12/03/2015 Comment: Metal Meets Drama | Bright Young Scribes HOME ABOUT WRITE FOR BYS COMMENT · FREELANCE FRIDAY · MUSIC Comment: Metal Meets Drama November 1, 2013 Miguel Bernardo Olmedo Morell is a Enter your search... Spaniard currently residing in Edinburgh who has studied linguistics and literature, now hoping to make a career as a literature RECENT POSTS researcher and fiction writer. He loves everything to do with medieval, romantic, A Note from the Editor: One Door Closes Victorian and fantasy fiction, as well as fairy tales, myths and sagas. In this week’s The Sunday Playlist: #MTVVMA2014 Freelance Friday, he writes about the 10 Life Lessons from #GirlBoss unlikely connection between metal and drama. Review: Helloween – The Dark Ride Comment: Success and the Hungry Generation CONTACT Email:
[email protected] Time and again we are faced with the notion that metal is a genre of music that CATEGORIES only Satanists and degenerate people listen to—notwithstanding the fact that groups ART http://www.brightyoungscribes.com/commentmetalmeetsdrama/ 1/4 12/03/2015 Comment: Metal Meets Drama | Bright Young Scribes such as Helloween are composed almost COMMENT completely by Christians and that others such as Sacred Warrior describe EVENTS themselves as Christian metal. Such mistakes are rendered even more notorious FASHION when they are faced with bands that actually help enlarge their listeners’ culture. FREELANCE FRIDAY Contrary to popular belief, metal music INTERVIEW usually has many literary influences and MOVIES can, thus, serve as a medium for its listeners to get better acquainted with MUSIC cultural works of great importance.