Adding Prime Numbers University of Cambridge Faculty of Mathematics Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics Author Markus Schepke BSc College Wolfson College Home address Robert-Beltz-Str. 49, 19059 Schwerin, Germany eMail
[email protected] Adviser Professor Ben J. Green I declare that this essay is work done as part of the Part III Examination. I have read and understood the Statement on Plagiarism for Part III and Graduate Courses issued by the Faculty of Mathematics, and have abided by it. This essay is the result of my own work, and except where explicitly stated otherwise, only includes material undertaken since the publication of the list of essay titles, and includes nothing which was performed in collaboration. No part of this essay has been submitted, or is concurrently being submitted, for any degree, diploma or similar qualification at any university or similar institution. Cambridge, November 20, 2011 Adding Prime Numbers University of Cambridge Faculty of Mathematics Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics Contents 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Historical Remarks and Outline . .1 1.2 Notations and Definitions . .1 2 Schnirelmann’s Theorem 3 2.1 Schnirelmann Density . .3 2.2 Proof of Schnirelmann’s Theorem . 11 2.3 Generalisations . 13 3 Chebyshev’s Theorem 16 3.1 Preliminary Notes . 17 3.2 Proof of Chebyshev’s Theorem . 20 4 The Selberg Sieve 22 4.1 Preliminary Notes . 22 4.2 Deduction of Schnirelmann’s Theorem . 28 4.3 Proof of the Selberg Sieve . 32 4.4 Applications to Twin Primes . 36 5 Waring’s Problem 40 5.1 Preliminary Notes .