
! ! ! ! ! ‘We!have!to!fix!that’:!! Documenting!and!assessing!problems!with!the!! 2012!Rhode!Island!general!election! ! ! ! By!John!Marion! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Prepared!by!the!Common!Cause!Education!Fund!for!presentation!to!the!House! Committee!on!Oversight,!February!7,!2013.! About!the!Common!Cause!Education!Fund!

The!Common!Cause!Education!Fund!is!the!research!and!public!education!affiliate!of! Common!Cause,!a!nonEpartisan,!nonEprofit!advocacy!organization!founded!in!1970! by!John!Gardner!as!a!vehicle!for!citizens!to!make!their!voices!heard!in!the!political! process!and!to!hold!their!elected!leaders!accountable!to!the!public!interest.!With!a! 40!+!year!track!record,!chapters!in!35!states,!and!nearly!400,000!members!and! supporters!across!the!country,!Common!Cause!is!one!of!the!nation’s!oldest,!largest! and!most!effective!grassroots!advocacy!organizations!dedicated!to!reforming! government!and!strengthening!democracy!in!America.!Together,!Common!Cause! and!the!Common!Cause!Education!Fund!work!to!promote!representative!democracy! by!ensuring!open,!ethical,!accountable,!effective!government!processes!at!the!local,! state!and!national!level!by!educating!and!mobilizing!the!citizens!of!Rhode!Island!and! the!nation.!

! ! Acknowledgements! ! This!report!could!not!have!been!possible!without!the!assistance!of!many!people.! First!among!them!is!Caroline!Dean!who!coordinated!volunteer!efforts!before!and!on! Election!Day.!!Additionally,!the!dozens!of!individuals!who!braved!the!cold!and!dark! to!document!what!occurred!on!November!6th,!2012,!some!of!whom!are!mentioned! by!name!in!this!report.!!Finally,!we!would!like!to!acknowledge!the!timely!and! courteous!assistance!members!of!the!staff!of!Rhode!Island!Secretary!of!State!A.! Ralph!Mollis,!including!Chris!Barnett!and!Rob!Rock.!!Any!errors!contained!in!this! report!are!solely!the!responsibility!of!the!author.!!! ! ! Table!of!Contents! ! Introduction! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !1! ! Recent!changes!to!Rhode!Island!election!law!! ! !2! ! What!happened!on!November!6th!in!Rhode!Island! ! !4! ! Case!Study!#1:!Ballot!handling! ! ! ! !7! ! Case!Study!#2:!Juanita!Sanchez!Complex! ! ! !8! ! Why!the!long!lines?! ! ! ! ! ! ! 11! ! Nature!of!the!2012!election! ! ! ! ! 11! ! Statutory!changes! ! ! ! ! ! 12! ! Election!administration!problems! ! ! ! 14! ! Other!factors! ! ! ! ! ! ! 17! ! Possible!solutions! ! ! ! ! ! ! 17! ! Conclusions! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 19! ! Appendices! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 21! ! ! ‘We$have$to$fix$that’$ $ Common$Cause$Education$Fund$

! I. Introduction+ ! On!the!evening!of!November!6th,!2012,!during!his!acceptance!speech!in! Chicago,!President!Barack!Obama!expressed!his!gratitude!to!voters,!“whether! you!voted!for!the!first!time,!or!waited!in!line!for!a!very!long!time.”!!He!then! quickly!added,!“by!the!way!we!have!to!fix!that.”1!The!president’s!adJlib!got!a! rousing!ovation.!!People!recognize!that!long!lines!are!anathema!to!a!truly! democratic!system!of!elections.! ! Common!Cause!Rhode!Island!believes!that!long!lines,!as!some!voters! experienced!in!Rhode!Island!on!November!6th,!should!not!be!tolerated.!! When!voters!are!forced!to!wait,!they!are!potentially!being!disenfranchised.2!! As!one!Common!Cause!Rhode!Island!volunteer!observer!wrote!about!the! Juanita!Sanchez!Complex:! ! By!the!mid![day]Jshift!I!noticed!a!rather!extensive!line!start!to! form!(nearly!out!the!door!by!the!dinner!hour).!By!the!evening! shift! people! were! waiting! up! to! 3! hours! just! to! vote.! I! have! never!experienced!anything!like!it.!I!had!many!people!express! deep!frustration!about!the!situation!and!many!of!these!people! didn't!have!the!time!to!wait!in!line!for!3!hours,!and!instead!just! decided!not!to!vote.3

As!a!democracy!we!expect!individuals!to!exercise!their!right!to!vote.!! However,!the!government!should!not!put!an!undue!burden!on!voters!as!they! try!and!exercise!that!right.!!As!this!report!will!demonstrate,!in!some! situations!in!2012!the!State!of!Rhode!Island!and!its!municipalities!did!exactly! that.!!! ! The!history!of!the!State!of!Rhode!Island,!and!the!United!States!more! generally,!demonstrates!a!lengthy!expansion!of!access!to!the!ballot!box.!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1!Dan!Froomkin,!Obama$on$Long$Lines$at$the$Polls:$‘We$Have$To$Fix$That,’! Huffington!Post,!Nov.!7,!2012,!available$at$ http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/11/07/obamaJlongJlinesJ polls_n_2086291.html! 2!Scott!Powers!and!David!Damron,!Analysis:$201,000$in$Florida$Didn’t$Vote$ Because$of$Long$Lines.!Orlando!Sentinel,!Jan.!29,!2013,!available$at$ http://articles.orlandosentinel.com/2013J01J29/business/osJvoterJlinesJ statewideJ20130118_1_longJlinesJsentinelJanalysisJstateJkenJdetzner;! Benjamin!Highton,.!Long$Lines,$Voting$Machine$Availability,$and$Turnout:$The$ Case$of$Franklin$County$,$Ohio$in$the$2004$Presidential$Election!39!PS:!Pol.!Sci.! and!Pols.!65!(2006).! 3!Interview,!Keela!Potter,!Common!Cause!Rhode!Island!volunteer,!!Feb.!3,! 2013!(on!file!with!author).!

! 1! ‘We$have$to$fix$that’$ $ Common$Cause$Education$Fund$

! • In!Rhode!Island,!an!armed!insurrection!known!as!the!Dorr!War,!that! occurred!in!the!1840s!was!partially!motivated!by!the!desire!to! eliminate!the!monetary!requirement!for!voting.4!!! • The!U.S.!Civil!War!resulting!in!the!13th!and!14th!Amendment!to!the!U.S.! Constitution.!!! • The!populist!movement!resulting!in!the!direct!election!of!U.S.!Senators! in!the!17th!Amendment.! • The!suffragette!movement!resulting!in!the!extension!of!voting!rights! to!women!in!the!19th!Amendment!! • The!Civil!Rights!movement!resulting!in!the!Voting!Rights!Act!of!1965! • The!social!upheaval!of!the!1960s!that!resulted!in!lowering!the!voting! age!to!18!courtesy!of!the!26th!Amendment.!!! ! The!arc!of!history!bends!toward!providing!greater!access!to!the!ballot,!and! the!events!of!2012!general!election!run!counter!to!that.!!! ! In!this!report!we!will!discuss!some!of!the!problems!we,!and!others,! documented!in!the!November!6th!election!in!Rhode!Island.!!We!will!then!turn! to!examining!some!of!the!possible!causes!for!the!problems!we!saw!and! documented.!!Next!we!will!draw!some!conclusions!as!to!what!we!believe!to! be!the!source!of!some!of!the!problems.!!Finally,!we!finish!with!a!set!of!policy! recommendations!and!next!steps!for!avoiding!similar!problems!in!the!future.!!! ! We!want!to!acknowledge!at!the!beginning!of!our!report!that!the!vast!majority! of!voters!in!Rhode!Island!did$not$experience!problems!on!Election!Day.!!Many! professionals!at!the!state!and!local!levels!performed!their!duties!up!to!high! standards.!!The!majority!of!poll!workers,!who!experienced!a!very!high! volume!of!voters,!did!their!jobs!as!they!were!trained!to!do!them.!!By! examining!the!problems!on!Election!Day,!which!we!will!demonstrate!were! significant!in!nature,!we!are!not!singling!out!the!behavior!of!individuals!for! criticism.!!Rather,!we!are!evaluating!the!system!for!electing!our!leaders!and! recommending!changes!to!make!that!system!perform!better!in!the!future.! ! II. Recent!changes!to!Rhode!Island!election!law! ! We!feel!the!most!appropriate!place!to!begin!an!examination!of!what!occurred! on!November!6th!is!to!look!at!the!many!changes!in!Rhode!Island!election!law! that!have!occurred!since!the!last!presidential!election.!!This!list!does!not! include!changes!to!campaign!finance!laws,!which!do!not!impact!the! experience!of!the!voters!at!the!polls!directly!or!changes!in!law!affecting!only! candidates.!!Nor!does!it!include!the!resolution!authorizing!votes!on!casino!

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 4!Rory!Raven,!The$Dorr$War:$Treason,$Rebellion$and$the$Fight$for$Reform$in$ Rhode$Island,$(2010)!The!History!Press.!

! 2! ‘We$have$to$fix$that’$ $ Common$Cause$Education$Fund$ gambling!in!Newport!and!Lincoln!or!the!creation!of!study!commissions!or! any!bills!dealing!with!a!single!jurisdiction!or!the!election!of!moderators.!! When!taken!in!total!the!number!of!changes!made!is!quite!impressive.!!! ! • Expanded!notice!to!lapsed!voters:!!In!2010!the!General!Laws!(H! 7963/S!2453)!were!changed!to!require!local!boards!of!canvassers!to! mail!notices!of!current!polling!places!to!those!who!have!not!voted!in! last!five!(5)!years.!! ! • New!law!allowing!preJregistration!of!16!&!17!yearJolds:!!In!2009!the! General!Assembly!passed!(HJ5005/S!366)!a!law!allowing!16!and!17! yearJolds!to!preJregister!to!vote!if!they!will!be!turning!18!prior!to!the! next!election.! ! • First!phase!of!the!voter!identification!law:!!In!2011!the!General! Assembly!passed!(H!5680/S!400)!a!law!creating!a!system!for! requiring!voter!identification!at!the!polls.!!The!first!phase!of!that!law,! taking!effect!in!2012,!requires!poll!workers!to!ask!for!a!nonJphoto!ID.!! In!the!absence!of!such!an!ID!a!voter!is!to!be!offered!a!full!provisional! ballot,!which!will!be!counted!if!the!signature!on!the!ballot!application! matches!the!signature!on!the!voter’s!registration!card.! ! • Mandated!statewide!redistricting!and!redrawing!of!precinct!lines:!! After!completion!of!the!2010!U.S.!Census!Rhode!Island!was!required! to!redraw!all!legislative!boundaries!to!meet!the!equal!population! standard!established!by!the!U.S.!Supreme!Court!in!Baker$v.$Carr$ (1963).!!That!was!completed!with!passage!in!2012!of!H!7209/S!2178.!! Subsequent!to!passage!of!that!law,!each!city!and!town!underwent! redistricting!where!every!precinct!was!redrawn!in!the!state.!!! ! • Statutory!raising!of!the!maximum!number!of!registered!voters!per! precinct!from!1900!to!3000:!!Prior!to!the!redrawing!of!the!precincts! the!General!Assembly!passed!(2012)!H!7055/S!2489!which!raised!the! maximum!number!of!registered!voters!in!a!precinct!from!1900!to! 3000.!!!The!original!version!of!those!bills!set!the!maximum!number!at! 4000!voters.!! ! • HighJrise!exception!to!precinct!size:!Later!in!the!2012!session!the! General!Assembly!passed!an!exception!(H!8093/S!2977)!to!the! increased!precinct!size!law!prohibiting!movement!of!polling!places! from!highJrise!apartment!buildings.! ! • Creation!of!“noJexcuse”!absentee!ballot!law:!In!2011!the!General! Assembly!passed!a!law!(H!5748/S!392)!eliminating!the!requirement! that!a!voter!provide!a!reason!for!requesting!an!absentee!ballot.!

! 3! ‘We$have$to$fix$that’$ $ Common$Cause$Education$Fund$

! • Change!in!poll!closing!time!from!9!p.m.!to!8!p.m.:!!In!2011!the!General! Assembly!changed!state!law!(H!5661/S!341)!moving!the!uniform!poll! closing!time!from!9!p.m.!to!8!p.m.!and!setting!(with!exceptions)!a! uniform!time!for!polls!opening!at!7!a.m.! ! • In!addition!to!these!changes,!other!state!laws!of!note!in!this!period! include:! ! o Changes!to!law!regarding!casting!provisional!ballots!by!those! not!registered!to!vote,!or!those!whose!registration!has!been! cancelled!(2011JH!5933/S!391)! o Change!to!absentee!ballot!law!for!members!of!the!military! (2012JH!7100/S!2335)! o Use!of!P.O.!boxes!for!address!changes!on!registrations!(2012JH! 7561/S!2673)! o Changes!to!the!dates!for!election!of!delegates!in!presidential! primaries!(2011JH!5653/S!399)! o Changes!regarding!signers!of!nomination!papers!(2010!HJ 7894)! o Include!victims!of!domestic!violence!in!address!confidentiality! law!preventing!disclosure!of!their!addresses!(2010!H!7526/SJ 2558)!(2009JH!5370/S!323)! o Call!for!a!special!election!in!the!event!of!a!vacancy!for!federal! elective!office!(2009JH!5094/S!201)! ! Determining!the!relative!impact!of!any!of!these!changes!is!a!difficult!task.!!In! all!likelihood!it!was!the!totality!of!many!changes!that!caused!problems!on! November!6th.!!Nonetheless,!based!on!voter!experiences,!in!Section!IV!of!this! report!we!will!begin!to!tease!out!the!relationship!between!changes!in!Rhode! Island!election!law!in!the!last!four!years!and!the!many!problems!we!saw!on! November!6th.! + III. What+happened+on+November+6th+in+Rhode+Island?+ ! Since!the!2008!presidential!election!there!have!been!at!least!eight!major! changes!to!Rhode!Island!election!law!that!directly!affect!voters!as!well!as! numerous!other!minor!changes.5!!Prior!to!November!6th!Common!Cause! recognized!that!the!totality!of!these!changes!might!potentially!impact!the! voting!experience,!and!set!out!to!document!any!problems.!!We!recruited! volunteers!from!our!membership,!other!groups!(including!the!League!of! Women!Voters),!as!well!as!the!general!public.!!Over!sixty!people!were!

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 5!See!section!II.!

! 4! ‘We$have$to$fix$that’$ $ Common$Cause$Education$Fund$ deployed!to!fifteen!(15)!polling!places!throughout!the!state!(see!Appendix!A! for!locations).!!! ! The!firstJhand!testimonials!presented!in!this!report!come!from!those! volunteers,!voters!they!spoke!with,!and!Common!Cause!members!whom!we! spoke!to,!or!corresponded!with!on!and!after!Election!Day.6!!Likewise,! Common!Cause!monitored!news!reports!from!throughout!Rhode!Island!on! and!after!Election!Day!for!accounts!of!any!problems.!!! ! In!addition!to!the!testimonials!and!contemporaneous!media!accounts,!we! refer!to!an!ongoing!national!study!of!election!administration.!!Those!surveys,! led!by!an!MIT!researcher,!provide!a!window!into!the!scope!of!the!problem!in! Rhode!Island!and!place!us!in!comparison!to!other!jurisdictions.!! ! We!want!to!start!with!empirical!evidence!that!Rhode!Islanders!faced,!on! average,!longer!lines!on!Election!Day.!!Charles!Stewart!III,!an!MIT!political! scientist,!conducted!a!survey!of!10,200!voters!nationwide!in!the!week! following!November!6th.!7!!His!sample!included!approximately!200!Rhode! Island!voters.!!It!replicated!a!study!done!by!him,!and!others,!after!the!2008! presidential!election.8!!The!results!are!stark;!Rhode!Island!had!one!of!the! largest!percentage!increases!in!wait!times!in!the!last!four!years!of!any!of!the! 50!states!(Figure!1).! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Figure!1!Average!wait!times!(2008!vs.!2012!in!minutes)!

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 6!Correspondence!on!file!with!the!author.! 7!Charles!Stewart!III,!!2012$Survey$of$the$Performance$of$American$Elections!! Presentation!at!the!“Voting!in!America”!conference,!Dec.!10,!2012,!available$ at$www.pewstates.org/.../2012/CharlesStewartJDay%201.pptx.! 8!R.!Michael!Alvarez!et!al.!2008$Survey$of$the$Performance$of$American$ Elections:$Final$Report$(2009)!available$at$ www.vote.caltech.edu/sites/.../Final%20report20090218.pdf! !

! 5! ‘We$have$to$fix$that’$ $ Common$Cause$Education$Fund$

! Source:!2012!Survey!of!the!Performance!of!American!Elections! ! According!to!the!results!of!the!Survey!of!the!Performance!of!American! Elections!study,!thirty!two!(32)!states!had!wait!times!that!were,!on!average,! shorter!than!Rhode!Island!which!averaged!slightly!under!15!minutes.9!!That! compares!to!the!2008!survey!results!that!had!Rhode!Island!wait!times!as! sixth!shortest!out!of!fortyJnine!states!with!an!average!wait!of!5.5!minutes.10!!! ! While!the!average!wait!time!is!not!that!long!in!Rhode!Island,!we!went!from! having!five!states!with!shorter!average!wait!times,!to!32!states!with!shorter! average!lines!in$the$course$of$a$single$presidential$election$cycle.!!That!trend!is! clearly!in!the!wrong!direction.!!The!purpose!of!this!paper!is!to!help! determine!what!happened!between!2008!and!2012!that!led!to!this!increase,! and!how!to!prevent!this!from!happening!again.!!! ! Two!case!studies!illustrate!extreme!examples!of!problems!that!may!have! driven!up!the!wait!times!in!Rhode!Island.! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 9!Stewart,!supra.!!That!number!is!out!of!49!states!since!Oregon!votes! exclusively!by!mail!and!therefore!does!not!have!wait!times.! 10!Alvarez!et!al.,!supra!pp.!73J74.!!!

! 6! ‘We$have$to$fix$that’$ $ Common$Cause$Education$Fund$

Case+#1:++Ballot+handling+ ! The!first!sign!of!problems!on!November!6th!came!from!news!accounts!that! the!incorrect!ballots!were!delivered!to!several!municipalities!in!Rhode!Island.!! Media!reports!indicate!that!incorrect!ballots!were!delivered!to!at!least!two! locations:! ! • West!Kingston!Elementary!School!received!ballots!for!North! Kingstown!High!School.11! • West!Warwick!Elks!Lodge!received!ballots!meant!for!Woonsocket.12! ! News!accounts!indicate!the!West!Kingston/North!Kingstown!problem! resulted!from!precinct!numbers!being!transposed.!!It!is!unclear!what!led!to! the!wrong!ballots!being!delivered!in!West!Warwick.!!According!to! NorthKingstown!Patch,!the!former!problem!was!cleared!up!by!8!a.m.!after! having!been!discovered!soon!after!the!polls!opened!at!7!a.m.13!In!the!West! Warwick!case!the!correct!ballot!were!not!delivered!until!9!a.m.14! Nonetheless,!voters!were!turned!away!and!it!is!impossible!to!know!how! many!returned!later!in!the!day.!!! ! Unfortunately!Common!Cause!did!not!have!volunteers!at!either!of!these! locations,!and!it!is!difficult!to!assess!how!long!the!lines!were!that!developed! as!a!result!of!the!ballots!being!delivered!to!the!incorrect!polling!places.!!It!is! reasonable!to!surmise!that!some!individuals!waited!for!the!proper!ballots!to! be!delivered,!while!others!left!the!polling!location.!!Whether!the!latter! returned!or!not!is!also!difficult!to!determine.!!! + Case+#2++Juanita+Sanchez+Complex+ ! The!Common!Cause!volunteer!quoted!in!the!introduction!to!this!report! indicated!that!at!the!Juanita!Sanchez!Complex!in!South!Providence!wait!times!

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 11!Courtney!Caligiur,!Wrong$ballots$delivered,$voters$turned$away,!WPRI.com,!! Nov.!6,!2012,!available$at$http://www.wpri.com/dpp/elections/wrongJ ballotsJdeliveredJvotersJturnedJaway.! 12!Michelle!R.!Smith,!Wrong$ballots$delivered$to$some$RI$polling$places,!Nov.!6,! 2012,!Woonsocket!Call,!available$at$ http://www.woonsocketcall.com/node/6641.! 13!Samantha!Turner,!Ballots$for$NKHS$delivered$to$SK,!Nov.!6,!2012,!! NorthKingstownPatch.com,!available$at$ http://northkingstown.patch.com/articles/ballotsJforJnkhsJdeliveredJtoJsk.! 14!Maria!Armental,!!West$Warwick$polling$site$reopens$after$correct$ballots$ delivered,!!Nov.!6,!2012!!Providencejournal.com,!available$at$ http://news.providencejournal.com/breakingJnews/2012/11/wrongJ ballotsJdeliveredJinJwestJwarwickready.html.!

! 7! ‘We$have$to$fix$that’$ $ Common$Cause$Education$Fund$ reached!at!least!three!hours!on!Election!Day.!!This!testimonial!is! corroborated!by!news!accounts,!as!well!as!testimony!given!before!a! Providence!City!Council!meeting!after!the!election.15!!The!full!accounting!by! our!volunteer!was:! ! I!was!positioned!at!the!Juanita!Sanchez!Complex!for!all!three! shifts.!By!the!mid![day]Jshift!I!noticed!a!rather!extensive!line! start!to!form!(nearly!out!the!door!by!the!dinner!hour).!By!the! evening!shift!people!were!waiting!up!to!3!hours!just!to!vote.!I! have! never! experienced! anything! like! it.! I! had! many! people! express!deep!frustration!about!the!situation!and!many!of!these! people! didn't! have! the! time! to! wait! in! line! for! 3! hours,! and! instead! just! decided! not! to! vote.! Many! mothers! with! their! children!couldn’t!wait!in!the!long!line!because!they!needed!to! put!their!kids!to!bed,!there!were!also!people!who!had!to!go!to! work! that! evening! and! didn’t! have! time! to! stand! in! line.! The! mayor!was!finally!called!in!to!help!solve!this!line!issue.!There! wasn't!a!poll!person!helping!direct!people!to!their!designated! lines,! overall! it! seemed! that! people! were! just! uninformed.! There!weren't!signs!on!the!doors!that!told!people!they!couldn't! register!to!vote!at!the!polling!place,!so!many!people!waited!in! line! and! then! couldn't! vote! because! they! needed! to! register! elsewhere.! I! had! a! few! people! ask! me! if! this! was! their! designated! polling! place,! because! apparently! other! polling! places! around! the! area! had! been! closed! down;! this! confused! people.16

! Long!lines!were!not!the!exclusive!province!of!the!Juanita!Sanchez!Complex,! and!Aspray!Boat!House!in!Warwick,!however.17!!A!Common!Cause!volunteer!

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 15!Richard!Dujardin!and!Karen!Lee!Ziner,!!Long$lines,$breakdowns$and$ complaints$of$improper$pizza,!!Providence!Journal,!Nov.!7,!2012,!available$at$ http://digital.olivesoftware.com/Default/Scripting/ArticleWin.asp?From=Ar chive&Skin=ProvidenceJournal&Source=MyColl&ViewMode=GIF&AppName =2&BaseHref=TPJ/2012/11/07&EntityId=Ar01300&PageLabelPrint=A13.;!! Alisha!Pina,!Chaos$for$voters$at$Juanita$Sanchez,!!Providence!Journal,!!Nov.!8,! 2012,!available$at$ http://digital.olivesoftware.com/Default/Scripting/ArticleWin.asp?From=Ar chive&Skin=ProvidenceJournal&Source=MyColl&ViewMode=GIF&AppName =2&BaseHref=TPJ/2012/11/08&EntityId=Ar00901&PageLabelPrint=A9.!!! 16!Potter,!supra.$ 17!Paul!Edward!Parker,!For$some,$the$wait$was$longer,!Providence!Journal.!! Nov.!7,!2012,!available$at$ http://digital.olivesoftware.com/Default/Scripting/ArticleWin.asp?From=Ar

! 8! ‘We$have$to$fix$that’$ $ Common$Cause$Education$Fund$ at!the!William!J.!Donovan!Manor!in!Newport!provided!the!following! testimonial:! ! I!stationed!myself!at!the!appropriate!distance!from!the!poll!site! entrance.!!There!were!many!in!line!and!hundreds!more!inside! the! building.! ! Immediately! I! had! voters! approaching! me! with! complaints.!!Some!had!waited!in!line!for!90!minutes!or!more! before!voting.!!Others!were!leaving!after!having!waited!for!30! minutes!or!much!longer!and!had!to!leave.!!They!were!learning! from!others!in!line!of!the!wait!and!obvious!confusion.! ! I!witnessed!many!who!stated!they!could!not!come!back.!!Others! thought!they!would!try!later.!!! ! There! were! many! handicapped! or! challenged! in! ways! that! would!not!allow!them!to!stand!for!more!than!minutes.!!! ! The!lines!outside!the!building!were!not!moving.!!There!were!no! poll! workers! outside! to! offer! guidance! or! direction.! ! There! seemed!to!be!no!poll!workers!inside!the!entrance!hall!to!greet! voters!and!answer!their!questions.18! ! Common!Cause!volunteers!and!voters!we!corresponded!with!reported! significant!delays!at!Temple!Beth!El,!Nathan!Bishop!Middle!School,!Summit! Nursing!Home,!Mt.!Pleasant!Fire!Station!in!Providence,!West!Kingston! Elementary!School!in!South!Kingstown,!Cardi!Furniture!in!West!Warwick,!the! National!Guard!Armory!in!Bristol,!and!the!Guadet!Middle!School!in! Middletown.!!! ! Highlights!of!their!comments!include:! ! • “[T]his!year!it!appeared!that!several!polling!places!on!the!East!Side! were!combined!into!one![at!Nathan!Bishop!Middle!School].!In! addition,!the!only!scanner!for!the!approximately!10J12!voting!booths! was!broken!for!a!while!in!the!earlyJmid!morning.!This!resulted!in!a! line!of!maybe!150!voters!or!more!all!morning.”! • “a!very!long!line!at!Summit!Nursing!Home!on!Hillside!Ave.!in! Providence.”! • “Long!lines!extending!through!the![Cardi’s!Furniture]!store![in!West! Warwick]!and!funneling!into!a!narrow!doorway!where!people!were!

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! chive&Skin=ProvidenceJournal&Source=MyColl&ViewMode=GIF&AppName =2&BaseHref=TPJ/2012/11/07&EntityId=Ar00806&PageLabelPrint=A8.! 18!Correspondence,!Jane!Koster,!Common!Cause!volunteer,!Nov.!10,!2012!(on! file!with!author).!

! 9! ‘We$have$to$fix$that’$ $ Common$Cause$Education$Fund$

also!exiting...!to!vote!in!what!looked!like!a!loading!dock.!There!were! many!elderly!people,!some!with!canes,!as!well!as!people!with!children! in!line!with!no!place!to!sit!while!waiting.!!I!was!in!line!for!at!least!1/2! hour!.!.!.!There!were!many!more!people!in!line!when!I!left!than!when!I! arrived.....I'm!sure!the!people!after!me!waited!in!line!well!over!an! hour,!if!not!two.”! • “The!lines!were!long!(over!35!minutes!to!an!hour)!At!11:00!AM![at!Mt.! Pleasant!Fire!Station].!!I!was!turned!away!because!the!machines!were! down.!I!came!back!at!4:30!and!waited!in!the!cold!for!35!minutes.!My! wife!waited!over!an!hour!at!6:00!to!vote.”! • “one!hour!+!lines[at!National!Guard!Armory!in!Bristol].”! • “I!worked!for!a!candidate!outside!the![Gaudet!Middle!School!in! Middletown]!poll!from!7:30am!until!noon.!As!the!time!approached! 10am,!people!were!coming!out!very!frustrated.!One!elderly!man!had! no!ID.!Several!people!stood!in!line!for!40min!or!more!to!find!out!they! were!at!the!wrong!polling!site.!More!than!several!(the!most! disheartening!to!hear)!were!folks!who!could!not!wait!any!longer!&! "hoped"!to!come!back.!Some!were!too!frail!to!stand!in!the!long!line.!I! stood!right!at!the!handicap!parking!spots!so!watched!them!struggle! into!the!school!only!to!return!visibly!tired!out!without!voting.!My! husband!&!I!had!planned!to!go!in!at!noon!but!the!lines!were!out!of!the! building.!People!were!complaining!that!there!were!2!lines.!One!for!"A!J! L"!names!and!a!2nd!for!the!"MJZ"!names.!The!first!line!was!VERY!long! (I!hr.!+)!while!the!2nd!line!was!never!more!than!a!few!people!at!a! time.”! • “The!wait!time![at!Temple!Beth!El!in!Providence]!was!45!minutes,! which!is!modest!by!comparison!to!other!sites,!but!it!was!absolutely! needless.”! ! The!preponderance!of!the!evidence,!both!empirical!and!anecdotal,!is!that! many!Rhode!Islanders!experienced!longer!lines!than!they!have!in!recent! elections.!!The!Rhode!Island!Board!of!Elections!claims!that!“about!20! locations!out!of!some!450!appear!to!have!had!waits!of!30!minutes!or! longer.”19!!While!in!the!media!account!of!a!Board!of!Elections!workshop,!this! number!“drew!praise!from!board!members,”!Common!Cause!rejects!the!idea! that!approximately!5%!of!polling!locations!experiencing!such!lines!is! acceptable.20!!!When!recent!Rhode!Island!elections!have!been!decided!by!just!

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 19!Randal!Edgar.!Board$of$Elections$discusses$improvements,!Providence! Journal,!Nov.!21,!2012,!available$at$ http://digital.olivesoftware.com/Default/Scripting/ArticleWin.asp?From=Ar chive&Skin=ProvidenceJournal&Source=MyColl&ViewMode=GIF&AppName =2&BaseHref=TPJ/2012/11/21&EntityId=Ar00505&PageLabelPrint=A5.!!! 20!Edgar,!supra.!

! 10! ‘We$have$to$fix$that’$ $ Common$Cause$Education$Fund$ a!handful!of!votes,!making!sure!the!ballot!is!accessible!to!every!qualified! individual!is!not!a!luxury,!but!a!necessity.21! ! IV. Why+the+long+lines?+ + The!most!general!conclusion!we!can!draw!is!that!the!problems!encountered! on!November!6th!were!the!result!of!four!broad!categories!of!factors:! • The!high!turnout!election!of!the!2012!presidential!election! • Changes!to!the!Rhode!Island!General!Laws! • Problems!with!election!administration!! • Other!local!situations!! ! In!this!section!we!attempt!to!connect!what!we!have!previously!documented! to!these!four!categories!of!factors.!!! ! a. Nature!of!2012!election! i. High!turnout!presidential!election! ! The!easiest!variable!to!explain!the!lines!voters!encountered!on!November!6th! is!the!high!turnout!nature!of!the!election.!!According!to!the!Rhode!Island! Secretary!of!State!the!2012!presidential!election!had!the!2nd!highest!turnout! of!any!election!in!Rhode!Island!history.!!A!total!of!more!than!450,030!ballots! were!cast!statewide.22!!! ! Clearly!election!administrators,!in!some!instances,!were!not!prepared!for!the! large!turnout,!and!in!other!situations!were!not!properly!prepared!to!deal! adequately!with!problems!once!they!arose.!!That!is!one!of!the!broad!lessons! from!the!Juanita!Sanchez!Complex.23!!However,!since!2008!was!the!highest! turnout!election!in!Rhode!Island!history,!and!there!is!little!evidence!of! exceptional!lines!from!that!year,!the!source!of!our!problems!in!2012!has!to!be!

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 21!For!a!further!discussion!on!problems!involving!the!Rhode!Island!system! for!tabulating!ballots,!and!recounts!see;!John!Marion,!After$San$Bento$v.$ Tobon,$here’s$how$to$fix$voting$in$RI,$WPRI.com,!Sept.!25,!2012,!available$at$ http://blogs.wpri.com/2012/09/25/marionJafterJsanJbentoJvJtobonJheresJ howJtoJfixJvotingJinJri/.! 22!Numbers!provided!by!Rob!Rock,!Elections!Division!of!Rhode!Island! Secretary!of!State’s!office.!!Feb.!6,!2013.!!Include!thirtyJnine!(39)!alternate! polling!locations!provided!for!same!day!registrations.!!! 23!Alisha!Pina,!Council,$officials$aim$to$fix$election$difficulties,!Providence! Journal.!!Dec.!7,!2012,!available$at! http://digital.olivesoftware.com/Default/Scripting/ArticleWin.asp?From=Ar chive&Skin=ProvidenceJournal&Source=MyColl&ViewMode=GIF&AppName =2&BaseHref=TPJ/2012/12/07&EntityId=Ar00401&PageLabelPrint=A4.!

! 11! ‘We$have$to$fix$that’$ $ Common$Cause$Education$Fund$ more!than!simply!turnout.!!In!reality!it!is!most!likely!the!interaction!of!the! high!turnout!with!the!other!three!categories!we!will!discuss!next.!!! ! b. Statutory!changes! ! In!addition!to!the!high!turnout,!several!changes!in!state!law!meant!more! voters!per!polling!place,!and!less!time!to!process!them.!!Clearly,!moving!from! a!maximum!of!1900!voters!per!precinct!to!3000!(down!from!a!proposed! 4000)!meant!more!voters!in!many!locations.!!By!way!of!reference,!Appendix! B!demonstrates!the!minimum!and!maximum!number!of!voters!allowed!per! polling!location!in!all!states!that!impose!such!limits!(as!well!as!the!original! proposed!limit!of!4000!in!Rhode!Island).!!! ! In!many,!if!not!most!instances,!raising!the!limit!did!not!result!in!problems.!! However,!as!we!have!documented,!more!than!a!trivial!number!of!locations! did!not!adequately!handle!the!increase.! ! When!the!maximum!number!of!voters!at!a!polling!location!was!allowed!to! increase!that!oftentimes!meant!new!polling!locations!for!voters.!!In!2008! Rhode!Island!had!620!polling!locations!and!in!2012!a!total!of!492.24!!Common! Cause!did!not!have!time!to!determine!the!number!of!poll!locations!that! changed!in!the!last!four!years,!although!that!information!was!available!to!us.!! The!total!number!of!voters!moved!to!new!poll!locations!is!not!publicly! available,!as!best!we!can!determine.!!! ! Common!Cause!heard!several!testimonials!about!problems!with!voters! finding!their!new!polling!locations:! • “Several!people!stood!in!line!for!40!min.!or!more!to!find!out!they!were! at!the!wrong!polling!site.”! • “Other!than!some!people!showing!up!at!the!wrong!location!there!was! little!trouble.”! ! The!author!spent!six!hours!outside!the!Neutaconkanut!Recreation!Center! polling!location!and!encountered!numerous!voters!who!appeared!at!the! incorrect!location.!!! ! Another!indication!of!the!problem!created!by!new!poll!locations!for!voters! comes!from!numbers!provided!by!the!Secretary!of!State’s!office.!The!Voter! Information!Center!(VIC)!website!maintained!by!the!Secretary!of!State!saw!

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 24!Rock,!supra.!

! 12! ‘We$have$to$fix$that’$ $ Common$Cause$Education$Fund$ so!much!traffic!from!voters!looking!for!their!polling!places,!101,000! pageviews!on!Election!Day,!the!system!experienced!technical!problems.25!!! ! The!mandated!redistricting!process!also!contributed!to!changes!in!polling! locations.!!It’s!important!to!note,!however,!that!every!state!is!required!to! redistrict!in!the!period!between!the!Census!and!the!next!federal!election.!!If! redistricting!contributed!to!Rhode!Island’s!wait!times,!it!was!because!the! state!did!not!handle!the!changes!as!well!as!the!other!49!states!required!to!do! so.! ! Besides!the!increase!in!the!number!of!voters!per!polling!place,!and!the! changes!in!polling!locations,!shortening!Election!Day!by!one!hour!meant!the! second!largest!number!of!voters!in!Rhode!Island!history!were!processed!in! less!time.!!Quite!simply!the!math!tells!us!that!a!shorter!day!meant!voters! must!be!processed!more!efficiently!in!order!to!prevent!lines!from!growing,! assuming!no!increase!in!capacity!to!process!voters.! ! Another!statutory!change!since!the!2008!presidential!election!was!the! creation!of!“no!excuse”!absentee!ballots.!!Despite!this!change!Rhode!Island! saw!only!a!modest!increase!in!the!number!of!absentee!ballots!cast!from! 23,824!in!2008!to!26,083!in!2012.26!!The!increase!of!0.5%!ballots!cast!by!mail! does!not!seem!likely!to!have!helped!take!pressure!off!the!inJperson!voting! that!occurred!at!polling!locations.!!!! ! Perhaps!the!most!controversial!new!election!law!of!the!last!four!years!is!the! Voter!ID!requirement.!!The!new!voter!ID!law!requires!that!poll!workers! provide!a!provisional!ballot!to!anyone!unable!or!unwilling!to!show!necessary! identification.!!It!could!be!hypothesized!that!an!increase!in!provisional!ballot! use!(which!requires!a!different!process!than!casting!a!regular!ballot)!would! slow!down!the!voting!process!and!possibly!lead!to!longer!lines.!!Rhode!Island! did!see!an!increase!in!the!number!of!provisional!ballots!cast,!from!918!in! 2008!to!2230!in!2012.27!!! ! Additionally,!we!did!receive!anecdotal!evidence!that!the!voter!ID! requirement!slowed!the!process:! • “A!poll!worker!there!all!day!told!me!only!one!person!had!appeared! with!improper!registration.!!However,!no!question!that!the!ID!check! took!time!and!slowed!the!process.”! ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 25!Press!release,!A.!Ralph!Mollis,!Secretary$of$State$Mollis$says$turnout$wasn’t$ the$only$huge$number$on$Election$Day!(Nov.!15,!2012),!available$at$ http://www.ri.gov/press/view/17973.! 26!Rock,!supra.! 27!Rock,!supra.!

! 13! ‘We$have$to$fix$that’$ $ Common$Cause$Education$Fund$

Insufficient!data!exists!to!evaluate!the!impact!of!the!final!major!statutory! change.!!As!best!Common!Cause!Rhode!Island!can!find,!the!state!has!not! published!any!data!on!the!number!of!16!&!17!year!old!voters!who!have!preJ registered.!!If!a!large!number!of!first!time!voters!were!casting!ballots!in!2012! theoretically!the!need!for!some!of!them!to!show!a!voter!ID!under!the!Help! America!Vote!Act!(HAVA)!could!have!slowed!the!administration!of!the! election.!!! ! It!is!difficult,!if!not!impossible,!to!tease!out!the!relative!impact!of!any!of!the! statutory!changes!made!in!the!last!four!years.!!Nonetheless!the!General! Assembly!should!consider!them!all!to!be!potential!causes!of!the!longer!lines! and!pursue!any!further!evidence!as!to!their!impact.! ! c. Election!administration!problems! ! As!indicated!in!the!first!case!study,!election!administration!problems,!in!at! least!some!instances,!directly!contributed!to!the!problems!on!November!6th.!! According!to!testimony!witnessed!by!the!author,!the!Board!of!Elections!has! pinpointed!the!source!of!the!ballot!delivery!mistake!and!indicated!the! necessary!steps!needed!to!correct!it!in!the!future.28!!Executive!Director! Robert!Kando!has!indicated!that!insufficient!checks!were!in!place!to!confirm! the!proper!ballots!were!in!the!proper!bins!before!they!left!possession!of!the! Board!of!Elections.!!His!testimony!before!the!Board!indicated!that!budgetary! considerations!led!directly!to!that!error.!!The!General!Assembly!should! consider!resources!available!to!the!Board!as!part!of!the!budget!process.!!! ! Problems!with!administration!of!the!election,!besides!the!aforementioned! ballot!delivery!problem,!fall!into!four!categories:! • Signage/Division!of!poll!books! • Poll!worker!training! • Inadequate!locations! • Machine!performance/maintenance! ! Perhaps!the!most!frequent!complaint!Common!Cause!encountered,!besides! the!lines!in!general,!were!problems!with!signage,!confusion!over!the!division! of!the!poll!books!by!last!name,!and!a!lack!of!poll!workers!monitoring!the! lines.!!Many!people!commented!on!the!problems!created!by!the!existing! division!of!voters!by!last!name:29! • “The!problem!I!had!in!voting!on!Tuesday!at!West!Kingston! Elementary!in!South!Kingstown!was!waiting!in!a!long!long!L!to!Z!line! while!the!A!to!K!line!was!very!short.!!This!made!no!sense!!!When!I!

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 28!Author’s!observation!of!report!by!Executive!Director!Robert!Kando!to! Rhode!Island!Board!of!Elections!on!November!20,!2012.!!! 29!Parker,!supra.!

! 14! ‘We$have$to$fix$that’$ $ Common$Cause$Education$Fund$

finally!got!in!the!room!I!noticed!that!the!roll!book!for!L!to!Z!!for!the! voters!in!that!area!was!indeed!MORE!than!twice!as!thick!as!the!A!to!K! book.!!Why!on!earth!would!anyone!divide!the!lines!by!just!taking!the! first!half!vs!the!second!half!of!the!alphabet!to!establish!the!lines?”! • “the!line!for!my!alphabetical!N!was!shorter!than!the!AJL”! • “The!moderator!came!out!periodically!and!told!the!people!in!line!‘A!JK! on!the!left;!LJZ!on!the!right.’!!Naturally,!every!time!she!did!this!J!the! lines!reshuffled.!The!entire!process!would!have!moved!along!faster!if! there!were!3!or!4!lines!instead!of!2!J!and!3!or!4!stations!to!check!in!the! voters!–!but!no!way!could!3!or!4!lines!of!people!make!it!through!the! doorway!to!the!actual!polling!location!inside!Cardi's”! • “I!waited!for!about!an!hour!in!the!A!to!L!line,!while!M!to!Zs!walked! right!in!and!were!part!of!the!reason!for!my!long!wait.”! • “who!ever!decided!on!the!4!groups!of!alphabetical!voter!books!and! signs!didn't!research!how!many!people's!last!names!begin!with!AJC!vs! DJK!vs!LJP…As!a!result!there!were!short!lines!for!AJC!and!long!lines! for!LJP.!!I!suppose!it's!common!sense!as!AJC!covers!three!letters!and! DJK!covers!8!letters”! • “The!people!in!line!explained!that!if!we!were!"AJL"!we!had!to!join!the! long!line.!This!included!disabled!&!elderly!folks.!The!people!helped! one!another!to!find!a!chair!once!in!a!while!for!these!voters!but!it!was! hard!as!the!line!inched!along.!We!watched!as!the!"MJZ"!voters!walked! right!up!to!the!poll!workers!while!we!all!stood!for!well!over!an!hr.”! • “Instead!there!was!an!incredible!line!for!A!–!L!and!people!(citizens)! were!telling!M!–!Z!to!just!go!inside!the!polling!location!to!vote!(no! wait).!“! • “My!personal!voting!experience!@!Potowomut!Golf!Course!was! enlightening!in!that!we!learned!from!some!irate!neighbors!standing!@! the!back!of!the!line!about!the!alphabetical!protocol!only!after!they! wasted!15!minutes!standing!in!the!wrong!line.”! ! The!division!of!voters!into!lines!that!were!oftentimes!uneven!in!length!was! exacerbated!by!the!poor!signage!available!to!explain!the!system!and!instruct! those!with!disabilities!who!arrived!to!see!long!lines.!!In!addition!to!the!above! comments!we!heard!the!following!concerning!poor!signage:! • “Only!one!small!sign!in!the!parking!lot!directing!people!to!a!rear! entrance.....Many!of!us!missed!the!sign!because!campaigners!were!out! with!their!own!signs...”!!! • “There!were!only!two!lines!and!no!signage!to!identify!which!line!was! which”! • !“Had!the!lobby!had!the!queues!organized!and!signed,!it!would!have! been!smooth.”! !!

! 15! ‘We$have$to$fix$that’$ $ Common$Cause$Education$Fund$

There!also!seemed!to!be!problems!caused!by!poll!workers!not!following!their! training.!!These!problems!included!incorrectly!handling!loaded!ballot!boxes,! as!was!the!author’s!experience!(noted!below):! • “Citizens!were!asking!(multiple!times)!for!clarity!as!to!where!to!queue! and!got!nothing!in!response!(ridicule!even!from!one!poll!worker).”!! • “There!were!no!poll!workers!outside!to!offer!guidance!or!direction.!! There!seemed!to!be!no!poll!workers!inside!the!entrance!hall!to!greet! voters!and!answer!their!questions.”! ! Common!Cause!recognizes!that!poll!worker!recruitment!and!retention!are! ongoing!challenges!for!municipalities!and!the!Board!of!Elections.!!We!also! received!comments!recognizing!professional!and!helpful!behavior!by!poll! workers,!including:! • “The!poll!workers!were!calm!and!seemed!unflustered.”!! ! The!final!election!administration!issue!involved!the!optical!scan!machines! used!statewide.!!Two!problems!emerged!with!the!machines;!physical!failures,! and!improper!operation.! ! In!testimony!before!the!Providence!City!Council,!Executive!Director!Robert! Kando!of!the!Rhode!Island!Board!of!Elections!indicated!that!the!age!of!our! current!optical!scanners!affected!their!performance,!particularly!in! jurisdictions!with!multiJpage!ballots.30!!This!was!confirmed!by!comments!we! received,!including:! • “I!had!many!early!respondents!tell!me!they!didn't!vote!because!the! machine!had!broken!down”! • “When!I!got!there!and!was!registering,!someone!was!standing!near! the!voting!machine!and!saying!it!didn't!work.!!After!I!had!filled!out!my! ballot!there!was!no!one!standing!by!the!machine,!I!wondered!if!I! should!try!to!put!my!ballot!in.!After!waiting!a!bit!and!looking!around,! someone!did!come!up!to!the!machine!and!did!say!it!wasn't!working,! and!I!needed!to!put!my!ballots!in!a!lower!slot!J!apparently!a!box!that! would!hold!them!till!someone!arrived!to!fix!the!machine.!!It!surely!did! not!make!me!feel!secure!or!trustworthy.”! • “At!11:00!AM!I!was!turned!away!because!the!machines!were!down.!.!.! One!machine!remained!down!so!even!after!marking!your!ballot!you! had!to!wait!to!enter!the!ballot!into!the!machine.!I!have!voted!in! Providence!for!over!30!years!and!this!was!the!worse!experience!I! have!ever!seen.”! • “Central!Falls!machines!were!broken,!so!they!couldn't!report! electronically!to!the!Board!of!Elections.”! • “The!workers!were!poorly!training![sic],!unorganized!and!frustrated.”! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 30!Pina,!supra;!Edgar,!supra.!!! !

! 16! ‘We$have$to$fix$that’$ $ Common$Cause$Education$Fund$

! At!the!author’s!polling!location,!Bishop!Middle!School!a!second!significant! line!formed!at!the!optical!scanner!machine.!!As!the!ballot!box!filled!the! scanner!began!rejecting!ballots!and!the!warden!failed!to!switch!out!the!box! for!a!new!one,!instead!opening!the!locked!door!and!tamping!down!the!ballots! before!asking!the!voter!to!scan!their!ballot!again.!!! ! d. Other!factors! ! The!final!possible!cause!of!the!lines!we!saw!in!2012!was!the!lengthy!ballots.31!! Indeed!in!the!community!that!seemed!to!have!the!greatest!number!of!long! lines,!Providence,!the!2012!ballot!was!quite!lengthy!(Appendix!C).!!However,! as!we!have!demonstrated,!a!number!of!communities!suffered!from!long!lines,! many!with!ballots!shorter!than!that!of!Providence,!including!the!simple! threeJpage!ballot!in!Newport!(Appendix!C).!!Additionally,!Newport!had!a! lengthy!ballot!in!2008,!but!did!not!experience!problems!we!were!able!to! identify!in!that!election.!!Likewise,!the!City!of!Central!Falls,!which!had!a! lengthy!ballot!in!2012,!did!not!have!widespread!problems!that!we!have! found.!!! ! Ballot!length!may!have!been!a!factor,!but!perhaps!not!the!driving!problem,! leading!to!longer!lines!in!Providence.!!As!other!jurisdictions!have!shown,! ballot!design!is!of!consequence!for!usability!and!therefore!any!effects!created! by!length!might!be!correlated!to!issues!with!the!actual!design!of!the!ballot.32! ! Clearly!no!single!factor!led!to!long!lines!on!Election!Day,!but!rather!we!saw! the!“perfect!storm”!created!perhaps!by!the!combination!of!a!number!of! factors!including;!a!high!turnout!presidential!election,!several!statutory! changes,!administrative!errors,!and!perhaps!ballots!issues!in!some! communities.!!! ! V. Possible!solutions! ! We!began!this!report!with!President!Obama’s!mandate;!“We!need!to!fix!that.”!! What!exactly!can!we!do!in!Rhode!Island!to!ensure!that!we!never!repeat!the! events!of!November!6th?!!Just!like!the!problems!of!Election!Day!had!many! possible!sources,!‘fixing’!our!system!of!elections!will!take!many!solutions.33!!! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 31!Pina,!supra;!Edgar,!supra.!!! 32!Marcia!Lausen,!Design$for$Democracy:$Ballot$+$Election$Design,$(2007),!! University!of!Chicago!Press;!Larry!Norden,!!Better$Design,$Better$Elections,!! (Brennan!Center!2012),!available$at$ http://www.brennancenter.org/publication/betterJdesignJbetterJelections.! 33!See!also:!Lawrence!Norden,!How$to$Fix$Long$Lines,!(Brennan!2013)! available$at$http://www.brennancenter.org/publication/howJfixJlongJlines.!

! 17! ‘We$have$to$fix$that’$ $ Common$Cause$Education$Fund$

Common!Cause!Rhode!Island!opposed!passage!of!the!Voter!ID!law.!!We! continue!to!believe!the!resources!dedicated!to!implementing!that!law!are! better!spent!on!many!of!the!other!suggestions!we!present!in!this!report.!! While!the!evidence!may!not!be!conclusive!that!the!Voter!ID!requirement! slowed!lines!on!November!6th,!as!far!as!Common!Cause!could!determine,!the! continued!phase!in!of!the!law!over!the!next!election!cycle!to!photo!ID!only! increases!the!probability!of!that!occurring.!!! ! One!of!the!uses!for!those!scarce!resources!could!be!in!providing!greater$ notice$to$voters$of$changes$in$their$polling$location.!!Modern!technology,!such! as!automated!text!messaging!for!instance,!could!be!used!to!push!such! information!out!to!voters.!!Additionally!we!would!encourage!the!Secretary!of! State’s!office!to!continue!to!collaborate!with!the!Voter!Information!Project!to! make!election!information!more!accessible,!particularly!through!social! media.34!!The!dramatic!increase!seen!by!the!Secretary!of!State’s!office!in! accessing!the!Voter!Information!Center!via!mobile!devices!emphasizes!the! need!to!embrace!new!ways!of!reaching!voters!online.35! ! The!Board!of!Elections!has!suggested!that!the!time!has!come!for!Rhode!Island! to!purchase!new!optical!scanners.!!Common!Cause!recognizes!the$need$for$ new$machines$in$the$future,!particularly!because!the!current!machines!are! experiencing!documented!problems.!!We!believe!that!in!the!absence!of! resources!for!purchasing!new!machines,!safeguards$can$be$taken$to$ensure$ that$our$current$machines$serve$the$voters$well.!!Those!steps!include:! • Increasing!the!number!of!technicians!on!Election!Day!and!staging! them!better!throughout!the!state! • Better!training!poll!workers!to!deal!with!broken!scanners!and!to! handle!voters’!questions!about!broken!scanners.! • Implementing!a!system!of!postJelection!audits!to!increase!the! probability!that!any!problems!with!the!current!machines!are!detected.!!! ! Rhode!Island!is!a!national!leader!in!voter$registration$modernization.36!!We! should!continue!to!improve!our!system!of!voter!registration.!!With! registration!modernization!the!voting!rolls!will!become!more!accurate,! allowing!election!officials!to!have!a!greater!degree!of!certainty!about!how! many!voters!will!actually!come!to!a!particular!polling!place!on!Election!Day.!!! !

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 34!See!http://www.pewstates.org/research/featuredJcollections/votingJ informationJprojectJ85899376415.! 35!Press!release,!supra.! 36!Wendy!Weiser!and!Christopher!Ponoroff,!Voter$Registration$in$the$Digital$ Age,!(Brennan!Center!2010)!available$at$ http://www.brennancenter.org/publication/voterJregistrationJdigitalJage.!

! 18! ‘We$have$to$fix$that’$ $ Common$Cause$Education$Fund$

The!General!Assembly!needs!to$revisit$its$decision$to$raise$the$number$of$ voters$per$polling$location.!!Two!possible!adjustments!can!be!made.!!First,!the! limit!can!be!set!to!a!lower!number!as!it!was!in!the!past.!!An!additional!or! alternative!idea!is!to!set!minimum!standards!for!the!number!of!poll!workers! and/or!machines!per!polling!place.!!Those!standards!might!also!take!into! account!the!length!of!the!ballot,!and!lower!the!maximum!number!of!voters! per!location,!or!raise!the!staffing/machine!requirements!if!the!ballot!exceeds! a!designated!length.!!! ! Common!Cause!believes!that!Rhode!Island!should!join!the!majority!of!states! in!establishing$a$system$of$inYperson$early$voting.!!By!allowing!voters!to!cast! ballots!inJperson!prior!to!Election!Day,!as!occurs!in!32!states!and!the!District! of!Columbia,!Rhode!Island!will!take!pressure!off!of!polling!places!the!first! Tuesday!after!the!first!Monday!in!November.37!!InJperson!early!voting!is!a! better!alternative!to!expanded!use!of!mail!ballots,!which!have!been!subject!to! more!documented!cases!of!actual!fraud!and!are!less!likely!to!be!counted.38!! Additionally,!early!voting!will!allow!election!officials!to!determine!prior!to! Election!Day!that!a!large!turnout!may!occur!and!will!prepare!them!for!that! eventuality.!!! ! The!Rhode!Island!Board!of!Elections,!the!Election!Division!of!the!Secretary!of! State’s!office,!as!well!as!the!boards!of!canvassers!in!the!39!cities!and!towns! need!to!examine$the$usability$of$the$voting$experience$for$the$worker$and$the$ voter.!!Working!together!they!should!take!advantage!of!the!world!class! Industrial!Design!Department!at!the!Rhode!Island!School!of!Design!to!rethink! the!voting!process.!!This!rethinking!of!the!voting!process!should!tap!the! resources!of!the!AIGA,!the!professional!association!for!design’s!Design!for! Democracy!program.39!!Such!a!rethinking!would!involve!improvements!in! design!of!the!voter!handbook,!ballots,!poll!worker!training!materials,!as!well! as!poll!location!signage.!!! ! Finally,!Common!Cause!believes!that!further$efforts$to$expand$poll$worker$ training$and$recruitment$are$necessary.!!Previously,!in!testimony!before!the! Board!of!Elections,!we!have!indicated!that!the!state’s!many!colleges!and! universities!should!be!targeted!as!areas!for!potentially!recruiting!poll! workers.!!Likewise,!additional!training!should!be!provided!for!those!poll! workers,!particularly!if!the!state’s!Voter!ID!law!remains!in!place.! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 37!For!a!list!of!states!that!allow!early!voting!see:! http://www.ncsl.org/legislaturesJelections/elections/absenteeJandJearlyJ voting.aspx! 38!Adam!Liptak,!Error$and$Fraud$at$Issue$as$Absentee$Voting$Rises,!New!York! Times,!Oct.!6,!2012,!available$at! http://www.nytimes.com/2012/10/07/us/politics/asJmoreJvoteJbyJmailJ faultyJballotsJcouldJimpactJelections.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0.! 39!See:!http://www.aiga.org/designJforJdemocracy/!

! 19! ‘We$have$to$fix$that’$ $ Common$Cause$Education$Fund$

! VI. Conclusions! ! Common!Cause!has!tried!to!be!exhaustive!in!documenting!the!problems!that! occurred!on!November!6th,!2012!and!in!the!possible!sources!of!those! problems.!!At!the!conclusion!of!this!report!it!is!important!to!keep!in!mind!two! things;!the!vast!majority!of!voters!did!not!have!significant!problems,!but!for! those!who!did!experience!problems,!including!long!lines,!the!system!did!not! serve!all!citizens!as!it!should!have.!!! ! Change!is!necessary,!and!Common!Cause!hopes!that!all!those!who!have! authority!over!our!election!process!including!the!General!Assembly,!the! Board!of!Elections,!the!Secretary!of!State!and!the!many!cities!and!towns,! work!together!to!ensure!that!by!the!next!time!Rhode!Islanders!go!to!the!polls! we!see!significant!improvement!in!the!voting!process.! !

! 20! ‘We$have$to$fix$that’$ $ Common$Cause$Education$Fund$

Appendices! ! ! Appendix!A! ! Polling!location!for!volunteers! ! ! Bristol$ QuintaJGamelin!Center!! ! East$Providence$ City!View!Manor! ! Middletown$ Joseph!H.!Gaudet!School!J!Gym!J!Left!Side! ! Newport$$ William!J.!Donovan!Manor! ! North$Kingstown$ Davisville!Middle!School! ! Pawtucket$ Pawtucket!Public!Works!Complex! ! Providence$ Dominica!Manor! Juanita!Sanchez!Complex!! Rudolph!Tavares!Community!Center! Veazie!Street!School! RI!School!for!the!Deaf! Rosario!Hall! Algonquin!House! Providence!College,!Schneider!Arena!! Neutaconkanut!Recreation!Center! ! ! ! ! !

! 21! ‘We$have$to$fix$that’$ $ Common$Cause$Education$Fund$

Appendix!B! ! Legally Imposed Precinct Size of Each State (No Entry: No Legally Enforced Precinct Minimum or Maximum Populations) 5500








1500 + + Proposed 1000

500 + RI+Precinct+ 0 AL AK AZ AR CA CO* CT DE FL GA HI ID IL IN IA KS KY* LA ME MD MA MI MN MS** MO MT NE NV* NV** NH NJ NM NY NC ND OH OK PA RI SC SD TN* TX UT + VA WA* + WV WV ! *Only!if!electronic!voting!machines!are!used! ! !

**!Only!if!paper!ballots!are!used! ! ! + +!Only!in!urban!areas! ! • Pennsylvania!and!Mississippi!have!nonJenforced!limits!on!precinct!size!! • All!states!with!a!minimum!limit,!apart!from!Rhode!Island,!have! exceptions!to!go!under!the!minimum!rather!than!exceed!the!maximum! population.! • Wisconsin:!Cities!of!at!least!150,000!have!a!limit!of!1,000!J!4,000!people;! 39,000!J!150,000!people!have!a!limit!of!800!J!3,200;!10,000!to!39,000! people!have!a!limit!of!600!J!1,200.! • The!only!states!with!a!maximum!population!of!4,000!or!more!per! precinct!are:!Massachusetts,!Tennessee,!Texas,!and!Virginia!! ! ! Leonard!Shambon!and!Keith!Abouchar,!“Trapped!by!Precincts?!The!Help!America! Vote!Act’s!Provisional!Ballots!and!the!Problem!of!Precincts”!in!New$York$University$ Journal$of$Legislation$and$Public$Policy,$Fall$2006,$vol.!10,!no.!1,!article!3,!Fall!2006! (2006!New!York!University!Journal!of!Legislation!and!Public!Policy,!New!York!City,! NY)!! ! ! ! !

! 22! ‘We$have$to$fix$that’$ $ Common$Cause$Education$Fund$

Appendix!C! ! Sample!ballots! ! !

! 23! Precinct ID 2801 OFFICIAL ELECTION BALLOT Congressional District 1 STATE OF RHODE ISLAND Representative District 1 CITY OF PROVIDENCE Voting District 1 TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 2008 Senate District 1

Council/Ward 12

0 0 1. To vote: Complete the arrow(s) pointing to your choice(s) with a single bold line, like this .

2. To vote for a write-in candidate: Print the name of the person on the blank line labeled "Write-In" for the office and complete the arrow pointing to your write-in choice like this .

3. To cast a straight party vote: Complete the arrow pointing to the party of your choice in the straight party section of the ballot. If you cast a straight party vote and also vote for an individual candidate or candidates for a certain office on the ballot, the straight party vote will not be counted for that office and only the individual candidate or candidates voted for will be counted for that office. PAPELETA OFICIAL PARA LAS ELECCIONES ESTADO DE RHODE ISLAND - CIUDAD DE PROVIDENCE 1. Para votar: Complete la flecha o flechas que apuntan hacia su selección, con una línea gruesa, como ésta .

2. Para votar por un candidato cuyo nombre no aparece en la papeleta ("write-in candidate"): Escriba el nombre de dicha persona, en letra de molde, en la línea que dice "Write-In", y además complete la flecha que apunta hacia el nombre que ha escrito, como ésta .

3. Para emitir un voto íntegro por un partido: Complete la flecha que apunta hacia el partido de su elección en la sección de la papeleta del voto íntegro. Si en la papeleta usted emite un voto íntegro y también vota por un candidato individual o por candidatos para cierto cargo, el voto íntegro de partido no se contará para ese cargo y solamente el candidato individual o los candidatos por los que votó serán contado para ese cargo.

STRAIGHT PARTY SENATOR IN CONGRESS To vote a "Straight Ticket" complete the SENATOR IN arrow pointing Six Year Term GENERAL ASSEMBLY to the party of your choice. Vote for 1 DISTRICT 1 VOTO ÍNTEGRO Two Year Term Para emitir un voto íntegro a favor de Vote for 1 un partido, complete la flecha que SENADOR EN EL CONGRESO apunta hacia el partido que prefiera. Periodo de seis años Vote por 1 SENADOR EN LA ASAMBLEA GENERAL John F. REED DEMOCRAT DEMOCRAT DISTRITO 1 Periodo de dos años Robert G. TINGLE Vote por 1 REPUBLICAN REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS MaryEllen GOODWIN Write-in DEMOCRAT FOR: Anthony F. DEMINGS REPUBLICAN ELECTORES PRESIDENCIALES A FAVOR DE REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS DISTRICT 1 Write-in President Two Year Term Vice President Vote for 1 DEMOCRAT REPRESENTATIVE IN GENERAL ASSEMBLY REPRESENTANTE EN DISTRICT 1 President John McCAIN EL CONGRESO Vice President Two Year Term Sarah PALIN DISTRITO 1 Vote for 1 REPUBLICAN Periodo de dos años Vote por 1 President Bob BARR REPRESENTANTE EN Vice President Wayne A. ROOT LA ASAMBLEA GENERAL DISTRITO 1 LIBERTARIAN Patrick J. KENNEDY DEMOCRAT Periodo de dos años Vote por 1 President Jonathan P. SCOTT Vice President Robert MOSES REPUBLICAN SOCIALISM & LIBERATION Kenneth A. CAPALBO John J. McCAULEY, JR. Independent DEMOCRAT President Ralph NADER Daniel J. GRZYCH Vice President Matt GONZALEZ Write-in Independent Independent Write-in President Chuck BALDWIN Vice President Darrell L. CASTLE CONSTITUTION STATE QUESTIONS President Cynthia McKINNEY ON BACK Vice President Rosa CLEMENTE GREEN LAS PROPUESTAS ESTATALES EN EL REVERSO



1. 2. TRANSPORTATION BONDS OPEN SPACE AND $87,215,000 RECREATIONAL DEVELOPMENT (Chapter 100 - Public Laws 2008) BONDS $2,500,000 Approval of this question will (Chapters 378/469 - Public Laws 2008) authorize the State of Rhode Island to issue general obligation bonds, Approval of this question will refunding bonds, and temporary authorize the State of Rhode Island notes in an amount not to exceed to issue general obligation bonds, $80,000,000 to match federal funds refunding bonds, and temporary and provide direct funding for notes in an amount not to exceed improvements to the state's $2,500,000 to be used by the highways, roads and bridges; Department of Environmental $3,570,000 to provide funding for Management to purchase or commuter rail, and $3,645,000 to otherwise permanently protect purchase and/or rehabilitate buses through the purchase of the title, for the Rhode Island Public Transit development rights, conservation Authority's bus fleet. easements and public recreation easements, greenways and other BONOS RELACIONADOS CON open space, recreation lands, EL TRANSPORTE agriculture lands, forested lands $87,215,000 and state parks. (Capítulo 100 - Leyes Públicas de 2008) BONOS PARA EL FOMENTO DE ESPACIOS ABIERTOS Y Con la aprobación de esta RECREATIVOS propuesta se autorizará al Estado $2,500,000 de Rhode Island a emitir bonos (Capítulos 378/469 - Leyes Públicas de garantizados por los recursos 2008) generales, bonos para refinanciamiento y pagarés Con la aprobación de esta transitorios por una suma máxima propuesta se autorizará al Estado de $80,000,000 para parear con de Rhode Island a emitir bonos fondos proporcionados por el garantizados por los recursos gobierno federal y para obtener generales, bonos para fondos para el financiamiento refinanciamiento y pagarés directo para efectuar mejoras a las transitorios por una suma máxima autopistas, carreteras y puentes de $2,500,000 que el del Estado; $3,570,000 para Departamento de Gestión aportar al financiamiento del Ambiental (Department of transporte ferroviario local y Environmental Management) $3,645,000 para la adquisición o utilizará para adquirir o de alguna rehabilitación de autobuses del otra forma proteger de manera parque automotriz de la Rhode permanente, mediante la Island Public Transit Authority. adquisición del título de propiedad de: los derechos de fomento, servidumbres para conservación y Question 1 APPROVE servidumbres para recreación Propuesta 1 A FAVOR pública, zonas verdes y otros espacios abiertos, terrenos Question 1 REJECT recreativos, terrenos agrícolas, Propuesta 1 EN CONTRA terrenos boscosos y parques estatales.

Question 2 APPROVE Propuesta 2 A FAVOR Question 2 REJECT Propuesta 2 EN CONTRA


Voting District 10

0 0 1. To vote: Complete the arrow(s) pointing to your choice(s) with a single bold line, like this . 2. To vote for a write-in candidate: Print the name of the person on the blank line labeled "Write-In" for the office and complete the arrow pointing to your write-in choice like this .

3. To cast a straight party vote: Complete the arrow pointing to the party of your choice in the straight party section of the ballot. If you cast a straight party vote and also vote for an individual candidate or candidates for a certain office on the ballot, the straight party vote will not be counted for that office and only the individual candidate or candidates voted for will be counted for that office. PAPELETA OFICIAL PARA LAS ELECCIONES ESTADO DE RHODE ISLAND - CIUDAD DE PROVIDENCE 1. Para votar: Complete la flecha o flechas que apuntan hacia su selección, con una línea gruesa, como ésta .

2. Para votar por un candidato cuyo nombre no aparece en la papeleta ("write-in candidate"): Escriba el nombre de dicha persona, en letra de molde, en la línea que dice "Write-In", y además complete la flecha que apunta hacia el nombre que ha escrito, como ésta .

3. Para emitir un voto integro por un partido: Complete la flecha que señala hacia el partido de su elección en la sección de la papeleta en donde se emiten los votos íntegros. Si en la papeleta usted emite un voto integro y también vota por un candidato individual o por candidatos postulados para cierto cargo, el voto integro de partido no se contará para ese cargo y solamente el candidato individual o los candidatos por los que se emitió el voto será contado para ese cargo.

STRAIGHT PARTY SENATOR IN CONGRESS SENATOR IN Six Year Term To vote a "Straight Ticket" complete the GENERAL ASSEMBLY arrow pointing Vote for 1 to the party of your choice. DISTRICT 6 VOTO ÍNTEGRO SENADOR EN EL CONGRESO Two Year Term Para emitir un voto íntegro a favor de Periodo de seis años Vote for 1 un partido, complete la flecha que Vote por 1 apunta hacia el partido que prefiera. SENADOR EN Sheldon WHITEHOUSE LA ASAMBLEA GENERAL DEMOCRAT DISTRITO 6 Periodo de dos años DEMOCRAT B. Barrett HINCKLEY, III REPUBLICAN Vote por 1 MODERATE Harold M. METTS Write-in DEMOCRAT REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS Russell C. HRYZAN REPUBLICAN REPUBLICAN DISTRICT 1 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS Two Year Term Vote for 1 Write-in FOR: ELECTORES PRESIDENCIALES REPRESENTANTE EN REPRESENTATIVE IN A FAVOR DE EL CONGRESO GENERAL ASSEMBLY DISTRITO 1 DISTRICT 2 Periodo de dos años Two Year Term President Barack OBAMA Vote por 1 Vote for 1 Vice President Joe BIDEN REPRESENTANTE EN DEMOCRAT David N. CICILLINE LA ASAMBLEA GENERAL DEMOCRAT DISTRITO 2 President Brendan P. DOHERTY Periodo de dos años Vice President REPUBLICAN Vote por 1 REPUBLICAN David S. VOGEL Christopher R. BLAZEJEWSKI Independent DEMOCRAT President Vice President James P. GRAY Write-in Write-in Libertarian

President Vice President Jim CLYMER Constitution

President Ross C. "Rocky" ANDERSON Vice President Luis J. RODRIGUEZ Justice President Peta LINDSAY Vice President Yari OSORIO Socialism and Liberation

President Vice President Green


VOTE BOTH FRONT AND BACK OF BALLOT VOTE POR AMBAS CARAS DE LA PAPELETA, POR EN FRENTE Y POR EL REVERSO STATE QUESTIONS STATE QUESTIONS STATE QUESTIONS PROPUESTAS ESTATALES PROPUESTAS ESTATALES PROPUESTAS ESTATALES 1. 3. 5. STATE CONSTITUTIONAL HIGHER EDUCATION FACILITIES CLEAN WATER FINANCE AGENCY APPROVAL BONDS BONDS $50,000,000 $20,000,000 (APPROVAL OF AN ACT (Chapter 241 - Public Laws 2012) (Chapter 241- Public Laws 2012) AUTHORIZING STATE-OPERATED CASINO GAMING AT TWIN RIVER IN Approval of this question will allow Approval of this question will THE TOWN OF LINCOLN) the State of Rhode Island to issue authorize the State of Rhode Island to (Section 22 of Article VI of the general obligation bonds, refunding issue general obligation bonds, Constitution) bonds, and temporary notes in an refunding bonds, and temporary notes amount not to exceed fifty million in an amount not to exceed twelve Shall an act be approved which dollars ($50,000,000) for renovations million dollars ($12,000,000) to be would authorize the facility known as and modernization of academic leveraged with federal and state "Twin River" in the town of Lincoln to buildings at Rhode Island College capitalization grants to finance add state-operated casino including renovation, upgrade and wastewater infrastructure projects and gaming, such as table games, to the expansion of health and nursing eight million dollars ($8,000,000) to be types of gambling it offers? facilities on the campus of Rhode Island leveraged with federal and state College. capitalization grants to finance drinking 1. water infrastructure projects. APROBACIÓN 3. PARA LA CONSTITUCIÓN DEL BONOS PARA CENTROS DE 5. ESTADO EDUCACIÓN SUPERIOR BONOS PARA EL DESPACHO QUE (Aprobación de una ley que autoriza $50,000,000 FINANCIA AGUAS LIMPIAS juegos en un casino (Capítulo 241 - Leyes Públicas de $20,000,000 operado por el estadoen Twin River 2012) (Capítulo 241- Leyes Públicas de 2012) en el pueblo de Lincoln (Sección 22 del Artículo VI de la La aprobación de esta consulta le La aprobación de esta consulta Constitución) autoriza al Estado de Rhode Island autorizará al Estado de Rhode Island emitir bonos de obligación general, emitir bonos de obligación general, ¿Debe aprobarse una ley que bonos de reembolso y pagarés bonos de reembolso y pagarés autorizaría un sitio denominado "Twin transitorios en un monto que no exceda transitorios por un monto que no River" en el pueblo de Lincoln en el que los cincuenta millones de dólares exceda los doce millones de dólares se agregarían en un casino operado ($50,000,000) para la renovación y ($12,000,000) que se potencializarán por el estado, juegos, tales modernización de edificios académicos con subvenciones de capitalización como juegos de mesa, a los tipos de en Rhode Island College, incluidas provenientes de los gobiernos estatal y juegos de azar que ya funcionan ahí? renovaciones, actualizaciones y federal para el financiamiento de ampliaciones de los centros de salud y proyectos de infraestructura para aguas enfermería en la ciudad universitaria de negras y los ocho millones de dólares Question 1 APPROVE Rhode Island College. ($8,000,000) que se potencializarán Propuesta 1 A FAVOR con subvenciones de capitalización provenientes de los gobiernos estatal y Question 1 REJECT Question 3 APPROVE federal para el financiamiento de Propuesta 1 EN CONTRA Propuesta 3 A FAVOR proyectos de infraestructura para agua 2. Question 3 REJECT potable. STATE CONSTITUTIONAL Propuesta 3 EN CONTRA APPROVAL 4. Question 5 APPROVE VETERANS' HOME BONDS Propuesta 5 A FAVOR (APPROVAL OF AN ACT $94,000,000 Question 5 REJECT AUTHORIZING STATE-OPERATED (Chapter 241 - Public Laws 2012) CASINO GAMING AT NEWPORT Propuesta 5 EN CONTRA GRAND IN THE Approval of this question will allow CITY OF NEWPORT) the State of Rhode Island to issue (Section 22 of Article VI of the general obligation bonds, refunding Constitution) bonds, and temporary notes in an amount not to exceed ninety-four Shall an act be approved which million dollars ($94,000,000) for the would authorize the facility known as construction of a new Veterans' Home "Newport Grand" in the city of Newport and renovations to existing facilities. to add state-operated casino gaming, Any funding amount from federal such as table games, to the types of sources received for these purposes gambling it offers? will be used to reduce the amount of borrowed funds. 2. APROBACIÓN PARA LA 4. CONSTITUCIÓN DEL ESTADO BONOS PARA UN HOGAR PARA EXCOMBATIENTES STATE QUESTIONS (Aprobación de una ley que autoriza $94,000,000 CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE juegos en un casino operado por el (Capítulo 241 - Leyes Públicas de LOCAL QUESTIONS ON estado en Newport Grand 2012) SEPARATE BALLOT en la ciudad de Newport) (Sección 22 del Artículo VI de la Aprobación de esta consulta le LAS PROPUESTAS ESTATALES Constitución) autoriza al Estado de Rhode Island EN EL SIGUIENTO PÁGINA emitir bonos de obligación general, LAS PROPUESTAS LOCAL ¿Debe aprobarse una ley que bonos de reembolso y pagarés ESTÁ EN PÁGINA SEPARADA autorizaría un sitio denominado transitorios por un monto que no "Newport Grand" en la ciudad de exceda los noventa y cuatro millones Newport en el que se agregarían en un de dólares ($94,000,000) para construir casino operado por el estado, juegos, un nuevo Hogar para excombatientes y tales como juegos de mesa, a los tipos renovar los centros que ya existen. de juegos de azar que ya funcionan Toda suma recibida para estos efectos ahí? de fuentes federales se utilizará para Question 2 APPROVE reducir el monto de los fondos Propuesta 2 A FAVOR obtenidos por empréstitos. Question 2 REJECT Question 4 APPROVE Propuesta 2 EN CONTRA Propuesta 4 A FAVOR Question 4 REJECT Propuesta 4 EN CONTRA

VOTE BOTH FRONT AND BACK OF BALLOT VOTE POR AMBAS CARAS DE LA PAPELETA, POR EN FRENTE Y POR EL REVERSO Precinct ID 2810 Ballot 2 Papeleta 2 Congressional District 1 OFFICIAL ELECTION BALLOT Senate District 6 STATE OF RHODE ISLAND Representative District 2 CITY OF PROVIDENCE Council/Ward District 1/4 TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 2012 Voting District 10

0 0 1. To vote: Complete the arrow(s) pointing to your choice(s) with a single bold line, like this . PAPELETA OFICIAL PARA LAS ELECCIONES ESTADO DE RHODE ISLAND - CIUDAD DE PROVIDENCE

1. Para votar: Complete la flecha o flechas que apuntan hacia su selección, con una línea gruesa, como ésta .

STATE QUESTIONS CONTINUED FROM CONTINUED FROM PROPUESTAS ESTATALES PREVIOUS COLUMN PREVIOUS COLUMN CONTINUAN EN LA CONTINUAN EN LA 6. COLUMNA ANTERIOR COLUMNA ANTERIOR ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Provides grants to municipalities for the urbanización o servidumbres de BONDS renovation and development of historic preservación de espacios abiertos en $20,000,000 and passive recreation areas. The Rhode Island. Las subvenciones (Chapter 241 - Public Laws 2012) grants provide funding assistance up to ofrecen fondos por hasta un cincuenta ninety percent (90%) of the project por ciento (50%) del precio de venta de Approval of this question will allow costs. All grant applications are los terrenos, levantamientos the State of Rhode Island to issue evaluated and ranked by the State topográficos, valoraciones y costas de general obligation bonds, refunding Recreation Resources Review escrituración. Las solicitudes de bonds, and temporary notes for Committee. subvención son estudiadas y evaluadas environmental and recreational según lineamientos del programa por la purposes to be allotted as follows: 6. Comisión de Conservación del BONOS DE GESTIÓN AMBIENTAL Patrimonio Natural auspiciada por el (a) Narragansett Bay and $20,000,000 despacho del Gobernador. Watershed Restoration..$4,000,000 (Capítulo 241 - Leyes Públicas de (e) Subvenciones para recreación Provides funds for activities to 2012) local ..$5,500,000 restore and protect the water quality La aprobación de esta consulta le Ofrece subvenciones a municipios and enhance the economic viability and autorizará al Estado de Rhode Island para la adquisición, fomento o environmental sustainability of emitir bonos de obligación general, rehabilitación de centros recreativos en Narragansett Bay and the State's bonos de reembolso y pagarés la localidad. Estas subvenciones watersheds. Eligible activities include: transitorios para efectos ofrecen asistencia económica que nonpoint source pollution abatement, medioambientales y de recreación que asciende hasta un cincuenta por ciento including stormwater management; se designarán de la siguiente manera: (50%) de los costos del proyecto. nutrient loading abatement; Todas las solicitudes de subvención commercial, industrial and agricultural (a) Restauración de la Bahía de son evaluadas y clasificadas por la pollution abatement; and riparian buffer Narragansett y las cuencas del Comisión Estatal de Estudio de and watershed ecosystem restoration. estado ..$4,000,000 Recursos Recreativos. (b) State Land Acquisition - Open Ofrece fondos para restaurar y (f) Parques históricos y pasivos Space..$2,500,000 proteger la calidad del agua y mejorar $1,000,000 Provides funds for the purchase of la viabilidad económica y la Ofrece subvenciones a municipios land, development rights and sostenibilidad medioambiental de la para la renovación y fomento de zonas conservation easements in Rhode Bahía de Narragansett y las cuencas de recreación histórica y pasiva. Las Island. This program acquires del estado. Las actividades que reúnen subvenciones ofrecen asistencia recreational and open space lands for los requisitos incluyen: mitigación de económica que asciende hasta el the State of Rhode Island in fuentes de contaminación diseminadas, noventa por ciento (90%) de los costos accordance with the Rhode Island incluida la gestión de aguas lluvias; del proyecto. Todas las solicitudes de Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation reducción de la carga de nutrientes; subvención son evaluadas y Plan, Land Protection Plan, and the moderación de la contaminación de clasificadas por la Comisión Estatal de Rhode Island Greenspace 2000 plan. fuentes comercial, industria y agrícola; Estudio de Recursos Recreativos. (c) Farmland Development Rights restauración de zonas de protección ..$4,500,000 ribereña y de los ecosistemas de las Provides funds for the purchase of Question 6 APPROVE cuencas. Propuesta 6 A FAVOR agricultural development rights to active (b) Adquisición estatal de farms in Rhode Island. The State terrenos y espacios abiertos Question 6 REJECT purchases the development rights to ..$2,500,000 Propuesta 6 EN CONTRA farms to eliminate the economic Ofrece fondos para la adquisición pressure on farmers to sell properties 7. de terrenos, la codificación de AFFORDABLE HOUSING BONDS for residential and commercial derechos y servidumbres para la development. The Agricultural Land $25,000,000 preservación en Rhode Island. Este (Chapter 241 - Public Laws 2012) Preservation Commission accepts and programa adquiere terrenos abiertos y evaluates farmland applications for para fines recreativos a nombre del Approval of this question will allow these funds. Estado de Rhode Island conforme al (d) Local Land Acquisition Grants the State of Rhode Island to issue 'Plan integral de Rhode Island de general obligation bonds, refunding ..$2,500,000 recreación al aire libre', al 'Plan de Provides funds for grants to bonds, and temporary notes in an protección de terrenos' y al 'Plan de amount not to exceed twenty-five municipalities, local land trusts and espacios verdes 2000 de Rhode non-profit organizations to acquire million dollars ($25,000,000) for Island'. affordable housing. fee-simple title, development rights, or (c) Derechos para el fomento conservation easements to open space agropecuario $4,500,000 in Rhode Island. The grants provide 7. Ofrece fondos para la compra de los BONOS PARA VIVIENDA funding up to fifty percent (50%) of the derechos de fomento agropecuario a purchase price for land, surveys, COSTEABLE granjas activas en Rhode Island. El $25,000,000 appraisals and title costs. The grant Estado adquiere los derechos de applications are reviewed and (Capítulo 241 - Leyes Públicas de fomento a granjas con miras a eliminar 2012) evaluated by the Governor's Natural la presión económica que sufren los Heritage Preservation Commission agricultores para que vendan sus according to the program guidelines. La aprobación de esta consulta le terrenos para efectos de urbanización autoriza al Estado de Rhode Island (e) Local Recreation Grants residencial y comercial. La Comisión ..$5,500,000 emitir bonos de obligación general, para la Preservación de Terrenos bonos de reembolso y pagarés Provides grants to municipalities for Agropecuarios acepta y evalúa las acquisition, development, or transitorios por un monto que no solicitudes agropecuarias para el uso exceda veinticinco millones de dólares rehabilitation of local recreational de estos fondos. facilities. These grants provide funding ($25,000,000) para usar para vivienda (d) Subvenciones para la costeable. assistance up to fifty percent (50%) of adquisición de terrenos locales the project costs. All grant applications ..$2,500,000 Question 7 APPROVE are evaluated and ranked by the State Ofrece fondos mediante Propuesta 7 A FAVOR Recreation Resources Review subvenciones a municipios, Committee. Question 7 REJECT fideicomisos territoriales locales y Propuesta 7 EN CONTRA (f) Historic/Passive Parks entidades sin fines de lucro para la ..$1,000,000 adquisición de escrituras de posesión incondicional, derechos de fomento y LOCAL QUESTIONS ON SEPARATE CONTINUED ON NEXT COLUMN BALLOT CONTINUAN EN LA CONTINUED ON NEXT COLUMN LAS PROPUESTAS LOCAL ESTÁ EN SIGUIENTE COLUMNA CONTINUAN EN LA PÁGINA SEPARADA SIGUIENTE COLUMNA Precinct ID 2810 Ballot 3 Papeleta 3 Congressional District 1 OFFICIAL ELECTION BALLOT Senate District 6 STATE OF RHODE ISLAND Representative District 2 CITY OF PROVIDENCE Council/Ward District 1/4 TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 2012 Voting District 10

0 0 1. To vote: Complete the arrow(s) pointing to your choice(s) with a single bold line, like this . PAPELETA OFICIAL PARA LAS ELECCIONES ESTADO DE RHODE ISLAND - CIUDAD DE PROVIDENCE

1. Para votar: Complete la flecha o flechas que apuntan hacia su selección, con una línea gruesa, como ésta .

LOCAL QUESTIONS LOCAL QUESTIONS LOCAL QUESTIONS PROPUESTAS LOCALES PROPUESTAS LOCALES PROPUESTAS LOCALES 8. QUESTIONS 9 - 18 10. Finance the Design, Construction, AMENDMENTS TO THE Shall charter review commissions be Repair, Rehabilitation and PROVIDENCE appointed as of September 1, 2021, Improvement of Streets and HOME RULE CHARTER and every ten years thereafter? Sidewalks [Amends Section 1302] $40,000,000 9. Shall the terms used in the Charter be 10. "Shall an Ordinance of the City Council defined as follows for clarity and ¿Deben designarse comisiones de effective on July 31, 2012 authorizing consistency? [Adds Section 107] revisión de la Carta a partir del 1º de the issuance of up to $40,000,000 septiembre de 2021 y posteriormente general obligation bonds of the City to (a) "City" shall mean the City of cada diez años? [Se enmienda la finance the design, construction, repair, Providence, in the County of sección 1302] rehabilitation and improvement of Providence, and the State of Rhode streets and sidewalks in the City, Island. Question 10 YES including but not limited to, drainage, Propuesta 10 SI traffic control devices, safety (b) "Council" shall mean the duly improvements and landscaping, elected city council of the City of Question 10 NO pursuant to Rhode Island General Laws Providence. Propuesta 10 NO § 45-12-2 and § 807 of the City's Home Rule Charter, be approved?" (c) "Domiciled" shall mean that place 11. where a person has his or her true, Shall amendments approved by 8. fixed, and permanent home and electors of the city be effective upon Financiar el diseño, la construcción, principal establishment, and to which approval, unless otherwise noted? la reparacion, la rehabilitación y whenever he or she is absent has the [Amends Section 1401] mejoras de las vías y aceras intention of returning. $40,000,000 11. (d) Mayor. Whenever the word "mayor" ¿Deben las enmiendas aprobadas por "Debe aprobarse una ordenanza del is used, it shall mean the mayor of the los electores de la ciudad cobrar Concejo Municipal que adquirió City of Providence. vigencia al ser aprobados a menos que vigencia el 31 de julio de 2012 y que se indique lo contrario? [Se enmienda autoriza la emisión de hasta (e) "Quorum" shall mean a majority of la sección 1401] $40,000,000 en bonos de obligación the members of a public body or duly general emitidos por la Ciudad para appointed committee. Question 11 YES financiar el diseño, la construcción, la Propuesta 11 SI reparación, la rehabilitación y mejoras PROPUESTAS 9 - 18 de las vías y aceras en la Ciudad, ENMIENDA DE LA CARTA DE Question 11 NO incluyendo, sin que por ello se limite, AUTONOMÍA POLÍTICA DE Propuesta 11 NO desagües, dispositivos para el control PROVIDENCE 12. del tránsito, mejoras de seguridad y Shall the term "personnel department" paisajismo, conforme a las Leyes 9. be replaced with "human resources Generales de Rhode Island, Sección ¿Deben definirse los términos de la department" wherever it appears in the 45-12-2 y la Sección 807 de la Carta de Carta como se detalla a continuación charter? [Amends Sections 901 through Autonomía Política de la Ciudad?" para efectos de claridad y coherencia? 903] [Se agrega la sección 107] 12. Question 8 YES a) "Ciudad" (en inglés City) significa la ¿Debe la expresión "departamento de Propuesta 8 SI ciudad de Providence, en el condado personal" cambiarse por "departamento de Providence y en el estado de Rhode de recursos humanos" en todos los Question 8 NO Island. sitios donde figure en la Carta? [Se Propuesta 8 NO enmiendan las secciones 901 a 903] (b) "Concejo" (en inglés Council) significa el concejo municipal de la ciudad de Providence, debidamente elegido. Question 12 YES Propuesta 12 SI (c) "Domiciliado" (en inglés Domiciled) significa aquel lugar en el que la Question 12 NO persona tiene su hogar permanente, fijo Propuesta 12 NO y verídico, y su establecimiento principal, y al cual, siempre que se 13. ausente, tiene la intención de regresar. Shall it be the responsibility of the human resources department to (d) Alcalde. (en inglés Mayor) Siempre enforce the procedures for suspension, que se use la palabra "alcalde", discharge, reduction in class position, significa el alcalde de la ciudad de and layoff of employees? [Amends Providence. Section 903(j).] (e) "Quórum" (en inglés Quorum) 13. significa una mayoría de los integrantes ¿Debe ser responsabilidad del de un cuerpo público o de una comisión departamento de recursos humanos o comité debidamente designado. encargarse de hacer cumplir los procedimientos de suspensión, Question 9 YES despido, reducción de la posición en Propuesta 9 SI clase, y suspensión temporal de empleados? [Se enmienda la sección Question 9 NO 903(j).] Propuesta 9 NO Question 13 YES Propuesta 13 SI Question 13 NO Propuesta 13 NO


VOTE BOTH FRONT AND BACK OF BALLOT VOTE POR AMBAS CARAS DE LA PAPELETA, POR EN FRENTE Y POR EL REVERSO LOCAL QUESTIONS LOCAL QUESTIONS PROPUESTAS LOCALES PROPUESTAS LOCALES 14. 18. Shall the responsibilities of the human Shall the committee on ward resources department be changed to boundaries be elected by the city eliminate examining and approving all council in January of 2021 and every payrolls, and monitoring residency tenth year thereafter, and shall new requirements? [Amends Sections 903 requirements for revising ward (l) and (p).] boundary lines be established to include additional public hearings and 14. opportunities for public comment, ¿Deben cambiarse las specifications for council approval of responsabilidades del departamento de the plan, and criteria for drawing ward recursos humanos de manera que se boundaries? [Amends Section 204] elimine el estudio y la aprobación de todas las nóminas y el control de los 18. requisitos de residencia? [Se ¿Debe la comisión de límites distritales enmiendan las secciones 903 (l) y (p).] ser elegida por el concejo municipal en enero de 2021 y en adelante en cada décimo año posterior, y deben establecerse requisitos nuevos para Question 14 YES modificar los linderos distritales de Propuesta 14 SI manera que incluyan más vistas Question 14 NO públicas y más oportunidades para que Propuesta 14 NO el pueblo pueda hacer comentarios, definir especificaciones para la 15. aprobación del plan por el concejo, y Shall the qualifications for the director proferir criterios para el trazado de of the department of public property be linderos distritales? [Se enmienda la a bachelor's degree, or a minimum of sección 204] five (5) years of experience in the field? [Amends Section 1006] Question 18 YES Propuesta 18 SI 15. ¿Deben las aptitudes requeridas para Question 18 NO ser el director del departamento de Propuesta 18 NO bienes públicos ser un título universitario o un mínimo de cinco (5) años de experiencia en el ramo? [Se enmienda la sección 1006]

Question 15 YES Propuesta 15 SI Question 15 NO Propuesta 15 NO 16. Shall the Providence Emergency Management Agency and Homeland Protection Department be placed under the jurisdiction of the Department of Public Safety, under the supervision of the Commissioner of Public Safety? [Amends Section 1001]

16. ¿Deben colocarse la Agencia de Manejo de Emergencias en Providence y el Departamento de Seguridad Nacional dentro de la jurisdicción del Departamento de Seguridad Pública, bajo la supervisión del Comisionado de Seguridad Pública? [Se enmienda la sección 1001] Question 16 YES Propuesta 16 SI Question 16 NO Propuesta 16 NO 17. Shall the Charter prohibit city officials from using their authority or influence to secure city employment for any person within his or her family or any business associates? [Amends Section 1206 to add subsection (e)]

17. ¿Debe la Carta prohibir a los funcionarios municipales valerse de su autoridad o influencia para obtenerle un empleo municipal a cualquier familiar o asociado de negocios? [Se enmienda la sección 1206 y se agrega la subsección (e)]

Question 17 YES Propuesta 17 SI Question 17 NO Propuesta 17 NO


0 0 1. To vote: Complete the arrow(s) pointing to your choice(s) with a single bold line, like this .

2. To vote for a write-in candidate: Print the name of the person on the blank line labeled "Write-In" for the office and complete the arrow pointing to your write-in choice like this .

3. To cast a straight party vote: Complete the arrow pointing to the party of your choice in the straight party section of the ballot. If you cast a straight party vote and also vote for an individual candidate or candidates for a certain office on the ballot, the straight party vote will not be counted for that office and only the individual candidate or candidates voted for will be counted for that office.

STRAIGHT PARTY NON-PARTISAN COUNCIL To vote a "Straight Ticket" complete SENATOR IN WARD 2 the arrow pointing GENERAL ASSEMBLY TWO Year Term to the party of your choice. DISTRICT 12 Vote for 1 TWO Year Term DEMOCRAT Vote for 1 Justin S. McLAUGHLIN


President Ralph NADER Vote for any 4 Lynn U. CEGLIE Vice President Matt GONZALEZ Independent Marvin L. ABNEY David C. HANOS, JR.

President Chuck BALDWIN Herbert B. ARMSTRONG Robert Thomas OLIVEIRA Vice President Darrell L. CASTLE CONSTITUTION Jeanne Marie NAPOLITANO Hugo J. DeASCENTIS

President Cynthia McKINNEY Stephen C. WALUK Jo Eva GAINES Vice President Rosa CLEMENTE GREEN Stephen R. COYNE Write-in Mary C. CONNOLLY Write-in

Write-in Write-in

Write-in Write-in Write-in SENATOR IN CONGRESS SIX Year Term Write-in Write-in Vote for 1 Write-in Write-in John F. REED DEMOCRAT Write-in Robert G. TINGLE REPUBLICAN



VOTE BOTH FRONT AND BACK OF BALLOT STATE QUESTIONS 1. TRANSPORTATION BONDS $87,215,000 (Chapter 100 - Public Laws 2008) Approval of this question will authorize the State of Rhode Island to issue general obligation bonds, refunding bonds, and temporary notes in an amount not to exceed $80,000,000 to match federal funds and provide direct funding for improvements to the state's highways, roads and bridges; $3,570,000 to provide funding for commuter rail, and $3,645,000 to purchase and/or rehabilitate buses for the Rhode Island Public Transit Authority's bus fleet. Question 1 APPROVE

Question 1 REJECT

2. OPEN SPACE AND RECREATIONAL DEVELOPMENT BONDS $2,500,000 (Chapters 378/469 - Public Laws 2008) Approval of this question will authorize the State of Rhode Island to issue general obligation bonds, refunding bonds, and temporary notes in an amount not to exceed $2,500,000 to be used by the Department of Environmental Management to purchase or otherwise permanently protect through the purchase of the title, development rights, conservation easements and public recreation easements, greenways and other open space, recreation lands, agriculture lands, forested lands and state parks.

Question 2 APPROVE

Question 2 REJECT


VOTE BOTH FRONT AND BACK OF BALLOT Precinct ID 2101 Ballot 2 Congressional District 1 OFFICIAL ELECTION BALLOT Representative District 72 STATE OF RHODE ISLAND Voting District 1 CITY OF NEWPORT Senate District 12 TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 2008 Council/Ward District 2

0 0 1. To vote: Complete the arrow(s) pointing to your choice(s) with a single bold line, like this .

LOCAL QUESTIONS LOCAL QUESTIONS LOCAL QUESTIONS QUESTIONS 3 - 25 5. 7. AMENDMENTS TO Section 2-14 of Chapter II - THE Section 2-23 of Chapter II - THE CITY OF NEWPORT COUNCIL, entitled "POWER OF COUNCIL, entitled "INSPECTION HOME RULE CHARTER REFERENDUM" OF PROPOSED ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS BY THE (Resolution of the City Council adopted "The electors shall have power to PUBLIC" on July 9, 2008) approve or reject at the polls any ordinance passed by the Council, or "After the introduction of any Shall the following sections of submitted by the Council to a vote of ordinance or resolution in the Council, the City of Newport Home Rule the electors, such power being known the City Clerk shall keep available for Charter be amended to read: as the referendum. Ordinances public inspection a copy of such submitted to the Council by initiative proposed ordinance or resolution, petition and passed by the Council together with all amendments thereto, 3. without change shall be subject to the Section 2-3 of Chapter II - THE which copy shall be a public record. referendum in the same manner as For purposes of this section, 'keep COUNCIL entitled "VACANCIES" other ordinances. Within thirty (30) available for public inspection' shall days after the enactment by the Council include, but not be limited to, the "Any vacancy arising from death, of any ordinance, a petition signed by posting of such ordinances or resignation or any reason in the qualified electors of the City equal in resolutions, with all amendments membership of the Council shall be number to at least ten percent of the thereto, on the City's website." filled by the last election candidate number of persons registered to vote at who received the next highest the last regular Municipal election may Question 7 APPROVE number of votes for the ward or be filed with the City Clerk requesting at-large seat which is vacated, or that any such ordinance be either absent such a candidate, by four repealed or submitted to a vote of the Question 7 REJECT affirmative votes of the remaining electors. A majority of those casting members of the Council within thirty votes at such election shall determine 8. (30) days after the Council learns of the whether such ordinance is repealed or Section 3-1 of Chapter III - vacancy or, in the event of a tie vote or sustained. ELECTIONS, entitled "ELECTION inability to elect, the vacancy shall be "When a referendum petition has filled as soon thereafter as possible by been certified as sufficient by the City LAWS AND CONDUCT OF a majority vote of all the remaining Clerk, the ordinance specified in the ELECTIONS" members of the Council. petition shall not go into effect, or "The Council shall fill any vacancy further action thereunder shall be "The provisions of the laws of the arising from death, resignation or any suspended if it shall have gone into State of Rhode Island pertaining to reason in the membership of the effect, until and unless approved by the elections and related matters, including School Committee within thirty (30) electors, as hereinafter provided." the rights and qualifications of voters; days after learning of the vacancy or as the registration of voters; the soon thereafter as may be possible by Canvassing Authority and the last election candidate who Registration, and the registering, listing, received the next highest number of Question 5 APPROVE and returning lists of voters, and proof votes, or absent such a candidate, by of their qualification to vote; canvassing a majority vote of all members of the the rights and correcting the list of Council. Any person appointed to fill a Question 5 REJECT voters; elective meetings; the hours of vacancy on the School Committee by opening and closing the polls; voting the Council shall serve only until a 6. machines; absentee voting; and crimes, person is elected and qualified at the Section 2-14a of Chapter II - THE penalties and forfeitures under the next City election under this Charter." COUNCIL, entitled election laws; and any and all other "SIGNATURES ON INITIATIVE provisions of the laws of the State of Rhode Island relating to the AND REFERENDUM PETITIONS" qualifications of electors, registration, Question 3 APPROVE the manner of voting, the duties of "The signatures on all initiative election officials and all other petitions and referendum petitions particulars in respect to preparation for, Question 3 REJECT under Sections 2-13 and 2-14 of this conducting, and management of Charter need not all be affixed to one elections, shall govern every city 4. petition, but to each separate petition primary, general and special election, "SECTION 2-4. COUNCIL there shall be attached an affidavit of so far as they may be applicable, COMPENSATION. the circulator that each signature excepting those provisions which are appended thereto was made in his inconsistent with this Charter. "Each member of the Council may presence and is a genuine signature of "Whenever in said election laws and receive such compensation as the person whose name it purports to related matters reference is made to established by ordinance. Such be. With each signature shall be stated any political party, or reference is made compensation shall not be changed the place of residence of the signer, to voting machines as being prepared during the current term of the giving the street and number of the for voting purposes in accordance with Councilors enacting such an street or other description sufficient to political party designation, or any ordinance. Compensation may identify the same. The circulator's reference of whatever kind and include benefits, such as health, life name shall be notarized and all persons designation is made in said election and dental insurance. (As amended circulating such petitions shall be laws and related matters to any political by Sec. 1, Chapter 526, P.L.1985.)" registered votes of the City. All party or political designation, for the signatures shall be gathered within a purpose of this Charter only each and six-month time limit and no question every such reference to a political party shall be resubmitted within a two-year Question 4 APPROVE shall be held to be eliminated from said period from the date of the initial election laws in accordance with the submission of the petition to the City provisions of this Charter. Question 4 REJECT Council." "All municipal elections in the City of Newport, whether primary, general or Question 6 APPROVE special, shall be non-partisan and there shall be no party mark or designation Question 6 REJECT upon any declaration of candidacy, nomination, petition or list of candidates. By April 1 in even numbered years, the Canvassing Authority shall issue a schedule of the filing dates for the elections to be held that year."

Question 8 APPROVE

Question 8 REJECT

LOCAL QUESTIONS CONTINUED ON BACK VOTE BOTH FRONT AND BACK OF BALLOT LOCAL QUESTIONS LOCAL QUESTIONS LOCAL QUESTIONS 9. 12. 14. Section 4-2 of Chapter IV - Section 4-11 of Chapter IV - Sections 7-1 FINANCE; 7-2 POWERS OF COUNCIL, entitled POWERS OF COUNCIL, entitled PUBLIC WORKS; 7-3 PUBLIC "PROBATE COURT" "COUNCIL NOT TO INTERFERE SAFETY; 7-4 PUBLIC WITH ADMINISTRATION" RECREATION; 7-5 WATER; 7-7 "The Council shall elect a Judge of CITY CLERK; 7-8 OTHER Probate for a term concurrent with the "Neither the Council nor any of its DEPARTMENTS AND DIVISIONS; term of office of said Council. He shall members shall direct or request the 7-9 DIRECTORS OF be a member of the bar of the State of appointment of any person to, or his DEPARTMENTS and 7-10 Rhode Island. removal from office by the City DEPARTMENTAL DIVISIONS of Whenever the Judge of Probate Manager or by any of his subordinates, Court is a party, or is interested in any or in any manner take part in the Chapter VII.-ADMINISTRATIVE proceeding about to be heard in his appointment or removal of officers and DEPARTMENTS of the City of Court, or is absent or unable to perform employees in the administrative service Newport Charter, be deleted in his duties, or there is a vacancy in such of the City or interfere in any way with their entirety and be amended to office, his duties shall be temporarily any administrative division or read: performed by the Municipal Court department. Except for the purpose of Judge, and the fact of such interest, inquiry, the Council and its members "Section 7-1. DEPARTMENTS absence, inability or vacancy shall be shall deal with the administrative AND DIVISIONS. recorded in the records of said Court." service solely through the City Manager and neither the Council nor any "There shall be such departments Question 9 APPROVE member thereof shall give orders to any and divisions as the Council may by subordinates of the City Manager, ordinance establish on the either publicly or privately. Any recommendation of the City Question 9 REJECT Councilman violating the provisions of Manager. this section shall be guilty of a 10. misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined not more than one thousand "Section 7-2. DIRECTORS OF Section 4-8 of Chapter IV - DEPARTMENTS. POWERS OF COUNCIL, entitled dollars ($1,000.00) or be imprisoned for "TRUST AND INVESTMENT not more than sixty (60) days, or both, and shall forthwith cease to be a At the head of each department COMMISSION" be renumbered Councilman." there shall be a director who shall and amended to read: have supervision and control of the department subject to the direction SECTION 4-7. TRUST AND of the City Manager. Two or more INVESTMENT COMMISSION. Question 12 APPROVE departments may be headed by the same individual, and directors may also serve as chiefs of divisions. "There shall be a Trust and Question 12 REJECT Investment Commission, which Special qualifications for selection commission shall consist of five of directors of departments may be 13. established by ordinance, however, members who shall be chosen on the Section 4-12 of Chapter IV - basis of their knowledge of the police and fire chiefs shall be investments and financial POWERS OF COUNCIL, entitled appointed from candidates who management. This commission shall "POWER TO COMPEL have a minimum of five years have custody and control of all funds TESTIMONY" continuous service in their field. now held or hereafter held for the payment of pensions and health "In connection with any investigation "Section 7-3. DEPARTMENTAL benefits and premiums for city and which may be conducted by the DIVISIONS. school department employees; and Council, or any committee thereof, the said commission shall have the power Council or committee may compel the "The work of each department to sell, exchange, invest or reinvest attendance of witnesses and the may be distributed among such said funds and to receive, collect, and production of books, papers and other divisions as may be established by hold all income thereof and to pay and evidence, and for that purpose may ordinance upon recommendation of appropriate the same in such manner issue subpoenas which shall be signed the City Manager. Pending passage and for the purposes prescribed by law by the Mayor or the chairman of any of an ordinance, the City Manager or by said will, deed, gift or indenture. such committee. If any witness shall may establish temporary divisions. Said commission shall have such other refuse to testify to any facts within his powers and duties, and its members knowledge, or to produce any papers or "Section 7-4. CONTINUANCE. shall be appointed and serve for such books in his possession, or under his terms, as the council may by said control, relating to matters under "The Departments and Divisions ordinance prescribe. (As amended by inquiry, before the Council, or any such that existed as of January 1, 2008 Sec. 1, Chapter 443, P.L. 1989.)" committee, the Council by resolution shall continue in existence until may cite such witness in contempt and such time as the Council passes an upon conviction thereof such witness Ordinance changing such Question 10 APPROVE shall be fined not more than one Departments and Divisions pursuant thousand dollars ($1,000.00) or be to § 7-1 hereof." imprisoned for not more than sixty (60) Question 10 REJECT days, or both. No witness shall be excused from giving information 11. touching upon his knowledge of the Question 14 APPROVE Section 4-8 to Chapter IV - matter under investigation in any such POWERS OF COUNCIL, entitled inquiry, but such testimony shall not be "OTHER BOARDS AND used against him in any subsequent Question 14 REJECT COMMISSIONS" be added to criminal prosecution except for perjury read: committed upon such inquiry, unless 15. such witness shall, in writing at the time Section 8-3 to Chapter VIII - of so testifying, waive his rights not to SCHOOLS, entitled "SCHOOL "SECTION 4-8. OTHER BOARDS have such testimony used against him. AND COMMISSIONS. COMMITTEE COMPENSATION" be added to read: "In addition to the Boards and Question 13 APPROVE Commissions named in this Chapter, "SECTION 8-3. SCHOOL the Council may establish such COMMITTEE COMPENSATION. Boards and Commissions as it Question 13 REJECT deems necessary, on a permanent or "Each member of the School ad hoc basis, and elect members Committee may receive thereto, and may retire those Boards compensation as established by the and Commissions so established by City Council. Such compensation it." shall not be changed during the current term of the elected member. "Compensation may include Question 11 APPROVE benefits, such as health, life and dental insurance." Question 11 REJECT

Question 15 APPROVE

Question 15 REJECT


VOTE BOTH FRONT AND BACK OF BALLOT Precinct ID 2101 Ballot 3 Congressional District 1 OFFICIAL ELECTION BALLOT Representative District 72 STATE OF RHODE ISLAND Voting District 1 CITY OF NEWPORT Senate District 12 TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 2008 Council/Ward District 2

0 0 1. To vote: Complete the arrow(s) pointing to your choice(s) with a single bold line, like this .

LOCAL QUESTIONS LOCAL QUESTIONS LOCAL QUESTIONS 16. 18. 20. Section 9-1 of Chapter IX - Section 9-4 of Chapter IX - Shall Section 9-8 of Chapter IX - FINANCE, entitled "FISCAL FINANCE, entitled "PUBLIC FINANCE, entitled " YEAR" HEARING ON BUDGET" be BUDGETARY CONTROL" "Section 9-1. FISCAL YEAR AND deleted in its entirety and STRATEGIC PLAN amended to read: "The Finance Department shall exercise budgetary control over each "The Council shall provide by "Section 9-4.1. office, department and agency and ordinance for the fiscal year of the City. shall cause separate accounts to be "The Council is responsible for "The Council, at least 60 days kept for the items of appropriation, each the development and maintenance of prior to the beginning of each fiscal of which shall show the amount of the a multi-year strategic plan for the year, shall hold a public hearing on appropriation, the amounts paid City. This plan will include: the Manager's proposed budget. therefrom, the unpaid obligations -Mission Statement (for City against it, and the unencumbered Council and for administrative "Section 9-4.2. balance. Unless the Finance departments; Department shall certify that there is a -Long Range Goals (goals that "The Manager, at least 30 days sufficient unencumbered balance and cover more than one fiscal year for prior to the beginning of each fiscal available funds in any account no the City and for each administrative year, shall prepare and present to appropriation shall be valid and no department); the Council a revised budget and expenditure shall be made. -Short Range Goals (goals tied to revenue projection based upon the "The City Manager shall, no more the City's current fiscal year for the Council's instructions following the than 30 days after the end of each City and for each administrative public hearing fiscal month, prepare and submit to department); the Council a budget analytical -Performance Measures (for all "Section 9-4.3. report that identifies any significant goals - long range and short range variances between actual and that facilitate tracking progress and "The Council, at least 20 days budgeted revenue and expenses. achievement milestones. prior to the beginning of each fiscal The City Manager shall, no more "The City's Strategic Plan will be year and prior to the Council than 30 days after the end of the 2nd reviewed periodically and progress approving a final budget and fiscal quarter, prepare for the City reported no less often than annually appropriation ordinance, shall hold a Council a Financial Analysis Report at a public hearing." public hearing on the revised that identifies any significant budget." mid-year revenue and expense budget variances and projects any significant fiscal year-end revenue Question 16 APPROVE Question 18 APPROVE and expense variances. The Council will hold a public hearing on that Question 16 REJECT Question 18 REJECT report no later than 15 days following receipt of the report." 17. 19. Section 9-2 of Chapter IX - Section 9-5 of Chapter IX - FINANCE, entitled FINANCE, entitled "COUNCIL "PREPARATION OF BUDGET" MAY REVISE PROPOSED Question 20 APPROVE BUDGET" "The Manager shall prepare and Question 20 REJECT submit to the Council, at least 180 "The Council may insert new items or days prior to the beginning of each may increase or decrease the items of fiscal year, a projection of the the budget as presented by the change in revenues from the current Manager, but, if it shall increase the fiscal year to the next fiscal years as total proposed expenditures, it also well as a projection of anticipated shall provide for increasing the total significant expense changes. anticipated revenues at least to equal "The Council shall provide to the the total proposed expenditures. Manager, at least 150 days prior to "Any changes approved by the the beginning of each fiscal year, a Council shall be noted on a 'Budget list of its top priority projects and its Revision Schedule', with the City administrative expense Councilor who proposed the change LOCAL QUESTIONS increase/decrease guidelines for the identified. The Budget Revision CONTINUED ON next fiscal year. This shall include Schedule should be appended to the the maximum amount of revenue final budget document." BACK that may be allocated to the Capital Improvement Program (see Section 9-19). "The Manager shall prepare and Question 19 APPROVE submit to the Council, at least seventy-five days prior to the beginning of each fiscal year, a Question 19 REJECT proposed budget and a budget message containing an explanation of proposed financial policies and the important features of the budget plan. He shall submit at the same time an appropriation ordinance making provision for the conduct of the City government for the ensuing year. Revenues and expenses related to the Council's priorities shall be highlighted."

Question 17 APPROVE

Question 17 REJECT

VOTE BOTH FRONT AND BACK OF BALLOT LOCAL QUESTIONS LOCAL QUESTIONS 21. 23. Section 9-23 of Chapter IX - Section 10-5 of Chapter X - FINANCE, entitled MISCELLANEOUS, entitled "COMPETITIVE BIDDING" "CONTINUANCE OF PRESENT OFFICERS" be deleted in its "Before any purchase of or contract entirety: for supplies, materials or equipment is made on behalf of the city, opportunity (All persons holding administrative shall be given for competitive bidding office at the time this Charter takes under such rules and regulations and effect shall continue in office and in the with such exceptions as the council may prescribe by ordinance. performance of their duties until "All contract actions shall follow provision shall have been made in competitive bidding requirements of accordance therewith for the the Rhode Island General Laws. performance of such duties or the Procurements, not to exceed an discontinuance of such office. The aggregate amount of ten thousand powers conferred and the duties dollars ($10,000.00) for construction imposed upon any office, department or and five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) agency of the City by the laws of the for all other purchases, may be State shall, if such office, department or made in accordance with small purchase regulations promulgated agency be abolished by this Charter, or by the City under such rules and under its authority, be thereafter regulations and with such exercised and discharged by the office, exceptions as the Council may department or agency designated by prescribe by ordinance. the Council unless otherwise provided Procurements shall not be artificially herein.) divided so as to constitute a small purchase under this section. "Procurements of between five Question 23 APPROVE thousand dollars ($5,000.00) and ten thousand (10,000.00) shall follow the competitive bidding requirements of Question 23 REJECT the Rhode Island General Laws and shall be awarded by an Award 24. Committee consisting of the Section 10-8 of Chapter X - Purchasing Agent, a requesting MISCELLANEOUS, entitled Department Representative and a disinterested City employee selected "TERMS OF OFFICE OF by the City Manager. The Award PRESENT ELECTIVE OFFICERS; Committee shall have power to TERMINATION" be deleted in its award or reject all bids and advertise entirety: for new bids within their threshold dollar limit. Alterations in any contract entered into may be made (The terms of office of all members of within the threshold dollar limit the School Committee, members of the when authorized by the Award City Council, and the Mayor due to Committee on a written terminate in November, 1985, shall recommendation from the City Manager or his designee. terminate on January 2, 1986. The "Procurements of above ten terms of office of all members of the thousand dollars ($10,000.00) shall School Committee, members of the follow the competitive bidding City Council and the Mayor elected in requirements of the Rhode Island November, 2001, and due to terminate General Laws and shall be awarded in January, 2004, shall terminate in by the Council. The Council shall January, 2005. (As amended by Sec. 2, have power to award or reject all Chapter 269, P.L. 1984; Chapter 81, bids and advertise for new bids. P.L. 2000.) Alterations to any contract entered into may be made when authorized by the Council on a written recommendation of the City Manager Question 24 APPROVE or his designee." Question 24 REJECT

Question 21 APPROVE 25. Section 10-9 of Chapter X - MISCELLANEOUS, entitled Question 21 REJECT "WHEN CHARTER EFFECTIVE" be deleted in its entirety: 22. Section 9-24 of Chapter IX - (Chapter III of this Charter shall take FINANCE, entitled effect upon its adoption by the electors "REQUISITIONS" be deleted in of the City of Newport. The remainder its entirety and be amended to of this Charter shall take effect on the read: first day of November, 1953.)

"All purchase actions and contracts executed on behalf of the Question 25 APPROVE City shall be pursuant to a requisition in written or electronic form. These requisitions shall Question 25 REJECT originate from the head of the office, department or agency whose appropriation will be charged."

Question 22 APPROVE

Question 22 REJECT

VOTE BOTH FRONT AND BACK OF BALLOT Precinct ID 2102 Ballot 1 Congressional District 1 OFFICIAL ELECTION BALLOT Senate District 13 STATE OF RHODE ISLAND Representative District 73 CITY OF NEWPORT Council/Ward District 1/1 TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 2012 Voting District 2

0 0 1. To vote: Complete the arrow(s) pointing to your choice(s) with a single bold line, like this .

2. To vote for a write-in candidate: Print the name of the person on the blank line labeled "Write-In" for the office and complete the arrow pointing to your write-in choice like this .

3. To cast a straight party vote: Complete the arrow pointing to the party of your choice in the straight party section of the ballot. If you cast a straight party vote and also vote for an individual candidate or candidates for a certain office on the ballot, the straight party vote will not be counted for that office and only the individual candidate or candidates voted for will be counted for that office.

STRAIGHT PARTY REPRESENTATIVE IN NON-PARTISAN To vote a "Straight Ticket" complete COUNCIL-AT-LARGE the arrow pointing CONGRESS TWO Year Term to the party of your choice. DISTRICT 1 TWO Year Term Vote for any 4 DEMOCRAT Vote for 1 Naomi L. NEVILLE

MODERATE David N. CICILLINE Henry F. WINTHROP DEMOCRAT REPUBLICAN Brendan P. DOHERTY Jeanne Marie NAPOLITANO REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS David S. VOGEL Michael T. FARLEY FOR: Independent Donald P. BOUCHER Write-in President Barack OBAMA Vice President Joe BIDEN SENATOR IN Write-in DEMOCRAT GENERAL ASSEMBLY DISTRICT 13 Write-in TWO Year Term President Mitt ROMNEY Vote for 1 Vice President Paul RYAN Write-in REPUBLICAN M. Teresa PAIVA-WEED DEMOCRAT Write-in President Gary JOHNSON Geoffrey William COOK NON-PARTISAN COUNCIL Vice President James P. GRAY REPUBLICAN WARD 1 Libertarian TWO Year Term Write-in Vote for 1 President Virgil GOODE Marco T. CAMACHO Vice President Jim CLYMER REPRESENTATIVE IN Constitution GENERAL ASSEMBLY DISTRICT 73 Charles Y. DUNCAN TWO Year Term President Ross C. "Rocky" Vote for 1 ANDERSON Write-in Vice President Luis J. RODRIGUEZ Marvin L. ABNEY NON-PARTISAN Justice DEMOCRAT SCHOOL COMMITTEE President Peta LINDSAY TWO Year Term Vice President Yari OSORIO Write-in Vote for 7 Socialism and Liberation Robert B. POWER

President Jill STEIN Jo Eva GAINES Vice President Cheri HONKALA Green Sandra J. FLOWERS

Rebecca BOLAN


Robert J. LEARY Write-in SENATOR IN CONGRESS Thomas S. PHELAN SIX Year Term Vote for 1 Write-in Sheldon WHITEHOUSE DEMOCRAT Write-in B. Barrett HINCKLEY, III REPUBLICAN Write-in

Write-in Write-in




VOTE BOTH FRONT AND BACK OF BALLOT STATE QUESTIONS STATE QUESTIONS STATE QUESTIONS 1. 5. STATE CONSTITUTIONAL CLEAN WATER FINANCE CONTINUED FROM APPROVAL AGENCY BONDS PREVIOUS COLUMN $20,000,000 (e) Local Recreation Grants (APPROVAL OF AN ACT (Chapter 241- Public Laws 2012) ..$5,500,000 AUTHORIZING Provides grants to municipalities STATE-OPERATED CASINO Approval of this question will for acquisition, development, or GAMING AT TWIN RIVER IN THE authorize the State of Rhode Island rehabilitation of local recreational TOWN OF LINCOLN) to issue general obligation bonds, facilities. These grants provide (Section 22 of Article VI of the refunding bonds, and temporary funding assistance up to fifty Constitution) notes in an amount not to exceed percent (50%) of the project costs. twelve million dollars ($12,000,000) All grant applications are evaluated Shall an act be approved which to be leveraged with federal and and ranked by the State Recreation would authorize the facility known state capitalization grants to Resources Review Committee. as "Twin River" in the town of finance wastewater infrastructure (f) Historic/Passive Parks Lincoln to add state-operated projects and eight million dollars ..$1,000,000 casino gaming, such as table ($8,000,000) to be leveraged with Provides grants to municipalities games, to the types of gambling it federal and state capitalization for the renovation and development offers? grants to finance drinking water of historic and passive recreation infrastructure projects. Question 1 APPROVE areas. The grants provide funding assistance up to ninety percent (90%) of the project costs. All grant Question 1 REJECT Question 5 APPROVE applications are evaluated and ranked by the State Recreation 2. Question 5 REJECT Resources Review Committee. STATE CONSTITUTIONAL APPROVAL 6. Question 6 APPROVE ENVIRONMENTAL (APPROVAL OF AN ACT MANAGEMENT BONDS AUTHORIZING $20,000,000 Question 6 REJECT STATE-OPERATED CASINO (Chapter 241 - Public Laws 2012) GAMING AT NEWPORT GRAND 7. IN THE Approval of this question will AFFORDABLE HOUSING BONDS CITY OF NEWPORT) allow the State of Rhode Island to $25,000,000 (Section 22 of Article VI of the issue general obligation bonds, (Chapter 241 - Public Laws 2012) Constitution) refunding bonds, and temporary notes for environmental and Approval of this question will Shall an act be approved which recreational purposes to be allotted allow the State of Rhode Island to would authorize the facility known as follows: issue general obligation bonds, as "Newport Grand" in the city of refunding bonds, and temporary Newport to add state-operated (a) Narragansett Bay and notes in an amount not to exceed casino gaming, such as table Watershed Restoration twenty-five million dollars games, to the types of gambling it ..$4,000,000 ($25,000,000) for affordable offers? Provides funds for activities to housing. restore and protect the water quality and enhance the economic Question 2 APPROVE viability and environmental Question 7 APPROVE sustainability of Narragansett Bay Question 2 REJECT and the State's watersheds. Eligible Question 7 REJECT activities include: nonpoint source 3. pollution abatement, including HIGHER EDUCATION FACILITIES stormwater management; nutrient BONDS loading abatement; commercial, $50,000,000 industrial and agricultural pollution (Chapter 241 - Public Laws 2012) abatement; and riparian buffer and watershed ecosystem restoration. Approval of this question will (b) State Land Acquisition - LOCAL allow the State of Rhode Island to Open Space..$2,500,000 issue general obligation bonds, Provides funds for the purchase QUESTIONS refunding bonds, and temporary of land, development rights and notes in an amount not to exceed conservation easements in Rhode ON fifty million dollars ($50,000,000) for Island. This program acquires renovations and modernization of recreational and open space lands SEPARATE academic buildings at Rhode Island for the State of Rhode Island in College including renovation, accordance with the Rhode Island BALLOT upgrade and expansion of health Comprehensive Outdoor and nursing facilities on the Recreation Plan, Land Protection campus of Rhode Island College. Plan, and the Rhode Island Greenspace 2000 plan. (c) Farmland Development Question 3 APPROVE Rights..$4,500,000 Provides funds for the purchase Question 3 REJECT of agricultural development rights to active farms in Rhode Island. The 4. State purchases the development VETERANS' HOME BONDS rights to farms to eliminate the $94,000,000 economic pressure on farmers to (Chapter 241 - Public Laws 2012) sell properties for residential and commercial development. The Approval of this question will Agricultural Land Preservation allow the State of Rhode Island to Commission accepts and evaluates issue general obligation bonds, farmland applications for these refunding bonds, and temporary funds. notes in an amount not to exceed (d) Local Land Acquisition ninety-four million dollars Grants..$2,500,000 ($94,000,000) for the construction Provides funds for grants to of a new Veterans' Home and municipalities, local land trusts and renovations to existing facilities. non-profit organizations to acquire Any funding amount from federal fee-simple title, development rights, sources received for these or conservation easements to open purposes will be used to reduce the space in Rhode Island. The grants amount of borrowed funds. provide funding up to fifty percent (50%) of the purchase price for land, surveys, appraisals and title Question 4 APPROVE costs. The grant applications are reviewed and evaluated by the Question 4 REJECT Governor's Natural Heritage Preservation Commission according to the program guidelines. CONTINUED ON NEXT COLUMN

VOTE BOTH FRONT AND BACK OF BALLOT Precinct ID 2102 Ballot 2 Congressional District 1 OFFICIAL ELECTION BALLOT Senate District 13 STATE OF RHODE ISLAND Representative District 73 CITY OF NEWPORT Council/Ward District 1/1 TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 2012 Voting District 2

0 0 To Vote: Complete the arrow(s) pointing to your choice(s) with a single bold line, like this .

LOCAL QUESTION 8. CASINO GAMING AT NEWPORT GRAND (Chapters 24/25 - Public Laws 2012)

"Shall an act be approved which would authorize the facility known as "Newport Grand" in the City of Newport to add state-operated casino gaming, such as table games, to the types of gambling it offers?"

Question 8 APPROVE

Question 8 REJECT Precinct ID 0401 OFFICIAL ELECTION BALLOT Congressional District 1 STATE OF RHODE ISLAND Representative District 56 CITY OF CENTRAL FALLS Voting District 1 TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 2008 Senate District 16

Council/Ward District 1/1

0 0 1. To vote: Complete the arrow(s) pointing to your choice(s) with a single bold line, like this .

2. To vote for a write-in candidate: Print the name of the person on the blank line labeled "Write-In" for the office and complete the arrow pointing to your write-in choice like this .

3. To cast a straight party vote: Complete the arrow pointing to the party of your choice in the straight party section of the ballot. If you cast a straight party vote and also vote for an individual candidate or candidates for a certain office on the ballot, the straight party vote will not be counted for that office and only the individual candidate or candidates voted for will be counted for that office. PAPELETA OFICIAL PARA LAS ELECCIONES ESTADO DE RHODE ISLAND - CIUDAD DE CENTRAL FALLS 1. Para votar: Complete la flecha o flechas que apuntan hacia su selección, con una línea gruesa, como ésta .

2. Para votar por un candidato cuyo nombre no aparece en la papeleta ("write-in candidate"): Escriba el nombre de dicha persona, en letra de molde, en la línea que dice "Write-In", y además complete la flecha que apunta hacia el nombre que ha escrito, como ésta .

3. Para emitir un voto íntegro por un partido: Complete la flecha que apunta hacia el partido de su elección en la sección de la papeleta del voto íntegro. Si en la papeleta usted emite un voto íntegro y también vota por un candidato individual o por candidatos para cierto cargo, el voto íntegro de partido no se contará para ese cargo y solamente el candidato individual o los candidatos por los que votó serán contado para ese cargo.

STRAIGHT PARTY SENATOR IN CONGRESS To vote a "Straight Ticket" complete the SENATOR IN arrow pointing Six Year Term GENERAL ASSEMBLY to the party of your choice. Vote for 1 DISTRICT 16 VOTO ÍNTEGRO Two Year Term Para emitir un voto íntegro a favor de Vote for 1 un partido, complete la flecha que SENADOR EN EL CONGRESO apunta hacia el partido que prefiera. Periodo de seis años Vote por 1 SENADOR EN LA ASAMBLEA GENERAL John F. REED DEMOCRAT DEMOCRAT DISTRITO 16 Periodo de dos años Robert G. TINGLE Vote por 1 REPUBLICAN REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS Elizabeth A. CROWLEY Write-in DEMOCRAT FOR: Albert Paul LARIVEE REPUBLICAN ELECTORES PRESIDENCIALES A FAVOR DE REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS DISTRICT 1 Write-in President Barack OBAMA Two Year Term Vice President Joe BIDEN Vote for 1 DEMOCRAT REPRESENTATIVE IN GENERAL ASSEMBLY REPRESENTANTE EN DISTRICT 56 President John McCAIN EL CONGRESO Vice President Two Year Term Sarah PALIN DISTRITO 1 Vote for 1 REPUBLICAN Periodo de dos años Vote por 1 President Bob BARR REPRESENTANTE EN Vice President Wayne A. ROOT LA ASAMBLEA GENERAL DISTRITO 56 LIBERTARIAN Patrick J. KENNEDY DEMOCRAT Periodo de dos años Vote por 1 President Gloria La RIVA Jonathan P. SCOTT Vice President Robert MOSES REPUBLICAN SOCIALISM & LIBERATION Kenneth A. CAPALBO Agostinho F. SILVA Independent DEMOCRAT President Ralph NADER Vice President Matt GONZALEZ Write-in Write-in Independent




1. 2. TRANSPORTATION BONDS OPEN SPACE AND $87,215,000 RECREATIONAL DEVELOPMENT (Chapter 100 - Public Laws 2008) BONDS $2,500,000 Approval of this question will (Chapters 378/469 - Public Laws 2008) authorize the State of Rhode Island to issue general obligation bonds, Approval of this question will refunding bonds, and temporary authorize the State of Rhode Island notes in an amount not to exceed to issue general obligation bonds, $80,000,000 to match federal funds refunding bonds, and temporary and provide direct funding for notes in an amount not to exceed improvements to the state's $2,500,000 to be used by the highways, roads and bridges; Department of Environmental $3,570,000 to provide funding for Management to purchase or commuter rail, and $3,645,000 to otherwise permanently protect purchase and/or rehabilitate buses through the purchase of the title, for the Rhode Island Public Transit development rights, conservation Authority's bus fleet. easements and public recreation easements, greenways and other BONOS RELACIONADOS CON open space, recreation lands, EL TRANSPORTE agriculture lands, forested lands $87,215,000 and state parks. (Capítulo 100 - Leyes Públicas de 2008) BONOS PARA EL FOMENTO DE ESPACIOS ABIERTOS Y Con la aprobación de esta RECREATIVOS propuesta se autorizará al Estado $2,500,000 de Rhode Island a emitir bonos (Capítulos 378/469 - Leyes Públicas de garantizados por los recursos 2008) generales, bonos para refinanciamiento y pagarés Con la aprobación de esta transitorios por una suma máxima propuesta se autorizará al Estado de $80,000,000 para parear con de Rhode Island a emitir bonos fondos proporcionados por el garantizados por los recursos gobierno federal y para obtener generales, bonos para fondos para el financiamiento refinanciamiento y pagarés directo para efectuar mejoras a las transitorios por una suma máxima autopistas, carreteras y puentes de $2,500,000 que el del Estado; $3,570,000 para Departamento de Gestión aportar al financiamiento del Ambiental (Department of transporte ferroviario local y Environmental Management) $3,645,000 para la adquisición o utilizará para adquirir o de alguna rehabilitación de autobuses del otra forma proteger de manera parque automotriz de la Rhode permanente, mediante la Island Public Transit Authority. adquisición del título de propiedad de: los derechos de fomento, servidumbres para conservación y Question 1 APPROVE servidumbres para recreación Propuesta 1 A FAVOR pública, zonas verdes y otros espacios abiertos, terrenos Question 1 REJECT recreativos, terrenos agrícolas, Propuesta 1 EN CONTRA terrenos boscosos y parques estatales.

Question 2 APPROVE Propuesta 2 A FAVOR Question 2 REJECT Propuesta 2 EN CONTRA

VOTE BOTH FRONT AND BACK OF BALLOT VOTE TANTO EN EL FRENTE COMO EL REVERSO DE LA PAPELETA Ballot 1 Precinct ID 0403 OFFICIAL ELECTION BALLOT Papeleta 1 Congressional District 1 STATE OF RHODE ISLAND Senate District 16 CITY OF CENTRAL FALLS Representative District 56 TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 2012 Council/Ward District 3/1

Voting District 3

0 0 1. To vote: Complete the arrow(s) pointing to your choice(s) with a single bold line, like this . 2. To vote for a write-in candidate: Print the name of the person on the blank line labeled "Write-In" for the office and complete the arrow pointing to your write-in choice like this .

3. To cast a straight party vote: Complete the arrow pointing to the party of your choice in the straight party section of the ballot. If you cast a straight party vote and also vote for an individual candidate or candidates for a certain office on the ballot, the straight party vote will not be counted for that office and only the individual candidate or candidates voted for will be counted for that office. PAPELETA OFICIAL PARA LAS ELECCIONES ESTADO DE RHODE ISLAND - CIUDAD DE CENTRAL FALLS 1. Para votar: Complete la flecha o flechas que apuntan hacia su selección, con una línea gruesa, como ésta .

2. Para votar por un candidato cuyo nombre no aparece en la papeleta ("write-in candidate"): Escriba el nombre de dicha persona, en letra de molde, en la línea que dice "Write-In", y además complete la flecha que apunta hacia el nombre que ha escrito, como ésta .

3. Para emitir un voto integro por un partido: Complete la flecha que señala hacia el partido de su elección en la sección de la papeleta en donde se emiten los votos íntegros. Si en la papeleta usted emite un voto integro y también vota por un candidato individual o por candidatos postulados para cierto cargo, el voto integro de partido no se contará para ese cargo y solamente el candidato individual o los candidatos por los que se emitió el voto será contado para ese cargo.

STRAIGHT PARTY SENATOR IN CONGRESS To vote a "Straight Ticket" complete the Six Year Term arrow pointing Vote for 1 to the party of your choice. VOTO ÍNTEGRO SENADOR EN EL CONGRESO Para emitir un voto íntegro a favor de Periodo de seis años un partido, complete la flecha que Vote por 1 apunta hacia el partido que prefiera. Sheldon WHITEHOUSE DEMOCRAT B. Barrett HINCKLEY, III DEMOCRAT REPUBLICAN


VOTE BOTH FRONT AND BACK OF BALLOT VOTE POR AMBAS CARAS DE LA PAPELETA, POR EN FRENTE Y POR EL REVERSO STATE QUESTIONS STATE QUESTIONS STATE QUESTIONS PROPUESTAS ESTATALES PROPUESTAS ESTATALES PROPUESTAS ESTATALES 1. 3. 5. STATE CONSTITUTIONAL HIGHER EDUCATION FACILITIES CLEAN WATER FINANCE AGENCY APPROVAL BONDS BONDS $50,000,000 $20,000,000 (APPROVAL OF AN ACT (Chapter 241 - Public Laws 2012) (Chapter 241- Public Laws 2012) AUTHORIZING STATE-OPERATED CASINO GAMING AT TWIN RIVER IN Approval of this question will allow Approval of this question will THE TOWN OF LINCOLN) the State of Rhode Island to issue authorize the State of Rhode Island to (Section 22 of Article VI of the general obligation bonds, refunding issue general obligation bonds, Constitution) bonds, and temporary notes in an refunding bonds, and temporary notes amount not to exceed fifty million in an amount not to exceed twelve Shall an act be approved which dollars ($50,000,000) for renovations million dollars ($12,000,000) to be would authorize the facility known as and modernization of academic leveraged with federal and state "Twin River" in the town of Lincoln to buildings at Rhode Island College capitalization grants to finance add state-operated casino including renovation, upgrade and wastewater infrastructure projects and gaming, such as table games, to the expansion of health and nursing eight million dollars ($8,000,000) to be types of gambling it offers? facilities on the campus of Rhode Island leveraged with federal and state College. capitalization grants to finance drinking 1. water infrastructure projects. APROBACIÓN 3. PARA LA CONSTITUCIÓN DEL BONOS PARA CENTROS DE 5. ESTADO EDUCACIÓN SUPERIOR BONOS PARA EL DESPACHO QUE (Aprobación de una ley que autoriza $50,000,000 FINANCIA AGUAS LIMPIAS juegos en un casino (Capítulo 241 - Leyes Públicas de $20,000,000 operado por el estadoen Twin River 2012) (Capítulo 241- Leyes Públicas de 2012) en el pueblo de Lincoln (Sección 22 del Artículo VI de la La aprobación de esta consulta le La aprobación de esta consulta Constitución) autoriza al Estado de Rhode Island autorizará al Estado de Rhode Island emitir bonos de obligación general, emitir bonos de obligación general, ¿Debe aprobarse una ley que bonos de reembolso y pagarés bonos de reembolso y pagarés autorizaría un sitio denominado "Twin transitorios en un monto que no exceda transitorios por un monto que no River" en el pueblo de Lincoln en el que los cincuenta millones de dólares exceda los doce millones de dólares se agregarían en un casino operado ($50,000,000) para la renovación y ($12,000,000) que se potencializarán por el estado, juegos, tales modernización de edificios académicos con subvenciones de capitalización como juegos de mesa, a los tipos de en Rhode Island College, incluidas provenientes de los gobiernos estatal y juegos de azar que ya funcionan ahí? renovaciones, actualizaciones y federal para el financiamiento de ampliaciones de los centros de salud y proyectos de infraestructura para aguas enfermería en la ciudad universitaria de negras y los ocho millones de dólares Question 1 APPROVE Rhode Island College. ($8,000,000) que se potencializarán Propuesta 1 A FAVOR con subvenciones de capitalización provenientes de los gobiernos estatal y Question 1 REJECT Question 3 APPROVE federal para el financiamiento de Propuesta 1 EN CONTRA Propuesta 3 A FAVOR proyectos de infraestructura para agua 2. Question 3 REJECT potable. STATE CONSTITUTIONAL Propuesta 3 EN CONTRA APPROVAL 4. Question 5 APPROVE VETERANS' HOME BONDS Propuesta 5 A FAVOR (APPROVAL OF AN ACT $94,000,000 Question 5 REJECT AUTHORIZING STATE-OPERATED (Chapter 241 - Public Laws 2012) CASINO GAMING AT NEWPORT Propuesta 5 EN CONTRA GRAND IN THE Approval of this question will allow CITY OF NEWPORT) the State of Rhode Island to issue (Section 22 of Article VI of the general obligation bonds, refunding Constitution) bonds, and temporary notes in an amount not to exceed ninety-four Shall an act be approved which million dollars ($94,000,000) for the would authorize the facility known as construction of a new Veterans' Home "Newport Grand" in the city of Newport and renovations to existing facilities. to add state-operated casino gaming, Any funding amount from federal such as table games, to the types of sources received for these purposes gambling it offers? will be used to reduce the amount of borrowed funds. 2. APROBACIÓN PARA LA 4. CONSTITUCIÓN DEL ESTADO BONOS PARA UN HOGAR PARA EXCOMBATIENTES STATE QUESTIONS (Aprobación de una ley que autoriza $94,000,000 CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE juegos en un casino operado por el (Capítulo 241 - Leyes Públicas de LOCAL QUESTIONS ON estado en Newport Grand 2012) SEPARATE BALLOT en la ciudad de Newport) (Sección 22 del Artículo VI de la Aprobación de esta consulta le LAS PROPUESTAS ESTATALES Constitución) autoriza al Estado de Rhode Island EN EL SIGUIENTO PÁGINA emitir bonos de obligación general, LAS PROPUESTAS LOCAL ¿Debe aprobarse una ley que bonos de reembolso y pagarés ESTÁ EN PÁGINA SEPARADA autorizaría un sitio denominado transitorios por un monto que no "Newport Grand" en la ciudad de exceda los noventa y cuatro millones Newport en el que se agregarían en un de dólares ($94,000,000) para construir casino operado por el estado, juegos, un nuevo Hogar para excombatientes y tales como juegos de mesa, a los tipos renovar los centros que ya existen. de juegos de azar que ya funcionan Toda suma recibida para estos efectos ahí? de fuentes federales se utilizará para Question 2 APPROVE reducir el monto de los fondos Propuesta 2 A FAVOR obtenidos por empréstitos. Question 2 REJECT Question 4 APPROVE Propuesta 2 EN CONTRA Propuesta 4 A FAVOR Question 4 REJECT Propuesta 4 EN CONTRA

VOTE BOTH FRONT AND BACK OF BALLOT VOTE POR AMBAS CARAS DE LA PAPELETA, POR EN FRENTE Y POR EL REVERSO Precinct ID 0403 Ballot 2 Papeleta 2 Congressional District 1 OFFICIAL ELECTION BALLOT Senate District 16 STATE OF RHODE ISLAND Representative District 56 CITY OF CENTRAL FALLS Council/Ward District 3/1 TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 2012 Voting District 3

0 0 1. To vote: Complete the arrow(s) pointing to your choice(s) with a single bold line, like this . PAPELETA OFICIAL PARA LAS ELECCIONES ESTADO DE RHODE ISLAND - CIUDAD DE CENTRAL FALLS

1. Para votar: Complete la flecha o flechas que apuntan hacia su selección, con una línea gruesa, como ésta .

STATE QUESTIONS CONTINUED FROM CONTINUED FROM PROPUESTAS ESTATALES PREVIOUS COLUMN PREVIOUS COLUMN CONTINUAN EN LA CONTINUAN EN LA 6. COLUMNA ANTERIOR COLUMNA ANTERIOR ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Provides grants to municipalities for the urbanización o servidumbres de BONDS renovation and development of historic preservación de espacios abiertos en $20,000,000 and passive recreation areas. The Rhode Island. Las subvenciones (Chapter 241 - Public Laws 2012) grants provide funding assistance up to ofrecen fondos por hasta un cincuenta ninety percent (90%) of the project por ciento (50%) del precio de venta de Approval of this question will allow costs. All grant applications are los terrenos, levantamientos the State of Rhode Island to issue evaluated and ranked by the State topográficos, valoraciones y costas de general obligation bonds, refunding Recreation Resources Review escrituración. Las solicitudes de bonds, and temporary notes for Committee. subvención son estudiadas y evaluadas environmental and recreational según lineamientos del programa por la purposes to be allotted as follows: 6. Comisión de Conservación del BONOS DE GESTIÓN AMBIENTAL Patrimonio Natural auspiciada por el (a) Narragansett Bay and $20,000,000 despacho del Gobernador. Watershed Restoration..$4,000,000 (Capítulo 241 - Leyes Públicas de (e) Subvenciones para recreación Provides funds for activities to 2012) local ..$5,500,000 restore and protect the water quality La aprobación de esta consulta le Ofrece subvenciones a municipios and enhance the economic viability and autorizará al Estado de Rhode Island para la adquisición, fomento o environmental sustainability of emitir bonos de obligación general, rehabilitación de centros recreativos en Narragansett Bay and the State's bonos de reembolso y pagarés la localidad. Estas subvenciones watersheds. Eligible activities include: transitorios para efectos ofrecen asistencia económica que nonpoint source pollution abatement, medioambientales y de recreación que asciende hasta un cincuenta por ciento including stormwater management; se designarán de la siguiente manera: (50%) de los costos del proyecto. nutrient loading abatement; Todas las solicitudes de subvención commercial, industrial and agricultural (a) Restauración de la Bahía de son evaluadas y clasificadas por la pollution abatement; and riparian buffer Narragansett y las cuencas del Comisión Estatal de Estudio de and watershed ecosystem restoration. estado ..$4,000,000 Recursos Recreativos. (b) State Land Acquisition - Open Ofrece fondos para restaurar y (f) Parques históricos y pasivos Space..$2,500,000 proteger la calidad del agua y mejorar $1,000,000 Provides funds for the purchase of la viabilidad económica y la Ofrece subvenciones a municipios land, development rights and sostenibilidad medioambiental de la para la renovación y fomento de zonas conservation easements in Rhode Bahía de Narragansett y las cuencas de recreación histórica y pasiva. Las Island. This program acquires del estado. Las actividades que reúnen subvenciones ofrecen asistencia recreational and open space lands for los requisitos incluyen: mitigación de económica que asciende hasta el the State of Rhode Island in fuentes de contaminación diseminadas, noventa por ciento (90%) de los costos accordance with the Rhode Island incluida la gestión de aguas lluvias; del proyecto. Todas las solicitudes de Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation reducción de la carga de nutrientes; subvención son evaluadas y Plan, Land Protection Plan, and the moderación de la contaminación de clasificadas por la Comisión Estatal de Rhode Island Greenspace 2000 plan. fuentes comercial, industria y agrícola; Estudio de Recursos Recreativos. (c) Farmland Development Rights restauración de zonas de protección ..$4,500,000 ribereña y de los ecosistemas de las Provides funds for the purchase of Question 6 APPROVE cuencas. Propuesta 6 A FAVOR agricultural development rights to active (b) Adquisición estatal de farms in Rhode Island. The State terrenos y espacios abiertos Question 6 REJECT purchases the development rights to ..$2,500,000 Propuesta 6 EN CONTRA farms to eliminate the economic Ofrece fondos para la adquisición pressure on farmers to sell properties 7. de terrenos, la codificación de AFFORDABLE HOUSING BONDS for residential and commercial derechos y servidumbres para la development. The Agricultural Land $25,000,000 preservación en Rhode Island. Este (Chapter 241 - Public Laws 2012) Preservation Commission accepts and programa adquiere terrenos abiertos y evaluates farmland applications for para fines recreativos a nombre del Approval of this question will allow these funds. Estado de Rhode Island conforme al (d) Local Land Acquisition Grants the State of Rhode Island to issue 'Plan integral de Rhode Island de general obligation bonds, refunding ..$2,500,000 recreación al aire libre', al 'Plan de Provides funds for grants to bonds, and temporary notes in an protección de terrenos' y al 'Plan de amount not to exceed twenty-five municipalities, local land trusts and espacios verdes 2000 de Rhode non-profit organizations to acquire million dollars ($25,000,000) for Island'. affordable housing. fee-simple title, development rights, or (c) Derechos para el fomento conservation easements to open space agropecuario $4,500,000 in Rhode Island. The grants provide 7. Ofrece fondos para la compra de los BONOS PARA VIVIENDA funding up to fifty percent (50%) of the derechos de fomento agropecuario a purchase price for land, surveys, COSTEABLE granjas activas en Rhode Island. El $25,000,000 appraisals and title costs. The grant Estado adquiere los derechos de applications are reviewed and (Capítulo 241 - Leyes Públicas de fomento a granjas con miras a eliminar 2012) evaluated by the Governor's Natural la presión económica que sufren los Heritage Preservation Commission agricultores para que vendan sus according to the program guidelines. La aprobación de esta consulta le terrenos para efectos de urbanización autoriza al Estado de Rhode Island (e) Local Recreation Grants residencial y comercial. La Comisión ..$5,500,000 emitir bonos de obligación general, para la Preservación de Terrenos bonos de reembolso y pagarés Provides grants to municipalities for Agropecuarios acepta y evalúa las acquisition, development, or transitorios por un monto que no solicitudes agropecuarias para el uso exceda veinticinco millones de dólares rehabilitation of local recreational de estos fondos. facilities. These grants provide funding ($25,000,000) para usar para vivienda (d) Subvenciones para la costeable. assistance up to fifty percent (50%) of adquisición de terrenos locales the project costs. All grant applications ..$2,500,000 Question 7 APPROVE are evaluated and ranked by the State Ofrece fondos mediante Propuesta 7 A FAVOR Recreation Resources Review subvenciones a municipios, Committee. Question 7 REJECT fideicomisos territoriales locales y Propuesta 7 EN CONTRA (f) Historic/Passive Parks entidades sin fines de lucro para la ..$1,000,000 adquisición de escrituras de posesión incondicional, derechos de fomento y LOCAL QUESTIONS ON SEPARATE CONTINUED ON NEXT COLUMN BALLOT CONTINUAN EN LA CONTINUED ON NEXT COLUMN LAS PROPUESTAS LOCAL ESTÁ EN SIGUIENTE COLUMNA CONTINUAN EN LA PÁGINA SEPARADA SIGUIENTE COLUMNA Precinct ID 0403 Ballot 3 Papeleta 3 Congressional District 1 OFFICIAL ELECTION BALLOT Senate District 16 STATE OF RHODE ISLAND Representative District 56 CITY OF CENTRAL FALLS Council/Ward District 3/1 TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 2012 Voting District 3

0 0 1. To vote: Complete the arrow(s) pointing to your choice(s) with a single bold line, like this . PAPELETA OFICIAL PARA LAS ELECCIONES ESTADO DE RHODE ISLAND - CIUDAD DE CENTRAL FALLS

1. Para votar: Complete la flecha o flechas que apuntan hacia su selección, con una línea gruesa, como ésta .

LOCAL QUESTIONS LOCAL QUESTIONS LOCAL QUESTIONS PROPUESTAS LOCALES PROPUESTAS LOCALES PROPUESTAS LOCALES QUESTIONS 8 - 16 10. 13. AMENDMENTS TO SECTION 2-100 ADD SECTION 4-105 CENTRAL FALLS TERM LIMITS FOR COUNCIL RECALL HOME RULE CHARTER (Order dated August 7, 2012 entered "Shall the Central Falls Home Rule "Shall the Central Falls Home Rule Charter be amended to provide that, pursuant to R.I. Gen. Laws § 45-9-18) Charter be amended to provide that a effective with the next municipal Mayor shall be subject to recall election, no person shall serve as a provided, however that no recall shall 8. member of the City Council for more be permitted if the Mayor has served SECTIONS 2-100, 2-101, 2-103, 2-203, than eight (8) consecutive years? less than six months of a first term, or 2-208 AND 2-301 has less than six months left to serve in AT-LARGE COUNCIL MEMBERS 10. office, and amended to provide SECCIÓN 2-100 requirements for the recall petition, "Shall the Central Falls Home Rule LÍMITES A LA DURACIÓN DEL recall election, and the filling of the Charter be amended to provide that the MANDATO EN EL CONCEJO vacancy?" City Council shall have five (5) "¿Debe enmendarse la Carta de 13. members who are elected from each Autonomía Política de Central Falls de AGREGÁNDOSELE SECCIÓN 4-105 ward and two (2) at-large members, for manera que señale que, con vigencia RETIRO OBLIGATORIO DEL CARGO a total of seven (7) members?" en la siguiente elección municipal, ninguna persona debe ocupar el cargo "¿Debe enmendarse la Carta de PROPUESTAS 8 - 16 de concejal del Concejo Municipal por Autonomía Política de Central Falls de ENMIENDA DE LA CARTA DE más de ocho (8) años consecutivos? manera que señale que el Alcalde estará sujeto a ser retirado AUTONOMÍA POLÍTICA DE Question 10 APPROVE CENTRAL FALLS obligatoriamente del cargo, (Orden fechada el 7 de agosto de 2012 Propuesta 10 A FAVOR disponiéndose no obstante que no se permitirá ningún retiro obligatorio del radicada conforme a las Leyes Question 10 REJECT cargo si el Alcalde ha ocupado dicho Generales de R.I. § 45-9-18) Propuesta 10 EN CONTRA cargo por menos de seis meses de su 11. primer mandato, o si le quedan menos 8. SECTION 2-100 de seis meses de su mandato en el SECCIONES 2-100, 2-101, 2-103, COMPENSATION OF COUNCIL cargo, y debe enmendarse la Carta de 2-203, 2-208 Y 2-301 MEMBERS tal manera que se estipulen requisitos CONCEJALES DE ELECCIÓN para la petición de retiro obligatorio del GENERAL "Shall the Central Falls Home Rule cargo, la votación para dicho retiro Charter be amended to provide that obligatorio del cargo, y la manera cómo City Council members shall NOT be se ha de llenar dicho cargo cuando "¿Debe enmendarse la Carta de quede vacante?" Autonomía Política de Central Falls de eligible for health insurance, dental insurance and retirement benefits from manera que el Concejo Municipal the City?" conste de cinco (5) concejales elegidos Question 13 APPROVE uno por cada uno de los distritos 11. Propuesta 13 A FAVOR electorales y dos (2) concejales SECCIÓN 2-100 Question 13 REJECT elegidos por votación general, para un REMUNERACIÓN DE LOS Propuesta 13 EN CONTRA total de siete (7) concejales?" INTEGRANTES DEL CONCEJO 14. "¿Debe enmendarse la Carta de SECTIONS 3-200, 3-400, 6-102 AND Autonomía Política de Central Falls de Question 8 APPROVE 6-109 manera que señale que los integrantes EVEN-YEAR ELECTIONS Propuesta 8 A FAVOR del Concejo Municipal NO tendrán Question 8 REJECT derecho a percibir prestaciones de "Shall the Central Falls Home Rule Propuesta 8 EN CONTRA seguro médico, seguro odontológico ni Charter be amended to provide that prestaciones de jubilación otorgadas regular municipal elections be held on 9. por la Ciudad?" the 1st Tuesday after the 1st Monday in SECTION 2-100 November in even-numbered years, COUNCIL TERMS OF OFFICE commencing with the even-year regular Question 11 APPROVE municipal election to be held in 2016, "Shall the Central Falls Home Rule Propuesta 11 A FAVOR so that mayoral elections will be on the Charter be amended to change the Question 11 REJECT same dates as national presidential term of office of City Council Members Propuesta 11 EN CONTRA elections?" from four (4) years to two (2) years?" 12. 14. 9. SECTION 3-400 SECCIONES 3-200, 3-400, 6-102 Y SECCIÓN 2-100 TERM LIMIT FOR MAYOR 6-109 DURACIÓN DEL MANDATO EN EL ELECCIONES EN AÑOS PAR CONCEJO "Shall the Central Falls Home Rule Charter be amended to provide that, "¿Debe enmendarse la Carta de "¿Debe enmendarse la Carta de effective with the next municipal Autonomía Política de Central Falls de Autonomía Política de Central Falls de election for Mayor, no person shall manera que señale que la elección manera que se cambie la duración del serve as Mayor for more than two (2) municipal corriente se ha de efectuar el mandato de los integrantes de Concejo consecutive terms?" primer martes después del primer lunes Municipal de cuatro (4) años a dos (2) en noviembre en los años pares, años?" 12. comenzando con la elección municipal SECCIÓN 3-400 corriente en año par que se realizará Question 9 APPROVE LÍMITE DE LA DURACIÓN DEL en el año 2016, de manera que las Propuesta 9 A FAVOR MANDATO DEL ALCALDE elecciones de alcalde se realicen en las mismas fechas en las que se realizan Question 9 REJECT "¿Debe enmendarse la Carta de las elecciones presidenciales Propuesta 9 EN CONTRA Autonomía Política de Central Falls de nacionales?" manera que señale que con vigencia a partir de la siguiente elección municipal Question 14 APPROVE para la Alcaldía, ninguna persona Propuesta 14 A FAVOR podrá ser Alcalde por más de dos (2) Question 14 REJECT mandatos consecutivos?" Propuesta 14 EN CONTRA Question 12 APPROVE Propuesta 12 A FAVOR LOCAL QUESTIONS Question 12 REJECT CONTINUED ON BACK Propuesta 12 EN CONTRA LAS PROPUESTAS LOCALES CONTINUAN EN LA REVERSE

VOTE BOTH FRONT AND BACK OF BALLOT VOTE POR AMBAS CARAS DE LA PAPELETA, POR EN FRENTE Y POR EL REVERSO LOCAL QUESTIONS PROPUESTAS LOCALES 15. SECTION 3-300 RESIDENCY "Shall the Central Falls Home Rule Charter be amended so that the residency requirements for the office of Mayor are consistent with residency requirements for City Council Members?"

15. SECCIÓN 3-300 RESIDENCIA "¿Debe enmendarse la Carta de Autonomía Política de Central Falls de manera que los requisitos de residencia para el cargo del Alcalde sean coherentes con los requisitos de residencia para los integrantes del Concejo Municipal?"

Question 15 APPROVE Propuesta 15 A FAVOR Question 15 REJECT Propuesta 15 EN CONTRA 16. ADD SECTION 3-502 COUNCIL VACANCIES

"Shall the Central Falls Home Rule Charter be amended to provide that if a vacancy occurs on the City Council, then the City Council may fill the vacancy with the unsuccessful candidate for the office from the last regular City election who received at least 30 percent (30%) of the votes cast for that office and if there is no eligible candidate, then there shall be a special City election to fill the vacancy?"

16. AGREGÁNDOSELE SECCIÓN 3-502 VACANTES EN EL CONCEJO "¿Debe enmendarse la Carta de Autonomía Política de Central Falls de manera que estipule que si llegase a darse una vacante en el Concejo Municipal, el mismo Concejo Municipal puede llenar la vacante mediante la designación del candidato perdedor para ese cargo en la última elección municipal corriente que haya recibido por lo menos el 30 por ciento (30%) de los votos depositados para ese cargo y, si no hubiere un candidato que reuniera los requisitos, entonces se habrá de realizar una elección municipal especial para llenar la vacante?" Question 16 APPROVE Propuesta 16 A FAVOR Question 16 REJECT Propuesta 16 EN CONTRA

VOTE BOTH FRONT AND BACK OF BALLOT VOTE POR AMBAS CARAS DE LA PAPELETA, POR EN FRENTE Y POR EL REVERSO Precinct ID 0403 Ballot 4 Papeleta 4 Congressional District 1 OFFICIAL PRIMARY BALLOT Senate District 16 STATE OF RHODE ISLAND Representative District 56 CITY OF CENTRAL FALLS Council/Ward District 3/1 TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 2012 Voting District 3

0 0 1. To vote: Complete the arrow pointing to your choice with a single bold line, like this . PAPELETA OFICIAL DE LA PRIMARIA ESTADO DE RHODE ISLAND - CIUDAD DE CENTRAL FALLS

1. Para votar: Complete la flecha o flechas que apuntan hacia su selección, con una línea gruesa, como ésta .

MAYOR Unexpired Term Vote for 1 ALCALDE Periodo Inconcluso Vote por 1




Joseph P. MORAN, III