Structured Measurement Error in Nutritional Epidemiology 3 1 = F 60 Ki2 J Kij
JASA jasa v.2004/12/09 Prn:26/10/2006; 10:42 F:jasaap05194r.tex; (Diana) p. 1 Structured Measurement Error in Nutritional 1 Epidemiology: Applications in the Pregnancy, 60 2 61 3 Infection, and Nutrition (PIN) Study 62 4 63 5 Brent A. JOHNSON,AmyH.HERRING, Joseph G. IBRAHIM, and Anna Maria SIEGA-RIZ 64 6 65 7 66 8 Preterm birth, defined as delivery before 37 completed weeks’ gestation, is a leading cause of infant morbidity and mortality. Identifying 67 factors related to preterm delivery is an important goal of public health professionals who wish to identify etiologic pathways to target 9 68 for prevention. Validation studies are often conducted in nutritional epidemiology in order to study measurement error in instruments that 10 are generally less invasive or less expensive than “gold standard” instruments. Data from such studies are then used in adjusting estimates 69 11 based on the full study sample. However, measurement error in nutritional epidemiology has recently been shown to be complicated 70 12 by correlated error structures in the study-wide and validation instruments. Investigators of a study of preterm birth and dietary intake 71 13 designed a validation study to assess measurement error in a food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) administered during pregnancy and with 72 the secondary goal of assessing whether a single administration of the FFQ could be used to describe intake over the relatively short 14 73 pregnancy period, in which energy intake typically increases. Here, we describe a likelihood-based method via Markov chain Monte Carlo 15 to estimate the regression coefficients in a generalized linear model relating preterm birth to covariates, where one of the covariates is 74 16 measured with error and the multivariate measurement error model has correlated errors among contemporaneous instruments (i.e., FFQs, 75 17 24-hour recalls, and biomarkers).