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Natural environment and human settlement in later prehistoric central Europe

Albert, Bruce Michael Worthington

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2 Natural environment and human settlement in later prehistoric Central Europe

Volume II of II: bibliography and figures

Thesis by Bruce Michael Worthington Albert, in submission for a Doctorate of Philosophy, Department of Archaeology, University of Durham, 2004

A copyright of tlhis thesis rests with the author. No quotatio1111 from it shou.nld lbe ptnlblishedl without his prior written consent and information dlerived. from it should lbe acknowledged.

~ 3 JUN 2005 Table of contents

Volume 2


Figures 1-148 41

Vransky potok, main pollen diagram (fold-out) back jacket Bibliography

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Zvelebil. M. n.d. Ancient Landscape Reconstruction in Northern Bohemia. (unpublished manuscript)

40 Fig. 1. Lu:Zicky potok, site distribution in inferred community areas circumscribed by limits of prime farmland (after Smri 1994). Symbols employed indicate settlements (A), cemeteries (B), bronze hoards (C), quartzite mines (D) and hill-forts (E). Above patterns employed indicate surface and substrate types, including soils on lands of greater than 4 degrees incline (1), wet places and (status indeterminate) places under modem use (2), loss, the favoured soil substrate (3), and non-lOss (4). Below patterns employed indicate (marginal) land-use classes (after Kuna and Slabina 1987), including steep lands of greater than 4 degrees incline ( 1), otherwise suitable arable land greater than 300m from a drainage (2), under modem use (3), wet places (4) and optimal community areas for prehistoric farmers (5). Note circumscription of most prehistoric sites to land-use Class 5. Smri's division between community areas A and E is arbitrary.


41 Fig. 2. Lu~icky potok, distribution of natural woodland communities (after Kyncl 1987 a, b). Communities include alluvial woodland (AU) in valley bottoms, oak-hornbeam woodland (C) largely on northern exposures, sub-xerophile mixed-oak woodland (Q) largely on southern exposures, forest-steppe (Qp) on basaltic outcrops (western basin) and acido-phile oak woodland (Qa) on poorer soils (after Kync11987 a, b). Prehistoric use of the alluvial woodland may reflect proximity of community areas to unit AU, or an expansion of the unit itself as a result of agricultural or natural adaptations to cooler wetter climate. Note that unit AU is favoured periodically during the Late Eneolithic (site 21, Cachovice), the Hallstatt C period (site 9, Vrchnice) and to a lesser extent, during Hallstatt B1 (site 26, Pfezetice). Use of acido-phile oak woodland (Qp) may be favoured by extensive land-use which incorporates more marginal soils, or the promotion of degraded woodland through intensive land-use. Prior to the Middle Ages, this unit is exploited only during the Knoviz Umfield (Late Bronze Age) period (sites 14-5, Prahly and Tu~emice}.

42 Fig. 3. Luficky potok, rotation of Knoviz (1-VI) to Stitary (I-III) Umfield settlement in western part of basin as determined by the specific periodisation of ceramic finds (after Smrl1987a, b). Settlement site 9 (Vrchnice) is occupied during the Early Knoviz period (I-III). Settlement transfers to site 11 (Pfezetice) during the later Knoviz period (IV-VI), partially contemporary with settlement site 13 (Prahly) which is occupied during Knovfz III-V. Settlement then shifts to sites 6 and 8 (Milfany area) during the Knoviz VI-Stitary I interface, contemporar:y with cemetery site 7 (Milfany). Finally, settlement returns to the Pfezetice area (site 12) during the tenninal Stitary period (II-III), contemporary with cemetery site 10 (Vrchnice area near initial Knoviz settlement site).


43 Fig. 4. Lomsky potok, settlement of the Middle Bronze Age to La Tene periods (after Bene~ 1991). Occupation is indicated by inscribed diagonal lines to date to the Middle Bronze Age (HGK), Late Bronze Age (KK), Hallstatt C-D (HZ), and La Tene periods (LTZ) as reflected in multi-cultural (large squares) and single component (small squares) sites. Note the small volume of Middle Bronze Age settlement, as well as the restriction of fmds to multi-cultural sites. The volume of La Tene period settlement is much greater in the Lom basin than at Lu:ticky potok, underlining the potential for inter-basin differences in the expression of the settlement cycle at this spatial scale. Most La Tene settlement in both basins consists of small hal}llets or cemeteries. Note then the presence of the large La Tene cemetery (with ca. 130 graves) at Jeni~uv Ujezd within the Lorn basin.

~ ILJHZ [) 15] LTZ


' ' ." -, LOMSKY POTOK ~ ' o 1km ____ ,

...... 2 ..I. ....L ..1. ....1- 3

44 Fig. 5. Un~ticky potok, Early Bronze Age settlement (adapted from Kuna and Slabina 1987).

~ -0.0 < ~ N ec:: ~ >. '"!:: ca ~ ;q ~- ;:; ...... 0 E N 0 ~ i 0.. R -6"' (.I c '>. ·;:: ~ ~ 0 E u "iii 1Z .:.I ..... :a '; ..... IU ~ 0 s:: Q: ~ '::> • ~ 0


45 Fig. 6. Un~ticky potok, Middle Bronze Age settlement (adapted from Kuna and Slabina 1987). Note the small volume of settlement evidence, which highlights the decline in community area occupation noted by Kuna and Slabina at this time.

,....._ 0 OJ) --< 0 cN 0 co""' 0 "0 :'9- ;E ~ ~ - ~ :r. 0 E 0 N .... ~ Q. 0 1 0.. R '":) u c: '>. ·;::: ~ ~ 0 "=' ~ u ~ .=! ...... :a ·->0 0"' s::: ~"' "' '::J • '*' ~

46 Fig. 7. Un~ticky potok, Late Bronze Age settlement (adapted from Kuna and Slabina 1987). Note this maximum expression of settlement intensity is accompanied by a maximum spread of community area habitation (cf. Fig. 8 A).

Q) --0.0 . 't: 1.: ~ _g ~ E u CIJ .>I...... :.c"' (;j )\1) 0 c ~ ~ '::J \i& -c. 0

47 Fig. 8. Vinofsky potok, settlement areas of the Late Bronze Age (A), Hallstatt C (B) and Late Hallstatt (C) periods (after Kuna 1991, note that the Late Bronze Age settlement area is mis-captioned in this publication).



48 Fig. 9. Vinofsky potok, community areas of the Late Hallstatt-Early La Time periods (above) and Middle to Late La Time periods (below) as circumscribed by Theissian polygons (after Kuna 1991 ). Larger circles designate highly concentrated finds (filled circles represent sites bounded by drainages on two sides, but not true hill­ forts), while smaller circles represent low concentrations of finds. Note the low concentration of Middle to Late La Time finds.

01 02 0 3



49 Fig. 10. Vinol'sky potok, community areas of the Roman period as circumscribed by Theissian polygons (after Kuna 1991). Note the larger community areas defmed by central concentrations of finds. Note that earlier prehistoric linkage of community areas to the fluvial dendritic network is reduced.

1 -=2km 01 fl) 0 2

oo 0 OCb 0 0 O'l,


50 Fig. 11. Cham (encircled stars) and I<.ivnac Culture (other symbols) settlement of Bohemia (after Ehrich and Pleslova-Stichova 1968). Note the restriction of the Cham Culture to the Southwest Bohemian uplands. This sub-optimal agro-climatic region is entirely abandoned during the Corded Ware, Bell Beaker (Late Eneolithic) and Earliest Bronze Age periods (cf. Fig. 14). Site no. 164 denotes the micro-regional cluster at Vrany (cf. Fig. 36).

I (

51 Fig. 12. Rivna~ Culture settlement of Prague regia~ from Kladno to Prague-East (after Ehrich and Pleslova­ Stichova 1968). This region of higher archaeological recovery reveals a pronounced concentration of Middle Eneolithic settlement into micro-regional clusters. Not all of sites will be contemporary after the data pattern at Vrany (site no. 164 above, cf. Fig. 38). Site no. 134 denotes the micro-regional cluster at Homolka (Stehel~eves).

0 29 o_Qp 1.14 Q'!,


52 Fig. 13. Late Eneolithic Corded Ware Culture, finds of (earlier) Group II faceted hammer-axes (above) vs. finds of (later) Group III hammer-axes of the Bohemian type (after Buchvaldek 1986b). Note the relative concentration of Group II finds in Northwest Bohemia, away from centre of Rivmit cultural distribution, and the more pan­ Bohemian distribution of Group III finds.

53 Fig. 14. Bodensee, composite diagram of tree-ring dates from 82lakeshore settlements (after Rosch 1988). Note secular periodicity of the Early Eneolithic oscillations. A pronounced Middle Eneolithic peak in dendra­ dates reflects an emphatic periodic low in the lake level. A long duration of wet conditions between the Corded Ware and Early Bronze Age is brok~n by a moderate peak coeval with the Classical Early Bronze Age in the Czech and Slovak Republics (Late Un~tice and V~terov-Mad'arovce Cultures). Relatively cool and wet conditions reappear with the Middle Bronze Age, contemporaneous with the Loebben neo-glaciation in the Swiss and Austrian Alps. A final peak, reflecting dry conditions, appears during the Umfield Bronze Age. Lakeshore settlements on the Bodensee are then abandoned at the beginning of Hallstatt C (after 838 BC).


ii li I I u ~ ~ ~ ~

54 Fig. 15. Swiss lakes, composite diagram of tree-ring dates from Late Bronze Age lakeshore settlements (after Bouzek 1990). The sequence is less compressed than that presented from Bodensee, and clearly illustrates a decline in dendro-dates of the Hallstatt B1 period (cf. Fig. 2, site 26, Ptezetice), indicative of a wetter interval during the long Umfield period. Note that Figs. 14-15 are based on a compilation of several thousand dendro­ dates.



1200 1100 1000 900 BOO

55 Fig 16. Moisture-dependent organic sedimentation curves from the Zbudovska blata marshes and Rezabinec fishpond (after Rybnf~ek 1989). Note the increased rate of sedimentation beginning in Firbas Zone IX (First Millennium BC).

f) 5

56 Fig. 17. Palaeo-environmental sites and select micro-regions in Bohemia.

Poland Gennany

Key <> Micro-region Cl Archaeological site

+ Archaeologjcal andgeo-botanicaJ sile 0 Karstregion A Geo-bota.nical s.ite

57 crc·'TJ ..... 00 ;;p ii> 0 Key 0 0, olio Micro-region ::I < Cl Archaeological site a· ::I + Archaeological 1111d gee-botanical site a0 0 Karst region ::I §'. A Gee-botanical site I ,.../ 'Czech-Siovak frontier ;:;~­ :r"" ~ ...,0 I" < ii;• § 0.. Vl (/) 00 0 < ~ ~- Fig. 19. Pollen diagram from Komotany Pk-ld, Northwest Bohemia (after Jankovska 1988a). Note the hiatus beginning in the Late Bronze Age and the poverty of syn-anthropic pollen until the Middle Ages.

>DQJ.!J{/JDU ilJI/UtpsqDlfiJl

6unJiJI}D0 J(/JSf60}0!}l/JJV


59 Fig. 20. Pollen diagram from Mistfin, South Moravia (after Svobodova 1989). Note a dramatic alder decline in tandem with an early cereal peak in the middle of the Sub-boreal sequence (before 1400 uncal. BC, cf. Classical Early Bronze Age sequence).

Ko. SVA TDBORfCE-11/ST/?!/,~ o. Hodon/n

finc:s 8etulc: AP


60 Fig. 21. Komofany lake, location of geo-botanical site.

Ore MiJUntains Komo'fany lake

'11ake flood level (229m a.m.s.l.) .&1!51 ~ drainage £ point elevation ()

.. 844 L1 site of monolith

.. 631

.. 741


Komorany lake

0 2 3

Scale (km)

61 Fig. 22. Komo!'any stratigraphy

Komofany stratigraphy

• Turfa peat (Til, Sh 3, Dh +, Sic 3, Nig 3, Etas I, Lim 0, StrjO)

[J Detrital gyttja (Lso 3, Dh J, Tl +,Sic 2, Nig 2, Etas 2, Lim 0, Strj3)

• Algal gyttja (Lw 4, Sic 2, Nig I, Ela.1· 2, Lim 2 Strf 4)

62 '"rl Oti" N w ~ 0 3 ~ ~ "-<:: '0 Komorony (228 m a.m.s.l.) 2. (b Trees ------Herbs /7rable 0.= s;· ()Q if''' • • •'' • ~q_.(;:· .... 4 ~:,"< ,,. ' "'' 'l.J(;;.<-,!? , ...... ~(' "'3 ,_.,.., r;....V":J !? . ~~~ ~ .. ~C:J rf.· ('._'> ,.. ' ·# "' .,;> ""#. " J / .• .., "' . .. ,<:>"'"'"§ ;;:,.<:>"'' s._,c ~C))~ ~C' /. "'()<'\ ---~··~ -"'<:>.eft ,f/~'-~,} .~~'>"'


~ w



~ ~ ~ w ~ ~G 0 ~ I ~ w e I m

~ w e I ,6o 26o J6o w ~ w w w w w m w w w r-. ~ l. All percentages after T.L.P. Fig. 24. Bylany 1, location of geo-botanical site.

0 100

Scale (rn)

N ----;;;--=-----..,-


Bylany 1

D bore site ...... ~ ...... :\·:·///: Area B excavations ~rainage

~ modern village

64 Fig. 25. Bylany 1 stratigraphy.

Bylany 1 stratigraphy

~ Topsoil (amorphous)

D Colluvium of silt (Ag3), sand (Gal) and trnces of clay (As+) with molluscs

WWeathered palaeosol with clay-enriched under-horizon and oxidised over-horizon

[;!] Alluvium of silt (Ag4) and traces of clay (As+) with macro-fossils of Pinus

65 Fig. 26. Bylany 1 pollen diagram.

oL _j >-'

'"0 '""' ~ I ~ J~


• -


66 Fig. 27. Konobr~e. location of site and pollen sample from Early Dn~tice grave (18).

Konobne: site locality and Early Unc'!tice tumulus burial

Early On~tice vas~ from which pollen sample 0) was taken

- Scale (km) -

Grave 18 ofEarly Unetice mound

67 Fig. 28. Konobrie, photo of Eneoltthic v-shaped ditch with posttton of upper pollen sample tndtcatcd

68 Fig. 29. Konobrte, photo of Knoviz alluvtal and colluvtal accumulation with pos1llon of pollen sample tndtcated (scale = 50 em) Colluvtallayer and overlying soil are of a darker and alluvium 1S of a lighter hue.

69 Fig. 30. Konobne pollen diagram.

~4<> -L.rnv• 1______I _ ..... I I ~?~.~- I F• '"'?,':..1.1----'=mzm....--______m__ _..J.r

·~";]._l_l__ .m,,.=-s.s=·"=· ·=~~·~,,,~..:· ·~--~r


~~ ~

~·I\ ~,~ f': ::~: g~ !\,<' . .,.,4~~ v~ ~ ~:~~ ~~ ~1i-

u~ ~:~%:,.., ~""" I ~' "'' • I ~~I"~1, ~ <:; p $,, 1: I I I • l "'lJ-~x'.. • I 7Y ~\_'"'? ~ § i ~~I ~ ~ .. ~ I I I

!t }~.,J 'c.'b l

ll~~~ "\ I I ~!n-..~ ~ • •

~ .e,.,. J~~. It, 0 / e ~t." & v~ j ~\I R ' :!! ~ j ;! l! 1 t .:; l j j

70 Fig. 31. Vransky potok stratigraphy, with lower and upper zones patterned and nuddle zone hued.

Vransky potok stratigraphy

II Strahim conf•sum

~Grey clayey-silt (Ag3, As I, Sh+, Aa+, Efasl, Nlg2) I with gastropods ncm IJ Grey silty-clay (As2,Ag2,Aa+, Gs+, £/as J, Ntg2)

113 em I Light grey sand (Aa4, Gs+, Elasl, Ntgl, llm2) l25cm 127cm Dark grey organic silt (Ag3, Sir I, Gs+, Efasl, Nlg3) 146cm 0 149cm 1------1 with gastropods

DDark grey organic silt with detrital peat (Ag2, Shl, Dhl ,Aa+, Gs+, Elas2, Nlg3) with gastropods l95 em f---,,..~ ~~ Grey-brown detrital peat with silt (Ag2, Dhl, Dfl, Elosl, Ntg3) 218cm with gastropods

silt (Ag3, Shi,Aa+, Gs+, Elasl, Nig2) 243 em ~ Grey organic with gastropods

I Brown-grey detrital peat (Agl, Dh2, Dll, Elosl, Nlg2)

g Dark grey detrital peal with silt (Dh2, Ag2, A a+, Gs+, Elosl, Nlg3) with gastropods

• Grey silt (Ag4, Sh+, A a+, Gs+, Elasl, Nlg2) with gastropods

~ Grey-brown organic silt (AgJ, Shi,Aa+, Gs+, £Jasl, Nlg2) with gastropods

I Brown-orange clay (As3,Agl, Aa+, Gs+, Elasl. Nig2)

0 Brown-o1111lgc clay (As4, A a+, Elasl, Nlg I) (All lim = 0 unless noted, all .fie a 2)

71 Fig. 32. Idealised fluvial hydrology of a wooded vs. deforested slope (after Butzer 1982).

WOODED SLOPE OPEN FIELD -Considerable interception - No interception -Maximum infiltration - Rapid, unimpeded runoff -Throughflow - Limited infiltration - Retarded runoff and protracted seepage ~

Firmly Rooted Soil with Intact Organic Horizons

72 Fig. 33. Vransky potok, reconstructed hydrology and floodplain geometry of lower sedimentary zone.

Yransky potok: development of noodplain geometry and inferred hydrological response following the initiation oftraction-ard agriculture in the lower (Eneolithic?) sedimentary zone


~water surface (concentrated saccate pollen) V _channel bottom ~ Typhaspp. fo cyperaceae

73 Fig. 34. Vransky potok, reconstructed hydrology and floodplain geometry of middle sedimentary zone (high­ water). Note the progressive in-filling of sediment, widening potential habitats for semi-aquatiC and telmatic vegetation.

Vransky potok: development of floodplain geometry and inferred hydrological response to extensive or intensive cultivation in the middle (Bronze to Roman Iron Age) sedimentary zone

alluvial accretion surface


~ water surface (concentrated saccate pollen) 0 channel bottom ~ Typhaspp. }/ cyperaceae

74 Fig. 35. Vransky potok, reconstructed hydrology and floodplain geometry of middle sedimentary zone (low­ water).

Vra~sk~ polok: d~velopmenl of ~o~plain g.eometry and inferred hydrological response to cyclical culllvauon or agncultural recessmn m the middle (Bronze_lP Romanlron Age) sedimentary zone



75 Fig. 36. Vransky potok, reconstructed hydrology and floodplain geometry of upper sedimentary zone. Note that continued in-filling of sediment in the valley bottom has transformed the relationship between the rate of water flow (after cubic meters per second) and proximate water~ at the alluvial accretion surface. A sub­ competent alluviation is indicated by more poorly sorted sediment in this upper zone, with increased (subaqueous) clay deposition interrupted by high energy events.

Vransky potok: development of lloodplain geometry and inferred hydrological response to very intensive cultivation in upper (Early Slavonic to High Medieval) sedimentary zone


__,..,-- water surface (concentrated saccate pollen) V channel bot! om ~ T;phaspp. nymphaca and nuphar


76 Fig. 37. Vransky potok summary pollen diagram after total land pollen.


.. ~ •. !i Fig. 38. Eneolithic settlement at Vransky potok as reflected in systematic field-walking and unsystematic finds.


Ostrov (1): Funnel Beaker Culture burial (in settlement pit?) Within Vranj (2): Funnel Beaker Culture stray pottery finds Nad Splavem (3): Early ltvn~~ Cullure settlement Hradilt

0 one shcrd [ill two shenb IJ three sherds • four to 1\vcnty shcrds

78 Fig. 39. Early and Middle Bronze Age settlement at Vransky potok as reflected in systematic field-walking and unsystematic finds.

Early and Middl~ BroiU'.e Ag~

Field of Kat9uk (west of Vrany): Early On~tice grave Ostrov (1): Uq~tice grave Hradi.!t~ (2): Un~tice settlement Unknown field: Middle Bronze Age weaponry hoard

0 one sherd [] rwo sherds Iii) thm: shcrds. four to rwcnty shcrds

79 Fig. 40. Classical Early Bronze Age settlement at Vransky potok as reflected in systematic field-walking and unsystematic finds (this may also include some finds indicated in Fig. 39).

Late Unt'ftice (Vt'ftefo• Phase)

Hradilt~ (I): Late On~ nee settlement

0 one shen:l Eillrwo sherds rm !hn:e sberds • four lo twenty !herds 1

80 Fig. 41. Knovfz Umfield settlement at Vransky potok as reflected in systematic field-walking and unsystematic finds.

Kooviz Urnfleld Culture

Ostrov {I): struy pouery flllds of Knov[z Culture In garden south of village (2): thick Knovfz cultural layer

0 one sbcrd ffi] [\¥0 &herds mtluce shcrdJ • (our to rwency shei11J

81 Fig. 42. Stftary Umfield settlement at Vransky potok as reflected in systematic field-walking and unsystematic finds.

, ~Hiary Urofield Culture no unsystematic finds

· 0 ono sherd CJ rwo shen:b lltruu shetds. four to 1wen1y sbcrd.s

82 Fig. 43. Late Hallstatt-La Tene A period settlement at Vransky potok as reflected in systematic field-walking and unsystematic finds.

Late Hallstatt and La Tene A

Za zmnkem: (I) BylanyCulture pottery

0 one then! [] rwo shenb lfdlhn:e slwd' • four 10 rwenty 1/w.n:ls

~-~------~~ 83 Fig. 44. Middle to Late La Tene period settlement at Vransky potok as reflected in systematic field-walking and unsystematic finds.

Middle and Late La T~ne

Unknown fields: four bronze ann rings (Middle La T~ne), glass fragment and three pottery sherds (Late La T~oe)

0 one sberd [] rwo 1huds B llwc sberds • four 10 lweruy shcrds

84 Fig. 45. Roman Iron Age settlement at Vransky potok as reflected in systematic field-walking and unsystematic finds.

Roman Iron Age Unknown fields: four Early Roman pottery shenls,Denarius of MarcU5 Aurelius and Late Roman coin (IAiflllOI

0 one she.rd IIillJ rwo aberds IJ lhree sherW • four 10 rweoty shrrds 1

85 Fig. 46. Vinot and Vinotsky potok, location of archaeological pollen site and geo-botanical core.

~I 0

...... c:: Q) ~ ':::l...... Q) tl) ...... (':$ tl) ::::::1 (':$ ::r:: 1;, ...... Q) -(':$ ~...... 0 0. '» ~ tl) • >t; .s >

86 Fig. 47. Vinof, position of Early Iron Age features in modem village.




House 36

5 ---Scale (m)

87 Fig. 48. Vinof, profiles of (Hallstatt C2) Feature 11 and (Late Hallstatt) Feature 10 (see Fig. 49 for scale).

Vinor: Features 10 and 11

_, ' ~. / /------\ I \ o . I . ., 1'~"A --...., 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 iI1 1 1 1'1~'1'1' 1 '1'1'1'1'1'1 1 1'



Feature IO: Late Haffstatt

[J pollen sample

Feature II: Hallstatt C2

___ _,,--·~-~--..------88 Fig. 49. Vinor, photo of Feature 10 (with scale of 20 em segments)

89 Fig. 50. Vinof, pollen diagram of spectra from Hallstatt Features 11 and 10.

cL _j

~ 0 ~ 0' "'0 c ~ u

~ 0. I I ;;;

"'"'?; "q,_ "'~ .<)"c...,. -c;~"l"".o "4 " "'--'------t ~/:J~J ____l. :12"" ""a""~,., ------_____j_ ~ "" ~- ~'b~~-1------~======~------~

~- ~::::·~:~~fL______=r==m=mn ______~ ______4- ~~ q,}'~·L g 9;c, ""-??: "'?v"" ~ ~~~?~ ~--'------~------~ \)0 ~"1 ~ f~ ~ ------~------~- ~ ""11- ~------L

',,_,_____! -----4-1: L _I______I 0J~t

"o :.L "'q, 0 "'<11- % ~~ --'------..l- 7~&~~--'------~ "<11- ~------~

~~~~~~-~------~------~------~J"' . ~~ "1 I 1~ . ~~~-'------•~------_.L-______~

~ ~ ~~l ______L J>_, ~~ " .....1)1-?: --'------E "' 1-'__.______~------L 0 E "~c.- ~------~------~------L ::

------__- __ -__ . 90 Fig. 51. Vinofsky potok pollen diagram.

I I f" I f"

[ -_____[_ . - r

91 Fig. 52. V~elince, location of geo-botanical and archaeological pollen sites.


[J site of boring

92 Fig. 53. VWnce, on-site position of bore into Early Bronze Age fortification ditch and off-site position of Bore 4.


.(j/; oute' ditch II Site of coring into outer ditch

( fish pond 0 Site of Core 4

0 m 20

------,-.-_. ~-. -=-=- ..____ - -· 93 Fig. 54. V~lfnce, profile of Early Bronze Age fortification ditch with position of pollen samples transposed.

V~elince: profile of fortification ditch I Top soil II Plough zone III Otornani-Piliny (Middle Bronze Age) IV Otornani-Hatvan (later period) V Otornani-Hatvan (earlier period) VI Hatvan (Early Bronze Age) II VII Kisza-Postag (Earliest Bronze Age)

D pollen sample


D 190 ern

v D240cm D255 em


94 Fig. 55. Vcehnce, photo of stte of Bore I (by drainage) from the earthen bank of the Early Bronze Age sile.

95 Fig. 56. V~elince pollen diagram. I I 1lJi "

g ~

~ .~~ ~ '~~~ ~- I I '"·l'b_, ~ o o~q,"<>">-1 · I ~'r~ ~""':!' • • 'lo~-:s""~ "'~ ~ 01~~

~~ ~~t_, l %0'"}"'•'0 ~""~ '..~ ~ '\ 'lo I I I I I ~ ~ ~ ~ ·~~~ _E ' ]8 """ ·;f~~ ~~~ 1 ~.J I [: E ~ ~ ~ ,I I I I f. ~ ,,• :l :; ' ~' g g ~ r ~ ~

96 Fig. 57. Mytna Nova Yes, location of geo-botanical and archaeological pollen sites.

Mytna Nova Ves CJ site of boring

97 Fig. 58. Mytna Nova Ves pollen diagram.

~ "~ ~~~::t '

j I ~I • • • • [2r I I I • • [~ ~-z~l I I I I • ·*~''\~ ..'i:o~ ~ ~ ..., ..,~ '\:"' ~~~l~ ~~I I I I I I I ~ l ~I • ~\t ~~ [2 i ~I • • I ~~ j~ '\J I I I I !: 1~ ~ a~ ~~I I I I ~ ~ • • r [a 1 <-'%-I I I • • I e ~~~£~aa~!~a~8aa~na~ ~

N Vojkovice 1 IJ Early Honikov Culture grave

'village ofVojkovice )_roadways (J depressions

0 Hornvkov Culture settlement

0 m 500

99 Fig 60. Vojkov1ce. photo of Early Horakov chamber grave of young lady (aged 20 25) with an array of ceram1c and arum at (Sus scrofa?) offenngs Note green d1scolourat10n of copper salts 1n area of bronze nng mall belt from wluch pollen sample was taken (cf Svarec. F1g. 103)

100 Fig. 61. Pohotelice, location of archaeological pollen site.


[J Late Honikov Culture settlement

; of Pohotelice xroadways ~ depressions

101 Fig. 62. Pohofelice, profile of later Honikov Feature 125.

Pohorelice: profile of Feature 125 [J pollen sample above ashy layer (6)

• pollen sample below ashy layer (6)


102 Fig. 63. Vojkovice-Pohofelice combined pollen diagram.


_ __(



l_ I f.


103 Fig. 64. Mu~ov-Burgstall and V Piskach, location of archaeological pollen sites (1-2).

Musov-Burgstall and V Piskach: regional Roman marching camps and Germanic settlement (hatched)

104 Fig. 65. Mu~ov-Burgstall, profile of Roman fortification ditch.

MuSov-Burgstall: profile of fortification ditch

I Plough zone II Roman desrruction layer III Brown fill with five coins (AD 171-3) 0 pollen sample

0105 em 0125 em 0145 em

I m

105 :::1 Otl 0\ !?' ~ s:: ""0 < Musov-Burgstoll (220 m a.m.s.l.), fills of Roman fortification ditch to odland Alluvial woToo/d Pasture /. Culture-steppe ~~ow s:: ~ // \C':>'S)"'-0 b~ ~ ~~(;;­ "' C~ ~~ t?t.c:; CJe.,C ~(); ~:S. J-" ·~0 l>« ~ "' /#f/ ,s>"'" "'"'"' ""'"'"' '"'"' ,ii' ~"' ~.::,'>."' "' '> "'"' ~"' (:? ..,,<:s *"'$' ' "-"'" ,_oii ('"' ,c' "' ~'' '"'~ 2. q_~'"" 0;.::,



>-" ,..._.. C) ~~~~ 0 ~





~ 100 zoo 300 ~ ~ All percentages otter T.L.P. Fig. 67. V Piskach, photo of v shaped Roman fortification dttch from which pollen samples were taken.

107 a;;·'Tl 0\ No Piskch ( 180 m a.m.s.l.), fills of Roman fortification ditch 00 intersecting Germanic settlement < "0 Pasture 7 ~ Culture-step/ /ow ~ ""8- 2P c ~{) ~ e, ~'c ~~~ '-~ ·,<$) c,<::> ~cs ~c; ~c "-cs '0 <::' <;:< Cj . G G '-> "'"''<"' (:,' c c · c ?:P -~c~ ""-r:s 'c c:P ~ c,~ f:' a ,~ ~~ c;: a ~ ~...;; ~ ~ / (;" ""' '<.or;:,(/, 0 00 -0c, \G :_:yC 0 -~ i;-(S ~.;:) ~ ':::,-0~ ~r;:,<;S, ~r;:,-0 ~o-0 ~~ ~0~ ~ d~ c, f;- ;,.,2>- ~.,§ .,§~ ~ "~:>" ::I 0~ "'"~ 0..:;;: . (.,~ r;:,f:' '-':§' <,;~a "--.(:,-2;- 0. " .'-'" ,v .~~ -~' '-'"\~ '-'c~ "?-2;-

! I 105 em- , I ...... 0 00

170 em-

~ he 20 40 l 50 100 150 All percentages after T.L.P. Fig. 69. Mu~la Jursky Chlm, location of archaeological pollen sites (Sections 2-3).

109 Fig. 70. Mu~la Jursky Chlm, profile of Roman fortification ditch in Section 2.

Mti2la Jursky Chlm: profile of Section 2

I. Plough zone II. Middle fill of second cut (grey-brown silt) III. Lower fill of second cut (grey silt with small pebbles) IV. Accumulation prior to second cut (brown silt) V. Lower fill of first cut (yellow sand and pebbles)

D pollen sample


110 Fig. 71. Mu~la Jursky Chlm, pollen diagram of Section 2 .

.,; E 0 ....E N

E :c '-' >­ ~ "' ...,5"' c o.Q NU ~(/")::J "'

111 Fig. 72. Mll~la Jursky Chlm, profile of Roman fortification ditch in Section 3.

Mu2la Jursky Chlm: profile of Section 3

I. Upper fill and plough zone (dark-brown sill) II. Lower fill of second cut (ashy-grey sill) Ill. Lower fill of first cut (ashy-grey sill)

D pollen sample


112 Fig. 73. Muzla Jursky Chlm, pollen diagram of Section 3.

0 0 cL N _j ,_: 0 ~

..c ~ '-' c 0 I .,'? c 0 E 0 Ct:

_g ..c u 2 ::,,..-,"' -, c:: o.Q N U :::>

113 F Ig. ?4. Radvan nad Duna·o J m, location of R oman march·mg camp.


114 ,,I I ' I

"Tj ciQ"

-.) Vl

'I i':l c. I <"' I ::l<"' Radvail nad Dunajom: profile of fortification ditch ;:l "'c. I. Plough zone t;l c: II. Fill of Early Medieval feature ;:l 111. Dark brown homogenous silt '-· 0"' IV. Secondary Roman fill _3 V. Primary Roman fill '0.... . I 0 I D pollen sample ;::, ! ~ 0...... "f ::r"' '0"' c.~ ...... i':l ...... 0 Vl 3 ;:l"' 0' 2. ;::, (") a·"' ;:l 9: R :I ;::::-



! I '! Fig. 76. Radvan nad Dunajom pollen diagram.

Q '"-'


[! f I I ~ ""

>;! ~ 0 '"E j j

1 16 FIg.. 77 . Eneolithic sites in Bohemia.

Poland Germany


~ Micro-region

0 Archaeological site

+ Art:haeologic.al and gw-bolanical slr.e

0 Karst region

A Geo-boranical site

50 km

117 II I I 'Tl ci

-.l . I ?0 tTl ::l (1) 2. Key §: ~ Mic:ro-rcgion ('i" i,!·' ~- :I 0 Archaeological site (D + Archaeological and geo-botanical sile I I J". ~ ~~I "'s· 0 Karst n:giOD ~ A Goo-botanical site I ...,0 ) $:0 ., ./ Czech~Sioval: frontier ;·< $:0 ::l 0.. en 0 < ~ ~-

...... 00




. I !


'! Fig. 79. Baalberg pottery depot from Boiice, Southwest Moravia (after Podborsky 1993). Note that the periodisation of the Funnel Beaker Culture in the follows primarily from closed fmds in earth and stone burial mounds, thick tel-like deposits (e.g. at Slany and Jevgovice) and closed finds such as the Boiice and Mufty ceramic depots. The pedastled cup (2) is a form derived from the Jordanov Culture, albeit lacking in decoration. Note the general poverty of decorative attributes on Baalberg pottery. Multiple lugs on vessels 6 and 8 are also typical of the Michelsberg Culture. Obviously, a low attribute density makes cultural if not chronological definition problematic in flat-site assemblages, a problem compounded by the polythetic quality of Early Eneolithic material culture assemblages in general. u 13


0 (

10 8 a 07 5

11 RUV2 9 4

12 6

119 Fig. 80. Rmlz by Laskov, site plan of hill-fort of the Funnel Beaker Culture in Moravia (after Podborsky 1993 ).

120 Fig. 81. Prague-Baba, Funnel Beaker site excavation map (after Havel 1986). Excavation blocks are indicated by year of excavation in black. Geo-physical survey areas are indicated by a hatched pattern. Note that the excavated area approximates that at the Middle Eneolithic site of Homolka (see Fig. 83), although only five domestic units may be discerned at Baba. Settlement at the Funnel Beaker site is dispersed over a much wider area, however, defined by the promontory as enclosed by the ditch discovered in the 1975 excavation block.




,. ICI .. • ., • 'tOO- 1•1000

121 Fig. 82. Storage pit profiles from the 1976 excavations of the Funnel Beaker site at Prague-Baba (after Havel 1986).

--- ~------~­ ---- ~ _·:.· _,_-- --~--- 122 Fig. 83. Post-mould patterns of domiciles from the 1976 excavations of the Funnel Beaker occupation at Prague­ Baba (after Havel 1986). Oblong pit features designated as houses by the excavator most likely served some auxiliary purpose. One storage and one oblong pit can be assigned to each domicile, producing an Early Eneolithic 2:1 ratio of sub-surface features per domicile.

o· C) o·

123 Fig. 84. Domiciles of the Middle Eneolithic period in Moravia (after Medunova-Bene~ova 1964 and Podborsky 1993). Reconstruction of BoMca Group house from Hlinsko on left follows a sleeper beam construction technique. A similar construction technique is evident in the case of Channeled Ware (above right) and Jevgovice Culture (below right) houses from Bmo-Lf~en. In these three cases (in addition to Homolka), a ratio of one sub-surface storage pit per domicile can be observed. The same (1: 1) ratio is employed in the reconstruction of minimal domestic clusters at the Middle Eneolithic occupation of Gre~love Myto (see Chapter 9).



i 0 ;-, ffi

I I I -F I I I 1 I I -{ED!- I_ '-t- --;.,..'t.o6"r -- 0 1( , I I 1- -, - f- I ~\e,,c. I I -- I 0 I ~ I I I I 0

oO 0

-~ .------~----,...--_--- - 124 Fig. 85. Site plan of the Rivnal:': Culture settlement at Homolka (after Ehrich and Pleslova-Stichova 1968). Note that preserved hut plans at the site perimeter contain an average of one substantial sub-surface feature (a storage or midden pit) per hut unit. Population estimates at the site also account for presumptive hut units (calculated after a 1:1 sub-surface feature to domicile ratio) at the eroded site centre. Note also the minor extension of the southern palisade during the second (Globular Amphora) phase of occupation.

,.-- ~· \ /~~---

\ / ' . i'1~' + .,,..~ -···~: :~: --:> :. -7- / + 'I , I,'

-...... -.. :~:;t:

_____ -ttl------.o.. ,


$£COHD PJIJS.tt'f ----- ·I· + . <>n ____ --- •. 5-- 2' ...... 6- ,10 ""'-__ J-­,_ 1-8 EEE ll ·-·-·

125 Fig. 86. Vrany, site plan of the excavations of A. Knor (after Pleslova-Stichova 1981).

0 10M b=d

z ..

126 Fig. 87. Vikletice, central cemetery cluster (after Buchvaldek and Koutecky 1971). Note that outlying graves recovered from a (ca.) 100 hectare area surrounding the central cluster are also included in Neustupnfs ( 1983) demographic analysis.

,..... ---, ~ .... /" "" / / / ~, // .; .. / ' I I/ .. ! .. ~ -J/ / c! __ / / / / / / /

I. ~----




...... ~ .;, .;;,

.;. ...- .. '·

/ / / / / / / / E TICE 19fii-J965 Y~l

!' .. .~ / " .;:. ;, .: .~ ( \ ''" .: ;. \ J '- I I I .--~ \7 , __ J I f.IIU I I ; I I I I I I • I L--..-J

127 Fig. 88. Cachovice (Northwest Bohemia), Grave 14 of the Corded Ware Culture Find Group II (after Neustupny and Smd 1989). Note the right-sided (E-W) placement of the male skeleton, common to all male Corded Ware graves in the Czech Republic. Chipped- and ground-stone axes and mace-heads are also found exclusively with male graves.

HROB 1• 0

/ ' 1 .. · ' ' ' I ' \\\ \ \ \ \ \\ \\ \;t i ., .. !· \\,, I.!.~.-· II \I r · .. } i'!'-- I\ l' IJ I I I II I ,,. l''; I I I I :.r I . ~ 1. ,,, I '. I

128 Fig. 89. Ostpovice, Grave 19no of the Moravian Bell Beaker Culture (after Dvorak 1992). Right-sided (N-S) inhumations are now employed for female burials, males being placed on their left. Anthropological analyses by J. Langova determined that this grave contains a young adult female, aged 20-30 years. Note that jet v­ perforated buttons, boars tusks, and certain beaker types placed in the grave are more typical of male inhumations of this culture.

OSTOPOVICf?t-·19170 @ ' .6..a..-.6AA6 ®' A.6.A6AAA AA .6AAA 10

129 Fig. 90. Ledce, Graves 1136 and 1162 of the Moravian Bell Beaker Culture (after Dvofak 1992). Anthropological analyses by J. Langova determined that these dagger equipped graves contain adult females. Note that these copper daggers are smaller than the modal average for this cul.ture, suggestive of their symbolic role towards the ascription of a generalised social rank rather than a specific warrior-hunter status to the dead.

0 CIJ= r2 3 4

') .--~~~~-.

I / ,- ( \' __ ----...__-··/·· .. rI \ \ \ I

130 Fig. 91. Radovesice, Grave 116 of the Bell Beaker Culture in Northwest Bohemia (after Teplice Museum n.d.). A right-sided (female?) inhumation with a copper awl, a small copper dagger, gold head band (3), banded beaker and handled metoped beaker (a late type). A male hunter-warrior grave (117) lies by this relatively spacious burial pit. A similar gold band has also been found in a Late Bell Beaker chambered tumulus at Tvohhn1z in South Moravia.

131 Fig. 92. LiptlCC, hut fea ture 11/82 of lhe Late Bell Beaker Culture with Beg1eitkeramik finds lrom culture pll Y- 10/82 (after Teplice Museum n.d.).

30 LIPTICE 11/F 91821 0 :-@!b)

I I I I I I I I I I , - I I ' I I I I I I I I 'I ,. I i 8) I ', I I I I

30 LIPTICE IIIF 11/82 0 @h) 1111 of tho hut/out sector 30 LIPTICE 11/F 11/82 © (ill! IJQ fill ol the hut/wn t sector I • ,.~I J: .J.I I ~ II : II' I 2 I ' ' 1 L_ -= l _-,__

132 Fig 93. Bzf (Southwestern Bohcmta), collection of ground-stone celts (after hanc 19061 Note that edt ,111d Jk production increac;es dramatically dunng the Eneolithic, perhaps a-; demanded by more cxlcns•ve land-u~e patlcms which required the felling of larger tracts of woodland.

; a~

d .... f~ "' ·. .. ..,. --- '"'f ~;~·: ·:,,


•., ... - ~t· .:t;~ .:.· ~ .. , ...... ( ,.,..! ~··I . . . . ' ...... ·.~-;:.·~··,' . ,o.JJ , t.A' -·· 7'iiJft; ~ !:

~ .;~? ...... --~. ~ . ' ~ ll • ;:;

· .. .. -~"' - "'' I ~• ...~:.- - :; 1

133 Fig. 94. Bronze Age sHes. in Bohemia.



.::- Micro-region

O ArchaeologicBisite .

• Archaeological and geo. bota.nical&.~te 0 Kantregion

_. Geo-botanical site

so km

------. 134 ·I

:::1 I cro i \0 V> , I to

'I a;:::! N "';I> Key (110 + Micro-region "' ~- 0 0 Archaeological site en + Archaeological and geo-botanical site s· 0 Karst region ~ 0 A Geo-botanical site I tJ ) . < ,..-' Czcch-Siovak fronucr r;;· :» ;:::! P- en 0 < :» p·)'<;" ,__. w Ul

:I I

,; Fig. 96. Jegovce, Grave 444 of the Late Nitra Culture (after Batora 1990). Note wooden subterranean chamber and above-ground funerary structure. The so-called frog position (cf. stirrup-less riding position) of this burial has antecedents in the Eastern Carpathian Basin, and might reflect the influence of horse using groups in the latter region.


136 Fig. 97. Nitriansky Hnidok, interior reconstruction and floor plan of hut from Sector G/19 (after Tocfk 1981). Note the presence of substantial clay oven in house interior.

~11111111111111101111 I I 111111111011111111111110111.llllllllllllf I I I I I I -H- :I :I I I ~~ Q 0

::: ICJ ::: B fb j' " 1. '! t .::: § ~ 0111111111111~ ~1111111111 111011111111111111 011111111111111@ Ill II 1111111111111 0

137 Fig. 98. Nitriansky Hnidok, floor plans of huts from sectors H/23-4 (after ToNk 1981). Note the differential erosion of clay floors (dashed hatching) and post-moulds (not preserved in the above hut). Clay oven remains (after pattern in previous figure) are well preserved in .Qrub. cases .

. . . .. -\~~~2~':._~~~~~~~;;~~

138 Fig. 99. Classical Mad'arovce Culture settlement in Nitra City (adapted from Batora 1993).

Nitra City: Mad'arovce Culture settlement

A hill-ron (Hrudny kopec) • seulemcnt +cemetery /L' :::: :i:::imits ... ( minor drainage N / escarpment

_,--~ r \, ) / / I \ \ \ ( . I \ ) I _; I ( I \ \ ( \ /\ \ \---....__../' I ( \ \ \ ) / ,--.__r "" ,.-' r---' -...... / /l -lkm I ( J l_,/ I r' \ \

----::_·-;--.,.....,-.--~ -:_----:------

139 Fig. 100. Moravtan Vi!tefov Culture storage pits w1th inhumation burials (after Stuchlfk 1992) The aduh mak skeleton from Budkovice (above) lies in ritual position, while that of an older ndult male from Pavlov (below) appears to have been cast into the pit with little ceremony. Note the circular fracture on the otherwise pristine skull from Pavlov. Similar skull fractures occurring on earlier Nitra Culture burials in West Slovakia have heen detenmned to reflect deliberate para-monaltmpacts. Such burials in old storage plls have been discovered Ill 30 settlements of 149 known sites of the V~terov Culture in Moravia, or the majonty of well-excavated sites of th1s Classical Early Bronze Age culture.

140 Fig. 101. Hajek, Middle Bronze Age tumulus cemetery in Southwest Bohemia (after Franc 1906). Of the 91 tumuli recorded by F.X. Franc in 1878, less than half have survived modem farming techniques of the 20th Century.

141 Fig. 102. Svare~. Middle Bronze Age tumulus cemetery in Southwest Bohcm1a (after Franc 1906). Ninety-two mounds have been recorded by F.X. Franc in 1881, each perhaps containing Lhe equivalent of a family group.

-- "'· .~ . ..'. . ·-::' . ... ~: ~·~:~ ·. ; . •! ~~- -- ...... ~, . . I . ' r ... 'J:~. .. ··I • • • t ' • •• 1 ... ;I 0. ~ ' w. , " , . .. I"" lit ... t • I ' • I ...... \ ' .. .. : ~ \ , - ·(,.,, ~ ,,, • r· 1 .. I I -1r ._...... 1 (. I 4 4 ... ·~ . f !t> • .., ·· · "»-· ~ j 1 \.· tIt • --! f :.. !f. u ' , .. t .. •. . . : .·t (i; -~ ~~ .. ' .~ ) \ ': .., ... •' ' .# : ...... I ·0 ',· ),,

.• I .- . I

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l ·\ ! . '' . ,. . · 1: ; . ..::\ I ' '· ' .. ',, ' - >\ .... -- ~ \ J ~ ~ . l• J, -... - .l·'. I j j ~ ·' ., t! .\ -:._, -, ~- ·~· ~ ,, . ' ..: I

•~ ,, ., ~ 'I

142 Fig. 103. Svarel::, finds from Tumuli 7, 57 and 32 (after Franc 1906). Indicated stone cists contained inhumation graves. Note the preservation of wood hafting and leather binding in contact with copper salts. Archaeological pollen samples from Mytna Nova Yes and Vojkovice were preserved under identical conditions.

r u

-:"C;e.'~:fi[ ~:.,..~ :~ ... ,;A . .,_.._ .. ~:·:.·:~ :.~'1 ··.;._~~-·--~ ' .. . ., '\ .. ~.,. .... t t I

" . '·' ...

= :n.'l .,:~.,-:r . ' . ~'. • / .~;:~_,

143 Fig. 104. Vochov, Middle Bronze Age hut preserved under Tumulus 1 (after Militky n.d.).


0 '2/1 Cl

ll/1 0 ~ }~/1 "" ""000 20/l g 0 Jt./1 "' 2'/1 0 2/1 28/1 0 Hll

0 2111 11/1 0 !f;jt;) "'' 18/1 161! 11/1fi 01~;, ~0'" lS/1 • Q!0/1 ~:: &"I © H/l 1 II! •II )/l U/1 '"

0 l/1 j1 iD/J~H/1 STAEP U/l~.Sl/1 '.


H/1 SO/I

144 Fig. 105. Early Urnfield (B.A. D-Hallstatt A) settlement of Southwest Slovakia (after Pavuk et a!. n.d.). Symbols indicate Middle Danubian (squares) and Lusatian (triangles) sites. Patterns indicate soils as follows: (1) czernozems, (2) czernozems on fluvial sediments, (3) para-brown earths, (4) Wiesenboden, (5) river inundation sediments, (6) illimerised soils, (7) brown earths on a non-loss substrate. Czernozems are the favoured soils in the lowlands during this period of very extensive settlement.

ubc.dofqhi 0 .611.001.><.-t- 1234567 C] [~] lliD r2J [J k~ I OJ

0 30km

145 Fig. 106. Middle Urnfield (Hallstatt Bl-2) settlement of Southwest Slovakia (after Pavuk eta!. n.d.). Symbols indicate Middle Danubian (squares) and Lusatian (triangles) sites. Patterns indicate soils as follows: (I) czernozems, (2) czernozems on fluvial sediments, (3) para-brown earths, (4) Wiesenboden, (5) river inundation sediments, (6) illimerised soils, (7) brown earths on a non-lOss substrate. Note the general contraction of settlement from czemozems to more moisture-retaining soils (esp. para-brown earths), suggesting that periodic moisture stress has induced this condition. Lusatian settlement contracts to a lesser degree than the Middle Danubian (of the Caka-Velatice Culture), possibly because of the use of drought-resistant spelt wheat by farmers of the Lusatian culture. This dry interval is contemporary with the possible Hallstatt Bl-2 wet interval in Bohemia, suggesting that changes in the general atmospheric circulation are occurring during this period (specifically, a depression of continental anti-cyclones which bring moisture to the most critically dry [late summer] part of the growing season in the Carpathian Basin, cf. Lamb et al. 1966).

ohcdetghi o•6&001x-t- 1234567 ~wllllllliD~f'u~rJ

0 30km

146 Fig. 107. Late Umfield (Hallstatt B3-Cl) settlement of Southwest Slovakia (after Pavuk eta!. n.d.). Symbols indicate Middle Danubian (squares) and Lusatian (triangles) sites. Patterns indicate soils as follows: (1) czemozems, (2) czemozems on fluvial sediments, (3) para-brown earths, (4) Wiesenb6den, (5) river inundation sediments, (6) illimerised soils, (7) brown earths on a non-loss substrate. A partial return to czernozems occurs, particularly by farmers of the Lusatian Culture.

obcdQfhi Oliilt:.AOOx+ 1234567 l@ ffillllll ~ El ~ [_]

0 30km

147 Fig. 108. Lovtitky, house plans from Velatice Culture village (after Rfhovsky 1966a).

148 Fig. 109. Lovtitky, reconstruction of central large house and farmstead complex (after Podborsky 1993). Storage pits are indicated by shading.

149 Fig. 110. Blutina, regional Velatice Culture settlement (after SalaS 1985). Symbols indicate the site of Blucina (1), settlements (2), cemeteries (3) and isolated urn burials (4).

) ...... ,./ :~;··· ...·

.,-1' .. .;j ,;:·r,•. J" :-··~ "'-.. '\ -·l.l

5 km

150 Fig. 111. Ve1im, mass burial in Feature 30 of the terminal Tumulus Culture or Umfield establishment phase in East-Central Bohemia (after Hrala et al. 1991). Further mortuary features of this type have been recovered from recent excavations of this Bronze Age site by Hrala and Harding.

151 Fig. 112. Liptice, Knovfz Culture farmstead (after Bene~ 1987). Three huts (and part of a fourth on the southern edge of the excavation block) occur alongside thirteen substantial sub-surface features.

Liptice: Knoviz Culture farmstead 1 N

Gl oo0 0 @0 0 0 (D 0 0 0 0 G 0 0 0 0 0 (j 0 0

~ 0

0 0 • 0 0 0

2m scale

152 Fig. 113. General distribution of Terminal Bronze and Early Iron Age hill-forts of the Lusatian Culture in Moravia (after Nekvasill982). Symbols indicate certain hill-forts (filled rectangles), probable hill-forts (open rectangles) and possible hill-forts (crosses) of the Lusatian Culture. Dense patterns indicate main Lusatian settlement zones from the Boskovice area (in West Moravia) to the West Slovakian uplands (in the east). The open hatched pattern denotes a mixed Lusatian-Danubian cultural zone in South Moravia. Note the placement of hill-forts on the perimetre of the main Lusatian settlement zone, suggestive of their primary role as (extra­ cultural) defensive centres. A poverty of true hill-forts in the West Slovak zone might reflect the natural defensibility of this settlement area in the Tatras. Open circles denote Late Bronze Age Danubian hill-forts at regional centres of general Danubian settlement zone in South and Southwest Moravia, suggestive of their potential role as political nodes.

153 Fig. 114. Distribution of Late Bronze Age and Late Ha11statt hill-forts in the Thuringian Unstrut Valley (after Wagner 1992). Symbols indicate hill-fort occupation during (a) Reinecke Bronze Age D-Hallstatt Al, (b) Hallstatt A2-B1, (c) Hallstatt B2-C, (d) Hallstatt D-La Tene A, (e) probable dating to above period and (f) during the Late Bronze Age and Late Ha11statt period generally.

154 Fig. 115. Bmo-Obfany, site plan of the Podoll Culture hill-fort (after Podborsky 1993).

155 Fig. 116. Bmo-Obfany, Grave 169 of the Late Podoli Culture (after Podborsky 1993). Sword, axe and lance are made of iron. Ringlets (artifact no. 2) are made of gold.

~0- -0- ' I 'oi l - - --


-=-:-:- 0 Scm

156 Fig. 117. Iron Age sites in Bohemia.




+ Micro-region

CJ Archaeological site

+ Arc.haeo!ogical andgeo-boumica.l site 0 Kantrcrion

A Geo-bob.nica.l site


157 '"Ij ~-

00- -a ::l Key ~ 0 cO- Micro-region :'!!. 0 0 Archaeological site C/J

+ Archaeological and geo-botanical site s· 0 Karst region 2::: 0 t;l .. Geo-botanical site I < I , c;;· , ... ' Czecb~Siovakfront.Jer· po ::l 0. C/) 0 < c;;·~

1-' Vl SOlem 00

Austria Fig. 119. Early Iron Age (Hallstatt C2-Dl) settlement of Southwest Slovakia (after Pavuk eta!. n.d.). Symbols indicate Middle Danubian (squares) and Lusatian (triangles) sites. Patterns indicate soils as follows: (1) czemozems, (2) czemozems on fluvial sediments, (3) para-brown earths, (4) Wiesenboden, (5) river inundation sediments, (6) illimerised soils, (7) brown earths on a non-lOss substrate. Note the relative intensity of Middle Danubian settlement (spelt wheat now appears as a regular field crop on Late Hallstatt sites).

0 b c d h Dlilo•>< 1234567 ~mm&11EJ~cJ

0 30km

159 Fig. 120. Vekerzug and La Time (Hallstatt D2-3 and La Tene A) settlement of Southwest Slovakia (after Pavuk et al. n.d.). Symbols indicate Vekerzug (rectangles) and La Tene (circles) sites. Patterns indicate soils as follows: (1) czemozems, (2) czemozems on fluvial sediments, (3) para-brown earths, (4) WiesenbOden, (5) river inundation sediments, (6) illimerised soils, (7) brown earths on a non-lOss substrate.

0 b • 1!1 '234567 ~0-~0~CJ

0 30~m '----~-.....__-

160 Fig. 121. Vikletice, Feature 61/62 of the Late Bylany Culture in Northwest Bohemia (after Koutecky 1988a).

/:/1 /; -,: 1,

2 \\ '


161 Fig. 122. Chot~budice, settlement pottery of Hallstatt C2 date from Feature 7 (after Koutecky 1993). Note sherd portraying horse riders from lot no. 146n3-4 (A). This pit was dug to a depth of 2.1 m (cf. Vinof Feature 11).


146/73·11 ,0l:Z r::Jl

6 ~ 10 I:Z-, J})AI),,.

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162 Fig. 123. Chotin, Vekerzug cemetery Area 1-A (after Du~ek 1966). This concentration is separated from Area 1- . B by an extensive sand pit which produced disturbed finds. Most likely, the entire cemetery contains 1,000+ graves established during a (ca.) one century period of use during Hallstatt D. Note the presence of horse burials.

~ •< <" ~ "'0 :: o• cy ~ CD <:;' "" ~ "' "''-" "' •<( 0:"" '::'' .. ~ "" "" ~ l.O .; "" ""'-" 0 c 0 '

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163 Fig. 124. VteHnce, east profile burial mound of Vekerzug Culture in East Slovakia (after Formanek and Markov~ 1994). Scale indicates metres.

A · 0 v)'r;;h_ profit

164 Fig. 125. Bmo-Hohisky, chamber burial of Honikov Culture (after Podborsky 1993). Note the iron weaponry and horse harness elements. The placement of three storage vessels in northwestern comer of the wooden chamber has analogs in the situation of storage vessels in Bylany Culture graves, on which wagon yokes are sometimes placed. An inference might be made that the triple storage vessels for grain reflect a votive to the original role of Epona as an agricultural goddess (cf. Fig. 125).

,0 e


165 Fig. 126. Ky~ice-Dy~ina, Hallstatt C tumulus burial in Southwest Bohemia (after Franc 1906). Note the solar water fowl symbolism on bronze dish with horse harness fittings (like contemporary graves of Honikov Culture). A general symbolic associative complex between equids, water and death may be discerned in the funerary cult during the Hallstatt C-D period in Central Europe (cf. Roman commentary on the role of Celtic Goddess Epona [drawn by~ horses] as the bearer of the dead across a body of water).

~ "' ...... ,~·:

166 Fig. 127. Kra~ovice, plan of Hallstatt D compound (after Waldhauser 1987). Note that over-patlerning by successive sub-phases of Late Hallstatt occupation has rendered domiciles at this site by Pffbam un­ reconstructable (Soudsk

. ·... • .... !': ,•· .· :· ..:· .... ·-·-· .·.· ~·'·'~­ ' :

~~'.. . ·, EB

167 Fig. 128. Jen~tejn, sunken features (2, 4, 21 and 63) designated as domiciles by the excavator (after Dresserlova 1995a). Note that a only a limited surface of the Jen~tejn excavation was thoroughly cleaned. This limited section (Area D) produced almost all recognised post-moulds.

\ '. \ -.- ~_:_~-::.:.~2::-::..~~~~~ .\ -/

168 Fig. 129. Kadail (Hradec), Late Hallstatt settlement (adapted from Koutecky 1988a). A cluster of four sites in the environs of Kadan (northwestern study area) is considered to be a single village for population calculations.

N Kadaii (Hradec): Late Hallstatt period 0 2 .6. hill-fort (Hradcc) ~escarpment • settlement J minor drainage Scale (km) •:0 cemetery --a... Ohtc River

169 Fig. 130. Late Hallstatt and La Tene settlement in the southern part of the Middle BHina Valley (after Waldhauser 1984a).


Ha C - LT A LT B -0 o___ ..._ ___._ ___.3 KMI o Stealung o Craberfe/11 • SlecJiung • Grabe-f'e!d .

170 Fig. 131. Middle La T~ne graves from Moravia (after Podborsky 1993). Sites of Lovc::icky (1), Bmo-Chrlice (2, 4) and Bluc::ina (3, 5-7) are represented by female (1, 2, 4) and male (3, 5-7) inhumations. Warrior attributes such as swords, spears and shields are common in male graves. Female graves often contain multiple arm or leg rings. Neck torcs are more rare. The presence of unequipped female inhumations as secondary internments in male graves has also been noted by Ci:lmat (1972).

1 2 3 4 100cm

'---·-----' ~ I 5 7

171 Fig. 132. Zavist, reconstruction of outer gate established in La Tene A period, reestablished in the Late La T~ne period (after Motykova et al. 1991). Two further gates guard the approach to the Zavist acropolis.

172 Fig. 133. Stare Hradisko, site plan with gates and (ditch and bank) fortifications indicated (after Ci1maf 1989).

173 Fig. 134. Stare Hradisko, suburb excavation of Ci~mat (after Ci~mat 1989). The junction of this partial compound (bounded by tracks or paved roads) with Meduna's earlier investigations is indicated in the lower left comer of the excavation plan.

174 Fig. 135. Roman Iron Age sites in Bohemia.




.C. Micro-region

0 Archaeological site

¢o Archaeological and geo-botanical sitt- 0 Kamregion

A Geo-botaWcal site


175 'TJ ~- w ?" :::c 0 3 §

a::: Key > ~ Micro-region 00 0 0 Alt:haeological si<;" 0\ ;· Fig. 137. Musov-Kl>nigsgmb, bronze kettle with portmit heads (after Tejml 1992). Note the representation of lhe Suebic knot in hair style of busts remarked upon in Roman descriptions of Germanic tnbals of the Marcomannic War period. Four other bronze vessels were placed in lhis chamber grave amongst a collection of 150 artifacts of cosmopolitan (Gallic to Sarmatian) origin.

177 Fig. 138. Vy~kov, Early Roman Iron Age settlement (after Pe~kaf 1961) .

• 0~0 0 0

• • •• • ~ Ill ~ ••• 0

0 10m

178 Fig. 139. Late Roman houses (after Tejral1990). Six-posters (1-2, 5-6) derive from Mu~ov in South Moravia. Smaller features (3-4) derive from Klein Meiseldorf in Lower Austria.


s \

179 Fig. 140. Migration period houses (after Tejral 1990). Hut 1 derives from Brod, Huts 2-3 derive from LovCicky and Hut 4 derives from Drysice.

·--·· ·-----·-et-A ~ .. \ !



180 Fig. 141. Pottery sherd densities from Iron Age features at Radovesice 23 (after Salac 1995). Site chronology from the Late Hallstatt to Late La Terre era demonstrates a micro-migration from east to west at this Iron Age settlement. Sherd density data from the La Tene period (based on settlement finds of two-poster huts) exhibit a general internal consistency.


,.. "'Cl 0 0 < m '

0 i' 0

0 ~o ot:·.

0 0 • ~ 0 d P. ,a • '& ~ o &. a • e ··.· 0 ,, <:Jo 'o Qr "Q !'



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Ul .... 0 0 Qo~ ~ ·= .· ....v ....I I " D o · Q,' · .... 0 0 ()! .... 0 0 (!. • .() ~~- ·- 0 0 0 0 0 ...... '1 '1 '1 '1 ~ • :. l:J "' "' "' 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ill ~ ~ Ill 0 ::l ::l :l :l ! • r+ r+ r+ r+ ~ ID Ill ~ '!. t' 't t

181 Fig. 142. Dresserova's reconstruction of Late Hallstatt land-use in the basin of Vinofsky potok (after Dresslerova 1995c). Patterns indicate settlements (1), fallow and pasture (2), fields (3), forest (4), grazed wood (5) and the steam valley (6). Pollen data indicates most of the grazed woodland to be open pasture, while the area in active cultivation (3) should be expanded by (min.) 400% during the Late Hallstatt.

182 Fig. 143. Nitriansky Hnidok, profile of Mad'arovce Culture Feature 3 cutting into Late Neolithic ditch (after ToNk 1981).

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183 Fig. 144. Nitriansky Hradok, excavation of Feature 3 in progress (after To<::fk 1981 ).

184 '"r1 ~-

~ VI o·tl:l Hercynian lowlands O'Q It> 0• Hercynian lowlands (Li[tle Pannonia) Q ~ Hercynian uplands ~ Hercynian basins ne- • N Hercynian upland-Pannonian transition ::s0 ~ Pannonian lowlands ~ 0 Moravian uplands (Tatran influenced) ::s • Tatran ....,0 • g () N It>n t:r

c.~ en 0 00 < Vl ~ :;o It> '0c: g: n ...... "' ~ .,It> 0 '0 ~ ~

\C 0\ ...... ,--..J "T1 O

0\""' • pine woodland (non-zonal distribution) < (J'q"" 0 spruce, beech and scrub woodland zone (karstic) ...."" ~ • oak and spruce woodland zone 0 1:' • spruce and beech woodland 1.one a fj) • pine and spruce woodland L.one "0 beech and spruce woodland zone .....0 rl ;. • oak woodland (non-zonal distribution, Cheb region) ()"" • spruce and scrub woodland t.one N n • heech and oak woodland zone ::r"" • (higher density) beech and spruce woodland Lone [ • beech, spruce and fir woodland zone tfl 0 • alluvial and oak woodland zone a.:ilh some steppe <: ~ fir and scrub woodland zone :00 • steppic, scrub and alluvial woodland zone "0"" g:c:: n 00 ,..."' 0\ fj) 0. fj) "0;:; 0. ~., <: ~ 0c:: "' "'g (l ~"" "TJ ciQ" ...... l)o. --.l C/) • czcrno/ems g_ Oq • brown-earths til ~ i llimerised soils 0 0 • para-brown earths ~ • {poorly developed) upland soils 0 3 fJ grey woodland soils Ill '0 • rendzinas ...... 0 0 wetland soils ;. • alluvial inundation sediments til () • ~-emi-gleyed soil-czernozem transitional zone N til 0 t:J" § a. C/) 0 <: ~ :;otl 00 til -..) '0 g:c: n· "' ~ .....til c: .....~ til ec. c. "'~ <: 0 Q £ ~ 0 .,.;" '<

\C 0' --.l Fig. 148. Overview map of select sites. Site names are keyed to numbers as follows: 1. Konobrie, 2. Luzicky potok, Cac;hovice, Tusemice, 3. Komorany, 4. Lomsky potok, Liptice, 5. Radovesice, 6. Vransky potok, Vrany, 7. Litomence, 8. Doksy, 9. Oneticky potok, Rotztoky, Prague-Baba, - Lysolaje, -Podhon, -Bubenec, 10. Vinorsky potok, Vinor, Jenstejn, 11. Srbsko, 12. l(ezabinec, 13. Bylany, 14. Bezkov, Satov, Tesetice, 15. V Piskach, Dolni Vestonice, 16. Mikulcice, 17. Miston, 18. Vracov, 19. Straznice, 20. Myrna Nova Ves, 21. Nitriansky Hradok, 22. Brezno, Postoloprty, 23. Vikletice, Zatec, Sobesuky, 24. Slany, Homolka, 25. Kolin, Velim, 26. Jevisovice, 27. Kfepice, 28. Greslove Myto, 29. Brno-Liseii., -Holasky, 30. Ostapovice, Ledce, 31. Krumvif, 32. Rmiz, 33. Hulin, 34. Hlinsko, 35. Iza, Muzla Jursky Chlm, 36. Kladna-Ziliii., 37. Male Kosihy, 38. Svodin, 39. Bajc, 40. Mikulovice, Hradec (Kadaii.), 41. Radonice, Chotebudice, 42. B!Sany, 43. Cemosice, 44. Hradec Kra!ove, Pfedmefice, 45. Horni Pocaply, 46. BluCina, 47. LovCicky, 48. Velka Hosterady, Krenovice, 49. Uherske Hradiste, 50. Sehradice, 51. Vlachovice, 52. Hradisko, 53. Moravicany, 54. Holesov, 55. Pri Mylne (Budmerice), 56. Haje, Abraham, 57. Cataj, 58. Vesele, 59. Zamek (Boleraz), 60. Moravany nad Vahom, 61. Je!Sovce, 62. Hradny Kopec, Nitra Parovske Haje, 63. Banov, 64. Dvory nad Zitavou, 65. Kamenin, 66. Radzovce, 67. Vcelince, 68. Chotin, 69. Trnovec, 70. Sered', 71. Horakov, 72. Byci Skala, 73. Zelena Hora, 74. Cernov, 75. Naklo, 76. Hostyn, 77. Po:laha, 78. Stare Hradisko, 79. Bontov, 80. Zavist, 81. Litomence, 82 Polaky, 83. Zelenice, 84. Tfebusice, 85. Tisice, 86. Radvaii. nad Dunajom .

•·;..Jil• 5. ., •. ,---- ~...... " .,. .,. -~- .., ~-·~·85 ...... ,• 22. '/-•" 00 •••..• 23 ·~ • 10 . 00 .'11._.82. .8<1 .... .,,_ .. ,. • 33 . • 79. '-----\ ,,_.• 54 . .,1 ·~-~f" . .,._ / , li" •~.__" I ~ "'( • n. • "· • ?S. • so., ~71.. . Iii 73 .• '/· • ·,._ • Si. J' .,..• ...·~·- ., ,. ·"·J·~ 2: ·~' """! 1 .,.. l ""·'~1!~-'·----..,,._ "' ""~~"- ""•.,! ·•••·r.: •. • ,._. ( ~. ••

70 l'l':; • 55 .• · \• 21 • 56.) • "· • 57. '""'~ 63. !1.'5. ,.. ~~ l9.68. __ .86. ..\ • 35.·