:,I ic. // 1385/6/23 802 URCA OrganizationQuataghan Rehabilitation Agency l J 1i j a...q ;.).-3.:¡ ,..s_)1.--,i1-.! 817 ..S.oS3,53c.1 J j , 1..41 ,ç jL.. j1., J r 9. \' 9 9r1' A 1 9 üó.....ì /7 1385/6/23 898 AMAN Agricultural and Mechanic for `SS: ;c; 9 ,s1c.I J j 4-""9° 818 sic-IJjJ9.>.w .sc1-°11 sjl.jL..) ..s:iJ.9?IJ' J.1L snub S7 0700277928 Jli...11 c tsl .Its ,-,.. 1/ 1385/6/23 543 SSARO RehabilitationShamAfghans Shafaq ORGArhandi eL" s jL.., jl g 143t;,.'sl ,sl y, si,c JI 819 c.,L,.sJl.1h ,_;_)..._31_,, J u "1t=' w. v991 AArr ,,,,., D1-il J.yU ,-_" 1/ 1385/6/23 139 ARRI Albironi Reconstruction and 91 3IJ9 Ly 5:195.4411 -) 820 ._55`-..11:':" ,..,--".J.'...1 ,s_cL>,1 ;_d,o. . v991. vv 1 vh ,4, ,.j,..:,¡l // 1385/6/23 610 SHORA SarbanRehablitation Health Institute Organization ojL, g..., 3° ;,h.,31.;.91:si96 J .1 821 _9 J s., for Rehablitation of AFG 4....9i0 :si 9i" J L. u ,.i -. li.a J,I J j 4-..L.'51 I-- .v99r6411 JS y,,, ,,Jg JJ.., // 1385/6/23 1585 DARVEAR EducationalReconstruction Agricultural Vocational and ._a.....,l Lç99y.a cjL.j>,g..,.:3.4 9 c JJ Sy11}} 822 J'y?t&°sj1-, `-'`1y, s1y 4-3,-_) sjL-j1.4 0799448205 311s11.,4a L,IJ `..I // 1385/6/23 562 HDF RuralHeart Dex Development clopinent Association Foudation ail 4-ü-°J' ,.-:JI JA 823 J, ,_sr.1,3:41.ilL,.o üLA.v"L,L., J 9. v . . r 9A9 s y,a1; .,,,-N,, eírl ,;34..1 7/ 1385/6/23 533 ARRA AgencyArain Rural Rehabilitation ,_y, JI .:_,La. ,s j. jli a...,.y,o 824 252 £SZ It8 i-El s 1751 "6-75s iFri7-7r' lias Uoiluaolsa{ uels!ueqld UO1lezluea10 a DUE! M 021S21í/ Rfr £Z/9/58£1 'r'"Sr I°-K- iaC 1.bbn V 1 I.7°1.7.5" 6"1r^1rs !(- V755-. 1577757 7.r.+', OttrR dr,-,-y -'-)-- 7ìc1-, 6`[r. ugluM qupLled, awes MIS £Z/9/8F1 ';171' °'°°T '1f a a b n./. . A 4. gr-.Ft, ".-1r5" s -r--`1f4 s 6 8 dr7.°c-r'r°6,-.ry i1,--1rs 6 ....1'," pUY. UOIIL'llllgellaM L'M34 uolluz!uual0 ao.lodD210 luuolluanp3 0A21Q T.i'T' .7 £Z/9/S8£I -,cTljclr s..r°!-r. re-v°7 "t{,-,TII`t`" laabnb bn °tr 7'7'4 `lrmrs S { îp S 8£8L£8 ds,---y'r-^1s Lt(' I717 16`1`7-.17 /C1!unulwoD uawoM ue1lf4d D210u0l1e1llgega2lleqbl ,dJMd 02101 17178I066 £Z/9/58£1Fz/9/S8£1 // 76-7 7r r.s71r' b091 b£66L0nsks'4,bbn' ,- d'-r6-,°'7' rrl-07' 77" tr'r" It-.7-z-' 9£8 -.1r5-' t' Dio uollellilqeqali WE D210 uollulll lge1ia21 021f 06E £7/9/58£1 // %.' IF1 SÎ Z0178Z966L0 a d,1r57,"7r° ,,,,,,-7, b 77°-17' s R-r, 1`7-°T-'' ,r:..1r5". cr."-,-7-., s d.1rr, , 1'£8:ER &1r.-°1r&1r-1r5-'d-'-sr:IFnr' r 'Mr` D210 uo!lel!!ge11a21 geb`1 UeqE.IVa-U,yseW uollulaossd O21dW 021f1 LOL17881 £z/9/S8F1£Z/9/58£1 // n,. r"sr -37-I1<'v"" ar`'.rqr(-l6'' - .\baa..,\.OZ I S£ I66L0 7777, ;frsriz,7155'-,-I"-Fcr dnr,-, rrl-, &1^r" v-cr, Z£8.:0i &r,-lrst'Ir,7rs -z-17, 7rr 9-1r' 77 ow uollon.IlsuooaHuolpullllqeLlaH ollqnd muouueqef UIMeN. NO21d b'21f L8ZLL £Z/9/58F1 // d%-,77,fr `,cr lfsl,- "171r' °-v°c d-,7 51, Z8060Z66L0n;1nb.4bbn trT's y-.srd=",r,-, °'m s7701 ri-71 c(- Itedl.7-4' -,ro-,. 1 ES d5',.--,, &IC:--.-1rs K' D-1I0 uollon.gsuoaa.8 leyeaefl L}IIl 1789 £Z/9/S8£1 // °`fr 1 I°T 9Z6£9866L0 °-,-., 6c777 l77175- .7-i4 6 {ii'-, 6,{;T,, 0,8 iclr° &tr,-,s I75:7-Ts' 771/47- pue uollelllgeIpZlUolluloOSSd paqr.1nW 11.13u.IdolanaQ ief3a-1 t/Q211N ZZZ l £z/9/8£I // '-: I;(- ^-÷.7 r'c°'1r-' 68900900L0 &,r--,r5' ,'-777 K- 77 s-.-,Itn-3-'-' '" '`-4-' t7.-1.3-'-' =P` 67.8 °6"'1,;f rr' 6{vT.Y-' Ie6(.-7-4.' IeUOljeollpri IpIn1I11DUell.ln0 Ddt/ .101 UOueIOOSSF/ 01AJfl 00(,I £Z/9/58£1 // ?l,,cr,,cf7 -377iI" I7 rl7') `.' .lvnalabn r`o-ir-`.?ó 8Z8 d6"---y °Tlr r; uouel!lqeqaN wef .leUly\1 010 Uollon.usuoD v21D1N ZL l £z/9/58£1 // 7° 9£SZS£66L0 1. 1.7.7. si s °-,-7. -=Ir 9ZRLZR er6'^^b°s"^b &. '7rs C6- ir.-' Ir1 6 "lrCO"I `lrl D-80 uouellilgegaA Ll1no,kpuu uouellllgega es.ied OJ21dd 8LLf Eï.II £z/9/S8£1£Z/9/58£1 //// r r '^`r"fr °1[ 71',:j OZ I ££ZOOLOa a P n ,-'^,r-" 7T-77, °'-"' rrl SZ8 d(-5(.-1,717-Tin 7.'16-7 KIr i75. 1°- ply Jol .lalua,) uolle.IdooD puu uollon.usuooa-ti ulauldolanaQ Q23t/JJ 02íA l SZl £z/9i58£1 // rl'7 r'^:°' " 76-75' -?K`' r--74" Zb£08ZOOL0 cs,.rt7, s °-lr' .7-t's"., 7777:s ,f I, rt-r 6c° s-, ,_ I-,,.., 4 - yg `'14v_ l V 6r V r f , "-" 0 ,,.. , 1385/6/23 Tawana Promotion ORG 1_1lÿ 61_.5.:,1 a g4- 842 , j$ yv TOP ,_,L, s1 .',c..1 j j . . v . rr 1 Ar . ,,,_,,, Vil, 9j...., , "_1 1385/6/23 yv ARACA Afghan Rehabilitation Agency sly. j-kil x.,,141 A- --y4- 843 9 c1_,41,:_31.,, _.,. 699 j.,, r. V 9 9 r JJAV Ljli ji» a. " dilau: jli °,y 1385/6/23 y.v. YCHTO andYaldozlerfor Community Tailor CarpetORG Actions Handicraft Glyn ,,Ix.., 4-y1.i ar.....,y, 9 Sj.9 ,ßl...41 sla ._,ullT-i j.9} 4 .53_, ,.., Vil? \ 845844 .1c1j j ;,_ .,e ,1_1...I j. j J L,4I "21.; ,t.. . V . s v. JA9rr r .. r ßy11 ,,_j.11,,,c Ly,_)11 1:, 1385/6/23 .,?.v SABAAHSCO SocialHeart Siadat Services Charity and Basic ORG I,:) 91 Ls----a :):'-'3....9:1 > 846 S90 y, L,s 1 ._ 1.1.& . v 9 9 r . 6 1 1 1385/6/23 EducationAssistance Agriculturefor Health sjtil ,..,.iL LS..31 ,99 4uy1-.,y,94io.'-' 847 9..1I jii S1}?., ".'39 `j,,.11 l_ 31.4c. 1385/6/23 v ADF Afghan Development Fund 9 ...91_;5;1 848 aÿ,39 ,_",t.,.a._,1,. S9sy e,1,_, ,:,_ .., .f v.v99ffAr 9 9 rf ... 414 414c. 1385/6/23 yy .:v HASOHEDO HummantarianDevelopmentHealth and Education ORG and ßc1 j. j j L...1 üLA_\&. 9` - 4-v13 849 úL, 9.clj j I Agricultural Services ORG ,.,149 ,,..!1.-,,cl j. j L, ._,1,,.v r. v 9 9 r . 1 ' L.,.,,,3, -' ,,,._,,, jAll, ,.,., 1385/6/23 ,;.>, TDRO TrustRehabilitation Development ORG ,:j4.1,1 il 5,1 y S jLW j1_ 850 s jl- ,5=1 -..41 44ÿ,9, aÿ,9,-1x e,1,., t. v . r VAArv . 9 9 Ar ''r j.9' s evl0.11_;) y,,,., 431v9 1385/6/23 ,;,;y MNRDOAWDSA AsianMuzhdaService Women ForNawin AfghanistanDevelopment Rehabilitation 1_,,,,1c, j4-Viti...) L,i L.,Si1 LiI ._,1,,,.& 9 SjLjl jt:i..,Liil sl} 851852 4,4191.,yi9 Lrc.,u4sl...,5 l .::,lq.v . V . 'if r 6 j1.1 ji 1385/6/23 .vim A and Development ORG :_jl",.Li S1 y ,.y,,93 . 853 .siL US 9 LAj Pk CAPCHNDT TrainingDevelopmentChashmai Center Noor Health for Afghan Sj:1-.1) 4j. vil f_).., S>te JJ3 k'''''..: 1- I ;,,.i ,o,_,tA,,.L .v9 'IV DJf. ,, 3j1yl1,?c 1' -L) y,c,3y..,, 1385/6/23 . . AFWLO AfghanistanPeople Welfare ORG Ui 1. 854 ,.,l,yy,1_,,,S ;IS 9 .S,L., "sl .V.rVfn11 ,JA1-1, 1385/6/23 9 3..,6_ 855 1,j.,ÿ,9.,1,. AV99Jrv9r , 1i,,ß, .11.ß,c 1385/6/23 .v,-,v ZWOHAHEC ZamindawarCharityAfghanistan Welfare Health Education an y+. J_94-°_.)- o,t7?.1 '- 4-,yß4.,..,9q Ll..L,L;r.91 . 856 L.,..-.... ;slm eIy43y"t.; ßc9 j 9 . v . r f 166f .V4) ell?; ,,,,, ,:>.P.1 a y.4-. , 1385/6/23 ,4.,. WHDO DevelopmentWomenOrganization Health forORG and Helmond LriL.S.J j LL- -- d,- ..,94 4-..,..,y, 857 yL. 3 Ljlio4-;41.91, j1,i, sly .Lit.., 4_31_1..,9, risr. v 9 9 r e91,4c z3.....4 ,.,2..1 1385/6/23 ,?-254 RAAD AfghanistanRehabilitation Development Agency for ,..iL. á.:,1 j S j1_.., j1_ 4...... y. ,ÿi...31;51 J1;j 858 s9 jJUi .4--N L..;,9s sly ,..5-°JI- l ' V 9 9 YE' 9 9 w ,_:,,., -J.c _31_16_4 1385/6/23 .v.1. WFA AssociationWomen and Fredom ,..$1...:0 9 ,J 9i0 859 s.r,1s1*--9avÿ, yel'":" JLibl j».-., . V 9 9r . r Jr ,--1 11.1L. L, 9.,0 1385/6/2 RCTC Royan children traninig center i,9 JLi11 av j; }Syo .. 860 _9 V y .`L'.-"-° 4-i4 5'9 9 r \ 6 A4 j,:» a,o_,_4 ;j1,91 .1,4,A 1385/6/23 -),y ARO ATEHAD L_N.SI siL. jL a 861 j.JliizLvl.c14u1 sl)-.) ;_,...,_3L,_.,],°, >.S-1-.4ly:."Lw J,> .V99rrr9r sL:,11.i,c ,_, ty,,, 1385/6/23 y.v LOOK LANDOWNERORGANIZATIONRECCONSTRUCATION J1-4,iSÿY9J1_) `L,-.:_9-4 862 9,99y:',c1.: ` ,;, "Loii 9 °9v r V r \ e--)L,11-14c, y9,iit1.4c 1385/6/23 v.1. ASS SWR(VICSAFHGNAKANDAHARORFANIZATION SOCIAL OF ,jli_il 3L1..441 `1L._\L a....yo 863 >>Jsi..l a p ,l sly ,h.4j,_,ciy, _,-.i .113B.4 r.1:19 . ' V. wV 9 9 9 r 411 ú me3 eí11 `ul;c 1385/6/23 z-..3.1. RANAA NEWRESERCH APPROACHES AGENCY FOR .131 .,..,, ,..i.31 .;ä- ,..),?.s-3 ,s1-4+ a..:..3.0 864 e.:iiüLo1i 3.~,-. 9 avy,...LI31c1, 9L'4.1..6c-.1...i j L.-° a o,-,a I, V.v.) 1A9 * 9w wV s J 313 "_),.;., _,:,..;s.. 4.4a-4 PN.e. I1385/6/23 rAO/s/r r // AEEOASCO AlmaziAfghanistanExpansion Cultural EconomicORG and Social 3L1.A:i1 31 35-14 s.1L.ca1 4.,...... 4 4.....9.4 Jh...:,1a.91s_)L411.1 866865 --- 9 s,9,ol ly.. A V99 JArJ ---L, L).. s.11.e 1,iA 1385/9/16 // HSAO AfghanistanServiceHumman ORG ServicesOrganizzation for Ji..LkiI sl.y? s.ys? 1.0. ..ti,yo 867 :sssysl+,,, I ;44-.,;. 9 Jis 1.; j.-.41.1 3 ,_. r.v9 'ir J9v ,31L:, ,..,=,.II_r_,jLoac .1.1z.a 1385/9/161385/9/16 // PHCOMKDRO ProtectionMashal khorasan for health rehabilitation care 39Lf5,11,,c_jLwj;+4....6434-,;il,, _j "L 4....,.. 3.4 ,jL,.Ip J...,..,a 869868 ss9_» s1$,-,.isS L,-.! - ' 1 ,, - u91171 s,,-N-. 1385/9/16 // NADR Neworganization Atmenan development 3sL,:z5.]I 3 s;>-+ 870 ,3-1,4; ,_y j jy19 ; jJ9.. r .v11..1' nv"1"1"' r . "9,.4 .. q ,,, . .. 1385/9/16 // WYSC centerWomenrehabilitation and youths support 3 ,:j1.1,3 ,..;34.4. _jS y.o 4-....3A vl t,e1,1 s9; yajUl3. 871 3cLl`ilAvL.0-,..)1...,..94,.....5.L1)Ui,_sia1S1----ü .a.u, 3Sm 3 3 . V . J 1 4 wv r r 91 A1 }Ai; .10..0,D1_4,.1_)_.).», u11.1c3R e.11.Z.9_)];U .1,4.,. 1385/9/16 // VAYOWFCDO VoicedevelopmentWomwn of andafghan family yourths culture ,:ii LrA3A i LiLLS 31 4_.:.3A,L:91 JI3,, sla.... d....,yo eJ3_,L 3 873872 ,_.52'cIJ,9 ..,1.;_3LL1,_L<_).i.. rv99V9J e9:411,:c 3..-411c 1385/9/16 // 255 TGAO Theorganization green afghanistan _34.-y ,jlï..iL.;_il 874 9 ,-;Lii-"'J9S 531_,L5,i1 ..5ii 9_1L2" .-5:LAUAi.,_ .:',' '_uy.L.- -,:J...... 4.) . v . . ,L,I J., - 1 rApp 11t) Ii KH DO Kandahar Health Development JIA ,__,-. 893 J,-.,c.1,.....11,,,1_3... ji444j...,413Li ,_. r.,..r.,)4.)1' rrf'r J .14_,.... J4..) j-, rnbp 110 i HELP ORGHealth and Educational j1 j, ,L.*; 3 ,...,...... el isi....),? l.iliil 894 L L , - . 4-...,4..; _ 9 v i l r r . '.-4., j..6 , rApp 110 / RSSO RoProgram shnaee for Social Afghanistan Services 5.1.3...:, j),..,c.t.4:i?.1.1.. 895 i ,_.; )1_111...a,...,x..1-3...'» 3 ...Lt. c.a.....1;.I ..)_.j 4''' `l . v . ,..).1...:.11.4. 14... ._)33 A11/6 // MCOA ORGMake Capacity ORG of _519J._54 _)-1;- ,...:1-1"Ut-il 896 :5,3.eii ,:_1.1_. jai...... )LS J.31..9..., j,..,.jz 43.1.1.).....3 iiil ,..).,...... , Afghanistan J.44 L.,....31..4.a& i ,.5.-...l.....g2 4- j... 897 3 ,L1...l....1 4.11...... ).1 i (..1*.1 ,..51..,. ,L.,113...... j c:,... .VVA(.)*ro 4.1,1.L' a)1_4)3L14C. rno71 vc AA/ \/ // CFAFOBHSO CooperationBahar Health for Service Afghanistan ORG LJ-i_il .4 ;1_), ,s j\s:b 898 r v . V Ar 'i-v 'I' o',..:J ,,...L....,L-.L,,o,4, ,..53..j&e..A.&. _"..., 5/11/138511'1011110 1 / HMO HugFuture Of Mother ORG ,.L...i....., ,L)Lii L.; _ii ..y, 4...... i.. J-1k-. J2,3i-1 900899 L4,., ,Ajis ,y,a. js 3 4.,:i J 5-1..4 r.v..)Arrr. v cl 'i OA . ,) ,51c Ljl_j 4-4.121.i 1 r A op VA 7/ DAFOWTVO DevelopmentVocationalWomen Trading ORG of Afghanistansand :.»610.J_51. -il-.L5.-3i 4-,43.4 4...L.H 901 LS;_sii.= iy:1 1.5'-'' `l. V 'Iv J.6.1.1'.11.1.c. .1_.). 61110 // AWWD AfghanFamiliy Women ORG Welfare L.; j.! ,..:oLf5,3I i DU j 902 jii...» AWil.Alf ,...,-"Y' ,..s-1---' J4S1 '.4-'-'' r AD/1 1/6 77 CITKELNMO NGOKabulDevelopment of Engineering Management ORG Technical and ...3A 903 L;1.,,,9 4_,...._is C-L'.c.1_)_) "5-_,S 4....4),"..i.1..] VV`lirins. J21....11.1:c. D. rnw /A // PWCA InformationProtect Women Tecnology and Children Jul= .0 . ...3 ;:j11.3liil ,.--1)41- 904 `:-"--° 9 4-i- .'_):' -9 )'-. 4r JY'.;) )1-1_>" a.)..93 J1"1.>" IrAA/1 1101 11 of BietiocAfghanistan Garden ORG Health Service .c..J...n. tl_,4 L.531.....1i. 4-,.....9.4 905 -sil-,-, US -_9 v 1" ) ' ael.Z.A1 1 jA. rAbillio // JAHANBGHSO JoinORG and Help Afghanistan 906 9 3-3iL.,..c.L.1?.1,:_,* 1.4.a& .s/.r.if. _31 ji _.).,., .,..).1.2tra -1...a.-,..4 11"AD/11/D 7 NOWEmegency Assistance for ,st_i., ;_6.1.c. L;tsb ,S_AS 907 ,_s JI.L. 3 _t" a 1 j i ..rfrv - 1 rAtp 116 11 0EARDA ReconstructionDevelopment and of Afghanistan ,DI:i..,31;_il Ùl_i_.) ,AISI 3 ,_il_25,31 ,5S J.. 908 .9:9Y vi 1 r f )4. L:E);.-, .3-'...... -1.4..... 1rAD/1 vo ,/,, AWAREO AfghanDawarand Revival Women Rehabilitation Emanate Awarenass ORG L.JWil "-9' 909 ,,,,I_Z:.S j3 ,_,..c.1...1,,Isis.,1-1.3.-., ,_,..Abl.S1 ,..431-2 .v..Trf'. .. s. v i -..;41-14 -1:1Ji .1.-1 rnoilr/r /7 257 AJHRODRO Afghanistan Justis and ,...) Vi...iiil j..:1? L33i. -,._hc. 910 tat. J1 ,,.., 9>s, V Humman Right ORG 9 sj9.41,1y.., s1.6=-J9SLb -21'1 `" J9sY r. VVrrVJAr :::),...,)t li J1-- ,.._.. 1 rnep Y/r // OAHECD ORGCivilAfghan Society Health Development Education and Lb-'j9J 91,.... 9,J J:2-1,a..,..,yo lii,y,,53.19' .,.o 91 I 99s-`°cSl°'.9J' S99Y I..,1; Lb-cl,41 j .V99JrAJV1 9.J"` "'" // ¡I SHRSA SocialReconstruction and Health Service of 9...,-L,iI S jL..jL, `:.,L.,,;* J11.1s.èl ,_,__N_.° 912 L.;5:,_3*Jss_y;,,,1,1,_s,1_y..S.J119ur99J° ,s9ip ,Stg..,jgS vr..v99A)f9 V 9 91' . r 1 f' Lÿ,.,i,,....,o ,a43.3,g,,,,,,o //II ///1 AFO AfghanAfghanistan Firoza ORG o_33ysjL;_i1a..,., yA 913 'J:6-9 t_s-N-.° Sj941 fA 1 91 Y W EDO andYouth Development and Women ORG Education 9' 9 JUj sl y. ".,1-1 914 9444j:i c5 99_y., 9 ,..4.1.:3 ._,..cLA4.l, 5 _ . sj9..1 ,19..,.teli 9 Lvli.c , , ° ,:,I o,i., A. v .9 9vr . r V . r . r ¡LI Jl.,1 19i J .4. ,iul ,>rbii.Y19J .v.., // 1/!r' M W HO AfghanORGMaihan Women Women Right Handicraft ORG Jlkil JU_) ,',L.,:i9v LL' J1-4_).&.3++44...:',..4.4c2_,2.3-0 JU j ,jUl.» 916915 `TS-" ,Sl&4j9°1,5,L.., r 1. v 9 9 r . A . A eí,1 J9; ti,19J5 II AWRO L.690y,f1,41.1 9 LAi*J9 -- sjt ì ,_,1.441 s -, i.) j r.Y1411'1. Ar ,,,.,, L>.,.. Jt;A71,. II // ANDWAOFA AfghanAFGWomen Development Assistance NetworkORG for ùL';..L+1k91 JUj 4s1Ja S.JI..S.A.A JLi.iLii.iI LriLl 45.÷.t 918917 9,519-,J9SL.5-1..A L.,a..,, 9 ,59'sy L,,.°`:'. ', j 1.4.a L,li 9. Vvff 1 r V V1 9 91 9 9 r ,.4l-,y1;; ,.,... 4.41119LS,lgll,ic II// //1/ GHFETCO GreenCenterFalah EducationHouse Training %l9 _9+1ÿ 9 Le _54..,1 + Ail- -5S-)A 920919 L.-1,-..4Jli19,9 s.-Ai 9,j1'j ,sla_}1; t_33 ,..5kC JAD.J9 3116-)1 J9 út.mli 9 rf J . s ySl ,,. , 1j< /)/i1 1" A f // RHC ConstrucivenessRawzana Hope & 0.13j1...., 9 .Lwl ti j9.J ay.,..,gm 921 9 S J1-11c.s'..41.4 .° ,St ki1J1&" a V 9 9 V. JJ . .)1-. // 7/ a,S99.Ys14-"J9S,5J9' ÿ9 -..,1*-] 9 "5"33:?ÿ .c l) j sjl ,-< v v . . r 1 r r. JI >nt.., // H RI EO IndustryHindukush Organization Reconstruction L1. ;- ,sit-il L5.4. a,.,..,y, 3.1.14 922 ,s'a,.y.,9 s99y IJj Jl-°c Sl$Y12,1SJ9 s1$ 1 4jy419 J , r. V . ..F. f J 9 f Jl... a. "- ,, _ .]tc.J1JLL. .., , s" // // AEDOS DOA AfghanistanAfghanSkill Development Economic ORG for ,ç.L.°S51 ul.3S .11 A....u,Lg., J.4 ,.gL35 ;1 ar.L..y, La , jL;LS) ucl y,, 924923 9 ,Sj9°1P-%' 19 s113-"99S ("LI `-';9' .,. r. V 9 9 1 AA 9 A J9; eL.:, // // OA HA OrganizationDevelopment of AgricultureORG Ij j 4...... 1....43.4 Ù1s. .,Li_il 925 ,1,SI ,s4111 y 4,1u..9,ûcl JIiL,jh J2,-,.., "L,,,i 9,_ r. v r A9 J ,)9 ,,,., y,ya,..1 yit-J ,. 11 //258 OERA andOrganizationHealth Rehabilitation of Afghanistan for Education of Addicts ,;y+.l",_4 ,5J9J' jli A ..,..,y,sy° 9,c JU+.:.iL:.91 926 .34 _..)...4 .)I3A j1)....=l , l,S,L44 jLI, J,! 1..ini.q .4.., _.)c-.,¡.,, // 927 ,.2t.-, ,..'.astte,3já ° n,.-il 1,1 3 .vggr)r>r. 4,., ei'tS A^+;- II ; AAOA OrganizationAndarab Rehabilitation for Women sly.,.1j-i+l;sjt_,..,jt,a..:.yA Jli j 928 sI.J-?I..jS)q ,,_c.1...:1?.1 ,21,ov j9.ol j ssa j., . v . . r 9 nAJ J;111 // CONT forCenter Women of Nurture and Childeren and Training Jlij ,_y)9y 9 jrjs°1 _jS,}4 JULI 9 As.all.a3j J1_, 1.1 ,:11.1:37) ).1 As jt.sbl 11.35.. sa Jl jtA j u.. ur9. etì-c-,-,7.2',. I,;'lïvl jj Ayÿ, 3 ,)hI 3 _,i., eí,l 4.., 4,a3 // // BRNA Bureau for Rehabilitaion and 49y 9 Ls j1-,4j1.? jal 929 44),51yt.,_ul t4 1 c.:,_ ... 9r.v.. vvr . r yr v.V A ," " j1- t, II // A W RAO AddingAfghan Organization Women Rehabilitation ,S....AS9 s jtj>- sA Ù11.4112,i1 j. Lçy:k 930 3,$)h1L,S}°'_p. 3,._lci ,.1a1i j j , and Adding ORG d.ó.91 Jli j ,.;I1...,j 3 4u j:i 3e...4.10:3,_,cl -ji -s LsiI y..c. ,t.o.v v v 9 9rr 41 ) j,etall 14z...o aï,l a,1,4s4c II ///,i RWO Relief and Welfare ORG `+1-.-1. 013 j 9.1p,g4 4.+4'.,34 932931 e.).1.;:39 ..,1.; s90y 1,41 ,.:_l- üt,o,v 1...... \.; r'V. vvvr .. r VV1 r Yv A ,_13c Pk j // ARHSOPCSD AfghanistanPartnerHealth Servicefor Rehabilitation Civil ORG Society and s'i° A...4 J1) a. ,. 9 csj1--,j1, °-..y0 JIS.,,:,lkil s_,-° ,_9.,, 933 .10);9 tv)I 4-.45-' "ta-': `` As45'9 v . . s \v . . ' `;31I e"3jai.) // // OrganizationDevelopment of Technical ,..,54:1:%:i.., `"" st$.')LS..ab 4..a...9'0 934 sl-t. C_)i.,sa1.-41 h jl 9 i'41. '' lli , ) OTCD Cooperation for Community ct.1u1 Lsl4S,I ,...;1_,,,, ._j // Development 935 u1SLasty,` ,.]I3.i1_L tl "1.41&: 3 .!t..]3 CZ-1.4°i ),,, Jtsl,l,s? v A9JrJ jtL _.. // A W HO Afghan Women Hope ORG Jtii 44.. y.y,, s j.I.11-4 3 `4L1,,:.11r..1 j j 7.-'12Li9 .599 Y . v 9 9 f r r (. jSl °-4).i // // ZCO Zaher Shah Charity ORG ,51-.A-.) 01- .)1611 47! k''''''_9' C.JLo 936 3...5-4'-' s j;,e3 51 .:J>w %"' 9 .5-c.1-.i1 '.,," v. 1'9 JA 'Li3 jts zk Aa,L 1 // /7 AWCAO AfghanArts Organization Women Cultural and Jij L5.5.-3.4 ji a---3Q 937 , v 9 91' 9v 9 // // >..:S +1 Ls.1.0- 4....4.4_9.4 938 s39y(.5j1-- ,sc.1'14-.14} US -19&at, ût'o 3jL-'jt? 9 I vJr . r ) r k II // ACENMSHDO CraftMakhfi Development Service and ORGHandi LS ^.1 1 9 ..4.1:, L.,.i.., t1.a .sli)9^1° 4-5-." 939 st ,L.3-..).¡_)- , ..,1., - -1'_) 3 v j,1 ,"-" h 259 EducationAfghan Consultancy Network and Jjtil ,9.11 v ° ° JA ÙL411 -%-.° // 7/ .-L,,- 9 r 952 ,25:._11}.ft.d,:Jlij92-i-1.1á`?J,,21. 1 4)c 9 tA, 45Y J°>9°1 , .5;..: j1_ `l_.o 9 V 4-i+ SSPO ORGSocial Safety and Protection L- .:49:. -slíi,os°..JUJ.A-'1-?",9 .slA üLiL..° 9 z4l. sJ9-°I a? -119" s9sy sJ9A ) J11].I9 v ° con r °1.2L 1°1 j , II ¡I SCAWO SaveWomen The Children ORG and Afghan uLiLil - Ui y iisbl a.,l...a. 953 4..1r.s1.--;qi .:2L°.1&. ,: jyi L514-..,)9S 4) s9sy 9 L: j1.1 j V. vYAA Av ,,,,.,,:) // // WSSDO EconomicWomen Social Development Services andORG _L.::) 9 L.,..cto:i.,%.1 ,.:L,Lg.v ,:»_....) 2 .i41 954 taA 1÷,I>; s:,.3t5:; j 1 '_.) s j ,,, j1.' ".1' ] V ° ° A j19 .:.) 4.-.1...L .ca II // WTDSOA SkillTraining ORG and for Development Afghan Women LsL.S..]I 2Lii1 ..)Ui s11,-6-- 9 .::, j9.°ì a,:.3... 955 1as9i''''1 LD:1912-° :5)9ì ü1),,,''1.:,,, ('/Iii .sL°9 , ü.Y,j 14a'' v . v . . ) wr ) ,i4W1 `14c L:311-;.11.4' // 7/ AOAD DisableAccessibility ORG for Afghan _4i94.,,, s1)»SI. ;_yat1 ...).? ,_,.4.5i.,-,. 4_.W9,, 956 ,SLgS,,S1&1L44I)" `43.i9s,)'; 9 Ls-11, ,,4 S4":6ii,,.1 29 ) r v ° ° 1 Ar \ 1 DLL' ",13 ,L.i 1._1 // // GORA GerdizRehabilitation Organization for Afghanistan _s I?? ? 9 jL;.glSJ Lu iL. 7 957 7 s__N-°ki_Y,jCL,SI J1.39'°1 ,s;*:',,c-i.).:) 11,,.v 9 S.9L??19 a.a,c 44.?J 9 j9,°i C.22.A i4"1' . v ° ° rA 'r eU d9 )-i 7.jlà- // // Wafa Rehabilitation and 9 .11?-4 L;14,1 958 "L..L.),I518-" )9LAiA, J : 1 ji _ 5 r ..° WRLO logstical ORG czw Li9 .5-5`74.&'391 )9.tSi.j"9:' -5,.4:11y94?. " 9 J91'-° c._,iL a,JU..,° 2'i .4,-,.11...,c. cj+1.a ,tr, // tì Lt:11hS __.).S J.4 959 SYli,..51s91.i?.,I) 4...1U.,,° jjL`.i,l;.'slts ÙI.-9U). ,l Ù-1-3. j ,S-:N*)L'L.;19 Ú1 ,°) J9_ V. . ,Y°vr ) // OASC CenterOrganization of Asian Study s9L5,-....1. a.°tLJliJ >_sìvl&÷ s1 y ;,.;x . v ° ° y r d . 4) j_931.1,, ,,.)y4 .1._N.. // // MSCO Mehragan Social and Cultural 9 Ls.c.1..:L?.1 :*_11_,,.v 4..4...... 3.4 960 912-°L.,=-1-41 ;;K:ab i9 9:2L.791 1 t....991. j1 al-i- vi 'y L--'2-.."-;.9 47'.933 9 -1":) r . v° 91' JaA jy.i11 ciy.., .D a,,,. // 261 // CCD ORGCommunity Center for Disabled a191:,4 :J}&'0 ..s"W_),-z-L.1 jSy° 961 .51.i*6)Y-;1G'.I1-29 Jf:J9°1 45.1..1 L5-,° ,1.v9 S1e,Lg,S 1.S.yaLAa S i15-°A. 9 Ls-?,li S4i'.4.:)9 v,_5...°S,iy.,:y.JJ99 LS,s--':_ì9, e-;,:199y ú1-°1á JLáb19 4 »..ÿJli; SIJ? 5.9°Ì 9 .I.4.1.' \. V . . r rv9 ,j,_\)1 , .,. // // KM() Kandahar Momandyar ORG 4.....,9.° ,1,_1:14y4 )La.iS - 962 9),i° ji ,iy°OJg 9.-l-09 ,_y_t9LA, ,;;,.,pç y,,,,,,_.4-..ç 11 ¡I OALP ORG for Development & 963 k.,1U,,°1:,.1y°JL ;.:L5.31._ 3L;_ii .1.*] Sit..., apim, ú4).1;,_,-,..,_,L,°,& ,:ji)1,1L4 ,yòly°1 ,SJ:S91?9 ú1,19,, . v. . Af9 9 j ,p_.,,.)1,11 a ,y, ,.,.,_. ,. _i II // PeltReconstruction of Afghan Lamb y ,,iL:SiI y s,t,il, j_iiI s-lii..,ss .5-N--..y LsttULS9Ú°t. 42.°1-? )á. t&SJY09,s-A1-1 L57,'1J'9: LS_° i9)L,°c4 S4S-..133S ;. ,y° 4. ;,,,.,& 9 ÿ°,-39 ....):.L.'9:? -° ;;tsS9.i Dr.V . t11'4)1 aLl ú.yz.) ell c9J // /7 RRRPMROW ReconstructionRaihanforManagement Welfare Rehabilitation Projectand Reaserch and ORG ,'LB) `34-,:; ,Ii:i j>, y L5.5'-'-':)1-.) 9 '"".^-,\..0 965964 A1,41sl.). J41.5-1 4.;=.)9 úL>,Lu y.5"-9S y ,>,y L:,,i, ú,9ä, ,..11.1 5 9. V g 9rf f fV .j.49:, ;I,4 ¡1'.0 3/171386/ // DRECOR andRural Operation Economical for Real Cooperation S)15-..4 sL.o:ïsl ,,--iI.y41S 0)L,1 ,5syï j---J 966 .V99VD9Dt) (931)31,:c 4,11..011,:c. Development l>"...J 91 JA. _áL"á `Jlsi.O J.? ,,l_,)LSjL?'.`uS..S ill) r. V 9 9. t t t f , j.°,)11,vc 41. L.1 // // WCSOFAR W WomenRehabilitationSalamORG for Afghanistan JL'sJ,lsjtjlislyP.--A-, 9jt;i ,L.yl v11z3U4 968967 uli.d,,,:,)L,41,,x.L.°.4 "1.°.v 1 .v9V.fADf sic. ek. ,j..,y., // // AOWA Afghanistanand Childeren ORG Walfare Women Arise li jt 31.I. 4....,...4.3.4 969 lesiJ1,1)4i...31.1.,».41x:1 ta..cli. Ji 9 ,j4.13.0_31,3:14_? `4'5' 9ú1.°,á ", L;"*1 9;',c 1Jj ,-,, . _ s_u1g, s y9,y,, "1. ,1.; 9`_:,J'9 '.Y. . AArrs ,...».1.,...... , 1°1,1 // // HAWO Help for Afghan Women ORG 44 04:11$ 1c.L.,,,o a..,.,yo j_á9l LjL+J dL' 970 )49.'3J111;Ili JI 9? L)1.319? ,js? .j, aL'SÌ c_1:,.. ,:j.,y, .5`--NI "'J ¡út319 u Li9 4ilï,. y,) 4 s . v . . t rf rv 1. 4it4 1,..;.. .__4 1/ /! OAYCCD CulturalAfghan Development Youths Civil ORG and L.,-LzbJi y Lsi.1.4 ;sUS,3l 971 3:-&3:1?.J'i 9 i . . ,>,J9L1, á, 4iwiLa yIÿLS tS99.Y 9,s i.., 99 s4 ú, j , y S eA1y9 Sti-- J9S . v . . 9 9 9 D D ,s,411.4. // tl 1;I , S991.2..,L? J.) , jIS..,4) úo1ij,lJ C_cl+.,,°4)c ,.,eLSI ,.51,I 's4,.° S.s9 Y 9 .53i° sl* r // B W RO Bacic Womens Rights ORG Jli j ,S,.LI j yv jl 47?L°. 972 :)c.IJ..J.,aja ), J9"S J:iv ,.,) j4.4..) i'9 ,e41.2."3 , .. 9 Sj1,3t? ,sut r. vvnA t rrt ,.4.1410 .wlt1,c // // BABLO Beter Afghanistan Beter Life ,SS .43 j.ii., ,jL"1..:Lk91 973 ili aa..wys..5.,.S,19` la et.?j9' tai/1)4, ,tvl a jL.i _A 9 Ite °4 ,.)..Lt S. . V 9 9 f . AA ) jt.L., y..; l3_,....01 4..4 // // APRCO Afghan Poverty Relief Charity jiLiiI "t-,,.; a,y,& 4,.,..,y3 iier, 974 262 ORG 19 ` 3 J C-:"H.-?. Ll 19,J 9tÿ , vJr rJnv 11 J,. ,h c // /1 WFL Window for Life o i+j 4Vj9J 4....94 Jrii 31 975 Lju;s99y),:, ., 119° üL.,SL .i j_4.. .j91.' ,?19J `L's15 j_4_,...`° ji j99. -a 9 .21.1 A V r AV ,, zk 931-.) jg- !/ III OA W MD AfghanistanDevelopment Women ORG and Men 9 Jli j siL.:S_1I , . j:i.,z, Jl.)yo ,..,3.4 976 ,:_c_ Ij j q},9 `,_.... A. v . . fvr,rf ,L.;, .-i.e. ,jL,`sl ,"-" II // CBHO Capacity Building & sLic;Jl 4,.,,,94 977 LI j..-3-4,0, ..(:,0.yi `_L4, 9 . V . . . . .1..,... 4..., ,,1,,,. // // PSDO PeaceHummantarian and Social Aid Development ORG j 4a-.-3:i y zI -, 4.....,...,3.4 s_yw? s1-65-.- 978 sjLS ,44y1;..,i. _Lf..9 9,iL.: I"Lo1. ; 2;6 9'1 ,s.a sti-Ss D V r rrrf4,1D j9ix11 c cl y. 119 L,L., // // TWCA TommorrowsORG Women and ,_;11y9 3.1b1y ,Ljli j a vh...,Li.;lLs.c.L,S» 979 9 `",-... ,-,c Iji .4121-'L5.r.t V r 9v aí,l ,¡,L-, L .wl4.... // // HEWOD ChilderenHarndard of Educational Afghanistan and S,LS 9 Ls ',I'; 4-"".,_9-4 980 4÷._53.9 I ,t,& . r. v /1 Working ORG for Development *,.i.are 981 ,,z.L.1 9 0..+?3i 9 ",.& .,,,}, .e4.116 S 119q .:39' sj111L, 919 _. , r V 9V 9 r 9 9 r I Dr ,,.,IIh,c-1.°3-°>93 L.55`-499s.,,,pllyc //3/311386/ // HOSASSAWO SocialAfghansHumnanitarian Services ORGfor Afghan Suppotting jl vl. 9sy.;;, 4...... 3.0jii19:i1 3:..y,.o ,431;_'sljlkil1 982 ',J1....&...):3.1.,.., . s9s y ,...-J ,-,-.., .1.,1.4.1. rw V 9 9 D r f VI' 41)1.1.1c 14,N.,,11.i,c. // // ARCSO AfghanistanWomen ORG Reconstruction and 4.4 9 s jL.iL, a-,..9.o a....,,y, 93914J.i.v4Ls.91 ,53.1... 983 S 9.Y `-LO 9 4-.4451 9 ;,Ll.2?.l "'- ., f v '1'1r r 9 ,:)..,,,_)114c.c.»,,,I 1q_,, ,,,.yS1c. // // RKO CivilRotary Society Kabul ORG ORG J.4 st+9j 4.3.a JI-A,-3.S J9 _)_.)-1 985984 s39y 9 L,I ,_2.0 9.v99r9nrw r rwf Lric. cy, j3.11 ..1.4.z..4 --- 1/ // GKROWSO GreenWorkORG Kandahar Service ORGRehabilitation JLSL.5.I.,_1&g,,,.,,9d .,,,,9.09)9'I19Lu1 986 9 ,s,..9... j3 9 LSS9y ji9LraL,SIul.,.v ,sl$.,;.)951L1 s_j9Ai 119.. w v 9 vrr'vr eL,s .1 _ n ,:i9i,,,, 1,,,,, // // PDAPA AssistanceProftional &Development for People of 9 ,siL.'S..:,I La.A1&. 4.9.4Lj11.a61;_il ,a1)., s9èy 987 9 . 1_4 1 1 ûL,.v . . ? . ,_ . `` `c I, j Ni . v . . r 9 w f ,1,5 ` °:yl; ,í,l `-.....,< // // AYPO AfghanAfghanistan of Youth Peace ORG ai19:i ,513.,.1 9;1319í jt;.él1 988 9 v.99Y 9.f1°11 L.,:ic1j j üL,.v s j91 119.. sLAJA 9. v99rr . vv ,9114.. eL..,_ 1.., 111 // // AHSAO AgricultureORGSocial Development Husbandry Afghanistanand `_,L,v `_91,Lá31 91., a ..,..,9., 9 s,I11L,. 't.1 j j 989 sua a.a,c j1 dis) c.:4"...).];11:3_,1C 9 4u5 94,6 úcl, j,:.'s 1,,191 w. V 9 9 f . n r V rlc ek // // WWWWO OrganizationWomen Working Western Women ,s1 J.., , jli j L,v a+.:..y, Lò;l 990 ,_,...I.,-; L,:1,,I9 .° sI$Ls.c.1,41 11L,.i 419 ,-L,.v . V 9 n l t. 9 ,},., _..).1; LI a:j,ai 1,Ll1., // 263 II M EO Manufacturing Effort ORG Ls1 o.v jl.. 9 11-ei÷ a,...y,, _)- 0j9 1 ji j 991 9 1_4:1?..I L°_%.&. av5, 9 ,,,A..:3 V A1" 5' A ,_,L.,, rJS ..,.., // // /7 KHHO Kabul Human Help ORG s y.L, slla ,S.,,S a.,..,..., j.4 J->s 1007 s_)ss..e'd -°Sts-°I_)sy .s--11&1 r.V9vAJ.V9 3.3,._._,...:, // // // HADAF Humanitarian Assistance for JE1_i_iI..JL.:5.31 1008 ,IJj.s,-sj9°I -)19LLssiy ._;-.5k_ Y 9 .5591' Ls--- Y`191- J 1 r' 1 l j..,, // T I E Development of Afghanistan ,...1.-; a.slysy:_;lla,.j,, ° L .L;c l . 1009 y11-6-° ,_:;L)4.5--'--' üc lj_ j y a, 3 456 .`-'1`'..'1"'L" .:1'.---'' sr. V99r9vAV 11 y.,yy,.5ii11c y, L c 1/// // // KHC TrustKhrasan in Education Childeren jL..:I LJ4hI a- g,o `4?J' 9 1010 J, ,jtsbl a., ..,1. st,a !tsól 9 Leh li ,s1 y1.1-.l; J,I,; LSI ,5° LJ9'J'91' a,uy, ) a:gS 9 * V 9A . rv v ..,,,,,,., .311, a1^1 // // if ASAO Ayanda Sazan Afghanistan ORG ÙI j1 C_i i d,,,.,y° LjL'i. Lic51 1011 ,;53y _,1..,1.; y,L11; j ,;_31...,.5..) lsS,5,&. ..SIA a°Uy .J1-::' 199 -'J9° ,.33-1°I s1J' i_i:°j9°I9 r v9A. r \ rv _AEli,, a,y5...:, // // // SOPWC Supportive ORG for Poor jli sly ,_.,.:L.,. 4-,.,.,9,, 1012 ..;J1,yi,-,cIJi.... 1-eil .;-1Lt_c>1 y, si9°1 "L., ,19.,, yL., 9 9 ,. 4vJ.1 9.,1=", 9 .v..rA... .L}ul..4._,_4 1/ // // ORMDA MessengerORGofRehebilitationWomen and Disable Childeren of Lsit-'J1_s:.+i1.jS.yo Lj1.1.411_iil L'.»A9il,' J1-i1.1 y 1013 1.4:4.I ,:2L4.1&. :-,c I J ...?..1x:3 9 S99Y 9 ,_ r. v . . rr 9 ) yL,, ,.k .ù,l `ÿ,,,.o ..)41' // // /1 OHW ORGAfghanistan of Human Welfare a. .:9., a,y&. L,yi, 1014 s j9°1 ,19.., s99Y sia--99S''4.:1 ,_,';,,, ,`, IJJ s99.Y 9 ...s-cL41 9 ,', . v 9 Vrr 9 s V9 9 91' VA - "J9' J- avJ.:, 1 rA 9 // .v.Li !/í/ RSSAODCLCO ReconstructionLightDevelopment Of Citizens Community and ORG Social Sun 91 0 4.: _òL,:,5..31 a..,192,1,9 yo i,y..).ti-:;, 4-x,14 ,...4.:21.¡31. 10151016 sJ9°IJ -'1..3-°1-.' ,I y., s99Y o ,.91csl+*jJLL,a.aJc J J9SsJl:?I y L.JUi,y,...,:Y.- 9`-,c IJi I-41.4 42, .-.5`,5 sJ:4:50.I J9 ` , . 4,5, 9 c.41,-, 9. v . . r 9 : .ssa-13-11-1-.c- . a,t,t1,:C 9/ A // II 1/ SSOAM AfghanistanSocialService Services for Afghanistan Muslems Organization ORG for ,..1yo sly allÿ 31314.1 L.,_c.E44.I ,jL'i...iLiil Jt..1..,a )2,E,,.v 1017 s)1,1L, y lib lJjavJ'4123',L"..,oE Jvi iL..:,o yua:.] ,t41 "L°,&. 9 V.v99r)r'r1. v . .1.,.....4 ._...)÷.4 // // // AOWOC OrphanArabzadaORGforWomenand Childeren c,jU_jslyc,l,,_,jc P?1: 9 1018 ,ii,-.. . _1y ,< 1 sLa a.aJc J, LriL:,,1 ,E..)& w . r ) . r . J S ,y,y,., // // OWERD ORG for Women Empowerment j LjUi sil.... ,;";ly.i 1019 1,a `,%gJ]; s%I '- - ..9JI,.° ..5__N...a,_,,4.i. ,1,JIS V . . 1 1 . 47J93 /1 // and Rural Development `,l,a., `sL,::S 1020 s9sJ, ;,1Ji s .,.*91 ,°.° s`31.4J9 11 /1// AWCBO AfghanBulding Women ORG Capacity c)L+ ,...,44i J.1; s.ÿJ ,.)L..JL;.èl 1021 9.5_,..°,::2,1.,,,1., jSly,;1_,N.,,1 Ls.c.1.:11 r..v9vvsJVD V 9A9At . r ,,,z..o oAJ6°' y1. // // UBO Umol Baneen ORG 919'1,91 u, 015' à J..) dLI y ,y.Gy Lliu,_ ^s jL. E4S ,y as., .sy S14-.1_A_.9):',J2, 9 úLiE.., 1 _AU; /7 265 // LRO Lashkergah Rehabilitation ORG I,.la.., ..,y4 1022 ° :,...iv yL:Jc1) j a145i3 e4i2L v 9 9 r s r r .,,,.-N., j_?. a;,l C*° ¡I 1// 1/ IJRO Igbal Justice Reconstruction 3-iii ys' shl 1023 °=°" 9 -5-11c ,rY.)1-;-,---.;,a4..o,yuï,L:.),y°;e,,Iji ,..s--.1c- `,,1-?:' 9 ` .v9vrrn9. ,..,-43 ,-k L.):-,t9`.d,yi // II // AUAF AmericanORG University of ,jt.:;...,1..a.91 ;,.:.LGy°I °L,il., 1024 .s__N_.° c9991° 9 J"'1-41 =I 159.3: 9 c.Y'l.l /7 // Afghanistan s,cl))sjy°i Ls-ili st °19yL1 1:i L5-1.114& ,--.L)LS)y°IyL.:1I s9sy ûl°1»cl)j ^ v. . v nrn . a,,.y,,,..,, L53.;.11_,..=. j_y111.1.,c ,.._, // // /'// MRDOAADO AfghanistanMaihanDevelopment Rehabilitation Agriculture ORG and JL`la..91ty,s,,t.S.:,I ,.:.c.1 ji9,siL-4j1-? ..zgl.:15,i 10261025 yLá,l,_L°.,L..c.I,i.L,. Ls16 1 j 1-°-li S jL.. jLJ.11,- .)1_9... 441.c. °j14.4 ^r.v..ssr9vv 9 9 nr 1 9 9 `òy,jt.&,j%,, j11, c .,í,I,:,,Ì 1386/ 7/15 // // 1/// AVPO AfghanistanPromotionDevelopment Vocational ORG ORG ,--iLfSs.31s4)ti.4stv)14--.,-,y,, j 4,u, 4-4.4y4,5,1. ...4 10281027 ,.A-:+ ),-. ,ly° 411c ° i 14 sa9A1 ,1 y., 9,S99y vvr rs r I r' . ¢. . ì ,,,,, a.yy // // // QCDOREDAO ORGQamarRenewable Charity Energey Development and Drug ,..5-4151 y ,v,s1)31 .:)Syo y°.i 1029 SJLuI9"cl))4:?.1'9'4.12:.'u1c.9}?,sly s,149 41 ,s1)31Lsg.?. jl ,?.y+°,L'c`,..J y L,-,.;11 ,s1.4 4.,liy v.Y. rn . 9 r ,,í,l y.; ,, i_:»1 // // // A W ESO AfghanAwareness Women ORG Educational j..1&....113.4 )l-.;1 y.:=l jl ,:-.11-°.li. 4.,.,.643..a 1030 ,_cl )j ,cL,S1 "t°a. ,jtij,s,L.ásl 9 Ly-"4" sc-1,`414719..,,stv)1 .4(e,-Z r ' , . Servic ORG 9 ü ùt-4. l ;jUi uy, ji....) t9.92" 9 ` = L . ° .}?t? ,99i ,_,. 1. ; . V 99 A A F a.,S' 1/ 4yi y 4,6 ,sii,».°, ,,z.1..4.1 L ,:a.. ,s' -,s,1,s1 r. vvr rr'r rf r S..y° ,143 ?c ,°,, 44,.;,I) // II // ROCA W DCWSS ServicesCarpetCenterAfghan Wearer Women and Rehabilitation Women Development Social LDt;i,sy5y.:_11....1.&.4._»jlL', ks.ct.a,?.lj,...TiL.:á.:,I 4...",y4 4_,....y, Jliil 10321031 ,-c-1-.a.... l ji,...,:-1' ,ly°l°v 4,1c,",c I)bi j..ji÷4 t v 9 9 r r rr . L-4. c:it4y // // // RADO ORGRomotest Areas Development :,tL. Lit-LS- :,l 4_,...y, li 11 1033 9,_z.L.41,_,L,v,_c1 )j,-_.. ),.o ,Iy° á,1c .i.)14. F.v..rrvs. i ,rk . aú1 :I,4 // // // ASEHPO AfghanistanPromotionSkill Educational Program and ORG Health for ,),- 939A1.Js9J:3: ° ).: v L,1 91 ,1.;LS. .:,L;.91,,S})9-1 1034 ,?41L.,..K.3A._>i ° y 44. 0,:5,1?. jld]oI 4, S sLa ,_S..,S 4,1)I 1.,,,1 4x ,1 e9.Y° J1-'111 4.? ,_,a jSly, A v. wsI'vs ,..,_11-.1a /1 11 // ABCOA AfghanistanAmam Baqier Charity Org of _55-1-.) eL.1 4_,y,& 4y...,y° LjL"i..3tii1 4,...y° 1035 ,Stiy9A,--òL5..:,1ycjLS,yS )9S .li -5-S ,sl,?.i' 9 , ..`1. , 5-14 .v cri wv ,4...°. L l4),2l4 y9 // // // SAO Music Village ORG 1036 - s ,y:,rs4yS4y,, Ls.c.L°SI ,-,L°, ).)--°,1y, a,lc °jjt?" y,_,cl )j . , , . . . _,41...3 s v99 . r ) 9 , ly. j // // 266 /7 ISOA AfghanistanImprovale Sisters ORG yy,., J1ya1_0. 4,...9.4 ;jL..:,t;.91 1037 s511 j Lji sI.* ,,jyli)94.916 eL.._,i jjl y° y1 9 .si&I.I LLL....,yo V v 9 9 A A1111 L.543 Pk -1.°t, t-)-''''' // // // ACHO Afghanistan Culture House ORG ..5.-11b j9 tiV 4_,., .3.4 ù l"..vLi51 1038 .11j. 441c. 0_3)1wîc1 s }La s1_es)I.S ,5za.°1_16 )_j .",_.,,9 e..4"" 1 . V 9 nr r r'v 1 ,...j,. ,_11.1,1c. aúl L1 // II /7 ARSDO Afghanistan Rehabilitation ,,..tA1i s1L..,iL, 4.x.ay.o 1039 jL.31.2, :s49 ylg.o v1.3.1..9..abt:!_3_9:"1-1_)6- 44 ,_s,.dS L.s.c-t.l L:_1LAv94 ),c.- v 9 9 r .17' 9 ,.).;,I ,"N " ell s..,l .w, // II // HBO ServiceHabibian and ORGDevelopment ORG jl".,. ;li61 L,2,15:,I UI.,, 4-...,.3.4 1040 ,:).71J-1-6-° 44 >si J. y. t?)y 4S1)gi .)l y° :91a1. 1 t)l,A° s j.., j.:.,lyoi s91v '< 4,4 t.-Iii' r Vvr nnDJ iw)g..? . ,"_° // // /7 AHBOA Aria Health and Development L.,iL.:15,3I y ,--N.a L jL",,.,;L;_iI sly, 4..a..y4 L,)Ï 1041 L,4l ,_,La.& 4.}?ÿ 94..3 ,L)...,<1y J31..,4 .`,iAE, ,...,.L:, u a .1L-,) c"=-1)i V 9 n 9 n . v r )_ili11 4 .L..1,..% // // // TNAO ToloOrg Nawin Afghanistan ORG 3 tin= ti,.,..,y° , jL",. L,litil 1042 s99y s1-(3-'-',)9S aL,l ,cl):) --*s° `..)c. J 1tx° s, a ü,s°Ì -)I9u ..5--N--° l'. - =W 1/ // // OAWCVE VocationalAfghan Women Cultural and Education ORG ::,L,.,t.'; Ùt_iLil J1.3,:) sl).;, L55.1..,,, y ji 4..-..-,yA 1043 zy,091? i1, s.s9ylj13)e.;.:3 Ls"'.,.. L.-Li.3.,ì t. ..)...,:i 9 c..s:'i L,..cL°.4.1 sLFr)9S s11 ' ;_,>,°., ;-,< I)i '`9)1; V.1/191'1/1' nD ..1..A... )92,1r. /7 // // LAO Lajward Afghanistan ORG yy, Y 4...,,,yA 1044 o j)L,° al!l.s çly, oa.ñ c`J..°I ,_,cLm )1i° I9° 441c. s41.4. . . 9 ,,a1 j..) Ljl.i;° jS stag s1.1b J.L, 4.°)c:_p_» ).1 yi L;...1. 9.1 _.).A. el-.1 ,:.):1-1-- sLaL)I-er. 4..9v ° ,L,. 1.c. s..:.9° ,Y1.4 V 9 ir f) v ,..)d.111 cl.)., ?ll.,.... /n/Y w) rny .i,4 RTOA ofResearch Afghanistan and Training ORG ,efL19A1 i , ë 4-.. 1045 sj It° 9:_s.l),4v}.94.-3 c-,_.,. )VV9J9Vr'n _»u ,0.1,1 4:j ie // /i FEDAA AfghanistanFacilitiesDevelopment Enhancement Agency and of 45; 9 LsiLl5s-i14..,..,,94 cy_16,31.kil L.J%4Ft,:i 10471046 c5L&`°).9SL.i..12. sk31 ,-,.,;y;11.s° L,-"1_,S--zsU° ,t"".ilhc :Si9°i ji tti- _.J a 9 93511 1C4-. 0700292661 a-41 ) ,-1,.- // // KLSO ORGKhorasan Legal Services L.,:i9:. L,a& 4...,0yA ,D-1A L.,.c.t.Z.l:_t°v 9 tm u1-4)9 _».9Z' :59:'y ,:,cl)_jC,_. sv99r. 9V ,L,,;htc L",9) // II COSAPWO ORGSupportWomen and and Assistannce Orphan Childeren Poor LDU1;1 ,..1=1.-,AA y ` 44 Jt.i.W 9 *L2. '51-44 1048 14;I9' 9 Lm `119j..k, 4,_..,311,°tl;a slle9 tv)I 4.°)c. t4...l _» ,:j1.3.3 s3l_, V. v99rrrn _,...... :Ll, ,Zy,..,° // l/ OA WECB AfghanistanBuildingEmpowerment Center Women and Capacity ,:-1,4e).1; 9 szi°.,l y., J9' JL,.a;Lii j-ai s31..., 1045 LJa.1.1:,4 ,sto, 4.°)c. )z ,.:, LLI":). 9 )-13.? ")La.A &tL'sì r. v ) ovrv J121 J1 -1.1..4 yti 14_1 il 1/ 267 PREPO ProtectionPoverty and ORG Environment c...1.1..èt...o y L=1..)e j.141-S ',-:-6-:1.1 105( k,__ 091. Jui o,) ,-5..:,. _FZ`sl ,L., L, .7.1_v,l JUs1.14_ _$_ r*'..ii:i ,L,N..41 V v 9 v s 1 0'4ÿ // ,, AC W W Afghan Childeren and Women L$-Citi.431 --91 2:1)=1 1 L5iL 31 4-y° 1065 » ' o c ,,U D Welfare Development Society 9 JUi 4:',.a 9 4 ,1-2"51 J-1 OI J. .J ..Jú19L ,.° 9 .J'1 _J' ` -3-'9.J '49_53 JUi J1"9 :S 9 < ,,, ^ -i "L°.l.i. 9 ,_,cI,i C.-, -... 44 ÿ3 X1..41 9 vv-r) rn t,,..,11 X199 1 0/t .r BSBO ORGBahar Social and Brightness _9,,c-1-.1.-. 1 ,1 .Uü9J 4,..,_9.4 1066 cL°ï.1 _. úL°.v 94, 9 ÿ ,r 1,j,-,_ ..4iÿ9 .,1., cLi.c1,; 9 r. v . Y'n 141 r Let JS = .rns ¡f// .i/n TBCROFDOA TurkistanAfghanistanFuture Development Bastan Cooperation ORG for ,..0_)4...1 -iv Lsit--i1 9 JLS.,.aki1L5)-5-4A1 4..,4.-49A 10681067 ,1_,,,,,1:, e j,L, `,_ 4ÿ ,.L1A y !i -; svvnnvrgov .. r J9DV ,t-L)' "_.4 0 J,314 Ls.4 L // II WIDE RehabilitationW IDE(Women ORG Initiative for 9 át J )) J9 cj>4 Ù> 9A 1069 .e.423. ii Development and Education "3.:S 31 4--.,c ja JUj 4÷». J.-.' 9 r`.." A. 1070 ú1-41i 9C. -,_... úcl,) 44ÿ 1 "l.oa&L599y 3 F v lnr) no 1 ü ,:-....»-. ,oayj LS4 LS4 // ll. OHHAWNATO NewORG Access for Humanitarian Training ORG Help sy ,,5'A 111i v;La j`25:37.1...53 9A 1071 ,-. --ci I,j ;ek 1 ßt .v...nrrsv 9 9 w f r 9 4.11I 1 of Afghanistan Women j1.1 U.). s1..r.' LA -I& 94 1072 úc1,) L,°ii1 -úL°,i .. 9 44).52i w 44ß3 // II SSOWA WomenSocial Services of Afghanistan ORG for 3li j st).., 1073 9 cSJjL? 9 ?-4 s1-1X9.1 " - .. ,. r vv r ) vvn a,..a.l 6 ,.aU o.i ,9 .,.,., //// il CAAOASFO AfghanistanAgricultureCultureSalmon and Farsi ORGAccelerating ORG for ,iU,41 9 )..>9J19J> 4..,1...3.4 1 Lrl j ßc1) j 4,,,..,3.4 1074 45,1-111.091,9L.:1?.1C. .°..i4,.,ÿ9 .3 4aÿ3 451- 6 -",) ,',c. Ij, vyrof19.vvsrnr9r J1, - -.. 4,J93 // n BOSS Best ORG for Soocial c:1:LSL~9. c11.J1 1075 9x41,-3 9 "I Lí1. s kY 44413 9 sj9'1 .11 " "1-°sL-,_..o v.vv9 n1.w9 LriN7» ek,J.., 11:,, II /i BWAW BrightServices Way or (BOSS)for Afghan 451 (moi-) 1-& s1._r.,C 9.JDIJ c t Ùt.iii 1076 s1m ,. , i1- , L.,-4L,,19 kal..° w . V9 n r . w ..4 .1....° a_ .141 // li ACRPSO AfghanistanWomen Center for s1J6 li úi °, ° -; :Ay:. v1-",,° liii1 1077 úiiy1;,j11..61;91,ç,L.o tA 1 9 c5-41< ú1 ä,i. ; i s,L....:iil L. j1-,,, Research Policy Studies L :19a j J,Uti > c I., ° sl.eläî L _5:1-3a Ls-" Al II // 9 (DU i ,.1- ;4..,..,y, 1078 41151i4769 ',.. Y .v99.r.s. 269 AWCEO EducationalAfghan Women ORG and Children j_iil J>1 9 ,-,_.,. ,S L. .L.2_1c.h.)s1..<4 ;1,t, _jt,,, ..)t A. vvJwr wn ....5.&...., ek jt, .1,..I // N MAO Mayhan Alleviation ORG ,:j,g+.41 DU, 4...... 43A 1079 9 ,..5.t.t,41 5 i i; ; ' ût.°.A& cs`l.J.I 9 I, t.,,, ,c I,j `'' - . Vns . . nr . ,.Izs,..i3l4c //// // MCDROBHEO Baran High Education ORG - ;yAl yA a ..,....3.4 ,.jI,L 10811080 >I 9 1 91 y} andMarefat Rehabilitation Charity DevelopmentORG 9 sit jt-.1 `4 } cz4y.... ,_it...:,sil ,jli,.o,tS s,jt., yh ,_11cl,_j ..).2.,-, j v . cj1, 1y, 1/ // ,ilt:::5-11 y 9 ,e.:t^ CL?t-1-. La.y.i.1.....1_N... ia.. ..t:.;; c_531.9: L..»."'-19C_,h.v ^ v . n 1 r fvn ,1,1.11_i // RSDOA ORGRelief for and Afghanistan Skills Development JU.yz)tii1 (Sii-.1 \-d:3,\$" 9 47?y>; a."-'yo 1082 -'19A 4_3-3 ._:Itl 9 t_Ji 9ja&,.... 44 \c',.,,,j y °:)._)t °s.1ÿ 4...).,t9a9Jt* ,,..z..o 1/ // HCDO DevelopmentHeela Community ORG L5.01..4. ,....;t1 a.,,..,yo 1083 L4l ût..,.i t4:i sjyal ,lyi"t-.v y ayy, 9 (..12-' .cl, j A9 vV9vs 9v 1 6rnr 1 f c,k t.. .1...s. yiii31 // // ASOCPWAO CooperationAginaWomen Service of forAfghanistan ORGPoor j.-1.31_;61 ûct :-: ,_,.., jliJ sly s,t5.4.1 k...".9-4al ,s3"t_4-1.&.,o al 16851084 ût".(3:14-1°5 sJ4ÿ 9 ü,.`t; stA `;,1t-23 9:L" 9 Ls---'-'' St+01Jg9_)i ,,c1-aí41 w v99109 r (...)A...)j.i ,,.., ,yosoli `° - // // ADHAO Afghanistan Development and Jti,3t.ki1L54.5..AS tS1},, 9 LIL:Sj all. 9.y.,4 a.,..Jyo 1086 s.9t1?I 9 ûc1,J Lrc.t,o.1?.1 ûtg. i'-'0._>i 9 ,a1-41 ,t,,, 9 V . r 9 wra j,t.a .1.4...4 ,__ .. // // RDVC HumantarianRehabilitation Assistance Development ORG ,....9 Uc_,1 9 11 A ..,, L.-.:3-,. I ,.5.4 1087 cJto.Li9ûcl,j ,°1- ..ay,},9.4,6 1 V99VV09rVVVVr 1 11' 0,1j.,1 .1...... eÙl,_.,...... at L,,)tq eíil Ljt.o1 /1 /i// VO ViyarORGVenerable Community ORG t+:i )94-.9i0 t.41.» 1088 ûtosi ûcl `-,_ ,, 4:?.J' j fl-,41ft,i-1 94,:3 ^f v . aV 9 9 ..1.4.m..g alAtS // // SSIAO AfghanistanSocial Service for Inhoribale vt',..L,ti-i1 o.v.,,.,,.,,ì a,.,>, LSIy. t-..1.i.. 4....9.' 1089 û<1» 9 ,_...A4.,, 9 die:39 .-,c 1ji ,-,_ .,, k,,,j3 w. V 9 9 r 1 n . 9 L311.&.11.34c. i..4...g .aAo o /7// // OSDBFA BetterSocial forDevelopment Afghanistan and ORG L--ct-1L ,_,--it.:á.]1 jui-,tiil a..,.,,_5,4 slt jier, ,i L.5L..,J L.5.,,,S 9 .1I.1o1 I 1090 "t.,, L55,..)y° _ "L,A&. L,;I s, jl,,, ,io L5=1..41 9 ,4,6 91 V .v 9 9 9 a i..,,to ..1...-..o r..,t:i ...,..z,.o 1/ // HAGO ORGHelp and Assistance Gardines 4,...... ,35 9 L:g t+1 A. J.. a)..lail__,.. 10921091 t÷-oiy' _p L5,1A,ir buys cçLn (stet. t,,,,ta.'t.',L79Ld, sy;y 311 iji 9 L,..aLZ1?.l ûtov e...ù- Jt,.,Jl a var . r9r. ,í,1 ,:)...1 4,49 // // ZOACEDO ZeebaORGAfghanistanExpansion ORG Cultural& Development vttii1 ,_.f.:A) 14.0 a...,,y.o 1093 9 ,s41.. LStA ,S-^S 9 ,:_it°. ,...,_,...... Ùli:) s1}?sto u..6 `V°jc. 0 Ni . . r 9 V 9 n i..);r.l -- - Le.] j // // AIHRSO ServicesAfghan Indo ORG Health Relief cjta-9l L,_,..o ûl,o.,& .)y*. ..iab , 1094 ,_to,&,.-,c1.),).-,_.,..,14y 9 e..,1_, ,sct.41 1 V99A. rn. .)1-11. }>, J=1 7/ // 270 ROC CountryRehabilitation ORG of L:A.9 sJt..J1.4 a...... 'y.o 1095 útA.i& J4+ .á , úc1, j A. VVAi\ J 9 9 ,)-)al 9 `__A // 1/251386/1 BFNGO Bright Future for New Gen sli4 J"'"9.) 01 4y.'W,A 1096 516,, 444:i kJ-X.- r::" sl.y i-18-.1 st-4Jl_Py,y LIL54.1- úis_a_ ; (.k-?:31 r. v 9 9 . na . s,yll , ,-.4..1.4c c // II HPRO erationResearchHealth ORG Protection ORG and u1 ä - 1 9 úb1.i.m. 43A o4i 1097 ,,x.1.1 ú..1:, 1J-1 9 ,-,_ ... ,-,c I.) V g s rnr n s n .tl.;_,I // // SOO Sana Orphan ORG t.>YI,L 4-. j.4 1098 4.».. ji 9 4 3 6 sJl,lt,, 9 ,_ - Iji C-,_... 1 . v . r r 9 w .yl .,,,,o Z.I>; // // HOA Hatam ORG for Afghanistan sly ti 4.....9A c jL'i uilic9l 1099 ", == Jlilll Lç1 y 4^u51 , v Y J 9 9 w y,?Lj..:=i1 L; J...2 7/ 1/ I-si -,?-41.4-,,,-,,_9-4 1100 9 s1m cZ131..i,s99y ji. LSL* L a;.,...13.._3143 ZLLI ú Ay).., , "L1cL.,w ,s_51.4 f A THO Tommorrow Hopes ORG _), Ls-5'1'Ati s1A 4.41_1y c:-'1-.4126.4.-.1-.U.3 y,_, .-,_ ... 1 . vV w 1 r 9 ov ,3aiA 411.1.3 // // AHOAENDT NarcoticsAwareness Drug Education Users j1 s9,49 9aLS1 4-:.+,,A (s.31-'L 9 _34 s_)1-ALL? j.Y1.1U7.A 1101 J.1.:N.°'I5A 91r.:o1 jl útA4& C" .=° `ja V C s ,,,,, II TreatmentPrevention and HIV Aids ,.:,-4 .11j... 1102 9 ;fl'41 ú ,L-,...... , sitvi , c",c-1, i Ls 91z110 , :_"tal >j -- 4). 9 d v 9 9 r w . o ja; ..o ,11.L.41 // II ALDPOADPO AcceleratingORGAsia Development Learning Program and LSS.11 e19.ì?9i., jz jj.A1 a 4...+.ayo ,siU.S.i1 s1a, ' 19.ì4 .4j 1103 4y.):1 4-.14_)1.9 e-i.125 9 ,-sci , Lscl.-3-?l útA.Li Vnsra . nso oLt k,,.A e1, J41 /1 // AHCO AfghanDevelopment Hopes Project Charity ORG d..,..,g,o k?,}+ 1104 4 ..S.S LriL? ¡_,1 s..y sl&WJss CLIC-1 W191-', 9 L..):14.942. -4 Z.A14 ,Sag11 ja.di II Jtlz 1105 .al sj L',,a_); 9 la ' ji9 ,.-- 4_,t,, t"._):; r,1.C3 .v. rn6w9 // CICO BuildingSocial Institutional ORG Capacity s>A i. ) `+sQ IA ag, 9Ls_c.LA,.1 1106 4ilii., u9ii c ÿ , j,Ai a,j:i,úc. e41...:3 1_0 3 ,'-. .,y,s.J1.'?1 .Y011'90/ . . r r rr 6 1 J.11,t,.11.. .__., 44; II// // AWHDOAVDPO AfghanAfghanProgram Village women ORG Development Handicraft Lgi1 e1 _A9_y. 3.4 ,:i1;al út 41y9 a..,sA 1 107 9 sjL,j14"Lq.v,C-._.--4J.;,r,h,ú<1j Si j L,AA ..1....,:ii1 44v L, l9SLset k9.& 1 ' t:1-" d '.vvvnna.o yat].o Ly411..?..1 // // KDSO ORGKhuramDevelopment Development ORG Skills s11,)14.,. --.0114-.A..).3A t,,1 t ( juil Uli j PJ.' 1108 L.51-,zt.1:.-c.3ú4 4,}, ">,i, ún;.1-L5L.:,l3 j, útA.v aiii,úcl,=L,,11 j c,,c,8y.. útA1i 4cjc cS Jl >9j cSJI a11.o A V9V n. Dn s.uc .SiIA a»L, // // ROW WomenRehabilitation ORG for sly.+ .1 .., s1 4..494 LDlii 1109 ,s1 J.? cf1_4,3uaLaï9 9 -° , L<íl útA.Li c j1iu1L.., ú's.,St, u1-° V. V r 9 11 ,j1..1.1.0Z9A1° Cal. ,.. // 11 271 ECCO ORGElderly Comprehensive Care t..14 s1A .-ÄhA 43A L j11i4.1L.,, 1110 9 a, , ( ,ss ,s, c..a..,iLá.:j1.)1 .-) ja. ,),.s (11s ,.:',4 Lsft.y1..,4A, ,''wILzi 9 t=G . v 9v .4)9. -7-5,3. 9-) 95,:J91 // // IWAO ,:.11_....1:j1 yp 1 111 C 4A{pL'sA 9 ûJ15.A's j ;it.Lae,11.J1 "19s, a" GLA..,9,0 C.J" s ,:,:p11 _39_»i ORGIntegrity Watch Afghanistan :'Jbc51e.",; : &),, ,,1 ,» L9:^_ 9h ` ,...... 5 9 `LiJtbA uL,,& 4_,C. LS JIS ja ` V 9 9 9 . vrr ,5_,.., ,,k C.y,a11 // II MMRCA Medical Management and o j1.4 y-)... std...jss 4.A1L c' 2 1112 9 l d ,c.1... . ,slii JI ..&?Jli L:Jlyl .,24IJA Ja1 Eli Ili.. `l'`° 9 .,51.,... úy.14 l'. v 9 ir c 9 r d_?. ,,,...t.,, eúl j.)Lol 1/ // BBTO AfghanistanBagheResearch Babur Courses Trust for ORG E1, C41,,, E..)!?J9 9 lam. 4.....14.4_,A ,jLti..,3L.i9 - 1113 ütA,, 9.U,t, 9,ys .eL° ,i,19c úc1J, ,-,_. a 1 VVVr 91 nn .1.A.... J.1 r,elyl .1,.--< // . L .y4 1114 LscL'4I 'll.. ,sc.L41 9 41y9 e.4.1'6 w V 9 91'. vr uA.3J9' lit, // II ODCWOG ORG offor Gati Development ,.J3ai s,._1_.:s.31 4w,:9.o 4..94 1115 ,3?. ,1 ÿ zI JslJ-) j L)1-.31ssJ111,1 v Lree1S1 t_S.4S LJ1i 44.S.AS t_s9 (Si 1 '1J9A V r 11' vv L.P114.e' r,J5.11.i,c // i, EMGSO andEmerald Stone Mount Engraving Gemstone ORG Ls ji_?...., 9 L,S15,.. A.,,...649A -)yv b 3S L; 1116 sLite a.aJc J.)l4z. ei... .119.,, L:6L,1.5,31 slg.w9 9.gLch.}9 J9S.5LvI .1.2,*J L5i6 ._41,g .,39J1, cS99J° 9 V99rsfs ` °`J]; '"'" ,Jt; II // AUSO Afghan Unions Service ORG j1 ', `" ,51a.1i 4.14.419A 1117 L,...a.-,cLy ,-, -,14 J.,L..:.a J9Aj,i.l°.1I9:,liiui Lf>-1 J,14...o15S9y eL,,,31 9 V 9v 9 1 r 99 ,.0 ..%..._N.4 4,9i.o II /i MWSHO Mehrana Women Social and Li..c.L..4.1 9 a31 4.....4j.. li ' 1118 úl....1 9 4.,L).51 j9AlL.s-e-1-.41 S1a eli9 .41,6 ,-,c J.) L',_. Dv99rv ar ,,il cly,... `},.D ctr, // // ARRRO AfghanHealth ORG Relief and Rural si1i>-+ j 4-.As.41 4,p,o J8-° J > I 119 9 alsl. L)::,&.,2J91S..}?99' J.) L'jt.dyo s91í, (j9i n1 1°19 c.:,,,St. A . v . . r . v n ,.....19 ..o e.)...43 ,"- " // // KSHO HajeriAL-KhidmatRehabilitation ORG Al-Shfa ORG AL- c.L....ll,,ry, 4..4,1 LN.11oláL,ll ..9.4 ,..»Li1 i..*. 1120 SL* 4,t;y u1,=L°1_rbila,)uLo1:, aLJ avJ3 ,y.:L, Li9v ,J9319 9 4,6 c-,_.1.Y . 1 . v . .9A1' Vr 9vvr v r S:AI 4,1s yw1 Li,J .,_,_. // /i// FROAO AfghanistanFosi Representation ORG Ohio 4.7-4,3A..,.,,yA93t-,..r9..) LA 041.03 ,4;L. ÚI.1 1.1.,..iLi_i1 ,s;L,_31_? 1121 "L4-1&.Ldu1 9 ." c IJ.J -,,..,,_;_.0 4i, J... "L,". J39 r,1,_, V9 V 9 91 9 r 9 9 ,.4....4_,a----45 ,"_" L%J9-4 // // OAHSAFHO ORGFriends Afghans of Humanity Health ORG and .S.-os a ..,. ,9A 11231122 -ú.la'sz."1.0..ti. J,4134:3.4iJ1S 9 .19.44 Jt2.,A1 9 L-iL.35.31 sly, ,nl9J L,c1-41 ° 9 y 9 9 1 9 1 9r 131-- ystb // 12/231386/ LSPO ORGLaborSocial andAssistance Social Protection -a ,st.:, -,..._91,..A...,,Lg31;.61 s1t, j J4 LraL..41 4.. j ,c-L.,1 1124 ,.,.0L.1ulo.1ic-,c.lJiavJS94,6 n - 9 si 'f.vVwv9s1< ---1.1i a.Lo II /i 272 HWSDO DevelopmentHelmand Women ORG Service and L-i1ÿ,5.319IA.-I&a,,,.,, ....1% Vy ,D1;,) 1125 9 CLIc.133 A:?.ì 9 .e4.1.:3 v . rrvJn J.4.,.?. ,,_m LS 40 .3mZ.m // // NWAO Noor Welfare Association j3; ,y_y&. d.,..,3., 1126 ,sy° stA A.-_,.. ,J di sii 11411351..v Y Y 9 1 Y 411 , ':., Dx.3c- // l/ HWSWPT ORGWomen Service Working jts ,:jui ji-1-.) ',LILA ,t+55i A.,,.,J,, 1127 sas_ v:?s:x° -1Im1 ur..J9mi.)I J. Ly51411"t.o.s&.9úcl,,ja.uj.,9 .1....1 t1 ji Lsr.L.1?.1 VV99n1JJn (j.,,m.,)11L,141..i. 1/ u SSDO SpringServiceandProvince Tradition of Heart J1-d-? 1128 ,;ui s1 y ,j9:.,1 ;,..,SI3 9 t... V VI ir r ) 9 r ,"_ " yel]; ,,.., 41Ij.vYl.?,c ,;.., // // ATSO AfghanDevelopment Training ORG Service ORG Is34..3 3,-,-.)i. d , ,. a- J.. L jliiI , 1129 , jt-i-ii ,, ;I 9 v4"Lrlc:Uki1 a.J9S _Ayo S a>9..145. 1,,6 4-.34-., v' 9 nr y nn L.)4131.8.4 4. // ii MORS Majrooh ORG for Research 3 1;.!Ii-1 4..,..,..g3A 1130 cJI.J15-'1.J.J9 `:14. 9 1.1.,% LI-4?-..: '-j 1 13.1O,.,--A _)iú.a cSD143S JY°9 Uy°.JtS c5tseCS1-8-"'.J9? z19ú1...,,3m (Si c jI l.)I.JS_i1S-}i i,myLi "-I'la:y J.1 9ú1oa11 Ls". (.1.193 9m 9 ú10 and Studies c3 ;4-4 lal. 9 L5 1-.11 cS.J911$ '._,..,...= cci=.., SLïI)I út°"°*C cs114.111:' 44 ,-5.-mS Vr.)1...ci9 . V 9 9 w 1 nr 1 1.6:.j.1.1.., Ls....,9m ,'.., // . -1:3=+ d ..,..,J., 1131 °39y urlyllà á,y, LIS.J9 ut.á J,:j.9m; tA)1;';.,, _}11.5 3s.s, Le-.° ,sLa r - // ANSO ORGAfghanistan Naweede Sehat - cjt.i.itki ,_1.41& c5)LilLm 9 c...=.1,sts ji 4uyï a..a)c 9 r.4.1.5 J.1 ,:jtt.;,il ,s_3ty,it, z . - ,s<1.4i Y .vv9rJVJw. v . . r . v r .1..,.o y1y .1ma .y.)9.,,)91" // // SEDO DevelopmentSocial Education ORG uJL_.., sil...... 31.4 d.,,.,,J.o , il c-1-44.1) ail3' :IL...>' 11331132 út. l), L,..c.t.o.Il ú;. 3 ücl)j _94;y. ji 9 .42:5 2 - Ar. vv99VY 9w 443111:cuyl 44.o, // // OHWWOSRC ORGfor Country HelpSahadat for RehabilitationWelfare Lit1 3.3,3 019) i_sly .J :1-S sy 1134 ,y,,t..,.--.-"cl).4:?519 wV999YJIFJ uli11.)4c y,jJl,:c // // NRAOA AgricultureORGNaweenWomen ofRehabilitation Afghanistan .s3 0:1c.1.J,39si1-":)14 1135 ts)t:>r,á,.. .i?315. u 3 4.1:.,..... j,.! 33 j41%..) Ùl.i.iU . 1136 ..)5".3....3 =5-1° i..94.Jm Ll?14.j-11-1 44 "t,$)9 4-14) 9 Jul. c-1.---.,I_3i .J9z 3:91).:, ,sl° cji&t, cl?t.,,_ >cumm 5.11011 to,; 1 . "6' )9 Y w 4I j"Zi3 P_411?c // ARDRO DevelopmentAfghanRehabilitation Research and ORG a . Ls-i Jc )Lu Lrc.t.41 J.,tL, a, 4],.,I) ).1 c jlswL.L9 lY.tá°'.° lJ:..,... mylsi j1y,l9 , atg,tg)1 li s)ts..,ate V wV9> > Ljulallilc AI; 9°`" Il // JFAO Justice For All ORG a.oaa, ,S1 j..1 ,_s1l-lc 4.A.4.4.4 JA 1 137 c.),_)4 -4 ,-, nxmL> >lyil cs99°°.,
  • js1.4. a.ajc. j.1s-jv Lval.4:41..,31".:J. "cl ,.:1a 4.....n a siL'''-) y CLsA.ii rv Y999rV 9 9r r A 9 . ù~,.11i ,,)\..., .J.445,31.1,1c. .,t.,;;9 1"_1 II // RRDO RaminDevelopmentRehabilitation Rehabilitation ORG ORG 9L.,..i>...f5,i1 a.....,y° -?.)y"ù.÷°I.) csiL.:,SiI ,_sJL,il-? 1141 ayjs 31 °,9,° c.51'171& st$'yyys .,>s,le.S.1,1 JL 311.Iy °9p. sl.* e:Ih 44 s..s l-,41 Jr- ,, . v 9 q.,. 6 1" wr _,1:...l1,,Ç j,,,et,.S.I. // /i// ROAOWUSDRO ReliefRehabilitationUoqab ORGSafed for Development ORG Afghan ° yl y e li?I ,s1_)? .Al y s0Jt1.4-3 aLu..9.4 ul"ac L., 11431142 s.*.ä"sl ,iy ,-,;a_.>1; S , jSl,í..,l 9 Ls_jy4ì -I19.° J,11_,... J_4_,:3 ..sii y 44:»-.3 9 9.v . . r 9 r y y .39,4_-..4ui j,,.. 14-1 ,,.4 // // OSSR ORGOrphan for and Strategic Widows Studies and C-31.231..12.4 y L5.°- ùl-iiil ù>;i d ...... y-4 1 144 ig:.,.Sl ,S¢¢"1.,-.319, 4 jsy° 4:y°' Lslsyl La j9ï,a9 ._J.iAii ir.y.y Ls'41ySy°y °.iwZ °,9,.... y ul.ì1,-, to;÷l c5.j- L, u Research -5?j.}L-,I `u5ls4y /1/T C s1-4 -5`4}u, L.51' -1I9.. sys -44 sS1A gY .L2.44 y 4.,..c.LZL?..1 "t.o.v 49 vcl14 °.19..ìti ) . VI 9 1 06 w 1 J%L,, ..1)., L:):.3-111 4á,1;3 ,,,.% rnv OWVTAS andWomen Agrriculture Vocational service Training ORG 9 S99.Y úláia11 4...1.64.9° ùui Ij..) úL4.1& 1145 SLÖ c.}°y1-1 ù:.ìS -47'l c.5:':`?y y a?.lta.o y a,>.99 ay}. Ls:c- I,, j Caz....:s ".tÿ v w r t.) 9 n eri19,1.14_%,0 U II 3..3 1 146 c>.4-1.:', s..3y-4ì-*9.' s14-W,)(sla `...=.l..." 9S Lskii. ay ji ùij.)lA 9yJ111.1j > ,i.1 úcl,,j V . V . . vr . 9 yltl; ,`.., 4..I;1S // II OAMCOA WD ORGAfghanistanMother of andAfghan Child Women ORG for slj,s9-°,1 _.)1-4i ùL;l JU. ùl;j A ùl.1,43l_i_il LiLf5,1 1147 441<. 0.3 _4o Liscl9,j L5.41 4,5] y IA J. j:.,.ljii jai. ,I9gü.c ût.o1i. j .4_,_41... sub ,.Sy9.Yy r1.,L a. vV9wrDn9 4,,.....11.14c. y,_iiìl. // // PCRBO TowardBureauPerfect Development ORGCharity and Relief - 4.4.,13.4 °JhI d-a `u4ks 1148 ,);4.31-1.,9., .)"`?9J`,9.vî,_.61-c (3:wc °L.)cstm 5,.5 a_u). 9 1; ,4L,...o ,*:,),-5 ,1?. j rw J.LW 4q .S..os A.1141./..31..lú' l-°_\ `jc. L.,y,l 9 V 9 VA1144, 4111.,3C. 411114.1C. // // FAO Forqan Assistance ORG ù19 47.3, :* A 1149 a? 'Ss-4S ùli; k.5:691. s1....C.6l ` t ?, ys stte °i9y, 4.x...,9.. L.s1e1S1 ùL'. j sly 1 vvJwvr 9 ùli ,-;111 99y // a AACHO Afghans Assistance Cultural L5....S sJl5,A d.,..,._,... 1150 -e4.4y , , J1sbl 274 and Hummantarian ORG s:149 9 s_A? s1-4 let, ,:juul "1..c1i9`c1 )j.'i_Lsc-1-.41 sj3°1 19... sV..DVVSV ,,,.,ek as,. // ii// OSLO ORGOlive Services and Legal sly._..):44aa-oLd.,.,3-.3:=..9uLa1i4..a.4 LJ9" j 11511152 ,>.,, 1,41.1aa&.,-,_...A.1},3r...L1L.,ll aj 3 ,",c I) j 4....u.. j.1 34,6'.:c.1.):) )- J9,..a ;,.:q9 Li,L.; rv99rfrrv r ,,),) L):j t...)Lv.,,.. ,:.,.`y11)p,1 // // BSAWOEACHO CommunityEnablingWomenBetter Society ORG Afghan to forHanset Afghan _.-5,43-) 42'19'4Li L.5i19' 91959 4_,iliiI °-)9, )91 `V Jkii1 lij 1153 sc.Le1 s_..),3.L.e-< // 1154 :::5,11Lat., LJ ,g.L.dslL>J1-S-i*3 3 .1j3°I J"i Li'd'IS .L,,1?.I L"s ..).1. ji sjt.jl-? ). 3 L53.4 `LAL,..,9°L s)5,..ats 3 9 LA LJ19J1; 1.1) r v9vrsnsv L:),,..yih,c. // RSDO ORGRazi Social Development 9 t.,..:SiI 46..3.4 sii.) Le°".1 "L4.1 L.,7'1_)9°1 ..5S1_)'` ,I1 3 ` ,_... A.v99rrrrw LY'9411?c I 6L93)1s=`J6 // // SHWAO Social and Health Cure for ,5-1.-a LD123.6.61-*1 3ii ,si 9,..)4 5.c.1-4..+1 4_,...43A I I 55 3 L}h L ,LJ,y aii: ,..}ii Ù,ì' 6:Y"'jl I.41 -14°-4 .2,.o 1/ // Women in Afghanistan ORG + j1.5.11,,1 li 4-4-34 1156 L_to.1: 3..,___a 4.5-c1)j "Lq l.% `" .L9il; r vvrnV9vrrvr9 1 9 w . _ t1,,c L,-.,.. // BINA AfghanistanBureau Initiative New for LDL+.'s1 cJ111.1 v4.6L:91 s1.y 1157 LA9 43419 4.,:3 s1-4' L}")3 si9.1.i19")I-2:09 avÿvU j L51}? s39Y ,_,lit.,,, ).11m "y9_,J; ,:j,_,, _,.:,I, cLL< r // OA WC ORGChildren of Afghan Women and , 9 L;t;j 4,.,.9,0 3 .",_ ,.. P9Y° ,_,t,o.v . V 9 9 1 sns n ,j....,....-1...... ,.... 1/ // - LriL41.5. 1 1 158 ,",c I) j 3 ,41:3 L,C.1.441 LycLl 1 v . . r VO9 s ..1)C ,;.., .I y,.,_. --; // SDSO ORGSama Development Service 31.4 a?}? .t.46..69.4 9 L.o_)..i. d.:..,yo La.., 1159 Ls99y9.3ist_4,°15,:,j9,oj,>J,1ay ul.o.v .-,_ ... Ar. Nol 9f.r.n 4_1.51c ._y14 ilc // II WSSOBWO WakhshoorBastan Welfare Social ORG Service 1160 9`5.Lic1) j üLo,Li Ls. Lut.i.a34.,-.3 3 L5 39y Lsc.L°i?I ú1...n.1i. Ls__,-.a LS.41 V 'IV 9. 1 01" .2-al ,ï... Li':9.ìLO // // YESO ORGYouth Educational Services c-Lo1,lti,.,y.oyy_).&. LS n.; t', 931-31J9-.L'9 1161 ._,t,o.l& 3 ) j -,_.-.kj.iL5t.o11 j,..4.1...:3 471!..53 r9 V . ssfrv YJ5,11-4- 14 // // NCCSO NewORG Chakad Cultural Service y9 LLo1i A..,,,,yo d ,.,,.,9,, 1162 `:2L°.a& 3 413_ ì' 3 .4.1.1:3 C'cl )j s. V . nr sV . . _ " Lk L5.19 °t.., // II SADO DevelopmentSocialORG and Agricultural ORG 3..cLoî1 t,1 A.,.., 4.53,cl..)j9 9' 15 1163 4,6 j s jL,,, ,`4i yli 1,41 L:JLg.v LLoll4-..L.U:' 9 sri 91' s 4 1 V L3° . .,_,Lii.)4j5..1 // //u CSCO ORGCharity Society Coordination -,.t÷,-,31 _». 4-,,,-,_9... 4.,,_.1.?. 11651164 L791,-,,1_ji1 ,s16..466..61; -;1-5,;19 4) , w v V. . rswv 1/ . `-., L.,-3L) Lr1Sl u194"-°L? ^t1--a sLe. )1.91 ) ,all ,, - ORRSB ServicesORG Rahyab for Blind Rehabilitation 61_9:,. ih La-v a-sA Lj>~+lis+u sly ,--1ì°a.? 9..1.14:3 JI ), Ln °J931_ ót;" a? aLSI `>< - 275 .. `.L':'.1. 912-' il S>:LS.',u 9 .95s-? ,t.,.,l j.1 4..4..;9.0 a:1 VVAnvrV // 7:),?.. A, ,.,9,, 1166 tm o.,l,gili. ,...4139 L.,..3c.1_) j 1t1-a.ito j _)i c.:.1a.94.4.oLi 1.441 "t..I& ,:ija4-:,i4o9 js 9 Si.d91 t.,?I V. v 9 9 rrv ) r lc. d;,l h eíilt-°j,.J'°. // n SMO Subhe Melad ORG 1167 ,5319,,= s1.* ....s-----.. 9c,c I j j .4.1'6 44ï, Vr.V. r 9 r ) r l,u:i C9j // // KAO Kahkashan Afghan ORG j.kil Ù..s..4 4-,...-43.4 1168 ,_,cl ji SUI j-) `,;. 9--° av_):1j9 1 4v jj 9 9 `ul,. .e41..-'PUj9..J `:2-L9ao ,s? 9 r v99r DY'r ,,,21.14c- e,>;.n,ic // // AAMOEDAWO AinaAfghanistanEducational Afghan Womwn Media Development ORG ORG lt 3.4...4_4 4.4.....43.4 9 ..!1.1...... j.. ,j11..t,lki1 ,:»j jL"t..acgl 1169 -1.1j 9stm _yi 4449 ,JU st..a.,s1_3 j j41 .Jta91s.° s j9I ,S..dS ,tL9,1.< r v 9 9 rf v 1. 1-_1 Js 1..., // SOAW SearchWomen ORG for Afghan L:)Lij "¡S^- ; 4..,.,3-4 j.kil 1 170 s j1,4 9,-,,.I j JULj Ic.:.1... qÿCJU,j L.ç1 . j. ..a 9. r V.. f aaa aLl j.ol d;,l // 191387/2/ ERDO Education and Rural y `itaúT.31 4...,..a üLaz sa 1171 t..4.1f1.,4l "1..4.1.& 9 414 j., 9 ,a4.1.g.L1 ú 9 4yÿ 9 .,..43 :,-. V . v 9 9 f rvvVar . raa e jSl ,"_ " 14- j,la J. :.a4.1,3._)i .,..;;,1 // //// OAFCEC CareAfghanDevelopment ORG Child ORGEducation and Iq j 9 t,:ej // // AWDSOO WomenSupportChildrenandAfghan Needs ORG L,itJ:75,:,1,L,l,o_,.;..a..yoy JULI:5j9,s;44"':49.0 s* s4j1.;:, Jti.91 lJ13 j 1175 Ili= v9; o,. Scy:°I j1 il syíS92_i9J9j.1:6 .. cj,1, 11 j9,o1 ,.° ,151Ijj4yj.,9z , ,_. -."Ij9°I fr vvnrf ) ri ,:ili 1464 ,D.4.= j11tJ=c. // // LSOA LifeDevelopmentAfghanistan Saving OrgWelfare Service for ORG L,S. oi, j LiuL 4...,w9.4 , jls,.,.itx51 s1,:j1s..,3t.i_il j.? ot9 j 1176 ,.-:-.t.,.....11 V V99rrr9d 4_2(1 9j11.1.,c A,.1911,:r . // // GAO Afghanistan 3.?,..4CZ"La.,,.,9., 1177 9cLj'.1..94;,j'9,-,cIjj ,,e21; s> 9 4...):.13199 A-41.1_}.3 ?9j' S.917.}3 9 c jb f fV' F9 ) f t ,_1,...a 1.-N..3 5L,4 ,,,._ , II II YSCDO YouthsGreenAddvocationOrg Striplings and , ,:july L,JUS..31 a..,...yA 1178 4.51-6-1:". li ,51 ì? LSúl.o.1& _39°19 .31-0=1_9(...»19.9:' Le:43 jSl j .,L?.,I ,..,-"I j.S9°P js I9, 9 9 vUIY S9:'4' Children Development ORG JliLl 9 cJlil99' 9 ,i.c.1,41 Lfcl°.ul4:?.),_l°-% 9 "c.I ji c,_ .-. V v 9vr r vr. .,..n,:c a9ju, ,"_" 7/ // 276 AHAO AssistanceAfghanistan ORG Humantarian sj? LOA S.,aS 4 .,,.,,9,, Ljts..., v51j, 1179 ülA.1.1N. 9 4.1,:3 -,_ . n V 9 9 f s 9 vv 1,; // 4 ..,.., JAI 1181) .e?.J ÙI JI.2 S 4.1L0 j.., 1.yli:1. 4},9 , r // EHO Ever green Health ORG 40AI 1 181 sc.I9 1.441a.lcojJt,scLIû Lo1,'A.-- .-,c.Ijj j..).i.... I . ,1a1 1,._):3_, : ,c Ij j ,:"J._.. ..n fV99rfgJVVVc ri)Arf L;),,,,) J. a k tt,.,,.IJu;31 4 ll// //ll CCASOAHAO CountryORGAfghanOrg Humantarian Charity and ServiceAid ;I.,4V.}4&.9.1-4.1&. .j... s_, 4,.._3,, -° j1..;_ih a-, J.. J9-;IS 1182 s.3i.Y `11.A. ,..55.... ÿ s1&1°J9S .*,N:l d. v . . Tr V y s c) I j., ,A.,. Ùl... j .%....A // u CTTC CenterChampion Technical Training 5.4&.; sttisAl jS.YA ,DLA.>ii 1183 ,_t.& .''c I J j ,sc.t41 >.v D v 9 Av ,,o,,o j., jc. .w191l.c. // // SADO Social Services and 9 L,..c.Lol "L.a.v a-- j... t 1 1184 jj1i9Ji..,1 L991,. 44...i J. .1 ,_AtSì 4.1t-,9. Vg 9 i 1 rv J :_ ,,o,,o // // SIAO SocialORGAgriculture Innovationof Development Lvi41 ú1j15.1,11 a .., j,v 1J.J L:11 1 185 1J9.::' ,L,N7 I sA 4--`-°t-?9 ry L39:i'.jh_YA 9 Jlij ',c I j 1...41 "1.01; 443 }y c..4.1:1' c51 J? ,s 1_ ° s\-1 VVV 9vA`1 ,.ç_gspcj c,,,Il.,9A ,j.'s // // WOBP AfghanistanWelfare ORG for Balkh People ta? P'-)-4,-51_)4 41)71:' 4..,..,9q cjt:.1.;_il 1186 9 vr9JW JA .4 151 c.a. ,L), J., ,;L V .. r Ir.(' o J..O°J.J9' ÙL1.1. 7/ // OSDR ORG for Sustainable t1 ,",°_ ; 4...... 3.4 1187 J:.°_ aj19w .._i t1 1..)-- L:J.9°3 1649i `:-''''.4...)rz..,° Ii"A ,t.d,I .to.J91;i4 ,",C I 4_ 3:é_ J VVAAVV g 1 j4611.1.,c. t4111.,c. // t r AV WATRO WellDevelopment Wisher and and TransparentResearch y,+ 9 ,sLLL' `V.J:1.& 4yu. j.o j J1lio1ii. 1188 4.x.)* ,_s.As apia, sJ L5.1...p.A -- slas J.3a. US. c-, _..,s j I f v f . srr j1..J9.,S j1jA a14 1 a.1.3a // //r w/w/ NASO NawinORGRelief Agriculture ORG Services ,sac.i.j uLo1i 4..,.... j.o 1189 yi.., 9 4-.-.L. iw jt,,i JL,"s1 4--Yi 9 c.taîil ._,JLo.1i J r V 16 c,) f A 11 a9; 1190 jilt ji Sc1,41 ,_,_,-.4; LIJLA; s>>1 A a,11 ;^ ._s.ei /7 // ACRDC CenterAfghanRehabilitation Cultural Development .91 L.5399S ,1t,1 ``"' _ 9 `4?iuc95y,ylm 9 'vdf1f.A999 f 9 J9J" e7)\-6. áuU // II AV WO ORGAfghanContributionsRelief Volantary for Afghan Women jt..S lj jUj 4...... 9... cjti51 1198 °91? 9 l°y:.l11,Y1,1, yul,rL"ul CI"SLL ,1,1 vJ, ,S..oS J?û8.. .wS - 3.1?9 .siilo u4 1-4L5c. loil ûl.°1& 9 .4 , jli j .s4..)°9y9 9 4-5-11, V 9 9 .1 s rf L.:%,,.a zk N+.1 1/ /i AK WO Afghan Kochi Welfare ORG `!.}+. 9 sj1y., :)L, 4-'"A9-4 ?-A C.1i.91 1199 ,:J' 1-ov 9 4.4 ji 9 j2,3 .2 -.1,-' C:IcI» C.2.1-N-...2 ,s.c.L.01.?.1 9 v . dA. df 4;11, à;,l vl_:.,, // // NARCO RehabilitationNew Afghanistan and Charity a! 9 sjL. j1.) 4-,,,,+_9.4 :):9i C)1:1.,,;;ti9l 1200 JS a.:u.oJ s)9I ,-,al's>>19A 4,1413 4-.}ic 9 e.4.1.5 *ii-.L° j v1319.A.1 9 L;2I a..,isq s1J4 V99VdA9 531'3 zk ,1)-- yll Js, // II PYECSO CulturalPatrioticORG andYouths Social Education ORG 9 .:r1.9 JUIpN Lsc'L".. 1 -1= 1 a , ,,.,9.° 1201 û&-? ,cl.:o s1-a 4114js\ A `V°..)c. s.)9I etelsJ9o1 ,-1 jiJ°.J9.ìK ,19.., 9 J'.)9-1599Y u(6-"9959 sS S L.,..c.1..1.i1 ûLu `slîio d V 991 f Ad aúl ,Dlol ,jJSii 1/ // PWO Public Welfare ORG .s-°'y° °t9 j// A.,.,,9,, ) ,.4.5, 1202 u4I`Lo. 9_.i.9S5u° 9 Ls.ii,l, ,.sr..l.oîl ûL.WS9n 1..1 L59LS.oLs y ût.l. ) .sJ9ol jSI Y c3 wl .s <ú' ,..ìg 9 j9ol , ,,r.L.:1?.I.,tos9,-,_.-ayyî9r,h, dV99rA9fA ,`,_ILI= ' /1 // 278 BAO BetterAfghanistanORG 544 ,j1:3....31//%-il14,.,,4 ,° 1203 y1_,.49 e.,,Iy51 .IA-N..4 .41 û.o...) a1}a -,_....C,cI 9.,..112:; 9 ji úLI J-,_ 4_;94,,:) J c._-at.oa& r.VVVrvgtrfV 9 9 rAr Ar yALh a. _ 4 _All aA.-N.° //1/ ///i SCSOAADSO andAfghanSocial Services Asia Chatity ORGDevelopment Service ORG .4.-1 j_;_iI,1.4_,.. J.., ,::-]t.oa 471,):1i 4-...a.'9.4 12051204 9sc.1.°4I út°a 41JS s9sJ»9 9nvv. v 9JwJr9 , lyc Ly,,all .t..4."` // // ARRONP RehabilitationReconstruction Org and for Needy 4J4. ,ct.d L5.4 rayo L,Iy9 sit-,_3t, 4.n.,9.0 L.,..c.t. ;1 1206 4.) v9Vwr .1 r ,yl?ila a°I .,ic. I! // People of Afghanistan aA_,.° t34.., 4_,J 4..,.43A vL'.A; 1207 ,t:9j 9slm (,,..) ,...5...,:s rJsl s.J911/47.11-o ,]9..u,-,;...JI-:.ccsl ,_21... st,.l 9 a?t-. . ,,,", ? 9 ,s'>J`) `Sas 9 SMRCO RasolallahSayedena Mohamad Charity ORG (L.,...) àí11 J.gyJ ,:_ui ji; .1,1J L.,..ot.ol9 f°Js >v° úl.°.iú t:ja94J 4s°1-? &'''''' ..a. tjl ,ja.,L.., 9 , 9 S J.)L.aael . vvr r J95id114r t-.1y11.1-.,c. II L:)..1.9 s4 a,,,,,.9A 1208 raJA 5aLa.:,"sl .1.1J .L4- c. JJ 4s..i3í i L.; il--,cIJJ r. V . .6r 1 Jrv 1 V eÌll ,...A.°1 1J99J:A 1/// II STEPORHO StepORGRehabilitation ORG Home Town p1s 4.,.,.,9,0 1209 ,D" SJ15-°A,tetti ci,,,,, c:Ja,? .4 9 u-1-'-' ccl..,;Lj.)}?.1.114ú]9a9raJAI ,5319ú119 9:?1=5 9 4_,..all 1&11_, a? t?IJ 9aJA ` -`° c51-8r01.ìS9 ìK 4-' tA4J"s9IA ' V 9 9 9 . J1 úy11.3,7,;.., (auk. ii 4..a1.?. L,9'`17179 jL., .i,,.319., C-1:a.4 4' 0.1-N-4 s1,9ÿ1+ atvl'1,_..SJ1Js1? Jg,iil CSI.i' Le:Z.j3°l cSUO úLi 4.i9 9:s'19")9 ) r q f Jatalt? J"s // // SEO Society Environment ORG sJ ,;";195 4-...4-,43-4 4.aa4 1210 ` = Ls119a ,s1 J..) L5-11..^91,...a J:-1.4 >a-li. i9 9 ü "11. ' L53-1° Lç114CJt:,.431-;31 iii s91 L.11, 11 AIMS r1.,,.. .i1 jai) 4.1449A 1211 ay_uA 9 lA Jlx.° JI oals:,..,1 5.-.).....&. " J3:15"O 9 LsrA2cSJ.91U-5,:i 4.2-°l- J1 SJ1aJ' °JHq S1A o.é ,..(3A1.41e ,:la N1.1 J' j JS9J J? ManagementAfghanistan Information Service cjLX...1;61 ú1a911w Lrc.t.oí?.ls1-4, ,_,÷t_,4l 71&. yL,14.? ad.:.;. I 4-.' L:94:5 A v 91 r r 9 s n J4va'19 1",,,1,.., ul // 11 APPRO Afghanistan Public Policy .4,1L L.,l slLla.o 44.,.,,9,0 1212 L) ,_,lajjaJS j,1yS 4:o 451.x1JI LsaA ,..51,,c J' j"°,S L;tk. Ls'L61 J., e3 4..)^,,.-, l.)L cs°9°G Resarch ORG ,...) 9LsicIJJL,--N.-. ,,.!i.,út°.1.:, V99D9Yr1 a,°I Ji.; 41 ,41..m.. // II SNCO Sabzuks New Charity ORG 33 s4.,¡._y,1,& 4_,..,9A 1213 o.1t,4J94_uJ:t91,6,',_.--.._pJhc J111.1 9 ,L)t:,J .-,.,. _9 44 s99y L,S. J.V999.9 J9tidla4c .1,1.., 472i9i // 11 279 URROW ORGUseful for Rehabilitation Women Relief 44y>;9SJL'Jli4-'-'"' A ,:)1;J s1 J' 110.)3" 1214 j,t., 3 .:, ' ul ,.:Jl t;.o sjI1JLo ,..c.1.,o:4. úl.o 3 C_,cl,úcl, j A v99rnnrrVArrA91' 9 ,s1c. . a .,.,I t,, >9 l,oa 1,1. // a21387/5/ ATOQOR AfghanQods ORG Technical Rehabilitation ORG L.).-Ii. s,jt-._)t,1-ii1 4:..._3-4 ,5-5 ,;&:; k-...3-. 12161215 a3,-,cIJJ4i?J'3 Jv991'rv .1,_ )Id;,lI // /i AKO Abad Kandahar ORG 4..,,,yojt.4.u6 t_?1 1217 3 Cl'at..°-1 ll59l eL'ul I jis v ú-l. 1 4,., ,,... // 1218 v nr8742 A,.:)li el-,j L-'s=1 ,-5-:'"1....11. el6" // %/ SODA of StrugglingAfghanistan ORG for Deprive aiic C441 d.:..,yo 1219 ,--5,.oS sle a.°jc-L:j>s o.aiiS j1,1-,41 cz.i33 ltalij 3.3,3L S °3:14s z>I v 9 ,..t".:1'151-4 J°.J3S 1--.1 0774345452 // ',RODA DevelopmentRubia ORG for of TheAfghanistan o,h.1 .:i&...yl4'9' y, Jli-it_i_illL5:1>y 17,1sJ 1 _9y-4 alit.L1 ,sii,) 301,1. CLL.:LS o1L. LJl.,l., c:t.ol S1.4 t.J.J r5 -,1_.),5:3- 9 j i.-.11'Zi1 `+-.?.J5 // : . ,1- 1 út.oh,-,;a; -1334 cL,ti- 1u3s lt.,N,)l ",C I,i ," , - 5, 07775000450700692678 ,Ldù.lLi,c,11,1J95 sil-1 // // AEBTOHEOW AfghanforHealth Women and Education Educational for a ORGbetter s1.y? `?ÿ 9 2''1x-' 4-.-4-.-49.4ü .s -. .:JU) aly, 4- j.. 12211220 .>'9.ii =' 9 .1..° J3L,1 sj5 Lesla ats ,, ., ., 911 uL.r,S.J3l.l t.o111 Tomorrow ORG 54-.) sl.)) t,4l t:,t.oh 3.,ÿ 9 r41.:1 l 079532428 vh ,"-1 i // // CODELW ORG of Development j 3 t..S..1c.54 J>.Ll'194...u..,g.o L.)1-ii s}??.J 1222 `° Education for Lowbrow ,...-N--...... 4111 sl8-4153.J5 c",- -. 0799695171 ,j,I e.,. // Womwn and Children .",,.t.;: 1223 Lçl.o,)I.J-1 L;'131 9..,r-°.. "a,c 9 ,:J:'9A cj19-.3 -J9:6-"O 0795465143 Js k-..? 1,I ,;.., // // PQCDOASMO PrimaORGAfghan Quality Social CapacityMarketing 14 ,"49_)]; stici,J1 4yr.y9.4 ,_441, j1.31.4 d,.,o ulisl ,,..c.1.1 1224 Ls-1171 ,I,1, ,-;J'A J'6I3 L.s:291Z1,..,c5114 v1.J .J9.35`-" li1 J1 J9 J. :-':.6.J1' v1.J5 JIS u--N,° LSt6-'15 IA rîu 31A o344 9.Jti // Development ORG t.á,t, '''.!°.: LJS L.631i91 9 (S.59.Y 9 c.'`.21'1':-J1-4-14--,-;._)0`t.22;3ql 4.;1-4 JU , jliw.J j J316 cS1.J' ;;_,.,, Ù13o, yll 0797375859 ,-il= --q 1, a...1 "` " // II OCA ORG of Chelcherogh Art Ely cJa- s}14 4....3.4 1225 Ls-c.1-.41 "léá 0775577103 .14.--4i1-.) II 11 PDPO PromotionPaiwand ORGDevelopment and ,...,:i J:3* s L.-11,15j d .,.,,,yo .a3.9... 1226 Ls J91 eteI,è L,-1.-N-° slm ,,;¡Ji; stvul L,..c-t..441 >ah 3. IA üá63,o1 LJi 07993263960700045977 v -Ill,,o // // LEADOCDIO LivelihoodsCapacityInitiatives Development EconomicORG and cz3-L9j.1; u1 J>5.4.t L.:au:ssil y. a..,..,yA sil . , 12281227 vil J :'?.° 280 ORGAgriculture Development C,cl,_j s " ':-. Afghan NGOs coordination Bureau Member NGOs Directory 2007
