BEFORE the STATE INFORMATION COMMISSION MAHARASHTRA – KONKAN REGION Appeal Under Section 19(3) of RTI Act 2005. Appeal No. KR-238/2008 Shri Mohammad Harun Kureshi, …

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BEFORE the STATE INFORMATION COMMISSION MAHARASHTRA – KONKAN REGION Appeal Under Section 19(3) of RTI Act 2005. Appeal No. KR-238/2008 Shri Mohammad Harun Kureshi, … BEFORE THE STATE INFORMATION COMMISSION MAHARASHTRA – KONKAN REGION Appeal under Section 19(3) of RTI Act 2005. Appeal No. KR-238/2008 Shri Mohammad Harun Kureshi, ….. Appellant Madina Mutan Shop, Rabodi No.1,Thane..: 400 602. V/s Public Information Officer, ….. Respondent Public Relation Officer, Thane Municipal Corporation, Pachapakhadi, Thane.. The Appellate Authority, Municipal Commissioner, Thane Municipal Corporation, Pachapakhadi, Thane. Facts: The appellant by an application dated 5.4.2007 asked information regarding details of action taken against illegal meat sale on 18th April 2006. Interim Decision. The appeal application has been perused. The papers attached do not show that this matter has been examined and considered at the level of the First Appellate Authority. I remand this appeal to the First Appellate Authority for giving a hearing to the appellant and for giving a reasoned decision with a view to facilitate flow of maximum information to the appellant. A compliance report should be submitted, within 45 days by the First Appellant Authority, to me. The Public Information Officer should bring this decision to the notice of his First Appellate Authority to avoid delay and penal action. Sd/--- (Navin Kumar) State Information Commissioner Konkan Bhavan, Konkan Region Belapur, Navi Mumbai. Date:- 20th June, 2008. Decision. Appellant is present. First Appellate Authority Dr. R.T. Kendre, Medical Officer of Health, Thane Municipal Corporation is present. The matter has been already be decided vide Appeal No. KR-110/2008 before the Commission. Another appeal on the same original application cannot be entertained. (Navin Kumar) State Information Commissioner Konkan Bhavan, Konkan Region Belapur, Navi Mumbai. Date:- 1st April, 2009. - 1 - BEFORE THE STATE INFORMATION COMMISSION MAHARASHTRA – KONKAN REGION Appeal under Section 19(3) of RTI Act 2005. Appeal No.KR-768/2008 Shri Bhushan Uttamrao Tayade, ….. Appellant R. C. F. Colony, B/24/3, Alibag-Raigad, Dist. Raigad -402 209. V/s. Public Information Officer, ….. Respondent Tahsildar Office, Sangavo, Daryapur, Dist. Amravati. The Appellate Authority, Sub-Divisional Officer, Daryapur, Tal. Daryapur, Dist. Amravati. Facts: A copy of the above appeal is annexed. Interim Decision The information sought is of a factual nature. Primafacia no law points are involved. I remand this case to the First Appellate Authority. He should invite the appellant for a hearing and thereafter give a reasoned decision with a view to provide maximum information to the appellant. A compliance report should be submitted to me within 45 days. Sd/--- (Navin Kumar) State Information Commissioner Konkan Bhavan, Konkan Region Belapur, Navi Mumbai. Date:- 9th July, 2008. Decision. Appellant is present. Representative of First appellate Authority, Shri P.P. Solanke, Awal Karkun ( Sanjay Gandhi Yojana) is present. Case has been perused in consultation with appellant. It is seen that the information sought by appellant has been substantially made available. The appeal concludes. (Navin Kumar) State Information Commissioner Konkan Bhavan, Konkan Region Belapur, Navi Mumbai. Date:- 1st April, 2009. - 2 - BEFORE THE STATE INFORMATION COMMISSION MAHARASHTRA – KONKAN REGION Appeal under Section 19(3) of RTI Act 2005. Appeal No.KR- 391/2008 Shri Suresh Ghevarchand Sharma, ….. Appellant. Garden View, Building – B, 103, Virat Nagar, Post: Virar, Taluka : Vasai, District :Thane ; 401 303. V/s. Public Information Officer, ….. Respondent Head Mistress, Zilla Parishad Nehru Hindi Vidyalaya, Virar, Taluka ; Vasai, Dist ; Thane. The Appellate Authority, Head Mistress, Zilla Parishad Nehru Hindi Vidyalaya, Virar, Taluka ; Vasai, Dist ; Thane. Facts: A copy of the above appeal is annexed. Interim Decision It would be necessary to know the present status of this case. Appellant filed the first appeal u/s 19 (1) of the Right To Information Act but primafacie there is no decision by First Appellate Authority. I, therefore, remand this case to the First Appellate Authority for inviting and giving a hearing to the appellant for examining the points raised by him in his appeal with a view to provide maximum information if due under the act and give appellant better satisfaction by issuing a reasoned order. A compliance report should be sent within 45 days by the First Appellate Authority to me. Sd/--- (Navin Kumar) State Information Commissioner Konkan Bhavan, Konkan Region Belapur, Navi Mumbai. Date:- 31st July, 2008. Decision. Appellant is present. Public Information Officer Shri J.R. Kamble, Office Superintendent of Block Education Officer, Vasai and Smt. Vimala Prakash Shesha, Head Mistress, Zilla Parishad Nehru Vidhyalaya Virar are present. Appellant is raising new points about information in his appeal. Information about original matters has been substantially provided. The appeal concludes. (Navin Kumar) State Information Commissioner Konkan Bhavan, Konkan Region Belapur, Navi Mumbai. Date:- 1st April, 2009. - 3 - BEFORE THE STATE INFORMATION COMMISSION MAHARASHTRA – KONKAN REGION Appeal under Section 19(3) of RTI Act 2005. Appeal No. KR-76/2008 Shri Shakil Ahmed Tayyab Momin, ….. Appellant House No.180/A, Kotargate, Islampura, Bhivandi, Dist-Thane. V/s Public Information Officer, ….. Respondent Dy. City Engineer (Works) Bhivandi-Nijampur Municipal Corporation, Bhivandi, Dist. Thane. The Appellate Authority, City Engineer, Bhivandi-Nijampur Municipal Corporation, Bhivandi, Dist. Thane Facts: The appellant by an application dated 27.11.06 asked for information regarding details of acquisition in survey No.93/32 at Fatima Nagar, (Tayyab Nagar ) Nagaon-2 Bhivandi. Interim Decision The appeal application has been perused. There is an indication that the First Appellate Authority considered this case and gave a decision on 15.6.2006. Much time has passed since then and therefore, it would be necessary to know the present status of this case. I, therefore, remand this case to the First Appellate Authority for inviting and giving a hearing to the appellant for examining the points raised by him in his appeal with a view to provide maximum information if due under the act and give appellant better satisfaction. A compliance report should be sent within 45 days. The Public Information Officer should bring this decision to the notice of his First Appellate Authority to avoid delay. Sd/--- (Navin Kumar) State Information Commissioner Konkan Bhavan, Konkan Region Belapur, Navi Mumbai. Date:- 18th June, 2008. Decision Appellant is present. Public Information Officer, Shri Shan Ali Sayyad, Deputy Engineer and First Appellate Authority Shri N.T. Patil, City Engineer, Bhiwandi-Najampur City Municipal Corporation are present. Panchanama of the lands under question have been given to the appellant in July 2007. Public Information Officer undertakes to give a letter about the payment of compensation to the appellant. Public Information Officer has not acted on the decision of the First Appellate Authority. He should be careful in future. The appeal concludes. (Navin Kumar) State Information Commissioner Konkan Bhavan, Konkan Region Belapur, Navi Mumbai. Date:- 2 April, 2009. - 4 - BEFORE THE STATE INFORMATION COMMISSION MAHARASHTRA – KONKAN REGION Appeal under Section 19(3) of RTI Act 2005. Appeal No.KR-1158/2008 Shri Yadav Ravji Gangaram, ….. Appellant. At & Post : Oras-Sindhudurgnagari, Taluka : Kudal, District : Sindhudurg. V/s. Public Information Officer, ….. Respondent Inspector ( Postage), Kankavali Sub Division, Kankavali, Taluka : Kankavali, District : Sindhudurg. The Appellate Authority, Inspector ( Postage), Kankavali Sub Division, Kankavali, Taluka : Kankavali, District : Sindhudurg. Facts: A copy of the above appeal is annexed. Interim Decision Appellant filed the first appeal u/s 19 (1) of the Right To Information Act but primafacie there is no decision by First Appellate Authority. I, therefore, remand this case to the First Appellate Authority for inviting and giving a hearing to the appellant for examining the points raised by him in his appeal with a view to provide maximum information if due under the act and give appellant better satisfaction by issuing a reasoned order. A compliance report should be sent within 45 days by the First Appellate Authority to me. Sd/--- (Navin Kumar) State Information Commissioner Konkan Bhavan, Konkan Region Belapur, Navi Mumbai. Date:- 28th November, 2008. Decision Appellant is present. Shri Deepak Pandurang Bhovar, Post office Inspector, Kankavali is present. The Postal Department comes under Central Information Commission and therefore no further action from this Commission. (Navin Kumar) State Information Commissioner Konkan Bhavan, Konkan Region Belapur, Navi Mumbai. Date:-2nd April, 2009. - 5 - ¸üÖ•µÖ ´ÖÖ×ÆüŸÖß †ÖµÖÖêÖ, ´ÖÆüÖ¸üÖ™Òü, úÖëúÖ ÖÓ›ü¯Ößšü µÖÖÓ“Öê ÃÖ´ÖÖê¸ü ´ÖÖ×ÆüŸÖß“ÖÖ †×¬ÖúÖ¸ü †×¬Ö×­ÖµÖ´Ö 2005 “Öê ú»Ö´Ö 19(3) †­¾ÖµÖê Û¾¤üŸÖßµÖ †×¯Ö»Ö. †×¯Ö»Ö Îú´ÖÖÓú : êú†Ö¸ü-1959/2008 ÁÖß ×­Ö×ŸÖ­Ö •ÖµÖ¾ÖÓŸÖ ¤êü¿Ö´ÖãÖ, ... †×¯Ö»ÖúŸÖÖÔ ¤îü×­Öú ØÆü¤ãü ÃÖÓÖÏÖ´Ö úÖµÖÖÔ»ÖµÖ, ¿ÖÖò¯Ö ­ÖÓ²Ö¸ü 1, †ÖפüŸµÖ†¯ÖÖ™Ôü´Öë™ü, ÃÖ¾ÖÖì¤üµÖ ­ÖÖ¸ü, ²Ö¤ü»ÖÖ¯Öæ¸ü (¯Ö.), וֻÆüÖ : šüÖÖê. ×¾Ö¹ý¬¤ü •Ö­Ö ´ÖÖ×ÆüŸÖß †×¬ÖúÖ¸üß, ... 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