Accident Fatal To 5,000 At Kirk Hill Pour Teams In Glengarry Football Follows Brother, Marked Silver Six War Brides Mrs. Macdonell For Twelfth League Play-Offs Opening This Week Sister In Death Wedding Date Coming Here Esteemed Resident Of More Than Twenty Mr & Mrs A.R. McDonell Listed As Aboard Pine Grove Again Champions Though Unbeaten Mrs. J .W. McLachlan Three Ships Expected Dalhousie Area Died Lodges Represented At Of ', Interred Green Valley, Honored In Hospital, Friday Annual Orange Walk Record For Season Marred In Closing On 25th Anniversary In Next Few Days Match Won By Lochiel 1—0 Here On Tuesday Six additional war brides will reach Lancaster township lost one of its Lodges from Glengarry, Stormont, On the occasion of thjeir 25th wed- Lochiel Football Club handed the The last surviving member of her Glengarry homes soon according to most estimable residents in the death ding Anniversary, Mr and Mrs Angus Prescott and Russell were represent- league-leading Pine Grove team a father’s family, Janet Catherine Mc- a list of the dependents of servicemen in Hotel Dieu Hospital, Cornwall, on R. McDonell of Green Valley, were ed in the large crowd, estimated : 1-0 setback, their first defeat of the cam Written Music Leod, wife of James W. McLachlan who are to arrive at Halifax aboard Friday, July 12th, of Mrs A. J. Mac- honored by relatives and friends, Fri- at 5,000 which attended the Orange paign, in the last scheduled contest of Winnipeg, Man., died at her home the Letifia, the Queen Mary and the donell, of the Dalhousie Station area, day evening, July 5th at a gathering Walk at Kirk Hill,, on Friday of the Glengarry Football League this Exam Results in Winnipeg, Friday irfom'lng, July Lady Nelson. Those expected are: who succumbed to injuries suffered the in Alexander Hall, here. Mr McDon- More (han 20 lodges sent representa- year played Thursday at Pine Grove. I2th, following an illness extending On the Letitia: previous Tuesday, when staq was tives to the event held in observance In spite of the loss. Pine Grove finish Following Is a list of the successful over the past year. Her death was ell is a son of the la^e Mr and Mrs run over by a bread truck in the yard R. D. McDonejl, 4-9 Lancaster, while Gwendolyn, wife of Sgt. James P. of the 256th anniversary of the Battle ed the season with a three-point lead candidates in the written examina- the third to occur in the family over of her farm home.' In her 83rd year, of the Boyne, July 12, 1690. Ideal his bride of 25 years ago is the former Pluma dore, Alexandria. over Lochiol, thus winning the league tions set bp the Toronto Conserva- a period of 13 months, a brother, the Mrs Macdonell suffered very severe weather conditions greeted the mar- Florence McDonald, daughter of the On the Queen Mary: championship and the MacDonald late R. S. McLeod of Alexandria, injuries from which she was unable chers when they proceeded from Ken- tory of Music held at St. Margaret’s late Mr. and Mrs. D. J. McDonald Marie W, wife of Pte. Edgar A. Trophy. having died on June 8th, 1945 and a Duggan, Alexandria, and daughter, to récover. zie MacDonald’s grove in the after- School of Music, Alexandria, recently sister. Miss Chris McLeod, passing at of North Lancaster. : i Ranger scored the only goal in a - :i Sandra. Word of the tragic accident and noon grand parade . The results of the practical tests were Winnipeg in October. Following several hows of enjoyable fast game. Lochlejl employed -a bril- Johanna C., wife of Pte. A. Guin- of her subsequent death was received Pine Grove Lodge No. 51 had reported previously. Nlews of Mrs MicLachlapi’s death, music and dancing, lunch was served liant defensive system to hold the don, Maxvi/lc. with dismay by a wide circle of rela- charge of the celebration, with J. K. 1 though not unexpected, came as A and D. p. McDoneM Green Valley, usually fflgh-scbring Grove forwards Written Exams — « Joan P, wife of p^e. o. Duhaime, tives and friends and the bereaved MacLeod as county master and K.C. shock to many relatives and friends made a congratulatory address A while ensuring that goalie Keith Theory m, Harmony, first class Moose Creek. family received hvaïiy ’evlde&aeü M in Glengarry. She had been in ill well filled purse wass- presented try MacLeod county secretary. Leading; MacMillan registered still another Margaret E., wife of WO. G.E. the regret and sympathy so generally honors, Irene St. Louis, Therese Fon- health since suffering a stroke a year Mrs. McDonell’s neSiew, (Rodney the parade was county director R.D. shutout. MacMillan has won the Urquhalrt, Williametown. felt throughout Glengarry and beyond taine. ago, but her condition became seri- McPhee of Detroit. -«Jr. McDonell MacLennan, while five marshalls goalkeeper’s medal by allowing only On the Lady Nelson its confines. Theory m. History; First class ous only a month ago when a second responded on behalf Û .himself and : mounted on gray horses assisted Mr. three scoring shots to elude him dur- Edna M., wife of Cpl. E. Legault, Mrs. Macdonqll was bom March MacLennan In his duties. ing the entire season, setting an all- honors, Margaret Macleod, Irene St. stroke pccurried. his wife, expressing thar appreciation Gjen Robertson. 25th, 1864, in the 9th Lancaster, a Each lodge had at least one piper time league record by shutting out Louis; honors, Gordon Fleming. Mrs McLachlan was bpm at Alex- of the kindly guesture and good wishes andria, a daughter of the late S . R. On Sunday evening,Ijuly 7th, Mir. daughter, Catherine, of Archibald and for the parade a feature being two the opposition in 10 of the 12 games Theory H; First class honors, Irene Isabell McDonald. Since her marri- bis team played this year. He was McLeod and his wife, Madeline Mc- and Mrs McDonell wer| ‘At Home’ to young pipers from Maxville; Miss St. Louis, Therese Poirier, Therese Power Interruption age to the late Alexander John Mac- greatly helped by the strong fullback Aujey, and later resided at Glen Rob- relatives and neighbor^ when all en- Connie Kippen and Beverly Camp- Fontaine, Olympe Prieur, Mavis Dewar ertson when he(r father was Post- joyed the Scotch music of Alex. M. On Sunday donell she had resided in the 9th belj. Two girl drummers also took pair of Clifford Morris and Peter Da- Lancaster west of Dalhousie Station. vidson, the latter ah active player for honors, Ann Virginia MacDonald. master at that pomt. She was a re- McDonald,. Nell McDonald and Vin- part, with the music supplied by sident of Montreal for several years cent Cameron, as well as songs by The local P.U.C. has announced To mourn her tragic passing she the Cameron Highlanders Pipe Band, almost 20 years. Morlin Campbell, Theory I, honors, Laurette Mont- there will be a power interruption prior to her marriage in 19Ï3 to James several of the guests. leaves four sons and one daughter: . More than 30 pipers were Pine Grove, was the second ranking petit. on Sunday afternoon from 1.30 to John Alexander and Archibald J. at uetminder. W'. McLachlan, since which time she Present from a distance were Mrs. included In the parade which was 3.30 o’clock .We understand a Hydro home; James of Dalhousie Station; one an had made her home in Winnipeg. McDonell’s sister, Mrs. Jack McPhee about d one half miles In Line ups; gang Is doing extra repair work In John Angus of Schumacher, Out; and Her death will be regretted by a of Detroit; C. E. McDonald, the length. LOCHIEL—MacMillan, Morris, P. the Martintown area. Margaret of New York City, N.Y. Couple Honored wide circle of friends at Winnipeg, as County Master MacLeod was chair- Davidson, L. Davidson, A. Quesnel, Misses Florence McDonell and Dor- All were able to be present for the well as in Glengarry where many of een McDonald of Montreal. man for the afternoon’s program MacPhee, H. Hay, E. Hay, T. Hay, last sad rites. Ranger, Cameron, Sauve, J. Quesnel. At Mille Roches the family connection reside and which included speeches, music and One brother also survives, Neil A. PINE GROVE—Campbell, J. Mao- where she had visited frequently Former Teacher Highland dancing by pupils of Miss McDonald of Rio Hondo, Texas. Her Master, Lasaljle, D. MacMaster, K. Relatives and friends gathered at since leaving her -native county. Hospital Fund Norma MacNeil, Cornwall. Basket lun husband and two sons, Norman J. MacMaster, G. MacMaster, Mac- the home of Mr and Mrs. J. Dom- Left to mourn her passing are her Dies Suddenly ches and refreshment booths were Total At $206,463. and Dr'Roderick V. Macdonell, pre- Sweyn, MacMillan, MacLennan, Mac- ina Villeneuve, Mille \Hbches, on husband as well as a sister-in-jaw, provided for those attending the Or- deceased her some years ago. Gill ivr ay, MacLeod, M. MacMaster. Friday, night of last week to honor Mrs Rod S. McLeod of Alexandria. Widejly known in Glengarry through ange walk Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Villeneuve of Many W’innipeg friends paid a last Contributions to Cornwall General out her lifetime and at one time prln A very jarge number of relatives, Hospital’s building fund campaign Rev. N. F. Sharkey, Kirk Hill, led Greenfield In Play-offs Alexandria on their return from their tribute at the Solemn Mass of Re- clpal of the Boys’ Schooj at Alexan- friends and neighbors paid a last tri- In prayer. Speakers included Rev. O. quiem sung in St. Edward’s Church now stand at $206,463, it was announ- At a meeting of the League held wedding trip. The evening took the dria, Miss E. Moran Macdonald, B. A bute of respect at the funeral held J. de Catanzara, Vankleek Hill; Rev. at 11 o’clock Saturday morning July ced this week. Campaign officials last Wednesday night, a resolution form of a “Glengarry Night,” as Mr. D. Litt., died at Hotel Dieu Hospital Monday morning, July 15^1$, from her J. M. Fleming, Alexandria; Rev. W. 13th, by Rev J. Jordan, who was as said there had been a pjeasing res- was passed ^Ugwing Greenfield to ea- and Mrs. Villeneuve formerly resid- Cornwall, shortly before midnight, home to St Margarçÿ’s Church, Glen D. Reid, Glen Sandfield, and Rev. sisted by Rev Fathers Monahan and ponse from residents inthe Massena, ter the Glengarry Cup play-offs. ed in Maxville and Alexandria, res- Saturday Dr Macdonald had been In Nevis. Rev. J. A. Wylie, P.P., Dr. E. H. Grey. The various speak- pectively. Muiholland as deacon and subdeaoon, N.Y., district, and frrfm former Com- her usual health ajl day Saturday chanted the Funeral Mass and her Previously only three teams entered wallites as far away as British Col- ers expressed approval of the new Those attending the evening In- respectively. until suffering a weak turn at her former pastor, Rt. Rev. Msgr. D. R. (Continued on page 4) umbia. flag design proposed by a parliament cluded friends from Maxville, Alex- Accompanied by her husband, the home “Ths Maples” Macdonald Road Macdonald of Alexandria said the ary Wommlttee. V andria, Cornwall, Montreal, Ottawa remains arrived at Alexandria via Hospital campaign headquarters Cornwall ,about 9 o’clock, Saturday prayers at the graveside. Among Passed Away After and Massena. Among those who wel- C.N R. Monday morning, and rested still are located at St. John’s Chinch night other members of the clergy present comed Mr and Mrs. Villeneuve were at the Marcoux Sc Morris Funeral and will remain there for an Indefin- Dr Macdonald was bom at "The In the Sanctuary were: Rev. A. L. Rev. R. J. MacDonald, Alexandria; Home until the funeraj, held Tuesday ite period, It was announced. The Maples” just outside the city limits McDonald, Williamstown; Rev. A. L. Highlanders At Long Illness Rev. O. F. Gauthier, Apple Hill; morning to St. Finnan’s Cathedral number of outstanding cards has a daughter of the late Capt. A. J. Cameron, Cornwall; Rev. D. A. Mc- On July 10th, at the family resi- Rev. Ewen J. .Macdonald, Mifle and cëmenery . been reduced, and officials said they Macdonald, a native of Alexandria, who Phee, Williamstown, Rev. R.J. Mac- Annual Camp dence 30-2nd Lochiel, after a long ill- Roches; Rev. John D. MacPhall, Rev Ronald J. MacDonald, rector hoped that all the cards would be re- served as a captain in the 5th United Donald, Alexandria, Rev. H. Ouimet, ness born® with edifying courage and Cornwall; Rev Father Donaher, chanted the Funeral Mass in the pre turned within the next few days. States Artillery during the American Lochiej, and Rev D. A. Kerr, St. patience. Mrs Duncan D. Macphee, Montreal. sence of a large number of relatives Civil War. Her mother was the for- Andrews, Ten members of “D” Company, SX). Sc G. Highlanders (Reserve), Alex- passed away to her eternal reward, at A feature of the evening was the and friends representative of every mer Miss Bridget Moran, of Marys- The pallbearers were; Harry Mc- the venerable age of 88 years. presence of Mr. Villeneuve’s three section of the county and outside Member C.W.A.C. boro. Queen’s County, Ireland. After Dougall, Donald Macdonald, Donald andria, were among some $150 mem- Mrs Macphee, the former Sarah Ann brothers: Cleary, Edmund and Ro- points. Present in the Sanctuary were the close of the war her father re- J Macdonajd, Donald A.. McLeod, J. bers of the unit who entrained Sun- McDougall, wàs a daughter of the doiph, with the four brothers re- Rt. Rev Msgr Rheaume, of Winnipeg turned to Canada and settled on the jjejj Macdonald and Rod J. McRae. day, at Cornwall, for the annual camp late Alexander McDougall and his united for the first time in several a former parish priest, Rev Donald Is Honored property which has since been in the Evidencing the widespread sympa- at Petawawa. They will be under wife, Annie McDonald and in her years. Kerr, St Andrew’s and Rev Geo. family name, and there Miss Mac- thy in Mrs Macdonells passing were canvas for two weeks. On Tuesday the 9th, of July the early years taught school in the vicini Music, dancing and refreshments Cochet. Msgr. Rheaume recited the donald was bom. the many lovely floral tributes Mass Major J.A. Phillips, second In com- ty of Glen Robertson and Glen Nevis added to the enjoyment of the occa- prayers at the graveside. home of Mr and Mrs Alex Cattanach Highly respected for her teaching cards and messages of condolence re- mand of the regiment, accompanied going from there to Montreal, where sion, with everyone wishing Mr. and The pallbearers were: D. E. Mc- was visited by members of the Cote ability and her thorough knowledge by the bereaved family. the Highlanders and will be in charge she entered the offices of the Canadian Mrs. Villeneuve many years of hap- Phee, Harold McDonald, Archie Mo* St. George congregation who came to of her subjects. Dr Macdonald had )■ of the battalion in camp. Other offi- Faclfc Railway. There stie bejeame piness and prosperity. Donald, Edward MacDonajd, John honor their daughter, Catherine A. taught in Alexandria for four years cers who left with the regiment were Private Secretary to the General Man Chisholm and Arch M. Macdonald. Cattanach, who recently returned before securing her B.A. degree at Hon. Capt. J. R. Donihee, Roman ager of that Company, a position which Among those present from a dis- from overseas. Mis Neij McCuaig es- Queen’s and her Bachelor of Litera- Plan To Sponsor Catholic chaplain; Capt. N. L. Finch she successfully filled for over twenty tance were Miss R. M. Curran, Mr corted the honored guest to the liv- ture degree at Ottawa University. transport officer and acting adju- years, leaving it upon her marriage to OBITUARY and Mrs F. Maclnnes of Montreal; ingroom where Miss Katie Morrison Following her graduation from the .Contests At Fair tant; Capt. J. A. MacNeil, company Duncan D. Macphee, on June 28, Mrs Jas Chisholm, St Andrews. read an address of welcome, the pre Ontario CoUegjei of Education she tau comander Lt. F. J. Winterbum, pla- sentatlon of a purse being made by ght-in Cornwall, Gilbert Plains Man, The Charlottenburgh Junior- Farm- 1910. After coming here she re-enter- HENRI BEAUPRE The many floral pieces, Mass cards toon commander; and Capt. A. P. Miss Jean Davies. Miss Cattanach and Strasbourg, Sask., before return- ers’ Association mot for short busi- ed into the lives and hearts of the The funeral of the :late jHenrl and telegrams and letters of sym- A. Greene, who will act as sports of- pathy received, were testimony to the feelingly thanked one and all for ing to her home town where she was ness meeting and a strawberry so- ficer. Glengarrians, whom she loved so well Beaupre of the Fourth Concession of widespread feelings of regret in Mrs what was done for her. With Miss teacher of English Literature and cial at. the home of Mr and Mrs Mac and was ever most active and helpful Charlottenburgh, was held from his The S. D. Sc G. Pipe Band la McLachlan’.- passing. Ethel McLeod at the organ, “The Composition at the C.C.V.S. for 18 Cumming, Glen Gôrdon, on Wednes- in all parish and community affairs. late residence to St Raphael’s Church under the direction of Sgt. Howard Lord’s My Shepherd” was sung after years prior to her retirement six years day evening, July 3rd with some For five years prior to her death and cemetery on Wednesday morning MacGilllvray. which Mrs Cattanach served refresh- ago. ninety Juniois in attendance . the late Mrs Macphee was confined July tenta. ments and . a social afternoon was The only surviving member of her One of the Alexandria group, Pte. to bed through injuries sustained The Requiem Mlass and burial ser Four Of Family I As was arranged the business was 8 spent. family is a brother, Edward J. Mac- A. Bedard, returned to his home jhl from a fa,U and during that time she vice were chanted by Rev D. A. ; confined to a minimum—dealing with donald on the homestead, who also week jon sick leave. Others now In was a constant source of inspiration Campbell. The pallbearers were Emile I the Junior Farmers’ Field Day at Injured In Mishap followed the teaching profession as a camp include: jLance Corporals, P. to all with whom, she came in. contact. Beaupre, Wilfred Beaupre, Osias Va- I Kemptville on July 24th; and the To Enforce Parking young man. J. Periard, G. Sauve, Privates D. Her cheerful acceptance of her suffer- lade, Henri Sauve, Telesphore Pilon, Four members of a Greenfield area i Highland dancing and Old time fid- Attended by many relatives and Brown, M. Chenier, G. Currier, R. ings was manifested at all times and Victor Saucier. family were Injured Friday morning Restrictions Here dlers contest which the association under all circumstances endearing her friends of the famljy, who assembled Massia, L. R. McDonald, R. Quenne- A son of the late Mr and Mrs Pierre on Highway No 2 near Bainsviile, ! will sponsor at Williamstown Fair ville. Capt. F. Pommier and Lieut. anew to an already devoted family Alexandria’s Main Street was mark from Cornwall and every section of Beaupre of Rimouski, Que, the de- whea a car police report was stolen, I This competition promises to be one Harold Stlmson will visit the camp and a host of loving friends. ed off into parking Zones this week the district, at Miller’s Funeral Home, ceased who was in his seventy-sixth left the road and was wrecked when of the most interesting events to take on the week end. Left to survive her loss are three year, had bèen a respected resident it struck a culvert. The driver, as municipal authorities moved to 326 Augustus street and at St Co- place in Eastern Ontajrio this fall step-sons and two step-daughters; J. of this district for the past thirty Allan Bullock of Timmins, who re- aljeviate the congested traffic con- lumban’s Church, to pay a last tri- i and more detained Information will Rod Macphee Lochiel, Angus of Yel- eight years. Although ailing for the ceived minor Injuries, faces charges of ditions which have reached hazard- bute of respect to the memory of one j be announced soon. lowknife and Donald Ed., on the past year, his death came after only breaking, entering and theft from a pus proportions. No parking what- who was so universally esteemed In Western Farmers the community, the funeral of Dr I The social part of the evening was homestead; Mrs F. J. Morris of Alex a week’; serious illness at the Hotel I service station at Vankleek Hill, and ever is to be allowed on Main St. in Macdonald was hejd Tuesday morning under the capable chairmanship of Assist In Haying andrla and Mrs. Hugh R. Macdon- Dieu Hospital, Cornwalj early Mon- ! from the Cameron Lumber Company the block from the Mill Square south I H. C. MacDonald and musical num Rev A. L. Cameron was the cele . j , , ald, St. Raphaels. day morning. ' of Hawkesbury. In addition the car to St. Paul Street and In other parts Some 17 of the young Western brant of the Requiem High Mass at'bers were interspersed by gamesln He leaves to mourn his loss, his Was a stolen vehicle belonging to D. Canada farmers who came East to Her funeral which was largely at- of the business section parking lines St. Columban’s Church and also of-]which aU took ^ Georg® S“1K fer' widow, Georgina Andre, one son Eld- G. MacPherson. Aldershot, Ont, and f assist in haying operations are now tended by friends and relatives from have been cjearly marked. Cars park flciated at the committal service at ^ Gor

chewan, New York, Qalifornia, New Act: ratifying of Canada-United King Gibbons Can Swing Forty dom Tax Agreements, Canadian War Jersey, Oklahoma, Ohio, etc. During Crimes Regulations; and others. their stay in this capital, they inter- Feet; Make Good Pets Obviously, even this short outline viewed the new Federal Commissioner “Wahool That U what gibbons call out at of the tasks confronting the present of Penitentiaries Maj-Gen Ralph Gib son. It is believed that their report e break of day. The sound echoes session of Parliament indicates be- rough the woods. Perhaps a yond a shadow of a doubt that it is will be given to the Saskatchewan dozen of the animals call It, or shout an extremely lengthy programme still Government probably ,pi Sptember. it, in a chorus. Preparing For Conference to be handled so that it would be A gibbon is an ape, and like other Arangerhents are beng made for a Apes, it doesn’t have a tail. It is no surprise if something is not done found wild in Islands of the East soon to expedite the business of the preparatory committee of which Can- ada is a member to meet in London Indies, also in certain parts of House, though the Government has Southèrn Asia. Siam, or Thailand, on Oct 15, 1946 “so that a further Impressive Programme taken great pains to make it clear is one of the places on the mainland i COMNiETE constructive step may be taken to- It must be reported that there is that it favours a speed up of proceed- ,pf Asia where there are many gib- wards freeing the productive forces no small degree of concern backstage ings but it is not anxious to shorten bons, of the world” by the United Nations FQJI the most part, gibbons live in this capital about the possible the business of this session, nor to This has been made known in Ottawa in trees. Clinging to branches with length of this session on account of cause it to be pressed on unduly the hands at the end of their long min by Premier Mackenzie King: the huge list of tasks still facing the British Elides Still O g Arms, they are experts at traveling legislators before it can be closed, A total cf no less than 40,260 wives He disclosed that the suggested from branch to branch. In the for- even eliminating that nothing unex- and children of Canadian service per basis of discussion will be as follows ests of Sumatra there are gibbons ; which can make 30 or 40 feet in a pected may turn up to delay proceed- sonnel have been brought to this coun international agreement relating the achievement and maintenance of high swing from one branch to another ! ings of the House of Commons, try up to and including July 5 but The gibbon is the smallest mem- though such an eventuality Is possible still awaiting transportation in the and stable levels of employment and ber of the ape family. It seldom is' of course In addition to bills or re- United Kingdom are 15,227 wives and economic activity, to regulations, res- [more than three feet tall. ; PRIMS solutions on the order paper already, ! 4,357 children, with 2,188 wives and trictions and discriminations affect- Gibbons stay in trees most of the 167 children in Northwest Europe. ing international trade; to restric- time, but it is possible for them to the chief item of business is, of course run along the ground. the budget. But it is only one task This has become known in Ottawa tive business practices; to interna- tional agreement relating to intergov- A gorilla can walk on two legs, and there remains to be passed a ' where it is pointed out that the popu but does not have so much skill in considerable volume of estimates. lation boost would be over 62,000 war ernmental commodity arrangements; !this field as a gibbon. While walk- Then there are bi,Us dealing with vet- j brides and children when this is ac- establishment of an international ling or running, a gibbon keeps him- era,ns’ aff’rs, predicted to be twelve j complished. trade organization as a specialized Iself in balance by stretching out and other bills arising from reports I Parity and Coal agency of the United Nations. Owing Ihis arms, or by placing his hands to the scope and complexity of the behind his neck. « oi committees. Furthermore, there j The price oi imported American Some gibbons do not cry “Wa- are bills respecting the financing of coal to the Canadian consumer will preparatory work necessary be- hool” at dawn. Instead they shout the C.N.R. amending the Criminal I not be affected by the new parity of fore the international conference on “Hoo-lockI” Such gibbons live in Code; amending the Immigration Act 1 the Canadian and American dollars trade and employment can be held Thailand and Sumatra, and have consequent upon the Canadian Citi- Î it is indicated in this capita^, though itself the conference may not take the special name of “Hoolocks.” zenship Act; Department of National , Canadian industries will benefit since until next year and negotiations re When they cry out in chorus, we lating to tariff changes will it is hinted might almost think they were sing- Defence; Canadian Broadcasting Act the price of their imported coal has ing. They have their chorus at Canadian information Service; Fed- not been subsidized, with the 10 cent be held early in 1947. sunset as well as at dawn. eral District Cmmm881011 Act; Tor- benefit on every dollar being eaten up Sensational Measures onto Harbours Commissioners; Mer- in lessening the subsidies by which Resulting from ‘rapid deterioration chant Seamen’s compensations; Na- the Canadian Government has kept of price control in the United States”, War Priorities May Make tional Housing Act; Militia Pension the price to Canadian family con- the Minister of Finance, Rt. Hon. Cotton Hose Expensive i sumers within certain ceilings, J. L. Ilsley, has announced that the While cotton stockings may be the i Prison Commission Canadian Government has taken four hope of the American woman for Members of the Saskatchewan steps to “maintain order, stability the future, don’t get the idea that cotton hose are going to be extreme- FIREPLACE FURNACE ! Prison Commission have been in Ot- and independence in this nation’s economic and financial affairs, in- ly cheap; at least none of the kinds for Summer Homes tawa working on a report which they that look worth much. Because cot- •nd Cottage»—* anticipate will probably be measur- cluding adjustment to parity of cold iir MK of MOM ton sells for about 18 cents a pound —S»* hot ak in t» >•- | ing means for a\l provinces in the Canada and the American (dollar; while silk is over $2 a pound this Awkiamdkimtmi of ««•Ut—«ferai | reforming of penal institutions. This clear listing of all goods now under might at first seem true. But this ! was appointed by the Government of “ceilings” which involves alj of the is not so. articles really of significance in Cotton stockings now on sale run ' Saskatchewan to examine penal in- around $1 a pair and the price for , TWEED STEELWORKS j. stitutions or reformatories in 'Saskat- normal household budget; ri- ■■ UMtTIO m,p 0> the better ones probably will not be as 1 ’ *- gid control of markups (profits) less than this, and perhaps more. on imports not eligible for The reason? price controlling subsidies so that hence America has plenty of raw cotton forth all imported goods of a certain —millions of bales of it in storage— kind subjected to price control, unless but America does not have the yarn- spinning machines needed to con- dealt with on another basis will be vert this cotton into fine lisle yarns. priced on importer’s costs plus pres- One way to try to solve this dilem- cribed maximum markup in each case ma is to build more cotton-spinning which will be less than markup nor- machines to handle the fine fibre mally obtained by distributors of production but that route to suc- similar domestic goods, and subsidies cess gets all tangled up with the ma- chine too] trade and priorities, for a paying policy will continue. spinning machine is a most intri- It is held in Ottawa that this cate machine. practical insulation (of Canada’s The newest advance in cotton economy against current unfavorable stocking production is to try to put .more elasticity into the fibres by. external conditions and easing of chemical treatment. The big trou-’ present inflationary pressures may ble with the cotton stockings of the bring sweeping implications but offi- past is that when they stretched cials here refuse opinions on same they stayed stretched, resulting in though it is evident ythat Candian that bug-a-boo of women—stockings that bag and wrinkle at the ankles.' Government has no intention “to move exchange rate with every passing wind.” Beer-Drinking Goat “We have established a simple and Because he took to beer, Barney, a white angora goat and the most workable pricing principle for im- Photographed mascot in the fighting: ports which among other things THERE IS NO FINER CARBONATED BEVERAGE forces, has been discharged from ■Pepsi-Cola" is the registered trade-mark in Canada of Pepsi-Cola Company of Canada, Limited. wiij enable a continued flow of what- the army. For a year he had been THE GLENGARRY NEWS ever goods are available from other mascot of a garrison battalion. countries despite fluctuation in for- I Barney brought disgrace upon, eign prices,” said Mr. Ilsley. himself when he undertook a tour of North Sydney, Australia, hotels Extension ol Emergency Powers I with a man. After several beers,' Premier Mckenzie King has served Barney dashed from the hotel and, Printers and Publishers - Alexandria, Ont. notice in Parliament, (Whereby he climbed a shelf in a confectionary would seek an extension of the Emer shop. He swept bottles oi candies; from the shelf, then bolted into a gency Transitional Powers Act in or- vegetable market, where he feasted der to avoid adding to the already on tomatoes. He was "arrested,” extremely heavy legislative program taken to a police station and lockedj industrial, Commercial, Professional Printing of Every Kind,| before the House of Commons indicat up for three days. ing that the next session of Parlia- When members of the garrison lo- including : ment would come in late January. cated him they were presented with a bill for $30 damages. Judges Salaries Raised He has now been given to a man According to two bills introduced who has undertaken to give him1 Factory Forma Labels, Tags, in Parliament by Justice Minister St. suitable food. Price Lists - Laurent, it is Intended to increase Order Forms the number of puisne judges of the Special Tobacco May Yield Oil Invoice Forma Exchequer Court from two to three Switzerland is undertaking a na- Ruled Forms Color Wort i ; and to raise the salaries paid judges tion-wide experiment in the produc- generally by one-third stating next tion of oil for table and industrial Cheque Forma Business Cards " ; Jan. I. It was explained tha

motion of Mrs M. B. Stewart, second the holidays with his aunt, Miss M. W. McEwen, Mrs L. Filion, Mrs. W. GLEN ROBERTSON Mrs Nqllie McRae and Viola, Moose ed by Mrs A. H. Roberton, $25 00 Only Ventriloquist Hawk Richardson MlcMillan, Miss M. McLeod, Mrs E. Creek, spent the week end with their COUNTY NEWS was donated to the Tennis Club. (Intended for ^ast issue) Joe Rickerd is employed with the Cline, Mrs H. A. Christie, Qlarence Known Finally Killed Cpl Cleary Morrison who arrived father W. G. Norman and Mr and Excellent reports from the Disrict C.N R. at Renfrew these days. MAXVILLS McGregor, Roy McGregor, Harvey ! The New Brunswick partridge from overseas recently came up to the Mrs Allen Buell, Monckland. Annual at Riceville were brought by family should issue at least a vote Henry Brabant and Beatrice De- Metcalfe, Eldred Cameron, Mrs Angus Glen Saturday. Mrs Earl Montgomery, Jimmy and Mrs Wilfrd McEwen and Mrs Charles of thanks to Ben Geroux, a guide, coeur were married) here Monday (Intended for ^ast issue) McBain, Mrs Cluff> Armand Currier, Mr and Mi’s Bert Hambleton and Bily, Los Angeles, (jalif. are spend- Blaney . for he has just succeeded in shoot- morning. TÎED CROSS MEMBERSHIP DRIVE Robert Smith, Hugh Benton, Thomas ing Old Turk, perhaps the only ven- Mr and Mrs Arnott Robertson of ing thesummer holidays with Mr. and The meeting closed with the Na- Mr and Mrs Wm I Robinson, Mr $5.00—Mrs Soren Sporring. Stewart, Dr J. Sullivan, Miss K. triloquist hawk known in bird an- 1 Mrs W. L. Montgomery and Misa tional Anthem. Moose Jaw, Sask have been here on and Mrs Garnet Robinson and infant $2.00—Miss Ena Sporing, Mr and Thompson, W. S. McLean, Mrs Lily nals. For at least 10 years this. a visit with relatives and friends. | EJva Montgomery. cagey fish hawk has feasted on the of Cornv/all receittly visited D. T. Mr and Mrs J. S. Begg, Mr and Mrs Peter Sporring, Mr and Mrs A. Tracy, L. St. John, A,lex Duperron, fat of the land, notably tender young Among those who are hojidaying Robinson and family. D. Stewart, Mrs A. H. Munroe, Mrs T. Dingwall, Mrs McLeod, Mrs Camp Y. W. AUXILIARY here at present are Mr and Mrs Lloyd j Mrs James Begg and Miss Marion chicken partridges, wholly because The soft bal,l season has opened Begg were guests at the home of H. Ernest A. McEwen, Miss M. E, Me- bell, Gordon McKillican, Dr J. H. The July meeting of the Young of its strange powers of imitating Hay, Mr and Mrs L. Decosse, Mr and once more. Last Sunday the Glen S. McEwen, Maxville, Saturday even Diarmid, Cameron McGregor, Mr and Munro, Miss E. McCraken, C. B. Me Women’s Auxiliary of St. Andrew’s fhe genuine mother bird. Mrs Bruno Menard and Miss Grace Presbyterian church was held Tues- The mother partridge is a smart team played 2 games here with St. ing. K. Graham, Mr and Mrs A. Ross, Dermid, C. Hoople, G. H. McDougall Robinson all of Montreal. Raphaels and St. Marthe defeating Oscar La vigueur, Mrs Donalda Ken- day evening at the manse. Mrs How- bird. If she hears a human voice Mr and Mrs M. Woods, Mr and Mrs [she cries out a warning to her Joe Legault |has added another both teams. GLEN NORMAN P P Markle, Mr and Mrs D. D. Mc- nedy Duncan Kippen Rev J. Hamil- ard Kennedy, Home Helpers’ Secre- ! chair to bis barber shop. His nephew j tary had charge of arrangments with brood, starting them helter-skelter It is expected that there will be a Gregor, Mr and Mrs J. W. Smillie, ton, Dan S. Ferguson, Mrs E. Mont for the underbrush while she runs Gerard Legault will henceforth help tombola heie on August 9th and 10th (Intended for Jast issue) Mrs W. S. McLean, Presbyterial Sec Mrs. Arcnie Sayant of Manotick Sta Dr and Mrs W. B. McDiarmid, Mr gomery. Philip Michaud, Mrs F. Bois , in the opposite direction. If she is him make the hair fly. in aid of St Martin of Tours church retary. The Bible lesson, given by Miss 'seen she will even drag a wing tion visited last week at the home oî and Mrs Alex Robertson, Mi- and Mrs venue, Gordon Stewart, Jas Dixon, | Recent visitors to the Glen were but don’t worry for the present there Haze|l McLeod had for its theme “The along the ground, as if it were bro- his mother Mrs M Sayant. O. Villeneuve. Mrs John M. McLean Angus MacKay Hector Dupuis, J. H. McDonald, and will be more about it later. Peace of Christ.” Mrs Herb Graham ken, so if a human happens to be a Mr and Mrs Jos Theoret were in $1.50—James Cummings Eddie Carter Charlie Chisholm, F. hunter he will follow her. Any- Miss A B McDonald of Montreal. | Mrs J. W. Rickerd on Tuesday led in prayer and Mrs Allan Vallance Montreal on Saturday last attending $1.00—Mrs W. A. McEwen, H. W. Filion, A. Beaudry, Mrs Hildebough, thing to lead danger in any direction After an unavoidable delay due to afternoon was hostess to the ladies gave the missionary lesson. The the Theoret—McKenna marriage. Davison, Mrs V. Metcalfe, R. W. Armand Cuillerier .Howard Kennedy, | save that taken by her young. being unable to obtain certain parts [ of the W.M.S. hymns sung were, “O Come let us Mr Dan R. Macdonald, Avonmore McLeod, Neil A. McLean, Mrs E. S. Harold Blaney, Carman Kennedy, j When the coast is clear again she of machinery Gatian Dupuis has be- | Mr and Mrs Alex Hope and famliy Sing, to the Lord,’’ “Breathe on me has another peculiar call that means spent the week end at his home here Winter, Mrs A. T. Morrow, Miss B. John Christie, Gordon Munroe, Car- ; gun operating his aluminum plant on of Bells Corners and Geo. K. Hope of man Rowe, Alex McEwen Archie Me Breath of God,” and “Abide with me ’ “O. K. Come on out.’'’ The chicks Mr and. Mrs Richard Lalonde and McRae, R. B. Buchan, Mrs R. T. understand and soon scamper out a small scale to start with but hopes Ottawa renewed acquaintances here Ewen, Marjorie Cass, F. Gravele, Mrs A. D. Stewart conducted the 1 little Carol, 3rd Concession Lancaster O’Hara Mrs H. Robinson, Mrs R. from cover. Old Turk could imitate very soon to be in a position to em- recently. Metcalfe, Mrs B. C. Jackson, Miss Henry Wilkes, Dan McLean, R. G. business. Miss Agnes McEwen acted the mother partridge perfectly. If ploy quite a large staff. Mrs Carrie McDonell and Mr Ajlan as secretary in the absence of Mrs: o Agnes McEwen, Mrs A. J. McEwen, Jamieson, Daniel Vallee, Mrs J. Cald- a partridge saw him and gave the Montrea'ers who spent the week ! McDonell of N|orth Lancaster weris 1 GRAVEL HILL bick, Norman Stewart, Mrs J - D. Henry Wilkes. Iwarning cry his meal was as good end in the Glen were Mr and Mrs Sunday aiternoon visitors with Mr» Miss Netta McEwen, rMs H. J. Mor- (Intended for jast issue) Villeneuve, Charles Munroe, Rod Mc- The meeting closed with the Lord’s as served. > M. C. I^gault, Mr and Mi’s Edgar Sol Deco.ste. row, Frank Scheill, Miss Tena Cole- All he did was fly close to the W. A. Crawford, Earl Lapp and man, Mrs Nr McDonald, R. MacKay Donald, Wilfred Rolland, Fred Mc- Prayer and the Mizpeh benediction Lacombe, Martin, John and Doug. LAC James A. McDonald went on iscene and after waiting a few min- Miss Myrtle Lapp, Ottawa visited at Alex McGregor, Mrs J. D. McRae, Gregor Dan R. Cameron Miss E. Me Mrs Doig served lunch and was heart Lacombe, also Harqld Taylor of Beau Tuesday to Lachine, Que where he utes he would give the “coast is the home of Milton Crawford, Monck Kercher Miss M. McMillan, Mrs G. ily thanked for her hospitality. harnois and J. A. Chisholm of Corn- wilj receive his honorable discharge. Mrs D. A. McDermid Miss M, R. land, Sunday, White, Mrs Pearl McLean, Mrs M. G. Morrison, Mrs W. Morrow, Romeo wall. He was accompanied by Mrs McDon- Miss LueTla Norman Montreal and B. Stewart, Mrs M. McLeod, John Andre, John Willard, Charles Robert HAS MANY FINE TYPES OF ROSES Donald Houle, Montreal, is spending ald who spent the day in Montreal , son, Mrs R. Tait, Dolphus Currier, An article of interest to friends in ;that the mother bird, wild with fear, this district appeared in the Montreal would try to warn her chicks again. Dan OBryne, Geo. Baxter, James But it would generally be too late Stewart Lyall Robinson, Donald Mc- West paper “The Monitor” of July 4 for Old Turk would swoop down and Ewen Mrs D. C. McDougall Mrs Dan Under the heading “Display of Roses get one or two of them before they Easy does it McEwen, Neil McLean, Duncan Mc- is Joy to Behold” it described the could hide again. Lean, L. McKillican, D. J. McIntosh wealth of beautiful roses in bloom to Fergus McKercher, Ernest Cameron, be seen at the residence of Malcolm BerthaJ AVerley, Mlelville McEwen, S. McRae, 4362 Walkley Avenue. The dis Kneehole Desk Allows with Jüh on J. McEwen, Hilda Villeneuve, Miss play includes such roses as Talisman Room for Sitter’s Knee C. McRae, Mrs Norman McRae, John Paul. Scarlet, several types of Tea The kneehole desk is one of the W. Campbell, A. M. Fisher, Miss T. Roses, New Dawn, Doubloom, Blaze most beautiful pieces that has come the job/ Aird, Stanley Campbell, Miss J. Aird and Types of cluster rose and has down to us from the Seventeenth Mrs L. Hurd. been a source of beauty and satisfac- century. It is so called because it tion to the residents of that area. Be is built with an opening in the cen- .75—Dalton Reid. ter, between the two banks of draw- .50—Joseph Robert. side his rose garden, Mr McRae has ers, to make room for the sitter’s .30—John Robertson. a large bed of Chrysanthemums, a knees. .25—Mrs Miller fine bed of Gladioli and a vegetable I The desk is made of mahogany garden. !and is rather highly styled. The SUNDAY SCHOOL PICNIC Mi- McRae is a native of this dis- j carved moulding, the willow pull i and the bracket foot are typical of The annual Sunday School picnic trict a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. of St. Andrew’s Church was held to the best pieces of this type. Other Murdoch McRae (Dyer). He moved kneehole desks, particularly those URGENT the Peace Memorial Presbyterian to Montres,! over twenty years ago made in maple, cherrywood or pine, Camp at Lancaster. Through the and is employed as outside auditor are more simple. Some of them courtesy of members of the congre- Bottles are badly with the Income Tax Department, do not have an opening all the way needed. gation who loaned their cars, the chil Payroll Division. Mi- and Mrs McRae through, but have a panel in the dren were taken by car and enjoyed back, closing one side. - have two daughters, Mrs Allan Bar- the boating, bathing and taking their j The kneehole desk produced in nett and Miss Nina MJcRae, Montreal : America during the Eighteenth cen- Reason — new bottle share in a full programme of sports !tury is conceded to be one of the production slowed by Each child received a gift. Mrs A. P. W M. S. MEETING best pieces developed in this country shortage of materials. Stewart, Superintendent, had charge Mrs A. W. McEwen president con- [ and while it usually features the of the picnic and she was assisted by ducted the worship service at the re- \ bracket foot, carved or plain, many Miiss Eileen Cameron, Secretary, and gular July meeting of the Women’s ; of them had cabriole feet, while Remedy — Return ac- Miss Agnes McEwen. Rev H. A. Doig Missionary Society which was held ' others had a closed base which rest- cumulated empties. ed on the floor. Put them back into minister was present. in the Sunday School room of the Reproductions of the kneehole Lets do it circulation. Check Church. The theme of the service was desk are available at moderate your basement today. W. I. GIVES GRANT TO TENNIS ‘Listening” She was assisted by Mrs prices today and lend an interesting note to the well-furnished room. CLUB W. G. Leaver, Mrs Robert McKay and IT MAY HAVE BEEN TRUE, in Grandfather’s day, Mrs A. D. McDougall who also con- Some are finished both front and that every successful business was the lengthened R. G. Bennet, Agricultural Repre- back so that they can be placed in Bring them to nearest sentative, Alexandria was guest speak ducted a quiz on “Christian Steward- the center of a room; others, which shadow of one man. Today it’s more likely the Brewers Retail store or er at. the Women’s Institute on Fri- ship” are put against the wall, are not projection of two or more partners, including telephone for pick-up. day. He spoke particularly on garden At the business meeting 25 viists finished in the back. The kneehole that efficient but ex-officio partner—à great bank. desk with a mirror over it is very ing, planting trees, shrubs and per- were reported. Mrs J D. Gumming In many cases you’ll find that partner is The often used in the bedroom as a Bank of Nova Scotia. enniajl borders, and on marketing in 0.G.I.T. leader, reported that three vanity, connection with the tourist trade. girls expected to attend the camp at Like the partner at the otlter end of the two- Mrs Robert McKay, hostess spoke Kagama, Sheek Island and three The man saw—pulling in the right direction at the on th motto, “Let our Watchword be "Edgewood Senior Camp at Beechgrove Permanents right time—the facilities and experience of this Co-operation.” The roll call was re Que. Mrs D, G. McEwen was ap- How many permanents should Bank can multiply your efficiency and simplify one have a year? This depends sponded to with a current event of pointed a full time delegate to the upon several factors—chiefly on your problems. And that understanding helpful- Brewing industry the past week. schools for Leaders at Edgehill in how you wear your hair. If it’s ness is as close to your desk as the manager of our (Ontario) Mrs Stanley Kippen, president, con- September short, possibly shingled in back, nearest Branch. He will be glad to discuss it with ducted the business meeting. On Mrs Peter Kippen had charge of .three or even four a year will be you ... Let’s do it together! needed if you want a completely the Missionary program ,‘We look at waved head. (Hair grows at the the W.M S.” In an attractive way it rate of one-half inch a month, and presented the whole organization of since the wave is never closer than THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA the W.M S. from Baby Band to Do- one-half inch from the scalp, the minion Board and showed how the end of three or four months will W. W. W. Dean, Manager, work of our missionaries comibutes find you with about two inches of Alexandria, Ont., Glen Robertson, Ont. straight hair.) Long hair or long to the upbuilding of the world church bobs require only two or three per- tnanents a year. Two may be suf- ficient with a few curls picked up BONNIE HILL at the neckline and around the face. All of this, of course, refers to per- (Intended for Jast issue) fectly straight hair, without any Haying is the order of the day. natural wave. With even a mild natural waviness, the new growth Colonel James M. Anderson arrived has at least some body, and the from overseas on Monday last after need for more curling is not so spending some seven years over there urgent. He and Mrs Anderson were met at the station by his daughter Sandra and a few friends. They wended their Not Ladies * i. Like many other things, the lady- way to the home of Mr and Mrs John bird is so named as to conceal, SUN. MON. TUE. WED. THUR, FRI. SAT. A. MacDonald, where a sumptuous rather than reveal, its identity. It is a beetle (not a bug). This very Breaded Braised Salad Beef Cold supper was served to about forty Fish Lamb guests. Afterwards they danced till small insect is often seen in gar- Veal Veal Plate Loaf Meat Chop the wee small hours of the morning dens, and is one of the best friends Cutlet Loaf of the farmer. There are charac- Do you live out-of-town? Miss Katherine McDonald visited Group left- unrat- Group teristic black spots on its wings, left- unrat- Group her parents,! home on Sunday. and the insect is usually red or B over ioned C over loned C Mr and Mrs Leo Fraser and chil- yellow in color. They are some- Even if you can’t call at our nearest office and discuss your investment needs 3 times called “ladybugs.” So great /4 lb. 4 oz. dren visited Mr and Mrs J. A. Mac- personally, you can still command the full services of our organization — 3 Donald on Sunday . is the affection of gardeners for by mail. Supplementing our Sales Staff we maintain a well-organized Corres- 3 1 this insect that in various countries tokens tokens token Miss June Maclnnes, Mrs Norman it is called “Little Animal of Our pondence Department; inquiries to this Department receive the same careful, 1 token leit-over Maclnnes and Miss Mary Mclnnes of Lord” (Holland), “Lucia” (Italy), personal attention given by our Sales Staff. Maxville, visited at the home of Mr | “St. Michael’s chicken.” Ladybirds Through the Correspondence Department you can buy or sell stocks and There is no rationing of eating enjoy and Mrs A. A. Hay on Friday last feed on many other harmful insects Malcolm and Roddie McRae call- and thus save gardeners much bonds with the assurance that your order will be executed promptly and veal cutlet dipped in milk, rolled in A damage. crumbs and given a slow oven bake should ed on friends in this section on their efficiently; while in the case of some investment problem, the complete happy choice for Sunday dinner. Veal take.» kb way to Lochiel on Thursday. advisory services of our organization are also at your disposal through this to braising too, and from your half-povmd pyrch Misses Hazel and Barbara Fraser Anvil Awaits Peace same Department. you should have sufficient, augmented with ve of Morrisburg, are spending a few Blacksmiths at Fittlesworth, Eng- tables, for Monday's top-o'-the-stove mèal. A c holidays with Mr and Mrs J.A. Mac- land, are hoping soon to revive a Remember this if you live out-of-town and use these special investment salad plate with devilled egg and cheese we_„_ Donald. 400-year-old custom started at the facilities provided for your convenience. is a quick trick for a summer night when the mer- time of the Spanish armada, that of firing the anvil to announce the cury bespeaks freedom from kitchen drudgery. end of a war. The custom is be- Wednesday's meat loaf will provide for a guest, lieved to have originated at this W. C. Pitfield & Company Limited plus a left-over for Thursday's meal. Friday's fish smithy when blacksmiths signaled will bring you all the goodness of the sea. And a SUBSCRIBE FOR THE [Drake’s victory. The report can be 315 Pitt Street CORNWALL Telephone 260 fine finish to a week of good eating (which, inci- [heard 10 miles away, and the end Montreal Halifax Moncton Sainl John Ottawa Toronto Vancouver dentally, spares you a token) would be a lamb of every war since the defeat of the chop with fresh mint sauce as its flavour partner. armada has been signaled in thla GLENGARRY NEWS vay. .. : l'âge i

Ontario while motoring thjpugh the p i JU K Prevents • Full-Grown Ocean Fish 1 Four Teams COUNTY NEWS province called on Mrs. Malcolm BacKTreVCim McLeod, Mr and Mrs. D 3. Per- Hollow in YOUf Backbone Live but Twelve Months! (Continued from page 1) guson and Mr. and Mrs. Archie P. “The only way to learn to walk In the great world of ocean life,; A home and home series, with Green- MAXVILLE we find animals of almost every Big Social Munro. Before returning home they miles without getting very tired Is field taking on Dunvegan, the third Mrs. Ernest A. MacEwen, 'Miss visited Ian McLeod of Skye, who to begin right now-loday-to walk size. They range from whales dowa ,, , ... „ at least two miles every day. At to tiny forms of life which can b 1 place team, was arranged, with the School Grounds Elizabeth and Miss Marjorie McEwen before taking over tne home farm the end Qf the month> resolve to seen only with the help of a micro-1 winners to continue inthe play-offs visited Mr. and Mrs. Ra/ph McEwen was Agricultural Representative - at walk three a day/' a famous scope. with Loci'iel and Pine Grove. Bilings Bridge on Tuesday. They re- Clinton, Huron County. beautician says. “All walking should Among the fish, we have extra The first game in this series took turned with Miss Elizabeth Sproule, Leslie Kippen ,who has been em- be done on flat heels, with weight on large sharks which grow to a length place in Greenfield on Tuesday even- Sandringham of SO or 60 feet. We also have small R.N., Ottawa, who spent the day ployed in Montreal came home on the outside of the feet and toes ing last, and resulted in a win for ALEXANDRIA here and is visiting other friends fish known as the gobies (pro- , •—r *" - •«“ — “™ “ st .'srs, ss » ST. nounced go-biz). Dunvegan 1—0. It was a keenly con- FRI. — SAT., JULY 19 20 Thursday, July 25 Miss Louise Andre was a guest at Maxvüle. t)ody settlç down in^ hip sockets. Most gobies are from two to six tested, even struggle with Dunvegan the home of her uncle. Charles | c B McDermid is in Toronto this Keep chest hjghj stomach jn> with inches in length, but certain kinds getting the break, a penalty kick, Saaturday | week attending the annual meeting lower ribs pulled up and away from Amell of Cornwall, on are shorter than two inches, and oth- which resulted in the score. Friday evening of The Grand Lodge of Masons and hips.” «• ers are more than two feet long. One night, the second game wilj. be played Mrs. J W. Morrison and Miss Dor- j Mrs. McDermid and children, You can push a heavier load with- kind—when full - grown—measures w th out- danger of straining yourself if in Dunvegan. othy Morison arrived from Haileybury ! Tvm.riiyn and Kent, will holiday at only a half inch from its nose to you will keep knees slightly bent, the tip of its tail. This little goby The winner of this series will then on Thursday morning to visit Mr. and j coldwater, Ont. base of spine tucked under and cen- is found about the shores of the Phil- engage Lochiel in a home and home Mrs .W. J. McMillan, Mr. and Mrs pillowing a most enjoyable holi- ter of the back pushed out—back— ippine islands. game series—the tentative dates of J. M. MacLean and family and other day at Camp Kagama, Sheek Island, as far as possible. When knees are Although they are called “white,” which follow — If Dunvegan wins — friends. the following girls returned to their straight and there is a deep hollow these gobies are not really white. They are almost like window glass; July 24 Wednesday—lochiel at Miss Florence Tait, R.N., Moose homes on Tuesday—Helen Campbell, in the middle of the backbone, you Dunvegan. Creek, came on Tuesday to spend a Isabel Kippen, Shirley MacLean, cannot push as heavy a load And you can see through them. _ , even the lighter load that you can The white goby has perhaps the July 27 Saturday — Dunvegan at few weeks with her uncle Fred Mc- i Eleanor Rowe and Helen Rowe. push may cause you to strain your shortest life of any animal with a Lochiel. Gregor, and Mrs. McGregor. Mrs. J. A. Dixon, Miss Mae Dixon, k rupture the abdominal wall. ack or backbone. It grows to old age with- ! If Greenfield wins;— Murray Hughes is holidaying with ! Miss Muriel Kennedy, Mrs. Charles If you want to learn to carry a in a year after being hatched. Where July 23, Tuesday—Lochiel at Green- Mrs. Renwick, of pack on your back, get out the snap- scientists have been able to study his grandmother, Conn, Miss Bessie Conn,, and Mado field. Fournier. Patterson visited Mr. and Mrs. J. shots you took last year of your its life history they have found it | July 26, Friday — Greenfield at Dr .and Mrs. W. B. McDiarmid, A McQueen and Mr .and Mrs. Adam fishing guide, and study his posture. dies in 12 months or less. Notice that when he had a pack on The California coast has the blind Lochiejl. D. D. McIntyre and sisters Mrs. A. McQueen, Skye. his back there was absolutely no goby. This small, pink fish has a In the following week the winner McKenzie and Mrs. S. Rayside spent Mrs. A. W. McIntyre, Montreal, hollow in his backbone. He seemed smooth skin. When young, it has of this last series will meet Pine Tuesday in Cornwall. Following a and Mrs. C. H. Cunningham, to lean slightly forward and the cen- eyes which work very well, but these Grove in the finals. Watch for the ten-day visit with their brother, Mrs. Philadelphia, came Thursday night ter of his back was pushed out and lose their sight as time goes on. dates. McKenzie and Mrs. Rayside return- back until it touched the pack. He The young one fastens itself to the to visit their sister, Mrs. John E. The Greenspon Challenge Trophy Added Attractions— ed to their homes in Montreal on Cass, Mr. Cass and family and other never seemed to get tired. >. dark underside of a rock, or slowly Don’t Forget And if you straighten out your own moves about dark openings between also is up for competition and all Mousie come Home Tuesday evening. relatives mthe district. spinal «column instead of going rocks. It has little use for eyesight, teams are eligible to challenge for this Pottery Poet Miss Jean Michaud is spending the Mrs. Eaile Montgomery, Los An- around with a hollow in the middle and by the time it grows up it is cup which was was won by Green- To Renew Your week with her brother, Felix Michaud g les, California, came Wednesday Canadian Paramount News e of it, you won’t, either—whether you quite blind. field last year. and Mrs Michaud, Cornwall. evening to visit her sister in law Mrs have to carry a pack or lift weights Subscription to At an executive meeting of the | jjert, Graham and Mr. Graham for or do any of the other hard jobs Winners of the Gjlengarry CUp wifi loiiis-Conn fight Pictures that are part of the various civilian represent the league in a series with Red Cross, 425.00 was voted to the j a few days. .Mrs. Montgomery and Birds Most Skillful of Save the Children Fund. This j sons, Jimmie and Billie, are spending defense drills. the Ottawa champions, the winner MON. TUES, JULY 22 23 ; Animals in Nest Building to be declared champions of Ottawa amount of money will keep a British the summer vacation with the lat- Because their young—at first only and District. Among other honors for child for one year. I L Montgomery, Gravel Hill. eggs—are so utterly helpless, birds Indue(k)ed to Confess, which teams and individuals will Mrs Charles Conn, and daughter, ter’s grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. have developed a skill in home Prisoner Tells Police compete is a medal donated by E. Miss Besie Conn., Aberdeen, Sssk. Mrs David Beattie returned the lat- building that few animals can equal. A little yellow baby duck that Except for the excellent bird-like A. MacGillivray, M L A. ’ and her brother, Mado Paterson, Ot- ter part, ofthe week tfrom visiting awa are guests of Mrs. J. J. Ken- friends at Baltic’s Corners and Ste- knows the difference between right structures built by field mice, kan- FINAL STANDING and wrong put its master, Lester garoo rats and gophers, the most Pine Grove 6 1 5 15 5 17 nedy and Miss Muriel Kennedy, Mr. wart>s Glen Malone, Los Angeles, behind bars pretentious (t mammalian nest is MUMS JACK HALEY and Mrs. Howard Kennedy and fam- Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Beau- and on the road to regeneration. probably that of the beaver. This Lochiel 3 1 8 4 3 14 HELEN WALKER Dunvegan 2 3 7 7 7 11 RUDY VALLEE ily- chesne, ' (nee Irene Joanette), Ste. Malone walked up to Patrolman symbol of industry not only builds OZZIE NELSON Lester Hamilton and confessed that Greenfield 0 6 6 2 14 6 Miss Bertha McEwen is holiday- j xherese do Blainville, left for home an elaborate home, but equips it PHILIP REED with a swimming pool. ing this week with her sister, Mrs on Wednesday following a two weekÿ stolen an^ automobile and Donajd MacSweyn, right wing for ART LINKLETTER ^ Single Copie* that he was John Labeur, Mr. Lafleur and ii i h her sister,( Mrs. Joseph intoxicated. The sec- Yet the home building instinct of Pine Grove, is the top score producer ho day w t ond part of the confession was un- ptOPH ME FUNNY RADIO SHOW the beaver, highly developed as it this season, while awards have not Guwt Artlit daughter Linda, Finch. Clavette, Mr. Clavette and family. necessary. is, has only incidental, not essential FRANCES LANGFORD can be secured ' A Paramount Plctura Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Dixon Miss ^ j^r Benny Jackson of Montreal is But the duck, peeping out from survival value for the species. Some yet been announced for most valu- at this office Mac and George Dixon, visited on ^ spending two weeks ’ holidays with under Malone’s arm, quacked cor- beavers are content with holes dug able and most gentlemanly players. Thursday with Murray McQueen in i, p nts Mr. and Mrs. B. C. roboration. in a stream bank, and do very well Added Attractions— js are This Saturday Pine Grove is to play Cornwall where he was operated on j . “I want to give myself up,” Ma- there. The same goes for the A.t Shirley’s Restaurant ackson an exhibition game in Laggan with Little Witch for appendicitis. | Mr. and Mrs. Donald John Kippen, lone told the officer. “This li’l duck beaver’s little cousin, the muskrat,; ALEXANDRIA has shown me the error of my ways. which also can teach most birds the Blue Bonnets of Montreal. Make Beau Ties Herbert Ferguson and Duncan Perth Ontario are spending three I want to make good for its sake.” something about nest building. this a date. . AMD AT Bradley, Dunvegan, members of the weeks’ vacation with their parents, Hamilton was impressed. He took Some birds build no nests at all, S. D. & G. Reserve Army Pipe Bane Mr and Mrs. Duncan Kippen and Malone to the city jail and booked but there is usually a valid reason McDERMID’S left Sunday morning for Petawawa Mrs. J. J. Urquhart. him for drunkenness with a hold for for such an aberration. Taking Water Levels DRUG STORE Camp where the unit is training. | Mr. and Mrs J S. Argue and Mary- the inspectors’ bureau so they could The California condor broods in; check on the stolen car. inaccessible places, and finds a nest MAXVTLLX, OUT. Miss Alice Archibald, former mem- ^ lin were guests for several days of Mr In the morning he appeared be- unnecessary. I Consulting engineers from the Mac- The Prise—6 Oente. ber, of the Maxville High School and Mrs. H. J. Morrow. fore Police Judge Joseph A. Kenne- Many sea birds have no enemies,; Rostie firm of Ottawa, are here this Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Davidson, staff, accompanied by her parents, dy on the drunk charge. True to or they nest together in such vast week taking water levels to the Black Mr. and Mrs. Archibald of Seaforth, Cornwall, were week end visitors with his pledge to the duck, he pleaded numbers that no nest building ma- Mrs. Gordon Empey and John David- guilty. terial is available. Lake and the Power House. The firm son. “And now, what about the stolen Some shore birds brood on bare is to advise local officials later, on car?” the judge asked. shore, where a nest structure Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McMillan, “Well, the duck’s crazy on that,” would be dangerously conspicuous. . possible sources of additional water Mrs. J. W. Morrison and Miss Doro Malone declared. “I can’t imagine Other birds dig secure cavities supply thy Morrison spent Tuesday in Ottawa how he made me say that. I never in trees and in the earth and by and Connaught Park. stole a car.” 1 ' the time the nest is dug they are Miss Marie Chisamore of Cornwall The duck went to a box in the desk apparently too tired to finish it up is a guest of Miss Theresa Andre. sergeant’s office, but its troubles with a fuzzy lining. bad only started. It set up an awful Accidents Take Big Toll Mrs. Arnold Fritche, Louis Ber- IN AID OF fuss. V In Home by Carelessness geron and Joan Bergeron motored After all, it seemed to be demand- Perfumes Best on Skin from Montreal on Tuesday and were It is saddening to read ths aimual St. James’ Church ing, “I helped you guys out by bring- In the Broadcast, a bulletin pub- accident record for 1941 and find the guests of Mr. and Mrs. JjÈhies Ber- ing this man around, so why should lished by the Drycleaning Research appalling number pi Sl.SOO deaths geron. On their return on Wednesday I have to stay in jail?” Laboratory, Pennsylvania State col- lege, the editors make a plea for an due to horns accident*. Accidenta they were accompanied by Miss ! educational campaign to be started are real enemlea of the home and Ethel Jean Lacroix and Miss Geral- Hosiery Mending j among American women regarding most of them are caused by thought- dine Bergeron who will spend a few lessness and carelessness. Make On Agricultural Grounds A hosiery mender uses a needle the proper application of perfume. your home a safe home by taking days in the city. with a latch over the hook which ; It seems that perfumes give best care of the danger spots which cause Madeleine Jackson ol Montreal wifi slips into the runner, picks up a results when applied to the skin most accidents: „ spend the summer withher parents loop and knits it back into the stock- rather than to fabrics. When ap- Have you a step ladder in food Wednesday Mr and Mrs. B. C. Jackson. ing. Single-thread runs can be re- , plied to a garment, the fragrance repair? Are there handrails for all paired so efficiently an expert , may change to an unpleasant odor stairways with open sides? Do you Visitors at the home of Mrs. Er- couldn’t tell the difference. ! and may even resist the dry-clean- nest Andre overthe week end were have a regular place iQjr tools and To repair a snag costs 5 cents and ing process. Perfumes are likely toys when not In us Miss Marian Rafuse of Ottawa, Mr. runners 10 cents, with average to contain substances which stain a sharp knife, do you always 0SM0«C»QW0S(S0<&00«-B0W»00> qualified to give first aid? insect with prominent antennas and “Powder ‘Outs’ Magnesium Fires ed to buy some trousers. The clerk cerci. The top surface has alternate A powder has been developed to showed him a pair of trousers that bands of light and dark scales. A extinguish burning magnesium met- seemed to please, and the customer The Fly Season satisfactory bait for these two in- al and alloys, incendiary bombs, so- went into an alcove to try them on. sects may be made by thoroughly dium, potassium, aluminum, zinc Then, in came two navy petty of- mixing one part of sodium fluoride ficers. The clerk told the man in Is Here Now with nine parts of white flour. The and iron. The usual extinguishing agents have no extinguishing effect toe alcove that toe house tailor was firebrat at this time of the year Don’t let insects rob you of your profits. Be prepared breeds in large numbers in the attic on burning magnesium alloys. Some busy with the petty officers, would to fight them with effective weapons. For your war on flies other materials, such as sand and the customer mind waiting? . For Sale or that area beneath the rafters of powdered talc have been used for “The navy comes first,” he ex- we can supply the following ;— The for the the house. bait firebrat plained. “You know, national de- should also be applied there. handling magnesium fires, but none 00% D.D.T. Concentrate, $2.00 will make 10 gallons live- has been found completely satisfac- fense.” Two 6-ft. Cockshutt Oil Bath Mowers, like new, taken stock spray or 2 gals barn spray. tory and effective. Smilingly, the customer said he’d in on tractor mowers. Capo Stainless Stock Spray $1.40. Cohune Nut The-new powder effectively smoth- wait. JUST ARRIVED THIS MORNING RELEASED BY D.V.A. Stockaid Animal Spray, $1.45. The oil from the cohune nut, na- ers burning magnesium and other Some time later the clerk re- Fly Tox, 24c and 43.; Capo Fly-go, 26c. tive to Middle America, is even metals because it is chemically inert turned and the trousers were fitted. Two 10 ft. Rakes Rexaid Surface Insecticide, 40 oz. 79c; 160 oz. $2.85 more valuable than coconut oil, be- to metals. It consists of a non- “Will you charge it?” the cus- Two Giatrt 6 ft. Mowers. inflammable, nonabrasive powder tomer asked. “The nam'e is Kim- FOR SPRAYING OR DUSTING WE CAN SUPPLY: cause it is edible and is easily em- One Massey Harris used Binder. ployed in the manufacture of fine with which is incorporated a small mel.” Arsenate of Lead, 5 lbs for 85c. percentage of material which forms “Admiral Husband E. Kimmell” NEW BINDERS IN STOCK Calcium Arsenate, 5 lbs. for 60c. soaps and nut butters. It was first brought to the attention of the a heavy vapor when heated and ex- toe clerk exclaimed. I have also received a shipment of Plymouth Binder Green Cross Bug Killer, 30c, 50c and 90c, cludes air. “That’s right,” said the com- United States during World War I. Twine 600 feet to lb. Church’s Bug Finish, 20 lbs. for 75c. American chemists proved that the mander in chief of the United States Sprayers at 35c, 70c, and 95c. shell of the cohune nut when con- fleet, smiling again. Wash Garden Gloves •Tt verted to charcoal was a superior filler for gas masks, because the Weekly washing of canvas garden J. D. McPherson. charred shell had unusual absorbent gloves will keep them in good con- Butadiene, Combustible Gas qualities. Interest In the commer dition. Turn them wrong side out, Since butadiene, a combustible Cockshutt Farm Implements MacGregor's Hardware and Electrical Supplies 1 cial possibilities of toe oil has La- soak an hour or longer in cold water gaa, is used in one process for man- Mill Square — Alexandria Phone 10 - Maxville. creased greatly during the last few to cover and then wash with the rest ufacturing synthetic rubber, toe bu- years. '' ' | of^ toe laundry. Three pairs, of reau of mines has published results ■i' ' gloves will last the average home of tests to show industry the need gardener a season. _ for care in its use. XU# lTi.VU^a>iJLjr

I ered and showered her with gifts SUMMER OFFICE HOURS CHICKS Commencing on Monday, April 29th Bray July and August chicks avail- j j and good wishes. Miss Dorothy Mae 1 SHOP AND ADVERTISE MARRIAGE i Millan read an appropriate address and continuing until the 28th of Sep- able— dayolds— pullets— non-sexed and the Misses Mora McCaskill, Ruby tember, 1946, the law office of Messrs. cockerels. Size up your needs, con- J IN OUR CLASSIFIED COLUMNS Jhe flew Jonic 1 CUNNING—M acPHERSON Hay and Bess MaeGillivray assisted Macdonell & Macdonald, Bank of Nova tact us soon for prices, breeds. Agents The United Church, Kirk Hill was ir. opening the gifts. During the after Scotia Chambers, Alexandria, will be Graham Creamery; Mrs A .S. Mc-, Your Ad. on thi* page is guaranteed to go open for business from 8.30 a.m. until Meekin, Dalkeith. NURO VIM the scene of a pretty and interesing noon entertainment Miss Mora Mc- into more than 2,000 homes, reaching approxi- wedding at one-thirty o’clock on Sat Caskill and Miss Margaret MacDon- 5 o’clock p.m. daily except Saturday DIED urday, July 6th when Miss Katherine ald, on behalf of the Kirk Hill Y.P.S and Wednesday and on SATURDAY CORBETT—At the General Hospi- mately 10,000 Readers. For Nerves Fatigue and Frederica MacPherson, only daughter presented Miss MacPherson with a and WEDNESDAY from 8.30 a. m. untU tal, Water Sf., Ottawa, Wednesday of Mr and Mrs D W. MacPherson, coffee maker. The guest of honor 1 p.m. Loss oï Appetite July 17th, Miss Elizabeth Corbett, of Glen Sandfield, became the bride of though greatly touched by such kind For urgent matters appointments BOKN DOSE 230 Daly Avenue, daughter of the TEACHER WANTED Mr. John Howard Cunning, eldest son ness, thanked all. After the singing may be made outside of regular office ALLINOTTE— At Apple Hill, on Bijingual teacher, holding first or late Mr. and Mrs, John Corbett of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. W. Cunning, of “For she is a jolly good fellow,” a hours by letter or by phoning No 138 Sunday, July 14th, 1946, to Mr and second class certificate for S S.S. No. One tablespoonful before meals Alexandria. The funeral takes place Vank,leek Hill. Dr E. H. Gray per- dainty lunch was served by the ladies Alexandria. , Mrs F. Allinotte, a son—Robert. 12 Kenyon. Duties to begin Sept. this (Friday) morning onthe arrival and at bedtime—Ask those who have formed the ceremony. On July 4th, Miss MacPherson was MACDONELL & MACDONALD, 3rd, 1946. Apply to ACHILLE JOAN- Early summer flowers and ferns Barristers, etc., of the C.N.R. train to St. Finnan’s used It. again entertained at a lovely shower McCORMICK—At St. Mary’s Hos- ETTE, Sec. Treas. R.R. 3 Alexan- formed the .church decorations. Cathedral and cemetery. pital, Montreal on Tuesday, July 16th at the home of Mrs Gordon McNaugh dria- 28-2p $1.00 per 16 oz bottle The bride given in marriage by her ton. The guest of honor was ushered to Mr. and Mrs. Hugh A. McCor- father wore a long-sleeved, floor- Spiritual and flora^ offerings were CARD OF THANKS mick of Montreal—a son. AT thrugh the living room lined with Mrs J. A. MacMillan and family, TEACHER WANTED length gown of w'hite satin with a net also received. Qualified teacher, wanted public guests, to the bride’s chair by Mrs acknowledge the kindness and gen- overskirt and sweetheart neckline. Mar a laphair er’ar n’aithrichih O’CONNOR—At Alexandria, Friday School Section No. 16, Charlotten- Norman Gumming where she was erosity of friends and neighbors dur- McLeister’s Abraham agus d’ a shliochdgu brath. July 12th, 1946, to Mr. and Mrs. burgh, duties to commence Sept 3rd, Her veil was simply arranged and fell showered with rose and orange blos- ing their recent bereavemnt. gracefully to her finger tips. She wore Thomas O'Connor, of Glen Roy, a 1946. Apply stating experience and DKTJG STOKE som petals and presented with a bas- HUGH QUESNEL Greenfield, On. a pearl necklace and earrings, the ket of lovely gifts from the Ladres of A useful and respected citizen pass daughter. , qualifications and salary expected to gift of the groom, and carried a bou- Maple Ridge Community The address ed away at his home, 1st Kenyon on CARD OF THANKS R. J. McDonald, Sec.-Treas No. 1# quet of yellow roses. was read by Mrs Fiske and a dainty Friday, July 12th, in the person of Mr The family of the late Mrs. Dun- PUPETZ—At the Brandon, Man., Chariottenburgh, Glen Roy, Ont 28-tf The bridesmaid, Miss Ann Mac- lunch was served by Mrs Bryce Mc- Hugh Quesnel, aged 75 years. Mr, can D. MacPhee, wish to thank alj Maternity Hospital on July 4th, to Gillivray R N. of Montreal, wore a their neighbours and friends for their Mr and Mrs. Peter Pupetz (nee Den- TENDERS WANTED Naughton and Mrs Fiske poured tea. Quesnel had been ill for some time ( For painting of outside of St. GLEN NEVIS gown of pink net over taffeta with During the closing exercises of the and his death, although regretted by many kindnesses during her recent ill- ise Gareau) a ;son Peter Randy. a lace bodice and she carried pink Columba Church, Kirk Hill also glaz- school term Miss MacPherson was a^ll who knew him, was not altogether ness and death. ing and caulking of windows. Lowest roses. SNOW— At Guelph General Hos- pleasantly surprised when Mildred unexpected. July 18, 1946. or any tender not necessarily accept- Mr Robert Cunning, brother of the pital, on Friday July 12, 1946 to Mr MacMillan stepped forward and read Besides his widow the former Zep- ed. Tenders in by August 3. Apply octal groom .acted as bestman while Hugh CARD OF THANKS and Mrs Ellwood Snow, (nee Betty a short but touching address and Mel herine Martin, he leaves to mourn Mr Frank Golden and family wish JOHN D. MacRAE or DAN Mac- MacPherson and Donald Cunning, vin McCaskijll, on behalf of the pupils MacCaskill), a son—Garry Ell-wood. three sons, John in Cornwall, Adelard to thank their neighbors and friends LEOD, Dalkeith 29-2e Wednesday brothers of the bride and groom res- of SS. No 6 Loehiel, presented their and Charles of 1st Kenyon and many for the many acts of kindness and pectively .acted as ushers.. teacher with a lovely end table. grandchildren. THOMPSON — At Godwin Jenn- sympathy shown them at the time of WANTED FOR EXPORT Mrs Clarence MacMillan provided The funeral left the home of his ings Hospital Detroit), on Saturday, Top prices paid for good cows August 7th the wedding music and Miss Madel- the death of their beloved wife and July 13th, to Mr and Mrs L. E. son, Charles Quesnel, Monday, July mother heifers to -freshen in summer or fall. eine MacCrimmon of Toronto, cousin Thompson, (nee Thyra McKinnon) a C. J. MacPHAIL, Phone 8-r 5, MOON OBITUARIES 15th, to the Sacred Heart Church Laggan, Ont Keep the Date! of the bride, sang very sweetly “I’ll and cemetery. The requiem mass was son. Creek. 20-tX. ■Walk Beside You” DUNCAN P. MACDONELL sung by Rt. Rev Msgr J. E. Secours CARD OF THANKS LOST The bride’s gift to the groom was On Monday, July 1st, at the Wye The pallbearers were: Pau^ Massia, Mr and Mrs W .D. MacMillan and HOUSE FOR SALE a wrist watch Farm, Gjen Robertson, there passed Collie dog, light brown with white 12 room house with modern conven Peter Desjardin, Napoleon Joanette, family wish to sincerely thank their collar. Brown over one eye. Short At the conclusion of the church away one of the oldest residents in Steven Duval, Willie Menard, Josep- friends and neighbors for the many iences, could be easily converted into ceremony a reception was held at the ' tail. Answers to the name of Laddie this district in the person of Duncan hat Stang. acts of kinlness and sympathy shown Duplex Large lot, good garage, situ- home of the bride where a large num ^ P. Macdonell, vfho, had he lived a Any information please notify K.W. ated on Center Sreet. near High Many Mass cards were received as them during their recent sad bereave MacRAE, Dunvegan, Ont. 29-lc ber of invited guests were entertained few more days, would have reached well as beautiful flowers and spiritüal ment. School. Apply to AMBROSE LA- and a dainty buffet luncheon was ser | his 93rd birthday. Despite his ad- offerings. R R. 1 Dalkeith LONDE Alexandria, box 237 29-lp ved after which the happy couple, left | CANNING We are now agents for vanced age he retained all his facul- Save your sugar by having your on a motor trip to the Adirondacks FOR SALE ties and could read without glasses. KENNETH WALTER STEPHENS CARD OF THANKS fruit canned by the undersigned. We For travelling the bride wore a lime We wish to express our sincere Double house In Alexandria, all con Goodyear Tires A son of parents who were natives It is with sincere sympathy that we also can vegetables and meat. MRS. coloured suit with white accessories thanks to our neighbors and friends venienees Apply to MACDONELL & of Knoydart, Scotland, he was a true record the death of Kenneth Step- LEO LAUZON, corner Sinclair and The young couple received many for the many acts of kindness shown MACDONALD, Barrister, Alexand- Scotchman and could read the Gaejic hens, aged 8 months, who died on Elgin Sts. Box 232 Alexandria. 28-tf and Tubes lovely and useful gifts and congratu us in our recent bereavement. ria 28-20 language to perfection. Often people June 29th at his home in Stardale latory messages, also several telegrams Mr and Mrs Charles Quesnel and came from a idistance ■with Gaolic He was the only ch^ld of Mr Vernon NOTICE one coming from the bride’s grand family FOR SALE letters and papers to be read. Stephens and his wife, the former Leopold Lalonde, Solicitor, wishes Two choic Yorkshire sows on third Stock oî Bicycle tires aunt, Mrs Kenneth MacLeod, Port- j Alexandria, Ont. e The deceased was a framer and Lilian Campbell. to announce that he wi)l be «bsent litter due to farrow July 30th and age la Prairie, Man on hand carpenter by trade and was known far The funeral, which was largely at- from his office from July 29ih to August 1st weight about 350 lbs. Ap- Friends Irom a distance attending and near for Ms agility as a climber. CARD OF THANKS 28 x 1 1-2 and 26 x 1 1-2 tended from the family residence on We take this opportunity to thank August 12th 29-4o ply to E. L. D. MCMILLAN, Green- the happy event were Mrs Ella Hope He always felt quite at home when July 1st, was conducted by the Rev friends and neighbors for the many NOTICE field, Oat. (Laggan) 28-2c We are Rudyard, Mich, Mrs J. N. Zaiser, he was up on a high building. He E. E. Preston of the Presbyterian acts of kindness rendered before and THE FORGET GARAGE, formerly Salem N.Y. Mrs G. T. Hendrie Miss spent a number of years in different Plymouth, Chrysler Church, Vankleek Hill, who conveyed at the time of the death of our uncle in Alexandria, is now located at FOR SALE Nina Cunning, R.N.; Mr and Mrs parts of Canada and the States but a very comforting message to the the late Duncan Macdonell and also Campeau’s Garage, Guay Town, 116 Massey Harris tractor (Pacemaker) and Walter MacDonald, Mr Robert Cun- in later years resided on the farm bereaved parents. Interment was at for Mass cards and floral offerings miles north of Alexandria. Model 1939, 21-31 h.p. in good condi- ning, Misses Ann and Bess MacGilli- where he was born. Fargo Dealers Greenwood cemetery. received. Mr. Forget solicits his former tion. Apply to EUGENE DAOUST, vray, Montreal; Rev. and Mrs. N. J. j This venerable gentleman never mar The pallbearers were four uncles of Angus Macdonell and Sisters patronage. . 26-4c R. R. I Dalhousie Station, box 48 Thomas, Winchester; Miss Madeleine ried and he leaves to mourn his loss 28-2p See us before you buy MacCrimmon, Mr Don. T. MacDon- the deceased: Gordon MacNie, Stan- Glen Robertson a sister, Miss Emily Macdonell, also ley Campbell, Bert Campbeii and NOTICE ald and Mr Ron. Ireland, Toronto. five neices and four nephews. Dduglas Campbell. IN MEMORIAM .The Law Office of Leopold Lalonde FOR SALE The funeral, which was largely at- Many flora,! offerings were receiv- In loving memory of our only bro- in Alexandria w\ll be closed all day Gurnsey heifer, rising 3, fresh Aug Prior to her marriage Miss Mac- SHEPHERD Bros. tended, took place Wednesday morn- ed from friends and relatives. ther—Gnr. Wm. D. Dewar, who was on Wednesdays until further notice ust 1. Apflly DONALD J. MacLEOD, Pherson was entertained at the home ing, July 3rd to St Martin of Tours killed in action in France July 24, 1944 for the sole purpose of fulfilling pre- Dalkeith 3. 29-lp Phone 77 Alexandria of Mrs Ken McCaskill, Glen Sand- Church where Requiem Mass was sent commitments without interrup- : He is not dead ■ fiejld on June 29th when a lareg num celebrated by Rev. Charles McRae, tion and thereby rendering more effi- FOR SALE 40 Percent Higher He could not die Eleven feeder pigs for sale Apply to ' ber of ladies of the community gath- P.F. After the Libera the choir sang cient service. Closed Saturday after- So young he was and gay, GEORGE FLEMING, Dunvegan. 29-lc the hymn “Nearer My God to Thee” For the second time in a ten weeks So gallant and so brave noon as usual. ' 18-tf He was later laid to rest beneath a period the price of newsprint has A soul could never pass. away. FOR SALE weeping willow tree that he had plant NOTICE Thirteen young pigs, 5 weeks old. been increased tc Canadian publish- Always remembered by his sisters, TOWNSHIP of CHARLOTTENBURGH ed In the cemetery some years ago. App)Iy to OVILA CONSTANT, 9th ers, an increase of $6.80 per ton, ef- Mavis and Fern. All those in arrears of taxes please Those who acted as pallbearers Con. Lancaster R.R. l Dalhousie Sta fective immediately, following an in- take notice that these accounts wijl Wanted were: Gilbert Seguin, Auley Robinson crease of $9 per ton that had become IN MEMORIAM tion . 29-lp be placed in the hands of the bailiff Moses Baruaby, Donald Kerr, Archi- CAMERON—In loving memo|ry of effective May 1,- 1946. This further for collection by distress after August bald and Neil A. McDonald. increase orings the priceto $69.80, up cur dear son and brother, Arthur L. FOR SALE 1st, 1946. Barn for sale, 70.x 36, 18 ft posts in MAPLE AND WHITE ASH LOGS Among those who came from Mont- $15.80 so far this year, or approxi- Cameron, who departed this life July J L. C. KENNEDY, perfect condition, frame in sawn lum Out 7’ 3” long, 12” diameter and np real to attend the funeral were Mr. mately 30 percent. Since the pre- ‘24, 1932. 28-2c. Clerk-Treasurer. ber 10 in. square, 15 years ojld, also also and Mrs H. N. Patenaude, Mrs M. war price of $50 a ton the increase Thou art gone, but, not forgtten, 1938 Plymouth motor No P4 Apply to C. Legault, Mrs J. A. Macdonald, is approximately 40 per cent. ! And as dawns another year. BASSWOOD, SPRUCE, PINE AND 1 NOTICE ADELARD GAGNON, Ste Anne d« Howard Riekerd, and Donald Kerr. The United States price is $73.80 In our lonely hours of thinking Notice Supporters of Alexandria Prescott Pnone 18 r 6 St. Eugene. HEMLOCK LOGS There were also friends from Glen per ton. A sa^es tax of eight per- [Thoughts of him are always near. Separate School Board S.S. No. 10 29-lc Ont 10, 12, 14 and 16 feet long Nevis, Glen Norman, Loehiel, Dal- cent, is paid by Canadian publishers The family. Alexandria (Dochiel). Nominations keith and GJen Sandfield. on top of the $69.80. Maxville, Ont for a candidate for Trustee to fill the STANDING .HAY FOR SALE unexpected term of Leopold Lalonde Thirty acres of standing hay. Lot 21 CASH ON DELIVERY IN MEMORIAM for St. James Ward 1946-47, will be 1st Loehiel. Apply to Gaétan LeGuer SAWING DONE EVERY DAY In loving memiry of Sgt Air Gun- ner Norman Hartrick, killed on Ac- received by the Secretary at his- of- riere, 29-lp tive Service overseas, Jujy 24, 1944, fice, Main Street, Alexandria, on Fri- Leo Lacombe day, July 19, between the hours of STANDING HAY FOR SALE Even death has its wonderful mis- Fields of standing hay for sale, on PHONE 81 ALEXANDRIA. sion, 7 and 8 pm. D S.T. If more candi- dates qualify than are required a poll Lot 8-2nd Kenyon, on the farm owned Annual Social I Though It robs us of those we love, by MRS. SARAH RAFFERTY. 29-lp , It draws us from our surroundings, will be granted in the said ward in To long for the meeting above. the Town Hall, Main street, on Mon- day, July 29th, 1946. FARM FOR SALE 8t. Mary’s Parish The Family. 100 acres, south half lot 10, Con. 3 Dunvegan, Ont. J. A. LAURIN, See’y. Township of Finch; land all tillable, LEOPOLD LALONDE small bush good timber, fine front- IN MEMORIAM age, good buildings; 1 1-2 miles west In loving memory of my brother BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY WilliamstowD, Ont. Office hours 9 to 12 a.m.; 2 to of Finch village. Apply to G. H. Painting and Decorating Spr. D. L. MacRae, who paid the ADAMS, Finch, Ont. 29-lc Supreme Sacrifice July 18th, 1943. 4 pm. Saturday 9 to 12. Someone remembers, somebody cares, Closed all dfey on Wednesday FARM FOR SALE WITH STOCK Interior and Exterior Wednesday Evening Your name is mentioned in some- Phone 137 Alexandria AND IMPLEMENTS body’s prayers, 50 acre farm with stock and Im- Residential Morning and evening and all the ALEXANDRIA plements; Lot 25-8th Con., Lancas- day through MOTOR SALES ter, all clear; house 30 x 24, well- Industrial Someone is thinking Dear brother of finished; barn 50 x 34, also shed, July 31st 1946 you, Authorized granary and garage. We littjle knew when we woke that Imperial Oil Dealers Also all stock and farm implements Signs and-Show Cards morn including binder, mower, (seeder, The Norman Studios of Montreal present new group The sorrow the day would bring G-as, Oil, Greasing: threshing machine, separator, heavy Spray Painting of Artists in Comedy, Songs, Novelty Numbers. For the call was sudden, the shock Repairs of All Kinds team of horses, 6 good milking cows., severe Expert Mechanic sow with litter due in September, 22 Churcli Steeple or any high PROGRAMME ALSO PRESENTS To part with one we loved sc dear. loads of hay in barn, 20 acres of stand For all through the years, be they Taxi Service Miss MacNeil and Highland Dancers of CorawaU ing hay. Apply to SEVERE DE- What is worth painting is altitude work a many or few O’CONNOR & MEILLEUR COSTE, RR. 2 Green Valley. 29-lc Violin Selections, Highland Pipers, Local Choruses § Will be treasured memories dear Props. worth painting right. specialty. brother of you. D. & M. MANUFACTURING CO. Ever remembered and sadly missed Phone . Bus. 168, Res. 214W Construction of all kinds We will gladly quote you prices on any job, THE USUAL DISPLAY AND AMUSEMENT BOOTHS by a loving sister. Alexandria, Ont. 18-lf 12-tf Box 292, Alexandria ‘ big or small, anywhere. Sara Brodie A HEARTY WELCOME TO ALL — JULY 31st LEONARD J. KEMP PIGEON RADIO SERVICE SUBSCRIBE FOR THE REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES OF RADIOS AND APPLIANCES ADMISSION (including Lunch) 50c., Children 25c. Mill Square, - Box 159 WHAT WE DO — WE DO IT BIGHT Alexandria, - Ont. 1 G-OD SAVE THE KING GLENGARRY NEWS PHONE 130W MAIN ST. ALEXANDRIA

I Page 6 The Glengarry News, Alexandria, Ont., Friday July 19, 1943

“The More We Get Together” Eight The Misses D. Wheeler, Ottawa and Gasoline Ration Scheme GLEN ROY ther Mrs D. A. McDonald and family Mary A. Wheeler, Read Ont are Ant Lion Solve* Food members and one visitor were pre- » Gives Rise to Rackets Mrs D. H. Ross and Miss Betty COUNTY NEWS sent, the roll was answered by “A spending the summer at their res- Problem by Digging Pit The new gasoline rationing plan (Intended for Jast issue) Driscoll returned to Montreal after simple pattern alteration.” Two mem pective homes. Whenhen sdmeon# sp'lak* of an “ant' DUNVEGAN has inspired grumbling among lion,” we a week spent at their summer home bers were chosen to give a posture service men in Manhattan—but it i an ln#ect to' Mr and Mrs Duncan McDonald demonstration at the next meeting.Re the shap' » fact if and daughter Anne of Montreal spent here. (Intended for last issue) APPLE HILL was just a ray of sunshine to “Hap- that the Miss Bessie Gray, Montreal, is cord books were to be kept up to date py Harry the Hackle.” more like last week with Mr. Lawrence McDon- Mr and Mrs Reggie McMillan and spendng the summer at her home and a name for the Club to be If there are racket possibilities in ald baby fo MontreaJ, spent last week visit (Intended for last issue) ant. here. brought in. Notes were on, Posture a situation, Harry can scent them The ant Ugn is nearly tlj* same Miss Florence McDonald, Montreal ing friends here. Cutting a garment. Preparation for Mr and Mrs John D. McIntosh and out. Repeal put him out of the size as a dragonfly, but it doe* not Miss Muriel Stewart, Ottawa, is bootlegging business; the pari- spent the week end with Mrs J. A. Mr and Mrs Alex J. McDonald spending this week with her parents fitting, The We^l iFitlted Garmertt. two daughters of Kingston, Jean, a hold its wings straight out whfn if Kennedy, spent their holidays with his mother mutuel machines ruined his book- alights. It folds the wings length- Mi' and Mrs J. A Stewart. Five dresses were cut out, the girls nurse-in-training at Toronto and Mrs making business; but the recent Mi-. Jack McPhee having spent the Mrs A. A. McDonald and family. P. R. Munro, Kingston, spent a few wise over the body. Mrs Alastair MacKenz'fe, after being assisted bythe leader, Mi's D. night blackout on gas sales has The female lays eggs about the past week visiting his mother, Mrs o spending a week with her mother Macftae and Mrs K. K. MacLeod. days viisting at the homes of the broadened his grin. He explained: ground, usually only one to each J. R. McPhee and other relatives, re Mrs A,. Grant, returnèd to Ottawa These members were to have their Munro Bros, and Mrs. and Mrs D A “I carry extra gasoline when spot. From an egg comes a larva turned to Detroit on Monday. Mrs McDonald Loch Garry some dope gets stalled at night, I which grows to a length of about with Mr. MacKenzie Sunday evening. dresses basted before the next meet- drive up and sell him two gallons McPhee and son Rodney are remain- ing, which will be at the home of Mr and Mrs M. Kittle, Pennsylvania half an inch. It is the larva which ing for a month with her sister, Mrs ADVERTISE IN THE Miss Annie Hartrick, after spend- for a dollar. Last week I make has earned the name of “ant lion.” ing a couple of weeks at her home Miss MacNeil. Lunch was served. Indiana, and M]r. Donald McLennan more from gas than from fares.” The larva has no wings, but it has Angus R. McDonell, Green Valley. here, retuned to Ottawa on Monday. and daughter Miss Gertrude McLen- He frowned when told a new plan half a dozen legs which can b Miss Anne McDonald, R.N., Mont- bj Kenneth MacQueen, Ottawa, spent ST. ELMO nan, Cornwall, cajled at the home of of gasoline conservation had been Used for walking. It isn’t very gooiod reaJ spent the week end with her mo- GLENGARRY NEWS the week end at his home here. Mr and Mrs A. A. Eraser last week put into effect but regained his grin at walking in a forward directionmf (Intended for Jast issue) when told it called for a 10 per ■ Rev Dr MacMillan exchanged services Miss Elizabeth St Pierre, Cornwall more often it walks backward. Mr J. Cameron MacGregor left for | cent reduction in deliveries and that Food is a problem of the larva, oh Sunday evening with his brother it; visiting her sister, Mrs Joseph Brantford on Sunday evening, to at- the service station attendants would and it has a clever way of obtainin, Mr Eldred MacMillan, student j Jacques and Mr Jacques. see to the rationing themselves. He tend the funeral of his granduncle, it. Digging a small, funnel-shapei preacher at Moose Creek. Mr and Mrs Fletcher and little^ ;said: pit, it makes a trap for ants. Utmost in Quality Mr Mack MacGregor who passed Angie Cameron Jr. is spending the daughter of MontreaJ are spending “That’s great. I get me a bigger The ant lion hides itself in a hole’ away suddenly on Saturday after- business than ever now.” week in Montreal. a lew holidays with her parents Mr at the bottom of the pit, with only noon. Mr. MacGregor was a son of the Of the million cars operated daily its head in sight. Then along com* Mrs Patterson and little boys of and Mrs William McCalfum. late Mr and Mrs John MacGregor and in New York, only about 200,000 are ants which tumble in. When they Pointe Claire are spending a few days spent his boyhood days at St. Elmo Mr Angus McConachy and Miss Transient; and July sales throughout reach the bottom, they are seized with her sister, Mrs Jimmie Camp- TJie Da\ly Vacation Bible School Thelma Neville Montreal, are visit- ;the city are 20 per cent lower than and partly eaten. bell, this week. ing at the home of her parents Mr September sales, because many Thanks to such food, the ant lioa Malcolm Dewar spent the past week will be held in the Gordon Chi-uch motorists are out of town on vaca- grows to a point where it is ready here beginning on Monday, July 22nd and Mrs James Neville and Mhrtin- tion. for the next step in its life. Then it at the camp near Cornwall. town friends. The funeral of the late. and continuing on till Friday August Thus, operators explained, the cut spins a silken cocoon, forming a small round ball. SALADA Mr and Mrs Lome Hall and little generally may amount to 30 per cent Miss Maigaret Blyth was held 2nd from 9 to 11.30 a.m. Already some fifty-five children have regis- son who had been spending last week or more of the fuel normally avail- The cocoon stage lasts two or here on Friday Rev. Dr. Mao ! able. three weeks. At the end, it comes The ' tered for this important study. with his parents at Burlington re- TEA & COFFEE forth as an insect with four wings. Millan conducting the service. student sympathy of the community goes out Mr Gordon Hamill B A^ t, •„ turned home here on Saturday. A full-grown adult has a body about an inch long. It flies about in the to L family in the loss of a loved P^tor of the St. Elmo Church will Fear of Dentist Chair * conduct the school and wi/1 be as- W.M S. twilight, perhaps having no memory S 1 The July meeting of the W.M S Less With New Methods of the time it was a larva in a pit, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. MacKinnon, listed by a number of talented mem- of Zion United Church, Apple Hill, waiting for ants to fall down. Donald D. MacKinnon and MJss j bers oî his congregation. Dentistry’s rapid forward pace MINISTER PAYS TRI- was held at the home of Mrs Harold was described recently by Dr. Rob- Betty MacKinnon R.N. motored to , FORMER BUTE Mackie on Thursday evening with 12 ert L. Borland of Los Angeles. Montreal on Monday to see Mrs J. ihembers answering the Roll call with Dr. Borland ascribed the ad- Right Type of Spring K. Stewart who is a patient in the The appended letter of tribute to vancement to four factors. the late Dr. G. Watt Smith, was read word Prayer and 3 associate helpers Needed for ‘Sweet Sleep’ SINCE 1939 Royal Victoria Hospital. We hope to The first, he stated, “comes from Gordon were present. “Sweet sleep” is not only a mat- hear of her making a good recovery. laboratory test tubes,” where have ; Mrs klex. A. Fraser president open ter of a good mattress, but of hav- Her many friends are glad to know, Church, originated anesthetic solutions that Paris, Ontario, July 4, 1946 ed the meeting by the repeating of “blend so beautifully with the hu- ing the right type of spring for that that Mrs. Donald Hartrick, who was particular mattress. “Lord’s Prayer” in unison and the man blood stream that there is no r a patient in CornwalJ hospital, ar- My dear and beloved friends of St First, of course, there is the fa- singing of part of Hymn “O Jesus I local irritation, hence no local pain rived home on Monday. Elmo: during or following a well-done ex- miliar box-spring, which consists of Amount paid to plant employees DOUBLED have promised.” The devotional Mrs Brassaw of Montpelier, Ver- It was with deep feeling mixed with traction.” a wooden frame into which the metal Theme ‘Prayer” was in charge of Mrs springs are securely anchored and mont is at present visiting her sister, radiant memories, I read of the death Second, he continued, is the bet- Income Tax payments INCREASED SIX FOLD D. A. McDonald and Mrs A. D. ter diagnosis made possible by im- over which there is first an entire and brother, Miss Sara and Mr Don- cd my friend and my first successor, layer of padding, the whole surface the Rev Geor e Watt Smith M A Munro. The Secretary Miss Olive provements in X-ray technique. aid A Campbell. S ; ” covered with ticking, generally in a Profits paid to shareholders . . . NO INCREASE AT ALL (Jrawford read the minutes of last The latest advance in this field, damask or other ornamental type of Mis; Isabel MacCrimmon of Hamil,minister to the people of Indian he related, is “a stereoscopic X-ray meeting. Part of hymn “The Church’s weave, and in attractive colors. ton is spending her holidays her J Lands. With the congregation of picture which reveals tooth forma- 1 Once expensive, the box-spring is home here. Indian Lands I express my sympathy one foundation” was sung. tions in their true proportions of w 1 u Mrs E. T. Johnson had charge of , now within reach of most moderate Mr and Mrs Russell Morrison of itl y° t° Smith and family and depth in the jaw, thus making diag- i budgets; in combination with the in- Montreal, attended the funeral of the ! with those related to them in the the study book “We look at the W. nosis accurate on a three-dimension- ! nerspring mattress to which it is al reading.” late Miss Margaret Blyth and later family ties of life. M.S. and had as helpers Mrs D. A supremely fitted, it makes a hand- Year’s payments by Year ended March 31 Third, Dr. Borland reported, is called on friends here ■ The Rev Dr Smith was a man of McDonald, Mrs A. Ferguson, Mrs A. some sleeping equipment which is Dominion Textile 1939 1946 Increase brilliant scholarly attainments. He D. Munro, Mrs P. D McIntyre, Mrs the vast accumulation of accurate insect-proof, easy to brush and keep Miss Grace pletcher of Detroit, clinical’ evidence since discovery To plant employees $4,503,785 $9,297,538 106%° knew the Bifyle with a fullness of Alex A. Fraser, Mrs Arthur Scott, clean, and which permits a bed to Mich, is visiting at her home here of the X-ray, giving a base for high- be made up in a firm, imposing To Income Tax 244,513 1,509,647 617% valuable knowledge; with which he 00 this week. Coming by plane to Mon- Mi’s Horace Marjerrison and Mrs Bill est efficiency and lifting the dental mode, v To shareholders 1,485,842 1,485,842 NONE treal she motored home with her bro has enriched the minds of many McMillan. The meeting thea closed science from “the mechanical stage Second, there is the coil spring set thousands of people during his fruit- by singing ‘.O (Janada-” of its youth.” °68% out of this is wage rate increases; the remaining ther Gllliway and sister Mis Gladys I In a metal frame. One should ask 38% is due to increased production since 1939. Who spent the week end at home. ful ministry. The Women’s Association then met Lastly, but by no means least im- for “double-deck coils” because the portant, he said, is the public co- 0 Mr George MacDonald and Mr D. He was a lover of the choicest lit- with Mrs Bill McMillan President pre i former are longer and more resil- ° As of June 12, 1946, there were 3,765 shareholders. erature and of literary men. The operation in tooth care which has ient, and hence more comfortable. A. Bllmer spent Tuesday in Cornwall siding. Minutes of last meeting read by been obtained through newspaper Third, there is what is known as .We are glad that Mr Murray Mac- books which he has written have secy. Mrs D. A. McoDnaJd and all and other educational programs. the open-coil spring: these are soft Queen, who while home from Ottawa demonstrated the fact of his literary arrangements made for /the comng | and flexible and are made to be used for the week end had to be removed qualities. Lawn Social to be held on School ‘ With a pad or solid type mattress, Cosmic Ray Study to Cornwall hospital for an appendix A good man has to die for his con- grounds on July 23rd. and should never be used at all with temporaries to realize" his worth to The highest reaches of the Cas- any innerspring mattress because operation, is able to be home again The president reported 1120 lbs of cade mountains are a laboratory in human society. they are too soft and yielding. When DOMINION TEXTILE after making a good recovery. clothing bad been shipped from this the cosmic-ray research of Walter Rev. John Lennox, one of , you are changing your beds around, His many friends are glad to hear district to the needy overseas. Dyké, tM^STsifThf WJshTngfoS' never place an innerspring mattress COMPANY LIMITED that Mr. \V. W. MacKinnon is able the Rev. Daniel Gordon’s successors During the summer months the meet physicist. on top of an open coil spring, as at Indian Lands, Maxville. Dyke has placed photographic this combination does not work but to be about again after a few days’ ings will open at 8 20 p.m. illness. 'plates on Mount Rainier, 14,408 will give a sliding, slithery effect to The flower committee appointed feet; Mount Adams, 12,307 feet, and the bed as a whole, and induce rest- CURRY HILL FULLING BEE FEATURED LAWN to have flowers in church every Sun- other peaks. Before summer ends, less sleep. ‘Cotton... the Master Fabric day were Miss Olive Crawford con- he will collect the plates for fur- SOCIAL ther study. (Intended for Jast issue) venor, Mrs Fred Modler and Mrs The lawn social held on the Manse The' young scientist explained Prettier Potato grounds was a great success. The The many friends are gjad to learn Everad Helmer. The church anniver- that the plates are ordinary photo- The military genius which devel- evening was ideal and a large crowd that Mrs Jack Petrie has returned sary service will be held on Sept 22nd graphic film with a fine grain emul- oped the “jeep” automobile, th* attended. home from Cornwall improved in this year with spec.al speaker. Meet sion. If a ray strikes the film at long-range bombardment airplane A good programme was presented. health . ing was then closed by the mizpah an angle, it probably will leave a and the Garand rifle have intro-, track across the surface. duced the 1941 model dehydrated jÿî-i Senior anl junior papers, violin selec- Mr and Mrs Charley Price, The benediction. The August meeting to Point, accompanied by Mr. and M!rs. Cosmic rays, Dyke said, leave dif- ta to. tions by Skye orchestra; music by be held at. the home of Mrs Alex A. ferent tracks. He hopes to identify The war department reported that Ffetcher and Bradley’s orchestra; John Perry of Saskatchewan, called Fraser. Lunch was then served by- the numerous types by studying much progress had been made to Old time violin music by Mr. Donald’ on Mr and Mrs Joseph Quinn last Mrs Alex Ferguson and Mrs P. D their tell-tale “tracks” under a recent months in condensing various Fletcher; Highland dancing by Miss week. McIntyre assisted by the hostess. microscope. Many cosmic rays will foods. “Take the white potato, for ejt, Shirley MacLeod, Dominionville, Mr and Mrs John McKennow, Syr- pass through the film before one cuse N.Y. are visiting with Mr and leaves a track. The plates are not ample,” said a department fépÔrt songs by Miss Donna Fraser Sand- left in a horizontal position. on the subject. “Extensive research ringham with her guitar; songs by Mrs Donald McVichie. Saving Aluminum in Chicago by expert* attached to Gillivray Fletcher of Detroit; English Mr. and Mrs. Frank Megans and During one month recently, a the army quartermaster corps’ re- and Gaelic songs Short addresses Miss Gertrude Megans Montreal spent large eastern electric company re- U, S. Detectors search laboratory has done wonders the holiday with Mr Daniel and Miss claimed enough aluminum scrap- American airplane detectors, such for the ordinary spud. were given by the chairman, Mr D. “This year’s dehydrated potato A. Gray, Rev Dr. MacMillan, Dr W. Cecilia Quinn. 120,000 pounds—to build 10 large as are now being used in spotting Rev Sister Mary Danief of Duncan twin-engined army bombers. aircraft over London, have made has about the same taste and food B. MacDiarimd, Mr Gordon Hamill This is more than the whole state their appearance along the Eastern value as the 1940 model but, ac- student minister, St. Efmo. B.C. is visiting her brother Mr Dan of New York recovered in the gov- front, according to an article in the cording to experts, it has a better Following the lunch an old fash- Quinn. The Rev Sister was accom- ernment drive for old pots and London Times. The new plane de- color when mashed.” ioned fulling bee was demonstrated panied by her niece Rev. Sister Mary pans. In the same month, the com- tectors epable the observers to plot with blankets on the table and Gaelic Desmond of Rigaud Que. who is visit pany also salvaged some 1,180,000 'the course of enemy bjmbers and pounds of non-ferrous metals. locate them accurately about 50 One-Minute Stretch songs being sung by a number of the ing her parents, MI- and Mrs Tom i , Got a minute to relax before you Quinn At the company’s reclaiming miles from their target. Gaelic class wearing old fashioned plant near Pittsburgh, an official ex- The detectors, similar to Britain’s go out tonight? Then try this slm-! costumes . Mr Clarence Quinn and Mr Jack plained how the mixed scrap runs new radiolocator, help the Russians pie routine advocated by screen It is interesting to note that the Murdock of Ottawa, spent the week the gauntlet of great magnetic sep- locate Nazi raiders despite fog or star Lucille Ball. end with Mr and Mrs Joseph Quinn. arators which pick out all ferrous- darkness. Since raiders can be spot- Lie flat on the floor without a last social was hejld four years ago, pillow. Extend arms back over just shortly bofoi'e Rev Dr. MacMiljlan On then- return they were accompan- type magnetic metals. What re- ted so far away frqm Üie site of mains goes into a melting pot and the detector, Russian interceptor head, fingers touching floor. Now left for overseas. It was also the an- by Mrs. Murdock and little daughter stretch. Then slowly raise arms, Elizabeth. pure aluminum and pure copper are planes have ample time to go into niversary of his induction here eleven Srst separated. All the rest of the ! action. This American device is stretching like mad, moving them CAR manufacturers say it will be some time yet before new cars will be available for alL years ago Mrs. May McKie, East Front is the metals are divided into a large fam- ’ said to be largely responsible for re- forward and down until they are guest of Mr anud Mrs Fred Curry and at your sides. So it’s still important to take the best possible ily of alloys or mixtures of metals. j striding the number of Nazi planes care of your present car. The second meeting of the Dun- Mk. and Mrs. Joseph Quinn. which have so far succeeded to Then stretch hands down toward toes, pulling your head slightly for- It’s a fact that this is a job your B-A dealer vegan Girl’s Sewing Club was held Mr and Mrs Jim Trickey and the reaching Moscow. can really help you with, because your B-A Battleship Names j ward and off the floor. Stretch at the home of Miss Anna Mary Mac Misses Sullivan paid Cornwall a visit | those neck muscles. dealer leaves nothing to chance. He’s trained Neil, July 3rd. Eight members were Battleships are named for the and equipped to do the thorough kind of a on Friday. states, cruisers for the cities, de- Rewarded for Mistake ! Now relax and lie absolutely still service job that will keep your car running present, and the President opened o stroyers are named for deceased They make mistakes in Uncle a few minutes. Add a cool shower longer. the meeting with group singing. The ST ANDREW’S WEST naval and marine corps officers and Sam’s forces and because of one , and you’ll feel a new woman. That’s why thousands of motorists all over girls chose blue and white as their enlisted men, former secretaries George M. Mead of Fremont, Ohio, Canada have come to rely on B-A’s friendly club colours. For practical work they (Intended for Jast issue) of the navy and congressmen who is enjoying an unexpected five-day service and quality products. You, too, can have been closely identified with na- furlough at his home here. Eminent Domain always buy with confidence at the sign of the were shown how to take measure- The Misses Teresa MacMillan and The federal government may ac- big B-A. ments for their clothing, and told how val affairs; mine sweepers are Mead recently completed air Jessie Seymour left for Huttonsville named for birds, submarines for jquire land owned by individuals by, corps training at Scott Field, 111., simple purchase, by gift or by emi- to alter patterns according to vary- where they expect to spend the sum- fish and oil tankers for rivers in oil and he was transferred to Kelley ing personal requirements. The lead- mer months. producing states; repair ships are nent domain. Field, Texas. After making the Under the Constitution the fed- er gave a demonstration of a bound Mr and Mrs LJoyd Nolan and named for mythical characters oi long trek to Texas, Mead was in-, eral government has the right to places; gunboats for islands and cit- ,formed upon arrival that his superi- buttonhole. For the next meeting young daughter Gai,l Nolan, Nauga- take private property for public’ they were to get their dress goods and tuck Conn, are visiting Ml- and Mrs ies; navy tugs for Indian tribes; ors had sent him to the wrong base uses without the consent of the own- transport ships for famous battles; and that he had been assigned to pattern, work at their record books P. A. Nolan and family. er, provided just compensation it supply ships are given synonyms Mitchell Field on Long Island. given. and make a bound buttonhole. Lunch Mrs B. Foley Is visiting her daugh for cold, and hospital ships are giv- As compensation for his trips was served and a social hour spent. ter Mrs John Seymour, Mr Seymour Eminent domain is based on the en synonyms for kindness; aircraft back and forth across the country, principle that an individual’* pri- The third meeting of the Sewing and family. carriers are named for famous fight- at governmental expense, he was vate Interest should not be permlt- Club was held in the Orange Hall Miss Eva Beauchamp is visiting ing ships and important battles oi given the five days leave to spend j ted to stand in the way of the com- our early American history, t The meeting opened with singing Miss Stella Cameron. here en route. I munity Interest. ]

4 The Glengarry News, Alexandria, Ont., Friday July 19, 1946 cC: Page T

She adjusted her reading glasses, stammered faintly, “But—I don’t get all you’ve got to do is to take her in Scientist Says the Sun unfolded the paper and said briskly it! Lyn’s—been so terribly afraid of your arms and tell her you love her? ‘,It was sent from a little town just any sort of scandal—and—now that And keep on teeing her over and over * Is Going to Be Hotter across the state line.” he’s jilting me so publicly—won’t again? Women in love ask little more Prof. Augustus H. Fox of Union college, in his recent Sigma Xi lec- Having made her explanaion, she people—will, talk?” me fine lad!” ture, said that the sun creates its unfolded the paper and read, almost Tracy’s face was dark and grim. (To be continued) heat by consuming some of the mass without expression, "Miss Ann Clay- “That’s just why I’d like to have of its hydrogen atoms while trans- ton, Howard Perry Road, Midland Lyn Frazier’s neck between my bare forming them into helium on a car-! City. Wanted you to have the news hands for about two minutes,” ‘he said bon nucleus, and up to the present; time has used up only 1 per cent of1 as your first scoop. Lyn Frazier and grimly. “They’ll talk their heads off CHAPTER XI Lissa Marven,” he stated flatly. "I ex | right have you to—to—meddle in its available hydrogen. something that — that doesn’t actu- I were married here this afternoon. —but about you! You are the jilted Sarah stared at him with eyes that plained to Ann—long ago. There are This does not mean, says Proies-! al^y concern you?” Honeymooning until his new job be- one—oh, people wi,U feel he’s a cad and sor Fox, that the sun will continuai were cold and almost hostile. “Well, certain obligations that I cannot ,‘You’re quite mistaken, my dear,” gins. Remember me to Tracy. Love a ‘bouikjer’ and all that, hut of coursé to shine for 100 times the length' that seems a pretty silly question, shirk—” i Sarah told her pleasantly. “It con- and kisses.” they are going to wonder why he of its past history. As the process! Under the circumstances,” said Sarah Tracy had looked startled at cerns me a great deal, as you shall She fojded the paper, took off her threw you over at the last moment—” continues it increases its intensity, curtly. “Alter all, when two people Sarah’s suggestion that he marry, so that while only 1 per cent of presently see. And it seemed about reading glasses and finished quietly “Not when your engagement to her are honestly and sincerely In love Ann, then his broad shoulders had the hydrogen was consumed during time someone with a little common “ The telegram is signed, ‘Lissa Mar- is announced in the morning,” said the first 2,000,000,000 years, the re- with each other, they do something drooped a little and he had said grimly, “I’m afraid there’s not much sense took a hand in matters.” ven Frazier.” Sarah placidly. maining 99 per cent will be con- that usually involves a minister and Ann faced Tracy, hjer head high Ann sat perfectly still, wide-eyed Tracy looked as though she had sumed in 10,000,000,000 years. In the orange blosSoms and “The Voice That hope of that. I feel quite sure Lissa “I’m—more ashamed than I’ve ever starring . at the grandmother And kicked him hard and without warn- meantime the sun will be getting hot- Breathed O’er 'Eden,’ M something has no intention of marrying—any- j ter instead of cooler. been in my life,” she told him tre- Sarah said automatically, as though ing. He looked at Sarah, startled. equally tinajl, don’t you think?” ■ body —at least, not at present.” Any increase in the heat of the “Has she ever told you so?” mulously. “I—can’t think what makes Ann had been a child, her tone one “My engagement to Ann?” he re- sun will be developed at such a He looked down at his tightlocked Sarah behave like this—she—she of gentle rebuke, "Mouth is open, peated, tod was still. hands, where the knuckles made ,‘Many times!” He was pretty grim ( slow rate, compared with the tempo, never did such a thing before — I darling.” of life on the earth, that there i* white mounds above the brown skin, about it. ; ‘Well, naturally,” Sarah answered, IN8UKANC* ; mean—she’s — never tried to meddle slight probability there will be any’ tod his voice when he answered was “And you felt that she might some ! “Lissa—and Lyn!” said Ann, as as though resenting his stupidity in Fire. Life, Sickness, Accident, Ante before—” measurable increase in temperature day expect you to marry her? In though putting the names together having to have that explained. ',What mobile, Plate Glass, Dwelling, Frrm on the earth. a little harsh because he was trying “It’s allright sweet,” said Tracy short, you felt that a time woujd come like that helped her to realize what better coul^ we do to offset any—un- tare, Theft. Wind & Farm BnJldtnp Eventually we may discover other BO hard to keep ' it under control, gently. ‘Please don’t feel badly — “Ann understands perfectly why I when she would grow tired of be- had happened. Lissa — and Lyn! pleasant repercussions from Lyn’s be We have also taken over Alex. » forces at work balancing any heat- ing—what is it they call working- she has a perfect right to—ask my But—but—1 had lunch with Lissa this havior?” Kerr ’■ Insurance Atendec. death or cold-death trends, and as-, have not asked her to marry me.” intentions—” sume that life on the earth will, “Ah, yes,” Sarah’s voice was still girls nowadays? A career girl? A time noon—how (could they possibly—” There was a little taut moment, MORRIS BROS. Sarah said dryly, “That’s very kind “It’s not quite a two-hour drive to carry on very much as at present bright, pojiite, as though only 'cas- when she would want the security of and then Tracy said very quietly, Pi tt. Alexandria. Chrr for eons and eons to come. ually interested, though her eyes were a home and a man to earn her liv- of you, Mr Driscoll—and if you’ll both Lockwood,” said Sarah quietly. “And “I —can’t ask Ann to marry me, Mrs the telegram wassent at 6.10 this af- intent on Tracy’s face, watching every ing, you felt she would turn to you sit down and listen, I’ll explain why Clayton. ” A. L. CRTWeON, MIL, CAI., (McOfii I have er—meddled—and I think you ternoon.” change of expression, the look in his and you must hold yourself avail- Sarah nad picked up her stick pre- LM.O.O. Phone to Have New Ring may even be grateful—” Tracy said, “You didn’t know that tormented eyes, every flicker of ex- able?” paratory to rising to her feet, but FYS, BAR, NOSE AND THROAT. For 'No Such Number’ pression that touched his face. “Some Tracy met her dark, shrewd gaze ,‘Tve heafd enough!” said Ann Lyn and Lissa had been going around now sheput it down once more and Glasses supplied and fitted. Telephnn together?” Absent-minded telephone users, thing to do with a young person nam saraightyy and his jaw set hard. hotly and moved towards the door. looked straight at Tracy; while Ann 124*. 132 West Second Street, Oor» who dial a number that has not ed Marven, I believe—Lissa Mar- M gather from your tone that you "Ann!” Sarah’s voice was not loU(j “You told me,” she admitted. ‘And sat very stilji, her hands locked tightly wall, Oct., Please make appointment been assigned to any subscriber, ven? ” feel I am several kinds of a fool to nor was it sharp, but there was then at lunch today t— she left together, a little sick and dizzy with with the secretary. Office open a—13 are soon to hear the wail of the ban- Tracy nodded his eyes on Ann, who have—allowed such a state of affairs authority in it that Ann, in the in- me to go to see Lyn—you see, we ran the reaction from that breathless, !—I. Saturday »—II. shees in their ears. to exist!” he said dryly. frequent occasions it had been used to into Julie Barton at the Magnolia ecstatic moment when her heart had The Bell Telephone System has sat huddled away from him, her been working a long time to help Sarah made a little gesture with her in a^l her life had never been Room, as we were .leaving and she— slirieked to her that with Lissa gone, J. D. KaeXJLX. hands hiding her face. MAXYUXE. ONT. PBOKI I people overcome their own mistakes her bony, jeweled fingers and said able to deny. well, she—nut on rather a show—and she and Tracy were free to belong to It has everything to do with Insurance of all kinds. and their new ‘‘no-such-number” pleasantly, “We-e-Ij, let us say rather “Sit down, Ann,” said Sarah, in —I suppose Lissa thought Lym ought each other. tone is the latest in a long line of Conveyancing that you seem to be a rather unusual that quiet, authoritative voice. tc know—” “So?” said Sarah after a mo- “tunes” that includes the "busy”: Auctioneering, Real Rstato young man, to feel as you about Ann made a little helpless gesture, Sarah and Tracy waited, watching ment, and there was ice in her signal, the “ringing” signal and the and looked at Tracy. Ann. And suddenly Ann was on her Betary Publie R-r normal “dial” tone. NERVES your obligation to Miss Marven. But voice and in her eyes. “I think you Under the old system anyone who of course, since I have always felt “I—might as well—” she said husk- feet, white-faced stammering, “But had better explain that young WILFRID MARCOUX dialed a number that belonged to S6e (failed fa that only a most unusual young man ily, and dropped down once more on —how couid Lissa marry Lyn? Why man. First you say that you cannot LICENSED AUCTIONEEK fio one sat on the end of a “dead” would be worthy of my granddaugh- the pouffe. she must have been in love with you ask Ann to marry you because you FOR THE C OUNTIES OF phone until some harassed opera- Losing interest—los- ter, I was interested. It’s possible that Sarah turned to the table beside any girl, given half a chance, would are under obligations to Lissa! An GLENGARRY AND PRESCOTT tor was kind enough to plug in and ing friends — she see what was tying up the lines. , never went out any , I am prejudiced in thinking Ann is her, took from it a book and from be—“and then she caught her breath now that Lyn Frazier has taken those For reference* get in touch wte> and set her teeth hard and stam- j Under the new system dialing a more—always tool rather special—! the book a folded piece of paper. obligations off your shoulders so neat- those for whom I have oonductw wrong number gets either someone tired. “Nerves”, she I Tracy’s look caressed Ann where “There was a tqlegram for you this mered, avzoiding hiseyes, “I—I mean ly, you still maintain that you are ■ales. Reasonable rates. Alexandra you don’t want—and who doesn’t thought—hut it was ’ afternoon, my dear,” she said to Ann well, after all you’ve been so good to her kidneys—the fil- she sat on the pouffe and his voice rot free? Are you trying to say, Phone M. want you—or you hear the new “no- ters of her blood— m shook a little when he said quietly, and then to Tracy she explained her—”—” young man, that you don’t want to such-number” tone. that needed attention. She used Dodd’s "She’s—the most special thing that politely. “This far from town, tele- Sardh said gently, almost tenderly marry Ann?” ALBERT FAUBERT This new sound is a series of up Kidney Pills at once. The improved action ever lived. The lovelist, sweetest—’’ grams are telephoned out, and it hap “Never mind, darling! He’s just ad- Licensed Auctioneer and down wailings something like a of her kidneys helped to clear away blood Tracy said sharply, “I want to more for County of Glengarry fire engine or ambulance siren but impurities and excess acids. Fatigue, Ann was on her feet, scarlet with pened that I answered the telephone mitted that he adores you so why than anything else in the worjd—but Contact DAVE LALONDE, Alexandria pitched much lower. It also means backache, headache, lack of energy dis- shame, tear stains on her flushed face and took this one djown. I—delib- should you mind letting him know what can I offer a girl brought up you get your nickel back and might appeared. Dodd’s Kidney Pills contain her eyes hurt and angry and shamed erately kept it from Ann until now, you love him?” or MR. FAUBERTj Phone 195. gust as well haul out the phone book essential oils and medicinal ingredients as Ann has been? I’m the fellow that act directly upon the kidneys—and “Sarah — you — you’re being per- for reasons I believe you will agree Ann put both shaking hands to her from the other side of the tracks. I and start looking up the right num- help restore their normal action. 144 fectly outrageous!” she wailed “What with me, were good.” forehead for a moment, and then she STEPHEN McLAUGHLI» ber all over again. ; can’t even remember my parents I am LICENSED AUCTIONEER not even absolutely sure they were For Glengarry, Stormont and DunAs. married. The thought never seemed 20 yean successful experience. Pa Auto Color Choices of any terrific importance, until late- rates, etc, write or telephone Ne. Cl From the Atlantic to Pacific coast ly. I made my way the best I could areas there is considerable variation Maxville, Ont, in automobile color choice, sort of—slugging it out. I sold news- To get in touch with Mr. MoLauga papers, slept in doorways— got what j While black is still the most popu- lin, Auctioneer in this district, see M jlar color throughout the United Jittle education I could by reading 0. McKinnon. Blacksmith, AlexaMr:» States as a whole, it ranks no bet- the papers I hadn’t been able to sell. ter than fifth on the Pacific coast. It was all right; I’m not complain- FEED HAMBLETOK According to a recent analysis of ing. It’s not a bad way to grow up— Glen Robertson, UeeaseC AasMoae» 112,000 sales of a 1941 car, the No. blit it certainly doesn’t train a fellow For Stormont, DanCas, Glengarry sais !l color on the Pacific coast is me- to make a fit husband for a girl Prescott «rantien phone US-r-ft. tallic parma wine (maroon), which Fluent in English and French. Be* ran almost twice as strong as me- brought up as Ann has been!” tallic beige, second highest in popu- “Oh,” said Sarah scoffingly, with isfactory results assured, mgulre true: larity. a littje gesture of dismissal. “If that’s those for whom I have condwoaM A nationwide color survey re- all that’s bothering you—” sales. Will supply auction salt MIS vealed that nationally 21.6 per cent “It’s not ail, but it’s important free of charge, n-î favored black, while only 8.1 per cent of the Pacific coast sales car- and you knuow it,” Tracey cut in grim ried that color. ly. “I’d—shame and humiliate her a T. D. LE GAULT Parma wine was second choice in thousand times a day. I—don’t even Licensed Auctioneer the East, but the No. 2 color in the Subcription Accounts Are feel sure I’d know which fork to use French and English West, metallic beige, was ninth on at the dinner table of one of her Tel S* - 12. St, Justine, 1 the East coast and eleventh in the society friends—” Middle West. On the Pacific coast tropical blue Going Out To All Who Are “Stuff and nonsense, man!” Thun- HENRY MAJOR Licensed Auctioneer far was third, while in the East it was dered Sarah, who had lost what jittle No. 8 color. patience she began the scene with. COUNTY OF GLENGARRY “I’ve never heard such idiocy—” 20 years experience. Always gavt In Arrears Within The Next faction—fluent English and Synthetic Drug, Stilbestrol “Please, Sarah!’’ Ann was on her 1 feet now, straight and slim, managing Reasonable rates. Recently gynecologists have been North Lancaster Phone keeping an eye on a curious new to look almost regal as she stood 'synthetic drug called stilbestrol. A Few Weeks. drawn to her full height, quite pale “EVERYTHING IN INSURANCE* specific for various disorders, stU- now, her eyes blazing. “It’s quite ob- bestrol works like mature female sex Angus H. McDonell vious that Mr. Driscoll hasnft the hormones. Natural hormones are faintest desire to marry me, and has- Life and Automobile a specialty costly, and much less effective when If you are not paid-in-advance please 85 Sparks St. RJL No. « fiven by mouth than by injection. n’t had from the beginning—’ ’ o researchers are constantly look- | “That’s not true!” snapped Tracy R 411; 2-3525 Tel. 105-r-D Ottawa, Out. Alexandria !ing for a synthetic substitute with- hotjy. “And you know it!” 10-tf ' out these drawbacks. It had its renew now and save us the time and expen- “I only know,” Ann stated in that trial recently, proved several times composed, taut, cool voice, “that you LADIES’ AND MEN’S more potent than natural hormones se of a reminder. put up quite a nice little show, with | and easily absorbable from the Lissa playing the part of the sup- TAILORING stomach. It relieves menopause Alterations, pressing. Fur Oeaw symptoms, some sick headaches, posedly insurmountable barrier to our repaired and relined jmenstrual disorders; it works with happiness. Now that Lissa is no long AGNES VALADE ; insulin to keep down the blood sugar er playing the part, it’s necessary for KENYON STREET WEST' of diabetics ; it dries up milk produc- LOOK TO YOUR LABEL you to think of something else; so Phone 189, Alexandria Ont. tion in women who cannot nurse you come all over noble and pretend their babies. Stilbestrol has one disadvantage: Some women cannot that you are unworthy—which is take ample doses without showing about as feeble an excuse—” toxic symptoms—vomiting, pains, ,Tt’s not a feetjle excuse, it’s good, rashes, or diarrhea.—Time, Chicago. The Glengarry News. sound common sense,” Tracy told her furiously. “Take a sensible look at the picture; you were born of a long and When Buying Wool The government has just passed Box 10 - Alexandria famous line; I am an orphan, not a most important new Wool Prod- even sure of my own name except ucts Labeling law, designed to give that when I was found in the dark more information and added protec- hallway of a Bronx apartment house tion to the buyer. The law now pro- the name was written on a slip of vides that “wool” means virgin, or paper and pinned to my baby dress, hitherto unused wool, just as the when I was at the ripe old age of fibers are produced by nature on the sheep’s back. The individual about two weeks. How could a man 'fibers of "virgin wool” are relatively who’s lived as I have hope to make a long, unbroken, and resilient or girl like you hmappy?” springy. Before Ann coujd manage an ans- These characteristics are of im- wer, Sarah thumped her cane violent portance because they give the fab- ly against the polished floor, to silence ric or blanket woven from them 'warmth, lightness, absorption, and, them and gain their attention and very Important, excellent cutting or when she had it, she said sharply, tailoring qualities. Because "virgin ‘,How can you make her happy? I BANKS • POST OPFICIS wool”, fibers are undamaged,’they DEPARTMENT STORES . DRUGGISTS 'give utmost protection against tem- never heard a siVier question aslssd , GROCERS • TOSACCONISTS by a grown man of supposedly BOOK STORES and Mho RETAIL STORES perature changes. A "virgin wool” 1 garment holds its shape, does not sound sense! You fool don’t you know {wrinkle readily, and presses to Its 'fine original lines. / The Glengarry News, Alexandria, Ont., Friday July 19, 1946

Miss Gertrude MacDonald, Mont- Mr. and Mrs. W. St.-John, Otta- real, is holidaying with her mother, wa, are in town visiting Mr. and Mrs. SOCIAL & PERSONAL Mrs. Dan J. MacDonald, Miss Sally Alfred St. John. Mi's Rachel McMjcnaniin and her MacDonald was a,lso with Jrefc- for Mr. E. A. MacGillivray, M.P.P at- IDAFER CAPSULES items of Âulrï Lang Syne daughter, Mrs Bill. George and family the week end. tended the . Welcome for returned are spending the summer months in Mrs. A Lothian left the early veterans held at Bainsvil/e, Monday They contain the natural Vitamin B Complex from part of the week to spend the sum- night. Gleaned From The Fyles or The Glengarry News the 3rd Kenyon. Bill George spent Yeast and Liver Extract together with an effective form 1 1 the week end with his family. mer in Muskoka. Miss Willson, Catherine St. leaves fete " Mr and Mrs Martin Emberg and Mrs. A W. McMillan was a guest fo-day on a visit to relatives and or Iron. The second street accident in two weeks, occurred children are spending a week’s holi- over the week end of her sister, Mrs. friends .in Toronto and Newmarket. Help Maintain HEALTH and VIGOR Bottle of 60 yesterday afternoon, when Wilfrid Masse, 9, was struck J. D. Campbell at her summer homei | Before returning she will be the guest by a car on Main street days with relatives in town and at | Capsules 20 day supply $1,15. Green Val.ey. East Front, Cornwall. Mrs. W. Ca-1 of her brother, Mr. J. H. Wiljson TEN TEARS AGO south. The door handle of Mr and Mrs. Wm. Gauthier and ven and Miss Catherine Caven Mont-] and Mrs. Willson at their summer, Special Family Size 240 Capsules $3.45. Friday, July 17, 1936 the car pierced the child’s family of Montreal, are spending a real, are also Mrs. Campbell’s guests, j home at Port Bolster on Lake Sim- chest and little hope is held lew weeks vacation w,.th Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dickson of coe. for his recovery. The old covered bridge over the Rai- Mrs. Wilfred Tobin at Sunny Brae Mimico, Out, were guests on Tuesday Miss Te-esa MacDonald, R.N. has sin river at Martintown, is being demolished to make Cottage, Summerstown. of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McDonald, returned io New York after spend- OSTHOM’S way foria^modern steel structure. Possibly thelast of its Mrs. Earl Mosley and daughter Shirley’s. ing some time at the home of Mr. DRUGGISTS AND JEWELLERS, MULL SQUARE, ALEXANDRIA kind ini thl Province, the bridge was erected in 1862 as Ruth, San Francisco, California, and Mr. Real Huot, who early this and Mrs. James Macdonell, Dalhou- a unit of the old King’s Road. At the annual camp of Mr and Mrs George Hambleton and is duties with the the S.D & G. Highlanders, at Conaught, the Sergeants’ son Andrew of Jordon, Ont., were re- Royal Bank of Canada, after over- Mr. Angus Emberg left Sunday for Mess presented an inscribed silver btfead tray to Pipe cent guests of Mrs. John C. Ham- seas service, and is stationed at Ot- Montres,!, where he has accepted a Major J. A. Stewart of Dunvegan, who recently re- bleton, 124 Pitt St., Cornwall. tawa. visited his mother, Mrs. R. position withthe Imperial Oil Co. He signed. The death occurred on Monday, of Mr. Wil- Miss Margatret MqDofnald, Fourth Huot, over the week end. was accompanied by Mrs. Emberg liam D. MacLeod of Bonnie Brier, McCrimmon, after w0 Concession feft on Friday to visit her Mr. and Mrs. Albert McDonald of and t sons, who are spending a some weeks’ illness, The 10th wedding anniversary of Montreal spent a few days in town week in the city. Mr. and Mrs. John A. MacDonald, Viau street, Mont- aunt and uncle Mr and Mrs Farrell the guests of Mrs. Emily Bedard. Mr and Mrs. William Knapp of real, was celebrated JU(ly 4th at Montreal when friends Kelly, Syiacuse, N.Y. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gormley, Ot- Buffalo, N.Y., were guests on Tues- from the city and Glengarry gathered for a Mr D. J. McDonald who spent his tawa, were with relatives here and in day of Mr. John D. McCuaig and memorable night. Rev. D. M. Macleod left Mon- holidays with his mother, Mrs D. J. Cornwall for the week end. Miss Katie McCuaig, of the 3rd Lan- day for California where he will visit his brother. Rev. McDonald and Miss Janet McDonald, Miss Margaret McDougall, Montreal caster. Mrs J. Ellett of Alberta, A. B. Macleod at Long Beach. Mr. Grant Barrett, Fairview,, has returned to Montreal. visited her father, Mr R. A. Mc- was also their guest Monday even- B. Sc., who left Williamstown a monthMr. ago, and has Mrs arrived Al,len in E. MacDonald Dougall, this week. ing. Dawson, Y.T. He is engaged as engineer for the Yukon and son Eddie of Richmond. Ont., Mrs Jack Mather and family of Mr and Mrs. Albert Hay, Maureen Consolidated Gold Corp. spent a few hours on Sunday with his aunts, Mrs A. Larose and Miss C. Preston, Ont arrived on Sunday to and Stanley Hay of Cochrane, Ont., MacDonald and brother James Mac- spend a couple of weeks with Mr are visiting Glengarry relatives. Mr. R.. J. McLeod, Dalkeith, oh Tuesday returned Donald of Green Valley. Mather. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. McDonald who from Banff, Alta., where he had attended a reunion of Mr and Mrs J A. MacLaehlan spent some weeks visiting Glengarry Miss Vera Calvank of Ottawa was his father , brother and five had as guests on Sunday, Mrs R. L. relatives, left Wednesday by motor for home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. TWENTY YEARS AGO sisters. They had not been Brownjee, Mr. and Mrs Ken Brown- their home in Wiseton, Sask. They Geo. Calvank, Kirk Hill, for a few Friday, July 16, 1926 together for twenty three lee and baby Margaret of Elphin and ^ were accompanied by Miss Phyllis days, attending the Cunning—Mc- years and the party consisted Cpl. J. A. Stewart of Yukon.. Mrs McDonald who will visit in Western Pherson wedding. of twenty-nine members, Mr J. M. McLeod of Zealandia Ken Brownlee and baby will spend j Canada Mr. and Mrs. James McDonald, Sask, who left Gjiengarry twenty-three years, ago Mr. R.J. a two week’s holiday with her par- Mrs. Norman McIntosh, Mrs. Jas. Ottawa are in Mwn this week McLeod and little sonof Dalkeith. Dr. and Mrs Weber and ents. Miss Marion MacLaehlan, Mont McIntosh, Sylvia and Alex McIntosh visiting the latter’s parents, Mr two children Cleveland, Ohio, tMr and Mrs M. N. McLeod real was also home for the week end. of Apple Hi^l and their guest, Mrs and Mrs. D. J. Gelineau, Kenyon and seven children, Zealandia, Sask, Mr and Mrs E. Kirby Mr Harold MacDonald and Miss .John N. McIntosh of Lorain, Ohio, street. Zealandia, Sask, and Mrs T. W. McGarry and two Theodora MacDonald, who recently , were in town yesterday visiting Mr. children, Drumheller, Alta, Mr and Mi’s W. McTaggart Miss Pear,l Shepherd motored from received their discharges from the and Mrs Hugh A. McIntosh, Elgin and daughter, Calgary, Alta and Mrs. C. E. Stone and Toronto on Saturday to spend some K. of C. Army Huts and C.A.M.C. Street. two sons, AJix, Alta. The gathering was arranged by Mrs weeks at her cottage at South Lan- respectively, are with their mother, Mrs. Jery Gagnier and daughter, McGarry of Drumheller The local team added caster. She was accompanied by Mrs Mrs D. A. MacDonald, Derby St. Georgette, are guests this week of another to their impressive list of victories by defeat Donald MacKay who is spending the Mr and Mi's R. M. Wilson and son Ottawa relatives.' ing Nationals in Cornwall on Saturday by a 5-0 score Alex week with her. They visited Alexan- Malcolm of Montreal, are spending Mr. and Mrs. George Goulet of McMillan was a standout with four goals to his credit, the dria friends on Monday two weeks’ holidays with Mr and Mrs Quebec City are this week the guests other being accounted for by Lawrence Weir. Among Miss Ida Moclris, Montreal, Wleek D. J. MacNeil, Skye. of Mr. and Mrs. Jovenin Goulet, the successful candidates fromthe district at Ottawa Nor- ended with her parents, Mr and Mrs Misses Mary and Rdta McDoriell, Kenyon Street West. mal School are the following: First Class Course. Interim- M. J. Morris, 4th Kenyon. Montreal, are spending their holi- Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Poirier and First Class Certificates McRae, Catherine. J. Moose Miss Jessie Macdonald of Dickin- days with their parents, Mr and Mrs daughter Edyth of Wiseton, Sask., Creek; Urquhart, Christena A, Greenfield, Interim Sec- son’s Landing, accompanied by her Hugh F. Macdonell, 6th Kenyon. who are visiting Glengarry relatives, ond Class Certificates, Cass John E. and Mclnnis, Peter nephew, Mr .Edward Rice and Mrs. Miss Alix Delahaye, Pembroke, is spent a few days in Montreal. Maxvifle, Belcher, Doris Alexandria; Hay, Dorothy I. and Rice of Washington, D.C., called on holidaying with her aunt, Miss K. McLennan, Mary C , Greenfield; Limited Third (jl^s Cer relatives in Lochiel and Alexandria, Cattanach, St. Paul St. ENGAGEMENTS tificates—Blaney Florence, Cluff Gladys K., and Gum- on Sunday Mrs Jas Kerr of Ottawa, whtye here Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. O’Shea, ming Ida, Maxville; Filion Della, Glen Roy; McLennan, Mr and Mrs Donald A. Mac- for the funeral of her sister-in-law, Glen Nevis, announce the engage- Catherine J. Dalkeith McPhee Annie S. Apple Hill. donald, the Misses Claire and Bea- Mrs D. D. McPhee and also that of ment of their daughter Mary Eliza- trice Macdonald were in Montreal the Mrs J W. MacLaehlan, was the guest beth (Betty), to Hugh Cameron Mc- early part of the week visiting Miss of Dr and Mrs D. D. McIntosh. Miss Donell son of Mr and Mrs D. H. Mc- The 154th Battalion athletes won the championship Louise Macdonald, nurse-in-fraining, Jo Kerr was also with them for the Donell of Green Valley. The mar- of Barriefeld Camp at the field day hqld on Wednesday. St. Mary's Hospital, who on Satur- week end . riage has been arranged to take pjace The boys from Stormont, day underwent an appendix operation. Mrs E. Mansour of Lachute, visited on August 24th. THIRTY YEARS AGO Dundas and especially Glen- Miss Macdonald will convalesce at the her father, Mr E. Libbos on Tuesday Friday, July 14, 1916 garry won the majority of family home, St. George St. Mr Leonard MacGillivray, Ottawa Mr and Mrs Ernest C. Ross Mar- events besides four or five Mr and Mrs Louis Huot, Hariot, ir holidaying with Mr E. A. and Miss tintown, announce the engagement second prizes and as many thirds. Capt Nick Bawjf won and John Huot, Ottawa, are guests Joey MacGillivray. of their daughter, Edith Mae, to Lyall the allround championship, coming first in the hundred of Mi', and Mrs. E. J. Dever. Visitors recently at the home of Mr Wallace, son of Mr Harry Symonds yards and the officers ’race and second in the 220 yards Mr. and Mrs G. Missianl, of Brook- and Mrs R. J. McLeod, Kirk Hill, and the late Mrs Symonds, Mille and broad jump. J. R. tMcDonald of Dalkeith was an lyn, NY arrived in town on Satur- were: Mrs M. N. McLeod, Mr and Roches The wedding will take place easy winner in the hammer throw and shot putt in which day and are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs L. Moen and little daughter of o.uietly on July 31. events Lieut. Franklin and Sergt. Walsh also placed Sergt Morley Tobin and Miss Peggy Tobin. Marriott, Sask, Mr and Mrs Douglas Wajsh took second in the high jump while Sergt D. A. Miss Jessie T. MacMillan, Ottawa is Allen and little daughter of Hamil- McArthur was third in the broad. Berlin, Ont wll hence spending her vacation with her fa- ton, Ont. MARRIAGE forth be known as Kitchener.—Sihr Sam Hughles, minisije* ther, Mr D. M. MacMillan, 4th Mr. Evan Graham of Ottawa, spent of Militia has decided to restore the kilts as the official and Kenyon. several days this week with his bro- HEATH—MacMILLAN government issue uniform for the Highland regiments of In St Columba Presbyterian church Mrs. Angus A. MacMillan of Corn- ther, Mr. R. J. Graham and Mrs. Canada .The officers and men of the ‘.Counties’ Own” wall, her son Mr Lawrence MacMil- Graham. Kirk Hill, Ont, at 2.30 o’clock on Sat- have decided to proceed overseas as a kilted battalion and lan and Mrs. MacMillan and her Mrs. . Kenneth MacCuaig and urday afternoon, Miss Catherine Eli- to back their decision thme lads have pledged themselves to zabeth Neilna MacMillan, daughter of daughter ,Mrs P. Barry of New daughter, June and Patricia, Mont- subscribe $4,000 toward cost af the Highland garb. Mr. York, were in town for a short real, are theguests of Mr and Mrs. Mr and Mi's James L. MacMijlan, James Cluff’s new mi^l and planing factory at Maxville visit on Tuesday. Angus MacGillivray, Kirk Hill. became the bride of Mr Douglas Wil- is now in full running order and is under the Supervision liam Heath, son of Mr and Mrs O. W Mrs Gilbert Gormley and daugh- At present on a pre-discharge leave of Mr Donald Grant, an expert in this line. A number Mr. G. E. McRae of Ottawa, is the Heah, son of Mr and Mrs O. W. of the married officers at Barriefield have rented sites on ter Miss Mary Gormley arrived in Heath of Port Rowan, Ont. Rev N. town the latter part of last week from guest of Mr. and Mi's. J. D. Mc- the banks of the St Lawrence and are making arrange- Rae Laggan. F. Sharkey officiated and the church ments to have their wives and children go under canvas Vancouver B.C. Mr Gormley who was decorated with summer flowers. is with the Merchant Marine, reach- Mr Marcel D. Gareau of Cornwall for a month or so. spent the week end with his parents Mrs T. O. McLaren, aunt of the bride ed Montreal Monday and joined his played the organ music and the family here Tuesday Mr and Mrs Oscar Gareau. Mrs Raoul Falardeau left on Sun- soloist was Mrs James A. Sangster. Messrs .Leo McDonald, Jos. Given in marriage by her father, A number of Alexandrians took in the horse races at day for Montreal after spending a O’Meara and Jos Bender, of Detroit, the bride was attended by her sister. St. Justine, Que., on Tuesday. Mr. Sauve’s horse “Honest Mich who were on a motor trip to month holiday with her brother,Mr O Reeves. She was accompanied back Miss Jean MacMillan, as maid of Jbc’’ won the free for all the Atlantic seaboard, on their re- by her litcle niece Miss Odefte Bru- honor. Mr Harry Storr was best man FORTY YEARS AGO against all comers handily turn last week visited with relatives net who will remain there for some and the ushers were the bride’s bro- Friday, July 29, 1906 defeating the Gilmour horse at Glen Roy and Glen Nevis. ther, Mr Douglas MacMillan and her “Ellen R,” of Ottawa. time. Messrs Gerard McLeau and John cousin, Mr John D. MacMillan. On Saturday morning the cheese factory at Summers- Miss Angela O’Shea, R. N., who . McCormick of Greenfield, on their The bride wore a ^loor length gown town Station was partially wrecked through the explos- recently arrived from New York, is visit to Detroit, Mich, were the guests spending some time with her parents of white satin and tulle, and her ion of the boiler. Oone man was somewhat severely scalded of Miss Mary Lou Huebner at her finger tip veil of tulle illusion was by escaping steam The results of the examinations at Mr. and Mrs. W. J. O’Shea, Glen summer home at Belle River, Ont. caught with a heart shaped halo. the Ottawa Normal School were posted on Saturday. We Nevis. Pte. Donald McDougall spent sev- Mr. D D. MacCrimmon and Dr. She carried a bouquet of red roses. note with pleasure that among those who successfully eral days last week, visiting relatives Following a reception at the home of July 28th to Aupst 4th Inclusive passed were the Misses Margaret McDermid (honors) of A. T. McDonald of Wiliamstown, and friends in Ottawa. the bride’s parents, Lochiel, the couple Tayside and Annie Munro, of Lancaster. The Maxville were here on Monday attending the We are closing our manufacturing department dur- Mr. and Mrs. Edward O’Brien of left on their honeymoon. Going away Rifle Ranges are being well patronized these days. They funeral of the lafe Mrs. J. W. Mc- St. Catherines, Ont , are holidaying the bride wore a rainbow striped styk are now shooting 100, 200 and 500 yards. Lachlan. . ing that week which will enable us to make ne- with his parents, Mr and Mrs. D. Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Cardinal, jersey dress, with a plaza green coat, O’Brien, 3rd Kenyon and with rela- Centre St., acompanied by Mr. and and white accessories. They will take cessary repairs and improvements to our plant and tives at Williamstown. up residence in Toronto. Mrs. Romeo Pigeon and Mr. Wil- equipment. Mrs Elizabeth Tobin, Mr and Mrs brod Cardinal of Ottawa, motored to Out of town guests were Mr and Among the number of lawyers whose ability was simi- Mrs O. W. Heath, Misses Gladys, larly recignized, we note the names of Mr F. H. Tiffany, Don Trizisky and family, Mr. and Consecon where they spent the week Mrs. Michael O’Brien and family of end with Bernard Cardinal and other Gretta and Marion Heath, Port Rowan Place your order in advance to enable us to make Alexandria, and Mr. R. A. Alexandria boys who are employed Mr. E. Hampton, Tillsonburg; Mr and FIFTY YEARS AGO Pringle, of. Cornwall, who Detroit, Mich. spent the 4th of July delivery before closing date. visiting Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hueb- Mrs W. E. Wiggins Cobourg; Mr Friday, July 17, 1896 have been appointed Q.C’s. there for the summer ner at their summer home in Belle Cpf David Tyo, a patient in the D. Harry Storr Montreal; Miss Anne William Jennings Bryan River, Ont. V A. Hospital at Kingston, is spend- Kinkade Ottawa; Mr and Mrs W. G. of Nebraska, was nominated last week asthe Democratic Mr. and Mrs J. D. McPherson and ing some time with his parents, Mr. Scott and Miss Marilyn Scott Moose Candidate for the Presidency of the United States in op family, motored to Rougemont, Que, and Mrs. Emile Tyo, Dunvegan, he Creek. position to Wm. McKinley. Bryan represents the free silver on Saturday where they were week having come on to welcome his wife GOODYEAR FEEDS, element, McKinley the tradè restrictionists. Some time end guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. G. who arrived this week on the “Géor- ago Mr. A. G. McBain, the proprietor of the Thornhill MacLaren. Master Finnan McDon- gie.” Women’s Association J. Vailiancourt, - Green Valley, Ont. Farm. Lancaster purchased 200 hogs in Western Ontario ald who went with them will stay Mrs. P Fuller, Smith Falls, spent The regular meeting of the Woman’s for fattening A disease broke out among the hogs that on for some weeks with Arthur Mac- the earjy part ofthe week in town the Association will be held on Thursday local vets could not diagnose and the Dominion Veterinary laren Miss Eugenie Maclaren who guest of Mrs R. H. Cowan. July 25th, at the cottage of Miss Pearl Officer at Montreal, Dr Baker ,was brought up. This motored home with them is holiday- Miss Vivien Graham returned home Shepherd, South Lancaster. Cars wilj gentleman pronounced the disease Hog Cholera and ing with Mr and Mrs Eugene A. on Tuesday after spending a week at ' meet at the home of Mrs H. L. recommended immediate slaughter of the hogs. Macdonald Camp Kagama, Sheek Island . J Cheney, at 2 50 pm. ADVERTISE IN THE GLENGARRY NEWS