A New Haniffia Species (Zingiberaceae) and a New Generic Record from Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo Sin Yeng Wong1*, Im Hin Ooi1 and Peter C Boyce2

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A New Haniffia Species (Zingiberaceae) and a New Generic Record from Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo Sin Yeng Wong1*, Im Hin Ooi1 and Peter C Boyce2 Wong et al. Botanical Studies 2014, 55:51 http://www.as-botanicalstudies.com/content/55/1/51 RESEARCH Open Access A new Haniffia species (Zingiberaceae) and a new generic record from Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo Sin Yeng Wong1*, Im Hin Ooi1 and Peter C Boyce2 Abstract Background: Haniffia Holttum is a genus of three described species of terrestrial gingers hitherto restricted to Peninsular Thailand and various localities in Peninsular Malaysia. Results: With generic placement confirmed using nrITS, trnKandmatK plastid sequence data, Haniffia santubongensis S.Y. Wong & P.C. Boyce is described as a taxonomically novel species representing a new generic record for Borneo, to where it is endemic to Mount Santubong, Kuching Division, NW Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo. An identification key to all species is given and H. santubongensis is illustrated from living plants. Conclusion: Haniffia santubongensis is the fourth species of Haniffia so far described, and the first occurring on sandstone. Keywords: Haniffia santubongensis; Mount Santubong; Phylogeny; Taxonomy Background DNA extraction, amplification and sequencing Haniffia Holttum is a genus of three described species Genomic DNA was extracted using a modified CTAB of terrestrial gingers hitherto restricted to Peninsular protocol. ITS, trnK intron and matK gene were amplified Thailand and various localities in Peninsular Malaysia. using the same set of primers as in Leong-Škorničková The three described species are all seemingly locally et al. (2011). PCR products were purified using GenJet endemic. The type species, H. cyanescens (Ridl.) Holttum, PCR purification kit (Thermo Scientific, Vilnius, Lithuania) is restricted to Bukit Tanga (Negeri Sembilan, Peninsular and sent for sequencing in forward and reverse directions Malaysia), with a variety, H. cyanescens var. penangiana at First BASE Laboratories Sdn. Bhd., Selangor, Malaysia. C.K. Lim, occurring on Pulau Pinang and Kedah. The Sequences were edited, assembled and aligned using most recently recognized species, H. flavescens Y.Y. Sam & MUSCLE (Edgar 2004) as implemented in Geneious Pro Julius (Sam et al. 2009) is known only from Endau Rompin v5.6.4 (Biomatters Ltd., Auckland, New Zealand; www. National Park (Johor, Peninsular Malaysia). The sole geneious.com; Drummond et al. 2012). Two newly gener- extra-Malaysian species, H. albiflora K. Larsen & Mood, is ated sequences were deposited into GenBank under confirmed only from Nam Tok Chatwarin, Naratiwat, accession numbers KJ452785 (trnK/matK) and KJ452784 Thailand. A summary of the taxonomic history of Haniffia (ITS), and combined with sequences included in Leong- Holttum is presented by Larsen and Mood (2000). Škorničková et al. (2011). When the placement of the new sequences was confirmed to fall within the Kaempferia Clade, then the final data matrix was reduced to include Methods all the species in the Kaempferia Clade with Cautleya Plant material gracilis (Sm.) Dandy and Roscoea cautleoides Gagnep. Fresh leaf material of Haniffia santubongensis was collec- selected as outgroups. Table 1 shows the list of species ted from the type locality, Mount Santubong. The type included for the final data matrix. The data matrix was de- specimen with the spirit material was deposited to SAR. posited into TreeBASE (reviewer access URL: http://purl. * Correspondence: [email protected] org/phylo/treebase/phylows/study/TB2:S15361?x-access- 1Department of Plant Science and Environmental Ecology, Faculty of code=f78126f9da891d3c6999dd52dfafdf77&format=html). Resource Science and Technology, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, 94300 Kota Samarahan, Sarawak, Malaysia Full list of author information is available at the end of the article © 2014 Wong et al.; licensee Springer. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly credited. Wong et al. Botanical Studies 2014, 55:51 Page 2 of 5 http://www.as-botanicalstudies.com/content/55/1/51 Table 1 List of species included in this study with vouchers (herbarium location) and GenBank accession numbers for DNA sequences used in the phylogenetic analyses Taxon Voucher trnK (including matK) ITS Haniffia albiflora K. Larsen & Mood Kress #99-6370 (US) AF478855 AF478756 Haniffia cyanescens (Ridl.) Holttum Julius et al. FRI56069 JF825538 JF825533 Haniffia flavescens Y.Y. Sam & Julius Julius et al. FRI57598 JF825539 JF825534 Haniffia santubongensis S.Y. Wong & P.C. Boyce P.C. Boyce & S.Y. Wong ZI22 KJ452785 KJ452784 Newmania orthostachys N.S. Lý & Škorničk. Lý 470 (VNM, E, P, SING) JF825540 JF825537 Newmania serpens N.S. Lý & Škorničk. Lý 332 (VNM, E, P, SING) JF825541 JF825536 Phylogenetic analyses Santubong. Combined with the three locally endemic Phylogenetic analyses were performed with PAUP*4.0b10 species in Peninsular Malaysia and P. Thailand, it pro- (Swofford 2002) for maximum parsimony (MP) reconstruc- vides further compelling evidence that these Haniffia tion with all characters equally weighted. The most parsi- species, along with numerous other examples in families monious trees were obtained with heuristic searches of as diverse as the aroids, the palms, Rubiaceae Juss., 1,000 replicates with random stepwise sequences addition, and the genus Hanguana Blume, represent relictual tree bisection-reconnection (TBR) branch swapping, col- fragments of the Riau Pocket phytochore (Ashton 2005; lapse of zero-length branches, with the multiple-tree option Corner 1960). in effect, and saving up to 10,000 trees from each random sequence addition. The most suitable nucleotide substitution model for Molecular analyses each of the gene regions was selected in jModeltest ver. The combined ITS-plastid dataset contained the new 0.1.1 (Posada 2008) using Akaike information criterion species and 19 species in the Kaempferia Clade recognized (AIC). General time reversible (GTR + I + G) was the nu- in Leong-Škorničková et al. (2011) together with two out- cleotide substitution model selected. Maximum likeli- group species. The dataset comprises 2,115 characters: hood (ML) analyses were carried out using RAxML 7.2.6 1,682 characters were constant, 251 variable, but par- (Stamatakis et al. 2008). Maximum likelihood bootstrap simony uninformative, and 182 (8.6%) were parsimony values were obtained by running 10,000 replicates. Bayesian informative. The data analyses produced 32 shortest trees phylogenetic analyses were performed with MrBayes of length 633 steps with a Consistency Index = 0.7615 and ver. 3.1.2 (Huelsenbeck and Ronquist 2001). Markov Retention Index = 0.7729. The tree topologies obtained chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) was repeated twice to from three analyses are similar and consistent with the assure parameter convergence. The MCMC algorithm results from Leong-Škorničková et al. (2011). Figure 1 was run for 2,000,000 generations with one cold and shows the partial tree obtained from maximum likelihood three heated chains, starting from random trees and sam- analysis. The new species is shown to be a sister taxon to pling one out of every 100 generations. Convergence was H. albiflora and H. flavescens. Haniffia cyanescens is sup- assessed by using the standard deviation of split frequen- ported basally to the three Haniffia species. The new spe- cies as convergence index with values < 0.005 interpreted cies of Haniffia differs by nine nucleotide substitutions as indicating good convergence. The first 10% of trees (two in trnK intron and seven in ITS), an addition of were discarded as burn-in. Remaining trees were used to 17 bps (trnK intron), an eight bp substitution (ITS), and construct 50% majority-rule consensus trees. seven bp deletion (ITS). Results and discussion Taxonomic treatment Morphology and biogeography Key to Haniffia species In overall appearance H. santubongensis is most similar to H. cyanescens, sharing with that species a wide bluish 1a. Corolla lobes and staminodes pale yellow; labellum and semi-glossy fruits. However, H. santubongen- labellum pale yellow with golden yellow sis is clearly distinct from H. cyanescens by the lateral sta- median band, apex emarginate. H. flavescens minodes with an oblique bifid tip, the labellum distally 1b. Corolla lobes and staminodes white; labellum notched (not deeply divided), and differences in labellum white, white with purple veins or dark blue-violet; colouration and patterning (most notably the presence of apex bilobed. 2 a median yellow callus in H. santubongensis). 2a. Leaf blade 10–14?×?2–3.5 cm; ligule Haniffia santubongensis represents a new generic rec- with long white hairs; flowers 2–5 in each ord for Borneo where it is locally endemic to Gunung inflorescence. S Thailand. .....H. albiflora Wong et al. Botanical Studies 2014, 55:51 Page 3 of 5 http://www.as-botanicalstudies.com/content/55/1/51 Figure 1 Molecular phylogeny of the Kaempferia Clade (Zingiberaceae) indicating the placement of Haniffia santubongensis in the combined trnK/ITS analysis. Tree length = 633 steps, Consistency Index = 0.7615, Retention Index = 0.7729, Rescaled Consistency Index = 0.5886. Bootstrap numbers from Maximum Likelihood and Posterior Probabilities are provided on the branch. 2b. Leaf blade 17–21 × 3–4.9 cm; ligule glabrous or ca 1 cm long; ligule obtuse to almost truncate, slightly sparsely pubescent; flowers 5–7 in each inflorescence. emarginate, ca 3 mm long, soon turning black, glabrous; Malaysia.
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    1 PART 1 - KUCHING & SOUTHWEST SARAWAK INTRODUCTION Note: The area code for all telephone numbers in Kuching and its surroundings, unless otherwise stated, is 082 from outside the area and +6082 from overseas. All addreses are 93000 Kuching unless otherwise stated. Kuching has an unusual name - the word means “cat” First Impressions in Malay. There are a number of stories as to how this Kuching, the capital of Sarawak, is simply unique. No name came about, but it is unlikely that it has anything other city in Malaysia has such a romantic and unlikely to do with cats. The two more likely explanations are history, nor displays its charms with such an easy grace. that it derives from the Chinese word kochin, meaning The residents of Kuching (pop. 650,000 approx.) enjoy “harbour,” or that it is named after the mata kuching living here, and take great pride in their fascinating city, or “cat’s eye” fruit, a close relative of the lychee that which is reflected in their attitude to visitors. Kuching grows widely here. welcomes visitors warmly, but it does not put on an act for them. Instead it goes about its own business Sarawak is a unique and enjoyable tourism destination, in a relaxed manner that hasn’t changed in 160 years. and Kuching is the ideal base from which to go exploring. It is impossible to really enjoy Kuching from the air The nearby national parks include the famous Bako, conditioned comfort of a tour bus. To make the most of home of the rare proboscis monkey, Gunung Gading, your visit you must put on your walking shoes, take to where giant rafflesia flowers bloom, Kuching Wetlands, the streets (and the water), and join in.
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