Galapagos Sharks and Hawaiian Monk Seals
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GalapagosGalapagos SharksSharks andand HawaiianHawaiian MonkMonk Seals:Seals: AA ConservationConservation ConundrumConundrum BudBud AntonelisAntonelis,, BertBert HartingHarting,, BrendaBrenda Becker,Becker, SusanneSusanne CanjaCanja,, ShawnShawn FarryFarry,, RobertRobert DollarDollar,, DanDan LuersLuers,, andand AaronAaron DietrichDietrich National Marine Fisheries Service Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center Honolulu, Hawaii 30N Kure Atoll Midway Atoll Pearl and Hermes Reef Lisianski I. Laysan I. 25N French Frigate Shoals Necker I. Nihoa I. 20N Northwestern Hawaiian Islands Main Hawaiian Islands 15N 180° 175W 170W 165W 160W 155W Hawaiian Monk Seal Population Trend 1000 800 600 400 200 Beach Count (Non-Pups) 0 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 Year IS THE FFS SITUATION UNIQUE? 1.0 LAY LIS 0.9 MDY 0.8 0.7 FFS Pre-Weaning Survival Rate 0.6 0.5 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Year BLANKBLANK SLIDESLIDE TEMPLATETEMPLATE ConservationConservationmmmm ConundrumConundrum CompetingCompeting InterpretationsInterpretations ofof MandatesMandates EndangeredEndangered SpeciesSpecies ActAct MarineMarine MammalMammal ProtectionProtection ActAct andand MaintainMaintain BiodiversityBiodiversity FWSFWS CompatibilityCompatibility DeterminationDetermination DoingDoing NothingNothing WorstWorst possiblepossible consequence?consequence? BestBest possiblepossible consequence?consequence? DoingDoing SomethingSomething WorstWorst possiblepossible consequence?consequence? BestBest possiblepossible consequence?consequence? KeyKey FactorsFactors LeadingLeading toto thethe SharkShark RemovalRemoval ExperimentExperiment •• GalapagosGalapagos sharkssharks werewere primarilyprimarily responsibleresponsible forfor prepre-- weanedweaned puppup losseslosses •• OnlyOnly observedobserved atat FFSFFS •• G.G. SharksSharks areare notnot rarerare oror endangeredendangered inin NWHINWHI •• ProbablyProbably nono moremore thanthan 2020 G.G. sharkssharks involvedinvolved •• DramaticDramatic riserise inin prepre--weanedweaned puppup mortalitymortality inin latelate 9090’’ss •• ExpertExpert testimonytestimony andand ECOSIMECOSIM modelingmodeling usedused toto addressaddress concernsconcerns ofof possiblepossible ecosystemecosystem impactsimpacts •• CompatibilityCompatibility DeterminationDetermination andand EnvironmentalEnvironmental AssessmentAssessment Removal Methods •• HookHook andand line:line: variousvarious baitsbaits •• HarpoonHarpoon •• ““DrumDrum”” technique:technique: baitedbaited hookhook hunghung fromfrom buoybuoy (1(1--33 setssets atat aa time)time) Known and Inferred Predation Mortalities at FFS 35 30 Possible Kills Probable Kills 25 Confirmed Kills 20 15 # Incidents 10 5 0 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 00 02 04 06 12 Year Proportion of Annual Cohort Killed by Sharks (all FFS Sites) 0.35 0.30 Possible Kills Probable Kills 0.25 Confirmed Kills 0.20 0.15 0.10 Proportion of Pups Born of Proportion 0.05 0.00 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 00 02 04 06 13 Year PostPost WeaningWeaning TranslocationTranslocation toto ““SafeSafe”” LocationsLocations FFS Translocation Sites Size Class of Killed + Wounded Pups 35 30 Weaned: older Weaned recently 25 Near Weaning/Uncertain Nursing 20 15 # Attacks 10 5 0 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 00 02 04 06 16 Year SharkShark ObservationObservation RateRate 6 5 2001 2002 4 2003 3 2 # Sharks/Hr 1 0 4/20 5/12 6/3 6/25 7/17 8/8 8/30 5/1 5/23 6/14 7/6 7/28 8/19 Date Fishing Effort at FFS: 2000-2007 1000 (0*) 900 30 (2) 25 (5) 20 (2) 15 (1) (2) 10 (0) 5 (0) FISHING EFFORT (HOOK HRS) 0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 YEAR FutureFuture mitigationmitigation needsneeds atat FrenchFrench FrigateFrigate ShoalsShoals z AlternativeAlternative mitigationmitigation methodsmethods areare neededneeded becausebecause currentcurrent techniquestechniques areare ineffective.ineffective. zzNMFSNMFS hashas ultimateultimate responsibilityresponsibility forfor HawaiianHawaiian monkmonk sealseal recoveryrecovery……however,however, allall ofof thethe managingmanaging entitiesentities inin thethe NWHINWHI shareshare responsibilityresponsibility forfor futurefuture survivalsurvival ofof thethe species.species. Shark/MonkShark/Monk SealSeal WorkshopWorkshop 1/81/8--9/20089/2008 ActionsActions forfor 20082008 ••ElectromagneticElectromagnetic DeterrentsDeterrents ••Physical/VisualPhysical/Visual DeterrentsDeterrents ••SoundSound playbackplayback ••SealSeal translocations:translocations: weanedweaned pupspups Array of deterrents at Trig Island-2008 PreliminaryPreliminary ResultsResults UseUse ofof SharksSharks DeterrentsDeterrents --20082008 Mom & Pup Summary Islet Nursing Births to date Dead /Missing Weaned Tern 1 4 1 2 Trig 5 13 3* 6 East 5 8 1 4 Round 0 1 0 1 Gin 0 4 4 0 Little Gin 1 1 0 0 Total 9 31 9 13 *Only one pup lost a Trig after full deployment of deterrents .