CURRENT PREVALENCE OF COMMUNICABLE DISEASES IN THE UNITED STATES1 November 5-December 2, 1933 The prevalence of certain important communicable diseases, as indicated by weekly telegraphic reports from State health depart- ments to the United States Public Health Service, is summarized in this report. The underlying statistical data are published weekly in the PUBLIC HEALTH REPORTS, under the section entitled "Preva- lence of Disease." Poliomyelitis.-Further decline in the incidence of poliomyelitis continued through the month of November. For the current 4-week period 268 cases were reported, as compared with 602 for the pre- ceding 4-week period. In the New England and Middle Atlantic States, where the disease first appeared in epidemiciike form, the number of cases dropped from 262 for the 4 weeks ended November 4 to 94 for the current period; in the East North Central States the number dropped from 140 to 39; and in the West North Central from 98 to 29. The South Central and Mountain areas reported a slight increase and the Pacific area a decrease as compared with the pre- ceding period. No increases above the normal seasonal expectancy have been reported this year from these areas. The number of cases for the current period (268) was still high as compar6d with the normal years of 1932 and 1929 (approximately 1.4 times those years), but it was only about 42 percent of the number in 1931 and 30 percent of that in 1930-both epidemic years. The South Central areas reported practically the same incidence as last year, but all other areas reported increases ranging from 18 percent in the East North Central States to 93 percent in the West North Central area.

I From the Office of Statistical Investigations, U.S. Public Health Service. The numbers of States Included for the various diseas are as follows: Typhoid fever, 48; poliomyelitis, 48; meningococcus menin- gitis, 48; , 48; , 47; diphtheria, 48; scarlet fever, 48; influenza, 38 States and New York City. The District of Columbia is counted as a State in these reports. These summies include only the 8 important communicable diseases for which the Public Health Service receives weekly telegraphic reports from the State health officers. 202870-33-1 (1513) December 22, 1£33 1514 1nfluenza.-During the current 4-week period 4,429 cases of influ- enza were reported. This number was only about 18 percent of that reported (24,673) for the corresponding period last year, when a sharp rise marked the appearance of an epidemiclike wave of influenza in the Mountain and Pacific aDd South Central areas. For this period in 1931, 1930, and 1929 the numbers of cases were 3,593, 4,009, and 4,927, respectively. The influenza situation is very favorable in all sections of the country, no section reporting more than the normal seasonal increase and none exceeding the incidence for the corre- sponding period of last year. Smallpox.-For the 4 weeks ended December 2 there were 408 cases of smallpox reported. The current incidence approached very closely that of the corresponding period last year, when 430 cases were reported. For this period in 1931, 1930, and 1929 the numbers of cases were 1,124, 1,467, and 3,717, respectively. In the various geographic areas the New England and Middle Atlantic still remained free from the disease, while the East North Central and West North Central areas each reported a 25 percent decrease from last year's figure for this period; the South Atlantic States reported 9 cases as compared with 5 last year, and in the South Central areas the inci- dence was approximately the same as last year; the Mountain area reported 20 for the current period as against 68 last year, and the Pacific States reported 28 as against 61. Diphtheria. The number of cases of diphtheria dropped from 8,302 for the preceding 4-week period to 7,442 for the current period, wlhich might indicate that the peakfor the current year was passed during that period (Oct. 8-Nov. 4). In each of the 2 preceding years the peak was reached during the 4 weeks corresponding to that period, while in the years 1930 and 1929 the peak was reached during the period corresponding to the current 4 weeks. The current incidence was 1.1 times that for the corresponding period last year, but was only about 80 percent of the incidence in 1931. For this period in 1930 and 1929 the numbers of cases totaled 7,031 and 9,405, respectively. The South Atlantic and South Central areas seemed mostly responsible for the increase over last year. In each of those areas the incidence was approximately 1.4 times that of last year. In all other areas the disease was less prevalent than during this period last year. Mea4es.-The usual seasonal increase of measles continued through the current 4-week period. The number of cases (10,567) was about 23 percent in excess of that for the corresponding period last year. In fact, for the entire reporting area the incidence was the highest for the 5 years for which data are available. A comparison of geo- graphic areas shows that the situation in the South Atlantic, South 1515 1515December 22, 1933 Central, and Mountain and Pacific areas was simnilar to that described for the country as a whole, while in the East North Central area the incidence was the lowest in the 5 years. Thle number of cases reported from the New England and Middle Atlantic areas was approximately the same as for last year, and the West North Central States reported 1,084 cases for the current period as against 707 and 461 for the years 1932 and 1931, respectively. Scarletfever.-The number of cases of scarlet fever (17,713) reported for the 4 weeks ended December 2 was the highest for this period in the 5 years for which data are available. All areas except the New England and Middle Atlantic and the East North Central contributed to the increase over last year. In those areas the disease was slightly less prevalent than at this time a year ago. For the corresponding period in the years 1932, 1931, and 1930 the numbers of cases were 16,938, 15,281, and 14,240, respectively. Meningococcus meningiis.-For the current 4-week period 157 cases of meningococcus meningitis were reported-the lowest incidence for this period in the 5 years for which data are available. The South Atlantic States reported 27 cases, 1.8 times the number reported for the same period last year, and the West North Central area approxi- mated last year's incidence; all other areas reported decreases ranging from 13 percent in the South Central groups to 65 percent in the Mountain and Pacific areas. Typhoidfever.-The incidence of typhoid fever dropped approxi- mately 1,000 cases during the 4 weeks ended December 2 as compared with the preceding 4 weeks. The number of cases (1,376) was 20 per- cent higher than that reported for the corresponding period last year, but only about 70 percent of the figure for 1931. For this period in 1930 and 1929 the numbers of cases totaled 2,234 and 1,496, respec- tively. The disease appeared to be most prevalent this year in the West North Central, South Central, and Mountain and Pacific areas. In each of those areas the number of cases reported for the current period was approximately 1.6 times that for the corresponding period last year. In other areas the disease was less prevalent than last year. Mortality, aU causes.-Deaths from all causes in large cities (as reported by the Bureau of the Census) for the 4 weeks ended December 2, was 11.2 per thousand population (annual basis). This rate was practically the same as the rates for the corresponding period in 1932 and 1931. In the first half of 1933 the death rate was very low in relation to recent years, but for the last several 4-week periods it has approximated the level of 1932 and 1931. December 22. 1933 1516 STATE AND INSULAR HEALTH AUTHORITIES, 1933 DIRECTORY, WITH DATA AS TO APPROPRIATIONS AND PUBLICA- TIONS Directories of the State and insular health authorities of the United States for each year from 1912 to 1931 have been published in the Public Health Reports 2 for the information of health officers and others interested in public-health activities. The present directory (1933), like those formerly issued, has been compiled from informa- tion furnished by the respective State and insular health officers, and includes data as to appropriations and publications. Where an officer has been reported to be a "whole-time" health officer, that fact-is indicated by an asterisk (*). For this purpose a "whole-time" health officer is defined as "one who does not engago in the practice of medicine or in any other business, but devotes all of his time to official duties." ALABAMA ALABAMA-Continued Board of censors of the medical association of the Sanitation-Continued. State of Alabama, acting as a State committee of Division of inspection: public health: 'C. A. Abele, Ch.E., director, Montgomery B. M. Miller, governor, ex officio chairman, *H. J. Thrasher, assistant director, Hunts- Montgomery ville W. D. Partlow, M.D., chairman, Tuscaloosa *F. D. Downs, dairy inspector, Montgom- R. S. Hill, M.D., Montgomery ery Fred W. Wilkerson, M.D., Montgomery D. T. McCall, M.D., Mobile Communicable disease control: M. S. Davie, M.D., Dothan 'D. G. Gill, M.D., D.P.H., director, Mont- J. S. McLester, M.D., Birmingham gomery M. Y. Dabney, M.D., Birmingham *W. E. Wilson, M.D., C.P.H., assistant direc- E. V. Caldwell, M.D., Huntsville tor, Montgomery S. A. Gordon, M.D., Marion 'R. A. Brown, M.D., Montgomery C. A. Thigpen, M.D., Montgomery 'Myrtle Martin, R.N., Montgomery Executive health officer: County organization: J. N. Baker, M.D., State health officer, Mont- 'B. F. Austin, M.D., director, Montgomery gomery Public health nursing: Administrative assistant: *Jessie L. Marriner, R.N., director, Mont- *D. L. Cannon, M.D., Montgomery gomery Secretary to State health officer: *Frances C. Montgomery, R.N., Montgomery 'Bessie A. Tucker, Montgomery 'Margaret Murphy R N., MIontgomery Financial secretary: 'Catherine Corley, Montgomery 'Adna Eley Alldredge, Montgomery IR.N., Registrar of vital statistics: Appropriation for fiscal year ending Sept. 30, 1933: 'W. T. Fales, Montgomery Annual appropriation for all health work, in- 'Ethel Hawley, chief clerk Montgomery cluding county organization, $400,000. (Sub- Laboratories of the State boar3 of health: ject to proration on basis of available revenue General director: coming into the general fund. This makes *James G. McAlpine, Ph.D., Montgomery amount indeterminate.) Anniston branch: Ellen Howell, Anniston ALASKA Birmingham branch: 'George A. Denison, M.D., Birmingham Executive health officer: Mobile branch: Walter W. Council, M.D., commissioner of 'C. H. Waite, Mobile health, Juneau Tennesee Valley: Assistant commissioners of health: 'C. C. Johnson, Decatur A. D. Haverstock, M.D., Seward Tuscaloosa branch: Rex F. Swartz, M.D., Nome 'Cannie Campbell, Tuscaloosa Floyd B. Giespie, Fairbanks Selma branch: M.D., 'Cooper Brougher, Selma Appropriation for 1933-35, $13,800. Dothan branch: 'Nellie K. Whitfield, Dothan ARIZONA Huntsville branch: 'Mrs. Buford Gatlin, Huntsville State board of health: Sanitation: B. B. Moeur, governor, president, Phoenix Director: A. T. La Prade, vice president, Phoenix "G. H. Hazlehurst, C.E., M.C.E., Mont- Geo. C. Truman, superintendent, secretary, gomery Phoenix Assistant engineers: F. E. Doucette, executive secretary, Phoenix *H. G. Menke, B.C.E., Montgomery Fred Juppelius, statistician, Phoenix *C. C. Kiker, B.C.E., Montgomery Ralph Thomas, assistant secretary and auditor, 'T. H. Milford, Montgomery. Phoenix I Reprints Nos. 83, 123, 190, 2t6, 344, 405, 488, 544, 605, 706, 775, 871, 949, 1043, 1106, 1188, 1254 1334, 1425. and 1522, from the Public Health Reports. 1517 December 22, 193a

ARIZONIA-Continued CALIFORNIA-Continued Executive health offlier: Bureau of registration nurses: George C. Trmaa, t.D., State superintendent 'Helen F. Hansen, chief, Sacramento of health, Phoenix Bureau of : State laboratory: 'Edyth L. M. Tate-Thompson, chief, Saa- Jane Rider, director, Tucson mento Marion Stroud, bacteriologist, Phoenix Bureau of food and drug inspections: W. B. West, assistant bacteriologist, Tucson 'M. P. Duffy, chief Fred Baker, assistant bateriologist, Phoenix Bureau of laboratories: Epidemiologist: 'W. H. Kellogg, M.D., chief, Berkeley *H. F. Stanton, M.D. Bureau of sanitary engineering: Sanitary engineer: 'C. 0. Gillespie, CE., chief, Berkeley 'F. C. Roberts Bureau of child hygiene: County health units: 'Ellen S. Stadtmuller, M.D., chief, San Fran. 'A. N. Crain, M.D., medical director, Marl- cisco copa Couaty, Phoenix Appropriations, available July 1, 1933, for OR. B. Durfee, M.D., medical director, Cochise biennial period ending June 30, 1935 County, Bisbee (85th and 86th years): *Geoffrey Morris, M.D., medical director, Administration: Pima County, Tucson For support, department of pub- "Anson B. Ingels, M.D., medieal director, Gila lic health -$401,612 County, Globe Bureau of cannery inspection: Appropriations for laboratory, year ending June 30, For support (payable from can- 1934: nery-mspection funds)- 133, 920 Salaries -7,440 Bureau of registration of nurses: Operation -1,621 For support (payable from nurses registration tunds) -38,760 9,061 Tuberculosis bureau: ARKANSAS Allotment for support, included in item "for support, depart- Board of health: ment of Public health ", $18,040. E. D. McKnight, M.D., president, Brinkley For subsidies--975,000 W. F. Smith, M.D., Little Rock Thos. Wilson, M.D., Wynne Total -1,549,292 J. G. Gladden, M.D., Westerm Grove Other sources of revenue: L. D. Duncan, M.D., Waldron Fees for registration of nurses, $10 each. (Fees W. G. Hodges, M.D., Malvern for California graduate nurses, $5 only) F. 0. Mahony, M.D., El Dorado Renewal of registration certificates, $1 each per Executive health offloer: year 'Wm. B. Grayson, X.D., State health officer, Licensing of cold storage warehouses, rated Little Rock according to capacity, for credit to general Bureau of vital statistics: fund *Mrs. J. B. Collie, statistician, Little Rock Fines for violation of pure food and drugs act, Hygienic laboratory: for credit to general fund H. V. Stewart, associate director, Little Rock Fees for licenses, $50 each, and contributions, Bureau of sanitation and control: for credit to bureau of cannery inspection 'M. Z. Bair, B.8c.E., chief sanitary engineer, Fees for searches and certified copies of records, Little Rock for credit to general fund Bureau of child hygiene: Fees for inspection and registration of aviaries, $5 each County health units: Fees for inspection of clinics and dispensaries, 'Gordon Hastings, M.D., director, Little Rock $5 each Appropriations for biennial period ending June 30, 1935: Publications issued by health department: Executive department, salaries and Biennial report miscellaneous -$23, 000 Weekly bulletin Bureau of vital statistics -28,000 3 Bureau of sanitation -2,500 COLORADO Hygienic laboratory -14,840 Board of health: County health units and rural sanita- Sherman Williams, M.D., president, Denver tion- 160,000 S. R. McKelvey, M.D., secretary, Denver N. M. Burnett, M.D., Lamar CALIFORNIA Ben Beshoar, M.D., Trinidad Paul J. Conor, M.D., Denver Board of public health: G. W. Bumpus, D.O., Denver Howard Morrow, M.D., president, San Fran- C. A. Alamosa cisco Davlin, M.D., Edward M. Pallette, M.D., vice president, Los Ura 0. Musick, Colorado Springs Angeles William P. Gasser, M.D., Loveland Giles S. Porter, M.D., director of public health, Executive health officer: Sacramento *S. R. McKelvey, M.D., secretary, State board Gifford L. Sobey, M.D., Paso Robles of health, Denver William R. P. Clark, M.D., San Francisco Bacteriologist: George H. Kress, M.D., Los Angeles William C. Mitchell, M.D., Denver Junius B. Harris, M.D., Sacramento Epidemiologist: Department of public health: Merrill C. Jobe, 'M.D., Denver 'Giles S. Porter, M.D., director of public health, State food and drug commissioner: Sacramento *S. H. Loeb, Denver District health officer: Division of social hygiene: 'Gavin Telfer, M.D., southern division '5. R. McKelvey, M.D., director, Denver Bureau of sanitary inspections: Division of sanitary engineering: *Edward T. Ross, chief, Sacramento *Benjamin V. Howe, director, Denver Bureau of vital statistics: Division of plumbing inspection: 'Mrs. Marie B. Stringer, registrar, Sacramento *Irving H. Fuller, inspector, Denver Data received for publication in 1932. December 22, 1938 1518 COLORADO-Continued DELAWARE-ContinuedDLFLAWARE-Continned Appropriations for fiscal years ending June 30, 1930 State oral hygienist: and 1931: Miss M. E. Wagner, R.N. County unit officers: 'J. R. Downs, M.D., New Castle County 1930 1931 *E. F. Smith, M.D., Kent County 'J. B. Derrlckson, M.D., Sussex County Appropriations for each fsl year ending Salries-$27300 $279 300 June 30, 1934 and 1935: Laboratory equipment and General administration $81,000 SUpD_les----)------2,000 - - Hygienic laboratory 10,000 P;tingaPt d publications -- 2,800 800 Edgewood Sanatorium for colored tu- Traveing expenses 5 000 5,000 berculous patients .- 27,000 Samples and supplies (food) 300 300 Brandywine Sanatorium for white tu- Venereal disease -- 2,000 2Q, 000 berculous patients -120,000 Incidental es 1, 70 1,750 Dental hygiene- 12,000

Total - 9,150 | 59,150 Total ------250,000 Publications: Annual report CONNECTICUT Bulletins on he3lth subjects WeeMy circular Public health oouncil: C.-E. A. Winslow, D.P.H. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA James W. Knox James A. Newlands Executive health officer: David R. Lyman, M.D. 'William C. Fowler, M.D., health officer, Wash- Robert A. Cairms, C.E. ington Joseph M. Ganey, M.D. Assistant health officer: Executive health officer: 'Edward J. Schwartz, M.D., Washington 'Stanley H. Osborn, M.D., C.P.., commTi- Chief clerk and deputy health offscer: doner of health, Hartford 'Arthur G. Cole, Washington Bureau of preventable diseases: Chief, bureau of preventable diseases, and director 'MiLlard Knowlton, M.D., C.P.H., director bacteriological laboratory: Bureau of vital statistics: 'James G. C ummng, M.D., Washington *William C. Welling, director Bacteriologist: Bureau of publi-health nursing: 'John E. Noble, Washington *Agnes F. Sullivan, acting director Serologist: Bureau of child hygiene: 'Jesse P. Porch, D.V.M., Washington *A. Elizabeth Iraham, M.D. Chemist: Bureau of public-health scon: *John B. Reed, Washington *Elizabeth C. Nickerson, C.P.H. Chief sanitary inspector: Bureau of laboratories: 'J. Frank Butts, Washington *F. Lee Mickle, director Director child-hygiene service: Buau of sanitary engineering: *Hugh J. Davis, M.D., Washington 'Warren J. Scott, director Chief food inspector: Bureau of oecupational diseases: 'Reld U. Ashworth, D.V.S., Washington 'Albert S. Gray, M.D., dctor Chief medical and sanitary inspector of whools: Bureau of venereal diseases: 'Joseph A. Murphy, M.D., Washington 'Henry P. Talbot, M.D., director Micro-analyst: Bureau of mental hygiene: 'Edwin R. Donaldson, Washington Appropriations for the fiscal year ending Division of mouth hygiene: June 30, 1934: Clyde R. Salmons, D.D.S., chief Salaries siss6 000 Division of medical registration: Prevention of communicable diseases 28,000 'Ruth H. Monroe, chief Isolation wards at hospitals-22, 600 Appropriation for fiscal period ending June 30, 1935 Milk and food inspection and regula- (2 years), $569,664. tion 000 Publications issued by bealth department: Dispensary servioe, including treat- -6, Weekly bulletin ment of tuberculosis and venereal Monthly bulletin diseases- 33,112 Annual vital-statistics report Maintaining a child-hygieWnic service 44,000 Annual report of State department of health Hygiene and sanitation,public schools 80,000 Miscellaneous pamphlets Laboratory service -2,000 Miscellaneous -1,300 DELAWARE State board of health: Total -371,912 William P. Orr, M.D., president, Lewes Publications issued by health department: Mrs. Charles Warner, vice president, Wil- Weekly report by health department mington Annual report of health officer Robert E. Ellegood, M.D., Wilmington Monthly statement of average grade of milk Margaret I. Handy, M.D., Wilmington sold Mrs. F. G. TaUman, Wilmington FLORIDA Stanley Worden, M.I)., Dover Board of health: Mrs. Arthur Brewington, Delmar N. A. Baltzell, M.D., president, Marianna Charles R. Jefferis, Jr., D.D.S., Wilmington Leland II. Dame, M.D., Inverns Executive health officer: Harry Dash Johuson, M.D., Daytona Beach 'Arthur C. Jost, I.D., C.M., Dover Executive health officer: Director of laboratory: 'Henry Hanson, M.D., State health officer, 'Rowland D. Herdman, Dover Jacksonville Director of child hygiene: Diagnostic laboratories: *Clealand A. Sargent, M.D., Dover 'Paul Eaton, M.D., D.P.M., director, Jackson- Sanitary engineer: ville 'Richard C. Beckett, Dover Bureau of vital statistics: Superintendent of Brandywine Sanatorium: 'Stewart O. Thompson, D.P.H., director, ,Lawrence D. Phillips, M.D., Marshallton Jacksonville Superintendent of Edgewood Sanatorium: Bureau of communicable diseases: *Elizabeth Van Vranken, R.N., Marshbalton *F. A. Brink, M.D., director, Jacksonville 1519 December 22, 1938 FLORIDA-Continued HAWAII TERRITORY-Continued Bureau of sanitary engineering: Health officer, island of Hawaii: Louva G. Lennert, director, Jacksonville *Joseph S. Caceres, Hilo Divisionof public health nursing: AJropr R.N., acting director Bureau of vital statistics: Appropr}atin for health dePartment: *M. H. Lemon, registrar general, Honolulu One-half mill tax levied upon the assessable Laboratory technician: property of the 8tate for the year ending June *Mary L. Goodknlght, Honolulu 30, 1933, to be supplmented from the general Tuberculosis bureau: fund: Appropriaton, 1935, $179,600 an- C. Alvin Dougan, M.D., director nualy Publications issued by health department: Bureau of public health nursing: Pamphlets covering all phases of public health Mabel L. Smyth, R.N., director, Honolulu Public health informationdisseminated througb Food commissioner and analyst: the weekly and daily papers of the State M. B. Bairos, Honolulu Florida health notes Territorial hospital: Annual reports A. B. Kroll, superintendent, Kaneohe, Oashu *A. B. Eckerdt, M.D., medical director, GEORGIA Kaneohe, Oahu Department of heal'h: State board of health: Bureau of communicable diseases: Dr. Cleveland Thompson, Millen, First Frederick K. Lam, M.D., director, Honolulu District Health officer, island of Kauai: Dr. C. K. Sharp, Arlington, Second District A. M. Ecklund, M.D., Koloa Mr. R. C. Ellsi, Americus Third District Bureau of maternal and infant hygiene and child Dr. M. M. Head, Zebulon, Fourth District welfare: Mr. R. F. Maddox, Atlanta, Fifth District Frederick K. Dr. A. R. Rozar, Macon, Sixth District Lam, M.D., director, Honolulu Dr. M. M. McCord, Rome, Seventh Dis- Bacteriologist, island of Hawaii: trict *Fred S. Paine, Hio Dr. H. W. Clements, Adel, Eight District Bacteriologist, island of Maui: Dr. IL. C. Allen, Hoschton, Ninth District Haliburton McCoy, M.D., Puunene Dr. W. A. Mulherin, Augusta, Tenth Bacteriologist, island of Kauai: District A. M. Ecklund, M.D., Koloa Dr. T. C. Marshall, Atlanta, State at large Appropriations, 1933-35: Dr. Claude Rountree, Thomasvile, State Board of health-general adminis- at large tration: Dr. M. H. VIarn, Atlanta, State at large Personal services -- $44,000.00 Dr. R. F. Sulivan, Savannah, State at Other current expenses- 7,000.00 large Bureau of vital statistics: Executive health officer: Personal services -20,000.00 *T. F. Abererombie, X.D., director, Atlanta Other current expenses- Z 000.00 *J. P. Bowdoin, M.D., assistant director Tuberculosis-Government hospi- Division of venereal-disease control. tal (Puumaile Home): Joe P. Bowdoin, M.D., chief, Atlanta Personal services -47,017.50 Division of county health work: Other current expenses- 8, 000. 00 M. E. Winchester, M.D., chief, Atlanta Equipment -48L 10 Division of laboratories: Tuberculosis bureau: T. F. Sellers, chief, Atlanta Personal services -14,040.00 Dtvision of sanitary engineering: Other current expenses-, 060.00 L. M. Clarkson, chief, Atlanta Equipment 900.00 Bureau of vital statistics: Tuberculosis-private hospitals: *Butler Toombs, chief, Atlanta Contributions to Leahi Home. 144,000.00 Division of child hygiene: Contributions to Kula Sani- Joe P. Bowdoin, M.D., chief, Atlanta tarium -76,80.00 Division of accounting and purchasing: Contributions to Samuel Ma- C. L. Tinsley, chief, Atlanta helona Memorial Hospital 55,50.00 Appropriations for the fiscal year ending Dec. Bureau of public health nursing: 31, 1933: Personal services -135,108.00 Geneal appropriation $148,000 Other current expenses- 10,000.00 Trachoma -10,000 Plague campaign: Personal services -36,648,00 Total -158000 Other cuirrent expenses- 9352.00 Bureau of communicable diseases: HAWAI TERRITORY Personal services -20,000.00 Board of health: Other current expenses- 20,000.00 F. E. Trotter, M.D., president and executive Bureau of maternal and infant officer, Honolulu hygiene: Harry R. Hewitt, attorney general, Honolulu Personal service-s- 6,400.00 Grover A. Batten, M.D., Honolulu Other current expenses- 1,80.00 Donald S. Bowman, Honolulu Boards of examiners: Alan S. Davis, Honolulu Personal services -216.00 James A. Williams, Honolulu Other current expenses 405. 00 3. Platt Cooke, Honolulu Sanitation and pure food: Executive health officer: Personal services -91,898,00 F. E. Trotter, M.D., president of the board of Other current expenses- 10,000.00 health, Honolulu Equipment_ 230.00 Secretary: Agents-Government physicians: *Mae R. Weir, Honolulu Personal services-- 76,180.00 Bureau of sanitation and pure food: Territorial hospital: *S. W. Tay, director, Honolulu Personal service -320, 784.00 *F. K. Schultz, division supervisor, Honolulu Other current expenses- 140,296.00 *Clifford H. Bowman, division supervisor, Equipment -500.00 island of Hawaii, Hilo Structures and improvements- 2,000.00 *R. C. Lane, division supervisor, island of Maui, Wafluku Total - 1,360,615.60 *A. P. Christian, division supervisor, island of Publications issued by health department: Kauai, Lihue Annual report of president *Robert B. Pauole, sanitary inspector, Leeward Registrar General's report Molokai, Kaunakakai Monthly morbidity and mortality report December 22, 1933 1520

IDAHO INDIANA-Continued Department of public welfare: Collaborating epidemiologist and assstant director: Lewisc Williams, commissioner Thurman B. Rice, M.D., Indianapolis W. V. Leonard, B.S.M.E., State chemist and Epidemiologist: sanitary engineer J. W. Jackson, M.D., Indianapolis Lawrenoe 3. Peterson, bacteriologist Bureau of vital statistics: A. W. Klotz, assistant chemist *I1. M. Wright, statistician and registrar, direc- R. J. Harding, dairy, food, drug, hotel, and tor, Indianapolis sanitary inspector Bacteriological labormtory: James M. Welsh, dairy, food, drug, hotel, and Clyde G. Culbertson, M.D., director, Indian- sanitary inspector apolis Executive health officer: Division of chemistry: *Lewis Williams, commissioner of public wel- Martin L. Lang, State food and drug commis- fare, Boise sioner, Indianapolis Bureau of child hygiene: Bureau of dairy products: *Mrs. Deborah H. Worthington, (lirector, Boise *John Tylor, director, Indianapolis Approprlatiora for biennial period ending Dce. 31, Bureau of sanitary engineering: *Louis A. Geupel, B.S.C.E., director, Indiana- Personal servicaw $35, 205 polis Other expenses -12,605 Food and drug laboratory: Venereal-disease control ------1, 500 *Frank J. Koehne, B.Ch.E., director, Indiana- Vaccines and antitoxins .- 2, 000 pplis Child hygiene -2,860 Bureau of health education: Bynunm Legg, director Indianapolis Total -54,170 Bureau of housin, industril and school hygiene: *Fred K. Myls, director, Indianaspols ILLINOIS Bureau of public-healt nursing: Board of public-health advisors: *Eva F. MacDougal, R.N., director, Indian- Herman N. Bundesen, M.D., chairman apolis Charles DeCenter, M.D. Appropriations for each of fiscal year beginning Walter W. Hamburger, M.D. July 1, 1933 and 1934, $207,300. Clifford U. Collins, M.D. W. A. Evans, M.D. IOWA Executive health officer: *Fank J. Jirka, M.D., director of public health, State department of health: Springfield Assistant director of public health: EX OFFICIO *A. C. Baxter, M.D. Clyde L. Herring, governor, Des Moines Division of sanitation and engineering: Mrs. Alex Miller, secretary of state, Des Moines *Harry F. Ferguson, C.E., chief sanitary Leo Wegman, treasurer ofstate, Des Moines engineer Ray Murray, secretary of agriculture, Des Division of communicable diseases: Moines *J. J. McShane, M.D., D.P.H., chief Walter L. Bierring, M.D., State commissioner Division of child hygiene and public-health nursing: of health, Des Moines * *Grace S. Wightnan, M.D., chief Division of tuberculosis: APPOJNTIVE BY GOVERNOR *A. C. Baxter, M.D., acting chief Division of laboratories: C. A. Boice, M.D., president Washington Howard J. Shaughnessy, Ph.D., chief T. D. Kas, M.D., secretary, Autherland Division of vital statistics: J. F. Aldrich, M.D., Shenandoah Sheldon L. Howard, registrar C. W. Ellyson, M.D., Waterloo Division of public-health instruction: J. M. Smittle, M.D., Waucoma Baxter K. Richardson, chief Executive health officer: Division of hotel and lodging-house inspection: Walter L. Bierring, M.D., commissioner of *Courtney Scobell, superintendent health, Des Moines Appropriations for biennial period ending June 30, *Frederick J. Swift, M.D., deputy commissioner 1935: Executive clerk: Salaries -$674,960 *Lynn Clemens, Des Moines Salaries State offlcers -27,800 Division of child health and health education: *Joseph H. Kinnaman, M.D., Des Moines Office expenses -23,176 Division of : Traveling expenses -128,661 *Carl F. Jordan, M.D., C.P.H., Des Moines Operation -26, 116 State hygienic laboratories: Repairs and equipment ------17,875 *M. E. Contingent------15,000 Barnes, M.D., Dr.P.H., director, Iowa Printing- 50,000 City Postage -25,000 Division of public health nursing: Sanitary water board law-20,000 *Edith S. Countryman, R.N., director, Des Rabies ------12,000 Moines Division of nursing education: Emergency 25,000 *Maude E. Sutton, R.N., director, Des Moines Total -1, 288, 588 Division of vital statistics: *Robert L. McLaren, director, Des Moines Publications issued by health department: Division of licensure and registration: Illinois Health Messenger (bimonthly) *H. W. Grefe, director, Des Moines Weekly press bulletin Division oflaw enforcement: Educational health circulars *Herman B. Carlson, attorney, Des Moines Division ofsanitary engineering: INDIANA *A. H. Wieters, C.E., director, Des Moines Board of health: Division of barber inspection: John Clay Glackman, M.D., president, Rock- *William B. Wilson, director, Des Moines port Division of cosmetology inspection: Edmund M. Van Buskirk, M.D., Fort Wayne *Naomi M. Krause, director, Des Moines Ernest Rupel, M.D., Indianapolis Housing work is carried on by engineering division. Verne K. Harvey, M.D., secretary, Indianapolis Medical, nurses, dental, optometry, cosmetology, Executive health officer: chiropractic, osteopathy, embalming, podiatry, Verne K. Hrvey, M.D., C.P.R., director, and barber emining boards are oombined in Indianapolis State department of health. 1521 December 22, 1933

IOWA-Continued KANSAS-Continued Appropriations for fiscal you ending June 30, 1934: Other sources of revenue: For salaries, support, maintenance Marriage fees, approximately $20,000 and miscellaneous purposes $45, 340 Water and ice analysis fees, approximately For child-health and health education- 6,600 $14,000 For inspector salaries, support, mainte- Publications issued by health department: nance, and millaneous-4, 200 Biennial report For sanitary engineering and bousing Weekly morbidity report salaries, support, maintenance, and miscellaneous ------18,900 For barber-inspection salaries, support, KENTUCKY maintenance, and miscellaneous 15,150 Board of health: For division of cosmetology inspection E. M. Howard, M.D., president, Harlan salaries, support, maintenance, and George S. Coon, M.D., Louuis miscellaneous 11,360 A. T. McCormack, M.D., secretary, Louisvile J. Watts Stovall, M.D., Grayson Total -101,550 Lawrence T. Minish, M.D., Frankfort B. B. Keys, M.D., Murray Publications: F. L. Johnson, M.D., Livermore Biennial report C. J. Johnson, D.O.. Louisville Quarterly bulletin James F. Wilson, Mayfield Weekly health message Jas. J. Goodwin, Louisville Executive health officer: KANSAS *A. T. XcCormack, l.D., D.P.H., State health Board of health: officer, Louisville J. L. Lattimore, M.D., president, Topeka Bureau of county health work: H. L. Aldrich, M.D., Caney *P. E. Blackerby, M.D., assistant State health George I. Thacher, M.D., Waterville officer, Louisville R. S. Haury, M.D., Newton *V. A. Stilley, M.D., assistant field director, Charles W. Robinson, M.D., Atchison Benton Clay E. Coburn, M.D., Kansas City Bureau of vital statistics: H. A. Browne, M.D., Galena *J. F. Blackerby, director, L. V. Turgeon, M.D., Wilson Louisville L. Hooper, M.D., Dodge City Bureau of bacteriology: Frazor Edmondson, LL.B., Topeka 'Lillian H. South, M.D., director, Louisville Executive health officer: Bureau of sanitary engineering: *Earle G. Brown M.D., secretary State board of *F. C. Dugan, S.E., director, Louisville health, Topeka Bureau of food, drugs, and hotels: Division of vital statistics: *Sarah Vanoe Dugan, director, Louisville *C. L. Miller, M.D., State registrar. Bureau of venereal diseases: Division of communicable diseases: Jethra Hancock, M.D., Louisville C. H. Kinnaman, M.D., epidemiologist, Bureau of public health nursing: Topeka *Margaret L. East, R.N., director, Louisville Bureau of maternal and child health: Division of foods and drugs: *Annie S. Veech, *Thomas I. Dalton, Ph.C., assistant chief food M.D., director, Louisville and 'Juanita Jennings, M.D., assistant director, drug inspector, Topeka Louisville Division of child hygiene: Bureau of prevention of trachoma and blindness: *J. C. Montgomery, M.D., chief, Topeka UnitedStates Trachoma Hospital: Division ofrural sanitation: *Robert Sory, M.D., medical officer In *J. C. Montgomery, M.D., director, Topeka charge Division of sanitation: Bureau of budget: Earnest Boyce, chief, Lawrence *Elva V. Grant, director, Louisville Division of public-health education: Bureau ofepidemiology: *Earle G. Brown, M.D., director, Topeka '3. L. Jones, M.D., director, Louisvile Water and sewage laboratories at Kansas Univer- Bureau of tuberculosis and State tuberculosis sana- sity: torium: Earnest Boyce, director, Lawrence *Paul A. Turner, M.D., director and superin- Food laboratory at Kansas University: tendent, Louisville H. P. Cady, director Bureau ofdental health: Drug laboratory at Kansas University: J. F. Owen, D.D.S., director. Lexington Prof. L. D. Havenhill, director of drug analysis, Appropriations for fiscal year ending June 30,1934: Lawrence Central administration for all depart- Food laboratory at Kansas Agricultural College: ments ------$145,200 Prof. H. H. King, director of food analysis, Full-time county health departmentsa 188,000 Manhattan State tuberculosis sanatorium 12, 500 Public health laboratory, Topeka: 'Ross L. Laybourn, bacteriologist, in charge. Total -345,700 Appropriations for year ending June 30, 1934: Publications issued by health department: Monthly bulletin

Salares Total LOUISIANA State board ofhealth: J. A. O'Hara, M.D., president, New Orleans Executive-$ ---- 4400 $6,000 S. E. Graham, M.D., Melville of Division communicable dis- S. 3. Couvillon, M.D., Moreauville eases 800 ---4------15,210 3. L. Kelly, M.D., Oak Grove Division of food and drugs 8,140 12, 140 (Other members to be appointed) Division of child hygiene 6,760 8,000 Fannie B. Nelken, secretary Division of cooperative county Executive health officer: health work- 6,000 3. A. O'Hara, M.D., president, State board of Public health laboratory- 4,010 8,300 health, New Orleans Division of sanitation (Engi- Bacteriologist: neering, water, and sewage)-- 2,400 W. H. Seemann, M.D., New Orleans Board members 200 800 Registrar of vital statistics: J. George Dempsey, M.D., New Orleans Total -27,310 58,850 Bureau of communicable diseases: C. L. Brown, M.D. December 22, 1933 1522

LOUISIANA-Continued MARYLAND.-Continued Bureau of mental hygiene: Board of health-Continued. II. R. Unswortb, M.D., New Orleans William W. Ford, M.D, Baltimano Bureau of research and information: Huntington, I.D., Dr.P.H., Bal- P. A. Kibbe, M.D. timore Bureau of public health administration: Tolley A. Bisys, C.E Baltimore *George S. Bote, executive assistant, Benjamin C. Perry i.D., Bethesda U.S.P.H.S., acting director; New Orleans E. F. Kelly, Phar.15., Baltimore. Sanitary engineer: Burt B. Ide, D.D.S., Baltimore *John H. O'Neill, New Orleans Executive health officer: Analyst: *Robert H. RIley, X.D., Dr.P.I., director of *Cassius L. Clay, New Orleans health, Baltimore Bureau of animal industry: Division of personnel and accounts: *G. T. Jackson, D.V.S., director, New Orleans Walter N. Sanitary inspection: Kirkman, chief, Baltimore *Peter Rohrs, Jr., chief, New Orleans Division of oral hygiene: Auditor: Richard C. Leonard, D.D.S., chief, Baltimore *Phll Arras, New Orleans Division of legal administration: Appropriations for fiscal year: J. Davis Donovan, LL.B., chief, Baltimore Committee on public health education: 193-33 -$395,000 Gertrude B. Knipp, secretary, Baltimore 1933-34 431,000 Bureau of communicable diseases: Publications issued by health department: Robert H. Riley, M.D., Dr.P.H., chief, Quarterly bulletin Baltimore Biennial report C. H. Halliday, M.D., epidemiologist, Balti- Miscellaneous leaflets more. *C. W. G. Rohrer, M.D., Ph.D., diagnostician, MAINE Baltimore Bureau of vital statistics: Department of health and welfare: John Coinson, M.D., Dr.P.H., chief, Bal- Bureau of health: timore George H. Coombs, M.D., director, Au- gusta Food and drug commissioner: Advisory council of health and welfare: *A. L. Sullivan, chief, Baltimore Miss Sally P. Moes, Bangor Deputy food and drug commissioner: George W. Lane, Jr., Auburn *R. L. Swain, Ph.D., LL.B. Mrs. Dora B. Pinkham, Fort Kent Bureau of bacteriology: Walter G. Davis, Portland *C. A. Perry, chief, Baltimore Mrs. Helen C. Donahue, Portland Bureau of sanitary engineering: E. V. Call, M.D., Lewiston *Abel Wolman, B.S.E., chief, Baltimore Division of administration: Bureau of chemistry: Geoorge H. Coomba, l.D., Augusta *John C. Krantz, Jr., Ph.M., chief, Baltimore Division of communicable diseases: Bureau of child 'George H. Coombs, M.D., Augusta hygiene: Division of laboratories: *J. H. Mason Knox, Jr., Ph.D., M.D., chief, A. H. Morrell, M.D., Augusta Baltimore Division of sanitary engineering: Appropriations for fiscal year ending Sept. 30, 1934, *Elmer W. Campbell, D.P.H., Augusta $346,332 Division of vital statistics: Publications issued by health department: *George H. Coombs, M.D., State registrar, Annual report Augusta Weekly News Letter Division of social hygiene: Monthly bulletin *George H. Coombs, M.D., Augusta Division of public health nursing and child MASSACHUSETTS hygiene: 'Edith L. Soule, R.N., Augusta Public health council: Division of dental hygiene: Henry D. Chadwick, M.D., chairman, Boston *Dorothy Bryant, D.H., Augusta Roger E. Lee, M.D., Boston District health officers: Francis H. Lally, M.D., Miltord J. L. Pepper, M.D., South Portland Richard P. Strong, M.D., Boston R. L. Mitchell, M.D., Lewiston Sylvester E. Ryan, M.D., Springfield 3. W. Loughlin, M.D., Newcastle James L. Tighe, Holyoke *B. F. Porter, M.D., Caribou Gordon Hutchins, Concord Appropriations for fiscal year ending June 30, Executive health officer: 1933: 'Henry D. Chadwick, X.D., State commissioner Salaries and clerk hire $36, 400 of public health, Boston Office expense and epidemic fund-a20,900 Secretary: District and local health offBcers- 29,600 *Alice M. Nelson Venereal-disease control work 9,700 Division of administration: Maternity and child-welfare work 26,300 (Under direction of commissioner) Braneh State laboratory, Caribou 2,900 Division of communicable diseases: Aid for typhoid carriers 4,800 *Gaylord W. Anderson, M.D., director, Boston Completion of vital records of the Division of sanitary engineering: State -400 *Arthur D. Weston, C.E., director and chief Infantile-paralysis contrl-2,000 engineer, Boston Division of water and sewage laboratories: Total -133,000 *Arthur Other sources of revenue: D. Weston, C.E., director, Boston Census Bureau, Washington, D.C., Division of biologic laboratories: about Elliott S. Robinson, M.D., director and pa- $533 thologist, Boston License fees for camps, roadside eating and Divisions of food and drugs: lodging places, about $11,000 (estimated) *Hermann C. Lythgoe, director and analyst, Boston MARYLAND Division of child hygiene: Board of health: *M. Luise Diez, M.D., director, Boston Robert H. Riley, M.D., Dr.P.H., chairman, Division of tuberculosis sanatoria: Baltimore *Alion S. Pope, M.D., director, Boston Thomas S. Cullen, M.D., Baltimore Division of adult hygiene: Wm. P. Lane, Jr., attorney general, Baltimore *Herbert L. Lombard, M.D., director, Boston 1523 December 22, 1988

MASSACHUSBTTS-Continued MICHIGAN-Continued Appropriatios for department of pub- Bureau of laboratories: lic health, 1933: *0. C. Young, Ph.D., Dr.P.H., director Division of administration: Wm. E. Bunney, Ph.D., associate director Salary of commissioner $6, 375.00 Minna Crooks, R.N., bacteriologist Personal services 18,455.00 *M. B. Kurtz, D.V.M., serologist Services other than personal 11,025.00 Pearl Kendrick, bacteriologist, West Michigan Division of child hygleno division Personal services of director Ora Mills, bacteriologist, Houghton branch and amistants .-.-.- :32,900.00 *A. B. Haw, clinical pathologist Sevice other than personal- 14,400.00 Roy W. Pryor, Dr.P.'H., immunologist Personal services in connec- *Merle M. Woodward, toxicologist tion with maternal and in- *Don Cummings, assistant director, in charge fant hygiene 21,450.00 of property Expenses in connection with Bureau of child hygiene and public health nursing: maternaland infanthygiene 9,200.00 *Lilllan R. Smith, M.D., director Dlvision ofcommunicable d : *Goldie Corneliuson, M.D., physician Personal servic of director, *Ida M. Alexander, M.D., prenatal consultant district health officers, ete 68, 760. 00 *Helen de Spelder Moore, R.N., assistant Servies other than personal-_ 15,075.00 director Personal services in connection with control of venereal dis- Bureau of records and statistics: 12,870. 00 *W. J. V. Deacon, M.D., director Expenses conneoion with Bureau of education: control of diseases 28,000.00 *Marjorie Delavan, director veneral *Pearl Turner, assistant director Wassermann Laboratory: *Melita Hutzel, lecturer For personal services 15,990.00 Bureau of embalming: For expenses of laboratory-. 5,000. 00 *Frank J. Pients, director Antitoxin and vaccine laboratory: Bureau of communicable diseases and rural hygiene: For personal services 56. 860.00 *C. D. Barrett, M.D., C.P.U1., director Other services -.- 34,500. 00 *Filip Forsbeck, M.D., associate director, in Inspection of food and drugs: charge ofcommunicable diseases For personal 00 services 725. *.M. B. Beckett, M.D., C.P.H., field agent, in Other services 11,060.00 charge of rural hygiene For administering the shellfish Bureau of mouth hygiene: law: Personal services 1, 860. 00 *William R. Davis, D.D.S., director Appropriations for flscal year ending June 30, 1984: Other services 1,000.00 Personal services -$200, 500 Water supply and disposal of sew- Supplies ------97,250 age, engineering division: Contractual service -l- For personal services 6, 125 00 For other services 8, 450.00 Outlay for equipment -7,706 Watr supply and disposal of sew- Total -305,450 age. division of water and sewage County health departments-48,000 laboratories: Smallpox vaccine, toxoid manufac- For personal services 40,280.00 turing -5,000 For other services 7, 200.00 Beaver Island, physician 2, 200 Division of tuberculosis: For personal servies- 33,750.00 Grand total -360,.60 Services other than personal- 5,350.00 Publications issued by health department: For personal services of tuber- Monthly bulletin culosis clinic units- 54,400.00 Annual report Services other than personal Communicable disease pamphlets (clinic units)- 31,200.00 Sex hygiene pamphlets Payment of subsidies- 405,000.00 Child hygiene pamphlets For maintenance of and for certain Engineering bulletins improvements at the Lakeville, Mouth hygiene pamphlets North Reading, Rutland, and Scientific reprint series Westfield State sanatoria 973,036. 25 Rules and regulations Division of adult hygiene: For personal services- 41,840.00 MINNESOTA For other expenses- 3:3,050.00 Board of health: Cancer hospital at Norfolk: N. G. Mortensen, M.D., president. St. Paul For maintenance of and for Frederic Bass, C.E., vice president, Min- certain improvements- 22 7, 750.00 neapolis Erling S. Platou, M.D., Minneapolis Total -2,380,926.00 J. A. Thabes, Sr., M.D., Brainerd Helen Hughes Hielscher, M.D., Mankato MICHIGAN S. Z. Kerlan, MI.D., Aitkin C. I. Oliver, M.D., Graceville Advisory council of health: A. S. Milinowski, C.E., St. Paul Thomas G. Bell, Duluth Robert B. Harkness, M.D., Houghton Executive health offioer, State Office Bldg., St. Chalmers 1. Lyons, D.D.Sc., Ann Arbor Louis]. Hirschman M.D., Detroit Paul: * A. J. Chesley, M.D., secretary and executive Karl B. Brucker, M.D., Lansing officer George 3. Curry M.D., Flint Executive health ollicer: Division of administration, State Office Bldg., St. *C. C. Slemons, M.D., Dr.P.H., State health Paul: commissioner, Lansing *0. C. Pierson, director Bureau of engineering: Division of vital statistics, State Office Bldg., St. E. D. Rich, C.E., director Paul:. lJohn M. Hepler, assistant engineer *Gerda C. Pierson, director *Willard F. Shephard, asstant engineer Division of hotel inspection, State Office Bldg., St. *Raymond 3. Faust, assistant engineer Paul: Orla E. McGuire, assistant engineer *E. H. Berg, State hotel inspector December 22. 1933 1524


Division of preventable diseases (including venereal State appropriation for period January 1 to De- diseases), University Campus, Minneapolis: cember 31, 1933, $130,000. O. McDaniel, M.D., director Publications issued by health department: *Lucy Heathman, Ph.D., chief of laboratories Biennial report *W. P. Greene, M.D., epidemiologist Health pamphlets *James E. Perkins, M.D., epidemiologist Ralph R. Sullivan, M.D., epidemiologist Division of sanitation, University Campus, Min- MISOURI neapolis: Board of health: H. A. Whittaker, director Emmett P. North, M.D., president, St. Louis *0. E. Brownell, C.E., senior sanitary engineer P. T. Bohan, M.D., vice president, Kansas Division of child hygiene, university campus, Min- City neapolis: W. T. Elam, M.D., St. Joseph Everett C. Hartley, M.D., direetor W. A. Clark, M.D., Jefferson City Olivia Peterson, R.N., superintendent of E. S. Smith, M.D., Kirksville public-bhealth nursing T. Bourke, M.D., Kansas City Appropriations for fiscal year ending June 30, 1934: E. T. McGaugh, M.D., State health com- Maintenance and vital statistics- missioner, Jefferson City Salaries -$27, 600 Executive health officer: Expenses 7,000 *E. T. MeGaugh, M.D., State health commis- sioner, Jefferson City 34,600 Epidemology: Providing free antitoxin and other bio- *E. K. Musson, M.D., M.P.H., epidemiologist logical products (balance, $11,801.80) Laboratories: Venereal diseases and venereal-disease Dora Snyder, acting bacteriologist education -20,600 Sanitary engineering and laboratory.-- 25,000 Sanitary engineering: Preventable diseases and laboratory 65,000 Herbert Bosch, public health engineer Protection for maternity and infancy- 28,000 Vital statistics: Indian-health work -8,00 *William F. Lunsford, M D., M.P.H., vital Hotel inspeetion -33,000 statistician Stream pollution survey -10, 000 Child hygiene and cooperative county health work: For aid to typhoid carriers-7, 500 *Irl Brown Krause, M.D., director For printing -450 Public health nursing: Miss Ida Brossard, R.N., supervisor Total -232,150 Appropriations for State board of health, biennial period 1933-34: Publications issued by health department: Additions -$3,000 Educational pamphlets Repairs and replacements- 6, 000 Operation. 41,250 MISSISSIPPI Salaries -152,500 Board of health: J. W. Lipscomb, M.D., president, Columbus Total -202,750 Felix J.Underwood, M.D., secretary, Jaekson Board of health fund: S. E. Eason, M.D., New Albany Personal service -15,000 L. B. Austin, M.D., Rosedale Repairs and replacements -2,625 W. A. Dearman, M.D., Gulfport Operation -12,375 B. J. Shaw, M.D., Slate Spring Total -30,000 W. H. Frizell, M.D., Brookhaven Cosmetology and hair-dressing: John Darrington, M.D., Yazoo City Personal service -16,822 Dudley Stennis, M.D., Newton Additions -578 Wm. R. Wright, D.D.S., Jackson and Executive health officer: Repairs replacements -572 *Felix J. Underwood, X.D., secretary, State Operation- 12, 028 board of health, Jackson Total -30,000 Bureau of vital statistics: *R. N. Whitfield, M.D., director, Jackson Bureau of child hygiene and public health nursing: MONTANA *Felix J. Underwood, M.D., acting director, Board of health: Jackson George M. Jennings, M.D., president, AMissoula *Mary D. Osborne, R.N., supervisor, public L. H. Fligman, M.D., Helena health nursing, Jackson E. G. Balsam, M.D., Billings Gladys Eyrich, supervisor oral hygiene, Jack- E. M. Porter. M.D., Great Falls son B. IL. Pampel, M.D., Livingston Hygienic laborrtory: W. F. Cogswell, M.D., secretary T. W. Kemmerer, M.D., director, Jackson Executive health officer: Bureau of sanitary engineering: *W. F. Cogswell, M.D., secretary, Hlelena *H. A. Kroeze, C.E., director, Jackson Division of communicable diseases: *N. M. Parker, D.V.S., State sanitary inspec- J. H. Crouch, M.D., epidemiologist, Helena tor, Jackson Division of child welfare: *C. M. Ledbetter, State sanitary inspector, *W. F. Cogswell, M.D., acting director, HIelens Jackson Division of food and drugs: *Floyd Ratliff, State sanitary inspector, Jack- *J. W. Forbes, director, Helena son Division of vital statistics: Bureau of county health work: *W. F. Cogswell, M.D., State registrar, Helena *H. C. Ricks, M.D., C.P.H., director, Jackson *L. L. Benepe, deputy State registrar, Helena *John A. Milne, M.D., M.P.H., assistant Division of water and sewage: director, Jackson *H. B. Foote, director, Helena Bureau of tuberculosis control: W. M. Cobleigh, consulting sanitary engineer, *Henry Boswell, M.D., director, Sanatorium Bozeman Bureau of industrial hygiene: *Oliver Morgan, analyst, Helena J. W. Dugger, M.D., director, Jackson Hygienic laboratory: Epidemiological unit: Fred D. Stimpart, director, Helena A. L. Gray, M.D., M.P.H., director, Jackson *Edith Kuhns, technician, Helena Catherine Mayfield, bacteriologist E. D. Hitchcock, M.D., consulting bacteriolo- *Margaret Meade, nurse-investigator gist, Great Fails 1.525 December 22, 1938

MONTANA-Continued NEW HAMPSHIRE-Continued Appropriations for the years ending- Executive health officer: *Charles Duncan, M.D., secretary, State board of health, Concord June 30, June 30, *Harriet I. Parkhurst, chief clerk, Concord 1934 1935 Division of maternity, infancy, and chiUd hygiene: *Mary D. Davis, R.N., director and supervi3 ing nurse, Manchester Salari rie $23,300 $23, 300 Department of vital statistics: Operating expenses 15,750 15,750 *Charles Duncan, M.D., registrar, Concord Capital repairs and replace- 'Doris P. Bartlett, chief clerk, Concord ments ------500 500 Division of chemistry and sanitation: Division of child welfare_ 10,500 10,500 'Charles D. Howard, chief of division, Concord B o a r d o f entomology *Frederick Vintinner, assistant chemist, Con- (Rocky Mountain spot- cord *Harriet I. Albee, assistant chemist and bao- ted-fever work)-3,000 3,000 teriologist, Concord 'Leonard W. Trager, assistant sanitary engi- TotaL -53,050 53,050 neer, Concord 'Russell A. Eckloff, inspector 'Joseph X. Duval, chief Inspector, Concord NEBRASKA Diagnostic and pathological department: Department of health: 'William R. Macleod, serologist and diag- Executive health officer: nostic bacteriologist, Concord H. N. Kingsford, M.D., pathologist, Han- 'P. H. Bartholomew, M.D., acting director over of health, Lincoln 'Benj. Jewell, assistant in pathological labo- Collaborating epidemiologist: ratory, Concord 'P. H. Bartholomew, M.D., Lincoln Venereal disease division: Bacteriologist: Charles A. M.D., Manchester 'L. 0. Vose, Lincoln Weaver, Division of venereal diseases: Appropriations for fiscal year ending June 30, 1934: 'P. H. Bartholomew, M.D., director, Lin- State board of health $49,503 coln Laboratory of hygiene -17,490 Statistician: Vital statistics 3, 340 'Jean Barrett, Lincoln Cancer clinic fund- 15,000 Medical examining board: W. R. Boyer, M.D.. Pawnee City Total -85,333 H. J. Lehnhoff, M.D., Lincoln Publications issued by health department: P. A. DeOgny, M.D., Milford Bulletin Appropriations for biennial period ending June Biennial report 30, 1935: Salary of director $7, 200 NEW JERSEY Salaries -20,000 Board of health: Maintenance 10,000 Charles I. Lafferty, president, Atlantic City Margaret L. MacNaughton, vice president, Total -37,200 Jersey City Mrs. Helen M. Berry, Newark NEVADA H. E. Winter, V.M.D., Plainfield J. Oliver McDonald, M.D., Trenton State board of health: S. A. Cosgrove, M.D., Jersey City F. B. Balzar, Governor, president, Carson City J. i. H. Guthrie, D.D.S., Newark Edward E. Hamer, M.D., secretary and State Clyde Potts, C.E., Morristown health officer, Carson City Irvin E. Deibert, I.D., Camden W. G. Greathouse, secretary of State James E. Russell John Fuller, M.D., Reno John V. Bishop C. W. West, M.D., Reno Executive health officer: Executive health officer: 'J. Lynn Nahaffey, X.D., director of health, 'Edward B. Hamer, ULD., State health officer, Trenton Carson City Bureau of bacteriology: State hygienic laboratory at State university: 'John V. Mulcahy, chief, Trenton 'Vera E. Lautenschlager, acting director, Reno Bureau of chemistry: Appropriations for period from July 1, 1933, to June *John E. Bacon, chief, Trenton 30, 1935: Bureau of administration: Salary of secretary $5, 000 'Charles J. Merrell, chief, Trenton Salary of clerk -2,813 Bureau of food and drugs: Traveling expenses -1, 500 *Walter W. Scofield, chief, Trenton Office postage -250 Bureau of public-health education: Office supplies, heat, rent, and light- 1,800 'Edwin C. Lanigan, chief, Trenton Office telephone and telegraph-300 Bureau of child hygiene: Equipment -200 JuliuLs Levy, M.D., consultant, Trenton Restration of births and deaths 350 Bureau of local health administration: Purchase of diphtheria and other dan- Wm. H. McDonald, acting chief, Trenton gerous disease antitoxin -500 Bureau of engineering: 'H. P. Croft, chief, Trenton Total ------12,713 Bureau of vital statistics: 'David S. South, chief, Trenton Publications issued by health department: Buireau of venereal-disease control: Biennial report A. J. Casselman, M.D., consultant, Trenton Special bulletins Appropriations for ficl year ending June 30. 1934: NEW HAMPSHIRE Salarias -$223 600. 00 Board of health: Miscellaneous -58,.500. 00 Robert Fletcher. C.E., president, Hanover Child hygiene -103,872.52 D. E. Su`llvan, M.D., Concord Venereal disease control 25, 420. 00 George C. Wilkins, M.D., Manchester Barbara Beattie, M.D., Littleton Total -411,392.52 John (1. Winant, Governor Ptublications issued by health department: Francis W. Johnston, attorney general, Clare- Monthly bulletin mont Annual report December 22, 1933 1526

NEW MEXICO NEW YORK-Continued Board of public welfare: Other souroes of revenue: Robert 0. Brown, M.D., president, Santa Fe Fees from certified transcripts of birth, death, Max Nordhaus, Albuquerque and marriage certificates, $2,737.05 per annum Mrs. David Chavez, Jr., seretary, Santa Fe Licensing laboratories, $449 Mrs. Orren Beaty, Lovington Eugene D. Lujan, Albuquerque Sale of serums, $1,921.57 Executive health officer: Licensing of embalmers and undertakers, 'J. Ronlyn Earp, Dr.P.R., director of public $5,521.50 health, Santa re Registration of embalmers and undertakers, Division of sanitary engineering and sanitation: $27,508.50 'Paul S. Fox, M.S. in C.E., chief, Santa Fe Rental of radium, estimated, $920. Division of county health work: Care of county cases at reconstruction house, 'C. H. Douthirt, M.D., director, Santa Fe $104,437.88 State supenrisor of public-health nursing: Refund of transportation of discharged patients *Eleanor L. Kennedy, R.N., Santa Fe from tuberculosis hospital, Ray Brook, Public-health laboratory: 'Myrtle Greenfield, chief, Albuquerque estimated, $4,000 State registrar: Publications Isued by health department: 'Miss Billy Tober, Santa Fe Weekly Health News Appropriation for years 1933-34 and 1934-35, per Monthly Vital Statistics Review annum, $35,900. Fiscal year ends June 30. Annual report NEW YORK NORTH CAROLINA Public health council: Board of health: Simon Flexner, M.D., LL. D., chairman, New Carl V. Reynolds, M.D., president, Asheville York S. D. Craig, M.D., vice president, Winston- Homer Folks, LL.D., vice chairman, Yonker3 Salem Henry N. Ogden, C.E., Ithaca G. G. Dixon, M.D., Ayden Frederick F. Russell. M.D., New York J. N. Johnson, D.D.S., Goldsboro Livingston Farrand, M.D., Ithaca H. Lee Large, M.D., Rocky Mount Walter A. Leonard, M.D., Cambridge H. G. Baity, Chapel Hill Thomas Parran, Jr., M.D. (ex oflfcio), commis- W. T. Rainey, M.D., Fayetteville sioner of health, Albany Hubert B. Haywood, M.D., Raleigh Executive health officer: James P. Stowe, Ph.G., Charlotte *Thomas Parran, Jr., M.D., State commissioner Executive health officer: of health, Albany 'James 11. Parrott, N.D., secretary and State Deputy commissioner of health: *Paul B. Brooks, M.D., Albany health officer, Raleigh *Edward S. Godfrey, M.D., assistant commis- Division of laboratories and vital statistics: sioner for local health administration 'John H. Hamilton. M.D., director, Raleigh Administrative officer: 'R. T. Stimpson, M.D., bureau of vital statis- *Edmund Schreiner, LL.B. tics, Raleigh Division of public-health education: Division of sanitary engineering: 'B. R. Rickards, director, Albany 'Warren H. Booker, C.E., director, Raleigh Division of sanitation: *Charles A. Holmquist, C.E., director, Albany Division of preventive medicine: Division of vital statistics: 'G. M. Cooper, M.D., director, Raleigh 'Joseph V. De Porte, Ph.D., director, Albany (a) Maternity and infancy Division of maternity, infancy, and child hygiene: (b) Health education 'Elizabeth M. Gardiner, M.D., director, Division of county health work: Albany M. V. Ziegler, M.D., director, pro tem, Ral- Division of communicable diseases: eigh *George H. Ramsey, M.D., director, Albany Bureau of epidemiology: Division of tuberculosis: J. C. Knox, M.D., director, Raleigh 'Robert E. Plunkett, M.D., director, Albany Division of social hygiene: Division of oral hygiene: *Albert Pfeiffer, M.D., director, Albany 'Ernest A. Branch, D.D.S., director, Raligh Division of laboratories and research: Appropriation for fiscal year ending June 30, 1933, *Augustus B. Wadsworth, M.D., director, $215,275. Albany Other sources of revenue: Special fees, $88,512 Division of public-health nursing: *Marion Sheahan, R.N., director, Albany Division of orthopedics: NORTH DAKOTA 'Walter J. Craig, M.D., director, Albany Division of cancer control: Advisory health council: *Burton T. Simpson, M.D., director John Crawford M D., New Rockford Institute for the study ofmalignant disease, Buffalo: Agnes Stucke, .D., Garrison 'Burton T. Simpson, M.D)., director C. W. Livingston, D.D.S., Minot New York State Hospital for Incipient Pulmonary P. 0. Sather, attorney general, ex officio, Bis- Tuberculosis, Ray Brook: marck 'H. A. Bray, M.D., superintendent Arthur E. Thompson, superintendent of public New York State Reconstruction Home, West instruction, ex officio, Bismarck Haverstraw: Maysil M. Williams, M.D., C.P.H., State 'John B. Kelly, superintendent health officer Appropriations for fiscal year ending Executive health officer: June 30, 1934: 'Maysil M. Williams, M.D., C.P.H., State health Personal service -$1,671, 460.00 officer, Bismarck Maintenance and operation 770,129.00 Bureau of child hygiene and public-health nursing: State aid to county laboratories-- 110,000.00 State aid to county health activi- Bureau of venereal diseases: ties ------442,211. 24 Emergency poliomyelitis fundi 25,000.00 (No appropriation) Construction and permanent bet- Bureau of sanitary engineering: terments -1, 853, 700. 00 (No appropriation) Bureau of vital statistics: Total -_--.___------4,872,500.24 (No appropriation) 1527 December 22, 1983

NORTH DAKOTA-Continued OKLAHOMA-Continued Appropriations for biennial period ending June 30, Assistant State health commissioner: 1935: 'J. P. Folan, Oklahoma City Salary State health offler -$4,800 Bureau of vital statistics: Dietor of preventable disases . 2, 000 'Juanita Johnston Smith, registrar Bureau of child hygiene and public Bureau of laboratories: health nursing -6,113 'Katherine Harris, bacteriologist Director of division of child hygiene -- 3,584 *Hannah Wallock, assistant bacteriologist Three stenographers -2,400 'Taylor Rogers, chemist One nurse -2,529 Bureau of sanitary engineering: Postage -700 *H. J. Darcey, B.S. in Engineering, director Office supplies -300 Appropriations for fiscal years ending June 30, 1934 Printing and lithographing 500 and 1935: Miscellaneous -250 Administration: Travel expense -1,500 Commissioner - $3,840 Tabulating, indexing, filing, and bind- Assistant commissioner- 2,100 ing birth, death, and marriage certifi- Secretary and stenographer- 1,320 cates -1,000 Bookkeeper -.-- , 500 Bureau of diagnostic laboratory: Chemist -2,400 Assistant chemist -1, 500 Public-health council: Bacteriologist -1, 800 H. S. Southard, M.D., chaiman, Columbus Assistant bacteriologist -1,800 James E. Bauman, secretary Record clerk. -1, 200 G. D. Lumnmis, M.D. Extra help-janitor -900 R. M. Calfee Manufacture typhoid and toxoid- W. I. Jones, D.D.S. vaccine-z 2o (Vacsncy) Bureau of sanitary engineering: Executive health officer: Engineer -2, 800 *H. S. Southard, M.D., director of health, Bureau of pure food, drugs, and sani- Columbus tary inspection: Assistant director of health: Inspectors (4 at $1,500 each)- 6,000 *James E. Bauman Bureau of vital statistics: Division of administration: Registrar -2,000 *James E. Bauman, chief Assistant registrar -1,200 *C. A. Orrison, chief clerk Statistical clerks (2 at $1,200)- 2,400 Bureau of publicity: Travel, administration -i-000 *Paul Mason, director Communication- 3,500 Bureau of local health organization: Printing, administration -2,500 'H. W. DeCrow, M.D., chief Office supplies- 50 Division of communicable diseases: Medical supplies -7,000 *Finley Van Orsdall, M.D., chief Office equipment -250 Buireau of tuberculosis: Laboratory equipment -900 *W. Smith, M.D. Bureau of epidemiology, Bureau of Bureau of venereal diseases: rural sanitation and disease control 'W. P. Johnson, M.D. in the rural districts, and dental Bureau of prevention of blindness: health education -17,500 *W. P. Johnson, M.D. Malaria control -7,500 Division of sanitary engineering: Registrars of vital statistics-20,000 *F. H. Waring, chief Bureau of plumbing inspection: Total -100,910 *George Wood, acting chief Division of vital statistics: OREGON *Irva C. Plummer, chief Board of health: Division of laboratories: N. E. Irvine, M.D., president, Lebanon *Leo F. Ey, chief Albert Mount, M.D., vice president, Oregon Division of hygiene: City 'E. R. Hayhurst, M D., chief Robert L. Benson, M.D., Portland Bureau of hospitals: J. P. Brennan, M.D., Pendleton *Clara E. Reeder, R.N., chid H. H. Foskett, M.D., Portland Bureau of dental hygiene: J. H. Rosenberg, M.D., Prineville J. H. Rossman, D.M.D., Portland Bureau of child hygiene: Executive health officer: *Frederick D. Stricker, M.D., secretary and Bureau of occupational diseases: State health officer, Portland Registrar of vital statistics: Appropriations for 12 months ending Dec. 31, 1933 *Frederick D. Stricker, M.D., Portland and 1934: Division ofpublic health nursing and child hygiene: *Mary P. Billmeyer, R. N., Portland Director of laboratory: 1933 1934 *William Levin, D.P.H., Portland Appropriations for fiscal year ending December 31, 1933, $28,864.50. Personal services - $178,495.73 $178,495. 73 Publications issued by health department: Maintenance - . 53,087.60 63,087.60 Annual report State aid for health Biennial report districts-150,000.00 150,000.00 Pamphlets and posters Weekly letter Total- 381,583.33 381,583.33 PENNSYLVANIA Publications issued by health department: Advisory health board: Ohio Health News (semimonthly) Theodore B. Appel, M.D., chairman Ross V. Patterson, M.D., Philadelphia OKLAHOMA William 0. Turnbull, M.D., Philadelphia John M. Beck, M.D., Alexandria Executive health officer: C. B. Auel, M.E., Pittsburgh 'G. N. Bilby, M.D., State health commissioner, Saylor T. McGhee, MI.D., Lock Haven Oklahoma City W. L. Eicher, Oakmont December 22. 1933 1528

PENNSYLVANIA-Continued PHILIPPINE ISLANDS Sanitary water board: Director of health: Theodore B. Appel, M.D., chairman 'Jacobo Fajardo, M.D., Manila Lewis E. Staley, secretary of forests and waters, Assistant to the director: Harrisburg Regino G. Padua, M.D., D.T.M., Dr.P.H. 0. M. Deibler, commissioner of fisheries, Council of hygiene, advisory board to the director Harrisburg of health: P. T. Davis, Clearfield Beito Valdes, M.D., chairman Elmer A. Holbrook, Pittsburgh Gervasio de Ocampo, M.D. W. C. McCormick, William port Jose Albert, M.D. W. L. Stevenson, chief engineer and secretary, Proceso Gabriel, M.D. Harrisburg Hilario Lara, M.D., Dr.P.HI. Eulogio P. Revilla, LL.B. Edmund C. Wingerd, Chambersburg Vicente P. Genato. Executive bureau: Jose P. Bantug, Ph.G., M.D., secretary *Theodore B. Appel, M. D., secretary of health, Executive health officer: lAncaster 'Jacobo Fajardo, M.D., director of health, 'J. Bruce McCreary, M.D., deputy secretary Manila of health, Shippensburg Division of administration: Clifton T. Wiliams, comptroller, Harrisburg 'Leoncio Lopez-Rizal, M.D., chief Division of accounts: 'Geronimo Mercado, P.A., chief clerk *E. J. McNamara, Philadelphia Personnel section: Division of supplies: *Jose Villacorta, chief *Roy G. Miller, Harrisburg Records section: Division of laboratories: *Victorio Yabot, chief *John L. Finance section: Laird, M.D., Philadelphia *Lope 0. Tayao, chief Institutions: Property section: Mont Alto sanatorium: 'Bonifacio Mencias, M.D., chief OR. H. McCutcheon, M.D., medical direc- Publicity section: tor, South Mountain *Jose P. Bantug, Ph.G., M.D., chief Cresson sanatorium: Nursing section: T. H. A. Stites, M.D., medical director, 'Genera S. Manongdo, R.N., chief Cresson Nutrition section: Hamburg sanatorium: Froilan Eubanas, M.D., C.P.H., in charge *H. A. Gorman, M.D., medical director, Division of hospitals and dispensaries: Hamburg *Eusebio D. Aguilar, M.D., chief State hospital for crippled children: Baguio hospital: *Francis S. Chambers, M.D., medical *Teodoro C. Arvisu, M.D., chief director, Elizabethtown Culion Leper Colony: 'L. G. Ownes, business manager, Elizabeth- *Jose M. IRaymundo, M.D., C.P.H., chief town wCasimiro B. Lara, M.D., chief physician Bureau of health law enforcement: Insular Psychopathic Hospital: 'J. Bruce McCreary, M.D. Elias Domingo, M.D., chief alienist Division of school inspection: San Lazaro Hospital: *Charles W. Sheldon, M.D., county medical Catalino Gavino, M.D., chief director, Wellsboro Southern Islands Hospital: *John W. German, Harrisburg Augasto P. Villalon, M.D., chief Pre-school division: Division of maternal and child hygiene: *Mary Riggs Noble, M.D., Harrisburg 'Tranquilino Elicafo, M.D., chief Division of public health education: Section of school health supervision: 'J. C. Funk, LL.B., Harrisburg Mariano C. Icasiano, M.D., C.P.H., chief Division of drug control: Section of puericulture center clinics: *Harold V. Smith, Curwensville Demetrio Belmonte, M.D., chief Division of restaurant hygiene: Section of maternity hospitals: *Howard M. Haines, Harrisburg *Fe S. Horilleno, M.D., chief Bureau of health conservation: Section of midwifery instruction: *J. Moore Campbell, M.D., Harrisburg Eusebio Salud, M.D., chief Division of tuberculosis clinics: Division of epidemiology: John B. Critchfield, M.D., Lock Haven *Eugenio Hernando, M.D., C.P.H., chief Division of environmental hygiene: Section of vital statistics: *Howard F. Bronson, Harrisburg 'Jose Guidote, M.D., C.P.H., chief Division of genito-urinary diseases: Section of tuberculosis control: *Edgar S. Everhart, M.D., Lemoyne 'Sixto A. Francisco, M.D., chief Division of epidemiology: Section of leprosy: 'S. J. Dickey, M.D., Harrisburg *Sulpicio Chiyuto, M.D., chief *Cristobal Manalang, M.D., D.T.M., Bureau of nursing: chief pathologist *Mrs. Mary S. Evans, R.N., Harrisburg *Jose Rodriguez, M.D., C.P.H., general Bureau of milk control: supervisor of regional leprosy treatment *Robert F. Brinton, West Chester stations Bureau of sanitary engineering: Section of malaria control: *W. L. Stevenson, Harrisburg Antonio Ejercito, M.D., chief Bureau of vital statistics: Section of control of other preventable diseases: 'Emlyn Jones, M.D., Johnstown Angel Alomia, M.D., C.P.H., chief Appropriations for biennial period ending Division of sanitation: May 31, 1935: *Gabriel Intengan, M.D., chief Salary of secretary -$20, 000 Section of urban sanitation: General hcalth purposes and main- 'Felipe Arenas, M.D., C.P.H., chief tenance of sanataria and hospital Section of rural sanitation: for crippled children 5,123,000 *Enrique F. Ochoa, M.D., C.P.H., chief Orthopedic unit -50,000 Section of sanitary engineering: Salinity survey of Delaware River- 25,000 Manuel Mahosa, C.E., chief Section of immunization: Total -5, 218, 000 'Jose Sian, M.D., C.P.H., chid 1529 December 22, 1988

PHILIPPINE ISLANDS-Continued PUERTO RICO-Continued Appropriation for fiscal year ending Division of property and accounts: Deocmber 31, 1933: *Abelardo Santiago, chief, San Juan Salaries and wages -$517, 288. 45 Bureau of general sanitation: Miscellaneous expenses-490,100.84 *W. F. Lippitt, M.D., chief, San Juan Furniture and equipment-6,412.50 Bureau of sanitary engineering: *Octavio Marcano, sanitary engineer, San Juan Total -1,013,801.79 Biological laboratory: *Oscar Costa Mandry, M.D., San Special expenses: director, For tuberculosis control work, Juan act 3743 48,390.00 Chemical laboratory: Continuation of treatment and *R. del Valle Sirraga, Ph.C., director, San Juan diagnosis of lepers 96,132.50 Bureau of transmissible diseases: Maintenance of regional treat- *Abel de Juan, M.D., chief, San Juan ment stations, etc 62, 224.50 Bureau of vital statistics: Aid to specially organized *Manuel A. Perez, chief, San Juan Provinces 180,193.50 Bureau of tuberculosis: Aid to Prvoince of Ilocos Sur *J. Rodriguez Pastor, M.D., chief, San Juan. for the operation, mainte- Bureau of malaria: nance, and equipment of the *W'alter C. Earle, M.D., chief, San Juan Cervantes Hospital 6,000.00 Bureau of infant hygiene: School ofnursing in Baguio- 4,677. 50 *Marta Robert de Romeu, M.D., chief, San Medicines and medical and Juan surigeal supplies for distri- Bureau of public-health units: bution to public-school dis- *George C. Payne, M.D., chief, San Juan pensaries 3,3950. 00 Division of social service: General demonstration on a *Beatriz Lassalle, superintendent, San Juan small scale of the practical Appropriations for the fiscal year 1933- control of beriberi 4, 688.00 34: Control of malaria in the Office of the commissioner - $458, 585.42 regularly specially organized Bureau of general sanitation- 88,255.00 Provinces and municipal Bureau of sanitary engineering... 17,340.00 districts- 17,778.00 Biological laboratory - 31,098.00 For insular aid for operation Chemical laboratory -14,688.00 and maintenance of provin- Brueau of transmissible diseases. 59,510.00 cial hospitals- 86,008.00 Bureau of vital statistics-11, 765.00 For the support of the Philip- Bureau of tuberculosis- 164,763.88 pine Islands Antituberculo- Bureau of malaria -40,030.00 sis Society 25, 000. 00 Bureau of infant hygiene-8,612.22 For the operation of the ma- Bureau of public-health units- 228,377.58 ternity hospital, including Division of social service- 3,300.00 the training of midwives in the city of Manlia 25,000.00 Total -1,126,321.10 Aid to puericulture centers.--- 42,507. 00 RHODE ISLAND Total for special expenses---- 601,949.00 Public health commisson: Less required savings in any John Champlin, Jr., M.D., chairman, Westerly item of salaries and wages, Berton W. Storrs, M.D., Portsmouth miscellaneous expenses, fur- James H. Prior, M.D., Providence niture and equipment, and Dennett L. Richardson, Providence special expenses -124, 177.50 Charles H. Holt, M.D., Pawtucket Executive health officer: Grand total of appropria- *Lester A. Round, Ph.D., director of public tion -1,491,573.29 health and State registrar, State Office Bldg, Providence Publications issued by the bureau of health: Daily Service News Pathologist: Weekly comparative epidemiological r6sumd Lester A. Round, Ph.D., Providence Weekly r6sum6 of births and deaths Chemist: Monthly bulletin Charles L. Poole, Providence Health Messenger (monthly) Annual report Appropriations for the fiscal year ending June 30, Service numbered pamphlets 1934: Executive department - $48 420 Reprints (unnumbered pamphlets) Chemical department -15,930 Posters Pathological department -31,963 PUERTO RICO Child hygiene -24,065 Insular board of health: Veneral diseases -8,495 R. L6pez Sicard6, M.D., chairman, San Juan W. A. Glines, M.D., San Juan SOUTH CAROLINA E. Koppisch, M.D., San Juan Blas C. Herrero, M.D. Executive committee, board of health: H. Cook, expert chemist William Egleston, M.D., chairman, Hartsville (Vacancy) Robert Wilson, Jr., M.D., Charleston A. Rivera, veterinarian L. D. Boone, M.D., Aiken Manuel del Valle, M.D. D. Lesesne Smith, M.D., Spartanburg A. Ortiz Toro, attorney, San Juan E. A. Hines, M.D., Seneca Luis B. de la Vega, M.D., secretary W. R. Wallace, M.D., Chester Executive health officer: J. Lee Carpenter, Ph.G., Greenville *1. Garrido Morales, M.D., Dr., P. H. commis- F. Mt. Routh, M.D., Columbia sioner of health, San Juan. George Dick, D.D.S., Sumter Antonio Arbona, M.D., assistant commis- John M. Daniel, attorney general, Columbia sioner of health, section of public health, San A. J. Beattie, comptroller general, Columbia Juan Executive health officer: 'Pedro Malaret, M.D., assistant commis- James A. Hayne, M.D., State health officer, sioner of heatlb, section of charities, San Juan Columbia 202870-33 2 December 22. 1933 1530

SOUTH CAROLINA-Continued TENNESSEE-Continued Department of county health units: Department of public health-Continued. Ben F. Wyman, M.D., director, Columbia Central administration-Continued. Laboratory department: Division of vital statistics: *H. M. Smith, M.D., in charge, Columbia 'R. H. White, Ph.D., director, Nash- J. R. Cain, chief bacteriologist, Columbia vyle Bureau of vital statistics: Division of preventable disease: Miss Nellie Cunningham, chief clerk, Colum- 'J. A. Crabtree, M.D., O.P.H., direc- bia tor, Nashville Bacteriologlist and chemist: Division of laboratories: F. L. Parker, Jr., M.D., Ph.D., Charleston *William Litterer, M.D., director, South Carolina Swaitorium: Nashville Ernest Cooper, M.D., superintendent, State Division of sanitary engineering: Park *Roy 3. Morton, C.E., director, Nash- Epidemiologist: vile A. H. Hayden, M.D., Columbia State appropriation for biennium Julyr 1, 1933, to Appropriations for 18 months ending June 30 1934: June 30, 1935, $350,885. Administrative office --2, 098 Balance from old appropriation, supplementary, Control of epidemic diseases-2,186 approximately, $90,000. For 1 midwife supervisor -2,168 Other sources of revenue: Bureau of vital statistics- 9,384 Rockefeller Foundation, International Laboratory -12,362 Health Division $38, 540 Bureau of rural sanitation. -33,643 Commonwealth fund -36,504 Division of sanitary engineering, for 2 National Tuberculosis Association inspectors and expenses -5,752 (balance from last year) -764 Aid for crippled chfidren -13,500 U.S. Public Health Service (trachoma only) (no budget adopted for present 131,081 fiscal year) -4,230 Tuberculosis sanatoria -156,000 Publications issued by health department: TEXAS Annual report Bulletins of various departments State board of health: C. M. Rosser, M.D., Chairman, Dallas SOUTH DAKOTA J. M. Howe, C.E., vice chairman, Houston Board of health: E. W. Wright, M.D., Bowie Carl A. Feige, M.D., president, Canova J. S. Wooten, M.D., Austin R. J. Quinn, M.D., vioe president, Burke J. M. Frazier, M.D., Belton H. J. Barton, M.D., Watertown J. B. Brady, D.D.S., El Paso N. T. Owen, M.D., Rapid City S. A. Woodward, M.D., Fort Wortb Park B. Jenkins, M.D., superintendent, Pierre J. S. McCelvey, M.D., Temple Executive health officer: Henry Hein, Ph.G., San Antonio Park B. Jenkins, M.D., Pierre Executive healtb officer: Division of vital statistics: 'John W. Brown, M.D., State health officer, Park B. Jenkins, M.D., Pierre Austin Division of child hygiene: Bureau of child hygiene: 'Florence Walker Englesby, R.N., Pierre *H. N. Barnett, M.D., director Division of sanitary engineering: Bureau of vital statistics: *W. W. Towne, C.E., Pierre 'W. A. Davis, M.D., director Division of medical licensure: Bureau of laboratories: *Park B. Jenkins, M.D., Plerre *S. W. Bohls, M.D., director Division of records and accounts: Bureau of rural and county health work: 'Katherine Niebuhr, Pier *K. E. Miller, M.D., U.S.P.H.S., director Bureau of communicable disease control and epi- Laboratories (at Vermillion): demiology: J. C. Ohlmacher, M.D., VermilUon *Chas. D. Reese, M.D., director Appropriations: Bureau of sanitary engineering: V. M. Ehlers, C.E., director Bureau of foods and drugs: 1933-34[ 1934-35 *E. C. Koerth, Ph G., director Bureau of public health education: *L. E. Bracy, director Salaries and wages $10, 000 $10,000 Appropriations for fiscal years 1934-35, per annum, Biological products 2,000 2,000 $189,380. Postage, communica- UTAH tion, and travel 3,000 3,000 Crippled children 2,500 2,500 Board of health: Dues 50 50 Joseph R. Morrell, M.D., president, Ogden Infancy and maternity T. B. Beatty, M.D., secretary, Salt Lake City work 5,000 5,000 Joseph H. Peck, M.D., Tooele Office supplies, printing T. J. Howells, M D Salt Lake City and binding 2, 500 2,500 W. D. Donoher M )b, Salt Lake City R. A. Hart, C.i, Salt Lake City Total 25,050 25,050 Barnet E. Bonar, M.D., Salt Lake City Executive health officer: 'T. B. Beatty, M.D., State health commisioner, TENNESSEE Salt Lake City Bureau of vital statistics: Department of public health: *T. B. Beatty, M.D., State registrar Central administration: Bureau of child hygiene: *B. L. Bishop, M.D., C.P.H., commissioner, *T. B. Beatty, director Nashville Sanitary engineer: County and other local health work: 'Lynn Thatcher *W. K. Sharp, Jr., M.D., director, Bacteriological laboratory: Nashville 'E H. Bramhall, bacteriologist Child hygiene and public health nurs- Appropriations for 2 years ending June 30, 1935, ing: $40,000. Mifss Donna Pearce, associate Publications issued by health department: director, public health nursing, Quarterly bulletin Nashville Biennial report 1531 Dz'eemnbpr 22, 1938

VERMONT WASHINGTON Board of health: Board of health: William 0. Ricker, M.D., chairman, St. Johns- E. R. Coffey, M.D., director of health, chair- bury man, Seattle Claude M. Campbell, M.D., Manchester Ralph Hendricks, M.D., Spokane Charles G. Abell, M.D., Enosburg Falls Alexander Peacock, M.D., Seattle Executive health cfficer: H. E. Wight, D.D.S., Yakima *Charles F. Dalton, N.D., secretary, State board E. N. Hutchinson, D.V.M., Olympia of health, Burlington Department of health: Laboratory of hygiene: *E. R. Coffey, M.D., director, Seattle *Charles F. Whitney, M.D., Burlington Division of laboratories and epidemiology: Sanitary engineering: 'A. U. Simpson, M.D., epidemiologist, Seattle Earle L. Waterman, C.E., director, Burlington Division of public-health engineering: Sanitary inspector: 'Roy M. Harris, Seattle *Fred S. Kent, M.D., Burlington Division of public-health nursing and child hygiene: Division of communicable diseases: *Mrs. Mary Louise Allen, R.N., Seattle 'Fred S. Kent. M.D., Burlington Division of vital statistics: Division of tuberculosis: *Francis D. Rhoads, State registrar, Seattle 11. WV. Slocum, Burlington Appropriation for 2 years ending March 31, 1935: Division of poliomyelitis: Salaries ------$48,787 Lillian E. Kron, R.N., Burlington Operation -29, 250 Division of maternity and infancy: State aid to local tuberculosis *Nellie M. Jones, R.N. sanatoria 350,000 Appropriations for fiscal year ending June 30, 1934, $44,000; 1935, $52,000. WEST VIRGINIA Other sources of revenue: Public health council: Private donations for study and treatment of A. H. Hoge, M.D., Bluefield infantile paralysis. S. W. Price, M.D., Scarbro Publications issued by health department: W. C. D. McCuskey, M.D., Wheeling Biennial report WV. E. Vest, M.D., Huntington B. WV. Swint, M.D., Charleston VIRGIN ISLANDS M. T. Morrison, M.D., Sutton W. E. Minghini, D.D.S., Martinsburg Executive health officer: Arthur E. McClue, M.D., commissioner of *R. B. Stafford, X.D., commissioner of public health, Charleston health, St. Thomas Exectitive health officer: *Arthur E. McCluc, M.D., commissioner of V'IRGINIA health, Charleston Board of health: Division of sanitary engineering: W. T. Graham, M.D., president, Richmond *Ellis S. Tisdale, chief engineer, Charleston Mrs. Franklin H. Kenworthy, Purceilville *John B. Harrington, B.E., assistant engineer, Frank Darling, Hampton Charleston J. A. McGuire, M.D., Norton 'H. K. Gidley, assistant engineer, Charleston George B. Lawson, M.D., Roanoke IS. C. Rothman, assistant engineer, Charleston Guy R. Harrison, D.D.S., Richmond Division of vital statistics: L. T. Royster, M.D., University *Carl F. Raver, M.D., M.P.H., director, Executive health officer: Charleston *W. F. Draper, M.D., Richmond Division of child hygiene: Assistant health officer: *A. M. Price, M.D., acting director, Charleston *Roy K. Flannagan, M.D., Richmond State advisory nurse: Director of county health work and tuberculosis 'Mrs. Mary Keith Cauthorne, R.N., Charles. out-patient service: ton '1. C. Riggin, M.D., Richmond Division of preventable diseases: Epidemiologist: *Arthur E. McClue, M.D., acting director, *G. F. McGinnes, M.D., Richmond Charleston Director of child health: Bureau of venereal diseases: B. B. Bagby, M.D., Richmond 'Mrs. Ada C. McDermott, associate director, Registrar of vital statistics: Charleston W. A. Plecker, M.D., Richmond Division of rural sanitation: Director of public-health nursing: 'A. M. Price, M.D., director, Charleston Mary I. Mastin, R.N., Richmond Hygienic laboratory: Director of mouth hygiene: 'Elizabeth I. Parsons, director, Charleston 'N. T. Ballou, D.D.S., Richmond *Margaret K. Riffe, technician, Charleston Bacteriologist: 'J. Roy Monroe, technician, Charleston Adah Corpening, Richmond 'Mark C. Harp, technician, Charleston Chief sanitary engineer: Bureau of public health education: *Richard Messer, C.E., Richmond 'Dorothea Campbell, director, Charleston Appropriations (subject to 30 percent reduction) for Appropriation for fiscal year ending June the fiscal year ending June 30, 1934: 30, 1934: Administration -$23, 805 For general use -$100, 000 Sanitary engineering -21, 500 Fees (if collected) -7, 500 Publicity 10,620 Salary of commissioner -3,600 Town sanitation -4,500 Social hygiene -2,395 Total -111,100 Prevention of tuberculosis-61,450 Other sources of revenue: Control of epidemics -9,525 Expenses of cooperative rural-health work with Laboratories -21, 005 the Rockefeller Foundation Promotion of child health-53,230 Publications issued: Rural health work -98, 540 Annual report Shellfish inspection-sanitation 25,000 Quarterly bulletin Vital statistics-26, 575 Orthopedic treatment -25,000 WISCONSIN Collection and publication of marriage Board of health: and divorce statistics -3,770 G. Windesheim, M.D., president, Kenosha Prevention of blindness -2,300 Joseph Dean, M.D., vice president, Madison Tuberculosis sanatoria -345,495 J. Seelman, M.D., Milwaukee Mina B. Glasier, M.D., Bloomington Total -731,710 Stephen Cahana, M.D., Milwaukee Publications issued by health department: H. H. Ainsworth, M.D., Birchwood Monthly bulletin C. A. Harper, M.D., State health officer, Annual report Madison December 22, 1933 1532

WISCONSIN-Continued WISCONSIN-Continued Executive health offloer: Laboratory servioe-Continued. C. A. Harper, M.D., State health officer, *Mildred Englebert, director, cooperative Madison laboratory, Beloit Assistant State health officer: Marjorie Bates, director, cooperative labora- *G. W. Henika M.D., Madison tory, Oshkosh Deputy State health officers: Henry Miller, director, cooperative laboratory, W. 3. Miller, M.D., Madison Kenosha *0. E. Hoyt, M.D., Milwaukee V. A. Gudex, M.D., Oshkosh *Josephine Foote, director, cooperative labora- F. P. Daly, M.D., Chippewa Falls tory, Wausau R. L. Frisbie, M.D., Rhinelander *Martha Thompson, director, cooperative lab- Bureau of vital statistics: oratory, Superior *C. A. Harper, M.D., State registrar, Madison *Clarissa McFetridge, director, cooperative L. W. Hutcheroft, statistician, Madison laboratory, Green Bay Bureau of communicable disease: *Elizabeth Mathewson, director, cooperative *H. M. GufIford, M.D., director, Madison laboratory, Sheboygan Bureau of sanitary engineering: Appropriations for each of fiscal years ending June *L. F. Warrick, State sanitary engineer, Madi- 30, 1934 and 1935: son General administration $135, 000 O0. 3. Muegge, assistant sanitary engineer, Lioensing: Madison Embalmers 5,000 E. J. Beatty, assistant sanitary engineer, Hotels and restaurants-27,00 Madison Barbers -15,000 J. M. Holderby, assistant sanitary engineer, Plumbers -. 16, 000 Madison Beauty parlors -15,000 E. J. Tully, chemical engineer, Madison Nurses -16,000 Bureau of education: (All monies received as license fees John Culnan, director, Madison revert directly to the State gen- Bureau of child welfare: eral fund and the above amounts *Charlotte Calvert, MI.D., director, Madison are appropriated for the various Frances Cline, M.D., child-health physician, departments' use in each field.) Madison Bureau of child welfare and public Margaret Nelson, M.D., child-health physi- health nursing -43,350 cian, Madison Enforcement of medical practices act-_ 2,500 *Elizabeth Taylor, M.D., child-health physi- cian Total 274,850 Helen Thayer, organizer of infant hygiene Publications issued by health department: courses, Madison Quarterly bulletin Bureau of public-health nursing: Biennial report *Cornelia Van Kooy, R.N., director, Madison Other bu}letins on communicable diseases *Edith L. Olson, R.N., field advisory nurse, Madison WYOMING *Ada Newman, R.N., field advisory nurse, Madison Board of health: Martha Jenny, R. N., field advisory nurse, Earl Whedon, M.D., president, Sheridan Madison J. R. Nagle, M.D., vice president, Worland Bureau of nursing education: W. H. Hased, M.D., secretary and executive Adda Eldredge, RN., director, Madison officer, Cheyenne Bureau of plumbing and domestic sanitary engi- B. V. McDermott, M.D., Hanna ncering: Evald Olson, M. D., Meeteetse *Frank R. King, State domestic sanitary engi- W. H. Hassed, M.D., State health officer, neer, Madison Cheyenne Bureau of social hygiene: Executive health officer: H. *H. M. Guilford M D , director, Madison *W. Hassed, M.D., State health officer, *Aimee Zillmer, ecturer, Madison Cheyenne *D. M. Warner, lecturer, Madison Appropriations for biennial period ending Mar. 31, Laboratory service: 1935: *W. D. Stovall, M.D., director, State labora- State board of health -.*90-O tories, Madison Salary of secetary -8,000 *M. S. Nichols, chemist, State laboratory, Maternal and infant welfare-., 000 Madison Bureau of vital statistics- 2, 800 Anna Brandsmark, director, branch laboia- tory, Rhinelander Total ------24,800 DEATHS DURING WEEK ENDED DECEMBER 2, 1933 [From the Weekly Health Index, issued by the Bureau of the Census, Department of Commercel

Week ended Correspond- Dec. 2, 1933 ing week 1932

Data from 85 large cities of the United States: Total deaths ----.---- 8,110 8,427 Deaths per 1,000 population, annual basis - 11. 4 12.0 Deaths under 1 year of age 8--58 627 Deaths under 1 year of age per 1,000 estimated live births (81 cities) 47 51 Deaths per 1,000 population, annual basis, first 48 weeks of year 10.9 11.0 Data from industrial insurance companies: Policies In force------67,366, 613 61). 717, 605 Number of death claims --11,301 13,247 Death claims per 1,000 policies in force, annual rate - - 8. 7 9.9 Death claims per 1,60 policies, flrst 48 weeks of year, annual rate 9. 7 9. 5 PREVALENCE OF DISEASE

No health department, State or local, can effectively prevent or control disease without knowledge of when, where, and under what conditions cases are occurring


CURRENT WEEKLY STATE REPORTS These reports are preliminary, and the figures are subject to change when later returns are received by the State health officers Reports for Weeks Ended December 9, 1933, and December 10, 1932 Cases of certain communicable diseases reported by telegraph by State health officers for weeks enaed Dec. 9, 1933, and Dec. 10, 1932

Diphtheria Influenza MIeasles Meningococcusmeningitis Division and State Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week ended ended ended ended ended ended ended ended Dec. 9, Dec. 10, Dec. 9, Dec, 10, Dec. 9, Dec. 10, Dec. 9, Dec. 10, 1933 1932 1933 1932 1933 1932 1933 1932 _ I- New England States: Maine-- 4 2 6 1 2 0 0 New Hampshire-- 4 104 0 0 Vermont ------1 2 113 1 0 0 Massachusetts -- 33 36 556 132 1 1 Rhode Island -- - 8 0 0 Connecticut-- 5 11 10 10 0 0 Middle Atlantic States: New York --51 70 122 '30 537 515 10 5 New Jersey ------19 36 22 20 48 169 4 5 Pennsylvania -- 56 92 249 250 1 3 East North Central States: Ohio -- 87 56 5 256 85 284 0 2 Indiana --98 77j 27 440 31 17 2 4 Illinois ------58 66 19 119 33 87 7 7 Michigan --15 32 9 21 50 344 2 0 Wisconsin - - - 19 16 40 65 135 215 4 1 West North Central States: Minnesota -- 6 16 3 39 168 0 0 Iowa 2 -..------11 14 1- 2 0 0 Missouri - -83 48 9 123 92 1 0 North Dakota-- 6 8- 28 78 0 0 South Dakota- 38 18 1 298 4 0 1 Nebraska----- 4 7 6 13 1 2 0 Kansas ------38 29 4 37 45 4 3 1 Scuth Atlantic States: Delaware ------4 3 6 1 1 0 Maryland 2 3 -- .27 17 32 57 8 8 0 0 District of Columbia --10 10 2 13 31 2 0 0 Virginia - -81 47- 45 187 3 0 West Virginia---- 64 41 65 24 7 116 4 1 North Carolina 4 86 48 16 68 470 96 2 2 South Carolina 4 - - 28 13 569 1,092 91 9 0 0 Georgia 4 26 23 2,079 375 11 0 0 Florida 4 9 20 2 22 1 0 0 East South Central States: Kentucky ------72 48 683 5 3 1 - 1 Tennessee ------51 46 47 1,881 153 ------I 2 Alabama 4 .-- 40 52 95 6,687 54 I-- 0 2 23 Mississippi 2 --16 ------0 2 West South Central States: Arkansas -- 26 20 32 1, 090 116 1 0 0 Louisia --- 24 26 22 7,149 10 1 0 0 Oklahoma 3 - - 1 63 44 48 469 63 3 3 0 Texas 4 - 250 207 197 530 70 59 0 0 See footnotes at end of table. (1533) December 22, 1933 1534

Cases of certain communicable diseases reported by telegraph by State health officers for veeks ended Dec. 9, 1933, and Dec, 10, 1932-Continued

- Meningocoocus Diphtheria Influenza Measles meningitis

Division and State Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week ended ended ended ended ended ended ended ended Dec. 9, Dec. 10p Dec. 9, Dec. 10, Dec. 9, Dec. 10, Dec. 9, Dec. 10, 1933 1932 1933 1932 1933 1932 1933 1932

Mountain States: Montana3 ------3 16 371 2 216 0 1 Idaho ------1 3 . 4 20 0 1 Wyoming ---- 30 14 11 0 0 Colorado - 12 7 37 463 5 9 0 0 New Mexico ---- 4 12 I1 61 0 0 Arizona ------4 7 6 238 6 0 0 Utah - -3 3 14 233 5 0 1 Pacific States: Washington------5 2 5 5 3 5 1111 OrgoL.- 9 16 457 21 51 0 2 California -42 67 44 1,565 167 42 1 1 Total-1,589 1,426 1,431 26,144 4,615 3,157 62 45

Poliomyelitis Scarlet fever I Smallpox Typhoid fever Division and State Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week ended endled ended ended ended ended ended ended Ic. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. 9,193De1. tlQlD1 L932 9,1933 10,1932 9, 1933 10,1932 9,1933 10, 1932 - ., ;- ,_ ,_ New England States: Matne 0 0 9 29 0 0 0 13 New Uampshire 0 0 5 22 0 0 2 2 Vermont -- 0 0 4 it1 0 0 0 0 Massachusetts ------3 1 183 378:' 0 0 6 3 Rhode Island . 0 0 18 431 0 0 0 1 Connecticut O 76 90 0 0 0 1 Middle Atlantic States: New York 8 6 484 623 0 3 11 14 New Jersey -- 2 2 136 229 0 0 4 6 Pennsylvania 4 3 459 ('01 0 11 17 East North Central States: Ohio 0 2 623 406 0 16 11 14 Indiana ,- 1 0 190 116 5 9 2 2 Illinois 0 3 409 434 2 4 16 20 Michigan 1 1 335 300 2 7 6 Wisconsin I 0 119 104 37 3 1 1 West North Central States: Minnesota --- 0 0 58 68 0 1 5 2 2 0 100 32 8 26 4 1 Missouri.Iowaur ------0 159 94 1 0 4 2 North Dakota - .- 6 0 48 21: 2 4 6 1 South Dakota- 0 1 30 13 1 3 0 2 Nebraska . 0 70 20 2 1 5 0 Kansas 0 0 123 84 1 1 1 1 South Atlantic States: 0 Delaware 0 0 15 10 0 0 2 Maryland 2 3______-__-- 0 1 106 130 0 0 11 it District of Columbia . 0 0 17 26 0 2 0 Virginia 0 0 154 100 0 15 15 West Virginia ------0 150 65 1 2 13 15 North Carolina 4 0 1 137 102 0 0 8 10 South Carolin 4 0 0 12 10 0 0 9 3 Georgia 4______-_____- 0 0 17 18 0 0 9 12 Florida 0 1 3 14 0 0 0 2 East South Central States: 2 Kentucky 0 1 99 44 0 0 isI 6 Tennessee ------0 91 62 4 0 12 8 Alabama 4 ______- 0 2 35 48 0 0 3 8 Mississippi 2 0 0 33 26 1 2 3 4 West South Central Stats: 0 Arkansas -- 0 Oi 42 19 3 4 1 3 Louisiana , 1 30 12 5 24 17 Oklahoma ------1 41 45, 0 17 7 Texas 4 ------O ISO 170i 6 6 42 14 See footnotes at end of tabla. 1535 December 22, 1988 Cases of certain communticable diseases reported by telegraph by State health officers for weeks ended Dec. 9, 1933, and Dec. 10, 1932-Continued

| Poliomyelitis Scarlet fever Smallpox Typhoid fever

-l Division and State Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Wek ended ended ended ended ended ended ended ended Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. 9,1933 10, 1932 9, 1933 10, 1932 9,1933 10, 1932 9,1933 10,1932

Mountain States: _ _ Montana 3 0 21 18 0 2 2 2 Idaho -0 0 11 10 0 4 1 1 Wyoming -0 1 2 2 0 0 0 1 Colorado -0 0 17 25 7 2 2 0 New Mexico-0 0 32 16 0 0 9 2 Arizona -0 0 11 53 0 0 5 0 Utah -0 1 14 23 0 0 2 0 Pacific States: Washington -3 2 41 28 6 2 10 9 Oregon -0 0 41 17 3 5 2 1 California -7 2 221 130 13 18 a 38 Total -37 33 5,181 4,941 107 123 348 268

New York City only. Week ended earlier than Saturday. Rocky Mountain spotted fever, week ended Dec. 9, 1933,2 cases, as follows: Maryland, 1; Montana, 1. 4 Typhus fever, week ended Dec. 9, 1933, 35 cases, as follows: North Carolina, 12; South Carolina, 1; Georgia, 12; Florida, 1; Alabama, 5; Texas, 4. Exclusive of Oklahoma City and Tulsa. SUMMARY OF MONTHLY REPORTS FROM STATES The following summary of cases reported monthly by States is published weekly and covers only those States from which reports are received during the current week. Menin- gococ- Diph- Influ- Ma- Mea- Pel- - Scarlet Small- Ty- State cus phoid menin- theria enza lara Sles lagra myelitis fever poX fever gitis October 1933 Florida- 40 4 185 5 2 O 8 0 16 November 1933 Arkansas- - 145 102 24 551 27 4 117 3 )8 Connecticut. 5 41 26 37- 3 268 0 5 Delaware- - 2 6 5- 0 24 0 14 Missouri- - 5 363 30 4 96- 2 588 15 18 North Dakota-- 56 77 2 151 0 3 Wyoming- - 4 45 0 37 0 2

October 1933 November 1933-Con. November 1933-Con. Florida: Cases German measles: Cases Scabies: Cases Chicken pox-- 6 Connecticut-- 2 Arkansas-- 7 Dengue Wyoming -- 44 Septic sore throat: Dysentery-- 1 contagiosa: Connecticut-- 2 Impetigo -- 3 Mumps 14 Wyoming -- Missouri Typhus fever-- 7 Wyoming- 3 Whooping cough-- 8 Lead poisoning: Tetanus: Connecticut-- 1 Connecticut-- 3 Lethargic encephalitis: Trachoma: November 1933 Connecticut-- 1 Arkansas- 2 Missouri -- 36 Tularaemia: Arkansas- 1 Chicken pox: Mumps: Missouri-- 3 Arkansas- 50 Arkansas -- 23 fever: 440 Connecticut -- 186 Undulant Connecticut Connecticut -- 5 Delaware 53 Missouri -- 67 Delaware-- 3 Missouri 209 North Dakota-- 3 Missouri- 2 -- 225 Wyoming- 8 North Dakota North Dakota -- Wyoming-- 70 Paratyphoid fever: Whooping cough: Dysentery: North Dakota-- 1 Arkansas- 21 Connecticut (amoebic) 4 Psittacosis: Connecticut -- 203 -- Connecticut (bacillary) 1 Connecticut-1 Delaware 39 Missouri -12 Rabies in animals: Missouri- 126 North Dakota (amoe- Connecticut-- 8 North Dakota --54 bic)- 4 Missouri-- 8 Wyoming -- 12 December 22.1983 1536 WEEKLY REPORTS FROM CITIES City reports for week ended Decl. 2, 1933

__Diph- Influenza IMea- Pne Se mall- Tuber_ Ty- Whoop- Deaths, State and city therm ssam monlia pox j agh l I cuspho cause ca e tb cam cases deaths cam c

Portland 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 New Hampshire: Concord-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 Nashua-0 1 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 Vermont: Bane -1 0 44 0 2 0 0 0 a 0 Burlington 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 Massachusetts: Boston -7 0 127 30 43 0 11 0 57 234 FaURiver- 0 0 0 3 2 0 6 0 2 84

----- 0 0 2 1 0 2 0 11 Springfield O O 36 Wrorewter ---- I --- 223 4 4 2 6 45 Rhode Island: Pawucket 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 22 Providence I ..- 1 0 8 6 0 2 1 29 62 Connecticut: Bridgeport 0 0 3 5 0 1 0 6 87 Hartford- 1 1 0 1 15 0 1 0 4 43 New Haven 0 1 0 O 0 1 0 0 0 2 37 New York: Buffalo -1 3 48 20 24 0 6 0 11 182 NewYork- 44 30 11 28 152 112 0 79 2 90 1,482 Rochester- 0 2 8 11 0 0 0 15 65 Syracuse-0_ 0 0 4 3 0 1 0 36 43 New Jersey: Camden-1 2 1 0 6 5 0 1 1 1 42 Newark - 0 2 1 0 22 9 0 5 0 14 106 Trenton-1 0 0 3 9 0 2 0 2 83 Pennsylvania: Philadelphia-- 5 20 11 122 54 59 0 27 1 37 617 Pittsburgh 8 6 4 0 20 28 0 6 0 22 166 Reading-0 0 9 5 3 0 1 0 10 34 Scranton - 0 0 0 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 Ohio: Cincinnati- 8 0 74 7 19 0 6 0 14 134 Cleveland - 7 42 2 4 15 60 0 7 0 70 180 Columbus- 1 0 0 3 34 0 4 0 0 91 Toledo -2 0 2 2 34 0 4 0 9 52 Indiana: Fort Wayne. 9 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 27 Indianapolis 11 1 0 17 15 0 3 3 4-- South Bend 1 1 3 0 8 0 0 4 0 23 TerreHaute 2 0 9 3 1 0 1 0 0 13 Illinois: Chicago-0 8 4 4 56 155 0 35 2 70 097 Springfield 0 0 3 3 6 0 0 0 3 2D Michian: Detroit------13 9 2 1 22 62 0 15 1 59 236 Flint -1 0 1 1 26 0 2 0 2 21 Grand Rapids 1 0 1 3 4 0 1 0 0 34 Wisconsin: Kenosha-0 . 0 1 0 15 0 0 0 4 7 Madison- 0 --- 0 2 0 1 0 22 24 Milwaukee 0 3 3 5 8 19 0 3 1 73 95 Racie-0 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 5 8 Superior-0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 7 Minnesota: Duluth-0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 4 23 Minneapolis 7 0 1 3 14 0 1 0 8 76 St. Paul-1 0 0 8 9 0 0 0 3 78 Iowa: Des Moines 3 --- 012 3 0 1 26 Sioux City --- 2 --- 07 0 0 1 Waterloo- 0 0 1- 0 0- 0 0 Missouri: Kansas City 8 1 1 1 9 23 0 6 0 5 86 St. Joseph- 6 0 1 5 1 0 2 0 0 43 St. Louis- 15 --- 29 17 31 0 10 5 25 215 North Dakota: Fargo-0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 Orand Forks-.. 0 0 1 0 O 0 0 3 0 1537 December 22, 1903 City reports for week ended Dec. 2, 1933-Continued

Diph- Infuenza Me.- Pneu- Sear- Smal- Tuber. Ty- Whoop Deaths, State and city theria ses monia let pox culosis phoid l aga ca cas deaths fever cases deaths fver cau5sh Cases DeathsC cases ases cases c

South Dakota: 0 Aberdeen- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O Sioux Falls- 0 0 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 Nebraska: Omaha- 0 0 5 5 7 0 0 1 44 Kansas: Topeka- 0 0 0 3 7 0 0 1 4 22 Withita- 0 0 0 2 6 0 0 0 o 2a Delaware: Wilmington- 0 0 1 4 0 0 0 I 2 30 Maryland: Baltimore..-. 5 11 1 0 23 30 0 11 1 56 217 Cumberland-- 1 0 0 1 3 0 0 0 2 12 Fredeick- 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 1 District of Colum- bia: 1 Washington 17 1 18 14 12 0 10 1 20 164 Virgmini: Lynchburg- 0 0 0 5 0 I 1 1 6 Riond- 1 0 00 3 12 0 0 1 50 Roanoke- 9 0 0 2 7 0 0 0 0 15 West Virginia: 0 I Charleston-. 6 0 a 4 0 0 0 0 21 Huntington- 4 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 Wheeiong- 1 0 1 3 6 0 0 0 2 21 North Carolina: 0 1 0 3 1 0O 0 1 2 12 Raleigh- O---- Wilmington- Winston-Salem- 13 0 2 O 1 0 South Carolina: Charleston- 0 42 0 9 0 0 1 0 2 25 Columbia- 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 10 Greenville- 0 00 0 1 1 0 0 0 16 (}ergm:. 0 0 Atlanta- 5 14 2 6 5 0 2 3 76 Brunswick- 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 Savannah- 0 19 1 6 3 0 1 0 36 Florida: 0 Miami- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 16 Tampa- 2 0 0 2 2 0 1 24 i0 0 Kentucky: i0 0 Ashand-. 11 1 2 3-- Lexington- 1 0 ------i 1 0 12 Louisville- 15 1 6 9 0 2 74 Tennee: 0 Memphis- 9 2 11 19 0 3 1 1 so Nashville- 1 3 4 6 0 2 49 Alabama: 0 Birmingham- 11 2 1 9 10 0 4 1 1 93 Mobie- 2 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 33 Montgomery---- 2 0 a 1 0- Arkansas: 0

2 2 0 3-- Fort Smith .2- 0 G 1 Little Rock------I----- 5 1 0 0 0 0 1 Louiiana: I ------l ° New Orleans 2 5 3 13 6 0 2 0 152 Shreveport 5 0 0 3 2 0 08 0 0 33 Texas: Dallas 26 1 1 0 5 5 0 3 1 1 0 7T 2 1 2 Fort Worth- 8 -- 0 0 2 7 0 37 Galveston- 3 ------01 1 2 0 0 0 18 Houston- 16 2 01 6 7 0 6 0 0 82 San Antonio- 7 ------1 0 4 6 0 6 0 5 64 Montana: Billings-0 O 0 0 1I 0 0 0 0 4 Great Falls - ---- ° 0 0 01 0 0 0 1 8 Helena --- -- 0 0 0 0 21 0 0 0 0 1 Missoula- 0 O 0 1 0! 0 0 0 0 10 Idaho: Boise ° ------I ° 1 oJ 0 0 0 1 5 Colorado: Denver 2 37 1 1 7 19J 0 24 66 0 0 0 a 5 Pueblo 0 - 0 0 1 I Imported. December 22, 1938 1538 City reports for week ended Dec. 2, 1933-Continued

LJu"LZUUL& Mea- Pneu- "j Small- Tuber Ty- Whoop- Diph- phoid ing Deaths, State and city theria sles monla fever pox culosit fever cough all cases +h. cases deaths v cass deathi cases cases causes 1--1 - - -I _ New Mexico: Albuquerque--- 0 0 4 2 0 2 0 2 12 Utah: 12 Salt Lake City- 0 0 73 2 9 0 2 0 9 35 Nevada: 0 Reno- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Washington: 0 Seattle- 0 I------2 4 2 O 9 1 35 71 Spokane- I--- - 76 4 3 0 30 Tacoma- 0 0 3 3 O 2 1 15 31 Oregon: 0 0 Portland- 0 00 5 17 3 2 0 0 69 Salem------I 00 0 1 0 0 0 0 California: 0 Los Angeles- 16 -I- 0 7 15 58 2 12 1 49 239 Sacramento 0 0 4 3 3 O 1 1 0 25 San Francisco -- 4 2 0 8 5 O 9 O 15 157

Meningococcus Polio- meningitis Poo- State and city meniti mye- State and city mltis litis lz Cases Deaths cam Cases Deaths cam

Massachusetts: Kansas: Fall River-0 0 1 Topeka _- ---- 0 1 0 Worcester-0 0 1 Maryland: Connecticut: Baltimore-0 0 2 Hartford -1 0 0 Cunberland-0 1 0 New York: Georgia: New York -2 3 0 Atlanta -1 0 0 Pennsylvania: Tennessee: Pittsburgh -2 0 0 Nashville-1 0 1 Indiana: Texas: Indianapolis-_ 1 1 0 Galveston-1 0 0 linois: Houston-0 0 1 Chicago -5 I 0 0 Montana: Wisconsin: Missoula-0 0 1 Madison-0 0 1 Colorado: Milwaukee -_ 1 0 0 Denver ------0 0 1 Minnesota: Utah: St. Paul __-0 0 2 Salt Lake City 0 0 1 Missouri: California: St. Joseph0 _ 1 0 Los Angeles -1 0 2 St. Louis-2 1 0 San Francisco _ 0 0

Ldhargic encephalifti.-Cases: New York, 2; Cincinnati, 1; Cleveland, 2; Detroit, 1; Grand Rapids Mich., 1; St. Louis, 3; Richmond, Va., 1; Birmingham, 2; Dallas, Tex., 1; Portland, Oreg., 1. PeUagra.-Cases: Washington, D.C. 1; Savannah, 1; Memphis, 1; Dallas, Tex., 1. lvhtu fever.-Cases: Providence, R.I., 2 (imported); Atlanta, 2; Houston, Tex., 1. FOREIGN AND INSULAR

CANADA Quebec Promince-Communicable diseases-Two weeks ended Decem- ber 2, 1933.-The Bureau of Health of the Province of Quebec, Canada, reports cases of certain communicable diseases for the 2 weeks ended December 2, 1933, as follows:

Disease Cases Dise Cases

Chicken pox-423 Poliomyelitis--- 1 Cerebrospinal meningitis-1 1 Puerperal septicemia-3 Diphtbera - 56 Scarlet fever -163 Dysentery-1Smalpox ------1------I rysipeass . -9 Trachoma-1---- erman measles- 5 Tuberculosis-129 Influenza ------13 Typboid fever-53 Measles-107 Whooping cough _-2

CHINA Manchuria-Plkgue.-According to information dated October 25, 1933, plague had been present in certain parts of Manchuria, prin.- cipally in the region between the Ssupingkai-Taonan Railway and the southern line of the Chinese Eastern Railway, as well as in places adjacent to the lines of the Ssupingkai-Taonan, Ssupingkai-Tungliao, and Tahushan-Tungliao Railways, since the month of Auigust 1933. On September 18 it was reported that 200 persons had died in 23 Chinese villages near Nungan from a disease later proved by bac- teriological examination to be bubonic and pneumonic plague. At that time cases were also reported from the regions of Tungliao, Kai- tung, Chienan, and Angkuan. Control measures had been instituted along the railway lines men- tioned, as well as along the lines of the South Manchurian Railway, rodent destruction being carried on, cars disinfected, and passenger and commercial traffic prohibited at certain stations. Sanitary de- tachments had boen dispatched to the infected regions of Tungliao, Kaitung, Changwu, Huaiteh, Chienchiatien, and Nungan. It was reported on October 12 that the epidemic, which had been abating for some time, was again rampant south of Hungsing Station on the Ssupingkai-Taonan Railway, and in the region of Kaitung. No cases of plague had occurred in the zone of the Chinese Eastern Railway. (1539) December 22, 1983 1540 GREAT BRITAIN Scotland-Vital statistics-Quarter ended September 30, 1933.-The Registrar General of Scotland has published the following vital statis- tics for the third quarter, ended September 30, 1933: Population, estimated -4, 916, 000 Deaths from-Continued. Births -21,136 Lethargic encephalitis 20 Birth rate per 1,000 population 17.1 Malaria 2 Deaths ------13i094 Measles ------4 Deaths per 1,000 population -10.6 Nephritis, acute 47 Deaths under 1 year -1,343 Nephritis, chronic - 239 Deaths under 1 year per 1,000 births 64 Nephritis, unspecifed 86 Marriages -10,252 Paratyphoid fever 8 Deaths from: Pneumonia, lobar - - 202 Bronchitis ------330 Pneumonia, unspecified '-125 Broncho-pneumonia -307 Poliomyelitis 10 Cancer -1,865 Puerperal sepsis 40 Cerebrospinal fever 36 Scarlet fever 51 Diabetes - -145 ------18 Diphtheria - -74 Tetanus ------11 Dysentery- - 3 Tuberculosis 822 Erysipelas - -28 Typhoid fever ---- 5 Heart disease --2,110 Whooping cough 99 Influenza ------39 PUERTO RICO Notifiable diseases-4 weeks ended December 2, 1933.-During the 4 weeks ended December 2, 1933, cases of certain notifiable diseases were reported in the municipalities of Puerto Rico, as follows:

Disease Cases Disease ICases

ll - Chicken pox- 18 Paratyphoid fever 4 Conjunctivitis 1 Peilagra - ---- 2 Diphtheria 69 Puerperal fever 3 Dysentery 119 Ringworm 5 Erysipelas 2 8yphilis 29 Filariasis 7 Tetanus - 5 Frambsia 4 Tetanus, infantile 2 Influenza 218 Trachoma ------69 1 Malaria 7,670 Tuberculosis 466 Measles 92 Typhoid fever 13 Mumps --- 41 Whooping cough 194 Ophthalmia neonatorum 7

1 Includes results from a special survey. , PLAGUE, SMALLPOX, TYPHUS FEVER, AND YELLOW FEVER

(NOTE.-A table giving current information of the world pravalence of quarantinable diseases appeared in the PUBLIc HEALTH REPORTS for Nov. 24, 1933, pp. 1431-1442. A similar cumulative table will appear in the PUBLIC HEALTH REPORTS to be issued Dec. 29, 1933, and thereafter, at least for the time being, in the issue published on the last Friday of each month.) Cholera Philippine Islands.-During the week ended December 9, 1933, cholera was reported in the Philippine Islands as follows: Bohol Province-Calape, 2 cases, 1 death; Clarin, 4 cases, 2 deaths; Ina- banga, 7 cases, 4 deaths; Tubigon; 10 cases, 9 deaths. Cebu Prov- ince-Argao, 5 cases, 6 deaths; Bantayan, 1 case, 1 death; Campo- stela, 2 cases, 2 deaths; Liloan, 1 case; Toledo, 1 case. Occidental Negros Province-San Carlos, 2 cases, 2 deaths. Oriental Negros Province-Tanjay, 1 case, 1 death. 1541 December 22.1933 Plague Hawaii Territory--Hawaii Island.-On December 1, 1933, 1 plague-infected rat was reported in Kalopa Homesteads, Hamakua District, Island of Hawaii. Yellow Fever Gold Coast-Oriental Proinrce.-On November 29, 1933, 1 case of yellow fever was reported in Oriental Province, Gold Coast. Senegal.-Yellow fever has been reported in Senegal as follows: Kaolak Circle, 2 cases, 1 death, December 1, 1933. Sebikotane, 1 case, 1 death, December 3, 1933.