~ ALL THE NEWS ALL THE NEWS •Si- OF GLENGARRY OF GLENGARRY New FOR GLENGARRIANS FOR GLENGARRIANS The THS FINEST WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN EASTERN ONTARIO Accident Fatal To 5,000 At Kirk Hill Pour Teams In Glengarry Football Follows Brother, Marked Silver Six War Brides Mrs. Macdonell For Twelfth League Play-Offs Opening This Week Sister In Death Wedding Date Coming Here Esteemed Resident Of More Than Twenty Mr & Mrs A.R. McDonell Listed As Aboard Pine Grove Again Champions Though Unbeaten Mrs. J .W. McLachlan Three Ships Expected Dalhousie Area Died Lodges Represented At Of Winnipeg', Interred Green Valley, Honored In Hospital, Friday Annual Orange Walk Record For Season Marred In Closing On 25th Anniversary In Next Few Days Match Won By Lochiel 1—0 Here On Tuesday Six additional war brides will reach Lancaster township lost one of its Lodges from Glengarry, Stormont, On the occasion of thjeir 25th wed- Lochiel Football Club handed the The last surviving member of her Glengarry homes soon according to most estimable residents in the death ding Anniversary, Mr and Mrs Angus Prescott and Russell were represent- league-leading Pine Grove team a father’s family, Janet Catherine Mc- a list of the dependents of servicemen in Hotel Dieu Hospital, Cornwall, on R. McDonell of Green Valley, were ed in the large crowd, estimated : 1-0 setback, their first defeat of the cam Written Music Leod, wife of James W. McLachlan who are to arrive at Halifax aboard Friday, July 12th, of Mrs A. J. Mac- honored by relatives and friends, Fri- at 5,000 which attended the Orange paign, in the last scheduled contest of Winnipeg, Man., died at her home the Letifia, the Queen Mary and the donell, of the Dalhousie Station area, day evening, July 5th at a gathering Walk at Kirk Hill,, on Friday of the Glengarry Football League this Exam Results in Winnipeg, Friday irfom'lng, July Lady Nelson. Those expected are: who succumbed to injuries suffered the in Alexander Hall, here. Mr McDon- More (han 20 lodges sent representa- year played Thursday at Pine Grove. I2th, following an illness extending On the Letitia: previous Tuesday, when staq was tives to the event held in observance In spite of the loss. Pine Grove finish Following Is a list of the successful over the past year. Her death was ell is a son of the la^e Mr and Mrs run over by a bread truck in the yard R. D. McDonejl, 4-9 Lancaster, while Gwendolyn, wife of Sgt. James P. of the 256th anniversary of the Battle ed the season with a three-point lead candidates in the written examina- the third to occur in the family over of her farm home.' In her 83rd year, of the Boyne, July 12, 1690. Ideal his bride of 25 years ago is the former Pluma dore, Alexandria. over Lochiol, thus winning the league tions set bp the Toronto Conserva- a period of 13 months, a brother, the Mrs Macdonell suffered very severe weather conditions greeted the mar- Florence McDonald, daughter of the On the Queen Mary: championship and the MacDonald late R. S. McLeod of Alexandria, injuries from which she was unable chers when they proceeded from Ken- tory of Music held at St. Margaret’s late Mr. and Mrs. D. J. McDonald Marie W, wife of Pte. Edgar A. Trophy. having died on June 8th, 1945 and a Duggan, Alexandria, and daughter, to récover. zie MacDonald’s grove in the after- School of Music, Alexandria, recently sister. Miss Chris McLeod, passing at of North Lancaster. : i Ranger scored the only goal in a - :i Sandra. Word of the tragic accident and noon grand parade . The results of the practical tests were Winnipeg in October. Following several hows of enjoyable fast game. Lochlejl employed -a bril- Johanna C., wife of Pte. A. Guin- of her subsequent death was received Pine Grove Lodge No. 51 had reported previously. Nlews of Mrs MicLachlapi’s death, music and dancing, lunch was served liant defensive system to hold the don, Maxvi/lc. with dismay by a wide circle of rela- charge of the celebration, with J. K. 1 though not unexpected, came as A and D. p. McDoneM Green Valley, usually fflgh-scbring Grove forwards Written Exams — « Joan P, wife of p^e. o. Duhaime, tives and friends and the bereaved MacLeod as county master and K.C. shock to many relatives and friends made a congratulatory address A while ensuring that goalie Keith Theory m, Harmony, first class Moose Creek. family received hvaïiy ’evlde&aeü M in Glengarry. She had been in ill well filled purse wass- presented try MacLeod county secretary. Leading; MacMillan registered still another Margaret E., wife of WO. G.E. the regret and sympathy so generally honors, Irene St. Louis, Therese Fon- health since suffering a stroke a year Mrs. McDonell’s neSiew, (Rodney the parade was county director R.D. shutout. MacMillan has won the Urquhalrt, Williametown. felt throughout Glengarry and beyond taine. ago, but her condition became seri- McPhee of Detroit. -«Jr. McDonell MacLennan, while five marshalls goalkeeper’s medal by allowing only On the Lady Nelson its confines. Theory m. History; First class ous only a month ago when a second responded on behalf Û .himself and : mounted on gray horses assisted Mr. three scoring shots to elude him dur- Edna M., wife of Cpl. E. Legault, Mrs. Macdonqll was bom March MacLennan In his duties. ing the entire season, setting an all- honors, Margaret Macleod, Irene St. stroke pccurried. his wife, expressing thar appreciation Gjen Robertson. 25th, 1864, in the 9th Lancaster, a Each lodge had at least one piper time league record by shutting out Louis; honors, Gordon Fleming. Mrs McLachlan was bpm at Alex- of the kindly guesture and good wishes andria, a daughter of the late S . R. On Sunday evening,Ijuly 7th, Mir. daughter, Catherine, of Archibald and for the parade a feature being two the opposition in 10 of the 12 games Theory H; First class honors, Irene Isabell McDonald. Since her marri- bis team played this year. He was McLeod and his wife, Madeline Mc- and Mrs McDonell wer| ‘At Home’ to young pipers from Maxville; Miss St. Louis, Therese Poirier, Therese Power Interruption age to the late Alexander John Mac- greatly helped by the strong fullback Aujey, and later resided at Glen Rob- relatives and neighbor^ when all en- Connie Kippen and Beverly Camp- Fontaine, Olympe Prieur, Mavis Dewar ertson when he(r father was Post- joyed the Scotch music of Alex. M. On Sunday donell she had resided in the 9th belj. Two girl drummers also took pair of Clifford Morris and Peter Da- Lancaster west of Dalhousie Station. vidson, the latter ah active player for honors, Ann Virginia MacDonald. master at that pomt. She was a re- McDonald,. Nell McDonald and Vin- part, with the music supplied by sident of Montreal for several years cent Cameron, as well as songs by The local P.U.C. has announced To mourn her tragic passing she the Cameron Highlanders Pipe Band, almost 20 years. Morlin Campbell, Theory I, honors, Laurette Mont- there will be a power interruption prior to her marriage in 19Ï3 to James several of the guests. leaves four sons and one daughter: Ottawa. More than 30 pipers were Pine Grove, was the second ranking petit. on Sunday afternoon from 1.30 to John Alexander and Archibald J. at uetminder. W'. McLachlan, since which time she Present from a distance were Mrs. included In the parade which was 3.30 o’clock .We understand a Hydro home; James of Dalhousie Station; one an had made her home in Winnipeg. McDonell’s sister, Mrs. Jack McPhee about d one half miles In Line ups; gang Is doing extra repair work In John Angus of Schumacher, Out; and Her death will be regretted by a of Detroit; C. E. McDonald, the length. LOCHIEL—MacMillan, Morris, P. the Martintown area. Margaret of New York City, N.Y. Couple Honored wide circle of friends at Winnipeg, as County Master MacLeod was chair- Davidson, L. Davidson, A. Quesnel, Misses Florence McDonell and Dor- All were able to be present for the well as in Glengarry where many of een McDonald of Montreal. man for the afternoon’s program MacPhee, H. Hay, E. Hay, T. Hay, last sad rites. Ranger, Cameron, Sauve, J. Quesnel. At Mille Roches the family connection reside and which included speeches, music and One brother also survives, Neil A. PINE GROVE—Campbell, J. Mao- where she had visited frequently Former Teacher Highland dancing by pupils of Miss McDonald of Rio Hondo, Texas. Her Master, Lasaljle, D. MacMaster, K. Relatives and friends gathered at since leaving her -native county. Hospital Fund Norma MacNeil, Cornwall. Basket lun husband and two sons, Norman J. MacMaster, G. MacMaster, Mac- the home of Mr and Mrs. J. Dom- Left to mourn her passing are her Dies Suddenly ches and refreshment booths were Total At $206,463. and Dr'Roderick V. Macdonell, pre- Sweyn, MacMillan, MacLennan, Mac- ina Villeneuve, Mille \Hbches, on husband as well as a sister-in-jaw, provided for those attending the Or- deceased her some years ago. Gill ivr ay, MacLeod, M. MacMaster. Friday, night of last week to honor Mrs Rod S. McLeod of Alexandria. Widejly known in Glengarry through ange walk Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Villeneuve of Many W’innipeg friends paid a last Contributions to Cornwall General out her lifetime and at one time prln A very jarge number of relatives, Hospital’s building fund campaign Rev.
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