BRIEFING PAPER Number 1373, 1 September 2020 Alcohol taxation and the By Antony Seely pub trade Contents: 1. Introduction 2. The Labour Government’s duty escalator 3. The report of the All Party Parliamentary Group 4. The pub trade’s campaign against the duty escalator 5. The Coalition Government’s initial approach (2010-2012) 6. Cancellation of the duty escalator (2013-15) 7. The Conservative Government’s approach | |
[email protected] | @commonslibrary 2 Alcohol taxation and the pub trade Contents Summary 3 1. Introduction 6 2. The Labour Government’s duty escalator 12 3. The report of the All Party Parliamentary Group 18 4. The pub trade’s campaign against the duty escalator 21 5. The Coalition Government’s initial approach (2010-2012) 27 5.1 The Government’s review of alcohol taxation 27 5.2 Application of the duty escalator (2011-12) 31 6. Cancellation of the duty escalator (2013-15) 39 6.1 Budget 2013 39 6.2 Budget 2014 42 6.3 Budget 2015 44 7. The Conservative Government’s approach 46 7.1 Budget 2016 46 7.2 Spring 2017 Budget 49 7.3 Autumn 2017 Budget 55 7.4 Budget 2018 58 7.5 Budget 2020 61 Cover page image copyright City Arms by Ward.. Licensed under CC BY 2.0 / image cropped. 3 Commons Library Briefing, 1 September 2020 Summary Excise duties are levied on three major categories of goods – alcoholic drinks, tobacco and road fuels. Generally excise duties are charged a flat rate: a certain number of pence per pint, per litre, per packet - though tobacco is subject to an additional ad valorem tax.