Nairobi National Park: a Viable Conservation Area?

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Nairobi National Park: a Viable Conservation Area? sentially become the lifeline for the wildlife of NNP. Nairobi National Park: Migrating corridors are absolutely necessary for the success of wildlife in semi-arid lands (Harris, 1997). A Viable Conservation Due to urban development in Nairobi, including the major Mombasa roadway which supplies this city, the Area? wildlife dispersal zones have been reduced down to the southern Athi Plains. Today, this dispersal cor­ ridor of NNP is under the threat of development, both Teresa Stanonik to farms and to quarries. Quarries are another result of urban development Nairobi National Park (NNP) was established as and human population increase. Quarries surround­ Kenya's first national park in 1946. It is unique com­ ing Nairobi City supply it with building materials for pared to all other national parks in the world in that it its ever-multiplying residential and industrial struc­ is located within a half an hour's drive from the capi­ tures. The Kitengala dispersal area is littered with tal city's downtown area (Morell, 1996). This special quarries. Workers flock to this area, dynamite ex­ feature of NNP, beyond making it unique, poses many plodes, pastures are removed, the ground is torn up, difficult issues. Nairobi City is a major metropolis and trucks and machines constantly drive in and out. whose population is growing at an accelerated rate. The Kitengala dispersal zone is becoming increasingly The protected area of NNP is a mere 100 square km, unsuitable for grazing wildlife. These quarries further while the surrounding (unprotected) dispersal area threaten to isolate the migrating wildlife of NNP from utilized by migrating wildlife is approximately 1000 their wet season grazing pastures (Western 1997). square km. This dispersal area is owned by group The Kitengala area is a small-scale example of ranches and private land owners (Western, 1997). As issues associated with urbanization within close vi­ the metropolis of Nairobi continues to expand, these cinity to a national park (as seen with Nairobi City). dispersal areas are progressively developed for agri­ Unfortunately, this small-scale example is becom- cultural fields, residential neighborhoods, and vari­ ing bigger. The town of Kitengala has grown by 800 ous business and industrial enterprises. This poses a percent in the last three years. This means greater grave threat to the wildlife of NNP. human encroachment, bringing urban developments, The biggest threat to a wildlife species' survival factories, residential structures, fences, vehicles, water is habitat loss, which is most often facilitated by in­ and air pollution, trash, and other serious alterations creased human population and encroachment (Morell, to the physical environment. These alterations fur­ 1996). Expanding human populations insinuate a ther threaten to displace wildlife and destroy habitats number of consequences, and these consequences are (Harris, 1997). no exception in the case of Nairobi. To begin, it means The effects of urbanization and industrializa- increased agriculture in the area. Starting in the tion on nearby national parks such as is the case with 1980' s, wildlife dispersal areas adjacent to NNP have NNP are far reaching and serious. NNP stands to been cultivated. The original landowners, the Maasai, protect wildlife and wildlife habitats. This is becom­ are selling or leasing their land to farmers who wish ing increasingly difficult as Nairobi City attracts more to capitalize on the agricultural potential of this fertile people and more businesses. We see populations in land - particularly the Athi-Kapiti Plains, or Kitengala surrounding towns growing, such as in Kitengala. district (Morell, 1996). The Athi Plains are an essential This means more urban sprawl and less land left open component to the NNP ecosystem as they serve as the for dispersing wildlife. Urbanization translates for only open corridor for migrating wildlife, which uti­ wildlife as loss and degradation of wildlife habitats. lize them for wet season grazing pasture. These open This occurs through diversion and pollution of water plains lie south of the park, while the west, north, and sources, removal of grazing areas, and disruption to east sides of the park are fenced to keep wildlife out of migratory corridors. The overall, long term effect of Nairobi City and off the Mombasa Highway (Western, this urban sprawl is the fragmentation and insulariza­ 1997). tion of wildlife populations, which can lead to their Here we see further consequences of human endemism or extinction (Harris, 1997). encroachment. The Kitengala dispersal area has es- 1 Another problem associated with growing human the farmers, especially when wildlife damage these populations near wildlife protected areas is the con­ farmers' crops and cost them precious food and mon­ flicts that arise between the humans and the animals ey. Another way the local communities surrounding themselves. As in the case of NNP, these conflicts NNP may generate revenue is by leasing or selling increase proportionately with human encroachment. their land for agriculture, development, or quarries. To agriculturalists and pastoralists, migrating wildlife All these things, while meeting the interests of the lo­ are viewed as a real nuisance. They destroy crops, de­ cal people, do not serve the interests of NNP. While stroy structures, and carry diseases that are passed to many politicians and businessmen would like to see livestock. Wild predators will kill livestock and even these areas further developed, this is a direct threat to pose a threat to humans (Campbell, 2000). Residents the conservation of wildlife. Clearly there are many living near wildlife protected areas are helpless in conflicts of interests involved when it comes to pre­ terms of effectively eliminating these 'nuisances' due serving the wildlife of NNP and their habitats. to the KWS' hunting ban. Unfortunately, although Various initiatives have been implemented to try many initiatives have been purposed, there is no com­ to mitigate the issues associated with NNP, its dis­ pensation to these residents for damage caused by persal areas, and its surrounding communities. KWS wildlife except in the case of a loss of life (KWS, 1994). is working with many of the Maasai communities in Humans pose a threat to wildlife as well, beyond en­ an attempt to preserve the critical Kitengala dispersal croaching upon and destroying their habitats. Illegal area for wildlife. Some land has been purchased from poaching and hunting are commonplace, and NNP the Maasai to be maintained for wildlife preservation. and its dispersal areas are no exception. Live leases for this same purpose have been initi- The human/wildlife conflict within NNP and its ated as an alternative to the Maasai selling their land. dispersal areas is a serious and prevalent issue. It is Easements have also been implemented on some of the local people who suffer the economic and per­ the Maasai' s land, with their cooperation. This re­ sonal losses associated with wildlife damage--losses stricts land-use activity to only those conducive with which happen often. Some residents argue that the wildlife preservation and in return the land owners government cares for wildlife more than people due receive a small payment (NNP warden, personal com­ to their apparent inaction in dealing with this reoccur­ munication). ring conflict (KWS, 1994). Unfortunately, this story Other possible solutions are community partici­ is not a new one. The human/wildlife conflict is an pation initiatives and programs that help involve issue among many of the national parks and their communities in wildlife conservation. This can begin surrounding residents throughout Kenya. Finding with educating the local communities about wildlife an effective solution proves to be a very difficult task, management and ecotourisrn ventures. In the case of especially when considering all involved parties and NNP, natural resource management techniques within their respective interests. urban settings would also be a useful educational tool. It is in the interests of the international commu­ Involving the local communities allows for a more nity as well as the Kenyan government and their na­ integrated, bottom-up approach to wildlife conserva­ tional parks to conserve and protect wildlife. Tourism tion without isolating the very people that are forced is the top revenue-generating industry in Kenya, and to co-exist with these animals. It further allows these the government receives much of this profit. How­ communities to benefit from wildlife, as opposed to ever, the Kenyan government is also an advocate of suffering with it. Initiatives such as this have already agricultural expansion, for the revenue it generates began, as is exemplified by the Kitengala Landown­ and for its reputation as a modernizing force (Round­ ers Association. This is a group of landowners in the Turner, 1997). Herein lays a major conflict of interest. Kitengala area that have joined together in a resolve to Agricultural development is a major cause of wildlife preserve their land for wildlife (Western, 1997). habitat destruction and therefore a direct threat to On a final note, there are always sustainable de­ wildlife protection. Furthermore, agricultural farms velopment initiatives that can work to create a more are among the most prevalent locations for human/ ecologically friendly urban setting. I believe this is wildlife conflicts to occur. very important in the face of an increasingly develop­ It is in
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