The London Gazette, Hth November 1976 15241
THE LONDON GAZETTE, HTH NOVEMBER 1976 15241 CV10 9JD in the county of Warwick. Court—COVEN- Address and Description—Edwards, Elton Percy, 16, St. TRY (by transfer from High Court of Justice). No. of Owens Street, Hereford, Chartered Accountant. Date of Matter—48A of 1976. Trustee's Name, Address and Des- Certificate of Appointment—8th Nov., 1976. cription—Groseley, Reginald Keith, 37, Avenue Road, Rowley Regis, Warley, West Midlands, Chartered Account- BURGOYNE, David, an unemployed Labourer, residing ant. Date of Certificate of Appointment—5th Nov., 1976. at 10, Usk View, Govilon, Abergavenny in the county of Gwent, lately residing at 71, Rother Avenue, Aber- gavenny aforesaid and previously carrying on business BEARDSALL, Michael John, residing at 65, Marjorie Road, Chaddesden in the borough of Derby, Progress Chaser, at 15, Market Street, Abergavenny aforesaid, as a FISH formerly carrying on business under the name or style and CHIP SHOP PROPRIETOR. Court—NEWPORT of "Dale Fish Bar", from 119, Dale Road, Spondon in (GWENT). No. of Matter—48 of 1976. Trustee's the borough of Derby, FISH and CHIP SHOP Name, Address and Description—Halls Niged John, PROPRIETOR. Court—DERBY. No. of Matter—28 of Lennox House, Beaufort Buildings, Spa Road, Gloucester 1976. Trustee's Name, Address and Description— Chartered Accountant. Date of Certificate of Appoint- Gillanders, William, St. James's Chambers, St. James's ment—27th Oct., 1976. Street, Derby, Chartered Accountant. Date of Certificate RICKETTS, David John, of 13, Fraser Close, Cowes, of Appointment—9th Nov., 1976. Isle of Wight, occupation unknown, laltely residing at 33, Beatrice Avenue, East Cowes, Isle of Wight, and POLE, Hazel (married woman), care of 32, The Glebe, WINTER, Michael, of 12, High Street, Oakfield, Ryde, Tenby in the county of Dyfed and formerly of Ceinfan, Isle of Wight, Scaffolder, lately residing at 8, Argyll The Station, Narberth in the county of Dyfed.
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