Kenya -amboseli-Samburu mount -Lake - Lake -masai mara 13 Days | African Charm & Close to Nature


Destination: Arrival at International Airport; Transfer to Nairobi Accommodations: Ololo Safari Lodge Activities: Optional Game Drive

Arrival at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport. After clearing customs, you will be met by your expert naturalist guide and transferred to the lovely Ololo Safari Lodge, an elegant, thatched-roof African manor situated right on the edge of the African wilderness, overlooking . Just outside of Nairobi’s central business district is Nairobi National Park, Kenya’s first national park established in 1946. This park is iconic for its wide open grass plains and scattered acacia bush with the city of Nairobi’s skyscrapers in the backdrop. Despite its small size and proximity to human civilization, this park plays host to a wide variety of wildlife including , , , hyenas, buffaloes, giraffes and diverse birdlife with over 400 species recorded. As well, it is home to one of Kenya’s most successful rhino sanctuaries, and you are likely to see the endangered black rhino here. After settling in, you will meet with your guide to briefly go over your safari itinerary. Enjoy a lovely lunch, featuring Ololo’s garden grown produce and eggs. You then have the option of going on a late afternoon game drive into Nairobi National Park or staying at the lodge, perhaps taking a dip in the pool, walking around the beautiful gardens, reading a book by the fire, or enjoying a drink on the terrace overlooking the park. Enjoy a fresh, seasonal dinner at the lodge, and retire to your lovely room for a good night’s rest.


Destination: Nairobi National Park Accommodations: Ololo Safari Lodge Activities: Game Drive; Nursery Visit; Center Visit; Bomas of Kenya Visit

After an early breakfast at the lodge, depart on a full day game drive with stops at a few attractions in and around the park. In late morning, arrive at the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust which houses the orphanage where you can see rescued milk-dependent baby at their first stage of rehabilitation before being released into the wild. Continue from here to the Giraffe Centre, a sanctuary and breeding site for the endangered Rothschild giraffe, where you can meet and feed the resident giraffes. Return to the park for some game viewing with a stop for a

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picnic lunch. Continue on to Bomas of Kenya for a performance featuring dances from several of the tribes and ethnic groups on Kenya. Head back to a late afternoon game drive in the park. Return to the lodge for another delicious farm-to-table dinner.


Destination: Accommodations: Tawi Lodge Activities: Game Drive

After breakfast, depart for Amboseli National Park, situated due south of Nairobi. Most of the park consists of a dry, ancient lake bed and fragile with patches of acacia woodland, while in the southern area there are a number of small, rocky, volcanic hills. Around the swamps, Ol Okenya, Ol Tukai, and Enkongo Narok, the vegetation is lush with yellow barked acacias and phoenix palms. The park also has perhaps the best view of . Wildlife here includes the , , giraffe, , caracal and serval cat, , , , buffalo among others. There are also over 400 species of birds, including the bee-eater, kingfisher, , and pygmy falcon. Arrive to Tawi Lodge in time to check into your luxury cottage and for lunch in the restaurant with a fabulous view of Kilimanjaro. Set off for a late afternoon game drive in Amboseli, and return in early evening to the lodge. Tawi is a charming eco-lodge with magnificent grounds, including a water hole that attracts large fauna from the surrounding area. Enjoy a sundowner around the campfire at the tree bar followed by a delicious Swahili-inspired dinner made with produce grown in their own organic gardens. Retire to your cottage for a sound sleep to the sound of nature around you.


Destination: National Park Accommodations: Ol Donyo Sapuk Resort Activities: Game Drive; Walking Safari

Depart in the morning for Ol Donyo Sabuk, a small park about 20 km2 in area, about 45 kilometers from Nairobi, Ol Donyo Sabuk (sometimes spelled “Sapuk”) is a Maasai phrase that means "Mountain of Buffalo." Indeed, about 250 buffalos can be found on the slopes of this park. The call the mountain Kea-Njahe, or the "Mountain of the Big Rain", and consider it as one of the homes of the Supreme Being Ngai. In addition to game viewing, highlights of this park include the unique montane landscape, the sublime “butterfly kingdom,” a visit to the unusual burial site of Sir William Northrup McMillan, Some unique geological formations, and abundant bird. Around noon, check in to Ol Donyo Sapuk Resort, a warm and friendly lodge nestled between Kilima Mbogo Mountain and the Famous Fourteen Falls. Enjoy a late lunch of nyama choma while looking out onto the mountains. After lunch, head out to Ol Donyo Sabuk National Park for a game drive and the opportunity to exit your vehicle and explore the park on foot. Return for dinner before retiring to your suite for the night.

2 | [email protected] • (530) 994-6533 • 2110 K STREET SACRAMENTO CA 95816 USA


Destination: National Park; Accommodations: Samburu Simba Lodge Activities: Game Drive; (Optional) Massage

After breakfast, depart for Samburu National Reserve with game drives and a picnic lunch in Mount Kenya National Park along the way. Mount Kenya National Park boasts a pristine wilderness with lakes, tarns, glaciers, dense forest, mineral springs, and a selection of rare and endangered species of —high altitude adapted plains game and unique montane and alpine vegetation—all this with Africa’s second tallest mountain in the backdrop. Enjoy a picnic lunch in the park and continue on to Samburu with game viewing along the way. In the early evening, check in to Samburu Simba lodge, a charming lodge with authentic African touches in the heart of Buffalo Springs National Reserve on the opposite side of Ewaso Ngiro River from Samburu National Reserve. Treat yourself to a massage at the spa, take a dip in the pool, or enjoy a drink in the open-air bar before a delicious dinner in the lodge restaurant, where you are likely to catch a glimpse of Elephants grazing in the bush. Sleep soundly in your comfortable room to the distant sound of roaming and frolicking animals.


Destination: Samburu National Reserve Accommodations: Samburu Simba Lodge Activities: Game Drive

Depart after breakfast for a full day game drive with picnic lunch in Samburu National Reserve. This park is bordered by the Ewaso Ng'iro River in the southeastern corner of Samburu District in the Rift Valley. The reserve is remarkable for its plethora of rare northern specialist species such as the Somali Ostrich, Reticulated Giraffe, Grevy Zebra, , and the Beisa , as well as its abundance of elephants. Large predators such as the big cats are likely to be spotted here, as are wild dogs. Birdlife, a combination of the arid northern bush country species and a number of riverine forest species, is copious with over 450 species recorded. The threatened lesser kestrel and the Taita falcon both call this reserve their home. Other vulnerable species, namely the African darter, great egret, white-headed vulture, martial eagle and the yellow-billed ox-pecker live here as well. Additionally, the critically endangered pancake tortoise (Malacochersus tornieri) is found in the reserve. Return for sundowners followed by a bush dinner at the lodge.


Destination: Mount Kenya Accommodations: Serena Mountain Lodge Activities: Game Drive; Forest Nature Walk

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After an early breakfast, depart on a half-day game drive, stopping through several small parks and reserves and concluding with a return to Mount Kenya National Park. Check in to the Serena Mountain Lodge set within the green, forested slopes which gaze to a water hole bustling with elephant and buffalo herds. Enjoy a late lunch on the open air deck. Depart for a two-hour walk through the Mount Kenya forest where your guide will take you through the story of Kenya’s independence. Along the way, spot a variety of birds and some unique animals such as the black and white colobus monkey, Sykes monkey, olive baboon, , bush , genet cat, white-tailed mongoose and mole-rat. One can also spot a variety of members from the Antelope family such as Mt. Kenya Bongo, Bush bucks, Defassa , Red forest and Suni. A surprise “Dawa” treat is served to keep you warm. Return to the lodge for a rooftop sundowner, overlooking the game-occupied waterhole, followed by a private dinner on the private balcony your room. Enjoy a sound sleep to the sound of forest fauna.


Destination: ; Accommodations: Lake Naivasha Simba Lodge Activities: Game Drive

After breakfast, enjoy a morning drive via Thompson’s Falls down the floor of the to Lake Nakuru National Park, a protected game sanctuary for endangered species such as the black rhino, white rhino, Rothschild giraffe, and other common game, such as the big cats. Famously Lake Nakuru attracts vast numbers of fabulously colored pink flamingos to its shallow alkaline waters. Known all over the world for its flamingos, Lake Nakuru attracts up to 2 million flamingoes, forming a stunningly beautiful deep pink band around the edge of the lake shore. Have your picnic lunch in the park, followed by more game viewing. In the late afternoon, drive south through Lake Naivasha National Park as you make your way to Lake Naivasha Simba Lodge, located in an enchanting setting right on the lake with views of hippos and game from the grounds. Settle in, enjoy a sundowner, and head to the restaurant for dinner. Enjoy a good rest in your well-appointed room.


Destination: Lake Naivasha; Hell’s Gate National Park; Crescent Island Sanctuary Accommodations: Lake Naivasha Simba Lodge Activities: Game Drive; Biking Safari; Geothermal Baths; Boat Safari; Walking Safari

After breakfast, head out toward Hell’s Gate National Park, named for the intense geothermal activity within its boundaries, and hop on a mountain bike for a cycling tour of the park. Pass herds of giraffes, , antelopes, buffalos and ostriches, as well as Ol Njorowa Gorge, Ol Karia geothermal vents, and stop at Ol Karia natural geothermal spa for a rejuvenating soak. On the return, enjoy great views of Lake Naivasha and the bordering flower farms. Return to Simba Lodge for lunch. In the afternoon, venture out to Crescent Island Sanctuary where there are

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not any predators, so you can safely trade the safari car for your own two feet as you wander alongside zebras, giraffes, and wildebeest! Next, take the short drive to Fisherman’s Camp where you will board a boat for a tour of the lake, getting a unique view of the many bird species, hippos, and other animals indigenous to this habitat. Sail back to shore and sun sets on the lake. Return to the lodge for dinner and drinks.

DAY 10

Destination: Loita Hills Accommodations: Maji Moto Eco Camp Activities: Walking Safari; Hot Spring Bathing; Storytelling

After breakfast, depart for the Loita Hills. During the drive, marvel at the stunning views from and descent down the Great Rift Valley Escarpment. By lunch, arrive at Maji Moto Eco Camp, a small, environmentally-sensitive retreat operated by from the nearby village of Maji Moto. Today is a different kind of day on your safari: Your relaxing stay here will immerse you not only in the intense natural beauty of the Loita Hills, but also in the ancient culture and knowledge of the Maasai. After lunch, walk with Maasai warriors through the hills, observing plants and animals through Maasai eyes. Glean the knowledge of the Maasai culture, the natural world, its plants, animals and their uses. Loita Plains host numerous wildlife such as giraffe, wildebeest, zebra, eland, and many different bird species. Your local Maasai guide will be your field guide full of interesting facts of wildlife and nature that you will meet while on walk. The name 'Maji Moto" means "Hot Water", and this refers to the natural hot spring near the village. Surrounded by trees, a dip in the spring at evening is a refreshing way to soak away the days exertions. Return for sundowners, gazing west over the savannah, toward Masai Mara and the setting sun. Enjoy a fresh, Kenyan-inspired dinner, and gather round the fire for an evening of traditional storytelling. Retire to your tent, built Masai-style using only local materials such as branches and stalks, grass, cow dung and stone, and sleep peacefully to the sounds of nature.

DAY 11

Destination: Masai Mara National Reserve Accommodations: Amani Mara Activities: Game Drive

After breakfast, take the short drive through the savannah to the famous Masai Mara National Reserve. Masai Mara National Reserve offers wildlife in such variety and abundance that it is difficult to believe: over 450 species of animals have been recorded here. It is in the Mara and the bordering of to the south that perhaps the most spectacular event of the natural world takes place—the annual wildebeest migration. In Mara, you will easily see wildebeest and zebra migrations, lions, rhinos, hippos, crocodiles, giraffe, buffalo, , hyenas, jackals, wild dogs, buffalo, leopards, many kinds of antelopes, and elephants—a great way to cap your Kenyan safari! Savor a half day game drive and then check in to Amani Mara, a beautiful, rustic yet elegant lodge,

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small in size with only 14 units, set in the pristine wilderness surrounded by a beautiful landscape. After settling in, enjoy lunch in the dining area, which offers a scenic view of the game meandering over the vast plains, with sights of the resident hippos and crocodiles at the river all through the day. Afterward, venture out into the park for another game drive. Return for a delicious dinner prepared with produce from the lodge’s own organic garden. Enjoy a drink on the view deck or around the fireplace, and retreat to your detached room for a wonderful sleep in the bush.

DAY 12

Destination: Masai Mara Accommodations: Amani Mara Activities: Game Drive; Walking Safari

After breakfast, depart with your guide deep into the Masai Mara for a full day game drive, including a picnic lunch and opportunities to get out of the vehicle and explore the park on foot. Return to the lodge for sundowners and a fabulous bush dinner celebrating the final night of your Kenyan safari! Retreat to your room for another slumber to the sound of nature outside your window.

DAY 13

Destination: Departure to Nairobi or direct connection to Tanzania Northern Circuit, Tanzania Southern Circuit, Tanzania Western Circuit, Uganda, or Zanzibar

After breakfast, you will be driven to Jomo Kenyatta International Airport where you will board your international flight home. Depending on the time of your flight, you can book a day or overnight room at Ololo Safari Lodge. Alternately, you will be transferred to the next leg of your East African holiday in Tanzania Northern Circuit, Tanzania Southern Circuit, Tanzania Western Circuit, Uganda, or (see our complimentary itineraries).

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• Pick up/drop off at Nairobi airport before • All game drives and activities and after the trip and/or transfer to the • All cultural excursions mentioned in the next leg of your holiday itinerary • Park entrance fees into the game • Full board accommodations and additional parks/reserves meals, per itinerary • Government taxation • All-inclusive alcoholic beverages and sodas • Professional naturalist guide at the lodges/camps • Transport and wildlife viewing in 4×4 Land • Plentiful drinking water (mineral water) cruiser with open roof hatches and • Flying Doctor services in Tanzania unlimited mileage • Service charges


• International airfare & flights • Laundry services, unless provided • Visa fees complimentary by the lodges • Personal health insurance • Optional massages and spa services • Travel insurance (highly recommended and • All items of personal nature offered upon purchase of this package) • Gratuities to safari guides and lodge/camp • Additional alcoholic beverages & sodas, staff except as stated as included above

SAFARI COST (based on double occupancy, peak season) ………………………………….……8664 USD Single person, non-sharing supplement………………………………………………………………..….2434 USD **NB: Prices drop outside peak season and also for larger parties travelling together. Children are accommodated at lower rates than adults. Adumu Safaris customizes itineraries to fit your preferences, desires, party size, and budget.

Please note: Adumu Safaris makes every effort to customize your safari itinerary in order to cover areas where wildlife habitats are known to be plentiful during the season and precise time of year that you are traveling. However, since wild animals move freely in their environment, we cannot absolutely guarantee sightings of every species.

We also use our best effort to provide the lodging set out in this itinerary, but occasionally there are circumstances that occur which require lodging substitutions. We reserve the right to make comparable lodging substitutions or upgrades whenever necessary or in your best interest to do so. Fortunately, we have vetted all of our lodges and stand by their ability to provide an amazing accommodation experience.

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