Congressional Record—House H6449
July 29, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6449 Gospel Music Heritage Month, and I California, Michael Bradley of Manhattan I rise today in support of H. Res. 1527, Con- yield back the balance of my time. Beach, California, Oguchi Onyewu of Olney, gratulating the United States Men’s National The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Maryland, Steve Cherundolo of San Diego, Soccer Team for its inspiring performance in question is on the motion offered by California, DaMarcus Beasley of Ft. Wayne, the 2010 FIFA World Cup. Indiana, Clint Dempsey of Nacogdoches, Mr. Speaker, it is with great honor that I the gentlewoman from California (Ms. Texas, Herculez Gomez of Las Vegas, Ne- CHU) that the House suspend the rules vada, Landon Donovan of Redlands, Cali- stand before this body to commend the U.S. and pass the joint resolution, H.J. Res. fornia, Stuart Holden of Houston, Texas, Men’s National Soccer Team on their truly 90. Jonathan Bornstein of Los Alamitos, Cali- amazing performance in this year’s FIFA The question was taken; and (two- fornia, Ricardo Clark of Jonesboro, Georgia, World Cup. thirds being in the affirmative) the Edson Buddle of New Rochelle, New York, I would also like to commend my distin- rules were suspended and the joint res- Jay DeMerit of Green Bay, Wisconsin, Jose´ guished colleague from Texas, Mr. GOHMERT, olution was passed. Torres of Longview, Texas, Jozy Altidore of for introducing this resolution that recognizes Boca Raton, Florida, Brad Guzan of Homer A motion to reconsider was laid on the men who represented our Nation on soc- Glen, Illinois, Maurice Edu of Fontana, Cali- cer’s grandest stage.
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