j A# D . P 3 Alternating colleges to serve brunch In efficiency test by Jeff Burton Brunch, featuring breakfast weekends will save eighty hours of She also emphasizes that the alternating-college program was In an effort to improve the items such as eggs to order and a labor per week. Hicks says the first time students go through the not encouraging. According to quality and variety of food choice of lunch entrees, and savings will contribute to higher line, they should ask for only one Hanszen Master Dr. Rich Smith, available to students, the Brown, continental breakfast will only be quality and a better selection of made-to-order item, such as eggs, the feeling was that the students Will Rice, Richardson and served in four commons. food on Saturdays and Sundays. and return later for others such as were against it and the plan was pancakes. Rubash explained that voted down. Hanszen commons will not be The colleges have been paired The only obstacle to the brunch this courtesy keeps the grill free for open this Saturday. according to their proximity to one plan he sees is "college After the meeting a group of individuality." Special weekend more than one student at a time. The four-week brunch another: Jones with Brown, .Will Hanszen students approached events such as college picnics could Smith, questioning the decision to experiment, approved after an Rice with Baker, Richafdson with This trial period is the result of interfere with the alternating years of discussion about the reject the proposal. Upon finding informal investigation of student Lovett, and Hanszen with Wiess. opinion, will offer a wider schedule imposed by the program. feasibility of a brunch plan. substantial support for the plan in Each college will close its assortment of food on weekends Joyce Rubash, director of During a recent visit to Tulane Hanszen college. Smith contacted commons on alternating days. but will force half the commons to College Food Services, points to University, the food committee Hicks and the masters and Central Kitchen is encouraging close on Saturdays and Sundays. some practical difficulties which observed a successful brunch presidents renewed the investiga- students to eat at the college with For the next five weeks have appeared since Sunday program and decided to try it at tion. With the exceptions of which they have been paired. excluding Easter, weekend meals brunch began. Since long lines and Rice. Hicks then submitted the Richardson and Baker, all colleges will consist of continental Food and Housing Director delays have reportedly been a proposal to the committee of seemed to be in favor of the plan breakfast until eleven o'clock and Marion Hicks estimates that problem, students will have to eat masters and presidents. and the masters finally agreed to a brunch until one. closing half the colleges on at different times, says Rubash. Initial reaction to the four-week trial period.

INSIDE: • The Hackerman Years: 1970-1985, see pages 8, 9. • New Beer-Bike track plans approved, see page 5. • Everything is absolute, if you look at it the right way. Volume 72, Number 33 FRESHEFriday, MarchR 22, 1985 Incoming athletes show smarts with higher grades placcpclassecs miccprmissedl fof f ar r travetravel l orr\ by Spencer Greene competition. "Absences are a Higher grade-point averages for tremendous problem," she said. "I student athletes show that athletes try to alleviate that problem." are moving "closer to the Among Phillips' accomplish- mainstream of our students in ments this year has been a general," according to a report by reorganization of the athletic Mark Sheid, Academic Advisor to .tutoring program. In the past, she Student Athletes. said, tutoring was done on a case- Freshman athletes' median by-case basis; athletes found their GPA for the fall semester was 2.46, own assistance, and the athletic up from 2.00 last year. The report department merely funded it. Now says that this increase comes Phillips selects tutors based on despite higher enrollment by interviews and professors' athletes in the "big three "fresh man recommendations and trains them courses, Chemistry 101, Math 101 as well. The program currently and Physics 101. includes 15 tutors. One reason for the improve- Phillips did not think that ment, says the report, is the "higher athletes' performance in their quality of student athlete" sports would suffer from greater entering Rice in 1984. The median stress on academics. SAT score was 1040 last year, an "Our emphasis," she explained, increase of 90 points over the "is on staying current in academic- previous year. work. [Athletic Director] Watson Scheid's report also credits "the Brown believes that students who athletic department, coaching Student-athletes at the training table in Sammy's perform better in academic work staff... [and] the hard work of Dr. —D. Gilabert will perform better as athletes. Lyn Phillips and her staff" for the increased emphasis placed on concentrate exclusively on this The purpose of these programs, Staying current reduces stress and improved GPA's. Phillips is the academics in the athletic matter, she said. Scheid advises said Phillips, is "not only to help anxiety, and would certainly add Academic Coordinator for department. student athletes on degree plans athletes pass." but also to help to athletic performance," Student Athletes. Phillips and Scheid joined the and majors for their first two years them with problems resulting from In 1984. according to Phillips, athletic department in the spring of until they are assigned there was a conscious effort to 1984. For some time before their departmental advisors. Phillips both accept and recruit athletes arrival, said Phillips, the runs the athletic department's Two Watsons for Rice with better academic qualifica- department had no one working tutoring program, study skills by Erin Blair tions than in past years. This full-time on athletes' performance programs and study tables, as well Watson Fellowships have been commitment has continued in their classes. as counsels students on an announced for 1985 and for the throughout the year, she said, with Both she and Scheid now individual basis. second year in a row Rice has two winners. Jason Binford and Duanc Pryor were selected as Watson OWLS searching for sincere males scholars from among 200 finalists. The Watson Foundation by David Friesenhahn religion, color, national origin or Little claimed that the rule is not annually funds 70'fellowships to be Although the Owen Wister sex." intended to be discriminatory. used in international studies. Literary Society (OWLS) has However, when it amended the Rather, it is designed to provide amended its constitution to allow constitution to allow male OWLS officers the opportunity to Binford plans to go to for males to join the previously all- membership, OWLS also changed educate prospective male members a year to study the relationship female organization, it will require its admissions requirements. as to the purposes of the society. between culture and religion, using men to undergo a different Article III of the OWLS Said Little, "We wanted to be Zen Buddhism as an example, it is admissions process than that Constitution now states that "any certain that only men who wanted a religion practiced in both Japan Jason Binford Truzinski required of women. male student of Rice University to be in the organization would and the United States, two widely diverse cultures. OWLS was forced to alter its not on scholastic probation may join." their religion and culture. Binford constitution when it was become a member of the Society When asked why a similar "Zen has changed in several will visit Japanese students he met discovered that its rule limiting by contacting the President or Vice education process in not necessary significant ways since it was at Berkeley last summer while he membership to women violated a President of the Society and then for women as well. Little said that established in the U.S.: a more participated in an intensive provision of the Student attending the next prescribed female members typically undergo equal status has been given to Japanese language course. He also Association by-laws which meeting of the Society." such an initiation by merely women, less emphasis is placed on plans to stop in Kamakura, just prohibits sexual discrimination. The constitution does not attending a meeting. monastic practices, and there is south of Tokyo, to study with a more emphasis in the U.S. on The Student Association by- require women to meet with "Women who join go through Zen teacher who has taught both social action," explained Binford. laws currently state that "no officers of OWLS before they can the same process because they Japanese and Western scholars. Student Association organization become members of the ordinarily join at the meeting and He intends to study with Zen Binford, a Managerial Studies may discriminate in policy or organization. meet with officers there, although teachers and interact with the major, chose this project because action on the grounds of race. OWLS Vice President Elizabeth see OWI.S, page 6 Japanese people to understand see Watson, page 6 Misclass — a tradition One of the things someone does when he lives in this office for the better part of three years is look at old issues of the Thresher. YOU'LL NB/ER.BEUB/E IT, CHIEF I'm worse about it than most. When, as a sophomore, I found a K CAU. fOIOnU TOM THE. tHPHELEWE box of 60 and 70-year-old Threshers in the morgue, I was pgaHfroF'fNEscMer WSWME? ecstatic; when the business manager gave them to the Woodson UNION HIMSELF# Research Center,* I was crushed. This week, I've had a fascination with the early 70s, when % Norman Hackerman and the misclassifieds both got their start ""WWXERS at Rice. The misclass were introduced as the fulfillment of a campaign promise. Though the candidate who made the promise lost in the S3 1972 editorial elections, a victorious Steve Jackson decided they were a good idea, and ran the following announcement in the August 25, 1972 Thresher: "Starting next issue, the Thresher will offer a misclassified ad service to members of the Rice community. The rate will be .7c a letter; spaces free. Have fun. Why put your buy/ sell/ trade ads or anonymous insults on the bulletin boards where someone might see them? Hide them in the Thresher. Come by the office with money, or use the campus mail." On November 16, 1972, they dispensed with the token payment, and the misclass have been free ever since. The first personal insult appeared in mid-October of 1972; two others followed in November and December. The first two referred to someone named Crocker as a "scrofulous polyp,"and an "exacerbating derelict.'1 The next accused some poor soul of necroicthyophilia. Also in that semester were: the first misclass from a professor's THRESHING IT OUT groupies, requests for companionship, personal notes, mock relatively low public profile. First, 1 was shocked. All day long 1 mail order marijuana sales, and dozens of items for sale that we Rister praises many of the best potential had been climbing Emei Shan, a now relegate to the notes and notices. candidates who are already in Buddhist holy mountain in central What's the point? 1 don't know. But it does appear to me that Rupp coverage positions of great responsibility , and although several of the the best misclass have been: will not allow their names to be pilgrims who had walked or been Harmless insults. Yes, you can really hurt someone's feelings To the editor: placed in consideration unless a carried past me had spoken 1 would like to commend the strict guarantee of confidentiality English, it had been months since I with an anonymous attack. That has been amply demonstrated. Thresher and its staff for the can be assured to them, because had heard an American voice. The trick is to keep your insults on a somewhat intellectual level. editorial restraint you exercised public knowledge of their so doing Turning around, I admitted that, A person might be insulted at being called a "scrofulous polyp," with regard to the recently could have a negative effect upon despite the evidence of my T-shirt, but no one is going to think that it's true, or that it was supposed completed Presidential Search. I their present careers. Second, the I had never visited Port Aransas, to be true. speak not only for myself but for Committee felt strongly that the but that my family lived in Personal advertisements. The more personal, the better. other members of the Presidential Rice community at large had the Houston and 1 had gone to Rice. Inside jokes are great if the joke is widespread or decipherable Search Committee as well in right to be the first to know who "Oh," he said, "what college?" enough that the rest of us aren't completely in the dark. expressing our appreciation for the next President of the "Will Rice," I replied. your refraining from the kind of University would be; in order to do Lonelyhearts notices are also interesting, reminding us that yes, "I'm from Haftszen," he said. continual rumor-mongering in this, strict confidentiality had to be other people can be lonesome, too. This exchange is a common one print to which many search maintained. on the Rice campus — the question Random musings. One of my personal favorites (as if you committees fall prey; this speaks Your front-page story by Erin falls just after "What's your couldn't tell), this involves essentially sub-literary commentary well of your sense of journalistic Blair on the appointment of Dr. name?" and right before "What's on the state of the universe. For example: "Why is it that neon reponsibility. The experience of Rupp was very well done. I would your major?" when two students tetras swim backwards while copulating?" many other universities has shown also like to congratulate in meet. However, this was halfway Indignant complaints. Let's face it, Rice isn't perfect. And that the publication of groundless particular David Friesenhahn, the around the world, and both of us while it is more constructive to try and solve a problem than (or even well grounded) Thresher reporter who conducted had been away from school for bitch about it anonymously in the misclass, it helps to be able to speculations about the activities the first interview with Dr. Rupp. several years — he had actually and progress of a search committee let off steam and see if anyone agrees with you. Mr. Friesenhahn's questions were graduated in the late seventies, and and the candidates under This isn't a complete examination of the history of the thoughtful and well-formulated I had last withdrawn from Rice at consideration can have a very real and demonstrated an impressive about the same time. Despite the backpage. No such survey would be complete without lookingat and detrimental effect upon the sense of journalistic professional- distance, both physical and the personalities of the backpage editors over the years, ability of the committee to carry ism. As a result, Dr. Rupp temporal, between us and Rice, the including Steve Bailey and Kelvin Thompson in the 80s. Maybe, out its task effectively. probably left the campus last week first identification we made of before 1 leave office, we should publish a collection... —phh There were two principal with a very positive image of the ourselves was not our job, origin, *\\ here they remain safe and intact today, instead offlaking and reasons why the Presidential Thresher. destination, or even name, but was molding to oblivion in our humid storage room. Search Committee maintained a 1 am personally excited about rather our college. This exchange the future of Rice with Dr.Rupp at illustrated the central importance its head, and I thank you for of the college system at Rice and, AT 66N6RAL helping to make his selection in particular, the impact being a possible without undue interven- member of Will Rice has made on PVNAMICS tion of the campus press into the my life. From my first days at Rice, process. 1 have identified much more /VIAK5 /V10AI6V W closely with my college than with Alan F. Rister the university. My friends have Graduate Representative been mostly Will Rice members, Presidential Search Committee and 1 have spent the greater part of Our "editorial restraint" could o my time on campus within the have had grave consequences had confines of its walls. the presidential search been conducted any less thoroughly. This being so, it was strange and Regrettably, I can take no disturbing to return to school after personal credit for the high quality six year's absence and find the of reporting in connection with college inhabited by strangers. I Rupp's appointment; News Editor had spent most of my time away Friesenhahn and Associate News from school being a corporate Editor Blair fielded that late- slave, buying expensive toys, living breaking story entirely through in three-picce suits and for the their own efforts. weekend, and when 1 had tired of —phh that 1 went traveling for the better part of a year. Travel has always been a part of my life — I have had Tucker details as many residences as years 1 am old — and as a consequence I have college bonds never had a concept of "home." To the editor: But on that mountaintop in China, The voice behind me exclaimed, 1 realized that Rice University, and "Port Aransas! Are you from Will Rice in particular, was Texas?" see Threshing, page 4 The Rice Thresher, March 22, 1985, page 2 BEYOND THE HEDGES/by Scheleen Johnson matter, but we should still talk that her radio show. Sexually biggest honor of his life," and said and they talked for a minute. Sex speaker hot about it," said Westheimer. Speaking, and her television that he was "going to find the After talking, he (M iles) said that it She told the students that program. Good Sex! With Dr. oldest person in the world and I don't drink it. they're going to item at Yale U. misleading rumors and lack of Westheimer, should be banned have him spit in it. Then I'll have a make me drink a pint of whiskey. communication are the two major because they are too sexually real antique." Then, they poured the two cups of According to an article in The reasons for sexual troubles. explicit. Westheimer said "I punch on my head. I pushed him. Chronicle of Higher Education "Ignorance! You cannot think respect you opinion move your Pledge hurt at He fell — partially because he was (March 6), college students in of some of the myths and dial." drunk, and partially because the America think "sex is hot." Randy ignorance that is still prevalent, Westheimer also showed two fraternity party floor was wet. I had alcohol in my Chaplin, who runs a campus not just in the old people... so short films entitled "A Quickie" eyes and couldn't see a thing. All of A Phi Delta Theta pledge entertainment company known as many talk about 'my boyfriend and "Orange." The films a sudden, he tackled me." New Line Presentations, told the who said he has tremendous underlined the doctor's belief that suffered a separated shoulder in an Chroniefe that Dr. Ruth control, really pulled out. So why "sex without a relationship is OK, alcohol-related ha/ing incident at Witnesses confirmed Barry's Westheimer, the renowned am 1 pregnant?'" Westheimer but is not what most people want," Vanderbilt University in Nashville, description of the incident, in psychosexual therapist, is "the recounted in an explanation of and "the only real aphrodisiac is in Tennessee. which he suffered a dislocated hottest thing going on American semen. She told the audience that your head." Freshman Jeff Barry, whom the shoulder. Miles, however, denies campuses." She "has lectured at 90 percent of erect penises contain Vanderbilt ranks as the attempting to force Barry to drink more than 60 colleges in the past a droplet of semen at the head Hasty Pudding university's number-one tennis as well as pushing him down. year, garnering up to $7,000 per before ejaculation. "There are player, was tackled by one of the The president of the fraternity. engagement," the Chronicle thousands of spermatozoa in that honors Murray fraternity's alumni when he Penn Caldwell, also says that there reported. drop, and how many drops does it refused to drink a glass of spiked was no fight. take to get you pregnant?... One Comedian Bill Murray received punch. "An alumni asked Barry to get Students at Yale University fast one!" Harvard University's Hasty According to Barry, John Miles, him a drink," said Caldwell. "Jeff apparently agree with Chaplin. Pudding Theatricals' Man of the a second-year graduate student, slipped and hurt his shoulder." Westheimer, who is also author Westheimer also discussed the Year award at the premier of its "stumbled" down some stairs Caldwell added that "pledges and mass media personality, spoke nation's return to the right and 137th. production. Witch and during a party at the fraternity aren't allowed to drink during for over two hours to "A wildly Congress' efforts to pass a "squeal Famous. house. Barry, who did not know pledge training." enthusiastic and attentive audience law" requiring federally funded Miles, asked if the graduate had The award is given annually to of 600 in the law school," reported clinics to notify the parents of hurt himself. However, other pledges told the performers who have made "a The Yale Daily News. minors seeking contraceptive Hustler that they are permitted to lasting and impressive contribu- devices. "He then got up and said violate the rule against drinking if Using a prepared speech and tion to the world of entertain- "The proponents said that this nothing." Barry told the Hustler. they do so as a group. answering questions from the ment," Pudding spokesman law would strengthen the family. "He (seeing Barry's pledge pin) floor, Westheimer addressed a Michael K. Allio told The Harvard Barry had chosen to accept the Does it strengthen the family to told me to go get two more drinks. large number of issues, from Crimson. I asked, 'Who are you?' " After Phi D e 11 bid with the ask a mother who will say, 'you do understanding that tennis was his enjoying menage a trois to being told that Miles was a that and 1 kill both of you!' We did In the past, the prestigious number-one priority and that he contraception. .fraternity alumnus and that the an informal study statewide in award winners have included Paul would not be forced to drink. Since pledge had to follow Miles'order, "Too many people, they still New Jersey, according to the Newman, Robert Redford, and the injury will take at least six Barry brought the two drinks. think like the Victorian mothers results, only three percent of the Sean Connery in 1984. Bob Hope weeks to heal, the tennis star has "Miles then tried to make me who told their daughters, 'on the young women polled would was the first presented with Man of been redshirted. He has also drink one," Barry continued. "I night of the wedding, lie back and continue to use the federally the Year Pot in 1955. depledged to Phi Delt. told him 1 don't drink, he got think of England.' 1 still believe funded clinics." The star "of Caddyshack and another guy — I don't know who sexuality ought to remain a private Addressing critics who claim Ghostbusters called the event "The Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU

NOW, MIKE, PONl'OVERREACT. WE PREFER 70 PESCRJ0E PEOPLE THE INNERS ARE VERY SPECIAL. see? YOU'RE I'M NOT ASKING YOU TO TAKB AS BEING EITHER INNER-OR OUTER-ESPECIALLY THOSE FROM YOUR I WONT PERFECT FOR. ON YUPPIE ACCOUNTS. WPOtfT PIRECTEP. THE OUTERS ARB YOUR GENERATION. AS CONSUMERS THBYDOIT, THE JOB ' ! USETHETBRMAROUNP STANPARP, CONFORMING TENP10 SB INPEPENPENT, n CASSIE1 1HRESHER 1 HERB ANYWAY. IT'S ACHIEVERS. I WANTYOUt ASSERJIVE, ANP THBY TOO VAGUS. TO TAR6BTIHEINN5RS. MAKE THEIR OWN PB - Paul Havlak x* dm Editor Todd A. Cornett Business Manager David Friesenhahn News Editor Ian Neath Fine Arts Editor Scott Snyder Features Editor Bev Blackwood Advertising Manager Susan Buchanan, Pam Truzinski ... Photo Editors Tony Soltero, Mark Matteson .... Sports Editors Brandon Rigney Back Page Editor Robyn Klahr Managing Editor (Friday) Valerie Rohy Managing Editor (Tuesday) John Knapp Copy Editor YOU SEE, MICHAEL, YOUR GENERATIONWE HANT YOU TO PEVELOP VALUE- , MEASURE. Mark M. Mitchell Senior Editor QREWUPWTTHA GREAT PEAL OF SENSITIVE APPROACHES TO SELLING (MHEUJ..THAT'S MrtiiP OF COURSE, I Head Typesetter Lisa Gray CYNICISM ABOUT THE CONSUMERPROPUCTS THEYCAN RELATE TO. UUEA PRETTY Associate Editors .Erin Blair (News). Karen Nickel (Fine Arts), ONLY SPEAK FOR Scott Snyder (Sports) i SOCIETY. YOU'RE IN A UNIQUE P0SI-WANT YOU TO 60 TO THEM ANP TELL TALL ORDER.. UP? LEISUREWEAR Assistant Editors Cheryl Smith (News) ' HON TO HELP US HUN THEM BACK,.THEM ITS ALL RIGHT TO CONSUME. Contributing Editors .. Steve Mollenkamp, Steve McLaughlin. \ ANP PASTA. Scheleen Johnson. David Richardson Photography Consultant Mike Ciladu lL News Staff Patty Baron. Paul Buenaflor. Jay Galbraith, Thomas Gon/ales. Spencer Greene. Tibor Roberts. Valerie Rohy. David Schnur. Katherine Sugg, Caesar Argwings-Kodhek Fine Arts Staff John Knapp. Sarah Jordan. Frances Egler, L. Gene Spears. Jr.. Marie l awson. Valerie Rohy. Carolyn Austin. John Thomas. Wendy Sterba. Cheryl Smith, Carrie Blum. Karin Murphy, Steven Spears. Erin Blair. Nancy Collier, Crystal Davis. James Laura. Jay Galbraith, Paul Lee, Maribeth Clark. Ross Waldorf. Bev D. Blackwood II. Trevor Schelbourg Sports Staff Jay English. Chris Lowrance. Andy Kopplin. John Lippert. Stephen McVea. Antonio Torres, led Anders, Don Tomasco. Jr.. John DeFigueiredo. Earl Peterson. Jim Humes Photography Staff Mike Hulbert. Alan Dupont. Mike Voigt. Diane Gilabert. Harold Turner Graphics Scot Brooks. Mike Harshman Production Staff Rick Ary, Jennifer Brown. AT FIRST, I MS PUT OFF, BUT THENBASICALLY, I'M BEING ASKEP TO IT CHANGES EVERY- Jennifer Corkill. David Hardy. Grayson Haun. 1 SAW IT WAS A VERY FLATTER]NGCREATE IMAGES THAT REFLECT THING, J.J/I'M NO QU? ] Tracy Hodge, Mike Hogan. Stephanie Ko/inski. nnA,f DOES THAT PAY Anju Kukreja. Karin Murphy. Amy Orchard. ASSIGNMENT. CASSIE OBVIOUSLYAN ENTIRE PEER GROUP'S MOST LONGER JUST A ujmj Cyndi Smith. Geoff Stafford. Adam Sticpewich mpptuakit/ MORE? THE CAR | THINKS I'M IN TOUCH UJITH THE PEEPLY-FELT BELIEFS ANP JUNIOR ACCOUNT ARB YOU? MERCHANT' qquJN 1 Business Staff WHOLE INNER-DIRECTEP SEGMENTNEEPS ANP ASPIRATIONS < EXECUTIVE. \ Assistant Business Manager Susan C. Brown Snook AGAIN Ji Assistant Advertising Managers . .Crystal Davis. Brock Wagner ^0F THE MARKET! Advertising Production Assistant Ashley Stainback Subscription Manager Kathi Fletcher Student Staff Assistant Carlos Soltero Circulation Sean Daichman, Howard Goldman, Mark Mitchell

The Rice Thresher, the official student newspaper at Rice University since 1916. is published each Tuesday and Friday during the school year, except during examination periods and holidays, by the students of Rice University . Editorial and business offices are located on the second floor of the Rice Memorial Center. P.O. Box 1892. Houston. Texas 77251 Telephone (713)527-4801 or 527-4802. Advertising informationavailable upon request. Mail subscription rate per semester: $15 00 domestic. $30.00 international.(via first class mail). The opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those ol anyone except the writer Obviously ®I985. The Rice Thresher. All rights reserved.

The Rice Thresher. March 22, 1985, page 3 THRESHING IT OUT friends. I have walked into a home arbitrary unless one accepts the' continued from page 2 martialed the officer responsible nationalistic military groups filled with strangers, and found possibility of a moral war. I may be "home." Moving into a dorm filled for Mai-Lai. These rules seriously involved in civil wars with their that they were merely family I had wrong, but I would guess that most with unfamiliar faces, 1 felt like the challenge the morality of the utter opponents. They by and large not yet met. Thank you. Will Rice, people would agree that defeating apocryphal college student who destruction of Dresden and the use eschew terrorism for appeals to the for welcoming me home. the Third Reich was a moral thing international community for returns home at Christmas to find of nuclear weapons against cities. Bill Tucker to do. When a country arms itself recognition and support the that his family has moved and left The possibility of moral wars WRC '86 in violation of treaties, invades its legitimacy of their claims. With the no forwarding address. During allows everybody a degree of (originally 78) neighbors and exterminates ethnic regrettable exception of the CIA much of last semester 1 felt a protection against truly evil and political groups from within regimes. In a community of handbook, the U.S. has done a stranger in my own home — the Terrorism not a and without its borders, a nation- nation-states a moral war is legal. good job of keeping its clients more so because 1 was several years state may justifiably declare war Terrorism is never legal. revolutionary, not terrorist. the senior of my fellow Will Rice on the transgressor. The rules of relative matter Terrorism is not a matter of Thomas Jefferson supported members — and I resigned myself war help protect wounded, To the editor: perspective^. It is the illegal attempt revolutionary nationalism. He did to spending the remainder of my prisoners and civilian populations. Perspective is really not a key to coerce a legitimate entity to act not envision the FALN machine- time at Rice as an outsider. Such rules make possible such issue in determining whether or against its will. Terrorism is gunning the House of Representa- Something magical happened. remarkable occurences as the not a group is terrorist. Terrorism political rape. I doubt anyone at tives or the Weatherman Despite the age difference, despite dearth of attacks on major cities on is the use of violence to coerce a Rice condoned the abduction of Underground as a radical mafia. either side of the many Arab- often widely differing views on sovereign body to change its the Dutch brewer Heineken and Terrorism is not revolutionary, it is Israeli wars. Righteous nations everything from the meaning of life policies. The difference between his chauffeur. When drove nihilistic. It operates outside the repudiate such atrocities as the to the proper biscuit to eat with tea terrorism and war, civil and the PLO out of , that was system in order to destroy the massacre of U.S. prisoners in the (McVitie's Digestive Biscuits is the otherwise, is that wars are fought a military action. Arabs held system. The U.S. recognizes this Battle of the Bulge or the Bataan right answer), the people with according to reasonable codes of pogroms in Palestine, the and has done an admirable job of Death March. The U.S. court- whom 1 live have become my conduct. It may seem a bit under Begin blew up part of the avoiding support for terrorists. We , Palestinians know how terrorism feels; we have killed Israeli athletes in the 1972 only to remember Tehran Airport, Olympics, Jews blew off the legs of Beirut, the Iranian Embassy. three West Bank mayors, Richard Torczon Palestinians hijacked a bus and Richardson '86 killed passengers, Israeli security forces captured the hijackers alive DiMuzio hit for and then shot them down in cold blood. These were acts of pro-Arab views terrorism. The continuing litany To the editor: only shows that states are also I am shocked and saddened at capable of terrorism, not that the shallowness and ignorance perspective somehow justifies exhibited in Patrick DiMuzio's terrorism or inculpates the U.S. opinions (March 15). His U.S. aid in the billions (not misguided assertions reek of the millions as Mr. DiMuzio suggests) anti-Israeli propaganda so often no more condones Israeli found on campus these days. terrorism than U.S. aid to Poland implies our condoning of martial First of all, Mr. DiMuzio, the law. creation of Israel was not a result of WW II. The two phenomena are I must take Mr. DiMuzio to task unrelated. The Jewish culture and for his characterization of the IRA have been as freedom fighters. Northern maintained in the area for the past Ireland has been predominantly 3700 years. The return of Jews to Orange (i.e. Protestant Ulstermen) their historical and religious since before Thomas Jefferson homeland has been continuous even considered writing the throughout those many centuries, Declaration of Independence. and has culminated with the re- A- Ulstermen consider themselves establishment of the Jewish state in British subjects and are 1948. Also, at the time of the re- appropriately represented in establishment of Israel, Jews British Parliament. The Provos formed a majority of the • w (the IRA provisional wing population of the area in BLOOM COUNTY by Berke Breathed responsible for most of the question.Furthermore, a majority terrorism) are repudiated by many of Israeli families have lived there HEY ME€.. YOUR SON rr CAN'T WAIT WANTS US TO STAMP BACK HOW Northern Irish Catholics, the for 2 to 3 generations. In this light, ? aiom UNTIL AFTER AWAY FROM THE BASEMENT FART Catholic Church, the Marxist wing I would hardly say these Jews were PINNER T WHILE HE FINISHES and even the Irish Government "dumped" into Palestine. I THINK I WINK his science project CONNECTICUT. which hopes for a unified Ireland, 50 In response to DiMuzio's but just seized several millin careless remarks about the Arabs dollars worth of arms being in the area, I ask: why did 5 Arab smuggled to the Provos out of governments (Jordan, Egypt, recognition that the tolerance of Syria, Iraq, and ) refuse to terrorism is fundamentally accept the creation of an destructive to the basic structure of independent Arab Palestine at the any civilized society. Blowing up time Israel was re-established? Lord Mountbattan, Harrod's, the Today they moan and bitch about Light Cavalry and a Bristol hotel the non-existence of a Palestinian are not acts of war, but of terror. state, but did they care in 1947. They attack civil targets to coerce WELL, J when the opportunity was offered behavior. They allow a tiny JUST PO NOT h them? No! They used military minority to hold a nation hostage. SCIENCE UKems... force to stop the process before it could begin. I submit to you, Mr. Terrorism must be distinguished DiMuzio, that the Arab from revolutionary nationalism as governments don't give a damn represented by the moderate about Palestinians. Instead of branch of the PLO, the ANC. the allowing these people into their Contras and the Afghan THERMONUCU see Threshing, page 5 SOLAR COCKROACH VOLCANO •EXPLOSIVE Mujahedin. These are large-scale 5 V STEM FARM •rkvicei PoroThy Lane Sarah 5mfth Mi o Mite &w km Lf i Oliver W. Jane THIS ISA THIS IS a YA KNOW, HANPSOME... A RAID 5 YOU/ YOU'RE OH, IT IS SO . SO JUST BETWEEN YOU ANI? ACTUALLY. OH, Jm THE FELLOW WHO SVS RISKY ' 50 OUTRAGEOUS. ME, SOME OF US HAPPEN THIS WOULP 8UILP •mis is a THIS IS A 3U/LT THIS WILP 7 SO... PEUCIOUSLY TO FtNP MEN WHO MAKE EXPLAIN A LOT ANOTHER RETALIATION] Lime mm DANGEROUS' NUCLEAR WEAPONS SIMPLY OF THIN6S ONEf REACTION TO THE F0RTH6 REACTION WW, AREN'T IRRESISTIBLE, # O / RETAUATORV meimuAm you ?/ RAlP * TUlSlSARAlP AV6N6(N6THB WELCOME TO THE" i ft (i RETALIATION FOR % THE REACTION TO HOLVLANP THE RETALIATORY * RAlP ^

The Rice Thresher, March 22, 1985, page 4 THRESHING IT OUT continued from page 4 bottlerockets, holding after-hours necessitate that one be honorable is that no exam will be proctored. countries, the governments let Colosi expects bartenders' parties in the pub, and in all of one's dealings only in If, as she suggests in her letter, M iss them live in squalor, learning to printing certain Thanksgiving those involving work submitted Colosi has experienced otherwise, hate Israel, a land to which they too much honor stories on the backpage are wholly for credit. With this limited she should report it to the Honor have no legitimate claim. neutral from the standpoint of the concept of honor, the System Council, as one of her basic rights Rice Honor System. Our code is cannot be asked to create a society Meanwhile, the Israelis have To the editor; as a Rice student was denied. simply not concerned with such free of all precautions in all areas. admitted not only Jews from all My master will not allow me to Non-academic freedoms may be areas. If you dispute this, take time What it can do (and does quite lands, but also Vietnamese and borrow a key to my room; fostered by the System, but no one to read Article 1 of the well) is to create an environment in Ethiopian refugees. What have the therefore, the Honor System does has a legitimate claim to these Constitution of the Honor System which each person's academic Arab nations done for these not work. Unless 1 am entirely rights under the System. of Rice University. efforts will be accepted as one's people? Probably just as much as missing something, that Consequently, such freedoms may own unless conclusive evidence they've done for the Palestinians conclusion simply does not follow be modulated by other agreements implies the contrary. The Rice — nothing. from the premise, yet reader Colosi Admittedly, the framework of into which one has entered and to Honor System is effective; the The Palestine we knew before presents just such an argument in trust and respect that the Honor which one is bound. The examples same cannot be said of the vast 1947 was, as Mark Twain (hardly a her letter of March 15. System provides for the classroom Miss Colosi cites, the master's key majority of other codes. Zionist) put it, "a desolate ought to extend to other parts of policy and Fondren's inspection of country, given wholly over to Miss Colosi seems to be confused life as well. The fact remains, I'm willing to take at face value backpacks leaving the building, weeds." Today, that desolate land as to under what honor code she though, that if no one ever made Miss Colosi's assertion that trust arise from this sort of modulation. is irrigated and productive; Israel currently lives. The Rice Honor this extension, the Honor System was absolute at her former school, They seem to me to be justifiable has developed into a democracy, System as it is written is directly could still do everything it but I reject her contention that limitations on absolute trust at an which is more than 1 can say for concerned only with upholdingthe explicitly sets out to accomplish. Rice's Honor System fails because imperfect Rice in an imperfect Syria, Jordan, , Iraq, integrity of the examination The "ivory-tower" aspects are it is not identically equal to the world, but even if they are in fact Iran, Libya, or Egypt. system; it is a code of academic quite desirable, but they are by- code there. While the Rice system excessive restrictions, they surely It seems quite logical to me that honor and very little else. It is not products of a system that would be does not demand universal are non-academic matters and Israel today exists where it does. an overly ambitious plan for a worth upholding even if its benefits honesty, it does promote respect therefore do not form a basis for an This may not be immediately Utopian society within the hedges; in no way transcended its written and trust. I find it easier to trust evaluation of the Honor System. apparent to the likes of Mr. indeed, the Honor System alone intent. Rice people than the general In effetivelv securing trust DiMuzio. I hope my letter will would provide room for all sorts of population, simply because I know approaching the absolute in one's inspire him and others like him to chaotic pursuits that would be Since the Rice Honor System /hat they share commitment to at academic endeavors, the Honor investigate and learn the truth. deemed dishonorable under codes does restrict itself to the realm of least one of the principles I greatly System functions well in its Mitch Neurock that seek to apply to all aspects of examinations and papers, it may value. The Honor System declared role. To claim that it fails Vice President, Rice Hillel one's life. Bombarding the master's appear that ours is a weaker system catalyzes the formation of deeper because it does not meet one's Richardson '88 house with yogurts and than some. Ours does - not trust, but it doesn't make that trust every expectation outside the automatic. Deep trust still must be academic arena seems not to be earned, which is as it should be. based on a clear conception ol New Beer-Bike track expenses to be split The Honor System here does what the primary intent of the give each person specific absolute of a mile around, and the "pit" Honor System is. by Paul Havlak The new track should cost rights, all of which pertain to the the area inside the track where John Moses Beer-Bike will be held on a around SI 1,000, Tanaka stated, examination system. Among these bikers start and stop each leg of the Wiess '87 newly-paved track in a different with the RPC paying S2000, each relay — will not be paved. part of the stadium parking lot this of the colleges $400, and the The first change was forced by year. Rice administrators and the administration paying the rest ot the size of the new location, the Rice Program Council decided to the cost. second by the prohibitive expense move the race after increased All the colleges approved the SUPPORT YOUR of paving the additional area. parking and traffic over the old expenditure over the past week, Because of the change in the ATTORNEY track rendered it unusable. clearing the final barrier to the length in the track, the RPC and According to RPC Beer-Bike paving of the new site. the women's Beer-Bike captains GENERAL... chairman Steve Tanaka, an "We have gone through a bunch have decided to increase the length outside contractor will begin of bureaucracy and red tape, but in of the legs in the women's race paving the track as soon as weather the end, the administration from one-half to two-thirds of a mile. um permits. Surveyors have already listened to the students, realized The track will consist of two marked the layout of the new there was a need, and together we semicircles of 175-foot radius track, to be located in the small lot found a solution," said Tanaka. joined by straight lines. The east of the stadium. There will be some important IN WE MANNER TO WHICH asphalt will be 13 feet wide on the The contractor should finish the differences between the new track H65 GROWN ACCU5T0M6P straightaways and 15 feet wide on track well before the race on April and the old. see Beer-Bike, page 7 13. The new track will be one-third Pizza inn

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The Rice Thresher, March 22, 1985, page 5 Bin ford, Pry or awarded Watsons to travel, study abroad continued from page I the world'' as it attempts to put where the Greens won their first Pryor hopes to discover the of a personal interest in the subject. new political concepts into action. political victories. The area suffers truth about the Green party. Some He has practiced zazen meditation The Green party is fueled by new from environmental decay and is critics have claimed it is for several years. German intellectuals concerned the source of conflict between reactionary and unable to provide Besides learning the language, about environmental and nuclear industrialists, tourists, farmers, coherent solutions to the problems Binford has also visited the San issues facing the industrialized, and townspeople. it defines. Others have dismissed it Francisco Zen Center and groups heavily populated nation. Pryor The Fulda gap is another area of as just a reemergence of German in Berkeley and New York in sees strong parallels between the interest for Pryor as the site for Romanticism. preparation for his study. He Germany of today and the United many anti-American protests. The Neither Pryor nor Binford corresponds with a number of Zen States of the near future. U.S. Army practices its tank intends to write a paper or a book Americans. "1 admire the Greens' spirited maneuvers there, destroying the on his experiences. The Watson Binford will leave for Japan in activism and involvement in their local farmlands. In retaliation the Fellowship requires only quarterly June. own country, which, sad to say, local people sabotage the facilities progress reports and a final Duane Pryor is going to seems to be rather lacking here," and demonstrate against nuclear accounting of the $10,000 Germany with his Watson said Pryor. missiles. awarded. Fellowship to examine the He plans to take a two-month "intellectual and political aspects intensive German study in Duane Pryor —P. Truzinski of the Green movement." Germany with his own money spend some time in Berlin, which Explaining that "a lot of their before using the Watson funds. he terms as "like their Berkeley - TexPIRG revival stalls initial intuitions correspond with Then he will talk to the Greens and lots of radicals and one of the by Patty Baron Student apathy has damaged the my own," Pryor seeks an find out "what's happening strong sites for squatter protests." Due to a lack of members and organization's chances for success, understanding of the "only where." Pryor would like to spend some funds, plans to revive TexPIRG, TexPIRG leaders said. successful movement of its kind in Pryor wants to start in Bonn and time in the Black Forest region Rice's consumer interest Both leaders cited the Mothers organization, have largely been Against Drunk Driving lecture as unsuccessful this semester. an example of the attitude of Rice RCMAC delays improvement funds students towards events sponsored What promised to be a by TexPIRG. Reportedly, only by Lisa Gray Hicks apparently saw it in this Plant had already begun cleaning productive semester for the three or four students attended the The Residential College state. the area before students took over. consumer-interest group began lecture. Management Advisory Commit- Reportedly. Hicks told Kreidler Lovett may be billed for the with very little activity. Scheduled tee (RCMAC) tabled Lovett that the mess was a sign that they workers' services. reports on long-distance services, Sanchez said, "I'm upset that College's request for ambience college was not responsibly caring Although no Lovett representa- area banks, and hot happy-hour there aren't enough Rice students funds during its Tuesday morning for previous improvements Food tive was present at the Tuesday spots have not been completed. to support a PIRG. Rice is not the meeting following a Sunday visit and Housing made to the morning RCMAC meeting which place for a Public Interest Group." "Campus mail lost thetelephone to the Lovett commons by Marion commons. He also said the college tabled the request for money, TexPIRGalso is hurt bythefact surveys," reported RSIO's David Hicks, Director of Food and would not receive the requested Kreidler found the tabling of the that it no longer receives financial Phiilips. He said that a bank Housing. lunds until the commons was proposal reasonable. support from a student blanket comparison will not be finished for Lovett College requested cleaned. "There's a really good reason tax. another a month. approximately $4,000 in At lunch that day. Kreidler they might want to talk to Ideally, a PIRG is funded by a improvement funds from Food asked Lovett College members to somebody, know what is going on. Co-chairman Janna Sanchez blanket tax so that it can afford to and Housing. clear the debris from the area. The comes of it, we'll be at cites numerous reasons for the do research in the interest of However, the department tabled job was completed that afternoon. the next meeting and will find out delays and inactivity. "We really students' consumer rights. the request after Hicks visited the Said Hicks, "Lovett did an then." can't do anything there isn't Greg Vint challenged this Lovett commons Tuesday. excellent job in short order. They RCMAC will meet again on support for," explained Sanchez. concept three years ago by Decorations from Lovett's found out we were concerned and J uesday, April 6 to reconsider "There needs to be more than four asserting that TexPIRG is a Saturday night casino party had were very responsive." appropriation of improvement people to get anything partisan organization. Following been stored in the college However, workers from Physical funds for Lovett. accomplished." Vint's lawsuit threat, TexPIRG commons. funding was rescinded and the According to Lovett President organization faded. Chris Kreidler. the commons was "in disarray, as it always is after a OWLS doesn't want undesirable men Sanchez reports that admini- continued from page I casino part v." damage the integrity of the society. Phillips said he did not view the strators have warned that "to try it specifically does not go through Said Little, "Men that we have special requirement as discrimina- and get a blanket tax reinstated this process in the constitution." talked to claim that they will join tory. He said he was assured by would be catastrophic. They are The Bokay Shop she said. solely lor the purpose of OWLS officers that they planned fearful some ultra-conservative overthrowing the organization." The members felt that there was to use the rule only to introduce will try the same thing. Village Florist male members to the organization. no need to change requirements However, Little added that, Fortunately there is enough money for women. even with the new rule, the society "It is really not in there to from four years ago for the things Beautiful Flowers "We have not vet had any is prohibited from denying discriminate. It is in there so that that we have intended to do." for any and every problems with our female membership to any person who the guys can get a flavor of what Sanchez sees Phillips' use of the occasion! members." Little said. wishes to join. the organization is about, because money this semester as being it has basically been an all-female instrumental in getting several Little conceded that OWLS When asked to explain how the organization." things accomplished and "kept it 2406 Ricc Blvd. officers are concerned that some rule will effectively discourage Phillips also said he from being controversial." men may join the organization undersirable prospective males recommended the rule because he 528-4466 The future chances of the group who t h e y consider to be from joining when the OWLS is understood the fears of OWLS are uncertain at best, said Sanchez. undesirable and who they feel may obliged to accept them as members that some men would Without student support or a members. Little refused to join the organization with the blanket tax, Sanchez said that comment. intent to injure it. CANDACE E. WILLIAMS TexPIRG is a "non-existing Said Phillips, "There's a Attorney at taw The Student Association senate group." DIVORCE MMIiVlAt* WILIS BUSINESS LAW approved the amended OWLS difference between discrimination Additional funding will have to Constitution on the recommenda- and taking an action to protect the come from a petition and 520-6500 tion of Parliamentarian David integrity and intent of an referendum to get TexPIRG Phillips. organization and making sure that its meaning and purpose is included amoung SA-funded Rice maintained. The officers have said organizations. that they do not intend to However, Sanchez was DEMO'S AUTOMOTIVE CENTER discriminate. Nonetheless, they encouraged after meeting with want the guys to know that this is President-designate George Rupp. attCHimv "We Offer Personalized Service" PIA7A an organization directed towards Since he "seems much more open female values." to change, it may enhance student Specializing In WTHWfST FRHY' anillllNHIHHIHNIIHIIIHIIIIIIIIIHHIIHIIIIIIIIimnUIINIIItlllllinillllllll I Cocktail Waitresses | TRANSMISSIONS BRAKES AIR CONDITIONING mscr sun | Dancers | — Spend a summer of FRONT END ENGINE ANALYSIS TIRE TRUING service in Latin America. BODY REPAIRS PAINTING UNDERCOATING Wlim MUSICAL | $100 + per day | — Enhance your professional school application. | full & part-time, | J UMVUMTY BLVD. As an AMIGOS volunteer, you can RENTAL CAR AVAILABLE | days/nights | provide public health services that BILLAIM HCLCOMBI | no exper. necessary | save lives in Latin America while gain- | flexible hours for 1 ing valuable experience for your 2438 TANGLEY AT KELVIN § students | tuture. Star* training now for next summer. 526-3781 | immediate openings | Contact: Amigos de las Americas 24 HOUR WRECKER SERVICE | 840-0565 | 5616Stai Lone Houston Texas 77057 ( 11 am to 6 pm, j 1 800-231 7796 (713)782-5290 I Mon—Fri I 1-800 392-4560 Un Texas) The Rice Thresher, March 22, 1985, page 6 Architecture students plan urban designs for homeless

by Sarah Jordan one downtown, at the corner of the Montrose area," said Mark Junior and senior architecture Travis and Franklin; the other at Johnson. "The homeless are students have spent the past Westheimer and Montrose. almost part of the atmosphere semester trying to solve a design According to students there." problem unique to urban areas — participating in the project, the Kirk von Spaeth said, "We what to do with street'people. challenges of designing a site would go at all hours of the day One of the courses offered this downtown are the lack of space and night. We saw one guy semester to junior and senior available for a center and downtown on Allen's landing, hut architecture students is "Building designing a center that will blend we didn't talk to him. Behind this in the Urban Fabric," taught by with the surrounding architecture, vacant meat packing place, Michael Underhill. but not imitate it. though, we found a bunch of The focus of the course is to blankets and rags and old "The center is different." said design a center for the homeless, newspapers where people slept. It Paul Harney, a student in the not just a place where street people was cold and very depressing." course. "It has to stand out a little, can go to get food and to spend the it has to be like a landmark for the The project has made students night, but a place where they can street people." more aware of the homeless in get "rehabilitated." Houston. One of the walls of the "Carved out of context," is how studio has magazine and According to the specifications Heather Young, another student, newspaper articles on the subject. of the project, the street people are described the downtown site. "The to be rehabilitated not just socially, Montrose site is just one building "I'm more aware of articles on through Jearning job skills, but in a space. The area around it is these people,"said Madeleine l ee. physically and emotionally as well very commercial." "Like the little boy who got by use of architectual design to fit stabbed at a bus stop. The guy who their needs. Both sites, however, have one did it had been turned out of a specific challenge in common: the A chapel and gym are included mental institution in Austin. It was Junior architect Heather Young at work K. Isacksen center built there must have some in the specifications for the overcrowded, so they gave some space for the public, so that the building, for instance. inmates some money and put them public does not see the center as a The philosophy underlying such on a bus to Houston. They came threat or a detriment to the a center is that the people that here and didn't have anywhere to neighborhood, but as an asset or, would seek shelter there need to be go." at the very least, something isolated in order to be reoriented "It's a very idealistic project," into society. After their stay there, acceptable. said Harney. "In reality, funding they would retun to the street with "This has been good for us,"said would be phenomenal." more psychological security and Young. "It's not often we get to Young said that because it was a new job skills, which they may spend more than six weeks on a project that would not result in either use or not use, as the aim of project. It's a chance to do more anything concrete, the idealism the center is to offer orientation than the superficial stuff." was an asset. "You don't have to back into society, not to push it. The class studied Houston street work with budget constraints. You The first four weeks of the people in order to better don't get bogged down with semester were spent on site understand their needs. ultrapracticalities. like dealing analysis. Two sites were chosen: "Ironically, we saw a lot more in with city council." Beer-Bike to get track continued from page 5 colleges will not be due until the curves. In order to avoid too around May 1987, Tanaka said. steep a drop-off, the asphalt, an Despite the large expenditure on 0 inch thick in the middle of the the track, the R PC will stil! be able track, will be beveled down flush to afford stands for Beer-Bike, with the existing pavement over Tanaka said, largely because they A relief map of Houston in the studio K. Isacksen the space a foot on the inside and "spent a lot more wisely this year." the outside edges. By his understanding, the $2000 The funding of the track was will be taken from three different RPC budgets to spread the negotiated over the last few We now months by administration and burden. student officials. The current plan Beer-Bike is held on the Deliver to Err ataman strikes again was attempted only last week. Saturday of Rondelet weekend, Rice U. and Although the administration which is April 13 this year. The Med Center Area Larry Lesser tells us that insisted on signed commitments event will start at 2 p.m. with the from each of the colleges before alumni race. In the event of rain, the Hanszen songwriting approving the paving of the new the race will be held on Sunday, course described in track, the payments from the April 14, Tanaka said. Tuesday's Thresher only counts for one credit hour. NODIB

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The Rice Thresher, March 22, 1985, page 7 Looking back at the Hack An examination of the Hackerman administration Story by Todd A. Cornett withdraw into scholarship totally, away from presidents Rice has had and their continued high students. A small university affords a lower ratio standards.") Photography by Pam Truzinski of older scholars to younger scholars. You get the ADMINISTRATIVE STYLE In 1968 Ken Pitzer, Rice University's third less ignorant and more ignorant mixed. Rice would resident, announced his resignation in order to waste its time if it tried to be an institution for mass ecome president of Stanford University. The education. Rice should act as template for higher Norman Hackerman's administrative style has Board of Governors established a three-member education and provide a route for people with been known "to make men tremble and certain committee to run the university until a new capabilities." women cry," as one staff member put it. One can president could be found. The committee consisted Hackerman contends that Rice is not bound by a always count on the president's total honesty and of Frank Vandiver; Carey Chroneis, University reputation which extends only to the Southwest, frank manner. Some have complained that this is Chancellor; and William Gordon, Dean of Science and Engineering. Later in the year, the board proceeded to appoint their own choice for president without soliciting the input of student and faculty members of the "Rice can be thought of as Search Committee. Much to the surprise of the Board of Governors, the faculty and students Rice Corporation, which protested the announcement of the new president, George Masterson, former history professor at makes money, and Rice Rice, with sit-ins, meetings, and walks from scheduled classes. Masterson shortly resigned his University, which spends appointment and a new search committee had to start from scratch. In 1969 Frank Vandiver was the money... The made acting president and Carey Chroneis remained as chancellor. corporation is the provider This was the environment Norman Hackerman entered when the Board of Governors, this time to the university, but the with faculty and student approval, appointed him the fourth president of Rice University in 1970. university has to spend the Norman Hackerman had been president of the University of Texas at Austin since 1967. From money wisely." 1963-7 he was Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and was made Vice President and Provost in 1961. He had been at UT-Austin since 1945. During 1945 he worked on the Manhattan Project, stating, "We're world class, not regional or an antagonistic type of administration; only when the A-bomb. He received his A.B. and Ph.D. from national. Rice's reputation is throughout the someone pushes hard enough will Dr. Hackerman Johns Hopkins University, in Baltimore, Maryland, academic world. Research determines top-ten listen. Hackerman simply states, "Sure I'm gruff — where he was born. ratings, not teaching." Charles Duncan, chairman but that's the way I am." of the Board of Governors, agrees: "On the Dr. Hackerman holds memberships on over Another constant of Hackerman's style is his presidential search trips we [the committee] came thirty prestigious boards, committees, and councils conservative fiscal administration. Two years after to realize that Rice enjoys a good reputation, including: Department of Defense's Science Board; he took over the university was back in the black, stronger than that enjoyed in the City of Houston. president or the Independent Colleges and an especially remarkable feat considering the This high standard is attributable to the four Universities of Texas (ICUT);chairman of the inflation of the early seventies. According to National Science Foundation; and, chairman of the Hackerman, "During my first year here, I realized Scientific Advisory Board of the Robert A. Welch that I would have to establish a fiscal vision of Foundation. He has been editor of the journal of the stability in how we spent our money. This meant Electrochemical Society since 1969 and has published cleaning house in some departments, as in more than 200 articles — a list over a yard long. In publications we couldn't afford, and establishing 1980 when asked if he interested in becoming programs that were fiscally sound. Science Advisor to President Reagan, he declined. "Rice can be thought of as Rice Corporation, Hackerman even has a land mass named after him which makes money, and Rice University, which — Hackerman Ridge in Antarctica. spends money. The treasurer handles the former; When Hackerman took the Rice presidency in tne president handles the latter. The corporation is 1970, he was met by a sullen and somber student the provider to the university, but the university body and faculty; a university budget that had been has to spend the money wisely." in the red for years; and the death of Carey This philosophy has stuck for fifteen years. Chroneis, University Chancellor. No new According to Duncan, "The proof is in the eating of chancellor was appointed to perform what an the pudding. Everyone has benefited from External Affairs Vice President would do. Norman's fiscal administration. The secure Hackerman was in charge of both the internal and position we are in now was not arrived at by external operations of the university. His handling accident." Nonetheless, the most common of those and other problems of his 15-year tenure complaint of Dr. Hackerman's administration has has obviously affected Rice University, and will been, "Look at all that money — half a billion continue to affect the university for years to come. dollars — and it's not being spent." His administrative style, views on education and To this question Hackerman responds, "There is undergraduate life, and faculty and staff no money not being spent! The endowment is a appointments have created a different Rice from money machine that generates fifty to sixty million the Rice of the "Institute days" and will determine , per year. We use around thirty; the other twenty how the next president will approach his goes goes back to maintain quality, i.e., keep up presidency. with inflation, etc. Suppose one building cost ten "The initial goals of the million to build. That means six hundred thousand VIEWS ON EDUCATION AND RICE that could have made for next year is gone. founder are still good... Suppose I did this five times. The next year's budget would be three million less. I could be a As president of ICUT during 1974-1981, Dr. Long-range planning is great guy and blow it. Next year there would be Hackerman has been quoted often concerning his nothing.' views on the current state of higher education in this country: "Higher education should be a nothing but linear According to Vice President for Administration combination of intellectual stimulation and for Administration William Akers, under whose responsibility the aggressive Development Office training, with an emphasis on education. No real examination at a transit falls, "Beginning in 1970 the board decided for a training takes place in laboratories; instead, they full-scale development program. Hackerman has afford educational foundations that instill the point. I don't want to be given unlimited time, energy, and support for capacity to learn." About egalitarianism or elitism development. We would not have near so much a in higher education, he states, "It's a problem of bound by linear pile if it were not for his efforts. Because of his troops and generals. Mass education is egalitarian, extensions, especially since development office activities, we have endowed but it also elevates; however, it doesn't enhance. chairs, scholarships, etc. Almost every phase of the You don't want to squelch those with capabilities." university has received benefits." Concerning Rice, he states, "The primary none of these foresee purpose of Rice is to produce a stream of educated The second rncjst common complaint with the Hackerman administration is lack of long-range people. One advances by participating in transition." planning by the administration. The problem was scholarship, but we have to reverse teachers that 1 The Rice Thresher, March 22, 1985, page 8 made apparent in the self-study reports. For quality of students. Margrave explains that good purpose. It has gotten out of hand lately. It example, page 42 of the Summary Report reads, Hackerman's view as well as his own is that "the heals internal fractures by providing external "Decision-making is perceived in many quarters as faculty should hustle for the research money, the competition and emphasizing teamwork. Athletics being more influenced by immediate or short-run recognition and the productivity." Concerning the are a common reference for people who have only considerations than by systemic, long-range quality of graduate students compared to general interest. So it does serve some purpose. planning. . . [The president] believes that ne undergraduates: "Tuition is waived universally at "Concerning disadvantages — there are no two engages constantly in planning. For him, however, Stanford/Berkeley/Harvard/Chicago/Rice. So 20 ways about it. There is a tendency to segregate and planning means considering the long-range percent of the top students end up here. We're label. This is costly. Also the Honor Code violations implications of each major decision he makes, not competing with tne best schools and since 1971 taint the image. I dislike the focus on football. an explicit, coordinated, ongoing process of long- we've ranked at the bottom of the top ten in most Income from the Southwest conference football range planning as practiced in many graduate areas." games supports the football program. The organizations." university supports the rest of the athletic UNDERGRADUATE LIFp programs. If we had been founded on the marshes To this Hackerman responds, "The initial goals of New Jersey, reather than Houston, we would of the founder are still good. Change just for the According to Hackerman, "In 1970, the students now probably only be in basketball or division sake of change is wrong. Long-range planning is were long-faced and intense. They seemed three. Harvard supports its athletic program nothing but linear extrapolation at a transit point. I incapable of having fun. Now it's a 180-degree through academic charges. Perhaps there is no don't want to bound by linear extensions, turn. Rice students can be just as screwy as proper solution." students anywhere. They're not particularly somber now." Vice President for Undergraduate Affairs Ronald Stebbings stated that Hackerman "only intervenes in undergraduate situations that require special considerations. He looks extremely and critically at any proposed change that would have significant impact on the students." Former Dean of Undergraduate Affairs Katherine Brown, appointed by Hackerman in 1973, feels that Hackerman "has always been accessible to the students. They may not have always received what they wanted, however. He prefers not to discuss what he hasn't received in writing and he admires persistence and, of course, good proposals." She feels that there are probably three major proposals that were brought to Hackerman that he approved and have subsequently affected undergraduate life. "He allowed for an increased Master's budget. Special funds were set up to improve the Master's house and provide for a semster with full-pay leave in addition to eligibility for a seven-year sabbatical. This was set up to especially since none of these foresee transition. attract productive scholars and good role models. It's easier to set plans for a factory than for a He also allowed for increased funding of the university. It just doesn't work as well for people university tutoring program and SENSA, both It's best to watch for what is happening and use administered through the Office of Student his long-range pragmatism. Long-range planning Advising. And third, the number of coed colleges fter proves debilitating rather than productive. As for has increased. In 1972 approval was granted for ick, those staff-members under me — I define their Baker and Hanszen to become coed. Now all but the responsibilities and we talk about them. But I don't two are. Hackerman realized at the time coed was a to issue them a Hackerman Guidebook. They're supposed sensitive subject. He was careful, judicious, and lzed to be intelligent people." sympathetic." of •ant COLLEGES AND PHYSICAL PLANT When asked about coed colleges and student life, in Hackerman commented, "They'll all go coed in a ing reasonable amount of time. Being coed reduces One of the first things Hackerman did as high-spirited devaluation of property and you president was budget to refurbish the physical learn how to live with people a little different from plant of the campus. In 1970, the power cables of yourself." 1912 and storm sewer systmes of 1913 were still in use. Since the university was in a financial bind, FACULTY these and other physical plant problems had been ignored. According to Vice President for Van Helden, Speaker of the Faculty Council, Administration William Akers, "The colleges had stated, "Hands down, the average level of the gone downhill, especially during the post-World faculty has improved under Hackerman, although War II era. Wiess was not built for permanent it is not clear which way we want to go. The housing but for temporary housing. It's had the humanities are underfunded as well as the library. most work. The biology, Wiess, and Anderson labs There is a lot of frustration. Ever since its were also built at that time." beginning Rice has been run by scientists. Now we In 1981, the president and I established the should ask ourselve, 'Where do we want to take College Maintenance Endowment whereby the this university?' Although there is frustration, physical facilities of the colleges would be provided faculty morale has improved. In the late 70's with for. Essentially it's a loan in excess of seven million inflation, the faculty was more pessimistic. Now that the colleges pay back at a fixed rate. The total salaries are more competitive and there is more 'In 1970, the students principle paid back is called the college endowment movement in the university on a lot of fronts. or maintenance fund. It equals approximately one Provost and Vice President William Gordon is were long-faced and million dollars. The interest goes to the university charged with maintaining the academic integrity of coffers. The reason for such elaborate accounting the faculty. He interviews every potential new intense. They seemed is that the colleges are considered renters; they faculty member and administers the teacher have to pay for the service they receive." evaluation forms, as well as serving with incapable of having fun. Hackerman on the committee that considers GRADUATE STUDIES promotion and tenures. He says "Hackerman feels Now it's a 180-degree that teaching and research are important and the Advanced Studies and Research was created considered faculty member should oe good in both, turn." under Hackerman to handle the budgets of while very good in one. Service to the university is tion graduate and research programs conducted on the also important." ose university. It was intended to centralize and RETIREMENT fice provide communications and quality control. ATHLETICS :>r a With the addition of two professional schools, has the Jones and Shepherd schools, the number of President Hackerman has gone through six When the Hackermans retire from Rice, for professors with masters and Ph.D.s has risen board chairmen and six head football coaches since effective July 1, 1985, they will return to Austin. :h a dramatically. The number of graduate students is his arrival. Every year the tension between Mrs. Hackerman has several job offers, and she will his now over 1200, compared to 650 in 1970. academics and athletics seems to grow, with also serve on the Governor's Commission for A/ed According to Vice President for Advanced Studies faculty, students, and alumni becoming more Women. Dr. Hackerman will continue to serve on the and Research John Margrave, "The university has adamant about the sides they take. Hackerman had the committees, boards, and councils he serves on definitely come forward, yet it's still seeking to the following comments about Rice athletics now, and will return to Houston where he still is define itself." during the last fifteen years: Chairman of the Scientific Advisory Board of the The two most common complaints for graduate "My view is that collegiate athletics is an Robert A. Welch Foundation. He will also have a studies concern under-budgeted programs and the important part fof the universityl and serves a research lab in the chemistry department. The Rice Thresher, March 22, 1985, page 9 THRESHER FINE /4RTS Baker, Wiess & Rice Players present their spring productions

During the next week or so, happiness only to have it shattered members of the Rice community by the intrusion of the outside will be able to see the last four Echoes world. theatrical productions of this Rice Players This absorbing drama probes semester. Apart from the three Directed by Neil Havens the difference between illusion and listed below, Brown College's Preview reality, past and present, memory Uncommon Women and Others and imagination. It examines the is playing through tomorrow Rice Players will present Echoes joy of shared love and the painful night. This is the last opportunity by N. Richard Nash as its second discovery that ultimately we are this semester, so make the most of offering this semester. The play alone. Love in the "pretend" world it. was the 1972 Award Play of the of the asylum is just as vulnerable — ian.fae American Playwrights Theatre, as it is in the "real" world. the association of over 200 This production will run from The Tempest univeristy and community Monday, March 25 through Baker Shakespeare theaters. Saturday, March 30. All Directed by Trevor Baxter Mr. Nash has taken a simple performances will be at 8 p.m. in Preview story of a young man and a young Hamman Hall. The box office woman who fall in love and has opens on March 20 and William Shakespeare's The THEATRE expanded it with an original twist. reservations can be made by Tempest will be this year's Baker The couple is in an asylum and calling 527-4040. Shakespeare production, a there, they build a paradise of — Trevor Schelbourg tradition now in its sixteenth year. The story concerns two couples. Written in Shakespeare's later Sky Masterson and Sarah Brown years, this romance deals with and Nathan Detroit and Miss Free concerts abound in Houston Fest political intrigue and romance Adelaide. Sky and Nathan are School of Music presents a among a group of people stranded Houston Festival Theater at 8 p.m. in a performance gamblers who have several bets "Schubertfest" with Sergiu Luca, on an island. This production is Through March 31 of Gian Carlo Menotti's Trial of with each other, one being that Sky violinist, at Cohen House at 7 p.m. visually spectacular with lots of Preview the Gypsy (call 522-7811 for ticket can take a woman to Havana for (call 527-4933 for ticket info). music, magic and dancing. info). dinner. Nathan and Miss Adelaide The Houston Festival, the Monday, March 25: Noontime Thursday, March 28: Noontime Noted English actor and play- have been engaged for a dozen or celebration of Houston and the Concert in the Tunnel System Concert from noon to I p.m. at wright Trevor Baxter will direct the so years but Nathan is scared and arts, started this week and beginning at Allied Bank Plaza Texas Commerce Tower, 60th production. Mr. Baxter, who is won't take the plunge. continues throughout the month from 11:45 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. Floor, the Concert Corale of teaching a Shakespeare course for Anyway, a craps game is being of March. Activities scheduled featuring the Chrysalis Repertory Houston (free). Noontime Concert the English Department in range from dance concerts to Dance Company and music by from 11:45 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. at the addition to an acting course, has organized but, because of the police, all suitable places have been classical music to jazz to paintings Harry Gryk (free). Noontime Lyric Office Center, 440 worked with t Jre Royal to literary events to cooking Concert at Two Houston Center, Louisiana, a musical revue by Shakespeare Company and has closed down except for one, the mission where Miss Adelaide competitions — virtually anything McKinney at San Jacinto from Stages Repertory Theater Co. acted extensively in modern you can think of. 11:45 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. featuring (free). Te.xpo '85 at the Rice Media drama. works. As can be expected in a good musical comedy, the mission The following is a partial list of Buddy Brock and his Orchestra Center at 7:30 p.m. featuring The play runs from Monday, gets raided during the game, some of the events scheduled. (free). New Music Forum of recent media art produced in this March 25 through Saturday, leading to all kinds of confusion Friday, March 22: Noontime Houston at the Arena Stage at the region (free). HSPVA in the March 30 at 8 p.m. in Baker and complications. Concert at City Hall from 11:45 Alley at 8 p.m. featuring David HSPVA Theater at 8 p.m. perform commons. Tickets are $3 for a.m. to 1:15 p.m. featuring the Moss, percussion, and Joseph Gian Carlo Menotti's Unicorn, students and S4 for non-students. The only way to rescue the Festival Brass Ensemble (free). Celli, oboe and video (call 521- Gorgon and Manticore (for ticket Reservations can be made bv mission and Miss Adelaide is for Delia Stewart Dance Company at 0993 for ticket info). Words Alive! info call 522-7811). Farrell Dyde calling 630-8019. Nathan to get twelve sinners to go the Tower Theater at 8 p.m. (call at 8 p.m. at Munchies Cafe at 8 Dance Theater at St. John's to the mission to be saved. 522-6375 for ticket info). p.m. featuring winners of juried School Auditorium at 8 p.m. (call Guys and Dolls will play tonight Saturday, March 23: Outdoor literary competition reading from 523-2679 for ticket info). through Sunday, March 24 and Festival downtown from 10:30 their works (free, call 528-3545 for Saturday, March 30: Houston Guys and Dolls Thursday, March 28 through a.m. to 6 p.m. featuring more info). Symphony Orchestra at Jones M icss Tabletop Saturday, March 3 0. All performances on seven stages in I uesday, March 26: Noontime Hall at 10:30 a.m. in an open Directed by Denise Starkey performances will be at 8 p.m. in Sam Houston Park, Market Concert at Tenneco Plaza, Milam rehearsal (free). Market Square Preview Wiess Commons. Tickets are S3 Square, and Tranquillity Park at Lamar, from 11:45 a ,m. to 1:15 After Hours, the annual Bayou for students and $4 for non- North (free); beer, wine, and ethnic p.m. featuring Leon "Pappy" Bash from 6 p.m. to midnight with For its spring production, Wiess students. Reservations can be foods available (continues through Selph and the Blue Ridge Playboys live entertainment (free) and wine, Tabletop will present the musical made by calling the Wiess College March 31 daily). Bach 300th (free). Noontime Concert in the beer, and ethnic foods available. comedy Guys and Dolls. office at x2313. Birthday celebration at Christ RepublicBank Lobby, 700 Houston Public Library, Annual Church Cathedral, 1117 Texas, 2 Louisiana, from 11:45 a.m. to 1:15 Booksale at the Library Plaza, 500 Skip the Books Tonight! p.m. to 7 p.m. featuring the Texas p.m. featuring the Houston McKinney from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Chamber Orchestra and the Symphony Orchestra (free). U of The American Film Institute at the Houston Symphony Orchestra H New Music Ensemble at 8 p.m. HSPVA at 7:30 p.m. featuring Richmond (call 227-ARTS). Market Square in the HSPVA Recital Hall (call "Best of the 1st Annual Home "After Hours," 6 p.m. to midnight 749-3796 for ticket info). Video Contest" by Walter Williams, creator of "Mr. Bill" Southwest Freeway featuring live entertainment (free) Wednesday, March 27: and beer, wine, and ethnic foods Noontime Concert at First City (free, for more info call 522-7811). available. Tower, South Plaza, Fannin at Sunday, March 31: Art Auction Sunday, March 24: Delia Dallas, featuring Milt Larkin and at Sam Houston Park at 1 p.m. We accept CHICAGO PIZZA Stewart Dance Company at the his All Star Big Band from 11:45 Music America at the University of Visa Tower Theater at 3 p.m. (call 522- a.m. to 1:15 p.m. (free). Singing St. Thomas in Cullen Hall at 7 MasterCard 6375 for ticket info). Shepherd Boys of Houston at HSPVA p.m. featuring works by Menotti American Express WE DELIVER and Houston composer Tom Benjamin (free, call 522-7911 for more info). Shepherd School of TAPE 1 Music presents a "Schubertfest" 526-9780 with Sergiu Luca, violin, at Cohen Rice University DUPLICATING! House at 7 p.m. (call 527-4933 for 4100 MANDELL (Between Richmond & Alabama) ticket info). For fast service call our PIZZA HOT LINE 20% off blank tapes! — Trevor Schelbourg kinkoT i BUY A BMW $9.99 SPECIAL t $2.00 THAT OFFERS OFF ANY LARGE PIZZA Expires: 4/30/85 One Large Pizza with one I THE OPTION OF topping plus 2 salads and a ! $1.50 A EUROPEAN pitcher of soft drink — All for OFF ANY MEDIUM PIZZA U. of H /Gulf Freeway I $9.99!! 4/27 Calhoun *B Rice uyMed Center Southwest freeway VACATION AT Houston. Texas 77004 2368 Rice Boulevard 2035 Southwest Freeway $1.00 (713 ) 74 7-8088 Houston. Texas 77098 Houston, Texas 77005 (713) 520 9753 Offer goojd through March 31, 1985 ] II NO EXTRA COST!! For Dine-in orders only OFF ANY SMALL PIZZA Clear Lake Area (713) 521-9465 989 hasa Rd. * 1 Downtown BMW Auto Center Coupon may not be used Houston, Texas 77058 2811 Main Street Thick, Thin or Deep Dish Houston, Texas 77002 7300 SW Freeway combination with any other discount! (713) 480-6420 (Not valid with any other offer.) (713) 654 8161 I Houston, Texas goffer or coupon. Expires March 31, 1985 (713) 981-7300

The Rice Thresher, March 22, 1985, page 10 ( THIS WEEK by Karen Nickif

Opera concert at Summit Arena next Thursday, March 28 at 8 The Eastman Brass Quintet comes to Rice's Hamman p.m. TOTO's double-platinum album, TOTO IV, and their Hall, under the sponsorship of the Houston Friends of The Houston Grand Opera, under the leadership of David recently-released Isolation will be featured during the Music and the Shepherd School of Music, for a Tuesday Gockley, presents the first of four performances of performance. For information on the concert, call 627- evening concert on April 2 at 8 p.m. The virtuosos will Tschaikovsky's lyrical romantic opera, Eugene Onegin, 9452. All proceeds will be donated to the IISO, the United include in their program Mendelssohn's Quartet in E-flat tonight at 8 p.m. in Jones Hall for the Performing Arts. Service Organization. Major (Op. 12), and Reynolds' Duos for Horn and Sergiu Comissiona, Music Director of the Houston T rombone, among others. Tickets for students and senior Symphony Orchestra, makes his HGO debut conducting citizens cost $5, while the rest of the public must pay $10. members of the HSO. Gian Carlo Menotti, composer and They can be purchased at the concert office, or at the door librettist of modern opera classics, also makes his HGO the night of the performance. For more information, debut, as Director. Additional performances are Sunday, George Winston returnsio Houston on Sunday, March 31. contact Roslyn Ruethain at 527-4933. March 24 at 2:30 p.m. and Tuesday, March 26, and Friday, with an evening of solo piano in Jones Hall. The March 29, both at 8 p.m. The opera is performed in three performance will bring out the mellow blend of jazz, folk, acts, in Russian, with English Surtitles by Scott Heumann. and classical music which .makes up his brand of music. Ticket prices range from $6.50 to (gasp!) $55.50 and are available at the Houston Ticket Center in Jones Hall, all The Shepherd School Symphony Orchestra, with Ticketron outlets including Joske's, and Showtix, or by Benjamin Zander as guest conductor, leave their home turf the chargeline 227-ARTS, which is also the number to call to give a concert at the First United Methodist Church on if you need any more information. Wednesday. March 27, at 8 p.m. Mr. Zander, who is the founder and conductor of the Boston Philharmonic Music Orchestra, will conduct the Shepherd School student and alumni soloists on Schubert's Unfinished Symphony and A series of big star appearances begins with Chicago blues Beethoven's B Minor Mass ("Kyrie. Glori") in this free greats Son Seals and Koko Taylor, who will be appearing concert. For more information, contact Roslyn Ruethain tonight and tomorrow night, March 22 and 23, at at 527-4933. Rockefeller's on 3620 Washington Avenue. The grammy- Pianist George Winston brings his folk-jazz to Jones Hall Film nominated Seals and the "Queen of the Blues" team their considerable talents for these two concerts, both of which made popular by his albums Autumn, Winter Into Spring, begin at 9 p.m. and most recently December. Tickets for the 8 p.m. concert The Tuesday French film series at Rayzor Hall contiues on cost $11.50 and $13.50 and are currently available at March 26 with line Chante, /'autrepas, a 1976 105-minute Ticketron outlets (including all Joske's stores) or by calling film by Varda. 1 he film is shown in French with English Teletron at 526-1709. subtitles, and begins at 4 p.m. in I 10 Rayzor Hall. This series continues each Tuesday, with its final screening on America's most popular Christian rock hand, Petra, brings April 16. its music and its message to the Hofheinz. Pavillion at the University of Houston on Saturday and Sunday, March 23 Theatre and 24. Tickets can be purchased at the door or at most Houston Symphony Orchestra's sixteenth subscription Christian book stores, but you had better hurry if you want concert will be held on Monday. April 1, at 8 p.m. in Jones The Rice Players present the 1972 award play of I he them, because the first night is already sold out. On Hall. Sergiu Comissiona conducts the Symphony and American Playwrights Theatre. Echoes, beginning March Sunday, the curtain will go up at 2 p.m. soloist Yefim Bronfman on Brahms's Symphony No. 3 and 25 and continuing until March 30. with performances each Rachmaninoff's Piano Concerto No. 3. If you'd like tickets evening at 8 p.m. in Hamman Hall. The play unfolds the to this particularly good concert, call 224-4240 for more story of a young man and woman who build a paradise information, or go to any Ticketron outlet. within an asylum only to have it shattered by the intrusion of the outside world. For further information on this "TOTO for USOpart of the Budweiser spring concert absorbing drama, contact Neil Havens.Director of the series tours, will stop in Houston long enough to give a Plavers, at 527-4027.


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"BAKEfc-Vi U~ "RICE QUAt> r?n


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The Rice Thresher, March 22, 1985, page 11 THRESHER SPORTS Rice is All-American at national swim championships by John Lippert some Rice records set at the SWC new Rice records in the National 12th in the 100 fly (58.83) for 3:35.78. Also placing was the 800 The season is now over, but the meet. Rob Koger, in his first year meet. The relay teams were also as another record. Carol Snell scored free relay team of Barbara and Rice swim team has everything in at Rice, had a hand in all three of strong as ever, adding one final her record time in the 500 free Carol Snell, Kathy Jenkins, and the world to look forward to, Rice's latest swimming records. record to the year's total of 11. (5:03.47) for a tenth-place finish, Pritchard, placing 8th in 7:51.27, including eight AU-Americans Two of those were set at the SWC Dokter individually scored 43 and Jill Pritchard matched a 13th.- and the 400 medley relay of Truax, returning next year. The Owls meet, as Koger swam to a 16th.- points, probably one of the top 15 place swim in the 1650 free Dokter, Heil, and Jones, finished the year with strong place finish in the 100 fly for a performances in the meet. She (17:44.10). swimming to an 11 th-place finish performances in the SWC meets record and personal best time of scored fifth in the 200 fly (2:07.71) The 400 free relay team, of 4:03.92. during mid-semester break. Both 52.03. The relay teams took to the for a Rice record and eighth in the consisting of Regina Truax, Stacy Rice has never had eight All- men and women finished in the water to set a Rice record in the 800 200 back (2:11.87). Jones Jones, and the Snell sisters, American swimmers, and judging traditional last place, but were very free relay (7:11.92). The swimmers accounted for 23 points, placing completed the virtual rewriting of by the recent success and near- competitive this year with the more on this crew, in addition to Koger, eighth in the 100 back (1:00.54), Rice's record books with their future prospects, the swimmers powerful SWC schools. were David Gregory, David 10th in the 200 IM (2:11.71), and I2th-place finish in a time of will be adding to that next year. Johnson, and Jim Brigman. The The women scored 157 points men swimmers really outdid BASEBALL overall, far behind Texas'winning themselves at this meet, each score of 1176, but not far from swimmer doing at least one sixth- and seventh-place TCU and personal best time — and many Owls henpeck Cards and Hogs Texas Tech. Coach Wingenroth more doing more than one. Rice was supposed to host Campbell and two other Arkansas cited Stacy Jones and Regirja Ijy Tony Soltero Brigman led the multi-personal- Arkansas for a three-game series pitchers en route to a 13-2 win that Truax as outstanding performers Too much has already been said best scorers, as he had four, and on Friday and Saturday, but rain broke the ice for Rice in conference in this meet. Jones qualified for about the way the Rice baseball was followed by Gregory, Ron washed out the field for both days, play. nationals in four individual events, leam was supposed to struggle this Jacobs, and Dave McDermott in necessitating the Sunday while Truax qualified in two. year because of the disintegration For Rice, everybody got a hit all of their events. doubleheader. Michelle Doktor, Barbara Snell, of the starting rotation. We were except for leftfielder Jay and Carol Snell joined them in Unfortunately the men's season going to die once conference play ; The sun finally showed up on Knoblauh, and everybody but adding to the list of Rice ended there in Arkansas, as none started, they all said. Sunday, and the Owls took the shortstop Bryan Foxx scored a representation at Nationals. were able to match the tough Good thing coach David Hall field against the talented Hogs. On run. The big RBI men were first Division I qualifying times. The didn't let his troops listen to that the moupd for Rice stood the baseman Eric Graff, who belted Placing in individual events women, however, sent eight kind of tripe. On St. Patrick's Day, unbeaten Ed Holub, squaring off two homers and hauled in five were Stacy Jones, 10th in the 100 swimmers to the NCAA Division the players rebounded from a against Fred Farwell of Arkansas. runs, and designated hitter Mike hack (1:01.03) and 12th in the 200 II Championships last weekend. shaky 8-4 loss in the first game to Farwell got the better of this Patrick, who stroked three hits and IM (2:12.80); Michelle Doktor, As mentioned above, all eight were the visiting Arkansas Ra/.orbacks duel, mowing down Owl after Owl drove in four runs. Second 14th in the 200 IM (2:12.76) and to become AU-Americans by winning the nightcap decisively, while his teammates pecked away baseman Jeff Tousa chipped in 16th in the 200 back (2:12.45): following their successful 13-2. Fueled by that uprising, the at Holub for one in the second, two with a two-run homer of his own. Anita Heil, 15th in the 100 breast swimming. Rice finished 13th Owls then proceeded to avenge an in the third and two in the sixth. With their confidence in tow, (1:10.39); Kathv Jenkins, 15th in overall in the nation, scoring a early-season loss to Lamar by When Arkansas put some icing on Rice rested on Monday and the 1650 free (18:19.80): and Carol strong 120 points, way lip from the shellacking the Cardinals 16-1 at the cake with three runs in the top proceeded to prepare against Snell. 14th in both the 500 free 19-point 21st from last year. Cameron Field on Tuesday. What of the seventh, Rice looked Lamar, a team that defeated the (5:09.27) and the 200 back Individuals to be commended a difference a month makes. finished. After all, the Owls were Owls 22-5 earlier this year. Well, (2:12.46). include Michelle Dokter, placing The Owls now stand at 17-6, 1-1 now down 8-0. turnabout is fair play, as Rice The men capped a successful in four events, and Stacy Jones, in the SWC. And they beat a good Then, in the bottom of that pasted the Beaumont visitors by a season, in which every swimmer who placed third. Along with Arkansas team and a good Lamar seventh, the Owls erupted, 16-1 score. Steve Blackshear was scored personal best times, with Carol Snell, Dokter and Jones set team to get there. showing a hunger to win and a brilliant, going all the way and never-sav-die attitude. They allowing only four hits and one run pushed four runs across the plate, in eight innings. He piled up five knocking out Farwell, before strikeouts to raise his record to 3-1. running out of outs. But the Oh, sweet revenge. message was clear: Rice is not The Owls pounded 16 hits in going to roll over. running the Cardinals into the Shortstop Ben Mathews and ground. Catcher Mike Fox had rightfielder Curtis Fox (no, he four of the safeties, and Curtis Fox wasn't pitching) were the heroes of and Graff contributed three each. the abortive last-minute rally. Graff also drove in five runs, giving Mathews slammed a double that him 10 in two games. scored centerfielder John Cegelski So now Rice is on a roll. And and second baseman Kent Koppa. rolling the fastest are Patrick, mm Fox quickly followed by poling a who's hitting .457 with 19 RBI, and Farwell offering out of the park to James Thompson, who's at .408. close the gap to 8-4. Graff has really turned it on after a The second game featured Todd slow start and he's now hitting .324 Ogden on the mound for the Owls with 14 ribbies. Carl Mikeska leads and Kevin Campbell on the hill for the team in RBI with 24, and the Hogs. This one wasn't a game Knoblauh leads in runs scored for very long. Rice assaulted see Owls, page 13 THE UNIVERSITYOF HOUSTON-UNIVERSITY PARK LONDON STUDY PROGRAM SUMMER SEMESTERS I & II WHERE: London, England WHEN: CONTACT: Summer I May 30-July 4 $/ London Study Program Summer II July 9-August 14 English Department Students may enroll tor both UH-UP Houston,]* 77004 summer sessions Attn: Gillian Landreneau COURSES: (713) 749-3483/749-4726 English and Art REQUIREMENTS: UH-UP students in good standing, transfer students from accredited colleges and universities, sophomore, junior, and senior level PREREQUISITES: The students must have completed his/her freshman English requirements and be working toward a degree. All majors with at least a 2.00 GPA are invited to apply. COSTS: ONE SUMMER SESSION

Tuition for six hours credit: 104.00* Students who sign up for both summer Housing & Program Fee: 1,096.00 sessions will pay a total of $2,250.00. Airfare is not included Group travel 570.00 plus $3.00 Application fee: 50.00 tax round trip "Subject tochangesin UH-UP Administration Fee: 100.00 tuition costs. Total: $1,350.00

The Rice Thresher, March 22, 1985, page 12 MEN'S BASKETBALL Retrospect: Miller and Witten talk about basketball by Chris Low ranee "For a college athlete that doesn't about the weights or the academic here with a degree, it'll mean much of athletics. You can go out on lay much, you always wonder, advising. Lyn Phillips works so more later than it does now. [Highway] 59 and rent a billboard The following interviews are ou make a decision, and then you hard as our academic advisor, and Academics is the foundation that with the football schedule on it, with Tom Miller and John Witten, Coach Irwin in the weight room is you lean on. and you'll get some more fan two of the four graduating seniors jfto the best you can with your so excited [about the program], 1 "Our gym can have an effect on response. There are too many on the Owls basketball team (the decision, and 1 was satisfied. I felt wish we were still playing. I have other teams. Coach Eddie Sutton people used to doing things the old other two, Tracy Steele and Tony that when 1 played, I played well. I achieved what I wanted to do; I wrote a dissertation on crowd way. Rice is afraid to let anybody Barnett, were interviewed in didn't intend to be a professional know what I'm doing next year. response at basketball games: too. They're capable people, but Tuesday's paper.) Tom Miller ball player. I came here for the sole It's kind of a relief. It's another step nobody wants to play at Arkansas. they're outdated." said, "We were extremely purpose of getting into med in my life, lf^ou don't try hard, The school [Rice] needs to disappointed .with our record. 1 school. How can you be socially Commenting on athletes' needs: and you end on a down note, you promote the program more than it don't think any of the players dissatisfied with Houston? No "As far as advising goes, I know wonder about your career. It's a does or else drop it. There's not a thought that we weren't going to way." that other schools send tutors on disappointment and a good feeling great deal of emphasis put on the NIT this year. I think we blew road trips, and I think that would Concerning the Owls' at the same time to end my career. winning. Winning isn't everything, some chances: we lost too many be a big help. We're gone for three performance, he added, "If you I've enjoyed this year, I really but it makes it a lot easier. Losing, games by too few points. We need or four days at a time. Mrs. don't consider the last half of the have. athletically, makes you put off a killer instinct. I think that now season, yes, we are improving as a Phillips does a good job and was "As a player, the longer that you academically, and you dig yourself that the old guard is leaving, the team. We didn't end the year on a really needed within the program." play for one coach, the more you a hole. It's just a lot more team will improve; we've had too positive note as we did last year. know what he wants you to do, the comfortable when you're winning. "I'm kind of glad that it's over, much experience losing. The The coaches are very excited about better you get along and the closer Building a winning program can be but I know that I will miss University of Houston game didn't the new players, so I think they'll that you get to him. He's done a lot accomplished by pushing the basketball. After being out the first shake us any. It was really kind of a do well. They'll be very young, for me, personally: he helped me university. Right now, the whole semester, I just felt like coming lift. We thought that we would which will be a positive experience by writing letters of recommenda- emphasis is on academics. Adding back and contributing. I was just bear them next time. We got some in the long run. Greg Hines, tion. I think that he, along with the a successful athletic program glad to be back in school to get my bad breaks and didn't use our Terence Cashaw, Ivan Petit, and program, has progressed. would enhance the university. By degree. That's what we're here for. opportunities. There was no Dave Ramer will be next year's getting a program off of the Basketball has been part of my life specific breaking point in the leaders. When it [Autry Court] is "Taking division I programs ground, it can succeed. It would for so long, it's like losing part of season." tfull, it's a great place to play. But 1 away would hurt the school. enhance the academic reputation your family. I'm looking at think all the players wish we had a Putting the books down, every When asked if he had regretted of the school. The athletic becoming a grad assistant at new gym. You can't complain once in a while, adds to the college playing basketball at Rice, he said, reputation now is like Doones- several schools. That will help experience. Excellence in bury; it's a joke. I feel that the initiate mydecison about whether academics and athletics would be MEN'S TENNIS academics and its reputation is not 1 want to coach or not. 1 would like the ideal situation." going to be surpassed by the to be able to get a program off of Expressing his feelings toward athletic reputation. the ground. If you have the basketball, John Witten said,"Yes. Serve's up, lor Rice "With all the money that the support of the administration, you I was disappointed because there school brings in, they can give can get a lot done. Coach by Jim Humes not much to say. SMU is a better were a lot of games we should have athletics, in general, better Walcavich is a great guy. He's a Last Thursday, the Rice men's team. Chuck Bratka managed to won. Early in the conference facilities. It's one thing to have a great person, he knows the game, tennis team lost to Oklahoma pick up a set in singles, and Petty season, we were unable to meet small, shabby gym and it's another he knows how to handle people. As State University in the first round and Martin Sickman did the same challenges after establishing leads, to not fill it. If you have a nicer a coach, that's vital. You're not of UH's Cougar Classic. But OSU in doubles, but a set here and there and we could not come back and facility to play, then better players going to get anything by him. is ranked 13th nationally; they can does not win matches. win the game. The Notre Dame will come, and the fans will show Athletics around here is a lot like play. In the second round, against Now, while Rice was having game was a big game. We won up. There is not enough promotion academics: it's all theory. Maryland, Rice lost a close match difficulty on the courts last week, that, and then we more or less and a top player, Andrew Taylor, there might have been additional expected to win the rest without to injury. Then, on Tuesday, the matters on their minds: namely, working hard and doing the things Owls seize redemption netters were decimated by the festivities this weekend. Today, we were supposed to do." America's number-three team. tomorrow, and Sunday, the netters "I do have some regrets about continued from page 12 Malek all have 3-1 records, but SMU. a tough schedule and bad will host the 26th Rice playing basketball at Rice.I'm used with 26. Twelve different Owl their ERA's are of astronomical breaks have been keeping the Intercollegiate Invitational Tennis to an environment where players are batting over .300 — no proportions. Thank you. offense. netters, one of Rice's few Tournament, one of the oldest basketball is king (Louisville, surprise that the team as a whole is Overall, Rice's ERA is an successful teams, from winning. collegiate tournaments around. Kentucky), and the crowd is there hitting .342 and scoring a unlustrous 5.18. The Owls will Coach Larry Turville, assisted by The only bright spot against every game. If we could play well whopping 8.7 runs a game. have to do better than that to do Richard Schey, has lined up an OSU was singles play. At the top of enough to pack Autry Court, then Despite his struggles against well in the conference season. exciting tournament. Long Beach the line-up, Scott Melville and the administration would realize Arkansas, Holub is still the Owls' The Owls now journey to State, Columbia, Michigan, Ol" David Petty recorded the only that we can play in Division I. But leading pitcher with a 4-1 record Lubbock to face Texas Tech, as the wins of the afternoon. While Miss, Texas A&M, last year's academics and social life has taken and an impressive 2.74 ERA. SWC season resumes. Let's hope Melville methodically won his champions Houston, Lamar, and, care of itself. Once you get out of Blackshear, Hoelscher and Tom the offense holds up. match with a break in each set (6-3, of course, Rice will compete forthe 6-3) Petty had a tougher time. cup this year. Players such as After losing the first set, he came Chuck McKinly, Harold back to whack his opponent in the Solomon, Dick Stockton. Kevin second and third, winning 4-6, 6-3, Curren, Tony Giammalva, and 6-1. Paul Annacone have been past STAR WE winners here. This year Rice will Against Maryland, things were send up some good shots. The different. After losing five matches second-seeded team of Melville in singles (enough for Maryland to and Taylor will lead the Rice PIZZA DELIVER clinch the victory), Rice redeemed doubles squad, as they take on ' DEVA itself to a degree by sweeping up in Jacobs/ Endleman from Columbia doubles. The match could easily at 3:00 today. Scott Melville also have gone to Rice, but a default by unsurprisingly heads up Rice's Melville in singles, Taylor having FREE DELIVERY singles, as the number-two seed to retire after the first set with a within his bracket, and plays at ALL PHONES stress fracture, and Martin 10:30 today. Although the Owls Sieckman losing a tough three- 523-0800 have had a tough time lately, they setter prevented more successful are sure to be up for this fortunes. Again David Petty was a OVEN HOT DELIVERY tournament, and invite every singles whiz, providing Rice with person who has a tongue to come PIPING HOT CARRY OUTS the only win in that category. out and yell for Rice. CASUAL DINING ROOM About the SMU match, there's 2111 NORFOLK, HOUSTON, TEXAS PLEASE HE :LP ME FIND UNCL ii BU: DDYi

1 ) 0X.LK .. .» Li •I'm til lltf C/1 nynfti ^/\f.\ltiitrtitil til JO -~L I'ttttttt „' 1'Jtir.-I •V,./ tl 2*4 IO, Ll Lr LIJIUII tlwtLJtntl oj \L /»>FL '-HfL L„ L r /.<•l?l i j L Liu L, sit,J, Mod 11:30 AV - 11.00 5 - 10:30 i $2.00 OFF ANY -A /. Tues. 11:30 AM - 11.00 S - 10:30 LARGE PIZZA 11:30 AV - 11:00 5 - -10:30 ifII /,,,,, %P• //, m /U, „JpL, /, Wed. 11:30 AM - 11:00 5 - 10:30 PICK-UP OR EAT IN Jlhf .J»nt, .*ttrplnit Ciimtijiiutlr tmijiirmx.L, 1. put Lthf, Thurs. I Frt. 11:30 AV - 12:00 5 - 12:00 UlLh - / J. Lit fxpftltlttm I., 'Ihtml'tt. ~7fount! ,tli inn .,/. S u • . Sat. 4:00 PM - 12 00 5 - 12:00 I n\j, / l'R,.f It r-tlLf.'lfllL -/• '••/>/" ..-lltf / Sun. 4:00 PM - 11 00 5 - 10:30 I •nil -l.nl ,«..//>>•./ iL .-lulllLpJ.1,. 1, ,1 / linn l,„ III,lull 14 J k )S,*I UNCLE BUDDY i'O.Vii' HO.MF. (' '('

The Rice Thresher, March 22, 1985, page 13 SCOREBOARD/compiled by Tony Soltero

MEN'S SOFTBALL STANDINGS Thursday A League W I Red Bank Sockers 0 0 This w««k«nd's schedule: The tournament bracket is posted in the gym. Entreprenerds 0 0 Red Bank Sockers vs. Entreprenerds, ppd., wet Monday A Uagut W L long End 0 0 Sermon On The Mound 0 1 grounds (okay, so we wimped out. But we're WOMEN'S SOFTBALL Paki-Fever 0 0 clean wimps.) Masterbatters 2 0 Back Door Men 0 0 Saturday 10:30 B League W L Ho Ha, Mike 11, Sermon On the Mound 10 Blue League W L Wildmen 1 1 Spank The Monkey 0 0 Budpeople 10, Comfortably Numb 2 Big Bat Dicks 1 1 Budpeople 1 0 My Head Hurts 13, Indecision 2 Strikeouts 1 0 Glomya 0 2 Thursday B League W L My Head Hurts 1 0 Strange Agents 7, Club Fed 5 Swapping Spit 1 0 Indecision 0 1 Platemates 16, Insatiable 1 Oompa Loompa 0 1 Monday B League W L Stroh's Pros 0 0 Comfortably Numb 0 1 Huggers def. Ghetto Blasters, forfeit Runaways 0 1 Hot Beef Injection 0 0 Hying Spatulas 11, Hosey's Team 2 Wombats 2 0 Navy 0 0 The McNuggets 11, Last Minute 0 Gray League W L Saturday 1:00 A League W L Still Deficient 1 1 40K Club 0 0 What def. The Softrockers And The Static Friction 1 1 Ball Watchers 0 0 Platemates 1 0 Hardrockers, forfeit Stained Underwears 0 2 Friday A League W L Catcher In The Rye 8, Masterbatters 7 Bad News Bench Warmers 0 0 Strange Agents 1 0 Based On Balls def. Gloveless, Clueless And Pann-Am 0 0 dub Fed 0 1 Tuesday A League W L Sultons Of Swing 0 0 Hopeless, forfeit Insatiable 0 t Crock's Jocks 0 0 Che Culo 10, Sorah's Mama Returns 8 This week's results: Errors 2 0 Finally Made It 0 0 Can't See It 23, In A Dazed Stupor 12 Saturday 1:00 B League W L Highshoes 2 0 Spring Surprise 0 0 Go Greco 9, Chemadians 3 Strikeouts 9, Runaways 7 Ball Busters 1 1 Old Masters 4, II Felce Festa 3 Swapping Spit 1, Oompa Loompa 0 (forfeit) Huggers 1 0 Slugs 1 2 Friday B League W L Not Rob's Team 1 1, Half Cocked 9 Flying Spatulas 1 0 Jedi Knights 0 3 Go Greco 7, Field Theory 3 Hosey's Team 0 1 MEN'S VOLLEYBALL Whoredogs 0 0 Ghetto Blasters 0 1 Tuesday B League W L Virgin Maulers 0 0 Top 12 Rankings Playoffs What's The Difference 0 0 Saturday 2:15 A League W L Limp Stick 2 0 Coffee Achievers 0 0 1. Plotemates (1-0) First round Terminal Illness 1 1 2. The McNuggets (1-0) This week's results: The McNuggets 1 0 Scrod Squad 1 1 3. Can't See It (1-0) Delayed Impact def. Wombats, 15-5, 15-7 Nobody Home 0 2 What ) o Pro Profs 23, Hu's Ten Euhlers 1 4 Catcher In The Rye (1-0) One For The Kipper def. Tempest, 7-15, 15-10, Last Minute 0 1 Norm's Team 26, Ohm Runs 4 5. Budpeople (1-0) 15-9 Wednesday A League W L The Softrockers And The Hardrockers . . .0 1 Budmen 31, Special Forces 1 6. Go Greco (2-0) Kill The Poor def. Cunning Linguists, 15-3, 15-4 Latent Heat 17, Depravity Ink 7 7. My Head Hurts (1-0) Bud men 1 0 Saturday 2:15 B League W L Masterbatters 8, Wildmen 1 8. Flying Spatulas (1-0) latent Heat 1 0 Second round Big Bat Dicks 13, Wildmen 11 9. Masterbatters (0-1) Depravity Ink 0 1 Based On Balls 1 0 Static Friction 19, Stained Underwears 17 10. Not Rob's Team (1-0) One For The Kipper def. Delayed Impact, 15-10, Special Forces 0 1 Catcher In The Rye 1 0 11. Strange Agents (1-0) Wombats 8, Still Deficient 7 11-15, 15-3 Masterbatters 0 1 12. Che Culo (1-0) Highshoes 27, Slugs 3 Wednesday B League W L Gloveless, Clueless And Hopeless 0 1 Kill The Poor def. Leaping Lizards, 15-4, 15-4 Errors def. Jedi Knights, forfeit Scrod Squad 2), Nobody Home 8 FINAL WOMEN'S BASKETBALL STANDINGS Pro Profs . 1 0 Sunday 2:30 A League W L Championship Limp Stick 14, Terminal Illness 1 Norm's Team . . . . 1 0 Blue League W I Ohm Runs .0 1 Top 12 Rankings Can't See It 1 0 Kill The Poor vs. One For The Kipper Hu's Ten Euhlers .0 1 Che Culo ) 0 Oui Lovett 4 0 I. Masterbatters (2-0) In A Dazed Stupor 0 1 Hose Heads 3 1 COED VOLLEYBALL 2 Stroh's Pros (0-0) Sarah's Mama Returns 0 1 Widba Duck 1 3 why do people 3. Budmen (1-0) Playoffs Are We Having Fun Yet 1 3 4. Limp Stick (2-0) Sunday 2:30 B League W L Pre-Pubbers 1 3 sink whaling ships. 5. Highshoes (2-0) First round 6 Wombats (2-0) Go-Greco 2 0 Gray League W L Silent Storm def. Indecision, 15-0, 15-5 release dolphins, 7. Pro Profs (1-0) Chemedians 0 1 Tempest def. Jurassic Fish, 12-15, 15-5, 15-6 boycott veal..? 8. Spank The Monkey (0-0) Field Theory 0 i Imperial Force 3 1 Karla Drey def. Masters Of Disasters, 15-6, 15-7 9. Norm's Team (1-0) The Country Girls 3 1 10. Errors (2-0) Sunday 4:00 League W L Sweet Georgia Brown Strikes Back 2 2 Second round II. Ball Busters (1-1) SAWG 1 3 12 Latent Heat (1-0) Not Rob's Team I 0 Sex Kittens 1 3 Karla Drey def. Silent Storm, 15-1, 13-15, 15-4 FEAB AND LOATHING OF THE BEAST' COED SOFTBALL STANDINGS Old Masters 1 0 Tempest def. 8eauty & BDU, 15-4, 15-12 II Felce Festa 0 1 Saturday 10:30 A League W L 3IEI® Half Cocked 0 1 Championship Ha, Ha Mike 1 0 Playoff schedule: Karla Drey vs. Tempest Clothing for Oui Lovett 34, Imperial Force 21 COLLEGE BASKETBALL Hose Heads 52, The Country Girls 48 (2 OT) the Rice Alone and First Round Championship game: Wiess 83, Baker 48 Community Pregnant? Hose Heads vs. Oui Lovett Lovett 80, GSA 62 (Game will be played before March 24th; game Jones 69, Hanszen 62 Wvilisuiss all opt ions time and day will be posted in the gym). Sid Rich 75, Will Rice 46 Confidential counsd ins; l av piv^naiKA test WOMEN'S COLLEGE BASKETBALL Haven't you ever wondered Second Round Maternm caivand whether we really need to ex- Rrst Round: adoption services ploit animals and nature the Wiess 85, Lovett 72 way we do? 522-2800 Baker vs. Hanzen, March 25th at 7:00 p.m. Jones 76, Sid Rich 70 A movement is being built to \ tomes ol St. Mark Jones vs. Will Rice, March 25th at 8:00 p.m. c hallenge these forms ot ex- Lovett vs. Wiess, March 26th at 7:00 p.m. I lousion. levis ploitation and the cultural at- All Faiths served Brown vs. Baker-Hanzen winner, March 26th at titudes that go with them. 7:00 p.m. Nature alienation wounds our society; the healing requires political action. Read about it in AGENDA, the independent. bi-monthly newsmagazine of the rapidly •SSAT-PSATH growing animal rights liberation movement. AGENDA'S 25 con- ISATACTGMATH tributing editors —activists trom •ACHIEVEMENTS • l-R all over the United States. Canada, England anci Australia - •grelsatmatH keep you in touch with the ac- •gre biotoeflH tion tor improved relations with EDUCATIONAL CENTER the rest of the planet. •grepsygh-pcatH Here's $15 Send AGENDA VIILLAGI E •datmcatvatH FIRST IN TEST PREPARATION tor one year. r H OCATHMB1-2-3H Li Here's $2 Send a sample YJ SINCE 1938 AGENDA. AHSITY •npbmskpndbH CALL DAYS, EVENINGS & WEEKENDS SHOP •fmgemscgfnsH 988-4700 7011 S.W. Freeway Suite 100 2515 Times •cm-nclex-rnH Houston, TX 77074 (Next to Cobler Books) SPEEDREADING-NCB-1 Open 10-6 529-7778 Permanent Centers In More Than 120 Major U.S. Cities & Abroad State ESI REVIEW-FLEX 1-2-3 For Information About Other Centers 10% discount for Rice OUTSIDE N Y. STATE CALL TOLL FREE 800-223-1782 Mail check and coupon to: students, faculty & staff. INTRO TO LAWSCHOOL Animal Rights Network In New Yorfc State Stanley H Kaplan Educational Center Ltd. Box 5234/Westport, CT 06881 Doug Cox, Rice-Ex, Proprietor

The Rice Thresher, March 22, 1985, page 14 AROUND CAMPUS together and let her know, like Thursdays at 10:00 p.m. Bike dough just to send him back to us. 12th election results, and pronto. practices are daily. Talk to Dan College Night is tonight! So put completed the changeover from Plane Rlellnger The spectacular Jones Art Show Dessau (120), Craig Mielke (561) aside your CompSci and PARTY! the Old Senate to the New. in Anderson Hall ended yesterday. or Laura Graglia (OC) for the time Freshmen: be sure to have your The Senate (actually Barry) is Do not eat that wonderful If you haven't stopped by already in your area. T-shirts are on first- $50 room deposits in to the looking for a new Parlimentarian. brunch on Sunday. Instead, plan to observe this wondrous display come, first served basis. Cashier's Office by April 1, or Also Dr. Stebbings desires the on attending Baker's Shakespeare of talent, I daresay it's too late For those of you with a place on you're jacked. formation of an ad hoc committee Fair from 2:00 until dusk. Food now. campus next year, $50 room to study the effects of the change in and drink will be availible with deposits and squatting sign-up ms the drinking age. A student-at-large entertainment provided by Merlin must be done by Friday, March 29. who is under the age of 21 is needed the Magician and the Shambles Kyle Self Singles Jack is Monday, April 1 for this committee. Anyone Morris Side Dance Troupe. David Wiley Sign-ups for next year's RFC and Room Jack is Tuesday, April interested in either of these Baker's Shakespeare play The Thanks to all who helped with committees are in the colleges and 9. positions should drop by the SA Tempest, directed by Trevor Parents' Day, and thanks to all outside the SA Office. Sign up for Will Rice Night at the Pub will office and fill out an application. Baxter from the Royal who made the Talent Show a wild something before March 22. be April 1. Applications for the committee Shakespeare Company, opens success. Potential committee Interviews with people who Joyce wants us to eat at Baker position must be in by Thursday, 'Monday, March 25 and continues chairmen or committee members want to be committee chairmen on Saturday this week. March 28th at 3:00pm. 'through March 30. Ticket can still sign up. See the vice See Tom Perrault today if you will begin the week of March 25th. information is available by calling presidents for more info. want to sign up for men's college '630-8019. Rob Dunbar has the canoe trip tennis (630-8916), Room 162. Tonight Baker is showing slated for Thursday and Friday of Chris Moore "Breaker Morant"at Chem Lecfor Easter Break. Probably a one- Tim Lakey GSA celebrates spring's arri\al $1 at 7, 9, and 11. nighter. To add to the plethora of The Senate has dccided on the Saturday, March 23. begining at good shows on campus, Larry Darcy Rathjen recipient of the Mentor Award, 9:00 p.m. in Valhalla. Come join Lesser will perform music with two Uncommon Women and Others approved the Feb. 26 and March the Rites of Spring. friends in the B&P. will be showing in the Brown Mln Lim Commons March 19-23 at 8:00pm. Congratulations to Gawain man On the 20th, tickets for Brownies Guy, the NCAA champion in the will be $2 (instead of $3 or $4). 1000 meters who also set a new Annette Haven Sign-ups for women advisors record with his performance. College Night is tonight. will go up this week while sign-ups Jones TRGLS Party will be held Reception at 6:30 p.m.. Dinner, for the MALE CO-ADVISORS on Saturday, March 23, in the 7:00 p.m.; Etcetera, After dinner in will be right after Easter. Jones Commons from 9-1. Beer the upper commons. Dinner will Interviews will then be running and wine coolers will be served. be outside, weather permitting, so March 25-28! Admission is $1 if you come in dress appropriately. overalls, $2 without overalls, and Will Rice Day is tomorrow. free for all Jones seniors. Festivities start with a Fun Run Applications for Jones advisors leaving Will Rice at 8:00 a.m. and Mitch Neurock are due by Monday, March 25. continue with the Barbecue Jeff Marinacci is now well over Interviews will be conducted from (catered by Luther's) that will be halfway to his goal of $??? to go see 7-10:15 p.m., March 25-29. Forms served at 6:00 p.m. Only $2! Why the Cubs opener April 9. Be sure to and an interview sign-up schedule not eat twice? pitch in a dollar so we can see the are availible in the college office. Committee applications are due Sid Rich banner over Wrigley Jackie says there are still spaces in Bill's room (206) today. Field. Remember, even if we only Are you left for the Baker feast. If you want Beer-Bike practices are going contribute enough for a one-way to attend, please get thy act strong. Beer practices are ticket, his dad will kick in the getting only half UAPAN AIR LINES B Jfc An. a pizza? Some pizza places make Part of our promise of pretty wild claims. They service and quality is that Japan China offer two pizzas for the your pizza will always be price of one or low,, low hot and delicious. And all prices. Domino's Pizza you'll ever have to do Industrial and Cultural 5eminar Tours thinks you should com- is call us. pare pizzas before you buy. We think you should Don't settle for less. have all the facts, too: Domino's Pizza Delivers.

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The Rice Thresher, March 22, 1985, page 15 ANNOUNCEMENTS^^^^ Hugh Scott Cameron Award is Instructions, registration forms, Effective Diffusivities in Char awarded each year to "the and the 1985-86 Schedule of Particles. It all started in year 1980. individuals of the Student Courses Offered will be available This engineer travelled more than Association, past and present, who at your college on or about April I. 10,000 miles to become a doctor. CALENDAR have been most exemplary in Did he know what he was getting renderng service to the Rice Second semester sophomores are into? This is the fascinating true University student body." The reminded that they must declare story of an adventurer. In his •All day: Men's tennis. Rice Invitational. awards have been granted since their majors by April 3. Forms are search for truth, he had to find his FRI/22 • Dr. Ilya Prigogine, Nobel Prize winner in Chemistry, available at the Registrar's Office. director of the Statistical Mechanics and 1948 to as many as four recipients a way through such obstacles as year and consist of an inscribed Thermodynamics Center of UT-Austin, speaks on "The Jones TRGLS Party on Sat., mercury vapors, carcinogenic coal bronze medal. Please consider Meaning of Entropy." 4 p.m.. Herring 127. For info call March 23, Jones Commons, 9 tar, reactor melt-downs and 529-1440. worthy members of the student p.m.-l a.m. Beer and wine coolers. computer break-downs. How did •Art and Art History Dialogue: Marion Grayson, body, both past and present, and $1 with overalls, $2 without he overcome these problems? Did director of Sewall Art Gallery, moderates a dialogue on submit a nomination. These he spot the air leaks? Did he fix the overalls, free for all Jones seniors. Red Grooms and Washington Colescott, whose works nominations should be in the *** vacuum pumps? Was he successful are currently on exhibit at the Gallery. Media Center, I Student Activities Office, RMC Interested in hosting a prospective in mediating between the two p.m. Cloisters, by April 8, 1985 at 5 •Sewall Gallery Reception: "Red Grooms and freshman for Owl Day, Thursday, computers and make them talk to Washington Colescott, Masters of Contemporary p.m.. Please be specific about your April 18—Saturday April 20? If so, each other? Were his Fast Fourier Satire." 7 p.m.. Sewall Gallery. nominee's qualifications for a please stop by the Admissions Tranforms fast enough? •Brown College presents Uncommon Women and service award. Office or see a Student Admissions Others, 8 p.m.. Brown College Commons. Committee member in your • FT • Media Center: The Killers, 7:30: Chinatown, 9:25. college. • River Oaks: Diva, 5:00, 9:30; Le Dernier Combat, 7:30. Undergraduate Preregistration for *** To find the answers to these and Fall, 1985: All returning $$$: Participants needed for the ultimate question, "Would he undergraduates must register their decision making experiment. Cash become a doctor?", attend the • Brown College presents Uncommon Women and course selections Monday, April 8 payment at conclusion. Experi- fascinating Ph.D. oral defense by SAT/23 Others. 8 p.m.. Brown College Commons. Closing night. • Yellow Submarine at Chem Lec, 7, 9. II p.m. SI. through Friday, April 12. Students ment will last less than one hour. Kannan Mani Mougalya, 10:00 Sponsored by Rice Hillel. who do not preregister will be Call 527-8101, ext. 3352 between 1 a.m.- 12:00 noon, April 3, 1985. • Media Center: Such a Gorgeous Kid Like Me, 7:30; The charged a $25 late fee. and 4 p.m. Venue: Abercrombie Lab A126. Story of Adele H., 9:15. •River Oaks: Le Dernier Combat, 3:00, 7:30; Diva, 5:00, 9:30. PAID AOS Save big $$ on room and board. Stockbroker needs telephone Summer Jobs: earn up to $1,000 • Baker Shakespeare Fair. 2 p.m. until dusk. Nonsmoking female needed to callers part-time. Available weekly. $200 guaranteed. Learn SUN/24 • Media Center: Patton, 7:30. babysit evenings and some immediately, $6/hour, flexible the art of selling from the experts. • River Oaks: Casablanca, 1:00, 5:15,9:30; The Big Sleep, weekends for Rice alum's 7 year hours, maximum 20 hours per Send brief resume to College 3:00, 7:15. old daughter in West University. week, Galleria area, contact Recruitment Division, KAYAK FREE private room, bathroom, Maryanne Reed at 871-0901 for Manufacturing Corp., P.O Box food in exchange. Must be interview. •Baseball against Minnesota, home, 3 p.m. 1282. Buffalo, New York, 14240. available for summer as well as *** Interviewing now. MON/25 •Baker College presents The Tempest by William Area psychologist needs part-time Shakespeare, 8 p.m.. Baker Commons. Ticket info: 630- school year. Start immediately. *** 8019. Call 790-9133 days, 666-7926 secretary/ administrative assistant, 2/2 condo in Fondren Southwest. • Rice Players present Echoes by N. Richard Nash, 8 evenings. 6-12 hours per week, hours TBA, $325. Wet bar, microwave, 1100 must tvpe 35 wpm. $4 per hour. p.m., Hamman Hall. Reservations: call 527-4040. *** square feet. 820-367• ** 1 or 528-1931. • Baseball, against Minnesota, home. Call 520-7700. •River Oaks: Plan Nine from Outer Space. 6:00. 9:15; Garage apartment near campus. ** * $250 move-in special at our small, Cat Women on the Moon. 7:45. Good trash. Spacious, furnished LR, 2 Lifeguards, pool managers, swim quiet, adult communities within bedrooms, bath, kitchen. Married instructors: good pay. Lessons will bicycling distance from Rice. couple or two roommates work 12- train. Experience helpful, not Quaint efficiencies, one and two • Daniel J. Kevles. Cal Tech, "God, Man. and Genetics: 16 hours per week total doing TUE/26 required. Apply now for May- bedroom apartments, all bills paid, Historical Reflections." 8 p.m., 301 Sewall. carpooling. tutoring, etc. in lieu of September job in Houston area. • Rice Players present Echoes by N. Richard Nash, 8 cable television, on busline, rent. Pay utilities only. References Also advanced lifesaving classes. covered parking, pools, 24-hour p.m., Hamman Hall. Reservations: call 527-4040. required. Call 665-8315. • Baker College presents The Tempest by William 578-8227. security. Call 520-6383. Shakespeare. 8 p.m.. Baker Commons. Ticket info: 630- 8019. • River Oaks: Nosferatu, 6:15; Fitzcarraldo, 8:30. BIG BROTHER MISCLASS "People may be unfitted by being Once upon a time, there were three Overheard at Brompton— fit. in an unfit fitness" —Kenneth little pigs. One lived in a house of She's in the throe**s* now, as it were. • Baker College presents The Tempest by William Burke straw, one a house of sticks, and WED/27 Shakespeare, 8 p.m.. Baker Commons. Ticket info: 630- #* * "oine a house of bricks. One day, Sex with him is probably like this: 8019. (Dedicated to those certain Rice they were visited by the Big Bad Poke, poke. • Rice Players present Echoes by N. Richard Nash, 8 women) Wolf, who said, "I'm gonna huff, Hey, wake up! p.m., Hamman Hall. Reservations: call 527-4040. Uh! Uh! Uh! • River Oaks: Return of the Three Stooges, 5:30, 7:30. ...but she's got a heart— and puff, and blow you-all out of ZZZ7.Z... 9:30. your houses." Must be made of stone. Speculation never got me And when I tell her that "Oooh! Me first!" squealed the an vwhere. She'll miss me when I'm gone. piglet with the straw house. • Rice Players present Echoes by N. Richard Nash, 8 "No! Me!" cried the second piglet. —blr THU/28 She says, *** p.m.. Hamman Hall. Reservations: call 527-4040. "Oh, I really don't care,"sighed the •Baker College presents The Tempest by William 'You're not the only one, The Captain said: Shakespeare, 8 p.m.. Baker Commons. Ticket info: 630- But you'll do fine. piglet with the brick house. "I don't mind as long as my meat 8019. You suit my purpose "Oh yeah? Then I'll do you first," doesn't get cold." • Media Center: Eisenstein's Ivan the Terrible, 7:30. And you're just my kind. growled the wolf. And he (for a follow up, see the • River Oaks: Falling In Love, 5:15, 9:30; Betrayal. 7:30. You don't own me proceeded to blow, yes, inflate, the scoreboard.) And you never could. piglet until she exploded. *** Don't think you do, ,, Moral: Piglets in brick houses "Germ cells are, however, a •Women's Track: Rice-Bayou Classic. All day. home. Don't think you should.' shouldn't get blown. necessity for sexual reproduction. FRI/29 • Baseball against Baylor, home. 2 p.m. *** • Faculty Meeting: 4 p.m., 124 Herring. 'Who said I would?' " This process is so familiar to us • Baker College presents The Tempest by William —Phil C. The Fugue of Love that we take it for granted, but it is ** * Shakespeare. 8 p.m.. Baker Commons. Ticket info: 630- deep in my heart by no means the obvious way to 8019. Oral Roberts makes insatiable reproduce." demands for money there is a Time • Rice Players present Echoes by N. Richard Nash. 8 full of wondrous sound, — Molecular Biology of the Cell, p.m.. Hamman Hall. Reservations: call 527-4040. The more money one has the more Alberts*** , Bray, et. al. • River Oaks: Lady Chatterlev's Lover. 5:15, 9:30; power one has It steps so lightly Emmanuelle: The Joys of a Wo/nan. 7:30. The more power one has, the more so very brightly I stare at your neck. • Media Center: Texpo '85. a festival of new films, free sex appeal one has* the dance of my soul abounds, It makes me say, "Heck." admission, 7:30. The more sex appeal one has the All night long more sex one can get, therefore, the music is sweet I dream of your dong. BEAVER MISCLASS-*'^^ Oral Roberts is making insatiable so clear and true So come drum on my door. He who says "There is no such Q. How many Brown girls can you demands for sex and therefore. my heart goes round and round, You're certain to score. thing as a "free lunch" obviously Oral Roberts is actually Marilyn — From the girl in the put in an empty telephone booth? i know you hear it doesn't know anybody on campus A. Only one. After that the Chambers. back row. to the boy you join the dance who can steal it for him. telephone booth isn't empty any Note: This structure can be used in the second. for this Tune, you too, have found. *** *** more. for any T V. preacher or for the Remember the old Rice Purity To the two morons in the Cashier's *** Brown Challenge solicitors. You're the beginning lest? Did it make you feel like a office: "There's really only one You are the ending •According to . Rice pays you to be cashiers, not to degenerate? Try the all new Rice orientation of your hand that's *** the theme this Tune surrounds. Purity Test: Level 2! Simply DUP going to get the job done." ignore people waiting for services. K: "Most cute guys are assholes." 'TOWEY.PURE.LIST' to any - Dr. Jeys in Phys. 102, It comes from above You should spend more time at M: "So what's Mike's excuse?" your job than on your make-up convenient printer, or ask the 3/18/85, 11:16 a.m. *** It comes from within and nasty attitude. nearest computer jock for help. this Tune, the Fugue of Love. — Anon *** Nothing is absolute. I'm not half the man I used to be, As I sit one the painted porch, When your life gets too dismal— Period. but I'm four times the man hell quietly drinking, strange thoughts when your friends betray you one and painful memories slowly drift time and one way too many: People make me smile. ever be. Join the Rice Angst Society. *** though the recesses of my mind. A Details forthcoming. Compare your life to a soap opera. Overheard in the back of a pickup: Why must you play your radio at face in a mirror— a vision of death; *** It- lightens things up, and suicide "you pourid on her chest, I'll suck such a high decibel level when a memory of friendship—a foolish "If you want to get anywhere in becomes just too sappy. you're not home? And 1 wish you mistake. 1 shake myself and life, you've got to realize that on her lips." —the reaper *(jus* * t call me grim) *** and your girlfriend would fight remember and watch my life ebb teachers can't be trusted. Except You can never have too much behind closed doors instead of away do I care? For I am for me." Making reports unnecessarily rubber in vour wardrobe. through them. drinking Guinness today. Dr. Lamb, Ling 415, 2-25 fancy: "macsturbating" The Rice Thresher, March 22, 1985, page 16