For Pete's Sake
T1 New Year’s RESOLUTION #1 February 3 - 9, 2018 Mowing, Edging, Pruning, Mulching AJW LANDSCAPING FREE ESTIMATES - Licensed, Bonded 910-271-3777 For Pete’s sake Pete Holmes as seen in “Crashing” 1352 E Broad Ave. 1227 S Main St. Rockingham, NC 28379 Laurinburg, NC 28352 (910) 997-5696 (910) 276-6565 *Not valid with any other coupons. Joy Jacobs, Store Manager 234 E. Church Street Laurinburg, NC 910-277-8588 T2 Page 2 — Saturday, February 3, 2018 — Laurinburg Exchange Divine comedy: HBO’s ‘Crashing’ explores faith By Sarah Passingham themselves in the show, including Following his upbringing in Christi- TV Media Artie Lange (“The Artie Lange anity, Holmes explored Buddhism Show”), T.J. Miller (“Silicon Val- as an adult, and he brings his ike many comedians, Pete Holm- ley”), Hannibal Buress (“Broad knowledge of and experience with Les (“Ugly Americans”), writer, City”) and Sarah Silverman (“I faith with him in his everyday life, creator and star of HBO’s “Crash- Love You, America”). Other come- including in his creative projects. As ing,” has drawn humor from some dians, such as Jermaine Fowler Holmes told the New York Times, of his deepest memories and most (“Superior Donuts”) and Aparna spirituality is “not just a Sunday- personal life moments. The concept Nancherla (“Inside Amy Shumer”), only thing for me. It’s something of the series was formed from Hol- feature as well, albeit in more fic- I’m constantly reading and think- mes’ experiences as he rededicated tional roles. ing about.” So, naturally, it’s a driv- himself to the pursuit of a standup This is not the first endeavor for ing force of the plot of “Crashing.” comedy career.
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