file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/mckeagep/My%20Documents/Prosperity/Hearings/hearing%20registry/apr%2019/TNG%20submission.htm From: on behalf of Panel Registry Subject: FW: TNG registration of presenters for the topic specific hearings April 26-May 3rd. Attachments: McCrory CV Apri l2010.pdf; Prosperity Project - Written Submission for Kevin Morin April 16 2010.pdf; McCrory Submission Prosperity Panel 16Apr2010.pdf; Hartman Fish Habitat Compensation Project review-final 4.16.2010.pdf; Select DFO Documents from TNG Access to Information Act Request.PDF; TNG Community_Based Impacts Submission P Larcombe 4.16.2010. pdf; TNG Presenters List for Technical Sessions April 16 2010 (2).pdf From: Amy Crook [mailto:
[email protected]] Sent: Friday, April 16, 2010 4:55 PM To: Prosperity Review [CEAA] Cc: Jay Nelson; Sean Nixon; Marilyn Baptiste; Roger William; Percy Guichon; Bernie Elkins;
[email protected]; Joe Alphonse; Crystal Verhaeghe; Matthias Starzner; Patt Larcombe Subject: TNG registration of presenters for the topic specific hearings April 26-May 3rd. Colette, please find attached, on behalf of TNG, the list of presenters and supporting information for the topic specific hearings in Williams Lake from April 26-May 3rd. I will be sending two emails because the attachments are so large. Please confirm that you have received these emails with the attachments (as itemized in CSP2’s letter to you). Thanks. Amy Crook Centre for Science in Public Participation 2543 Wesley Place Victoria, BC V8T 1V1
[email protected] 250 721-3627 file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/mckeagep/My%20Do...rings/hearing%20registry/apr%2019/TNG%20submission.htm [4/19/2010 12:47:16 PM] CENTRE for SCIENCE in PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Amy Crook, 2543 Wesley Place, Victoria, British Columbia Canada V8T 1V1 2 Phone/Fax: (250) 721-3627 web: / e-mail:
[email protected] “Technical Support for Grassroots Public Interest Groups” CSP Colette Spagnuolo April 16, 2010 Panel Manager Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency 160 Elgin St.