Village of Shiloh Comprehensive Plan
Shiloh Comprehensive Plan updated 2018 for The Village of Shiloh, Illinois Shiloh Village Board of Trustees James A. Vernier II, Mayor Brenda A. Kern, Village Clerk Bill Boker, Treasurer Kurt Burrelsman, Trustee Mark Herrmann, Trustee Colleen M. Powers, Trustee Tina Warchol, Trustee Greg O’Neil, Trustee Bob Weilmuenster, Trustee John Marquart, Village Administrator Village of Shiloh #1 Park Drive Shiloh, IL 62269 This Comprehensive Plan Update 2018 was prepared for the Village of Shiloh by HeartLands Conservancy. June 2018 2 | Village of Shiloh, Illinois Table of Contents Section I - Introduction Introduction 5 Purpose of the Plan 6 The Planning Process 7 Public Engagement 8 Section II – Existing Community Analysis Brief History of Shiloh 12 Population 14 Housing 16 Economy 18 Education 20 Transportation 22 Infrastructure and Public Services 30 Parks and Recreation 32 Environmental and Natural Resource Features 36 Undermined Areas 46 Section III – Plan Elements Vision Element 50 Land Use Element 52 Infrastructure and Facilities Element 62 Transportation Element 64 Neighborhoods and Housing Element 68 Parks, Open Space, and Natural Resources Element 71 Shiloh Comprehensive Plan Update 2018 | 3 4 | Village of Shiloh, Illinois Section I: Introduction The Village of Shiloh, Illinois faces the types of challenges and opportunities that most communities in the country would love to have: a steady rate of economic and population growth and many amenities and municipal services that support a high standard of living. In addition, Shiloh is within close prox- imity to large metropolitan areas and has a multitude of scenic and beneficial natural resources, low crime rates, good schools, stable property values and small town charm.
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