

David Lapham, | 144 pages | 08 Jan 2012 | | 9780785148517 | English | New York, United States Deadpool Max: Nut Job (Hardcover)

With Nutjobthat boisterous sense of humor seems to take a back s While I ultimately liked this alterna version of Deadpool, there were hints of both good and bad Generally, I make Deadpool Max: Nutjob pit stops into the Deadpool universe when I m looking for both something superheroic and hilarious Deadpool Max: Nutjob Deadpool Deadpool Max: Nutjob from a f. Nov 29, zxvasdf rated it it was amazing. Your feedback helps us make Walmart shopping better for millions of customers. Cancel Update. Deadpool comics are always pretty hit-and-miss, and this is a definite miss. Come on, his nemesis this time around is bringing presidents back from the dead to fight him. Add to registry. Consider that the litmus test. But it was the juxtaposition between the dark themes of the life of a mercenary and this talkative, pop-culture referencing madman that made him such a good character. Related Pages :. What size image Deadpool Max: Nutjob we Deadpool Max: Nutjob I wanted something more. No recent wiki edits to this page. Select Option. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. Being a MAX book, it feels the need to up the crudity, something else that does nothing for me. A little bit can go a long way, but there's such an over-reliance on said mean-spirited yuks and shock-value gore - is is trying to be 'edgy' or merely just 'appealing to an adolescent male' - that a reader will realize that it's maybe to cover for the thin story-line. Cancel Create Link. Other Editions 8. He slogs through the six somewhat-connected stories with I know with MAX that the stories are intentionally Deadpool Max: Nutjob to an NC type rating level, but there's some irony that a volume intended for an adult-only audience is actually steeped in juvenile humor. You may think you know Deadpool, but you have no idea. Enter the URL for the tweet you want to embed. But it does need to be, y'know, comedy. In Barry B. So, great conceits, Deadpool Max: Nutjob the execution doesn't carry. Showing I'll be far more careful next time 'round. I love Deadpool the character. However, his writing in this collection is somewhat lacking in punch and ends up being rather more depressing than anything else. Don't tell. Pickup not available. About This Item. Your question required. This edit will Deadpool Max: Nutjob create new pages on Comic Vine for:. Feb 24, Sonic rated it really liked it. This process takes no more than a few hours and we'll send you an email once approved. I never liked Deadpool, or any character Deadpool Max: Nutjob its origins tied to Rob Liefield. From the start this was a horrible read, the plot was silly, events simply strung together to lengthen the conflict and the content was revolting. Cancel Submit. Use your keyboard! It's years since I've bought a comic uninformed. The one little let down of the art was the female characters. While I ultimately liked this alterna-version of Deadpool, there were hints of both good and bad. These are Deadpool stories with substance. It's my classic example of a good story with bad things in it that work. Simply glorious. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Mar 15, Alex rated it did not like it Shelves: comicsdeadpoolmarvel. Enlarge cover. Welcome back. This is the second Deadpool comic I've read, as well as the second MarvelMax comic. Bob's sole charge in life is to point Deadpool at Deadpool Max: Nutjob problem and pull the trigger--not an easy task whenyour agent is three cards shy of a full deck, and even harder when you've gone deep cover in the impenetrable fortress of Hammerhead, the Grand Don of the most powerful criminal organization in the world, and your unkillable agent is head over heels for a French maid named Inga Jul 17, William Thomas rated it liked it. I agree to the Terms and Conditions. Feb 04, Nicole Westen rated it it was ok Shelves: read-graphic-novelssuperheros. Guest-starring Cable, the , and Domino! Cancel Update. I am in the first camp. In the comic book store where I bought this, I was flipping through the issues of the new story arc and they had me rolling. Tweet Clean. Deadpool is wonderful in his self-deprecating randomness that goes on Deadpool Max: Nutjob his brain, and that was simply missing from this book because of the perspective. Jan 04, Nathan rated it did not like it.