CONSTANCE M. CHERRY Professor of Worship and Pastoral Ministry School of Theology and Ministry Indiana Wesleyan University Marion, IN 46952 765-677-2250 [email protected] PRESENT POSITION Professor of Worship and Pastoral Ministry Director of Worship Programs: Worship Arts Worship Studies Worship Ministries AREAS OF EXPERTISE Christian Worship Pastoral Ministry Church Music Spiritual Formation EDUCATION Doctor of Ministry (1998) Northern Baptist Theological Seminary (Lombard, Illinois) Area of Concentration: Christian Worship Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Robert E. Webber Doctoral Thesis: Discovering Your Vision for Worship: A Guide for the Integration of Theory and Practice for Teaching Christian Worship in a Multi-Denominational Seminary Context. Master of Music (1982) Bowling Green State University (Bowling Green, Ohio) Areas of Concentration: Composition/Theory; Choral Conducting Bachelor of Arts (1975) Huntington College (Huntington, Indiana) Major: Music Additional Theological Studies Earned the “Master of Divinity Equivalency” by The General Board of Higher Education of the United Methodist Church. (This represents 90 hours of Master of Divinity course work completed at a variety of accredited institutions that together fulfill the requirements for ordination as elder in the United Methodist Church.) ECCLESIAL Ordained Elder in the United Methodist Church, West Ohio Conference CREDENTIAL 1 ACADEMIC Full Time Professor TEACHING Professor of Worship and Pastoral Ministry (2004-) EXPERIENCE Indiana Wesleyan University Marion, IN Assistant Professor of Christian Ministries (1994-1999) Winebrenner Theological Seminary Findlay, OH Permanent Part-time Professor (Biannual) Professor in the Doctor of Worship Studies program/Founding Faculty (2000-) Course: “Music and the Arts in Worship” The Robert E. Webber Institute for Worship Studies Jacksonville, FL Adjunct Professor Ashland Theological Seminary (Ashland, OH) Doctor of Ministry in Wesleyan Studies (2013, 2015) Visiting Lecturer in the Master of Theology program (2008, 2010, 2012, 2014) Course: “Advanced Liturgy” Evangelische Theologische Faculteit Leuven, Belgium Asbury Theological Seminary (Wilmore, KY) Master of Divinity program (2007) The Haggard School of Theology (Azusa, CA) Azusa Pacific University Master of Worship Leadership program (2004, 2005) Tyndale Theological Seminary (Toronto, Ontario) Master of Christian Worship program (2000, 2002) Bethany Theological Seminary (Richmond, Indiana) Master of Divinity program (1999-2000) Bethel College Graduate School (Mishawaka, Indiana) Master of Ministry program (1999) Bluffton College (Bluffton, Ohio) Undergraduate music program (1989-1991, 2000) University of Findlay (Findlay, Ohio) Undergraduate music program (1996-1997, 1999) 2 INTERNATIONAL Conference Speaker TEACHING/ Worship Seminar 2017 SPEAKING Alpha & Omega Church Music Organization North Point Alliance Church Hong Kong (2017) Plenary Speaker and Workshop Leader Global Worship Conference Worship Leader Korea Sarang Church Seoul, South Korea (2016) Plenary Speaker and Workshop Leader The Worship Symposium The Methodist School of Music Trinity Theological College Singapore (2013) Visiting Lecturer for “Advanced Liturgy” Evangelische Theologische Faculteit Leuven, Belgium (2008-2014) Consultant for French Mennonite Hymnal Development Committee Centre Mennonite de Paris Paris, France (2010) Guest Instructor Jamaica Bible College Mandeville, Jamaica (2001) Guest Instructor Candidates for Ministry School (Methodist Church of Cuba) Havana, Cuba (1996, 1998, 1999) Instructor Pinar Del Rio District Leadership Conference Pinar Del Rio, Cuba (1996) 3 PUBLICATIONS Books Worship Like Jesus: A Guide for Every Follower (forthcoming, October 2019) Abingdon Press Nashville, Tennessee The Music Architect: Blueprints for Engaging Worshipers in Song Baker Academic Baker Publishing Group, Grand Rapids, Michigan (2016) Spanish Translation (forthcoming) Korean Translation (forthcoming) The Special Service Worship Architect: Blueprints for Weddings, Funerals, Baptisms, Communion and Other Occasions Baker Academic Baker Publishing Group, Grand Rapids, Michigan (2013) Korean Translation (2017) Selecting Worship Songs: A Guide for Leaders Constance Cherry, Mary Brown, Christopher Bounds Triangle Publishing Marion, Indiana (2011) Chinese Translation (forthcoming) Indonesian Translation (forthcoming) The Worship Architect: A Blueprint for Designing Culturally Relevant and Biblically Faithful Services Baker Academic Baker Publishing Group, Grand Rapids, Michigan (2010) Korean Translation (2015) Chinese Translation (2017) Spanish Translation (2018) Indonesian Translation (forthcoming) Book Chapter in Edited Volume “Merging Tradition and Innovation in the Life of the Church: Moving From Style to Encountering God in Worship” in The Conviction of Things Not Seen: Worship and Ministry in the 21st Century, ed. Todd E. Johnson (Brazos Press/Baker Publishing Group, 2002), Articles (representative) “One Heart and One Voice” in Christianity Today (March 2019), 74-74. “Child Dedication Alternative Rites for Wesleyans: Some Possible Models for Contemporary Practice,” in Wesleyan Theological Journal 53, no. 2 (2018), 62-85. Wesleyan Theological Society 4 (Publications, cont.) “Ethnodoxology” “Protestant Hymnody” “Worship Music” Encyclopedia of Christianity in the United States Rowman and Littlefield Publishers (2016) “Lead as a Pastoral Musician” (feature article) Worship Leader (July/August 2013) “Liturgical Theology” “Liturgy and Worship” “Music, Hymns, and Hymnology” The Global Wesleyan Dictionary of Theology Beacon Hill Press (2012) “Participation in an Entertainment Culture” (feature article) Worship Arts The Fellowship of United Methodists in Music and Worship Arts Abingdon Press (January/February 2012) “The Work of the People: The Art and Heart of Successful Liturgy” Worship Leader (May 2012) “May I Have This Dance?” Worship Leader (March/April 2011) “Return of the Folk: Shifting From Professional Programs to Participatory Worship” (feature article) Worship Leader (July/August 2010) "Current Hymn Singing Practices in Cuba: Some Observations” The Hymn: A Journal of Congregational Song The Hymn Society in the United States and Canada (October 1999) Sermon “Joy Comes in the Mourning” (The Academy of Young Preachers) Questions of the Soul: Sermons from the 2014 Festival of Young Preachers S. Thomas Valentine, editor Chalice Press (2014) Liturgical Resources Eight prayers in Worship and Song The United Methodist Publishing House (2011) 5 (Publications, cont.) Book Reviews The Origins of Feasts, Fasts and Seasons in Early Christianity by Paul F. Bradshaw and Maxwell E. Johnson. Global Forum on Arts in Christian Faith Vol 4, No 1 (2016): Poetic Theology by William Dyrness In Worship Leader (2011) Transforming Church in Rural America by Shawn O’Neill In Worship Leader (2011) Music Reviews The Oxford Book of Descants, ed. Julian Elloway In The Hymn: A Journal of Congregational Song (Spring 2014) North Point Christmas (CD) In Worship Leader (2010) Hymn Texts Solo Collection Proclaim New Hope (solo author collection of my original hymn texts) Hope Publishing Company (2001) Individual Hymns in Publication Eight original hymn texts The Hymnary ( Calvin Institute and Christian Ethereal Library (2008) "Christ, We Come with Joy and Gladness” published in the following hymnals: Worship and Song, Abingdon Press (2011) Celebrating Grace: Hymnal for Baptist Worship, Mercer University Press (2010) Supplement 99, Hope Publishing Company (1999) "Your Servant Comes This Hour" published in the following hymnals/collections: Faith, Hope, and Love: Songs for the Church, Hope Publishing Company (2017) Worship and Rejoice, Hope Publishing Company (2001) Supplement 99, Hope Publishing Company (1999) "When Will People Cease Their Fighting" published in the following hymnals: Worship and Rejoice, Hope Publishing Company, 2001 Voices United, The United Church of Canada, 1996 The Covenant Hymnal, Covenant Publications, 1996 Chalice Hymnal, Chalice Press, 1995 The Presbyterian Hymnal, Westminster/John Knox Press, 1990 "God Hears the Children Crying" Supplement 99, Hope Publishing Company (1999) 6 (Publications, cont.) "Proclaim New Hope Through Christ, Our Lord" published in: Holding in Trust: Hymns of the Hymn Society (1992) Hymns: A Congregational Study by James R. Sydnor, Hope Publishing Company (1983) The Hymn: A Journal of Congregational Song, The Hymn Society in the United States and Canada (October, 1982). Compact Disc Recording "When Will People Cease Their Fighting" Princeton Theological Seminary Singers Princeton, New Jersey (1994) Musical Compositions Various Hymn Tunes in Proclaim New Hope Hope Publishing Company (2001) "Marching to Zion" (SATB anthem) Celebrations Unlimited (1990) "Who's the Wise Guy?" (Children’s musical) Lorenz, Inc. (1985) "God Answers Prayer" (Children’s anthem) Published in Two Sing, Lorenz, Inc. (1983) Published as individual anthem, Lorenz, Inc. (1981) Published Interviews “What Calendar Do You Follow?” in Reformed Worship No. 131 (March 2019), 32- 36. “Constance Cherry on Competing Metaphors for Worship” by Joan Huyser-Honig in Calvin Institute of Christian Worship website (2019), competing-metaphors-for-worship/ “Constance Cherry on Small Church Worship and Identity” by Joan Huyyser-Honig in Calvin Institute of Christian Worship website (2019),
Men’s Basketball DI History (Click Refresh upon opening this file for the most current data) Champions ∙ Coach of the Year ∙ Pete Maravich Award 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 MEN'S BASKETBALL DIVISION I CHAMPIONS 1968 - Lee College 1969 - Azusa Pacific College 1970 - Azusa Pacific College 1971 - Azusa Pacific College 1972 - Azusa Pacific College 1973 - Lee College 1974 - Bethany Nazarene College 1975 - Olivet Nazarene College 1976 - Biola University 1977 - Bethany Nazarene College 1978 - Biola University 1979 - Tennessee Temple University 1980 - Liberty Baptist College 1981 - Tennessee Temple University 1982 - Tennessee Temple University 1983 - Tennessee Temple University 1984 - Biola University 1985 - Point Loma Nazarene University 1986 - Point Loma Nazarene University 1987 - Point Loma Nazarene University 1988 - Tennessee Temple University 1989 - Tennessee Temple University 1990 - Christian Heritage College 1991 - John Brown University 1992 - Bethel College 1993 - Bethel College 1994 - Lee College 1995 - Indiana Wesleyan University 1996 - Malone College 1997 - Christian Heritage College 1998 - Christian Heritage College 1999 - Oakland City University 2000 - Bethel College 2001 - Geneva College* 2002 - Mt. Vernon Nazarene University 2003 - Tennessee Temple University 2004 - Christian Heritage College 2005 - Spring Arbor University
report Academic Freedom and Tenure: Greenville College (Illinois)1 This report concerns action taken in December 2004 by form the Association of Free Methodist Educational In- the administration of Greenville College to terminate the stitutions. (The others are Central Christian College, tenured appointment of Professor Gerald W. Eichhoefer, Roberts Wesleyan College, Seattle Pacific University, a Greenville alumnus who seven years earlier had re- Spring Arbor University, and Azusa Pacific University.) signed a tenured position at another college in order to Because an ongoing controversy about the college’s reli- accept an invitation from his alma mater to return and gious identity is a feature of the events described in this help revitalize the college’s computer science program. report, that identity requires a brief explanation. According to the notifications provided by college ad- A denomination with 77,000 members in the United ministrators, the termination of Professor Eichhoefer’s States, the Free Methodist Church of North America appointment was necessitated by a severe budgetary traces its origins to 1860, when its leaders separated shortfall coupled with his “failure to render satisfactory from the main Methodist body because they believed it service.” In implementing its decision, the Greenville ad- had strayed from the basic teachings of John Wesley, its ministration did not afford Professor Eichhoefer an op- founder. In breaking away from their parent church, portunity for an appropriate hearing at which to contest the Free Methodists, in common with members of the the stated reasons or to examine the possibility that the other groups that constituted the nineteenth-century professor—whose persistent and widely distributed cri- Holiness movement, emphasized Wesley’s doctrine of tiques of the college’s theological position had provoked sanctification—the “second work of grace,” a post- considerable hostility—might have been dismissed for conversion process of moral and spiritual development.
Commencement Brad Mountain Philly District Is Strong At
EASTERN NAZARENE COLLEGE • Volume 70 • Number 2 • Summer 2011 History professors Donald Yerxa (left) and Randall Stephens are making their mark in scholarly circles. See stories on page 5. ood (09) G arah S hea photo ood (09) S G arah Courtesy photo Merrill S Commencement Philly District is strong at FOL Brad Mountain Dr. Timothy Wooster lends a hand as Hundreds of high school students and sponsors from Nazarene The former Crusaders President Corlis McGee addresses attendees at churches throughout the Eastern Seaboard came to campus in pitcher signs to play for the ENC's 89th Spring Commencement exercises. March for the annual Festival of Life competition and celebration. Lake Erie Crushers. See story on page 12. Visit the photo gallery at See story on page 9. The Christian Scholar EASTERN NAZARENE COLLEGE 23East Elm Avenue Quincy, MA 02170 2 Eastern Nazarene College Vol 70 #2 • SUMMER 2011 EdItoRIAl StAFF Jennifer logue Editor Susan Ramey Production ADMINISTRATION Corlis McGee President timothy t. Wooster Provost and Dean of the College Vernon Wesley Vice President Student Development Jan Weisen Vice President Finance Scott turcott • Scenes From Yesteryear 2 Vice President Institutional Advancement • President's Message 3 Corey MacPherson Vice President • Staff/Faculty News 4 Spiritual Development and Church Relations • Music ensembles make a joyful noise 4 William driscoll october 14 and 15, 2011 Director • Prof. Stephens named Fulbright Scholar 5 Adult and Graduate Studies Stephen W. dillman • Prof. Yerxa to head grant program 5 Class Reunions Director 1961,1966,1971,1976,1981,1986,1991,1996, 2001, 2006 Church Relations • Homecoming 2011 6-7 Meghan Jean-Noel Director • Prof.
SAGE Scholars, Inc. 21 South 12th St., 9th Floor Philadelphia, PA 19107 voice 215-564-9930 fax 215-564-9934 [email protected] Member Colleges Alabama Illinois Kentucky (continued) Missouri (continued) Birmingham Southern College Benedictine University Georgetown College Lindenwood University Faulkner Univeristy Bradley University Lindsey Wilson College Missouri Baptist University Huntingdon College Concordia University Chicago University of the Cumberlands Missouri Valley College Spring Hill College DePaul University Louisiana William Jewell College Arizona Dominican University Loyola University New Orleans Montana Benedictine University at Mesa Elmhurst College Maine Carroll College Embry-Riddle Aeronautical Univ. Greenville College College of the Atlantic Rocky Mountain College Prescott College Illinois Institute of Technology Thomas College Nebraska Arkansas Judson University Unity College Creighton University Harding University Lake Forest College Maryland Hastings College John Brown University Lewis University Hood College Midland Lutheran College Lyon College Lincoln College Lancaster Bible College (Lanham) Nebraska Wesleyan University Ouachita Baptist University McKendree University Maryland Institute College of Art York College University of the Ozarks Millikin University Mount St. Mary’s University Nevada North Central College California Massachusetts Sierra Nevada College Olivet Nazarene University Alliant International University Anna Maria College New Hampshire Quincy University California College of the Arts Clark University
Faith Heritage School is a multi-denominational Christian School, providing a college-preparatory education for students in grades Kindergarten through 12. Founded in 1972, Faith Heritage proudly continues its mission, having graduated nearly 1,200 alumni, and currently enrolling 245 students. Faith Heritage School offers a strong college preparatory program with dual credit, AP and honors courses available. Ninety-six percent of our students continue their education at both public and private colleges. Core Values & Mission Accreditation & Credentials The goal of a Faith Heritage School education is to prepare our students Accredited by: academically and spiritually for their life Association of Christian Schools beyond high school. Jesus tells us that International the greatest command is to “love the Lord your God with all your heart, and Middle States Association of with all your soul, and with all of your Colleges and Schools strength, and with all of your mind.” (Luke 10:27) Recognized and Chartered by: New York State …with all your HEART – A life that is firmly rooted in Christ, nurtured by prayer, and governed by God’s Word Graduation Requirements – A life that demonstrates a heart of grace and the character of Christ — 24 Units Required – A heart of worship and praise …with all your SOUL Bible 4 units – Discovering and maturing in spiritual Social Studies 4 units gifts and abilities – Knowing God’s purpose, direction, and English 4 units will for their life Mathematics 3 units – Using all that God entrusts us with to live a
{ B E P A R T O F A S P E C I A L T R A D I T I O N } at Roberts If you want time to reconnect with classmates, professors and staff. If you enjoy the spirit of community and would like to rediscover your favorite things about Roberts. If you like sporting events, attending class celebrations and the opportunity to make new friends, join us for homecoming weekend. We would love to reconnect with you! For a full schedule of events for September 27-29, go to: HOMECOMING 2013 HOMECOMING Connect. Rediscover. Celebrate. ROBERTS TODAY The magazine for alumni and friends of Roberts Wesleyan College and Northeastern Seminary, Vol.36, No. 2, Fall 2013. Published by Roberts Wesleyan College and Northeastern Seminary, 2301 Westside Drive, Rochester, NY 14624-1997; Phone 585.594.6500; Email [email protected]. The magazine is distributed free to alumni, parents, faculty, staff, friends and students. PRESIDENT John A. Martin TRUSTEES John D. Cooke ’66 David W. Hughes George A. Kimmich Roy W. King, NES ’04 David M. Lascell Norman P. Leenhouts, Vice Chair Paul A. Lysander ’85 Duncan W. O’Dwyer Dwight M. (Kip) Palmer, Vice Chair Mary G. Perna, Secretary E. John Reinhold ’63 Mary D. Richards David B. Rinker David T. Roller Deborah K. Schmidt ’79 Robert E. Smith Terry R. Taber, Chair Steven E. Von Berg Caryl L. Wenzke NES ’04 Daniel D. Wolfe Mary A. Worboys-Turner, Vice Chair Coralie B. Hoselton, Honorary TRUSTEES EMERITI David C. Hoselton Ruth E.
SOUTHWEST CHRISTIAN HIGH SCHOOL ACADEMIC PROFILE Southwest Christian High School College-prep high school, grades 9-12 Head of School: Dan Beckering, [email protected] Records: Ann Broscoff, [email protected] Counselors/Transcripts: [email protected] Enrollment: 415 School year: 2 semesters School day: Modified block schedule, 7 periods About Southwest Christian High School Southwest Christian High School (SWCHS) was founded in 1996 to foster spiritual, academic, athletic, and artistic growth in its students. SWCHS is a challenging college preparatory school that teaches all subjects from a biblical worldview perspective. SWCHS students are held to high academic expectations and perform as well or better than students in any public or private high school in Minnesota. SWCHS is not associated with any church or denomination. SWCHS is accredited by the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI) and AdvancEd. The school is governed by a Board of Education which is comprised of SW parents and leaders in the community. Vision Southwest Christian High School exists to develop mature disciples of Jesus Christ who seek, know, live and proclaim the Truth and glorify God through academic, artistic, and athletic excellence. Academic Calendar The academic school year is comprised of approximately 174 instructional days and is divided into two semesters. Southwest Christian uses a modified block schedule format including weekly chapels and discipleship groups. Wednesday and Friday mornings have a late start (8:55 a.m.) to accommodate student government meetings and one-on-one student/faculty time for tutoring or make-up work. Student Body High school enrollment for the 2020–21 school year is 415 students.
THE CASE for COLLEGE: Rediscovering the Purpose Of
AZUSA PACIFIC UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE Volume 30 I Number 1 APULIFE MAXIMIZE YOUR ETERNAL NET WORTH GOD’S DESIGN IN BACTERIA JUSTICE FOR ALL THE CASE FOR COLLEGE: Rediscovering the Purpose of Higher Education God First Since 1899 PRESIDENT’S LETTER Volume 30 I Number 1 APULIFE EXECUTIVE TEAM Chair, Board of Trustees Peggy S. Campbell One of my earliest memories is the sound of my father working with tools. My dad President I Jon R. Wallace ’76, MBA ’78, DBA Volume 30 Number 1 was a farmer, and his work truck always had tool boxes with all the stuff you need to Executive Vice President fix a broken tractor. But for me, the sound of his tools remains my strongest memory David E. Bixby ’78, M.A. ’82, Ed.D. —the loud clang of metal on metal and the rhythmic whir of vibrating drills. Provost Mark Stanton, Ph.D., ABPP One such memory occurred before sunrise one morning. We were riding in the Vice Provosts cab of a tractor trailer loaded with apples en route to a packing house on a cider run. Vicky R. Bowden, DNSc, RN Suddenly, a loud bang shattered our peaceful thoughts, and the truck began to shake. Diane Guido, Ph.D. APU ARCHIVES My dad pulled over, grabbed his flashlight and an armload of tools, and disappeared Senior Vice Presidents Mark S. Dickerson, JD, Ph.D. under the front end of the truck. Sitting in the dark cab, I could hear the comforting Terry A. Franson, Ph.D. 18 30 28 refrain of my father working with his tools—banging and clanging, peppered by the Robert L.
CCCU Faculty Salary Survey: 2016-17 Update by Nita Stemmler, Council for Christian Colleges & Universities Introduction. This is the thirty-third in an annual series of research reports conducted by the Council for Christian Colleges & Universities (CCCU). The purpose of this study is to provide CCCU Governing Member institutions with comparative and longitudinal salary data. The research has traditionally been based on information compiled for the AAUP, appearing in Academe each spring (for the current study, from March/April, 2017). Fifty-seven CCCU institutions of 111 US- based schools are not represented in the AAUP survey this year. For these members, the author used data surveyed by the CCCU. Nine schools are not represented in this study due to a lack of available data. Due to changes in CCCU membership categories, only governing members are included in this survey, however, we have added a new appendix based on Carnegie Classifications that allow us to include collaborative partners and affiliate members. Readers should keep in mind these data sources when considering any analysis. Schools in the group which did not report data to Academe but which did respond to the CCCU survey used the definitions from the AAUP survey to help attain similarity and comparability. Academe requests salary information based on a 9-month contract, and this has meant that some universities have had to recalculate salaries if significant numbers of faculty work a ten-month or eleven-month academic year. General Findings. Table I (below) summarizes the central tendencies for salaries, by rank, for the past ten years of the study period.
Bringing Colleges & Students Together SAGESholars® Member Colleges & Universities It Is Our Privilege To Partner With 427 Private Colleges & Universities April 2nd, 2021 Alabama Emmanuel College Huntington University Maryland Institute College of Art Faulkner University Morris Brown Indiana Institute of Technology Mount St. Mary’s University Stillman College Oglethorpe University Indiana Wesleyan University Stevenson University Arizona Point University Manchester University Washington Adventist University Benedictine University at Mesa Reinhardt University Marian University Massachusetts Embry-Riddle Aeronautical Savannah College of Art & Design Oakland City University Anna Maria College University - AZ Shorter University Saint Mary’s College Bentley University Grand Canyon University Toccoa Falls College Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College Clark University Prescott College Wesleyan College Taylor University Dean College Arkansas Young Harris College Trine University Eastern Nazarene College Harding University Hawaii University of Evansville Endicott College Lyon College Chaminade University of Honolulu University of Indianapolis Gordon College Ouachita Baptist University Idaho Valparaiso University Lasell University University of the Ozarks Northwest Nazarene University Wabash College Nichols College California Illinois Iowa Northeast Maritime Institute Alliant International University Benedictine University Briar Cliff University Springfield College Azusa Pacific University Blackburn College Buena Vista University Suffolk University California
Students Participating in Free Methodist Graduate Students' Theological Seminar Compiled from nearly complete records by Frank Thompson September 200 1 Each year faculty and students added up to 2011 (W denotes "Wesleyan'') 1963 (First Session: Intervarsity House, Nyack, NY) Joseph L. Davis, Union Theological Seminary of Virginia Dennis Kinlaw Asbury Theological Sem. Kazuhito Shimada, Union Theological Seminary in NY Lloyd Knox (FM Publisher) Yoshikazu Takiya, Drew University Byron Lamson (FM Mission Board) Frank Thompson, Princeton Theological Seminary George Turner, Asbury Theological Sem. Donald Vorp, Drew University 1965 (Wainwright House, Rye, NY) Onva Boshears, University of Michigan Cleo Denbo, Board of Administration Joseph L. Davis, Union Theological Seminary of Virginia Bishop Paul Ellis Donald Dayton (W), Yale Divinity School Charles Kirkpatrick, Missionary Board Kazuhito Shimada, Union Theological Seminary, N.Y. Lloyd Knox, Publisher Howard Snyder, Notre Dame University Byron Lamson, Missionary Board Hidetoshi Tanaka (W), Dubuque Theological Seminary George L. Turner, Asbury Theological Sem. John Taylor (W) Princeton Theological Seminary Stanley Walters, Greenville College Frank Thompson, Princeton Theological Seminary Donald Vorp, Drew University 1966 (Wainwright House, Rye, NY) Onva Boshears, University of Michigan Don Bowen, Missions Vernon DeMille, Seattle Paul Ellis, Bishop Richard Dwyer (W), Indiana University Gilbert James, Asbury Theological Seminary John Hartley, Brandeis University Lloyd Knox, Publisher Carl Johnson, New York Byron Lamson (FM Mission Board) George Keirn, (W) Russell Mikels Wayne McCown, Union Theological Seminary in Virginia George Turner, Asbury Theological Sem. Russell Peters, Indiana University Clyde E. Van Valin, John Wesley Found. Barry Ross (W), University of Michigan Arthur Zahniser, Higher Education Frank Thompson, Princeton Theological Seminary Donald Vorp, Drew University 1967 (Wainwright House, Rye, NY) Alvin Ahem, Roberts Wesleyan College Onva Boshears, University of Michigan Myron F.
Cedarville University DigitalCommons@Cedarville Men's Soccer News Releases Men's Soccer Fall 2013 2013 NCCAA Men's Soccer Division I Awards Cedarville University Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Higher Education Commons, and the Sports Studies Commons Recommended Citation Cedarville University, "2013 NCCAA Men's Soccer Division I Awards" (2013). Men's Soccer News Releases. 106. This News Release is brought to you for free and open access by DigitalCommons@Cedarville, a service of the Centennial Library. It has been accepted for inclusion in Men's Soccer News Releases by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@Cedarville. For more information, please contact [email protected]. National Christian College Athletic Association - Men's Soccer DI Awards Page 1 of 3 1111 NEWSROOM &MEDIA 'l PUllll&ATIO~. I SEARCH - r :- /#.- - . / . 'i, . r: fH'' • l ft(,; Awards Cl1 amplonship Stats Handbook Member Institutions Archived Stories Schedule/Results History Men's Soccer DI Awards 2013 NCCAA Men's Division I All-America Team First Team Position First Last Class School Hometown K Ruben Rodriguez So. Southern Wesleyan University Madrid, Spain D Ivan Mirkovic Sr Fresno Pacific University Belgrade, Serbia D John Kennedy Sr. Campbellsville University Lochgilphead, Scotland D Jason Mok• Jr Judson University Dundalk, Ireland M Chevon Roberts Sr. Lee University St. Thomas, Jamaica M Gustavo Silva Sr Fresno Pacific Univers ity Rio de Janeiro, Brazil M Jared Toth Jr. Houghlon College Victor, New York M Alex Wright Jr. Emmanuel College Seffield, England F Geoff Bowman Sr. Indiana Wesleyan Univeristy Schererville, Indiana F Douglas Andrade Sr.