LONDON SCHOOL OF COMMERCE (LSC) SEAL MALTA 3rd Floor, Europa Centre 58, Tower Tinghi Street St.Anne Street Xewkija, Gozo Floriana FRN 9020 Tel: (+356) 2156 1909, 9905 7027 MISSION STATEMENT Tel: (+356) 2122 6200 Email:
[email protected] The mission of the ELT Council is to foster development in the ELT Email:
[email protected] Web: profession and sector. Malta can boast that both its ELT profession and Web: sector are well structured and closely monitored, being practically the only language-learning destination in the world with legislation that SPRACHCAFFE LANGUAGES PLUS assures that every licensed school maintains a national quality standard. MAGISTER ACADEMY 6, Alamein Road All this has resulted in rapid growth for the sector. L-Arkati, Pembroke PBK 1776 Mensija Street Tel: (+356) 2137 3574/5/6 St. Julians STJ 1960 Email:
[email protected] ELT SCHOOLS Malta Web: Tel: (+356) 2750 5550 There are currently 38 licensed ELT Schools in Malta and Gozo. Email:
[email protected] Web: STS STUDENT TRAVEL SCHOOLS 67, Old Railway Road Birkirkara BKR 1615 WHY STUDY IN MALTA MALTA UNIVERSITY LANGUAGE Tel: (+356) 2720 1277 SCHOOL Email:
[email protected] Combined with its cultural, historical and linguistic heritage, Malta offers University Residence Web: a pleasant and congenial climate, a safe and friendly environment, a high R. Mifsud Bonnici Street standard of living, and an excellent quality of life. All this makes it an ideal Lija place where to live and study English.