James Conley Thomas, MPH, PhD Telephone 919-276-0433 E-mail
[email protected] LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/jamescthomas Website www.jcthomas.org Languages English, French Principal Interests and Activities My principal epidemiologic interests are in social epidemiology and global health. My ethics interests are in public health ethics, pandemic ethics, and the ethics of digital surveillance. Countries in which I have worked as an epidemiologist or ethicist. 2 Education 1997-98 Study toward Master of Art in Theology, emphasis in ethics Fuller Theological Seminary, California. Studied during a one-year sabbatical from UNC. The degree could not be completed in the time available. 1987 Doctor of Philosophy in Public Health, emphasis in epidemiology. University of California, Los Angeles Dissertation topic: Risk Factors for Diarrhea Among Young Children in Rural Kenya. 1982 Master of Public Health, emphasis in international maternal and child health University of California, Los Angeles 1977 Bachelor of Science, Emphasis in nutrition science University of California, Davis 1974 Associate of Arts Foothill Community College, Los Altos Hill, California Employment and positions 9/21-present Emeritus professor Department of Epidemiology, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill 9/21-present Emeritus fellow Carolina Population Center, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill 9/19-present Adjunct professor École des Hautes Études en Santé Publique, Paris, France 9/19-6/21 Director Measure Program, Carolina Population Center, University