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(Ftntmecttcut Latin, (Ftantfmb Serving Storrs Since 1896 JO- TUESDAY (ftntmecttcut latin, (ftantfmB Serving Storrs Since 1896 JO- TUESDAY. APRIL 1H. 1978 VOL LXXXI NO. JJf) STORRS, CONNECTICUT (203) 429-9384 '*t«R' USen tables i£L 51 IARC lists *&^*ft *»wa tm -+++ pass-fail M 'priorities' By FRED DECASPERIS By LYN MUNLEY A proposal to revoke the existing The InterlArea Resident's Council pass-fail grading option was referred (IRAC) drafted a resolution demand- back to the Senate Scholastic Stan- ing the newly established $20 fee dards Committee (SSSC) Monday by increase for 1978-79 to be used for the University Senate. "student priorities." according to the According to committee chairman group's chairman. John Tanaka, director of the Honors There was no provision in the Board program, the proposal was sent back of Trustees decsion to use the to committee because the Senate student-requested fee increase for requested more information on the student priorities. Larry Cafero said issue. Monday. "We felt it was very important tht the services not be cut. "I don't know whether they want a statistical study or an alternate plan" The student's first priority is the Tanaka said Monday." "The student resortation of the lounges, and if the money is not used for this, it will be sneators want to see an alternate plan the biggest back-stabbing to the between no change and doing away students ever seen." Cafero said. with the option altogether" he said. "The students consulted by IARC Since the Senate and the SSSC will representatives specified three meet only once more this academic things as priorities for the fee year, Tnaca said he doubted that any increase money to be spent, the work could be done on the proposal" return of lounges, replacement of and it most likely would be brought deteriorated or missing loung furni- up again next year," he said. ture and cyclical painting jobs in Student Sentator Rich Cartun said dormitories, and the full-year con- Monday the only way the proposal tact for dorm rooms." said Steve would be voted upon is if "some kind Donen, chairman of the federation of of compromise can be worked out" Student Service Organizations (FS1 regarding which coursaes the pass- SO). fail option could be applied to. "I polled 180 people about the fee "The way is stand now, the vote increase and after they received all will be to abolish the option," Cartun the information, about 52 per cent said. "1 believe the pass-fail option ISTANBUL: Armed state troopers Uni,ed Pre8S international said they wouldn't mind paving it. should be used for what it was stand guard outside arched gate of University has been the scene of At first. I wasn't in favor of the intended for . — to expand the Istanbul University to prevent new continuing feuding between leftist increase, but seeing its what most student's education outside the field outbreaks of student violence. The and rightist students. students want, I am now." Donen of concentration," Cartun said. said. See larc page 3 STEC to discuss possible campaign inmdarities campaign budgets. STEC will investi- Student Trustee candidate Tom By MATT MANZELLA STEC, said STEC members would discuss reports of overspending and gate which began circulation around Welsh, however, said he doubted Student Trustee Elections Commit- other practices in violation with STEC campus during last weeks elections STEC would take any serious actions tee (STEC) members will meet this by-laws and "possibly" make a about certain candidates campaign- in response to what he described as afternoon at the UConn West Hart- ruling on these issues. STEC has ing within legal limits (set by STEC) "one of the dirtiest elections I've frod branch to discuss possible never been confronted with this of the voting machines. ever seen." trustee campaign overspending and Anythng could happen at the type of problem before, which creates Welsh said the elections were run rumored "dirty tricks," after tabulat- the poblem that the members have no meeting, Prisloe said. Th^re is even a ing and announcing final voting possibility that the campaign spend by STEC in an "incompetent" man- precident to base a decision on nor and added that he would bring results from all the areas in the state, Prisloe said. ing limit could be raised if the a member of STEC said Monday. committee finds the present $100 the issue to the attention of the Though no names have been UConn Board of Trustees whether he limit to be unresonable because of Mark Prisloe, UConn's graduate released, at least two candidates is elected or not. student council representative to were found to have overspent their inflation he said. BRIEFLY... Treaty passage looks good Weather: Mostly sunny today, high in the micf 50's becoming cloudy tonigt. low around 40. WASHINGTON (UPI) — The Senate — Approved, 90-2, a reservation to limit leadership Monday, in the final hours of U.S. payments liability to Panama to funds debate, reached agreement with Sen. Dennis available from canal operations at the time the DeConcini, whose amendment providing for canal is turned over to Panama at the end of U.S. military intervention threatened the 1999. Panama Canal treaties. The first reservation, by Sen. Russell Long, The leadership and DeConcini. D-Ariz., D-La., would waive treaty provisions which compromised on language which seemed to would have required the United States to work assure passage of the main Panama Canal in partnership with Panama in constructing a new canal there. Treaty in today's final vote. This years student government elections move arther A non-interference declaration, already Sen. Edward Brooke, R-Mass., whose toward completion; BOG and IARC results on page 3. approved by Panama, reaffirms U.S. rights to vote is considered key in the close fight over keep the Panama Canal open without claiming ratification of the Panama Canal treaty a right to interfere in that country's internal Mondav said he will vote for the pact. affairs. Brooke said he made his decision "only after Pulitzer prizes announced, see page 5. With a final vote scheduled for 6 p.m. today, receiving assurances from the President the Senate in consecutive rollcall votes: regarding the right of the United States to use — Approved, 65-27, a reservation which whatever means necessary to keep the canal UConn baseball to leave slump? See THE PICK page 12. would free the United States to built a new sea open regardless of the source of the threat to level canal elsewhere in Central America. it." (Euttnrrtirut flaiUj (Eamjwa LETTERS Serving Storrs Since 1896 Henderson/Castor concert that is Some conflicts costing SI 1.000 that will not sell to UConn students. Less than 300 JOHN HILL III/ Editor-in-Chief VIKKI SUSM AN / Business Manager tickets have been sold and they are CHARLES A. MOORE/ Managing Editor of interest drawing upon the rest of the state MATTHEW T. MANZELLA/ Senior Editor to support the show. The show is being paid for with students' can be avoided money and we are thus subsidi- zing the show for these outside To the Editor: people. A new system needed I was highly disappointed recent- Ron Richards of AACC stated ly upon discovering that most of this week in the Daily Campus Student I rustee William Finch's of over $100,000 and election to it the campus, (including South and remark last week that the UConn has been run like a high school "The BOG can't apply the same Northwest-Frats), is planning rules to the minority groups as Health Center and School of Social student council race. Spending "Spring Weekend" activities for Work students should not be allow- limits imposed by the Student they do to the majority...". Well, the weekend of April 21-23. It just if you can't play by the rules, you ed to participate in the student Trustee Election Committee (STEC) so happens that the Jewish holiday trustee elections is a disappointing have been violated, the usual shouldn't be playing the game. Passover, begins on April 21. The Name withheld upon request thing for one of the two highest sabotage of candidates'posters and first two nights, the 21 and 22. are student leaders to say. campaign material is rampant as the most important of the eight Finch's reasoning was that since well as politicking outside the polls. day holiday. I was disappointed, Reconsider "the word was out that the election BUT FOR THE committee to not only because I can't attend, was a close one." the votes of more neglect to get representatives from but because this type of poor than 1.000 medical and dental two of UConn's schools is sheer planning was allowed to occur at your stand . students in Farmington and the incompetence. The trustee election UConn. The Jewish population School of Social Work students in committee must be redesigned to here is not overwhelming. But. on Bakke West Hartford would count more allow for a more stable membership, there are a substantial number of than other students who voted one so that mistakes of the past, and Jewish students, myself included, To the Editor: earlier. They were left out due to an this year, can be avoided. who will be going home to I would like to address the two election committee foul-up. FEW MEMBERS of the committee celebrate the holiday with their gentlemen who commented on the WELL, THE WORDwasn't out until serve on it for more than one families. This will mean missing Bakke case in the April 13 edition Hnch announced the closeness of election.
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