An Oasis of Wellness 2 Spa in a Hotel at El Toyo 3

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An Oasis of Wellness 2 Spa in a Hotel at El Toyo 3 Almería, Health, Leisure and Sport An oasis of wellness 2 Spa in a hotel at El Toyo 3 A paradise for health Almería is the last health paradise to be discove- de Gata, with a world full of cultural heritage red, hidden on the shores of the Mediterranean, from all eras; especially dating back to the former with the most hours of sunshine a year in Euro- Muslim domination and flavoured by a typical and pe. Its underground water with a special salinity unique gastronomy, which has through the art of helps the cultivation of the best tomatoes in the tapas its best examples. continent, and the warm and mild climate is also pleasant in winter. The city and its surrounding lands have contributed to providing and promo- ting health facilities and relaxation tourism. With the sun and water as protagonists, the city offers peaceful corners where you can relax and recuperate, while enjoying a universe of sensa- tions. These are found from a city located be- tween the sea and the desert, among the peaks of the Sierra Nevada and the beaches of Cabo 4 Spas y thermal baths Arabic baths Al-Hammam Spa Barceló Cabo de Gata Spa Cabo Gata Plaza Suites Almeraya Avda Juegos Casablanca s/n C/ Juegos de Argel s/n, Urb. El Toyo C/ Perea 9, 04003 Almería 04009 Almería 04131 Retamar (Almería) T: 950 231 010 T: 950 184 250 T: 950 001 200 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Spa Cabo de Gata Garden Spa Alcazaba Mar Aire de Almería. Avda Juegos Casablanca s/n C/ Juegos de Argel s/n, Urb. El Toyo Termas de Al-Andalus 04009 Almería 04131 Retamar (Almería) T: 950 010 750 [email protected] Pza. de la Constitución 4-5 04003 Almería T: 950 282 095 Spa Cabo de Gata Mar [email protected] Garden Avda Juegos Casablanca s/n 04009 Almería T: 950 181 680 5 Facilities: A network for everyone The city of Almería is made up of a dense network diterráneo with a capacity for 5,000 spectators, of sport facilities open to both citizens and tou- which has hosted matches of the Spanish basket- rists, part of which are large sport infrastructures ball and volleyball teams, also the Copa del Rey and the other part are classified as small sports for handball (Spanish Cup). areas, that are found in every corner of the mu- Together with this complex, Almería has another nicipality. football stadium, Juan Rojas, that has a capaci- ty for 12,000 spectators. Also with an extensive network of grounds of different capacities such as the Ciudades Deportivas in Los Ángeles, El Zapillo, La Vega, Avenida del Mediterráneo, La Cañada or El Alquián, and other municipal trai- ning grounds. The majority have artifical grass, a material that is perfectly suited to the climate and the natural resources of this land, although some of them do have natural grass. Referring to the indoor complexes, as well as the 6 Palacio de los Juegos Mediterráneos, Almería has others such as: Antonio Rivera Pavilion in El Zapillo, José Antonio Segura in the quarter of Alborán Golf Course, El Toyo, Araceli, that in the quarter of La Cañada and The Complejo Deportivo de los Juegos Medite- El Toyo Pavilion; all of these have a capacity for fewer than 1,000 spectators. rráneos (Mediterranean Games Sports Complex) is the jewel in the crown of the city’s sports. In Together with these, the pavilions of two out of this complex, the Estadio de los Juegos Medite- the three large multi-sport centres of the city, are rráneos (Mediterranan Games Stadium); with a a new form of public sports service granted to the capacity for 15,000 spectators, which can be ex- private sector, which has revolutionized sport in tended to 20,000, is the home ground of a first Almería. The Rafael Florido Complex is the ol- division football club as well as being an athletics dest; although its last refurbishment turned it into stadium. This has housed Spanish championships a modern and functional facility which has a pavi- and the 2005 Mediterranean Games. The com- lion for 2,000 spectators, a fitness room and orga- plex is completed with an office area, an athletic nized activities, indoor swimming pool and splash track next to a football pitch and the Palacio Me- pool, area with saunas, jacuzzis, etc; in addition to Mediterranean Games Pavilion having tennis and paddle tennis courts. (Avda. del metres, as well as other water activities. (Avenida Mediterráneo, 228. T: 950 224 447). Cabo de Gata s/n. T: 950 253 230). Also Los Ángeles Pavilion combines an indoor The city also has two other swimming pools. One pavilion with a capacity for 1,000 spectators, a is the Club Natación Almería, which is a large sport multi-sports centre with a swimming pool and complex with a football ground, 11 tennis and pa- 7 splash pool, fitness rooms and organized activi- ddle tennis courts, all kinds of sport facilities and ties, a large climbing wall and an area with a sau- an indoor swimming pool of 25 metres. Not very na and jacuzzi. (Los Ángeles quarter, T: 950 621 far away, in the Costacabana neighbourhood is 331). Both, this centre and the previous one are the complex of the same name, with sport and managed by the Supera company, in accordance tennis courts and another indoor swimming pool with the public service standards regulated by the of 25 metres. (C/Garona. Barrio de Costacaba- administration. na,T: 950 293 399). The third major multi-sports centre is called Las Almadrabillas, managed by another private company under the name of Ego Sport, also un- der the criteria of the public service. It has ten- nis and paddle tennis courts, as well as a squash court, several service areas, also fitness rooms, or- ganized activities and a magnificent and modern water area, with swimming pools of 50 and 25 Multi-sports Centre El Toyo Almería City Marina To all of these, we have to add the facilities of of Sport). Almería has earned by its own merits the other clubs; like the Club de Mar Almería, under the coordination of the Patronato Municipal a flagship institution in the world of sailing and de Deportes (Municipal Board of Sports); which fishing, located in the maritime heart of the city in addition to the maintenance of this network, and with tennis, paddle and gym facilities; or the coordinates a sports service structure also com- 8 Club de Tenis Almería, which is in the neighbou- prising of sports schools, popular competitions ring municipal area of Huércal de Almería, but and elite events, services for clubs and sport edu- historically linked to Almería city. It has eight clay cation, which are open to any citizen or visitor. tennis courts and some other “fast”courts in addi- ( tion to paddle tennis courts, swimming pool, gym and other sports facilities. Golf also boasts a quality installation in the city found in the tourist resort of El Toyo, with a 18 hole golf course near the sea, where the compe- titions for this sport were held in the 2005 Medi- terranean Games. Together with this framework of services, a ne- twork of municipal facilities for public use are dis- tributed throughout all districts of the city, which make up the entity of “Ciudad del Deporte” (City Nautical Activities Centre Archaeological Museum of Almería 9 Of culture and art Almería is a great melting pot of cultures, a per- programme of the City Council of Almería has un- petual exposure to cultures, wisdoms and forms dergone a dramatic revitalization in recent years, of artistic expression from former settlers and ci- holding first rate shows with the presence of top vilizations that have been superimposed on this international artists; from musicians like Pablo Al- territory through the book of the centuries. borán, Alejandro Sanz, Joe Cocker, Chavela Vargas, Carlos Cano, Joan Manuel Serrat, Pablo Milanés, Phoenicians, Carthaginians, Romans, Muslims and Tomatito and Raphael, to the most important Christians have left their footprints on this land theatre, dance and performing art companies. and opened the doorway to their cultures. A door that the Almerians have known how to enter, to Equally its museums show first class art, sculptu- remain and exhibit in their city through a mixture re and photograpy exhibitions, without forgetting of signs and manifestations which are available to the thematic areas, like the Cinema Museum and both, culture lovers and different cultures. the museums of the Spanish Civil War, both uni- que of this kind within Europe. Alongside this wealth, the city concentrates its cultural displays in a network of museums and cultural spaces, that are open to the public and have constant year round activity. The cultural 10 Andalusian Centre of Photography Operating Room in the Civil War Air Raid Shelters Cinema Museum 11 Cultural centres and facilities Film and history are the reasons for two cultural were built during the Civil War between 1937 and and historical centres that are found in Almería 1938, to protect the population from the bombing and are incomparable in Europe. They are the Ci- that destroyed some buildings in the city. The cu- nema Museum and the Civil War air raid shelters. rrent shelters recreate, for example, the operating room with all the instruments from that time and The Refugios de la Guerra Civil are the greatest the store room that was constructed in the same testimony to air raid shelters throughout Europe.
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